That's the funniest video I've ever seen on RUclips. I literally have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. The lady who was filming said "oh my God".
He taught one of Gods precious creatures what time it was. He beat that thing like he was performing an exorcism. Also, I think that kid may need some therapy after witnessing that.
Why did I laugh so hard!? Not what I expected to see on Easter Sunday. Awesome clip! Imagine dying that way. It's like stepping out your front door and finding the Hulk unexpectedly standing there, grabbing you by the ankle, and flinging you around like Loki. RIP Loki the gopher.
I met Victoria in Ventura, California, and she told me to check your RUclips video on catching gophers. I was setting traps at our neighborhood park (I am a volunteer). I have over 300 over 7 years in the lawn in the park. I will now add string to my 14 gopher traps. Thank you.
Question how long typically does one have to wait to get one ? I rarely see the gopher but daily see the new piles of dirt around my most precious new fruit trees.. They target them because that is where the only wet spots are .
This is one of the most doctrinally sound/step by step, teaching videos that I have ever viewed. The teaching is clearly sound and effective. I highly recommend that young people that are considering a career in the area of gopher harvesting view this video. Having spent many an hour in the grave yard at the old Lutheran church in Wind Lake, Wisconsin when I was a lad hunting these wily critters, I have a great appreciation for Brother Mitch's well though out techniques. I therefore endorse Brother Mitch's teaching contained herein. NOTE: The fillets, although somewhat small, taste like chicken!
Actually I just watched a professional mole trapper in England that gets $75 per mole. Golf courses, you name it. Run the math on just 3 moles per day with 3 mos off for winter or vacation. That’s three per day.
100 wrong. I have been living and working with GOPHERS all my life. When you are from Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota you totally know gophers. Do a search. Ground squirrels and gophers are different. Totally. Prairie dogs are MASSIVE in size and may or may not "still" (haven't checked lately) be on the "extinct endangered list". We do NOT shoot or touch prairie dogs. They were protected about 25 years from now. Not up to date with them. Once again, I know gophers like I know my name. Have lived with them all my life in the Midwest.
Sorry Mitch, but Earl is right. That is not a true gopher. You guys may call them that in your part of the country but that's not what it is. Look up gopher on Wikipedia.
Look up "gopher" and "ground squirrel" on Wikipedia and you tell me which picture matches the critter in this video. True gophers have big buck teeth, stubby bodies, beady eyes and tiny tails. The ground squirrel family has all sorts of species ranging from big (marmots) to small thirteen-lined ground squirrels like we have in Iowa. The guy in this video is killing a ground squirrel, though I understand that everyone in his state might call them (mistakenly) gophers. Even the U of Minnesota has their mascot wrong as the "gopher" depicted in the drawings looks more like a ground squirrel than anything.
Mitch Metzger: Sir as a Christian and ethical hunter, I think you are doing Yourself a disservice by not explaining why God's creation (Gopher's) populations have to be controlled. Many responding here are doing so without knowledge and understanding. Please explain and add to the video why Gopher populations have to be kept in check.
Love this. My friends use to do the same thing with twine except they try to catch the gopher around the mid section of the belly. Then the swing the gopher around and toss it into the lake and watch it swim to shore. Then out again until it drowned. They were sadistic SOBs but the farmers didn't care as long as they cut the gopher population down. We use to get 5 cents for a gopher tail around here, but I 'm quite a bit older. constantly trying to rid gophers out of our garden....they like to burrow around big bushes with large roots and therefore don't really have a big need to ever leave the burrow, it seems....i wouldn't have this guys patience........
On the catch technique, well done. You can call a ground squirrel a gopher if you want but it doesn't make it one. Look up the scientific name of that particular animal. You will find that it is classified as a ground squirrel. It looks like a Richardson's Ground squirrel aka Urocitellus Richardsonii (I had to look up the scientific name), but it is hard to tell without a better look at the animal and because I'm not a rodent expert. It looks to be maybe 10-12 inches long nose to tail tip, the tail looks to have the right amount of bushiness, right tail color, the head shape looks right, the tan underbelly coloring is right, and I can't see the ears well enough to tell about them. While a rodent like real gophers it belongs to a completely different family (the same one as prairie dogs). I'm not from SD so there could be another species that lives there which looks very similar. If anyone disagrees and can better identify the animal please tell me it's proper scientific name.
That's awesome. My grandmother tells me stories about getting money for gopher tails. Sometimes she'd find one with a really long tail and cut it in half. I wish they still had that for this day and age. I have so many gophers. The ground moves. Just terrible
That gopher was screaming when he was pulled from his hole. They are a pest and I get them all the time in my backyard. I use the Victor Blackbox Gopher Trap, sort of like a mouse trap.
I watched this morning. Between the video and the comments laughed so hard I got a headache thats still lingering at dinner time. All of you (priest included) are hilarious.
That is a squirrel dude! Just because people in South Dakota call this A gopher does not make it so. Gophers leave mounds and yes I did Google it. Gophers also have a small rope like tail. Google it.
Yes. Mighty in the Lord and in the power of His might. I am not a "wimp" for Jesus but a Warrior. If you can't kill a gopher, you won't be able to kill a deer. If you can't kill a dear you can't kill a lion. If you can't kill a lion you'll never be able to kill in battle. David was a mighty warrior in the Bible. Samson, also, when he killed thousands with just a jawbone of a donkey. When David killed Goliath, he cut off his head and held it up for the enemies to see. The Bible says, "When they seen Goliath dead, THEY FLED" Trump, by the way has a similar personality profile as Samson. Get ready.
Mitch Metzger David also collected 200 foreskins to marry sauls daughter even though only 100 were requested. But to Saul's surprise David came back alive with twice the order.
I agree. teaching people how to rid themselves of pests is a Christian act. Good for this man. Too bad there’s no longer a bounty. Instead of violent video games, kids would get more real life experience than thinking disposing of pests is the devil’s work….
Trump is God's chaos candidate. He has great backbone to stand against his enemies. Thank God for Trump. May God give him victory over his enemies. Give at least two solid examples of racism in Trumps life and career that at verified.
The setting is at church, the holy cross is in the back ground, there is a young impressionable girl playing in the back ground, he's wearing a Jesus loves you t-shirt and then totally annihilates the little critter. I guess Jesus doesn't love gophers? This is way too funny in so many ways!
If you use a trap or rifle, you obviously will not have to swing them around but5 you need to do something quick before they easily bite through the twine and you will lose them. I can't be the only one @5:00 like "get back little girl...get back you're going to blow the hunt!" Okay, I'm a city you eat the gopher or what? It looks like a rat to me. I replayed 5:30-5:40 several times and laughed harder and harder each time. Gotta play it one more time I literally have tears coming out of my eyes right now from laughing so much as I watch you handle business with a Fear God/You Need Jesus Shirt!
No. You do not eat gophers. They are rodents. You simply put them back in the hole and they eventually rot and turn into fertilizer. As I said in the video, their used to be regular bounties on gopher tails in the 60's and 70's worth 10 cents per gopher tail as an incentive for citizens to get as many as they could. I do not know of any counties or city halls that do that anymore. THE GIRL: she was curious and shocked. She actually ran off in tears and shock. I almost got in trouble from the pastor's wife for not prepping the kid enough for the brutality of the sport. I only assumed that "all kids today" are as naturally briefed by their parent's upbringing that to "hunt gophers" is as natural as learning to "ride a bike." Unfortunately, this generation of "small town youth" are more urbanized and computerized having not the great benefit of being raised by homestead, pioneering farmers of old.
Dude, I'm with ya, I laughed so hard I had tears coming out my eyes, I'm sure he means well, but it's just funny to see a guy wearing a shirt that says "fear God and you need Jesus" beat the smack out of a gopher like a wet sock on a yoga mat!!!!!! Hahahaha
The girl that ran off was a grandchild of the Pastors wife. She's been protected too much and has never been exposed to the realities of good, old fashioned, farmer's life. She would probably be the type that would be tempted to become a Bernie Sanders or Hillary-type of follower. I should of invited her to come more closely to watch and learn but I don't know her very well and vice versa.
i never laughed harder..that was awsome..i really am surprised that you dont have a lot of passive , tree hugging , earth worshipers sending you hate mail...for me keep up the Good Work..
gophers and ground squirrels are a nuisance! they completely destroyed our beets last year not to mention all the holes there turn your yard and driveways into minimum maintenance roads
I actually sell JESUS SHIRTS. I don't just go to church but I start churches and I training preachers on how to manage churches. I kill gophers, fish, chickens, ducks, geese, pheasants, goats, and sheep.
You do not understand the definition of the word "needlessly" . What was he supposed to do set it free and have it destroy and entire neighborhood of lawns and property? I mean i am deathly afraid of spiders and used to kill all of them. Now i just let them live because they are actually helping us. All these fuckers do is destroy property and love it.
To everyone here objecting to this man killing gophers: do you eat meat? Well, someone killed that animal, cut off it's skin and feet, cut it's head off , pulled it's guts out, all sorts of gory things where they do this all day long. God said thou shalt be grateful and not turn up your nose at anything He has given us to eat.
Actually, 98% of the time, I have always used a .22, bolt action, long or short, hollow point, rifle for gopher hunting. Sometimes, you can get two gophers with one bullet if it is NOT a hollow point. 1% of the time, when I was a teenager, I used steel traps but for the sake of teaching my kids the tradition past down to me from an Aunt named Amanda, I use binder twine.
mike metker if youre going to message me such ignorance. post it public, oh right sweeping things under the rug is standard practice in your religion as is the erradication of life. Sorry Im a real Christian and it is my duty to call out fake ones. also its funny that you only got mad about the Richard Geare comment but did not contest the daughter/wife comment or the cross burning. speaks volumes Amen
I surrendered to the LORD Jesus Christ on June 10th, 1984 at the age of 20. I have been a disciple of Christ for nearly 33 years now. I have not turned my back yet. He is my all in all.
Doesn'tMatter Just like True Christen, he hasnt turned his back for 33 years, thats when the priest would have him turn his back all the time. now he gets down on his knees to please Jesus.
I thought this was going to be a parody on the 'Caddyshack' movie. I guess if you have the time and patience (nothing else to do in Aberdeen, S.D. in the summer?), it is an environmentally safe way to remove prairie dogs/pocket gophers. I guess this was a great way to pass the time as a kid before computers came along.
Dropping varmints like that in a 5 gallon bucket of water works well also, and you avoid the frightening image of bashing its head repeatedly, which tends to upset some folks. They can't swim forever, or maybe about 15 minutes is all. Then toss it over the fence for the crows.
Ever read where they did sacrifices of animals in the good Book? Ate fish? Guy I read about helped fisherman catch a lot of fish. Believe it or not, those fish actually were killed in the process……Sorry snowflake...
5:40 some one says ... "oh my god" Really mister? I looks like your on church property slamming a rodent into the ground. You could have used TnT for the same effect.
I mustve played the "catch"..part about a dozen times..just to laugh at the gopher if to say "how the fuck did I get caught by a damn string?!"
Jesus won't swing a ground squirrel around on a string. There has to be more humane way to kill those critters. I have a gopher problem and I don't torture them.
Yes. I am happy. I had a great day that day showing my daughter how to rid your yard of rodents. As humans created in the image of God, we have been given authority to RULE OVER all animals. People are the superior race. Have you ever eaten chicken, pork, hamburger (from cow) or any type of shrimp, or seafood? Have you ever eaten any vegetables or fruits before? Apples? Oranges? THESE ARE ALL GOD'S CREATIONS. They were all killed or harvested by SOMEONE for your health, and pleasure. Enjoy. Be secure. Be thankful. In everything gives thanks, For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 2 Thessalonians 5:18
Right on Mitch. I question if the people that don’t understand life, would be able to storm Normandy Beach today to defend our freedom. The clowns would step on an ant during training and be psychologically impaired the rest of their life.
Thank you for the response and yes if you must kill something the faster the better. I do understand gophers are a problem as they ruin yards and cause cattle and horses to break legs each year resulting in the death of the animal and great cost to the rancher or farmer.
Jesus killed fish. He had them swim in the nets of the fisherman. I guess you could say he trapped fish, this man trapped a pest. I’m thinking Jesus is okay with this...
Major. He tore up the vendors who were selling stuff beside the temple cause they lost their vision to "pray and go to the nations". In Revelation, you will see when Jesus returns to destroy all his enemies, there will be blood in the street up to the knees. Our God is a consuming fire. The places in the Old Testament where GOD killed idolaters and sinners is overwhelming. The flood is a good example and Sodom and Gemorrah is another one where God wipes out all of creation and two major cities for so much sin. In judgement day it will be must worse.
The juxtaposition of him repeatedly slamming that ground squirrel into the ground in front of a church in that shirt was pure comedy gold!
That's the funniest video I've ever seen on RUclips. I literally have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. The lady who was filming said "oh my God".
I haven't laughed this hard in a long time, I've watched it like 10 times and it just gets funnier every time. good work
He taught one of Gods precious creatures what time it was. He beat that thing like he was performing an exorcism. Also, I think that kid may need some therapy after witnessing that.
Lmao. When he was swinging the gopher against the ground i laughed so hard
"ten cents per tail" , that was the funniest part.
I think the Jesus vibe made this more disturbing than it already is
LOLOL did you see the girl in the background she was running for her life😂😂😂
The guy.. Pastor... And the shirt.... I can't.. I just can't stop laughing 😂 praise the lord!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
NEWS FLASH! That's not a gopher. It's a ground squirrel.
Why did I laugh so hard!? Not what I expected to see on Easter Sunday. Awesome clip! Imagine dying that way. It's like stepping out your front door and finding the Hulk unexpectedly standing there, grabbing you by the ankle, and flinging you around like Loki. RIP Loki the gopher.
Hey I am watching this on Easter as well
This is exactly what I thought
When he started swinging and slamming the gopher around all i could think of was the Hulk slamming Loki around. Lol😂
5:30 *BIBLE THUMPER* turns into *GOPHER THUMPER* 😀
The water jug technique is absolutely the best
This guy here is kind of disgusting, and actually worship Satan cuz he doesn't understand that God is Satan God is actually Gad Mall
I met Victoria in Ventura, California, and she told me to check your RUclips video on catching gophers. I was setting traps at our neighborhood park (I am a volunteer). I have over 300 over 7 years in the lawn in the park. I will now add string to my 14 gopher traps. Thank you.
‘You need Jesus’ wears that on the back of his shirt as he brutally slams a gofer into the ground 😂
the funniest pest control I ever saw
Ground squirrel/gopher variation of Wak-a-mole.
Strings attached
Question how long typically does one have to wait to get one ? I rarely see the gopher but daily see the new piles of dirt around my most precious new fruit trees.. They target them because that is where the only wet spots are .
Depends on many factors: time of day, trust level, your distance, your silence, their age. In this case, I waited for how many minutes?
The power of my string compells you!
Nice job. You got more patience than a hospital.
This is one of the most doctrinally sound/step by step, teaching videos that I have ever viewed. The teaching is clearly sound and effective. I highly recommend that young people that are considering a career in the area of gopher harvesting view this video. Having spent many an hour in the grave yard at the old Lutheran church in Wind Lake, Wisconsin when I was a lad hunting these wily critters, I have a great appreciation for Brother Mitch's well though out techniques. I therefore endorse Brother Mitch's teaching contained herein. NOTE: The fillets, although somewhat small, taste like chicken!
"career in the area of gopher harvesting" really inspiring right there I tell you what
Actually I just watched a professional mole trapper in England that gets $75 per mole. Golf courses, you name it. Run the math on just 3 moles per day with 3 mos off for winter or vacation. That’s three per day.
This guy is my hero. Damn the gophers in South Dakota are way bigger than the ones in San Diego county lol
What in the living hell did I just watch and how did I end up here. I don’t have string or gophers. Sweet Jesus
They give 25 cents a tail in my township it’s just 30 minutes north from aberdeen
@5:35 I just have to keep hitting repeat for a laugh. *Squeak, umph, squeak, umph, umph, umph!
Jesus was ruthless that day.
All I imagined when I saw that ground squirrel die was that one scene from Avengers when The hulk was smashing Loki into the ground
I know there is a reason to do this but what is the reason, is it just because they tear up the yard??
That is not a gopher!!!!! It is a ground squirrel or prarie dog. Gophers leave huge mounds or dirt and rarely come up enough to snare.
100 wrong. I have been living and working with GOPHERS all my life. When you are from Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota you totally know gophers. Do a search. Ground squirrels and gophers are different. Totally. Prairie dogs are MASSIVE in size and may or may not "still" (haven't checked lately) be on the "extinct endangered list". We do NOT shoot or touch prairie dogs. They were protected about 25 years from now. Not up to date with them. Once again, I know gophers like I know my name. Have lived with them all my life in the Midwest.
Sorry Mitch, but Earl is right. That is not a true gopher. You guys may call them that in your part of the country but that's not what it is. Look up gopher on Wikipedia.
Sorry Stick but Mitch is right. A prairie dog or ground squirrel is really big weighing up to 4 lbs' and the size of a rabbit.
Look up "gopher" and "ground squirrel" on Wikipedia and you tell me which picture matches the critter in this video. True gophers have big buck teeth, stubby bodies, beady eyes and tiny tails. The ground squirrel family has all sorts of species ranging from big (marmots) to small thirteen-lined ground squirrels like we have in Iowa. The guy in this video is killing a ground squirrel, though I understand that everyone in his state might call them (mistakenly) gophers. Even the U of Minnesota has their mascot wrong as the "gopher" depicted in the drawings looks more like a ground squirrel than anything.
I did look it up and Mitch is right. That is a gopher.
Apparently Prairie Dogs fill in for Gophers in South Dakota.Too much lead in the water there or what?
Not many Prairie Dogs in SD anymore.
,you caught the wrong guy ..thats a squirl
Actually that's a prairie dog but down they call them gophers
I wonder how the kid feels watching a gopher get its brain bashed in. 🤣🤣🤣
Amazing. I had no idea such a thing was even possible. You have exceptional patience and fast reflexes.
My sides hurt from laughing so hard when he did the tiltawhirl of death to that gopher.
Adds a little different meaning to "He marks the Sparrows fall" ;
How on earth does he do that?? Is it a call or bait?
And that is a ground squirrel not a gopher.
This is HILARIOUS!!!! He has a " You need Jesus" Tee shirt on.....while he hunts and beats the BRAINS out of a GOPHERS!!!!! LMAO 😀😁😍😭😰😁😀
The shirt fits the video so well I just can't :')
Did you have to slam it on the ground
I laughed out loud at dude swinging it around and girl saying “oh my god”.
Mitch Metzger:
Sir as a Christian and ethical hunter, I think you are doing Yourself a disservice by not explaining why God's creation
(Gopher's) populations have to be controlled.
Many responding here are doing so without knowledge and understanding. Please explain and add to the video why Gopher populations have to be kept in check.
Love this. My friends use to do the same thing with twine except they try to catch the gopher around the mid section of the belly. Then the swing the gopher around and toss it into the lake and watch it swim to shore. Then out again until it drowned. They were sadistic SOBs but the farmers didn't care as long as they cut the gopher population down. We use to get 5 cents for a gopher tail around here, but I 'm quite a bit older. constantly trying to rid gophers out of our garden....they like to burrow around big bushes with large roots and therefore don't really have a big need to ever leave the burrow, it seems....i wouldn't have this guys patience........
On the catch technique, well done.
You can call a ground squirrel a gopher if you want but it doesn't make it one. Look up the scientific name of that particular animal. You will find that it is classified as a ground squirrel.
It looks like a Richardson's Ground squirrel aka Urocitellus Richardsonii (I had to look up the scientific name), but it is hard to tell without a better look at the animal and because I'm not a rodent expert. It looks to be maybe 10-12 inches long nose to tail tip, the tail looks to have the right amount of bushiness, right tail color, the head shape looks right, the tan underbelly coloring is right, and I can't see the ears well enough to tell about them. While a rodent like real gophers it belongs to a completely different family (the same one as prairie dogs).
I'm not from SD so there could be another species that lives there which looks very similar. If anyone disagrees and can better identify the animal please tell me it's proper scientific name.
There is just something about watching a guy wearing a "you need jesus tshirt" ruthlessly murder a small animal
I don't know what to say I'm a laughing tears right now I knew straight to go to the comments after the video This guy is most definitely a character
Did you ever try to catch moles? Good video!
Never. No idea.
That was a ground squirrel
Rebuke that squirrel
Kenny Anderson
Never laughed so hard at a comment! 👌
I guess the gopher didn't see "FEAR GOD"! 😂
Oh my, the comments section is hilarious. I guess they expected you to pet the Gopher, Geez Louise. good job dude, praise the Lord!
The best gopher is a dead gopher. I think
that's what a hill Billy would say
Everything has it's place, just not at his church... Little to much for me.
That's awesome. My grandmother tells me stories about getting money for gopher tails. Sometimes she'd find one with a really long tail and cut it in half.
I wish they still had that for this day and age. I have so many gophers. The ground moves. Just terrible
Right when I saw him lift that gopher up and nailed him into the ground I laughed so damn haed 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 LMFAOOOOO
When I was a kid we would catch them by forcing them out of their holes with water.
That gopher was screaming when he was pulled from his hole. They are a pest and I get them all the time in my backyard. I use the Victor Blackbox Gopher Trap, sort of like a mouse trap.
wht kind of t shirt u wearing ,,,, saying fear god ,, and killing animal with this brutal way ,,,
I watched this morning. Between the video and the comments laughed so hard I got a headache thats still lingering at dinner time.
All of you (priest included) are hilarious.
The flying gopher Show ! I have never seen a flying gopher till now.
That is a squirrel dude! Just because people in South Dakota call this A gopher does not make it so. Gophers leave mounds and yes I did Google it. Gophers also have a small rope like tail. Google it.
Such a Christian act.
Yes. Mighty in the Lord and in the power of His might. I am not a "wimp" for Jesus but a Warrior. If you can't kill a gopher, you won't be able to kill a deer. If you can't kill a dear you can't kill a lion. If you can't kill a lion you'll never be able to kill in battle. David was a mighty warrior in the Bible. Samson, also, when he killed thousands with just a jawbone of a donkey. When David killed Goliath, he cut off his head and held it up for the enemies to see. The Bible says, "When they seen Goliath dead, THEY FLED" Trump, by the way has a similar personality profile as Samson. Get ready.
I was with you 'till you mentioned trump. Trump is a racist. And comparing him to David or Samson is just disrespectful
Mitch Metzger David also collected 200 foreskins to marry sauls daughter even though only 100 were requested. But to Saul's surprise David came back alive with twice the order.
I agree. teaching people how to rid themselves of pests is a Christian act. Good for this man. Too bad there’s no longer a bounty. Instead of violent video games, kids would get more real life experience than thinking disposing of pests is the devil’s work….
Trump is God's chaos candidate. He has great backbone to stand against his enemies. Thank God for Trump. May God give him victory over his enemies. Give at least two solid examples of racism in Trumps life and career that at verified.
Love your T-shirt, Amen on the Gopher huntingI like your style.
5:35 WWJD lol
The setting is at church, the holy cross is in the back ground, there is a young impressionable girl playing in the back ground, he's wearing a Jesus loves you t-shirt and then totally annihilates the little critter. I guess Jesus doesn't love gophers? This is way too
funny in so many ways!
Lol the way you swung it was hilarious! I nearly peed myself! lol great job and good patients too!
If you use a trap or rifle, you obviously will not have to swing them around but5 you need to do something quick before they easily bite through the twine and you will lose them.
Dang . He slammed the life outta that gopher. I can't be the only one @5:00 like "get back little girl...get back you're going to blow the hunt!" Okay, I'm a city you eat the gopher or what? It looks like a rat to me. I replayed 5:30-5:40 several times and laughed harder and harder each time. Gotta play it one more time I literally have tears coming out of my eyes right now from laughing so much as I watch you handle business with a Fear God/You Need Jesus Shirt!
No. You do not eat gophers. They are rodents. You simply put them back in the hole and they eventually rot and turn into fertilizer. As I said in the video, their used to be regular bounties on gopher tails in the 60's and 70's worth 10 cents per gopher tail as an incentive for citizens to get as many as they could. I do not know of any counties or city halls that do that anymore. THE GIRL: she was curious and shocked. She actually ran off in tears and shock. I almost got in trouble from the pastor's wife for not prepping the kid enough for the brutality of the sport. I only assumed that "all kids today" are as naturally briefed by their parent's upbringing that to "hunt gophers" is as natural as learning to "ride a bike." Unfortunately, this generation of "small town youth" are more urbanized and computerized having not the great benefit of being raised by homestead, pioneering farmers of old.
of course she ran off. you beat a gopher to near death and then stepped on it
Dude, I'm with ya, I laughed so hard I had tears coming out my eyes, I'm sure he means well, but it's just funny to see a guy wearing a shirt that says "fear God and you need Jesus" beat the smack out of a gopher like a wet sock on a yoga mat!!!!!! Hahahaha
The girl that ran off was a grandchild of the Pastors wife. She's been protected too much and has never been exposed to the realities of good, old fashioned, farmer's life. She would probably be the type that would be tempted to become a Bernie Sanders or Hillary-type of follower. I should of invited her to come more closely to watch and learn but I don't know her very well and vice versa.
Gophers are a complete nuisance and if they are ripping your lawn apart then put your shirt on and start the beat down!!!
There has to be a reason for them?
i never laughed harder..that was awsome..i really am surprised that you dont have a lot of passive , tree hugging , earth worshipers sending you hate mail...for me keep up the Good Work..
Mike Anderson
this couldn't get more funnier now I can hunt the gophers in my cousin's farmland
I agree lol! I was like what?? Fear God and beat the shit outta that Gofer! 😂😂😂😂😂
You ain't lying. I was rollin. So unexpected.
What the fuck is wrong with you people
5:38 Turn up your sound. Listen to the child recording. Hahahaha
gophers and ground squirrels are a nuisance! they completely destroyed our beets last year not to mention all the holes there turn your yard and driveways into minimum maintenance roads
Do you think that gopher is going to hell or to heaven?
Neither. Animals do not have souls (spirits). Only people and angels.
Wears you need Jesus shirt, goes to church, needlessly kills gopher...
I actually sell JESUS SHIRTS. I don't just go to church but I start churches and I training preachers on how to manage churches. I kill gophers, fish, chickens, ducks, geese, pheasants, goats, and sheep.
And you are good at it God-boy
Mitch Metzger u the man, man
You do not understand the definition of the word "needlessly" . What was he supposed to do set it free and have it destroy and entire neighborhood of lawns and property? I mean i am deathly afraid of spiders and used to kill all of them. Now i just let them live because they are actually helping us. All these fuckers do is destroy property and love it.
To everyone here objecting to this man killing gophers: do you eat meat? Well, someone killed that animal, cut off it's skin and feet, cut it's head off , pulled it's guts out, all sorts of gory things where they do this all day long. God said thou shalt be grateful and not turn up your nose at anything He has given us to eat.
I use a high power pellet gun at about 20 yards and it is pretty effective. but your way is pretty ingenious, if I do say so myself
Actually, 98% of the time, I have always used a .22, bolt action, long or short, hollow point, rifle for gopher hunting. Sometimes, you can get two gophers with one bullet if it is NOT a hollow point. 1% of the time, when I was a teenager, I used steel traps but for the sake of teaching my kids the tradition past down to me from an Aunt named Amanda, I use binder twine.
There is so much low key trolling in this video lmao 😂😂
mike metker
if youre going to message me such ignorance. post it public, oh right sweeping things under the rug is standard practice in your religion as is the erradication of life. Sorry Im a real Christian and it is my duty to call out fake ones.
also its funny that you only got mad about the Richard Geare comment but did not contest the daughter/wife comment or the cross burning.
speaks volumes
i couldn't help but lol at 5:34 shirt reads YOU NEED JESUS 2 secs later... proceeds to slam the gopher into oblivion lol.
God save us from your followers!!!!
Some good old-fashioned pioneer killing can you dig it
Effective, but you need Jesus
I surrendered to the LORD Jesus Christ on June 10th, 1984 at the age of 20. I have been a disciple of Christ for nearly 33 years now. I have not turned my back yet. He is my all in all.
Just like True Christen, he hasnt turned his back for 33 years, thats when the priest would have him turn his back all the time. now he gets down on his knees to please Jesus.
Dude needs a Tshirt that says.......Gophers fear ME! LMAO!!
lol killing an innocent animal with a church in the background, hilarious 😂
I thought this was going to be a parody on the 'Caddyshack' movie. I guess if you have the time and patience (nothing else to do in Aberdeen, S.D. in the summer?), it is an environmentally safe way to remove prairie dogs/pocket gophers. I guess this was a great way to pass the time as a kid before computers came along.
I never laughed so hard!!!!!!!
Dropping varmints like that in a 5 gallon bucket of water works well also, and you avoid the frightening image of bashing its head repeatedly, which tends to upset some folks. They can't swim forever, or maybe about 15 minutes is all. Then toss it over the fence for the crows.
Like a true Christian caring for Gods animals lol.
"And behold. Man shall have dominion over the animals."
Wait, aren't gophers one of the Devil's animals?
Swimbait1 Don't be a fool.
Ever read where they did sacrifices of animals in the good Book? Ate fish? Guy I read about helped fisherman catch a lot of fish. Believe it or not, those fish actually were killed in the process……Sorry snowflake...
Swimbait1 god gave us animals to eat
5:40 some one says ... "oh my god" Really mister? I looks like your on church property slamming a rodent into the ground. You could have used TnT for the same effect.
I wonder which one of those girls is his daughter-wife.
I mustve played the "catch"..part about a dozen times..just to laugh at the gopher if to say "how the fuck did I get caught by a damn string?!"
Jesus won't swing a ground squirrel around on a string. There has to be more humane way to kill those critters. I have a gopher problem and I don't torture them.
The true yo-yo champion
Praise God indeed! I am constantly battling these most destructive pests. Every time I catch one it's a celebration!
RIP to the people who ran into him in the field.
congrats you killed one of the gods creatures... happy now?
Yes. I am happy. I had a great day that day showing my daughter how to rid your yard of rodents. As humans created in the image of God, we have been given authority to RULE OVER all animals. People are the superior race. Have you ever eaten chicken, pork, hamburger (from cow) or any type of shrimp, or seafood? Have you ever eaten any vegetables or fruits before? Apples? Oranges? THESE ARE ALL GOD'S CREATIONS. They were all killed or harvested by SOMEONE for your health, and pleasure. Enjoy. Be secure. Be thankful. In everything gives thanks, For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 2 Thessalonians 5:18
I sure am. We need to do a few more of the two legged variety as far as I’m concerned. Eye for an eye, just like the book says.
I sure am. We need to do a few more of the two legged variety as far as I’m concerned. Eye for an eye, just like the book says.
Right on Mitch. I question if the people that don’t understand life, would be able to storm Normandy Beach today to defend our freedom. The clowns would step on an ant during training and be psychologically impaired the rest of their life.
WayYou Change and right in the church yard no less! What a jackass!
Thank you for the response and yes if you must kill something the faster the better. I do understand gophers are a problem as they ruin yards and cause cattle and horses to break legs each year resulting in the death of the animal and great cost to the rancher or farmer.
Jesus is so violent ?
Jesus killed fish. He had them swim in the nets of the fisherman. I guess you could say he trapped fish, this man trapped a pest. I’m thinking Jesus is okay with this...
Major. He tore up the vendors who were selling stuff beside the temple cause they lost their vision to "pray and go to the nations". In Revelation, you will see when Jesus returns to destroy all his enemies, there will be blood in the street up to the knees. Our God is a consuming fire. The places in the Old Testament where GOD killed idolaters and sinners is overwhelming. The flood is a good example and Sodom and Gemorrah is another one where God wipes out all of creation and two major cities for so much sin. In judgement day it will be must worse.
He wears that shirt so the gofers know that he’s putting the fear of god into them
outstanding catch
I bet 'ol Mitch had to pull that dead gopher around on the string.
'Cause I bet it's impossible to PUSH a dead gopher around on a string!