What if Fry Screaming Doesn't Work?!

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 147

  • @voicehacks
    @voicehacks  4 года назад +7

    🎤 Be the first to join my new vocal coaching program: voicehacks.co 🎤
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  • @ThorsShadow
    @ThorsShadow 4 года назад +137

    I can NOT, for the life of me, do the actual fry SCREAM. I can easily do the "cat fry", "vocal fry", "dry fry", "The Grudge noise" or whatever you wanna call it and talk in that noise without any problem. I also instinctively breathe through my stomach/diaphragm since forever, so that's probably not the problem? However, everyone and their mum tells you: Once you can do the vocal fry, just..."push more air out" / "breathe out with more pressure" or any variant of this. I just can't do it. I either do the vocal fry or I breathe out very hard. It's a hard switch for me. Can't combine these two. And it's driving me crazy. XD

    • @MrTwickerz
      @MrTwickerz 4 года назад +11

      It's hard to explain and I picked it up really quickly just from doing vocal fry every single day and trying to "push more air out" and it just worked for me EVENTUALLY. no idea why or how.

    • @Rykiniafan1
      @Rykiniafan1 4 года назад +8

      @Lucas Novaes
      i can project my frys just fine. especially if i mix my voice in. not vocal fry tho. that u cant project.
      u need good breath support and be able to push that a bit more. u do not need the same core muscles used for crunches or similar core exercises. (weightlifters =/= amazing screamers by default)
      trying to crunch while screaming usually leads to tightening the throat, which makes getting any air out hard and then most ppl will try to push from their throat instead of their core (a mistake i also made and still have to relearn.) which will sound weak and quiet and just cuts off completely above mid screams.
      open throat + compression sounds like false cord. fry is literally the opposite (mary said it in the beginning of this video too).
      mid screams can sound very similar tho so maybe u just figured out really good false cord mids so that they sound nearly identical to fry screams.
      get a good singing foundation. u need to REALLY understand breath support for anything screaming. and u NEED to hit clean pitches otherwise u can easily default to setting the scream at the wrong spot and rasping away at ur vocal cords. very slightly but enough to be uncomfortable even if done quietly and very bad if u try to project.
      ive made both mistakes and am still sometimes falling into the wrong technique because of it but now im catching it every time instantly and change it.
      ~2 years of being serious about singing again to give u a rough estimate.
      r/screaming reddit has a discord. great source. ton of great ppl and tutorials / tips etc there.
      also check out more stuff on youtube and experiment. something will make it click for u and then itll be easy. dont try to push through a wall. if it doesnt work at all (and hurts) its the wrong technique and u trying to do the same thing over and over wont get u anywhere.

    • @Rykiniafan1
      @Rykiniafan1 4 года назад +3

      @Lucas Novaes
      no ur right about breathing exercises and im not trying to attack u and say ur doing things wrong.
      im just trying to be REALLY specific so its clear what i mean since thats why i did things wrong.
      tutorials being not specific enough so i thought i understood when i didnt.
      (a lot of them said "squeeze ur abs like ur doing crunches. it needs to be tough" etc. thats why i used that example)
      compression is basically just closing the vocal folds. the more closed they are the more ur compressing.
      fry screams are done with closed vocal folds so ur compressing.
      i just wanted to make clear that its not squeezing or clenching or anything.
      if u can breath out and then stop air from getting out while still trying to push ur compressing. it should feel that relaxed and simple.
      i tried to compress more thinking that would get more projection instead of working on breath support. and that led to clenched throat and even chest and pain. thats what i was getting at.
      the beginner false cord screams are usually uncompressed. open throat super breathy.
      the more u compress the more gurgly it sounds and the less air u need.
      but it is more advanced since its very precise tuning. so ur probably an advanced false cord vocalist already.
      on false cords im not sure how much of it is compression and how much is just the ability of letting the false cords vibrate freely. im still learning so i dont have a definite answer there.

    • @jharju2352
      @jharju2352 4 года назад +12

      That's 100% the same problem as mine. I've wasted 11 years of my life, wrecking my voice with vocal fry and never made any progress. It's like the technique/anatomy just doesn't exist for everyone.

    • @Rykiniafan1
      @Rykiniafan1 4 года назад +2

      @@jharju2352 again u wont get there if u try to push vocal fry. its just something that uses somewhat similar stuff in ur throat for u to make the jump.
      they easiest way for me to explain how to get the feeling down is this:
      sing a note super lazily. like only halfway open ur mouth dont put any effort into it at all.
      then push a bit more air and while doing that raise ur soft palate a little (if u can only raise the back part of ur soft palate and keep the middle relaxed. that needs to vibrate for the distortion).
      that should give u the basic fry sound.
      once u can do that ALWAYS sing a clean note and transition into that fry sound with the note until its muscle memory.
      if u dont u hurt ur vocal cords since u dont place the sound 100% correctly.

  • @Guy-bm5wh
    @Guy-bm5wh 4 года назад +24

    I really would like to know why some people can do it very easily

  • @travisfodrie5410
    @travisfodrie5410 4 года назад +13

    I started practicing fry a year ago after watching the screamer series and have a decent range with it now. The best advice of Mary's I can emphasize if you're having trouble is to work on vocal compression. Once I got that down, I gained SO much power behind my fry scream by moving LESS air. Trying to force too much air was my greatest barrier in the beginning. Hope this helps someone.

    • @brayan_lopes
      @brayan_lopes 4 года назад +1

      Sounds like a good tip. I know compression already. I will try it. Thanks!

  • @Rykiniafan1
    @Rykiniafan1 4 года назад +7

    im very much a person that struggles with learning fast. i see a tutorial, try to stick to it perfectly and if it doesnt work i blame myself and try to go on and on till it works.
    but i only learn once i really understand how the right way feels and then it just works.
    fry screaming was the same. i wasnt getting anywhere so i took a different approach and looked up every video i could find on gritty singing / fry screaming and experimented.
    the hint to not raise the soft palate (which for me just makes me sing a clean note), but raise the BACK of the soft palate only and keep the rest relaxed (think lazy singing) gave me the sound i was looking for.
    so i believe its just a matter of approach.
    people learn differently and need to try different things to find the one that makes everything fall into place.
    so yeah dont force / push if something doesnt work. but dont give up on it. its just not the right way for you.
    btw im having the same issue with high screams now. my mids are fine but when i push higher i feel it rasping my vocal cords. so i have to figure out the right technique for higher screams.
    id love for more great vocalists to talk about the little things they do and the things that made it click for them cause its the most useful information for me personally.

  • @regdenee
    @regdenee 4 года назад +9

    I've been trying to learn fry screams for years. But I've realized that as a false cord vocalist who's been doing vocals for 12 years it's been hard to understand how to even learn to fry scream without going into false cord naturally haha.

    • @jerrog06
      @jerrog06 Год назад

      Exactly, Iv'e been doing false chords for like 2 years and every time I try to fry scream I always go into false chord💀

  • @christiancarter7563
    @christiancarter7563 4 года назад +10

    One thing with me is when the temp changes it makes it easier or harder. Sometimes I can do it, and sometimes not. But I’m getting better. :) I go along with a band named Jinjer for practice long my harsh vocals.

  • @squiggiez1327
    @squiggiez1327 2 года назад +3

    You're totally right. I hit a wall with fry screams so I switched to learning other distortions just to build a different muscle and i got a little confidence back. I'd like to add that just experimenting with different feelings and sounds just for fun can get you out of your head a little bit.

  • @nicholaskhan1890
    @nicholaskhan1890 4 года назад +3

    I can do the vocal fry part, but I end up messing up trying a scream. My False Cords have become natural thanks to watching your videos, super helpful :)

  • @CarlosLiberated
    @CarlosLiberated 4 года назад +2

    This is a great vid. I’ve tried a pile of stuff and I can’t quite get it right usually. But what I have gotten good at, is understanding how to experiment with my voice without injuring myself. So, I’ve gotten over myself a bit and just try different things, record them and listen to them. Sometimes it sounds ridiculous, sometimes it sounds pretty neat.
    Another thing I would say is that most of these screamers have effects on their mic and/or are double tracked in the studio. If you’re just screaming without this extra boost it will sound a little thinner and lack power.

  • @eternalwizard776
    @eternalwizard776 4 года назад +22

    Fry screams come much more naturally to me than other techniques. What I can’t get a hang of is false chords. Not to save my life lol

    • @fahimmuchivocalstudio
      @fahimmuchivocalstudio 4 года назад +15

      its literally the opposite for me, false chords/folds scream are super easy for me, I can do the metal rattle/aryetnoid rattle in both a metallic mode and in the super high falsetto range and sometimes i can sort of get into a fry scream but not really lol. I also have spasmodic dysphonia and just doing a basic vocal fry sound has been tough for me cause of that issue. I can do inhale fry screams but thats just not sustainable and frankly its not good for the voice either so i just stopped pursing fry screams altogether :)

    • @narcissus79
      @narcissus79 4 года назад +4

      I'm the opposite! False chord both high (black metal) and low (death metal) are easier, but for the life of me I can't fry scream.

    • @eternalwizard776
      @eternalwizard776 4 года назад

      Ji Cottrill that’s just crazy to me lol. I can’t imagine but I’m jealous lol

    • @narcissus79
      @narcissus79 4 года назад +1

      @@eternalwizard776 haha.. i use it as a psych up before i deadlift 😂

    • @eternalwizard776
      @eternalwizard776 4 года назад

      Ji Cottrill lol nice!

  • @KrillSSBM
    @KrillSSBM 3 года назад +1

    This was really helpful I've been trying to learn fresh for a long time and I haven't been successful. So I started branching out and found that more open vocal screams came mkre natural so I've been practicing with songs from knocked loose and code orange and I've been progressing with those. Thank you !

  • @vxidlyrics
    @vxidlyrics 4 года назад +11

    it always reminds me of Scarlxrd

  • @adamdriskelldriskellmusic
    @adamdriskelldriskellmusic 4 года назад +1

    Yeah. I second the video for sure. I cannot fry to save my life, but I am very good at false chord screaming. I exclusively use false chord screams, but I have built up enough air control to where I can false chord up to a 10 - 11 second scream. (My goal is to be able to go up to 17 seconds) I can also false chord scream a long time a whole long phrase as well. That is my twist. I have also false chord screamed on progressive metal, deathcore, post-hardcore and metalcore songs and it all sounds good.
    One of my favorite full distortion vocalists of all timed is Tommy Rodgers (I know, this is a very odd favorite) of Between the Buried and Me. The dude pretty much only does False Chord screaming and kills it... And last I checked Between the Buried and Me has been one of the initiative bands in progressive metal.
    Keep on working on it friends!

  • @devon-crain
    @devon-crain 4 года назад +7

    I am in the weird opposite camp. Fry came super easily to me, but I have never been happy with my false chord stuff. /shrug

    • @ShivnathBadri
      @ShivnathBadri 4 года назад

      I'm with you on this one. Got the fry screaming down but never managed to get the false cord ones.

    • @StalwartSpartan298
      @StalwartSpartan298 4 года назад

      Odd how this happens. My false chords are decent but my fry is like a whisper lol

  • @comically_large_chungus
    @comically_large_chungus 4 года назад +5

    I'm definitely a false cord guy fry screaming for me is quiet and not really worth doing especially since I prefer fc most of the time. You can still go pretty high with fc just not literal whistle screams.

    • @regdenee
      @regdenee 4 года назад

      I also don't know what the whistle screams are going to be used for. It seems like what the audience wants is brutal sounding lows or mids and those vocals seems to sit way better than fry screams.
      I mean, whistle screams sounds cool like once or twice on an album but more than that they start to sound so damn annoying.
      It's hard to explain but whistle singing or screams just doesn't seem to impress me at all, they just seem like a pretentious vocal technique that some vocalists use to show off how high they can go.
      Give me those lows and gutturals. I want those demons shouting in my ears.

  • @nickschwem3861
    @nickschwem3861 4 года назад +1

    I prefer false chords just because it sustains while vocal fry depends on throat condition. If you're throat is dryer, it just sounds like you're taking a shit. Usually I use a fry technique for extremely low gutturals.

  • @bigcheese6880
    @bigcheese6880 4 года назад +1

    tbh I really want that sharp intense fry scream that jinger vocalist is doing bc its amazing..

    • @TheBaconWizard
      @TheBaconWizard 3 года назад

      She doesn't fry, though, she uses false-chord.

  • @tedaldifabrice2595
    @tedaldifabrice2595 2 года назад

    Thank you very much Mary, that reassures me
    I'm already working with a coach but I feel like I'm struggling with the fry scream, I think I'll continue to work on it alongside the other techniques I'm more comfortable with

  • @josephstanislaus2132
    @josephstanislaus2132 4 года назад +4

    Could you explain the technique “ power fry “ . cuz there doesn’t seem to be too much information on it

  • @lukehostetter9354
    @lukehostetter9354 Год назад

    Can only fry my growls sound like a angry kid yelling about bet timeb

  • @trinetrasrivastava4815
    @trinetrasrivastava4815 4 года назад

    The scream was my intuitive inspiration even though i have never been in any band and it came into my senses since i was in college( my teenage), the screaming became an anarchy mind which i sustained as an awareness within myself.... I practiced it alot after listening to Marylin Manson and screwed my vocal chords busting into coughs n all i get the idea of doing it the proper way when i came across the melissa cross unreleased 3 hour lessons on screaming and screaching with Lamb of God lead vocalist .... I just did not the get the right trick or skill to do it the right way without hurting the oesophagus. Its been ages and now I am practicing again after listening to the 'New Colossal Hate' hope I can get the right upper sectional vibration delivery skill right this time. Your screams are amazing. Please try to guide more with the sample screams and then explaining with the part steps. Thanks...!!!!!!!

  • @Stephakaii
    @Stephakaii Год назад

    I'm a natural at false chord, being able to do all sorts of noises with it. But I can't do anything with fry scream. I can get some sorta vocal fry screech but its not the fry SCREAM that people like Will Ramos or Justin Bonitz does.

  • @gmdlunar3461
    @gmdlunar3461 2 года назад

    I can false chord fairly easily without even trying. I watched andy cizeks video and did it instantly now i can do it decently, but ive tried fry AND FUCKIGN CANT

  • @kaiserbrutus730
    @kaiserbrutus730 4 года назад +2

    I want to have those brutal high Deathcore scream like what Suicide Silence, old Bring Me The Horizon, Ocean Ate Alaska, old Asking Alexandria do. I just want any scream that can reach Deathcore high. I don't have a really masculine deep voice but Fry scream is just not doing it for me although it's higher than my False Chords. (I don't think I've nailed my False Chords. My lows are too soft and I'm not sure if I'm doing my highs correctly.)

  • @Mxrcxl.
    @Mxrcxl. 4 года назад +3

    im a natural at false chord, but i feel like fry screams are impossible for me

  • @vonzarooz2829
    @vonzarooz2829 4 года назад +1

    I can do false chords and even talk in false chord but I can not do fry screams

  • @spridle
    @spridle 2 года назад

    Some people just aren't cut out to scream. I'm one of those people. The more I try, the more depressed I get that I can't do it. Music is my biggest passion and I'm depressed I can't be a vocalist.

  • @johnnymacellister9286
    @johnnymacellister9286 3 года назад

    I can do false chords scream aggressive screams and rasp singing very easily and naturally but fry that damn fry I just cannot do it

  • @blaine453
    @blaine453 4 года назад

    Fry takes about a week of practice to get back into, the muscles responsible for vocal chord closure have to strengthen if you've taken a long break or never done it before. If you try to scream forcefully before they're back up to strength the noise will just break and there will be no "fry" noise.

  • @campbells0ups
    @campbells0ups 3 года назад

    can you do a video on james labrie and why you personally think his voice left him over the years

  • @rikosborne1212
    @rikosborne1212 4 года назад

    What type of scream does Brian Johnson (AC/DC) use? In my younger days, I tried constantly to emulate singers like Rob Halford and Eric Adams, without a lot of success. Then, in my late 40s, I sort of accidentally slipped into singing like Brian Johnson, and *BOOM* that was it. I was suddenly able to hit my high notes without pain or strain. After that, I adapted the technique to other music, and I've been pretty happy with it.

  • @Luancwav
    @Luancwav 4 года назад +4

    Hey Mary I was wondering, is a burp false chord, fry or it's completely off topic thanks :) 🤘

    • @narcissus79
      @narcissus79 4 года назад +2

      hahahahaha!! i think technically it would be false chord because the chords are open

  • @Yanthungbemo
    @Yanthungbemo 4 года назад

    For some reason, I found it easier to get used to fry screaming (not that I awesome at it). I never the hang of false cord screaming. Maybe it's because false cord is "closer" to yelling/shouting as compared to fry screaming; I'd hurt myself trying false cord stuff,and also start getting dizzy because I'm letting a lot of air out.

    • @voicehacks
      @voicehacks  4 года назад

      That’s actually a common complaint is the air issues with false cord. It’s very tough

  • @25lineup
    @25lineup 4 года назад +2

    Can you please break down Scarlxrd - Search & Destrxy

  • @dougarnold7955
    @dougarnold7955 4 года назад

    Thanks. This is really helpful. 🤘😀

  • @grim7644
    @grim7644 4 года назад

    It is mindset changing. Thanks.

  • @dannykopec6556
    @dannykopec6556 3 года назад +1

    I need help, I am practicing fry sound, I can activate it with no problem. My problem comes with screaming I am stuck cause I cannot project properly. I use my gut as a support but I can only produce the noise not the scream, any advice, I will be really appreciate any help

  • @MixYourWay
    @MixYourWay 2 года назад

    Mary, our savior :')!!

    @DESTRUCTIONRECORDS 10 месяцев назад

    Maybe i use false chords idk its like a mixture of all three please listen to afew of my songs & lemme know

  • @LeviWithTheLens
    @LeviWithTheLens Год назад

    I feel super lucky being able to actually do fry screams 😂

  • @vallabhsuresh9770
    @vallabhsuresh9770 4 года назад +2

    What kind of screaming is used in Rikki Tikki Tavi by fair to midland?

    • @Rykiniafan1
      @Rykiniafan1 4 года назад +2

      good taste!
      the AAAHHHH is a fry scream.
      the deep yelling after ("rikki tikki tavi" and on) is a special scream ive only heard from ftm. very loud a lot of air. so id do it as a false cord with little compression. but it could still be a low fry scream (the HEY still sounds very fry to me). its very hard to tell.
      hungry lights has the only tutorial ive seen for it ^^
      wouldnt say its a beginner scream tho. lots of air and volume means if u do it wrong u can seriously hurt ur voice. if u dont have a very solid foundation id get on that first.

  •  4 года назад +3

    Well for me it's actually the oposite, I can fry with no problems, but can't do false chords without messing up my voice...

    • @MarcosIx
      @MarcosIx 4 года назад +2

      Total opposite for me. False chord is so easy but fry is a struggle to even get the sound. So what comes natural to you 👌🏼

    • @TwitchLXRDRisK
      @TwitchLXRDRisK 4 года назад +2

      Me too false chords is ez but fry its hard af

  • @zvjatouslawinc.7098
    @zvjatouslawinc.7098 3 года назад

    I can do false cord scream almost perfectly. But the problem is that this is VERY FCKING PAINFUL for my throat, so I cannot scream like this for long time (10 minutes is the limit). And other techniques are too. So I decided to learn fry scream, despite that this technique is too difficult to perform, i think this is less evil for me.

  • @GalactixFX
    @GalactixFX Год назад

    I can make but for some reason I keep losing the muscle memory

  • @singalternative
    @singalternative 2 года назад

    Excellent Video

  • @sapphirek5244
    @sapphirek5244 2 года назад

    Ugh how is it that I can move the gross grudge fry around and do whistle notes but I can’t fry scream? I’m going to cry

  • @peoplearestupid981
    @peoplearestupid981 4 года назад

    Lamented, I can certainly hang with the Chino Moreno scream vibe, but wish i could hang in the Corey Taylor and Dez Farfara (Devildriver) range.

  • @Spidderman
    @Spidderman 4 года назад

    I can do both false chords and fry screams but it’s weird my fry screams were my only sccreams and I even was able to make them sound like certain false chord screams but once I learned false chord my fry screams bbecame harder to do in the tone I wanted or once had and now my false chords are really good

  • @dudenamedskip
    @dudenamedskip 4 года назад +1

    I have the opposite problem, I'm good with the fry but I have such a hard time getting a consistent false chord scream. IDK if it's just that I can't relax my throat enough or what, but I get it every now and then but mostly I slip into cookie monster voice... Very frustrating.

    • @dylanjwebmusic
      @dylanjwebmusic 4 года назад +1

      "cookie monster voice" I see you too have been watching Chris Liepe :)

    • @dudenamedskip
      @dudenamedskip 4 года назад

      @@dylanjwebmusic haha I'm not sure who that is, it's just what I've always called it. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @Xenoprism
    @Xenoprism 4 года назад

    I can do deep growls/screams like Johann Hegg, as well as high-pitched screeches and unusual sounds like Mike Patton, but I have a tremendously hard time doing fry screams and making my screams sound melodic. That being said, I have no idea what style of harsh vocals that I'm doing 😅

  • @emmywillow6599
    @emmywillow6599 3 года назад

    i can kinda do false cord, and i can do voice w/ distortion really well, but i cannot fry scream at all. It just doesn’t click for me.

  • @aymanislampriyo817
    @aymanislampriyo817 4 года назад

    The best tutorial which we can't learn cause we don't have the ability. fuck it. i cant scream. fuck. why i cant???

  • @CMDRkarstenvader
    @CMDRkarstenvader 4 года назад

    I got false chord screams really easily, and in my own opinion, it sounds pretty good. But i haven't gotten a fry scream tone that i like so far. I think im close, i've discovered a tone that's close to vocal fry that doesn't hurt my voice but it requires me to pay a lot of attention on not let the tension or airflow get too high or too low. When i do mess it up, losing control of airflow or vocal tension, I cough. Sometimes once or twice, sometimes i cough my lungs out and my vocal chords hurt for around 10 minutes. I know youtube comments arent the best place to ask but I'd love some help with this.

  • @TheGreasemonkey220
    @TheGreasemonkey220 4 года назад

    So what if you can do fry while breathing in but not out??? I'm so confused on this situation.

  • @phoebenorth741
    @phoebenorth741 3 года назад

    thing is I have the basics down I just cant get my pitch right, its so high no matter what scream I do. I don't know what to lower my pitch. I can do inhales really well but apparently inhale screams are considered bad.

  • @karl-johanthenstrom222
    @karl-johanthenstrom222 4 года назад

    Hi Mary! Have you ever done a laryngoscopy while doing the different screaming techniques?

    @WAXULIMATE 4 года назад

    Can you do a, what if false cord screaming doesn't work? For some reason, I can only successfully get the fry sound (though it's still too quiet). I cannot get pitch with false cord atm.

  • @manwithlonglastname9064
    @manwithlonglastname9064 3 года назад

    I feel like I'm able to make the sound but that it's incredibly unstable, as if I have a weird vibrato when I scream. Will this go away over time or does it mean I'm doing it completely wrong?

    • @voicehacks
      @voicehacks  3 года назад

      Ahhh very common issue - Try using this method for a few weeks: ruclips.net/video/vfo2G7jpZrw/видео.html

  • @dombowmanva2701
    @dombowmanva2701 3 года назад

    I'm the other way around. All I can do is fry and fry-related vocals. My false cord scream sounds like a cartoon character. Can't for the life of me figure it out.

  • @Jacksonnnnnnnnnnnnn
    @Jacksonnnnnnnnnnnnn 2 года назад

    Is it harder for people with bass voices to fry scream?

  • @michalklein285
    @michalklein285 4 года назад

    I can make a fry scream but it still sound like a whisper when i try to scream higher notes . What should i do ?

  • @DScapo0
    @DScapo0 4 года назад

    Side note. STOP SMOKING FUCKING CIGARETTES if you're trying. It helps lol.

  • @modest_mind2526
    @modest_mind2526 4 года назад


  • @zeefeesheepwns
    @zeefeesheepwns Год назад

    I can only do it breathing in- do you have any advice on how to translate that to "normal" fry screaming?

  • @yayangjuniarta2059
    @yayangjuniarta2059 4 года назад

    I'm gonna master scream just to fus ro dah watch me

  • @OtakuGunsoNY
    @OtakuGunsoNY 3 года назад

    It took me almost 4 months to get it down ... xD I am still not very confident in myself though

  • @tzthealth
    @tzthealth 4 года назад

    Do the lesson about Ben Duerr from Shadow of intent Pls.

  • @alvingiesbrecht5888
    @alvingiesbrecht5888 4 года назад

    it would be interesting to get your take on udu dirkschneider formerly of accept and also accept new singer that guy is unique and incredible to ,new here so if i missed pervious video on these guys hope i don't look like an idiot .

  • @GauravBanerjee310799
    @GauravBanerjee310799 4 года назад +1

    I was watching this while watching a series...now i must say...you sound like amy farah fowler...from the big bang theory 🔥🔥🔥🤘🤘🤘

  • @adamsharpmusic
    @adamsharpmusic 4 года назад

    It took me about 2 or 3 years to get a decent fry scream. Then I got ill and lost my voice for a month and had to re learn it 🤣 started with false cord because I didn’t understand fry at first.

    • @bigcheese6880
      @bigcheese6880 4 года назад

      how you learn fry scream?

    • @adamsharpmusic
      @adamsharpmusic 4 года назад

      BigCheese hard to explain honestly. It was a very slow build. Learning about resonance and placement helped a fair bit though. Started with just trying to hold a scream and then eventually turning it into words.

  • @screamao8841
    @screamao8841 3 года назад

    ive been trying to do high like cj from lorna shore but cant seem to get it right.is that fry scream?

  • @Matt-hn1qb
    @Matt-hn1qb 4 года назад

    Is it normal to get soreness on the uvula when doing harsh vocals?

  • @erkutsoyer4970
    @erkutsoyer4970 4 года назад

    I am doing exactly that! I can do pretty solid false cord screams but nothing whatsoever when it comes fry, so I put it aside until I can have a vocal coach help me in the future. But my only problem with false cord is that it doesn't last longer than three or four seconds. Would stronger breath support make it last longer?

    • @DestroyerMariko
      @DestroyerMariko 4 года назад +1

      I've found that modifying my false cord growl helps with this. I'm not sure how to explain it well, but it's like I add grit on top and somehow I use less air but actually get a more brutal sound where it's also much easier to control the pitch too. I imagine the grit feeling sorta in the top of my mouth, rumbling the tissues up there (I'm not sure if that's what actually happens, just what it sorta feels like). If you're doing lower growls, it also feels like instead of doing an "O" sound, you do more of an "R" sound - so if you do both of these clean, then translate that vibe to the growl, maybe you can get that grumbly grit. Then from there, work on translating that feeling to mids and highs, which will become easier to do coz you're using those other tissues more instead of needing more air. Of course good breath support is always needed, but beyond that, this is what helped me. Sorry I don't have any videos to show what I mean yet, have only got a couple live clips where I used it coz it's relatively new for me, only figured it out in the past year or so but it's made a huge difference to my false cords!

  • @a.od-reszki4674
    @a.od-reszki4674 4 года назад

    I'm quite glad of my false chord growls but my fry is still caveman level

  • @prettycultleader
    @prettycultleader 4 года назад

    so as a child i grew up literally just screaming my little head off all the time, my family are all musicians and metalheads i learnd how to sing thru my diaphragm before i learned to read, i can scream comfortably no pain and my vocal fry sounds like demons straight out of hell, but my issue is im constantly getting hoarse after a long period of screaming even though im doing everything correctly without pain, is there a reason for that? or am i actually doing something wrong??? H E L P LOL

  • @dorianskyofficial
    @dorianskyofficial 4 года назад

    If fry screaming doesn't work, use a mix of fry screaming and shouting, like Marilyn Manson. This sounds more powerful and louder anyway.

  • @mattstarkbodybuilding9495
    @mattstarkbodybuilding9495 4 года назад

    i can do a scream but not fry it like my french frys

  • @ButBigger42
    @ButBigger42 4 года назад

    I want someone to go over Phil Anselmo. That dude could do it all.

  • @xamila7775
    @xamila7775 4 года назад

    False cord not problem for me, I use growl in my songs, they more guttural. Just learn fry scream and my sounds so high and loud that my kids run out from room 😭 plus I have no idea how to use it in songs 🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @dorianskyofficial
      @dorianskyofficial 4 года назад +1

      Loud is good.

    • @xamila7775
      @xamila7775 4 года назад

      @@dorianskyofficial loud but I don't like it sounds high, like cat scream 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @Isho_956
    @Isho_956 4 года назад

    Corey Taylor is a none fry vocalist, right??

  • @marlenerodriguez2154
    @marlenerodriguez2154 4 года назад

    no dice nadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • @Luancwav
    @Luancwav 4 года назад

    I'm so lucky to be able to do both technics

  • @oldbones2204
    @oldbones2204 4 года назад

    I can sound like Satan himself without hurting myself, but only when I'm taking air in. And I've always breathed from diaphragm, but still can't do fry.

    • @ArsonLtTTV
      @ArsonLtTTV 4 года назад

      Inhales require no skill and are very harmful to your lungs please please stop doing inhales and learn to actually scream

    • @oldbones2204
      @oldbones2204 4 года назад

      Thanks for the concern and the warning. I haven't in a long time. Did it when I was younger to scare the crap out friends.

  • @brayan_lopes
    @brayan_lopes 4 года назад

    Fry scream is impossible. I learned false chords and compression but fry is impossible. Impossible. No one can teach me this. 6 years without results. All of the tutorias were useless.

  • @dbelche2
    @dbelche2 4 года назад

    Ive always hated the "fry" scream. It usually sounds weak and only really sounds good in a few situations

  • @rbmossx1432
    @rbmossx1432 4 года назад +1

    Nothing worse than people screaming. Especially in music. Singing. Try that instead.

    • @Rykiniafan1
      @Rykiniafan1 4 года назад +4

      too easy. gets boring.
      jokes aside:
      i didnt like screams either but sometimes in the right places they just hit the exact emotion and sound fantastic.
      now i mostly listen to mixed prog (singing + screaming)...
      stay open minded theres so much amazing music out there would be a shame to miss any of it :P

    • @jharju2352
      @jharju2352 4 года назад +1

      Obvious troll is obvious. Back under the bridge you go.

    • @fridz66
      @fridz66 4 года назад

      Uhuh. Tell us more what’s making you hate the world.

    • @theacaciamatrix1537
      @theacaciamatrix1537 4 года назад +1

      a girl with similar looks broke his heart back in kindergarten