Just to expand in why old Poppy's passive was arguably the most broken passive ever for a fighter, if any instance of damage would deal more than 10% of her max HP that damage was halved, it also worked BEFORE resistances which meant that she would take half damage on late almost all the time
@@kauanjos3199 I thought things like Galio W, Irelia W or Exhaust are pretty balanced though? So long as it has a downtime for the enemy to take advantage of
@@VanNguyenVNA yeah with down time it's completely fine because you're not gonna be hitting galio while he does it, but poppy was permanent it was always up
With Gangplank, I would like to mention the absolute jank that was his ultimate before they literally killed him for his rework. Old GPs R covered about the same area as it does now, but instead of dealing consistent damage in the target zone, it would randomly drop single canon balls somewhere within the aoe. I can't remember exactly how large the hitboxes were (somewhere between one Teemo and a Syndra Q I think), but it was entirely possible to cast a well placed ult and have it do nothing at all. You could ult the Baron pit and not hit Baron once, it was glorious.
Omg I forgot about that! I played some GP before his rework and that ult was so frustrating. The new one might hit like you're throwing pillows, but at least it's consistent.
GP taking yellow flat CDR runes, scaling blue, and red CDR. Walk the minions up the lane and you could raise morale twice on the first wave. Only thing better was if you had Zilean with old passive mid or support.
@@lurkhive3352 oh yeah, the old Zilean passive was something else, it looked like it would do nothing when looked at through my newbie eyes, but damn that thing was broken. the whole team gaining additional exp from all sources is just straight broken, as you outlevel the enemy basically everytime and always get the ult powerspike earlier
@@ElGrandeIngenio Zilean + Raise Morale was quick to a 2 level advantage. Only running smite Mord Mid and staring at old wolves was more OP. Literally walk into first wave level 2.
Yeah that was really frustrating, but I also think it "feels" better to use because it really feels like a barrage, rather than unrealistically having multiple cannonballs fired at the same rate
I played a decent amount of old Quinn. There were 2 reasons they gave for the change. First, as they were still pushing her as a botlane ADC, and as such thought that making her melee as an ultimate was counterintuitive to what an ADC wanted to do. The second reason was that it was actually kinda broken if you played her as an assassin. It was incredibly fast so you could chase a target easily even if they flash and dash. The Valor Vault kept them in melee range rather than jumping off of the target backwards a bit. (Overall, cast times were essentially removed from her abilities in ult form). Couple that with good AD ratios and undodgeable damage plus her Skystrike dealing a lot more burst (execute damage) than it does now and you have yourself a zero-counterplay 100-0 assassin. I miss old Quinn a lot.
I too miss old Quinn. when she came out I figured it out pretty fast that Early to Mid game you would play her like a lane bully ADC like Draven and when Late game came around you would transition to a more assassin-like gameplay finding that one person by themself to get a pick.
@@DejaraUndead to be fair, that kinda still is the fantasy nowadays. Except she does that in toplane where she has easy prey against juggernauts and tanks, rather than actually having to deal with supports.
pair her with crit and the old Hydra active and at point blank range and it was a 100-0 kill 1shot, bad thing is that in team figths it left you dead AF if you killed the enemy squishy and spent your e to do so, since your ult was your only scape tool and it was now on cooldown. If they doubled down on the flight fantasy they could have made her better, maybe allow her to dive and have a dash on her q as Valor and have her E reset if she kills somebody with Skystrike. Those two changes alone would have made her a solid pick and not the top laner bully she is now. Also, she should have been moved to the jungle a LONG TIME AGO.
Regarding 9:12 - Unlike in Quinn form, using Vault in Valor form would cause you to dive into the enemy and stay in melee range instead of jumping away. You can actually see that in the spotlight.
I played a ton of old Quinn (I was even brought in to Riot to test the new Quinn back in the day) - the most common sentiment about the old Quinn ult was that it was essentially a kamikaze. You switched to a rushdown melee champion without your stats or items converting to reflect one. You may be able to nuke a character but there was essentially zero chance you'd come out alive unless you absolutely murked the adc and then bailed.
I love Blade Waltz just for the visuals alone. Imagine how awesome it would look like with modern VFX and animations. And strangely I love the voice acting of it too? Something about the way Fiora grunted during it was really cool. She was putting SO much force behind those strikes and you could feel it. Like she WAS ripping her opponent to shreds. Numbers wise, visuals wise, and audio wise.
This!!! not enough emphasis is put on how audio can make a champ really feel special, old Fiora's ult audio was sooo satisfying the only thing that beats it nowadays is warwick's audio
I remember... good old days season 4 pre Level 30... i didnt knew quinn could turn into valor and was always shook when i got chicken moded out of seemingly nowhere by a Champ that wasnt even in the game
@@riven4121I actually like the new swain, much more impactful and more utility with his W scout possibilities. But I also miss old swain because was a safe and easy pick when you didn't know what to play
@@alihorda That's the problem he's a utility champion. Not a mage, hence why his most common role is support and has been for years. The rework straight up ruined his fantasy of being a mage.
I will forever miss the old fiddlesticks. I miss throwing my balloon crow using the surprise party fiddlesticks. Hearing it bounce between 2 enemies and I just kill them because it kept bouncing between the two.
Absolutely agree. Also building the liandrys-tulsi’s combo (bc relaid buffed thr dmg from 2.5% to 5%, then later it was 2% to 3%), and just melt people.
Fun Fact: Gangplank could drop a ward and use Raise Morale on it to get the buff when a fight broke out in the jungle, or on a friendly Tibbers, dealing about 30% hp damage to troll Annie
One thing you missed about the Poppy ult. It amplified ALL of your damage sources. So if you ulted someone and used ignite, the ignite would do extra damage. It also stacked with deathfire grasp, which was an item that amplified magic damage for a short period of time. AP Poppy was super underappreciated, but it could safely one shot most carries in the game.
Old full AP Nunu mid was beyond disgusting. His E was an unavoidable targeted ability with crazy high scaling. He was impossible to deal with in lane thanks to his ridiculous healing, high damage and low outplay potential. He did fall off pretty hard but the laning phase was unbelievably broken
I get why they changed him so much since many people found it clunky and weird, but the old ASol passive was just so unique and fun to play with, you really had to think about positioning and movement in fights. I miss it so much, wish they could keep it some way, even if it would be on a different character or if it was dumbed down a bit
Yeah it was only a problem in "pro" play. never really felt the "deadzone" cause if you're an >average Asol, you roam against champs with favorable matchups, and if the enemy team has 3 dash champs or more, you just buy zonyas, rylais and a bit tanky items, once they blown all their CD and see you're still alive they can't do none but be kited by your orbit with rylais
Old poppy was my first main, I remember your ulti amplified ALL THE DMG your champion did... THIS INCLUDED ITEMS and when you built her with ap.... there was this legendary item called deathfire grasp that did % max magic dmg that scaled off ap and you could increase it almost infinitely, and this damage was amplied by poppy's ulti's amplification, and you could reach to 100% dmg literally one click one shot xD good old times :')
One of my first experiences playing league was finding fun in playing poppy she was always more on the unpopular side but at that time it wasn't all that popular to go off someone else builds and I found this gem called poppy you could jump alone into 5 kill 2-3 while ulting supp and come back with half hp left
Quinn was changed more than you think. Her Q used to actually blind like teemo (disabling auto attacks), and her E in bird form was a dash but didn't make you backflip (that was the difference). I remember it just being REALLY bad though because her E and Q didn't apply her marks, so you couldn't E auto Q auto ect. You going into bird mode was just going into melee with super low hp and armor and getting blown up.
Quinn's Tag Team always seemed like a fever dream to me. I played her once when I started playing League and then I stopped playing for a while and when I came back and decided to try again and i noticed that she was different. At the time I didnt have anyone to talk about LoL so I basically gaslighted myself into thinking that I had imagined it or didnt remember correctly ahahsh
Game was so much more clunky, but so much more fun because of it, you had tons of weird builds, weird item + champ synergies, champions had their identity, good times Sunfire evelynn and twitch where they would sit on you in stealth and you would burn to death without noticing why and how AP Sion walking to you and imploding your healthbar without making a noise because his old Q and E had a very low sound effect for some reason AS/Crit sion with 5 Phantom Dancer Old galio the single % crit rune on trynd and gp for the godly level one crits and the list never ends
Lemme guess. Poppy old ultimate is gonna be in this video isn't it? My favorite ability to date. If she wasn't reworked she would be the ultimate counter to some of these 200 year champion designs
@BDCDT-TranThanhTung Do you remember how bad she was because she had no sustain, imagine her 4 sec q that dealt like 8% max hp was an aa reset and applies sheen, with divine sunderer
As an old Poppy main, she really wasn't bad in the mid game. Magic pen boots + runes and a Trinity Force was enough to two shot most carries and nobody could split against her, as her ult also gave you bonus % damage against your target (up to 40% if I recall correctly)
4:28 i was thinking that they could give the abilities of the old aatrox to Xolaani (if one day Riot decide to putting her in the game) since she is an important part of the darkins lore
I think for Quinn it's because, she played normally like an adc and when she transformed in Valor she became a melee champ with no survivability (like Nilah doge for example) so you used her transformation mainly to go fast but fought almost always as Quinn because there was no bonus to be fight as Valor
Valor was useless/extremely risky in teamfights, BUT enabled her to be a solo pick assassin with almost 0 counterplay. You moved fast, had a gapcloser, a blind for the enemy ADC who coudln't do shit, tons of attack speed and a burst execution on your ultimate. And she was amazing at splitpushing, because Valor had the permanent attack speed buff even without enemy minions around + a build escape.
I still think about the old GP e, miss it. ;c i was so young then, like 13-14 never really grasped its potential. Amumu's w used to block 30-40% incoming damage too while it was active, used to be broke. Poppys empowered auto used to be able to do up to 1,500 damage too. It was crazy.
Something I find interesting about a few of these is that they bore strong similarities (or were just wholesale rip offs) of dota abilities, yet due to the change in context of the game stopped being healthy. Fiora's old ult was just juggernaut's ult minus a couple mechanics, but the removal of the ability being able to target minions and defensive items like Ghost Scepter not being in league removed the fairness. This was also true for TF's old Gate, when it was on a basic ability, which was essentially just Nature's Prophet's teleport, an ability still in dota, but the relative lack of map mobility in league compared to dota made it a lot stronger. Gangplank's old ability to deny an ally minion with an ability is also something that exists in dota, but, even just aside from the fact you don't need an ability to deny minions in dota, the reduced amount of farm on league's map probably made playing into an opponent that is economically starving you more frustrating. There are of course other dota abilities that stuck around (like Ashe's ult), but the fun part is thinking about what did and didn't work in the transition between games and why.
Honestly the old Aatrox was really not that bad. I used to main him so hard. If you went full life steal you would never die and actually do enough damage to even carry. You just had to know when to use your W to heal and when to use it to do dmg. I stopped playing him after the rework bc of the new kit, It doesnt feel like him anymore and I never got over that. Look how they massacred my boy :(
It was terrible for many years, because of his base HP was trash and you were hurting yourself. It was played in pro scenes, because he could towerdive with the jungler and revive, so RIOT wouldn't buff him.
@@EvanDevan25 He was getting 1shotted all the time... Back in the day AP was cheaper and items gave more of it. I can see why he could be good in low elos, still it was never OP.
You forgot to mention another special thing about Poppy's old ultimate. "All outside sources" meant ALL. Even Fountain couldn't harm you so you could base dive and spawn kill while taking nothing which also allowed your allies to go in with you as it focused you
Could you make a video on Master Yi? He has one of the most complicated history when it comes to balance and gameplay and I think it would be pretty fun to talk about him :)
Tag Team was the reason I used to main Quinn Her E became an on click dash with a small knock up attached (this followed dashes and blinks and interupted channels and most dashes) this combined with the passive attack speed buff, massive movementspeed buff and the execute on the second part of the R made her into a temperary assassin that could easily roam, chase, flea, re-engage, or clean-up. Her old Q (in both forms) was a teemo blind which was pretty toxic and made counter play in Valor form very hard. She was a champ that could duel by kiting and poking and then turning around for a fast assassination burst. They removed her tag team (and teemo blind) because it made her very strong in 1v1's but kinda useless in teamfights. A lot of people played her a suicide bird, starting a teamfight by flying in and maybe assassinating the enemy marksman or mage and then getting oneshot. Her R "incentivised" this kind of playstyle for people who played her as an adc and Riot wanted to push her out of midlane and toplane. Tag Team just didn't fit the adc botlane playstyle
The difference with Quinn's Vault in bird form is that Valor doesn't dash backward after Vaulting. Since he's melee, he has no reason to kite backward with the ability.
I was denied a pentakill 3 times in a single game in the past all because a single enemy Poppy refused to die by my hands while I was ADC Twitch. And when she did die, someone else would get the kill. And today, I've still yet to get an official pentakill in League. Now I'm washed up compared to how I played before. I give up... 😅
I still miss old asol passive. I m7 200,000 mastery him at that point and the fun of him was the spacing issues. It was a differnt play style but so satisfing when you could weave in and out of a fight and just destroy a team.
Me too…. Me too… I was a staunch maokai support main and I was destroying everybody with that champ. Then they gave him that scuffed nami ult and made him basically unplayable forever. Until he was meta for like a week a few months ago. Kindred kind of has his ult but it’s just not the same.
I actually loved old Quinn. There was an old LoL channel called What the Moose that showed all the cool combos you could do with Valor transformations.
I'm so glad you included Gangplank's minion deny XD when I first learned of this quirk when I was looking at the patch history of champs I was really surprised league had a Dota 2 mechanic way back in the day
That ult also made ap poppy a beast, i remember how i used to oneshot so many with that due to the extra damage with deathfire grasp tanky and squishy alike.
With old Poppy, maybe they could've made it so that she can't damage anyone else but her target either. Prolly still OP, but at least more fair. Thoughts?
Essentially a worse version of tryndamere ultimate that only lets you tunnel vision one person instead of hitting anyone you want. You got the 1v1, but still get hit with all the CC. Also you don't get the morde ult "arena" to prevent them from just kiting and running away. Still, would have been far healthier, but her current ultimate is a lot cooler, more fun to use, and more impactful in many situations. Removing someone impactful from a fight, kick enemy off objectives quickly, or just saving yourself.
I believe center of the universe could be fixed by making the 3 stars rotating in 3 different ranges with 3 different speeds, i really thought that would be an ability they would've tried to keep for ASol during his rework bc it really gave him a true unique trait
That would have made him incredibly inconsistent though. A more healthy change would have been to swap his E and his R. His problem was always that he was way too good at early rotations and that he had a melee deadzone. This change would have fixed both of them while still keeping his melee deadzone as a counterplay, instead of as a pure weakness.
The stars weren't THAT hard to hit after enough practice. Definitely not a useful ability before you get a lot of playtime on him but there are plenty of other high skill-floor champs that got WAY less flame than Asol passive. The issue is they kept having to nerf his damage into the ground because they insisted on NOT nerfing the actual issue with his kit which was his ability to permaroam at level 3 with good cc. The ratio on passive (and W) was so bad that a muramana would give it more damage than ANY OTHER AP ITEM IN THE ENTIRE GAME. Why bother playing a hundred games on asol to learn to use his passive properly when it wasn't even a useful part of his kit?
My first Penta was with the old Quinn ult. I really did like that ult personally. Certainy wasn't as good back then than i am now but i liked playing back with Quinn adc and once a reengage was bound to happen i popped the ult to get it quick and hard. Or just to run away when the fight turned out badly.
I loved old Poppy. New Poppy is poopy. Sometimes its great design to have an invincible lategame character. Poppy was an example of such a great design.
I miss insta Q Darius, the sheer cancer damage he deals on a fast combo was *chefs kiss*. Edit: I also miss weedwick's old R, Pantheon's point and click Q (with mana pots and old elixir), Akali's old R, and Taric's point and click stun.
@@victorpedrosoceolin3919 sounds like the good old "I miss oneshotting people with DFG" while forgetting that you would *also* get oneshot by the same combo from others, which instead noone misses.
Old Akali was braindead, but the most fun in the game, if you are fed. Darius was unbeatable in lane, but couldn't do anything in teamfights, so it was a troll champ.
When you think about it, old Aurelion Sol could have been a very good champ in early seasons(1-3) bcs champs were imobile and he could control them with Q, R and slow with rylais
i really miss old mordekaiser ngl, i think he was balanced due to being slow and short range but the dmg to instant shield conversion mechanic was really fun
Let's make a petition to bring the old Aatrox back, that champ was the first I felt in love with since starting to play league, then they destroyed him and made a riven 2.0 😢
Now there is some serious misinformation in here when it comes to Old Fiora. She was definitely not weak in early game. Old Fiora existed alongside old runes. So if you picked full flad AD runes + W first ability (it added flat 10 or 15 AD I can not remember exactly anymore) you had like 135 AD lvl 1. Which meant that each time opponent went in for a last hit like 1/5-1/8 of his health was gone. You also had that 1% crit rune which sometimes resulted in some crazy 3AA kills level 1 which was just bullshit 😂
Definitely not quite 135 haha. Rank 1 W gave 15 AD and scaled to 35 AD at max rank. A full set of AD reds and quints gave 15 AD (15.5 I believe exactly) and it was super troll to take AD seals or glyphs. Add a longsword or more likely a Dorans Blade and you had around +40 AD at level 1. Base AD was also a little lower back then so she could start in the 90s. At some point they reworked every single champion to have higher base stats and less scaling so starting AD for a lot of champs went into the 60s and then Fiora could break 100 at level 1. Old Sion Q did give him 35 AD at rank 1 though, so his starting AD could get quite ridiculous.
You should do a video on toggle abilities! I feel like they used to be everywhere in old league E.g. old Aatrox, Cho’gath, Ashe and Sivir to name a few but they’ve mysteriously seemed to have disappeared in modern times.
My genuine guess is because in the heat of the moment it was probably something you just "lost track of" and resulted in surprising mana consumption you didn't expect/want. Made it easier for players who don't manage to keep track of everything :)
@@ziedyee It's because abilities like old Ashe Q and Cho'Gath E didn't have any interesting decisions to make. If you had mana you always wanted it on. Compare that to an ability like Jinx Q where you have to decide between increased safety vs higher DPS. By that model old Aatrox W actually was a good ability since a tradeoff between healing and damage is interesting. All of that said Jinx is also pretty old at this point and I can't think of any newer champs with toggle abilities at all, so they probably have other reasons for getting rid of them completely.
mord's ult was by far the most fun : when you could reanimate the dragon after you killed it , which is similar to yorick's current one, but the dragon was stronger
If nothing else, seeing old SRO and foxdrop, as well as hearing about old abilities really took me down nostalgia lane. I was playing in season 1 and 2, and boy the game was different back then. You'd just see poppy and nasus bot or something. Regarding GP's ability to deny, it was a different game. Nobody laned like they do now, things like gold and experience from minions weren't ever considered so it never felt terrible to play against. I do remember GPs used to stand at their T3 tower when minions spawned so they could insta deny a minion, then could deny another one when they got to lane.
4:49 you didn't mention that one of the downsides of Aurelion Sol's old passive, was that you couldn't hide in the bushes. The stars gave away your position
What I never understood about Asol was in Urf he could get up to 5 meteors. Why didnt they consider giving him those other meteors to compensate in the late game?
I think u have misunderstood old aurelion sol. His abilities wasnt bad, but deeply broken. They had to nerf him so much he became unplayable, cause his playstyle was unpunishable. Kinda like kalista. Atleast thats what ive heard from faker and apdo
Man old aatrox was godlike... But the issue is that 95% of league players are silver and unskilled so they kinda need to make champs more suited for low iq players. All thought this acually makes no sense since champs or mechanics never realy mattered anyway.
Fun Fact: Since old Fiora's ult was entirely on-hit effect, Jax E would dodge it enterely. Which meant that Teemo would also benefit of blinding Fiora before she used her ult.
I probably played old Quinn more than anybody else. There are a few reasons as to why Quinn's Ultimate was reworked into the way it is now. The first reason, as has been pointed out, is that Riot had intended to keep Quinn as an ADC and move her out of the other lanes into Bot lane. With the way her E interacted with her R, she would dash to the target, slow them, and stay in Melee range instead of bouncing off. As an ADC, there are seldom, if any, instances in which you would actually want to be within melee range of an enemy champion. As a result, Quinn's old playstyle was more like that of an assassin than an ADC, and in order to shift Quinn into that ADC role, they needed to shift her power budget off her R. Which brings me to the second reason. Pre-rework Quinn was a strong solo laner, but not very good as an ADC at all. Her only saving grace in Bot lane was that her Q used to blind targets it hit, which vs enemy ADC's is probably the number one thing you could want aside from hard CC. As a result, many Quinn players would simply wait until 6, pop ult, and press E to dive in, press Q and 100-0 the enemy ADC. Due to Quinn's power budget, she functioned poorly as an actual ADC. Riot's vision for Quinn was for her to play off her passive more as a "hit-n-go" ADC who trades in short bursts rather than a 100-0 all-in champion. Therefore, they moved her burst potential off her ult and into her passive, granting her passive a reduced cooldown, and extra procs on landing Q and when ending her new R. So, tldr: 1. Quinn's abilities and stat line FORCED her to play and build more like an assassin than an ADC, with her lack of bot lane success (mostly due to low attack range) and R being the biggest offenders 2. In order to transition her into a traditional ADC role, damage and burst potential were moved into her passive and basic abilities, which requires slightly more skill expression to execute properly than pressing R and running at your opponent. Granted, Quinn's bot lane success is still poor and she is still widely-regarded to be a much more effective solo laner than an ADC. Riot's rework of Quinn didn't address the issues she was having with being a bot-lane ADC. In fact, it could be argued that Riot's rework actually made Quinn WORSE in the ADC role. I think a Quinn Retrospective video highlighting her deficiencies (both pre and post-rework) could be a good idea.
When i tried to come back to League 2 years ago, i played quinn as she has always been 1 of my favorites. I was so confused by her ult, i didnt know if i was misremembering it until i talked to my friends who still play the game. I was around during the Gangplank killing minions time, i just dont remember it at all. Its been a long time
I remember playing at a LAN party with my brother. We chose to go bot lane with old GP and WW. He maxed hie E while I maxed my W. The sheer push potential we had was solid. By 10 minutes we were able to end the match while everyone else was farming for their first items.
The best part about OG Gangplank was that you could also sacrifice your team's pets, so you could follow Heimer around and troll him by sacrificing his turrets for the buff.
GP being able to deny creeps from the enemy was a leftover mechanic from DOTA, where killing your own minions was not only possible, but necessary for high skill levels.
Tag team was grief to use in 90% of scenarios, this is why they removed it. Quinn was a marskman, like today, but when she ulted, she lost her marks, so less actual damages in ult, while being melee. You only used it to immediately recast for the execute.
I really miss old aatrox, I hate that everyone always recommends Kayle or trynd but nothing is close to him, I haven’t enjoyed playing this game as much since his change since he was the first champ I ever bought a skin for and mained
I miss old Galio he was the tankiest champ in leagues and his w was amazing either place on an ally or himself whatever damage you take or your ally takes while active you constantly gain health back with each hit
Omg old Galio was enjoyable. But Old Galio in Urf??? That shit was the very definition of fun. For you, not for your enemies of course. He was literally unkillable. I loved his shield + ult combo. Force everyone to attack you, end with big burst and reduce a big chunk of damage received + get a shitload of healing back Also just loved the way his abilities (and he himself) looked. His wind thingie was just so pretty to me
Quinn wasn't able to get harrier proc's while you were valor, using your "buff" would make you do less total dps, and would get exploded in fights so in general it did not feel good to use
What about a video on the history of buffs/nerfs/removal of Summoner Spells? I remember back in the day when they overbuffed Heal for a hot minute. Good times for Mundo.
Just to expand in why old Poppy's passive was arguably the most broken passive ever for a fighter, if any instance of damage would deal more than 10% of her max HP that damage was halved, it also worked BEFORE resistances which meant that she would take half damage on late almost all the time
Yeah damage reduction is broken in any game lol
I think it was based on current health
@@kauanjos3199 I thought things like Galio W, Irelia W or Exhaust are pretty balanced though? So long as it has a downtime for the enemy to take advantage of
@@VanNguyenVNA yeah with down time it's completely fine because you're not gonna be hitting galio while he does it, but poppy was permanent it was always up
Wait it was BEFORE damage calc? That's fking horse.
With Gangplank, I would like to mention the absolute jank that was his ultimate before they literally killed him for his rework.
Old GPs R covered about the same area as it does now, but instead of dealing consistent damage in the target zone, it would randomly drop single canon balls somewhere within the aoe. I can't remember exactly how large the hitboxes were (somewhere between one Teemo and a Syndra Q I think), but it was entirely possible to cast a well placed ult and have it do nothing at all. You could ult the Baron pit and not hit Baron once, it was glorious.
Omg I forgot about that! I played some GP before his rework and that ult was so frustrating. The new one might hit like you're throwing pillows, but at least it's consistent.
GP taking yellow flat CDR runes, scaling blue, and red CDR. Walk the minions up the lane and you could raise morale twice on the first wave.
Only thing better was if you had Zilean with old passive mid or support.
@@lurkhive3352 oh yeah, the old Zilean passive was something else, it looked like it would do nothing when looked at through my newbie eyes, but damn that thing was broken. the whole team gaining additional exp from all sources is just straight broken, as you outlevel the enemy basically everytime and always get the ult powerspike earlier
@@ElGrandeIngenio Zilean + Raise Morale was quick to a 2 level advantage.
Only running smite Mord Mid and staring at old wolves was more OP. Literally walk into first wave level 2.
Yeah that was really frustrating, but I also think it "feels" better to use because it really feels like a barrage, rather than unrealistically having multiple cannonballs fired at the same rate
I played a decent amount of old Quinn. There were 2 reasons they gave for the change. First, as they were still pushing her as a botlane ADC, and as such thought that making her melee as an ultimate was counterintuitive to what an ADC wanted to do. The second reason was that it was actually kinda broken if you played her as an assassin. It was incredibly fast so you could chase a target easily even if they flash and dash. The Valor Vault kept them in melee range rather than jumping off of the target backwards a bit. (Overall, cast times were essentially removed from her abilities in ult form). Couple that with good AD ratios and undodgeable damage plus her Skystrike dealing a lot more burst (execute damage) than it does now and you have yourself a zero-counterplay 100-0 assassin. I miss old Quinn a lot.
She was also really fun as a bruiser, unkillable tabky 😂
I too miss old Quinn. when she came out I figured it out pretty fast that Early to Mid game you would play her like a lane bully ADC like Draven and when Late game came around you would transition to a more assassin-like gameplay finding that one person by themself to get a pick.
@@DejaraUndead to be fair, that kinda still is the fantasy nowadays.
Except she does that in toplane where she has easy prey against juggernauts and tanks, rather than actually having to deal with supports.
pair her with crit and the old Hydra active and at point blank range and it was a 100-0 kill 1shot, bad thing is that in team figths it left you dead AF if you killed the enemy squishy and spent your e to do so, since your ult was your only scape tool and it was now on cooldown. If they doubled down on the flight fantasy they could have made her better, maybe allow her to dive and have a dash on her q as Valor and have her E reset if she kills somebody with Skystrike. Those two changes alone would have made her a solid pick and not the top laner bully she is now. Also, she should have been moved to the jungle a LONG TIME AGO.
I remember my friend would run her with homebound boots and she would just snipe a squishy with ridiculous high MS
Regarding 9:12 - Unlike in Quinn form, using Vault in Valor form would cause you to dive into the enemy and stay in melee range instead of jumping away. You can actually see that in the spotlight.
it's like prowler's was before rework haha
I played a ton of old Quinn (I was even brought in to Riot to test the new Quinn back in the day) - the most common sentiment about the old Quinn ult was that it was essentially a kamikaze. You switched to a rushdown melee champion without your stats or items converting to reflect one. You may be able to nuke a character but there was essentially zero chance you'd come out alive unless you absolutely murked the adc and then bailed.
Yeah turning melee was cool. I used to play her top with Atmas and Warmogs. Also the ult made your vault have no bounce back.
Soooo talon basically ?
I love Blade Waltz just for the visuals alone. Imagine how awesome it would look like with modern VFX and animations. And strangely I love the voice acting of it too? Something about the way Fiora grunted during it was really cool. She was putting SO much force behind those strikes and you could feel it. Like she WAS ripping her opponent to shreds. Numbers wise, visuals wise, and audio wise.
This!!! not enough emphasis is put on how audio can make a champ really feel special, old Fiora's ult audio was sooo satisfying the only thing that beats it nowadays is warwick's audio
Also remember applying hydra passive while at it :D complete aoe mayhem
Then you realise it's just juggernaut Ulti from Dota
@@xolotltolox7626 And then you realize that the whole game is just Dota from Dota.
@@moopey1837 but worse
I miss old Quinn
Having the bird as an actual ganeplay mechanic rather than a conduit for your spells gave them so much more in game feel
They did Valor dirty, removed him from the champion name too. Also, Quinns login screen music is goated
I remember... good old days season 4 pre Level 30... i didnt knew quinn could turn into valor and was always shook when i got chicken moded out of seemingly nowhere by a Champ that wasnt even in the game
I miss Swains original kit entirely, but most of all, I miss his original Ravenous Flock. That ability was awesome as a DoT and healing toggle
I used to main swain. After the rework I stopped playing him. He doesn't feel like a mage but a glorified support.
his bird form also looked way cooler. also, lazor bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@riven4121I actually like the new swain, much more impactful and more utility with his W scout possibilities. But I also miss old swain because was a safe and easy pick when you didn't know what to play
@@alihorda That's the problem he's a utility champion. Not a mage, hence why his most common role is support and has been for years.
The rework straight up ruined his fantasy of being a mage.
@@riven4121 agreed, I also loved his style of play as an area control DoT mage. It made him an amazing counter pick into an assassin meta
I will forever miss the old fiddlesticks. I miss throwing my balloon crow using the surprise party fiddlesticks. Hearing it bounce between 2 enemies and I just kill them because it kept bouncing between the two.
I bought the skin mainly because of the old Fiddle E. It sucks if you payed for a skin and the champion get´s a rework.
So good for support as well.. the Crow bounces off of both ADC and support.. such a good poke Ability..
It was THE best poke ability, super degenerate but I loved it.
Absolutely agree. Also building the liandrys-tulsi’s combo (bc relaid buffed thr dmg from 2.5% to 5%, then later it was 2% to 3%), and just melt people.
my fave was urgots switcheroo ability. i always thought it was so stupid and i loved it
It's great on a hero designed for it, like vengeful spirit, not when its just tacked on a random kit.
Fun Fact: Gangplank could drop a ward and use Raise Morale on it to get the buff when a fight broke out in the jungle, or on a friendly Tibbers, dealing about 30% hp damage to troll Annie
One thing you missed about the Poppy ult. It amplified ALL of your damage sources. So if you ulted someone and used ignite, the ignite would do extra damage. It also stacked with deathfire grasp, which was an item that amplified magic damage for a short period of time. AP Poppy was super underappreciated, but it could safely one shot most carries in the game.
That was the stuff, R the support, pound the AD carry whilst invincible
Ap poppy the ballistic missile, good times
one shotting by using a item fullcombo and ignite? you mean burst.
@@kowikowi8718 it's one shot cus it's one ult :P
@@KevinTheCardigan i got only drunk one Beer. The Other two cases of budlight i Drink dont Matter. IT was only the First Beer why im drunk officier.
Old full AP Nunu mid was beyond disgusting. His E was an unavoidable targeted ability with crazy high scaling. He was impossible to deal with in lane thanks to his ridiculous healing, high damage and low outplay potential.
He did fall off pretty hard but the laning phase was unbelievably broken
I get why they changed him so much since many people found it clunky and weird, but the old ASol passive was just so unique and fun to play with, you really had to think about positioning and movement in fights. I miss it so much, wish they could keep it some way, even if it would be on a different character or if it was dumbed down a bit
me and the other 3 ASol mains are with u, sir. I miss his hit and run playstyle so much 😢
Yeah it was only a problem in "pro" play. never really felt the "deadzone" cause if you're an >average Asol, you roam against champs with favorable matchups, and if the enemy team has 3 dash champs or more, you just buy zonyas, rylais and a bit tanky items, once they blown all their CD and see you're still alive they can't do none but be kited by your orbit with rylais
Old asol is still in wild rift and even kept the old W move speed passive
@@julsegs I agree now we wait for the other 2 asol mains
I get why they did it, and that makes me hate it way more.
Old poppy was my first main, I remember your ulti amplified ALL THE DMG your champion did... THIS INCLUDED ITEMS and when you built her with ap.... there was this legendary item called deathfire grasp that did % max magic dmg that scaled off ap and you could increase it almost infinitely, and this damage was amplied by poppy's ulti's amplification, and you could reach to 100% dmg literally one click one shot xD good old times :')
One of my first experiences playing league was finding fun in playing poppy she was always more on the unpopular side but at that time it wasn't all that popular to go off someone else builds and I found this gem called poppy you could jump alone into 5 kill 2-3 while ulting supp and come back with half hp left
Deathfire grasp veigar 💀
@@noob54noob dfg on ap yi was such pain.he just press dfg and q. And ure dead.
I would actually love a video talking about all of the different versions of Ryze ! As a (relatively) new player, it would be very interesting !
Im glad you dont witness 6 frozen heart ryze against a full ad team
@@santiagocorbo4327 I didn't witness that but seems to me like blue malphite
@@dankmemes8254if malphite had a ratio from mana
There used to be an ongoing meme for a few years of Ryze literally getting (mini) reworks/big kit changes every single year lol
The oldest memory of ryze is when faker use him and his ult gives some omnivamp and all you gave to do is just juggle q every other spell.
Quinn was changed more than you think. Her Q used to actually blind like teemo (disabling auto attacks), and her E in bird form was a dash but didn't make you backflip (that was the difference). I remember it just being REALLY bad though because her E and Q didn't apply her marks, so you couldn't E auto Q auto ect. You going into bird mode was just going into melee with super low hp and armor and getting blown up.
Her old ult was so good for assassinating..
only if you went full damage, so basically quinn was butchered because people were stupid :(
Quinn's Tag Team always seemed like a fever dream to me. I played her once when I started playing League and then I stopped playing for a while and when I came back and decided to try again and i noticed that she was different. At the time I didnt have anyone to talk about LoL so I basically gaslighted myself into thinking that I had imagined it or didnt remember correctly ahahsh
As someone who started playing league in 2020 I love hearing about old league and what i missed out on
Game was so much more clunky, but so much more fun because of it, you had tons of weird builds, weird item + champ synergies, champions had their identity, good times
Sunfire evelynn and twitch where they would sit on you in stealth and you would burn to death without noticing why and how
AP Sion walking to you and imploding your healthbar without making a noise because his old Q and E had a very low sound effect for some reason
AS/Crit sion with 5 Phantom Dancer
Old galio
the single % crit rune on trynd and gp for the godly level one crits
and the list never ends
Old poppy was so giga broken that riot makes her mana costs more than absurd
You should talk about the Mordekaiser ult that could give him a dragon if you make one more!
I miss that! Taking Dragon to wreck mid was so fun.
@@Kmn483 yea it was such a cool thing!
Lemme guess. Poppy old ultimate is gonna be in this video isn't it? My favorite ability to date. If she wasn't reworked she would be the ultimate counter to some of these 200 year champion designs
Because it was 300 y @@
@BDCDT-TranThanhTung Do you remember how bad she was because she had no sustain, imagine her 4 sec q that dealt like 8% max hp was an aa reset and applies sheen, with divine sunderer
Well it's on the thumbnail so it's not difficult to guess
It's basically a Mord ult, except if Mord was able to attack everyone else as normal.
Her current w blocking dashes basically counters all the 200 yr Champs anyway
As an old Poppy main, she really wasn't bad in the mid game. Magic pen boots + runes and a Trinity Force was enough to two shot most carries and nobody could split against her, as her ult also gave you bonus % damage against your target (up to 40% if I recall correctly)
My favorite removed ability was Fiddle's old E. Especially with surprise party Fiddlesticks. Annoying the enemy team with balloon animals
4:28 i was thinking that they could give the abilities of the old aatrox to Xolaani (if one day Riot decide to putting her in the game) since she is an important part of the darkins lore
thank you
“No one likes old poppy” me and a friend disagrees. She was one of the most fun champions to play. Like heca on steroids
I think for Quinn it's because, she played normally like an adc and when she transformed in Valor she became a melee champ with no survivability (like Nilah doge for example) so you used her transformation mainly to go fast but fought almost always as Quinn because there was no bonus to be fight as Valor
Valor was useless/extremely risky in teamfights, BUT enabled her to be a solo pick assassin with almost 0 counterplay. You moved fast, had a gapcloser, a blind for the enemy ADC who coudln't do shit, tons of attack speed and a burst execution on your ultimate. And she was amazing at splitpushing, because Valor had the permanent attack speed buff even without enemy minions around + a build escape.
I still think about the old GP e, miss it. ;c i was so young then, like 13-14 never really grasped its potential. Amumu's w used to block 30-40% incoming damage too while it was active, used to be broke. Poppys empowered auto used to be able to do up to 1,500 damage too. It was crazy.
Something I find interesting about a few of these is that they bore strong similarities (or were just wholesale rip offs) of dota abilities, yet due to the change in context of the game stopped being healthy. Fiora's old ult was just juggernaut's ult minus a couple mechanics, but the removal of the ability being able to target minions and defensive items like Ghost Scepter not being in league removed the fairness. This was also true for TF's old Gate, when it was on a basic ability, which was essentially just Nature's Prophet's teleport, an ability still in dota, but the relative lack of map mobility in league compared to dota made it a lot stronger. Gangplank's old ability to deny an ally minion with an ability is also something that exists in dota, but, even just aside from the fact you don't need an ability to deny minions in dota, the reduced amount of farm on league's map probably made playing into an opponent that is economically starving you more frustrating. There are of course other dota abilities that stuck around (like Ashe's ult), but the fun part is thinking about what did and didn't work in the transition between games and why.
it's almost like some of the devs from the orignal dota split up from their old team and created another moba game. hmmmmm
@@ssilentmedia damn they did dota dirty, sabotaged entire community in hopes of killing rival in the field
@@Thalaranthey what do you mean?
@@ssilentmedia pendragon killed dota allstar when he was hired by riot, closed site and sold rights to riot(who sold them to blizard)
Honestly the old Aatrox was really not that bad. I used to main him so hard. If you went full life steal you would never die and actually do enough damage to even carry. You just had to know when to use your W to heal and when to use it to do dmg. I stopped playing him after the rework bc of the new kit, It doesnt feel like him anymore and I never got over that. Look how they massacred my boy :(
same i literally played Aatrox from bronze to plat and when they reworked him i dropped LoL entirely 😢
Aatrox was in his best balance ever right before they reworked him
It was terrible for many years, because of his base HP was trash and you were hurting yourself. It was played in pro scenes, because he could towerdive with the jungler and revive, so RIOT wouldn't buff him.
@@azraksash you could literally click W and suddenly health was not a problem especially if you had bloodthirster and/or bork
@@EvanDevan25 He was getting 1shotted all the time... Back in the day AP was cheaper and items gave more of it.
I can see why he could be good in low elos, still it was never OP.
You forgot to mention another special thing about Poppy's old ultimate.
"All outside sources" meant ALL. Even Fountain couldn't harm you so you could base dive and spawn kill while taking nothing which also allowed your allies to go in with you as it focused you
this is untargetable summoner spell in arena
Could you make a video on Master Yi? He has one of the most complicated history when it comes to balance and gameplay and I think it would be pretty fun to talk about him :)
AP yi wants to know your location
Second on this, even tho Yi is still broken ATM tho. Alpha strike just might be the single most unbalanced nightmare in the game
A good idea this is
I remember the old Poppy. It was like finding Slenderman. You just *RUN*
Imo her passive was at least as broken as her ult tho
Ive never forgiven Riot for nerfing Lolipoppy. That skin struck fear into the hearts of opponents.
Tag Team was the reason I used to main Quinn
Her E became an on click dash with a small knock up attached (this followed dashes and blinks and interupted channels and most dashes) this combined with the passive attack speed buff, massive movementspeed buff and the execute on the second part of the R made her into a temperary assassin that could easily roam, chase, flea, re-engage, or clean-up. Her old Q (in both forms) was a teemo blind which was pretty toxic and made counter play in Valor form very hard. She was a champ that could duel by kiting and poking and then turning around for a fast assassination burst.
They removed her tag team (and teemo blind) because it made her very strong in 1v1's but kinda useless in teamfights. A lot of people played her a suicide bird, starting a teamfight by flying in and maybe assassinating the enemy marksman or mage and then getting oneshot. Her R "incentivised" this kind of playstyle for people who played her as an adc and Riot wanted to push her out of midlane and toplane. Tag Team just didn't fit the adc botlane playstyle
The difference with Quinn's Vault in bird form is that Valor doesn't dash backward after Vaulting. Since he's melee, he has no reason to kite backward with the ability.
I was denied a pentakill 3 times in a single game in the past all because a single enemy Poppy refused to die by my hands while I was ADC Twitch. And when she did die, someone else would get the kill. And today, I've still yet to get an official pentakill in League. Now I'm washed up compared to how I played before. I give up... 😅
The funny thing was poppy was very underplayed. I mained poppy and people vs me didn’t know what she did at the time. Fun times
Nothing quite like ulting the Support who does no damage, so now you take no damage while diving their Squishy with Old Poppy lol
Old Poppy was my sleeper pick for the Ascension game mode. If you were ascended as Poppy you were pretty much the strongest champion in the game.
I still miss old asol passive. I m7 200,000 mastery him at that point and the fun of him was the spacing issues. It was a differnt play style but so satisfing when you could weave in and out of a fight and just destroy a team.
I mean 200k aint that much
I still remember the terror of trying to flash out of fiora's old ult comparing to juggernaut's ult from Dota where you can blink out to get out of it
I hope Old Maokai ult gets in the next one.
I still hope it returns in some form to this day.
Me too…. Me too…
I was a staunch maokai support main and I was destroying everybody with that champ.
Then they gave him that scuffed nami ult and made him basically unplayable forever. Until he was meta for like a week a few months ago.
Kindred kind of has his ult but it’s just not the same.
miss the days where poppy just casually brings baron nashor to your base 😂
I actually loved old Quinn. There was an old LoL channel called What the Moose that showed all the cool combos you could do with Valor transformations.
Yes, gangplank could kill every one of his own minions but at that time there wasn't even a jungler or the spreaded concept of last hitting
Definitely gotta mention the old Soraka abilities where she could heal herself AND give herself mana.
She could give teammates mana too before that. Miss those times.
AP soraka mid
Old tristana AP build with deathfire can 1 hit any carry/mid laner. I missed that so much
Soraka's OG starfall was the most satisfying ability in the game. They made the character more dynamic and engaging, but I'm still mad about Q.
sad old galio didnt make an appearance. i loved his shield. it make building against a teemo, literally heal you for stepping on his mushrooms
I'm so glad you included Gangplank's minion deny XD when I first learned of this quirk when I was looking at the patch history of champs I was really surprised league had a Dota 2 mechanic way back in the day
dota 1 *
That ult also made ap poppy a beast, i remember how i used to oneshot so many with that due to the extra damage with deathfire grasp tanky and squishy alike.
Dont stop making videos man i cant stop wathcing them
yeah i started playing league bcz of this videos, quit after a few games, but yeah his videos are adictive
BTW shyvana can also maintain dragon form indefinitely if you keep attacking enough
With old Poppy, maybe they could've made it so that she can't damage anyone else but her target either. Prolly still OP, but at least more fair. Thoughts?
Essentially a worse version of tryndamere ultimate that only lets you tunnel vision one person instead of hitting anyone you want. You got the 1v1, but still get hit with all the CC. Also you don't get the morde ult "arena" to prevent them from just kiting and running away.
Still, would have been far healthier, but her current ultimate is a lot cooler, more fun to use, and more impactful in many situations.
Removing someone impactful from a fight, kick enemy off objectives quickly, or just saving yourself.
The first skill come to my mind was Fiora's ult. That was so broken. You could easily 1v5 in bronze games and feel like the Faker. Good old times
I believe center of the universe could be fixed by making the 3 stars rotating in 3 different ranges with 3 different speeds, i really thought that would be an ability they would've tried to keep for ASol during his rework bc it really gave him a true unique trait
That would have made him incredibly inconsistent though.
A more healthy change would have been to swap his E and his R. His problem was always that he was way too good at early rotations and that he had a melee deadzone. This change would have fixed both of them while still keeping his melee deadzone as a counterplay, instead of as a pure weakness.
Now after 5 straight nerfs, like senna the "infinite" mechanic is barely even felt anymore
The stars weren't THAT hard to hit after enough practice. Definitely not a useful ability before you get a lot of playtime on him but there are plenty of other high skill-floor champs that got WAY less flame than Asol passive. The issue is they kept having to nerf his damage into the ground because they insisted on NOT nerfing the actual issue with his kit which was his ability to permaroam at level 3 with good cc. The ratio on passive (and W) was so bad that a muramana would give it more damage than ANY OTHER AP ITEM IN THE ENTIRE GAME. Why bother playing a hundred games on asol to learn to use his passive properly when it wasn't even a useful part of his kit?
I miss aatrox so much. I'll never forget the fun I had with dark flight and blood price/thirst.
My first Penta was with the old Quinn ult. I really did like that ult personally. Certainy wasn't as good back then than i am now but i liked playing back with Quinn adc and once a reengage was bound to happen i popped the ult to get it quick and hard. Or just to run away when the fight turned out badly.
I loved old Poppy. New Poppy is poopy. Sometimes its great design to have an invincible lategame character. Poppy was an example of such a great design.
I miss insta Q Darius, the sheer cancer damage he deals on a fast combo was *chefs kiss*.
Edit: I also miss weedwick's old R, Pantheon's point and click Q (with mana pots and old elixir), Akali's old R, and Taric's point and click stun.
Is this ironic? I can't say
@@victorpedrosoceolin3919 sounds like the good old "I miss oneshotting people with DFG" while forgetting that you would *also* get oneshot by the same combo from others, which instead noone misses.
Yea I forgot to put /s
Old Akali was braindead, but the most fun in the game, if you are fed.
Darius was unbeatable in lane, but couldn't do anything in teamfights, so it was a troll champ.
Love to see another removed ability in this Video. You can see Urgots old Ult. I kinda miss it
When you think about it, old Aurelion Sol could have been a very good champ in early seasons(1-3) bcs champs were imobile and he could control them with Q, R and slow with rylais
Forget abilities everyone forgets riot deleted a whole character from League. Aka Valor.
i really miss old mordekaiser ngl, i think he was balanced due to being slow and short range but the dmg to instant shield conversion mechanic was really fun
Well yeah besides him being able to do 100% of someone's max hp with his ult and having the most bugs in the game before viego at least
@@Loller271 he wasn't balanced by any means no haha but a lot were more janky back then and he was just way cooler (aside from his feet)
Let's make a petition to bring the old Aatrox back, that champ was the first I felt in love with since starting to play league, then they destroyed him and made a riven 2.0 😢
I would love to see a Poppy retrospective
Now there is some serious misinformation in here when it comes to Old Fiora. She was definitely not weak in early game. Old Fiora existed alongside old runes. So if you picked full flad AD runes + W first ability (it added flat 10 or 15 AD I can not remember exactly anymore) you had like 135 AD lvl 1. Which meant that each time opponent went in for a last hit like 1/5-1/8 of his health was gone. You also had that 1% crit rune which sometimes resulted in some crazy 3AA kills level 1 which was just bullshit 😂
Definitely not quite 135 haha. Rank 1 W gave 15 AD and scaled to 35 AD at max rank. A full set of AD reds and quints gave 15 AD (15.5 I believe exactly) and it was super troll to take AD seals or glyphs. Add a longsword or more likely a Dorans Blade and you had around +40 AD at level 1. Base AD was also a little lower back then so she could start in the 90s. At some point they reworked every single champion to have higher base stats and less scaling so starting AD for a lot of champs went into the 60s and then Fiora could break 100 at level 1.
Old Sion Q did give him 35 AD at rank 1 though, so his starting AD could get quite ridiculous.
You should do a video on toggle abilities! I feel like they used to be everywhere in old league E.g. old Aatrox, Cho’gath, Ashe and Sivir to name a few but they’ve mysteriously seemed to have disappeared in modern times.
My genuine guess is because in the heat of the moment it was probably something you just "lost track of" and resulted in surprising mana consumption you didn't expect/want. Made it easier for players who don't manage to keep track of everything :)
@@ziedyee It's because abilities like old Ashe Q and Cho'Gath E didn't have any interesting decisions to make. If you had mana you always wanted it on. Compare that to an ability like Jinx Q where you have to decide between increased safety vs higher DPS. By that model old Aatrox W actually was a good ability since a tradeoff between healing and damage is interesting.
All of that said Jinx is also pretty old at this point and I can't think of any newer champs with toggle abilities at all, so they probably have other reasons for getting rid of them completely.
MIssing Old asol's passive, now is just a "turbo nerfed" stat checker.
mord's ult was by far the most fun : when you could reanimate the dragon after you killed it , which is similar to yorick's current one, but the dragon was stronger
and the dragon would give you shield, just amazing
If nothing else, seeing old SRO and foxdrop, as well as hearing about old abilities really took me down nostalgia lane. I was playing in season 1 and 2, and boy the game was different back then. You'd just see poppy and nasus bot or something. Regarding GP's ability to deny, it was a different game. Nobody laned like they do now, things like gold and experience from minions weren't ever considered so it never felt terrible to play against. I do remember GPs used to stand at their T3 tower when minions spawned so they could insta deny a minion, then could deny another one when they got to lane.
4:49 you didn't mention that one of the downsides of Aurelion Sol's old passive, was that you couldn't hide in the bushes. The stars gave away your position
part 2 would be welcome as this is a topic no one on youtube talks about
i just realised fiora old ult is like the goku summoner spell in arnea
What I never understood about Asol was in Urf he could get up to 5 meteors.
Why didnt they consider giving him those other meteors to compensate in the late game?
Holy shit that was so interesting. Please make an other video like this, that is so cool!
Hoo Lee sheet Old poppy was nuts
I think u have misunderstood old aurelion sol. His abilities wasnt bad, but deeply broken. They had to nerf him so much he became unplayable, cause his playstyle was unpunishable. Kinda like kalista. Atleast thats what ive heard from faker and apdo
Man old fiora ult was soooo busted especially during the time item effects were not unique, 5 tiamat build then ult on the enemy team lol
Man old aatrox was godlike... But the issue is that 95% of league players are silver and unskilled so they kinda need to make champs more suited for low iq players.
All thought this acually makes no sense since champs or mechanics never realy mattered anyway.
I just barely remembered Zyra old passive. It was really fun. Just varely played her.
Love videos talking about old League. I'm down for more up :D
Fun Fact: Since old Fiora's ult was entirely on-hit effect, Jax E would dodge it enterely. Which meant that Teemo would also benefit of blinding Fiora before she used her ult.
I probably played old Quinn more than anybody else. There are a few reasons as to why Quinn's Ultimate was reworked into the way it is now.
The first reason, as has been pointed out, is that Riot had intended to keep Quinn as an ADC and move her out of the other lanes into Bot lane. With the way her E interacted with her R, she would dash to the target, slow them, and stay in Melee range instead of bouncing off. As an ADC, there are seldom, if any, instances in which you would actually want to be within melee range of an enemy champion. As a result, Quinn's old playstyle was more like that of an assassin than an ADC, and in order to shift Quinn into that ADC role, they needed to shift her power budget off her R.
Which brings me to the second reason. Pre-rework Quinn was a strong solo laner, but not very good as an ADC at all. Her only saving grace in Bot lane was that her Q used to blind targets it hit, which vs enemy ADC's is probably the number one thing you could want aside from hard CC. As a result, many Quinn players would simply wait until 6, pop ult, and press E to dive in, press Q and 100-0 the enemy ADC. Due to Quinn's power budget, she functioned poorly as an actual ADC. Riot's vision for Quinn was for her to play off her passive more as a "hit-n-go" ADC who trades in short bursts rather than a 100-0 all-in champion. Therefore, they moved her burst potential off her ult and into her passive, granting her passive a reduced cooldown, and extra procs on landing Q and when ending her new R.
So, tldr:
1. Quinn's abilities and stat line FORCED her to play and build more like an assassin than an ADC, with her lack of bot lane success (mostly due to low attack range) and R being the biggest offenders
2. In order to transition her into a traditional ADC role, damage and burst potential were moved into her passive and basic abilities, which requires slightly more skill expression to execute properly than pressing R and running at your opponent.
Granted, Quinn's bot lane success is still poor and she is still widely-regarded to be a much more effective solo laner than an ADC. Riot's rework of Quinn didn't address the issues she was having with being a bot-lane ADC. In fact, it could be argued that Riot's rework actually made Quinn WORSE in the ADC role. I think a Quinn Retrospective video highlighting her deficiencies (both pre and post-rework) could be a good idea.
Quinn feel more gimmicky now than before
When i tried to come back to League 2 years ago, i played quinn as she has always been 1 of my favorites. I was so confused by her ult, i didnt know if i was misremembering it until i talked to my friends who still play the game. I was around during the Gangplank killing minions time, i just dont remember it at all. Its been a long time
I remember so clearly that old sion and taric used to have a point and click stun as well as sion's passive which was a built in tabi's
As someone who primarily played old Quinn, I've always wonder WHY! they took away tag team and never just gameplay updated it.
Original Aatrox would absolutely fit well in the current roster with a few minor tweaks. I was super bummed when they changed him. Same with Yorick.
I remember playing at a LAN party with my brother. We chose to go bot lane with old GP and WW. He maxed hie E while I maxed my W. The sheer push potential we had was solid. By 10 minutes we were able to end the match while everyone else was farming for their first items.
The best part about OG Gangplank was that you could also sacrifice your team's pets, so you could follow Heimer around and troll him by sacrificing his turrets for the buff.
I remember someone (who claimed to have played League back then) saying that even Tibbers was a valid target.
@@Xazamas Yep. Any non-player teammate was valid. You could even execute Shaco's clone or LeBlanc's illusion.
GP being able to deny creeps from the enemy was a leftover mechanic from DOTA, where killing your own minions was not only possible, but necessary for high skill levels.
7:15 With it's effect and description, this feels like a refference to Warhammer 40k, more specifically the Comissars in Dawn of War
Tag team was grief to use in 90% of scenarios, this is why they removed it. Quinn was a marskman, like today, but when she ulted, she lost her marks, so less actual damages in ult, while being melee. You only used it to immediately recast for the execute.
Loved old poppy btw. Funny watching how she's made out to be OP in the video and in comments despite losing lane vs basically every match up xD
I really miss old aatrox, I hate that everyone always recommends Kayle or trynd but nothing is close to him, I haven’t enjoyed playing this game as much since his change since he was the first champ I ever bought a skin for and mained
I miss old Galio he was the tankiest champ in leagues and his w was amazing either place on an ally or himself whatever damage you take or your ally takes while active you constantly gain health back with each hit
Omg old Galio was enjoyable. But Old Galio in Urf??? That shit was the very definition of fun. For you, not for your enemies of course. He was literally unkillable. I loved his shield + ult combo. Force everyone to attack you, end with big burst and reduce a big chunk of damage received + get a shitload of healing back
Also just loved the way his abilities (and he himself) looked. His wind thingie was just so pretty to me
Quinn wasn't able to get harrier proc's while you were valor, using your "buff" would make you do less total dps, and would get exploded in fights so in general it did not feel good to use
This is a great new series hehe so nostalgic! OMG at 11:52 the old Sona
What about a video on the history of buffs/nerfs/removal of Summoner Spells? I remember back in the day when they overbuffed Heal for a hot minute. Good times for Mundo.