Jared Lucus Thanks for saying so, glad I read this. Are you counting weapons that result from all the different upgrades, or are there actually hundreds of unique weapons?
You are welcome! I'm happy to know I helped at least one person out!! :) When I say HUNDREDS, yes, I am referring to weapons you get along upgrade paths. But, the upgrade paths in this game are really awesome, and work a little differently than you may think. The weapons don't just "upgrade". Maybe, the first couple times or so, but when you upgrade a weapon enough, it will transform into whole new weapon! You usually have at least two new weapons to choose from upon evolution so you can fit your play style, and almost every evolution has its own evolutions! It's always exciting to see what you're going to get. Most powerful weapons can only be obtained by evolving a weapon many times, and some weapons that can be easily bought or made can instead be created by evolving an existing weapon, and it will usually be way more cost and resource effective doing it that way.
So, yes to both lol They are along upgrade paths, but they are in fact all unique weapons They all look way different, and they all have different abilities, status effects, and elemental effects Sorry for the long winded reply haha hope it helps!
Jared Lucus That's alright, it was very informative! Do they change shape, or do they just get different colours and little bits coming off them? I knew that the upgrading was extensive, but I didn't know that it included cosmetic upgrades as well.
man, 8.8... it should be 10/10, seriously, i dont think ive ever played a game for over 200+ hours. The game is simply Amazing, dont even know why its not as big as pokemon....
Yeah, Pokemon, when u think about it, all you do is take turns attacking each other, to get good at the game doesnt really require skill, as long as u put hours grinding + ev/iv training which is a bitch. Other than catching/battling Pokemon, what else can u do?
HELP : I'm getting a Wii U, and this game looks interesting. Is it a JRPG? If so, how would this game be for someone like me who has NEVER played a Monster Hunter game before? Is there a steep learning curve and is it hard to understand? I'd appreciate some advice.
I am getting a Wii U and this game soon too. Its not a JRPG its more of an action game. I played the original Monster Hunter years ago on the PS2, but I missed out on the online play. The game was soo good that I loved it even being stuck with just single player. The only JRPG elements the game has that I can think of is item grinding. Other than that it has little story, no leveling all action. You get stronger by playing better and making better weapons / armor. It wasn't hard for me to get the hang of the game and I played it with no tips hints or online play. My advice is get they game for my sake and yours. We can go Hunting together. I hope when mine ships here the online play will still be thriving.
Lol sorry for the late response yes I have be playing monster hunter nonstop. I got like ten games and hardly touch the other 9. Monster Hunter is so fun. Get it!!!
For those of you complaining that this isn't on Vita...Keep in mind how successful the 3DS is compared to the Vita...Why do you think that this isn't on the Vita now? I won't deny that if it was on Vita, the controls would be brilliant compared to the 3DS version of the game. But since the system is more successful so will Monster Hunter. It moved to Nintendo consoles as it was...not exactly FAILING as per say but it wasn't doing too well on Sony platforms. The series is getting more popular and really should be even more so! But if you're whining, be happy for those who CAN play the game or buy the system provided you have the money, and I know a lot of people probably don't. And I feel sorry for those people. Now, I just need to get the money to buy this game at last...I have to play the 3DS version since I don't have a Wii U. I'm starting Monster Hunter and this should hopefully be a good entry to the series for me. :P
Although I agree with you mostly, I think the release of games such as monster hunter on 3ds actually helped its sale. I am just assuming, but monster hunter series on vita would have definitely raised its sale
Mudan Muda True. Most likely because of Monster Hunter Tri being on the Wii, a system that more people owned and since MH3U is an expansion that could also have helped. I think it depends on how many people own the system or how many would be desperate enough to buy the system the game is on. But then you could say that Freedom Unite intended to boost the PSP's sales but whether or not that worked is something I can't say. I still have yet to play an MH game but eh. Stuff like this can apply to any game that transitions to different systems.
Monster Hunter could have helped sold the Vita and would have looked and ran better than it does on the 3DS. Plenty of people bought the Vita and are sore over the lack of MH. It's the most powerful gaming handheld ever created and has dozens of titles to prove it, despite what ignorant morons will tell you.
Jacob Swoger I'm sure the Vita has a few good titles. But clearly it doesn't have enough compared to the 3DS to actually properly compete with it. Some of my friends have both a 3DS and Vita and I can't say that one of them said they preferred the Vita. They just buy multiplatform games for it (as in games already on PS3) just to stop it from collecting dust. But it has Toukiden which is the next best thing for Vita fans looking for an MH game. But you have to remember, MH3U wasn't released on Vita as Capcom moved it to Nintendo systems as it proved more successful on those than it was on Sony consoles.
CAn you play local multi with the 3ds without wii u? Like just 2 3dses on local wireless? Pls answer soon i am getting te game soon if local multi on 3ds is possible
Monster hunter is my favorite game and I've been playing them on the psp a while back. Now that the new ones are not going to be released on playstation anymore I have to look for a new console to play it. Can someone pls tell me which console should I get that best suits this game and what console will all the the new versions be released on for good? And I noticed in this video that the graphics of monster hunter on the 3ds is not that good but I would really appreciate the online game play feature. Any thoughts? Thank you
I have it for the 3ds and the only reason why it didn't look the same as wii u is because theres really no good 3ds capture cards so the recordings look scrambled :/ I assure you that it is fantastic on either system and yes wii u is the only one with online multiplayer but FYI Monster hunter 4 ultimate has only been announced for 3ds with local and online in 2015 U.S. wii u hasn't been confirmed yet for it so take this as you will.
I have it for the 3ds and the only reason why it didn't look the same as wii u is because theres really no good 3ds capture cards so the recordings look scrambled :/ I assure you that it is fantastic on either system and yes wii u is the only one with online multiplayer but FYI Monster hunter 4 ultimate has only been announced for 3ds with local and online in 2015 U.S. wii u hasn't been confirmed yet for it so take this as you will.
Bradrockfin Well I like to play pokemon y but i've been playing pokemon since 1998 and I know its not for everbody, kingdom hearts is fantastic but not great enough to play it over after beaten (at least for me), super smash bros is really good too, fire emblem awakening and bravely default are great. I still have normal ds games that I play on 3ds like metroid and dementium also. I'll be honest though I don't have a very big selection and I tend to play a lot of monster hunter on it..almost 300 hours worth so far and on pokemon I have over 500 hours due to breeding and playing competitively. If you're curious enough try looking up reviews or gameplay of some 3ds titles and i'm sure you'll find more than a few to keep your attention :)
There's no online functionality with the 3ds so she'd need another wii U unfortunately. I don't know of any plans to port it to PC either so I think you're stuck at least for the time being using the game hot-seat style or shelling out for another Wii-U (unlikely because they're so pricey)
Charity Diary SORRY! I had old information! This is directly from Monster Hunter Wiki. There were tools released to allow users on 3DS to play with Wii U users! Online play is supported only on Wii U. However, 3DS users can now play online through the Wii U "Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Packet Relay Tools." The tools are available for free from the Wii U e-Shop and do not require owning the Wii U version of the game. The Tools require a LAN adapter for the Wii U, as the wireless connection will be in ad-hoc mode to communicate with the 3DS. The tool allows you to connect to the MH3U servers and join the same players as the Wii U version (however, you can not create rooms). Text and Voice chat is possible via the Wii U Gamepad and/or a keyboard (the chat will be displayed on the TV screen, not the 3DS).
Charity Diary I was confused because there is no actual 3DS online play. You have to use a special toolset available via the e-shop to get that functionality.
Chris Akazone Yep, the port goes to G rank, where high rank armor most monsters will take a good chunk of your health just by breathing on you. Doable but difficult on solo, it's where multiplayer really comes in handy and becomes fun.
Oh... i usually play on local with my bros but they only come over every once in a while and i rarely play Tanzia alone... sooooo... im basically on HR 2 now.... guess i'll need more grinding...
G rank is where your hunting skills really get put to the test. The jump from high to G rank is a lot bigger than from low to high. But making armor sets becomes a lot more fun with better charms and new skills (There are a lot more armors with Awaken) and experimenting with mixing armor pieces to make different combinations is easily one of the most fun parts about it.
I've put over 500 hours of this game and I still love it. You aren't even saying why it sucks, probably because your still in low rank. Its a game where you slay monsters, make weapons and armor out of those monsters, and just to have a lot of fun. Sure, when you first start out Monster Hunter it is very confusing but once you get the hang of it, its an amazing game.
Save by sleeping in your bed, change equipment by going into your item box next to your bed. At the bottom of the menu, it will give u an option to view your equipment and select which weapon you want to use
okay so first of all im talking about the original monster hunter tri. I just figured more wii players would be watching this review. I never really got into the wii at all but I recently moved in with my girlfriend who owns the original wii system. this gameplay seems somewhat a kin to dark souls, which is probably my favorite game series right now and im sorely missing something to fill its spot after about 5 playthroughs. I wanna try this out but is it playable with the numbchuck? or should I get an old gamecube controller or something? also do I need wii motion plus?
ive always imagined this game for ps3 or ps4 with graphics like the movie scenes or intros (that style of graphics but better) and with a lot of towns, not just one, or even like 3 or 4 countries, each one with 3 or 4 towns with a LOT of monsters, armors, weapons and like 4000 hours of play hahaha and even more stuff I havent thought of haha
I really hope Sony would secure the rights for at least one new Monster Hunter game on the Vita...I'm getting Freedom Unite anyway on my Vita but seriously a Monster Hunter game with Vita controls, screen and hardware would ROCK
i for one think they should just develop the Dragons Dogma series. it has more room for ideas and innovation because it is Skyrim, Monster Hunter, Dark Soul combine
No you don't need wifi to progress. I have the 3ds version and after training and grinding (its my first monster hunter game i've ever played btw) I managed to beat the main story and i'm hunter rank 6 in port tanzia. I have no one local to play with so its kind of lonely but great fun. I just now got stuck on the urgent quest "sticky situation" it takes me 40 minutes just to kill one of the two enemies and i'm using plesioth cutters I believe is the name which do water damage and they're weak to it...its gonna be very difficult if you find yourself stuck is all but the main story can only be played solo anyway and that killed a good 100 hours by itself so it's well worth the money (i'm 217 hours in atm)
Max Caye well i'm 500 hours in now and I can say that it wasn't my skills that was lacking, it was dps..after that quest I've done everything else with ease. Silver rathalos armor needs to be better, freaken killed the thing 16 times to make the set and I never use it....stygian zin ftw
If you have a Wii U and a 3DS...GET THE WII U VERSION! Not here to rage, this was a great game on the 3DS, but it lacks online play as mentioned. I feel that the lack of online slowed me down a TON, and I haven't played the game in ages. This game seems made for cooperation, which I've seen with the Wii U version. GREAT game, but get the Wii U version..............I've seen tons of IGN review comments today, and before you reply, I'm not raging, I'm just giving advice to people who are debating over which version to get. However, you have a reason to get the 3DS version over the Wii U, I want to get back into this game, so please share with me.
Stranker I have never played any of the Monster Hunter games but am thinking about picking up the third for WiiU to see if I like the series. Is the game fun without multiplayer? I have no friends who use the WiiU, and my schedule is odd so it's hard to make meet up times. Still worth getting to play alone?
Simon I'm more satisfied with 4U's singleplayer, but I think 3U would also be better on the Wii U with singleplayer, and you can go online with random people if you need to.
"Much the same as tri" is not really a downside MH3U itself is an expansion to MH3tri So of course they were bassically the same, except MH3U has some new "expansion" from tri like new monster and weapon etc If there is something worth called downside of MH3U, it is the lack of online multiplayer on 3DS This game deserves at least 9/10 from IGN (10/10 if you asked me lol)
Capcom messed up when they didn't port this to vita. This game alone would have made me purchase my vita when it released , instead of now, nearly a year after. The pure power and better controls behind the vita would have made it the most perfect mobile RPGish game ever. Just imagine aiming with the bow. Not only do players have two thumb-sticks (did nintendo not learn from sony's mistake with psp?), but fine-tuning a shot with the bow using six axis would be really coo. six-axis controls are surprisingly well made on the vita, and the rear-touchpad would actually make it a bit more intuitive and engaging, I believe.
I was initially hesitant because I didn't really play portables and monster hunter was a classic from my younger days, but the vita is one of the most amazing devices i've ever held. Just because the 3ds gets support doesn't make it better.
ilikebacon247 I'm not a fan of a video game device that take their eye off the gaming ball by trying to make a swiss army knife of electronics. And considering Vita's top sellers are a bunch of puzzlers, arcade-style games and a slew of almost-console-quality non-exclusive ports that drink its battery life to the point of impracticality, I'm hard pressed to believe the system is losing the portable system race unjustifiably to the 3DS' amazing lineup of sensible and awesome games. And now that Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts have moved to Nintendo's side, Vita is left to rely on Playstation's first-party games to carry it, like Uncharted and God of War...and...and, uh...oh wait, God of War isn't for Vita. Ok, then just Uncharted.
I love the monster hunter series but I hate their creators. Europe and USA only get the handheld console games while japan are keeping the best games to themselves for reasons I do not know, they get the mmorpg games for PC, X-box 360, PS3 all the exclusive online versions of the games. Dame you Japan let us have them too.
The American market doesn't import those titles because they market games which sell here. (Mostly FPS and mindless action game clones). Don't blame Japanese game companies for not porting, they WANT to. It's just that they believe the games would do so poorly here that there is no incentive for them to ship their games into our shops. If you want to change this start some online petitions for your favorite Japanese franchises and make sure the right people see it. Trust me, if they know the buyers are there they will go for it. I'm a big fan of Japanese and korean produced simulation games (Dating, life, farming, etc) as well as the intricate strategy RTS titles that just aren't getting over here. Trust me i feel your pain. I'm tired of the same old shit getting dropped into game stores.
Well I guess I over did it a bit with the word hate. More like annynoed, the Japanese have given me many things to enjoy such as games, anime, technology, sushi and I do thank them for it, yeah good point.
essex12341 oh hey i just read your comment almost everyone who loves those great Japanese games do have the same problems, but the only company im mad at is "crapcom", catcom???, anyway all they care about now is just money not about there games so your not even alone in this.
+James Marley I'm wondering the exact same thing. It's on sale on the eShop (at least in Canada) until the first of January so I'll probably end up getting it anyway. If I do, I'll update you once I find out for myself!
so is the story any good? and is it fun to play alone? or is it more like borderlands where it's not very fun to play alone but alot of fun to play with friends?
+Nackols The presentation of the "story" is charming, but you won't find much depth to it. Basically you are a hunter who ends up in a village that is having some problems with nearby monsters. Monsters appear, the villagers ask you to go hunt them, you hunt them. The characters around the village/the funny dialogue are the charming part, but the hook to Monster Hunter games has never been the story. It's the gameplay and the addicting weapon/armour upgrade system. You don't earn stats in Monster Hunter, you simply forge better weapons and armour that help you take down bigger and stronger monsters, which in turn give you stronger materials, and the cycle repeats. It is certainly still fun to play alone, but it is arguably better/convenient to be able to play online. You fight the same monsters online as in the offline campaign, but the benefit to online play is that it is much easier to hunt a monster the numerous amount of times it takes to build a set of armour from the materials you can carve off them. Monster Hunter 4U on the 3DS has a somewhat more fleshed out story to it than 3U, but it's still fairly basic in the story department. Monster Hunter is about the hunting.
Kikyo4815 cool man, thanks for the answer, sounds really fun, I might have to get it, which one do you recommend between monster hunter 4 on 3ds, or 3 for the wii u?
Budder Cafe No way, mario 3D world is the best mario since Super Mario World on SNES. If you didn't like that game you just don't like platformers anymore. Windwaker was always epic and it's more epic in HD and given that i haven't played it in over a decade i'm getting it again, ZombiU is a really good hardcore survival horror title,Hyrule Warriors kicks ass, so does Smash Bro's and Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze is fun and challenging, Splatoon looks like it's going to be a fun unique shooter and the new Zelda coming out looks amazing. I won't argue that the main reason i wanted a Wii U was for MH3U but the console offers much more if you open yourself up to it.
EQOAnostalgia No, it is the *same* game every time. Same formula, if you've played one, you've played them all. You just don't care. There is no need to buy more than one Mario or Zelda game. They're all the same.
Budder Cafe Did you seriously just say that all of them are the same when the ENTIRE FUCKING MONSTER HUNTER SERIES has remained almost exactly the same as the original PS2 version? LOL... this conversation is over bro. Good luck.
He can't controle that so i dont think any less of the review. It's still professional. It's not like he's saying um and awkwardly pausing and fuzzy quality.
Heres the thing I picked up this game because a buddy of mine insisted I did such a long time, I got it for 30$ and at first I hated the single player but god once you spend some time on it man it will become hard to let it go. I spend hours on this game and I have a ps4 and ps3 and other systems I can never get to stop playing this game. Its awesome. One of the best.
I could only play Monster Hunter for PSP offline anyway, so =P Is there any significant difference between the two ports? For example, I don't want monsters specific to Wii U, where I'm stuck with low-res monsters from previous games.
I hope this footage is from the 3DS and not the Wii U, as the graphics are garbage. Also, this is an absolutely terrible review....you told your audience NOTHING about the type of game this is or the general play structure it uses. All I got from it was there are monster fights and mini-games. You seemed to assume the audience knows the MH series already (I don't).
Anze G did you give up because you did not understand the controls or because you can just not get used to the 3ds because most people who played monster hunter before said they had no problem after an 1-2 hours of getting used to it.
***** if they had a chase cam, maybe I could. But why would they make it so you have to turn the bloody camera around as well? Its beyond annoying. I also keep pressing X button (I think) to attack, but end up drinking the potions, and I still don't know what's the diffirence between the 2 diffirent attack buttons. And the bow controlls are pretty crazy too. There's probobly a tutorial in the full game to explain some of this, but its a nightmare on the demo.
Anze G no there is not a full fledged tutorial on the full game monster hunter games where always on the most difficult games list since you need allot of practi e and skill to become good in them.
Actually that might be possible. You're able to do a system transfer from your Wii to your Wii U. I know that ports your virtual console games, it might transfer save files as well. Otherwise you'd have to get all of your brawl characters again and so forth. Though I'm not sure if your MH Tri save file is compatible with MH3U... Might want to do a bit more research to be sure.
It's a Wiiu and 3DS exclusive. Monster Hunter tri is the Wii game from 2009. This is Monster Hunter tri but with more than twice the content of the original version. New enemies , Weapons , Areas , 3DS connectivity etc.
I have never played a monster hunter game before ... I plan on buying a 3DS ... should I get monster hunter on the 3DS though I would be playing solo with no online?
I have it for the 3DS and my circle pad pro XL is coming tomorrow. The reviewer was right about underwater battles without one, it's such a pain. I'm holding off playing it until it arrives tomorrow just so I don't spoil the experience. Then I've booked a few days off work just to play and eat junk food with my friends!
Is this like the G version of the Monster Hunter 3? Cause I've totally collected everything weapons and almost all the high end weapons on MH3. If it's only a few new monsters it's not worth it for me to get a 3DS.
The miniscule dialogue and item text completely ruins this game. It's virtually unplayed able when you can't decipher where to go or what to do. I bought this game and I should be able to read the text on a 66 inch HDTV, but for some reason it's so goddamn small that I actually have to squint and get close to the screen in order to read it. Not really what I consider a good time. I'd really like to know what they were thinking with that choice. I mean other similar games seem to have gotten it right, why couldn't they?
It doesn't matter if they're different games because the point isn't the content in question or even the quality of it, the point is, if one game got marked down for re-using content and not the other, then there is some kind of bias or simply oversight going on. This review never said about re-using BAD content. It's simply reused content it got marked down for. Which the entirety of most CoD sequels consists of (as well as other games but the OP mentioned CoD as an example).
If you're into RPGs, the bet is no doubt on the 3DS. Just like the DS, it's looking like a great system for RPG lovers with games like Fire Emblem: Awakening, Devil Survivor, Eterian Odyssey IV, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Pokemon X&Y, Paper Mario, Monster Hunter 3U, Tales of Abyss, the upcoming Shin Megami Tensei 4, Bravely Default, Zelda, Final Fantasy, etc. including the great RPG games on the eShop and the original DS. Plus, all the other 3DS games I didn't mention out for the system.
So hold up a moment. I just went to the store today and looked at the back of the box, and it says for 3DS it's online for up to 3 players. But then I come here and it's not online?
Yup. Monster Hunter 4 was rumored to be a 3DS/VITA exclusive for a few weeks. Until a member asked about this rumor on Capcom Unity. One of the site's admins said exactly that (there's no audience for it on the VITA)
you CAN play multiplayer on the 3DS version. It has local multi (4 player) in same room. It has online multiplayer - if you are near a wiiU (with mh3 also) And the 3Ds version also has streetpass hunters that are added to your game (controlled by CPU) I've got over 100hrs on this game and not even scratched the surface. Essential game if you have 3DS.
I don't know what you're talking about, I miss using the claw compared to the WiiU Pad's design, which was clearly design for games that use both sticks at the same time. If it weren't so thick I'd be using the claw on it as well.
There is somewhat of a campaign. You fight monsters and after completing a certain amount of quests you can move on to the boss monster of your ranking then move up. The main goal is to slay the lagiacrus but there is much more to do afterwords.
Japanese version only. Eddie was commenting on another guy saying that this game was on the PS3, which it isn't. The game on the PS3 is called Portable 3rd HD.
So, is what I am getting is I need to be near a WiiU with the same game to play multiplayer online on the 3DS, BUT I can play with friends Local multiplayer?
The grinding for the weapons an armours don't get boring until, you are much further on and it becomes easy, but by then you won't need the armour from them or already have it. Just because you have killed it once won't make it easy. Even for an experienced hunter such as myself, rushing in I any decent fight, wether a new monster or one you have fought before can be fatal. Every fight is different, and even if it gets boring, you can use a new weapon. It changes everything.
One of the few IGN reviews that im 100% behind. Good Job. Get more honest, serious reviewers like this, and people will stop saying "You can't spell ignorance, without IGN." Thumbs up. Ill sub now.
Roughly how much content does this one have in relation to the Monster Hunter Freedom games on PSP? I've sunk literally thousands of hours into those ones and I only just found out this one was also a 3DS release, so I'm hoping this can keep me entertained for a few months.
I played the demo version of this game on wii u and it was such a grind to kill one of the monster is the full game this repetitive and hard or are the monster a bit easier
Yeah this is the first monster hunter game I've ever played, I took a risk buying it because I've never played any of the other games in the series, but I must say it is amazing and addictive!
Damn they need to remake this and 4u on switch
@SimplyRedline I've played it 10 times over
Rise is coming to switch
@Devil2ss We have 2 maps.
Even in GU style of remaster would be perfect.
it's funny how she said "more then 100 hours worth" when i think 600+ is more accurate lol
She probably spent 10 hours and called it a full review, Keza reviews are the shittest so far on IGN
mkiller1001 She left IGN or is in the process of leaving. She's gonna be the lead editor at Kotaku.
No the game actually starts at 100 mark. There are many people who played more than 1k hours
mkiller1001 I dunno, this review seems pretty accurate.
Key word "More than 100 hours".
"More". That's better.
As a veteran of monster hunter I can say....SCREW INSTINCTS JUST BEAT IT TIL IT DEADED!!!
Thats how I am when I take on a quest xD If its not dead, make it that way.
i personally prefer plesioth armor then capture due to the higher rewards, but hey whatever floats your boat.
Sounds good to me. lol
+majoradragon That's excactly what I have done in all Monster Hunter games since Monster Hunter 2
Weapon TYPES....
WEAPON TYPES! It sounds fucking absurd to just say it has "12 weapons" it has 12 TYPES of weapons. It has hundreds of actual weapons.
Jared Lucus Thanks for saying so, glad I read this. Are you counting weapons that result from all the different upgrades, or are there actually hundreds of unique weapons?
You are welcome! I'm happy to know I helped at least one person out!! :)
When I say HUNDREDS, yes, I am referring to weapons you get along upgrade paths. But, the upgrade paths in this game are really awesome, and work a little differently than you may think. The weapons don't just "upgrade". Maybe, the first couple times or so, but when you upgrade a weapon enough, it will transform into whole new weapon! You usually have at least two new weapons to choose from upon evolution so you can fit your play style, and almost every evolution has its own evolutions! It's always exciting to see what you're going to get. Most powerful weapons can only be obtained by evolving a weapon many times, and some weapons that can be easily bought or made can instead be created by evolving an existing weapon, and it will usually be way more cost and resource effective doing it that way.
So, yes to both lol
They are along upgrade paths, but they are in fact all unique weapons
They all look way different, and they all have different abilities, status effects, and elemental effects
Sorry for the long winded reply haha hope it helps!
Jared Lucus That's alright, it was very informative! Do they change shape, or do they just get different colours and little bits coming off them? I knew that the upgrading was extensive, but I didn't know that it included cosmetic upgrades as well.
They will completely change
Sometimes drastically, depending on the level of transformation, and what type of materials were used
man, 8.8... it should be 10/10, seriously, i dont think ive ever played a game for over 200+ hours. The game is simply Amazing, dont even know why its not as big as pokemon....
The learning curve and patience required to play Monster Hunter does not appeal to the majority like Pokemon's simplistic game style.
Yeah, Pokemon, when u think about it, all you do is take turns attacking each other, to get good at the game doesnt really require skill, as long as u put hours grinding + ev/iv training which is a bitch. Other than catching/battling Pokemon, what else can u do?
Nothing. It's a game about grinding and collecting, which is why it fundamentally sucks.
Plesioth's hit box is still broken, 3DS lacks online 3U.
Your comment is invalid.
Willie Wonker evasion +1 does the trick on land, it never really hits me underwater
*dusts off Wii U* Alright pal! Let's get you hooked up!
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no online on the 3ds version :'( whyyy
HELP : I'm getting a Wii U, and this game looks interesting. Is it a JRPG? If so, how would this game be for someone like me who has NEVER played a Monster Hunter game before? Is there a steep learning curve and is it hard to understand? I'd appreciate some advice.
I am getting a Wii U and this game soon too. Its not a JRPG its more of an action game. I played the original Monster Hunter years ago on the PS2, but I missed out on the online play. The game was soo good that I loved it even being stuck with just single player. The only JRPG elements the game has that I can think of is item grinding. Other than that it has little story, no leveling all action. You get stronger by playing better and making better weapons / armor. It wasn't hard for me to get the hang of the game and I played it with no tips hints or online play. My advice is get they game for my sake and yours. We can go Hunting together. I hope when mine ships here the online play will still be thriving.
lamarl86 Have you gotten your wii u yet?
It's great to get into. It's also much easier in difficulty than MH3Tri by a long shot.
Lol sorry for the late response yes I have be playing monster hunter nonstop. I got like ten games and hardly touch the other 9. Monster Hunter is so fun. Get it!!!
lamarl86 i just dont know man..
For those of you complaining that this isn't on Vita...Keep in mind how successful the 3DS is compared to the Vita...Why do you think that this isn't on the Vita now? I won't deny that if it was on Vita, the controls would be brilliant compared to the 3DS version of the game. But since the system is more successful so will Monster Hunter. It moved to Nintendo consoles as it was...not exactly FAILING as per say but it wasn't doing too well on Sony platforms. The series is getting more popular and really should be even more so! But if you're whining, be happy for those who CAN play the game or buy the system provided you have the money, and I know a lot of people probably don't. And I feel sorry for those people. Now, I just need to get the money to buy this game at last...I have to play the 3DS version since I don't have a Wii U. I'm starting Monster Hunter and this should hopefully be a good entry to the series for me. :P
Although I agree with you mostly, I think the release of games such as monster hunter on 3ds actually helped its sale. I am just assuming, but monster hunter series on vita would have definitely raised its sale
Mudan Muda True. Most likely because of Monster Hunter Tri being on the Wii, a system that more people owned and since MH3U is an expansion that could also have helped. I think it depends on how many people own the system or how many would be desperate enough to buy the system the game is on. But then you could say that Freedom Unite intended to boost the PSP's sales but whether or not that worked is something I can't say. I still have yet to play an MH game but eh. Stuff like this can apply to any game that transitions to different systems.
I honestly say that my reason of not buying vita is because there's no more MH on it
Monster Hunter could have helped sold the Vita and would have looked and ran better than it does on the 3DS. Plenty of people bought the Vita and are sore over the lack of MH. It's the most powerful gaming handheld ever created and has dozens of titles to prove it, despite what ignorant morons will tell you.
Jacob Swoger I'm sure the Vita has a few good titles. But clearly it doesn't have enough compared to the 3DS to actually properly compete with it. Some of my friends have both a 3DS and Vita and I can't say that one of them said they preferred the Vita. They just buy multiplatform games for it (as in games already on PS3) just to stop it from collecting dust. But it has Toukiden which is the next best thing for Vita fans looking for an MH game. But you have to remember, MH3U wasn't released on Vita as Capcom moved it to Nintendo systems as it proved more successful on those than it was on Sony consoles.
Wait, only 40 Hours? Ha you can't even speak about the game until you put in at least a few hundred!
Ikr I spent like 600hours on tri. I'm not proud of it xD
Easily one of my favourite series out there. Clocked in a total of around 800 hours over the PSP versions. Cant wait for a new one on Vita!
Still waiting that vita monster hunter?
You never forget your first. Too bad my first few hours was me not knowing I needed a quest to find monsters
There are 12 different TYPES of weapons. Like bows, longswords, dual swords, ect.
Capcom has a fire sale going on both the 3DS and Wii U. This game is now $4.99 on the 3DS.
CAn you play local multi with the 3ds without wii u? Like just 2 3dses on local wireless? Pls answer soon i am getting te game soon if local multi on 3ds is possible
I finally went and got a 3DS the other day. This will be one of the first games I get along with Zelda Ocarina of Time :D
Pwnograffik yes!!!! Got this and Zelda: ocarina of time... immediately after getting the n3ds xl yesterday
remake was like the original
Cancer nice meme
How is 'coerce your friends into playing with you' so accurate?
Monster hunter is my favorite game and I've been playing them on the psp a while back. Now that the new ones are not going to be released on playstation anymore I have to look for a new console to play it. Can someone pls tell me which console should I get that best suits this game and what console will all the the new versions be released on for good? And I noticed in this video that the graphics of monster hunter on the 3ds is not that good but I would really appreciate the online game play feature. Any thoughts? Thank you
I have it for the 3ds and the only reason why it didn't look the same as wii u is because theres really no good 3ds capture cards so the recordings look scrambled :/ I assure you that it is fantastic on either system and yes wii u is the only one with online multiplayer but FYI Monster hunter 4 ultimate has only been announced for 3ds with local and online in 2015 U.S. wii u hasn't been confirmed yet for it so take this as you will.
I have it for the 3ds and the only reason why it didn't look the same as wii u is because theres really no good 3ds capture cards so the recordings look scrambled :/ I assure you that it is fantastic on either system and yes wii u is the only one with online multiplayer but FYI Monster hunter 4 ultimate has only been announced for 3ds with local and online in 2015 U.S. wii u hasn't been confirmed yet for it so take this as you will.
Ben Firchau thx man. Do you enjoy playing the other games available on the 3ds?
Bradrockfin Well I like to play pokemon y but i've been playing pokemon since 1998 and I know its not for everbody, kingdom hearts is fantastic but not great enough to play it over after beaten (at least for me), super smash bros is really good too, fire emblem awakening and bravely default are great. I still have normal ds games that I play on 3ds like metroid and dementium also. I'll be honest though I don't have a very big selection and I tend to play a lot of monster hunter on it..almost 300 hours worth so far and on pokemon I have over 500 hours due to breeding and playing competitively. If you're curious enough try looking up reviews or gameplay of some 3ds titles and i'm sure you'll find more than a few to keep your attention :)
aite man thx again. I'll be getting the 3ds xl today
This game is the reason why I bought a 3DS. I played it over 100+ hours and I can't wait to play Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate in early 2015!
Should I get this game for the WiiU and 3DS so my girlfriend and I can play it together? I need opinions!
There's no online functionality with the 3ds so she'd need another wii U unfortunately. I don't know of any plans to port it to PC either so I think you're stuck at least for the time being using the game hot-seat style or shelling out for another Wii-U (unlikely because they're so pricey)
edenscancer What do you mean? Can't Wii-U users play with local 3DS users?
Charity Diary SORRY! I had old information! This is directly from Monster Hunter Wiki. There were tools released to allow users on 3DS to play with Wii U users!
Online play is supported only on Wii U. However, 3DS users can now play online through the Wii U "Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Packet Relay Tools." The tools are available for free from the Wii U e-Shop and do not require owning the Wii U version of the game.
The Tools require a LAN adapter for the Wii U, as the wireless connection will be in ad-hoc mode to communicate with the 3DS. The tool allows you to connect to the MH3U servers and join the same players as the Wii U version (however, you can not create rooms). Text and Voice chat is possible via the Wii U Gamepad and/or a keyboard (the chat will be displayed on the TV screen, not the 3DS).
Charity Diary I was confused because there is no actual 3DS online play. You have to use a special toolset available via the e-shop to get that functionality.
wii u
This game got me to the heart.. i just reached high rank and i feel like im actually part of moga...T^T
wait till you get to G-rank
TheHaviocdarkmoon Theres.... another rank .... ? o___o
Chris Akazone Yep, the port goes to G rank, where high rank armor most monsters will take a good chunk of your health just by breathing on you. Doable but difficult on solo, it's where multiplayer really comes in handy and becomes fun.
Oh... i usually play on local with my bros but they only come over every once in a while and i rarely play Tanzia alone... sooooo... im basically on HR 2 now.... guess i'll need more grinding...
G rank is where your hunting skills really get put to the test. The jump from high to G rank is a lot bigger than from low to high. But making armor sets becomes a lot more fun with better charms and new skills (There are a lot more armors with Awaken) and experimenting with mixing armor pieces to make different combinations is easily one of the most fun parts about it.
I've put over 500 hours of this game and I still love it. You aren't even saying why it sucks, probably because your still in low rank. Its a game where you slay monsters, make weapons and armor out of those monsters, and just to have a lot of fun. Sure, when you first start out Monster Hunter it is very confusing but once you get the hang of it, its an amazing game.
Save by sleeping in your bed, change equipment by going into your item box next to your bed. At the bottom of the menu, it will give u an option to view your equipment and select which weapon you want to use
okay so first of all im talking about the original monster hunter tri. I just figured more wii players would be watching this review. I never really got into the wii at all but I recently moved in with my girlfriend who owns the original wii system. this gameplay seems somewhat a kin to dark souls, which is probably my favorite game series right now and im sorely missing something to fill its spot after about 5 playthroughs. I wanna try this out but is it playable with the numbchuck? or should I get an old gamecube controller or something? also do I need wii motion plus?
no multiplayer for 3ds!?!?!?!?! :( i have a 3ds not a wii u. :(
It's local multiplayer. Up to 4 people. Just no online play, sadly. Gotta wait till Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate for that
SubiBrown well i recently found out that mh4 has both multiplayer and local multiplayer for all platforms! :D
KT12US Well if you wanna pay almost 400 bucks for a Japanese 3DS XL with the game and/or the bundle, go ahead.
Albert Wily no need for that i am gonna get mh4
KT12US MH4 is a Japan-only exclusive. MH4 Ultimate is the one that's coming out in 2015
ive always imagined this game for ps3 or ps4 with graphics like the movie scenes or intros (that style of graphics but better) and with a lot of towns, not just one, or even like 3 or 4 countries, each one with 3 or 4 towns with a LOT of monsters, armors, weapons and like 4000 hours of play hahaha and even more stuff I havent thought of haha
that would have to be a monster hunter MMORPG, and that would never happen.
Ulfric Stormcloak
there is already a monster hunter mmorpg though, even if it's just for china (got that from the wiki)
TheUndergroundsonic oh there is? i never knew.
4 years later... :D
you must be pretty happy now!
I really hope Sony would secure the rights for at least one new Monster Hunter game on the Vita...I'm getting Freedom Unite anyway on my Vita but seriously a Monster Hunter game with Vita controls, screen and hardware would ROCK
agreed. I remember skipping work during the PS2 days playing this. This franchise begs for an updated network infrastructure like PSN or Live.
i for one think they should just develop the Dragons Dogma series.
it has more room for ideas and innovation because it is Skyrim, Monster Hunter, Dark Soul combine
Do you need wifi in order to progress in the game? I'm only getting the 3ds game. Don't want to get WiiU
No you don't need wifi to progress. I have the 3ds version and after training and grinding (its my first monster hunter game i've ever played btw) I managed to beat the main story and i'm hunter rank 6 in port tanzia. I have no one local to play with so its kind of lonely but great fun. I just now got stuck on the urgent quest "sticky situation" it takes me 40 minutes just to kill one of the two enemies and i'm using plesioth cutters I believe is the name which do water damage and they're weak to it...its gonna be very difficult if you find yourself stuck is all but the main story can only be played solo anyway and that killed a good 100 hours by itself so it's well worth the money (i'm 217 hours in atm)
Nah, just has lots of grind but it isn't hard. Sticky situation takes me around 20 minutes solo. It's all about skills.
Max Caye well i'm 500 hours in now and I can say that it wasn't my skills that was lacking, it was dps..after that quest I've done everything else with ease. Silver rathalos armor needs to be better, freaken killed the thing 16 times to make the set and I never use it....stygian zin ftw
can anyone please help me w/how you get those little companions?
If you have a Wii U and a 3DS...GET THE WII U VERSION! Not here to rage, this was a great game on the 3DS, but it lacks online play as mentioned. I feel that the lack of online slowed me down a TON, and I haven't played the game in ages. This game seems made for cooperation, which I've seen with the Wii U version. GREAT game, but get the Wii U version..............I've seen tons of IGN review comments today, and before you reply, I'm not raging, I'm just giving advice to people who are debating over which version to get. However, you have a reason to get the 3DS version over the Wii U, I want to get back into this game, so please share with me.
It's a little late but I would actually rather get the 3ds version since I go out a lot I'm always wanting to play wherever I go
Mixel Mcpixel True. At this point I just play MH4U all the time :P. I just like playing MH online more than offline.
Stranker I have never played any of the Monster Hunter games but am thinking about picking up the third for WiiU to see if I like the series. Is the game fun without multiplayer? I have no friends who use the WiiU, and my schedule is odd so it's hard to make meet up times. Still worth getting to play alone?
Simon I'm more satisfied with 4U's singleplayer, but I think 3U would also be better on the Wii U with singleplayer, and you can go online with random people if you need to.
***** Gamestop, like $15
Thank you mario kart 8 free game deal!
"Much the same as tri" is not really a downside
MH3U itself is an expansion to MH3tri
So of course they were bassically the same, except MH3U has some new "expansion" from tri like new monster and weapon etc
If there is something worth called downside of MH3U, it is the lack of online multiplayer on 3DS
This game deserves at least 9/10 from IGN (10/10 if you asked me lol)
I have this on my 3ds and have been loving it. I only use the auto target camera... I like having my other hand free for the face-buttons.
I'm thinking about buying it, since i got a good deal on wii u. Will i see people online if i buy it?
no don't buy it buy 4 ultimate instead if you want many multiplayer time
+shadow striker 114 mh4u is 3ds only tho.
and 3ds no online play rite.
Lokopo monster hunter 4 Ultimate on the 3ds does have online. And so will Monster Hunter Generations that will be released in 4 days.
Capcom messed up when they didn't port this to vita. This game alone would have made me purchase my vita when it released , instead of now, nearly a year after.
The pure power and better controls behind the vita would have made it the most perfect mobile RPGish game ever. Just imagine aiming with the bow. Not only do players have two thumb-sticks (did nintendo not learn from sony's mistake with psp?), but fine-tuning a shot with the bow using six axis would be really coo. six-axis controls are surprisingly well made on the vita, and the rear-touchpad would actually make it a bit more intuitive and engaging, I believe.
You should have bought a 3ds instead.
Pretty sure that nintendo bought the rights to Monster Hunter...
The fact that you'd buy a Vita for this game explains why they didn't make it for the Vita...it's because Vita sucks.
I was initially hesitant because I didn't really play portables and monster hunter was a classic from my younger days, but the vita is one of the most amazing devices i've ever held. Just because the 3ds gets support doesn't make it better.
I'm not a fan of a video game device that take their eye off the gaming ball by trying to make a swiss army knife of electronics. And considering Vita's top sellers are a bunch of puzzlers, arcade-style games and a slew of almost-console-quality non-exclusive ports that drink its battery life to the point of impracticality, I'm hard pressed to believe the system is losing the portable system race unjustifiably to the 3DS' amazing lineup of sensible and awesome games.
And now that Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts have moved to Nintendo's side, Vita is left to rely on Playstation's first-party games to carry it, like Uncharted and God of War...and...and, uh...oh wait, God of War isn't for Vita. Ok, then just Uncharted.
I love the monster hunter series but I hate their creators. Europe and USA only get the handheld console games while japan are keeping the best games to themselves for reasons I do not know, they get the mmorpg games for PC, X-box 360, PS3 all the exclusive online versions of the games. Dame you Japan let us have them too.
Americans play too much of that crap Call Of Duty, that's why there is no incentive for the japanese to sell all those games in the USA.
The American market doesn't import those titles because they market games which sell here. (Mostly FPS and mindless action game clones). Don't blame Japanese game companies for not porting, they WANT to. It's just that they believe the games would do so poorly here that there is no incentive for them to ship their games into our shops.
If you want to change this start some online petitions for your favorite Japanese franchises and make sure the right people see it. Trust me, if they know the buyers are there they will go for it.
I'm a big fan of Japanese and korean produced simulation games (Dating, life, farming, etc) as well as the intricate strategy RTS titles that just aren't getting over here. Trust me i feel your pain. I'm tired of the same old shit getting dropped into game stores.
Well I guess I over did it a bit with the word hate. More like annynoed, the Japanese have given me many things to enjoy such as games, anime, technology, sushi and I do thank them for it, yeah good point.
essex12341 oh hey i just read your comment almost everyone who loves those great Japanese games do have the same problems, but the only company im mad at is "crapcom", catcom???, anyway all they care about now is just money not about there games so your not even alone in this.
Well mate we can only take what we can get im afraid.
considering it goves 500 hours of gameplay it would last years and that what people need I put 688 hours and 2 years in monster hunter freedom unite
Thats great, but just because a game has a lot of replayability does not mean it is worth a 10.
Not exactly anyone who plays got their money worth
AjayAwesome chakraborty That still doesn't make it a 10.
I put over 150 hours into Tri on Wii. I just got a wii u and want to get this game next week. was just wondering are people still playing online??
+James Marley I'm wondering the exact same thing. It's on sale on the eShop (at least in Canada) until the first of January so I'll probably end up getting it anyway. If I do, I'll update you once I find out for myself!
James Marley Great, I will! :) My NNID is MishMeesh .
+Kikyo4815 just added you :) It's good to meet someone nice online for once aha
Yes, there are about 300 people on at a time nowadays. Add me if you ever want to play. NNID: AbsoluteOmicron
I'm almost ashamed to say I put 1900 hours into tri
so is the story any good? and is it fun to play alone? or is it more like borderlands where it's not very fun to play alone but alot of fun to play with friends?
+Nackols The presentation of the "story" is charming, but you won't find much depth to it. Basically you are a hunter who ends up in a village that is having some problems with nearby monsters. Monsters appear, the villagers ask you to go hunt them, you hunt them. The characters around the village/the funny dialogue are the charming part, but the hook to Monster Hunter games has never been the story. It's the gameplay and the addicting weapon/armour upgrade system. You don't earn stats in Monster Hunter, you simply forge better weapons and armour that help you take down bigger and stronger monsters, which in turn give you stronger materials, and the cycle repeats. It is certainly still fun to play alone, but it is arguably better/convenient to be able to play online. You fight the same monsters online as in the offline campaign, but the benefit to online play is that it is much easier to hunt a monster the numerous amount of times it takes to build a set of armour from the materials you can carve off them.
Monster Hunter 4U on the 3DS has a somewhat more fleshed out story to it than 3U, but it's still fairly basic in the story department. Monster Hunter is about the hunting.
Kikyo4815 cool man, thanks for the answer, sounds really fun, I might have to get it, which one do you recommend between monster hunter 4 on 3ds, or 3 for the wii u?
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is the only reason I have a Wii-U
That sucks, because the only thing the Wii U has going for it really are the exclusives lol. They are quite good.
EQOAnostalgia In my opinion, Mario is a copy of the last 3 billion Marios, same applies to Zelda
Budder Cafe No way, mario 3D world is the best mario since Super Mario World on SNES. If you didn't like that game you just don't like platformers anymore. Windwaker was always epic and it's more epic in HD and given that i haven't played it in over a decade i'm getting it again, ZombiU is a really good hardcore survival horror title,Hyrule Warriors kicks ass, so does Smash Bro's and Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze is fun and challenging, Splatoon looks like it's going to be a fun unique shooter and the new Zelda coming out looks amazing. I won't argue that the main reason i wanted a Wii U was for MH3U but the console offers much more if you open yourself up to it.
EQOAnostalgia No, it is the *same* game every time. Same formula, if you've played one, you've played them all. You just don't care. There is no need to buy more than one Mario or Zelda game. They're all the same.
Budder Cafe Did you seriously just say that all of them are the same when the ENTIRE FUCKING MONSTER HUNTER SERIES has remained almost exactly the same as the original PS2 version? LOL... this conversation is over bro. Good luck.
Man, this person's voice... =/ Otherwise, good review.
He can't controle that so i dont think any less of the review. It's still professional. It's not like he's saying um and awkwardly pausing and fuzzy quality.
Devin Schug I understand that. I'm not trying to criticize him, so sorry for that. The review was great. No offense man. =)
i like his voice, he sounds well educated, enthusiastic and speaks clearly and concisely.
That moment when you find out "He" is actually a "she."
Sagan Rauscher I thought so, but couldn't be sure, I was just going with what everyone else was saying :P
Mere words cannot descrube my passion for this series
Is that game worth picking up while playing alone(Wii U)?
Yes it's one of my favorites on the system.
But I understood that it might be too tough for only one person.... are there any players playing online?
Heres the thing I picked up this game because a buddy of mine insisted I did such a long time, I got it for 30$ and at first I hated the single player but god once you spend some time on it man it will become hard to let it go. I spend hours on this game and I have a ps4 and ps3 and other systems I can never get to stop playing this game. Its awesome. One of the best.
FreakyMagnum007 Another thing yes online is full of players.
I could only play Monster Hunter for PSP offline anyway, so =P Is there any significant difference between the two ports? For example, I don't want monsters specific to Wii U, where I'm stuck with low-res monsters from previous games.
Deserves a 10
No it doesn't, a 10 should be nearly impossible to get, although this game is very great, you must admit it has its flaws and is not perfect.
Well its give 1000 hours of gameplay its just what gamers need and its fun and the ecosystem is realistic (for monsters) its beutifal what can I say
AjayAwesome chakraborty A lot of gamers dont want a 1000 hour game.
grobbyman A lot of us do lol
Monster hunter freedom unite for the psp is still beast I think..
o f course it's beast, it's just nostalgia isn't good enough reason to put it above mh3u or mh4u
I mean I( say i think cuz i haven't played this game yet..
ElCapo696 mh4u is better, without a doubt.
It really feels like an updated, more fair version of freedom unite.
Playing it on vita with dual analog makes it SOO much better.
+ElCapo696 I totally agree.
I hope this footage is from the 3DS and not the Wii U, as the graphics are garbage. Also, this is an absolutely terrible review....you told your audience NOTHING about the type of game this is or the general play structure it uses. All I got from it was there are monster fights and mini-games. You seemed to assume the audience knows the MH series already (I don't).
Ghostlight X triggered
The graphics, even on the Wii U version, are not good in any way. It looks like a PS3 game at best. It is kind of fun though but really hard.
I tried the demo on 3DS but gave up on the controls after a good hour :/ Its preety bad even for a handheld.
***** Helpful, thanks!
Anze G did you give up because you did not understand the controls or because you can just not get used to the 3ds because most people who played monster hunter before said they had no problem after an 1-2 hours of getting used to it.
***** if they had a chase cam, maybe I could. But why would they make it so you have to turn the bloody camera around as well? Its beyond annoying. I also keep pressing X button (I think) to attack, but end up drinking the potions, and I still don't know what's the diffirence between the 2 diffirent attack buttons. And the bow controlls are pretty crazy too. There's probobly a tutorial in the full game to explain some of this, but its a nightmare on the demo.
Anze G no there is not a full fledged tutorial on the full game monster hunter games where always on the most difficult games list since you need allot of practi e and skill to become good in them.
Anze G You can buy the circle pad pro which makes the game alot better to control but that's only if you think you will buy the game too.
i want to get mh3 on wii u, but mh4 is coming out on 3ds soon i dont know which one to get ;--[
2019 anyome
did a child review this
Don't judge other people because of their voice.
aaronam0115 don't tell people how to live their life!
Antnj81 don’t tell someone what they can’t do
Wtf is this reviewers voice?
Actually that might be possible. You're able to do a system transfer from your Wii to your Wii U. I know that ports your virtual console games, it might transfer save files as well. Otherwise you'd have to get all of your brawl characters again and so forth. Though I'm not sure if your MH Tri save file is compatible with MH3U... Might want to do a bit more research to be sure.
Is the 3ds singleplayer the same with the wii u version or is it shorter or diffrent?
Do you neec the circle pad pro on the 3DS?
It makes the system so much less mobile.
Is this game worth buying a 3ds for? because i REALLY want this game but there aren't alot of other games that i want for the 3ds either.
if i get mh3u will the online come off when mh4 comes out because thats what happened with tri
Online on 3u just gets down on 2015/2016
It's a Wiiu and 3DS exclusive. Monster Hunter tri is the Wii game from 2009. This is Monster Hunter tri but with more than twice the content of the original version. New enemies , Weapons , Areas , 3DS connectivity etc.
What is G.E. if I may ask? I like this genre of game and would love to expand my collection.
I have never played a monster hunter game before ... I plan on buying a 3DS ... should I get monster hunter on the 3DS though I would be playing solo with no online?
i played the demo and i found the game a bit confusing and i couldnt get into it. was i playing wrong, or is the game just not for me?
It takes a little get-used-to at first IMO.
But once you get it, it's super addictive.
I have it for the 3DS and my circle pad pro XL is coming tomorrow. The reviewer was right about underwater battles without one, it's such a pain. I'm holding off playing it until it arrives tomorrow just so I don't spoil the experience. Then I've booked a few days off work just to play and eat junk food with my friends!
do u need to play with friends in this game? or can i play it alone? (i'm a solo person and i dont have friends who own a wii)
me too :D, but I'm afraid the positioning of the controls will make accessing the touch screen shortcuts really hard :c
Is there a party system in single player? That was my favorite part in the other monster hunters.
is it mostly about grinding btw? and is there a plot?
Hey can you get this game on a normal DS or does it have to be on a 3 DS?
Is this like the G version of the Monster Hunter 3? Cause I've totally collected everything weapons and almost all the high end weapons on MH3. If it's only a few new monsters it's not worth it for me to get a 3DS.
quick question... does this game have like an actual story mode or is one of those games that has no ending? please someone awnser. thanks in advance.
The miniscule dialogue and item text completely ruins this game. It's virtually unplayed able when you can't decipher where to go or what to do. I bought this game and I should be able to read the text on a 66 inch HDTV, but for some reason it's so goddamn small that I actually have to squint and get close to the screen in order to read it. Not really what I consider a good time. I'd really like to know what they were thinking with that choice. I mean other similar games seem to have gotten it right, why couldn't they?
Solid Review IGN
It doesn't matter if they're different games because the point isn't the content in question or even the quality of it, the point is, if one game got marked down for re-using content and not the other, then there is some kind of bias or simply oversight going on. This review never said about re-using BAD content. It's simply reused content it got marked down for. Which the entirety of most CoD sequels consists of (as well as other games but the OP mentioned CoD as an example).
If you're into RPGs, the bet is no doubt on the 3DS. Just like the DS, it's looking like a great system for RPG lovers with games like Fire Emblem: Awakening, Devil Survivor, Eterian Odyssey IV, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Pokemon X&Y, Paper Mario, Monster Hunter 3U, Tales of Abyss, the upcoming Shin Megami Tensei 4, Bravely Default, Zelda, Final Fantasy, etc. including the great RPG games on the eShop and the original DS. Plus, all the other 3DS games I didn't mention out for the system.
So hold up a moment. I just went to the store today and looked at the back of the box, and it says for 3DS it's online for up to 3 players. But then I come here and it's not online?
Monster Hunter 4 was rumored to be a 3DS/VITA exclusive for a few weeks. Until a member asked about this rumor on Capcom Unity.
One of the site's admins said exactly that (there's no audience for it on the VITA)
you CAN play multiplayer on the 3DS version.
It has local multi (4 player) in same room.
It has online multiplayer - if you are near a wiiU (with mh3 also)
And the 3Ds version also has streetpass hunters that are added to your game (controlled by CPU)
I've got over 100hrs on this game and not even scratched the surface. Essential game if you have 3DS.
Why do these games come out in the US like two years after they come out in Japan?
Does this game have multi player on the 3DS and not just local wifi?
I don't know what you're talking about, I miss using the claw compared to the WiiU Pad's design, which was clearly design for games that use both sticks at the same time. If it weren't so thick I'd be using the claw on it as well.
There is somewhat of a campaign. You fight monsters and after completing a certain amount of quests you can move on to the boss monster of your ranking then move up. The main goal is to slay the lagiacrus but there is much more to do afterwords.
Japanese version only. Eddie was commenting on another guy saying that this game was on the PS3, which it isn't. The game on the PS3 is called Portable 3rd HD.
you can farm them in your village and you can also gather them almost anywhere
So, is what I am getting is I need to be near a WiiU with the same game to play multiplayer online on the 3DS, BUT I can play with friends Local multiplayer?
The grinding for the weapons an armours don't get boring until, you are much further on and it becomes easy, but by then you won't need the armour from them or already have it. Just because you have killed it once won't make it easy. Even for an experienced hunter such as myself, rushing in I any decent fight, wether a new monster or one you have fought before can be fatal. Every fight is different, and even if it gets boring, you can use a new weapon. It changes everything.
Can u play game the Wii u game pad? But then again might aswell play 3ds version :p
Yes you can and you can even play online with just the gamepad.
How much space does it take up if downloaded?
One of the few IGN reviews that im 100% behind.
Good Job. Get more honest, serious reviewers like this, and people will stop saying
"You can't spell ignorance, without IGN."
Thumbs up. Ill sub now.
Roughly how much content does this one have in relation to the Monster Hunter Freedom games on PSP? I've sunk literally thousands of hours into those ones and I only just found out this one was also a 3DS release, so I'm hoping this can keep me entertained for a few months.
Is this good offline on the 3ds?
Yeah I enjoyed it very much but if you've got a wii u, get that version. I much prefer tri as to the multiplayer.. Yeh I played on 3ds solo..
I played the demo version of this game on wii u and it was such a grind to kill one of the monster is the full game this repetitive and hard or are the monster a bit easier
does this run natively at 720p or 1080p ?
since wii u is wii compatible can u transfer your mh tri data to your mh ultimate? LIke a jump start.
Is it important for me to go to tanzia island on moster hunter 3 for the 3ds? Can I play thr game without ever going there
What is the max HR for the 3DS version?
Yeah this is the first monster hunter game I've ever played, I took a risk buying it because I've never played any of the other games in the series, but I must say it is amazing and addictive!
I never ran into any problems finding an online match in tri on the original woo version
If I had to pick,3ds or wiiu?
So if im going to buy monsterhuners and if i have never played the game before should i buy and older one`?
I don't know wether to get this game or Pikmin 3 with the Mario Kart 8 demo code >_