How to spot a nice guy: 1) if they use the word female 2) if they triple text late at night 3) if they use * 4) if they actually call themselves knights and nice guy
Don't forget roleplaying. Somehow nice guys always roleplay when they chat with a girl. Edit 1: They always use the b-word, s-word, and/or the w-word if a woman blocks them or stop messaging them.
Situations in which talking about Knights is ok: 1) the girl you're talking to is into medieval history 2) the girl you're talking to is into fantasy or king Arthur 3) renaissance festival Addition: I love all these responses listing other situations where talking about Knights is normal. It's hilarious.
7) you are up in the society for arts or creative anachronism I don’t remember the name it the thing. With a bunch of people who dress up as knights and have sword fights and massive battles
Thank you! My dad is a narcissist and would only do "dad" things as long as he got something in return. Normal dads do nice things for their kids because they love them Not because it entitles them to a reward
@@luminvader8911 I'm so sorry, I know the feeling. My dad does the same shit and then when he does do something for us he goes "Don't say I never do anything for you."
right? like .002 seconds ago you said I was cute, now I'm ugly? why did you message me in the first place? I'm a whore because I wont send you nudes? HOW?? 🤨
It’s the same way they act like they love these girls despite oftentimes not having even talked to them. They’re shallow and they assume all women are as shallow as they are. So they attack their looks and assume the only reason no one loves them is because they themselves are ugle.
ArdillaKunterbunt its a rouse to get pussy. When in reality there just creeping women out with there badgering... i think there should be a documentary on r/niceguys
They’re all so disconnected. I don’t know how people can possibly have so little self awareness. Like, how can your second message to someone be “Fuck you whore” or whatever, and you still think you’re a nice person?
I can just imagine what goes on in his head: me: alright, she said yes. Just gonna finnish this conversation and we're set. brain: talk about chivalry and the honor of maidens me: why? brain: you gotta *breaks little holder clip thingy off of a pen*
@satan Grow up. There is no such thing as "society." There are societies, but there is no one thing called society. On second thought, did you just admit to being a Nice Guy?
I thought your joke was going another direction. I thought you were gonna say out there, there is a nice guy (by that I mean 'Nice guy') who is named Chad and is very confused and conflicted. But where you took it was also funny, much more wholesome than expected. Poor Chad, he's just trying to make an honest living and people online are cursing him out
"Chad" is the go-to name in the toxic male incel community to describe (in their own messed up, self pitying way) "steroid addicted alpha jerks" -- "jerks" who are usually just decent and/or muscular men they are jealous of.
Nice guys seem funny on the outside but they can actually be terrifying. I've known girls who have been stalked for years and even raped or kidnapped buy these 'nice guys'. The girls always described how they acted, and they start off exactly like nice guys. Please be safe out there.
Yeah. A neighbor of mine got stabbed 6 times because she rejected a guy in the area she was helping because he seemed "nice". He tried to rape her and then stabbed her with a pocket knife when she tried to get away. Luckily she did get away, ran 3 blocks to her apartment building, and taken to the hospital to recover.
I wish I couldn't say this honestly, but I can easily see most, if not all of the guys in this video, doing something like that. Certainly makes me glad to live in America, knowing that my future wife and daughter will have the means to protect themselves from these lunatics
“You could give a girl a kidney to save her life and she would still say we’re “only friends.”” Just, really? It’s amazing how people see an infallible correlation between “doing nice things for a girl” and “she’ll totally want to bang me for sure, and even if she doesn’t, she needs to because she owes it to me.” *sigh*
jomtz0616 Maybe but if that one was a joke, I have no doubt someone still thinks that and believes it. It's unfortunate, but many men instinctively think of sex as a currency that can and should be exchanged for stuff. The fact that sex is firstly a physical act to men, and an emotional relationship second, makes this thinking quite common in men with less social skills, because they have less social interaction, so less emotional maturity. On instinct men are still cavemen, wired to procreate as much as possible. "I keep you fed and safe, and you give me sex" basically. Cheers !
for me, it's the fact that they're such awful, miserable, and totally inept people that they've never experienced genuine friendship with another human being before. being in a romantic relationship isn't the next step up from being friends. they're both rewarding and fulfilling relationships, they're just different in a couple of ways. sometimes, not at all, if that's the kind of friendship you have. that's why "fuck buddies" is a misnomer. most dudes who have 'em certainly don't treat them like buddies! well, too bad they're missing out on so much in life because they're too busy being gigantic dickholes! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SerSmartarse Well I mean many of them do chems (or whatever they're called in English). But nice guys don't really think about it, too busy being jealous
Blue Kozikowski >be Blue Kozikowski >be still triggered over people using greentext >thinking that arguing in a comment section makes me a chad >be virgin >don’t be me
Blue Kozikowski >be Blue Kozikowski >try to assume people have a psychiatric tendency to make you look like a bad person >call them out for "keep going" but do the exact same thing >not be the better person and fucking give up >don't be me
I don't know about that. I don't automatically refer to any singular female or male as "female" or "male", but I will occasionally refer to the entire gender as "female(s)" or "male(s)". Mostly because I'm tired of hearing "Men" and "Women" all the time. Especially from feminists and whatnot.
Not accurate, in the US military the required terms are:male, males, and female, females. It's also something I've occasionally heard from dudebro types.
“He probably MADE her order that salad!” Or! (here’s a novel idea) Maybe she wasn’t that hungry at the moment, but didn’t wanna just be sitting there with nothing while her boyfriend satisfies his hunger… Or maybe she’s vegetarian… Or maybe she doesn’t like greasy food… Either way, the likelihood of him MAKING her get a salad to keep her figure is slim to none. Most decent men don’t really care all that much…
These nice guys think there are only two kinds of men: good/bad. When the truth is that most fellows fall into that "decent" category you mentioned. I feel kinda sad and sorry for these white knights to be honest. Even tho these videos are funny af
some random kid yes I got into like one fight with my boyfriend at the time (who was WONDERFUL) and I was upset we were arguing and some guy kept yelling at me about how dumb I am and how abusive he is and how much better this guy would treat me I was like “okay well you fixed the fight cause I’m officially no longer mad at him and you’re insane” lmao
@some random kid The ironic thing is I believe that most of these nice guys want to be the guys that they insult and would be exactly the douche that they claim that they are against if they could. They are just too much of beta bitches to actually pull it off so they have to resort to mean girl tactics like guilt tripping,projection, and slander. It's like they think their looks can't justify their shitty personality so they have to resort to justifying by giving themselves a label that means nothing anymore.
Nice guys sound like stalkers and rapists, nice girls sound like bitches and size queens/homophobes (both when they don't get their way). Just have to stop judging people based on their words and more on their history
I'll play devils advocate for a second, his wasn't that bad. Should've just never texted her about it in the first place but that's probably the safest and best way to go about it if you were to, for some reason, do that. Also, he didn't even call himself a nice guy, or insult her afterwards, like literally every single other one afterwards did. ALSO, if he's to be believed, he hasn't done anything like this in the 11 years he's known her. I know some people I actually do consider to be decent guys/girls that can't have restraint for a month before trying the same schtick. Who knows, might just actually be an alright guy, just a bit misguided. Probably shouldn't be doing this at his age though, this is some pretty middleschool level shit in all actuality
i listened to this advice, told a female I was a knight in hopes of her leaving me alone, but she ended up staying with me and having my child, I’m not sure what went wrong please help :(
Sir Kirk: Knight of Green Bro that just means when you were born you picked the low consequence, easy difficulty. Now for experiencced anime dating sim players like myself, this is laughable. Pick a harer difficulty next time around and your dialogue choices will have more of an impact on the story.
I remember in my junior year of high school, the junior guys were given a presentation on “chivalry” and it was actually some pretty decent advice on how to be a decent human being. Basically it was just being a normal, good guy (or person since it could apply to any gender) and doing things because you care about making the world a better place. Sadly “Nice Guys” drag chivalry through the mud by being creepy assholes who act nice only in exchange for sex.
Exactly. When I'm on a date I'm just as interested to see how he treats (and talks about) other people. If he treats me really well but is a dick to anyone else, or starts gossiping or talking about someone like they're trash, I know he'll probably end up treating me that way. The men I've gone out with have all been decent guys, except for one who started complaining about old people, talking about how useless they are. He also told me about his "cheating whore ex girlfriend". I couldn't get out of that date fast enough :P Also it's a good sign if he has at least one or two guy friends and/or family members he likes/respects. If he isn't close to anyone it probably means he's an asshole or has serious issues.
I swear it's the same pattern. A guy puts on a "I'M SUPER NICE AND SUHWEET" additude. Then the moment the girl mentions a boyfriend, or calls the nice guy a friend, he immediately switches to "raze the bridge down and salt the earth" mode.
I was at a resturant with a friend and I noticed the waitress had really nice hair. "Your hair looks very pretty, ma'am". She replied "Thank you" and that's all, we ordered as usual. THAT'S a fucking compliment, no alternative motive. If you can compliment a guys shirt without expecting him to love you then you can compliment a girl the same way.
@@dubemotionpicture Yeah, but you gotta be wise at times. Some of these creeps are the type to get at you in real life. But, if you have fun with them, make sure to share your fun with Reddit ;)
I disagree. Not responding is impolite. Instead, just state that you aren't interested and don't intend to have a conversation. Blocking should be used when the person is not listening to you and continues to ask you out after you declined. Some person actually learn from their mistake.
@@akumayoxiruma honestly if there's some pretty big red flags it's definitely best not to engage or else that'll cause a lot of mess. impolite or not, sometimes you gotta prioritize your own mental health bc catering to people like these is super unhealthy. used to live with a textbook abuser and any red flags from anyone sends me running for the hills, because i just don't want a repeat of the crap i went through.
ThunderPlunder101 ThunderPlunder101 -nice guy -whores (when referring to other women) -“chivalrous knights” -**ANY MENTION OF “FEMALES”** -femoids (usually incels use this, so watch out)
Once I was putting on make up and my roommate walked up to me from behind me in the mirror and looked at me and then said "hey you don't need make up and I think you should take it off" I just looked at him and went back to doing my stuff. Later I was wearing a crop top and he was like "you don't need to impress anyone". Later I ordered a salad, because I like salads and he said "you look fine eat a burger for once. I bet your Chad boyfriend told you to stay on a diet." I couldn't anymore and switched cabins.
Reminder to nice guys. Compliments are one of the easiest things to give a person, and nobody owes you shit for giving them a compliment on their looks.
Exactly. If you were a true nice guy you’d give that person a compliment and move on. Compliments are just that. Compliments, something you say to be nice. Nobody owes you anything for saying something nice about them.
Nice people in the world who act so entitled to everything, you are not owed any sort of prize or special treatment because you acted like a polite human being to another human being. There is no prize for being polite, and if you’re constantly expecting one to be there, then you’ll be sorely disappointed each and every time.
Yeah, being confident and knowing your strengths is one thing. Listing them as an argument for why the FEMALES should love you is entirely another. Plus it disproves them lol
Exactly. These guys should be atleast a bit self aware. Unlike me, who is both strong and smart, and is able to lift an entire car with my bare hands, and who helps old ladies across the street on a daily basis.
Yeah, I’ve never been able to do that. Employer: “What are your greatest weaknesses?” Me: “This, this and this” Employer: “Alright, what about your greatest strengths” Me: “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...”
Good lord, the one about the guy asking for a naked picture... That's like, gods, there's so much cringe in this video, but that just takes the cake. What did those 11 years of friendship even mean to you if it all accumulates into that? If you're interested in getting closer with her, maybe start with "Hey, wanna go out on a date sometimes, I got two tickets to this sweet concert and I figured you might be interested." Boom, done, if she says nah, then you know she isn't interested in you, but you didn't creep your shit all up in her private business, so it won't harm the friendship either. Just, gods, what a bunch of creepy fucked up people.
And the fact he says it would cement the fact she "trusts" him in his mind, (after 12 years mind you) he is trying to manipulate her into sending him these pictures. I can imagine that if she had been easily manipulated the first time he would've continued this cycle by insulting her and threatening their friendship if she didn't do what he asked with stuff such as "well I guess you don't trust me, to me to find a new friend" and stuff like that. No person in their right mind would ask a friend for nudes to prove that they trust them.
finn if you fear for your life or you think the guy is a threat...tell your parents if you're a kid (under 18) or just report him if you think he's dangerous..if hes just being a creep then just ignore the dude.
I got used to using the term male and female because that's what was used in the military when I joined (2002). Didn't know it was used in that way by nice guys. Mental note for next time.
@Don K I think you should respect your dad even if it true, he probaly just want the best for your, but i don't know you and your father so i can't say much about :v
I giggle a little on that. Some people happen to eat salad because they simply want to eat salad. Some days I want to eat oat and banana... just because I want to. Some days I want to eat instant ramen. Some days I want to eat bread. I personally believe that if a stranger's food of choice bother you that much, perhaps simply make the best food choices for yourself and keep on rolling with your life.
Actually, the salad dressing is way more terrible than a burger with cheese.. so I'd stick to meat for nutrition as there is only so unhealthy you can make meat and bread..
+Eric Ye, that one is also crazy. I have a few stories to tell myself about nice girls, but I'll leave that for another time. Bad eggs on both sides of the spectrum.
weird how they only wanna be "nice" to ~beautiful ladies~ and blatantly ignore every other girl. Meanwhile every woman who likes a guy who isn't him is "shallow".
yeah but the pathology displayed from multiple guys in this video is common only among guys. they want a girl that's a 10 and way out of their league and treat girls who aren't 10s and may actually like them like shit, like non-humans. you reap what you sew. society barely tolerates women who aren't beautiful. we can't get away with shit like this.
"I called you beautiful doesn't that mean anything nowadays" It's not about the action, it's about the intent. Actions and _especially_ reactions speak louder than words.
I've never met an actually nice guy who constantly, or ever, says how nice he is. Nor have I ever met an intelligent man who brag about their IQ. I know some VERY intelligent men, and not one of them knows, let alone cares, what their IQ is.
As you should. Protect yourself in the masses. These people are legit hurt on the head, and could escalate to violence given the proper impulse from incel platforms or other shit-inducing things on the web.
Not bullying if you send shit like this on to everybody else. Then it's just warning everyone in your network to watch out for this entitled little nutcase who thinks people should bang them because they were reasonably decent human beings for three minutes.
I think one of the main problems of a nice guy is that they say such raw, emotional, and heavily romantic messages to complete strangers or distant acquaintances. They say the kind of things that are only comfortable to say in a committed relationship. If my boyfriend said something like that to me, I’d be so touched and happy, especially because I feel the same way. If a stranger, however, approached me telling me how much they love me, my first thought would be, “this guy is a stalker and I’m in danger right now”.
To be frank, i assume the danger recognition comes from the fact that the people who *can* say such things to complete randos only can do it because they are mentally insane. I've seen (and done!) succesful love declarations to friends that were quite surprising and cute. Shit works out if you are *sane* and respectful. These people are neither.
Masked B1tch ikr? He doesn't even know you, how is he supposed to love you? That just means he wants you for your bod, I mean what else has he seen from you?
Masked B1tch and nice girls think that because they're breaking with the social norms and asking a guy out, guys shouldn't say no and that guys should kiss their asses because they have a vagina
StopReadingthisUsername The worst thing is how the nice guy assume the bf is an asshole who forced the girl to eat the salad against her will. He doesn't even know these people, if he did see the guy not letting his gf to eat anything other than healthy, why would he automatically assume the worst ? It never crossed his mind that the girl chose to be on a diet and her boyfriend just helps her maintaining it because he's a good partner ? If he even forbade her to eat other than a salad and it wasn't just the nice guy's imagination going nuts because he can't imagine other men having qualities and deserving to be in a relationship.
Kinda sad they stood outside starbucks for two hours for the sole reason of getting compliments, instead of doing something productive that would earn them the attention they so desperately desire.
My mother once told me "If you do something nice and expect something in return, then it's not kindness, it's business" Something I feel all these nice guys and girls need to learn.
"please stop using the word female" Well... At least he wasn't saying "femoid" I can't believe there are people who actually seriously use that word...
YES. I wonder if they ever heard of the word "woman" before. Hmm. Probably not. Or "girls." Or what about "ladies?" Hell, even "lasses" or some shit. Idk, Alexa play Fuck That Bitch
Ikr, first time I saw that was seriously weird. Thought it was a one-off thing, and then, throughout the incel video, it just kept appearing. Also, anyone notice one of the guys in this video called a guy a Chad?
If he -calls himself a nice guy -has a neck beard and fedora -uses female unironically -thinks he’s entitled to sex because he opened a door for a stranger He’s not your man. He’s a Nice Guy™️. Run.
I remember there was a time where if a girl called you a nice guy, it meant that you were a nice guy. Nowadays, you're a "nice guy" when you try WAY too hard to get some and end up losing your mind when you're rightfully denied. Jeez, just take the hint and move on or buy a fleshlight.
Hey, even after that I think he stood a chance. Sell it as a sort of sarcastic arrogance, make it clear you're just making a joke and you're golden. Though that requires that you don't think of yourself as a demigod, so...
one time my best friend and I went to Goodwill because she needed some new jeans. So, we walked into the back of the store and starting looking at clothes of course, when this random guy walked up to her. He said, "You're very beautiful.". She gave me a worried look and said "Uh thanks..." And when she started to walk away he said he'd like to marry her..... She's fourteen...... This was an adult man who she didn't was gross and creepy
Being a confused middle schooler is one thing, I was one. But dear lord, asking for nudes from people you loosely know, expecting a date even if they're in a relationship, and going off on people who don't respond is disgusting and reading it is hurting my mental health.
09:02 the story line, the plot twist, the music, the machiavellian fury and confusion. Every thing about the lead up to this scene had me in fucking hysterics 😂
Funniest thing is that if you're American you legally cannot be a knight as the USA refuses to allow any of it's citizens to be a knight to a monarchy.
@@zyaicob Or walk for once in their life. I mean how do they have zero muscles? They should at least have a little. Maybe they should eat half-decent as well.
@UNIVERSAL SPACE EXPEDITIONER I don't do anything but walk, play sports, and go to the gym. I've only done walking the past 5 months (post-college stress), but I'm still muscular because I also don't eat like shit. I feel you if you're overweight or extemely lanky and struggling to loose weight/gain mass, but once you start using that as an excuse to spread hatred and attack others, my sympathy almost completely flies out the window -- especially if you aren't doing anything to change your circumstances. People like this make me glad to be introverted, I'd be horrified of encountering these freaks if I was prone to being out and about all day.
@NPC# 8675309 no. Most of the muscled lean men you see on the streets arent on steroids. They just work out. Nearly all the men on my highschool basketball and football team were jacked, abs or skinny. Now, being out of highschool for a couple years, the ones that didnt add beer weight are really jacked. Only three of my friends take steroids and they all play college ball. The rest just work out daily and watch what they ear and drink.
I just don't get it? A girl looks in my direction, which OBVIOUSLY means she loves me, and I love her back. I ask her out but she says no? So rather than just take it like any other decent person, I verbally abuse her and say i'm a "nice guy" while greatly offending her. I just don't get why girls don't like me?? It's not like I can be ANY nicer?
Chromosomes are actually p complicated, it's surprisingly common for people to have xxy chromosomes without any ill effects so obvs don't get it tested (very very few people have chromosome checks so we don't know how common it is percentage wise) Fun fakts
bruh imagine how unsettling it would be to walk up to the Starbucks and there’s some man there waiting at the door and then they randomly complimented something about you.
It’s been like four years and these are still the best put together videos in all of… these types of videos. Hope Sorrow is out there living their best life.
After nine episodes I still do not have a single idea why any of these guys think this way or how they possibly got this way. HOW DO WE STOP THE VIRUS?!
Obviously we just have to train the women to understand that giving them a superficial compliment like "give boobies me pls" means they (the women) are obligated to give sex. 🤦♂️
Well, yeah. Basically, his line of thinking seems to be something along the lines of "I'll follow her to show her that I am sexually interested in her, and if she follows me back, that means she's sexually interested in me." Of course, he would still get mad at her if she didn't follow back or like any of his images anyways, but y'know...
Chivalry was a code for knight but it didnt have anything to do with females Gautier's Ten Commandments of chivalry are: Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches and thou shalt observe all its directions. Thou shalt defend the church. Thou shalt respect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them. Thou shalt love the country in which thou wast born. Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy. Thou shalt make war against the infidel without cessation and without mercy. Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God. Thou shalt never lie, and shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word. Thou shalt be generous, and give largesse to everyone. Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil
Emphasis on "thou shalt respect all weakness", and "thou shalt be generous, and give largesse to *everyone*" aka be nice to everyone and not some girl you saw on snapchat.
Dio Drando noe that name makes me think of a man who was a complete dick giornio i think his name was but i don't know why this reminds me of hun maybe because of his asshole father
1:36, FIRST of all, N O B O D Y asked him to compliment them or hold the door for them. SECOND of all, he was probably letting all of the heating/cooling out and that could really mess up a lot of things... plus they were working? they COULD stop doing their job and thank him but honestly.. it was his choice to do it so... no?
sad n’ not so rad Third of all, it must be really uncomfortable having to walk past a guy in that limited space, who you don’t know, that is trying to get a positive response out of you when your minding your own business. Then passing him on the way out, ugh it’s just creepy having him stand there for hours spotting “females” and waving for their attention.
_(opens the door for a woman)_ "M'lady. My, what a fetching outfit you're wearing." _(opens the door for another)_ "M'lady. My word, but your ample bosom truly is magnificent." _(starts to open the door again, but then realizes it's a dude)_ "Hey! Hey, you! Don't you try to woo any of females in there, pal. They're *mine.* They're all mine." >:(
Like he is upset they didn't thank him for the compliments. I would be upset I got no thanks for holding the door open for somone but he was also there for 2 hours doing it that's fuckin creepy I wouldn't tank him either if I seen him just standing there opening the door. Also if a guy came by did he open it or just ignore them.
Except in the second book, Quijote ends up being the smartest one out of everyone else due to him ACTUALLY knowing about manners and shit, since he had read thousands of books about those topics. These guys don't come close to what he is.
"unaware that men like myself exist." Women are perfectly aware of men like you, it's why we buy pepper spray.
Good one
was gonna like your comment but it's at 420 likes, so I must resist
How to spot a nice guy:
1) if they use the word female
2) if they triple text late at night
3) if they use *
4) if they actually call themselves knights and nice guy
Don't forget using the word Chad unironicaly to describe someone
Don't forget roleplaying. Somehow nice guys always roleplay when they chat with a girl.
Edit 1: They always use the b-word, s-word, and/or the w-word if a woman blocks them or stop messaging them.
If they get mad at you for not responding
You can use a word "knight" unironically
in two instances
1. When you talk about medival weaponry
2. When you are both into RPG
Don't forget femoids
No copyright this time, my guy!
Fight the power
SootHouse we shall fight until youtube STOPS THIS STUPID SHIT
Sorry Soothouse, I clicked off one of your vids for this.
Copyright offenses are as bad as PETA
Situations in which talking about Knights is ok:
1) the girl you're talking to is into medieval history
2) the girl you're talking to is into fantasy or king Arthur
3) renaissance festival
Addition: I love all these responses listing other situations where talking about Knights is normal. It's hilarious.
4) buckingham palace
5(you're playing d&d with a girl
7) you are up in the society for arts or creative anachronism I don’t remember the name it the thing. With a bunch of people who dress up as knights and have sword fights and massive battles
8) It is the fourteenth century
10) You're at a round table with a guy named Arthur
If you're being nice only because you want something in return then you're not actually nice.
Tabula Rasa Gaming exactly
Thank you! My dad is a narcissist and would only do "dad" things as long as he got something in return. Normal dads do nice things for their kids because they love them Not because it entitles them to a reward
Louder for the people in the back.
@@luminvader8911 I'm so sorry, I know the feeling. My dad does the same shit and then when he does do something for us he goes "Don't say I never do anything for you."
It's so interesting how fast they switch to attacking those girls. And it's always about their looks.
ArdillaKunterbunt right? it’s crazy
right? like .002 seconds ago you said I was cute, now I'm ugly? why did you message me in the first place? I'm a whore because I wont send you nudes? HOW?? 🤨
It’s the same way they act like they love these girls despite oftentimes not having even talked to them. They’re shallow and they assume all women are as shallow as they are. So they attack their looks and assume the only reason no one loves them is because they themselves are ugle.
its a rouse to get pussy. When in reality there just creeping women out with there badgering... i think there should be a documentary on r/niceguys
It is simple, they regret the rejection and retalilate by lashing out at the women to divert their inner anguish and pain.
Chivalry is not about protecting only women but all innocent people
Eli Campos and just having human decency for everyone
And I always thought it was about riding, swordplay and coordination of lance and shield xD
And I thought it was a whiskey
@@jaysosaaa7975 Ya that too
So it's NOT about Shivering?
if that "you liked my picture" convo is real damn that guy is disconnected from life!
TheProtean Girl or if he goes on a fitness page and says ( he probably uses steroids) definitely a-nice guy.
This is the case with a lot of Indian guys
They’re all so disconnected. I don’t know how people can possibly have so little self awareness. Like, how can your second message to someone be “Fuck you whore” or whatever, and you still think you’re a nice person?
imagine being so down bad you think a woman liking your pic is enough of a reason to think they're into you.
"it's a code of honor and chivalry that we knights bestow upo-"
I can just imagine what goes on in his head:
me: alright, she said yes. Just gonna finnish this conversation and we're set.
brain: talk about chivalry and the honor of maidens
me: why?
brain: you gotta
*breaks little holder clip thingy off of a pen*
Aquila You know you gotta bestow upon em
You know I gotta do it to em
i can't wrap my head around how he managed to get so close to a real date without fucking it up til that point, girl dodged a huge bullet tho
Normal people: Oh hey that *girl* is pretty cute.
Nice guys: _sniffs the air_
@satan fuck you and other edgy morons that wont ammount to jackshit .
@@raduvlad4429 oof
@@raduvlad4429 big oof
@satan Grow up. There is no such thing as "society." There are societies, but there is no one thing called society. On second thought, did you just admit to being a Nice Guy?
Radu Vlad omega oof
Seeing people unironically saying "Chad" as if it's meant to be taken seriously. Holy hell it hurts
Jacob Johnston Out there somewhere is a nice guy named Chad who is very confused and doesn't know why he's receiving so much hate.
I thought your joke was going another direction. I thought you were gonna say out there, there is a nice guy (by that I mean 'Nice guy') who is named Chad and is very confused and conflicted. But where you took it was also funny, much more wholesome than expected. Poor Chad, he's just trying to make an honest living and people online are cursing him out
And if your name is Stacy you’re 100% guaranteed a cheerleader taking the whole football team behind the bleachers 😂👌🏻
Taking the entire Chad Squad™️
"Chad" is the go-to name in the toxic male incel community to describe (in their own messed up, self pitying way) "steroid addicted alpha jerks" -- "jerks" who are usually just decent and/or muscular men they are jealous of.
“I’d LET her eat the entire menu.” The amount of control he presumed to have over her is legitimately terrifying.
Also I'd be concerned if my boyfriend wasn't going to stop me, like please stop me I'm gonna die if I eat the entire McDonalds menu
@@anakruger2412 aren't McDonald's menus made out of paper. I don't think a sheet of thin paper is that hard to eat and process.
@@chu_Bo oh it is, not enough to kill you though
@@menelik6635 thanks for the info
Nice guys seem funny on the outside but they can actually be terrifying. I've known girls who have been stalked for years and even raped or kidnapped buy these 'nice guys'. The girls always described how they acted, and they start off exactly like nice guys. Please be safe out there.
Yeah. A neighbor of mine got stabbed 6 times because she rejected a guy in the area she was helping because he seemed "nice". He tried to rape her and then stabbed her with a pocket knife when she tried to get away. Luckily she did get away, ran 3 blocks to her apartment building, and taken to the hospital to recover.
F**k "nice guys, I stg
I wish I couldn't say this honestly, but I can easily see most, if not all of the guys in this video, doing something like that. Certainly makes me glad to live in America, knowing that my future wife and daughter will have the means to protect themselves from these lunatics
HetaQueen oh shit, thanks for the warning...that’s terrifying, but now I know to be more stay safe too❤️
I guess where i live there are more "nice girls" than "nice guys". or both
"I only liked the picture because of your dog" honestly me too
Lil Food Coma doggos for life
oh mood?
Lil Food Coma hashtag relatable
me too, I'd like any picture with a happy dog 😂
Doggos are awesome
I don't know how I should react when I watch this series, should I laugh? Cringe? Cry?
Frankly it's a mix between all three sometimes.
the answer is yes
Yeah that's the point of these
You should press f
Yep. All of the above.
Is that called crynghing?
I'm old and married, but I have a great piece of advice for young ladies...
Any guy who uses the term "Chad"? Run. Run fast. Run far.
Unless it’s ironic
You forgot to say unironically, but yeah, you're so right.
Im not a chad, do any of you females wanna fuck
The Chad Sarah Lisa vs the Virgin Nice Guys
Sarah Lisa or if they call women females
“You could give a girl a kidney to save her life and she would still say we’re “only friends.””
Just, really? It’s amazing how people see an infallible correlation between “doing nice things for a girl” and “she’ll totally want to bang me for sure, and even if she doesn’t, she needs to because she owes it to me.” *sigh*
honestly I don't think that tweet was that serious
*I gave her money why won't she love me*
jomtz0616 Maybe but if that one was a joke, I have no doubt someone still thinks that and believes it. It's unfortunate, but many men instinctively think of sex as a currency that can and should be exchanged for stuff. The fact that sex is firstly a physical act to men, and an emotional relationship second, makes this thinking quite common in men with less social skills, because they have less social interaction, so less emotional maturity.
On instinct men are still cavemen, wired to procreate as much as possible. "I keep you fed and safe, and you give me sex" basically.
Cheers !
for me, it's the fact that they're such awful, miserable, and totally inept people that they've never experienced genuine friendship with another human being before. being in a romantic relationship isn't the next step up from being friends. they're both rewarding and fulfilling relationships, they're just different in a couple of ways. sometimes, not at all, if that's the kind of friendship you have.
that's why "fuck buddies" is a misnomer. most dudes who have 'em certainly don't treat them like buddies!
well, too bad they're missing out on so much in life because they're too busy being gigantic dickholes! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Theres this cool thing called the outdoors where people with lives go.
Sadly I don't have one but neither do the "nice" guys
Man has any sign of muscular mass or strength
Nice Guy: He MuSt bE jAcKeD uP oN sTeRoIdS
Well I mean many of them do chems (or whatever they're called in English). But nice guys don't really think about it, too busy being jealous
@@steelbear2063 that buffout is some good shit though
Rainbow Dash Shades of Approval
Lmao, okay, that was funny
I'm a phage I'll kill his cells
>uses the word chad unironically
>still thinks he can get laid
Blue Kozikowski
He's probably doing it ironically
Blue Kozikowski it's better to be a loser than a creep, honestly 😂
Damn, i should have known not to talk about that dastardly west african country, now i can't get laid
Blue Kozikowski
>be Blue Kozikowski
>be still triggered over people using greentext
>thinking that arguing in a comment section makes me a chad
>be virgin
>don’t be me
Blue Kozikowski
>be Blue Kozikowski
>try to assume people have a psychiatric tendency to make you look like a bad person
>call them out for "keep going" but do the exact same thing
>not be the better person and fucking give up
>don't be me
I love how the dude assumes the girl was forced to get a salad. Salad is delicious you mongatron.
kristen yarbrough what even is this insult dude? Fuck salads.
@@hata6290 dude salads can be anything you want theyre awesome
Yaaaaassss! Salads are the best!
Sammmeee now wanting a salad... what
i’m gonna go ahead and assume that when he said she looked “healthy” he just meant thin and conventionally attractive
pro tip: if he unironically uses “females” in a sentence he’s a nice guy
I don't know about that.
I don't automatically refer to any singular female or male as "female" or "male", but I will occasionally refer to the entire gender as "female(s)" or "male(s)". Mostly because I'm tired of hearing "Men" and "Women" all the time. Especially from feminists and whatnot.
Not accurate, in the US military the required terms are:male, males, and female, females. It's also something I've occasionally heard from dudebro types.
Guys, it's sarcasm
@@bumbarded2804 Doesnt sound like sarcasm to me. This actually sounds like something many people would believe and judge people on.
“He probably MADE her order that salad!”
Or! (here’s a novel idea) Maybe she wasn’t that hungry at the moment, but didn’t wanna just be sitting there with nothing while her boyfriend satisfies his hunger…
Or maybe she’s vegetarian…
Or maybe she doesn’t like greasy food…
Either way, the likelihood of him MAKING her get a salad to keep her figure is slim to none. Most decent men don’t really care all that much…
“I know nothing about you, but a girl I like and respect likes and respects you, so you must be a piece of shit!”
These nice guys think there are only two kinds of men: good/bad.
When the truth is that most fellows fall into that "decent" category you mentioned. I feel kinda sad and sorry for these white knights to be honest. Even tho these videos are funny af
some random kid yes I got into like one fight with my boyfriend at the time (who was WONDERFUL) and I was upset we were arguing and some guy kept yelling at me about how dumb I am and how abusive he is and how much better this guy would treat me I was like “okay well you fixed the fight cause I’m officially no longer mad at him and you’re insane” lmao
@some random kid The ironic thing is I believe that most of these nice guys want to be the guys that they insult and would be exactly the douche that they claim that they are against if they could. They are just too much of beta bitches to actually pull it off so they have to resort to mean girl tactics like guilt tripping,projection, and slander. It's like they think their looks can't justify their shitty personality so they have to resort to justifying by giving themselves a label that means nothing anymore.
I was thinking the same thing. Like, "Hey, buddy. Have you ever considered that she might have *chose* to have ordered that salad?"
They’re getting scarier
"nice guy" evolved into..........Incel!
Nothing will compare to the nice guy special
Nice guys sound like stalkers and rapists, nice girls sound like bitches and size queens/homophobes (both when they don't get their way).
Just have to stop judging people based on their words and more on their history
I cringe every time the word “chad” is used unironically
@@unrefxenon8003 _a shrubbery_
"in the 11 years I've known you and we've been friends" Oh you know it's gonna be a doozy with an opening like that
Yeah but get that man a lollipop he did actually wait 11 years. Most of them can’t wait 20 minutes without going full nice rage
I'll play devils advocate for a second, his wasn't that bad. Should've just never texted her about it in the first place but that's probably the safest and best way to go about it if you were to, for some reason, do that. Also, he didn't even call himself a nice guy, or insult her afterwards, like literally every single other one afterwards did.
ALSO, if he's to be believed, he hasn't done anything like this in the 11 years he's known her. I know some people I actually do consider to be decent guys/girls that can't have restraint for a month before trying the same schtick.
Who knows, might just actually be an alright guy, just a bit misguided. Probably shouldn't be doing this at his age though, this is some pretty middleschool level shit in all actuality
Adam Sandler
Yeah, tbh this one seemed wayyy more laid back then the rest of them.
Gotta give the dude props though for waiting so long!
Adam Sandler exactly what I thought, he seems okay and I don’t feel he deserves to be made fun of
@@adamsandler7980 All valid points. However, the fact that he went 11 years likely waiting for the "right" moment is extra creepy in its own way.
niceguys logic:
if that dude is muscular ... he’s on steroids guaranteed
niceguys logic: if she rejects me/saying that she already have someone/not responding/etc, she's probably a whore. For real, this logic is stupid :D
And his name is Chad
Kossette Readitte
They don’t actually think their names are Chad mate. It’s a term some people use for jock types.
@@crystalvoodoo91 R/Whooooosssshhhhh
Calling oneself a 'knight' has to be one of the best ways to kill any chance at a relationship, without insulting the other person
Atsuko Kagari hello I am your Knight in shining armor.
Atsuko Kagari
Makes me think of that fuckin Don Quixote book I read freshman year.
i listened to this advice, told a female I was a knight in hopes of her leaving me alone, but she ended up staying with me and having my child, I’m not sure what went wrong please help :(
Sir Kirk: Knight of Green
Bro that just means when you were born you picked the low consequence, easy difficulty. Now for experiencced anime dating sim players like myself, this is laughable. Pick a harer difficulty next time around and your dialogue choices will have more of an impact on the story.
Chivalry is not about protecting women in hopes of getting laid but all people because it's the right thing to do
Actually it’s more sword fighting and less respecting women
I remember in my junior year of high school, the junior guys were given a presentation on “chivalry” and it was actually some pretty decent advice on how to be a decent human being. Basically it was just being a normal, good guy (or person since it could apply to any gender) and doing things because you care about making the world a better place. Sadly “Nice Guys” drag chivalry through the mud by being creepy assholes who act nice only in exchange for sex.
Exactly. When I'm on a date I'm just as interested to see how he treats (and talks about) other people. If he treats me really well but is a dick to anyone else, or starts gossiping or talking about someone like they're trash, I know he'll probably end up treating me that way.
The men I've gone out with have all been decent guys, except for one who started complaining about old people, talking about how useless they are. He also told me about his "cheating whore ex girlfriend". I couldn't get out of that date fast enough :P
Also it's a good sign if he has at least one or two guy friends and/or family members he likes/respects. If he isn't close to anyone it probably means he's an asshole or has serious issues.
The ironic part is that actual chivalry is kinda more gay than thirsting after women with the amount of 'sword fighting' you do
I swear it's the same pattern. A guy puts on a "I'M SUPER NICE AND SUHWEET" additude. Then the moment the girl mentions a boyfriend, or calls the nice guy a friend, he immediately switches to "raze the bridge down and salt the earth" mode.
Don K I think they’re pointing to a specific group Nice guys(or Nice girls) not in general
What a cursed pfp
wOMEn cAN'T GeT SALad bECAusE TheY LiKE SaLAD,,,IT's bECAusE THeY'rE DaTInG cHADZZZzzzzz
I was at a resturant with a friend and I noticed the waitress had really nice hair. "Your hair looks very pretty, ma'am". She replied "Thank you" and that's all, we ordered as usual. THAT'S a fucking compliment, no alternative motive. If you can compliment a guys shirt without expecting him to love you then you can compliment a girl the same way.
NumaNugget That sounded weird. The way you put it
I can't tell if you joking or not if joking woooosshh on Meeeee
It depends on the tone, and whether there's a creepy follow up or not. If it's just in passing it's fine.
Vitorruy1 How, exactly? He just said she had very pretty hair. That's literally it.
Tone makes the sentence
If a nice guy contacts you
1. Don't respond
2. Block them
Awww but that would ruin the funnn
@@dubemotionpicture Yeah, but you gotta be wise at times. Some of these creeps are the type to get at you in real life.
But, if you have fun with them, make sure to share your fun with Reddit ;)
I disagree. Not responding is impolite. Instead, just state that you aren't interested and don't intend to have a conversation.
Blocking should be used when the person is not listening to you and continues to ask you out after you declined. Some person actually learn from their mistake.
@@akumayoxiruma honestly if there's some pretty big red flags it's definitely best not to engage or else that'll cause a lot of mess. impolite or not, sometimes you gotta prioritize your own mental health bc catering to people like these is super unhealthy. used to live with a textbook abuser and any red flags from anyone sends me running for the hills, because i just don't want a repeat of the crap i went through.
You mean troll them mercilessly, right? That's how you get the most lulz out of them
if they use “females,” they’re a nice guy. run. *don’t look back.*
Or worse, an incel.
Raptor Charly I think they actually called them “fem0ids”
Im curious what other words are in their vocabulary?
-nice guy
-whores (when referring to other women)
-“chivalrous knights”
-femoids (usually incels use this, so watch out)
Lumeme stacies too
All Women are queen.
But if she doesn't reply, then she's a THOT!
I'm RNA Agreed.
This meme is legendary. Thooooooooooot
i read that in the sorrow to knight voice
And vice versa ( male equivalent of thot)
Once I was putting on make up and my roommate walked up to me from behind me in the mirror and looked at me and then said "hey you don't need make up and I think you should take it off" I just looked at him and went back to doing my stuff. Later I was wearing a crop top and he was like "you don't need to impress anyone". Later I ordered a salad, because I like salads and he said "you look fine eat a burger for once. I bet your Chad boyfriend told you to stay on a diet." I couldn't anymore and switched cabins.
okur gurl bye
Wait, you have mixed dorms?
r h weak man, ew, you need more testosterone, boy.
Kick that guy as hard as you can in his baby maker. Nice guys shouldn't breed.
Lol, he tells you to take your makeup off but your chad bf making you eat salad is somehow less controlling.....
The amount of "chivalry" in this videos is making me lesbian.
And I'm a guy.
Cheers to that. Shame most of these nice guys are homophobic
Even as a lesbian you'd have more of a chance with straight women than these guys
Sooooo...... straight?
"That just means that she likes what I like." - Tourettes Guy
Reminder to nice guys. Compliments are one of the easiest things to give a person, and nobody owes you shit for giving them a compliment on their looks.
" nice guys " are like loans you'll get something but they expect more, ACTUAL compliments are like finding money on the street, rare, but cool!
Frigg Fluff hey I follow you on deviant art! :D
Blue Shell
Dang I wish I found more money on the street.
Exactly. If you were a true nice guy you’d give that person a compliment and move on. Compliments are just that. Compliments, something you say to be nice. Nobody owes you anything for saying something nice about them.
Nice people in the world who act so entitled to everything, you are not owed any sort of prize or special treatment because you acted like a polite human being to another human being. There is no prize for being polite, and if you’re constantly expecting one to be there, then you’ll be sorely disappointed each and every time.
Turns out the door in the Starbucks was automatic
Standing 2h in front of the store. Is this guy a Synth?
Turns out door wedges exist.
Ad victoriam
That’s so funny to think about. Just some creep complimenting people for 2 hours in front of a Starbucks while they walk by lmao
josh from instagram was actually kinda scary
CoreOfTheStar my name is josh and I feel like I should legally change it now...
CoreOfTheStar I’ve a friend named Josh and now I want to call him by his nickname
Can I get a name change?
My name is Josh. I know your friend from school. Add me on snapchat
CoreOfTheStar hey now that’s my little brothers name...
Carry on.
“I am kind, intelligent, strong, generous...”
If a guy ever lists his positive personality traits, cringe and then *RUN*
Yeah, being confident and knowing your strengths is one thing. Listing them as an argument for why the FEMALES should love you is entirely another. Plus it disproves them lol
Exactly. These guys should be atleast a bit self aware. Unlike me, who is both strong and smart, and is able to lift an entire car with my bare hands, and who helps old ladies across the street on a daily basis.
They list em off like it's a job interview
@@cilantromcghee3092 Whenever I meet a beautiful female, I kneel one one knee like the knight I am and inform her of my exceedingly great humility.
Yeah, I’ve never been able to do that.
Employer: “What are your greatest weaknesses?”
Me: “This, this and this”
Employer: “Alright, what about your greatest strengths”
Me: “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...”
Good lord, the one about the guy asking for a naked picture... That's like, gods, there's so much cringe in this video, but that just takes the cake.
What did those 11 years of friendship even mean to you if it all accumulates into that? If you're interested in getting closer with her, maybe start with "Hey, wanna go out on a date sometimes, I got two tickets to this sweet concert and I figured you might be interested."
Boom, done, if she says nah, then you know she isn't interested in you, but you didn't creep your shit all up in her private business, so it won't harm the friendship either.
Just, gods, what a bunch of creepy fucked up people.
And the fact he says it would cement the fact she "trusts" him in his mind, (after 12 years mind you) he is trying to manipulate her into sending him these pictures. I can imagine that if she had been easily manipulated the first time he would've continued this cycle by insulting her and threatening their friendship if she didn't do what he asked with stuff such as "well I guess you don't trust me, to me to find a new friend" and stuff like that.
No person in their right mind would ask a friend for nudes to prove that they trust them.
He was manipulative.... I can’t remember how she responded, but I hope she dropped their friendship
Plot twist: He was waiting 11 years to make his move and doesn't want to just be friends.
@Zucadragon so true bro
That makes to much sense for them they always gotta do the stupid ass shit
like a week ago a guy i used to go to school with messaged me saying he used to look up my skirt when i walked up stairs. help
finn if you fear for your life or you think the guy is a threat...tell your parents if you're a kid (under 18) or just report him if you think he's dangerous..if hes just being a creep then just ignore the dude.
screencap it. send it to his mom. keep copies backed up elsewhere.
Break his kneecaps
finn block him move on. Before he gets weirder!
finn he wants in them guts
How to spot a nice guy: they say the word female instead of woman or girl
dylanimo pronouced waghmen and gorls
Or *shudder* ‘femoid’
Wtf does that even mean?
Idk, they use the word woman alot
VJ2099 a term insels use to dehumanize woman
men saying “females”... feels bad scoob
I got used to using the term male and female because that's what was used in the military when I joined (2002). Didn't know it was used in that way by nice guys. Mental note for next time.
Be a shamed
what kind of sick animal calls a girl "female" instead of "bitch"?
What if she had a salad because, I don’t know, she wanted one?
Cookifa I was about to comment that, lol
@Don K I think you should respect your dad even if it true, he probaly just want the best for your, but i don't know you and your father so i can't say much about :v
Bro McDonald’s salads are more expensive than the whole menu, shit’s a luxury
I giggle a little on that. Some people happen to eat salad because they simply want to eat salad. Some days I want to eat oat and banana... just because I want to. Some days I want to eat instant ramen. Some days I want to eat bread. I personally believe that if a stranger's food of choice bother you that much, perhaps simply make the best food choices for yourself and keep on rolling with your life.
i guess she eats salad instead of burgers and thats why she's healthy looking, just sayin
>Calls himself chivalrous
>Complains that he never got a ‘thank you’
Kagiri - San Soulja Boy tell ‘em
"It's 2:30 in the morning. So shut the f--- up!" That kills me every time.
Anantashesha facts
Lol the salad at mcdona
Actually, the salad dressing is way more terrible than a burger with cheese.. so I'd stick to meat for nutrition as there is only so unhealthy you can make meat and bread..
all these “nice guys” are so abusive, and they’re not even in relationships with these girls (thankfully)
lima bean kin checkout r/nicegirls
+Eric Ye, that one is also crazy. I have a few stories to tell myself about nice girls, but I'll leave that for another time. Bad eggs on both sides of the spectrum.
Stettafire there are assholes in every group
Thankfully i dont have a relationship
weird how they only wanna be "nice" to ~beautiful ladies~ and blatantly ignore every other girl. Meanwhile every woman who likes a guy who isn't him is "shallow".
It's a never ending cycle!
yeah but the pathology displayed from multiple guys in this video is common only among guys. they want a girl that's a 10 and way out of their league and treat girls who aren't 10s and may actually like them like shit, like non-humans. you reap what you sew. society barely tolerates women who aren't beautiful. we can't get away with shit like this.
@@princesstamika.exe has stopped working
Im ugly as heck without makeup (even with makeup) legit a potato. But i married a "nice guy" 😂😂😂😂 *oof*
People in general can be pretty shallow. Tbh
"I called you beautiful doesn't that mean anything nowadays"
It's not about the action, it's about the intent. Actions and _especially_ reactions speak louder than words.
I call paintings and sculptures beautiful all the time. Does that mean mona lisa and david have to date me now?
I've never met an actually nice guy who constantly, or ever, says how nice he is. Nor have I ever met an intelligent man who brag about their IQ. I know some VERY intelligent men, and not one of them knows, let alone cares, what their IQ is.
Lucky you
OH BUT YOU WILL! You willll....
Likewise, I've never met a guy who was tough who talked about how tough they are.
@@yermermer4422 I don't think you get her point. Note the words "actually nice".
@@Kehwanna I don't think you get her point either. Note the words "actually nice".
I don’t condone bullying but if someone I knew sent me this shit you’re absolutely right I’d send this to everyone I know
Average citizen SAME
As you should. Protect yourself in the masses. These people are legit hurt on the head, and could escalate to violence given the proper impulse from incel platforms or other shit-inducing things on the web.
im mortal I hope they kill me first tbh
Not bullying if you send shit like this on to everybody else. Then it's just warning everyone in your network to watch out for this entitled little nutcase who thinks people should bang them because they were reasonably decent human beings for three minutes.
I had to go watch that "if she breathes, she's a thot" star wars video after this. I just had to.
AlmightyJello XD
What video is this??!
if girls are always "chasing Chads"
maybe the Chads aren't that bad
Maybe the dudes aren't "chads", maybe they're just normal respectable people 🤔
Nice guy: You’re beautiful. I love you.
Girl: Thanks! I only like you.
Nice guy: Every possible insult ever.
I think one of the main problems of a nice guy is that they say such raw, emotional, and heavily romantic messages to complete strangers or distant acquaintances. They say the kind of things that are only comfortable to say in a committed relationship. If my boyfriend said something like that to me, I’d be so touched and happy, especially because I feel the same way. If a stranger, however, approached me telling me how much they love me, my first thought would be, “this guy is a stalker and I’m in danger right now”.
Masked B1tch I agree, but this shit happens in chick flicks.
To be frank, i assume the danger recognition comes from the fact that the people who *can* say such things to complete randos only can do it because they are mentally insane.
I've seen (and done!) succesful love declarations to friends that were quite surprising and cute. Shit works out if you are *sane* and respectful. These people are neither.
Masked B1tch ikr? He doesn't even know you, how is he supposed to love you? That just means he wants you for your bod, I mean what else has he seen from you?
Masked B1tch and nice girls think that because they're breaking with the social norms and asking a guy out, guys shouldn't say no and that guys should kiss their asses because they have a vagina
Janet Almodovar Whores are those whom dismiss males that are being nice, then be acting like a whore with mean guys.
Gemel6 Claire will vore you
The worst thing is how the nice guy assume the bf is an asshole who forced the girl to eat the salad against her will. He doesn't even know these people, if he did see the guy not letting his gf to eat anything other than healthy, why would he automatically assume the worst ? It never crossed his mind that the girl chose to be on a diet and her boyfriend just helps her maintaining it because he's a good partner ? If he even forbade her to eat other than a salad and it wasn't just the nice guy's imagination going nuts because he can't imagine other men having qualities and deserving to be in a relationship.
Kinda sad you stood outside a Starbucks for two hours and didn’t have anything better to do...
Kinda sad they stood outside starbucks for two hours for the sole reason of getting compliments, instead of doing something productive that would earn them the attention they so desperately desire.
@@cilantromcghee3092 seriously!
@Monika the cycle-path I'm a girl and I'd still be insulted if he complimented me
Zy Q “lines” lol
"Mickey Deez Nuts"
@@Fyredrake0470 DAAMMIT
It's a no from me, dawg.
It's a me from dawg, no.
Xezian It's a me, Dawg-a-no!
Dawgs a from me, no
EndyNB you forgot the it's
Tbh that's the only one that seemed even remotely reasonable
9:10 is Thanos's speech after acquiring the Virginity Stone
@@oofiexist1601 Ok, uh, what the fuck-
Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same.
I love this lmao
Lmao i laughed too hard at this
making it even funnier is that comic Thanos actually does check ALL the nice guy boxes.
My mother once told me "If you do something nice and expect something in return, then it's not kindness, it's business"
Something I feel all these nice guys and girls need to learn.
Shinobi X Being kind is it’s own reward
I'll take "Restraining Order" for 900, Jeff.
"please stop using the word female"
Well... At least he wasn't saying "femoid"
I can't believe there are people who actually seriously use that word...
Gloomy Fish femoid would be an awsome name for power box punk band
YES. I wonder if they ever heard of the word "woman" before. Hmm. Probably not. Or "girls." Or what about "ladies?" Hell, even "lasses" or some shit. Idk, Alexa play Fuck That Bitch
It's pronounced " *REGRESSIVE VIRGINITY* "
It's a symptom. It starts with females then evolves into femoids. Just like cancer.
Ikr, first time I saw that was seriously weird. Thought it was a one-off thing, and then, throughout the incel video, it just kept appearing. Also, anyone notice one of the guys in this video called a guy a Chad?
If he
-calls himself a nice guy
-has a neck beard and fedora
-uses female unironically
-thinks he’s entitled to sex because he opened a door for a stranger
He’s not your man. He’s a Nice Guy™️. Run.
As the scripture of Sorrow 3:16 reads
"If he mention a nice guy, HE IS A NICE GUY!"
what is with the hatred for saying female? Seems so weird.
@@bornfree8073 Because calling women females and not being ironic about it is weird.
Sorrow TV could be easily renamed to "Indisputable Proof the Human Race has No Destiny" and absolutely nothing would change.
I remember there was a time where if a girl called you a nice guy, it meant that you were a nice guy. Nowadays, you're a "nice guy" when you try WAY too hard to get some and end up losing your mind when you're rightfully denied. Jeez, just take the hint and move on or buy a fleshlight.
Bryon Weikle What is a fleshlight?
TentrilliconLP you seriously don’t know? It’s a silicone “vagina”. At least I think it’s made from silicone? Not sure since I have no need for one.
Yes it's silicone,
Desire Baker
Oh i thought you spelled flashlight wrong...
2:08 you had to say that. Of all the sentences to say you chose that. You could've just arranged a time and place and you'd have been IN.
MostlyIrishCarGuy eh, he would've fucked up later
Hey, even after that I think he stood a chance. Sell it as a sort of sarcastic arrogance, make it clear you're just making a joke and you're golden. Though that requires that you don't think of yourself as a demigod, so...
MostlyIrishCarGuy She was a bitch. Why tf does a harmless joke make you feel the need to break a dudes heart
@Hristiyan Lukov Look at his User Name...
Methren1 lmao what a loser
one time my best friend and I went to Goodwill because she needed some new jeans. So, we walked into the back of the store and starting looking at clothes of course, when this random guy walked up to her. He said, "You're very beautiful.". She gave me a worried look and said "Uh thanks..." And when she started to walk away he said he'd like to marry her..... She's fourteen...... This was an adult man who she didn't was gross and creepy
That whole scenario reeks of stranger danger. I can't even imagine any situation where that line wouldn't have me reaching for an improvised weapon.
Call the FBI
josh sounds like mrs puff when spongebob crashes the boat *WHY SPONGEBOB WHYYY*
Matthew Yikes So true. 😂
I'm lightheaded because of how much you med me laugh. Omg
Being a confused middle schooler is one thing, I was one. But dear lord, asking for nudes from people you loosely know, expecting a date even if they're in a relationship, and going off on people who don't respond is disgusting and reading it is hurting my mental health.
This has gone so far that it seems like a parody.
Society is a parody of decency
Blue Shell we live in a decency
GeckoGC it's actually not, at least on twitter I see these type of guys everywhere.
@@blueshell2749 👏👏👏
09:02 the story line, the plot twist, the music, the machiavellian fury and confusion. Every thing about the lead up to this scene had me in fucking hysterics 😂
Funniest thing is that if you're American you legally cannot be a knight as the USA refuses to allow any of it's citizens to be a knight to a monarchy.
You literally just.
Killed thousands of childhood dreams.
you are a monster.
A criminal.
and need to be locked up
@@TheKiroshi take me away internet police
You can get armour though can't you?
@@NosferatuTheRed yes just not the actual title
Echo fuck ig we can’t start the Holy Crusade on Furries and Flat Earthers
Nice guys whenever anyone has any muscles at all......"steroids"
Like do some pushups once ever
@@zyaicob Or walk for once in their life. I mean how do they have zero muscles? They should at least have a little. Maybe they should eat half-decent as well.
@UNIVERSAL SPACE EXPEDITIONER I don't do anything but walk, play sports, and go to the gym. I've only done walking the past 5 months (post-college stress), but I'm still muscular because I also don't eat like shit. I feel you if you're overweight or extemely lanky and struggling to loose weight/gain mass, but once you start using that as an excuse to spread hatred and attack others, my sympathy almost completely flies out the window -- especially if you aren't doing anything to change your circumstances. People like this make me glad to be introverted, I'd be horrified of encountering these freaks if I was prone to being out and about all day.
@NPC# 8675309 no. Most of the muscled lean men you see on the streets arent on steroids. They just work out. Nearly all the men on my highschool basketball and football team were jacked, abs or skinny. Now, being out of highschool for a couple years, the ones that didnt add beer weight are really jacked. Only three of my friends take steroids and they all play college ball. The rest just work out daily and watch what they ear and drink.
That part annoyed me too. The nice guy can't comprehend the idea that "Chad" worked for that physique and not everyone is as much as a loser as him
I just don't get it? A girl looks in my direction, which OBVIOUSLY means she loves me, and I love her back. I ask her out but she says no?
So rather than just take it like any other decent person, I verbally abuse her and say i'm a "nice guy" while greatly offending her.
I just don't get why girls don't like me?? It's not like I can be ANY nicer?
you forgot to say that you can change her world and she fucked up by rejecting you
Don't forget to send her a random rose at three in the morning!
Is it a wooshecption? Hmmmmmmmm....
Damn you are all right, I need to do these things, it's not getting her attention enough
Did you forget to show her your copy of Despacito?
Normie: M’lady
Lord: My human being that possesses two X chromosomes
Chromosomes are actually p complicated, it's surprisingly common for people to have xxy chromosomes without any ill effects so obvs don't get it tested (very very few people have chromosome checks so we don't know how common it is percentage wise)
Fun fakts
holding the door for two hours! you are letting the air out!
Arsh Liquir it's ok, he's definitely lying.
Arsh Liquir That's why the employees didn't thank him
Was kinda suprised they didn't tell him to fuck off and stop bothering their customers..
Drew Thatguy i mean.........we should
lmao as soon as he said the word chad I knew we entered the incel kingdom
Alec Skinner these are pretty much incels anyways
Wtf is wrong with people
E v e r y f r i c k e n t h i n g
*A lot* of things
people don't know how to take "no" for an answer
Trust me is very hard realize you acting like a idiot.
@keoni gamer sad fact is ive seen more "normal" people act like sociopaths
bruh imagine how unsettling it would be to walk up to the Starbucks and there’s some man there waiting at the door and then they randomly complimented something about you.
Yes this is hilarious, but it’s actually pretty frightening.
78deathface true
It makes me feel threatened, and I'm not even a girl.
The sad part is how common it is...
On a brighter note it makes guys who take rejection fine look like saints
A guy once threatened to drive to my house and kill me because I told him he wasn't my type lol shit gets wild
It really is scary
The creepy music made it really funny
Radhika Puri But it isn't creepy music. It sounds like Jazz to me
GG Logic Blade Hunter...
“It’s a code of honor and chivalry we knights-“
For Honor.
BaconForDays 1713 CHARGEE
that guy was trolling i think
It’s been like four years and these are still the best put together videos in all of… these types of videos. Hope Sorrow is out there living their best life.
After nine episodes I still do not have a single idea why any of these guys think this way or how they possibly got this way.
Natural selection will do its job one day
Obviously we just have to train the women to understand that giving them a superficial compliment like "give boobies me pls" means they (the women) are obligated to give sex. 🤦♂️
We hook them up with the *NICE* girls. Then watch them slaughter each other with words.
Learn as a society to treat women with respect instead of sexualizing every interaction with them?
Ashraven That not society's fault that more so the fault of not raising your child with basic understanding of how to interact like a human
Yoooo Sorrow, your on-screen representation is both creepy and charming at the same time, what have you done to my head?
Anakin Skyobiliviator it’s the eyes man, the eye h o l e s
It's terrifying
The every expanding E Y E H O L E S .
He needs the shades back so bad
It's only a charming lovely face. Nothing wrong with it
if he says females, *run*
Kristín Birgisdóttir also a knight or a gentleman.
Cause you never developed the dong.
I knew a guy named Chad. He was a sweetheart. It makes me sad that his name is used like this now.
Chad is used in a positive way tho
@@unknownmusicguy8637 depends. Sometimes, a “chad” is considered a womanizer or physically abusive or just a general douche
"it was YOU who followed me back"
doesn't that mean he followed her first though
you can't apply basic logic here
Well, yeah. Basically, his line of thinking seems to be something along the lines of "I'll follow her to show her that I am sexually interested in her, and if she follows me back, that means she's sexually interested in me." Of course, he would still get mad at her if she didn't follow back or like any of his images anyways, but y'know...
Chivalry was a code for knight but it didnt have anything to do with females
Gautier's Ten Commandments of chivalry are:
Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches and thou shalt observe all its directions.
Thou shalt defend the church.
Thou shalt respect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them.
Thou shalt love the country in which thou wast born.
Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy.
Thou shalt make war against the infidel without cessation and without mercy.
Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God.
Thou shalt never lie, and shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word.
Thou shalt be generous, and give largesse to everyone.
Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil
If a guy hasn't slid into God's DMs before, he ain't truly chivalrous!
Women were considered a weak ( therefore a weakness that should be protected) back then though...
Not that, this is accurate in the slightest.
*D E U S V U L T*
We will take JERUSALEM!
*D E U S V U L T*
Shocking how vaguely Jihadi it sounds
Emphasis on "thou shalt respect all weakness", and "thou shalt be generous, and give largesse to *everyone*" aka be nice to everyone and not some girl you saw on snapchat.
"women don't have to thank you for essentially catcalling them"
1:00 I _highly_ doubt not a single person thanked you for holding the door open.
he probably did get thanked but none of the people that thanked him were up to his standards
But they were all MEN! Don't you know men don't count?!
Sorrow you uploaded PAPA BLESS
Sorrow tv the fupa legend
44atticus182 blue cheese has mold in it
papa has issues
Dio Drando noe that name makes me think of a man who was a complete dick giornio i think his name was but i don't know why this reminds me of hun maybe because of his asshole father
Dio Drando sadly we can no longer bless papa because he is stepping down and retiring.
We need to find a new papa....
....little Caesar
1:36, FIRST of all, N O B O D Y asked him to compliment them or hold the door for them. SECOND of all, he was probably letting all of the heating/cooling out and that could really mess up a lot of things... plus they were working? they COULD stop doing their job and thank him but honestly.. it was his choice to do it so... no?
sad n’ not so rad Third of all, it must be really uncomfortable having to walk past a guy in that limited space, who you don’t know, that is trying to get a positive response out of you when your minding your own business. Then passing him on the way out, ugh it’s just creepy having him stand there for hours spotting “females” and waving for their attention.
_(opens the door for a woman)_ "M'lady. My, what a fetching outfit you're wearing."
_(opens the door for another)_ "M'lady. My word, but your ample bosom truly is magnificent."
_(starts to open the door again, but then realizes it's a dude)_ "Hey! Hey, you! Don't you try to woo any of females in there, pal. They're *mine.* They're all mine." >:(
atomicdancer 🤣😂
Like he is upset they didn't thank him for the compliments. I would be upset I got no thanks for holding the door open for somone but he was also there for 2 hours doing it that's fuckin creepy I wouldn't tank him either if I seen him just standing there opening the door. Also if a guy came by did he open it or just ignore them.
atomicdancer you would get more likes of this was it's own comment, a damn shame
well that escalated quickly... actually everything in this video escalated quickly...
Dark Megumin well this escalated quickly
No. Everything in all of these videos escalate quickly.
The main subject in this video is escalating quickly.
That's nice guys for ya.
Dark Megumin
*This video* escalated quickly.
This nice guy thing has come to from Don Quijote
Completely delusional (and calls himself a knight)
Great comparison! Rare to see a good literary reference in a RUclips comment section, it is appreciated haha
Except in the second book, Quijote ends up being the smartest one out of everyone else due to him ACTUALLY knowing about manners and shit, since he had read thousands of books about those topics. These guys don't come close to what he is.