Michelle Bachmann Screws Up Speech

  • Опубликовано: 13 мар 2011
  • Cenk Uygur on several glaring errors in Michele Bachmann's speech in New Hampshire. Could she really win a Republican presidential primary in 2012?

Комментарии • 348

  • @tylerlikesmen1
    @tylerlikesmen1 13 лет назад

    I live in NH and I think that she really didn't know that there is more than one Concord.

  • @grendelcatt
    @grendelcatt 13 лет назад

    Do you think she knows there's no state of Old Hapshire ?...

  • @j0hnwi11iams
    @j0hnwi11iams 13 лет назад

    Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

  • @alexandria211
    @alexandria211 13 лет назад

    makes me wonder about the people in minnisota.

  • @YourBrainOnReligion
    @YourBrainOnReligion 13 лет назад

    @scruffyroflecopter I wish I had your optimism... I lost mine a while ago.

  • @CFinNaples
    @CFinNaples 13 лет назад

    Slogan that says it all: "Tim Pawlenty: nobody hates me" Reminds me of my in-laws picking out furniture. what's in their house is stuff that no one hates, but neither of them have anything there that they actually like.

  • @petercharleskrug
    @petercharleskrug 12 лет назад +1

    @somethingdiffereable Amen, brother!

  • @BacklTrack
    @BacklTrack 13 лет назад

    "What has Tim Paulenti(?) done?" Well..made me go grab lentil soup, good nuff'.

  • @deanosumo
    @deanosumo 12 лет назад

    I would like to see Bachmann and Palin go head to head in a quiz show.

  • @adr58
    @adr58 13 лет назад

    They know they don't need to fact check, the crazies in new hampshire will eat it up and ask for more non sense.

  • @skidawg22
    @skidawg22 13 лет назад

    Michele Bachmann continues to show why an education at Oral Roberts University is a waste of money.

  • @5233484
    @5233484 13 лет назад

    "she is a walking facepalm"..
    Line of the year xD

  • @pneumo57
    @pneumo57 13 лет назад

    "she's a walking face-palm" LOL

  • @Charlie12241
    @Charlie12241 13 лет назад

    She would only answer preapproved questions on local WQAD news and KWQC. When a reporter asked something else she quit.

  • @celt67
    @celt67 13 лет назад

    It's still a step up from Sarah Palin who thought Europe was a country.

  • @largegrainsofsalt
    @largegrainsofsalt 13 лет назад

    i'm from MN, heres what i know about TP:
    1. he was the governor, now we have a huge budget problem.
    2. he didn't want to help the vikings get a new stadium, then the roof collapsed.
    3. TP also stands for toilet paper, this makes me feel justified in calling him an asswipe.

  • @DAK4Blizzard
    @DAK4Blizzard 13 лет назад

    If in a presidential debate Bachmann should inevitably bring up cutting education, the counter argument should be her lack thereof.

  • @Bleumange
    @Bleumange 12 лет назад

    @royaladam What do you expect him to do? Even if he tried or had the opportunity, he'd get vetoed by congress.

  • @LarryPhischman
    @LarryPhischman 13 лет назад

    Here;s a few things Pawlenty accomplished:
    (1) He refused to cancel school for the entire state on days when the temperature was dangerously/lethally cold no less then 100 times.
    (2) Allowed "fresh-of-the-boat" Hmong and Somali refugees, who don't even speak English, to get driver's licenses no questions asked, leading to millions of dollars in property damage and legal fees, which the state was forced to pay.
    (3) Cut funding for police departments in the entire state, increasing crime.

  • @lucifersam9
    @lucifersam9 13 лет назад

    I love your videos man, but you gotta fix the mic in your little sound room there in New York. You keep breaking up and we miss some of your little commentaries.

  • @wolfwing1
    @wolfwing1 13 лет назад

    To be fair doesn't sound like she screwed up her facts, she just gave speach for wrong state.

  • @MsZeitgeist85
    @MsZeitgeist85 13 лет назад

    Bachmann/Box of Rocks 2012

  • @gailforce
    @gailforce 13 лет назад

    2:57 cenk enters kermit mode

  • @deveousdevil
    @deveousdevil 13 лет назад

    Pawlenty was the gov of Minnesota? i didnt know that lol.

  • @SpiderJerusalemJr
    @SpiderJerusalemJr 13 лет назад

    "She's a walking facepalm" -Cenk
    Another awesome quote by Cenk

  • @HomleandSecurity
    @HomleandSecurity 13 лет назад

    Lexington and Concord are in New England, she was right.

  • @trajan74
    @trajan74 13 лет назад

    Maybe her staff gets a kick out of her embarassment.

  • @thundavolt
    @thundavolt 13 лет назад

    She had no fucking clue where she was. She's so used to people not calling her out. Caller her out and she'll yell, See, they're haters!"

  • @dangerouslytalented
    @dangerouslytalented 13 лет назад

    Errors? Not one. She deliberately said everything she said.
    However, there is much that she says that are deliberate lies, or stuff that was made up, or stuff that sounds good.

  • @almostcapecod
    @almostcapecod 13 лет назад

    I really don't think she could step foot here in Massachusetts and give that speech,maybe she thought about coming here and found out shes not welcome here and had to go somewhere else.

  • @YourBrainOnReligion
    @YourBrainOnReligion 13 лет назад

    @scruffyroflecopter You ain't alone brother.

  • @hannahmobrien
    @hannahmobrien 13 лет назад

    anything I know about Pawlenty doesn't count because I live in MN, but I can say that he's been awful for the MN budget by refusing to raise taxes no matter what.

  • @ughzean
    @ughzean 13 лет назад

    of course!

  • @HugeJohn51
    @HugeJohn51 13 лет назад

    'she's a walking facepalm' LOL!

  • @saleh2kx
    @saleh2kx 12 лет назад +1

    Michelle " Snake Eyes" Bachmann

  • @drzendoom
    @drzendoom 13 лет назад

    Plymouth rock was in a landlocked state.

  • @Moneymyke357
    @Moneymyke357 13 лет назад

    Bachmann/Beck 2012- The Prophecy must be fulfilled.

  • @captcrais101
    @captcrais101 13 лет назад

    @davefgranger I would rather throw my vote away than vote for someone that has disappointed me time and time again.

  • @DorEnErnil
    @DorEnErnil 13 лет назад

    Not really sure what he did as Governor. However, he did say that if he were President, he would work to reinstate DADT.

  • @ReginaldForman
    @ReginaldForman 13 лет назад

    @QuinnMyers i like what you say, although maybe we should take it a step further even. how about competency test, I.Q. test, mental eval, etc. and if they already do what i mention then maybe we should change the test because they are obviously flawed.

  • @Giggidygiggidy12
    @Giggidygiggidy12 12 лет назад

    well said

  • @luanluan2006
    @luanluan2006 13 лет назад

    Her people probably know, don't care, and don't like her.

  • @audadvnc
    @audadvnc 13 лет назад

    Tim Pawlenty came out a year or so back with this great line, "we should throw a nine-iron through the windows of government" - while being Governor of Minnesota. What an embarrassment! I wonder what the State Troopers would have done had I tried this at the Governor's mansion.
    OTOH, this might be appropriate in Madison, Wisconsin...
    Michele Bachmann beat out Patty Wetterling for the Representative seat in 2008 - it's a shame, Patty might have been a good legislator.

  • @disrxt
    @disrxt 13 лет назад

    I wonder if she thinks Paul Revere lived in New Hampshire or if she thinks he rode up from Boston. Oh my bad, she probably never heard of him.

  • @jpav0923
    @jpav0923 13 лет назад

    @jbonzo3191 Obviously that was a typo. I mean to say liberation theology but ommitted the liberation. Thank you for the correction.

  • @thankqwerty
    @thankqwerty 13 лет назад

    Why does she need to know anything when her audiences don't know anything?

  • @CaptainLumpyDog
    @CaptainLumpyDog 13 лет назад

    As a person whose hometown is, in fact, Lexington, MA, I can firmly attest that I don't care about the first battle in the War of Independence. Of course, I'm also dabbling in Socialism. So that explains everything.
    Both statements were true, the first less so than the last.
    I am indeed from Lexington, MA. But as a military historian, I feel IMMENSE pride in my hometown's heritage.
    Just because Lexington is very nearly as left-leaning as Cambridge does not give Bachmann to slur my home in

  • @LobsterPotsticker
    @LobsterPotsticker 13 лет назад

    concord grapes..

  • @BionicDance
    @BionicDance 13 лет назад

    @Joshua001A Never heard of 'em. Sorry.

  • @bobbytiger
    @bobbytiger 13 лет назад

    "57 States".

  • @JTrizzleFizzle
    @JTrizzleFizzle 13 лет назад

    Paul who?

  • @JoshuaWhittle
    @JoshuaWhittle 13 лет назад

    @nabiji it is sooooo true that statement, I love it!

  • @JoshuaWhittle
    @JoshuaWhittle 13 лет назад

    @BionicDance can Infected Mushroom do the inauguration music?

  • @seeqer66
    @seeqer66 13 лет назад

    Bachmann in 2012!!! Bring entertainment back into the Executive office.

  • @MrNavvy69
    @MrNavvy69 13 лет назад

    "walking facepalm" i love you sometimes Cenk

  • @TruthAndMoreTruth
    @TruthAndMoreTruth 13 лет назад

    Bachmann raised record money for the RNC!
    What does that tell you??

  • @Erock5718
    @Erock5718 13 лет назад

    @SirTimbo christine odonnell was the witch not sarah palin

  • @JoshuaWhittle
    @JoshuaWhittle 13 лет назад

    I LOVE to see the progressive comments OWNING the trolls!

  • @judoyodan
    @judoyodan 13 лет назад

    I say we support Bachman- at least in the primaries.

  • @criskity
    @criskity 13 лет назад

    @calimar28 Not for long!

  • @robinvan1983
    @robinvan1983 13 лет назад

    you know what ... she does represent Americans...

  • @LobsterPotsticker
    @LobsterPotsticker 13 лет назад

    @Joshua001A he's recording with his cellphone video :)

  • @jared091787
    @jared091787 13 лет назад

    Maybe her staff does know stuff, if I saw those factual errors in her speech and I was on her staff, I'd say "Fantastic! Go for it representative Bachmann"

  • @bendrui
    @bendrui 13 лет назад

    I remember Pawlenty's name from the 2007 Minneapolis bridge collapse; he kept cutting funds for road and bridge maintenance prior to the collapse.So yeah, he's done something - created a disaster.

  • @geoff2204
    @geoff2204 13 лет назад

    She doesn't need to know any facts. Knowing facts, or making any other conspicuous display of learning, would alienate her supporters, who crave leaders as vacuous is themselves.
    Ignorance is strength.

  • @Deedovich
    @Deedovich 13 лет назад

    mkay but why does this not have effect on their political career? Can someone explain me this? Because in Holland that would be a hard drop in votings or at least it would have been mentioned in the news.

  • @PaddyCollector
    @PaddyCollector 13 лет назад

    3:00 The point that Cenk gives up.

  • @ho2cultcha
    @ho2cultcha 13 лет назад

    the best qualification to be a gop frontrunner is to be scandal-free - the teflon candidate.

  • @cne08
    @cne08 13 лет назад

    Michelle Bachmann probably thinks The Mall Of America is in New Hampshire.

  • @JoshuaWhittle
    @JoshuaWhittle 13 лет назад

    Far out! I know more about the geography of New England, USA, than Michelle Bachman does and I'm Australian for heaven's sake!

  • @xXRazorSharp101Xx
    @xXRazorSharp101Xx 13 лет назад

    Hes known for getting a tripple kill on Halo 2

  • @ThaGenius101
    @ThaGenius101 13 лет назад

    Bachmann/Alvin Greene 2012!

  • @gr8z0mbiejesus
    @gr8z0mbiejesus 13 лет назад

    @EyeLean5280 that would be pay-per-view worthy

  • @schmoab
    @schmoab 13 лет назад

    Have any Turks thought about switching to the Republicans so we can vote for this lady in the primary? I love how she talks to me like I'm in kindergarten. I've known people like this who have "misinformation disease". They will keep saying incorrect things and never bother to fact check.

  • @funk50050
    @funk50050 12 лет назад

    @MerlinAmbrosius17 yup thats a lovley and intelligant reply something bachman could never pull off

  • @danipinto
    @danipinto 13 лет назад

    Bachmann/Palin 2012. It will be a constant stream of lulz and facepalms.

  • @Milkbutter
    @Milkbutter 13 лет назад

    She screws everything...just, period.

  • @nabiji
    @nabiji 13 лет назад

    "Walking facepalm".

  • @98bigbutt
    @98bigbutt 13 лет назад

    @captcrais101,That's true. But the problem with politics is it gets so corrupt that the 3rd will get corrupt as well. But at the same time,it isn't a bad idea to vote a 3rd party.

  • @Northern5tar
    @Northern5tar 13 лет назад

    Whenever I see Bachmann I always wonder how many services she had to preform to get where she is.
    No doubt gallons and gallons.

  • @ColDwight
    @ColDwight 13 лет назад

    @SynchroTotal lol well said :)

  • @gerglmuff
    @gerglmuff 13 лет назад

    tim ran our state into the ground

  • @rfinz
    @rfinz 13 лет назад

    Tim Pawlenty was my governor... he did nothing. Wait, he froze education spending for a while. That was fun

  • @mathmexican4234
    @mathmexican4234 13 лет назад

    John quincy adams - founding....son? lol

  • @soundslave
    @soundslave 13 лет назад

    @BarackMcBush Time can take it away from her.

  • @Saucypants1000
    @Saucypants1000 13 лет назад

    oh please yes, let her run, we need more comedy, Palin is boring now and we need more of that

  • @Dewdaahman
    @Dewdaahman 13 лет назад

    @LobsterPotsticker in context, your statement is not unliken to a guy that loses one arm due to neglect and sayin' "well, at least I didn't lose both.." thank you for your unusible comment..

  • @SoaringTrumpet
    @SoaringTrumpet 13 лет назад

    Tim Pawlenty was a governor and "looks" presidential...I guess.

  • @JoshuaWhittle
    @JoshuaWhittle 13 лет назад

    I LOVE to see the progressive comments PWNING the trolls!

  • @RadarKat73080
    @RadarKat73080 13 лет назад

    Imagine Bill O'Reilly's and Michelle Bachmann's love child! No grasp of history whatsoever!

  • @hrsqsiest
    @hrsqsiest 12 лет назад

    Ponceman 2012.

  • @elevenbravo1991
    @elevenbravo1991 13 лет назад

    She wants to be POTUS but refuses comments on all her RUclips vids... That alone shows the weakness of this would be book burner.

  • @MasrawyPasha
    @MasrawyPasha 13 лет назад

    speech should be as so "speech" in quotes--since I am not sure what her verbal pronunciations should be labelled as

  • @SeanMBryans
    @SeanMBryans 12 лет назад

    I beg to differ. Concord is the state capital for - get this - NEW HAMPSHIRE

  • @DarkPractitioner
    @DarkPractitioner 13 лет назад

    Whats up with the audio in TYT videos? Sometimes the video goes FF, crazy.

  • @TheLowEndTheory
    @TheLowEndTheory 13 лет назад

    @jpav0923 doesnt matter she had no fact that those numbers were anyway. so i cant imagine the other bullshit shes is going to come up with

  • @YourBrainOnReligion
    @YourBrainOnReligion 13 лет назад

    lol she's like Palin v2.0

  • @JoshuaWhittle
    @JoshuaWhittle 13 лет назад

    @nagone11 in my comment I also specifically qualified "New England, USA" because there's also a region in Australia called "New England", so I just wanted to rule out confusion 100%.

  • @smartin807
    @smartin807 13 лет назад

    Poor Michelle, She's the "Scarecrow" from the wizard of Oz and doesn't have a clue.

  • @jpav0923
    @jpav0923 13 лет назад

    @ronrayah Allen West, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas, Janice Rogers Brown, Condoleeza Rice, Alan Keyes, Herman "The Herminator" Cain, Tim Scott, Bobby Jindal (not black but dark skinned), Dinesh d'Souza (same as Jindal).
    That is just off the top of my head. I would enthusiasically vote for any of those distinguished accomplished Americans with pride. THey are all on millions times more intelligent than B Hussein Soetoro Obama.