Why Improving Doesn't Make You Climb

  • Опубликовано: 28 июн 2024
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    Thanks for watching :)

Комментарии • 30

  • @enthused_panda
    @enthused_panda 26 дней назад +3

    this was very helpful

    • @ShoCoaching
      @ShoCoaching  25 дней назад +1

      Comments like this are very motivating, thank you.

  • @stzu07rel
    @stzu07rel 26 дней назад +3


  • @ShoCoaching
    @ShoCoaching  26 дней назад +3

    Join my discord server! discord.gg/2FJcFTXZ

  • @aechayoon
    @aechayoon 7 дней назад +1

    im 600 games into this season dropped a whole division from emerald to platinum 2 now and been here for like 100 games. this game is disgustingly hard to figure out hahah

    • @ShoCoaching
      @ShoCoaching  7 дней назад +1

      send your riotname#tag I speedrun some advice

    • @aechayoon
      @aechayoon 7 дней назад

      @@ShoCoaching appreciate it its revy#lamb on euw. last season i switched role to support from midlane and now midway through decided to go back to midlane which is a whole problem in itself.

    • @ShoCoaching
      @ShoCoaching  7 дней назад +1

      @@aechayoon Well.. kinda pointless to give advice if you switch champion every game... Champion mastery is the most important skill, understanding when you are strong and when you should better farm and wait for a better opportunity is vital. You played 6 LB games and then there is a 20 day gap.
      I'll talk about her anyways, since you seem to come back to her the most. Your farm is extremely low on, so in games where you don't get 15 kills you are completely irrelevant and in games where you do you aren't as strong as you might think. Recognize in what situations you don't get rewarded for roaming/trading and stay in lane in those periods.
      The same goes for midgame, as Leblanc you love having flanks setup and people split.. the best way to achieve that is by pushing out a sidelane. It might seem counterintuitive, but a lot of the kills you get are worthless when you compare what you could've got instead and if there is no objective to take, maybe pushing out a sidelane and setting up for a more reliable kill later can be beneficial.
      You don't need 16 kills every game to climb out of plat. Farming on LB is difficult, since you want to use your abilities for trading, but I assume you didn't start playing LeBlanc cuz you thought she was easy.

    • @aechayoon
      @aechayoon 7 дней назад

      @@ShoCoaching nah i get the champion switching problem, my idea now is to play aurora leblanc. since leblanc I at least have some muscle memory from just the amount of games that ive played. I really appreciate your perspective, heard the sidelane push thing a couple of days ago I think on broken by concept. basically the kill you get doesnt matter as much but then getting a turret with that and either dragon or rift is alot more valuable. Ill see what I can do over the next weeks to both work on champion mastery and not just going for kills.
      The video resonated with me and Ill try my best to just stay with these champions now otherwise of course I cant expect results. o7

    • @ShoCoaching
      @ShoCoaching  7 дней назад

      @@aechayoon It's also about the odds of you getting a kill. If a ward, flash or just bad luck could prevent you from getting the kill, that reduces the value of the play.
      That means, all the way back in base when you decide to go mid to fight or bot to push, you need to estimate how likely and how important this fight is and if there is no objective and you aren't spiking, there is just no reason to go there instead of taking the guaranteed value from pushing most of the time.

  • @Makibishi93
    @Makibishi93 25 дней назад +1

    People are not losing games because they're playing in 1-2 mini brackets higher. They're losing the game because when you have been winning the game it does throw you in a slightly higher MMR bracket, but it also makes you the highest hidden MMR person on your team.
    So of you're gold 1 and have been winning a lot, maybe you're put into a plat 3 game. But the problem is, you're not put into a normal plat 3 average game where you are the outlier.
    You're put into a game where the enemy team has higher win rate players whereas, you are the higher win rate player on your team and the rest of your team is actually rancid toilet water. So it's not just putting you in higher lobbies, it's giving the other players on the enemy team a handicap because apparently you are actually bad ass and they want you to work for the rank.
    It's easier to rank on a high impact role (not high carry) a.k.a jungle/support as you can dictate the flow of the game meaning you're the one who is carrying regardless through impact. 1v9 doesn't exist in this meta and that's where consistency is key in terms of "making an impact on the map" whether it's through splitting or setting up teamfights in the botlane fiesta.
    So yes, losers queue does exist, except it's in reverse and it's actually flattering because the game wants you to carry Larry, Moe, Curly, and pregnant Alexandra in degenerate hours of the morning.
    He's right, literally just play thousands of games and it comes naturally.
    Thank you for coming to my TED talk. -A challenger Riven OTP (yes my parents do not love me.)

    • @ShoCoaching
      @ShoCoaching  25 дней назад +1

      Hey, thank you for your comment!
      First, if you win a bunch of games in a row, your MMR does adapt. Though it also depends how certain the system is of your current MMR. As 50% winrate 400 games player, winning 6-7 games in a row won't make your MMR jump up, in fact it sometimes gets more stuck than it's supposed to which is part of the reason people complain about low LP gains. How often have you seen people gain +28 on hardstuck accounts because their MMR is just too high after a little winstreak? It's not how it works unless you are on fresh accounts.
      Second, if you are Gold 1 with a Plat 3 MMR, your team mates will also be Plat 3. There is no reason for the game to match you against full Plat 3 while your team is entirely Gold. Your team mates might perform terribly and lose you the game, but that has nothing to do with how the system works.
      I've yet to see an account with higher hidden MMR than visible rank that has been stuck in the previous games. It just doesn't happen, maybe more now than in previous seasons, but in the past demotion protection and promotions pushed every account into the opposite direction. That's why they've made the changes for the current season.
      1v9 does exist, smurfs can get 90-100% winrate to Master for a reason. Though 1v9 will never exist for someone who is barely better than their current rank and that's regardless of their role. Why would they 1v9 if they are barely better than everybody else in the game.
      Thank you for coming to my TED response.

    • @Makibishi93
      @Makibishi93 25 дней назад

      @@ShoCoaching I'm not entirely sure what you're saying, as I've witnessed this for 14 years in climbing the ladder. I was agreeing with you. They literally pit you against a full division or 2 ahead of you when you're on a hot streak just as your MMR is higher when you're continuously winning vs. when you're not. The less games you have played, the more volitile your MMR is.

  • @loquaciouslizard59
    @loquaciouslizard59 27 дней назад +1

  • @deniskasin2394
    @deniskasin2394 19 дней назад +1

    loss streaks destroy ur account and its so hard to recover lets say u loss 4 games in a row u need 10 wins (in a row) to fix it i could be wrong but it feels like that

    • @ShoCoaching
      @ShoCoaching  19 дней назад

      To fix what? In what way is your account broken?

    • @yuumijungle548
      @yuumijungle548 12 дней назад

      you can fix any account, once your on a loss streak your mmr will be lower than visible rank, so how do you fix that? its simple, you need to drop down so far that your mmr and visible rank match again, also at that point you should be so much better than everyone else that you can win with 90% + winrate and instantly get back to where you came from but with fixed mmr this time, thats the quickest way to fix it. if you try to break out of it by winning games that you were supposed to lose, you will likely win 50% of games that you were supposed to lose, and your mmr wont move at all, your just fighting an endless uphill battle with zero reward. this is how mmr works, lets say your mmr is gold 4 but you are actually plat 4, the system will now do two things: you will get less lp per win and lose more per loss, you already know that, but in addition the games will be rigged to make you lose more and reach your "true rank" of gold 4 faster, so again if you try to go against the system, the system will punish you even harder, you need to work with the system not against it, so if you just accept that you have to be gold 4 in order to satisfy the system, thats what you should be doing. as soon as you will reach gold4 the system will be like "ah this player is playing in his real elo now, we should give him fair games again"
      tldr: you have to make sure your lp always aligns with your mmr, else your account is flagged for losers queue. the system tries to figure out your real rank and then riggs the matches to make you reach your real rank faster, the matchmaking developer from riot basically said it himself in an interview.
      there are 3 modes of queue:
      1. your mmr matches your lp = fair games, both teams have an equal chance to win
      2. your mmr is lower than your lp = games will be rigged to make you lose, we call this losers queue
      3. your mmr is higher than your lp = games will be rigged to make you win, we call this winners queue.

    • @deniskasin2394
      @deniskasin2394 12 дней назад

      @@ShoCoaching the lp gains and loss

    • @ShoCoaching
      @ShoCoaching  12 дней назад

      This isn't quite right. If your account has bad LP gains, that does mean your MMR is lower than your visible rank. Matchmaking is determined by that MMR though, so that means you are playing against people who are worse than your visible rank. Losing games will not fix your hidden/visible rank gap any more than winning, because you will ofc lose MMR as well whenever you're losing games.
      In fact, loss streaks are, like you mentionted, one reason for your MMR to drop faster than your visible rank. Riot makes loss streaks seem less terrible than they are, by making your visible rank drop less than your actual MMR. Losing 20 games to make your MMR and visible rank match, will only enhance this.
      Since your MMR is lower than your visible rank, you should have a solid winrate if you deserve your visible rank. That makes up for your LP gains. Your MMR will slowly catch up to your visible rank with time, but since the matchmaking reflects the LP gains, you should easily be able to hold your rank with a 55-60% winrate and make up for the bad LP gains.
      Besides that, the only way to fix a broken MMR is by going on a massive winstreak and telling the MMR system that you deserve to be much higher rank (which ofc isn't realisitc for someone who isn't smurfing), or dodging. Dodging makes you lose LP without losing MMR. But we've come full circle, you have to lose LP to gain more LP. Why does it matter at this point?

    • @deniskasin2394
      @deniskasin2394 12 дней назад

      @@ShoCoaching u cant fix a broken account even if u are a smurf 90% of ur games u get 4 apes on ur team and the enemys are fakers every single one of them making almost never mistakes while ur team is running around fighting 2v5 or 1v5 i think the game know exactly how skilled u are and they want u to carry them thats my opinion and sry i know my english scks :)

  • @edgelord1337
    @edgelord1337 23 дня назад +1

    First silver coach on RUclips?

    • @ShoCoaching
      @ShoCoaching  22 дня назад +1

      What do you mean? I got chall on mid, GM this season...