Bravo. I wish I had been this wise as a youngster. Now, I am 34 and only coming to these realisations as well. Congratulations on overcoming your addiction. I see it the same way as you. I am no different from the heroin addict, the phone addict, the sex addict except that my drug was sugar. Extended fasting helped me get over the nonsense.
I've eliminated carbs and have reintroduced them to a minimal degree. I work a labor job and feel better with just a tad of carbs. But I definitely went thru that phase of the diet where I understood the drug like effects of carbs. Thanks for the video
Good job learning at a young age. Took me til age 35 and I suffered a lot from my sugar addiction before a master herbalist helped me understand it all. Now I am a naturopath as my second career.
Bravo. I wish I had been this wise as a youngster. Now, I am 34 and only coming to these realisations as well. Congratulations on overcoming your addiction. I see it the same way as you. I am no different from the heroin addict, the phone addict, the sex addict except that my drug was sugar. Extended fasting helped me get over the nonsense.
I've eliminated carbs and have reintroduced them to a minimal degree. I work a labor job and feel better with just a tad of carbs. But I definitely went thru that phase of the diet where I understood the drug like effects of carbs. Thanks for the video
Good job learning at a young age. Took me til age 35 and I suffered a lot from my sugar addiction before a master herbalist helped me understand it all. Now I am a naturopath as my second career.