Let me know what you guys think of the video if you liked it and if I missed anything huge. Obviously I could go on for hours about this, specifically mid laners that were strong such as Season 3 Akali, Release Diana, Ziggs during season 4 meta where you perma waveclear, Zoe on her release, Yasuo in season 4 and again in season 8 with conqueror, etc. Limiting this list was super tricky for every role but I tried to talk about some things that maybe you guys didn't know!
Its obvious, he never played during the beta or the early seasons. The strongest champion will ever be sion he could literally 1v5 the whole game just by reaching lvl 6...he doesnt know about sona+soraka lane(well its not completly op but you will never be able to kill them in the lane phase) talon with his silence in mid lane. invinsible spear nidallee and more... and so on he thinks kennen op with the old zhonyas is op, he defently never heared about force of the wild..
AP Yi was op as fuck. I used to main him. When Yi went AD, I stopped playing im. Recently I picked Yi up again and I realized......... Hes even more broken now
@@petergriffin7233 Oh god, ap sion. oh I remember all of this holy. I didn't care much during critplankl or ap yi because I wasn't too into the game, but I just thought it was funny. All my friends trying so hard and this guy pushes Q, or an invis spear spikes them. I never played ap yi or any of that, I did a little ap sion. Wish I had at least given them a try. I think I did a few games of critplank, and enjoyed it.
@@bobbarker399 but AP yi was just unfair. it never saw real competitive play cause people thought it was a meme troll build. But as soon as it gained traction and hit the pro scene, they instantly removed it. the opposing team has to be leagues better than you to deal with it. There is little counter play besides death to stop it. You had to be a bruiser before the bruiser meta even existed to maybe stop it by 1v1. But bruisers were garbage back then. max CD = 1 auto is a instant reset on q, faster ult CD, pretty much perm in ult, and ap damage converstion was much higher for melee champs hitting structures. So if he is the last alive he can still end the game. q reseted on kills/assists, instead of having flat second reduction. Since assists counted, as long as an enemy died, he instantly got it back mr couldnt keep up with it. the damage potential is just nuts. like broken nuts. In a team fight, at mid game, it can easily do 1k damage from 1 q, and wipe the enemy team. MR was more expensive to stack, so it is harder to build against early. The damage curve for Q starts high from base skill damage, and 1 for 1 ap scaling, means he will scale ap faster than you can build MR. It was powerful early game, and only gets stronger by late game. Like at level 1, his q did 150 damage, can be abused on minions to deal damage to enemy mid laner with no counter play or punishment. Late game, his q hitting for 600-800 before reduction. The q also use to make him drop effects. He became invulnerable when he used it. AOE, dots, and all other effects are paused or ignored for its duration while off the map. Things like fids life steal, noct trail, brand burns. All dropped off when he q. There were a lot of broken things in league. But no one even knew this was broken and thought it was a joke. But we were wrong.
@@onnizx I have not played against a Sett for a month, but dodging his W, when his ult and Q deal %health damage, his autos hurt more than yours and you're probably stunned, his not enough. and he's tanky as shit.
I love the old Mordekaiser. There was a strategy to go bottom with Morde to feed their adc. Then focus it later with his old ultimate, to get a ghost that can 1 vs 4 the enemy team. Just classic 6 vs 4.
Or just go mid, crush their mid laner, get overfeed (lvl 16 vs enemy lvl 12 highest level) and just run 1 vs 5, focusing enemy ADC, with zilean and his ult in case you get heavy CCed... But that was, preseason 1, or even earlier... until his shield gain from spells was reduced and life siphon damage nerfed... but was totaly OP...
i hated the short term parts of this list. it was sleeper op but it only lasted a day is bs. galio shouldnt be on this list because it was so short before the fix it.
@@itsthekid9815 What I loved about that is when I was begging teammates to first pick him for me in high diamond they would claim he's not even that good, just dodge q lmao.
see ? this is the problem with the video: by not folowing it's own rule people now ask for stuff that are completly out of topic: Kog do not deserve to be on this list because it was a fluke.. This video was suppose to be an all time tier list .. but tons of champ were put there because they had a broken release or were at one time op. no mention of old Galio, old AD sion, or old xerath that could solo rengar when he was OP even though rengar jumped on him 1st.
Double attack speed kog was absolute nuts. Nothing came anywhere near his dps at the time. Full on-hit build with hurricane just obliterated teamfights. But the most hilarious part about him was being able to solo baron in 5 seconds in the late game...from the other side of the damn wall.
"Evelynn had a point and click stun and 60 seconds of stealth, anything else I need to say?" Uh, what about the part where sunfire cape damage didn't break stealth and could be stacked, so you'd have an invisible Evelynn running circles around you as you burned to death. I think that should get a mention.
I was about top say, "Why isn't Aphelios in this list?" but then I realized this video was posted in 2019 before the 200 years of game design experience.
Yeah absolutely dumbfounded how he didnt mention, back in s2-s3 you would always bring ignite on adcs not heal, not you litearlly got 2 fucking ignites stacked how did you lose on draven
Honestly even mentioning Caitlynn as an OP ADC is fundamentally misunderstanding why she is popular at the highest tiers of competitive, which has almost nothing to do with her actual power as an ADC which has always been surpassed by both Ashe and MF as her contemporaries, along with literally every ADC released/reworked after Lucien. What made her better though is that her vast gulf in range over her traditional foes offers that much more control then her opponents. When you brought a Mid/top lane AP ranged character in as support rather then any of the traditional supports, Caitlynn lost the lane then and there because her kit's only strength is her safety. Annie Support might be a Pseudo-meme build, but its exemplary of a problem people have with actually thinking about lane roles. Most supports are themselves a form of carry who needs to get to level 6 to operate effectively, I played multiple games as/with Katarina or Annie or lux support in S3, and the fact was you simply shut down the other side of the lane without question, easily killing both the ADC and support on the other side by lvl 4 and by the time their jungle is lvl 6, both of your ADC and Support are lvl 8 and a thousand gold up on anyone else in the game.
Sry but tank ekko had a 61% win Rate and at least a 52% win rate against every Champ in the Game so even bad Match ups are good Match ups for him. Tank Fizz was the weaker Tank Ekko
i hate the attackspeed build wheneveri play vayne i go zeal ie into phantom dancer .at 2 items u can 2/3 auto anyone with ur aa q auto cancel its still valid i hate attackspeed stacking
Honorable mention: Veigar's old Ultimate. It dealt some damage from your AP and some damage based on how much Ap the enemy had. In other words, if the target had enough Ap and low MR, Veigar could One Shot him with his R alone.
@@MementoMoriGrizzly Literally trundle could stay in lane until yorick was oom and just all in him with his ult yoricks ghouls just won the lane for trundle, literally infinite healing for him
Moral of the story, Riot may be amazing at making music, trailers and promos for the game but their balancing skills need some work. Typing this currently as Samira is as broken as Dante playing on easy mode
Oh god, I remember the days of s3 Ryze with QEQRQWQEQ. By that point they should be dead but if they aren't, don't worry your combo is already back up. START OVER AND FACEROLL HARDER.
lmao, i expected to see this too. That was some dumb shit. Get one kill with an alpha strike in a teamfight, and then just clean up the rest of the match for the penta.
You forgot to mention when the Hurricane Rockets interaction was added to Jinx, where literally one auto attack with a rocket launcher in a team fight would wipe out half of the entire enemy team's health bar, basically sky rocketing Jinx's winrate.
@@Mark_GMG It's not so much what he could do that was broken, it was that he did it with mostly base damages and quite early. It's fine to have a tanky but high damage version of Ekko when sacrificing early game for it and requiring multiple items, but not at 10 minutes. :D
After a evelynn rework her ult dealt up to 40 % maxhealth as an aoe.... Even worse was that it did not have a damagecap against monsters so it could just wipe baron from almost half health together with all bystanders. Also her scarlings on basic abilities were to heigh and she could escape any slown with her w gaining an huge movementspeed boost.
Exil: "I won't be including things like Vlad, Swain, Yasuo, Heimer and so on as we're only focusing on ADC's" Also Exil: "Here we have the Taric and Urgot bot lane this was the shit"
Urgot was a full fledged ADC. He ended up buying Muramana and Black Cleaver however because of his high mana cost and his e's damage over time would proc BC's passive.
@@gavinwang5401 iirc old yi up to like season 3 or 4 used to have 1 to 1 ap scaling on q. And with highlander up it reset on kill and he would actually kill a whole team with like 3 qs lmao.
@@gavinwang5401 Long time ago Yi used to have hybrid scaling, but AP scaling was higher, and while he couldn't autoattack people to death, he could just Q an entire team down in a second. Everytime he killed someone while in his R, the CD reset, so he could spam that hing. Also, if you were about to kill him, his W had a lot more scaling, so he could just heal off entirely while waiting for Q CD to reset.
@Ruskied Nope. He is actually unkillable. High Base damage. High heal from ult. 0 mana. Only changed to 100 mana. Also IBG Grasp Sunfire cape makes him unkillable. Gap closer, Slows because of his passive. Ekko doesn't have built in Vamp/Sustain HOWEVER, because he can live for a long time, he can proc grasp over and over adding 2.5(?)% of health every process and you get dealt 5% of your help every proc. He can proc it over and over and you can't even escape because he has a gap closer and stealing movement speed. It was nuts.
@Ruskied Ekko tank was like matching against an assassin that you can't kill, high dmg and a lot of health, he did not have to buy ap at all, just iceborn gauntlet and sunfirecape.
To be honest I played the shit out of this champion at top but I could never achieve what I was seeing at the tournaments. Still I think him, Gankplank, Graves, Kindred and Malzahar were like the champs that were the best of the best. Not gonna lie, I kinda miss this meta.
madlife is the kobe of lol. its funny how people were amazed at what bunnyfufu was doing was the wal mart brand of what madlife originated. its not there were to many legends. its down right disrespectful. without madlife thresh wouldnt be the same champ. just like lee sin with insec.
Madlife would probably have a career even if Thresh never existed while bunnyfufu is only remembered as that dude the played a sick Thresh and nothing else, that's why he mentioned him and not Madlife
I might have missed a few, but from when I first started playing the two mage jungle items should have gotten a mention. Upon release, runeglaive was the best item in the game by far. Viktor, nasus, Nidalee, and tons of other mid and top mages loved it, but none were as strong as AP Runeglaive ezreal mid. The other one, Runic Echoes, had way too much AP on release, and with the overpowered mastery change, zzrot being the best item in the game, and everyone running swifties, upon Runic Echoes release Udyr became the best jungle overnight and I remember him staying like that for about a month since that was all I played that entire time.
@@fenro8505 I mean, season 5 GP top was the same alongside Morde that tournament, I think they both had 100% presence and 100% winrate, but in season 4, he was only not banned in 5-6 games and the only game it lost was DP vs SSW, where it still the most solid team member.
Runeglaive ezreal, mid ap kog on ludens release, 5.0 as kog, double jungle item udyr were all Atleast A tier every single on required the champion to get reworked or items to be removed
What I remember since I started: Voli release: Frenzy was basicaly a mini chogath ult. His passive a mundo ult. Nocturne release: could ult the entire map
I hope you do a "worst champs tier list" vid next! Would love to hear you explain things like Bard on release, people not playing lucian, etc! Great vid btw!
her bubble had such a low CD that i as a Sejuani got stuck sleeping 5s straight (3 consecutive bubbles) in a Team fight just so that i could not use my lt ult to turn the tide of the fight on our favori built all the tenacity i could (even runes), disgusting OP.
Soraka was probably strongest at the end of S1, just before the big support rework in S2 preseason. Her heals had insane ratios on a low CD and she could restore mana to her teammates as well, so it was almost impossible to either teamfight against her or poke against her. You could effectively just group mid at 20 minutes and end the game in a single extended push.
AP yi? The famed nightmare? Tank ekko? Release Darius? Trinityforce/tank Yasuo? You definitely had a lot of good mentions, but also feel like you missed out a bit on some of the real baddies of OP. Otherwise, good video.
@@DrOinkman fair enough, but my other mentions shoul invoke PTSD in many league veterans. Lets not mention stuff like old sion 6x bloodthirster basediving. Better the world forgets
There was a master yi build back in the day, where the torch existed - the item that you can stack in the jungle -. You'd basically farm all game, hit 35 stack-ish and 1v9
I started playing League with Nocturne release in season 2. Those first few days... Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!
Zac was banned over 100% at a point. ( I don't know the patch or exact time) In plat+. This was possible because both team could ban the same champion.
@@GabyyRose i actually played her on beta before she was release in live servers and OMFG how i spammed her. i started playign on fizz release and since when i've never seen someone that op. everyone says release Darius (which was broken aswell) but Diana on release was just out of this game. i could not believe how she was...
On release she was so insane I got a pentakill on the first game I played on her She literally just 1 shot everything (ap/ad both) Even after nerfing her infinite times she is still good today
There's also season 3 Taric support that was outrageous, it was off meta since you skipped ward, rushed frozen heart and then could easily 1v2 every botlane, worked every game (Thresh too was way better back then, you could damages multiple times with your ult and shield your entire team
Brayden Usherwood Oh god, I almost forgot about old poppy. Old Poppy was utter cancer to deal with. Even if she had the worst early game out of any champ in the game: as soon as you hit 16, all you had to do on her was ult on the enemy support and you could literally 1v5 games. It"s stupid.
Hey Exil, so I remember back in the day I used to play Eve. The build that I THINK was the most over powered was the Sunfire stack build. I would carry countless games just because the AOE from sunfire would stack and wouldn't break stealth. So essentially you could stealth and just walk around the enemy team while they burn to death then finish them off with a combo. If you can find a video on it you'll see what I mean. Much love, Havoke (SN)
kind of a necro but a similar moba example would be enchantress in dota. she can throw a spear and then teleport to fountain. the spear will do uncapped true damage based on the distance between you and them. but unlike nidalee her spears are a toggle *auto attack* with the same damage as an ult. meaning you can throw 3-5 spears in about a second and then blink away. instant kill every time. but because it's dota this wasn't even meta or OP.
I think Sona's mini re-work where her ult lowered the cooldowns of all her other abilities was pretty nice. 1k damage per rotation, with each rotation being 5 seconds
release yasuo should be an honorable mention. Statik shiv was the only item you needed since his base damage was so high on his q. His ult had double the range of the current ult.
i think u missed draven when he had his old passive the bleed on q or crits literally nightmareish and probably the best adc for soloq since it's release
I know you put Warwick in here, but when I started playing right after the beta, Warwick was absolutely nuts. His W was global, so you could have 100% kill participation. Plus getting a bloorazor + malady (the first one) stacking made his ult almost a guaranteed kill. Good times
I have a conspiracy theory that you were the one to make tier list popular. You’re league tier lists were so clean I’m sure it motivated people to get ideas.
in s2 twitch had about 60 seconds of invisibility, and nothing could have showed him. but i do not remember him being trully nutz, i played ap yi and ap sion sadly those legends are gone.
22:28 Preach it brother. As someone who used to play Sup back in those early days (season 1 to season 5) intro of sight stone, support items and all the nice stuff we have today was the best for the game. It was a dark time for sups back then.
Sword of the divine on zed as second item was a true discovery for me. Rank 1 ult had a dmg burst of a fed zed, though 0 0 0. Fucking hell i was so sad I got that idea with sword of the divine cause the removed the item only a few weeks later, fucking hell that was so much fun
I keep thinking back to the Zac rework and wonder why he wasn't on the list. After a couple buffs and qol changes he had to get hotfixed and nerfed several times before dropping back down again.
AP Yi used to just sit back, let his team lower enemy health a bit, then kill the entire enemy team with Alpha Strike chains. If he ever failed getting a reset, he could just heal up. Rework Malz used to be incredibly busted, too. He could literally go any role: top, mid, ADC, support, jungle... didn't matter. While he wasn't always best at some roles he could still at best completely shut down almost any enemy he was fighting and at worst take all your towers while preventing any enemy near him from being effective. Trying to counter pick him was really difficult, since you never knew where he was going to be going. Even if you did try to counter pick, he was probably still going to stomp your lane. His passive was basically a Banshee's Veil that also reduced damage taken for a few seconds after it was popped. The cooldown on it was so low that you could almost never makes trades with him. Sure, you could pop it ahead of time, but he'd just dip back to his tower and come back with it up in a few seconds. It also hard countered assassins pretty hard, since they usually required all of their skills to burst and they didn't have skills not essential to the burst to bait out the shield. Since he only needed to be in range to drop his voidings and void plague, then retreat, there just wasn't any real counterplay for his shield. Speaking of voidings, they were very strong as well. They allowed him to constantly push down waves/towers while the enemy literally couldn't respond to it except by throwing their entire team at him. 1v1 was pretty much impossible due to his ultimate essentially letting him get 3 seconds of free damage. This could be paired with a mastery that gave movement speed on ultimate use, allowing him to zoom off after a kill or escape a gank. That meant that sending a champion to try to kill a split pushing Malz wasn't going to work, so you needed to send someone to stalemate his push until he gave up or your team got there. Then there was his damage. While AP did more overall with more of an obvious team fighting presence, AD had a bit more utility and could split push to take down towers stupid fast. The other problem was that you usually weren't sure which he was until after he built his first item after tear, so it was harder to itemize against him.
I think Darius for the season 5(?) worlds patch deserves a mention here. He could literally not run out of mana and did crazy damage and healed for that damage. Got like 3 pentakills in that world championship tournament, Balls who at that point was not a very good player got a penta outside of baron pit. Definitely deserving of this list.
The one champion I have consistently feared throughout my years playing league, started in 09, and the one champ I have hated playing against is Katarina. She was one of the few champs to have an instant dash back in the day and my feeble, slow 10 yr old brain could just not track Kata through fights. I straight up sometimes didn't even know she was in a fight until she'd gotten a penta kill because she was just dashing from person to person before pressing R and murdering my entire team. I have no idea if she was that ridiculously strong for other people, but every game I played with a Kata in it was a wash.
You never faced true hell as a bot laner until you played against support Tariq and prework ap Sion Not many of the people who faced that hell still play the game anymore RIP
Let me know what you guys think of the video if you liked it and if I missed anything huge. Obviously I could go on for hours about this, specifically mid laners that were strong such as Season 3 Akali, Release Diana, Ziggs during season 4 meta where you perma waveclear, Zoe on her release, Yasuo in season 4 and again in season 8 with conqueror, etc. Limiting this list was super tricky for every role but I tried to talk about some things that maybe you guys didn't know!
Nice, but it feels like you're running out of ideas :D
Yo lec gonna start in few minutes and the best team in the world gonna play first match go watch it
you missed ap yi
Old soraka/pre-rework soraka was op
relic shield nautilus, no not the 9.11, the years ago relic shield release nautilus, i remember that
did nobody tell you about the legend, the dark myth...the one thing everyone was afraid of... the true face of evil: AP Yi?
Its obvious, he never played during the beta or the early seasons. The strongest champion will ever be sion he could literally 1v5 the whole game just by reaching lvl 6...he doesnt know about sona+soraka lane(well its not completly op but you will never be able to kill them in the lane phase) talon with his silence in mid lane. invinsible spear nidallee and more... and so on he thinks kennen op with the old zhonyas is op, he defently never heared about force of the wild..
AP Yi was op as fuck. I used to main him. When Yi went AD, I stopped playing im. Recently I picked Yi up again and I realized......... Hes even more broken now
Peter Griffin Yeah there just sooo many thinks that were op in this game
@@petergriffin7233 Oh god, ap sion. oh I remember all of this holy. I didn't care much during critplankl or ap yi because I wasn't too into the game, but I just thought it was funny. All my friends trying so hard and this guy pushes Q, or an invis spear spikes them. I never played ap yi or any of that, I did a little ap sion. Wish I had at least given them a try. I think I did a few games of critplank, and enjoyed it.
@@bobbarker399 but AP yi was just unfair. it never saw real competitive play cause people thought it was a meme troll build. But as soon as it gained traction and hit the pro scene, they instantly removed it. the opposing team has to be leagues better than you to deal with it. There is little counter play besides death to stop it. You had to be a bruiser before the bruiser meta even existed to maybe stop it by 1v1. But bruisers were garbage back then.
max CD = 1 auto is a instant reset on q, faster ult CD, pretty much perm in ult, and ap damage converstion was much higher for melee champs hitting structures. So if he is the last alive he can still end the game.
q reseted on kills/assists, instead of having flat second reduction. Since assists counted, as long as an enemy died, he instantly got it back
mr couldnt keep up with it. the damage potential is just nuts. like broken nuts. In a team fight, at mid game, it can easily do 1k damage from 1 q, and wipe the enemy team. MR was more expensive to stack, so it is harder to build against early. The damage curve for Q starts high from base skill damage, and 1 for 1 ap scaling, means he will scale ap faster than you can build MR.
It was powerful early game, and only gets stronger by late game. Like at level 1, his q did 150 damage, can be abused on minions to deal damage to enemy mid laner with no counter play or punishment. Late game, his q hitting for 600-800 before reduction.
The q also use to make him drop effects. He became invulnerable when he used it. AOE, dots, and all other effects are paused or ignored for its duration while off the map. Things like fids life steal, noct trail, brand burns. All dropped off when he q.
There were a lot of broken things in league. But no one even knew this was broken and thought it was a joke. But we were wrong.
When Soraka could give herself mana and there was no cost on her heal and she could heal herself.
also click-shot silence
Don't forget the stacking MR debuff Q that hits like a truck, has massive AOE and has 0 cooldown.
Also her old Q 😭
I honestly miss stacking starfalls on peoples heads lol
Yeah I used to play her mid, fun times
I miss "Yorick walks into a bar, there is no counter" jokes.
you can make it about Sett don't worry
aTocan Boi nah Trynd and Darius beat sett plus he’s been constant nerfed for the last 4 patches
@@onnizx I have not played against a Sett for a month, but dodging his W, when his ult and Q deal %health damage, his autos hurt more than yours and you're probably stunned, his not enough. and he's tanky as shit.
I love the old Mordekaiser. There was a strategy to go bottom with Morde to feed their adc. Then focus it later with his old ultimate, to get a ghost that can 1 vs 4 the enemy team.
Just classic 6 vs 4.
I once got penta like that 😁
Or just go mid, crush their mid laner, get overfeed (lvl 16 vs enemy lvl 12 highest level) and just run 1 vs 5, focusing enemy ADC, with zilean and his ult in case you get heavy CCed...
But that was, preseason 1, or even earlier... until his shield gain from spells was reduced and life siphon damage nerfed... but was totaly OP...
@@aleksadmitrovic6347 l
´ôoi lol
Does no one remembers Galios ~100% max health damage Q
I was playing old ap gal
i hated the short term parts of this list. it was sleeper op but it only lasted a day is bs. galio shouldnt be on this list because it was so short before the fix it.
@@itsthekid9815 What I loved about that is when I was begging teammates to first pick him for me in high diamond they would claim he's not even that good, just dodge q lmao.
@@rellosapostolos2266 god i miss old galio
That was just a clerical error oversight by Riot though, I don't think that should count.
S tier Irelia better nerf her with the -5 moventspeed.
Tbh -3 ad was a hard nerf 2 graves
Soul Semblance only because base stat nerfs hurt junglers much more than laners. But you make a fair point
Next path 9.12 irelia is getting nerfed again. I don’t know how much but she is.
@@gonwithwaves9021 They will nerf e range and e cd
She used to deal 100 true damage per Auto Attack with her W... better nerf irelia
How is 5.0 attackspeed Kog'Maw not even an honorable mention
awwwwww man and everyone got on the 'z' 'x' stutter step. classic riot rework
With ardent cancer meta? Ahajaj maw plus lulu was def crazy
Kog'Maw buys guinsoos and turns in to a walking fountain turret. I am scarrred for life after that.
@@Meryas Was fun to play tho, I think I got 3 pentas in one game with him hah
see ? this is the problem with the video: by not folowing it's own rule people now ask for stuff that are completly out of topic: Kog do not deserve to be on this list because it was a fluke.. This video was suppose to be an all time tier list .. but tons of champ were put there because they had a broken release or were at one time op.
no mention of old Galio, old AD sion, or old xerath that could solo rengar when he was OP even though rengar jumped on him 1st.
Uhh hello? AP Yi? Release Darius? Old Soraka? Old OLD Sion? Kog's attack speed being double the limit?
I also used and abused galio with W good times
Double attack speed kog was absolute nuts. Nothing came anywhere near his dps at the time. Full on-hit build with hurricane just obliterated teamfights.
But the most hilarious part about him was being able to solo baron in 5 seconds in the late game...from the other side of the damn wall.
Release Graves and Darius were the worst for me. AP Yi was such a cheesy build but I wouldn't call it too OP or impossible to deal with.
Soraka mid*
Old Veigar* Insta Stun and he`s ult did dmg per enemy`s AP. It was oneshoot at min 15
"Evelynn had a point and click stun and 60 seconds of stealth, anything else I need to say?"
Uh, what about the part where sunfire cape damage didn't break stealth and could be stacked, so you'd have an invisible Evelynn running circles around you as you burned to death. I think that should get a mention.
oh no
Evelynn giving sunburns to your champ?
her ult also gave a shield and reset if I remember.
it was off meta and wasnt that broken to be considered meta
I was about top say, "Why isn't Aphelios in this list?" but then I realized this video was posted in 2019 before the 200 years of game design experience.
Prepatch aphelios in pro play was LITERALLY the most oppressive thing in modern league. No questions asked.
Riot: "your atkspeed cap is 2.5"
Kog before re-rework: "observe"
I mean we have lethal tempo now so techniquely everyone can become kogmaw
@@Chankonabebot jinx she can do 10 attakpers
That was actually Kog after rework. He's back to what he used to be at first.
@@MrKapucyn19 yeah thats what i meant haha didnt know how to say that precisely
@@Chankonabebot Jax
Galio on Patch 7.21, tanky and crazy max health dmg
Ahhhh oh yeah that was whacko i should have included him for sure!!
The good old days
Ap galio was also pretty good. He was tanky, but still did dumby damage. Like a reverse tank ekko
@DJ Pets i still use him against champs like zed, talon, akali, etc. works pretty good since they really cant kill you after roa rush
Nothing compared to the real OG old Galio. It was broken for sure, but reworking him is one of the worst decisions Riot has ever made
Morde: ey jo Drake, can u help me to win?
Drake: sure, lets rule.
Morde: huehuehuehuehuehuehuehue
No mention to Draven?
Dude was super busted with old passive. Bleeding true damage each hit was insane and super hard to lane against.
Forgot about that one. Now the nightmares will return
Yeah absolutely dumbfounded how he didnt mention, back in s2-s3 you would always bring ignite on adcs not heal, not you litearlly got 2 fucking ignites stacked how did you lose on draven
@@andreicristian1017 It was much higher and it stacked.
Honestly even mentioning Caitlynn as an OP ADC is fundamentally misunderstanding why she is popular at the highest tiers of competitive, which has almost nothing to do with her actual power as an ADC which has always been surpassed by both Ashe and MF as her contemporaries, along with literally every ADC released/reworked after Lucien. What made her better though is that her vast gulf in range over her traditional foes offers that much more control then her opponents. When you brought a Mid/top lane AP ranged character in as support rather then any of the traditional supports, Caitlynn lost the lane then and there because her kit's only strength is her safety.
Annie Support might be a Pseudo-meme build, but its exemplary of a problem people have with actually thinking about lane roles. Most supports are themselves a form of carry who needs to get to level 6 to operate effectively, I played multiple games as/with Katarina or Annie or lux support in S3, and the fact was you simply shut down the other side of the lane without question, easily killing both the ADC and support on the other side by lvl 4 and by the time their jungle is lvl 6, both of your ADC and Support are lvl 8 and a thousand gold up on anyone else in the game.
looking at these clips... damn, I miss old Graves...
I wish they made a game mode where they'd bring back pre-rework champs somehow
they should add that to urf, a way you could use their old kit
"Ryze's 73rd rework..." Basically sums him up perfectly lol
that got me, 73rd in Season 5 by the way hahah
Dude when I heard that I died laughing
99% ban rate sums up kassawin. It means people know if he is in the game he wins 99%.
Runeglaive Ezreal mid, was so broken at season 5
Oh god yeah, getting one shot after one item which was also cheaper gold/stats wise was no fun to lane against. Very fun to abuse though.
The only reason I hated this fckin champion.
Because it got my favorite ap jg item removed.
I was running it on gragas and elise everytime.
I think runeglaive ezreal was one of the top 5 strongest metas in modern league history. It was fucking cancer but was so fun to play at the same time
@@lavahit Good old graggy times.
Sry but tank ekko had a 61% win Rate and at least a 52% win rate against every Champ in the Game so even bad Match ups are good Match ups for him.
Tank Fizz was the weaker Tank Ekko
Tank fizz happened because of tank ekko
Did we just forget about the time when Vayne bought IE and Shiv, maxed q, and proceeded to nearly 1 shot everything for the remainder of the game?
i hate the attackspeed build wheneveri play vayne i go zeal ie into phantom dancer .at 2 items u can 2/3 auto anyone with ur aa q auto cancel its still valid i hate attackspeed stacking
I think building crit early is against squishy teams, stacking attack speed is good against tankier teams so you can get your w third shot faster
Honorable mention: Veigar's old Ultimate.
It dealt some damage from your AP and some damage based on how much Ap the enemy had. In other words, if the target had enough Ap and low MR, Veigar could One Shot him with his R alone.
0:00 - top lane
6:41- jungle
11:40 - mid lane
17:14 - adc
22:00 - support
Yorick walks into a bar. There is no counter.
@Village Music Cho gath actually was ok against him, you just hit his ghouls for health.
@Village Music Literally you pick trundle into him and he couldn't do anything the rest of the game
I climbed to platinum from bronze with yorick before they reworked him with a 80-90% win rate
@@MementoMoriGrizzly are you Bricky orchid 8?
@@MementoMoriGrizzly Literally trundle could stay in lane until yorick was oom and just all in him with his ult yoricks ghouls just won the lane for trundle, literally infinite healing for him
Moral of the story, Riot may be amazing at making music, trailers and promos for the game but their balancing skills need some work.
Typing this currently as Samira is as broken as Dante playing on easy mode
Oh look just 47 likes
Oh god, I remember the days of s3 Ryze with QEQRQWQEQ. By that point they should be dead but if they aren't, don't worry your combo is already back up. START OVER AND FACEROLL HARDER.
Press F for the Videogamedunkey footage
Dunkey is my fav
@@Exil22 he's mine aswell but sadly he quitted league
@@sleezyyyyyy people say he still plays league but he doesn't make league content.
@@KneeCaps would be a waste of talent
YOU didnt mention AP Master Yi back to the season 2-3
yeahh where is AP YI mid man lol i swear i used to insta win
lmao, i expected to see this too. That was some dumb shit. Get one kill with an alpha strike in a teamfight, and then just clean up the rest of the match for the penta.
HAHAH I remember I used to look up for an AP Master Yi guide to play him at his full potential
Kassawin ,ap yi and kha mid the good old s3
ap master yi in the mid lane was amazing!!! sustain in lane, burst damages and the potential to 1v5
lost to kassadin tho
Rofl kid,in s9 a 0/9 yi with botrk and conq and red smite as enchant can still 1v5
@@disconunu3210 dude I am old I was a kid in season 2 ... And I don't care I am nostalgic for my one finger no counterplay champ
So basically... Regular master yi except played mid
Exil : there's no op supports even back in the day
me : wait what about that one time when soraka was able to give MANA and health to ally players
She was played midlane. Like he said, if a support was good, it would be played on solo lane
she could also point-and-click silence you for 3seconds and her Q hit all nearby enemies shredding their MR, WHICH STACKED. UP TO 10 TIMES.
She could give mana and health to herself aswell
And Sona being able to 2-shot ADC's at lvl 1 with Q + power chord auto
and armor when she heals u & point & click silence :c
when you talked about Kassadin, I kind of sobbed when I saw old Aatrox...
remember master yi rework with 0 cd o alpha strike on kill during highlander? yeah you clearly forgot about that.
Master yi definitely should've been on this list. He was good as ap yi too before the rework.
@@SepulchureValen I was more sad that he missed Sated Devourer Yi. I miss the "good" old days.
@@huntersuper98feral flare ftw master yi
AP DFG Yi rip
You forgot to mention when the Hurricane Rockets interaction was added to Jinx, where literally one auto attack with a rocket launcher in a team fight would wipe out half of the entire enemy team's health bar, basically sky rocketing Jinx's winrate.
Pun intended
Ahh ekko with the ult the consumed no mana and gave him half hp...great times
@Rustislav btw he 2 shotted turrets with 3 items
Oh my. That shit auto nerf because of the constant towerdive with just one 2 items. Almost immortal with hourglass.
@@Mark_GMG almost?
@@Mark_GMG It's not so much what he could do that was broken, it was that he did it with mostly base damages and quite early. It's fine to have a tanky but high damage version of Ekko when sacrificing early game for it and requiring multiple items, but not at 10 minutes. :D
10 minutes? Fairly certain you meant 5 minutes @@Pawnlust
After a evelynn rework her ult dealt up to 40 % maxhealth as an aoe....
Even worse was that it did not have a damagecap against monsters so it could just wipe baron from almost half health together with all bystanders.
Also her scarlings on basic abilities were to heigh and she could escape any slown with her w gaining an huge movementspeed boost.
Exil: "I won't be including things like Vlad, Swain, Yasuo, Heimer and so on as we're only focusing on ADC's"
Also Exil: "Here we have the Taric and Urgot bot lane this was the shit"
Urgot was an ADC back then. Well he did magic damage and had a hibrid build, but he was considered an ADC, those others are not.
Urgot was a full fledged ADC. He ended up buying Muramana and Black Cleaver however because of his high mana cost and his e's damage over time would proc BC's passive.
The video was great! Definitely thought AP Yi could have been an HM but a lot of the champs discussed in the video surely were nuts too
doesnt ap only scale with his w?
@@gavinwang5401 iirc old yi up to like season 3 or 4 used to have 1 to 1 ap scaling on q. And with highlander up it reset on kill and he would actually kill a whole team with like 3 qs lmao.
@@gavinwang5401 Long time ago Yi used to have hybrid scaling, but AP scaling was higher, and while he couldn't autoattack people to death, he could just Q an entire team down in a second. Everytime he killed someone while in his R, the CD reset, so he could spam that hing. Also, if you were about to kill him, his W had a lot more scaling, so he could just heal off entirely while waiting for Q CD to reset.
@@lokopotywa that is litteraly impossible, there is no way an ability can have a 700% ratio
@@dorotejkalpakovski4747 He healed like 5k health on his W, so I think this is very possible
Boi I still have nightmares from tank ekko top
@Ruskied it was impossible to beat
@Ruskied Nope. He is actually unkillable. High Base damage. High heal from ult. 0 mana. Only changed to 100 mana. Also IBG Grasp Sunfire cape makes him unkillable. Gap closer, Slows because of his passive. Ekko doesn't have built in Vamp/Sustain HOWEVER, because he can live for a long time, he can proc grasp over and over adding 2.5(?)% of health every process and you get dealt 5% of your help every proc. He can proc it over and over and you can't even escape because he has a gap closer and stealing movement speed. It was nuts.
@Ruskied Ekko tank was like matching against an assassin that you can't kill, high dmg and a lot of health, he did not have to buy ap at all, just iceborn gauntlet and sunfirecape.
@Ruskied It was far beyond being annoying
To be honest I played the shit out of this champion at top but I could never achieve what I was seeing at the tournaments. Still I think him, Gankplank, Graves, Kindred and Malzahar were like the champs that were the best of the best. Not gonna lie, I kinda miss this meta.
So, you talk about Bunnyfufu on Thresh, but we don't talk about the god Madlife?
There were many legends man
@@wotizlove Madlife was the legend. He got people saying "MADLIFE!" in all chat after landing a hook prediction
madlife is the kobe of lol. its funny how people were amazed at what bunnyfufu was doing was the wal mart brand of what madlife originated. its not there were to many legends. its down right disrespectful. without madlife thresh wouldnt be the same champ. just like lee sin with insec.
Madlife would probably have a career even if Thresh never existed while bunnyfufu is only remembered as that dude the played a sick Thresh and nothing else, that's why he mentioned him and not Madlife
Madlife doesn't endorse proguides lol
12:30 “ryze’s 73rd rework” lmao I died laughing 😂
I might have missed a few, but from when I first started playing the two mage jungle items should have gotten a mention. Upon release, runeglaive was the best item in the game by far. Viktor, nasus, Nidalee, and tons of other mid and top mages loved it, but none were as strong as AP Runeglaive ezreal mid. The other one, Runic Echoes, had way too much AP on release, and with the overpowered mastery change, zzrot being the best item in the game, and everyone running swifties, upon Runic Echoes release Udyr became the best jungle overnight and I remember him staying like that for about a month since that was all I played that entire time.
u missed ap master yi
Ahhh you know what, thats true AP Yi should have been on here
@@Exil22 ay no problem bro still great vid keep up the good work
i was looking for this comment
@Nicolbolas2 pre 6.8 taric was a beast. could 1v1 most ad champs by just outhealing them
ap yi was never even that great
I don't remember the exact patch, but I think Udyr deserved special mention as a jungler with Innervating Locket. That was insane.
What about AD alistar - Season 4 was almost permabanned during Worlds and had I think 80% winrate.
it hat 100% P/B rate actually. 100% !!! That might be the highest ever
@@fenro8505 I mean, season 5 GP top was the same alongside Morde that tournament, I think they both had 100% presence and 100% winrate, but in season 4, he was only not banned in 5-6 games and the only game it lost was DP vs SSW, where it still the most solid team member.
Yea he could auto attack after W lmao... He got Infinity and the game was over
Runeglaive ezreal, mid ap kog on ludens release, 5.0 as kog, double jungle item udyr were all Atleast A tier every single on required the champion to get reworked or items to be removed
Runeglaive Ez got me my only gold rank finish ever because of how far up it boosted me.
What I remember since I started:
Voli release: Frenzy was basicaly a mini chogath ult. His passive a mundo ult.
Nocturne release: could ult the entire map
I hope you do a "worst champs tier list" vid next! Would love to hear you explain things like Bard on release, people not playing lucian, etc! Great vid btw!
I'm shocked Zoe isn't mentioned she was one shooting everything from squishy to tanks to barons the champ was scary when she was released
her bubble had such a low CD that i as a Sejuani got stuck sleeping 5s straight (3 consecutive bubbles) in a Team fight just so that i could not use my lt ult to turn the tide of the fight on our favori built all the tenacity i could (even runes), disgusting OP.
for ADC's the old guinsoos-hurricane build with Kog/Trist is deff worthy of an A tier mention
"Jax is the most op champion of all time." *then shows a Riven wreck a Jax*
Soraka was probably strongest at the end of S1, just before the big support rework in S2 preseason. Her heals had insane ratios on a low CD and she could restore mana to her teammates as well, so it was almost impossible to either teamfight against her or poke against her. You could effectively just group mid at 20 minutes and end the game in a single extended push.
Can you do a list for the worst Champions of all time next?
aurelion sol waves
@@Jonathan-xg4qq He has probably been the champion with the most time above 50% winrate
@@Jonathan-xg4qq Reaching a 55+% for a lot of patches
yuumi. release yuumi was the worst champion ever with a 29% winrate
@@Hechyyy she's like ryze with how soloq/pro play discrepancy is high
Mid lane smite ezreal with the runeglaive build was insane
I agree that was whacko I mentioned it recently in one of my videos
Galio after his rework. Full ap Galio could one shot people with one q.
Also Mordekaiser + Blitz bot.
Watching these video's, it's always nostalgic having played through all these meta's over the past 9 years.
"98% ban rate in all solo queue games"
*Shows screenshot of it saying 99.55%*
it's pick and ban rate. just the ban rate is at 98%
AP yi? The famed nightmare?
Tank ekko?
Release Darius?
Trinityforce/tank Yasuo?
You definitely had a lot of good mentions, but also feel like you missed out a bit on some of the real baddies of OP. Otherwise, good video.
lets be honest, champions that where broken on release dont count. could say the same about pant and xin for example
to be honest yasuo is always broken
@@DrOinkman fair enough, but my other mentions shoul invoke PTSD in many league veterans. Lets not mention stuff like old sion 6x bloodthirster basediving. Better the world forgets
Damn, someone lived through the dark age of season 2-3.
Franco TheHating silver?
"This was back when junglers were basically second supports"
Oh glory days, how I miss you.
It's so much more fun nowadays where the jungler comes into my lane level 2 and flashes on me bursting half my hp because he's a fucking madman.
The fact u didn't talk about standing still Kog maw, is a bit concerning
There was a master yi build back in the day, where the torch existed - the item that you can stack in the jungle -. You'd basically farm all game, hit 35 stack-ish and 1v9
I started playing League with Nocturne release in season 2. Those first few days...
Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!
Zac was banned over 100% at a point. ( I don't know the patch or exact time) In plat+. This was possible because both team could ban the same champion.
Thats true I remember that!
17:43 ez overpowered state in history
looks like someone forgotten jungle ez aoe Q
release diana was completly BROKEN. that dmg was HUUUUUUUGE
And later Diana in like season 5-6 along side Graves ! Goddamn I forgot the opness of Diana...
@@GabyyRose i actually played her on beta before she was release in live servers and OMFG how i spammed her. i started playign on fizz release and since when i've never seen someone that op. everyone says release Darius (which was broken aswell) but Diana on release was just out of this game. i could not believe how she was...
Kai'sa is literally S tier ever since her release
Constantly op but never as brocken as some champs used to be
On release she was so insane
I got a pentakill on the first game I played on her
She literally just 1 shot everything (ap/ad both)
Even after nerfing her infinite times she is still good today
@RYKKKKKK Who said anything about beta fucking jax here
Remember when she just got released where whoever gets her wins the game
There's also season 3 Taric support that was outrageous, it was off meta since you skipped ward, rushed frozen heart and then could easily 1v2 every botlane, worked every game (Thresh too was way better back then, you could damages multiple times with your ult and shield your entire team
What about old ad poppy where she ulted the weakest person on your team then murdered the rest while invulnerable or tank ekko.... and ap yi.
Brayden Usherwood Oh god, I almost forgot about old poppy. Old Poppy was utter cancer to deal with. Even if she had the worst early game out of any champ in the game: as soon as you hit 16, all you had to do on her was ult on the enemy support and you could literally 1v5 games. It"s stupid.
She also had a passive that made her hard to execute. So there was a lot of waggling below 20% hp
The Akali rework in season 8 was 100% beyond broken
Not that broken really, it was more frustrating than broken, her win rate never got over 54% or so, I'm not sure if it even got to 54%.
Her winrate was under 50% that entire time.
@@theomcinturff1213 she has a very high winrate in competitve games ...but for low elo she is just too hard
the problem with using win rate only is that it doesn't take champion mastery, skill ceiling or skill floor into account
@@zaidelaymat797 pretty sure her winrate was under 50%
You can just get Pants are Dragon vods if you wanna get clips for broken jungle champs
Hey Exil, so I remember back in the day I used to play Eve. The build that I THINK was the most over powered was the Sunfire stack build. I would carry countless games just because the AOE from sunfire would stack and wouldn't break stealth. So essentially you could stealth and just walk around the enemy team while they burn to death then finish them off with a combo. If you can find a video on it you'll see what I mean. Much love, Havoke (SN)
Throwback to when Nidalee throwing Q and then pouncing away to get that extra range was a legitimate strategy to boost her damage
kind of a necro but a similar moba example would be enchantress in dota. she can throw a spear and then teleport to fountain. the spear will do uncapped true damage based on the distance between you and them. but unlike nidalee her spears are a toggle *auto attack* with the same damage as an ult. meaning you can throw 3-5 spears in about a second and then blink away. instant kill every time. but because it's dota this wasn't even meta or OP.
@@sadpee7710 Remember when Hurricane Pike came out, lol? IIRC they capped her damage though.
@@iminer978 lmao
"You will not know strengh until you´re broken" - Urgot
remember old yorick e+w olol
I think Sona's mini re-work where her ult lowered the cooldowns of all her other abilities was pretty nice. 1k damage per rotation, with each rotation being 5 seconds
1k dps every 5, second sounds average
Pre-Season Dark Harvest Karthus. Press R to oneshot everyone or flash into 5 People with E and passive
revive tp Karthus Phatomlord style
We won't mention braum when he came out, his damaged was totally nut and he had more than 55% wr right after release
release yasuo should be an honorable mention. Statik shiv was the only item you needed since his base damage was so high on his q. His ult had double the range of the current ult.
i think u missed draven when he had his old passive the bleed on q or crits literally nightmareish and probably the best adc for soloq since it's release
you forget Draven on release, his passive used to stack DoT like Darius does at this time...
Love the interesting ideas for your videos, it's unique, special and cool. Keep it up dude, and have a great day 👍😊
Thank you Sir Kled!!
I know you put Warwick in here, but when I started playing right after the beta, Warwick was absolutely nuts. His W was global, so you could have 100% kill participation. Plus getting a bloorazor + malady (the first one) stacking made his ult almost a guaranteed kill. Good times
I have a conspiracy theory that you were the one to make tier list popular. You’re league tier lists were so clean I’m sure it motivated people to get ideas.
heart of gold top lane tanks, ap alistar, rumble with bugged Q, DFG teemo, atmog anything, on release vayne, on release noc, on release X
i like that "on release X" like you realized that summing them up would barely make sense xD
also you forgot on release pantheon and mordekaiser
I’ve heard that Twitch in alpha was the most brooken champ ever.
in s2 twitch had about 60 seconds of invisibility,
and nothing could have showed him.
but i do not remember him being trully nutz,
i played ap yi and ap sion sadly those legends are gone.
What about Season 5 Mordekaiser who used to have a 100% winrate at pro plays
22:28 Preach it brother. As someone who used to play Sup back in those early days (season 1 to season 5) intro of sight stone, support items and all the nice stuff we have today was the best for the game. It was a dark time for sups back then.
I was admittedly surprised to not see Pyke in the support list. The dude was a nightmare to balance and play against. All in all, a great list.
Another chill video to watch whilst doing smth else. Keep on doing these if you enjoy it! I love it ♥
Thank you!!!
@@Exil22 Naww we thank you :3
Did you also forget the infamous AD Alistar top with trinity force? META BREAKING 100% BP AD ALISTAR?
Sword of the divine + occult sword rengar on release? 20/0 by 10 minutes with max bone tooth. 500+ AD.
Not even sotd so much as insane base dmg on all his abilities + full stealth ult.
Sword of the divine on zed as second item was a true discovery for me. Rank 1 ult had a dmg burst of a fed zed, though 0 0 0.
Fucking hell i was so sad I got that idea with sword of the divine cause the removed the item only a few weeks later, fucking hell that was so much fun
I keep thinking back to the Zac rework and wonder why he wasn't on the list. After a couple buffs and qol changes he had to get hotfixed and nerfed several times before dropping back down again.
AP Yi used to just sit back, let his team lower enemy health a bit, then kill the entire enemy team with Alpha Strike chains. If he ever failed getting a reset, he could just heal up.
Rework Malz used to be incredibly busted, too. He could literally go any role: top, mid, ADC, support, jungle... didn't matter. While he wasn't always best at some roles he could still at best completely shut down almost any enemy he was fighting and at worst take all your towers while preventing any enemy near him from being effective. Trying to counter pick him was really difficult, since you never knew where he was going to be going. Even if you did try to counter pick, he was probably still going to stomp your lane.
His passive was basically a Banshee's Veil that also reduced damage taken for a few seconds after it was popped. The cooldown on it was so low that you could almost never makes trades with him. Sure, you could pop it ahead of time, but he'd just dip back to his tower and come back with it up in a few seconds. It also hard countered assassins pretty hard, since they usually required all of their skills to burst and they didn't have skills not essential to the burst to bait out the shield. Since he only needed to be in range to drop his voidings and void plague, then retreat, there just wasn't any real counterplay for his shield. Speaking of voidings, they were very strong as well. They allowed him to constantly push down waves/towers while the enemy literally couldn't respond to it except by throwing their entire team at him. 1v1 was pretty much impossible due to his ultimate essentially letting him get 3 seconds of free damage. This could be paired with a mastery that gave movement speed on ultimate use, allowing him to zoom off after a kill or escape a gank. That meant that sending a champion to try to kill a split pushing Malz wasn't going to work, so you needed to send someone to stalemate his push until he gave up or your team got there.
Then there was his damage. While AP did more overall with more of an obvious team fighting presence, AD had a bit more utility and could split push to take down towers stupid fast. The other problem was that you usually weren't sure which he was until after he built his first item after tear, so it was harder to itemize against him.
We are at 09.2019 Sona is strongest adc in the game, prove me wrong.
But she is not...
ADC stands for attack dmg carry
and she doesnt build ad...
APC maybe but either way consider your theory dissproven
Some milenial didn't get a joke.... Sad.
Damn this made me feel so nostalgic
What about twitch ??? The ult and q that made him invisible for 60 seconds
I think Darius for the season 5(?) worlds patch deserves a mention here. He could literally not run out of mana and did crazy damage and healed for that damage. Got like 3 pentakills in that world championship tournament, Balls who at that point was not a very good player got a penta outside of baron pit. Definitely deserving of this list.
The one champion I have consistently feared throughout my years playing league, started in 09, and the one champ I have hated playing against is Katarina. She was one of the few champs to have an instant dash back in the day and my feeble, slow 10 yr old brain could just not track Kata through fights. I straight up sometimes didn't even know she was in a fight until she'd gotten a penta kill because she was just dashing from person to person before pressing R and murdering my entire team. I have no idea if she was that ridiculously strong for other people, but every game I played with a Kata in it was a wash.
"Ryze's 73 rework was the most OP thing"
wait, what about his other 72 iterations?
"they just didn't work" - riot games
AP mid soraka was busted during 2014 LCS
You never faced true hell as a bot laner until you played against support Tariq and prework ap Sion
Not many of the people who faced that hell still play the game anymore RIP
I know that feeling, I played againt brand and reimgar on bot line😔
I remember the old Soraka E when used on ally you give them mana and when used on enemy, you silence them both being point-click😂
10:30 What about Eve before Sunfire's damage passive was turned into a "unique" passive. And stacking Sunfire's was a thing. Invisible death.