I think this video got picked up by the algorithm. Answers to some stuff I've seen in the comments: I know it's actually a Pulsar but the game refers to this star as a neutron star so that is what I named the video. I have 7 heat sinks because this was before you could synth more of them. I only had what sinks I brought with me. It doesn't tear me apart with gravitational forces because of how the FSD drive functions. It bends and moves space around you. This is also why the drive is affected by the star and takes damage while also becoming supercharged. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask!
In case anyone is giving you grief over pulsar vs neutron star: both pulsars and magnetars are neutron stars. Magnetars are neutron stars with even stronger magnetic fields compared to other neutron stars(~30 have been discovered so far), and pulsars are the ones that have the beams of radiation shooting out along their axis(overwhelming majority of neutron stars are pulsars, with approximately 3,000 discovered). And there are some neutron stars that are both (only 6 discovered so far). TLDR: pulsars are neutron stars; most neutron stars are pulsars, so you can pretty much use them interchangeably.
Should I get this game? I got bored with No Mans Sky but this looks interesting. Not sure if its because it looks more realistic or what. I had always thought this was PC exclusive so I never bothered to look into it but now that I know its on Ps4, I'm intrigued.
@@flipflop4396 The one you're referring to is PSR J1748−2446ad and its a standard neutron star. Magnetars do not necessarily spin faster they just have intense magnetic fields compared to a normal neutron star. They are short lived in this state too, they stabilize after about 10,000 years becoming typical neutron star.
Vladimir Petrov I always thought the reason some spin that fast is because its close to another massive object. Thats just the pattern I've noticed. Nonetheless they are impressive
I wish it was a true Pulsar where it spins on its side resembling a lighthouse. They should also add Magnetars too! Either way still an interesting find in ED! Anyone know if SGR 1806-20 exists in ED???
got sucked into one of these,but I somehow managed to escape. funny thing was that i was doing a passenger mission and they ejected in an escape pod right next to that behemoth. fun times
Phire Wuffie Got interdicted in one of these monsters..... damn that npc was crazy o.o i managed to escape with 4% hull and broken canopy. I hope dat crazy guy died in there xD
You know, it would be cool if those pulsars would just fire up your FSD and launch you into some unknown system. That would increase the risk factor of them!
Nah, I'd rather have that staying longer in the cone hypercharges your fsd for 9x the range because supercharging is 3, so 3^2 which means a 50ly conda can go 450ly.
I actually would love that to have a 5% chance, and it doesn’t drain your fuel due to it, not your ship, being the launcher. So you could end up around 200ly away from it in a Engineered Conda and have to stumble your way back
tbh, i've also seen many of these while using neutron highway to colonia, first one got me like "wtf is wrong with the game", but you get quickly used to it
@@nvramdotli Yeah. After my second expidition to Sag, ive seen far too many of these spazz pulsars. I kinda.. Blink, when i see them, im too used to the calmer ones, but after the initial shock its just a matter of finding the cone closer to you and going towards your preferred entry method. I prefer to enter on the further ones and their frequency of spinning throws me off on which one that can be, so sometimes i end up having to dip out and re-enter But they're functionally the same as any other, just a bit of psyche-out.
The Nuclear Sausage its spinning so fast that its ejecting matter at the speed of light it literally spins thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of time a SECOND hence millisecond pulsar.
The terrifying factor also comes from the fact that things in space are incredibly slow, so these sights look really unnatural to surrounding environment
Not everything in space is incredibly slow. Most of the time it just appears that way because of how big everything is. For example, Andromeda is hurdling towards us at around 110km/s, but because of how big it is and how far away it is, it appears to be motionless to the naked eye.
@@gacker209 It’s because we are relative on Earth. Nothing about equipment, anyone in a spaceship not orbiting the Earth would see it spins quite fast, but due to the spin being constant and not having any acceleration we don’t feel any speed, and feels rather stagnant. Kinda like how airplanes don’t feel like they aren’t moving despite moving at 500KM/H
@@lolomgwtfkaya6066 top comment says it moves slow, presumably because we don’t perceive the movement of the cosmos with the naked eye. With equipment, we can measure the speed to be quite fast relative to other objects in space. You’re not wrong, I’m just tying in what the equipment has to do with this. Edit: the earth spins once every 24 hours which wouldn’t be perceivable at first glance. Even in a spaceship not orbiting earth.
You would be vaporized by just the photon radiation coming off a million K object that is 20km across even from a few light-minutes away. Let a lone a few seconds. You surviving this in this game is pure artistic liberty.. But good god are they pretty.
Okay, so for those of you who don't know, neutron stars are created in essentially the same manner as black holes, via the collapse of very large stars, many hundreds or thousands of times the size of our sun. During the collapse, the core of the star is compressed so much that it will either collapse indeffinately into a black hole, or collapse into a neutron star, depending on its mass. If the mass of the core is between 2 and 4 solar masses, it most likely will collapse into a hyper dense body, of which is only about 20 kilometers across, but weighs between 2 and 4 suns! Some neutron stars can spin unfathomably fast; the fastest ever discovered spins at over 700 times per second! Many spin a few dozen times a second, but the older they get, the slower they spin due to entropy. The reason why they can spin so fast is because they retain the momentum of the star they once were. During the collapse, the star (as well as the core) spins faster and faster due to centripetal force. Their surface can reach up to 1 million degrees kelvin, and their surface gravity can be trillions of times that of Earth's.
Mostly correct. Star's can't really get bigger than 250 Solar Masses. Population III stars (the first ones) may have been able to get up to 300 Solar masses buts that hypothetical. The reason is because of how energetic the core gets in massive stars. The size of a star varies greatly over it's lifetime and primarily depends on two things (both due it mass), the inwards force of gravity vs the outward force of light from the core (where the fusion happens). If a star becomes too massive the core becomes too hot and efficient at fusion and the outward flow of light becomes so intense it blows the star apart. The largest star we know of is BAT99-98 in the Large Magellanic Cloud with a mass of around 226 solar mass. Normally, specifics of star formation prevent stars of over 150 solar masses from forming. Ultra-massive stars above 150 SM are thought to be created from star mergers.
Mostly correct, but the mass is wrong. Neutron stars are the collapse of the Cores electrons and atoms fusing into neutrons, the outer star is burst outside in a supernova. This means, most of the stars mass is loss, and a neutron stars real mass is 1~ Solar Mass, not 2-4.
@@benbooth2783 Its up for debate whether giant objects that are above 150 solar masses will even leave an Stellar Remnant. They might just blow themselves apart from the unbalanced equilibrium.
If our ships tuned into its radio frequency output it would be the most terrifying thunderous sound you can imagine at that range, we can listen to them from Earth after all
I love Black Holes. They are the constant reminder that no matter how many science nerds say that you cant break the laws of physics, time, and space, those things are out there every day fucking up just about every understanding of our known universe because they're just that powerful.
Well, we can say thay they are not really breaking the laws of physics, they are simply showing us that we still have a long way to go in order to truly understand them fully. What we have now are only pieces of a bigger puzzle that we are still trying to assemble.
The Cool Space Alligator Bruh, when I did my first attempt at this on my channel it took 30 minutes of mental preparation and I had to take my headphones off
For me its not scary as it frustrating trying too master the super charge as you constantly drop out and have to wait for the cool down and then not entering the cone at the right angle and being thrown out of it and have to re enter it at the right angle
Before you try it, there's a few things that you need to know. There are a few videos that explain the ins and outs of these guys and the two videos of my attempts include me explaining them as well (my videos are uploaded livestreams that last almost always 1hr long so if you don't care about my attempts/reactions then you're better off watching a quick guide. But if you're going to give them a watch they are near the bottom of the Elite Dangerous playlist somewhere around episodes 30-40 and the first one begins with "TRYING TO" and I can't remember the rest and the second one is "FSD SUPERCHARGED") To Supercharge your FSD you need a Fuel Scoop (I made the mistake of not having this in my first attempt in the video referenced above), if you've never used a fuel scoop it's fine, there is nothing you need to do or look at or even make note of with it, merely make sure that you have it on your ship. Neutron Stars and White Dwarf Stars are two different things (they look the same and function similarly but White Dwarfs have a bigger center star and a much bigger Exclusion Zone, if you need a comparison open two YT tabs and look at the one in my video which is a White Dwarf and compare it to the first one in this video which is a Neutron Star) Neutron Stars are apparently much easier and safer to Supercharge from and yield a bigger jump boost than White Dwarfs. The reason why White Dwarfs are harder to Supercharge from is because the best and safest way to do this is by NOT going in at a right-angle like I did, you want to go in at an acute angle. Fly away from the star (I would normally do this out of instinct but I wanted to Supercharge for bragging rights) and above the cones and gently dip your ship into the cone. This is the reason White Dwarfs are harder to Supercharge from, their Exclusion Zone makes this a lot harder because if you get to close to the star you are dropped out of Supercruise and apparently (I've been fortunate to never have a first hand experience) get absolutely flooded with death from all sides and theoretical 4th dimensions.
And, to complete the comment above me, I'd say the fact that things as surreal as that exist (which could be called magic or fiction) actually is explained and possible with something everybody underestimate and its name : physics.
Was scared too, but was too lazy to search another neutron star to jump from. They're safer and easier to boost from, but it's hard to get used to them
They’re generally all the same. Even with how they spin, they still have the same effect and don’t sway you differently based on the speed or “violence” of the jets. If you want a quick trip to Colonia or the centre, you’ll find yourself using these constantly.
As impressive as the second one is, the first one is the really scary one. The gravity well of the slow spinning ones is much bigger and the jet cone barely sticks out of it, making it really easy to fall into them.
Theirs one even scarier than this one. And it's not too far away from the bubble if anyone wants to see it or travel there. It's a Neutron Star feeding into a black hole at the end of the cone. Location: HD 125533
Luis Alfredo yeah that’s not been programmed into ED so it’ll just be a black hole next to a neutron star :p
5 лет назад+4
@@Brandon_J yeah that is programmed into ED there bruh. There are many more than 1 nuetron star that are binary systems. Sometimes it's a normal star with a neutron. Sometimes it's a black hole. Sometimes it's TWO neutron stars.
Daniel Garrett I know. But it won’t be feeding and there will be no accretion disk. That isn’t programmed into ED. Different stars being next to each other, of course, is.
Guys!! It doesn't have to make sense. Simply go check it out. We might have seen what a blackhole looks like but little is known about it still to this day.
Swinnish Official You can actually get rich really quickly if you follow a bit this system: Go to Cleve Hub in Eravate and take on Boom Data delivery missions to make small easy money until you get the Eagle ship. This will make Interdictions easier (when someone says something in the top left sounding slightly scetchy like "What's in your haul?" or "Surprised you msfr it this far" it means they are going to attempt to try and pull you out of Super Cruise to try and kill/rob you. When your ship suddenly has loads of blue and white around it as if you're going in to Hyperspace, you are being Interdicted and must try to keep your ship aligned with the Escape Vector which is a black circle in the centre of the screen). Continue to do these Boom Data delivery missions until you get the Cobra MkIII where you should amass 100K credits and begin trading for the big numbers. On the mission board, select Eravate School of Commerce and look through the Industry needs X amount of item missions. This is where the Elite Dangerous Tradepad is essential. The Tradepad is an app you can get on your phone (maybe there's a website, I don't know) and you can use it to find a defined amount of an item at the nearest station. I usually set my maximum Jump distance on the app to 40 light years in the Commodities section and you can leave your Minimum Landing Pad Size at Small in your Cobra MkIII. Input your Origin System and Station into the app and select the item you wish to purchase and the amount of it you want and whether you are buying are selling. The Tradepad will find a station that sells it. Be careful which of these missions you take because some of them will take you 50+ Light Years away. You should always research the mission first, like where you have to go and how much money you think you'll have to spend to source the items. Start with 100K and go for the missions with 200-300K rewards. After a few of these missions you'll be amassing a few million credits but you want to stay away from Wing missions until you're in a Type-7 Transporter which I think costs around 10mil (I think). Get around 5mil MORE than however much it is and buy the ship. Buy a few Cargo Racks and now you're ready to start thinking about doing Wing missions, even alone. Once you have at least 100 Cargo capacity start looking into these Wing missions. I think you can take it from here but if you have any further questions. Ask away because there's a lot to understand in this game
letaros it's not that great. Alot of "flying" towards dots and repetitive farming/delivery missions that make you fly to more dots and upgrade to where you can jump farther light years. The fighting can be ok but it's really not that great.
start bounty hunting, its pretty fun. In the beginning just go from system to system and look for a system with lots of gas giants with rings. Theres likely mining extraction areas. Go for the most hazardous ones and make sure you have nothing in your cargo and dont pick anything up. Try to find the cops patrolling the system and fire on the wanted ships only after they start to. If your brave you can scan for them, attack them, then run directly to the cops so they can finish it off. Once you get decent credits buy a cobra or viper and continue on. Eventually you can work your way up to a vulture and you can start hunting the big fish.
i remember, on my 20,000ly+ trip, i found a neutron star spinning faster than i thought possible, the jets looked like they were moving at something like 500000rpm or something XD
@@FlyLeah Theoretical physicists have calculated that the gravity of such neutron stars is that high, that a marshmallow dropped from a height of 1 meter will crash to the ground with the force of 200 Hiroshima bombs. The physics surrounding neutron stars is just mind-boggling.
The Metroid Tamer those cones are menacing. I found a dozen or so on my way out to colonia near the Omega Nebulae. Fuck me man, at one point I had to scan 2 right next to each other. I was sweating bullets because I had to get a bit too close to them to scan.
It is not nicknamed "Witch space" for nothing, some say the whispers you hear while traveling in it comes from the dead pilots who never came out of it
If i remember correctly the fastest pulsar can spins more than 500 times a second (5 times/milisecond?). At it's center it spins at around 20% speed of light. I don't remember correctly, but as far as i remember it should be around that.
Doomguy I thought I was the only one. Elite Dangerous just has that very eerie feeling that no horror game I've played has matched. The feeling of being all alone in space makes anything you encounter put you on edge.
Derp Herpula it's just the constant silence that's so terrifying, every new star or planet you go to is like a massive overworld that would be packed with people if it were any other MMO style game, but since there's so many of them you're just completely alone and terrified of what could be out there. It's really a masterpiece of a game to be honest
It’s a very similar feeling I get when I play Subnautica. These games play to your deepest fear as a human being in that you’re just a tiny, insignificant being in an unknown environment that is completely indifferent to your well-being or survival.
This reminds me when I was interdicted next to a gas giant on the dark side and flew straight into it It took me out of super cruise Least to say I shit my pants seeing a giant void behind me I have a fear of the dark side of gas giants now
A nutron star like this was the first one i ever came across in game, turned around and noped right out of there because at that point i was new in the game and though the star was getting ready to explode
Also gotta remember we're jumping hundreds of light years in seconds. As well as terraforming plants and building millions of orbiting bodies around planets and stars. Throw out any preconcieved definition of danger or possibility.
Shawn White that feeling of being helpless as you slowly drop into a neutron star is never a good one... Got trapped in one for 36 mins one time hard fought but to no avail. once you're in, the fight is over
Ah yes, the ultimate nooby trap in ED. I like how it's always mentioned that neutron stars can superpower your FSD, but they fail to me tion that not all neutron stars are the same; I got caught in one that was impossible to escape and just sat in frustration as I wa slowly torn apart.
Thats definitely more terrifying than even the most hostile no mans sky planets ive seen. But idk. Im gonna wait for elite dangerous to devlop some ground game before i jump back in.
These neutron stars would have gravitational forces strong enough to rip a ship apart if it were close like that. And the rays are much longer in size, and would be more devastating than flying into the corona of a star... which would be deadly as well, given the sum of all forces (heat, radiation, gravitation) that would affect the ship and the passengers.
Do note the speed he is traveling. Throughout the clip he was in supercruise, traveling at multiple times the speed of light, so distances can be deceiving.
@@XChristmasManX well theres a multiy galaxy wide super eltrical current going around one galaxys in are cluster that still defiantly could be a dragon ball ultimate
This is giving me flashbacks to an event in stellaris you get when you survey a pulsar.. *those were not fun times. Let me know when the leviathan has been defeated.*
I found one of these within my first 3 hours of playing. I knew what it was and I didn't know what would happen if you flew into the cones (because it's radiation you know?) So I just took some pictures and got the hell outta there. Such a beautiful sight.
It's radiation and can fuck the he'll out of your ship if you enter them at the wrong angle, especially if it's a light craft. But with a fuel scoop they can also funnel it in and supercharge your FSD to give you super far range for your next jump.
0:30 - "...listed in system map for landable bodies." I never thought somebody thought about landing on a neutron star. That experience would be quite heavy.
I've always loved the neutron star boosting mechanic, but i think there should be more mechanics for interacting with specific star types. I've always thought they should add a mechanic where some black holes are actually wormholes that connect to a different equal mass Black hole at a different spot in the galexy thousands of lightyears away. Even if it was a rare chance it would alter exploration significantly. Explorers could map out black hole super highways as more wormholes were discovered. I think traversing them should be a supercruise mechanic similar to evading an interdiction, with dire consequences if you fail. Ideally frontier wouldn't tell just us what black holes are wormholes and we would have to locate and scan them to see if they were wormhole candidates and then traverse them to see where then other side is. The wormhole mechanic would also open doors for future game expansion by adding an intergalactic threat that forces open a wormhole from their galexy center to Sag A. Perhaps a more advanced civilization sensed wormholes being used as a means of transport and views anyone using that kind of technology as a potential threat that needs to be preemptively eliminated.
For a minute there I was confused, it was just a normal neutron star with its jet cones... and then I saw that second abomination we call a "neutron star" with its cones spinning beyond light speed.
It looks scary but actually when i need to boost and see these milliseconds pulsar like this, its makes me happy. because its more safe than regular neutron stars
I think this video got picked up by the algorithm. Answers to some stuff I've seen in the comments:
I know it's actually a Pulsar but the game refers to this star as a neutron star so that is what I named the video.
I have 7 heat sinks because this was before you could synth more of them. I only had what sinks I brought with me.
It doesn't tear me apart with gravitational forces because of how the FSD drive functions. It bends and moves space around you. This is also why the drive is affected by the star and takes damage while also becoming supercharged.
If anyone has any questions feel free to ask!
In case anyone is giving you grief over pulsar vs neutron star: both pulsars and magnetars are neutron stars. Magnetars are neutron stars with even stronger magnetic fields compared to other neutron stars(~30 have been discovered so far), and pulsars are the ones that have the beams of radiation shooting out along their axis(overwhelming majority of neutron stars are pulsars, with approximately 3,000 discovered). And there are some neutron stars that are both (only 6 discovered so far).
TLDR: pulsars are neutron stars; most neutron stars are pulsars, so you can pretty much use them interchangeably.
Well pulsar's are a TYPE of neutron star. There are lots of variants of neutron star. My favorite would be a Magnatar.
the fast spinning ones really are creepy, gotta treat those with respect!
Should I get this game? I got bored with No Mans Sky but this looks interesting. Not sure if its because it looks more realistic or what. I had always thought this was PC exclusive so I never bothered to look into it but now that I know its on Ps4, I'm intrigued.
@@seangreeneable give it a go! It's certainly worth a try, there's a learning curve but the learning and discovering experience is the absolute best
That’s one pissed off lighthouse
Throughout my time browsing RUclips, this is THE. BEST. COMMENT. I'VE. EVER. READ.
This is art
@@mertarican5456 No, more than art.
"What? It's just an ordinary neutron star."
>Next jump
Disco Stars are the best, seen a lot of em, but they are the minority.
“In a COSMIC sort of way, yes”
I read this comment just before he dropped out of warp at the second star.
“Is this where you get your sick kicks?”
Honestly, going up to stuff like this in Elite Dangerous makes me far more nervous than any horror game could make me feel!
Me too
thats cos u know somewhere out in the universe that shit ACTUALLY exists O.O'
@@hazzy77 I hope when I start exploring in the game I don't run into one.
Nothing causes me more anxiety then a black hole. I just fear how much it could kill me.
Try this in VR
Just imagine a star spinning _hundreds_ of times _per second_
They exist.
Ever heard of a Magnetar, its the scarier version of a pulsar, its possible the can spin up to 1 million times per second.
Sure. Anything you can imagine, exists.
@Pizza Rolls actually magnetar is faster, some rotate at 24% speed of light.
Hundreds of times is not much at all
@@flipflop4396 The one you're referring to is PSR J1748−2446ad and its a standard neutron star. Magnetars do not necessarily spin faster they just have intense magnetic fields compared to a normal neutron star. They are short lived in this state too, they stabilize after about 10,000 years becoming typical neutron star.
These actually exist, the smaller the star, the quicker it spins. Awesome find!
Vladimir Petrov I always thought the reason some spin that fast is because its close to another massive object. Thats just the pattern I've noticed. Nonetheless they are impressive
neutron stars that spin at extreme speeds are known as Pulsars! And they are extremely loud due to the materials they release.
I wish it was a true Pulsar where it spins on its side resembling a lighthouse. They should also add Magnetars too! Either way still an interesting find in ED! Anyone know if SGR 1806-20 exists in ED???
vgernyc system search "Jackson's lighthouse" it's a neutron near the bubble. Hyper-jumping there is spectacular
They spin due to conservation of momentum. As radius shrinks due to matter intake, rotation increases to preserve momentum.
got sucked into one of these,but I somehow managed to escape. funny thing was that i was doing a passenger mission and they ejected in an escape pod right next to that behemoth. fun times
Phire Wuffie they were like 'ya know this looks way better than the place we wanted to visit, I'll stay here' xD
Phire Wuffie
Got interdicted in one of these monsters..... damn that npc was crazy o.o i managed to escape with 4% hull and broken canopy. I hope dat crazy guy died in there xD
I didn't make it......
Im going to hell for laughing at the imagination of people ejecting next to a neutron star
Horst Meier survived star iverheating and pirate attack right after it. Docked with 1% hull. FUCK ME!
You know, it would be cool if those pulsars would just fire up your FSD and launch you into some unknown system. That would increase the risk factor of them!
Nah, I'd rather have that staying longer in the cone hypercharges your fsd for 9x the range because supercharging is 3, so 3^2 which means a 50ly conda can go 450ly.
I actually would love that to have a 5% chance, and it doesn’t drain your fuel due to it, not your ship, being the launcher.
So you could end up around 200ly away from it in a Engineered Conda and have to stumble your way back
from pulsar like that u could jump Straight to the Andromeda
That’s a really good idea
Niila Uusiheimala have any idea how far that is?
After the first one I was like "ive seen several of those, whoopie" then when you dropped in on that second one I was like "holy shit!!" Lolol.
“Whoopie”? I think you mean big whoop
Same same
tbh, i've also seen many of these while using neutron highway to colonia, first one got me like "wtf is wrong with the game", but you get quickly used to it
@@nvramdotli Yeah. After my second expidition to Sag, ive seen far too many of these spazz pulsars. I kinda.. Blink, when i see them, im too used to the calmer ones, but after the initial shock its just a matter of finding the cone closer to you and going towards your preferred entry method. I prefer to enter on the further ones and their frequency of spinning throws me off on which one that can be, so sometimes i end up having to dip out and re-enter
But they're functionally the same as any other, just a bit of psyche-out.
Pulsar 1: “They see me rollin’... they hatin’...”
Pulsar 2: “They see me rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...”
Oh no it's extratone remix!
Pulsar 2: "Tyler1 machine gun sounds"
Happy AC noises
That right there is a millisecond pulsar. Nice find.
With jets faster than speed of light... right.
Mandrak789 what?? why?
The Nuclear Sausage its spinning so fast that its ejecting matter at the speed of light it literally spins thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of time a SECOND hence millisecond pulsar.
Nick Gong I know what neutron stars are. Just, it's not faster than light, nor at the speed of light.
The Nuclear Sausage pulsars do though thats why you see the beams of energy that can sometimes shine through nebulas and galaxies
The terrifying factor also comes from the fact that things in space are incredibly slow, so these sights look really unnatural to surrounding environment
Not everything in space is incredibly slow. Most of the time it just appears that way because of how big everything is. For example, Andromeda is hurdling towards us at around 110km/s, but because of how big it is and how far away it is, it appears to be motionless to the naked eye.
The earth spins quite quickly, it’s just too big for us to notice movement without equipment.
@@The4j1123 yet, if something in space moving to quickly even for our eye, imagine how fast it is in comparison to rest of cosmic objects
@@gacker209 It’s because we are relative on Earth. Nothing about equipment, anyone in a spaceship not orbiting the Earth would see it spins quite fast, but due to the spin being constant and not having any acceleration we don’t feel any speed, and feels rather stagnant. Kinda like how airplanes don’t feel like they aren’t moving despite moving at 500KM/H
@@lolomgwtfkaya6066 top comment says it moves slow, presumably because we don’t perceive the movement of the cosmos with the naked eye. With equipment, we can measure the speed to be quite fast relative to other objects in space. You’re not wrong, I’m just tying in what the equipment has to do with this.
Edit: the earth spins once every 24 hours which wouldn’t be perceivable at first glance. Even in a spaceship not orbiting earth.
Ah yes, millisecond pulsars. Utterly terrifying...
Im more impressed that the ships hull can withstand the awesome might of those plasma discharges
yeah i'm calling bs on that one
That's because it's a game.
Shields would be my guess but I’m far from knowledgeable on space.
You underestimate future human ingenuity.
You would be vaporized by just the photon radiation coming off a million K object that is 20km across even from a few light-minutes away. Let a lone a few seconds.
You surviving this in this game is pure artistic liberty..
But good god are they pretty.
Okay, so for those of you who don't know, neutron stars are created in essentially the same manner as black holes, via the collapse of very large stars, many hundreds or thousands of times the size of our sun. During the collapse, the core of the star is compressed so much that it will either collapse indeffinately into a black hole, or collapse into a neutron star, depending on its mass.
If the mass of the core is between 2 and 4 solar masses, it most likely will collapse into a hyper dense body, of which is only about 20 kilometers across, but weighs between 2 and 4 suns! Some neutron stars can spin unfathomably fast; the fastest ever discovered spins at over 700 times per second! Many spin a few dozen times a second, but the older they get, the slower they spin due to entropy.
The reason why they can spin so fast is because they retain the momentum of the star they once were. During the collapse, the star (as well as the core) spins faster and faster due to centripetal force.
Their surface can reach up to 1 million degrees kelvin, and their surface gravity can be trillions of times that of Earth's.
Just fyi, Kelvin is just Kelvin, without degrees. It's °C, °F, K.
Otherwise thanks for the information
Mostly correct. Star's can't really get bigger than 250 Solar Masses. Population III stars (the first ones) may have been able to get up to 300 Solar masses buts that hypothetical. The reason is because of how energetic the core gets in massive stars. The size of a star varies greatly over it's lifetime and primarily depends on two things (both due it mass), the inwards force of gravity vs the outward force of light from the core (where the fusion happens). If a star becomes too massive the core becomes too hot and efficient at fusion and the outward flow of light becomes so intense it blows the star apart.
The largest star we know of is BAT99-98 in the Large Magellanic Cloud with a mass of around 226 solar mass. Normally, specifics of star formation prevent stars of over 150 solar masses from forming. Ultra-massive stars above 150 SM are thought to be created from star mergers.
Mostly correct, but the mass is wrong. Neutron stars are the collapse of the Cores electrons and atoms fusing into neutrons, the outer star is burst outside in a supernova. This means, most of the stars mass is loss, and a neutron stars real mass is 1~ Solar Mass, not 2-4.
@@benbooth2783 Its up for debate whether giant objects that are above 150 solar masses will even leave an Stellar Remnant. They might just blow themselves apart from the unbalanced equilibrium.
@@lolomgwtfkaya6066 pair instability supernova.. Wicked crazy stuff.
Damn. Looking at this thing is like hearing the completely silent, most violent screaming ever.
If our ships tuned into its radio frequency output it would be the most terrifying thunderous sound you can imagine at that range, we can listen to them from Earth after all
@@UNSCPILOT knows all about _le bruit_
I love Black Holes. They are the constant reminder that no matter how many science nerds say that you cant break the laws of physics, time, and space, those things are out there every day fucking up just about every understanding of our known universe because they're just that powerful.
Well, we can say thay they are not really breaking the laws of physics, they are simply showing us that we still have a long way to go in order to truly understand them fully. What we have now are only pieces of a bigger puzzle that we are still trying to assemble.
I'll never get use to going into those cones. It's terrifying every time.
The Cool Space Alligator Bruh, when I did my first attempt at this on my channel it took 30 minutes of mental preparation and I had to take my headphones off
LAZYNOOB2018 legend 😂👍🏼 I have never had the courage to enter a cone. I will try tomorrow
For me its not scary as it frustrating trying too master the super charge as you constantly drop out and have to wait for the cool down and then not entering the cone at the right angle and being thrown out of it and have to re enter it at the right angle
Before you try it, there's a few things that you need to know. There are a few videos that explain the ins and outs of these guys and the two videos of my attempts include me explaining them as well (my videos are uploaded livestreams that last almost always 1hr long so if you don't care about my attempts/reactions then you're better off watching a quick guide. But if you're going to give them a watch they are near the bottom of the Elite Dangerous playlist somewhere around episodes 30-40 and the first one begins with "TRYING TO" and I can't remember the rest and the second one is "FSD SUPERCHARGED")
To Supercharge your FSD you need a Fuel Scoop (I made the mistake of not having this in my first attempt in the video referenced above), if you've never used a fuel scoop it's fine, there is nothing you need to do or look at or even make note of with it, merely make sure that you have it on your ship.
Neutron Stars and White Dwarf Stars are two different things (they look the same and function similarly but White Dwarfs have a bigger center star and a much bigger Exclusion Zone, if you need a comparison open two YT tabs and look at the one in my video which is a White Dwarf and compare it to the first one in this video which is a Neutron Star) Neutron Stars are apparently much easier and safer to Supercharge from and yield a bigger jump boost than White Dwarfs. The reason why White Dwarfs are harder to Supercharge from is because the best and safest way to do this is by NOT going in at a right-angle like I did, you want to go in at an acute angle. Fly away from the star (I would normally do this out of instinct but I wanted to Supercharge for bragging rights) and above the cones and gently dip your ship into the cone. This is the reason White Dwarfs are harder to Supercharge from, their Exclusion Zone makes this a lot harder because if you get to close to the star you are dropped out of Supercruise and apparently (I've been fortunate to never have a first hand experience) get absolutely flooded with death from all sides and theoretical 4th dimensions.
I shit my pants when I flew to my first dwarf star and flew into the jet cone just to get the little boos
The worst part is that these stars are real.
I think you mean best part, scary yes, but truly amazing
And, to complete the comment above me, I'd say the fact that things as surreal as that exist (which could be called magic or fiction) actually is explained and possible with something everybody underestimate and its name : physics.
it's better to learn stuff
Neutron stars a fucking sick. Especially since they got delicious nuclear pasta
Honestly it's pretty fucking cool.
First star: cool, cool, not bad.
Second star: Mom come pick me up I'm scared
Dude i just saw one of these yesterday. I was too scared to try and enter the cone. you had some guts to do that.
I did it once in my aspx, but i can't use it because I can't use more than 5t of fuel at the same time.
I found one on my way to Colonia, I didn't want to use it too but I had to. There is nothing wrong with them, they only look scary
Was scared too, but was too lazy to search another neutron star to jump from. They're safer and easier to boost from, but it's hard to get used to them
They’re generally all the same. Even with how they spin, they still have the same effect and don’t sway you differently based on the speed or “violence” of the jets. If you want a quick trip to Colonia or the centre, you’ll find yourself using these constantly.
Even as an elite explore, using cones and playing with black holes still gives me extreme anxiety, especially 25k away from home
As impressive as the second one is, the first one is the really scary one. The gravity well of the slow spinning ones is much bigger and the jet cone barely sticks out of it, making it really easy to fall into them.
I don't think you've seen some white dwarfs I've seen
@@thepenguinclub2883 just put those fuckers on the exclude list
@@thepenguinclub2883white dwarfs are terrifying, can’t get close it just gets too hot
The second one was just a space bow tie, you can’t fool me
Damnit now I cannot unsee this
Theirs one even scarier than this one.
And it's not too far away from the bubble if anyone wants to see it or travel there.
It's a Neutron Star feeding into a black hole at the end of the cone.
Location: HD 125533
Luis Alfredo yeah that’s not been programmed into ED so it’ll just be a black hole next to a neutron star :p
@@Brandon_J yeah that is programmed into ED there bruh. There are many more than 1 nuetron star that are binary systems. Sometimes it's a normal star with a neutron. Sometimes it's a black hole. Sometimes it's TWO neutron stars.
Daniel Garrett I know. But it won’t be feeding and there will be no accretion disk. That isn’t programmed into ED. Different stars being next to each other, of course, is.
It doesn't have to make sense.
Simply go check it out.
We might have seen what a blackhole looks like but little is known about it still to this day.
this game looks soooooo epic but cant find the courage to get it cause it looks like its so time consuming :(
letaros Time consumption is ehhhhhhhhhhh. It's a grind, but you get sucked into the game. It's big, beautiful, and immersive
Swinnish Official You can actually get rich really quickly if you follow a bit this system:
Go to Cleve Hub in Eravate and take on Boom Data delivery missions to make small easy money until you get the Eagle ship. This will make Interdictions easier (when someone says something in the top left sounding slightly scetchy like "What's in your haul?" or "Surprised you msfr it this far" it means they are going to attempt to try and pull you out of Super Cruise to try and kill/rob you. When your ship suddenly has loads of blue and white around it as if you're going in to Hyperspace, you are being Interdicted and must try to keep your ship aligned with the Escape Vector which is a black circle in the centre of the screen). Continue to do these Boom Data delivery missions until you get the Cobra MkIII where you should amass 100K credits and begin trading for the big numbers. On the mission board, select Eravate School of Commerce and look through the Industry needs X amount of item missions. This is where the Elite Dangerous Tradepad is essential. The Tradepad is an app you can get on your phone (maybe there's a website, I don't know) and you can use it to find a defined amount of an item at the nearest station. I usually set my maximum Jump distance on the app to 40 light years in the Commodities section and you can leave your Minimum Landing Pad Size at Small in your Cobra MkIII. Input your Origin System and Station into the app and select the item you wish to purchase and the amount of it you want and whether you are buying are selling. The Tradepad will find a station that sells it.
Be careful which of these missions you take because some of them will take you 50+ Light Years away. You should always research the mission first, like where you have to go and how much money you think you'll have to spend to source the items. Start with 100K and go for the missions with 200-300K rewards. After a few of these missions you'll be amassing a few million credits but you want to stay away from Wing missions until you're in a Type-7 Transporter which I think costs around 10mil (I think). Get around 5mil MORE than however much it is and buy the ship. Buy a few Cargo Racks and now you're ready to start thinking about doing Wing missions, even alone. Once you have at least 100 Cargo capacity start looking into these Wing missions. I think you can take it from here but if you have any further questions. Ask away because there's a lot to understand in this game
LAZYNOOB2018 Can you make a tl;dr part at the end
letaros it's not that great. Alot of "flying" towards dots and repetitive farming/delivery missions that make you fly to more dots and upgrade to where you can jump farther light years. The fighting can be ok but it's really not that great.
start bounty hunting, its pretty fun. In the beginning just go from system to system and look for a system with lots of gas giants with rings. Theres likely mining extraction areas. Go for the most hazardous ones and make sure you have nothing in your cargo and dont pick anything up. Try to find the cops patrolling the system and fire on the wanted ships only after they start to. If your brave you can scan for them, attack them, then run directly to the cops so they can finish it off. Once you get decent credits buy a cobra or viper and continue on. Eventually you can work your way up to a vulture and you can start hunting the big fish.
i remember, on my 20,000ly+ trip, i found a neutron star spinning faster than i thought possible, the jets looked like they were moving at something like 500000rpm or something XD
And imagining its a several kilometeres size ball rotating at that speed? Insane
@@FlyLeah Theoretical physicists have calculated that the gravity of such neutron stars is that high, that a marshmallow dropped from a height of 1 meter will crash to the ground with the force of 200 Hiroshima bombs. The physics surrounding neutron stars is just mind-boggling.
The scariest part. These actually exist and there is even some that spin faster than that
These things are scary but there are believe it or not MUCH BIGGER. Like Cones in 90 degrees. I've seen a few in my trip to Colonia and back
The Metroid Tamer those cones are menacing. I found a dozen or so on my way out to colonia near the Omega Nebulae. Fuck me man, at one point I had to scan 2 right next to each other. I was sweating bullets because I had to get a bit too close to them to scan.
fuck, i just found one and crapped my pants
@@j.vinton4039 I love how this game is so immersive it makes everyone nervous to play it.
These people charging their engines in neutron stares and I'm still nervous I'm gonna get interdicted in a normal system while carrying cargo.
@@Amaroq64 play on solo then. NPC won't interdict twice. Also NPCs are not impossible to evade.
Elite Dangerous has so many beautiful, yet terrifying sights. Too bad I have a potato PC and can run this game in 20-30 frames on low settings :/
Paweł Domagała that sucks. Hope you get a good pc soon.
Paweł Domagała Strange, runs sweet on my PS4. Looks really cool now with the graphical changes
Yeah I was gunna say, shit looks pretty good on ps4. Obviously I'd rather play on PC but eh. Oh well
-CMDR Rekklin
It’s actually not that demanding of a game, relatively speaking.
care to share your spec?
Ok those whispers and groans of the warp and ship scare the shit outta of me more than that star
you'll be pleasantly surprised if you ever have to get an MRI
It is not nicknamed "Witch space" for nothing, some say the whispers you hear while traveling in it comes from the dead pilots who never came out of it
Passengers onboard “Uhhhh.... this is your Captain speaking- Uhhhhh... Hold on to your butts.”
“This is your captain speaking, we may hit some slight turbulence….and then explode.”
"if you look to your left, you may see the angriest lighthouse you've ever seen"
This would be a millisecond pulsar, yeah? One with a rotation period of less than ten milliseconds?
Less than what?!!!
A neutron star which completes one full rotation around its' own axis (what a day is on Earth) in 0.01 seconds or less :D
Yeah, space is scary af and it should stay up there
If i remember correctly the fastest pulsar can spins more than 500 times a second (5 times/milisecond?). At it's center it spins at around 20% speed of light.
I don't remember correctly, but as far as i remember it should be around that.
@@enderan647 500 times per second would be once every 2 milliseconds. 5 times a millisecond would be 5000 times per second
It's only scary when you can't see the exclusion zone.
The sound design of this game is absolutely phenomenal.
It’s crazy that this is the scariest game I’ve ever played
Doomguy I thought I was the only one. Elite Dangerous just has that very eerie feeling that no horror game I've played has matched. The feeling of being all alone in space makes anything you encounter put you on edge.
Derp Herpula it's just the constant silence that's so terrifying, every new star or planet you go to is like a massive overworld that would be packed with people if it were any other MMO style game, but since there's so many of them you're just completely alone and terrified of what could be out there. It's really a masterpiece of a game to be honest
It’s a very similar feeling I get when I play Subnautica. These games play to your deepest fear as a human being in that you’re just a tiny, insignificant being in an unknown environment that is completely indifferent to your well-being or survival.
@@derpherpula592 especially outside the bubble
This reminds me when I was interdicted next to a gas giant on the dark side and flew straight into it
It took me out of super cruise
Least to say I shit my pants seeing a giant void behind me
I have a fear of the dark side of gas giants now
*Dr. Who theme plays*
exactly my thoughts
I like how your first thought was to supercharge your fsd. You must have really been in a hurry to think to yourself "if I die, I die"
"This doesn't look so bad"
*after the jump*
"Oh... oooooooh."
I like how OP looks baffled then glanced around as if thinking "am I really going into this thing?"
This is actually one of the calmer ones I've seen. Some of them spin way faster than this and they look insane
Those are the kind that go BZZZZZZ when you listen to them through a radio telescope.
The fact that you had the balls to approach that thing terrifies me almost more than the star itself
(Seeing the first star)
"Okay?....I don't get what...Am I miss-"
(Sees what the jump goes into)
A pulsar _is_ a type of neutron star (and so is a magnetar), and in the case of this one, we're dealing with a millisecond pulsar.
A nutron star like this was the first one i ever came across in game, turned around and noped right out of there because at that point i was new in the game and though the star was getting ready to explode
Do stars actually explode in the game? And form black holes?
@@TheThatoneguy12121 I dont know, i've only been playing since october
@@TheThatoneguy12121 nope but you can run into black holes
Those are actually way more safer than regular neutrons. You can supercharge further from the star since the cone is much bigger.
Dude literally went through the star's gamma ray jet and got off with a warning from the computer 😂😂
Also gotta remember we're jumping hundreds of light years in seconds. As well as terraforming plants and building millions of orbiting bodies around planets and stars. Throw out any preconcieved definition of danger or possibility.
Whoa! That second neutron star seriously gave me the chills. Really wanna give this game a go!!! Great vid.
Yea those are then ones that like to suck you in if you enter them at the wrong angle.
Shawn White that feeling of being helpless as you slowly drop into a neutron star is never a good one... Got trapped in one for 36 mins one time hard fought but to no avail. once you're in, the fight is over
Ah yes, the ultimate nooby trap in ED. I like how it's always mentioned that neutron stars can superpower your FSD, but they fail to me tion that not all neutron stars are the same; I got caught in one that was impossible to escape and just sat in frustration as I wa slowly torn apart.
This video may be 3 years old but this is why I'm getting into elite dangerous
And in the next update we will be able to walk around
o7 cmdr
@@gibbongood3281 stop with that
@@hellhounddead 🤣
@@gibbongood3281 I was in a clan where that was mandatory and I refused to do it. They booted me out.
Great vid, beautiful & scary as aren’t they? Also The sounds when a Thargoid ship arrives in your system
Gets me every time 👀
You think you have enough heat sinks there bud?
probably had a dozens more in synthesis lmao, the anaconda can get a bit toasty fuel scooping
One can never have too many heat sinks.
Hm to be honest, I never have hs, never use hs
@@Feuergraf got myself a fer de lance and geared it with full plasma accelerator for the lulz. You´re going to love dat heatsinks if you do that
Neutron Star One: "Groovy, dude, just. . . be."
When Sebastian Vettel turns into a star
*s p i n*
I've seen neutron stars but never seen one that waves around so much like that one
Thats definitely more terrifying than even the most hostile no mans sky planets ive seen. But idk. Im gonna wait for elite dangerous to devlop some ground game before i jump back in.
The difference between what you see in E:D and what you see in NMS is that the stuff in E:D is real.
The "World of Death" in Elite is also something to check out.
It just did, look into Elite Dangerous Odyssey. xD
First one: "Eh, what is he doing!"
These neutron stars would have gravitational forces strong enough to rip a ship apart if it were close like that. And the rays are much longer in size, and would be more devastating than flying into the corona of a star... which would be deadly as well, given the sum of all forces (heat, radiation, gravitation) that would affect the ship and the passengers.
Only on teusdays
Do note the speed he is traveling. Throughout the clip he was in supercruise, traveling at multiple times the speed of light, so distances can be deceiving.
I learned something. I did not know you could OP your FD like that. VERY cool. Thanks for sharing!
"Oh look, a (something not very descriptive) thing"
*loud dun*
-my ED experience
"Seismic charges... Stand by.."
... ... ... "DUUUUNNNNNN!"
"Hey that one doesn't look too bad"
*jumps to the next one*
In fsd you hear "kamae...hamae-
*Jumps in*
probably one of the only natural phenomenon as powerful as a dragon ball super attack
@@wilmagregg3131nor really goku and vegeta blasted cell into a galaxy and blew it up
@@XChristmasManX well theres a multiy galaxy wide super eltrical current going around one galaxys in are cluster that still defiantly could be a dragon ball ultimate
Map data merchant: so how fast was it spinning?
You: yes.
This is giving me flashbacks to an event in stellaris you get when you survey a pulsar.. *those were not fun times. Let me know when the leviathan has been defeated.*
You can tell, that entering this thing is beyond any safety limits without announcement.
2:54 none is going to talk about that void without stars? thats scary asf its like a massive giant black hole.
I thought the first one was the angry one, and then you went to the second neutron star with kamehameha-like pulsars 😂
I found one of these within my first 3 hours of playing. I knew what it was and I didn't know what would happen if you flew into the cones (because it's radiation you know?) So I just took some pictures and got the hell outta there. Such a beautiful sight.
It's radiation and can fuck the he'll out of your ship if you enter them at the wrong angle, especially if it's a light craft. But with a fuel scoop they can also funnel it in and supercharge your FSD to give you super far range for your next jump.
When you drop in to the Vela Pulsar and it's not spinning like a top, but revolving like a helicopter.
"Noooo you can't just supercharge your FSD!!!!"
haha supercharge go brrrrrr
As someone who is still in the bubble: Jesus Christ, those are SO MANY stars!
Am I the only one who finds space games way scarier than horror games?
Makes sense since the "horror" is always less than five feet away from you at any given time more or less
Space is real. Ghosts and monsters are not:) knowing these things exist is a part of the fear factor id suppose
@@FlyLeah might be. clever girl 🤔😊
“Huh, what’s so scary about this, is he too close to the jet with low integrity?”
*jumps to next system*
“Oh holy sh*t!!”
This game is epic man.
0:30 - "...listed in system map for landable bodies."
I never thought somebody thought about landing on a neutron star. That experience would be quite heavy.
These exist, they're called pulsars. They're literally just rapidly spinning neutron stars
First Neutron star: Oh it isn't so bad, look how nice it spins!
Second Neutron star: Anger. Pure and infinite Rage.
Go home star, you're drunk
It is so powerful it even sucks in the frames per second if you stare at it too long.
Neutron Star be like: “This isn’t even my final form!”
In a few billion years
Though much later than you I encountered one also. Good video and happy adventures cmdr.
WOW......and over 200 fps!!! Wtf!
Rev Funk It isn’t a very demanding game most of the time.
so well optimiz
I like how your reaction is "What the fuck?!" Followed by "Oh well, okay then, lemme _go closer_ ."
wouldn't it kill you instantly with the gamma-ray burst????
Something call games, elite dangerous ship logic and our reality out the window, well don't open a window or else you'll be sucked into space lol
Apparently your suit can block that stuff, even with out the ship. I once had a Neuron Star break my canopy and was still fine.
I mean we are talking 3300's so they've probably developed something
fifia lpo I don’t think anything would stop that much radiation.
@@carlhyldborglundstrm9807 particle shield could catch and deflect it most likely. If the shield failed then you are fair game.
Therapist: Pulsars on Redbull aren't real, they can't hurt you
Pulsars on Redbull:
Dark neutron stars are even worse they suck everything!
Edit: *woosh!*
Esli lopez You mean a black hole?
Lol yeah that is a black hole
Esli lopez Never heard anyone call a black hole that before.
....as the OP said. Woosh right over your heads.
It's because Dark neutron star is not an existing term for a black hole. I think he means a quasar though.
I've always loved the neutron star boosting mechanic, but i think there should be more mechanics for interacting with specific star types. I've always thought they should add a mechanic where some black holes are actually wormholes that connect to a different equal mass Black hole at a different spot in the galexy thousands of lightyears away. Even if it was a rare chance it would alter exploration significantly. Explorers could map out black hole super highways as more wormholes were discovered. I think traversing them should be a supercruise mechanic similar to evading an interdiction, with dire consequences if you fail. Ideally frontier wouldn't tell just us what black holes are wormholes and we would have to locate and scan them to see if they were wormhole candidates and then traverse them to see where then other side is.
The wormhole mechanic would also open doors for future game expansion by adding an intergalactic threat that forces open a wormhole from their galexy center to Sag A. Perhaps a more advanced civilization sensed wormholes being used as a means of transport and views anyone using that kind of technology as a potential threat that needs to be preemptively eliminated.
A weird game mechanic. Player should be kill by insane radiation, gravity and magnetic field.
I never knew you can do that supercharge thing with Neutron stars. That must come in handy if you know what you're doing.
For a minute there I was confused, it was just a normal neutron star with its jet cones... and then I saw that second abomination we call a "neutron star" with its cones spinning beyond light speed.
That moment when the first one I've ever found was one that looked like this, just didnt know they were super rare :O
All I can feel is amazed lol. It’s so cool people get to be scared with space things.
Damn, that star really said "Go crazy, go stupid!"
It looks scary but actually when i need to boost and see these milliseconds pulsar like this, its makes me happy. because its more safe than regular neutron stars
It's like the kid at school that doesn't tell you they are into drugs but you kinda know they are.
Holy crap, that pulsar is terrifying. I wonder if that would instead be considered a magnetar with its rotational period being so short.
When you approach a neutron star and as you go nearer and nearer, the seemingly single objecr started two.