After our first child we got so so many questions about when we were having another baby and after 8 years and 4 miscarriages we finally had another boy. And no sooner then he was born we were asked if and when we were going to have a girl. Two years after that we had twins one boy and a girl and then we were asked if we had a tv and why we weren't on birth control. I have learnt that it doesn't matter what your situation is there will be people, friends, family and strangers who feel the need to comment and they don't seem to care how tactful they are or aren't.
This is SOOO true and so sad at the same time. My wife and I really wanted Kids, but we found out we couldn't. So, we got the same questions as her: When will you have children? People are so inconsiderate of what their questions can cause in the people they ask. When we were over the fact and sort of comfortable with how things are, I sometimes took this as an opportunity to teach people that it is none of their concern. I "played" offended, blurted out that we can't for medical reason in a way that bystanders could hear it and know the other person just asked an inconsiderate question...
I am still young but I know everything about babys and children but my mum always says to me when you have kids, when you have kids, when you have kids and what's always on my mind is what if I dont want kids what if I cant have kids what if I'm single and dont want a husband and kids would be to much if it was just me living alone so I feel like I have to have kids if I can when I'm older because my mum always talks about when I have kids but after waching this video I realized I dont have to have kids so this video real,y helpedcme
“I don’t think you need people who don’t want kids having kids.” Omg, thank you for saying this. There are too many people having kids that shouldn’t be having them or doing so out of some sort of obligation. I have no problem with anyone who doesn’t want kids. You do you and don’t t let anyone get you down for it.
This is because of restrictive policies by authoritarian leadership in places like #florida , #texas , and other *R* class politician states. If you are rich then it doesn't matter they can have those abortions, Plan B, and other healthcare service; but for the rest of the citizens who don't have the resources they can't afford it. It's a blatant overstepping of their power. When politicians are demanding to control what happens in your bedroom it's time to dump them from your government. They want to control every aspect of your life, and if they can control what happens in someone's bedroom that is the ultimate proof they have control over every aspect of your life, thus they are now #cult leaders.
@@JShdwstar Ok. You called rebublican politicians authoritarian cult leaders. You said people that dont want kids having them is their fault, that they force them upon the poor and that they controll what happens in the bedrooms of their countys inhabitants. But you havent named anything concrete that could proove the stuff youre saying. You gotta provide evidence mate. Otherwise you sound like a nutjob. (Im not even saying youre wrong, im not american so ive got no clue, i just whant you to back up your claims. Name a legislation and its effects, you dont even need stats, just please, give the people reading this something to work with)
I've had people respond to my "I don't want kids" with "You will once you have them!" What even, I'm not going to create a human being on the off chance that I'll change my mind and want to spend 20 years parenting it!
As a 36 year old dude, I definitely do get this question. I'm at the age where most of my friends have kids now, and have made comments ranging from (unprompted) "well it's okay if you don't want kids" to (again, totally unprompted) "maybe you can date someone younger and still have kids - you never know!" Some folks will ask me if I want kids, and respect my answers usually, but some folks have given me the whole "your life is meaningless until you have kids" speech. The most intense was my mother, who sobbingly told me one day that all her friends have grandkids, and it was "unfair" that she will never get to be a grandmother. That being said, I think the conversation is different for dudes. I think we get it less than women, and there's less judgement if I just say I straight up don't want kids. Men aren't necessarily expected to want kids. To that point, I really do like kids and even went to school to be an elementary teacher at one point. I just don't want my own at this point in my life. Amusingly, back then, people would give me weird looks and ask me "don't you want to teach high school?" when I'd tell them, because teaching elementary is apparently unacceptable as a dude. Sometimes you can't win with people and just gotta live your life the way you want.
Best line I've ever heard about this issue: "I love tigers but, I wouldn't want to own one". The most frustrating thing for me is how other women treat you. It's like they think: "Well, you don't have children so, we have nothing in common so, there is no reason for us to be friends." #Childfree
> "Well, you don't have children so, we have nothing in common so, there is no reason for us to be friends." This is pretty much right. It's okay to be frustrated by it, but a mother has very little in common with a non-mother they just met. Having a child is one of the most transformative things a person can choose to do in their life. So much so that it leaves you little in common with your past pre-child self, let alone a pre-child stranger you could make friends with. That's one of many reasons people get depressed after having children. It's like your old self kind of disappears and you transform into a 24/7 caregiver. Not exactly friend making material.
@@lambdaman3228 if being a mother is all that a woman has going for her... the only thing that interests her... ohh she needs therapy and a hobby. a woman can have friends and be a mother. as a childless woman who has plenty of female friends with kids. this way of thinking is somewhat obtuse.... and i don't mean that in a mean way.
@@wendybird1824 Of course you're a childless woman telling women with children that they need therapy and a hobby. It's fine if you don't have children, but don't pretend you know what it's like or that you can judge women who do. You don't and you can't. You aren't out making mom friends, you're keeping friendships alive that were mede before children.
What's even worse is the mothers who don't have a complete elitism complex over non-breeders. At least the ones you mentioned have the decency to tell you their attitudes straight up (women are only worth their time if they're also breeders) But then the ones that ARE willing to be friends with you expect you to be a free babysitter because "well it's not like YOU have ACTUAL responsibilities like ME!" Honestly just avoid them all.
That's a great response! Auntie and Uncle is the next best thing! You get the cool moments, but ultimately you can go home. I'd much rather see a happy Aunt or Uncle vs a miserable Mom or Dad.
I love that response. It's not demanding, it's putting the focus on your excitement for their new child and takes that expectation off of you by saying what you don't want. Love it.
I would LOVE to be an aunt! I can hang with kids *only when I want to,* and *because* I want to not because I have to, and grow old surrounded by younger familial generations, without having to actually have a baby or raise a kid or do any of the "mom" things I don't want to do (which is literally every single one of them). A little dose of kids here and there is great. Being deadass responsible for one is not (to me). So let me babysit my family members' kids once in a while and then send them home and we'll call it a win-win 🙏
There’s no point in asking someone when they are having kids. You can just assume the answer will be one of the following: 1) don’t want kids & don’t need to justify it to you 2) want kids, but not now 3) currently pregnant & don’t want you to know 4) struggling with fertility or pregnancy loss
I'm in that last group. Met my wife, she has a daughter, and it was a package deal. No regrets, except missing the first 4 years. Enjoyed the 21 since.
Well I think it's just considered casual conversation too I can't recall how many people asked me about kids in my 20s even my Mom was like when are you going to have kids I was like well I don't even have a boyfriend so ... as if it does not take two lol. Some women don't plan on them then birth control fails or the "clock" starts ticking mid thirties and hormones encourage them suddenly...
@@tink_a or find one that obsesses on it, and drops you after 6 years, and no kids, rather than bring up both of us going in to get tested. Welcome to my first marriage. First clue was, she called to tell me she was pregnant, after having left months earlier. Got tested, and Yep, I was the problem. When you want one, well, that's pretty devastating. Even more so again, because when do you bring that up? When do you decide to pull the pin on that grenade, and risk ending a relationship that's going well? (Yes. Happened a couple times.) Met my second wife anoit the time the first one's eldest was born. Used to watch him for her sometimes. Ended up coming clean with her early on, as she had a daughter. One I loved dearly, and I didn't want to lose them. Turned out she was, and still is, fine with just one. A case of, if that 1 in a trillion comes up, great. If not, one is plenty. That was 20 years ago. Still only one, and my godson. Both are mine where it counts, even if they are not blood. Was there for his birth, and before, because my ex and I took his mom in when she was pregnant, split. Until age.4, when his dad came along, I was Dad. Still am in many ways. I tell people I have 2 kids. Neither one did I have a part in creating them, but one I raised the first four years of his life, the other, I met when she was 4.
Best comment ever. That's fantastic. People have that misconception that if you don't want kids, it means that you "hate children". Nah, kids or teens are fun. A few hours here and there.
Wow this is really good timing. I was literally walking through my house, cleaning, and this wave of sadness came over me because both my husband and I don't want kids. But making that decision is hard at times. We just don't want kids. But every time someone asks do you have kids/when are you having kids, why do they almost always follow up with "you'll change your mind". It's frustrating. My entire life I've struggled to find my own voice and make decisions for myself though I had people always encouraging me to do so. Now that I've made a decision with my husband, it feels like everyone is back pedaling saying "nope, wrong decision, try again". So thank you. We don't HAVE to have kids and I really needed to not feel alone in that right now.
Two good responses, "No, I won't" or "Why should I?" Early on at 20 I decided I didn't want kids. When asked why I always said "I don't have the patience for kids". Of course they came back with,"You'll learn". To which I replied, "And if I don't?, Who's going to suffer?. It won't be me." Just because people have the ability to have children doesn't mean they should. Too many now that can procreate, but can't nurture.
I dealt with this for awhile. Then at 30 years of age I just up and got my tubes tied. My family gave me so much grief and still 5 years later lecture me on how I made a huge mistake. My husband and I are elated we don't have to worry as much about getting pregnant since we simply never wanted to be parents.
"I don't want kids" IS a valid reason! I work with kids as teacher and, and have other kids in my life who I am truly grateful for, BUT...does that mean I want kids of my own? Not now, maybe not ever - and if I do there's fostering and adpotion.
Your reasons for not having children are personal and you and your husband don’t owe anyone an explanation why you don’t have children. MYOFB would be my response to anyone who asks me.
I have children by birth, children in Heaven, a child by adoption and children in my care through foster care. Thank you for posting this. The reasons are your own and you have every right to this choice. The world needs people that are not parents and children need parents that are passionate about being parents!
Wow, so refreshing as an older lady to hear a young woman speak with such honesty and clarity on this delicate and personal subject. You are definitely not alone. I was married in 1971, right when Ellen Peck's book came out: The Baby Trap. It was how Madison Avenue advertising distorted the reality of being a mom and that it was not desired by some and women needed more honesty in what parenthood really entailed. My husband and I chose to be child-free and our personal reasons were no one's business! We joined a group called NON - National Organization for Non-Parents. We were a poster couple for interviews in Esquire magazine and the Sunday magazine of a big city newspaper. I sobbed when seeing the Esquire article ... title was heartbreaking: Do Americans Suddenly Hate Kids? That was the opposite (!!!) of what we felt and conveyed to the interviewer, who later I learned was a Catholic. He would have been unable to ever accept that a couple has the right to choose for themselves. You Go Girl and stay strong! Just before seeing this video (a new subscriber as of today) my cousin and I said, yet again to each other, how glad we both are that we made that choice decades ago. Yes, even with ridicule and constant questioning by others, with audacity IMHO. However, I have been known to be a very nice Auntie, a role I love and cherish. I did make a difference in my professional and personal life in ways that did not involve having children. Not all of us want to be parents.
I really appreciate hearing your perspective. Also childfree, and smthn I find is a reason in a lot of ppl's lists is literally concern for the hypothetical child. Like even if one is capable of being a good parent, I think not wanting the child is an awful thing to put on a child. And sometimes ppl know they would make bad parents and *that's okay*. Like we have 8 BILLION ppl, we really honestly don't need more. And it's interesting to see organizations for the CF! I also v often hear a sense of alienation from ppl bc there's just not v many places where childfree ppl can be honest and not harangued by society.
Thank you, I appreciate your commentary too. Being an old lady now, and not meeting any new people who ask if I had ever been married or had kids, I find that a benefit these days. Even meeting many new neighbors over the decades no one has asked me. I was bombarded with the the "When are you going to have kids?" question for a long time when I was an already married teenager and then as a young adult.
Thank you for the video Jo! I appreciate that you are providing validation to simply not wanting kids to be enough. My husband and I don’t have kids, and I sometimes get this kind of thing. I have Crohn’s disease as the worst of several health problems, and was mentioning to a coworker about going medication for my recently diagnosed ADHD. She said something like “make sure it won’t interfere with having kids! It’s something you and your husband will likely want soon.” I said something about us being a little older to start with me being 35 and him 39. I got this story back about a friend who had her first at 43 and the “your never too old” I had to snap back that “yeah, but maybe that’s not what we want!” I know people who have had kids in their mid 30s and mid 40s, and more us personally, we don’t want to do what they’re doing and be still supporting kids into our 60s, especially with all my health issues. I’m also a high school teacher, so I have about 100 kids per year, and I care a lot about my students, and I have nieces and nephews, so I can enjoy being a part of the community that raises children.
My son is 28 years of age. He doesn’t want kids because he doesn’t want the responsibility of taking care of them. He has high functioning autism and made the decision before his diagnosis. He was misdiagnosed ADHD as a child. He’s an awesome guy. He said he’d be content as the fun loving uncle.
I also have high functioning Autism! And ADHD. But I've never considered my diagnoses as playing a role in my decision. I also just don't want the responsibility that comes with being a parent, and I'm perfectly happy to enjoy my siblings' and/or friends' potential kids rather than ones of my own. I'm sure if I magically ended up with a child like the virgin Mary, I'd love the kid and do my best to treat and raise them well and with the attention and prioritization they deserve. But it would be really fucking hard for me and I'd never get to express that because they wouldn't deserve to feel hurt by knowing that. But it WOULD be hell for me, and the best way to handle that is to... well, just prevent it in the first place 😂 problem solved lol
Jo I almost teared up when you said.. "I don't want to be a mom." I feel the same way.. I don't want children because I just DON'T WANT CHILDREN, and I LOVE that more women are talking about this! Thank you for this and for all the individuals in the comments! I'm a 28 yr old woman who is childfree by choice and plan to stay that way 😊💕
Natalie Steffl I too never wanted children. My husband also did not want kids so we are very happy. No regrets. Celebrated our 30th anniversary last week. Still no regrets. We spoil our niece and nephew and that is enough for us. We are both active sports minded and keep busy in retirement with so much. We are not lonely. We are fortunate. I would rather have never had kids and regret then have kids and regret having kids.
Yes! Why is it so horrible not to like children? So many old folk's children leave them in an old age home never to visit, so what is the point in having them for insurance if they might not look after you in the end? What a waste!
Here's a good one: After I got married, I put on a few pounds. People at work were like "OH MY GOD WHEN ARE YOU DUE?" and I would say - "Not pregnant, just fat"
The exact same thing happened to me. Funny thing was that I was underweight. Went from like 110 to like 120 lbs ( I'm 5ft 8"). My hubs and I worked at the same place and people started congratulating him b/c some crazy lady was telling people we were pregnant. I confronted her and could no longer stand her afterwards.
Here’s one that I’ve used a few times “The father is McDonalds” I don’t even eat McDonald’s often, but it gets the point across and I think it’s funny Edit: also sometimes I say “this is a food baby”
Hahaha so I got the opposite… I got pregnant right away after getting married, and someone I worked with heard me mentioning my husband said my dress made me look like a pilgrim and we’re laughing and he says, “at least he doesn’t day you look pregnant.” We all stopped and stared at him and I asked him what he meant. “Because you’ve let yourself go… since you got married.” Yes… that was horribly rude also. 😂
I love kids. Never intended on having any of my own. But then my fiance got pregnant... and I absolutely LOVE my son. So while he wasn't planned, he's loved. Something I think *EVERY* couple that doesn't want kids should discuss is how they would handle it if there's an accidental pregnancy. Better to have that conversation early in the relationship. If there's disagreement on that, it will cause huge issues down the road.
I really like how you said this. It is entirely valid to not want kids and you don’t put that down. While also raising the very important point that you should still have a plan if accidents happen.
While i totally agree with you, that everyone should have that conversation, there are many womans out there, which say they would get an abortion (and really mean that) but than can´t do it, when they are actually pregnant. And thats totally okay and the choice of the woman! I just wanted to say - reading your comment - that every men should keep that possibility in mind. (And probably every woman too)
Thank you for this video! People need to be more open about it. I have always felt pressured to have kids and have never been at peace with idea even when I was considering it or in a relationship. Even when I was single people would ask me when am I having kids. I’m so happy I found someone that also doesn’t want kids but wants us to build a life together with dogs and someday hobby farm animals 😊
I'm unable to conceive, I get those questions all the time. I enjoy making people uncomfortable by saying I can't have kids. When I say that, they realize how sensitive a question like that can me. It's our own lives. You're definitely valid in how you feel.
Thank you for this video! I never understood why it's considered "selfish" not wanting to have kids. When people say the want kids, the sentence starts with "I want". That's just as selfish as not wanting kids. I've chosen to be childfree and I'm absolutely loving my life. Everybody should be able to make the choice most suitable to their lives and expectations.
Actually, a lot of people have kids for selfish reasons. Many because they want someone to have unconditional love for them, which they’ve never had. Or they want children who will take care of them in their old age. Historically, many families had children in order to have free labor on the farm or to send them into the workforce at a very early age, quitting school, so they could help support the family. Thinking about it ahead of time and choosing not to have children, for whatever reason, is the opposite of selfish!!! 👍🏼🥰👋🏼
I can't be trusted to take care of myself. I think it would be irresponsible of me to try to add a helpless tiny human into that. That's not selfish, that's considerate.
Right?? Like, what are you withholding, and from whom, by not having kids? To whom do you have any kind of obligation to have kids? The hypothetical "future kid" who doesn't exist, and never has to? 🤣 It would be selfish to have a kid just because "that's what's done", or to meet some kind of expected societal status/standard, when you don't actually want them. If you have a kid, it should be because you genuinely want to for its own sake, and have the means to do right by that kid.
I'm not an amputee, but I suffer chronic pain, full body migraines, a really intense autoimmune disorder, BPD, and schizotypal traits. I don't want to pass on my genetics without a solid structure to manage these issues. I am super open to adoption though. If I do adopt, I'd want to adopt a group of siblings (3 to 5) at risk of being split up in the system.
As someone with three autoimmune diseases and three kids, I can tell you it's freaking hard. I love them, and even if I *could* go back and not have them, I wouldn't. But if it weren't for my amazing husband they probably would have been taken from me at this point because of the number of times I've been too sick to take care of them. Plus, yanno, the whole guilt at knowing I've passed on these shitty genetics to them - even though I didn't know it at the time.
You can still fuck up kids without passing on your bad genes. Please dont adopt unless you are 200% certain that you will be able to keep your issues in check for around 20 years.
I hope you luck if in case you adopt. I think it's an awesome way to improve the life of a child that does not have parents to raise them. You don't have to adopt or have kids tho, wish you a happy life anyway (even with your medical problems) I just really liked to see someome that would adopt a childs that are at danger to being split up by the sistem because that's isn't always the case (even tho is ok if someome choses the other way)
As someone with a pretty progressive form of Multiple Sclerosis and being diagnosed when I was 23 I come up on the questions of having children and even though I have a great support with my husband we have decided no kids too. This video just really game me more piece of mind so thank you so very much.😊
I'm a guy almost at 50 years old. I used to get pressure to have kids, mostly from my parents. Friends would ask but never pressure. Most pressure was from my father. I still don't have kids. I have nieces and nephews that I helped to raise. I don't feel that I've missed out at all. I love the honesty and sincerity in your videos. Keep up the great work and thank you for being you!
Opposite situation, same thought process. My husband and I just knew we wanted kids, we wanted to be parents, and no one has ever asked me to justify that. The pressure on both of us was more specifically to have boy children. We chose not to find out the gender if our first child (apparently this is a more controversial decision that having kids in the first place!) and my father in law took to asking me how "his grandson" was doing, and referring to the baby as Butch. My dear husband finally asked him to knock it off which he respectfully did. Good thing too, as that baby was definitely a girl! So the pressure around having or not having kids is very real and takes many forms.
I recently found the subreddit r/childfree and it's been great to interact with. I knew I never wanted to be a mom. My biggest fear has always been getting pregnant. I've been on hormonal birth control since I was 14. When I was 24 I got sterilized and I was lucky enough to meet a man who was equally child free. We've been together for nearly a decade and it was known that we would never have kids even before we got married three years ago. It's not a sensitive topic for me and I don't get upset when I meet someone knew and they casually ask if I have any kids. I always just say, "No, that's not for me" and I'm thankful that I've never faced any kind of backlash for that. My sister struggles with her fertility. She's been pregnant five times but only given birth twice. I love my nephews to pieces but I would never want to _have_ them. I'll spend time with them at family events but that's about it. I don't really _like_ kids. I certainly don't want harm to come to them and my heart breaks for all the kids in the system who don't have loving homes. But I'm not the person to solve that issue. My four cats are my kids. They are my babies and I'd be lost without them. That's all I need.
"I don't want kids" is a complete sentence. That IS the reason, it doesn't have to be because of a reason, not wanting them is a reason. But also, NEVER ask anyone about family planning. Period!
I get frustrated enough to want to poke back with, but did you get pregnant every time you had sex? Unless they are the Duggers, I doubt it. So many years of therapy to finally figure what boundaries were and just how badly people feel compelled to cross them.
I have 3 children and 5 grandchildren and wouldn't change a thing about my life but I realize that not all people want this kind of life. Jo, you do you and don't ever be ashamed or concerned about what other people think.
As a male, I never felt pressured or even recall being asked if I planned to have kids. We discussed having children very early in our relationship (it would likely be difficult) and that neither of us recalled childhood as being something we'd like to revisit vicariously. The idea of adoption was definitely there early on but in the end we've been perfectly happy to be parents/caretakers of our own and other's four legged kids.
@ShellySmith Im really sorry, I hope that you have a good day and that you are proud of yourself for getting through the day (because its hard, ecspecially now)
Just start screaming it at the askers 😌 then watch them apologize for the next year. It worked on a cousin who decided to put herself in my womb just because she was able to have two back to back two years ago. Shut her up good.
8:58 we tried for years, multiple miscarriages, and a premature that passed at six months of age. During this time, we had many people ask us why we don’t have kids. “Well, see…..” In the end, we did have a child who is absolutely amazing.
I have three daughters and I have always spoken in terms of “if that is your choice” or “if that is what your future holds”. Their lives are their choices-big and small.
Your video was shared through a child free page and OMG. as an amputee who just doesn’t want to be a mom, the comments on potentially fostering, adoption… I’ve never felt more seen, validated, heard. Thank you so much.
I got this question through my 20s and 30s. When I had my daughter at 40 I thought my friends and family were going to have a parade. It's ridiculous how much focus people put on this. Being a mom is wonderful and exhausting. I don't regret it and I definitely don't regret waiting.
Since I was old enough to understand the concept I knew I don’t want to be a mother. I’m glad it’s being discussed more that not everyone who can, wants kids.
Judging a person for choosing not to have children is just so's not your body or your life, so please mind your business Great video, as always!
Thanks for having this conversation! My husband and I don't have children but I always get asked if we have kids when I meet someone. When I say “No!” there is a look of pity/disappointment on their face...i wish people would stop that because I always feel like I need to explain why, and I shouldn't have to.
I'm so glad I'm not alone in this. For the longest time, I kept trying to come up with reasons to not have kids. Like I was justifying the choice, because I felt like I had to. But no, I just don't want kids. I don't like children, I never have, and I have no desire to be a mother. It took me a really long time to come to (and not to mention accept) this conclusion, but I got there in the end. Thank you for talking about this, I feel like it's an important message. ❤️
I'm very late to this video, but as someone that always wanted kids and cannot have them, this hit home. You not wanting to be a mother is as valid as someone that wants kids. I finally started answering with a real answer of "I can't have them, and it's a painful subject, so thanks for that. Anything else you want to know about my life that is none of your business?" It tends to shut people up quickly. Brava to your friend for answering that way at one point. People need to start thinking.
Same here! And I just looked at your channel, it seems really cool. I’m actually aspiring to be a doctor, going to medical school soon so I’m glad to have stumbled across your channel too
I’m a bisexual woman who has always wanted kids and for me it’s such an important part of my future life to become a mother and be pregnant and experience that. However, so many people have kids because they feel pressured to when deep down they don’t really want to be parents and then wind up resenting their kids or slightly regretting having them and I 100% respect that if a person doesn’t want kids for any reason at all, that’s their choice and I’d rather them just not have kids than have them and not enjoy being a parent because it’s not something they every truly wanted. Kids should be ideally born to people that want them wholeheartedly so it’s not fair to pressure people that don’t want kids into having them
I have always wanted kids, but I gave up my chance when a lesbian couple, who were close friends of mine, asked me to father their child. I just had to be honest and admit I have a serious genetic defect that means any children I might have would have a much higher than normal chance of birth defects. They were disappointed about that because they said I was their only hetro-male friend who respected their orientation. I was just raised to believe it's rude to make a pass at a woman who has made it clear she is not interested. And yes, they were both very attractive.
Absolutely. There are few things more heartbreaking than seeing a kid love their parents and want to play w them and have their attention and the parent just really doesn’t want any part of that role
Also a bisexual cis woman, feel exactly the same way. I hope we're moving to a place where we put less pressure on people to have families. To be honest, I am a little jealous of proudly childfree folks... They'll be happier and richer over their lives, and they won't have to deal with the physical effects of pregnancy that leave many women struggling with their body image. However, my dream is to raise a family. Well, a kid. I don't think I want more than one.
And I know a few who are.thankful of the ones that have them, don't want them, and are willing to place them up for adoption. One, an ex and a close friend, has her son because a friend couldn't keep him, and wasn't ready,.when he was born. Like me, she can't have one of her own. That boy is her world..
On those occasions when a friend mentioned their preference to have kids or not I've been flattered at their trust. Otherwise I've never been curious. In other words it's none of my business.
This is very refreshing. I'm in the same boat. 38 years old and I've never had any desire to have children and I never will and it's nobody's business and it's a very, very, very personal choice. My partner is a lot older than me and he has adult children from a previous relationship. Women should not need to explain themselves. The questions that some people ask us are completely absurd. Women have zero requirement or duty to procreate. I'm very lucky that I never experienced any pressure from my family or from friends, although thankfully I'm strong enough to simply ignore stuff like that anyways. I feel really awful for all of the women who have experienced extreme amounts of pressure to have kids....and some of those women do have children even though they don't want to, but they can't handle the relentless and inappropriate pressure from their family. It's absolutely horrific to me that there are millions of families out there that pressure their female family members into having babies. It makes me just want to scream. That is literally abuse.
I am a guy in my mid 50's and I still get asked by strangers and those that don't know me well if I have children. I usually just say not yet and that usually gets me a strange look.😄
I had a really good conversation about this with a close friend of mine. We're both hetero cis women around 30, she doesn't want kids and I have always wanted them. She's really tired of having to defend herself to people, or getting condescending comments like "oh, just to wait, you'll want them soon". She really made me think when she said that no one ever asks women: "Why DO you want kids?" And a lot of people end up getting kids just because that's what you're supposed to do, but they never conciously consider if they actually want kids. It made me think long and hard about why I want kids, because I have a lot of medical reasons why I shouldn't. My conclusion is that I really, really want kids, despite there being so many logical reasons why I shouldn't. I just want kids. Which is just as fine as women not wanting kids, just because they don't.
Thank you! I’m married with two kids, but never considered NOT having kids. I really wish I had. Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids and would probably would still have had them, but being raised the way I was, it just never seemed to be an actual option.
I am a 30 year old woman, and I have been saying I don’t want kids since I was 12. I love when my friends have kids. I love the idea of being an aunt. I think it’s amazing you’re saying you just don’t want to be a mom. Thank you for just saying it as well because people make me feel like I am lesser than, just because I don’t want to be a mother.
Tbh, that has been my response since I was 15….but then my mother expected me to get pregnant at 18 (I’m a lesbian) and when I told her I didn’t want kids, she told me I wasn’t going to be a real woman until I gave birth…..I think that fucked with my head because I’ve found myself “wanting” to get pregnant…but I do not want to be a mother. Idk. I’m working through a lot of childhood trauma, and this subject is very triggering for me Thank you for sharing this with the world….I appreciate you!
That is so awesome to hear a man say. It’s so hard to navigate this world as woman and to be told that she was put on this earth to give grandchildren to father was so condescending. I mean, I know you get it, but very few people do. Please keep sharing that positivity. This is why songs about a close father daughter relationship like “butterfly kisses” got so popular. Because it’s so rare.
Good for you Jo! I and my husband both knew we had no desires to have kids. All of our family and friends knew up front and never gave us a bad time about it.👍. I am now 59 and my husband is nearly 65. We still feel that we made the right decision, for us! Again, good for you two. You’re the only ones who can make your life, what you want it to be. I have my horses and he his computers. Good luck in your future going forward Jo.
One of the problems I see is a lot of people are not honest about what its like to have kids. Yes they are cute and you love them with every fiber. That aside, its a F ing GRIND! I remember feeling so free on a Friday after work. With children there is no off work. Uf you are someone who needs alone time to recharge, don't have kids. Unless you have a ton of help around or you have the means to pay for it
I love this. I don’t have children because I was unable to, and it didn’t stop the pointed, awful, questions. People need to change their perspective on “women’s obligations” related to creating a new life.
I think the bigger problem is the way these questions are asked as well as the difference between expecting the possibility of a person having children and that someone should have children, I don't think there is anything wrong with asking if a person does have children or if they ever have the intention to, but it sounds horrifying to be consistently pestered about the expectation that you should have children
@@evmarekaj I think "are you having kids?" is a much better question than "when are you having kids?". First one sounds like a question, second one sounds like a command.
Lol yeah. I went through the same. I'm 37. I have always been aware that I didn't want to be a mom but didn't realize for a very long time that this, on its own, is a valid enough reason to give and that I wasn't the only one who felt that way. As a very young child one day I cried to my mom that I was so dreading having children one day, because I had it in my little head that I didn't have a choice. Of course lots of people told me I'd probably or definitely change my mind, but I am thankful to my parents for never pressuring me. But yeah just like you, Jo, I used to list all these reasons, each one on its own a valid one, to explain it to people. I still stand fully behind every one, but the truth is that even if everything was perfect and I didn't have a single "excuse", I would still make the same choice and it is the right choice. The decision to bring a human into the world to be raised by you should never be made lightly and "this is what people are expected to do, maaaybe AFTER I bring a life into the world It'll feel right, better count on that" is a disastrous reason to do it. What an awful thing, to be born and raised by a mother who doesn't truly want you. To choose what feels so wrong deep in your core just because other people tell you you'll suddenly feel totally different about it after making this irreversible, monumental decision, is to make the wrong choice and one of the worst things you can do both to yourself and others. Those people do not know your heart better than you do.
I always had the mindset that if I didn't have kids by the time I was 30 I didn't want them. At the age of 35 I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and just before I turned 38 my cancer progressed to stage 4. (I'm currently in stable remission).I had to make a decision on either saving my eggs for later to have babies or for go having kids all together to prevent my cancer spreading even further. My cancer is also hereditary and since it is I made the choice to have a full hysterectomy. I made the logical choice to not spread my cancer onto my future. I watch my niece and nephews and it confirms that I have made the right choice to not have kids.
For me it's the fact I wouldn't be able to give the child/children the childhood I want. I wouldn't be able to look after them and be there for them in the way I want. Add to that the possibility of passing on chronic illnesses, it just feels selfish to have biological children. I love kids and I love the time I get to spend with my bfs nieces and nephews, but boy are they exhausting. I struggle to find the energy to look after myself some days, let alone having another human fully dependant on me for EVERYTHING. It wouldn't be fair on the child.
I feel this whole heartedly too. Thankfully I never did really want my own. But on top of just not wanting my own, I also don't feel it would be fair to have them when I can't properly care for them routinely. It wouldn't be the full life I'd want for them
This is exactly how I feel. Don't let them tell you "but others make it work." Or "but you will regret this choice" Children are precious but demanding and regretting not having them is infinitely better than regretting having them.
I feel this too, when I was 16 I KNEW I wanted kids! But since my nephew was born 5 years ago, I've been on the fence. He's so loud and rowdy, I don't know how I'd cope if my kid was like that. My niece is slowly restoring my faith in babies, she's amazing and so well behaved, the complete opposite of her brother. I'm just hoping kids with my partner will be more like us, both of us would be so out of our depth with a masculine football loving kid. 😅
From personal experience, guys only talk about whether they want kids if you've had a romantic connection with them. It doesn't really come up otherwise. Except for my friends who already have kids
Good for you! I was married for 10 years and people always assumed there would be kids - so glad there weren't when things fell apart. But those questions were always asked - we also had decided against kids for various reasons but those were personal and I hated that I always felt that I had to explain myself. Also, the number of people (generally men!) who feel like it's okay to ask when you're due if you even show a tiny stomach bulge - like why do you think that's even vaguely okay?!
I was asked the "kid question" nonstop until reached my late 40's and went into menopause. People stopped asking at that point because it was somewhat obvious I surpassed the "best if used by" date. I sailed through the next decade period- free (yay!!!) and child-free (even better!!!). Then much to my surprise I recently started getting asked about my non-existent grandchildren!!! I'm told how much I am missing out on by not having kids and grandkids, blah, blah, blah. Now I'm wondering what the next big question will be?!?! Criminy!!
I don't understand what people's goal is when they say "you're missing out", even if they strongly feel that way. Like, even if the person they're talking to were to agree, wouldn't that just make the person feel bad? Are they TRYING to make childless people feel bad for it??
@@GoddessOfThree it's almost as if their grasp on their belief of ''having kids = good'' were so feeble, that they need to verbally push the narrative over in other to maintain it R. R. martin said it before, he who has confidence needs not to assert
Wow, that’s so obnoxious. Are they just trying to ruin your day? Or are they saying it through gritted teeth, trying to convince themselves that their grandkids are not annoying them?
That's a great point your friend makes, that it could be very hurtful for someone to be constantly reminded they CAN'T have kids, and so many of the expectations society places on people about what their goals SHOULD be are contingent on the assumption that those goals are actually attainable for EVERYONE, which is almost NEVER actually true.
Perfectly valid reason. Why is it anyone's business. I had a friend ask me why I didn't have kids, asked me if I was shooting blanks. What if that was the case?
I feel the exact same way! My sister was born to be a Mom, and I wasn’t. So many people asked me why aren’t we having kids, and I actually can’t have kids. I had cancer and it completely killed my ovaries and hormones. So I so agree and thank you for bringing this up!!! Thank you so much Jo! 💗💗💗
I totally respect that! I was just like that,parents,grandparents always pressured me(and my sister) and the more they pushed,the less I wanted them. However,in my mid thirties I started to want them. Long story short,Im 39,mom of 20 week old twins.
I'm a 56 going on to 57 in November Year old. I'm also married. And I never Ever Wanted children. And have Never Ever regretted my decision. At 18-19 years of age I was diagnosed with having Polycystic Ovarian Disease. I was told it would be difficult for me to have kids. And that I maybe in that smallish percentage of Women who would never fall pregnant. And when I heard those words from the Doctor who said that, I just wanted to celebrate like all my New Years had come at once. I too had some relatives and friends who would ask "The Question ". My sister only asked me once. The one person who never asked was my Mother ( Maybe because she was wise and loving in that respect. And maybe because she respected my right and decision on the matter) And I'm grateful for it.... But the thing is, in the end -: You don't owe anyone an explanation, if You don't wish to give one. And people should respect You either way. Plus It's Nobody's Business whether a person wants Children or not. And I feel sorry for married men or unmarried who face this question as well. They shouldn't have to justify their decision either way as well ....... ☮️⚛️🌏
Yes Jo I am a male and I had this issue of why I was having children after I got married. The truth is I am unable to have children. But my wife and I did adopt a child and he became my world and he is mine. It's kind of funny because when you compare my childhood pictures with my adopted son's pictures you would swear that he is mine by blood. So things have a way of working out. I value your wishes and I know what it's like to be put on the spot.
@Bruna Fernandes Is this something that is causing you any trouble in conceiving in case you want kinds? If you do not feel comfortable answering you do not have to, I do not mean to be rude.
I feel EXACTLY the same! It's so nice to hear others say it too! Also, I thought it might be nice to share this story I had about this question, but it's totally positive! I was at a GI appointment, and my doctor was talking to me about pregnancy/fertility, because my IBD could affect it. He asked if I was planning on having kids, and I said "no, and only would adopt if I did" he just replied "oh, that's perfect!" 😂
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on such a tender subject. I always wanted children and seriously felt like it was my life’s calling but went through a traumatic birth and post-partum depression with my first. Other peoples opinions seemed to make it so much harder. I felt like I was failing at my life. You never know the battles someone is facing, we could all do better treating each other with care and understanding and sometimes the most respectful thing we can do is keep our opinions to ourselves.
I think your reasons, or your outlook (however you want to phrase it) is awesome! I honestly never asked someone that question, but you brought up an incredible point. I know several women who are on both sides of the fence. Either don't or can't have kids. And I think that you have given people a lot to think of. Thank you No for putting yourself out there. Keep up the awesome videos.
Thank you for sharing your story, Jo! I'm EXACTLY THE SAME I've never wanted kids and I always knew that, but I also went through this phase of having justifications because people were basically demanding them of me. This video is a fantastic summary of this experience, and please don't ever for a second let anyone make you somehow feel "less" because you don't want to be a mother. ♥️
I am so glad as a younger women you brought this subject up. It took me 7 years to get pregnant with my only child and during that time I feared I would not be able to have children. The questions about children was a painful subject but I never was brave enough to tell people. At 51 one I tell people all the time they need to keep their questions to themselves.
Best thing to do is just to say “that’s not for me,” and they can guess what that means on their own time. Kids are overrated in many ways. It’s a massive undertaking and the adult that eventually emerges is not always what you envisioned. Carry on, childless folks, seek joy through travel and acts of generosity. ❤❤
What you want is very important and personal. I know that if you decide to have them you would be a wonderful parent. The way you treat life and your fans you would be a great mother. But that is totally up to you and your husband. Jo you are truly a wonderful person. Bob
Jo, thank you so much for letting folks know just how painful it can be to discuss having kids. I'm one of those women who wanted desperately to have kids. I had my miracle baby, but he was truly a miracle in every sense of the word. I wanted more...tried everything possible to have more...but my body just couldn't do it. I swear, from the time my son was born, until he went away to college, I was asked 'When are you going to give him a brother or sister?' or 'When are you going to give your parents more grandchildren?' EVERY day. I'm sure none of them meant to hurt me, but they did. My son is 25 now, and even though he is in a great relationship, the words "So, when are you guys having kids?" will NOT come out of my mouth. EVER. If my son or his girlfriend want to discuss the topic, I'm an open book. I'll tell them all about parenthood - the good, the bad, and the ugly. But that is a topic that they will have to broach with me...not the other way around.
I love this! This is me too! Grew up assuming I'd have kids because that's what everyone did, but it was never something I ever activity wanted. As I grew older I understood that kids aren't for me. I don't like children. They're annoying and loud and kinds icky. I also find it funny how children exhaust me, but dogs doing the exact same things bring me joy!
I'm almost 30, but I don't get this question much because I still look very young. Even so, I don't shy away anymore from saying I don't want kids and my most hated comment is anything along the lines of "You'll change your mind." I had hospital/surgery-worthy gastrointestinal issues through most of my childhood and adolescence, so choosing to mess with anything in that region terrifies me. Also, I never once while growing up ever imagined myself with children or married. Not even once, and I feel like that's something I should pay attention to. My health issues definitely factor in, but at the end of the day I just have no desire to be pregnant or give birth.
I’ve always believed that the appropriate response to someone telling me that they don’t plan to have kids is ‘fair enough’. People have their reasons or they don’t and both are fine. My childhood best friend never had kids and I’ve never questioned it; why would I?
You’re probably too nice a person for this, but in the case of comments like those of the bank story, “Who the *f* do you think you are?” Is a perfectly appropriate response.
@@Not_Dead_Yet I honestly feel like it's less rude to tell someone to go to hell, like when a person gets that pissed I would be like, woah shit dude my bad. But saying "How is that any of your business" is just a Karen-ass thing to say and would not make me feel bad. Maybe I'm weird but I will respond better to anger than indignation
@@skeetsmcgrew3282 i get that. I swear like a sailor, so my first inclination is to tell them to f off, but sometimes you have to soften it for the location (like someone you work with). Work ppl have been told no and if they push, they get the why is it any of your business
I’m in the process of getting an ablation for medical reasons, and I’m actually so looking forward to being able to deadpan tell people that I can’t have kids (perhaps elaborating occasionally that my period made death by strychnine look like a good option). I love kids, but my health is more important than their hypothetical existence.
I get the question, "who's going to look after you when you're old?". first of all, If I had children, I would never wish for them to look after me. Secondly, the people in the old folks home I pay, who else? I don't went children, because I don't want them. I love kids, I love my nieces and nephews, but it's not for me, and that's okay.
Tori Maguire totally me. I have a niece and nephew I adore. I can afford to pay for care when the time comes. In the mean time I am living life and having a blast with my husband
And then you have children who end up not looking after you. What then? It's not a certainty that they will look after you. Also, they might actually die before you and then you don't have them to look after you either.
I actually don’t get that question at all. There is no guarantee that your children will even be capable of taking care of you physically, financially, or mentally. There is always a chance you could out live you child, they could be disabled and need care themselves, they could have addiction issues, mental health issues, financial issues, they could move away and live in another state or country, or you may not even have a relationship with them at all when they’re older. Just assuming your child could one day take care of you is dumb.
My mom literally told me to put her in a nursing home as soon as she needs more help than maybe help with grocery shopping every week and other such smaller stuff. We had to take care of my grandma, we all know how hard that was and we also now know that none of us ever wants to go through that again. Like I will help but fuck being the sole caretaker of my mom. I also am disabled so I physically can't do all the stuff someone needs to do to take care of someone.
@@DieAlteistwiederda My parents move my grandfather in with them a few months ago basically so he didn’t die alone of covid in a nursing home. Honesty it’s terrible. He needs 24/7 care. He’s like a toddler that’s capable of burning the house down. He’s up all night so my parents don’t sleep, they can’t go anywhere together because someone always has to be home. It’s miserable.
Bravo! I feel exactly the same way. I’ve never wanted to have kids and it’s frustrating that it’s just expected that we all want to. Thank you for saying it plain and simple, and reinforcing that it’s a perfectly valid choice.
❤️❤️I respect your decision, it’s odd to hear as a mom but I completely understand it! Kids are hard to raise, and I agree there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to have kids. I have lost 2 babies early in pregnancy and right after the 2nd one I lost I decided to get my tubes tied because it too hurt much to loose them, and I didn’t want to have to go through that pain again❤️. I have 3 amazing children with 2 in heaven. I would love more but I am happy with what I decided to do in the end.
People have been asking me since I graduated high school when I was having kids. I was engaged at 17, so at 18 when I graduated everyone thought marriage and babies were on the way. Its been almost 8 years since I've been with this person, and now it's when will you get married and have kids already? Its been so long! What they don't know is, I was pregnant at one time and I lost the baby at about 6 weeks. The pregnancy was a surprise, I was actually in my last bit of high school, so not exactly the ideal time but I would have made it work. But after that happened, we are both scared to try again, because we don't know if it will happen again. So we decided we will take preventative measures for now and when we are as ready as we can be, we will try again. But because both he and I come from families with and both experience depression among a lot of other medical conditions, we are scared to have kids because what if we pass that on? So we might not ever be ready, and that's ok too.
While a previous miscarriage probably does indicate a possibility of higher risk for you(although it could just be chance), miscarriages are super common. Many mothers have kids after losing a baby. Don't stress about it(the stress would increase the risk) :)
I love your hair in this video! It looks so pretty with the blonde ends and brown the rest of the way😍 10/10 great hair. By the way, *no one* should have to justify their reasons for not wanting kids of their own. People need to stop being rude and quit judging people for not having babies. That's that!
I love you Jo, I love this conversation but....please help in being a part of the change in this topic....if you “don’t want to be a mom” then please don’t later offer the option of “one day we might foster/adopt”. I am an adoptive mother and have never birthed a baby (I’m in the same boat where tons of people always ask and offer opinions on the subject) but I am a mom. Adopting for me was not a backup plan though. I always wanted to be a mom so I just went a different route. There is such stigma behind being adopted and I hate that society makes these kids feel like they are a consolation prize. I think you are awesome and just wanted to add this piece to the topic. If people don’t want to parent that is a valuable and responsible decision but people should not then throw out alternative family options because no matter how you get there raising kids should always be your desired outcome. I pray this comes across pleasant, I truly just want to a light as an advocate for foster/adoption. Thanks for sharing your life with us, you really brighten the world.
Straight male here: My wife often has told me of the questions she gets from others about why we only have 1 kid. She responds it’s hard to get pregnant. (She has a tumor in her brain that screws up her thyroid.) I never push her to have more kids. I always tell her I would love more but I am happy with the one we got. And the one we have is a miracle. I never push for a kid. I simply remind her to take her thyroid and depression medication.
Your body, your life, your choice! I had my tubes tied 3 1/2 years ago, when I was having a planned c-section. I've always wanted children but I had 7 miscarriages and my daughter who stuck, is everything I hoped and more. Pregnancy was horrible. My life was litterally in danger multiple times. Even the c-section did'nt go quite right, even though it was planned and I have not regretted a single minute, that I had my tubes tied! N. E. V. E. R!!! I did, however, have to fight to get sterilised. My GP (in my country they have to refer you to have it done) pushed the pill,the IUD and what not - even knowing I have a genetic error increasing my risk if bloodclods and therefor should never have hormones... but them there was the copper IUD... which has a ton of side effects, especially for women with endometriosis - which I do! I was 37 years old when I got pregnant with my daughter. I was 38 when she was born. I was done! DONE! But the attitude I've met with doctors, midwifes and other health professionels as-well as family and friends was un-believeble. If you dont have kids; When are you having any? If you do have kids; When are you having another? If you want to have your tubes tied; Are you sure, as an adult of sound mind, that you can msnage such a desition for yourself? "I dont think so, little Missy", seems to be the attitude. It n.e.v.e.r ends! Damned if you do. Damned if you dont. It is never enough for other people, whatever you do 🙄🙄🙄 And btw., as someone who lost preg,ancy after pregnancy; You are entitled to tell people like me to shut the f... UP if they tell you, that you are obligated to have children because they cant. I never understood that "logic" and have discussed it on numerous occassions with people like myself. Yes; wanting a child more than anything and not succeeding is hard. But it dos'nt entitle someone to be an a.., nor does it entitle anyone to deside for others, that they owe them or should do certain things - because they cant! It's not their place and they need to read up on biology if they think you having an un-wanted baby, is going to change the course of their own fertility. No. No. No!
Yeah "my body my choice" really should apply to more than just the abortion subject. Absolutely some women have problems with birth control pills or IUDS. There are still women forced to have children too surrogates cohercian etc. I think celibacy is best personally avoid all risk including that of another relationship with an abusive manipulative man.
Doctors are supposed to discourage non necessary surgerys as much as possible especially if you have issues that could complicate them. The reason being that they can permanently fuck up your physical and mental health.
@@camomoose1078 This us true, but everything OP said about their medical history would indicate that the surgery would be in the best interest of their health. Doctors are not immune to their personal biases influencing their thinking and some act on those biases. I've had a doctor try to talk me out of transitioning because, "It's irreversible and you might regret it." I was there for a referral to an endocrinologist with documented recommendation from multiple therapists. I was perfectly aware of how HRT works.
@@austin.luther OP's condition, though unlikely, can cause serious complications after that surgery. Much more serious then what she says she has to deal with now. Her getting it is like rolling dice. Everything from 1 to 5 is ok, but a 6 may cripple her body for life. The same, though with better odds, goes for allmost all surgerys, which is, again, why doctors are supposed to discourage them unless the reason to perform them is a bigger threat to the person then whatever ailments it could cause. And even then they have a, atleast moral, obligation to inform the patient of its risks and make sure they accept them. The same could go for your doctor. Even after going through the many checks your and most other serious medical treatments require, there is still a chance that someone who would regret it might have slipped through the cracks. It happens, though rarely, sometimes. Which is the reason why doctors should double check, even if the individual in question has copious amounts of referrals. Therefore i would allways assume concern for a patient at first and malice at last. In the end its for you to decide if that was true in your situation though. Sorry if i mangled any words or repeated them to often, english isnt my first language.
My partner just got diagnosed with a genetic disability, that he has an extremely good chance of passing down if we had kids. It was a powerful wake-up call - we really wanted kids but had never really thought about how well we'd deal with it. I'm the worker of the family, since he's on a pension due to his disability now. Not only would our income be hit hard if I got pregnant, but we're also honestly just happy with our lifestyle now and I don't really see it changing. Any children we had would be put under the care of my partner, and with his disability he doesn't think he'd be able to handle it. I don't know. It's still hard to think about.
Your an amazing woman. I love your stories. I am 67 with no grandkids and it bothers my daughter. She wants them but its just not happening. I told her if it happens grate but if not it's still ok. I think she wants kids because all her friends have them. That's not a good reason.
"I don't want to be a mom." And that's a perfectly valid reason, no more needs to be said.
I know Im kind of off topic but does anyone know of a good site to stream newly released tv shows online?
@Bowen Devin Flixportal =)
@Kaysen Terry thank you, I signed up and it seems to work :D I really appreciate it !
@Bowen Devin glad I could help :)
@@bowendevin2070 One that I know of is called Plex
After our first child we got so so many questions about when we were having another baby and after 8 years and 4 miscarriages we finally had another boy. And no sooner then he was born we were asked if and when we were going to have a girl. Two years after that we had twins one boy and a girl and then we were asked if we had a tv and why we weren't on birth control. I have learnt that it doesn't matter what your situation is there will be people, friends, family and strangers who feel the need to comment and they don't seem to care how tactful they are or aren't.
Ugh. People are so ridiculous.
This is SOOO true and so sad at the same time.
My wife and I really wanted Kids, but we found out we couldn't. So, we got the same questions as her: When will you have children?
People are so inconsiderate of what their questions can cause in the people they ask.
When we were over the fact and sort of comfortable with how things are, I sometimes took this as an opportunity to teach people that it is none of their concern. I "played" offended, blurted out that we can't for medical reason in a way that bystanders could hear it and know the other person just asked an inconsiderate question...
I am still young but I know everything about babys and children but my mum always says to me when you have kids, when you have kids, when you have kids and what's always on my mind is what if I dont want kids what if I cant have kids what if I'm single and dont want a husband and kids would be to much if it was just me living alone so I feel like I have to have kids if I can when I'm older because my mum always talks about when I have kids but after waching this video I realized I dont have to have kids so this video real,y helpedcme
Ouch! People have foot in mouth disease sometimes!
@@debralum9118 like saying that comment to a person with no foot probably qualifies.
“I don’t think you need people who don’t want kids having kids.” Omg, thank you for saying this. There are too many people having kids that shouldn’t be having them or doing so out of some sort of obligation. I have no problem with anyone who doesn’t want kids. You do you and don’t t let anyone get you down for it.
The only problem I have with people who don't want kids is with the ones who have kids anyways.
This is because of restrictive policies by authoritarian leadership in places like #florida , #texas , and other *R* class politician states. If you are rich then it doesn't matter they can have those abortions, Plan B, and other healthcare service; but for the rest of the citizens who don't have the resources they can't afford it. It's a blatant overstepping of their power. When politicians are demanding to control what happens in your bedroom it's time to dump them from your government. They want to control every aspect of your life, and if they can control what happens in someone's bedroom that is the ultimate proof they have control over every aspect of your life, thus they are now #cult leaders.
You called rebublican politicians authoritarian cult leaders.
You said people that dont want kids having them is their fault, that they force them upon the poor and that they controll what happens in the bedrooms of their countys inhabitants.
But you havent named anything concrete that could proove the stuff youre saying.
You gotta provide evidence mate.
Otherwise you sound like a nutjob.
(Im not even saying youre wrong, im not american so ive got no clue, i just whant you to back up your claims. Name a legislation and its effects, you dont even need stats, just please, give the people reading this something to work with)
I agree. I have 3 grown kids and none of them want kids but 1 did have one and thats great plus he is a great dad even if it wasnt planned.
I've had people respond to my "I don't want kids" with "You will once you have them!" What even, I'm not going to create a human being on the off chance that I'll change my mind and want to spend 20 years parenting it!
As a 36 year old dude, I definitely do get this question. I'm at the age where most of my friends have kids now, and have made comments ranging from (unprompted) "well it's okay if you don't want kids" to (again, totally unprompted) "maybe you can date someone younger and still have kids - you never know!" Some folks will ask me if I want kids, and respect my answers usually, but some folks have given me the whole "your life is meaningless until you have kids" speech.
The most intense was my mother, who sobbingly told me one day that all her friends have grandkids, and it was "unfair" that she will never get to be a grandmother.
That being said, I think the conversation is different for dudes. I think we get it less than women, and there's less judgement if I just say I straight up don't want kids. Men aren't necessarily expected to want kids.
To that point, I really do like kids and even went to school to be an elementary teacher at one point. I just don't want my own at this point in my life. Amusingly, back then, people would give me weird looks and ask me "don't you want to teach high school?" when I'd tell them, because teaching elementary is apparently unacceptable as a dude.
Sometimes you can't win with people and just gotta live your life the way you want.
Best line I've ever heard about this issue: "I love tigers but, I wouldn't want to own one". The most frustrating thing for me is how other women treat you. It's like they think: "Well, you don't have children so, we have nothing in common so, there is no reason for us to be friends." #Childfree
> "Well, you don't have children so, we have nothing in common so, there is no reason for us to be friends."
This is pretty much right. It's okay to be frustrated by it, but a mother has very little in common with a non-mother they just met. Having a child is one of the most transformative things a person can choose to do in their life. So much so that it leaves you little in common with your past pre-child self, let alone a pre-child stranger you could make friends with. That's one of many reasons people get depressed after having children. It's like your old self kind of disappears and you transform into a 24/7 caregiver. Not exactly friend making material.
@@lambdaman3228 if being a mother is all that a woman has going for her... the only thing that interests her... ohh she needs therapy and a hobby. a woman can have friends and be a mother. as a childless woman who has plenty of female friends with kids. this way of thinking is somewhat obtuse.... and i don't mean that in a mean way.
@@wendybird1824 Of course you're a childless woman telling women with children that they need therapy and a hobby.
It's fine if you don't have children, but don't pretend you know what it's like or that you can judge women who do. You don't and you can't.
You aren't out making mom friends, you're keeping friendships alive that were mede before children.
What's even worse is the mothers who don't have a complete elitism complex over non-breeders. At least the ones you mentioned have the decency to tell you their attitudes straight up (women are only worth their time if they're also breeders)
But then the ones that ARE willing to be friends with you expect you to be a free babysitter because "well it's not like YOU have ACTUAL responsibilities like ME!"
Honestly just avoid them all.
@@jadecoolness101 do u even love ur mom
I remember saying this to my brother the day my niece was born:
“I don’t want kids, but thank you so much for making me an aunt!” Works for me! ♥️
Same!! You get your dose of kids but then they also go home 😉 perfect middle ground!
This is going to be me this summer!
That's a great response! Auntie and Uncle is the next best thing! You get the cool moments, but ultimately you can go home. I'd much rather see a happy Aunt or Uncle vs a miserable Mom or Dad.
I love that response. It's not demanding, it's putting the focus on your excitement for their new child and takes that expectation off of you by saying what you don't want. Love it.
I would LOVE to be an aunt! I can hang with kids *only when I want to,* and *because* I want to not because I have to, and grow old surrounded by younger familial generations, without having to actually have a baby or raise a kid or do any of the "mom" things I don't want to do (which is literally every single one of them).
A little dose of kids here and there is great. Being deadass responsible for one is not (to me). So let me babysit my family members' kids once in a while and then send them home and we'll call it a win-win 🙏
There’s no point in asking someone when they are having kids. You can just assume the answer will be one of the following:
1) don’t want kids & don’t need to justify it to you
2) want kids, but not now
3) currently pregnant & don’t want you to know
4) struggling with fertility or pregnancy loss
thank you for this list. So many people forget that pregnancy loss, health issues, and fertility issues exists.
I'm in that last group. Met my wife, she has a daughter, and it was a package deal. No regrets, except missing the first 4 years. Enjoyed the 21 since.
5) struggle to find a partner who wants to start a family.
Well I think it's just considered casual conversation too I can't recall how many people asked me about kids in my 20s even my Mom was like when are you going to have kids I was like well I don't even have a boyfriend so ... as if it does not take two lol. Some women don't plan on them then birth control fails or the "clock" starts ticking mid thirties and hormones encourage them suddenly...
@@tink_a or find one that obsesses on it, and drops you after 6 years, and no kids, rather than bring up both of us going in to get tested.
Welcome to my first marriage. First clue was, she called to tell me she was pregnant, after having left months earlier. Got tested, and Yep, I was the problem.
When you want one, well, that's pretty devastating. Even more so again, because when do you bring that up? When do you decide to pull the pin on that grenade, and risk ending a relationship that's going well? (Yes. Happened a couple times.)
Met my second wife anoit the time the first one's eldest was born. Used to watch him for her sometimes. Ended up coming clean with her early on, as she had a daughter. One I loved dearly, and I didn't want to lose them. Turned out she was, and still is, fine with just one. A case of, if that 1 in a trillion comes up, great. If not, one is plenty.
That was 20 years ago. Still only one, and my godson. Both are mine where it counts, even if they are not blood. Was there for his birth, and before, because my ex and I took his mom in when she was pregnant, split. Until age.4, when his dad came along, I was Dad. Still am in many ways.
I tell people I have 2 kids. Neither one did I have a part in creating them, but one I raised the first four years of his life, the other, I met when she was 4.
I teach high school and I love my students, but they go home at the end of the day. It’s great. 👍
Best comment ever. That's fantastic. People have that misconception that if you don't want kids, it means that you "hate children". Nah, kids or teens are fun. A few hours here and there.
I teach mostly pre-K but some elementary school aged kids and I love them all but it is such a relief to send them to their parents
That's amazing! I feel the same way about my nieces and nephews.
Totally! I love my grandkids to bits but I also love it when they go home! 😊
Wow this is really good timing. I was literally walking through my house, cleaning, and this wave of sadness came over me because both my husband and I don't want kids. But making that decision is hard at times. We just don't want kids. But every time someone asks do you have kids/when are you having kids, why do they almost always follow up with "you'll change your mind". It's frustrating. My entire life I've struggled to find my own voice and make decisions for myself though I had people always encouraging me to do so. Now that I've made a decision with my husband, it feels like everyone is back pedaling saying "nope, wrong decision, try again". So thank you. We don't HAVE to have kids and I really needed to not feel alone in that right now.
Two good responses, "No, I won't" or "Why should I?" Early on at 20 I decided I didn't want kids. When asked why I always said "I don't have the patience for kids". Of course they came back with,"You'll learn". To which I replied, "And if I don't?, Who's going to suffer?. It won't be me." Just because people have the ability to have children doesn't mean they should. Too many now that can procreate, but can't nurture.
I dealt with this for awhile. Then at 30 years of age I just up and got my tubes tied. My family gave me so much grief and still 5 years later lecture me on how I made a huge mistake. My husband and I are elated we don't have to worry as much about getting pregnant since we simply never wanted to be parents.
People should both respect and admire your honesty. This is one of those intensely personal choices.
No problem, honey. You don’t have to. ❤
It's a shame you didn't have the support from your family, but it's really admirable you stayed true to yourself.
I admire your honesty! Some people are simply not parent material! And the grief that your family gave you was uncalled for!
"I don't want kids" IS a valid reason!
I work with kids as teacher and, and have other kids in my life who I am truly grateful for, BUT...does that mean I want kids of my own?
Not now, maybe not ever - and if I do there's fostering and adpotion.
Absolutely! It’s like, do I like dogs? Sure. But I don’t want a dog haha. I know babies aren’t dogs but it’s kind of the same concept
"This bloodline dies with me" is always a good reply.
That's the line I've given my children to use whenever someone asks them why they're not having kids of their own (none of them want to procreate)
Will be using this now.
A response I heard was 'I promised my first born to an evil wizard, and don't want to make good on the deal.'
Your reasons for not having children are personal and you and your husband don’t owe anyone an explanation why you don’t have children. MYOFB would be my response to anyone who asks me.
Oh geez!!! I need to use this line next time I get the question!
I have children by birth, children in Heaven, a child by adoption and children in my care through foster care. Thank you for posting this. The reasons are your own and you have every right to this choice. The world needs people that are not parents and children need parents that are passionate about being parents!
Beautifully said
Bless you. ♥️ I hope to adopt someday.
Wow, so refreshing as an older lady to hear a young woman speak with such honesty and clarity on this delicate and personal subject. You are definitely not alone. I was married in 1971, right when Ellen Peck's book came out: The Baby Trap. It was how Madison Avenue advertising distorted the reality of being a mom and that it was not desired by some and women needed more honesty in what parenthood really entailed. My husband and I chose to be child-free and our personal reasons were no one's business! We joined a group called NON - National Organization for Non-Parents. We were a poster couple for interviews in Esquire magazine and the Sunday magazine of a big city newspaper. I sobbed when seeing the Esquire article ... title was heartbreaking: Do Americans Suddenly Hate Kids? That was the opposite (!!!) of what we felt and conveyed to the interviewer, who later I learned was a Catholic. He would have been unable to ever accept that a couple has the right to choose for themselves. You Go Girl and stay strong! Just before seeing this video (a new subscriber as of today) my cousin and I said, yet again to each other, how glad we both are that we made that choice decades ago. Yes, even with ridicule and constant questioning by others, with audacity IMHO. However, I have been known to be a very nice Auntie, a role I love and cherish. I did make a difference in my professional and personal life in ways that did not involve having children. Not all of us want to be parents.
I really appreciate hearing your perspective. Also childfree, and smthn I find is a reason in a lot of ppl's lists is literally concern for the hypothetical child. Like even if one is capable of being a good parent, I think not wanting the child is an awful thing to put on a child. And sometimes ppl know they would make bad parents and *that's okay*. Like we have 8 BILLION ppl, we really honestly don't need more. And it's interesting to see organizations for the CF! I also v often hear a sense of alienation from ppl bc there's just not v many places where childfree ppl can be honest and not harangued by society.
Thank you, I appreciate your commentary too. Being an old lady now, and not meeting any new people who ask if I had ever been married or had kids, I find that a benefit these days. Even meeting many new neighbors over the decades no one has asked me. I was bombarded with the the "When are you going to have kids?" question for a long time when I was an already married teenager and then as a young adult.
Thank you for the video Jo! I appreciate that you are providing validation to simply not wanting kids to be enough.
My husband and I don’t have kids, and I sometimes get this kind of thing. I have Crohn’s disease as the worst of several health problems, and was mentioning to a coworker about going medication for my recently diagnosed ADHD. She said something like “make sure it won’t interfere with having kids! It’s something you and your husband will likely want soon.” I said something about us being a little older to start with me being 35 and him 39. I got this story back about a friend who had her first at 43 and the “your never too old” I had to snap back that “yeah, but maybe that’s not what we want!”
I know people who have had kids in their mid 30s and mid 40s, and more us personally, we don’t want to do what they’re doing and be still supporting kids into our 60s, especially with all my health issues.
I’m also a high school teacher, so I have about 100 kids per year, and I care a lot about my students, and I have nieces and nephews, so I can enjoy being a part of the community that raises children.
My son is 28 years of age. He doesn’t want kids because he doesn’t want the responsibility of taking care of them. He has high functioning autism and made the decision before his diagnosis. He was misdiagnosed ADHD as a child. He’s an awesome guy. He said he’d be content as the fun loving uncle.
I also have high functioning Autism! And ADHD. But I've never considered my diagnoses as playing a role in my decision. I also just don't want the responsibility that comes with being a parent, and I'm perfectly happy to enjoy my siblings' and/or friends' potential kids rather than ones of my own.
I'm sure if I magically ended up with a child like the virgin Mary, I'd love the kid and do my best to treat and raise them well and with the attention and prioritization they deserve. But it would be really fucking hard for me and I'd never get to express that because they wouldn't deserve to feel hurt by knowing that. But it WOULD be hell for me, and the best way to handle that is to... well, just prevent it in the first place 😂 problem solved lol
Great idea
Loser 😡
Jo I almost teared up when you said.. "I don't want to be a mom." I feel the same way.. I don't want children because I just DON'T WANT CHILDREN, and I LOVE that more women are talking about this! Thank you for this and for all the individuals in the comments! I'm a 28 yr old woman who is childfree by choice and plan to stay that way 😊💕
I also, just don't want children, among other things. You are absolutely not alone.
Natalie Steffl I too never wanted children. My husband also did not want kids so we are very happy. No regrets. Celebrated our 30th anniversary last week. Still no regrets. We spoil our niece and nephew and that is enough for us. We are both active sports minded and keep busy in retirement with so much. We are not lonely. We are fortunate. I would rather have never had kids and regret then have kids and regret having kids.
Same, I love my furbabies, but I don't want children.
Yes! Why is it so horrible not to like children? So many old folk's children leave them in an old age home never to visit, so what is the point in having them for insurance if they might not look after you in the end? What a waste!
I bet you are glad your parents wanted children. Just saying.
Here's a good one: After I got married, I put on a few pounds. People at work were like "OH MY GOD WHEN ARE YOU DUE?" and I would say - "Not pregnant, just fat"
Oh, yeah. I've heard that, a lot
The exact same thing happened to me. Funny thing was that I was underweight. Went from like 110 to like 120 lbs ( I'm 5ft 8"). My hubs and I worked at the same place and people started congratulating him b/c some crazy lady was telling people we were pregnant. I confronted her and could no longer stand her afterwards.
Here’s one that I’ve used a few times
“The father is McDonalds”
I don’t even eat McDonald’s often, but it gets the point across and I think it’s funny
Edit: also sometimes I say “this is a food baby”
Hahaha so I got the opposite… I got pregnant right away after getting married, and someone I worked with heard me mentioning my husband said my dress made me look like a pilgrim and we’re laughing and he says, “at least he doesn’t day you look pregnant.” We all stopped and stared at him and I asked him what he meant. “Because you’ve let yourself go… since you got married.” Yes… that was horribly rude also. 😂
I love kids. Never intended on having any of my own. But then my fiance got pregnant... and I absolutely LOVE my son. So while he wasn't planned, he's loved.
Something I think *EVERY* couple that doesn't want kids should discuss is how they would handle it if there's an accidental pregnancy. Better to have that conversation early in the relationship. If there's disagreement on that, it will cause huge issues down the road.
Yes! Thank you!
Yeah we're certain we aren't having it if it can be helped.
I really like how you said this. It is entirely valid to not want kids and you don’t put that down. While also raising the very important point that you should still have a plan if accidents happen.
While i totally agree with you, that everyone should have that conversation, there are many womans out there, which say they would get an abortion (and really mean that) but than can´t do it, when they are actually pregnant. And thats totally okay and the choice of the woman!
I just wanted to say - reading your comment - that every men should keep that possibility in mind. (And probably every woman too)
Couple that doesn't want kids > accidental pregnancy.
No discussion needed, abort it.
Thank you for this video! People need to be more open about it. I have always felt pressured to have kids and have never been at peace with idea even when I was considering it or in a relationship. Even when I was single people would ask me when am I having kids. I’m so happy I found someone that also doesn’t want kids but wants us to build a life together with dogs and someday hobby farm animals 😊
I'm unable to conceive, I get those questions all the time. I enjoy making people uncomfortable by saying I can't have kids. When I say that, they realize how sensitive a question like that can me. It's our own lives. You're definitely valid in how you feel.
Thank you for this video! I never understood why it's considered "selfish" not wanting to have kids. When people say the want kids, the sentence starts with "I want". That's just as selfish as not wanting kids. I've chosen to be childfree and I'm absolutely loving my life. Everybody should be able to make the choice most suitable to their lives and expectations.
Actually, a lot of people have kids for selfish reasons. Many because they want someone to have unconditional love for them, which they’ve never had. Or they want children who will take care of them in their old age. Historically, many families had children in order to have free labor on the farm or to send them into the workforce at a very early age, quitting school, so they could help support the family.
Thinking about it ahead of time and choosing not to have children, for whatever reason, is the opposite of selfish!!! 👍🏼🥰👋🏼
I can't be trusted to take care of myself. I think it would be irresponsible of me to try to add a helpless tiny human into that.
That's not selfish, that's considerate.
Its not selfich if you cant take care of a kid fore me i don t jave the monny to does that make me selfish no its me wanting the best fore the baby
Right?? Like, what are you withholding, and from whom, by not having kids? To whom do you have any kind of obligation to have kids? The hypothetical "future kid" who doesn't exist, and never has to? 🤣
It would be selfish to have a kid just because "that's what's done", or to meet some kind of expected societal status/standard, when you don't actually want them. If you have a kid, it should be because you genuinely want to for its own sake, and have the means to do right by that kid.
I've heard that selfish before.
I'm not an amputee, but I suffer chronic pain, full body migraines, a really intense autoimmune disorder, BPD, and schizotypal traits. I don't want to pass on my genetics without a solid structure to manage these issues. I am super open to adoption though.
If I do adopt, I'd want to adopt a group of siblings (3 to 5) at risk of being split up in the system.
As someone with three autoimmune diseases and three kids, I can tell you it's freaking hard. I love them, and even if I *could* go back and not have them, I wouldn't. But if it weren't for my amazing husband they probably would have been taken from me at this point because of the number of times I've been too sick to take care of them. Plus, yanno, the whole guilt at knowing I've passed on these shitty genetics to them - even though I didn't know it at the time.
You can still fuck up kids without passing on your bad genes.
Please dont adopt unless you are 200% certain that you will be able to keep your issues in check for around 20 years.
stay safe you guys!
I feel you. I don't want another human to suffer through the hell that is my life.
I hope you luck if in case you adopt. I think it's an awesome way to improve the life of a child that does not have parents to raise them. You don't have to adopt or have kids tho, wish you a happy life anyway (even with your medical problems) I just really liked to see someome that would adopt a childs that are at danger to being split up by the sistem because that's isn't always the case (even tho is ok if someome choses the other way)
As someone with a pretty progressive form of Multiple Sclerosis and being diagnosed when I was 23 I come up on the questions of having children and even though I have a great support with my husband we have decided no kids too. This video just really game me more piece of mind so thank you so very much.😊
I'm a guy almost at 50 years old. I used to get pressure to have kids, mostly from my parents. Friends would ask but never pressure. Most pressure was from my father. I still don't have kids. I have nieces and nephews that I helped to raise. I don't feel that I've missed out at all.
I love the honesty and sincerity in your videos. Keep up the great work and thank you for being you!
Opposite situation, same thought process. My husband and I just knew we wanted kids, we wanted to be parents, and no one has ever asked me to justify that.
The pressure on both of us was more specifically to have boy children. We chose not to find out the gender if our first child (apparently this is a more controversial decision that having kids in the first place!) and my father in law took to asking me how "his grandson" was doing, and referring to the baby as Butch. My dear husband finally asked him to knock it off which he respectfully did. Good thing too, as that baby was definitely a girl! So the pressure around having or not having kids is very real and takes many forms.
God, how entitled does a person have to be to think they get to decide the gender of a child that isn't even theirs.
Sorry you had to deal with that.
@Julia M. Not just that, but also the name/nickname of the baby
I recently found the subreddit r/childfree and it's been great to interact with. I knew I never wanted to be a mom. My biggest fear has always been getting pregnant. I've been on hormonal birth control since I was 14. When I was 24 I got sterilized and I was lucky enough to meet a man who was equally child free. We've been together for nearly a decade and it was known that we would never have kids even before we got married three years ago.
It's not a sensitive topic for me and I don't get upset when I meet someone knew and they casually ask if I have any kids. I always just say, "No, that's not for me" and I'm thankful that I've never faced any kind of backlash for that. My sister struggles with her fertility. She's been pregnant five times but only given birth twice. I love my nephews to pieces but I would never want to _have_ them. I'll spend time with them at family events but that's about it.
I don't really _like_ kids. I certainly don't want harm to come to them and my heart breaks for all the kids in the system who don't have loving homes. But I'm not the person to solve that issue. My four cats are my kids. They are my babies and I'd be lost without them. That's all I need.
"I don't want kids" is a complete sentence. That IS the reason, it doesn't have to be because of a reason, not wanting them is a reason.
But also, NEVER ask anyone about family planning. Period!
I get frustrated enough to want to poke back with, but did you get pregnant every time you had sex? Unless they are the Duggers, I doubt it.
So many years of therapy to finally figure what boundaries were and just how badly people feel compelled to cross them.
I have 3 children and 5 grandchildren and wouldn't change a thing about my life but I realize that not all people want this kind of life. Jo, you do you and don't ever be ashamed or concerned about what other people think.
As a male, I never felt pressured or even recall being asked if I planned to have kids. We discussed having children very early in our relationship (it would likely be difficult) and that neither of us recalled childhood as being something we'd like to revisit vicariously. The idea of adoption was definitely there early on but in the end we've been perfectly happy to be parents/caretakers of our own and other's four legged kids.
My mom was so pushy about having grandkids that one time when I was in college she suggested I have a one night stand to achieve it..... not kidding.
You don't have family 😡, that's the reason
I can’t have kids and it sucks. I wish people would be more sensitive like you.
Sorry to hear.
Im really sorry, I hope that you have a good day and that you are proud of yourself for getting through the day (because its hard, ecspecially now)
You put this so much nicer than I did.
Sending you hugs!!!
Just start screaming it at the askers 😌 then watch them apologize for the next year. It worked on a cousin who decided to put herself in my womb just because she was able to have two back to back two years ago. Shut her up good.
8:58 we tried for years, multiple miscarriages, and a premature that passed at six months of age. During this time, we had many people ask us why we don’t have kids. “Well, see…..”
In the end, we did have a child who is absolutely amazing.
I have three daughters and I have always spoken in terms of “if that is your choice” or “if that is what your future holds”. Their lives are their choices-big and small.
Your video was shared through a child free page and OMG. as an amputee who just doesn’t want to be a mom, the comments on potentially fostering, adoption… I’ve never felt more seen, validated, heard. Thank you so much.
I got this question through my 20s and 30s. When I had my daughter at 40 I thought my friends and family were going to have a parade. It's ridiculous how much focus people put on this. Being a mom is wonderful and exhausting. I don't regret it and I definitely don't regret waiting.
@Bob so am I. I'm in my 40s not 80s.
@Bob my aunt was 27 when she had my cousin, she has told me it's still exhausting at that age
Since I was old enough to understand the concept I knew I don’t want to be a mother. I’m glad it’s being discussed more that not everyone who can, wants kids.
Judging a person for choosing not to have children is just so's not your body or your life, so please mind your business
Great video, as always!
Thanks 🙏🏻 Everyone on my family want me to have children BUT I don’t want for some reasons 🙄
Thank You...
Your right
This 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 an 👏🏻 awesome 👏🏻 comment 👏🏻
Thanks for having this conversation! My husband and I don't have children but I always get asked if we have kids when I meet someone. When I say “No!” there is a look of pity/disappointment on their face...i wish people would stop that because I always feel like I need to explain why, and I shouldn't have to.
Yeah people and their projections. Or maybe if someone wants kids and can't have any a question like that just rubs salt in their wounds.
Yeah people and their projections. Or maybe if someone wants kids and can't have any a question like that just rubs salt in their wounds.
I'm so glad I'm not alone in this. For the longest time, I kept trying to come up with reasons to not have kids. Like I was justifying the choice, because I felt like I had to. But no, I just don't want kids. I don't like children, I never have, and I have no desire to be a mother. It took me a really long time to come to (and not to mention accept) this conclusion, but I got there in the end. Thank you for talking about this, I feel like it's an important message. ❤️
Me too. I realized that it is not even a question of wanting or not wanting. It’s just not on my mind, ever.
I'm very late to this video, but as someone that always wanted kids and cannot have them, this hit home. You not wanting to be a mother is as valid as someone that wants kids. I finally started answering with a real answer of "I can't have them, and it's a painful subject, so thanks for that. Anything else you want to know about my life that is none of your business?" It tends to shut people up quickly. Brava to your friend for answering that way at one point. People need to start thinking.
I love this. I’m in the “I don’t want to have kids club”. 🙋🏼♀️ You articulated this topic very well. Thanks for sharing your story and thoughts.
Same here! And I just looked at your channel, it seems really cool.
I’m actually aspiring to be a doctor, going to medical school soon so I’m glad to have stumbled across your channel too
@@goodmorning2386 Thank you! Good luck in medical school!
I’m a bisexual woman who has always wanted kids and for me it’s such an important part of my future life to become a mother and be pregnant and experience that. However, so many people have kids because they feel pressured to when deep down they don’t really want to be parents and then wind up resenting their kids or slightly regretting having them and I 100% respect that if a person doesn’t want kids for any reason at all, that’s their choice and I’d rather them just not have kids than have them and not enjoy being a parent because it’s not something they every truly wanted. Kids should be ideally born to people that want them wholeheartedly so it’s not fair to pressure people that don’t want kids into having them
I have always wanted kids, but I gave up my chance when a lesbian couple, who were close friends of mine, asked me to father their child. I just had to be honest and admit I have a serious genetic defect that means any children I might have would have a much higher than normal chance of birth defects. They were disappointed about that because they said I was their only hetro-male friend who respected their orientation.
I was just raised to believe it's rude to make a pass at a woman who has made it clear she is not interested. And yes, they were both very attractive.
Absolutely. There are few things more heartbreaking than seeing a kid love their parents and want to play w them and have their attention and the parent just really doesn’t want any part of that role
Also a bisexual cis woman, feel exactly the same way. I hope we're moving to a place where we put less pressure on people to have families. To be honest, I am a little jealous of proudly childfree folks... They'll be happier and richer over their lives, and they won't have to deal with the physical effects of pregnancy that leave many women struggling with their body image. However, my dream is to raise a family. Well, a kid. I don't think I want more than one.
@Hxney Dew present and accounted for. I’m adopted lol
And I know a few who are.thankful of the ones that have them, don't want them, and are willing to place them up for adoption. One, an ex and a close friend, has her son because a friend couldn't keep him, and wasn't ready,.when he was born.
Like me, she can't have one of her own. That boy is her world..
On those occasions when a friend mentioned their preference to have kids or not I've been flattered at their trust. Otherwise I've never been curious. In other words it's none of my business.
This is very refreshing. I'm in the same boat. 38 years old and I've never had any desire to have children and I never will and it's nobody's business and it's a very, very, very personal choice. My partner is a lot older than me and he has adult children from a previous relationship. Women should not need to explain themselves. The questions that some people ask us are completely absurd. Women have zero requirement or duty to procreate. I'm very lucky that I never experienced any pressure from my family or from friends, although thankfully I'm strong enough to simply ignore stuff like that anyways. I feel really awful for all of the women who have experienced extreme amounts of pressure to have kids....and some of those women do have children even though they don't want to, but they can't handle the relentless and inappropriate pressure from their family. It's absolutely horrific to me that there are millions of families out there that pressure their female family members into having babies. It makes me just want to scream. That is literally abuse.
It always baffles me when people ask such personal questions to total strangers. AS IF you owe them an explanation of any kind.
I am a guy in my mid 50's and I still get asked by strangers and those that don't know me well if I have children. I usually just say not yet and that usually gets me a strange look.😄
I had a really good conversation about this with a close friend of mine. We're both hetero cis women around 30, she doesn't want kids and I have always wanted them. She's really tired of having to defend herself to people, or getting condescending comments like "oh, just to wait, you'll want them soon". She really made me think when she said that no one ever asks women: "Why DO you want kids?" And a lot of people end up getting kids just because that's what you're supposed to do, but they never conciously consider if they actually want kids. It made me think long and hard about why I want kids, because I have a lot of medical reasons why I shouldn't. My conclusion is that I really, really want kids, despite there being so many logical reasons why I shouldn't. I just want kids. Which is just as fine as women not wanting kids, just because they don't.
Thank you! I’m married with two kids, but never considered NOT having kids. I really wish I had. Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids and would probably would still have had them, but being raised the way I was, it just never seemed to be an actual option.
I am a 30 year old woman, and I have been saying I don’t want kids since I was 12. I love when my friends have kids. I love the idea of being an aunt. I think it’s amazing you’re saying you just don’t want to be a mom. Thank you for just saying it as well because people make me feel like I am lesser than, just because I don’t want to be a mother.
I think people know when they're very young if they want kids or not. I knew by age 7; I'm 60 now and my attitude hasn't changed.
Tbh, that has been my response since I was 15….but then my mother expected me to get pregnant at 18 (I’m a lesbian) and when I told her I didn’t want kids, she told me I wasn’t going to be a real woman until I gave birth…..I think that fucked with my head because I’ve found myself “wanting” to get pregnant…but I do not want to be a mother. Idk. I’m working through a lot of childhood trauma, and this subject is very triggering for me
Thank you for sharing this with the world….I appreciate you!
As a father of a daughter (may she RIP), you are the greatest gift your father could have.
That is so awesome to hear a man say. It’s so hard to navigate this world as woman and to be told that she was put on this earth to give grandchildren to father was so condescending. I mean, I know you get it, but very few people do. Please keep sharing that positivity. This is why songs about a close father daughter relationship like “butterfly kisses” got so popular. Because it’s so rare.
i'm sorry for your loss; this is a really good way to frame what that guy said
The way your dog comforts you when you told the story is so heartwarming ❤️❤️❤️
Lol 😂 he wants treat 😡 go outside of your little imaginary mind
Sophie seems to be a sweetheart.
Good for you Jo! I and my husband both knew we had no desires to have kids. All of our family and friends knew up front and never gave us a bad time about it.👍. I am now 59 and my husband is nearly 65. We still feel that we made the right decision, for us! Again, good for you two. You’re the only ones who can make your life, what you want it to be. I have my horses and he his computers. Good luck in your future going forward Jo.
Not sure horses and computers are an adequate replacement for babies though?
But hey, whatever works for you, I guess
I'm adopted and adopting is the GREATEST form of love there are an amazing woman 🙏
One of the problems I see is a lot of people are not honest about what its like to have kids. Yes they are cute and you love them with every fiber. That aside, its a F ing GRIND! I remember feeling so free on a Friday after work. With children there is no off work. Uf you are someone who needs alone time to recharge, don't have kids. Unless you have a ton of help around or you have the means to pay for it
I love this. I don’t have children because I was unable to, and it didn’t stop the pointed, awful, questions. People need to change their perspective on “women’s obligations” related to creating a new life.
I think the bigger problem is the way these questions are asked as well as the difference between expecting the possibility of a person having children and that someone should have children,
I don't think there is anything wrong with asking if a person does have children or if they ever have the intention to, but it sounds horrifying to be consistently pestered about the expectation that you should have children
@@evmarekaj I think "are you having kids?" is a much better question than "when are you having kids?". First one sounds like a question, second one sounds like a command.
@@livi6886 exactly my point curiosity isn't the problem, it's the expectation and the way it is expressed
The dog was like, "Wait, you do have kids, ... Me! Am I not your baby?"
THANK you, Jo! You nailed it! You said EVERYTHING I always tell people when they ask me and my husband! Love and hugs from Germany! ♡
Lol yeah. I went through the same. I'm 37. I have always been aware that I didn't want to be a mom but didn't realize for a very long time that this, on its own, is a valid enough reason to give and that I wasn't the only one who felt that way. As a very young child one day I cried to my mom that I was so dreading having children one day, because I had it in my little head that I didn't have a choice. Of course lots of people told me I'd probably or definitely change my mind, but I am thankful to my parents for never pressuring me. But yeah just like you, Jo, I used to list all these reasons, each one on its own a valid one, to explain it to people. I still stand fully behind every one, but the truth is that even if everything was perfect and I didn't have a single "excuse", I would still make the same choice and it is the right choice. The decision to bring a human into the world to be raised by you should never be made lightly and "this is what people are expected to do, maaaybe AFTER I bring a life into the world It'll feel right, better count on that" is a disastrous reason to do it. What an awful thing, to be born and raised by a mother who doesn't truly want you. To choose what feels so wrong deep in your core just because other people tell you you'll suddenly feel totally different about it after making this irreversible, monumental decision, is to make the wrong choice and one of the worst things you can do both to yourself and others. Those people do not know your heart better than you do.
I always had the mindset that if I didn't have kids by the time I was 30 I didn't want them. At the age of 35 I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and just before I turned 38 my cancer progressed to stage 4. (I'm currently in stable remission).I had to make a decision on either saving my eggs for later to have babies or for go having kids all together to prevent my cancer spreading even further. My cancer is also hereditary and since it is I made the choice to have a full hysterectomy. I made the logical choice to not spread my cancer onto my future. I watch my niece and nephews and it confirms that I have made the right choice to not have kids.
For me it's the fact I wouldn't be able to give the child/children the childhood I want. I wouldn't be able to look after them and be there for them in the way I want. Add to that the possibility of passing on chronic illnesses, it just feels selfish to have biological children. I love kids and I love the time I get to spend with my bfs nieces and nephews, but boy are they exhausting. I struggle to find the energy to look after myself some days, let alone having another human fully dependant on me for EVERYTHING. It wouldn't be fair on the child.
Nicola Bannister - Same!
I feel this whole heartedly too. Thankfully I never did really want my own. But on top of just not wanting my own, I also don't feel it would be fair to have them when I can't properly care for them routinely. It wouldn't be the full life I'd want for them
This is exactly how I feel.
Don't let them tell you "but others make it work."
Or "but you will regret this choice"
Children are precious but demanding and regretting not having them is infinitely better than regretting having them.
I feel this too, when I was 16 I KNEW I wanted kids! But since my nephew was born 5 years ago, I've been on the fence. He's so loud and rowdy, I don't know how I'd cope if my kid was like that. My niece is slowly restoring my faith in babies, she's amazing and so well behaved, the complete opposite of her brother.
I'm just hoping kids with my partner will be more like us, both of us would be so out of our depth with a masculine football loving kid. 😅
From personal experience, guys only talk about whether they want kids if you've had a romantic connection with them. It doesn't really come up otherwise. Except for my friends who already have kids
Good for you! I was married for 10 years and people always assumed there would be kids - so glad there weren't when things fell apart. But those questions were always asked - we also had decided against kids for various reasons but those were personal and I hated that I always felt that I had to explain myself. Also, the number of people (generally men!) who feel like it's okay to ask when you're due if you even show a tiny stomach bulge - like why do you think that's even vaguely okay?!
To anyone who asks when you're due because they see a little bit of stomach you should say, "In a couple of hours, give or take 💩."
I was asked the "kid question" nonstop until reached my late 40's and went into menopause. People stopped asking at that point because it was somewhat obvious I surpassed the "best if used by" date. I sailed through the next decade period- free (yay!!!) and child-free (even better!!!). Then much to my surprise I recently started getting asked about my non-existent grandchildren!!! I'm told how much I am missing out on by not having kids and grandkids, blah, blah, blah. Now I'm wondering what the next big question will be?!?! Criminy!!
Oh no, I’m sorry to hear this 🥺 some people just don’t respect.
I don't understand what people's goal is when they say "you're missing out", even if they strongly feel that way. Like, even if the person they're talking to were to agree, wouldn't that just make the person feel bad? Are they TRYING to make childless people feel bad for it??
but... you're tobys mom
@@GoddessOfThree it's almost as if their grasp on their belief of ''having kids = good'' were so feeble, that they need to verbally push the narrative over in other to maintain it
R. R. martin said it before, he who has confidence needs not to assert
Wow, that’s so obnoxious. Are they just trying to ruin your day? Or are they saying it through gritted teeth, trying to convince themselves that their grandkids are not annoying them?
That's a great point your friend makes, that it could be very hurtful for someone to be constantly reminded they CAN'T have kids, and so many of the expectations society places on people about what their goals SHOULD be are contingent on the assumption that those goals are actually attainable for EVERYONE, which is almost NEVER actually true.
Perfectly valid reason. Why is it anyone's business. I had a friend ask me why I didn't have kids, asked me if I was shooting blanks. What if that was the case?
I feel the exact same way! My sister was born to be a Mom, and I wasn’t. So many people asked me why aren’t we having kids, and I actually can’t have kids. I had cancer and it completely killed my ovaries and hormones. So I so agree and thank you for bringing this up!!! Thank you so much Jo! 💗💗💗
@Bob Doesn’t matter, because she doesn’t want to.
@@bookllama8158 lol 😂
Wow, so glad you're a medical professional and can advise pregnancy care online from a single comment
I totally respect that!
I was just like that,parents,grandparents always pressured me(and my sister) and the more they pushed,the less I wanted them.
However,in my mid thirties I started to want them.
Long story short,Im 39,mom of 20 week old twins.
I'm a 56 going on to 57 in November Year old. I'm also married. And I never Ever Wanted children. And have Never Ever regretted my decision. At 18-19 years of age I was diagnosed with having Polycystic Ovarian Disease. I was told it would be difficult for me to have kids. And that I maybe in that smallish percentage of Women who would never fall pregnant. And when I heard those words from the Doctor who said that, I just wanted to celebrate like all my New Years had come at once.
I too had some relatives and friends who would ask "The Question ". My sister only asked me once. The one person who never asked was my Mother ( Maybe because she was wise and loving in that respect. And maybe because she respected my right and decision on the matter) And I'm grateful for it....
But the thing is, in the end -: You don't owe anyone an explanation, if You don't wish to give one. And people should respect You either way. Plus It's Nobody's Business whether a person wants Children or not. And I feel sorry for married men or unmarried who face this question as well. They shouldn't have to justify their decision either way as well ....... ☮️⚛️🌏
Haha! As a young woman, when I realized I couldn't have children, I was so happy. I had one less thing to worry about.
@@Michelle-sw9uj kinda sounds like you're trying to convince yourself more than anything else...
i am listening thoroughly on and on to understand deeper, highly respect, & give best prayers to support you for what is best for you at any time.
Such a brilliant and beautiful person. Thank you for sharing your light.
Yes Jo I am a male and I had this issue of why I was having children after I got married. The truth is I am unable to have children. But my wife and I did adopt a child and he became my world and he is mine. It's kind of funny because when you compare my childhood pictures with my adopted son's pictures you would swear that he is mine by blood. So things have a way of working out. I value your wishes and I know what it's like to be put on the spot.
I'm male, and I agree, I don't want children, that's why I have cats.
Danny Rushton I have horses. Can’t afford kids. Lol
I'm a lady but sameeeee 😂 I have 3 ginger boys who keep me on my toes.
@Bruna Fernandes Is this something that is causing you any trouble in conceiving in case you want kinds? If you do not feel comfortable answering you do not have to, I do not mean to be rude.
It's dog's for me 😀
I feel EXACTLY the same! It's so nice to hear others say it too!
Also, I thought it might be nice to share this story I had about this question, but it's totally positive! I was at a GI appointment, and my doctor was talking to me about pregnancy/fertility, because my IBD could affect it. He asked if I was planning on having kids, and I said "no, and only would adopt if I did" he just replied "oh, that's perfect!" 😂
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on such a tender subject. I always wanted children and seriously felt like it was my life’s calling but went through a traumatic birth and post-partum depression with my first. Other peoples opinions seemed to make it so much harder. I felt like I was failing at my life. You never know the battles someone is facing, we could all do better treating each other with care and understanding and sometimes the most respectful thing we can do is keep our opinions to ourselves.
I think your reasons, or your outlook (however you want to phrase it) is awesome! I honestly never asked someone that question, but you brought up an incredible point. I know several women who are on both sides of the fence. Either don't or can't have kids. And I think that you have given people a lot to think of. Thank you No for putting yourself out there. Keep up the awesome videos.
Thank you for sharing your story, Jo! I'm EXACTLY THE SAME I've never wanted kids and I always knew that, but I also went through this phase of having justifications because people were basically demanding them of me. This video is a fantastic summary of this experience, and please don't ever for a second let anyone make you somehow feel "less" because you don't want to be a mother. ♥️
I am so glad as a younger women you brought this subject up. It took me 7 years to get pregnant with my only child and during that time I feared I would not be able to have children. The questions about children was a painful subject but I never was brave enough to tell people. At 51 one I tell people all the time they need to keep their questions to themselves.
Jo it perfectly okay to not want kids!! It’s no one else’s business! You and Brian should be able to live your lives however you want 💞
Best thing to do is just to say “that’s not for me,” and they can guess what that means on their own time. Kids are overrated in many ways. It’s a massive undertaking and the adult that eventually emerges is not always what you envisioned. Carry on, childless folks, seek joy through travel and acts of generosity. ❤❤
What you want is very important and personal. I know that if you decide to have them you would be a wonderful parent. The way you treat life and your fans you would be a great mother. But that is totally up to you and your husband. Jo you are truly a wonderful person. Bob
As a mother of 4, I admire you for speaking up about this and making me think before speaking myself.
Your body, your choice.
Jo, thank you so much for letting folks know just how painful it can be to discuss having kids. I'm one of those women who wanted desperately to have kids. I had my miracle baby, but he was truly a miracle in every sense of the word. I wanted more...tried everything possible to have more...but my body just couldn't do it. I swear, from the time my son was born, until he went away to college, I was asked 'When are you going to give him a brother or sister?' or 'When are you going to give your parents more grandchildren?' EVERY day. I'm sure none of them meant to hurt me, but they did.
My son is 25 now, and even though he is in a great relationship, the words "So, when are you guys having kids?" will NOT come out of my mouth. EVER. If my son or his girlfriend want to discuss the topic, I'm an open book. I'll tell them all about parenthood - the good, the bad, and the ugly. But that is a topic that they will have to broach with me...not the other way around.
I love this! This is me too!
Grew up assuming I'd have kids because that's what everyone did, but it was never something I ever activity wanted. As I grew older I understood that kids aren't for me.
I don't like children. They're annoying and loud and kinds icky.
I also find it funny how children exhaust me, but dogs doing the exact same things bring me joy!
Dogs don't ask random questions or refuse to go to bed.
I'm almost 30, but I don't get this question much because I still look very young. Even so, I don't shy away anymore from saying I don't want kids and my most hated comment is anything along the lines of "You'll change your mind." I had hospital/surgery-worthy gastrointestinal issues through most of my childhood and adolescence, so choosing to mess with anything in that region terrifies me. Also, I never once while growing up ever imagined myself with children or married. Not even once, and I feel like that's something I should pay attention to. My health issues definitely factor in, but at the end of the day I just have no desire to be pregnant or give birth.
I’ve always believed that the appropriate response to someone telling me that they don’t plan to have kids is ‘fair enough’. People have their reasons or they don’t and both are fine. My childhood best friend never had kids and I’ve never questioned it; why would I?
You are loser 😡and afraid to being judged that's why you didn't question
You’re probably too nice a person for this, but in the case of comments like those of the bank story, “Who the *f* do you think you are?” Is a perfectly appropriate response.
Yea dude, the old man story was kinda just awkward but the bank teller can go straight to hell
I have asked people why that is any of their business before
@@Not_Dead_Yet I honestly feel like it's less rude to tell someone to go to hell, like when a person gets that pissed I would be like, woah shit dude my bad. But saying "How is that any of your business" is just a Karen-ass thing to say and would not make me feel bad. Maybe I'm weird but I will respond better to anger than indignation
@@skeetsmcgrew3282 i get that. I swear like a sailor, so my first inclination is to tell them to f off, but sometimes you have to soften it for the location (like someone you work with). Work ppl have been told no and if they push, they get the why is it any of your business
@@Not_Dead_Yet ugh, yeah probably true. Fuckin workplace politics are cancer
I’m in the process of getting an ablation for medical reasons, and I’m actually so looking forward to being able to deadpan tell people that I can’t have kids (perhaps elaborating occasionally that my period made death by strychnine look like a good option).
I love kids, but my health is more important than their hypothetical existence.
I get the question, "who's going to look after you when you're old?". first of all, If I had children, I would never wish for them to look after me. Secondly, the people in the old folks home I pay, who else? I don't went children, because I don't want them. I love kids, I love my nieces and nephews, but it's not for me, and that's okay.
Tori Maguire totally me. I have a niece and nephew I adore. I can afford to pay for care when the time comes. In the mean time I am living life and having a blast with my husband
And then you have children who end up not looking after you. What then? It's not a certainty that they will look after you. Also, they might actually die before you and then you don't have them to look after you either.
I actually don’t get that question at all. There is no guarantee that your children will even be capable of taking care of you physically, financially, or mentally. There is always a chance you could out live you child, they could be disabled and need care themselves, they could have addiction issues, mental health issues, financial issues, they could move away and live in another state or country, or you may not even have a relationship with them at all when they’re older. Just assuming your child could one day take care of you is dumb.
My mom literally told me to put her in a nursing home as soon as she needs more help than maybe help with grocery shopping every week and other such smaller stuff. We had to take care of my grandma, we all know how hard that was and we also now know that none of us ever wants to go through that again. Like I will help but fuck being the sole caretaker of my mom. I also am disabled so I physically can't do all the stuff someone needs to do to take care of someone.
@@DieAlteistwiederda My parents move my grandfather in with them a few months ago basically so he didn’t die alone of covid in a nursing home. Honesty it’s terrible. He needs 24/7 care. He’s like a toddler that’s capable of burning the house down. He’s up all night so my parents don’t sleep, they can’t go anywhere together because someone always has to be home. It’s miserable.
Bravo! I feel exactly the same way. I’ve never wanted to have kids and it’s frustrating that it’s just expected that we all want to. Thank you for saying it plain and simple, and reinforcing that it’s a perfectly valid choice.
❤️❤️I respect your decision, it’s odd to hear as a mom but I completely understand it! Kids are hard to raise, and I agree there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to have kids. I have lost 2 babies early in pregnancy and right after the 2nd one I lost I decided to get my tubes tied because it too hurt much to loose them, and I didn’t want to have to go through that pain again❤️. I have 3 amazing children with 2 in heaven. I would love more but I am happy with what I decided to do in the end.
People have been asking me since I graduated high school when I was having kids. I was engaged at 17, so at 18 when I graduated everyone thought marriage and babies were on the way. Its been almost 8 years since I've been with this person, and now it's when will you get married and have kids already? Its been so long! What they don't know is, I was pregnant at one time and I lost the baby at about 6 weeks. The pregnancy was a surprise, I was actually in my last bit of high school, so not exactly the ideal time but I would have made it work. But after that happened, we are both scared to try again, because we don't know if it will happen again. So we decided we will take preventative measures for now and when we are as ready as we can be, we will try again. But because both he and I come from families with and both experience depression among a lot of other medical conditions, we are scared to have kids because what if we pass that on? So we might not ever be ready, and that's ok too.
While a previous miscarriage probably does indicate a possibility of higher risk for you(although it could just be chance), miscarriages are super common. Many mothers have kids after losing a baby. Don't stress about it(the stress would increase the risk) :)
I love your hair in this video! It looks so pretty with the blonde ends and brown the rest of the way😍 10/10 great hair. By the way, *no one* should have to justify their reasons for not wanting kids of their own. People need to stop being rude and quit judging people for not having babies. That's that!
I love you Jo, I love this conversation but....please help in being a part of the change in this topic....if you “don’t want to be a mom” then please don’t later offer the option of “one day we might foster/adopt”. I am an adoptive mother and have never birthed a baby (I’m in the same boat where tons of people always ask and offer opinions on the subject) but I am a mom. Adopting for me was not a backup plan though. I always wanted to be a mom so I just went a different route. There is such stigma behind being adopted and I hate that society makes these kids feel like they are a consolation prize. I think you are awesome and just wanted to add this piece to the topic. If people don’t want to parent that is a valuable and responsible decision but people should not then throw out alternative family options because no matter how you get there raising kids should always be your desired outcome. I pray this comes across pleasant, I truly just want to a light as an advocate for foster/adoption. Thanks for sharing your life with us, you really brighten the world.
Your journey!! Rock on.
Straight male here: My wife often has told me of the questions she gets from others about why we only have 1 kid. She responds it’s hard to get pregnant. (She has a tumor in her brain that screws up her thyroid.) I never push her to have more kids. I always tell her I would love more but I am happy with the one we got. And the one we have is a miracle. I never push for a kid. I simply remind her to take her thyroid and depression medication.
The real reason is you don't waana provide food to them 😡
@@fighterinmkiwiscience3517 No, I’m *prettyy* sure it’s for a more serious reason.
@@lemonshobbies no you are not
@@fighterinmkiwiscience3517 “no you are not” This sentence *is* grammatically correct, but it’s wordy, and hard to read. Grammarly can help!
@@lemonshobbies your mom can help too, just like back in the day i did something to your mom and that's how you born
I feel like if the question was “are you planning on having children “ the subject could be more open
Your body, your life, your choice!
I had my tubes tied 3 1/2 years ago, when I was having a planned c-section.
I've always wanted children but
I had 7 miscarriages and my daughter who stuck, is everything I hoped and more.
Pregnancy was horrible. My life was litterally in danger multiple times. Even the c-section did'nt go quite right, even though it was planned and I have not regretted a single minute, that I had my tubes tied!
N. E. V. E. R!!!
I did, however, have to fight to get sterilised. My GP (in my country they have to refer you to have it done) pushed the pill,the IUD and what not - even knowing I have a genetic error increasing my risk if bloodclods and therefor should never have hormones... but them there was the copper IUD... which has a ton of side effects, especially for women with endometriosis - which I do!
I was 37 years old when I got pregnant with my daughter. I was 38 when she was born. I was done! DONE!
But the attitude I've met with doctors, midwifes and other health professionels as-well as family and friends was un-believeble.
If you dont have kids; When are you having any?
If you do have kids; When are you having another?
If you want to have your tubes tied; Are you sure, as an adult of sound mind, that you can msnage such a desition for yourself? "I dont think so, little Missy", seems to be the attitude.
It n.e.v.e.r ends! Damned if you do. Damned if you dont. It is never enough for other people, whatever you do 🙄🙄🙄
And btw., as someone who lost preg,ancy after pregnancy; You are entitled to tell people like me to shut the f... UP if they tell you, that you are obligated to have children because they cant.
I never understood that "logic" and have discussed it on numerous occassions with people like myself.
Yes; wanting a child more than anything and not succeeding is hard. But it dos'nt entitle someone to be an a.., nor does it entitle anyone to deside for others, that they owe them or should do certain things - because they cant!
It's not their place and they need to read up on biology if they think you having an un-wanted baby, is going to change the course of their own fertility. No. No. No!
Yeah "my body my choice" really should apply to more than just the abortion subject. Absolutely some women have problems with birth control pills or IUDS. There are still women forced to have children too surrogates cohercian etc. I think celibacy is best personally avoid all risk including that of another relationship with an abusive manipulative man.
Doctors are supposed to discourage non necessary surgerys as much as possible especially if you have issues that could complicate them.
The reason being that they can permanently fuck up your physical and mental health.
@@camomoose1078 This us true, but everything OP said about their medical history would indicate that the surgery would be in the best interest of their health. Doctors are not immune to their personal biases influencing their thinking and some act on those biases.
I've had a doctor try to talk me out of transitioning because, "It's irreversible and you might regret it." I was there for a referral to an endocrinologist with documented recommendation from multiple therapists. I was perfectly aware of how HRT works.
OP's condition, though unlikely, can cause serious complications after that surgery.
Much more serious then what she says she has to deal with now.
Her getting it is like rolling dice.
Everything from 1 to 5 is ok, but a 6 may cripple her body for life.
The same, though with better odds, goes for allmost all surgerys, which is, again, why doctors are supposed to discourage them unless the reason to perform them is a bigger threat to the person then whatever ailments it could cause.
And even then they have a, atleast moral, obligation to inform the patient of its risks and make sure they accept them.
The same could go for your doctor.
Even after going through the many checks your and most other serious medical treatments require, there is still a chance that someone who would regret it might have slipped through the cracks.
It happens, though rarely, sometimes.
Which is the reason why doctors should double check, even if the individual in question has copious amounts of referrals.
Therefore i would allways assume concern for a patient at first and malice at last.
In the end its for you to decide if that was true in your situation though.
Sorry if i mangled any words or repeated them to often, english isnt my first language.
@Bob Ah, you must be speaking from experience, Bob. 🤦🏼♀️
My partner just got diagnosed with a genetic disability, that he has an extremely good chance of passing down if we had kids. It was a powerful wake-up call - we really wanted kids but had never really thought about how well we'd deal with it. I'm the worker of the family, since he's on a pension due to his disability now. Not only would our income be hit hard if I got pregnant, but we're also honestly just happy with our lifestyle now and I don't really see it changing. Any children we had would be put under the care of my partner, and with his disability he doesn't think he'd be able to handle it. I don't know. It's still hard to think about.
It's your decision...and I love how you are so brutally honest. Would love to have you as a sister. Awesome Go Girl
Your an amazing woman. I love your stories. I am 67 with no grandkids and it bothers my daughter. She wants them but its just not happening. I told her if it happens grate but if not it's still ok. I think she wants kids because all her friends have them. That's not a good reason.