Very very very underrated and underappreciated channel, every video is so informative and fun to watch that it's actually amazing that you don't have a lot more subs. Keep it up
@@Exil22 This video is much better than the one you made where you legit cry about Kai'Sa, you really pissed me off there, neglecting the fucking broken Xayah to speak about the at least very hard to play Kai'Sa who is not OP btw, it's like calling vayne op just because of her stupid damage.
@@TheKingQazbatt .. L l . Nnmmm M m mmmnmmnmnmmmnnmnnn nñmnmmnnmmnnnnmmnnnnnn nkmnnnmnnnmnmnmnnm Ñmñmmmmmnnnnmnmnmnnnnmmm nnmmnmmnnnnmnnnn mnnnnnñnnnnnnnnnmnmmmmmnmmnnnnmnnnn nñm nmnñnnnnn Mmñnnñ Nmnnmn Ñmn Nnnn Ñññ Nmnnnn mn lnm ññnnm nnnnnlnmñn Ñmlñññ nlmllmn nññ ññnm Nm nmlmnñ Nn nkln Ññ mm n nnnññññnññ ññnññm Nnñññññ mññ M Ñ mn mn Nñ ñ Ñ Nn N n
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A Kass ruined my game recently, I was a pretty fed Warwick and he was constantly backdooring to waste our time and pick us off since he was the most fed, however I would chase him down and kill him the majority of the time without interference from his teammates. Eventually they won, I think the cdr on his ulti need to be nerfed more. If you're half-healthed and being chased by a WW, you shouldn't live long when you're alone.
Anonymous Alex no not really bc his kit is designed that way. It’s your team’s fault for not ending the game quickly against a kass or a vlad. Or if u can’t bc half your team is mid late game then u had a crappy comp
Yeah and because kassadin took the spotlight of being busted af i managed to climbed all the way to diamond using soraka mid which was more busted than kassadin in my opinion since she just won't die back then seriously she can self sustain without using flask back then and her silence e ability was a point and click ability that not only gives her mana yes you heard that right she could give herself mana for free the ability also deals magic penetration and with her old star call that literally reduced the enemies Magic resist that stacked 10 times all soraka had to do was hit you with an AOE starcall 5 times then spam her E point and click at you then you die btw it also silence you idk why but damn i thank kassadin for taking spotlight cause i climbed the ranks s wasy back then with AP yi and Mid soraka
Yea didn’t even matter if he was brain dead all he needed was one good fight and it was gg, needless to say I got reported and learned how broke he was
@@azeva01 yeah, and he has 53% and he never get lower to 52% in the last 1/2 years. Just because he has 0.35% pick rate (lowest in the game) and just real Aurelio main pick him, not casual players. Still one of the weirdest but still cool concept champ they've ever made.
It's worth remembering that some of the strongest midlaners of the time were: Gragas, Orianna, and LeBlanc. All magic damage, vulnerable to silence. Kass was SS tier and countered the S tier. Not even a level 6 LeBlanc (who also had a silence back then!) could out-trade this monster. He'd sit out of range, riftwalk into range, Q, E and walk away. Nothing you could do. Some of my worst nightmares are S3 midlane league.
Gabriella real shit, I remember just turning 18, never knowing what moba’s were. All I did was wrestle, box, occasionally soccer. Got into shooters and shit, friend hit me up with dota, way too fucking hard. Then we did league, renekton was free week, first champ I picked. I thought I could fight whenever and dive towers and etc. I was new and didn’t know! Got the hang of the game and came into the world of ranked. Kassadin, Kassadin, Kassadin, Kassadin, Kassadin, Kassadin, Kassadin, Kassadin. “Yo Kane ban Kassadin” Ban kass! Ban kass! Ban kass! Ban kass! I started learning and catching on, mother fucker was broken, he went full crazy in normal games.
Dude its not that great in my opinion,he is just pointig out the same shit with diffrent words all the time.I agree there is nothing so much to say,but it should have last no more than 10 mins.
Man I feel you. I used to play a lot of support, and I actually kinda liked it. All you needed to do was just buy a fuckton of wards to put everywhere, maybe an aura item or two. Vision was massive, and in lower elos nobody put a lot of attention to that, so just remembering wards exist gave you massive advantage.
@@iforgot8376 back then there was no draft mode, even for ranked. The “autofill” was your pc loading the client slower than other peoples so you didnt get to call your role in time. This led to many AFK’s, trolls, people who would just run it down mid and go 0/30. saw this happen once, but his team won bc my team was too stupid to realize that they can’t outrun an udyr and they chased him literally across the whole map while his team took our base. I told them they’re morons for chasing for over a minute FOR AN UDYR WORTH LESS THAN A MINION
Funny, because the old champion select is why I got to Plat three years in a row as a mid lane main and why now I can't get out of Gold 4 despite not being any worse of a mid laner than I was back then. Why? Because now I *have* to play every third game in a different role and that's after accounting for the two "free" dodges a day I get. Before Role Select was added, I only ever played support in 2% of matches _(a few years back I counted all ranked matches before Role Select was added, so it's a fact, not a random number)_ and never played ADC, top or jungle unless I felt like it, because I could simply talk down people into letting me mid, even as last pick. Nowadays people don't communicate for shit in the champion select, so there are days where I don't play a single match, because the third dodge is a 12 hour ban.
@@phoenixflamegames1 true, she has literally everything Mixed dmg Can build AD or AP depending on matchups scales incredibly well has relatively safe lane with good kill threat has waveclear low cd q with crazy dmg on isolated champs has long range poke that can kinda be used as blue trinket has as steroid has movespeed steroid has stealth (not camouflage) has ryze ult range engage with big ass shield on it that can be used to reposition in a fight or even as an escape tool did i forget sth?
It's actually why I switched from a mid main to a support main back in season 4 or 5. Everyone wanted mid and no one wanted support so I decided to just play support.
Oh man. My thoughts exactly. I used to play a lot of League back then, and 9 out of 10 times, if you were last pick... then you had to support. Like "jimai808" above me, I went from a mid main, to basically being a supporting king. I became quite proficient at playing Thresh during S4
This in combination with how the runes & masteries were applied is the reason I didn't play this game almost at all until season 6, and didn't play consistently until season 8.
@@1110100110 To be honest, I'd much rather have the old runes and masteries. Much easier to get a grip on the stats you got from them. And you could tailor them to the specific champion you wanted to play, in whatever role you desired. Not having a general page for a multitude of champions, like the current setup is. A shame that you had to be at least level 20 to access the tier 3 runes though. If they kept the old formula, but removed the level cap, and IP cost on the runes, the system would have worked out way better than it did
What do you Guys have with garen? I dont feel Like He is much Stronger than before. Its pretty much the Same without the villain mechanic but with a Bit more dmg in Return...
@@marvinabt4964 His spin gains 1 tick per 25% attack speed, and now procs on hit effects with EVERY tick. Try a game on Garen with BotRK, Hydra, Wit's End, and Guinsoo's and tell me he isn't disgustingly broken.
I started playing League back in June or July 2012. Kassadin was like Pandora's Box. As soon as someone got their hands on him, the apocalypse began. I quit League somewhere around April 2013 without ever getting to play Kassadin in a ranked game. I always just banned him. Back in August 2019 I decided to go back to LoL and the first thing I asked my brother who never stopped playing the game was 'Is banning Kassadin still a thing?' The video itself is a piece of art to those who love the game and still remember the days when you were almost able to count the pixels in Summoner's Rift. Thank you.
Singularity1 nah I ban kassadin whenever I go mid. I don’t even know how to deal with him at this point. My team doesn’t really know how to end the game and I can’t end it myself as I play control mages
@@thuytran-vg5vz pick yasuo. He's a great kassadin counterpick if you know how to use him. It forces him to go seekers first instead of a pure AP item. Almost any AD mid would be a bad matchup for him. Talon also wrecks him in lane. Idk man, I'm a GP main and I love facing Kassadin in mid because it's a free lane.
@@renzdarrylmanangat6942 I'm a EZ main and if he has a bad start he's shit and is one of the hardest adc to get back into the game if you feed because of his poor wave clear, even Vayne at least can do a well placed stun and shit on tanks with her passive with one AS item in team fights. The reason EZ is good is because he's the safest High risk High reward adc that has a good mobility.
Dude my first ranked game back then I got first pick they told me to “ban kass” In my brain I had never even seen him. So I banned Cassiopeia. They were pissed.
yeah I had to smile at that one too ^^ hit way too close to home... something I had back in the day too wich now bnever happens was people telling other to return their skins if they did poorly xD
supermonkeyyyyyy Exil is actually wrong. The first pick player was actually the person with the highest Elo on the team and last pick had the lowest. So it pretty much meant your mmr was so high back then that you were placed into higher elo games where you had the lowest elo in the team.
The same here. I was a support main for season 4-5 (when I started), bc my then-girlfriend was an ADC main. After that, I stayed Thresh/Leona main for a while (at least in ranked) bc I knew I was relatively good, and I could always get the role I wanted. (especially after the draft pick changes when I could have a game in like 30 seconds putting Support as my primary.
i still can't get adjusted to everything that's "new" in League even though it's been so many years already. All the new interface is just weird for me.
In Season 4, before Kassadin got reworked, I could play him 4 times in my 10 placement matches. I still tell this story to my friends. 95% ban rate and I got him in 40% of my placement matches. I will never forget that.
Can you do a video about Pyke and Yuumi? their kits, why are they problematic, how do they compare to within the current standards etc, I would love to see something like that.
@@enablingbuzz1662 yeah, I wish Riot would change Null Sphere with its silence back but its gonna be a skill shot instead of going directly into a target
@@endbosseleven8907 I would love at least some kind of mage who's bread and butter harras ability had a silence on it but with a medium range at best. Playing ultra safe as any mage into any assassin is just boring. Every matchup consisting of those 2 types of champs becomes the same thing. When I first looked at Viktor's kit I thought maybe he would be more interesting to play vs like a Yasuo or Talon but nope, Shield's too small and the main focus of the ability is the damage.
Kayn isn't so bad. He's very mobile, but not too durable unless he goes for Rhaast. Cho'gath tears him apart, roots obliterate him, and he can't do anything unless he gets close to you, so he's stuck against champions like Kalista who can attack while running away from him.
Late to this but you can actually get Kayn off the walls with CC or if an ADC aa'd him before he goes up the wall. I know because I'm a bad main and always get countered lol.
A reminder that, with 40% cdr, kassadin’s riftwalk had a 2.4 second cool down. This is already really good, but it becomes even more insane when you remember that his Q had a 2.6 second silence. This means that 40% cdr Kassadin could legitimately ult on top of you, silence you, use his w auto reset and force pulse, and then riftwalk away from you all before you could cast a single spell. I only got to do this a couple times before kassadin was heavily changed, but to this day I have never felt that level of power in league, even if better champions have existed throughout history.
@@ogRockets yes it is games that someone dodges or private games that are left are not countet as played but the banns count as banned in the ban rate. Hope that makes sense to you
Kassadin is the kind of champion that if you give him the "right buff" he breaks the game. But these days new released champions are not that far from that kassadin
Ahhh I didn't remember about that one! It was super annoying, like the LeBlanc monster that hd the insane damage bug and used to root you for 25 seconds.
That's the stage Video Games are at now. League of Legends is a game that's been played for so many years that it's a sport with a history of tyrants and various important battles and events.
No no no, this was a documentary of the Tianmen Square massacre, starring Kassadin as the army of tanks and soldiers, and everyone else as the Chinese people.
I know a funny story about S3 Kassawin. The story is the experience of a friend of mine. One ranked game, the dream happened - Kassadin was let through the ban phase. My friend, who would then be somewhere around Diamond (so considered pretty good at the game and eventually reached Challenger later on) had been the chosen one and picked him. He hadn't played the champion in so long (due to the obvious reason) and wasn't generally a Kassadin player even before the 95% ban rate so saying he was rusty on the champion is an understatement. But he was playing Kassawin, right? It's like Riot sending you a button with the message "click here to collect your free LP"! Anyway. The game starts. Mid vs Kassadin? Taric. Well, if it hadn't been freelo before, now it sure was! My friend didn't go into details on how exactly the match up went because he doesn't remember, but what he does remember is Taric solo killing him 7 times. That's right. 0/7 Kassadin mid in Season 3. Worse than Brazil 1 - 7 Germany in the 2014 FIFA World Cup (not that Brazil was the favourite to win anyway). And again, he wasn't some bronze player that didn't know the first rule of League (which is to not chase Signed, if any of you guys have forgotten) but far from that. His teammates had proceeded to flame the living shit out of him. Just imagine the combination of losing on S3 Kassadin + doing so solo vs Taric mid + EUW server. I'm pretty sure if they knew his identity he'd be put on a WANTED list. He had been so embarrassed he had to leave the game after the 7th death. And that's the story of one of the few losses of S3 Kassawin.
Sounds like your friend didn't know what scaling was... doesn't really matter how many times u die if you get to late game in Kass. And it ain't like taric is gonna solo carry any team.
@@petergeramin7195 I can't recall if it was for a skin or not, but for a long time, the model for the void blade he has on his arm was actually backwards.
This is probably my favorite Exil video ever. Details galore about the most ridiculously overpowered champion since beta Jax or release xin zao or Leblanc, except this was well into the games life and it lasted for a while. Learning about it and watching it again is always a treat
I remember back in the day I had a friend that would play Kass all the time, he built Tear of the Goddess and ran teleport. He would sit in base stacking up riftwalks until he would nearly consume his whole mana pool in one cast, then he'd teleport in and one shot supports and carries. It was the funniest shit.
@@The_Gronne I was lucky enough to get him in soloq when I started playing ranked first time ever. No idea how he wasn't banned but I started to like him and got from bronze to platinum 5 in less than a week looolll
"you were more likely to win the lottery than see Kassadin not get banned." Wait, I have a 1 in 20 chance to win the lottery? Why the hell am I wasting my time with this stupid job!
95% ban, plus the fact that other player want it, so that around 1/5 chance, and when the enemy realise you got kass they might just dodge cuz they dont want a free loose.
@@dominiklapierre7114 i mean, if you want to be pedantic, sure. But even then, the odds are significantly above winning the lottery, as his wording wasn't to play as Kassadin, but to see him in a game. And considering these stats are on completed games, lobby dodging is not a factor.
@@link670 Not really, is a 1/10 in a 5% that's a 0'5%, also they can dodge, if we talk about a 10% chance of you actually playing in that scenario you get a 0'05% chance, still higher than lottery? Yes, but actually no, that would be 2000 games aproximately and I don't think you play 2000 games per patch, even considering that you can play that, if you did the same in lottery and tried in all kinds of lottery you would win at least once, but if you play 2000 times it's uncertain if you would either play it or not
@@adir3376 where is the 1/10 coming from? As I've said before, the wording was to see him, not to play as him. Work on reading comprehension before you try to dunk on people on the internet. Oh, and if you think you only need to buy 2000 lottery tickets to guarantee victory, you clearly haven't checked the actual odds.
Exil even with that, the worst champion based on win rate was Azir, if I’m not wrong. He had like 20 percent win rate, and riot buffed him literally every patch after his release
@@support_eu6397 Not quite true. Azir's sand soldiers used to have a bigger radius where they could attack, and they would stay beneath turrets just the same.
@@support_eu6397 lol i dont remember azir getting many buffs it was more of bug fixes and people starting to actually understand the champion because he was so unique
you really should've included that clip where LMQ tries to sneak a baron and voyboy on kassawin arrives 1v3 completely alone and all 3 of them immediately flash out of the baron pit and run
"There was a time when your chances of Winning the Lottery, were higher than your chances of locking in Kassadin." Yeah Im not so sure the Math would agree on that.
He says "let's do the math" and then he breaks out all the numbers, but then doesn't do ANY math, and then says "so after all that it is PROBABLY higher than winning the lottery" Also had issue with him saying, "no one could ever practice him," as if blind pick didn't exist. I have a lot of problems with the way this "documentary" was presented but then I realize this is just an amateur dude making youtube videos so I shouldn't have such high standards.
@@enablingbuzz1662 The lottery, say, a 3 number pick of 0-9, has only 1000 combinations. You could win that, but when people make the comparison to winning the lottery they almost always mean something like, the powerball, which is 6 numbers from 1-60, meaning 1 in 13,983,816. techinically I think powerball is higher because 1 of the 6 numbers has to match the powerball number exactly. So 0.0019% or 1/1000 games vs 1/14,000,000 doesn't really match up.
This literally might be one of the best RUclips videos I’ve ever seen in my life! It felt like a mini-movie or mini-documentary. The build up using the whole transformation of Kassadin, the use of music, a lot of information without it getting bored just a single second. It felt not only very professional, it felt like a whole entire team put all their effort into it. I genuinely loved this video. From start to finish you exactly knew at which point in time you were and what Kassadin was like. It’s just incredible. This is what League should be about. The game and the content created around it. This is just absolutely awesome!!!
I also remember that back in the days next to kassadin you would also always pick/ban fizz and that he was also consider kind of an instant win. That nice feeling of nostalgia :D
Holy shit! It gives me PTSD. 600 or so range flash every 3 seconds, silence and abysmal damage. Having him in the team was guaranteed win. And he was untouched in that state for several months.
Remember when LB had silence on her q and was completly broken? Also old veigar with instant cage and his old ult with one-shot ability to carrys with 100% health
@@Infiltator2 It's not really a dodge. If you're inside your teammates are sitting ducks for potentially 5 seconds, especially if they have displacement of some form. It's like an aoe snare unless everyone has flash up.
I started League back in mid season 2 and picked up Kassadin in early season 3 back before it was picked in LCS and seemed OP It was probably the best and most successful time I ever had in league, farming safe till lvl 6 and almost oneshotting everything after. Kassadin allowed me to climb from bronze end of season to plat 1 in like 4 months After Kassadin was picked in LCS and became a must ban in those games, it was banned in like 90% of ranked games and first picked in the other ones so I was forced to play a different champ... good times
Billy Sr. Mick Well Perma's been playing a mere shadow of his former glory and is still consistently hitting high elo so I guess he'll just stomp harder.
The mana stealing was also on an item at one point. Also for op, I’ve been playing since a little after beta and I’d say release Xin was pretty terrible. LeBlanc has some awful times too.
I'm curious as to the math. So you had a 10% chance of being "First pick", which was the only situation you could get Kassadin. You then factor in the fact that he was banned in 95% of games-assuming that carries over cleanly that means you had a 0.05% chance of being able to play Kassadin, not factoring in dodges. *You would get to play Kassadin in one out of two thousand games (2,000)......if dodging was disabled.*
I remember playing ranked once in season 3, never really playing ranked. Also never really played mid, more of a jungle/support. I got first pick, and there was no Kass ban. I got to play him during his peak. And I lost to a Ryze. Probably the most memorable game of League I'll ever play tho.
I started playing in Season 2. I remember NEVER played Kassadin. He was open, I was 1st pick; I picked Kassadin. I dominated with Kassadin. It was insane. Even in my bumbling hands, the champ was broken. The enemy team was raging in chat, and for good reason. His kit was easy to play, and all you had to do was play somewhat smart.
Hey something else that was actually really important in nerfing him was the addition of his Q drawing minion aggro when used on a champion. I can't remember what patch it was but it did screw with his laning phase quite a bit. He used to be able to just spam Q while standing in a wave securing melees and not have to worry about caster minion autos, or messing up his wave management.
I started maining Kassawin when he got reworked, I didn't really played him before (too many bans lol) but I think trading the range for no-cooldown ulti was a great idea because it makes him more balanced, weaker in the early game where you can still chase him, and stonger during the late game when you one shot everyone with just pressing R. Still my favourite champion today and almost 40% of my games are played with him. Thanks for the video !
I really want to thank you for the amount of effort you seem to put into your videos. The content you create is full with information which is exciting to learn about! We hope that this output of quality will sustain. Much appreciation from not only me, but your whole community!
11:37 song is "A Monster" by Waveshaper from the Furi soundtrack. Great song, better game would highly recommend if you like boss battles and music like this.
And is just perfect to talk about Kassadin at the moment in the video, seeing just how busted he was in the patch. In essences, he was a true “Monster” during this time.
I actually started playing around the beginning of season 3, and only started playing seriously later on, after Kassadin became a monster. He was ALWAYS banned, so I didn't even know what he did. I thought it was just a meme at the time, he couldn't possibly be as good as people say, right? I tried him once in a custom game and started banning him immediately.
9:59 I saw that in live back in the day. That made me main Kassadin for a long time. Back then I had just got to lvl 30 and was starting my ranked games... Good ol' times
18:07 97% ban rate is not a record. After Sejuani's, Zac's and Maokai's rework, Zac had a peak banrate of about 120%. Of course, this could only happen because the bans on both teams are simultaneous now :)
"He's probably one of the most balanced champions in the game"....Ah, so that's why this game is so incredibly IMBA right now, because Kassadin of all champions is perceived as being balanced.
I remember after a long grind I my first diamond promo season 4, I lost it 3-1, my only win was a Kassadin game, I went 26-1 in lol. I miss the silence.
haha, I remember the good old days of "haha Kassadin was picked, want me to camp mid?" I was a Jarvan Jungle main since S2. When Kass made it into a game on the enemy side, I just told the team "our fault we didn't ban him. Going to camp mid all game, sorry but you guys have to manage" and I would hard leash red, *immediately* head into the bush and suicide-dive bomb the lad. Even if I didn't get the kill, so long as I didn't die and he was forced to back, I had considered it a victory. I would then get blue, and wraiths (ahh good old wraith camp) and immediately run back into the same bush, gank, head to wolves, gank from other bush, ward dragon, re, get red, gank again. If our team got Kass, my job was to protect our Kass so I camped the lane yet again, either acting as counter jungler, or helping kass securing the kill, not even hesitating to offer up the kill to our oh-so-over-powered-god. In ranked S3, he was picked once on my team, and once on the enemy out of the ~300 games I played. We won completely when he was on our team, when he was on the enemy team, we didn't fair badly and I *did* shutdown Kass, but then he just abandoned mid, ganked bot, ez 2 kills, and the rest of the game was my entire team having an average kda of 5/3/7 while the entire enemy team was something like 1/4/2 and a Kassadin with 16/8/0. He literally put the team on his back and barely scraped out a victory.
Very very very underrated and underappreciated channel, every video is so informative and fun to watch that it's actually amazing that you don't have a lot more subs. Keep it up
Thank you very much!!! Just want to keep producing great content
@@Exil22 well he is right
You gained a new suscriber
@@kenkaneki1911 thank you!!!
@@Exil22 no problem ma friend
@@Exil22 This video is much better than the one you made where you legit cry about Kai'Sa, you really pissed me off there, neglecting the fucking broken Xayah to speak about the at least very hard to play Kai'Sa who is not OP btw, it's like calling vayne op just because of her stupid damage.
"all 10 players in champion select were kassadin mains if he was open" favourite part
The only time I stopped maining something cuz it got buffed lol
Sir CoCoNUT lmaoo
@@Fireballun when it is so strong you expect to not be able to play it you gotta have a strong second and third choice so i get it
Mñ ñ
. B tr.ipotioegdpofdeodtp
@@NargiKyrad thanks
Mage: Trying to get some farm peacefully
Kassadin: *Piano starts playing*
I smell jojo
I like how you don't even mention what song, but we all understand the joke
@@wanimerso1667 ye
I, Kassadin, have a dream, to get my daughter back
“He was Nerfed into a unplayable status and still banned for 3 months after because people just didn’t know who to ban”
- Silbzy - still banning him nowdays. Never seen him ingame except arams or so.
@@youtubecommentsguy9805 lol i only play him mid
Professional RUclips Comments Guy he is still so very fucking strong never going down below A tier
A Kass ruined my game recently, I was a pretty fed Warwick and he was constantly backdooring to waste our time and pick us off since he was the most fed, however I would chase him down and kill him the majority of the time without interference from his teammates. Eventually they won, I think the cdr on his ulti need to be nerfed more. If you're half-healthed and being chased by a WW, you shouldn't live long when you're alone.
Anonymous Alex no not really bc his kit is designed that way. It’s your team’s fault for not ending the game quickly against a kass or a vlad. Or if u can’t bc half your team is mid late game then u had a crappy comp
Even though he had a 98% banrate, his playrate was probably still higher than Iverns playrate right now
Who is ivern dude?
I think it's a nickname for Maokai
@@DiIIiam and who's maokai ? new champ ?
Bruh, you were reported at the end of the game if you didn't ban kassadin as "helping the enemy team" or "intentionally feeding"...
this is an underated comment peopl dont remember these times
Yeah and because kassadin took the spotlight of being busted af i managed to climbed all the way to diamond using soraka mid which was more busted than kassadin in my opinion since she just won't die back then seriously she can self sustain without using flask back then and her silence e ability was a point and click ability that not only gives her mana yes you heard that right she could give herself mana for free the ability also deals magic penetration and with her old star call that literally reduced the enemies Magic resist that stacked 10 times all soraka had to do was hit you with an AOE starcall 5 times then spam her E point and click at you then you die btw it also silence you idk why but damn i thank kassadin for taking spotlight cause i climbed the ranks s wasy back then with AP yi and Mid soraka
Now you made me remember AP yi xD it was my first Pentakill
Yea didn’t even matter if he was brain dead all he needed was one good fight and it was gg, needless to say I got reported and learned how broke he was
"new kassadin is good against aurelion sol matchup"
well good luck finding aurelion in league xD
that is like finding a ivern-ziggs botlane
ive seen more aurelion sol jgs than mids.
@@azeva01 yeah, and he has 53% and he never get lower to 52% in the last 1/2 years. Just because he has 0.35% pick rate (lowest in the game) and just real Aurelio main pick him, not casual players. Still one of the weirdest but still cool concept champ they've ever made.
@Gennaro Grimaldi hes so underrated, I really miss more people played him :(
@@azeva01 well; he isnt a samurai with dashes, so...
It's worth remembering that some of the strongest midlaners of the time were: Gragas, Orianna, and LeBlanc. All magic damage, vulnerable to silence. Kass was SS tier and countered the S tier. Not even a level 6 LeBlanc (who also had a silence back then!) could out-trade this monster. He'd sit out of range, riftwalk into range, Q, E and walk away. Nothing you could do. Some of my worst nightmares are S3 midlane league.
Absolutely. Definitely made it very hard to pick a true counter cause he does well into all of them
Gabriella real shit, I remember just turning 18, never knowing what moba’s were.
All I did was wrestle, box, occasionally soccer.
Got into shooters and shit, friend hit me up with dota, way too fucking hard.
Then we did league, renekton was free week, first champ I picked.
I thought I could fight whenever and dive towers and etc. I was new and didn’t know!
Got the hang of the game and came into the world of ranked.
Kassadin, Kassadin, Kassadin, Kassadin, Kassadin, Kassadin, Kassadin, Kassadin.
“Yo Kane ban Kassadin”
Ban kass! Ban kass! Ban kass! Ban kass!
I started learning and catching on, mother fucker was broken, he went full crazy in normal games.
Pretty much the midlane version of Gangplank.
Kane Citicani thank you for that....moving life story.
i remember too many kha mids in s3
Everyone talking about Kassadin, nobody talking about how high quality this video is
Thank you!!
Perfect profile pic for a perfect match :)
Dude its not that great in my opinion,he is just pointig out the same shit with diffrent words all the time.I agree there is nothing so much to say,but it should have last no more than 10 mins.
Dinko Dragnev welcome to documentaries
The older champ selection is the one true culprit of me being a support main even to this day.
Man I feel you. I used to play a lot of support, and I actually kinda liked it. All you needed to do was just buy a fuckton of wards to put everywhere, maybe an aura item or two.
Vision was massive, and in lower elos nobody put a lot of attention to that, so just remembering wards exist gave you massive advantage.
member the invisible pink ward and the tine when dragons just gave you gold
Yeah. You get autofilled into support and oh now I'm a support main I guess.
@@iforgot8376 back then there was no draft mode, even for ranked. The “autofill” was your pc loading the client slower than other peoples so you didnt get to call your role in time. This led to many AFK’s, trolls, people who would just run it down mid and go 0/30. saw this happen once, but his team won bc my team was too stupid to realize that they can’t outrun an udyr and they chased him literally across the whole map while his team took our base. I told them they’re morons for chasing for over a minute FOR AN UDYR WORTH LESS THAN A MINION
Funny, because the old champion select is why I got to Plat three years in a row as a mid lane main and why now I can't get out of Gold 4 despite not being any worse of a mid laner than I was back then.
Why? Because now I *have* to play every third game in a different role and that's after accounting for the two "free" dodges a day I get.
Before Role Select was added, I only ever played support in 2% of matches _(a few years back I counted all ranked matches before Role Select was added, so it's a fact, not a random number)_ and never played ADC, top or jungle unless I felt like it, because I could simply talk down people into letting me mid, even as last pick. Nowadays people don't communicate for shit in the champion select, so there are days where I don't play a single match, because the third dodge is a 12 hour ban.
Kai'sa: That's my daddy right there everyone.
She learned well, this family only have balance nightmares
Adriano de Souza Ramos agreed her kit is so overloaded holy
@@phoenixflamegames1 true, she has literally everything
Mixed dmg
Can build AD or AP depending on matchups
scales incredibly well
has relatively safe lane with good kill threat
has waveclear low cd q with crazy dmg on isolated champs
has long range poke that can kinda be used as blue trinket
has as steroid
has movespeed steroid
has stealth (not camouflage)
has ryze ult range engage with big ass shield on it
that can be used to reposition in a fight or even as an escape tool
did i forget sth?
@@exec_rigveda8299 men, I dont wana see her mom.
@@falkfink Like Father like Daughter I guess.
"If you were last were support" the most accurate line ever
It's actually why I switched from a mid main to a support main back in season 4 or 5. Everyone wanted mid and no one wanted support so I decided to just play support.
Oh man. My thoughts exactly.
I used to play a lot of League back then, and 9 out of 10 times, if you were last pick... then you had to support.
Like "jimai808" above me, I went from a mid main, to basically being a supporting king. I became quite proficient at playing Thresh during S4
This in combination with how the runes & masteries were applied is the reason I didn't play this game almost at all until season 6, and didn't play consistently until season 8.
@@1110100110 To be honest, I'd much rather have the old runes and masteries. Much easier to get a grip on the stats you got from them.
And you could tailor them to the specific champion you wanted to play, in whatever role you desired. Not having a general page for a multitude of champions, like the current setup is.
A shame that you had to be at least level 20 to access the tier 3 runes though. If they kept the old formula, but removed the level cap, and IP cost on the runes, the system would have worked out way better than it did
“All 10 players in champion select were Kassadin mains if he’s open.” LMAO never seen a more true statement.
Exil: "It just seems like we would know better than this in today's game"
Me: *Gestures furiously at 9.20 Garen*
Baku Haku 9.20? Isn’t it 9.19?
What do you Guys have with garen? I dont feel Like He is much Stronger than before. Its pretty much the Same without the villain mechanic but with a Bit more dmg in Return...
@@marvinabt4964 His spin gains 1 tick per 25% attack speed, and now procs on hit effects with EVERY tick.
Try a game on Garen with BotRK, Hydra, Wit's End, and Guinsoo's and tell me he isn't disgustingly broken.
@@bakuhakudraws5603 it doesnt apply on hit effects as far as i know.
Kassadin : loosing mid lane
- hit lv 6. get ult
- Giorno Piano theme start playing
Relatable. This is me in pretty much every game (I'm Kassawin main) 😂
I started playing League back in June or July 2012. Kassadin was like Pandora's Box. As soon as someone got their hands on him, the apocalypse began. I quit League somewhere around April 2013 without ever getting to play Kassadin in a ranked game. I always just banned him. Back in August 2019 I decided to go back to LoL and the first thing I asked my brother who never stopped playing the game was 'Is banning Kassadin still a thing?'
The video itself is a piece of art to those who love the game and still remember the days when you were almost able to count the pixels in Summoner's Rift.
Thank you.
U can still ban him if u want to the man is still roaming around s tier and a tier
Still a good pick into azir. If someone bans Kassadin it's almost guaranteed that someone is picking Azir.
Singularity1 nah I ban kassadin whenever I go mid. I don’t even know how to deal with him at this point. My team doesn’t really know how to end the game and I can’t end it myself as I play control mages
@@thuytran-vg5vz pick yasuo. He's a great kassadin counterpick if you know how to use him. It forces him to go seekers first instead of a pure AP item. Almost any AD mid would be a bad matchup for him. Talon also wrecks him in lane. Idk man, I'm a GP main and I love facing Kassadin in mid because it's a free lane.
@@thuytran-vg5vz 1q
I remember the days after kassadins rework, everyone talking about how he went from 1 v 5 to being a caster minion with flash included
Rift walk to rift limp
Rift walk to Rift run to Rift marathon to Rift polio
@@takumifujiwara300 RiftHop
Oh so this is why kaisa is the strongest adc, she inherited it from her father
It runs in the family
Xayah is more strong than kaisa my boi
@@Arutairuak words of someone who knows not the power of kaisa
*Ezreal entered the chat*
@@renzdarrylmanangat6942 I'm a EZ main and if he has a bad start he's shit and is one of the hardest adc to get back into the game if you feed because of his poor wave clear, even Vayne at least can do a well placed stun and shit on tanks with her passive with one AS item in team fights. The reason EZ is good is because he's the safest High risk High reward adc that has a good mobility.
*Forgets to ban Kassadin back then*
Teammates: "This is why you're hardstuck iron"
bronze not iron but true hahah
More like this is why you can't get out of bronze V
iron didnt exist bruh
back then only one guy had bans (each team had 3 total), if that player didn't ban kassadin on red then you would straight up report him.
Dude my first ranked game back then I got first pick they told me to “ban kass”
In my brain I had never even seen him. So I banned Cassiopeia.
They were pissed.
"you know what autofill was back then, last pick, when you're last pick you're support" ahahaha that's so true it's the reason I'm a support main
yeah I had to smile at that one too ^^ hit way too close to home... something I had back in the day too wich now bnever happens was people telling other to return their skins if they did poorly xD
First time i hit gold was by playing soraka all games cuz I was too afraid to pick anything else back in s3
Same 😂
supermonkeyyyyyy Exil is actually wrong. The first pick player was actually the person with the highest Elo on the team and last pick had the lowest. So it pretty much meant your mmr was so high back then that you were placed into higher elo games where you had the lowest elo in the team.
The same here. I was a support main for season 4-5 (when I started), bc my then-girlfriend was an ADC main. After that, I stayed Thresh/Leona main for a while (at least in ranked) bc I knew I was relatively good, and I could always get the role I wanted. (especially after the draft pick changes when I could have a game in like 30 seconds putting Support as my primary.
kassadin even has a line "The balance of power must be preserved" hahahhaha
Old Akali: "Balance in all things" or my favorite: "So many noobs, will matchmaking ever find true balance?"
@@PsychoDiesel48 you are dead, I'm alive, see? Balance
@@BRAZILIAN_MIKU love that one too ;)
19:20 the nostalgia that hit me seeing the old champion select was almost overwhelming!
I liked the old akali.
i still can't get adjusted to everything that's "new" in League even though it's been so many years already. All the new interface is just weird for me.
when I clicked on this video i didnt really plan to sit through all of it. Great video, very captivating.
Wow thank you!!
@@Exil22 Actually since watching this, I've watched 10 of your other videos, and they're all amazing. Keep doing what you're doing, man.
Huh Kassadin is older than the average Fortnite player
Wow, how original
@@frankhorrigan1508 it was original though
@@JLLullaby I´ve seen a similar comment under the garen video though...
@@JLLullaby ive seen nearly that exact comment under like 4 movie reviews and like at least 10 times in minecraft videos
Edit: added nearly
In Season 4, before Kassadin got reworked, I could play him 4 times in my 10 placement matches. I still tell this story to my friends. 95% ban rate and I got him in 40% of my placement matches. I will never forget that.
Bro won the lottery four times
Enemy team: Picks kassadin
My team: why do i hear boss music
Hope you guys enjoyed the history of kassadin and a little of a story of one of the most important times in league of legends history!
Exil thank you for spoiler 😂
It is nice to see Kai'sa follow her fathers footseps :'-)
Can you do a video about Pyke and Yuumi? their kits, why are they problematic, how do they compare to within the current standards etc, I would love to see something like that.
I feel like you should do a little mini update on Garen. Just an idea
see my profile pic and guess if I enjoyed this video :)
15:43 This means that Rengar might jump on you but can't throw Ebola
So that's how I keep dying to him. Now it's finally clear.
"All 10 players were kassadin mains if he was left open"
Edit: Holy shit thanks for the 1k
Who Fed Vlad Even the egirl picked kassadin if it was open
@@alexderek5233 star guardian kass incoming ? Ahahah
@@Definesleep938 We got something close, but it's something close
i posted a sentence from the video... edit: hOly sHIt ThANkS foR tEh 1k
@@theperserker imagine being salty 5 months after it happens
I will always miss his yell, saying
"I tried to silence my mother once, Boy do I regret that!" Used to make sense :(
@@enablingbuzz1662 yeah, I wish Riot would change Null Sphere with its silence back but its gonna be a skill shot instead of going directly into a target
@@endbosseleven8907 I would love at least some kind of mage who's bread and butter harras ability had a silence on it but with a medium range at best. Playing ultra safe as any mage into any assassin is just boring. Every matchup consisting of those 2 types of champs becomes the same thing. When I first looked at Viktor's kit I thought maybe he would be more interesting to play vs like a Yasuo or Talon but nope, Shield's too small and the main focus of the ability is the damage.
@@endbosseleven8907 maybe like a taric e, only hitting one though
End Boss Eleven like current Rengar’s E? sure, why not lol
"Insane mobility" now we have kayn who casualy go trought walls
He still wouldn't be able to chase down kassadin simply because of the coold on his E and Q AND because kassadin R is instant and on a very low cd.
the range and cd of kassawin;'s ult is OP
I ban kayne every time. Op as fuck with that wall walk sht
Kayn isn't so bad.
He's very mobile, but not too durable unless he goes for Rhaast.
Cho'gath tears him apart, roots obliterate him, and he can't do anything unless he gets close to you, so he's stuck against champions like Kalista who can attack while running away from him.
Late to this but you can actually get Kayn off the walls with CC or if an ADC aa'd him before he goes up the wall. I know because I'm a bad main and always get countered lol.
When we are 80 years old we will pass down the stories of Darth Kassadin the Wise. And how he fell.
CJ indent well he didn’t really fall just get demoted from god mode to the guy who never goes below a tier mode
I remember this champ was so nuts I actually have a screenshot saved to my hard drive somewhere of Kass not being pick banned in season 4.
Logan Michelin Was it a massacre?
Kbye Bleha his pc probably broke down for finishing that game
god.. i can't believe I was in my senior year of high school when kass was op. and now it turns into history. time really flies.
Don't forget the 100%banrate that ornn's third skin has
Xerath skins must have a 200% banrate then
Oorn has a second skin?
Now that is a good joke.
A reminder that, with 40% cdr, kassadin’s riftwalk had a 2.4 second cool down. This is already really good, but it becomes even more insane when you remember that his Q had a 2.6 second silence. This means that 40% cdr Kassadin could legitimately ult on top of you, silence you, use his w auto reset and force pulse, and then riftwalk away from you all before you could cast a single spell. I only got to do this a couple times before kassadin was heavily changed, but to this day I have never felt that level of power in league, even if better champions have existed throughout history.
And now kai'sa is trying to carry on his legacy
tru idk why she is banned so rarely during worlds, she nearly never disappoints
Doesnt Pantheon have a 100% ban rate in worlds rn?
@@acedog7420 Yes he does
@@acedog7420 really? Lmao didnt even notice that
you mean Yasuo and Pyke and their almost 70% banrates atm in regular play.
*Kassadin:* _* exists *_
*Playerbase:* _Wait, that's illegal_
haha this is so funny dude like hilarious
Better nerf Irelia
Aphelios with a 227% ban rate: “Hold my beer”
It's 65%
Ryan Carraha 227% ban rate isn’t even possible lol? 200% would be possible only if he was banned by both teams every single game
@@ogRockets yes it is games that someone dodges or private games that are left are not countet as played but the banns count as banned in the ban rate. Hope that makes sense to you
@@patpatlps3733 That makes sense
Jake it’s a joke relax bro
7:20 Where Cho's Q could send champs into orbit lol.
Kassadin is the kind of champion that if you give him the "right buff" he breaks the game.
But these days new released champions are not that far from that kassadin
yeah, champion**S**
Pantheon: *laughs in 100% ban rate in worlds 2019*
he got through once tho
@@FearInYourHeart lets just ignore that and give it the 100% even if it was in play ins lol
Dustin G. And they also lose that game for not banning him, so he got 100% winrate as well
The kassa ban rate was in solo queue, not in competitive, for comparison, Pantheon have 2.09% ban rate right now.
He was open in at least one game. I think it was the final game in the finals.
Exil: "Now his 500 units range is fine"
Vandrilil: "global kassadin r bug"
Exil *starts sweating*
Ahhh I didn't remember about that one!
It was super annoying, like the LeBlanc monster that hd the insane damage bug and used to root you for 25 seconds.
I feel like i'm watching a documentary about world war 2
Kassadin = Adolf Hitler
Season 3 Kassadin was as fearsome as the nazis
That's the stage Video Games are at now. League of Legends is a game that's been played for so many years that it's a sport with a history of tyrants and various important battles and events.
While being a veteran, if you were playing during that time.
No no no, this was a documentary of the Tianmen Square massacre, starring Kassadin as the army of tanks and soldiers, and everyone else as the Chinese people.
oh i remember that xPeke play so well, everyone went completely mad after it, good times
I know a funny story about S3 Kassawin. The story is the experience of a friend of mine. One ranked game, the dream happened - Kassadin was let through the ban phase. My friend, who would then be somewhere around Diamond (so considered pretty good at the game and eventually reached Challenger later on) had been the chosen one and picked him. He hadn't played the champion in so long (due to the obvious reason) and wasn't generally a Kassadin player even before the 95% ban rate so saying he was rusty on the champion is an understatement. But he was playing Kassawin, right? It's like Riot sending you a button with the message "click here to collect your free LP"! Anyway.
The game starts. Mid vs Kassadin? Taric. Well, if it hadn't been freelo before, now it sure was! My friend didn't go into details on how exactly the match up went because he doesn't remember, but what he does remember is Taric solo killing him 7 times. That's right. 0/7 Kassadin mid in Season 3. Worse than Brazil 1 - 7 Germany in the 2014 FIFA World Cup (not that Brazil was the favourite to win anyway). And again, he wasn't some bronze player that didn't know the first rule of League (which is to not chase Signed, if any of you guys have forgotten) but far from that. His teammates had proceeded to flame the living shit out of him. Just imagine the combination of losing on S3 Kassadin + doing so solo vs Taric mid + EUW server. I'm pretty sure if they knew his identity he'd be put on a WANTED list. He had been so embarrassed he had to leave the game after the 7th death.
And that's the story of one of the few losses of S3 Kassawin.
Sounds like your friend didn't know what scaling was... doesn't really matter how many times u die if you get to late game in Kass. And it ain't like taric is gonna solo carry any team.
Kassadin, a champ so powerful that his void blade was actually added to his model backwards for years.
What do you mean
@@petergeramin7195 I can't recall if it was for a skin or not, but for a long time, the model for the void blade he has on his arm was actually backwards.
This is probably my favorite Exil video ever. Details galore about the most ridiculously overpowered champion since beta Jax or release xin zao or Leblanc, except this was well into the games life and it lasted for a while. Learning about it and watching it again is always a treat
LeBlanc and Xin never had counters on their release, Kassadin was countered hard by fizz.
Also Kassadin: "The balance of power must be preserved"
lmaooooo this got me
Yeah but balance is made by the winner so..
I remember back in the day I had a friend that would play Kass all the time, he built Tear of the Goddess and ran teleport. He would sit in base stacking up riftwalks until he would nearly consume his whole mana pool in one cast, then he'd teleport in and one shot supports and carries. It was the funniest shit.
This video was super informative. As someone who's relatively new to League, it's fun to take a history lesson like this once in a while
Sometimes I like to look back at the whacky woohoo shit that would go on like AD Malphite and AP Sion
Riot should've done a legacy mode for 10th anniversary, let us play from each of the seasons in the state they were in lmao
Ill take beta jax
Sleepy Snek as a Jax main I would love that
AP Master Yi baby!
urf with the most broken champs in history.
Just find the peak versions of the champions all buffed and do that as a game mode.
Back at these days i didnt even know what abilitys he had but i still ban him every game xD
I don't think I saw Kassadin once throughout season 3. That's how much he was banned
@@The_Gronne I was lucky enough to get him in soloq when I started playing ranked first time ever. No idea how he wasn't banned but I started to like him and got from bronze to platinum 5 in less than a week looolll
"you were more likely to win the lottery than see Kassadin not get banned."
Wait, I have a 1 in 20 chance to win the lottery? Why the hell am I wasting my time with this stupid job!
95% ban, plus the fact that other player want it, so that around 1/5 chance, and when the enemy realise you got kass they might just dodge cuz they dont want a free loose.
@@dominiklapierre7114 i mean, if you want to be pedantic, sure. But even then, the odds are significantly above winning the lottery, as his wording wasn't to play as Kassadin, but to see him in a game. And considering these stats are on completed games, lobby dodging is not a factor.
@@link670 Not really, is a 1/10 in a 5% that's a 0'5%, also they can dodge, if we talk about a 10% chance of you actually playing in that scenario you get a 0'05% chance, still higher than lottery? Yes, but actually no, that would be 2000 games aproximately and I don't think you play 2000 games per patch, even considering that you can play that, if you did the same in lottery and tried in all kinds of lottery you would win at least once, but if you play 2000 times it's uncertain if you would either play it or not
@@adir3376 where is the 1/10 coming from?
As I've said before, the wording was to see him, not to play as him.
Work on reading comprehension before you try to dunk on people on the internet.
Oh, and if you think you only need to buy 2000 lottery tickets to guarantee victory, you clearly haven't checked the actual odds.
@@adir3376 lol what kind of lottery with 1/2000 win ratio? if it was a thing then i would go to shit on my school right away
Next video:
"how Yummi reached less than 30% winrate"
Exil even with that, the worst champion based on win rate was Azir, if I’m not wrong. He had like 20 percent win rate, and riot buffed him literally every patch after his release
@@support_eu6397 Not quite true. Azir's sand soldiers used to have a bigger radius where they could attack, and they would stay beneath turrets just the same.
@@support_eu6397 lol i dont remember azir getting many buffs it was more of bug fixes and people starting to actually understand the champion because he was so unique
@@Strykz also,he can damage turret with his Q when he first release,that op af.
you really should've included that clip where LMQ tries to sneak a baron and voyboy on kassawin arrives 1v3 completely alone and all 3 of them immediately flash out of the baron pit and run
Yep and for those who want the vod:видео.html
on tank kass no less
i laughed till i broke my mouse
@@ngwanelionel8824 haha, at least you enjoyed it 😂😅
worst kassadin build ever
"mid or feed" every salty last pick on s3 and s4
"There was a time when your chances of Winning the Lottery, were higher than your chances of locking in Kassadin."
Yeah Im not so sure the Math would agree on that.
The Chance to get Kassadin in that time was, ignoring dodge, 0,0019%. Meaning you could play him twice every 1000 games XD
@@Lilalama Most lotteries sell millions of tickets and like 50 of them give any winnings.
He says "let's do the math" and then he breaks out all the numbers, but then doesn't do ANY math, and then says "so after all that it is PROBABLY higher than winning the lottery"
Also had issue with him saying, "no one could ever practice him," as if blind pick didn't exist.
I have a lot of problems with the way this "documentary" was presented but then I realize this is just an amateur dude making youtube videos so I shouldn't have such high standards.
@@enablingbuzz1662 The lottery, say, a 3 number pick of 0-9, has only 1000 combinations. You could win that, but when people make the comparison to winning the lottery they almost always mean something like, the powerball, which is 6 numbers from 1-60, meaning 1 in 13,983,816. techinically I think powerball is higher because 1 of the 6 numbers has to match the powerball number exactly. So 0.0019% or 1/1000 games vs 1/14,000,000 doesn't really match up.
@@enablingbuzz1662 Thats just not right is it.
This literally might be one of the best RUclips videos I’ve ever seen in my life! It felt like a mini-movie or mini-documentary. The build up using the whole transformation of Kassadin, the use of music, a lot of information without it getting bored just a single second. It felt not only very professional, it felt like a whole entire team put all their effort into it. I genuinely loved this video. From start to finish you exactly knew at which point in time you were and what Kassadin was like. It’s just incredible. This is what League should be about. The game and the content created around it. This is just absolutely awesome!!!
im glad thank you!!!
I also remember that back in the days next to kassadin you would also always pick/ban fizz and that he was also consider kind of an instant win. That nice feeling of nostalgia :D
Holy shit! It gives me PTSD.
600 or so range flash every 3 seconds, silence and abysmal damage.
Having him in the team was guaranteed win.
And he was untouched in that state for several months.
Remember when LB had silence on her q and was completly broken? Also old veigar with instant cage and his old ult with one-shot ability to carrys with 100% health
@@Infiltator2 Good thing now veigar only has a stun cage that lasts longer than it stuns... wait.
@@RpiesSPIES Atleast you can dogde it now
@@Infiltator2 It's not really a dodge. If you're inside your teammates are sitting ducks for potentially 5 seconds, especially if they have displacement of some form. It's like an aoe snare unless everyone has flash up.
"a record that is probably unbreakable"
Pantheon: "May I introduce myself?"
ZAC: "How do you guys like my 102% Ban rate?"
Kassawin had a combination between pro games and soloq games, i can play freely pantheon right now in platinum and in low elo tournaments too
Was looking for this
I started League back in mid season 2 and picked up Kassadin in early season 3 back before it was picked in LCS and seemed OP
It was probably the best and most successful time I ever had in league, farming safe till lvl 6 and almost oneshotting everything after.
Kassadin allowed me to climb from bronze end of season to plat 1 in like 4 months
After Kassadin was picked in LCS and became a must ban in those games, it was banned in like 90% of ranked games and first picked in the other ones so I was forced to play a different champ... good times
Exil: *makes vid abt Kassawin*
Permaban: hey that's my boy right there.
permaban, star and yamato are still playing in that patch XD
Imagine permaban playing THAT kassadin
Billy Sr. Mick Well Perma's been playing a mere shadow of his former glory and is still consistently hitting high elo so I guess he'll just stomp harder.
The mana stealing was also on an item at one point.
Also for op, I’ve been playing since a little after beta and I’d say release Xin was pretty terrible. LeBlanc has some awful times too.
Yeah. I do agree. And thats interesting it was on an item.
LeBlanc was basically the other Kassadin with the main difference being she killed you deader, but had no waveclear to speak of.
@@LecherousLizard LeBlanc is very weak right now
@@imallergictopeanuts4728 Was she ever "strong"?
@@LecherousLizard yes. Rework lb was basicly the most versatile midlaner for the couple years she was that way
Back when LoL still looked like a janky WarCraft 3 Clone.
I'm curious as to the math. So you had a 10% chance of being "First pick", which was the only situation you could get Kassadin. You then factor in the fact that he was banned in 95% of games-assuming that carries over cleanly that means you had a 0.05% chance of being able to play Kassadin, not factoring in dodges.
*You would get to play Kassadin in one out of two thousand games (2,000)......if dodging was disabled.*
I’m still keeping that remember to ban kassadin t shirt
In 5% of games he was allowed. In 10% of those you had first pick. That's .5% which is 1/200 games
Well, his mother was the only real counter to Kassawin's Q if you know what I mean...
You mean daughter?
@@The_Gronne Its his crtl 1 joke, he talks about trying to silence his motter and regrets doing that
I totally get what you mean. I bet every champ's mom is the REAL counter 😂
I remember playing ranked once in season 3, never really playing ranked. Also never really played mid, more of a jungle/support. I got first pick, and there was no Kass ban. I got to play him during his peak. And I lost to a Ryze. Probably the most memorable game of League I'll ever play tho.
"This means Rengar could jump on you but couldn't throw" Ebola.
was looking for this
thank you
@@HotDog-yf2je same
"When you get that snowball rolling, it's hard to find a champ as fun as Kassadin"
*laughs in Pyke*
I'll just sit here sipping my tears until the day Pyke gets gutted
kassadin is way more fun than pyke late game lol
Zoe better :v who need to go in and kill opponent when your can kill them Form far far away...
Laughs in ad Soraka
kyle is at a similar spot now
OH MY GOD I INSTANTLY CRIED WHEN I SAW THE TITLE, those were the good league days, I remember when the first ban was ALWAYS Kassa ;D
Make Me The Top Commemt wow that’s so dumb. I always ban kass last to hope that the enemy ban him for me
Imagine Kassadin in urf, no manna with a tiny ult.
He will be everywhere.
it sucks because they limited the ult stacks to 200. sadly had to be done that way, can´t imagine how id be with 800 all day with no mana cost
The first urf in 2014 actually didnt even allowed kassadin to be played lol
@@BillySrMick , really huh
@@BillySrMick they had perma banned ryze and kassadin
@@BillySrMick same with ryze
As a player who's around since season 1 I can still remember getting to play kassadin during his op stage. Now I wish I had won the lottery instead.
I started playing in Season 2. I remember NEVER played Kassadin. He was open, I was 1st pick; I picked Kassadin. I dominated with Kassadin. It was insane. Even in my bumbling hands, the champ was broken. The enemy team was raging in chat, and for good reason. His kit was easy to play, and all you had to do was play somewhat smart.
Hey something else that was actually really important in nerfing him was the addition of his Q drawing minion aggro when used on a champion. I can't remember what patch it was but it did screw with his laning phase quite a bit. He used to be able to just spam Q while standing in a wave securing melees and not have to worry about caster minion autos, or messing up his wave management.
Last season i think, it was the point and click spells update, any point and click ability now draws minion aggro
I started maining Kassawin when he got reworked, I didn't really played him before (too many bans lol) but I think trading the range for no-cooldown ulti was a great idea because it makes him more balanced, weaker in the early game where you can still chase him, and stonger during the late game when you one shot everyone with just pressing R.
Still my favourite champion today and almost 40% of my games are played with him. Thanks for the video !
kassawin dins
2:44 oh little did he know only a few months later aphelios would have a 227% ban rate
I really want to thank you for the amount of effort you seem to put into your videos. The content you create is full with information which is exciting to learn about! We hope that this output of quality will sustain. Much appreciation from not only me, but your whole community!
Thank you very much!!!
11:37 song is "A Monster" by Waveshaper from the Furi soundtrack. Great song, better game would highly recommend if you like boss battles and music like this.
And is just perfect to talk about Kassadin at the moment in the video, seeing just how busted he was in the patch. In essences, he was a true “Monster” during this time.
I love Furi
oh thank you so much for commenting this!!
5:00 is weird to see considering ALL of those champions at the very minimum got new splash art
I started playing towards the end of season 3. I remember the days of Kassawin. Also seeing the old map, makes me miss pre rework Graves...
I actually started playing around the beginning of season 3, and only started playing seriously later on, after Kassadin became a monster. He was ALWAYS banned, so I didn't even know what he did. I thought it was just a meme at the time, he couldn't possibly be as good as people say, right? I tried him once in a custom game and started banning him immediately.
remembered the deathfire grasp rush on him was so op.
“Uploaded 3 seconds ago” excuse me?!
you are very early!
Exil suprisingly! It’s my new record😂
"ThIs NiDaLeE Is ToO TaNk!"
only few remember
Ekko was where it was at though
"every new release is overloaded with mobility" shows Qiyana
Ambessa laughs in 2024
I remember starting in season 4 and my friends ALWAYS banned kassadin. I think we let him through once and I found out why lmao.
He's old title of being OP is now picked up by his supposedly daughter. I wonder when RITO will also balance the overloaded kit of Kai sa
She's never going to live up in her father's achievements compared to his past
now afraid of kassadin's wife
How bout pyke? most broken champ I've seen.
@@HgHgHgHgHgHgHgHg If he gets the ball rolling. playing against him in lane is just not falling for his stun, and not getting picked by his pull.
9:59 I saw that in live back in the day. That made me main Kassadin for a long time. Back then I had just got to lvl 30 and was starting my ranked games... Good ol' times
Fun fact: Some time his Ban rate was over 140% bcs both team could ban him at same time
You couldn’t do that until long after Kassadin was nerfed.
bs. Double ban was 3 to 4 years after Kassadin kneecap
18:07 97% ban rate is not a record. After Sejuani's, Zac's and Maokai's rework, Zac had a peak banrate of about 120%.
Of course, this could only happen because the bans on both teams are simultaneous now :)
Your story telling is really good, I thought I would've closed the video before hittin the 10-15 mins but it actually got me through till the end.
Now this is what I imagine after jax says: "Imagine if I had a REAL weapon".
In fact, Jax with a real weapon is better than this
"He's probably one of the most balanced champions in the game"....Ah, so that's why this game is so incredibly IMBA right now, because Kassadin of all champions is perceived as being balanced.
I remember after a long grind I my first diamond promo season 4, I lost it 3-1, my only win was a Kassadin game, I went 26-1 in lol. I miss the silence.
Reworked Pantheon this Worlds2019: Relatable.
100% Ban/Pick rate at world cup since the play-in :D
the dude was 100% banned in worlds lol
Exil in every single comment: LOL
LO.... wait.. im exposed.
Exil LOL
Exil LOL
4:18 oh boy this aged like some fine wine
haha, I remember the good old days of "haha Kassadin was picked, want me to camp mid?"
I was a Jarvan Jungle main since S2. When Kass made it into a game on the enemy side, I just told the team "our fault we didn't ban him. Going to camp mid all game, sorry but you guys have to manage" and I would hard leash red, *immediately* head into the bush and suicide-dive bomb the lad. Even if I didn't get the kill, so long as I didn't die and he was forced to back, I had considered it a victory.
I would then get blue, and wraiths (ahh good old wraith camp) and immediately run back into the same bush, gank, head to wolves, gank from other bush, ward dragon, re, get red, gank again.
If our team got Kass, my job was to protect our Kass so I camped the lane yet again, either acting as counter jungler, or helping kass securing the kill, not even hesitating to offer up the kill to our oh-so-over-powered-god.
In ranked S3, he was picked once on my team, and once on the enemy out of the ~300 games I played. We won completely when he was on our team, when he was on the enemy team, we didn't fair badly and I *did* shutdown Kass, but then he just abandoned mid, ganked bot, ez 2 kills, and the rest of the game was my entire team having an average kda of 5/3/7 while the entire enemy team was something like 1/4/2 and a Kassadin with 16/8/0. He literally put the team on his back and barely scraped out a victory.