Gay Men VS Bisexual Men. What I dont Understand About Bisexual Men.


Комментарии • 45

  • @TheAlfredPlatform
    @TheAlfredPlatform  18 дней назад

    PART 2️⃣👉🏾👉🏾видео.htmlsi=N2OxlQj7I6Hrwh_P

  • @terrencemillan
    @terrencemillan 22 дня назад +6

    I wouldn’t mind dating a bi man that’s out but I just hate how some bi men will sometimes use gay men to fulfill all their sexual desires, kinks and fetishes but they’ll never give them the title of “boyfriend” or “husband”. But their more out in open to the public about the women they’re dating because they know it’s more socially acceptable.

    • @TheAlfredPlatform
      @TheAlfredPlatform  22 дня назад +2

      Not the kinks and fetishes 😂🤣💪🏾💪🏾

  • @RichardRunnar
    @RichardRunnar 22 дня назад +5

    Bro you’re awesome. I’m not apart of the blk community. I’m bi. Newly bi. And I have went through so much with women. I’m 36 and never touching another one again. What they put me through… you wouldn’t believe it. I’m destroyed. I hope the gay world won’t be so hard on me when I try.

    • @TheAlfredPlatform
      @TheAlfredPlatform  22 дня назад +2

      Damn..I'm sorry to hear that; better luck with the fellas.

    • @sheesh161
      @sheesh161 22 дня назад

      Doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna be better with men. But it's experiences and preferences. Everyone got bones and buttholez

    • @martonyomchale342
      @martonyomchale342 21 день назад

      Have fun, you are going to have just as hard of a time. The same is still going to be requried of you if you're going to pursue a twink, twunk, femboy, or himbo. Those are girls essentially.

    • @Joshua-re3xw
      @Joshua-re3xw 10 дней назад

      Sorry to hear what you experienced with women but gay men can be just as evil too so beware! If you are bisexual it would be best to date another bisexual man!

    • @Joshua-re3xw
      @Joshua-re3xw 10 дней назад

      If you’re bisexual it would be better to date another bisexual man! The gay world can be just as toxic

  • @djman1010
    @djman1010 17 дней назад +3

    As an older black gay man (50s) I can relate to some of your arguments and some of the benefits of being in a gay male relationship that you mention. But I think you too quickly forgot the answer that you mentioned yourself. - Many bi men, especially those in the black and other minority cultures, value the social and familial acceptance A LOT more than all the other (potential) benefits you mention. - I’ve known a good number of bi men. Most of them CANNOT give up the benefit of having a female partner and being with a man, because they are deadly afraid of being stigmatized (and abandoned) by family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, random ppl, etc. For those men the image of being a MAN means having a woman and having ppl see that he’s taking care of her. For them, being with a man would be just as impossible as you or me being with a woman. At the risk of being accused of being misogynistic, I hear so many married men complain about some of the things you mentioned about women. So I won’t dismiss them all. But on the flip side, women complain about men just as much. Also, for older bi men, they may have married before they were comfortable with their sexuality, or before the current acceptance of LGBT+.

  • @91octobercj
    @91octobercj 22 дня назад +6

    Great video I think the man you’re talking about is the “DL Bisexual Man”

    • @TheAlfredPlatform
      @TheAlfredPlatform  22 дня назад

      No, all bisexual men.

    • @91octobercj
      @91octobercj 22 дня назад

      @@TheAlfredPlatform I’m a bisexual man, I agree with some points but not all. Great content!

    • @kmarie7051
      @kmarie7051 22 дня назад

      To be honest I think there's a difference between betweeon DL men and bisexual men who are out the closet. I'm not black or American so I can't really speak on the DL men in the black community, but just going by some observations online a lot of them seem like narcissists and have sex with multipe men and women or have a wife or multiple different baby Mama's and just use everyone and triangulate them all like objects for resources.
      Narcissists can use sex as a form of narcissistic supply and because everyone is just a mirror to reflect back to them their own self worth, it really could be just anybody, even if it's someone just to desire them sexually and to affirm and validate their false self to create some self worth. without it narcissistic supply they feel worthless, empty and have no sense of self. All people are objects to narcissists and they are all about power and control.
      When it comes to bisexual men, most of the ones I know or have seen online seem to me to be more attracted to men. Some gay men to go through a transient stage of identifying as bisexual before coming out fully gay, and I even think some gay men claim to be bisexual because they think it makes them less gay and they might be struggling with internalised homophobia.
      I do think bisexual men exist, but because I've studied a bit on the science of how male and females sexual systems work I just think they are more rare.
      Attraction is the most accurate representation of a person’s true sexual orientation because identity and behavior can be context-dependent. Attraction can be based on a number of factors beyond vaginas and penises, including personality, common interests, and chemistry, and that we may be open to dating someone who has physical attributes, like hair and eye color, that don’t necessarily fit our usual type. But all of these characteristics are subsumed within an individual’s sexual preference for men, women, or both, and it's the sex preference that is determined by the organisation of the developing brain in the utero from exposure to prenatal sex hormones that cannot be changed. I'm sure as a gay man(assuming you're not bi) you have been attracted to different types on men one time or another, but no woman is going to come along and make you sexually attracted to her.
      The vast majority of scientific studies on mens sexuality, arousal patterns, pupil dilation, activity in the brains reacting to erotic visual stimuli show that they are much more inclined to be all or nothing.. meaning really into men and not into women(homosexual) or really into women and not into men(heterosexual). The did find some differences though for example Bisexuality in men is much more rare because of how their sexual systems work. Bisexual men who reported equal attraction to the sexes, did not show equivalent responses to erotic videos of men and women. Rather, they responded much more strongly to one sex-usually men- than the other.
      Bisexual studies on men are usually focused on a heavily selected grouping of men and the men with actual bisexual arousal patterns are so much harder to find that researchers have had to use the same men on multiple studies. The bisexual who responded to both sexes had an actual history of multiple physical and romantic relationships with both men and women. It may also be that some bisexual men sometimes experience different kinds of sexual attraction to men and women. For example. they may be more physically attracted to men and more romantically or emotionally attracted to women. In studies Homosexual- and bisexual-identified men are over-sampled to increase statistical power to detect differences in arousal patterns in different regions. The vast majority of the male population is heterosexual across all countries and cultures, including uncivilised tribes. Even if we pretended there was two closeted gay men identifying as straight for every gay man(even though closeted gay men will often sleep with multiple gay men) that still would not make up a quarter of the overall population of straight men.
      I think the strong aversion aspect in male sexuality maybe because natural selection exerts different pressures on males and females. In virtually every mammalian species there is male-male competition. in most mammalian species most males who reach reproductive age never get to copulate even once, while virtually every female that reaches reproductive age will find someone to donate sperm to her. Also in many mammalian species mothers can cooperate in rearing offsping at little cost. Studies on male heterosexuality shows it likely involves, not just the existence of sexual attraction to the opposite sex, but also the active suppression of brain circuitry serving same-sex attraction(that gay men don't have). This active suppression of brain circuitry has also been found in other animals and by damaging some of these areas the animals can go from opposite-sex attracted to same-sex attracted, aswel as displaying behaviour typical to the opposite sex.
      Men also tend to be much more visual than women and dependent on visual stimuli of their preferred sex. Research has also shown on-average sex differences in brain activation during sexual arousal. When men and women are brought into the laboratory and are shown pornography during an fMRI scan, visual areas of the brain are more activated in men, and regions associated with inhibition and emotional processing are more activated in women. In one study, the nucleus accumbens, a brain region associated with feelings of pleasure, was shown to activate when straight men looked at attractive female faces. Earlier studies have found similar results for patterns of brain activity. For example, parts of the brain involved in reward and emotion are more strongly activated when straight men look at female faces, and when gay men see male faces. The same patterns apply when people smell chemicals that probably act as human pheromones.
      The network of brain regions that are activated when gay men look at male erotic stimuli is the same network activated when straight men look at female erotic stimuli, in regions like the thalamus, which regulates sexual behavior, and the anterior cingulate, which regulates emotion. in both groups, with activation of the middle prefrontal gyrus, bilateral temporal lobe and postcentral gyrus, thalamus, insula, vermis, left precuneus, occipital cortex, parietal cortex, and cerebellum. In homosexual men, the left angular gyrus, left caudate nucleus, and right pallidum were activated; in contrast, heterosexual men showed no activation in these regions. However, heterosexual men showed activation in the bilateral lingual gyrus, right hippocampus, and right parahippocampal gyrus, areas not activated in homosexual men. In both groups, region-of-interest analysis revealed no correlation between the magnitude of amygdala or thalamus activation and the reported level of sexual arousal.
      Category-specific pattern, demonstrating sexual arousal patterns play fundamentally different roles in male and female sexuality. For most men, regardless of their sexual orientation, the relationship between their sexual arousal indices was substantially stronger than for most women . These findings were consistent with the literature on sex differences in the agreement of genital arousal with subjective arousal. In addition, physiological sexual arousal and sexual orientation were more strongly linked in men than women. It's hypothesized that males might have evolved to coordinate their sexual arousal and attraction indices more strongly than women because it aids them in building their sexual orientation towards relevant sexual targets. Women's genital arousal is an automatic response to sexual stimuli, whereas men's genital arousal is dependent upon stimulus features specific to their sexual interests. Consequently, women are less discriminative in their sexual arousal than either heterosexual or homosexual men.
      Women’s variable sexual arousal, as compared to men’s, could be due to the fact that female sexual attraction is more strongly affected by situational, cultural, and environmental circumstances Men typically display significantly greater physiological responses to sexual stimuli depicting members of their preferred gender category and stated sexual orientation. These findings are in line with other research suggesting that some aspects of the neurological organization of male sexual arousal are independent of sexual orientation, and therefore expressed similarly in heterosexual and homosexual men.
      Although in other parts of the brain homosexual men have cross sex shifts, meaning their brains are shifted more female-typical in some areas. Some of these effects seem to be unique to sexual orientation, such as cortex cortical thickness in the orbitofrontal, cingulate cortex, precuneus, and left occipito-termporal cortex volumetric increase of the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus and visual areas as well as the anatomy of the corpus callosum in gay men. Gay men and lesbians are gender shifted in a variety of male favoring-visuospatial traits such as mental rotation, targeting, and navigation, as well as female-favouring tasks such as verbal fluency and object location memory.
      Studies have showed the third interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus INAH3 is significantly smaller in gay men than straight men. Infact there is no significant difference between its size in the gay men and in women. Activity pattern in this region of the hypothalamus have been reported to differ between gay and straight men.

    • @kmarie7051
      @kmarie7051 22 дня назад +1

      An organism exists to propagate it's genetic material and that's the sole meaning of its existence. Homosexual people have less fitness to reproduce(for obvious reasons because they are same sex attracted) that is not conducive for reproduction themselves, but science has many good theories on why they have still survived in the gene pool and how it's related to our survival and fitness of relatives to continue on the families genes and linage. for example genes being selected for female fecundity which have a byproduct of causing a certain amount of same sex behaviour among males, a sexually antagonistic effect. Their is also many other great theories and it's believed not all homosexual people are homosexual for the same reasons, but it's always about the survival and fitness of close relatives to carry on the genes and aids their relatives to reproduce more or have more reproductive success, although there is still no definitive answer. It might just be a normal variation( like intersex conditions are a natural biological variation even though most cannot reproduce) or different factors young maternal age, maternal weight gain, genetic conditions, sensitive immune system response to testosterone in women, and hormonal treatment during pregnancy. It could also be an epigenetic reaction to severe pre-natal stress.
      The existence of individual with durable homosexual orientation seems to be unusual among animal species except in some sheep. The only case known of spontaneous same sex preference found in animals is in a sheep population in the western part of the United States( this has no been found in wild sheep, only these domesticated rams). It could be argued that because you're dealing with domesticated species you're therefore dealing with genes being selected for female fecundity which have a byproduct of causing a certain amount of same sex behaviour among males, a sexually antagonistic effect..
      Whatever the reason a significant fraction of rams in this population mate exclusively with other males when given a choice between a male or female partner. The brains of rams differ in several important respects from those of heterosexual rams. As reported in humans, the sexually dimorphic nucleus in the medial preoptic area, known as 0SDN in sheep(INAH3 in humans), is about half the size iN homosexual rams compared with the heterosexual rams. The levels of the aromatase enzyme are lower in the 0SDN of homosexual rams than heterosexual rams, The levels of receptors for estrogen in the amygdala are lower in homosexual rams than heterosexual rams.
      In these sheep the SDN of the ovine POA (oSDN), a brain structure that is approximately three times larger in males than in females and contains about four times more neurons, was shown to be significantly smaller in male-oriented rams than in female-oriented rams. The oSDN also contained fewer neurons and expressed aromatase at reduced levels in male-oriented rams than in female-oriented rams. The features of this nucleus therefore correlate with sexual partner preference: subjects attracted to males (females and male-oriented rams) are similar and distinguished from subjects attracted to females female-oriented rams. The volume of the oSDN is already larger in males than in females around the end of embryonic life and differentiates under the influence of testosterone in males.
      Embryonic treatment of females with testosterone between 30 and 90 d of gestation results in a masculinized oSDN in females. Furthermore, the size of this nucleus is no longer modified in adulthood by castration or treatment with testosterone. The small size of oSDN in male-oriented rams is determined like in females by a relative lack of early exposure to testosterone. This nucleus is indeed located in the center of the POA, a region involved in the control of sexual behavior and male-typical partner preferences, and differentiated before subjects had an opportunity to express their sexual partner preference. Male-typical sexual orientation is controlled at least in part by the POA (like sexual behavior), and it differentiates under the influence of pre-/perinatal sex steroids.
      In humans several brain structures have also been shown to be different between homosexual and heterosexual subjects, In one case researchers discovered in the human POA a nucleus they called interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus number 3 (INAH3) (a member of four cellular condensations of the POA) that was significantly larger in men than in women. Subsequent studies showed that INAH3 is significantly smaller in homosexual men than heterosexual men, so that its size is essentially equal to what is observed in women.These finding suggest gay and straight men may differ in the central neuronal mechanisms that regulate sexual behaviour. It is very likely there are fewer neurons in INAH3 of gay men (and women) than in straight men.
      In rats and sheep, the size of a potentially homologous nucleus located in the same part of the POA (SDN-POA in rat, oSDN in sheep) is irreversibly determined by embryonic sex steroids. Moreover, lesions of this nucleus in adult male rats or ferrets modifies sexual partner preference, an animal model of sexual orientation. The smaller INAH3 of gay men most likely be a marker of deficient exposure to androgens during ontogeny and a cause of the modified sexual orientation. Damage to medial preoptic area in male rats or ferrets causes a change in their preference from female sex partners to male partners, suggesting that SDN-POA both activate attraction to females and suppress attraction to males. Of course we could not exeriment or do the same damage to these areas male human brains, and even if doctors were allowed to do it it could cause severe brain damage and death because of where it's located on a human brain(right in the centre) comparend to rats and ferrets where its easier to get to.
      In rats SDN-POA, the predominant neurotransmitter used by the neurons in this nucleus appears to be y-aminobutyric acid(GABA) which generally has an inhibitory action on other neurons. The suppression of attraction to males involves an inhibition exerted directlty by the neurons of SDN-POA (or INAH3) on cell groups elsewhere in the brain that promote attraction to males; this suppression may be released when the medial preoptic area is damaged or deprived of its neural or hormonal inputs.
      The size of the anterior commissure, measured in the midsagital plane, was reported to be larger in gay men than in heterosexual control subjects . The size of this commissure is known to be larger in women than in men. The differences between the sexes result from the early exposure of embryos to a different endocrine milieu: a high concentration of testosterone for male embryos in mammals and a much lower exposure to sex steroids in females. These differentiating (organizing) effects usually occur early in life, during the embryonic period and are irreversible. These organizing actions of sex steroids on behavior are paralleled by irreversible changes in brain structure. Embryonic sex steroids differentiate the size of several brain structures, including the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA). Once acquired, the sex-typical size of the SDN-POA cannot be altered in adulthood by steroid hormones and sexual orientation is not affected by activational effects of steroids in adulthood.
      Plasma concentrations of sex steroids are perfectly “normal” (typical of the gonadal sex) in both gay men and lesbians. The sexual preference of a male for a female is controlled, like the expression of male-typical sexual behavior, by the medial part of the POA. Experimental lesion of this brain region causes a reversal of the males' preference in rats and ferrets: after surgery, they prefer to spend time with other males rather than with sexually receptive females.
      Exposure to testosterone (or its metabolite estradiol) induces male-typical partner preference (preference for a female over a male sex partner), whereas in the absence of high concentrations of these steroids, a female pattern of mate preference will develop (preference for male partner). On average, male embryos are exposed to higher concentrations of testosterone than female embryos, but these concentrations vary around a mean value for various reasons (environmental, genetic, etc.). Male subjects at the lower end of this sex-specific distribution could thus acquire a female-typical orientation (and be gay), whereas females at the high end of the concentration curve would acquire a male-typical sexual attraction and be lesbian. Even if they are not attracted by the same specific individuals, females and gay men share an attraction for men, whereas males and lesbians share an attraction for women. A number of sexually differentiated morphological, physiological, and behavioral characteristics seem to be irreversibly influenced by embryonic hormones in humans like in animals.

    • @kmarie7051
      @kmarie7051 22 дня назад +1

      Many studies have quantified these features comparatively in homosexual and heterosexual populations to research whether homosexual subjects had been exposed to atypical hormonal conditions during their development. Positive results were obtained in a number of these studies. The sexually differentiated characteristics that have been studied in this context include variables that could be secondarily affected by homosexuality [e.g. performance in cognitive tests or physiological responses to the smell of androgenic or estrogenic steroids produced by males or females]. These traits were shown to be significantly different in homosexual and heterosexual men and/or women.
      A cell group called the suprachiasmatic nucleus was larger in gay men than in straight men. The suprachiasmatic nucleus is concerned with the regulation of circadian rhythms,. The size of this commissure is known to be larger in women than in men Heterosexual men exhibited more gray matter volumes in the thalamus, thalamic and in the cerebellum and premotor cortex than homosexual men. Functional decoding analyses suggested that thalamus and pre-/post-central gyri are involved in broad networks associated with action execution, perception, pain monitoring, reward processing, motor learning,complex information processing, processing incoming sensory information, exchanging and relaying sensory, motor, and cognitive information to higher-order association areas, integrating information across networks and modulating cortical laminar synaptic activity, that spanned somatosensory and higher-order cognitive functions motor, and cognitive information to higher-order association areas, integrating information across networks and modulating cortical laminar synaptic activity(which is more in line male-typical traits)
      The thalamus and sensorimotor areas are functional and structurally connected by fiber projections to the somatosensory and sensorimotor cortices. These pathways from thalamic nuclei to the sensorimotor areas mediate the interaction between attention and arousal in humans as well as having a putative role in multisensory information integration and processing of nociceptive and non-nociceptive information. Moreover, these two regions were part of the prediction map acquired by the automatic meta-analytical tool based on studies associated investigating sexual orientation The thalamus has numerous reciprocal cortico-thalamic connections with reward and sensory-motor regions. Meta-analytic findings show that the thalamus encodes primary and secondary rewards, reward processing, and reward anticipation.
      Additionally the role of the thalamus in encoding human sexual preference. The rewarding psychophysical properties of sexual stimuli (i.e., valence, intensity, magnitude, pleasantness,) differ between heterosexual and homosexual individuals. GMV differences in this region may change reward propensities by weighing the stimuli associated with one’s preferred sex more rewarding relative to the ones associated with one’s less desired sex. The morphological differences between homo- and heterosexual individuals reflect atypical cerebral sex dimorphisms. The precentral gyrus is implicated in the regulation of emotion and self-evaluation, including the perception of body image. Moreover, the precentral gyrus was associated with self-motion control of penile movement as well as with the imagination of sexual behaviors during sexual arousal when visual stimuli were presented.
      Compared with heterosexual participants, homosexual men showed significantly increased fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (fALFF) in the right middle frontal gyrus and right anterior cerebellum, and decreased fALFF in the left postcentral gyrus, left lingual gyrus, right pallidum, right postcentral gyrus, left interior parietal gyrus, right superior temporal gyrus, left cuneus, and left inferior frontal gyrus. Additionally, fALFF in the left postcentral gyrus and left cuneus correlated positively, When the seeds in the left cuneus, left cuneus, and left superior parietal gyrus also had reduced FC in homosexual participants, Both heterosexual and homosexual individuals exhibited higher activity of the post-central gyrus during subjective arousal. Together with the thalamus, precentral regions showed higher activation in heterosexual individuals while watching female-to-female and female-to-male sexually arousing videos. Hence, these regions are likely involved in sexual arousal.
      Statistical parametric mapping showed that viewing erotic film excerpts that induced sexual arousal was associated, in both groups, with activation of the middle prefrontal gyrus, bilateral temporal lobe and postcentral gyrus, thalamus, insula, vermis, left precuneus, occipital cortex, parietal cortex, and cerebellum. In homosexual men, the left angular gyrus, left caudate nucleus, and right pallidum were activated; in contrast, heterosexual men showed no activation in these regions. However, heterosexual men showed activation in the bilateral lingual gyrus, right hippocampus, and right parahippocampal gyrus, areas not activated in homosexual men. In both groups, region-of-interest analysis revealed no correlation between the magnitude of amygdala or thalamus activation and the reported level of sexual arousal.
      Several small-scale neuroimaging studies have also suggested cross-sex shifts in homosexual men and women in brain responses to putative sex-specific pheromonal compounds. MRI scans showed In straight men the right hemisphere was 2% larger than the left. In straight women, the two hemispheres were the same size. In gay men the two hemispheres were also the same size. In lesbians the right hemisphere was slightly larger than the left. Also there was marked differences in the left and right amygdalas of straight men and women. In straight men the right amygdala was more richly connected with other brain regions than was the left amygdala, whereas in straight women the left amygdala was more richly connected. Whats more, the main functional connections formned by the amygdala were to different brain regions in the two sexes.
      In gay men and lesbians, these characteristics were almost entirely sex-atypical; the findings in gay men resembled those of straight women, and the findings in lesbians resembled those of straight men. The connections that link the amygdala to other parts of the brain these connections usually link to different areas in the brains of men and women, and sprout from different hemispheres -the right in men, and the left in women. Other groups have certainly detected asymmetries before in children, and some have even done so in the brains of foetuses. That was the pattern they saw from the straight volunteers from their study, but the homosexuals showed the reverse pattern.
      The amygdalas of gay men had more in common with those of straight women - the two halves were well-connected, they had more neurons projecting from the left half (as opposed to the right in straight men) and these neurons connected to the same parts of the brain that those of straight women do. In straight women and gay men, the connections were mainly into regions of the brain that manifest fear as intense anxiety. The regions involved in phobia, anxiety and depression overlaped with the pattern they saw from the amygdala.This fits with data showing that women are three times as likely as men to suffer from mood disorders or depression and gay men have higher rates of depression too.
      In straight men and lesbians, the amygdala fed its signals mainly into the sensorimotor cortex and the striatum, regions of the brain that trigger the “fight or flight” response. It’s a more action-related response than in women. In straight men and lesbians, the amygdala (which influences our emotional reactions to stress) connects to the sensorimotor cortex and the striatum, parts of the brain involved in the “fight or flight” response and governs fear and aggression... But in straight women and gay men, the amygdala’s connections feed into the anterior cingulate cortex and the subcallosum. These areas are for processing emotions and influence our moods and have been implicated in mood-related disorders such as anxiety and depression. The volumetric patterns of brain activity in both lesbian women and gay men, or grey matter volumes in the perirhinal cortex in lesbian women.
      IIt's believed that gay men, during some point in fetal life, were exposed to unusually low levels of androgens, which allowed their hypothalamic circuits to develop in a female-typical direction. Either the hormones themselves are present at different levels, being unusually low in fetuses destined to become gay men and unusually high in fetuses destined to become lesbian women, or else the receptors and other cellular mechanisms that respond to the hormones are different. Bisexuality might result from intermediate levels of testosterone. If testosterone levels during a critical prenatal period are high , the brain is organized in such a way that the person is predisposed to become typically masculine in a variety of gendered traits, including sexual attraction to females. If testosterone levels are low during that same time period, the brain is organized in such a way that the person is predisposed to become typically feminine in gendered traits, including sexual attraction to males.

  • @GodenClark
    @GodenClark 12 дней назад

    You have an interesting point of view

  • @sheesh161
    @sheesh161 22 дня назад +1


  • @WriterVicYates
    @WriterVicYates 21 день назад +1

    I am loving the new content ❤❤

  • @pridan94
    @pridan94 22 дня назад +2

    I honestly don't know if i can date a bi guy anymore. They seem to value heterosexual relationships more and place it at a higher pedestal. And use gay relationships as place holders until the right woman comes along. When u say it they will call u biphobic.

  • @camj262000
    @camj262000 16 дней назад

    yeah ive experienced these types of bi guys and i wont date or be with one . Nope

  • @Merdenoms
    @Merdenoms 22 дня назад +2

    This just sounds weird and confusing. The last I checked bi-sexual men like both genders. What's with all the women bashing if they choose to deal with one. Just cause you gay and don't!

    • @janx8695
      @janx8695 21 день назад +1

      He seems to have a very egocentric way of looking at things and projects his own experiences onto everyone else. His experience is not everybody else's experience. He also have a very negative world view and is always picking faults with everybody as though he's perfect and the only person in the world in a good relationship. I can only assume it's coming from a place of unhappiness and a lot of negatives emotions deep within him projected outwards onto everyone else because it's extremely negativistic and miserable. I think he' grew up with an abusive mother and now has a hatred for women in general and tends to only focus on the negatives and seems to have a very black or white way of looking at things where women are painted all bad and men as all good. There's good and bad women and men and just as much toxic men as there is toxic women. A lot of straight men are in good relationships with women who they are very happy with and
      you only have to see very old couples who have been together sometimes 50, 60, 70 years and still very much in love.
      There is a lot of good women in relationships with bad men too. He also paints all gay relationships like they are good when you have many gay men also complain about being in abusive or toxic relationships with other gay men. Some people believe they are always the victim in any relationship because they have alloplastic defenses and an external locus of control and believe everyone else is the problem, when in reality the issues lie within themselves.

  • @eduardo_him46
    @eduardo_him46 22 дня назад +1

    Heteronormativity pushes us in that direction. I prefer men overall even though I’m attracted to both. I would be miserable with a woman long term.

  • @BiPaganMan
    @BiPaganMan 21 день назад

    No seriously, you do have a problem with misogyny. Sex with men and women is different, claiming that sex with men is "better" is just false.

  • @ChaserCandy-rl5ro
    @ChaserCandy-rl5ro 22 дня назад

    A L F R E D P L A T F O R M