Christian Right Leader Sends Michelle Bachmann a Vibrator

  • Опубликовано: 19 июл 2013
  • "Controversial Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's battle with migraines has been well-documented. But a conservative-leaning consultant group's attempt to send her a massager to alleviate the headaches almost ended in comical disaster after a sex toy was reportedly sent to Bachmann's office instead.
    The Columbus-based Strategy Group for Media has a stable of conservative clients that have included Todd Akin (of "legitimate rape" fame), Newt Gingrich and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, according to Politico."*
    Cenk Uygur breaks it down.
    *Read more:
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Комментарии • 275

  • @DellBoy010
    @DellBoy010 11 лет назад

    Two weeks later they got a request from Bachmann to "send more batteries"

  • @Evhoney14
    @Evhoney14 11 лет назад

    There also referred to as "back massagers".

  • @amfanmagician
    @amfanmagician 11 лет назад

    I can't think of anything to insert here......

  • @atheistram
    @atheistram 11 лет назад


  • @Turandot29
    @Turandot29 11 лет назад

    Has anyone seen Michelle Bachman’s O-face on Instagram after she received that gift? She looked so surprised.

  • @MenwithHill
    @MenwithHill 11 лет назад

    I don't think so. She's probably still trying to guess where it could go.

  • @lizvill73
    @lizvill73 11 лет назад

    Yeah. Keep telling yourself that.

  • @CRlSTO
    @CRlSTO 11 лет назад

    who comes up with the video names... LMAO ... game of thorns XD

  • @ScreamingForClemency
    @ScreamingForClemency 11 лет назад

    ha. you are now the official winner of this thread. well done.

  • @jinofthethunder
    @jinofthethunder 11 лет назад

    I know what I am saying, I am saying that a persons belief is just as important as their actions when we judge a persons moral character, ie how moral they are. because a person can do bad things because of good intentions. a person can do good things because of bad intentions. why a person does something is just as vital in determining whether or not they are a moral person. their beliefs, the things which inform their actions are just as important as their actions.

  • @bobbytiger
    @bobbytiger 11 лет назад

    Cenk: It's great to see you talking a break from fanning the racial flames over this Trayvon thing, and returning to the more hard hitting and informative videos. Thanks so much.

  • @Melpheos1er
    @Melpheos1er 11 лет назад

    According to the news, she never received it because he send a staffer before she got it

  • @brokebassoon
    @brokebassoon 11 лет назад

    Brookstone sells vibrators??

  • @chadruesch7124
    @chadruesch7124 11 лет назад

    Man that state farm ad is getting super annoying!

  • @SebastienCade
    @SebastienCade 11 лет назад

    She did. It melted.

  • @petramullooly9772
    @petramullooly9772 11 лет назад

    So why?

  • @GabrielSparkletits
    @GabrielSparkletits 11 лет назад


  • @denenergyguy
    @denenergyguy 11 лет назад

    I think it would be a 3D printer that makes shoes.....

  • @BenFreundlich
    @BenFreundlich 11 лет назад

    as was Marcus

  • @phalsebob
    @phalsebob 11 лет назад

    When crazy meets crazt, crazy happens.

  • @jfesmire
    @jfesmire 11 лет назад

    They sell vibrators at Brookstone? That doesn't sound right.

  • @TheSilverMiG
    @TheSilverMiG 11 лет назад

    You mean two days?

  • @MDCox202
    @MDCox202 11 лет назад

    Working an appropriate usage of creed into your argument is an automatic win in my book XD favourite word since the games

  • @yoboyrob201
    @yoboyrob201 11 лет назад

    the only time i have convos with people who are really religious, that im not related to, are the times i want to tell them how wrong i am.

  • @NessVlogMusic
    @NessVlogMusic 11 лет назад

    I appear to be the only person who doesn't watch game of throwns references. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything though.

  • @xMarrilliamsx
    @xMarrilliamsx 11 лет назад

    What probably happened was that they made him feel like a christian that was below them when he may believe to think that he's the best christian and how dare they try to have an intervene on me! Which upset him and then he went on to fire them.

  • @shooter5503
    @shooter5503 11 лет назад

    "Sunday Night Massacre" = epic night to get fired

  • @robertrulebirtannia
    @robertrulebirtannia 11 лет назад

    I guess you could say this story caused a buzz.

  • @jinofthethunder
    @jinofthethunder 11 лет назад

    you cannot accurately judge the phycology of human based on their actions either. so that makes your point mute as well, but we're not talking about a persons phycology, we are talking about whether they are a good person or not. we are talking about their morality. if you are not judging whether a person is good or bad by their beliefs you are going solely by actions, which means that if a person made a bad mistake, then they are a bad person. belief and action are both important, not just one.

  • @giri.goyo_yt
    @giri.goyo_yt 11 лет назад

    Oh shit. Please, somebody, make this into a film. Galifinakis or Oswalt could play this nut.

  • @keegan112099
    @keegan112099 11 лет назад

    I can see why you might have an intervention for your boss I'm friends with everyone I work with and if something was wrong with any of my co workers I'd want them to get help

  • @JessePrower
    @JessePrower 11 лет назад

    You'd need to get two, just to be sure you get the right one.

  • @StephanieL180
    @StephanieL180 11 лет назад

    So his strategy was basically.... less Easter Bunny, more Rampant Rabbit?
    I dunno... I think it could catch on.

  • @jinofthethunder
    @jinofthethunder 11 лет назад

    their is no "/". a persons belief is their motivation. if they believe good things will happen if they do of x, then that belief is their motivation for doing x. a person can have good motives or bad motives, and a persons motives are a good way to judge their character. its bad to do things for selfish reasons, and a person who does things for selfish reasons is a selfish person. ergo we can judge a person selfish because of their selfish belief, their selfish belief is their motivation. get it

  • @jinofthethunder
    @jinofthethunder 11 лет назад

    I what two terms are you talking about? criminal and poor character are two completely different things, I just said that in my last post. yes I know what a motivation, and finding out what their motivation is does speak for their character, people can have a selfish motivation or a selfless one, people can be motivated by morally good desires or morally bad ones. their motivation says a lot about who they are as a person and we can judge people on having bad motivations, bad beliefs.

  • @matbroomfield
    @matbroomfield 11 лет назад

    Of course truth is independent of the integrity of the person it relates to, but as theists continually impose their will upon society, whether they are hypocrites or not is vitally important.

  • @jinofthethunder
    @jinofthethunder 11 лет назад

    your first paragraph doesn't even make sense, i never said that special pleading was the same as differentiating. I don't even know how you got that from what I said. and secondly i said a persons action and belief are both important in determining a persons character, not in determining if both are a criminal. when it comes to criminality all that matters is a persons actions, when it comes to moral character both are important.

  • @HockeyWerewolf
    @HockeyWerewolf 11 лет назад

    0:42 did Cenk call it a Bibrator?

  • @jinofthethunder
    @jinofthethunder 11 лет назад

    Its not shallow when what I am determining is whether they are a racist or not. and the whole 'it applies to racist beliefs but not religious' thats called special pleading. when you say you can't judge a person by their beliefs it either applies to every belief or no beliefs.
    and if a person believed that for every good deed he did he gets to do a bad deed after he dies, a persons motivation is just as important as their actions for when determining another persons character.

  • @lizvill73
    @lizvill73 11 лет назад

    I worked for a "Christian based" local manufacturer. It was like working for a cult. None of what Cenk describes shocked me. At all.

  • @LaserDroid
    @LaserDroid 11 лет назад

    7 "lambs" afraid of their boss, sounds about right.

  • @reyjonhsmith
    @reyjonhsmith 11 лет назад

    Perfect thumbnail

  • @hallabalooza
    @hallabalooza 11 лет назад

    I was gonna make a Marcus Bachmann joke, but apparently I was too late...

  • @camelCaseFTW
    @camelCaseFTW 11 лет назад

    Why is everyone in the comments assuming that Michelle is the one using this vibrator?

  • @teammmx
    @teammmx 11 лет назад

    The vibrator was for Marcus.

  • @JesseJaceThomas
    @JesseJaceThomas 11 лет назад

    Your mom was looking for you. She looked angry and said something about "straight to bed, no supper."

  • @MrIPspLock
    @MrIPspLock 11 лет назад

    Stop arguing about religion in the comments and learn to live together.

  • @AvaEnithesi
    @AvaEnithesi 11 лет назад

    Hmmmm, this must be the 'magic wand' she was talking about.

  • @Nidhogg
    @Nidhogg 11 лет назад

    I love how every TYT now features an explicit explanation of the joke written behind them.

  • @macrent2
    @macrent2 11 лет назад

    That was an old Victorian way of Psychiatrist's putting woman in their place for sexual frustration. Marcus would likely agree he uses out of date methods of treatment like Conversion Therapy from the 1950's.

  • @revjimbob
    @revjimbob 11 лет назад

    'But that's not what this story is about'
    Bit of a misleading title for the video then.

  • @BottleConcreteBlond
    @BottleConcreteBlond 11 лет назад

    And she was so glad to get it!

  • @jerico641
    @jerico641 11 лет назад

    True, very true; and sad.

  • @spuddyduddy1
    @spuddyduddy1 11 лет назад

    i think he has. he might be agnostic though.

  • @Tessasdadd0
    @Tessasdadd0 11 лет назад

    It's true that a staffer sent the vibrator out accidentally,but Mr Bachmann put it to good use.

  • @MasticinaAkicta
    @MasticinaAkicta 11 лет назад

    What is so wrong sending a women a therapeutic back vibrator.

  • @RazgulTheKind
    @RazgulTheKind 11 лет назад

    At least the Christians that tried to help him had a good sense of humour

  • @RykComerford
    @RykComerford 11 лет назад

    A girl who had migraines once told me sex relaxed her and alleviated her migraines. True story.

  • @Steve27775
    @Steve27775 11 лет назад

    On behalf of the non-Christian world, I accept your apology.

  • @MrBlackatheist
    @MrBlackatheist 11 лет назад

    You win the Internet

  • @GClephMusique
    @GClephMusique 11 лет назад

    Be suspicious of anyone who makes a living off other peoples suffering.

  • @drummertimmy100
    @drummertimmy100 11 лет назад

    it was a vacuum!!

  • @ProfessorxVile
    @ProfessorxVile 11 лет назад

    I don't think she has. All her kids are adopted, and the doesn't have the right equipment to interest her husband....

  • @apocalypseap
    @apocalypseap 11 лет назад

    What's ironic is, the vibrator COULD help with her migraines.

  • @Saucypants1000
    @Saucypants1000 11 лет назад

    Well I'm sure Mr. Bachman has tons of vibrators laying around and Michelle would probably have figured it was for him.

  • @iateyourham
    @iateyourham 11 лет назад

    If something sounds too good to be true ... Here's something that sounds too good to be true. You can live forever and an invisible man who sees everything and is all powerful loves you so much that he let's people die at random. Imagine that there are people who are willing to exploit people who want to believe in this too good to be true story and get money out of it.

  • @Orcen222
    @Orcen222 11 лет назад

    She probably needs new batteries right about now.

  • @mesaeddie
    @mesaeddie 11 лет назад

    He should spit them out though.They can't be his.

  • @Vicvines
    @Vicvines 11 лет назад

    no she's more religious than that.

  • @RykComerford
    @RykComerford 11 лет назад

    She was married.

  • @sushanalone
    @sushanalone 11 лет назад

    I have heard from reliable sources that Marcus took the vibrator from the bin after Michelle threw it away, and now uses it for his own rectal stimulation.

  • @ApsisApocynthion
    @ApsisApocynthion 11 лет назад

    All they care about are the superficial surface values of power, money, and sex? Has religion ever been any different?

  • @Henchman_Holding_Wrench
    @Henchman_Holding_Wrench 11 лет назад

    They're old school right? Probably thought she said so many crazy things because she was suffering from hysteria.

  • @hezekiahramirez6965
    @hezekiahramirez6965 11 лет назад

    Game of fucking thorns! Game of fucking thorns!

  • @wol4fram
    @wol4fram 11 лет назад

    Aw, man. I thought that this story was going to be about him sending her a vibrator because he thought that she was crazy and that it would cure her hysteria.

  • @jinofthethunder
    @jinofthethunder 11 лет назад

    I would know they are racists, what else would I need to know about them? we judge people based on their beliefs and their actions. its the best way to judge people. if someone says they have a belief which is a racist belief we can judge them for being racist.

  • @chiconian49
    @chiconian49 11 лет назад

    From Bachmann's husband.

  • @bernlin2000
    @bernlin2000 11 лет назад

    I believe that would still help with migraines, anyhow!

  • @JdogsMinecraft
    @JdogsMinecraft 11 лет назад

    Yeah, that guy doesn't sound like a Christian to me.

  • @honeybadger1847
    @honeybadger1847 11 лет назад

    While I'm no fan of Strategy Group for Media, methinks someone set up the CEO, probably one of the "convey love" interventionists. If someone is savvy enough to know about "Game of Thrones," one probably also knows that a personal massager does not relieve migraines.
    But it looks like a good product. Check out the Jezebel reviews--pricey, but you get a lot of bang for the buck :-)

  • @LordHypnos4
    @LordHypnos4 11 лет назад

    So where's the atheist political consulting firm?

  • @JamesSmith-sw3nk
    @JamesSmith-sw3nk 11 лет назад

    ..Female Pleasure Machine:..An ATM?

  • @mgeek1
    @mgeek1 11 лет назад

    Does anyone really believe that Bachmann knows what to do with one of those "Female Pleasure Machines?" I can't imagine this woman doing anything sexual.

  • @Hemulen40
    @Hemulen40 11 лет назад

    Migraines ... I hear Backmann´s battlin h e m o r r h o i d s ?

  • @vacanttheories2218
    @vacanttheories2218 11 лет назад

    You may be doing it wrong...

  • @232pk
    @232pk 11 лет назад

    The red intervention

  • @christophercharles1937
    @christophercharles1937 11 лет назад

    That guy has balls

  • @cookieraider126
    @cookieraider126 11 лет назад

    Nah bro I've tried.

  • @Tehgoat
    @Tehgoat 11 лет назад

    She's living with Marcus, what's a girl gonna do?

  • @JesseJaceThomas
    @JesseJaceThomas 11 лет назад

    I think the plural is "dildi"

  • @lumburgapalooza
    @lumburgapalooza 11 лет назад

    What are you talking about, "not Christian", Cenk? Kowtowing to corrupt authority is the CENTRAL Christian tenet!

  • @Burori1
    @Burori1 11 лет назад

    The Holy Vibrator.

  • @TotalRookie_LV
    @TotalRookie_LV 11 лет назад

    Actually makes sense, since fundies thought Bachmann was a patriot* with balls, so someone sent one more part she was still missing.
    * - I don't know how they got that strange idea, IMO "traitor" and "anti-American insurgent" are more appropriate titles for people like her

  • @jinofthethunder
    @jinofthethunder 11 лет назад

    of course you can, if someone has racist beliefs for example I can judge them for that. If they have sexist beliefs I can judge them for that.

  • @tbppuglia
    @tbppuglia 11 лет назад

    Christian consulting firms? Wtf is that?

  • @blueboyblue
    @blueboyblue 11 лет назад

    Colossians 3: 12 -
    Put on, then, garments that suit God's chosen and beloved people: Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, Patience. Be Tolerant of one another and forgiving ... as the Lord forgave you.
    James 2 -
    (14) What good is it, my friends, for someone to say he has faith when is actions do nothing to show it.
    (20) Do you have to be told, you fool, that faith divorced from action is futile?

  • @bohemianwriter1
    @bohemianwriter1 11 лет назад

    With her husband, I guess she needs it.
    How many kids do they have again? And even one of them "one of their own" spawn?

  • @bishopmakeitknock
    @bishopmakeitknock 11 лет назад

    uh Cenk case you forgot.. Jesse and Al are Reverends...

  • @nabiji
    @nabiji 11 лет назад

    i hope it was a big brown one that says 'Viva Mexico'.

  • @MrBlackatheist
    @MrBlackatheist 11 лет назад

    If you don't think Julius Ceasar existed you need to retake history