How to Fix a Fallen Power Window on a 2002 - 2010 Ford Explorer

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 85

  • @jp0blues04
    @jp0blues04 9 месяцев назад +7

    As I type.....I'm thinking the following...."This dude already did the job. He didn't HAVE TO offer it to anyone....recreate the job after he was done. It was done for me at this very fucking moment. Thanks a ton for the after effort. Today u.....r....da man. Jp

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  6 месяцев назад

      Thank you for the comment my man. I needed to hear that. It inspires me to do more of that.

  • @jameshadden14
    @jameshadden14 Год назад +2

    I'm more impressed that you did all the camera work, yourself!

  • @DireWolfForge
    @DireWolfForge 2 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for redoing the job again for our benefit. Just happened to my beater truck today.

  • @BJJohnson-so8li
    @BJJohnson-so8li 5 месяцев назад +1

    I love working on trucks but I don't know anything about this kinda stuff. This help make my day alot less stressful.
    Thank you good sir

  • @christiane8545
    @christiane8545 2 года назад +9

    Thank you very much. I used a thick wire to hold the glass up as I don't intend to use the window anymore. You rock! keep up the good work!

  • @mattquinn6297
    @mattquinn6297 4 месяца назад +1

    Great video, took me longer to find the tools than doing the job. Thanks!

  • @samlee5470
    @samlee5470 7 месяцев назад +1

    Alternative quick fix: my car is very old, 2005 Explorer, I have no intention to replace the regulator motor, your quck fix is very good. My rear power window dropped, Not to tear down the rear door, I used and inserted a piece of 120 sandpaper to wrap on both faces of the window, then pulled it up with a long nose plier. Luckily it worked. I then used doublesided tape to wrap the edge of the window and shuffed it all the way up. Then I used other spongy material to jam pack the window edges. Let´s hope it stays up until I retire it.

  • @jaykay643
    @jaykay643 2 года назад

    I opened the window during rain/fog to see if anything was coming and after some scary noises it wouldn't go up. Its covered up with plastic for now and this video will help. Thanks

  • @NewYorkSk8r
    @NewYorkSk8r 3 года назад +2

    Yoooo thank you. It down poured last night and my window dropped! So upsetting. Your video makes everything better. Thank you

    • @Pontisteve
      @Pontisteve 3 года назад

      Glad to have helped! :Thank you for that.

  • @lindamcneal4711
    @lindamcneal4711 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so very much!!! This was a breeze!!! Excellent tutorial 🙂👍🏻

  • @peg7997
    @peg7997 5 месяцев назад

    I don’t see where he’s got it hooked to the door to hold the window up. It looks ingenious. No more $ on this car. Thank you, I’m glad I saw your video.

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  5 месяцев назад

      The zip tie goes thru factory holes in the door metal. See 5:40 into the video.

  • @susantodd4968
    @susantodd4968 3 года назад +1

    My '06 dropped yesterday and I was so upset. Definitely different bc there ended up being 5 panel bolts instead of 2, but it all worked out. And they were definitely a different size. But absolutely needed to remove the speaker for access. Mine had a foam panel instead of the film that I needed to tear. I needed longer zipties bc attaching 2 didn't work well. Definitely have a small gap but I've got wind deflectors to keep the water out. Thank you!! I absolutely beat the rain.

  • @rond5544
    @rond5544 5 лет назад +5

    Followed your advice on my 2004 explorer. Great tip on zip ties ! Great job on video

  • @davehamilton2367
    @davehamilton2367 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for the video. I just fixed (temporarily) a window in a 2002 Ford Explorer.

  • @metal_slug7729
    @metal_slug7729 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much for making this video.

  • @tmo_goo
    @tmo_goo 8 месяцев назад +1

    Extremely helpful. Thanks

  • @sve8140
    @sve8140 5 лет назад +3

    Thank you so much for this video. My 02 Explorer has 190,000 and still going but almost every window has had the regulator go on it. Couldn’t figure out how to get the darn door panel off but now I do! I can finally get it out of my garage now that I can get the window up. Great video!

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  5 лет назад +1

      Glad you found it useful. The zip tie trick does a good job of keeping the window up until you can get a regulator for it.

  • @geeronald
    @geeronald 2 месяца назад

    Thanks a lot! Helped me fix my grandma's explorer

  • @holy_warc.s.t.369
    @holy_warc.s.t.369 5 лет назад +10

    Great video. I wish I had hairy arms like yours. My dad's arms are hairy like that but I didn't get the gene apparently. I'm definitely giving this video a thumbs up!

    • @dcatura1
      @dcatura1 2 года назад +1

      That’s not even a wee bit weird.
      “I wish I had hairy arms like yours… they remind me of my dad. World’s funniest yet weirdest, “daddy issue.”

  • @LHammerland
    @LHammerland Год назад +2

    god dang this video was so helpful, for real! Thank you!

  • @davidhendry5951
    @davidhendry5951 3 года назад

    Very well done.........., have to do this today precisely on an 05, this will save me time and fumbling around and give me the capability of putting off the part cost for a while after spending 1,300 for front end and all brake parts last week.

    • @davidhendry5951
      @davidhendry5951 3 года назад +1

      Oh Ya, forgot the most important part..................THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  3 года назад

      @@davidhendry5951 You're welcome. I'm glad you found it useful.

  • @martinkatsvere8564
    @martinkatsvere8564 2 года назад +1

    Thank you very much for this video, it really helped me a lot, God bless you 🙏

  • @rachgarcia7
    @rachgarcia7 4 года назад +2

    Yeah fixed my window!! So the problem was my grand daughter was playing with the window button and held button down too long. You showed me how to remove connectors and I thought hmmmm, let me make sure the up & down button has no issue before taking all of it apart. Sure enough, underneath the up & down button the very tiny tiny plastic that hit the small metal plates to initiate window movements had melted. So just had to replace up & down button!

  • @PowerNpurpose
    @PowerNpurpose Год назад +2

    Thank You 💯

  • @billfreeman6377
    @billfreeman6377 11 месяцев назад +1

    Cool Thanks very good video 🎉

  • @raqui8604
    @raqui8604 3 года назад

    Thank you so much, I can now put a temp fix to my car until the replacement part comes.

  • @larrymcqueary
    @larrymcqueary 10 месяцев назад

    Great video; unfortunately not *exactly* the same for the front doors as the rear; the front doors don't have the holes close by to zip-tie the window bracket to. That was a bummer to discover. Still, I am glad I learned how to take off the door panel properly!

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  10 месяцев назад +1

      Larry, the same theory applies. Anything you can zip tie in place to keep the window assembly and mount from falling down will work. Just look for a place to attach the zip tie to the window regulator (window mounting bracket), and to the vehicle.

  • @zackf698
    @zackf698 2 года назад +1

    Work like a charm

  • @margaretrobertson9081
    @margaretrobertson9081 2 года назад

    Where do I get the suction to hold the window up

    • @Pontisteve
      @Pontisteve 2 года назад +1

      You don't have to have a suction cup to hold the window up if you have a helper that can hold it up til you get the zip ties working. But if you want suction cups, Harbor Freight has them. I think that's where I got these.

  • @kevinreyes7831
    @kevinreyes7831 Год назад +1

    Thank you

  • @4u2nv503
    @4u2nv503 Год назад

    my 2005 got stuck in the down position and believe the regulator motor is done. The problem I'm having is that without the motor working I can't roll it back up or do I have to muscle it up now?? Any advice? T.i.A

    • @Pontisteve
      @Pontisteve Год назад +1

      Usually, the regulator fails, not the motor. But either way, unbolt the windows lower frame from the regulator and the window will go up. Then, hold it up with zip ties until you can get the correct part.

    • @4u2nv503
      @4u2nv503 Год назад +1

      @@Pontisteve Thank you....Greatly appreciate it.

  • @jasonsteger1571
    @jasonsteger1571 3 года назад

    I followed all the steps only question I had was how do you physically lift it as I had my hands in there trying everything to lift it

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  3 года назад

      You can unbolt the window glass from the window regulator, if your regulator cable isn't broke. If the cable is broke it lifts up already. If the cable is somehow jammed in the regulator, you would have to unbolt it.

  • @jameshadden14
    @jameshadden14 Год назад +1

    Get the largest plastic garbage bag and slide it down over the door frame.

    • @peg7997
      @peg7997 5 месяцев назад

      I like that idea😀😊

  • @davesakievich9657
    @davesakievich9657 3 года назад +1

    Easiest. by far, way to keep the window up is, if it is up at all, lift it all the way up, press a screw driver or wedge at the base of the window to keep it up. Then take some clear silicone caulk and run a line along the top of the window where it meets the air seal and smooth the bad with your finger. Let sit overnight then remove the wedge or screwdriver. This will hold for months or forever if you wish.

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  3 года назад +2

      That would create a huge mess if you ever wanted to fix the window.

    • @davesakievich9657
      @davesakievich9657 3 года назад +1

      @@dragradialperformance3540 Absolutely not true! I have personally done this 3 times, it lasts for months and is easy to clean off just the way you would remove stickers from any glass surface, with a razor blade.

  • @jesslynn7465
    @jesslynn7465 2 года назад

    This happened to my 06 escape, really hoping it's similar! Going to try tomorrow because I have cardboard n a trash bag rigged because I couldn't figure it out

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  2 года назад +1

      Most of the Fords are going to use a similar cable-operated regulator. The plastic pieces that hold the cable on, or terminate the cable ends, fails and lets the cable get off track. If you can get the cable out of the way so it's not binding, or cut it out, to where you can lift the window all the way up, then you just have to find a place where you can attach the top of the window regulator to the top of the door frame using zip ties. Connecting multiple zip ties together to add length works well.

  • @MrDrewbiz1
    @MrDrewbiz1 2 месяца назад

    I actually have to replace a glass, but this is a starter on what I may encounter its for my little brother car

  • @CouchConvoReport
    @CouchConvoReport 3 года назад

    Very helpful indeed , thank you 🙏

  • @lisagonzalez2267
    @lisagonzalez2267 2 года назад +1

    Definitely female friendly and beginner friendly video. The directions don't seem to lack anything. I have been hesitant to attempt a temporary fix or any type of fix to my '02 Explorer window. But, not anymore. On my way to find out if I can do it myself.

    • @Pontisteve
      @Pontisteve 2 года назад

      You can do it Lisa!

    • @peg7997
      @peg7997 5 месяцев назад

      @@PontisteveGoing to do it too Lisa. I’ve done fix it’s watching RUclipss on my own. Was nervous at first but got it done. Rebuilt a lawnmower carburetor can you believe it????? My ex was impressed!!!! So was I but I did it. So going for this, duct tape just isn’t hacking it any longer and I live in FL, blaahhhh. I’m 62, still kickin, Gods on my side✝️🙏❤️

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  5 месяцев назад

      @@peg7997 good for you! Now, to get that tape residue off, use acetone. You could also safely use mineral spirits, or WD-40, although they may be less effective. They might be safer on paint though, so test acetone on an inconspicuous area before using it somewhere visible.

  • @christophercoleman9069
    @christophercoleman9069 2 года назад

    Door panel color an etc looks like my 01 XLT AND YES both bk window is not working at all I can hear driver side rear door window motor but window want do anything

    • @Pontisteve
      @Pontisteve 2 года назад

      It's the window regulator cable that breaks, not the motor. This video applies to you, if you want a temp fix that keeps your window up until you can get a regulator installed.

  • @martinmontelongo9441
    @martinmontelongo9441 4 года назад

    How did he break how did he not break the window when he punched it up the river

  • @labohn1
    @labohn1 4 года назад +1

    I'm trying to do this with my 02 Mercury Mountaineer and I can't get the window up at all and I can't see where to undo anything else. Now the window is all the way down and I've tried to pull it up manually but no dice. Stuck all the way down and the switch doesn't respond, but the motor sounds like it keeps trying to pull the window down just doesn't want to put the window up. So I'mma just let it be for now before I take the whole rear door off out of anger. Lol

    • @Pontisteve
      @Pontisteve 4 года назад +1

      Unbolt the window from the regulator.

    • @labohn1
      @labohn1 4 года назад +1

      @@Pontisteve I couldn't see the bolt but I got the window up by hot-wiring, my regulator works just turns out to the switch is not getting power.

    • @Pontisteve
      @Pontisteve 4 года назад

      @@labohn1 Well that's a cheap easy fix!

    • @archangel47470
      @archangel47470 2 года назад

      @@labohn1 how do you hotwire it? My window wont go up but will go down

    • @labohn1
      @labohn1 2 года назад +1

      @@archangel47470 I used the hot wire method. Open the switch to get at the metal pegs and run a wire from the battery to the peg to get the motor power to run. Not a permanent fix but it does get the window up without taking apart the door. But if the motor for the window is broke then you'll have unbolt the window from the regulator to get it up and lock it in place until you can get it fix properly.

  • @JoeJoe-lo4bk
    @JoeJoe-lo4bk 3 года назад

    Great video thanks

  • @martinmontelongo9441
    @martinmontelongo9441 4 года назад

    How did you not break the window when you punched out the rivets

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  4 года назад

      I did not punch out the rivets. In this video, I simply raised the window up so that it wouldn't rain in the car until I could buy a new regulator, and then zip tied it to hold it in the up position. The window glues into a bracket, and that bracket either bolts or rivets to the regulator. If it does rivet (and I can't remember now), then you can remove the rivets by drilling them out. Just position the window to where you can get a drill bit to the center of the rivet and use a drill bit slightly larger than the rivet hole.

  • @saqrawii
    @saqrawii 2 года назад

    Please write the tools that you used in this video clearly.

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  2 года назад

      The video shows all the tools you need at the 1 minute mark.

    • @saqrawii
      @saqrawii 2 года назад

      @@dragradialperformance3540 thank you.

  • @FrankHarris-f1l
    @FrankHarris-f1l 10 месяцев назад


  • @mufasaking1825
    @mufasaking1825 5 лет назад

    Good job!

  • @farmerbill4052
    @farmerbill4052 3 года назад


  • @osizzle3021
    @osizzle3021 3 года назад

    Fucking A

  • @johnpayne3156
    @johnpayne3156 6 месяцев назад

    Never showed pulling the window up. Pointless video if you're showing the end result.

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  5 месяцев назад

      That's because I already fixed the issue before making this video. I repeated the whole process on film just so people like you could see how to do it. Is lifting the window that difficult to envision?

    • @peg7997
      @peg7997 5 месяцев назад

      I appreciate the step by step. My window has been held up by. taping it, worthless. I saw this video which is perfect for the temporary fix. The only thing I couldn’t see was where you tied the ties behind the speakers by the window to hold up the window. I’m not planning on purchasing anything new for this car. All easy & temporary fixes for little jobs from here on out. It’s not worth it anymore. Too many things going wrong all at same time. Thank you~😊

    • @dragradialperformance3540
      @dragradialperformance3540  5 месяцев назад

      @@peg7997 tape never works long, and damages the paint if it's on there very long. This fix is much better, and can be fairly permanent if you don't want to buy a new window regulator and just want it up all the time. Look at time stamp 6:10 to see where I put the zip ties thru the window regulator.