Much of us were molested in our sleep and you can turn your trauma from being the victim into the conquer and by conquering you can help others by telling your testimony without pain only glory.... I chose not to be what was done to me even after I was with a woman who was selling her children for drugs just as my step monster did to me and my brother marc who I believe has chosen the dark side
Hello Christina i have a question, is phobia considered as an ancestor trauma? Cz im an Entomophobia (extreme fear of insects) and i dont know why! I didnt even had any crucial case or accident that was reasonable to have that phobia since my childhood! Insects cz cause me anxiety, fast heart beat, i loose control and my body shakes! In addition everyone keep telling me that im like an insect magnet 😅 they follow me wherever i go! I believe they trigger something in me..
When I talk to my mom about generational trauma, she gets very defensive and emotional. So I learned to spot them by myself and do my own research. It took a lot of work and I'm still finding things to heal. I looked basic cord cutting ceremony and have preformed many. Intention is everything! You are not defined by your traumatic experiences. They're meant to be a learning experience. My mother and grandmother didn't have boundaries and we are chronic people pleasers. They don't realize they are Empaths. Thank You Christina!! You are a Lighthouse of Love.
My family sounds very similar to yours. No one ever talks about family wounds, esp. on my mother's side. My brother once told me that he learned my mom's home was extremely dysfunctional and abusive, but I never knew. My mom gets angry and won't talk about it -- she is also a people pleaser. I am working with cord cutting and going to work with ancestral clearing. Peace!
They do get defensive and emotional bc their generations and mine too meant we didn't talk about such things. "Sure mom, let's sweep it under the rug with the rest and surely our company won't notice!" Unfortunately, it leaves the next generation to do the clean-up. My mother lived in denial and fear until the day she died. Facing trauma we experienced meant she would have had to relive hers. I wasn't blaming her or hating her. She mirrored her mother's reaction and I mirrored her reaction and then got mad bc I swore my kids wouldn't know what that rejection felt like. And somehow that's exactly what happened. As much as I had wished to have the relationship with momma that I planted with my children, I accepted and understood she did the best she could with where she was at and bc I was forgiving the person and their perception of it at the level I understood, I was able to release everything at the frequency I could feel. I also hope and intend that eventually, no-one will experience ancestoral trauma. As long as we're expanding towards the better feeling, we're blessed beyond measure.
I was molested by my mom's husband when I was four, my grandma was very intuitive and came and took my brother n me away. My mother left him later I had to vent n I told my brother he told me he remembered one time. He told my mom but every time I tried to speak of this my mother would blow up n we would argue. I took care of her when she got sick but I never addressed it neither did she. She passed away two years ago. I never took care of it!!!
I’m going through a similar situation. My grandma passed and my mom is unwilling to do any healing. She’s explicitly told me that she will not do anymore healing because she is happy not remembering the trauma she/we have experienced (apart and together). Thank you for your comment, it makes me hopeful! ☺️💚 sending love and healing your way!
In Korea, each family has ceremony for their ancestors once a year. It is to honor the love and devotion that their ancestors have given them. During the future ceremony, I will declare to my ancestors that I will heal unknown or hidden wounds and pains that they may have experienced. I will declare they are bright light.
Thank you ❤🌠 may it happen to you . I am out of time , so I really appreciate it. My childhood and most of my life was pain . I wish you All the best 💚
Here after my higher self told me I’m meant to break my families trauma and my own generational trauma throughout my lifetimes, my entire family deals with drug abuse, mental illness, and just plain suffering. I’ve got my own problems but I’m gonna do whatever I can in this life to make things right 💗
Remember, your spirit specifically chose challenges that you would be able to handle in this lifetime. One step at a time is all it takes, and don’t worry about making mistakes or not being good enough; you are doing your best, and that’s all anybody can ask of you. You are enough. Treat yourself kindly, forgive your past mistakes, and take breaks of you feel you need them. Follow your intuition, and know: you don’t have to feel guilty for doing what needs to be done. Much love. ❤️
Thank you Christina! This is something that has been on my heart a lot for the last several months. I’ve traced my paternal lineage back to slavery and my material lineage is Native American - I’ve become more and more aware of how the wounds from genocide and human trafficking have influenced the healing I am doing now.
Synchronicity part 1.450: I have started reading Dr.Brian Weiss's book on Past lives today. I believe that many of our issues in society and within ourselves come from our ancestors. WOW Christina, what a woman!
That was wild timing. I was literally on the phone with my mom telling her, I think I'm experiencing my baby's (in utero) ancestral trauma because I've been having nightmares about things that are not from my family line but are from my husband's and they've been really prevalent throughout my pregnancy.. then your video popped up AS we were talking about it
Halfway through the video, this is one of the most in depth and illuminating videos on ancestral trauma available. Ancestral trauma can be such a deep pain to deal with and I'm sure many succumb to it without knowing what is even happening so this video will be a blessing to many. I hope it reaches everyone who will benefit.
There's a book about this called "It Didn't Start With You" and it looks, in part, at how trauma gets attached to DNA. There's a major study about Holocaust survivors and their children, and there is ample evidence that trauma does get passed on through DNA. I also suspect that we are our ancestors and are just picking up where we left off. It's our own trauma, we just don't know that it was ours. That's just a theory, though.
It depends, very often it is happening the way you described, but sometimes there are completely new souls coming to help or expirience this particular trauma, to evolve etc
Since most of us reincarnate again and again, it's possible we reincarnate into the same families making us our own ancestors. We can also reincarnate into other families
This is very helpful. About a year ago, I was visited by a fairly angry message from within that clearly said, "remember your ancestors." I've struggled with the meaning of that for a year and have intellectualized 'ancestor' in so many ways from personal-familial, socio-cultural, evolutionary/biological, cosmicly, etc etc... But I like this meditative approach to work through Mooladhara, Swadhisthana, and Manipura. I even was able to visualized the cosmic tree and roots as a family tree that doesn't descend to me, but ascends up to me and through me. I heard an analogy from an Ojibwe woman where she said that 7 of what we call generations is actually one to her. Through me, my great-granddaughter has direct memory of my great-grandmother. Direct firsthand memory that extends through what 200 years of time! So anytime someone thinks the experiences of their parents generation is soooo yesterday and 'American slavery was 150 years ago, can't you just let it go,' should consider how direct experience to these traumas are very much alive and festering. Gangrene is bad folks and there is a lot of it in our society and our selves.
Omg this is so insane because on Saturday my dad opened my biggest wound and triggered me and I was checking with my sisters and he had given them the same attitude before and then I come here and you have posted this! Thank you so so so much Christina! You have been so vital to my journey! Seems that whenever you post I had been going through the exact same thing before the video is release. Your video is always what I need. Thank you so so so so much! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻✨✨✨
Thank you, Christina, this is fascinating. In my kundalini awakening I went through a brutal healing period where I felt I was processing "other people's suicides" that happened in my family. It was shocking. I got the information that the emotions/trauma were never resolved and so were passed down the line down to me. My brother had committed suicide as well. I also got the impression that I was here to end the cycle of sexual abuse/silence in my family. I was a total non-believer in all this stuff, BTW, a year ago, or at least very blocked. One of my grandfathers was at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed and suffered severe PTSD; on the other side, my grandmother's family came from Germany and they were mean as hell. I wonder about all that stuff. Thank you for this video!
This helped me realize another thing about the county I live in. I'm not from here but moved here in 2004. I feel directionally backwards here (I always know my directions; N, S, E, W) and I knew the land, people, businesses were wounded, suffering & sick for several reasons: oil/gas industry, uranium mines, battles and war grounds all around South Texas, "endearmemt" camp during WW2 (my house sits on this land), and now...the first Polish settlement in USA: Panna Maria, Karnes County, Texas. I've been trying to heal this area, but I've become so sick for several years now but continue to do healing work here. How sad. The Polish people brought their ancestral wounds and it penetrated every aspect, even the ground. I will use the tools you gave us. Thank you.
Thankyou❤I’ve been working on my ‘ancestral traumas,’ appreciate your methods, explanation, & encouragement in getting rid of these silently motivating forces. 👍
I'm so glad you're doing what you do. I really needed this. I am a Canadian "2nd Nation" Metis and this ancestry goes back 200 years. My ancestors fought many battles for their land and their rights to good, not rotten food, clothing, housing etc with the "moonyow" (white man). The epigenetics consist of a lot of mental illness, substance abuse, homelessness etc. Here in Canada, in the last 2 months, they have found the unmarked graves of the children who were taken from their First Nations Indigenous families, and sent to residential schools all over what was our land to be untaught their culture and to be made to live as a whitey by severe abuse, starvation, molestation and murder by priests and nuns. It's horrific to say the least. God now has these lost children's souls in His Kingdom. Finally, the truth has been set free before the survivors all died off and the secret is no longer being kept. They are feeling free to tell what they went through. It's a bloody nightmare and restitution is on its way. 🧡❤️🦋🙏😭✌️
In April when I spoke to my deceased father through a medium, he said I incarnated to heal the ancestral karma for both family lines, mother and father. But I have so much to learn in order to do that. And this trauma has definitely destroyed my life. Even though I just turned 70, I am excited to do this work. This video was fantastic to get me started. thank you.
I’ve shared this with my mum & daughter. I wanted my daughter to watch because she has a little girl & is due to give birth to my 2nd granddaughter because on my mums side including myself a lot of us females have been abused in every way possible by men & I struggle to bond to people. I use to be very clingy & now I can’t stand my own partner of 12 years touching me. Very sad when I think about it all. Thank you Christina💚🌼💚🌼🧚🏻
After I made a list about my generational trauma patterns, I was also inspired to make a list about all the good traits in my generational lines❤which created more love and light and huge gratitude❤❤
Yes, definately ancestral trauma deep within both father and mother lines. Thank you for the wisdom and knowledge on how to clear. Priceless!!! I did have a beautiful "dream" that I went to the Akashic records and smashed the tablets that held family karma for all family lines. It was incredible! I was taken there by a guide and we were directed by the keeper there and we did the "work" for my family.
Thank you!! My great grandmother was an alcoholic, absent from my grandmother's upbringing. Grandma's dad put her in a boarding house without family from age of 7-14! My mom was loved but also neglected on many levels as a child, became depressed after I was born . I became an alcoholic addict, been sober & recovering 10 years and ready to heal this generational trauma. I have so much compassion for my Mom, grandma and great grandma, and myself now too.
Since my childhood I feel so confused. And when I started to talk to my ancestors I realized that I’m suffering from bad karma. So excited to do this rituals ❤️❤️❤️
This was really helpful. I never realized the connection between my root chakra issues and ancestral trauma. I also visually saw my parents as you were talking and saw their root chakra issues and attachment issues on both sides. My mother’s line were killed in the Holocaust. My father’s side were Mayan who were taken over and colonized. No one talks about it and I am the first in my family to heal it. 🙏🏻❤️🌈
I'm so happy to have found you, Christina! My grandmother was in Auschwitz and came out a survivor. There is alcoholism and drug abuse present in my family as well. I believe it's time for me to heal from the anxiety I've carried from my family.
This topic is very interesting as I've thought about ancestral trauma as it relates to slavery inflicted upon my ancestors here in the United States! I've often wondered how we could not only heal that ancestral trauma most black Americans are experiencing as well as free the trauma from the land across the United States especially in the South! It would be really great if you could provide some meditations for healing ancestral trauma in oneself and in the land where it happened especially here in the United States!
By the power of my awareness I can re- chip my energetic field and ancestral trauma will dissolve . Thanks Christina, Im clearing all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I feel very heavy trauma from my father’s side. And I have outburst of anger to my child now like my dad used to treat me as my childhood. I really want to clean it and free from this traumas. Thank you for this video Christina🙏
Wow what a powerful video. Heartfelt thanks again Christina. I’m aware of deep trauma around the Irish Famine 1846/47 in my ancestral bloodline. I’ve actually had many past life flashbacks of this and all the emotional responses to it: fear of poverty, alcoholism, anger at wanton waste! and colossal grief at the loss of children through starvation. I also managed to free myself from claustrophobia and panic from being trapped in a fetid airless space. I now believe this was the ancient memory of being incarcerated in the “Coffin ships” that brought the poor starved Irish immigrants to America. I’m not sure if these were vivid emotional memories I picked up from the collective consciousness trauma here in Ireland or whether they’re my own direct past life memories but wow they were VERY painful, vivid and real. It’s a great and joyful thought that I was perhaps also clearing the collective trauma from my beloved Ireland!!!
My father was an alcoholic as was his parents. Horrible childhood memories and emotional abuse. I’ve always felt unworthy of every good thing in my life and have a very hard time taking up for myself. I always think other people are better, smarter or more able than me. I had one person in my life who gave me confidence and he has passed away. I’ll try the cleansing ceremony. Thanks Christina ❤️
i love this video i see a core healer evey couple weeks as i am on a journey of healing and she suggested this to me so i find it educational and much needed for me thank you
i loved this and relate to all of it. my ancestral trauma is alcoholism and relationships. i watched another ancestral trauma video just before this one. this is what i am supposed to be doing NOW! thank you!
I wonder why Christina isn't saying the names of the chakras?? I find that very curious, anyone else ? Not complaining at all . This was an amazingly helpful video . Thank you Christina!!🙏🙏🙏
My twin did alot of ancestry so I'v been aware of patterns, however, I didn't know how to clear it all. This video came at the right time & I'm so grateful to you❤❤❤❤
I think it's not coincidence that I found this video. You explained it very well. It's my first time to get to know about chakra and generational trauma. I love your video and your energy. Thank you. So much love for you.
I didn't have the privilege to know my grandparents or other relatives from either side of my family. From stories that my mom told us as a child, there would have been some mental illness, heart issues, sexual abuse (in both lines). I could probably add to that some poverty and old thought behavioral patterns that have not served me well. I am setting my intention to heal these from both lines through all space and time! I will also asked to be healed from all traumas that I may not be aware of that are still affecting our lines. Thank you Christina for a very insightful and easy to understand video! Sending Love ♥
I completely did everything you suggested and did my own ceremony with dessert and wine with candles and objects that I felt represented my family, and for whatever reason have a grateful heart and a smile on my face. Thank you for this video!!
I am doing all of this work Christina I am always exhausted 😩 especially after therapy. Just doing this and taking notes I get instant headaches and stomach pain I have my own trauma and I am aware of some in my family my grandma suffered of depression and my mom watched her burn her self so I feel depression is a huge one. Emdr has helped me to get rid of anxiety and depression. I am currently breaking patterns that I know were toxic in my relationships 😯 this is heavy work!
Remember, your spirit specifically chose challenges that you would be able to handle in this lifetime. One step at a time is all it takes, and don’t worry about making mistakes or not being good enough; you are doing your best, and that’s all anybody can ask of you. You are enough. Treat yourself kindly, forgive your past mistakes, and take breaks of you feel you need them. Follow your intuition, and know: you don’t have to feel guilty for doing what needs to be done. Much love. ❤️
Thank you Christina, i resonate with this. I have been doing a quantum healing programme these last two years and working on the lower chakras. My identity was revealed and alot of the missing pieces were brought to light...... i am very grateful. You too have helped me so much i love your work 💙💞🌷🦋
I have been totally aware of my ancestral trauma. Became even more aware when I received ancestral old pics from a friend of cousin that just died. I used a pillar candle , smudged with sage , said a protective prayer before looking at these pictures . I knew they carried a heavy energy. Right towards the end of looking at pictures(pics of two little girls that died very young) etc. the pillar candle I was burning , split and cracked in several places a part. Good thing I was there to blow out the fire. Right a way I knew a dark ancestor did not want me seeing these pictures . The pictures carried a heavy musk odor too as they had been kept by former owner in an area that suffered water damage. I could not keep them. I took pictures to share with another cousin but decided to burn some of those pics . I still have a few pics , I think doing the ritual to help clear ancestral trauma will be helpful to 🎉use while burning the rest of pics. They smell so bad I won’t keep them in my house.
Awesome, T.Y. Only Knowing Some Important details but it's affecting my life. Chills you showing Poland. F.M. Whom escaped, leaving others behind. As child this hit me hard, sending pkgs of food, Tp , the prayers they would rcv. I was to Awake, Sensitive Still am. Where I live I was intuitively brought here and going through severe problems. Tramatized and not received help and exhausted from looking. What A Waste it will be to have Suffered and no closure. Bless you 🙏♥
Asante Sana. (Many Thanks.) Sister Christina, this transmission, down load, and upgrade is on divine time. I was adopted. I'm 57. The Healing really started to have "Its way" with me at the age of 48, while I was Sharing Life on The Big Island of Hawaai'i. 5 years of being situated with just "Self" on such a magical, healing part of this glorious Earth was truly a Blessing. I departed from the Big Island 2019, due to the fact that my only child/daughter was going through her personal afflictions, and lost custody of her only child, my granddaughter, as part of her Soul's Journey. 2020, 2021 and 2022 were some very difficult moments for her, and for me, as a "Baba" aka Father, attempting to be "In Place", and "Come Clean" with her, as far as my misdeeds as a Father. 2023 has been very, very good for us both... She's now 33 . About to be granted full custody as a Mother again. We are Healing. May "The Healing " continue to have its way. We are Healing Ancestoral Trauma. I'm so thankful. God's and Goddesse's Peace be with you.
Just what I needed. I asked myself in my journal why I needed to do healing work for the past, and here you are with the answer. Now I feel like I can move again with purpose. Yes. My mother told me about incestuous sexual abuse she went through as a kid, and now I understand why my life was like hers in so many ways. Thank you again, Christina, for providing specific medication for my life.
I am 62 and I know I have generational trauma to heal from. Before my mother’s death I was told things about her that she never told me and unfortunately she passed away without me being able to ask her about them. Fear envelopes me daily in everything I do. I have to escape this hell. I will do the three steps. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your spectacular tips shared to heal Ancestral Trauma. I received it in an apt time. Much love and hugs sweet dear Christina.😘😘😘🙏❤️🎈🎊🎉
Thank you i was asking my spirit guide why i can't express love and other emotions ... Y is my emotional cup like this ... I had difficulty to talk with people or bond with people... I don't have a single friend till now 😅 but i don't know i feel happy with myself 😊 anyways but i want to fill myself with love n show love n kindness to others in expressive way ... Your vedio helped me a lot
I started ancestral work some time ago. I 'just' worked on themes and energy. Funnily enough my sister started diving into it couple of months ago. As she got some archived material, she could confirm a lot of the topics. These clearing will hp me greatly.
😄 Yessssssss Christina! bring on the TRUTH that has been held up for YEARS, DECADEs, and CENTURIES!!! ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!!!. IAM FREED BY THE TRUTH THAT SHOWs UP FOR ME!!! BLESSINGs to 'ALL' THAT HAVE BEEN AFFECTED BY 🙏💕 TRAMATIC PAIN! YOU are LOVED!!! and TRULLY GOD WANTs the BEST for YOU!!! 🙏🙌+💜💕+ 'JOY'=✌😃 BLESSINGs!!! Sending positives VIBES to 'EVERYONE!!!' 🍃1st JOHN 1:2🍃
As you speak about Auschwitz in Poland, I always thought that we, Polish people have a lot of trust issue, we are triggered when we think that someone is trying to deceive us or take our freedom (even symbolically) in international community. Now after that video it is clear to me, that it is because of several occupations, not valid alliances, barely no reparations and victim blaming (but I hope that it is only right wing narration). I know that you may have know that all that camps was Natzis but we are triggered when someone say that it was in Poland and ads nothing else to that... Because that sounds like we created them and people that don't know history may think that it was our doing. In fact in Auschwitz number of Polish prisoners was nearly the same as Jewish so we as a nation don't want to be mistakenly accused for being creators of all that evil, even if we are not pure angels ;) (Sorry for bad english.... ;))
Thank you for all your videos. This one is one that I can relate to. Alcohol is definitely passed down the female side of my family. I have met my dad once and been trying to search for him or his family through anestry trees. Don't know anything about his family. My granny raised me but my mom and her has passed on. Now I have so many questions about our family I didn't know who to ask. Thanks to this video I do. Thank you again!
Omg thank you so much for such detailed explanation and most importantly for sharing ways to heal it too! I have been listening to other people's talking about that topic but they never gave ANY tip or exercise to start healing the ancestral lineages. Only promoting their courses or retreats for hundreds and hundreds of euros... there is nothing bad in promoting ones courses and services.. Quiet the opposite, it is an energy exchange.. but still it's nice when people share at least some little tips or how to start the healing and then promote further courses So thank you again for openness and sharing information! Definitely checking out your website and your services:) thank you
I'll just say to anyone that sees this video... The work is worth it! I'm not fully myself (☀️ plexus activated) but it is so interesting to see that the more deeply you heal it REALLY has an affect on family members. The ones that were bad for you sort of naturally disconnect. The ones that you weren't really close with somehow y'all realize how very similar you are to each other. And some family will just start living, and acting differently from before especially to their benefit when before they never had You'll be happier and so will everyone else. It sucks cause often the one doing the work gets the most shit from their family BUT again... IT IS WORTH IT ☀️
Thanks beautiful soul ❤ I've healed my ancestral wounds thrue my grandkid. But first things first. To me my grandpa and his alcoholism was the reason for why so much bad disconnecting stuff was going on in my family. 2. My daughter asked me when she got pregnant if I wanted to be their when my grandsons arrival will happen. Of course I wanted. What an honour ❤ My grandson arrives on my late brothers birthday. And I get the opportunity to look into my grandsons eyes. What a deep connection we bonded right then and there. And still deepning. 3. In order to heal ancestral trauma I put my beloved grandson in my grandpas shoes. In my minds eye my grandson walks from my grandpas birth 1907 Finland Lapland thrue starvation, wartimes, cold, emotionless relations, kidlabour Has to endure 2 wars. Where Finland suffered hard from Germanys bad handling. No wonder grandpa selfmedicated with booz !! So did all Finland. 4. So NOW when I got my eyes on this my grandpas hardship as a young kid and a young man I understood him and started to love him. And I saw all my anger towards grandpa disappear all it was now pure love & gratitude left. And this was thanks to my love to my grandSON. And of course the love to my daughter.
I have Ancient Irish Royalty Lineage a Scottish King and a Templar.... And you know all the stuff those people did and I can feel it.... So thank you for your guidance in helping me heal my ancestors from approximately 200 AD
Beautiful talk. It deeply resonates with me as I have done some work around ancestral healing as well. Worked with a Shaman to open up to the ancestors I came to the conclusion that one ancestors was the director of the Dutch West Indian Compagnie. Samuel Blommaert. Got himself a listing on Wikipedia. He has been active as well in the colonisation around the Hudson and Delaware region. Interrupting the trade with native Americans brining over liquir and spirits from Europe. After living in England/London for over 10 years I have returned to my home country in the Netherlands. Found a small apartment within a 17th century townhouse in a place called Middelburg. This was the 2nd most important town during the Dutch Golden age because the WIC was operating from here. Because I lived abroad I kind of know what spiritual Displacement can do to your wellbeing. There is so much work and healing to be done around this field I don't even know where to begin. Humanity is facing a different enemy know which will cause lots of things to come up. Will also know what's like to feel displaced from ourselves, eachother and our native lands.
15:03 to 15:49: You can feel similar energies within the southern United States. Although, it is rarely referenced: Untold atrocities were perpetrated upon black human beings for hundreds of years. Because of this, there is still constant struggle for basic " human rights.💜
Yes, agree. You can feel these energies in many parts of the US, not just the South. Slavery and all the atrocities associated with it. Genocide and systemic oppression against Native Americans is very present in the land. The video is a good reminder for me to work on healing my own ancestral trauma and thereby helping heal my home, the US.
Thank you for making this accessible. So many people profit from their wisdom (understandably) but it makes it difficult for us in financial uncertainty
Why is it that we figure things out after the fact?! And at the pace we can individually accept and allow? I am extremely grateful to find teachers like yourself and many others to remind us the expansion we chose and Law of attraction doesn't let us rest too long before we're facing more contrast and manifestations, wanted or unwanted. LOL I appreciate so much this video and you sharing your knowledge that encourages a pinch more of healing couldn't hurt. So bc I have experienced ceremonies and kinda figured out how to hold them, I'm going to invite my daughter and munchkin(s) over to do one. It's their strength and courage that I believe, broke our cycle! Thank you so very much, Christina, for sharing your wisdom so that I could find you when I needed to. HUGS of LIGHT!
This is something so many of us need to do….invoke the most beautiful golden pink light and visualize this light cascading down into you and flooding all the way back through your paternal and maternal blood lines…thank you Christina 🌎🕊
What really helped me identify them was (1) recognizing when I was triggered and (2) asking myself exactly where the emotion was coming from? Did I have personal experiences which is being raised when triggered? Essentially, I discovered I carried a lot of triggers which had literally nothing to do with my life. When I started asking my parents about things, that is opened the doors to understanding. I cleared a few of them, but some are deeper and I'm still working on them. Great information! Having the clearing techniques are very helpful. Thank you!
Thank you Christina, such a vital topic! I am from the Hmong tribe and there has been intense trauma throughout many many generations for us due to war and displacement. A healer could hear so much wailing and fear behind me and this helped explain why I would always cry at the drop of a hat without explanation. I’ve been healing this for the last year as my tribes sadness has plagued me all my life. ❤️
Wow! I have been doing the work to clear my ancestral traumas and have released a few already. Everything you said resonates well with my soul. I will be adding that ritual to my healing work. Thank you so much! 🙏🤝🤗✨
You are totally amazing, I finally work on clearing my ancestral Karma and I feel very strange and different, it coincides with my another major awakening 🤗❤❤🧡🧡🧡🌼 thank you!
I am so grateful for you and your guides. The knowledge you have given me and others has really helped during my spiritual awakening. I honestly can’t thank you enough for all that you do for man kind. ❤️
Thanks for this. Ive been into my history lately. My family doesnt know where we are from but identifying the trauma is important. I know we came over on slave ships. on a recent trip to new orleans i saw the landing of one of the last slave ships and i felt like ive been there. Trauma was real and present there. But don't know much about it bc family history is virtually gone.
Christina, your timing is excellent. Please keep listening to your Guides and Spirit about when to teach us and what to teach, even if it's not the most convenient (I'm not sure why I need to say that last part, but I'm guided to). The power of all you've taught, and especially what you JUST taught us, is going to resonate in me, my son, and, I believe, millions of others. I knew at 11 that I was called to heal generational wounds. And I accepted consciously. Now, at 39, my healing and speaking is pouring forth. You and your team are the focus of my meditation today. I'm sending you love from my soul. May you be happy. May you be whole. May you be at peace. ❤🥰
Hey Christina! Every week you know the videos I soooo need to see and get help with!! I wanted so bad to enroll into your class but with my manifestations in the working Ill soon have an abundance of money... Your youtube videos help me more than you'll ever know though!! Thank you beautiful soul for all of your hard work and caring!!! Sending an abundance of love and light thru out the Universe☪️☯️☮️💟😘
💥 UP NEXT! Your 7 Powerful CHAKRAS Explained! [Best Way To Balance Them!]видео.html
Ahhhh, going directly to chakras!
I can't wait!
Much of us were molested in our sleep and you can turn your trauma from being the victim into the conquer and by conquering you can help others by telling your testimony without pain only glory.... I chose not to be what was done to me even after I was with a woman who was selling her children for drugs just as my step monster did to me and my brother marc who I believe has chosen the dark side
Alcoholic or some other kind of substance abuse
Hello Christina i have a question, is phobia considered as an ancestor trauma? Cz im an Entomophobia (extreme fear of insects) and i dont know why! I didnt even had any crucial case or accident that was reasonable to have that phobia since my childhood! Insects cz cause me anxiety, fast heart beat, i loose control and my body shakes! In addition everyone keep telling me that im like an insect magnet 😅 they follow me wherever i go! I believe they trigger something in me..
When I talk to my mom about generational trauma, she gets very defensive and emotional. So I learned to spot them by myself and do my own research. It took a lot of work and I'm still finding things to heal. I looked basic cord cutting ceremony and have preformed many. Intention is everything! You are not defined by your traumatic experiences. They're meant to be a learning experience. My mother and grandmother didn't have boundaries and we are chronic people pleasers. They don't realize they are Empaths. Thank You Christina!! You are a Lighthouse of Love.
My family sounds very similar to yours. No one ever talks about family wounds, esp. on my mother's side. My brother once told me that he learned my mom's home was extremely dysfunctional and abusive, but I never knew. My mom gets angry and won't talk about it -- she is also a people pleaser. I am working with cord cutting and going to work with ancestral clearing. Peace!
They do get defensive and emotional bc their generations and mine too meant we didn't talk about such things. "Sure mom, let's sweep it under the rug with the rest and surely our company won't notice!" Unfortunately, it leaves the next generation to do the clean-up. My mother lived in denial and fear until the day she died. Facing trauma we experienced meant she would have had to relive hers. I wasn't blaming her or hating her. She mirrored her mother's reaction and I mirrored her reaction and then got mad bc I swore my kids wouldn't know what that rejection felt like. And somehow that's exactly what happened. As much as I had wished to have the relationship with momma that I planted with my children, I accepted and understood she did the best she could with where she was at and bc I was forgiving the person and their perception of it at the level I understood, I was able to release everything at the frequency I could feel. I also hope and intend that eventually, no-one will experience ancestoral trauma. As long as we're expanding towards the better feeling, we're blessed beyond measure.
@@sherrienglish8650 That is beautiful, thank you!
I was molested by my mom's husband when I was four, my grandma was very intuitive and came and took my brother n me away. My mother left him later I had to vent n I told my brother he told me he remembered one time. He told my mom but every time I tried to speak of this my mother would blow up n we would argue. I took care of her when she got sick but I never addressed it neither did she. She passed away two years ago. I never took care of it!!!
I’m going through a similar situation. My grandma passed and my mom is unwilling to do any healing. She’s explicitly told me that she will not do anymore healing because she is happy not remembering the trauma she/we have experienced (apart and together). Thank you for your comment, it makes me hopeful! ☺️💚 sending love and healing your way!
In Korea, each family has ceremony for their ancestors once a year.
It is to honor the love and devotion that their ancestors have given them.
During the future ceremony, I will declare to my ancestors that I will heal unknown or hidden wounds and pains that they may have experienced.
I will declare they are bright light.
That is wonderful
Your intention is a beautiful gift both for past and future generations. Many blessings to you
Have you seen a difference?
Yes, there is a difference.
Rapid decline od birthrate in Korea.
To whoever is reading this:
May all ur beautiful soul dreams come true. And u find joy in every corner of ur life. 🙏❤🙏❤
Thank you ❤🌠 may it happen to you . I am out of time , so I really appreciate it. My childhood and most of my life was pain . I wish you All the best 💚
Thank you. You as well.
Back'at'cha Mina, over and over again!! Thanks!!
And to you too! 💖💖💖
Here after my higher self told me I’m meant to break my families trauma and my own generational trauma throughout my lifetimes, my entire family deals with drug abuse, mental illness, and just plain suffering. I’ve got my own problems but I’m gonna do whatever I can in this life to make things right 💗
You deserve a medal❤ much much love to you
I’m there with you.
Same in my family. We are the black sheep.
Remember, your spirit specifically chose challenges that you would be able to handle in this lifetime. One step at a time is all it takes, and don’t worry about making mistakes or not being good enough; you are doing your best, and that’s all anybody can ask of you. You are enough.
Treat yourself kindly, forgive your past mistakes, and take breaks of you feel you need them. Follow your intuition, and know: you don’t have to feel guilty for doing what needs to be done. Much love. ❤️
Thank you Christina! This is something that has been on my heart a lot for the last several months. I’ve traced my paternal lineage back to slavery and my material lineage is Native American - I’ve become more and more aware of how the wounds from genocide and human trafficking have influenced the healing I am doing now.
Synchronicity part 1.450: I have started reading Dr.Brian Weiss's book on Past lives today. I believe that many of our issues in society and within ourselves come from our ancestors. WOW Christina, what a woman!
I had that book delivered today!
That was wild timing. I was literally on the phone with my mom telling her, I think I'm experiencing my baby's (in utero) ancestral trauma because I've been having nightmares about things that are not from my family line but are from my husband's and they've been really prevalent throughout my pregnancy.. then your video popped up AS we were talking about it
You must be really sensitive. What a great way to receive help, before your baby is even born. Love and light
Good for you! You're clearing it! Perhaps it's playing out on the astral realm so your baby doesn't have to deal with in real life.
@@DesertEdgeLegal Oh that's a lovely thought yes!!!
Halfway through the video, this is one of the most in depth and illuminating videos on ancestral trauma available. Ancestral trauma can be such a deep pain to deal with and I'm sure many succumb to it without knowing what is even happening so this video will be a blessing to many. I hope it reaches everyone who will benefit.
There's a book about this called "It Didn't Start With You" and it looks, in part, at how trauma gets attached to DNA. There's a major study about Holocaust survivors and their children, and there is ample evidence that trauma does get passed on through DNA.
I also suspect that we are our ancestors and are just picking up where we left off. It's our own trauma, we just don't know that it was ours. That's just a theory, though.
It depends, very often it is happening the way you described, but sometimes there are completely new souls coming to help or expirience this particular trauma, to evolve etc
Wow. It totally makes sense. I agree. We all are one, just picking up from where we left
Since most of us reincarnate again and again, it's possible we reincarnate into the same families making us our own ancestors. We can also reincarnate into other families
I listened to Sadhguru and he's from a Hindu background. He speaks on memory.
WOW. IDK if exactly the SAME people but certainly we are all hurt children deep down. Thankyou
This is very helpful. About a year ago, I was visited by a fairly angry message from within that clearly said, "remember your ancestors." I've struggled with the meaning of that for a year and have intellectualized 'ancestor' in so many ways from personal-familial, socio-cultural, evolutionary/biological, cosmicly, etc etc... But I like this meditative approach to work through Mooladhara, Swadhisthana, and Manipura. I even was able to visualized the cosmic tree and roots as a family tree that doesn't descend to me, but ascends up to me and through me.
I heard an analogy from an Ojibwe woman where she said that 7 of what we call generations is actually one to her. Through me, my great-granddaughter has direct memory of my great-grandmother. Direct firsthand memory that extends through what 200 years of time! So anytime someone thinks the experiences of their parents generation is soooo yesterday and 'American slavery was 150 years ago, can't you just let it go,' should consider how direct experience to these traumas are very much alive and festering. Gangrene is bad folks and there is a lot of it in our society and our selves.
Thank you again Christina 💖 we are so lucky to have you! 🙏🏻
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Yesssss!!! We are all so lucky ! Shes such a beautiful soul! Sending an abundance of love and light thru out the Universe💟☪️☯️☮️💟😘
Recently, I have some traumas of generation which is on the surface. And BOOM, your video appears. THANK YOU, SEND YOU LOVE IN MY HEART!!!!
Omg this is so insane because on Saturday my dad opened my biggest wound and triggered me and I was checking with my sisters and he had given them the same attitude before and then I come here and you have posted this! Thank you so so so much Christina! You have been so vital to my journey! Seems that whenever you post I had been going through the exact same thing before the video is release. Your video is always what I need. Thank you so so so so much! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻✨✨✨
Thank you, Christina, this is fascinating. In my kundalini awakening I went through a brutal healing period where I felt I was processing "other people's suicides" that happened in my family. It was shocking. I got the information that the emotions/trauma were never resolved and so were passed down the line down to me. My brother had committed suicide as well. I also got the impression that I was here to end the cycle of sexual abuse/silence in my family. I was a total non-believer in all this stuff, BTW, a year ago, or at least very blocked.
One of my grandfathers was at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed and suffered severe PTSD; on the other side, my grandmother's family came from Germany and they were mean as hell. I wonder about all that stuff. Thank you for this video!
This helped me realize another thing about the county I live in. I'm not from here but moved here in 2004. I feel directionally backwards here (I always know my directions; N, S, E, W) and I knew the land, people, businesses were wounded, suffering & sick for several reasons: oil/gas industry, uranium mines, battles and war grounds all around South Texas, "endearmemt" camp during WW2 (my house sits on this land), and now...the first Polish settlement in USA: Panna Maria, Karnes County, Texas. I've been trying to heal this area, but I've become so sick for several years now but continue to do healing work here. How sad. The Polish people brought their ancestral wounds and it penetrated every aspect, even the ground. I will use the tools you gave us. Thank you.
Thankyou❤I’ve been working on my ‘ancestral traumas,’ appreciate your methods, explanation, & encouragement in getting rid of these silently motivating forces. 👍
You have helped make this ‘Easier for me’
🌻sending love and healing light⚡️thanks
I'm so glad you're doing what you do. I really needed this. I am a Canadian "2nd Nation" Metis and this ancestry goes back 200 years. My ancestors fought many battles for their land and their rights to good, not rotten food, clothing, housing etc with the "moonyow" (white man). The epigenetics consist of a lot of mental illness, substance abuse, homelessness etc. Here in Canada, in the last 2 months, they have found the unmarked graves of the children who were taken from their First Nations Indigenous families, and sent to residential schools all over what was our land to be untaught their culture and to be made to live as a whitey by severe abuse, starvation, molestation and murder by priests and nuns. It's horrific to say the least. God now has these lost children's souls in His Kingdom. Finally, the truth has been set free before the survivors all died off and the secret is no longer being kept. They are feeling free to tell what they went through. It's a bloody nightmare and restitution is on its way. 🧡❤️🦋🙏😭✌️
Thank you Christina! This is so important & we don't think about how much we are affected. Healing is multifaceted.
In April when I spoke to my deceased father through a medium, he said I incarnated to heal the ancestral karma for both family lines, mother and father. But I have so much to learn in order to do that. And this trauma has definitely destroyed my life. Even though I just turned 70, I am excited to do this work. This video was fantastic to get me started. thank you.
I've been feeling it and the need to flush it out of my system. I didn't know what it was- ancestral trauma. Thank you so much Christina!
I’ve shared this with my mum & daughter. I wanted my daughter to watch because she has a little girl & is due to give birth to my 2nd granddaughter because on my mums side including myself a lot of us females have been abused in every way possible by men & I struggle to bond to people. I use to be very clingy & now I can’t stand my own partner of 12 years touching me. Very sad when I think about it all. Thank you Christina💚🌼💚🌼🧚🏻
Sending love & hugs....... i resonate with you 💙
I see you as one of the revolutionary women . Thank you it is so good to see you talk in such an amazing way
After I made a list about my generational trauma patterns, I was also inspired to make a list about all the good traits in my generational lines❤which created more love and light and huge gratitude❤❤
Yes, definately ancestral trauma deep within both father and mother lines. Thank you for the wisdom and knowledge on how to clear. Priceless!!! I did have a beautiful "dream" that I went to the Akashic records and smashed the tablets that held family karma for all family lines. It was incredible! I was taken there by a guide and we were directed by the keeper there and we did the "work" for my family.
Thank you!! My great grandmother was an alcoholic, absent from my grandmother's upbringing. Grandma's dad put her in a boarding house without family from age of 7-14! My mom was loved but also neglected on many levels as a child, became depressed after I was born . I became an alcoholic addict, been sober & recovering 10 years and ready to heal this generational trauma. I have so much compassion for my Mom, grandma and great grandma, and myself now too.
Pray all is going well on your journey Bettina", LoVe Light & healing", God bless you" hun..🧡🙏🌈🌻🌞🥰🤗"'..
I listened to your all video and what I realized is that we are powerful beings ,we are the healers
Since my childhood I feel so confused. And when I started to talk to my ancestors I realized that I’m suffering from bad karma. So excited to do this rituals ❤️❤️❤️
This was really helpful. I never realized the connection between my root chakra issues and ancestral trauma.
I also visually saw my parents as you were talking and saw their root chakra issues and attachment issues on both sides.
My mother’s line were killed in the Holocaust. My father’s side were Mayan who were taken over and colonized.
No one talks about it and I am the first in my family to heal it. 🙏🏻❤️🌈
I'm so happy to have found you, Christina! My grandmother was in Auschwitz and came out a survivor. There is alcoholism and drug abuse present in my family as well. I believe it's time for me to heal from the anxiety I've carried from my family.
Christina I hope you know how appreciated you are and such a contribution to the world. Thank you messenger light worker:)
I am watching with my mouth open! So much useful and valuable information on this video! Thanks Christina!😯
This topic is very interesting as I've thought about ancestral trauma as it relates to slavery inflicted upon my ancestors here in the United States! I've often wondered how we could not only heal that ancestral trauma most black Americans are experiencing as well as free the trauma from the land across the United States especially in the South! It would be really great if you could provide some meditations for healing ancestral trauma in oneself and in the land where it happened especially here in the United States!
Feels so good to break the cycles!
By the power of my awareness I can re- chip my energetic field and ancestral trauma will dissolve .
Thanks Christina, Im clearing all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I feel very heavy trauma from my father’s side. And I have outburst of anger to my child now like my dad used to treat me as my childhood. I really want to clean it and free from this traumas. Thank you for this video Christina🙏
Wow what a powerful video. Heartfelt thanks again Christina.
I’m aware of deep trauma around the Irish Famine 1846/47 in my ancestral bloodline. I’ve actually had many past life flashbacks of this and all the emotional responses to it: fear of poverty, alcoholism, anger at wanton waste! and colossal grief at the loss of children through starvation.
I also managed to free myself from claustrophobia and panic from being trapped in a fetid airless space. I now believe this was the ancient memory of being incarcerated in the “Coffin ships” that brought the poor starved Irish immigrants to America.
I’m not sure if these were vivid emotional memories I picked up from the collective consciousness trauma here in Ireland or whether they’re my own direct past life memories but wow they were VERY painful, vivid and real.
It’s a great and joyful thought that I was perhaps also clearing the collective trauma from my beloved Ireland!!!
My father was an alcoholic as was his parents. Horrible childhood memories and emotional abuse. I’ve always felt unworthy of every good thing in my life and have a very hard time taking up for myself. I always think other people are better, smarter or more able than me. I had one person in my life who gave me confidence and he has passed away. I’ll try the cleansing ceremony. Thanks Christina ❤️
i love this video i see a core healer evey couple weeks as i am on a journey of healing and she suggested this to me so i find it educational and much needed for me thank you
i loved this and relate to all of it. my ancestral trauma is alcoholism and relationships. i watched another ancestral trauma video just before this one. this is what i am supposed to be doing NOW! thank you!
I wonder why Christina isn't saying the names of the chakras??
I find that very curious, anyone else ?
Not complaining at all .
This was an amazingly helpful video . Thank you Christina!!🙏🙏🙏
My twin did alot of ancestry so I'v been aware of patterns, however, I didn't know how to clear it all.
This video came at the right time & I'm so grateful to you❤❤❤❤
Oh yes!! Much work to be done here!!! Thank You Deeply🪶🦋💫⭕️
I think it's not coincidence that I found this video. You explained it very well. It's my first time to get to know about chakra and generational trauma. I love your video and your energy. Thank you. So much love for you.
Essential for healing & truly be able to let go move on.
I didn't have the privilege to know my grandparents or other relatives from either side of my family. From stories that my mom told us as a child, there would have been some mental illness, heart issues, sexual abuse (in both lines). I could probably add to that some poverty and old thought behavioral patterns that have not served me well. I am setting my intention to heal these from both lines through all space and time! I will also asked to be healed from all traumas that I may not be aware of that are still affecting our lines. Thank you Christina for a very insightful and easy to understand video! Sending Love ♥
I completely did everything you suggested and did my own ceremony with dessert and wine with candles and objects that I felt represented my family, and for whatever reason have a grateful heart and a smile on my face. Thank you for this video!!
I am doing all of this work Christina I am always exhausted 😩 especially after therapy. Just doing this and taking notes I get instant headaches and stomach pain I have my own trauma and I am aware of some in my family my grandma suffered of depression and my mom watched her burn her self so I feel depression is a huge one. Emdr has helped me to get rid of anxiety and depression. I am currently breaking patterns that I know were toxic in my relationships 😯 this is heavy work!
Remember, your spirit specifically chose challenges that you would be able to handle in this lifetime. One step at a time is all it takes, and don’t worry about making mistakes or not being good enough; you are doing your best, and that’s all anybody can ask of you. You are enough.
Treat yourself kindly, forgive your past mistakes, and take breaks of you feel you need them. Follow your intuition, and know: you don’t have to feel guilty for doing what needs to be done. Much love. ❤️
@@brainfizz1324 thank you 😊
Thank you Christina, i resonate with this. I have been doing a quantum healing programme these last two years and working on the lower chakras. My identity was revealed and alot of the missing pieces were brought to light...... i am very grateful. You too have helped me so much i love your work 💙💞🌷🦋
I have been totally aware of my ancestral trauma. Became even more aware when I received ancestral old pics from a friend of cousin that just died. I used a pillar candle , smudged with sage , said a protective prayer before looking at these pictures . I knew they carried a heavy energy. Right towards the end of looking at pictures(pics of two little girls that died very young) etc. the pillar candle I was burning , split and cracked in several places a part. Good thing I was there to blow out the fire. Right a way I knew a dark ancestor did not want me seeing these pictures . The pictures carried a heavy musk odor too as they had been kept by former owner in an area that suffered water damage. I could not keep them. I took pictures to share with another cousin but decided to burn some of those pics . I still have a few pics , I think doing the ritual to help clear ancestral trauma will be helpful to 🎉use while burning the rest of pics. They smell so bad I won’t keep them in my house.
Awesome, T.Y.
Only Knowing Some Important details but it's affecting my life. Chills you showing Poland. F.M. Whom escaped, leaving others behind. As child this hit me hard, sending pkgs of food, Tp , the prayers they would rcv.
I was to Awake, Sensitive
Still am. Where I live I was intuitively brought here and going through severe problems. Tramatized and not received help and exhausted from looking. What A Waste it will be to have Suffered and no closure. Bless you 🙏♥
I am aware of too much ancesteral trauma. Immigrating to Canada where I am first generation is key to start. Thank you!
Asante Sana. (Many Thanks.) Sister Christina, this transmission, down load, and upgrade is on divine time. I was adopted. I'm 57. The Healing really started to have "Its way" with me at the age of 48, while I was Sharing Life on The Big Island of Hawaai'i. 5 years of being situated with just "Self" on such a magical, healing part of this glorious Earth was truly a Blessing. I departed from the Big Island 2019, due to the fact that my only child/daughter was going through her personal afflictions, and lost custody of her only child, my granddaughter, as part of her Soul's Journey. 2020, 2021 and 2022 were some very difficult moments for her, and for me, as a "Baba" aka Father, attempting to be "In Place", and "Come Clean" with her, as far as my misdeeds as a Father. 2023 has been very, very good for us both... She's now 33 . About to be granted full custody as a Mother again. We are Healing. May "The Healing " continue to have its way. We are Healing Ancestoral Trauma. I'm so thankful. God's and Goddesse's Peace be with you.
You have also, received another Soul Member as well! Salutes of Revolutionary and Evolutionary Love!
Just what I needed. I asked myself in my journal why I needed to do healing work for the past, and here you are with the answer. Now I feel like I can move again with purpose. Yes. My mother told me about incestuous sexual abuse she went through as a kid, and now I understand why my life was like hers in so many ways. Thank you again, Christina, for providing specific medication for my life.
Thank-you✨❤️✨ Great timing, I was just meditating for healing first chakra… Christina ✨Your the best✨❤️✨
I am 62 and I know I have generational trauma to heal from. Before my mother’s death I was told things about her that she never told me and unfortunately she passed away without me being able to ask her about them. Fear envelopes me daily in everything I do. I have to escape this hell. I will do the three steps. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your spectacular tips shared to heal Ancestral Trauma. I received it in an apt time. Much love and hugs sweet dear Christina.😘😘😘🙏❤️🎈🎊🎉
I have spotted patterns from my parents and grandparents for years. Now I know what to do about them! Thank You!
Thank you i was asking my spirit guide why i can't express love and other emotions ... Y is my emotional cup like this ... I had difficulty to talk with people or bond with people... I don't have a single friend till now 😅 but i don't know i feel happy with myself 😊 anyways but i want to fill myself with love n show love n kindness to others in expressive way ... Your vedio helped me a lot
Thanks k you soooooo much!! I'm clearing tonight before manifesting for the lions gate portal!! TIME TO RELEASE FRIENDS!! LET THE LIGHT BURN IT!!
A lot of ancestral trauma. A lot of work needs done healing it. Thank you, Christina! 💕💕💕
I started ancestral work some time ago. I 'just' worked on themes and energy.
Funnily enough my sister started diving into it couple of months ago. As she got some archived material, she could confirm a lot of the topics.
These clearing will hp me greatly.
😄 Yessssssss Christina! bring on the TRUTH that has been held up for YEARS, DECADEs, and CENTURIES!!! ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!!!. IAM FREED BY THE TRUTH THAT SHOWs UP FOR ME!!! BLESSINGs to 'ALL' THAT HAVE BEEN AFFECTED BY 🙏💕 TRAMATIC PAIN! YOU are LOVED!!! and TRULLY GOD WANTs the BEST for YOU!!! 🙏🙌+💜💕+ 'JOY'=✌😃 BLESSINGs!!! Sending positives VIBES to 'EVERYONE!!!'
🍃1st JOHN 1:2🍃
As you speak about Auschwitz in Poland, I always thought that we, Polish people have a lot of trust issue, we are triggered when we think that someone is trying to deceive us or take our freedom (even symbolically) in international community. Now after that video it is clear to me, that it is because of several occupations, not valid alliances, barely no reparations and victim blaming (but I hope that it is only right wing narration). I know that you may have know that all that camps was Natzis but we are triggered when someone say that it was in Poland and ads nothing else to that... Because that sounds like we created them and people that don't know history may think that it was our doing. In fact in Auschwitz number of Polish prisoners was nearly the same as Jewish so we as a nation don't want to be mistakenly accused for being creators of all that evil, even if we are not pure angels ;)
(Sorry for bad english.... ;))
You and your blessings are a beautiful way to start and finish my day. You are amiand neeed in today new energies… Thank You Love Girl🪶🦋💫⭕️
Thank you for all your videos. This one is one that I can relate to. Alcohol is definitely passed down the female side of my family. I have met my dad once and been trying to search for him or his family through anestry trees. Don't know anything about his family. My granny raised me but my mom and her has passed on. Now I have so many questions about our family I didn't know who to ask. Thanks to this video I do. Thank you again!
Omg thank you so much for such detailed explanation and most importantly for sharing ways to heal it too! I have been listening to other people's talking about that topic but they never gave ANY tip or exercise to start healing the ancestral lineages. Only promoting their courses or retreats for hundreds and hundreds of euros... there is nothing bad in promoting ones courses and services.. Quiet the opposite, it is an energy exchange.. but still it's nice when people share at least some little tips or how to start the healing and then promote further courses
So thank you again for openness and sharing information! Definitely checking out your website and your services:) thank you
I'll just say to anyone that sees this video... The work is worth it!
I'm not fully myself (☀️ plexus activated) but it is so interesting to see that the more deeply you heal it REALLY has an affect on family members. The ones that were bad for you sort of naturally disconnect. The ones that you weren't really close with somehow y'all realize how very similar you are to each other. And some family will just start living, and acting differently from before especially to their benefit when before they never had
You'll be happier and so will everyone else. It sucks cause often the one doing the work gets the most shit from their family BUT again... IT
I’m so excited to start my healing ceremony! Thank you🧬🪶🕊 ☺️
This is beautiful, thank you Christina! I am going to have a ceremony tonight!
Thanks beautiful soul ❤
I've healed my ancestral wounds thrue my grandkid. But first things first.
To me my grandpa and his alcoholism was the reason for why so much bad disconnecting stuff was going on in my family.
2. My daughter asked me when she got pregnant if I wanted to be their when my grandsons arrival will happen. Of course I wanted. What an honour ❤ My grandson arrives on my late brothers birthday. And I get the opportunity to look into my grandsons eyes. What a deep connection we bonded right then and there. And still deepning.
3. In order to heal ancestral trauma I put my beloved grandson in my grandpas shoes. In my minds eye my grandson walks from my grandpas birth 1907 Finland Lapland thrue starvation, wartimes, cold, emotionless relations, kidlabour Has to endure 2 wars. Where Finland suffered hard from Germanys bad handling.
No wonder grandpa selfmedicated with booz !! So did all Finland.
4. So NOW when I got my eyes on this my grandpas hardship as a young kid and a young man I understood him and started to love him. And I saw all my anger towards grandpa disappear all it was now pure love & gratitude left.
And this was thanks to my love to my grandSON. And of course the love to my daughter.
I have Ancient Irish Royalty Lineage a Scottish King and a Templar.... And you know all the stuff those people did and I can feel it.... So thank you for your guidance in helping me heal my ancestors from approximately 200 AD
Thank you! They are coming through so strongly right now, and asking me to clear so much for them 👀😳🤞🏻
Beautiful talk. It deeply resonates with me as I have done some work around ancestral healing as well. Worked with a Shaman to open up to the ancestors I came to the conclusion that one ancestors was the director of the Dutch West Indian Compagnie. Samuel Blommaert. Got himself a listing on Wikipedia. He has been active as well in the colonisation around the Hudson and Delaware region. Interrupting the trade with native Americans brining over liquir and spirits from Europe. After living in England/London for over 10 years I have returned to my home country in the Netherlands. Found a small apartment within a 17th century townhouse in a place called Middelburg. This was the 2nd most important town during the Dutch Golden age because the WIC was operating from here. Because I lived abroad I kind of know what spiritual Displacement can do to your wellbeing. There is so much work and healing to be done around this field I don't even know where to begin. Humanity is facing a different enemy know which will cause lots of things to come up. Will also know what's like to feel displaced from ourselves, eachother and our native lands.
15:03 to 15:49: You can feel similar energies within the southern United States. Although, it is rarely referenced: Untold atrocities were perpetrated upon black human beings for hundreds of years. Because of this, there is still constant struggle for basic " human rights.💜
Yes, agree. You can feel these energies in many parts of the US, not just the South. Slavery and all the atrocities associated with it. Genocide and systemic oppression against Native Americans is very present in the land. The video is a good reminder for me to work on healing my own ancestral trauma and thereby helping heal my home, the US.
wow, the way u explained things in this vid, made much more sense, tysm
Thank you for making this accessible. So many people profit from their wisdom (understandably) but it makes it difficult for us in financial uncertainty
Why is it that we figure things out after the fact?! And at the pace we can individually accept and allow? I am extremely grateful to find teachers like yourself and many others to remind us the expansion we chose and Law of attraction doesn't let us rest too long before we're facing more contrast and manifestations, wanted or unwanted. LOL I appreciate so much this video and you sharing your knowledge that encourages a pinch more of healing couldn't hurt. So bc I have experienced ceremonies and kinda figured out how to hold them, I'm going to invite my daughter and munchkin(s) over to do one. It's their strength and courage that I believe, broke our cycle!
Thank you so very much, Christina, for sharing your wisdom so that I could find you when I needed to. HUGS of LIGHT!
Thank you Christina❤
Thank-you so much u r helping me so much by giving ways to deal wid d situation ❤️❤️❤️
Beautifully explained loved the way u got into details
This is something so many of us need to do….invoke the most beautiful golden pink light and visualize this light cascading down into you and flooding all the way back through your paternal and maternal blood lines…thank you Christina 🌎🕊
We ALL love you as well!!!
Thank you for everything that you do and for being the beautiful soul that you are!
Thank You beloved Christina ❤
Amazing video on the subject!❤
Lots of wisdom and I’m glad to be here!
This came just in time. Thanks so much!
Thank you so much❤
God bless you with lots of love and success.
What really helped me identify them was (1) recognizing when I was triggered and (2) asking myself exactly where the emotion was coming from? Did I have personal experiences which is being raised when triggered? Essentially, I discovered I carried a lot of triggers which had literally nothing to do with my life. When I started asking my parents about things, that is opened the doors to understanding. I cleared a few of them, but some are deeper and I'm still working on them. Great information! Having the clearing techniques are very helpful. Thank you!
Thank you Christina, such a vital topic! I am from the Hmong tribe and there has been intense trauma throughout many many generations for us due to war and displacement. A healer could hear so much wailing and fear behind me and this helped explain why I would always cry at the drop of a hat without explanation. I’ve been healing this for the last year as my tribes sadness has plagued me all my life. ❤️
Ooo Lordy…I certainly had/have a lot of work to do! Messy but worth it 🙏🏻❤️
Wow! I have been doing the work to clear my ancestral traumas and have released a few already. Everything you said resonates well with my soul. I will be adding that ritual to my healing work. Thank you so much! 🙏🤝🤗✨
Thank you for this guidance 🙏🥰 So helpful. Very important topic. I will make a ceremony soon❤
You are totally amazing, I finally work on clearing my ancestral Karma and I feel very strange and different, it coincides with my another major awakening 🤗❤❤🧡🧡🧡🌼 thank you!
I am so grateful for you and your guides. The knowledge you have given me and others has really helped during my spiritual awakening. I honestly can’t thank you enough for all that you do for man kind. ❤️
Thank u are no less than mother Gaia. I love you. Thanks for healing me.
Thanks for this. Ive been into my history lately. My family doesnt know where we are from but identifying the trauma is important. I know we came over on slave ships. on a recent trip to new orleans i saw the landing of one of the last slave ships and i felt like ive been there. Trauma was real and present there. But don't know much about it bc family history is virtually gone.
Christina, your timing is excellent. Please keep listening to your Guides and Spirit about when to teach us and what to teach, even if it's not the most convenient (I'm not sure why I need to say that last part, but I'm guided to).
The power of all you've taught, and especially what you JUST taught us, is going to resonate in me, my son, and, I believe, millions of others. I knew at 11 that I was called to heal generational wounds. And I accepted consciously. Now, at 39, my healing and speaking is pouring forth.
You and your team are the focus of my meditation today. I'm sending you love from my soul.
May you be happy.
May you be whole.
May you be at peace.
perfect timing. as always. love you.
Hey Christina! Every week you know the videos I soooo need to see and get help with!! I wanted so bad to enroll into your class but with my manifestations in the working Ill soon have an abundance of money... Your youtube videos help me more than you'll ever know though!! Thank you beautiful soul for all of your hard work and caring!!! Sending an abundance of love and light thru out the Universe☪️☯️☮️💟😘