[도시와 문명] #23. 15세기의 피렌체(Florence) (10): 장인(artisan)에서 예술가(artist)로 / 중세로부터의 단절
- Опубликовано: 21 дек 2024
- 참고 문헌:
Antal, F. (1986) Florentine Painting and its Social Background: The Bourgeois Republic before Cosimo de Medici's Advent to Power: XIV and early XV Centuries. Cambridge, Massachusetts, & Lodnon, England : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Baxandall, M. (1988) Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Italy: A Primer in the Social History of Pictorial Style (Second ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Blunt, A. (1940) Artistic Theory in Italy 1450-1600. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Burke, P. (2014) The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Cronin, V. (1992) The Florentine Renaissance. London: Pimlico.
Hall, Peter (1998) Cities in Civilization. London, England: Orion Books Ltd.
Hauser, A. (1951) A Social History of Art. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Hay, D. (1977) The Italian Renaissance in its Historical Background (Second ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Larner, J. (1971) Culture and Society in Italy 1290-1420. London: Batsford.
von Martin, A. W. (1963) Sociology of the Renaissance. New York: Harper.
Wackernagel, M. (1981) The World of the Florentine Renaissance Artist: Projects and Patrons, Workshop and the Art Market (A. Luchs, Trans.). Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Sources of Figure, Photo & Chart:
1. BY: Caelan Kelley (CC-BY) pixabay.com/vi...
2. (CC0 Public Domain) upload.wikimed...
3. BY: Caelan Kelley (CC-BY) pixabay.com/vi...
4. BY: Jörg Bittner Unna (CC-BY-SA) upload.wikimed...
5. (CC0 Public Domain) upload.wikimed...
6. BY: Dennis Jarvis (CC-BY-SA) upload.wikimed...
7. (CC0 Public Domain) upload.wikimed...
8. (CC0 Public Domain) upload.wikimed...
9. BY: Florian Hirzinger (CC-BY-SA) upload.wikimed...
10. (CC0 Public Domain) upload.wikimed...
11. (CC0 Public Domain) upload.wikimed...
12. (CC0 Public Domain) upload.wikimed...
#피렌체 #르네상스 #예술가