Curry Drills 12 Threes Including The Game-Winner |

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • Steph Curry knocks down 12 threes, including the deep game-winner, as the Golden State Warriors visit the Oklahoma City Thunder in an instant classic on February 27, 2016.
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Комментарии • 6 тыс.

  • @TheNBAFreak
    @TheNBAFreak 4 года назад +4683

    > They do have a timeout
    > Decide not to use it
    > Curry
    > Way downtown

    • @watermale8362
      @watermale8362 4 года назад +122


    • @animelytical8354
      @animelytical8354 4 года назад +54

      I just watched a 2 year old video showing other players'opinions on Steph and they ended it with this. The words are delivered so well. Really good announcers.

    • @TimelessTales918
      @TimelessTales918 4 года назад +56

      can't spell choke without okc

    • @dogmode9595
      @dogmode9595 4 года назад +6

      omg its you!1!1

    • @martini2023
      @martini2023 4 года назад +17

      look at curry man

  • @isurfsharks9687
    @isurfsharks9687 4 года назад +920

    So that shot not only tied the record for 3s in a game (at the time) but also beat Curry's own record for 3s in a whole season (also at the time). Wow

    • @bigtimeaze-azeramos9645
      @bigtimeaze-azeramos9645 4 года назад +79

      He also broke the record for most consecutive games with at least one 3

    • @anqproductions
      @anqproductions 4 года назад +40

      Yeah. I've just realised that too. This game will go down as the game that totally changed the NBA. People started taking 32 footers like it's nothing now. The birth of 'Logo Lillard' and Trey Young's ridiculous range 🙌🏻

    • @drippy3139
      @drippy3139 4 года назад +17

      nah he beat his record with this shot 1:47:34

    • @angusparker6923
      @angusparker6923 4 года назад +3

      @@anqproductions *Trae Young and also people (including Curry) had been taking those sorts of shots for a decent amount of time before this game

    • @icompletelyagreewithu9989
      @icompletelyagreewithu9989 4 года назад +16

      Angus Parker dude trae young wasn’t even in college when this game happened...

  • @DampFijiWater
    @DampFijiWater 2 года назад +1434

    Who’s watching after the splash bros won their 4th championship?!

  • @BAYAREA-kd1ig
    @BAYAREA-kd1ig 2 года назад +295

    This game was a perfect example of how great and unique the 2015-16 NBA season was.

    • @AllHighlighterNoBlushHoops
      @AllHighlighterNoBlushHoops Год назад +5

      Too bad they lost the Finals

    • @countertenorflor2107
      @countertenorflor2107 7 месяцев назад +1

      unfortunately the finals that yr was rigged!

    • @countertenorflor2107
      @countertenorflor2107 7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@AllHighlighterNoBlushHoopslost to the refs

    • @uaushaiaosao9308
      @uaushaiaosao9308 2 месяца назад

      Curry choked in the Finals because of Karma for tha previous Finals where he won due to injuries to the Cavs.😂

    • @NotGord
      @NotGord 2 месяца назад

      @@uaushaiaosao9308 gang what

  • @rolandadu7589
    @rolandadu7589 4 года назад +699

    "They do have a timeout, decide not to use it. Curry, way downtown, BANG! BANG! OH, WHAT A SHOT BY CURRY!”

  • @KanyeYe
    @KanyeYe 4 года назад +2439

    When the whole chat just spammin “look at curry man, so inspirational”

    • @aod202
      @aod202 4 года назад +70

      Flight team stand up

    • @abhaytiwari4627
      @abhaytiwari4627 4 года назад +11

      is that a meme or something

    • @blxxky8910
      @blxxky8910 4 года назад +9

      And nle choppa dead

    • @VABPAR
      @VABPAR 4 года назад +4

      @Donald Trump I actually read that in trump's voice😂😂😂

    • @teejaytv3821
      @teejaytv3821 4 года назад +3

      Abhay Tiwari it basically is at this point

  • @joshuaantony1975
    @joshuaantony1975 4 года назад +2526

    Everybody: "oh, Warriors down 27 I can't take it anymore, we gonna lose"
    Steph Curry: "Calm down, thats nine shots"

    • @kodiecunningham6538
      @kodiecunningham6538 4 года назад +81


    • @sammyb3854
      @sammyb3854 4 года назад +39


    • @jjdb9969
      @jjdb9969 4 года назад +88

      @Broken Glass ?

    • @joshuaantony1975
      @joshuaantony1975 4 года назад +181

      @Broken Glass Bruh if you call dropping 46 point and 12 threes beign clamped u play hella bad defense

    • @BallersLife3
      @BallersLife3 4 года назад +20

      Joshua Antony Fr bruh just salty af

  • @fjmp5096
    @fjmp5096 2 года назад +162

    6 years later... Still my fav regular season game ever! Shoutout Steph for always grinding through the noise.

  • @barnabyfrench14
    @barnabyfrench14 4 года назад +2749

    5 year anniversary of this game. Still remains greatest regular season game I've ever watched. Chills every time

    • @Thewrightbrotha
      @Thewrightbrotha 3 года назад +42

      I feel that! We watched it at Imos (me and my girlfriend). It was so intense. When he got hurt I was worried as hell but it was a good game so I was like let’s see if he comes back. When he came back, I saw the limp, but he was still going so I said yo let’s stay. It’s crazy, a lot of people didn’t watch that game live, the energy watching it live was just different. I know I’m not the only one that held my breath. It was worth almost dying for.

    • @Lloyd01
      @Lloyd01 3 года назад +68

      It’s sad that lebum litteraly had to injure Andrew bogut and suspend draymond green

    • @marcusjenkins5371
      @marcusjenkins5371 3 года назад +13

      This game and the 2009 Kobe buzzer beater against Wade and the Miami Heat are the best regular season games I have ever seen

    • @ericglenn979
      @ericglenn979 3 года назад +7

      @@Lloyd01 this is true.

    • @grahamgregory1450
      @grahamgregory1450 3 года назад +4

      im pretty sure it was a playoff game btw

  • @TPM188
    @TPM188 4 года назад +2962

    Feels like a playoff game. Best regular season game of all time.

    • @maxdurk4624
      @maxdurk4624 4 года назад +59

      Hung Victor This or Miami vs Chicago 2013

    • @noblevenom2858
      @noblevenom2858 4 года назад +53

      nah, yall are both wrong. Quintuple overtime game between bucks and sonics.

    • @auburnmann3630
      @auburnmann3630 4 года назад +17

      Wizards vs Cavs Feb 2017

    • @browsingstranger973
      @browsingstranger973 4 года назад +37

      @@auburnmann3630 it doesn't have the same feel as this one. The Cavs vs warriors 2017 on Christmas day was pretty lit tho

    • @Simba365
      @Simba365 4 года назад +11

      This and game 6 GSW vs OKC 2016

  • @jaivinkhurana2665
    @jaivinkhurana2665 4 года назад +1478

    The "bang, bang!" makes it even more memorable

    • @natetuohy2615
      @natetuohy2615 4 года назад +15

      So much nostalgia!!

    • @azizyabdul6499
      @azizyabdul6499 3 года назад +3

      M mom i

    • @azizyabdul6499
      @azizyabdul6499 3 года назад +4

      @@natetuohy2615 l

    • @cowboysdubs
      @cowboysdubs 3 года назад +3

      I love that announcer mike breen

    • @nikklose6241
      @nikklose6241 3 года назад +1

      @E Boi tddtdtdTdtfyzfsydyssydydydydydydydydtdtdtdtzztdtdtdzdzztdtdzdydydzydtzdtzztzdtzdtzdyzdztdztdtzztdtzdtdtzzytdztdtdztztdtdztdtdtzdttdtdtzztdztztdtdtdzttzdtztddtdtdztdztdtdtzdzddzdtzdztzydzdtzddzdtzdzdzttzdztdtdzdtzdztdttzdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtzdztdtzdztdztztdztdtDttyftydgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdhzdhddgdgdgdtdyzdydydtdtdtdttdtzdtzdtzdyzdyzdztdztdztdtzdtzdztdyzztdttdtzdtzdztdtzdztdztdztdztdztzttzdydztdztztdtzdztdzzddzttzdztdzzdtztzztdzddyzdzdzdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtzdtzztdtdtdtdtdtdtdddTdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtGdsydysdzysydydydydtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdydztztdttzdydzyydydyzzydzydyzdzydztdztdtzdztdtzdtzdtzdtzdzyydzydztdztdztdztdtzdztdtzdzdzdzdztdtdtdtdztztdtzztdtzdtzdztdtzdgzdzgdgdgdgdgdgzzdyzdyzdzyzydtdydtdzdydydyydydydzyzdztdztdztdzydyzzztdztdztdtzdztdtzdtdztztdttzdztztzdzdzttzdtdzdtdzdzddtzdttzdydydzdtdtdtzztdtzztdtdtdtdyTdysfzyzydydydyzydydydydydydydÿdzdytddzdzydzdzydztdztdztzydzyyzdzyzydtzdtzdtzdztdztdztdtzdztdztdztdzttztdtddzdzdtdtdtzdtzztdtdtzdztdtzdtzdtzdztdztdtzdtDtztdttdtdtdtdtdtdsydsydyssydydydydydydydydtdydtdtdÿdzdzdzdgdzdztdtddztdzydyzdzydtzdztdydydztdztdtzdztdzydtzdtzdtzztdztzdtzztdttdzdtdztdtzdtdtdtdtzdztztdztdztztdztdztdtDtddttdtdttdtdtdtdtdtdzydsydydydydydydydydydydydydydydtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtzzdzdtdtztdtdtdtzdzyfzydyzdztdtzdyzdztfzyfyzftzdztdtzdtzfzyfyzztdtzdzttfztdzddztdtdtzdztdtDtdtztDttdtdztdztdtdtdtdzydzydtdzydsydyssydydydydydtdtdydydzdyyzztdzyzydztzzydyzdztdtzdttdtzdtdtzdztdztdyztzdztztdtzdtzzydztdztzttdtzztdtztzddzdtzddzdzdztzdtzdtdtdtdzdtdztdtdtdtdtdtgdTtdtdtdtdzydydydydydtdtdydÿdzdzddtzdzttzdttzdtztdzdtdtdtzdtzdztddtzydtzdztdtzdztdtzdztdtzdztdztztdtdztdtzztdztdtzddttdztdtztzdzdtzdzttzzttdzdzdtdtdtdztdztztdtzdtzdztdtDtdtdtdsydydydydydydydydtdtdÿdydydydztdtzdtzdztdtzdztdztztddzdztdtzztzdytzzdyzttdtdztdzdtzztzydydtzdzdyddttzdzdtzdtzztdtzztdtzdztdzgggdggggdgggggdgdgdgdgdggdgdzydydzyzydzydydtÿdzdydyyzdyzdtzztdtdydztdzydtzdzttdtdztdtzztdtdztdtzztztdzdztdzttdydzyzdtdtdtzztdtdtzdtdtdtdttdtdtdtdtdtDyzdzysydydydydydtdtdtdtdtdtdtdydÿdtdttdtdttdtzdzdzydtzdtzdtzdztdztdztdtzdtzdtzdtddtzzydzdtdzddzttzdztztdzdzydtdzdzdtdttdtzttzgdtgdtddttdtdtdsydydydydydydydydtdtdÿdzdzzdyzdzdzdtdzyydztydyzztdztdztztdztdtzdztzdztdtztdztdzdtzdzdtdtdzdzdtdtdtdtdtzzttgddgdgdgdgzgdyzdydydzydydydydydÿdzdydzdtzdzydzydzydztdtzdztdztztdtzdztdtydtdztdtzdtzdtdydyztzdzdtdzydzdzdzdtzdtzztdztdztdztdtDtdDtydtttgddydysfudydsysydztdydtdtztdtdtdtdyydtdzdzdzdtdtztdzdztdzyzydyzfzyzyydyzdzydyzdyzdydyzdyzztdtdzydyzztdzdtzdtzdzddzttzdtztdztztdtzttdtTdtdsydydydzydtdtdtdtdtdtdydydydzdydzdzyzydzttzztdztdztdzydzyztdtzdyzzydtzdztdztdztdtdztdyzdztzytzdyzzdzydtzdztdtzdzdtdzdtdtdtzdtdtdtzzttdtdtdztdztdzggdzgggggdggdgdggdzdgdyzdyzdyzdzydzydydyyzdtdzdtzdzdzdyzddyzdzdzdtzdtzzdztdtzdzydzydzydyzdydzydztzydzydztdztdydydsytdtztdzyzydzydtzdztdzzydztdtzdztdzzdtdzydyddydydtztztdtzyztdztdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdttGdtdttdtdtTdztdgdtdztdztdtdtzdtzstdtdtztdtdtdtdtdtdydÿdtdttzdtdtdtdtzydzdtzdztdzydtzdzydzyzydzydyzdyzdyzdzydzyzydzydyzdztdtzdztzydztdtzdztdtzddtzdyzdyzdztzdzdtdtdtdtzztdztzdTdtdtTdtdtdtttdzdgdgdtdsydsdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdtdydtdtdtdtdzdtztdztztdtdztdtzgdzttzdzgdgztdydyydztdyzzyzydztdydydztdgzdztdyydyzdydydzydtdztdtdztyzdzydtzydtzzydtzdzydztdydzyzdzyyzdtdydytzdytdydzytdydzttzzttzdtdtztdtDtgtdddtttdtgdttdtdtDyzdzgdgzdgdysdstdydtdydtddtdzyddtztdztdtztdtdtzdtzzdztzdzdztdzttzdyzdyzdzytzdydzdydztzdzyyzdztdttdydztdtfzdtzdtzdztdtzyzdydtztdtyzttzdtdtdtdztdtzztdttddtDddttdtdtdtdtdttdtdtdsydsdtdtdtdydyd ydtdgdzydzhsydydydyddydydÿdtdzztztdtdtdtzzdtdzdzdzyzdzdtzdydtzdztdzyztdtzdzydydydyzdydtztzdzydztdyzyydtzydyydtzyzdyzdtdydyzydydzyzydztdtzdyddydtzddyydyydyzdzyztdztdztztdyzzdyzdyzdyzdyztdyzdtzddtzdyztdtdztzdztzttzdtdttdttdtdtdtdtzdztdtzztdyzdTdtTDTtdtDdttyygdgttdtdtdtdztgdTdtztdyzdtddztdtzdtdtdydzydyzdsydsysyysdtdtdtdydydydydydydydtdyd trydzydzydydyzdyzdztzytdtztyzdtdydytdzydtzdyzzydtdzyddyzdydzdyzyzdztdtdztdtzdtdtzdzdztdtzdztydtzdTdtdtdtDdtdtdtddTdDtgddtdtdgdgdyzdyzdzydyzdyzzydzydzydzyzydzydzydyzdzyzyzydydzyyzdydydyzdydyzzydzydsyzydydzydsydsydysdydyzdydydydydydydydttdydydtdtdydtdtdtdtdzdtd trytdyydtdgdtyftydttdfttdtdgdtydyddtdydttddtttdtdttdtdtdtytdtdttdydzdtfytdtgdyzdzdztdtdtdtdzydyydzydzyyzzyydztdzydztzttzdtdtdtztdtdtzdttdttdtdtydtddttzttdtdttdtdttztdtdttztdtzttdtdtztdzdttdttdtdtdtdtdttdttzdtdtdtzdtdtydztdtztdtztdztzyzdyzztdtdtdtdyzttzdtztdtdttdtdtdtzdtzddtdzdtzdtzdzdzdzdtdzdzdztztdzdtddztdtdgdtdttdtdtztdztdtzdtdzttztzdtzdztdztzttdztdtdtdtzdztdztdzy dtzdtdztztdtzztdtdtyzdytdydztzzyydydzyzydyzydyzzydyzdyzdyzdyzzydyzyztdtdttzdtdztdtzydztztdtzt DTDTZZZTZTDZYTZDZTDZTDTDYZYDTDTYDYZDZTDYYDZTDTDYZTDZTDTDTDTDTGDTdgtTdtddt tdtTd

  • @ThatGuyYouShot
    @ThatGuyYouShot Год назад +9

    I’m thankful for an era of internet to be able to rewatch this whenever is amazing. Curry is literally the god of 3

  • @to3sted248
    @to3sted248 4 года назад +615

    That was probably one of the best offensive game of a player ever in the history of basketball.. like wow!! This curry was just something else that year

    • @ximopierto2544
      @ximopierto2544 4 года назад +12

      Latzky Gaming 3-1 LEGOAT is the Mvp 2016

    • @jesushealthsave4930
      @jesushealthsave4930 4 года назад +6

      🍔 Men, don’t lose your semen in sex behaviour,
      🔔 unless you and your wife want children,
      🙏 otherwise, your body will become weak very fast,
      ✅ A substance that can create human beings,
      🙏 there must have a lot of energy in it.
      🙏 If you have problems with wet dream (spermatorrhea),
      🙏 you can use 12-15 hours of sitting to take rest without sleep,
      🙏 instead of 6-8 hours sleep. (I have succeeded in this)
      🙏 🕺🏻💃(Men protect women, better tomorrow🙏)

    • @Jinxxxx17
      @Jinxxxx17 4 года назад +23

      Ximo Pierto stfu no he wasn’t. Stupid 10 yr old thinks Lebron is the Goat. Smh

    • @garretttringale436
      @garretttringale436 4 года назад

      Was something else?!?! IS something else!!!

    • @ryl99
      @ryl99 4 года назад +3

      @@ximopierto2544 He cant even average 30ppg . And his freethrow is 48% 😂😂😂

  • @RichYork
    @RichYork 4 года назад +249

    I'll literally never forget this game, who I was with, where I was, everything.

    • @brandonspence8318
      @brandonspence8318 4 года назад +6

      Where were you and who were you with?

    • @ezekielspates5677
      @ezekielspates5677 4 года назад +6

      same here remember it just like it was yesterday

    • @thereal2tmhighlights299
      @thereal2tmhighlights299 4 года назад +1

      saturday night on abc

    • @RichYork
      @RichYork 4 года назад +22

      @@brandonspence8318 lol I was in Brooklyn at my mom's house and she didn't really want to watch but I told her Steph Curry was playing and that's the only reason she watched with me

    • @hillboycejr4939
      @hillboycejr4939 4 года назад +11

      in a bar in the Lower East Side and literally jumped on the bar when he hit that shot. And the bar was packed and nobody blamed me for it cuz we all knew that shit was crazy lmao

  • @dripp2080
    @dripp2080 3 года назад +1338

    Shoutout to everyone who still watches this game when they want to be reminded of greatness. Curry is amazing man

    • @sanderaldridge7065
      @sanderaldridge7065 3 года назад +26

      And we were reminded again last season leading the league in points with all the defences opposing teams puts on him.

    • @N-Ice_
      @N-Ice_ 3 года назад +7

      Ye, he's amazing

    • @N-Ice_
      @N-Ice_ 2 года назад +4

      @@LorentJalabert Hahaha, great joke dude. I laughed at that. You have a career as a comedian

    • @N-Ice_
      @N-Ice_ 2 года назад +3

      @@LorentJalabert no shame because there should not be any. He's a professional basketball player. It's a criticism that he has to keep in mind and improve on.

    • @ManilynSulapas02
      @ManilynSulapas02 2 года назад +2

      I'm in. Stephen Curry is the best! My ultimate crush in NBA. 😍❤

  • @MogliKush
    @MogliKush 2 года назад +132

    Watched this game 6 years after, remembering my childhood, how these guys where like kind like superheroes for some of us.
    How time flies.

    • @renek4416
      @renek4416 2 года назад +2


    • @lwhite7905
      @lwhite7905 2 года назад +6

      being a kid while curry and the warriors were running through the league was something special

    • @withs9247
      @withs9247 2 года назад


    • @michelbuhl
      @michelbuhl 2 года назад


    • @Victor-ep7cz
      @Victor-ep7cz Год назад +1


  • @mohamedhersi5990
    @mohamedhersi5990 4 года назад +898

    Steph will always be remembered for this game but Klay had over 30 points, the key steal and great defense on Russ. HOFer

    • @yuxichen9447
      @yuxichen9447 4 года назад +120

      Klay is remembered for another more important game

    • @vidcooldrake3059
      @vidcooldrake3059 4 года назад +28

      Yuxi Chen yeah game 6 wcf

    • @davidjames6036
      @davidjames6036 4 года назад +15

      lol clutch klay is remembered for saving curry in a way more bigger game against OKC lmaooooooooo.

    • @javierlandaverde4108
      @javierlandaverde4108 4 года назад +14

      Klay is great, this game was below average on offense, kept missing but got more aggresive for his points. Andre is the one with key defense and steal Curry though finish the game and got Win that matter most, KD could not do the same

    • @ceelost1752
      @ceelost1752 4 года назад +42

      Same way Klay is remembered for game 6 vs OKC, and Steph was great in that game too. He had 31-10-9

  • @trell6360
    @trell6360 4 года назад +3358

    This is really one of the best games of all time

  • @malamatinastavropoulou9375
    @malamatinastavropoulou9375 4 года назад +558

    57:20 "You got one point Draymond! You're an All-Star! ONE POINT!"
    edit: stop hating in the comments, i just pointed it out im not a hater like the guy saying this

    • @adambanul5545
      @adambanul5545 4 года назад +56

      omg i laughed so hard when i heard that
      you made my day sir

    • @umanglunia2194
      @umanglunia2194 4 года назад +95

      What he lacks offensively he more than makes up for it defensively and with his leadership

    • @malamatinastavropoulou9375
      @malamatinastavropoulou9375 4 года назад +21

      @@umanglunia2194 I agree. I'm a fan of his game

    • @malamatinastavropoulou9375
      @malamatinastavropoulou9375 4 года назад +4

      @@adambanul5545 no problem big fella

    • @asdfor3
      @asdfor3 4 года назад +34

      Now he’s averaging a triple single.

  • @piabeans
    @piabeans 11 месяцев назад +698

    Who's watching in 2024?

  • @andrewb9942
    @andrewb9942 3 года назад +527

    When I watched this live I legit flew off my sofa at the end. Best NBA game in history.

    • @phchypnotized6332
      @phchypnotized6332 3 года назад +15

      Same lol

    • @HoIlywoodJack
      @HoIlywoodJack 2 года назад +15

      I’m an OKC fan and did exactly the same - jumped out of my chair, walked a few paces forwards, then didn’t have a clue what to do with myself 😂
      Such a great game!

    • @LiLLaLa707
      @LiLLaLa707 2 года назад +1

      Lmfao I fractured my ankle bcuz of this game 😂😂😂

    • @kingjames361
      @kingjames361 2 года назад +6

      This game right here solidified Curry as the best shooter ever IMO

    • @PenguinShake111
      @PenguinShake111 2 года назад

      @@LiLLaLa707 f

  • @lightningjimmyjoejohnson8499
    @lightningjimmyjoejohnson8499 4 года назад +448

    No one talking about Thompson’s three point play that tied the game in OT

    • @mazengwe28
      @mazengwe28 4 года назад +33

      Klay Thompson missed every 3 till that one that counted, just in time. 💦🏀

    • @tigeranthony
      @tigeranthony 4 года назад +8

      Brian Johnson that’s the problem, Klay is treated as a “third wheel” , and even a “FOURTH wheel”, when in fact he is anything but.......

    • @JuliettKilo
      @JuliettKilo 4 года назад +9

      His quick layup and steal right before Iggy being fouled was also amazing.

    • @drogonr9318
      @drogonr9318 4 года назад +6

      Anybody who's paying attention knows that Klay is elite: you don't get a moniker like "Game 6 Klay" otherwise.

    • @Ash-ws2rl
      @Ash-ws2rl 4 года назад +1

      @@mazengwe28 he 31+ points bru

  • @weeniehutjr.3152
    @weeniehutjr.3152 4 года назад +609

    Greatest NBA season ever:
    Kobe's farewell tour
    Warriors 73 win season
    Spurs trying to get 70 wins too
    Duncans last season
    Great playoffs
    And to top it off the finals series
    2016 was by far my favorite season

    • @mixondeo9884
      @mixondeo9884 4 года назад +21

      Ima warriors fanband i know they loss that season in the finals and those 3 championships might influence my decision but I agree great year it also gave a good cavs vs warriors story

    • @edwin9867
      @edwin9867 4 года назад +42

      Dunk Contest also

    • @maxdurk4624
      @maxdurk4624 4 года назад +2

      Weenie Hut Jr. 1993

    • @curt5504
      @curt5504 4 года назад +3

      me too also im a warrors fan

    • @samkmusicofficial1034
      @samkmusicofficial1034 4 года назад +2

      As a Warriors fan I completely agree even though they choked the lead but it was a hell of a season. Add the dunk contest and a great all star game too

  • @marcusgonzalez9507
    @marcusgonzalez9507 2 года назад +64

    The game that will be always remembered as the game Steph Curry changed the game with 3 point shooting🔥

    • @croatiankid6595
      @croatiankid6595 Год назад +3

      I disagree in my opinion the coming out party for Steph was vs the knicks when he dropped 51 in a loss

  • @littygamer9008
    @littygamer9008 4 года назад +740

    Curry: NBA record for 3s in a single game.
    Klay Thompson 2 years later: LET ME TRY THAT...

    • @torinoconnor4296
      @torinoconnor4296 4 года назад +5

      the REALIST lol 😂

    • @potterhead1173
      @potterhead1173 4 года назад +18

      @@longboardguy they were injured and gets the rest they deserved after wrecking havoc for the past 5 years winning 3 chips 😷

    • @orangecat130
      @orangecat130 4 года назад

      @@potterhead1173 haha u savage mate haha

    • @rice909
      @rice909 4 года назад +2

      Klay Thompson is better than Curry, I don’t care what nobody say... the 2019 finals proves that

    • @cayman743
      @cayman743 4 года назад +26

      @@rice909 bruh you on crack lemme
      get some

  • @zervoles8845
    @zervoles8845 4 года назад +384

    So nobody give Iguodala any single credit for taking 2 very clutch free throw at the end of regular time? He's not a great shooter but still able to manage two free throw in such a heavy pressure around. I swear this guy is really underrated

    • @christanti6957
      @christanti6957 4 года назад +5

      Fax bro

    • @percmahomes2895
      @percmahomes2895 4 года назад +5

      only the warrior fans

    • @taannmann
      @taannmann 4 года назад +26


    • @mmk307
      @mmk307 4 года назад +8

      wdym. anyone ever watches this game ever gives most credit for hitting the free throws...

    • @jonaslenz7644
      @jonaslenz7644 4 года назад +1

      he is

  • @heraldbalili1145
    @heraldbalili1145 4 года назад +1036

    I love this sequence, Klay gets a deflection then Draymond saves the ball from going out of bounds then Iguodala making clutch free throws. Later on, Curry finishes it off with a memorable 3 pointer. What a phenomenal game.

    • @mrkickinthesky
      @mrkickinthesky 3 года назад +80

      thats what made the dynasty,it was klay who is always locked in,draymond who had the heart and hussle,iggy the clutch veteran and curry for the magic moments,superb offense,great defense,great pacing,selfless basketball

    • @goldlady55555
      @goldlady55555 3 года назад +4

      Curry is is Draymar.

    • @stfu8202
      @stfu8202 3 года назад +6

      @@mrkickinthesky dont know why but i got chills from reading that lol

    • @carolmiller5713
      @carolmiller5713 3 года назад +4

      This year will be comeback for more than half the 2016 Warriors. Experience counts for at least 5 years of youth, right? 💛💙

    • @adetokunbofaleti9515
      @adetokunbofaleti9515 2 года назад +1

      I love igudala

  • @henrybarnes5198
    @henrybarnes5198 2 года назад +108

    Steph was shooting the 3 at 46% 😳 insane. He gets guarded so much now that his 3 point percentage has gone down but he’s still the best shooter ever

    • @PenguinShake111
      @PenguinShake111 2 года назад +11

      His 3pt% hasnt even went down that much.

  • @allenmuwonge3951
    @allenmuwonge3951 4 года назад +314

    I could watch this over and over
    Watching everyone’s reaction
    The fans reaction
    And the legendary commentary of this moment
    This is why we miss the NBA so much

    • @hackman88
      @hackman88 4 года назад +11

      Raw emotion from everyone. Singler, Kanter, Ibaka look like they are scarred for life. Green learning why he loves basketball. Fans shocked, 'what just happened?'

    • @hackman88
      @hackman88 4 года назад +6

      If this was a videotape, it would be all worn out at that spot.

    • @lululenox
      @lululenox 4 года назад +18

      My favorite reaction will forever be at 1:57:02 where the blonde lady just turns around and covers her mouth in disgust and disbelief lmao

    • @jpongsta
      @jpongsta 4 года назад +6

      So many fans with their hand on their head when Steph gets the ball like they already knew what was about to unfold.

    • @Thewrightbrotha
      @Thewrightbrotha 4 года назад

      Lenox Loo she was in TEARS bro 😂😂

  • @tonyvang7648
    @tonyvang7648 4 года назад +1393

    This year man. Curry was cooking everybody.

    • @murudovmehemmed4728
      @murudovmehemmed4728 4 года назад +55

      Yessir too bad he got injured and played bad in the finals

    • @murudovmehemmed4728
      @murudovmehemmed4728 4 года назад +73

      @Aboood165 he never begged KD to join him tf u talking bout bruh

    • @Patrick-tq5jo
      @Patrick-tq5jo 4 года назад +63

      @Aboood165 Curry had a true shooting percentage of 65 in that series, typical for him. Lebron was at 58, also typical for LeBron. The person who lost that series (besides Green) was Harrison Barnes. Barnes was only 9 for his last 53 shots, or 13%. Barnes should have hit 17 more shots, some of them threes and some free throws, or about 40 more points. GS would have won easily.

    • @mangomentality
      @mangomentality 4 года назад +9

      Aboood165 curry couldn’t even get past kevin love when he easily can when he’s 100% so if that’s not a clear injury to u idk what is

    • @mangomentality
      @mangomentality 4 года назад +4

      Aboood165 I never said him and the warriors didn’t choke that series, I just said he was injured from an mcl sprain earlier in the playoffs. I’m also aware of him admitting to choking but that’s him being humble and whether injured or not he’s not trying to make any excuses for his loss in the finals. There was great pressure against him and the warriors that year with the 73-9 season, unanimous mvp season, and also coming back from down 3-1 against OKC, so if he blamed it on his mcl injury he would’ve been clowned even more by the media, just like pandemic P rn. Also if you look at curry’s game 6 foul out, 2-3/6 of those fouls were not really fouls.

  • @jazielpantoja9435
    @jazielpantoja9435 4 года назад +3421

    You know you’re in trouble when they do have a timeout but decide not to use it.

  • @xixi0606
    @xixi0606 2 года назад +29

    rewatching this and i still have goosebumps. imagine the pressure iguodala must have felt during those free throws at the end of the 4th qrt. their fate was basically also in his hands.

  • @marlonmarano8930
    @marlonmarano8930 4 года назад +2361

    I know its 2021, but this is classic

  • @Carloslive-fc6uy
    @Carloslive-fc6uy 4 года назад +2691

    I am glad the nba is doing this
    Also thanks so much for the likes, god bless 🙏

    • @Avenue77
      @Avenue77 4 года назад +2

      Off top

    • @rice909
      @rice909 4 года назад

      Carlos05live25 , why ?

    • @boobtube2142
      @boobtube2142 4 года назад +33

      LuckyLeo94 because people are starved of their bread and circus

    • @4th19th2
      @4th19th2 4 года назад +6

      Lately my ass binge watching all these free WWE matchups.

    • @4th19th2
      @4th19th2 4 года назад +2

      Great to see NBA doing the same.

  • @ppp9977
    @ppp9977 3 года назад +474

    The reaction of the crowd after Curry’s last shot. Priceless😮🤭😵

    • @turkey4957
      @turkey4957 3 года назад +29

      The thunder bench too hahaha Kanter is like bruh

    • @champspec
      @champspec Год назад +7

      Its almost as good of a reaction as the Grizzlies’s fans had when They see their last chance possession get stuffed hard before Curry flips the script w/ the most crowd deafening 75ft buzzer beater, the sound of the net could be heard from Dallas.

    • @courtneywalmsley8284
      @courtneywalmsley8284 Год назад +4

      Tickets to the game…$250
      Hot dog & root beer $50
      Watching reaction of crowd after that shot: Priceless
      Yes, you’re absolutely right!

  • @culu37
    @culu37 2 года назад +7

    Even though he’s played in a bunch of way bigger games, I think this game winner is the signature moment of Curry’s career

  • @ryanyun100
    @ryanyun100 4 года назад +162

    Stephen Curry before KD came was a damn monster!

    • @galaxyaldc301
      @galaxyaldc301 4 года назад +18

      Ryan Yun that’s why next season when Steph is healthy and durant isn’t taking a ton of iso and not flowing with the natural share the ball offense he will be a monster again

    • @miketarantino1130
      @miketarantino1130 4 года назад +11

      Hi ehhh just say more shots and Steph was a monster before KD came was a monster when he arrived still is monster after he left stop tryna down credit KD for Steph I love Steph too

    • @kings-gaming-
      @kings-gaming- 4 года назад

      Mike Tarantino right

    • @BA_Cloud
      @BA_Cloud 4 года назад

      Steph was just as great with KD in Oakland, stop

    • @oakinw8361
      @oakinw8361 4 года назад

      @@galaxyaldc301 He had his chance this year and was trash stop

  • @kcmataria8201
    @kcmataria8201 3 года назад +711

    I remember watching this live when I was 14 years old. I knew Steph Curry was a great shooter but I was unaware of the changes he was making to the game of basketball. The game had me jumping up and down in excitement because of the closeness even though I wasn’t a fan of either team. After the Westbrook miss I was excited for the opportunity of a golden state game winner.
    I couldn’t believe that Kerr decided not to call timeout as I thought, “ there’s not enough time for a good shot” from then on I expected Curry to sprint down the court hoping to get the best possible look. I saw him jogging past half court. “What’s the deal?” I thought. Out of my amazement, he pulled up from near half court. At this point I thought there was no way he would make it. A second later Mike Breen was screaming “BANG!” Chills went down my spine. Even my mother, who was not a sports fan, let out a scream of excitement . At this moment i knew I was witnessing the greatest shooter of all time

    • @nathanielrobles3284
      @nathanielrobles3284 3 года назад +38

      The legwndary "Bang! Bang!"

    • @jemiahwoods392
      @jemiahwoods392 3 года назад +29

      This made me smile

    • @zeroxyzzz
      @zeroxyzzz 3 года назад +7

      @@nobody-000-0 i was 13 lol watching the highlights in 2016

    • @quincydq1226
      @quincydq1226 2 года назад +4

      @@zeroxyzzz I was born in 2004, and 11 at the time…

    • @slimere
      @slimere 2 года назад

      Dick suck of all time

  • @chrollo_7499
    @chrollo_7499 3 года назад +117

    The fact that I’m not the only one who watched it on tv live, the hype and everything was there, this game will forever be one of my faves

    • @cyberft
      @cyberft Год назад +1

      That’s what always shocks me about this game. This matchup was such must see TV that even casual hoops fans watched it live.

  • @tylito4764
    @tylito4764 2 года назад +15

    I know people hate on it but 73-9 with the talent in the league today is INSANE

  • @dnative93
    @dnative93 4 года назад +589

    Klay Thompson is underrated man . He one of the greatest shooting guards ever

    • @ChristianMoise
      @ChristianMoise 4 года назад +84

      Klay is the second best shooter in the history of the game. Respect Ray Allen and Reggie Miller, but when Klay catches fire, not even Steph who is the best shooter of all time can't contain him.

    • @BallersLife3
      @BallersLife3 4 года назад +41

      Kaaris Nz I agree with Klay Thompson being one of the greatest shooter but steph curry is 1 level above him bro. The only difference is klay is a standstill shooter which I like about him and steph can shoot even when he’s off balance

    • @jdfodio
      @jdfodio 4 года назад +5

      Klay be slumping, then finally gets hot after someone PRAYS for him to get hot.

    • @Rayan-id3gk
      @Rayan-id3gk 4 года назад +1

      Kaaris Nz you really think Klay is better than Larry bird? Man you wilding

    • @VictorAlvarez-ej4hb
      @VictorAlvarez-ej4hb 4 года назад +9

      Rayan I don’t remember Larry getting 60 on 11 dribbles imo klay a better shooter

  • @jaybertsumingcan5361
    @jaybertsumingcan5361 4 года назад +227

    One of the most memorable games ive watched live on tv.

  • @mbogokuria6826
    @mbogokuria6826 3 года назад +162

    The commentator killed it here and this words always ring in my mind, 'they do have a time out but decide not to use it, Curry from down town BANG! BANG! Curry with only six tenths of time remaining!

    • @carolmiller5713
      @carolmiller5713 3 года назад +4

      Curry likes to drain every fraction of time to bring the biggest Splash! 🏀💙💛

    • @juliexbya.9173
      @juliexbya.9173 3 года назад +2

      HAHA yeahhh..

      @JOHNYCRAFT79 3 года назад +2

      @@carolmiller5713 Hmm I see you all over in the comments for Curry…you must believe he’s top 2 greatest of all time like me lol

    • @turkey4957
      @turkey4957 3 года назад +2

      Hell yeah, Mike Breen is absolutely legendary, JVG and Breen are the Jordan and Pippen of basketball announcing history, and Mark Jackson is Rodman!

    • @olearyeugene
      @olearyeugene 2 года назад +1

      @@turkey4957 I like Mark Jackson as well. I still laugh at what he said about bron wife 😆

  • @renziair
    @renziair 5 месяцев назад +1

    Watched this as an OKC fan and I ain't even mad. Truely one of Curry's classics.

  • @solohere5608
    @solohere5608 3 года назад +1724

    Re-watching this makes me appreciate how much of a beast Draymond is defensively. Looking forward to watching him show up 2021-2022 season.

    • @colorcasted
      @colorcasted 3 года назад +102

      bet they'll get to the finals (if klay is healthy and also the rest of the team)

    • @Yute01
      @Yute01 3 года назад +24

      @@colorcasted they actually could

    • @teebo5298
      @teebo5298 3 года назад +11

      Mans open doors for the small bigs

    • @messimanuel1076
      @messimanuel1076 3 года назад +4

      @@colorcasted Y'all overhyping the Warriors, Klay ain't gonna be the same dawg, he could average like 17-19 this season but his defense and ability to get Open Will decrease

    • @Powgchamp
      @Powgchamp 3 года назад +65

      @@messimanuel1076 I hope this comment age well

  • @emptydarksoul233
    @emptydarksoul233 3 года назад +77

    Let’s be honest and say this is one of the greatest games in nba history, even more gun to watch than the nba finals this year

    • @jamesyeechunfung1432
      @jamesyeechunfung1432 2 года назад +1

      Warriors’ DNA - trusting each other and unselfish

    • @PaiidBz
      @PaiidBz 2 года назад

      No calm down way beter games get off curry nut

  • @jordantruce8645
    @jordantruce8645 4 года назад +159

    Thunder: we are gonna win this
    Durant: fouls out in overtime
    Curry: casually shoots a 32ft three pointer to win the game

  • @smartino546
    @smartino546 2 года назад +4

    this is probably currys greatest game ever. no one else made a 3 pt shot in all 4 quarters except curry🤯 he made every 3 on his team

  • @daffyduckfan4478
    @daffyduckfan4478 3 года назад +114

    The Warriors lead by Steph Curry is something truly special.

  • @leftbenchplayaa
    @leftbenchplayaa 3 года назад +48

    arguably the greatest regular season game ever? can’t really think of a game better than this. it’s so memorable in the back of my mind i’ll never forget watching it live.

    • @laurenlovestephcurry
      @laurenlovestephcurry 2 года назад +6

      Not arguably, just the greatest regular season game ever.

    • @albertdaley9093
      @albertdaley9093 Год назад

      Game 7 steph vs durant and russ playoffs was another greatest game to

    • @ginalinetti8975
      @ginalinetti8975 11 месяцев назад

      ​@albertdaley9093 it's not a regular season game though

  • @dianahill2228
    @dianahill2228 4 года назад +36

    remember watching this live at my house. honestly in 10 years of religiously watching hoops, this is probably my favorite basketball game ever. the type was so intense that season and the competitive rivalry between GSW and OKC. Everyone except bay areas fans and bandwagon fans were rooting for OKC to FINALLY beat them that season, I think this game was their third matchup of the season. Not only was the game incredible, but that shot from Curry. The most balling dominant moment Ive ever seen. Soon as he released the shot I knew it was going in and OKC was done. It was just incredible. I was a Warriors skeptic until that shot went in. Its difficult to rationally explain the impact of that shot. Its the game that put Steph as top 3 point guards in NBA history, and his story isn't even over. I think Golden State, if they stay healthy, will be back next year coming at LeBron and Kawhii to reclaim their Western Conference title

  • @maemae32391
    @maemae32391 Год назад +3

    i dont know how many times i watch it but i will never get tired of it .

  • @psyhopatsl
    @psyhopatsl 4 года назад +48

    One of the best game I've ever seen online! Curry is the great shooter in history

  • @asvpfern
    @asvpfern 4 года назад +2654

    last known footage of Andre Roberson

    • @4th19th2
      @4th19th2 4 года назад +39

      Rachel demita sux.

    • @Outlawsvault
      @Outlawsvault 4 года назад +78

      He had a serious serious injury and that injury is probably more serious than an Achilles injury so he hasn’t played for like 2 years

    • @Superfly369
      @Superfly369 4 года назад +33

      fern while he was practicing last year he got hurt again

    • @Jayzfocus26
      @Jayzfocus26 4 года назад

      2016 conference finals

    • @ibbykhalil5471
      @ibbykhalil5471 4 года назад +32

      @@Jayzfocus26 He also played in 2017, they're just exaggerating as a joke

  • @aren6076
    @aren6076 4 года назад +615

    Andre iguodala's heart is probably pounding as hell while doing the free throws

    • @isaiahking6759
      @isaiahking6759 4 года назад +44

      Noone talking about Iguodala forcing overtime with the foul.

    • @mrkickinthesky
      @mrkickinthesky 3 года назад +3

      probably not,hes cold as ice,he isnt good at the line but clutch as hell,also best hands in the league...

    • @SmooveTV718
      @SmooveTV718 3 года назад +2

      @@mrkickinthesky IDK man most people (superstars and all) would be at least a lil nervous

    • @mrkickinthesky
      @mrkickinthesky 3 года назад

      @@SmooveTV718 i know,but also consider there are people like jordan or kobe,who close their eyes or bet 500k ,and shot that FT,with ice in their veins ,there is no doubt they will make it!

    • @josephmother2659
      @josephmother2659 3 года назад

      @@mrkickinthesky I mean they’re called free for a reason, but no one can shoot 100% on high volume over a season, and some missed may inevitably affect the outcome of a game and will be blamed on superstars, unfortunately.

  • @shoyokanagaki1017
    @shoyokanagaki1017 Год назад +7

    still rewatching this masterpiece

  • @artlinerplus6039
    @artlinerplus6039 4 года назад +216

    I think we're forgetting how clutch Klay was in this game both in the 4th quarter and overtime. The Warriors had a chance because of him.

    • @carolmiller5713
      @carolmiller5713 3 года назад +5

      He used to be underrated but seems like his hiatus elevated what kind of energy & talent he brings to Warriors. He's BACK!

    • @Kevin-vb4ig
      @Kevin-vb4ig 3 года назад +26

      That's what I'm saying. Nobody seems to mention Klay's clutch threes, and cuts. Definitely most underrated player. Now he's top even top 75 lol. Doesn't matter Klay knows he's a beast, and has the confidence.

    • @anoushsabouri
      @anoushsabouri 3 года назад +7

      Iggy's miracle free throws were huge too. Nobody thought he'd make both.

    • @Kevin-vb4ig
      @Kevin-vb4ig 3 года назад +3

      @@anoushsabouri yeah that’s true. Clutch free throws can be the difference between taking the dub or an L

    • @MichaelJohnson-yr2rj
      @MichaelJohnson-yr2rj 3 года назад +7

      That's why Steph always says his brother instead of saying just himself most humble superstar ever

  • @esthershawa1854
    @esthershawa1854 3 года назад +84

    December 18th, 2021... 4 days after curry broke the 3point all time record and I'm back here. This is probably my third time watching this game and it still gives me chills... Curry Man, so inspirational... This is still mind-blowing... LET'S GO WARRIORS!

  • @jojothenoble1
    @jojothenoble1 4 года назад +56

    Thank you nba for providing us with games to watch during coronavirus. Stay safe everyone

  • @bran5410
    @bran5410 2 года назад +5

    bro this game never gets old, and the "bang" at this point is iconic!

  • @Jayswingler530
    @Jayswingler530 3 года назад +186

    Curry broke records 5 years ago, and he’s now in his prime

    • @blueguppy9321
      @blueguppy9321 3 года назад +40

      He been in his prime since 2015

    • @robglobal1
      @robglobal1 3 года назад +3

      @@blueguppy9321 facts

    • @col7004
      @col7004 2 года назад +3

      Not that he’s not still amazing but his peak was undoubtedly the 2015-16 season

    • @keving1072
      @keving1072 2 года назад +4

      And he’s balling right now in the playoffs

    • @mycrazylife408
      @mycrazylife408 2 года назад +4

      is it normal to be 34 and be in your prime? Im not really into basketball but in football i feel like the best players are in their 20s

  • @teejaytv3821
    @teejaytv3821 4 года назад +189

    Bruh everyone on the thunder just looked at Steph after he hit the shot like
    Did he really just hit that shit?

    • @javierlandaverde4108
      @javierlandaverde4108 4 года назад +9

      Look 👀 at Durant. Instead of standing up he was hiding behind the players sitting on the bench hiding his shame of fouling out.

    • @rattrapped17
      @rattrapped17 4 года назад +2


    • @s.l5787
      @s.l5787 4 года назад +4

      Enes Kanter had his arms up before Curry attempted the shot, because Robertson was not guarding him at 35 feet lol

  • @angolanprince
    @angolanprince 4 года назад +33

    "They do have a time, decide not to use it... Curry from way downtown Baang! Oh what a shot! Stephen Curry!!!" Legendary, i am glad i watched this live

  • @padamers
    @padamers 3 года назад +5

    Rewatched this game so many times. But every time I still get excited as if I don’t know how it’s going to play out. One of the best games to ever watch!

  • @littygamer9008
    @littygamer9008 4 года назад +563

    Durant is a living example of the saying
    *"If you can't beat them, join them"*

    • @KaiserReb
      @KaiserReb 4 года назад +17

      Guessing you never heard of a dude name Vegeta you know the prince of sayians

    • @jwwilhelmi9670
      @jwwilhelmi9670 4 года назад +11

      That joke is about 3 or 4 years old

    • @ХурбаярХураа
      @ХурбаярХураа 4 года назад +25

      Imagine yourself as an athlete. KD tried enough in OKC if he hadnt left the OKC he wouldnt have a single ring by now. Noone wants to be a loser for entire career. And lastly ,if you were an athlete and you choose to be a loser because of people's opinion and hatred on you you are an idiot.

    • @yoloyeet392
      @yoloyeet392 4 года назад

      @@ХурбаярХураа and not to mention the Paul George trade probably wouldn't of happened

    • @xx-ug9hn
      @xx-ug9hn 4 года назад +3

      Хурбаяр Хураа So you agree then

  • @tropicaljay7814
    @tropicaljay7814 4 года назад +343

    The NBA is too nice for this 🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @javierlandaverde4108
      @javierlandaverde4108 4 года назад +23

      This is their way of earning money since they are losing revenue. Views and ads through RUclips

    • @tropicaljay7814
      @tropicaljay7814 4 года назад +39

      Soccer Star Studios Facts but the fact that they are still showing legendary nba games like this is fire regardless

    • @fredrichheart3132
      @fredrichheart3132 4 года назад +3

      It’s the least they could do

    • @TheSmigko
      @TheSmigko 4 года назад

      Aye bro leauge pass is free right now btw you can watch whateva game

    • @javierlandaverde4108
      @javierlandaverde4108 4 года назад

      @Joshua Rivers They are losing Revenue and potential revenue, they are still paying the players without money they generate from streaming service, ticket sales, food and parking fees etc. Woj said NBA can void the contracts for the players and essentially not pay them since it is under NBA contract that contracts can be voided if a pandemic occurs.

  • @dangerzone3470
    @dangerzone3470 4 года назад +494

    My biggest regret in life is not watching this game live

    • @nikolairose2739
      @nikolairose2739 4 года назад +59

      bro I saw it live. It was amazingggggg. I was so hypeeeeee. Truly inspirational. The suspense was crazyyy.

    • @Thewrightbrotha
      @Thewrightbrotha 4 года назад +25

      Nikolai Rose yep! That shit actually inspired me to get better at basketball. Not that spam chat “look at curry man” but like, it hit my soul. I was always an athlete but never had the work ethic to get me somewhere, this game changed it for me. I felt all that emotion, knew it was for me.

    • @LearnAndEarnTV
      @LearnAndEarnTV 4 года назад +9

      I saw it live. I shouted when he hit that game winner

    • @simplyjay0748
      @simplyjay0748 4 года назад +1

      Damn you missed out I'll never forget watching this shit live 😂

    • @simplyjay0748
      @simplyjay0748 4 года назад +3

      @@Thewrightbrotha i felt this comment in my soul same here man really inspiring

  • @asdfjklm5261
    @asdfjklm5261 Год назад +1

    remember watching this live it was a saturday night me and my boy went to the bar to get food/drinks and it still amazes me how this game brings back the “i knw exactly where i was” feeling watching this game..curry the top g frfr

  • @mehdiachouri
    @mehdiachouri 3 года назад +20

    This is the first basketball match I ever watched. My heart nearly stopped twice. First at the end of the final quarter and the second at the end of the extra 5 minutes. Stephen Curry drew me to basketball.

  • @cole7491
    @cole7491 4 года назад +77

    This brings back good old warriors memories, WELL BE BACK NEXT YEAR 😤

    • @cole7491
      @cole7491 4 года назад +6

      daniel don’t make me go on a rant 😂

    • @lh2954
      @lh2954 4 года назад +7

      Ya we will

    • @brianditto7678
      @brianditto7678 4 года назад +2

      Ttv Cyyckk lol naw its over

    • @cole7491
      @cole7491 4 года назад +7

      Everyone listen, curry, klay, green, wiggins and wiseman is gonna be crazzzy, y’all sleeping

    • @lh2954
      @lh2954 4 года назад +3

      Ttv Cyyckk facts

  • @aidandecristofaro1410
    @aidandecristofaro1410 4 года назад +35

    even tho the warriors ended up losing the finals this season was pure greatness and just a great year of basketball

  • @XPXhumble
    @XPXhumble 4 года назад +276

    Greatest regular season game of all time literally change the game forever

    • @haadtheevision
      @haadtheevision 3 года назад +6

      This game did not change the game forever💀 but I get what you’re saying

    • @breezy4169
      @breezy4169 3 года назад +1

      Didn't change the game at all

    • @alexo825
      @alexo825 2 года назад

      @@breezy4169 it made kd leave okc. Obv forever changed the game. Casual and dumbass

    • @NPI-iz7bg
      @NPI-iz7bg 2 года назад

      @@haadtheevision It is..players like Roberson/Singler became museum players after that game / season. You can't shoot, you're out

    • @haadtheevision
      @haadtheevision 2 года назад +1

      @@NPI-iz7bg Dude if you think this one game changed the way the game is played than you're lost. The game was already heading towards this way.

  • @Billiam179
    @Billiam179 3 года назад +56

    I feel extremely lucky to have become an NBA fan just in time to watch this game live. Truly incredible stuff.

  • @WanderingMind_
    @WanderingMind_ 4 года назад +61

    This Steph Curry was sum monster he's so scary when you play against his team. I know coz playing 2k16 against Warriors in HOF is hell

  • @TheOneKeyToLife
    @TheOneKeyToLife 2 года назад +45

    It’s so insane to me the fact that this was a regular season game 🤯🤯🤯

  • @something45-47
    @something45-47 4 года назад +9

    I can't stop watching this, man. I really can't. I've been a Warriors fan since the '14-15 season(but except June 2016). Tying a record with 12 3s, then next season, he made then-history.

  • @ceelost1752
    @ceelost1752 4 года назад +9

    every once in awhile i come back here and watch this game. its never gets old

  • @george.1407
    @george.1407 4 года назад +577

    These games make me forget what’s going on in the world😊

    • @clbgy
      @clbgy 4 года назад +5


    • @thatgirlzozo_6240
      @thatgirlzozo_6240 4 года назад +17

      George. Big facts everyone stay safe and healthy

    • @ericwright2594
      @ericwright2594 4 года назад +1

      @ george best comment

  • @michikoina
    @michikoina Год назад +14

    Best regular season ever! Re-watching again in 2023 🤩

  • @eeliot2961
    @eeliot2961 4 года назад +30

    I watched this live and it remains my favorite basketball memory

  • @snooter5345
    @snooter5345 4 года назад +6

    I'm so thankful I had the pleasure of watching this iconic game live. This is the game that made Steph Curry the greatest shooter of all time.

  • @dmoneyyyy2
    @dmoneyyyy2 4 года назад +45

    Damn it’s already been 4 years I was so hyped when curry sunk that shot

    • @xoGlizz
      @xoGlizz 4 года назад +1

      No way its been 4 years😭😭 time flys

  • @alvirarahman2690
    @alvirarahman2690 Год назад +20

    It’s 2023, I still comeback to watch this game lol.
    Classic ❤️

  • @erkutgul3749
    @erkutgul3749 4 года назад +285

    22:58 Curry: What if we have Durant...

  • @feysel1k.
    @feysel1k. 4 года назад +12

    Look At curry man he’s so inspirational

  • @blovett0814
    @blovett0814 3 года назад +174

    One of, if not, the greatest regular season games ever! Top level competition from both teams, KD's free agency in question, the Warriors' historic regular season run, Steph going down with his ankle roll, and Steph's game winner with a rare double "BANG" by Mike Breen. Iconic! 🏆

    • @thegoat-ishere4414
      @thegoat-ishere4414 2 года назад +4

      The very best regular season game so far no question

    • @KDSlimReaper
      @KDSlimReaper 2 года назад +5

      2017 Cavs vs Warriors Christmas Game is the best regular season game

    • @KDSlimReaper
      @KDSlimReaper 2 года назад +2

      I don't see anything special about this regular season game besides the game winner, that Christmas Game had Suspense, A backstory, not to mention they were going tip for tap scoring and Kyrie hit the Game Winner

    • @johngrunts673
      @johngrunts673 2 года назад +3

      @@KDSlimReaper nah okc vs warriors feb 27 2016 is one of the greatest best regular season games of all time. It’s the competition how OKC was up by near 20 every quarter till 4th. That shot Steph shot at the end just says it how this was the greatest game of all time

    • @jackelinecalvo-hc8ws
      @jackelinecalvo-hc8ws Год назад +1

      @@KDSlimReaper hmm, I don't recall that, I'ma jump on there as soon as I'm done here.
      Thx for the heads up yo.

  • @tiggy_azalea
    @tiggy_azalea 3 года назад +12

    it's 2022 and this is STILL a classic!

  • @telmolicious
    @telmolicious 3 года назад +78

    This is when watching Steph went from amazement to disbelief 💯
    He became an actual video game character 😂

  • @JordanABL880
    @JordanABL880 3 года назад +14

    Watchin this feels so nostalgic. Everyone in the nba was in their prime and everything seemed so much more energetic and engaging

    • @simplyjay0748
      @simplyjay0748 3 года назад +1

      Wym more energetic? There's still good games these days

  • @dewymessiah_8355
    @dewymessiah_8355 4 года назад +72

    I remember they were showing this game at my job and I wanted to watch it so I I left because I was “sick” and made it home by the 3rd quarter and I remember saying out loud “you should probably guard Steph now because he can shoot half court” and then he hits the half court shot and I said “bruh I told you” amazing game

  • @roronoa9694
    @roronoa9694 2 года назад +3

    The warriors 2022 championship run reminded me so much of this championship run. Pure greatness from curry

  • @javianjohnson8746
    @javianjohnson8746 4 года назад +17

    Words cannot describe the rush of energy I suddenly felt after Steph’ “Double Bang” shot 🔥

  • @a-morantekurmonchesterd.2119
    @a-morantekurmonchesterd.2119 3 года назад +22

    We can all agree that this is one of the best games in the nba

  • @KellyWakasa
    @KellyWakasa 4 года назад +1879

    Goosebumps 🐐🐐🐐

  • @sehercomak8424
    @sehercomak8424 2 года назад +3

    I’m coming here once a month. It’s him since 2016

  • @KingJinzo2125
    @KingJinzo2125 4 года назад +26

    2016 had to be the best year in sports. It had 2 back to back finals series (wcf and the true finals), both featuring teams coming back from down 3-1, a World Series that had features a 3-1 comeback, and the patriots coming back to win the Super Bowl after being down 28-3.

    • @michaelswrld6455
      @michaelswrld6455 4 года назад +2

      Young Jinzo21 best year of my life honestly everything was great ngl

    • @ifeanyiakunna2828
      @ifeanyiakunna2828 4 года назад

      Patriots 28-3 comeback occurred in 2017.

    • @lovepeace9747
      @lovepeace9747 4 года назад +1

      2016 Slam dunk contest too..

    • @ZeusAVI
      @ZeusAVI 4 года назад +1

      Young Jinzo21 Super Bowl that year was the Panthers 18-1 vs the Broncos

  • @ナリン2871
    @ナリン2871 4 года назад +17

    Still one of the best plays ever in the NBA history. I never saw GSW to win this game. That was one hell of a twist there! Curry was indeed sensational! I will never get tired watching this, especially the highlights. It was a tough night for GSW. The Thunders were so strong but they were able to win the game.

    • @jonathanmoralesdbdhrbdjrbd5640
      @jonathanmoralesdbdhrbdjrbd5640 3 года назад

      Djdjcodmdodmxoencoenxisnxodncodncoemcoemcom end rocks of form form down down spell DNA pcs mix!socks of!sps!spend pens owl of!eoce!cpe!some of me of me form do!dcoemdoe!cpe!cod!cpd!some of!xpekdpemxpekxoekxpe!xoekxposkxoe!for form form form forms😎xjdmxls

  • @jakemacatangay2208
    @jakemacatangay2208 3 года назад +9

    2021 and still watching. Still iconic. Also props to the commentator.

  • @Lia_xx1
    @Lia_xx1 8 месяцев назад +9

    Is anyone here in 2024? Just watching old games?!

  • @DJKevvyKevCoolBreeze
    @DJKevvyKevCoolBreeze 4 года назад +131

    This is the Greatest Game I've Ever Seen. "Instant Classic" is fair; I remember watching it live and yelling at the screen. It had it all: two powerhouse teams, the weight of history, high drama, Iggy 's heroics forcing overtime, clutch shots from both sides, and of course The Best Player In The Game doing MURDEROUS work. But the ONE thing nobody talks about, which elevates it to me, is the injury to Curry in the third. Everyone talks about that iconic game-winning shot, but everyone seems to forget that moment at 45:57 when an out of control Westbrook STOMPS Curry's ankle, sending him to the locker room. I remember watching the game w/my son, turning to him & saying, "Well, that's that. No *way* he comes back from that."
    . . .Not only did he come back, he COOKED the Thunder, and cemented his unanimous MVP with that ridiculous, game-sealing bomb. His performance would've been ridiculous WITHOUT that injury; adding that to the context elevates it to legend status.
    The other part that's seared in my memory is also worth noting: Check out 57:13. This is Exactly what Kobe was talking about, when he was gave that beautiful explanation of what a "serious problem" Curry is. It's a teachable moment, for those who want to understand what it means to just be "there," "not worried about what happened, or what's to come." It's the other time my son & I looked at each other and laughed, because we knew what was about to happen.

    • @sammyb3854
      @sammyb3854 4 года назад +7

      This was one of da best games of all time fr fr

    • @hackman88
      @hackman88 4 года назад +6

      Yeah that ankle injury looked like it could very severe -- Westbrook's landing force twisting Curry's ankle. Even when he came back into the game, I thought he would be much more slowed by the injury.

    • @precisism1804
      @precisism1804 4 года назад +5

      All facts brotha

    • @knicks2030
      @knicks2030 4 года назад +3

      You said it best that it had it all. So many story lines, so much intensity, crazy shots, lead changes, great teams. The list could go on and on.

    • @jennylynespela4283
      @jennylynespela4283 4 года назад +1

      I'm actually mad that westbrook was the one who had free throws