Tour Jay Leno's car collection

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • Jay Leno gives CNN's Don Riddell a tour of his garage and they discuss what F1 needs to do to be successful in the US.

Комментарии • 386

  • 8 лет назад +502

    Reporter has no enthusiasm for cars ...they should have sent someone else

    • @donalddake7305
      @donalddake7305 7 лет назад +1

      Mc_Claw Larsen خخخخخ تتح خخ خ نحن خخخخ 279-2801 خخخخخخ 279-2801 خخخ 279-2801 خ خخ خ خ خ خخ ننصح خخخخخير٨خخخخخ خ خخخخخ خ خ خخخخخخخ٨٨٨٨ ٨٨٨٨ خخ خ خخ خ 279-2801 خخخخخن خ خخخ نحن خخهم خح تتح خ٨خخخخخخ خ خ خخ خخخخخخخ تتح خ حتت خخخ خخ خخ خخخخخخخخخخ خ خخ خخخخخخخخخ خخ خ خخ خ 279-2801 خخخخخ مصحح خخخخخخ خخ خخخخ 279-2801 خخ خ خح خخخخ ههههههههههه خخ خ خخ خخخخخخ خخ خ خخخخخ خخ خخ خخ خ خخخ خ خخ خخخخخخخخ خ ٨٨٨٨ خخخ خ خخخخخخخخخخخ خ خخ خ خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ خخخ خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ خخ ههههههههه ههههههههههخخخنخخخخخهخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخهنخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخههخخخخخخهخخهخخخخخخخخ خ خخ خهخخخخخخخخخ خ هخخ خخ خخ خخ ههههههههههه خ خ خخخخ٧ خخخ خخ خخ خخخهخخخخ خخخ خ خخ خخخ خخخخخخخخخخ خ خخخخخخخخخهههههههههه خخخخخخخخخخ خخ خخخخخخخخنخخخخخخخخخخخخخ خخ خخهخخخخخخخخههههههههههههههههه ههههههههههه خخخخخخخخخخخخخخهخخخخخخخهخخخخخخخخخهخهخخخخخخهخخخخخخ خ خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخهذه خخخخخخخخخخخ خ هههههه خخخخخخخخخخهم خخخخخخخخخخ خ خ هههههه من خلال خخمنظمة مهمة هههههههههههه ههههههههههه خهخهمه خخخخ خخخخخخهخخخخ خخخ خخخ خخخ خخخخخخخخخخهخخخخخ خخهخخخخخخخ خ خ خخ ههههههههههه هخخخح خ خ خخ خنهم خخخخخخ خخخخخنخنخنخخننخنخخنخننخن ههههههههههه ننخخنخخنخنننننخخخخخنخخخخخننخ خخ هنخخننن خخخ خههه خخخ خخ نخهم نخنخخخخنخنخخنخخخخهخخخخخخخخنخخنخخنخنخنهننخننخخننخنخنخخخخخخنخننخخخخخخ خ خ خ77th خخ خ خخ خخ خخخ خخخخخ ه خنخن خخ ننخخهم خخخخنخخخهم خخ خخخ خنشط خخ ننخخننننخخمن همه خخخ همه خخ خ خ خخ خخخخ خ نحنهخخخ خخ خخخخخخخخخخننخ خخخ خخخ77th همه خخخخخخخخخخ خ منهم خخخخخنخحخخخخخخخ خ خخ خخخخخ خ خخ خ ههههههههههه ههههههههههه نهم خخخخخخخ خ نعم خخ خ خخخ هنه خخ خخ خهخخنخههههههههههه خخ نخنخخخهم خخخخخنخخخ خ خخ خخخخخخخخخخخ77th خخخ خخن خ خ خخ خخهمه خخنخخخخخخ خ خ خخ ههه خخير خخ خخ خخ ههه هم خههههههههههه خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خخخخخمنهم خخهمهم ههه خير ههههههههههه نهم خخخخخخخخهخخخخخخخ خخ خهخخخخخههه خهخخخخخههههههههههه خخخهخخنخخخخخ خخخخخخخخنخخ خخ ٨٨٨٨٨٨٨ خخخ خ خ خخ خخهنخخخخخنخخخخخخخ خخخنخخخخ خ خخخخخخهمم ن خ خخ ههههههههههه خخ خخخ همهم خخخخخخخخحخ ٧ خ خخخ خخخخخخ خ خخه خ خهخ خخ هخخخخ خ خ خخخ خخخخ ن خخخخخخخ خخ خخخهننخخخخ هم هخخهخخههخههه خخ خخ خخخ خ هخخ خخ هخخخخخخ خخخ نخخ ه هخ خخخ هخخخخ ههه خ خ خهخخ ههههههههههه هخ خخخ خ خخ خخخ خخخ خخ هخه ههه خخهخخ خخخ هخخه خخ خهه ههه خخنخهخخخخخخههخخ خخ خخخخح ه خ هههخخخخخخخ ه خهخ خخخ خخ خ خخ خخخههخههخخه خخخ هخهخخهخخ خخخ خ خخخخ هخ خ خ ههخه هخ ه هخخخ خ هخخخخخخخخخهخخخهخخخ خ هخ خ خهخخ خ ههههههههههه خخ خخ هخخخهخ خ خ خ خه خخ خهخخخهخخخخخخهخخه خخ خ ههههههههههه هخخخخ خ خخ خخهخخنخخ خخخ خخخخهخخهنهخخخخخخخخخخخخ خخ خخهخخخهخخخخهخخخخخن هخ خخه خ خخخ خ خخ خن خخخ خخنخخخخخهخن خخ خ خخخخخخهخخخ خ نخخخهخخهخنخخخخهخخهخخخ خخ خخهخخخخخخخخخخنخهخهخ خخ خهخخهخخخخخنخخهخنخمخخخخنخمخخنخخخخنخخخخخخهخخخخخخخخخهخخخهخخخنهنههخخخخخهخخنخخخخخهخنخخخخخخخخخه ه هخ خخ نخخخخنخخخ همهم هن خ خخ ه خخخ هخن نجح خخخخنهخخخ ههه خخخخخخخخخخحخخنخخخخهخخخ خخخهخخنخخخخخخخهنخمخننهنخخحخخخنخهخخخهخخخخخخخخهحمحم نخهنخخخخه هخ ههههههههههه خخخه م خخهخمهننخخخخن هخ خ خ خننخخحخخخخهخنخخ خ خ خخخخخخخخخخخن خخ خخخخخخخخخخخخنخخخ خخخ خخخمخنخخ خ ه خخخ ه ههههههههههههههههخخخنخخنخخخ ه خخخح خخخ خحخخخخخخخخخهخخنخخخخخح خخ خنخ٧٨ خخخ خخخ خخخخخخخخننخ خخخ ن خ خخ خخخ نخخخخههه مهمة خخخ خخخ هخخ خخخ خمخخنخنخخ ن همخخنخخخنهخخحهخخخخحنخهم خ خخ خخ خخه خ خخ خخخخخخخخههخنخ خخخ خخهنخخخنننخخخخ خخخ خخخخخخخنخخخخنهخخ خخخ خخنخخخخخخخخهخهخخخخنخخ ن خنننخ خخ نخخخ خ هخهمننخخخخ خخ خخخ ن خخخخخخخخننت خخخهنخنخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ خخخ خخخخننخخخخخنخخخخنخخنخنخخنخن خخخ نخخخخخحخنمنخ خ نخمخخن خخخ خ خخخ نخخهخ ن خهخنخخنخخ خ خخخخنخن خ خخخخخخخخخ خخخ هههههه خننخخخن ن ههخخخهخخنخخخخهخنخنخخخخخخخخخخخنخخه خ هخهننمخخنم هخ نننخنخنهخخخنحخخنخخمهنخمخخنهخخخخنخ خخ خخخخخنخخخخخنمنخنمنن خخخ نخخخحخخخخخ خخ هخن خخخ خخنمخخنخخمخنخنمننخخخخ هخ خهخ هخ خخخخخخخخخخنننننخخخنخحنخ خخ خخخخخخخخنخخننمخ ن خخخ خخهخخهخهخخخخهخخنخنخخ خ خخ خخخ خ خخخنخنخهخخ خ نخنخخن ه خههخخخخخخخخنهخخنخخ خخخ خ خخ خخخخم خخخ خخخنخ خخ نخخخخ خخ هننخنههنخ خخخ هخمخخخ خ خخخهخمخخخخنخخنخخ خخخ خ ه خخ خخننخخخخخخخنخخخ خ نهخخخخخخخخخخخخخننخحهخ خ خخنخخخخهنحخخخهخخهحخخخننخهخخخخخننخخخخخخخخنخ خخ خخخهنهخخ خخخ خهخخخخنخخخهخخخ خخ خخخخخخخه خخ خخخخخخهن خخخ خهنخخخخخخخخمخخخنخخخخخخخخحخخخ خخ خخخخنخمخخنخخخخ خخخ خخخخخخخخخ خخ هخخ خ تختم خخخهخنهخخخخخه

    • @ricktp6821
      @ricktp6821 7 лет назад

      donald dake I

    • @beng5434
      @beng5434 6 лет назад +9

      The reporter was just being himself. To much emphasis on trying to be enthusiastic, specially in the workplace.

    • @samspace81
      @samspace81 6 лет назад +1

      yeah me

    • @somed00d44
      @somed00d44 5 лет назад +2

      @@donalddake7305 shut the fuck up

  • @trinopillay
    @trinopillay 7 лет назад +13

    The video needed to be longer. Jays collection is legendary and needs atleast 20 minutes. Show the entire collection, ask him more questions on the cars there.

  • @farhadhossain5067
    @farhadhossain5067 8 лет назад +138

    Stands in front of a McLaren F1 and talks about F1... very subtle

    • @Chrisb8s
      @Chrisb8s 5 лет назад +1

      Farhad Hossain instead of the great car

    • @talayloay5400
      @talayloay5400 4 года назад

      955 8

  • @lite4919
    @lite4919 5 лет назад +5

    Jay is a great guy and a real petrol head also. Loved the story of him living in the old car and dating his wife in it. Well done to you Jay !

  • @galihprimanandamulyana166
    @galihprimanandamulyana166 7 лет назад +8

    I think jay collect his car is not because the prestige, he really love it. Its represented by how excited he describe his car in this vids

  • @Tully3674
    @Tully3674 8 лет назад +56

    3:33 Looks like Jay took delivery of the new Acura NSX.

    • @09Mrsubaru
      @09Mrsubaru 8 лет назад +6

      Tully3674 Nice catch 👍

    • @negativeindustrial
      @negativeindustrial 6 лет назад +1

      Damn - good eye!
      I️ was looking earlier to see if he had done a video on the original NSX but couldn’t find one. I’m a Toyota guy but I️ was extremely disappointed. Such a great car - a shame they never came force inducted.

    • @MrMada20
      @MrMada20 6 лет назад +2

      You should already see it on 3:17

    • @Noname-lk2ol
      @Noname-lk2ol 6 лет назад +1

      Yea its a pos.

    • @matan2903
      @matan2903 5 лет назад

      He did said he is gonna get one, nice car...

  • @Sicksan14
    @Sicksan14 7 лет назад +36

    The reporter looks genuinely lost and confused as to what he is looking at most of the time.
    He is about as dry as the mohave desert.. Should have picked someone with an interest in cars, and knowledge. He was not a good person to do the reporting on this.

  • @Topuesto
    @Topuesto 5 лет назад +13

    Half of the interview asking things about Formula 1... but why??? Just to learn that Jay Leno doesn’t enjoy it? OK CNN, brilliant as usual.

  • @davidstella7224
    @davidstella7224 8 лет назад +4

    Thank you to all that answered my question. I was always curious and never knew how to find out.

  • @reelreeler8778
    @reelreeler8778 8 лет назад +12

    You must be nutz to drive a Stutz! Very cool of you to share your collection Jay! :)

  • @rayinpau.s.a.6351
    @rayinpau.s.a.6351 8 лет назад +1

    Hi Jay ,any time I get to enjoy your company and your collection is always quite satisfying . Ray in Pa.

  • @MrFeus-dn9xs
    @MrFeus-dn9xs 4 года назад +2

    i love the decoration on the walls!

  • @hassantahir4563
    @hassantahir4563 4 года назад +2

    Can we just admire how well he whistles

  • @yobaafett
    @yobaafett 5 лет назад +2

    His bike collection is pretty cool aswell, that H2R is awesome

  • @gcolovich3393
    @gcolovich3393 Год назад

    Jay Leno is one of my favorite human beings. I don’t know him personally, but I imagine him to be sooooo cool. I wish I could hang with him one day.

  • @bobwinters6459
    @bobwinters6459 5 лет назад +3

    I have such a intense love for cars that if I ever was able to get in his "garage", I'd never want to leave and I'm sure he's got everything well insured! He's been offered $18,000,000 for that black McLaren F1 and has turned it down!

    • @rfwiggins5907
      @rfwiggins5907 Год назад

      While some of his cars are a testimony to style and workmanship from bygone eras, others look like clunkers that I'd be ashamed to take into the streets......but it seems car collectors have succeeded in brainwashing the public into thinking these cars are the cat's meow.

    • @rfwiggins5907
      @rfwiggins5907 Год назад

      Some of Leno's cars are a real testimony to style and workmanship and then there are others that are refurbished clunkers made to look 'showroom worthy'.

  • @judyvalencia3257
    @judyvalencia3257 6 лет назад +5

    Love Jay Leno!

  • @bouncinbetty2032
    @bouncinbetty2032 6 лет назад +63

    "How do we make F1 appeal more to Americans?"
    "Make the engine simpler, bigger and noisier."
    So like Americans then?

    • @Gromit801
      @Gromit801 6 лет назад +3

      Sean-Paul Higgins More like Jeremy Clarkson.

    • @gzzzboi7368
      @gzzzboi7368 5 лет назад

      Bouncin' Betty 😂😂

    • @4600norm
      @4600norm 5 лет назад

      How very original.

    • @norwegianzound
      @norwegianzound 5 лет назад

      @Jack Beanstalk ....Leno's not worth a shit these days either. Then again, he was never much cop. Just kept banging out those cheap victimizing, Lewensky jokes. Has he ever apologized?

  • @Nox1234567891011
    @Nox1234567891011 8 лет назад +1

    holy shit something i want to watch on CNN

  • @simbastv9502
    @simbastv9502 5 лет назад +2

    Amazing cars, I wish I was there to ride one of then if Jay let me to.

  • @sentry9834
    @sentry9834 4 года назад

    Does he just leave a key in all of his cars ignition switch? How does he manage all of his keys? Or does he have all of the cars switch outfitted with one master lock and key, Where one key could start all of the cars?

    • @TimiO47
      @TimiO47 Год назад

      hood does that make any damn sense one key to start all cars go get some sense

    • @sentry8992
      @sentry8992 Год назад

      Dude, Jay leno has 180 cars and 160 motorcycles. That's 340 keys to keep up with. If I was him, I'd look to simplify the key management process. Maybe not 1 single master key, but certainly far fewer than 340. I certainly would have a key that could start more than one vehicle.

    • @TimiO47
      @TimiO47 Год назад

      @@sentry8992 bro I fuckin know how Many cars he has!! ive knowns for Years I said there is no such thing as a key that can control 180 cars at once!!!!

    • @sentry8992
      @sentry8992 Год назад

      Nonsense. A locksmith can be hired to produce a key/switch combination that could fit multiple vehicles. It doesn't have to be 1 single key. It could be 20 or 30. The point I'm making, is that dealing with 30 keys is much better than having to deal with 180.

  • @krispydream6907
    @krispydream6907 8 лет назад +10

    oh my goals. lucky leno. My collection is up until Hot Wheel Cars :(

  • @andycoomber6159
    @andycoomber6159 8 лет назад +2

    did I spot a shiver 750 in there? I have always thought they were good but to see one in JLG is confirmation.

  • @timoliver7551
    @timoliver7551 5 лет назад +8

    Jay is pretty humble to not let the reporter know that that McLaren F1 they were standing beside is worth a paltry 20 million dollars

    • @jessikaalejandro8603
      @jessikaalejandro8603 4 года назад

      What a waste of money.

    • @sceptik4l876
      @sceptik4l876 4 года назад +1

      @@jessikaalejandro8603 If you think about it, he is rich. Also, the F1 was a pretty iconic supercar back in the day.

  • @jessecommentary
    @jessecommentary 2 года назад +1

    Davy Crockett was a song on the radio ?

    • @guytansbariva2295
      @guytansbariva2295 2 года назад

      Yes, back in the 50's. To go along with the early American TV show. I take it you're really young, or not from America?

  • @johannnunweiller9634
    @johannnunweiller9634 6 лет назад +2


  • @jasonn2284
    @jasonn2284 8 лет назад +6

    3:25 I spotted a orange Acura NSX. I wonder if he bought that?...

  • @DEJAFOOL010
    @DEJAFOOL010 8 лет назад +132

    No hidden Trump bashing... Great!

    • @TheAmericanUhate
      @TheAmericanUhate 8 лет назад +18

      Lol the other CNN video's, playing trump's own words isn't bashing him, it's reporting exactly what he said.

    • @deansgtamemes4249
      @deansgtamemes4249 7 лет назад +1

      leno has way too much actual class and integrity to play into this bullshit. not a chance hes letting his name and rep get shit on like the rest of these fuckin idiots in hollywood. love leno

    • @coder928
      @coder928 6 лет назад

      TheAmericanUhate only showing and twisting bad shit, and not showing ANY good isn't having an agenda? Lmao. Idiot.

    • @williama.3652
      @williama.3652 6 лет назад

      And people say Republicans are poor .😊

    • @themachine8009
      @themachine8009 5 лет назад +2

      When u think trump supporters couldn’t say anything dumber and they prove u wrong

    @BAHRAMCR 7 лет назад

    Hello Jay, do you give tours of your garage to the public ?

  • @rasmusfabernrgaard6461
    @rasmusfabernrgaard6461 6 лет назад +2

    Such a nice guy

  • @get_wrx9618
    @get_wrx9618 5 лет назад

    Jay Leno A FREAKING MILLIONAIRE is wearing jeans and a jean button up shirt while showing off all his cars. What a guy

  • @Chrisb8s
    @Chrisb8s 5 лет назад

    I love that Tesla model S plugged in by the entrance.

  • @sentry9834
    @sentry9834 4 года назад

    Talk about what would be considered a ultra luxurious touch, by today's standards, the vinyl record player. Rolls Royce should bring that feature back.

  • @LuxCarForView
    @LuxCarForView 5 лет назад

    Historic Vehicle

  • @Trevor-li1xc
    @Trevor-li1xc 7 лет назад

    what is the modern red one in the back that looks like an i8?

  • @juliaelrod2154
    @juliaelrod2154 2 года назад

    I was born in 67" and I can remember the older cars with the record players. The problem was they took special records so I never heard one play.

  • @_shubham_s
    @_shubham_s 7 лет назад

    Wow amazing tour...saw a good 3 cars

  • @hubertblainewolfeschlegels9773
    @hubertblainewolfeschlegels9773 5 лет назад

    Great collection of cars.

  • @ryanbartlett722
    @ryanbartlett722 7 лет назад +2

    You are awesome love watching your show

  • @scottm121
    @scottm121 6 лет назад

    With jays money I think some custom pressed records would be a compliment to a car like that... And like.. a period correct box full of records

  • @thomascarnaffan3123
    @thomascarnaffan3123 6 лет назад +4

    he did the smug jeremy clarkson face at the end

  • @maureencora1
    @maureencora1 5 лет назад

    I Had Hot Wheels Cars as a Kid. If I Could, I Would. Good Show Jay.

  • @heatseeker9738
    @heatseeker9738 7 лет назад +4

    lmao Jay's smile at the end is priceless. So forced haha

  • @Awhitztaler
    @Awhitztaler 8 лет назад +52

    I got 70 cars
    in gta .........

  • @davidstella7224
    @davidstella7224 8 лет назад +6

    I wonder how many cars,bikes,&trucks Mr. Leno has totally ?

    • @elliswarmington9886
      @elliswarmington9886 8 лет назад +7

      its nearing 200 now

    • @aaronisgrate
      @aaronisgrate 8 лет назад +5

      id say more than that. he has more buildings besides this one where jay lenos garage is filmed.
      he has a bunch of steam engines too.
      the thing about jays collection is every single one of them you can get in and drive across the country if you wanted to.

    • @ibloodynemesisi1934
      @ibloodynemesisi1934 6 лет назад +1

      He Said 150 a few years ago. But now maybe about 200-250

  • @curiousnomadic
    @curiousnomadic Год назад

    I don't even understand why we like cars. They are just a way to get places or carry your stuff places.

  • @JE-tz4sh
    @JE-tz4sh 5 лет назад

    Jay is an American Legend

  • @fuadorucov3122
    @fuadorucov3122 6 лет назад

    Wow its great. Its incredible,becuse some people intresed to the cars.

  • @RonTheGod
    @RonTheGod 8 лет назад +6

    What a sick collection.

  • @TheCrispTurnip
    @TheCrispTurnip 6 лет назад

    makes me happy

  • @Neeko_Z
    @Neeko_Z 5 лет назад

    Go for a ride (literally around the block?)

  • @flyinb45
    @flyinb45 6 лет назад +5

    Wow, Jay really didn’t like this guy. I’ve never seen him so unenthusiastic when talking about cars.

    • @oneox958
      @oneox958 6 лет назад +3

      Have you ever been enthusiastic about ANYTHING involving CNN? lol

  • @franknew9001
    @franknew9001 9 месяцев назад +1

    This is one of the few things that is worth watching on CNN.

  • @TrollingTime123
    @TrollingTime123 6 лет назад

    Goddamm I could just never get bored of being in his garage

  • @augustasaugust796
    @augustasaugust796 6 лет назад +1

    Make a video of Sulta of Brunei cars collection...

  • @hOtneO
    @hOtneO 8 лет назад

    I would buy a ticket to get a tour there and see and touch all kinds of cars and motorbikes. I wonder which car there is most likely to be donated to the Smithsonian?

  • @TheVagolfer
    @TheVagolfer 6 лет назад

    Jay's TV show is terrific, however, he could do a whole season on an intimate tour of his cars and viewership would increase.

  • @Larry-ct5mg
    @Larry-ct5mg 7 лет назад

    F1 could be fixed in a heartbeat. Have safety regs, minimum weight and a restrictor plate for 600 hp. Let them run any chassis, any engine, just about anything. You'd have some interesting racing.

    • @oneox958
      @oneox958 6 лет назад

      But then what would all the bean counters with their laptops back in the pits do???? F1 has become more complex math equation and less motorsport.

  • @norwegianzound
    @norwegianzound 5 лет назад

    Riddell is very interesting but have you no updated Monica Lewinsky jokes? You were really very clever back in the day the way you focused in on her with your rapier like wit......Ok I've posted this on a fair few of Mr Leno's videos, but hey...I've learned from the best. Just keep banging 'em out even when everybody is fed up hearing your old dross

  • @joeymcfredwilliam2241
    @joeymcfredwilliam2241 7 лет назад

    How do you have all those supercars and not one burnout mark in your garage

  • @3atmey
    @3atmey 6 лет назад +2

    From sleeping in a car to this, kudos man...

  • @Bobo-qf9oq
    @Bobo-qf9oq 6 лет назад

    i would die for this garage

    • @oneox958
      @oneox958 6 лет назад +1

      but then you wouldnt be able to enjoy the garage xD

  • @dha588
    @dha588 8 лет назад

    does jay have a JDM collection?

    • @dha588
      @dha588 7 лет назад

      Who isnt =)

  • @pnwmv
    @pnwmv 8 лет назад +1

    i see Jay finally got his new NSX

    • @doublestrokeroll
      @doublestrokeroll 8 лет назад +1

      yeah I noticed that too. Great color he chose.
      It's funny people have been shitting on that car, but a guy like him doesn't need to get one if he honestly doesn't think it measures up to many of his others.
      He owns the P1 and a Carrera GT and he's driven the 918 and the La Ferrari and in his review of the NSX you could see he thought it had that something special.

  • @dainwon
    @dainwon 8 лет назад

    acura nsx in the back ground! did he buy one?

  • @jamesengland3617
    @jamesengland3617 4 года назад

    Bad ass rides Jay stay cool ..

  • @jameswoods6900
    @jameswoods6900 4 года назад

    Actually the record player worked great and any 45 worked great even on the bumps as it had shocks!

  • @alexmusso1743
    @alexmusso1743 5 лет назад

    Black Honda SilverWing Scooter at 4:24?

  • @scottbehl216
    @scottbehl216 5 лет назад +3

    That reporter should have been Jim Acosta lol. He would have disagreed with Jay on everything !!

  • @topshottadinero3537
    @topshottadinero3537 5 лет назад +2

    Goals 💯💯

  • @christomc8912
    @christomc8912 5 лет назад

    Can we just get a 50 minute video of every car in this garage wiht Jeremy clarkson please I’d pay good money

  • @markatkinson614
    @markatkinson614 6 лет назад


  • @nimst3
    @nimst3 7 лет назад

    Eh, would've preferred a full tour of the collection, but this is still pretty amazing by CNN standards.

  • @coder928
    @coder928 6 лет назад

    Did they really meet, then have the reporter go back outside the garage door just to film a greeting LMAO

  • @littlejohn9458
    @littlejohn9458 5 лет назад

    If I could work for Jay Leno in his garage I wouldn't care if it was detailing his cars I would move to California

  • @NjoyMoney
    @NjoyMoney 7 лет назад

    02:22 Aprilia RSV Mille in the backround, i have the same bike :D

  • @michalus09
    @michalus09 7 лет назад

    These are in good hands.

  • @danielmendoza8237
    @danielmendoza8237 6 лет назад +1

    Pancho Villa activo 🇲🇽👑🙏🏻🍀

  • @mauiwowie8284
    @mauiwowie8284 6 лет назад

    great background music choice, i feel like i'm watching a fucking horror movie

  • @davidlevesque9137
    @davidlevesque9137 3 года назад

    Rivals Bruce Wayne's car collection. Some of the same cars. Does Jay have tracking devices on them like Alfred, Batmans butler does with all Bruce Wayne's cars.
    The world should probably never know. Thanks, Mr Leno

  • @j-hickz4078
    @j-hickz4078 6 лет назад

    He is the Man

  • @guille.delgado1
    @guille.delgado1 7 лет назад +1

    you basically didnt show any car...

  • @PwnageJ
    @PwnageJ 7 лет назад

    jay bought a NSX?

  • @pippipster6767
    @pippipster6767 5 лет назад

    Come a long way since living in a car 🚙 ‼️

  • @chuckfungschulinder1924
    @chuckfungschulinder1924 5 лет назад

    Where is the Jay leno.s car tank?

  • @aaronisgrate
    @aaronisgrate 8 лет назад +1

    stutz registered as a horseless carrage. i guess thats what cars were called before they were considered vehicles.

  • @williammickelson403
    @williammickelson403 6 лет назад

    i feel like jay leno could be jake pauls grandpa and no one would question it

  • @tommyvercettygt
    @tommyvercettygt 8 лет назад

    Is it a garage? nah? is it a museum? Yes!!!!

    • @09Mrsubaru
      @09Mrsubaru 8 лет назад

      Dimitriy It's more of a garage than a museum. They fix his cars there and he drives them.

  • @Arrow_Cutter
    @Arrow_Cutter 5 лет назад

    Jay if CNN can get a tour then surely I can too right? :)

  • @jabiru1232
    @jabiru1232 4 года назад +1

    I swear jay Leno wears the same thing everyday

  • @lettersfromhelen
    @lettersfromhelen 7 лет назад

    I'd love to get a "horseless carriage" plate for my 2002 Impala.

  • @jemma_19988
    @jemma_19988 5 лет назад +1

    When I was a young man I wanted to be rich and I had a list of 100 cars from every day car,s to oddball cars, to yank tank cars, that i wanted to own. . . .
    Now I am middle aged and have 100 bicycles instead . . . . . . . .which was plan B.

    • @Robard65
      @Robard65 5 лет назад

      karl partridge I have close to hundred Bicycles ... playing card decks 😎

  • @gothamcity007
    @gothamcity007 7 лет назад +1

    We need over an hour tour for Jay cars! This interview wack as fuck, cmon now!

  • @offendedandunsubscribed7450
    @offendedandunsubscribed7450 6 лет назад +1

    This is such a cool topic but this reporter is asking such bad questions and I wish I could see more cars... Jay Leno isn’t as bad as he seemed prior!

  • @justinbustin677
    @justinbustin677 8 лет назад

    thought you had craig fergerson on for a minute, which would have been cool

    • @Danimal77
      @Danimal77 6 лет назад

      FERGUSON, not Fergerson.

  • @herbie0408
    @herbie0408 7 лет назад

    I cannot believe he just grabbed Jay's horn like that 4:45

  • @jeremycastro8223
    @jeremycastro8223 8 лет назад +9

    First car you see is the tesla

  • @rodriguez9756
    @rodriguez9756 8 лет назад

    If every house worked like Jays garage we wouldn't need to pay for the electric grid we would be the electric grid.

  • @slapanarchy
    @slapanarchy 6 лет назад

    I hope Jay has a great plan for the cars and motorcycles when he (eventually) passes away. It would be a huge loss if all of those were sold off when that happens.

  • @bustarogers9990
    @bustarogers9990 5 лет назад

    Another quality piece of journalism done by CNN , they're so well informed on the subject they're investigating, as you can tell the journalist knows his stuff and his enthusiasm is simply outstanding!. I'm a bit disappointed they couldn't somehow incorporate how racist Trump is and how he's a Russian spy somehow, but no one's perfect aye!.