I saw Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays live in San Diego CA, back in 1989, while I was still on active duty in the Navy, they had recently released the “ Letters from Home” album, it was one of the greatest shows that I have ever seen. I will never forget it.
Pat Metheny is one of the finest musicians on the face of the Earth. And Lyle Mays is right beside him. Two incredible musical geniuses to be sure! This song truly exemplifies talent at its best. It never fails to bring out a wonderful set of feelings and emotions when I listen to this masterpiece. Magnificent.
Lyle's piano solo has elements here that some of you may not recognize, namely numerous phrases lifted from Bill Evans' compositions. If one is thoroughly familiar with Bill's music then you easily pick out bits from his most famous tunes, e.g. 'But Beautiful', 'Emily', 'The Peacocks', etc. Lyle has often stated that Bill Evans is his absolute idol and in this solo it's as if he is channeling his spirit. I heard an even more elaborate version of this solo in person. Wow!
Lyle was a true disciple of Bill Evans, but in this case the student surpassed the teacher. Bill often searched for the answer to musical questions that he himself was posing, but often failed to find the perfect answer. Lyle's gift was to FIND the perfect answers to those questions, almost without fail. Where Bill was a seeker, Lyle was a finder.
This is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. It is criminally underrated. People who understand music theory will really appreciate this song.
Even if you don't understand music theory. I can feel the emotion of this song. They come flooding in and make me emotional about my time here on earth and the people I've loved and lost, as well as those who continue to touch my life.
This song right here is why Lyle needed to exist in our time!!!!! Hurts my heart to watch this but makes my ears smile with gratitude that he existed and man did Lyle knock it outta the galaxies. Fly in the stars Lyle. Thank you sir
I'm currently 45 years old and I consider myself to have a broad musical range. From classical music to punk to hip-hop to death metal to reggae to grunge to classic rock to jazz, etc. The fact that tonight is the 1st time I've heard this song, or of these artists, is a travesty. What brilliance.
This song has so much meaning to me. I first heard it on the "As falls Wichita, so falls Wichita Falls" album. It was kind a cheeky gift from a mother-in-law while I was living in Wichita Falls, hehe. But it ended up being such a blessing to me. It has been helping me thru my own brother's passing this past Feb. He was kind of built like Lyle and played in a similar fashion. I can just imagine them getting to jam together in Heaven. I can't afford it at the moment, but I pre-ordered an Oberheim OBX8, for my own studio, and as a tribute to Lyle and my brother Stephen. Rest In Peace, sweet men of music. 🙏
To think that Lyle Mays has vanished from our world on earth overwhelms my mind and heart by a huge and infinite sadness that this music put me close to tears. I only yesterday learnt this unbelievable news due to this time stopped and locked down on the entire world by this damned pandemic. How could it be possible? that a musician like Lyle Mays disappears due to a bad disease, so gently, so discretely, joining the night of times for eternity. That man who created so marvelous musics and compositions, first with Pat Metheny Group and then by himself. Lyle had an incredible pianist touch, moving and sensitive, that made an incomparable enlightening of the PMG creations all over the world since 1975, with so nice lyricism, the sense of melodies, subtle rhythms and fluent harmonies, all through the keyboard, impressive and impressionist as influenced by French composers like Debussy, Ravel, Fauré and others like Bill Evans, Keith Jarrett...So many solos that bring you at the edge of life through deep emotions, I can’t imagine that we are arrived at the day we lost you...
I just finished listening to this rendition of Pat and Lyle's song dedicated to the late Bill Evans, and it's ironic that Lyle's been gone for over two years now. I've never heard this rendition before, and I was tearing up. The scale and maturity of Lyle's and Pat's playing and improvisation is just incredible! It really tugged at my heart strings, because it reminded me of just how sad I've become over the years when I hear a music box winding down, and I'll always be reminded of when I was four years old, and we had to put our male cat down. I couldn't stand to hear any music boxes that day and since then, because I'm reminded of that day. I didn't understand at that time why He Cat was going to sleep and would never wake up again. My red snoopy music box featured the Brahms Lullaby which mom used to try to get me to settle down and go to sleep. After the fourth rewind, I couldn't take it anymore, and I threw it across the room and broke it. There's much more to that story for another comment, but let me say that this really hit me hard, and yet, it's so incredibly beautiful. Now for a question: When was this recorded and where? I really hope you know. Thank you so much.
Every time I hear someone say " so and so is the best guitar player or so and so is the best piano player", I always ask him or her if they've heard this piece.Inevitably the answer is no.Shame on them.
Bill Evans died Sept. 15, 1980. Bill himself dedicated songs to several fallen musicians, most notably "NYC's No Lark" in memory of pianist Sonny Clark. [The title is an anagram of the name.]
First time for me to see Pat and Lyle in what amounts to a duet, played with only the empathy and skill that these Two geniuses possess ..wonderful.... thanks.
Devo ringraziare questi due grandi musicisti, per le sensazioni e le emozioni, che la loro musica mi ha trasmesso…..e che continua a trasmettermi, la porterò sempre con me! Grazie Pat e Lyle!
Souls united in spirit. Their link, their connection, their ability to communicate and translate thoughts into impeccably unique and beautiful music without saying a word - absolutely superb.
I was in Albuquerque and the sun had just gone down behind the Sandias. Cold, cold night. The fireplace was going. The Santa Fe station was playing this and it floored me. The yearning is incredible. Possibly one of the most beautiful songs ever.
September 15th written and performed by Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays is one of my all-time favorite pieces of music. Pat made a few minor changes from the "Wichita" album, but Lyle's rendition is almost unrecognizably different from that recording, but no less beautiful. I would not be able to pick a favorite between the two performances. Thanks for posting this video!
I'm 38 years old. was a teen in the 80's. Saw the movie "Fandango" and was BLOWN AWAY by the music. I have been a PM fan ever since. I know very few people who have ever heard of him. What a treasure of music these two guys have given the world.
When my life is done (I'M DEAD), I want this song played to beautifully mark one old life lived and ended as well as the beauty of new life being born, continuing the cycle
The tune is from as Wichita falls. I have been listening Pat and Lyle for 40 years now. I am an old but wise man thanx to the enlightenment of Pat's music. He is beyond ,isn't he ?
Une alchimie et une communion d'esprit d'une extrême rareté dans le monde de la musique, où tous les leviers de ce qui constitue un morceau de musique sont poussés au maximum, de la plume à l'interprétation, en passant par une synchronicité quasi-parfaite des cerveaux et du cœur (Ils ne se regardent presque pas durant tout le morceau, inimaginable !). Magique et beau comme une pâquerette, un coucher de soleil ou une galaxie. On touche là à la pureté par excellence, extraordinairement limpide, vierge de tout artifice, une authenticité à fleur de peau qui font de cette pièce un joyau parmi les plus beaux qui puissent exister.
This is it. The single most beautiful and stately song ever written and performed. It has been part of me since I first heard it when the album was new. I have never grown tired of it, and I never will. Play it again and again until I'm dead of old age, and keep playing even then.
Truly an emotional composition written in honor of one of the most gifted musicians in the jazz world....I play this song every September 15th in Bill's honor. Live on in spirit, my brother, live on...
Pat (and Lyle) have written some of the most BEAUTIFUL songs I've ever heard. What a dynamic duo. I hope these two keep making music for the next 100 years :) This definitely one of my fave tunes by Pat.
I’ve known of and listened to both musicians for decades. Just found this and have ordered CD. Yes! Can’t stop listening to this track. I’m in Wales UK and this is inspiring my 5th ever trip to USA this spring. Not Wichita however.
Beautiful Tribute for an Extraordinary Man Bill Evans, Nobody ends a Song quite like Bill Evans did! M&M have to be the greatest Duo since Davis & Trane
not only this beautiful song but the whole album ''as falls witchita, so falls witchita falls'' brings back smells and taste that is one of a kind!! what a sound!!!!! one of a kind!!
Bill Evans had to know he was loved. I saw him only once, at "Oilcan Harry's" in Vancouver, shortly before he passed from a bleeding ulcer. He had the foresight and heart to refrain from living in the past, and kept open to new sounds and directions, even when they demanded less of his artistry. This song, to me, is evocative of his spirit slowly coming to itself on the other side, quickly learning the new territory, filling it with his beautiful art. Thanks, Pat & Lyle & esp. for the posting!
Its so nice that we all can enjoy one anothers company think our own thoughts on how the music is playing out for us.. some cry some reflect on where they were when this song came out...some mention how wonderful these 2 intuitive people are blessing us with these sounds(and it is a blessing by the way) not in a christian way but a collective way by which we all right now are participating in some joy, sadness and peace in hearing music that moves our soul...Maybe as being touched by God
I am still completely new to this piece, Tom, so "my jury is still out" on how I view it. But I am still very interested in what you write. First, I do believe that the Internet is not solely in the hands of the dark forces, and I do think it is a (somewhat underused) resource when it comes to serving as a support network. We do indeed communicate with others, revealing our deepest feelings to strangers in a cathartic way, in a kind of a triangle between the performers of music and each other. However, and somewhat in contrast to what you write, I have to tell you that I post online in this way because I do see it as a God-given mission that I have had since being Born Again, and that DOES indicate Jesus Christ, but also the Holy Spirit. In my view (now) there are pieces of music that the Holy Spirit has inspired and in which He somehow "resides", and from which He reaches out, along with the love and mercy and truth of God (whose name you DO mention). In my activity, I particularly write to people who express their sadness and suffering in relation to music. I see it is my task to explain to them what is reaching out to them. There are also many people who write seeking to understand what it is they feel with great and special pieces of music, and I make a (gentle) suggestion on that basis. Since being Born Again, I have done it THOUSANDS of times, and it is "my thing" a bit. And, although I am still a VERY busy man, I NEVER begrudge the time I spend on this activity. And when I am engaged in it I have the conviction that there is NO better way I could be using my time and energy. The beloved Holy Spirit does that for me, and I cannot tell you how grateful I am for the mercy and insight He offered me. Reaching out to and sharing with complete strangers, with a high level of trust (taking them at their word), and with little or no "skin in the game" (since these are people we do not know and will never meet) is EXACTLY what Jesus wants from us and recommends to us. But of course Jesus reached out in this way to people from other groups and faiths, and to non-believers, so in that sense you are perfectly right in your comment above. For me (though it is my personal opinion, albeit possibly influenced by the amazing and wonderful cleansing event I experienced on 28-2-21), music that ideally conveys the Holy Spirit is slightly more "formed" than the above, and slightly more in the direction of "happy-melancholy" than just melancholy. This is intriguing because - for the Holy Spirit - those emotions are the same. He is above simple divisions that we know, and for Him they are just alternative "aspects of love" as somebody once put it. I actually have pieces of music in mind that used to seem just sad to me, but then became clearly sad-happy (even ecstatically so) once I had been Born Again! The Holy Spirit is also happily beyond "life versus art", as for Him the lines there are (rightly) blurred. A classic feature of the Spirit is that He is enigmatic, but not completely so. Many of the titles of the pieces I have identified in connection with his encouragement of human genius have fairly straightforward and clear titles. He does this through films (movies) as well, and often through the music associated with those pieces of transcending art. Two clear (contrasting!!) examples would be "Love Actually" and "Signs", both of which were, by the way, specifically and clearly targeted at trying to help people go on with their lives after 9/11. Naturally the ever-active, ever-inspiring Holy Spirit (though He did not stop that awful calamity, as we know) would want to get involved in an artistic response to it. And indeed He did.
Sin lugar a dudas uno de los momentos más sublimes de Lyle junto a Pat y a la memoria del adorado Mr. Bill Evans, fallecido en dicha fecha. Gracias por haberlo subido con esta fidelidad, lo que nos permite concentrarnos mejor.
I discovered Metheny some 20 years ago but am only watching youtube now, and see one thing in all his clips, whether I like one in particular or not, and it's there in whoever he partners with too. L·O·V·E. Genuine love for what they are doing.
Ahhhh As Falls! I was growing up in Santa Barbara CA at 13 when I was given the gift that this album is. What art to grow up with! I'm a lucky dude. Nice to know others are out there with the same appreciation of music of this caliber.
Sublime, this piece makes me ache it is so poignant. I will always be grateful to my brother Chad for introducing me to Pat's MUSIC. I will always remember when we were both single in the 70s and would listen together over drinks, not talking the music was so good. Thanks for posting this magnificent piece for me to hear and remember wonderful times with Chad.
One of the most beautiful songs and albums I've ever heard. An aside : "Beyond the Missouri Sky" with Pat and Charlie Haden is another wonderful album.
un brano di una bellezza infinita, qui c' è tutto, amore , gioia, malinconia, eseguita da due straordinari interpreti del virtuosismo... che dire... stupendo
This is my favorite piece of music ever. It was my first record when all the other kids were into Zeppelin,etc. I've listened to this 3000 plus times. It's a gift. Love to Pat and lyle!
This song is for ever, so deep as the sea. I think they have changed their style so far, sometimes I'd like to hear that kind of compositions again, as in First Circle and As falls Wichita...
The mastering of brilliance leaves me gasping and stunned. The heart and soul; however moved to the honey spot. My heavens that's so lovely. Thank you.
Wow! I love this song. It has touched me many times. I had Pat's brother for a teacher at Berklee college of Music back in early 80's. Pat...keep up the great music! Thank you!
Once again, the group achieves that brilliant intangible which great music has always managed to - the ability to elevate the spirit to the birthplace of miracles.
If I could create music, this is what it would be. Pat gives life to the the music we have in our souls... arrrgh - no way to adequately / accurately express what I mean / feel!!! SEEK BEAUTY
Greatness will never be forgotten Lyle Mays will live forever Pat keep giving us great music
RIP Lyle, a whole world of musicians and Jazz fans hearts are broken this day with the news of your passing.
Lyle will be missed. What a great musician! RIP
What a pity. :(
I saw Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays live in San Diego CA, back in 1989, while I was still on active duty in the Navy, they had recently released the “ Letters from Home” album, it was one of the greatest shows that I have ever seen. I will never forget it.
Pat Metheny is one of the finest musicians on the face of the Earth. And Lyle Mays is right beside him. Two incredible musical geniuses to be sure! This song truly exemplifies talent at its best. It never fails to bring out a wonderful set of feelings and emotions when I listen to this masterpiece. Magnificent.
Lyle's piano solo has elements here that some of you may not recognize, namely numerous phrases lifted from Bill Evans' compositions. If one is thoroughly familiar with Bill's music then you easily pick out bits from his most famous tunes, e.g. 'But Beautiful', 'Emily', 'The Peacocks', etc. Lyle has often stated that Bill Evans is his absolute idol and in this solo it's as if he is channeling his spirit. I heard an even more elaborate version of this solo in person. Wow!
Lyle was a true disciple of Bill Evans, but in this case the student surpassed the teacher. Bill often searched for the answer to musical questions that he himself was posing, but often failed to find the perfect answer. Lyle's gift was to FIND the perfect answers to those questions, almost without fail. Where Bill was a seeker, Lyle was a finder.
That’s true! This song is dedicated to him
This is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. It is criminally underrated. People who understand music theory will really appreciate this song.
Even if you don't understand music theory. I can feel the emotion of this song. They come flooding in and make me emotional about my time here on earth and the people I've loved and lost, as well as those who continue to touch my life.
You seem pretentious
No need to "understand music theory" to appreciate the beautifulness of this song. By the way dedicated to Bill Evans
This song right here is why Lyle needed to exist in our time!!!!! Hurts my heart to watch this but makes my ears smile with gratitude that he existed and man did Lyle knock it outta the galaxies. Fly in the stars Lyle. Thank you sir
One of the most touching tributes in the history of music. Tribute to the man who knew how important is silence in music...
Yes indeed my oh my Bill Evans still miss him, too!
I'm currently 45 years old and I consider myself to have a broad musical range. From classical music to punk to hip-hop to death metal to reggae to grunge to classic rock to jazz, etc. The fact that tonight is the 1st time I've heard this song, or of these artists, is a travesty. What brilliance.
This song has so much meaning to me. I first heard it on the "As falls Wichita, so falls Wichita Falls" album. It was kind a cheeky gift from a mother-in-law while I was living in Wichita Falls, hehe. But it ended up being such a blessing to me. It has been helping me thru my own brother's passing this past Feb. He was kind of built like Lyle and played in a similar fashion. I can just imagine them getting to jam together in Heaven. I can't afford it at the moment, but I pre-ordered an Oberheim OBX8, for my own studio, and as a tribute to Lyle and my brother Stephen. Rest In Peace, sweet men of music. 🙏
To think that Lyle Mays has vanished from our world on earth overwhelms my mind
and heart by a huge and infinite sadness that this music put me close to tears. I only yesterday learnt this
unbelievable news due to this time stopped and locked down on the entire world
by this damned pandemic. How could it be possible? that a musician like Lyle
Mays disappears due to a bad disease, so gently, so discretely, joining the
night of times for eternity. That man who created so marvelous musics and
compositions, first with Pat Metheny Group and then by himself. Lyle had an
incredible pianist touch, moving and sensitive, that made an incomparable
enlightening of the PMG creations all over the world since 1975, with so nice
lyricism, the sense of melodies, subtle rhythms and fluent harmonies, all
through the keyboard, impressive and impressionist as influenced by French
composers like Debussy, Ravel, Fauré and others like Bill Evans, Keith Jarrett...So
many solos that bring you at the edge of life through deep emotions, I can’t
imagine that we are arrived at the day we lost you...
I just finished listening to this rendition of Pat and Lyle's song dedicated to the late Bill Evans, and it's ironic that Lyle's been gone for over two years now. I've never heard this rendition before, and I was tearing up. The scale and maturity of Lyle's and Pat's playing and improvisation is just incredible! It really tugged at my heart strings, because it reminded me of just how sad I've become over the years when I hear a music box winding down, and I'll always be reminded of when I was four years old, and we had to put our male cat down. I couldn't stand to hear any music boxes that day and since then, because I'm reminded of that day. I didn't understand at that time why He Cat was going to sleep and would never wake up again. My red snoopy music box featured the Brahms Lullaby which mom used to try to get me to settle down and go to sleep. After the fourth rewind, I couldn't take it anymore, and I threw it across the room and broke it. There's much more to that story for another comment, but let me say that this really hit me hard, and yet, it's so incredibly beautiful.
Now for a question: When was this recorded and where? I really hope you know. Thank you so much.
Ce chef-d’œuvre à été composé en 1980 dans l’album “as falls wichita,so falls wichita falls“ en hommage à Bill Evans
This concert took place in Saratoga California - 1998. Part of the Imaginary Day tour.
Thanks for sharing. Know the feeling too well.
But as Tennyson so well said: Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all..
The original was recorded in Oslo, Norway in Sept. 1980.
Every time I hear someone say " so and so is the best guitar player or so and so is the best piano player", I always ask him or her if they've heard this piece.Inevitably the answer is no.Shame on them.
Bill Evans died Sept. 15, 1980. Bill himself dedicated songs to several fallen musicians, most notably "NYC's No Lark" in memory of pianist Sonny Clark. [The title is an anagram of the name.]
First time for me to see Pat and Lyle in what amounts to a duet, played with only the empathy and skill that these
Two geniuses possess ..wonderful.... thanks.
Such a beautiful and uplifting piece from two absolute masters
Devo ringraziare questi due grandi musicisti, per le sensazioni e le emozioni, che la loro musica mi ha trasmesso…..e che continua a trasmettermi, la porterò sempre con me! Grazie Pat e Lyle!
Souls united in spirit. Their link, their connection, their ability to communicate and translate thoughts into impeccably unique and beautiful music without saying a word - absolutely superb.
Today is my birthday and it's the first song i listen. The best gift for me, i think.
Thank Pat & Lyle, for this song given to the world....
This pair is a national treasure!
I was in Albuquerque and the sun had just gone down behind the Sandias. Cold, cold night. The fireplace was going. The Santa Fe station was playing this and it floored me.
The yearning is incredible.
Possibly one of the most beautiful songs ever.
My wife and I listened to this while driving through Mendocino in the fog early morning many times. Rip Lyle. Be strong pat
Rest in Peace Lyle Mays. Thanks for the music.
September 15th written and performed by Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays is one of my all-time favorite pieces of music. Pat made a few minor changes from the "Wichita" album, but Lyle's rendition is almost unrecognizably different from that recording, but no less beautiful. I would not be able to pick a favorite between the two performances. Thanks for posting this video!
so gorgeous~
So sad that now this piece of music sounds about Lyle himself. I didn't even imagine this day would come. Thank you Lyle.
The title of this song "September 15th" refereed to the date that BILL EVANS died.It is a song written in the memory of Bill Evans by Pat Metheny.
It's September 15th. Gonna have this beautiful piece on replay a couple of times
No words to describe the beauty of this music so brilliant and a touch of heaven.
I'm 38 years old. was a teen in the 80's. Saw the movie "Fandango" and was BLOWN AWAY by the music. I have been a PM fan ever since. I know very few people who have ever heard of him. What a treasure of music these two guys have given the world.
When my life is done (I'M DEAD), I want this song played to beautifully mark one old life lived and ended as well as the beauty of new life being born, continuing the cycle
The day the late, great Bill Evans died. Lyle's playing is exquisite. A sad song but so evocative.
It's by far the best track in the "As Falls Wichita etc." album and one of the peaks of the Pat+Lyle artistic production.
It is so beautiful that I cry every time I listen to it.
The tune is from as Wichita falls. I have been listening Pat and Lyle for 40 years now. I am an old but wise man thanx to the enlightenment of Pat's music. He is beyond ,isn't he ?
Wise people don't call themselves wise
Avevo solo i miei 15 anni quando ascoltavo pat ora che ne ho 45 nn è cambiato nulla ! Sei il migliore !
Une alchimie et une communion d'esprit d'une extrême rareté dans le monde de la musique, où tous les leviers de ce qui constitue un morceau de musique sont poussés au maximum, de la plume à l'interprétation, en passant par une synchronicité quasi-parfaite des cerveaux et du cœur (Ils ne se regardent presque pas durant tout le morceau, inimaginable !). Magique et beau comme une pâquerette, un coucher de soleil ou une galaxie. On touche là à la pureté par excellence, extraordinairement limpide, vierge de tout artifice, une authenticité à fleur de peau qui font de cette pièce un joyau parmi les plus beaux qui puissent exister.
Привет из России и СПАСИБО за Слова о Lyle Mays&Pat Metheny🎉❤😊
This is it. The single most beautiful and stately song ever written and performed. It has been part of me since I first heard it when the album was new. I have never grown tired of it, and I never will. Play it again and again until I'm dead of old age, and keep playing even then.
Truly an emotional composition written in honor of one of the most gifted musicians
in the jazz world....I play this song every September 15th in Bill's honor. Live on in spirit, my brother, live on...
Pat (and Lyle) have written some of the most BEAUTIFUL songs I've ever heard. What a dynamic duo. I hope these two keep making music for the next 100 years :) This definitely one of my fave tunes by Pat.
Ian so sorry Lyle and Pat will never make new music. But we’re fortunate to have some wonderful music we can listen to even with Lyels passing.
@@susanjohnson5446 Wow, I wtote that 14 years ago. We have since lost Lyle. But as you said, their music lives on! 🤗
RIP Lyle Mays. Thank you for your music.
I’ve known of and listened to both musicians for decades. Just found this and have ordered CD. Yes! Can’t stop listening to this track. I’m in Wales UK and this is inspiring my 5th ever trip to USA this spring. Not Wichita however.
I caught the end of this piece while listening to my local NPR station today. It was beautiful.
Sept 15th 2019 - still listening faithfully to this masterpiece.
Beautiful Tribute for an Extraordinary Man Bill Evans, Nobody ends a Song quite like Bill Evans did! M&M have to be the greatest Duo since Davis & Trane
not only this beautiful song but the whole album ''as falls witchita, so falls witchita falls'' brings back smells and taste that is one of a kind!! what a sound!!!!! one of a kind!!
and another year goes by... miss u lyle
Bill Evans had to know he was loved. I saw him only once, at "Oilcan Harry's" in Vancouver, shortly before he passed from a bleeding ulcer. He had the foresight and heart to refrain from living in the past, and kept open to new sounds and directions, even when they demanded less of his artistry. This song, to me, is evocative of his spirit slowly coming to itself on the other side, quickly learning the new territory, filling it with his beautiful art. Thanks, Pat & Lyle & esp. for the posting!
Its so nice that we all can enjoy one anothers company think our own thoughts on how the music is playing out for us.. some cry some reflect on where they were when this song came out...some mention how wonderful these 2 intuitive people are blessing us with these sounds(and it is a blessing by the way) not in a christian way but a collective way by which we all right now are participating in some joy, sadness and peace in hearing music that moves our soul...Maybe as being touched by God
I am still completely new to this piece, Tom, so "my jury is still out" on how I view it. But I am still very interested in what you write. First, I do believe that the Internet is not solely in the hands of the dark forces, and I do think it is a (somewhat underused) resource when it comes to serving as a support network. We do indeed communicate with others, revealing our deepest feelings to strangers in a cathartic way, in a kind of a triangle between the performers of music and each other.
However, and somewhat in contrast to what you write, I have to tell you that I post online in this way because I do see it as a God-given mission that I have had since being Born Again, and that DOES indicate Jesus Christ, but also the Holy Spirit. In my view (now) there are pieces of music that the Holy Spirit has inspired and in which He somehow "resides", and from which He reaches out, along with the love and mercy and truth of God (whose name you DO mention).
In my activity, I particularly write to people who express their sadness and suffering in relation to music. I see it is my task to explain to them what is reaching out to them. There are also many people who write seeking to understand what it is they feel with great and special pieces of music, and I make a (gentle) suggestion on that basis. Since being Born Again, I have done it THOUSANDS of times, and it is "my thing" a bit.
And, although I am still a VERY busy man, I NEVER begrudge the time I spend on this activity. And when I am engaged in it I have the conviction that there is NO better way I could be using my time and energy. The beloved Holy Spirit does that for me, and I cannot tell you how grateful I am for the mercy and insight He offered me.
Reaching out to and sharing with complete strangers, with a high level of trust (taking them at their word), and with little or no "skin in the game" (since these are people we do not know and will never meet) is EXACTLY what Jesus wants from us and recommends to us. But of course Jesus reached out in this way to people from other groups and faiths, and to non-believers, so in that sense you are perfectly right in your comment above.
For me (though it is my personal opinion, albeit possibly influenced by the amazing and wonderful cleansing event I experienced on 28-2-21), music that ideally conveys the Holy Spirit is slightly more "formed" than the above, and slightly more in the direction of "happy-melancholy" than just melancholy. This is intriguing because - for the Holy Spirit - those emotions are the same. He is above simple divisions that we know, and for Him they are just alternative "aspects of love" as somebody once put it. I actually have pieces of music in mind that used to seem just sad to me, but then became clearly sad-happy (even ecstatically so) once I had been Born Again!
The Holy Spirit is also happily beyond "life versus art", as for Him the lines there are (rightly) blurred. A classic feature of the Spirit is that He is enigmatic, but not completely so. Many of the titles of the pieces I have identified in connection with his encouragement of human genius have fairly straightforward and clear titles. He does this through films (movies) as well, and often through the music associated with those pieces of transcending art. Two clear (contrasting!!) examples would be "Love Actually" and "Signs", both of which were, by the way, specifically and clearly targeted at trying to help people go on with their lives after 9/11. Naturally the ever-active, ever-inspiring Holy Spirit (though He did not stop that awful calamity, as we know) would want to get involved in an artistic response to it. And indeed He did.
Sin lugar a dudas uno de los momentos más sublimes de Lyle junto a Pat y a la memoria del adorado Mr. Bill Evans, fallecido en dicha fecha. Gracias por haberlo subido con esta fidelidad, lo que nos permite concentrarnos mejor.
I wondered what was the importance of that date and why that song is so somber. Thank you Now I know
I discovered Metheny some 20 years ago but am only watching youtube now, and see one thing in all his clips, whether I like one in particular or not, and it's there in whoever he partners with too. L·O·V·E. Genuine love for what they are doing.
Muito bonito! I miss Lyle Mays.
After years of comments .... How inspirng this music is....see u in 100 years
Absolutely Beautiful... The best version of this tune I have heard!
Ahhhh As Falls! I was growing up in Santa Barbara CA at 13 when I was given the gift that this album is. What art to grow up with! I'm a lucky dude. Nice to know others are out there with the same appreciation of music of this caliber.
One of their best amongst many, many excellent compositions!
Remembering to Lyle Mays this day and full o happiness
Beautiful, moving and many other superlatives. Rick Beato does a wonderful breakdown of this song. It’s worth taking a gander
Sublime, this piece makes me ache it is so poignant.
I will always be grateful to my brother Chad for introducing me to Pat's MUSIC.
I will always remember when we were both single in the 70s and would listen together over drinks, not talking the music was so good.
Thanks for posting this magnificent piece for me to hear and remember wonderful times with Chad.
ABSOLUTELY in my top 10 Favorites from PMG. So much emotion in this song.
One of the most beautiful songs and albums I've ever heard. An aside : "Beyond the Missouri Sky" with Pat and Charlie Haden is another wonderful album.
un brano di una bellezza infinita, qui c' è tutto, amore , gioia, malinconia, eseguita da due straordinari interpreti del virtuosismo... che dire... stupendo
This is my favorite piece of music ever. It was my first record when all the other kids were into Zeppelin,etc. I've listened to this 3000 plus times. It's a gift. Love to Pat and lyle!
RIP Lyle...❤ You are greatly missed...🎶
This song is for ever, so deep as the sea. I think they have changed their style so far, sometimes I'd like to hear that kind of compositions again, as in First Circle and As falls Wichita...
What a beautiful Gift they've given to us All..We should thank God for allowing us to recognize and enjoy such pleasure...
I watched the movie Fandango with Kevin Costner in the 80's and I fell in love with Pat, I have seen him several times in San Diego.
I was wondering if anyone was going to mention Fandango! I freaking love that movie!
countrygal0831 yes specially those wordless wedding scenes and just this music. Perfect fusion of sight and sound as it were.,
The mastering of brilliance leaves me gasping and stunned. The heart and soul; however moved to the honey spot. My heavens that's so lovely. Thank you.
RIP This is simply wonderful thank you for the music...
Despues de tanto tiempo escuchando esta obra de arte,sigo estremeciendome por su belleza. Grande Pat, Grande Mays
Não me canso de ouvir não só esta musica como o álbum inteiro. Roberto Marinho.
its amazing ❤
Wow! I love this song. It has touched me many times. I had Pat's brother for a teacher at Berklee college of Music back in early 80's. Pat...keep up the great music! Thank you!
Great great piece
it needs no words.. it needs just to close our eyes and start listening..
Une moment de grâce
Arte allo stato puro❤
Yes...very nice !
this music is absolutely beautiful, i could just get lost in these songs
The most beautiful duet ever.
Once again, the group achieves that brilliant intangible which great music has always managed to - the ability to elevate the spirit to the birthplace of miracles.
I am speechless! What a tribute
This video was added on September 30! The day of my birthday! Dude, thanks for the gift!
Beautifully crafted, deep & emotive! Thanks Pat & friends
Superb classic of lyrical jazz!
Sublime composición de estos grandes artistas
Flawlessly Beautiful. R.I.P. Lyle
you can figure heaven by closing your eyes and listening this....
and another year goes by
1 of his best tunes! 1lol!1!
this music literally free your mind
Amazing and very cool. The very best musician and music.......
Che pezzo strano... bellissimo ❤
Wonderful!!! Musicians with such passion and heart! Thanks for sharing this.
the singular best piece ever written
yes - you are so right
Classic Pat / Lyle sound no mistaking it!
If I could create music, this is what it would be.
Pat gives life to the the music we have in our souls...
arrrgh - no way to adequately / accurately express what I mean / feel!!!
I believe I was at this performance if it was at UCLA. Beautiful.
Just Wow
Simply beautiful!