SBC Baptists Fail to Ban Woman Pastors: Women in the Bible and Core Essentials of Faith

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • The SBC Baptists failed to pass an amendment voted on yesterday to officially ban women pastors among cooperating churches at their annual meeting IndySBC24. I discuss what the Bible says about Godly women mentioned in the Bible in the New Testament related to our core essentials of Christian faith and how God used women in a pivotal role in every key instance. I also reference what God had done and the spiritual leadership God established with certain women in the Old Testament.
    The Great Commission was given by Jesus Christ to all believers, not just the men. Young women today often hear in society many loud, outspoken Christ-rejecting worldly women, and they need to hear from Godly Christian women who can be proper role models, so let us not try to silence our sisters in Christ who are a light in a dark world as they offer the hope and truth of Jesus Christ to a lost and decaying world.
    #JesusIsLord #Christianity #FaithonFire

Комментарии • 355

  • @snowangel5755
    @snowangel5755 3 месяца назад +13

    What the S.B.C. is trying to do is discrediting ALL servant-leadership roles for women‼️ A person does NOT have to be a feminist to SEE the truth about women in Scripture‼️ My heart has been sickened for years that my desire to be in authentic ministry, even at the lower levels has been equated with liberalism😞 The church I & my husband are members of would not allow me to merely teach an adult class UNLESS my husband was also the co-teacher! I have NO desire to be a Pastor. However, I have an M.Div & a M.A.R.S. degrees as my husband does! I loved my Seminary experience! I KEPT my conservative theological world views while attending a few feminist classes. I only wanted to understand fully where the extreme feminist was coming from. My professor asked me if her class changed my world view & I stated emphatically "NO"!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +3

      Great comment! Thanks for sharing, I sincerely appreciate it and totally agree with you. God bless you!

    • @Marshelle29
      @Marshelle29 3 месяца назад +1

      No no BROTHA Brian they rejected the ban on women pastors. Go back and look. Btw i love your show.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +2

      Marshelle, yes I know that. That is what I reported and it is in the title of my video.. they failed to ban women pastors. And I am glad it failed. Women are crucial to the spread of the Gospel, being light in the world, and in teaching God's Word and every bit as important as the men who do the same. Thanks for the encouraging words! I am glad you like my channel. God bless you!

    • @Scripturesdude6361
      @Scripturesdude6361 3 месяца назад

      Hi Brian 👋

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 2 месяца назад +1

      I personally have no issues with women in the ministry. My question is if the Bible supports female pastors per se?

  • @quify33
    @quify33 3 месяца назад +12

    Your first 3-4 bullet points have nothing to do with a women pastor in a church setting .

  • @glass4him
    @glass4him 3 месяца назад +11

    I can’t thank you enough for standing up for Christian women everywhere! These Pharisees are basically saying women can’t share their faith, which goes against Jesus’s commandment that if we believe in Him to share His gospel and not to deny Him. No where does Jesus forbid women to teach or preach about Him. Women have been freed from the curse of the Garden by the Blood of Christ, our sex is NOT the unpardonable sin. But denying me or any women from declaring their love for our Savior by our own personal testimony and by the precious Word of God is plainly a doctrine from hell. Thank you for sharing the truth of God’s word, as this is a horrific doctrine that should be rebuked.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Amen! Thanks for the encouraging words. You make some excellent points and I do agree that this doctrine held by many that divides the Body of Christ in this manner is one that should be rebuked. God bless you!

    • @Dudeman0311
      @Dudeman0311 3 месяца назад +1

      You have to understand people who are interpreting Paul's letters aren't doing it from a value standpoint but an order standpoint. Women are just as valuable as men, we are just different in our roles and how god made us. That is the angle they are looking at and trying to divorce Paul from Jesus in thinking is also very strange. It seems to me Paul had a direct line to God when addressing these issues in the church and men and womens roles. You say Jesus freed you from the curse but these letters were all written after the resurrection, indicating that Jesus, working through Paul, wanted the body (us) to be set up in a certain order. Now we can go in to the weeds theologically as to why he wanted it set up in that order but it is undeniable in biblical doctrine. By saying it isn't is essentially deconstructing gods word for your own. Now if you have legit evidence, which the author of this video says that he does have, then it needs to be presented and needs to be 'beyond a reasonable doubt' better then what has been presented to us for the last 2000 years of church history. Keep in mind the early church fathers knew the apostles directly, so you'd think this would have gotten resolved relatively early under this presumption. I write this in love, not hate but I do not fear the names you probably want to throw at me now for being honest with the text. And very happy to receive the rebuke (if it makes since)

    • @Frantic857
      @Frantic857 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Dudeman0311 I have noticed over the past few months that (FOF) Brian has walked right up to the line, but now has crossed over to the other side, deception, which is Satan's greatest tool.
      My spouse and I don't mind the truth of the Calvinist lie being exposed, but when a person has to change the word of God by using a lexicon, which is a "New Age" tool to make the scriptures say what they need it to say in order for it to fit their agenda, well that has Satan written all over it.
      I hope and pray that the Lord opens the eyes of this podcaster to the truth of scripture and not the truth of the world.
      (1 John 2:15-17 > [15]-Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
      [16]-For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
      {17]-And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.
      This last part of my comment goes back to when FOF used a secular song from the band "(The Human Beinz - Nobody but me)) in his video, showed me that he still has a love for the world and we, my spouse and I are and were very disappointed and have not watched much since that video.
      The love of the world, a tool that Satan loves to use!

    • @Frantic857
      @Frantic857 2 месяца назад +2

      Are you saying that God got (1 Timothy 2:9-15) wrong?

    • @Frantic857
      @Frantic857 2 месяца назад +1

      @@samuelrosenbalm His anti Calvinism stuff is fine but this video crosses a whole bunch of other lines that are as clear as a bell in scripture.
      I am assuming you are being sarcastic, as he is changing God's word using a Greek lexicon in order to make his point valid.
      Which is doing what the scriptures warn against strongly!

  • @osasosas2982
    @osasosas2982 3 месяца назад +11

    While I don't discriminate women and don't think that they are less valuable and also affirm that God could use anyone He wants for His purpose, whether its to lead men or preach the gospel in the OT or NT, I do think that when it comes to the local church, the leadership role is reserved for men as per 1 Tim 2 and 1 Tim 3 and 1 Cor 14. For exercising authority and pushing the final button in practical matters that go on in the church etc. I think Paul gives a good reason in 1 Tim 2, in that Adam was first born then Eve.

    • @stevenwalker6308
      @stevenwalker6308 3 месяца назад +1

      agree but at the same time not all men are qualified to preach. We are all called to bring the gospel, but not all can hold the office of pastor.

    • @robertemard9452
      @robertemard9452 2 месяца назад

      @@stevenwalker6308 That is correct. Not all men are qualified to teach. The idea of annointing goes way back in the old testement. Aaron was annointed to go up the mountain to speak with God but the priests had to stay behind (forgot where that's from). As for the Christian church headed by Jesus Christ, the issue is not so much as "office of pastor" as it is women leading over men. Women can pastor other women and children but should not lead over men. Paul saying "women should be silent" probably has some to do with the culture of the time but the principle of women not leading over men inisde the church still applies. Either that or one has to conclude that Paul was confused.

    • @thisismonitor4099
      @thisismonitor4099 2 месяца назад

      @@stevenwalker6308 totally right just like not all men could have been apostles. I for example are one of the weakest of all and am therefore not qualified for any role in the church other than as a saved member and as a husband.

  • @mikeprintz-df4to
    @mikeprintz-df4to 3 месяца назад +6

    I agree that women are important and are qualified and called to leadership positions. But not as pastors. God the Father .......

  • @StarAccount-km1rt
    @StarAccount-km1rt 3 месяца назад +18

    A Woman cannot be a King.
    A Man cannot be a Queen.
    A man IS the head of the family.
    A Woman CANNOT be the head of the family.
    Both are in a God given role of authority.
    Though both man and woman are to preach the gospel to everyone.
    The woman is not given the headship role over a man, to be a leader over the family, Apostles, Deacons or Pastors.

    • @treeofeternallifearvoredav1227
      @treeofeternallifearvoredav1227 3 месяца назад +5

      Sorry. I have been the HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD. My Ex did NOT PROVIDE.

    • @justinerasmus8725
      @justinerasmus8725 3 месяца назад +4

      Doesnt mean its right. Not how God intended. Its something that happened to you

    • @talitasmit9337
      @talitasmit9337 3 месяца назад +2

      I am head of my house hold under the covering of Christ. Mother of three

    • @philhortop3903
      @philhortop3903 2 месяца назад +2

      what about the scriptures before which say submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. or men Love your wives as Christ loved the Church. Jesus came as servant of all

    • @thisismonitor4099
      @thisismonitor4099 2 месяца назад +1

      @@philhortop3903 and what do you expect the role of the Head of the Family is? The husband is supposed to be willing to die for his wife and children that is how he loves his wife. Yes Jesus came as a servant to all but we all have different roles. The same with the church leaders who call themselves apostles - well it is simply not so .
      Also, why didn't the early church name any women to the 7 deacons that were chosen? There were women more prominent in the life of Jesus than they including those that first saw Him. Yet they fulfilled different roles in the church.
      It is the same with the role of pastor and the role of the head of the family.
      And biblically, if the man's role is to die for his family if necessary, there will be indeed situations where women are left to look after the family alone which is EXACTLY why we are told collectively as a church to help and protect the widowed and fatherless.
      , Those sisters who have taken on the burden of a man out of necessity for the family will be so rewarded much further by our Lord due to their success in trial but it is not the pattern that He ordains.

  • @katf5222
    @katf5222 3 месяца назад +4

    Nicely done. It's encouraging to see a man who is not afraid to challenge his denominational doctrines / traditions of men.

  • @Pastor_Grant
    @Pastor_Grant 3 месяца назад +6

    Hello again. Here is how I approach this. Everyone has an opinion but when we look at Scripture first and then church history this becomes very clear. 1 Timothy 2:12 says women are not permitted to teach in the church, nor to have authority, this is in the context of a pastoral epistle and then Paul immediately goes into the qualifications for a pastor / bishop and says it must be a man in chapter 3. If that does not settle it, you could look at Jesus choosing 12 men to be apostles. Then 1900 years of church history proves this was the universal position that even Catholics, Protestants and Baptists all agreed upon until the 20th century. It was only after the social revolution of the 1960's that things started to change so that now nearly all the denominations that approved female pastors in the 70's are now approving LGBT pastors. The Bible and church history makes this issue a slam dunk.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Hi Pastor. Always good to hear from you. I appreciate your view and I've believed the same for most of my life until I studied it specifically and exhaustively, and I was shocked to find that every reason for my view, some of which you listed, one by one failed when tested against Scripture, and even historically. I will have another video coming out soon that just so happens to answer each one of the points you made, teaching meticulously through those texts of Scripture you mentioned, and even more, such as 1 Corinthians 14: 34,35. The video is not a response to you, just to be clear, but you bring up popular points that I heard many times and I already have planned to cover in the video. In a nutshell, if you are willing to watch it, which probably will come out in a couple weeks from now unless I get lucky and find time to finish it this week, you will see one by one your supposed "slam dunk" is actually an air ball.
      Some people don't want to see their long held beliefs and reasons for them challenged much less to see them crumble before their very eyes by the Scriptures. I think you are a man of integrity who wants the truth no matter what, so I believe you are up to the task of seeing popularly held views challenged, so I hope you watch it but that is up to you. It will be eye opening to say the least.

    • @Pastor_Grant
      @Pastor_Grant 3 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries If you think of it, remind me or send me a link when you post the video. I can see the 1st Corinthians 14 passage not holding up but it's going to be hard to get around 1st Timothy 😉 Blessings

    • @brianh1161
      @brianh1161 2 месяца назад

      It’s interesting that Christians are suddenly deciding that women should lead and preach after all, at the same time society has thrown the doors open wide on feminism. Sounds like society is influencing church, rather than the other way around.

    • @Pastor_Grant
      @Pastor_Grant 2 месяца назад +1

      @@brianh1161 its not a matter of ability, its a matter of "are you going to follow the Bible?" 1 Timothy 2:12-3:8

    • @brianh1161
      @brianh1161 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Pastor_Grant Agree. Everyone is hardcore about scripture until these passages come up. Then they declare upon inspection that none of these things actually mean what they say after all.

  • @mustaffa1611
    @mustaffa1611 3 месяца назад +10

    i like that video of John Macarthur saying women cant be pastors and that women aren't even allowed to speak in church then 5 seconds later he takes a question from a woman. haha, even funnier is the woman asked him another question where he contradicted himself again.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +8

      Yep, I like the video in which the woman asked him if Christ died for everyone or just the elect. I featured that answer on my channel a couple years ago. That was something to behold as he quoted zero Scripture in his answer but just philosophized for a few minutes about a "potential atonement" vs "actual atonement" all in an attempt to justify the Calvinistic Limited Atonement doctrine with gobbledygook nonsense.

    • @mustaffa1611
      @mustaffa1611 3 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries Thats all in the same video I believe.

  • @alenasvarkulys2810
    @alenasvarkulys2810 3 месяца назад +4

    No doubt women are very important and close to Jesus in His ministry but none of the women were apostols and the were the foundation of the church meaning laid down the doctrine of Christianity and Jesus is the cornerstone.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      I understand your point but consider this... All 12 Apostles were Jewish men. Pastors today that do not fit that model of being just like the Apostles, Jewish men, should not have to step down as having been disqualified by not being just like the 12 Apostles, right? So, why just choose one characteristic? If you choose a common characteristic of being men to be the standard for today's pastors based upon the 12 Apostles, why not go with all the common characteristics in order to validate who can be a pastor today? Oh, because that would disqualify almost all the men, so only the one characteristic that protects men in general is chosen for the standard. That is not a good reason!

    • @alenasvarkulys2810
      @alenasvarkulys2810 3 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries yea but the point is if Jesus and the Father and the Holy Ghost would like women to lead and teach the church would that not be fair just make 6 men aposles and 6 women ? and that would close. any argument.I also would add that traditionally women was not in authority in any christian church but recently it started to be ok and even promoted for women to be leaders of the church but that is because we are in the end times so I see this novelty as a judgment of the church and infact is more like conviction cause my estimation is that church is judged allready and’it is time for the world to be judged.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Nope, that would not have made sense because of lots of reasons, most notably the culture of the time was that the message and witness of women in Israel was deemed to be unreliable and invalid. For Israel to truly reject Christ, the 12 tribes of Israel had to reject men who were giving them the message and witness of the Messiah and the kingdom of heaven is at hand. That allowed for the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ to occur so that the good news of the Gospel can go to the whole world, and both Jew and Gentile alike can be saved by the Gospel of Christ. That is why Jesus sent out 12 Apostles who were Jewish men, but for the whole world Jesus is sending out every follower, man and women alike, to preach the Gospel. We can't compare the 12 Apostle's mission to that of a pastor fulfilling the Great Commission (Mission for the Church, Body of Christ) in the New Testament.
      The other point you made is a common fallacy. I even discussed it in my video regarding Priscilla. Women have planted and led churches since the very beginning. Perhaps you are confusing this reality with what the Catholic Church did for so many centuries. Despite the Roman Catholic Church and all their organized religion rules, there have been many Christians outside of them since the beginning.
      Christianity is exploding in Iran, rather than shrinking here in the USA, and that growth is despite the persecution against Christians there that we don't see the likes of here is being led predominantly by women. It is a fact. Look it up.

    • @alenasvarkulys2810
      @alenasvarkulys2810 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries well tru the ages women were leaders in the pagan churches and christian churches even protestant was in 1815 year. I understand that apostles were only men but that is not an argument so by this logic there is no argument against women being a pastor or elder.I will not go into verses cause you Brian read and know it sell just understand or interpret it differently. I also know that to move your position is not possible so would stop it here. Still enjoying your videos but not agree with that one.

    • @alenasvarkulys2810
      @alenasvarkulys2810 3 месяца назад

      In 1815 first time irdained women as pastor.

  • @darlenejeannotte5210
    @darlenejeannotte5210 3 месяца назад +15

    Keep speaking the truth Brian!! God has always used women all through scripture!

    • @ironleatherwood
      @ironleatherwood 3 месяца назад +4

      God never uses women as pastors.

    • @ironleatherwood
      @ironleatherwood 3 месяца назад +3

      God never uses women as pastors.

    • @rhavenlynn5364
      @rhavenlynn5364 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@@ironleatherwoodsays you

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +5

      Priscilla and Aquila were both Elders/pastors who launched several house churches and led them, including being the ones who started and led the Ephesian church, later pastored by Apollos and then by Timothy.

    • @davewhite756
      @davewhite756 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@faithonfireministries how do you know this? Doesn't the bible say to recieve them and they've been a good help?

  • @ChristinaBiasca
    @ChristinaBiasca 2 месяца назад +1

    I am a woman and I have always thought and been taught that women cant be in any leadership roles in a church other than women, children, and preaching the gospel. However I have never studied both sides of this at all. Definitely worth looking into. You gave a lot of food for thought.

    • @Wunderlust76
      @Wunderlust76 Месяц назад

      You were taught correctly. The Bible is very clear on what role women Can not hold. We have gifts and can teach but that is NOT our primary role.
      May God bless you in your studies 🙏🏻🌷

  • @kimberlyschafman7176
    @kimberlyschafman7176 3 месяца назад +2

    There is neither ,Jew nor Greek, male or female,but All are One in Christ😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Amen

  • @AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc
    @AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc 3 месяца назад +3

    Next the evil liars will call Jesus Himself a woman!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +1

      How ironic he suggests I am a liar. This is the sort of nonsense argument that I mentioned in my video that comes from actual liars who make baseless accusations as they choose to use deception to try to discredit me. Lying is a sin and this person has zero basis for making that false accusation, so he proved himself to be the liar.

  • @PhienNguyen1
    @PhienNguyen1 3 месяца назад +6

    This verse is critical for understanding that scripture is intended for all men and women, not just men. Despite saying "the man of God," we universally understand that it applies to both genders. This is just one instance, and there are many more examples where the masculine form in scripture is meant to be inclusive of all believers.
    However, in 1 Timothy 3, many people ignore this principle and use the text to argue that women must be silent and cannot hold certain roles. This was not Paul’s intention. He often wrote in a way that, while using masculine terms, was meant to apply to everyone.
    Before I continue, let me address a related point. Some accuse those who support women preachers or pastors of endorsing figures like Beth Moore or Joyce Meyer. This is a false association. I don't support or follow them; I don’t watch their teachings and don't have an opinion on their work. I don't support any celebrity preacher, male or female.
    When people falsely associate you with someone you don't support, it's a form of lying and bearing false witness, which is a sin. Making unfounded associations is dishonest and harmful. We need to focus on what the Bible truly teaches and avoid these misleading claims.
    Understanding False Associations and the Role of the Bible: Using the Bible to condemn others goes against its purpose of saving people and showing God's love.
    Imagine if someone said that Justin Peters, because he supports men being pastors, must also support Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland. This would be outrageous and completely false. We all know Peters opposes them for theological reasons. Similarly, making false associations about someone's beliefs based on broad categories is misleading and untrue.
    Justin Peters, John MacArthur, and Phil Johnson are all Calvinists, and I strongly disagree with their Reformed Systematic Theology. I don't support them, and they likely don't support my views either. That's unfortunate, but my commitment is to the truth in Scripture.
    Today, many churches compromise by affirming sin. Some Christians use the Bible to condemn others rather than to save them. The Bible's purpose is to introduce people to Jesus and be a light in the world. Instead, some use it to fight culture wars and condemn others. Jesus Himself said He came not to condemn the world but to save it. We should focus on showing God's love, mercy, and grace.
    Condemning others and fighting culture wars makes enemies of people, but our true enemy is Satan and his influence. We should love people and bring them the truth. Imagine someone drowning; they wouldn't care if a man or woman threw them a lifeline. The world is dying in sin, and anyone who preaches the Gospel is offering a lifeline. Excluding half of the body of Christ from this mission is insane.
    Back to the video, there are false teachings and compromises on sin in many churches. I wouldn't support anyone who affirms sin, regardless of gender. Interestingly, the leftist agenda, liberalism, and feminism creeping into Protestant churches haven't primarily come from women. Men still predominantly write most theological books, teach in seminaries, and lead churches.
    I attend an SBC church with no women in leadership. All pastors, elders, and likely deacons are men. While I disagree with this, it's not a reason for me to leave the church. My focus remains on the truth of Scripture and the mission to share the Gospel.
    Women in the Bible served as spiritual leaders over men in various instances.
    I’m not going to die on this hill, but it’s sad when people misread the Bible and create doctrines or legalistic rules that divide the body of Christ. About half of the body of Christ is women. Silencing half the body is ridiculous.
    In biblical times, society was divided by gender in significant ways. Yet, God spoke loudly and clearly through women.
    Some argue that God never put a woman in spiritual leadership over men, but that’s not true. Let’s look at the Old Testament:
    1. Deborah: God raised Deborah to be a judge and prophetess. She led the army alongside Barak. In fact, Barak refused to go into battle without her. You can read about this in Judges 4.
    2. Huldah: God spoke through the prophetess Huldah to advise the king and the people.
    3. Esther: Esther exercised spiritual authority over men. She is a type of Christ in the Old Testament, willing to die to save her people. Before approaching the king to save her people, she instructed Mordecai to have everyone fast for three days. This was a spiritual exercise, and the fact that a woman commanded it and was obeyed shows her spiritual authority. God raised her up for that crucial moment, and she succeeded.
    These examples demonstrate that God did appoint women to significant leadership roles. Misreading the Bible to exclude women from such roles only serves to divide us. We should focus on what Scripture truly teaches and embrace the full body of Christ in His mission.
    God chooses and empowers individuals for specific roles
    It's important to understand that in the Old Testament, and even beyond, God has placed women in significant roles. There are many examples, like Lydia and others, showing that God will appoint whoever He chooses to lead, regardless of gender. Not everyone will heed their calling, and sometimes organized religion can put stumbling blocks in the way of those called to preach, evangelize, or pastor.
    Jesus spoke about this in Matthew 18, warning against putting stumbling blocks in front of His children. Both men and women who are born-again believers are children of God, and God sees us without partiality. In the body of Christ, Jesus is the head, and we each have different roles to fulfill as determined by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We must not quench the Spirit but instead obey our calling, ensuring that no one hinders others from their God-given roles.

  • @ntippy
    @ntippy 3 месяца назад +5

    The problem is 1Tim 3:4 Leading his own house well having children in subjection. This is clearly male or you have women leading the home. But that would break Eph 5:32 "This is a profound mystery-but I am talking about Christ and the church". The man and woman of a marriage is to reflect Jesus and the Church. We are unable to separate the issue of Male leadership at home from Male leadership in the church.

    • @ntippy
      @ntippy 3 месяца назад

      @@user-iz8np3vv4i I am not following your argument. Are you saying that God does not want us to have male leadership of the home as the most desired state? I think this is a big problem with children today is a lack of male leadership in the home. If they prove themselves successful at this small scope they are then qualified to take on the larger scope of "Church" duties.

    • @ntippy
      @ntippy 3 месяца назад

      @@user-iz8np3vv4i Paul's authority stems from a direct divine encounter. On the road to Damascus, Paul experienced a profound vision of Jesus Christ, who appointed him as an apostle (Acts 9:1-19). This wasn't a self-assumed role but a divine commission, underscoring that his teachings are grounded in a revelation from Jesus Himself. Paul emphasizes this in Galatians 1:1, stating he is "an apostle-not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father."
      Recognition by Other Apostles
      Paul's apostleship was affirmed by the original apostles and early church leaders. After his conversion, Paul met with Peter and James, and later received the right hand of fellowship from James, Peter, and John, the pillars of the Jerusalem church (Galatians 1:18-19; 2:9). This endorsement shows that the early Christian leaders recognized and validated Paul’s apostolic authority and message.
      Consistency with Old Testament Scriptures
      Paul’s teachings are deeply rooted in the Old Testament. He shows how Jesus fulfills the Law and the Prophets, bringing clarity to previously misunderstood prophecies and promises. For example, Romans 3:21-22 states, "But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe." Paul’s message aligns with the continuity of God’s plan as revealed in the Old Testament.
      Revelation of the Mystery
      Paul speaks of a “mystery” now revealed through Christ, which was hidden in the Old Testament. This includes the inclusion of Gentiles in God’s salvation plan. In Ephesians 3:4-6, he explains, "This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus." This divine revelation underscores that Paul's teachings were meant to unveil the fuller scope of God’s plan, previously hinted at but now fully disclosed.
      Centrality of the Cross
      The cross is pivotal in Paul’s theology. He teaches that Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection fulfill the promises of the Old Testament. In 1 Corinthians 1:23-24, Paul says, "but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." The cross reveals God’s wisdom and power, central to the Christian faith.
      Scriptural Validation
      Paul frequently references the Old Testament to support his teachings, affirming their divine authority. Romans 1:2-3 highlights, "the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son." Paul’s use of Scripture shows that his teachings are not novel ideas but are rooted in the fulfillment of God’s long-standing promises.
      Endorsement by the Early Church
      The early Christian community accepted Paul’s letters as authoritative and inspired. His writings were widely circulated, read in churches, and used for instruction. Early church fathers and councils recognized the divine inspiration of Paul’s epistles, incorporating them into the New Testament canon. This widespread acceptance underscores the validity of Paul’s authority.
      Paul is to be trusted as a writer of Scripture because of his divine calling, recognition by other apostles, consistency with Old Testament teachings, revelation of previously hidden truths, central focus on the cross, and endorsement by the early church. His writings, inspired by the Holy Spirit, provide essential insights into the Christian faith, bridging the Old and New Testaments and revealing the fullness of God’s redemptive plan through Jesus Christ. As readers, we must accept Paul’s teachings not based on personal preference but on their divinely authenticated authority and foundational role in Christian doctrine.

    • @cord11ful
      @cord11ful 2 месяца назад

      Just a couple of thoughts: children are to obey parentS plural; and the type of 'leadership' a husband is called to is that of Christ - the self-sacrificing servant, giving his life for his bride who is treasured as his own body. Unfortunately, in our sin-stained world this is not the understanding or model of 'leadership'/'headship' that men employ. These verses are, unfortunately, used to devalue and silence and control women; something Christ and Paul (correctly understood) would admonish AGAINST.

  • @bibleteachermac5561
    @bibleteachermac5561 3 месяца назад +4

    I appreciate your ministry in many ways but not here. No one is debating women serving, you are using texts to prove a point of women being used of God but none of them has to do with pastoring a church. Jesus didn’t choose one female Apostle, this would have cleared this debate. He has order in His church, all equal, but different roles to live for Him. This all goes back to Genesis.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +1

      I appreciate you saying so, and I know this one won't be well received by many. However, I'll get to the passages on pastoring a church in my follow up video. It will be eye opening for many when the truth jumps off the page at them in a way they never saw before because they were led to believe these passages supported their tradition. Just as I speak against prooftexts used to support Calvinism which is false, there are also prooftexts improperly handled and misinterpreted and in modern bible mistranslated for the sole purpose of supporting a false doctrine against women preachers and pastors. A lot of people are willing to hear me on the first topic, but not so much on this one, but never-the-less I will cover it because I am not in this to win a popularity contest.

  • @biblethumper1624
    @biblethumper1624 2 месяца назад +2

    I'm a southern Baptist preacher and a female as well as a spiritual and political conservative.
    I believe the bible does allow for women in all roles except head pastor. I believe she must be under male authority as representing Godly order.
    I studied this for years before and after my ordination, but I could never get around:
    "The head of the man is Christ; the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." [1Corinthians 11]
    Good video Brother😊

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      Great comment and this helps to remind me that I should seriously consider adding 1 Corinthians 11 and Ephesians 5 to my video that I will be doing to go over the main prooftexts that cause some to say the Bible forbids a woman to be a pastor, or for some it means a woman can't even preach. I won't go into details here, but super brief summary... 1 Cor 11 is a reference to the head of a woman is the man... the man being the husband and not every man that lives. It even says (in the KJV) that the head of every man is Christ. Paul could have followed that up with the head of every woman men, but he did not. He wrote the head of every woman is the man (husband). Compare that passage to how Paul elaborates on marriage roles in Ephesians 5 and also in relation to Jesus Christ as head of the Church. Ephesians 5: 23 says, "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the saviour of the body."
      Jesus Christ is head of the Church (Body of Christ). The man (husband) is head of the woman (the wife). How can all men be the head of one woman (wife) at the same time? That is confusion and God is not the author of confusion. In fact, if a man wanted to exercise this so-called God given authority over another man's wife in areas related to her household, finances, where she lives, how she raises her children and perhaps even have some opinions as to whether she is married to the right guy or not... well I'd say that would cause a bit of problem to say the least. That man is sinning coveting to take away the authority that belongs to the husband of that woman. The tenth commandment says to not covet thy neighbor's wife, and to want to exercise authority over another man's wife is a sin.
      Final point and I'll stop writing here... The people who are against women pastors are really against a woman having that title more so than they are against a woman not being the head of a local church. They cry fowl even when a woman is ordained a pastor at a church that has a man who is the Senior Pastor of that church. They would say that even if a church simply wanted to hire a woman to be the Youth Pastor she can't have that position. It's legalism at its worst. They would be okay with a woman in that exact role if the title was Youth Teacher, or Youth Minister, or Youth Leader, or Youth Whatever, as long as it is does not say Pastor. And the funny thing is that the word "pastor" only shows up one place in the entire New Testament, Ephesians 4: 11.

    • @biblethumper1624
      @biblethumper1624 2 месяца назад

      Thanks so much for your well developed reply. To your first point (your paragraph1):
      With all due respect, I neither read nor understand the scriptures by verse. Chapter 11 of 1stCor. clearly bares out the intent of verse 3 in the KJV. Moreover, you may be guilty of prooftexting yourself because the subject of 1Corinthians 11 is not my home or finances etc. BUT the church. Paul begins this section thusly: "Be followers of me as I follow Christ." (paraphrase)
      And while it is possible that there is some confusion, I am not confused. I suggest you read the chapter again, prayerfully.
      Consider: God requires that a woman's head be covered. This is throughout the bible and not limited to husband but father, brother, uncle, son, priest. It is a PICTURE of Godly order.
      Again, my comment applies ONLY to the role of head/lead Pastor.

    • @biblethumper1624
      @biblethumper1624 2 месяца назад

      (Your para 2)
      My decision is personal not political. It is precisely because Christ IS the head of his church and Christ IS the head of me that I am persuaded to err on the side of caution.
      My husband (also ordained) agrees.
      Secretly, most people misinterpret this scripture because of their own lusts and because they know not the implications of Paul's: "because of the angels." Do you?

    • @biblethumper1624
      @biblethumper1624 2 месяца назад

      Lastly, if I were teaching this chapter, I would not only pay special attention to "because of the angels," but also "not discerning the Lord's body": the church.
      "All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient..."
      May God continue to bless you, Shalom~

  • @TheJshew35
    @TheJshew35 3 месяца назад +5

    Thank you for making this video. I have been taught that women are not to be in the role of Preacher in the church all my life. My wife believes this to be true as well. I shared your video with her. I have always wondered why this was a thing but it took as doctrine. I will pray on this. I need better understanding. I will not condemn a woman preaching the word of God or the Church that is led by a female preacher. I am struggling with this however. I pray God gives me better understanding.

  • @caman171
    @caman171 3 месяца назад +4

    As a Baptist historian, I can attest to the fact that women were serving as elders in Separate Baptist churches in America in the 1700's. Most of the SBC is descended from them. There even 2 women arrested for "preaching Baptist doctrine" in Virginia, where the state church was Anglican. One was jailed, and another sentenced to public whipping, but someone paid her fine and she was released. I do have reservations about female pastors tho. I dont see how a female could be a pastor and lead a church, while going home to her husband and being under his leadership in the family. All churches who have adopted female pastors have gone liberal, OR turned into a "name it and claim" type church where gold dust falls from heaven. I see no problem with females reaching children, having female bible studies, music ministers, etc. As for "preaching" I think that may be permissible, not sure on that yet. I do know that Wesley licensed women to preach in the late 1700;s, and like I said some Baptists did as well.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +2

      Yes, thanks for sharing that info. You raised a good question about how can a wife lead a church and still be under submission as a wife in the marriage to her husband who attends the church? Jesus modeled servant leadership. Why does being a pastor have to be about exercising authority over others? It is service role. A woman is not usurping her husband's authority in marriage and household by teaching the Bible, preaching the Gospel and teaching a church congregation how to be disciples of Christ. In that role she is serving Christ and serving that congregation if done with the right Biblical attitude. God instituted marriage and God instituted the Church. They are not the same. Any pastor, male or female, that sees their position as a means to exercise authority over others, especially over another man's wife and his household, is not qualified because such a person is actually just a narcissist.
      I'll add this... any man that thinks he has a God given authority over all women would include other men's wives, and simply expecting to exercise authority over another man's wife is a sin, transgressing the 10th Commandment by coveting the authority that belongs to the other man.
      On your other point, liberal churches attract liberal people and repel conservatives and true Bible believers. They did not go liberal by having women pastors. Liberal women were already attracted to that sort of compromising church on sin. A conservative church that does not compromise on sin will attract like-minded people, men and women alike, and repel all those who want compromise. It's fairly a simple concept. Did you get as far in my video to hear my analogy at the end about "what if" regarding the republican and democrat parties and women in politics?
      One of the reasons Christianity is shrinking in this country is because of the hypocrisy found in self-serving competition among men (and some women) and organized religion competing for market share and influence by so-called "Christian" people in the USA who have commercialized the Gospel for self-gain. This is not a major factor at all in 3rd world countries where the Gospel is being preached by self-sacrificing servants of the Lord who are seeing the fruits of their labor in the growing number of Christians there.

    • @caman171
      @caman171 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries I agree with much of what you say. However, there are no female pastors in 3rd world countries. Even in Africa, the Anglican and Methodist churches refuse to ordain women, even tho they are part of a church that does so. I do agree that a pastor has no authority over another mans wife, but he does have it over the man. I also agree that being a pastor is a service, but in practice we all know that its the pastor who exercises church discipline and is a shepherd which by default means he leads and guards the flock. Can a man accept it when his wife is called at all hours of the day and night by other men? Can he accept that his wife may nit be home for supper because she is dealing with a death, sickness or other circumstances that require her to be out at night without him? I am not saying you are wrong at all, just raising points to consider. When the SBC was first formed, women made up a majority of our foreign missionaries, and they founded churches, and by default were "pastors" of those churches, but the difference is that most were not married, and the ones that were were serving alongside their husbands. it might be of interest to you to read the monument erected to Lottie Moon in Georgia, which calls her a "minister of the gospel" (just google it) She founded a baptist church in china that still exists, and a monument to her in communist China is protected as a 'cultural and historical icon.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +3

      There are many female pastors in 3rd world countries, including in Africa and many other countries where Christianity is exploding in difficult and oppressive settings like in Iran in particular. And just think a bit before you express possible scenarios. Do you honestly think a male pastor answers the call of a female in his church in the middle of the night and goes alone without bringing his own wife or a member of the church with him? Nope! So, why would you expect a woman to exercise any less practical discernment if she was called upon?

    • @caman171
      @caman171 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries All I know is that the African Methodists and African Anglicans have broken away from their American counterparts over female clergy and lgbt issues. The Assemblies of God are growing in Africa, but they do not allow female pastors, altho they do allow female preachers, but they do not allow it in Africa because of the culture. And obviously the Catholic church is strong in Africa and they dont ordain females. Neither do Baptists in Afria. So what churhces are you speaking of that allow female pastors in 3rd world countries? As for male pastors who answer calls in the middle of the night, yes they do. They go to hospitals, deaths, etc. Of course they arent alone with another female, its usually family situations. However, I would never allow my wife to go out in the middle of the night. If a male pastor does it, he doesnt necessarily take his wife, especially if they have children. Its not a matter of trust or discernment, its a matter of safety. No husband worth his salt, would allow his wife to go out in the middle of the night by herself, yet a wife WOULD let her husband do so. Ive only needed my pastor twice in my life in the middle of the night (both were deaths), but neither time did his wife come with him, nor should she. They had children at home. Maybe I am too old fashioned but I'd never allow my wife out at night without me at 2am. Obviously there were female leaders in the early church. I just dont see any evidence where they were pastors, altho i do see some that they may have preached

    • @deannashaw5393
      @deannashaw5393 3 месяца назад +1

      ​. Excellent Brian!

  • @JohnMark1313
    @JohnMark1313 3 месяца назад +2

    No, the Baptist faith already bans women from being pastors as shown by voting out another church this year. This was an issue of clarification that enough deemed to be unnecessary/redundant.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +2

      The SBC should ban Calvinists if they ever want to foster true Biblical faith and truth and grow again. Calvinism is the cancer that has infiltrated Christianity with their pagan fatalism and Gnosticism.

  • @alenasvarkulys2810
    @alenasvarkulys2810 3 месяца назад +3

    There is no doubt women can preach the Gospel to the world. Apolos was not christian but crafty in the word when Priscila presented him with the Gospel. But the teaching and leading church is the job of men. Cause Eve was deceived and Adam was not.

    • @ericedwards8902
      @ericedwards8902 3 месяца назад +1

      Respectfully @alenasvarkulys2810, you're not right on Apollos and Priscilla. The Bible says that Apollos was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the (Hebrew) Scriptures who had been instructed in the Way, and taught about Jesus fervently and accurately. He lacked knowledge of baptism in the Name and only knew the baptism of repentance that had been taught by John. Then Priscilla and Aquila invited him to their home and instructed him more accurately about God.
      I agree with your main point, but we have to be accurate when we present the Word.

    • @alenasvarkulys2810
      @alenasvarkulys2810 3 месяца назад

      @@ericedwards8902 yea but that means that Apolos did not know the doctrine of Christ and therefore was not christian as a member of the church neither baptized in the name of Jesus when met Priscila.

    • @ericedwards8902
      @ericedwards8902 3 месяца назад

      @@alenasvarkulys2810 I that is not what that means. The passage in question, Acts 18:24-26 says this in the NASB95:
      "24 Now a Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures. 25 This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he was speaking and teaching accurately the things concerning Jesus, being acquainted only with the baptism of John; 26 and he began to speak out boldly in the synagogue. But when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately."
      Note that it nowhere says that Apollos "did not know the doctrine of Christ", but had been "instructed in the way of the Lord" (vv25) and "he was speaking and teaching ACCURATELY (my emphasis) the things concerning Jesus..." He was unfamiliar with the new form/mode of baptism and had to be taught that (and likely other things) by Priscilla and Aquila, but there is nothing that says he was an unbeliever or had to have the gospel taught to him when he met them. he was already teaching it and debating in the synagogue in defense of the "things concerning Jesus."

    • @KjB-t3p
      @KjB-t3p 3 месяца назад

      If Adam wasn't deceived why did he eat it? Also why didn't he do or say something to protect Eve from this 'serpent' , Eve was the youngest creature in the garden and got no help from any one.

  • @encouragingword1172
    @encouragingword1172 15 дней назад

    Beth Moore did a lot of fantastic bible studies. She went into great detail regarding the scriptures and really helped many people, including many Christian men l know, how to understand the word of God better. Just because she was offended by Pres Trump’s past crass statements(due to having been sxlly abused as a child) she was suddenly vilified by a lot of believers. This hurt her terribly. Not even other women stood up for her. She then went elsewhere.
    Joyce Meyer actually helped save my marriage by her teachings about how a woman can minister to her husband. She got off track when she started rubbing shoulders with Osteen and some other prosperity doctrine ppl but 95% of her messages were very helpful in learning how to apply the word and live for Jesus.
    There are lots of awesome women teachers and preachers. If men put as much effort into winning the lost as they do oppressing women who want to share Christ, there would be many more believers in this world.

  • @BtZealot
    @BtZealot 3 месяца назад +4

    Amen. You hit so many points that I've been meditating on, from ceasationist vs continuationist view. The former is putting the NAR label on any pentecostal going into the mission field.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +2

      Yes, I noticed that too. Very deceitful for them to label missionaries with no basis in truth.

  • @goblintown
    @goblintown 3 месяца назад +5

    The SBC needs to be canceled. There is zero place for denominationalism in the Body of Christ. This whole conference is a joke. Banana republic at best…a stench in the Nostrils of God at worst.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +3

      I must agree that the SBC has lots of problems, and even though I attend an SBC Baptist church, I refuse to blindly tow the company line, so to speak, on every matter just because I belong to it, because Scripture is my sole authority, not what any denomination or even an individual church teaches. I test it all against Scripture. And in fact, that is true for many Christians that probably disagree with me on this issue, as many Christians diligently study Scripture and try to understand it correctly, and yet we still end up with different interpretations.
      I wish I had stressed that point clearly in this video, but hindsight is 20/20. My issue and concern is with the militant opponents against Godly women who belittle them so much and blame them for all the faults of the churches. They bother me with their approach to the issue and those are the ones who turn their disagreements into personal attacks and baseless accusations, as a form of intimidation. Most Christians are not like that when they disagree, thankfully.

    • @goblintown
      @goblintown 3 месяца назад +3

      Thanks for the reply brother. I certainly agree that militant women are NOT the root cause of issues in the church. Unfortunately it inevitably is lame duck pastors who either shouldn’t be preaching to begin with (namely, unqualified to do so per Timothy/Titus but disregard that) or men who have been overtaken with some sort of sin and it went unaddressed for some time (see Ravi, Tony Evans, James MacDonald, et al.).

    • @rebeccachapman1231
      @rebeccachapman1231 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@faithonfireministries I remember a discussion I had with someone who was adamantly opposed to women in ministry, and when I pushed back and dug deeper into why he thought that way, it was largely the fear that if more women were involved in church leadership, than scripturally-orthodox churches would turn into regressive churches and be draping rainbow flags over the altar and demanding the use of ridiculous pronouns. It really had little to nothing to do with scripture at all, but of course the very handy two or three clobber verses taken out of context with the rest of scripture are practically always used as justification. Not "feminizing" the church seems really big with these people, but it is a false narrative.

  • @ashermarcus5242
    @ashermarcus5242 Месяц назад +2

    When a new apostle had to be appointed after Judhus than why did Jesus chose another male named Mathias and not a female like Mary Magdalena or Mary the sister of his good Lazarus. That was a perfect opportunity for God to end this discussion. Yes the great commission is for all who follow Christ bit that does not translate to women in a head pastorial office/position.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад +1

      It was the men who chose Matthias by drawing lots, and then we never hear of him again in all of Scripture. Then there were other apostles mentioned in Scripture such as Paul. Apostle means a sent one from God to preach the Gospel. In Romans 16, Junia is mentioned by Paul as being notable among the apostles. Not by the apostles but among the apostles. So, she was an apostle. In modern Bibles, some have changed her name to Junias to conveniently erase that fact from history, but historically speaking Junia was a popular woman's name back then with lots of writing dated to around that time with the name Junia for women. There is no historical evidence showing the name Junias written at all back then, so it wasn't even a real name, much less a man's name. It is just slick deception by translators who thought they can pull a fast one on people and help further along the deception that only men must be teachers of God's Word, despite the obvious accounts of Priscilla doing just that in Acts 18: 26.
      Priscilla and Aquila did exactly the same sort of ministry as Paul, which is why He teamed up with them and commended them as well in Romans 16 for their ministry and mentioning the church that meets in their house. They were the founders of the church at Ephesus, its first pastors. Historically speaking, they were missionaries which is what an apostle is, and they set up churches and were both eventually martyred. They deserve our respect and admiration, not belittling their roles.

    • @ashermarcus5242
      @ashermarcus5242 Месяц назад +1

      @faithonfireministries they prayed for who was to replace judhas and did choose him of their was in prayer and their prayers were answered. Otherwise they didn't need to pray and would have just picked any of the two or anyone else.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      Okay, I see your point but they already defined in their own wisdom (prior to receiving the Holy Spirit) who was qualified to fill the role of Apostle. Their definition is a factual Biblical account and I believe the Bible so I believe that actually happened, but I also think the Bible teaches us lessons about errors, and in this case I believe it teaches us not to jump the gun so to speak and get ahead of what God is doing. Their definition of an Apostle has caused great confusion over the centuries about are there any more apostles since them or not, or how is an apostle defined, because none of the later Apostles in the Bible such as Paul fit that description they came up with.
      So, in their wisdom they chose two men and then they prayed about the choice over those two. Since they prayed and then drew lots it sort of rings of Bible roulette, you know when someone prays to God to show them in the Bible what He wants them to read today and then they just randomly open the Bible and point to a spot on one of the pages and then say, this must be it! God answered my prayer. Maybe. Maybe not.

  • @BramptonAnglican
    @BramptonAnglican 3 месяца назад +3

    I like to respect different theological views. We all don’t have to agree on everything. Thank you for the great video.

    • @chlq35
      @chlq35 3 месяца назад

      One is from God, the rest is from satan. Get that inside your head. No need to respect satan

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +1

      chlq35, what are you implying with this comment?

    • @ChristIsRisen777
      @ChristIsRisen777 3 месяца назад +2

      Yes, Mary prepared Jesus for the cross, and the woman at the well presented Jesus to men (peoples). However, all the Apostles, chosen by Jesus to spread His word were all men; they awaited the Holy Spirit in the upper room before service. I agree that women can, and should share God's word - but again, no women were called to be Jesus' apostle, the role was given to twelve men. The Bible is silent on women not being called to apostleship - thereby all the confusion and theories about women & their role as pastors.
      Men & women are to edify each other as brothers and sisters in Christ; we're ONE body, but different members of that ONE body - In Christ.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      The 12 Apostles were not chosen to spread the Gospel to the world at first. They were initially chosen to give the good news of the kingdom of heaven at hand and repent and believe the Messiah to the Jews only (Matthew 10). That is why out of all the disciples which included women, Jesus chose 12 Jewish men to be His 12 Apostles to the 12 tribes of Israel. It had to be men because if Jesus sent women in that culture which did not accept the testimony of women, it would not have been a legitimate corporate rejection of Christ by the Jewish people. It had to be men to fulfill prophesy that Jesus would be rejected and the good news of the Gospel upon his death, burial and resurrection would then go out to the whole world, Jew and Gentile alike, and Jesus would be the blessing to all nations, all people, and all families of the world as was prophesied by God to Abraham in Genesis.
      The mission of the 12 Apostles changed when they crucified Christ. No longer was the message of Jesus given to only Jews but now the Great Commission was given by Jesus to the 12 Apostles, but not only them, but to all the followers of Jesus, men and women alike, to go out and preach the good news of the Gospel to everyone, everywhere.
      I hope that helps bring some clarity to this ridiculous argument that pastors today have to have the same common characteristics as the 12 Apostles, which they limit to only one common characteristic of simply being men. I noticed none of them suggest that today's pastors must also have the common characteristic of the 12 Apostles all being Jewish men.

    • @stephaniebergmann80
      @stephaniebergmann80 3 месяца назад

      ​@@faithonfireministries Actually the first evangelist was a woman,
      the woman at the well.

  • @HJM0409
    @HJM0409 3 месяца назад +3

    🙏 thank you!

  • @robertwheeler1158
    @robertwheeler1158 3 месяца назад +6

    There are several serious problems with this video. First of all, at the SBC convention, Pastor Mike Law, who was the one who introduced the "Law Amendment," which got voted down, stated the issue this way: "Our culture may see this prohibition as harsh, but our God is all-wise, and He wrote His Word for the flourishing of men and women. Let's be exceptionally clear -- we gladly celebrate the myriad of women who serve the church in many ways, and we are so grateful. This is not about women in ministry. It is about women in pastoral office."
    Brian seems badly confused about the way that the English language uses the word "man." Sometimes we use the word to mean a human being in general, whether male or female, and sometimes we use it to refer specifically to a male human being. The result is confusion. Greek, (and Latin) are different however. They each use two different words where tie English uses only one. So in II Timothy 3:17 the phrase "man of God" translates the Greek "ho tou Theou anthropos." The word "anthropos" refers to a human being in general, whether male or female. But in Acts 1:16, Peter addresses the 120 disciples as "Men and brethren." Here he uses a different Greek word, "andres" which refers specifically to male human beings. The 120 evidently did not include any women.
    Brian is also, like most modern day Christians, badly confused about New Testament church government. In the New Testament a church is led by a plurality of elders or bishops. There was no "head pastor" and a staff of "assistant pastor." The elders were the ones in positions of authority, and were on an equal footing with each other. The deacons, on the other hand, were appointed to tend to the needs of the poor. They were not assistant pastors, the way they often function in a modern day Baptist church. A woman like Phoebe could serve as a deacon (Rom. 16:1,2) but not as an elder.
    So the question is, can a woman serve as an elder or bishop? And the answer is clearly "no."
    You may want to take a look at the RUclips video I had just done on the subject, in which I go over I Tim. 2:11-15, which addresses the issue specifically.

    • @Gary453
      @Gary453 3 месяца назад +2

      Mr. Baptist, the Bible is the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth, Baptist, Muslims and all other teachings are false, Brian knows the scripture and is spot on.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +2

      Robert, what does the Greek word “tis” mean in 1 Tim 3: 1? It means “anybody“ not any man but in English Bibles it got rendered as “any man” abd that translation has caused lots of misunderstanding.
      And as for a plurality of elders, this is not the only acceptable biblical church government. It is a Presbyterian form of church government. Most early churches at the time the Bible was written were small and met in somebody’s house. There would be one elder, maybe two, and that is all.

    • @caman171
      @caman171 3 месяца назад +3

      where do you get plurality of elders in the bible? "Elder" is synonymous with bishop, presbyter, pastor etc. It just means "ordained" to preach, but doesnt mean a group ruled the churches. Are you a Reformed calvinist? "Plurality of elders" is just code for not letting the church congregation vote. Baptists have always been congregationally ruled, not elder ruled. We arent Presbyterians

    • @robertwheeler1158
      @robertwheeler1158 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries Yes, in I Tim. 3:1 the word "tis" simply means "anyone."
      Early church government was a little more complicated than that. The entire Christian community in a given metropolitan area was considered a single church, and was led by a group of elders. In I Timothy 4:14 they are actually referred to as a "presbytery." Then within in that larger grouping you had smaller groups that met on a weekly basis in private homes. See Acts 2:46,47.

    • @robertwheeler1158
      @robertwheeler1158 3 месяца назад

      @@caman171 If you look at Acts 20:17 you will notice that Paul summoned "the elders" (pl.) of "the church" (sing.). They are actually called a "presbytery" in I Tim. 4:14.

  • @kimberlyschafman7176
    @kimberlyschafman7176 3 месяца назад +1

    Yeah!!!you said it!!!Amen ❤😊

  • @gregorylatta8159
    @gregorylatta8159 2 месяца назад +1

    Examples of female leaders of the church in scripture should be listed.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      I mentioned Priscilla and even that John MacArthur of all people taught that she and her husband started and led the Ephesian church in a sermon he did 8 years ago. Nobody in Scripture, man or woman, is specifically said to be a pastor. In fact the word only shows up once in the New Testament in Ephesians 4: 11. We attribute that title to people like Timothy because we know he led the Ephesian church, but he was the 3rd one to do it, historically speaking. If he is a pastor, then Priscilla was also a pastor first, and she was commended by Paul in Romans 16.

  • @thomasK411
    @thomasK411 2 месяца назад +1

    Women cannot be pastors. Hes minipulating words to fit our culture.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      I find it is usually the other way around... I can totally understand that people rightfully despise what we see going on today in the ever declining society into wickedness and they get tempted to try to use the Bible to fight a culture war by cherry picking prooftexts to support their pushback. In reality, lots of bad theology has its prooftexts and being against women leaders in the church is no different. Those prooftexts are taken out of context, isolated and interpreted in a vacuum devoid of other related Scripture. So, they are misinterpreted and misapplied usually for selfish reasons.
      Jesus demonstrated servant leadership to His disciples, of which there were many women according to Scripture, and Jesus did so to teach them to model that doing the same, serving Christ and serving others. He never suggested building our own little worthless church kingdoms to rule over here in which men demand they are the only qualified ones to sit at the top of the Church food chain subjugating others beneath them and under their authority. That is not servant leadership. It is selfish leadership.
      Those prooftexts are easily explained correctly when we let Scripture interpret Scripture rather than our angst against the current culture in our society and letting that be the lens through which we shape our view of Scripture.

    • @thomasK411
      @thomasK411 2 месяца назад

      @faithonfireministries no one has been able to read those texts clearly until the past 20 years or so ? Man is the head of the woman. Let me ask off/on topic question. After this I won't respond as I've looked at videos you posted so you're dead set in your ways.
      Do you think in this past 60-70 years or so with women being more in charge than ever before, taking more leadership jobs/roles, pastoral, etc has been better or worse for our world ? Seems to me us not having men in leadership around the world, the world has gotten much worse very fast. Almost as if God designed men to be in charge. If you've ever looked at principles of Satanism and or their "bible" ? Their is an extreme amount of feminism and similar things to what you say. Have a good one and I hope you stopped dividing the body of christ with unbiblical ideas.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      I will answer your question about how we are as a world as women have been gaining leadership positions, but first let me address some important stuff. My position is based upon the Bible and not new in the last 20 years. Fact is, early church fathers and many well known theologians well into the mid 1000's have all affirmed that Junia was a woman apostle that Paul mentioned in Romans 16. Saying otherwise is new. Some modern bibles changed her name to Junias adding an "s" at the end just to change history and claim that is a man's name and a woman was never an apostle. Only problem is this... the name Junia was well known for a woman's name in all literature written around the time of the New Testament so Junia makes sense, but this supposed male name "Junias" didn't even exist as a name at that time or is found in any historical writing of that time. But modernists who are liberal with the Bible think it is okay to change the Bible to suit their narrative with no fear of God and so they changed her name to make it sound like a man to us today. That is a total deception but it is repeated often by many well-meaning sincere Christians who have simply not done any actual research on it.
      Feminism is evil because it tries to invalidate men and emasculate men. Feminist women think they are better than men and don't need men. Oh, where have I heard that sentiment before? Oh, from you! From lots of others who think men are superior in the churches despite twice God saying He is no respecter of persons, and that we are all made in His image, and Galatians 3: 28 that in the Body of Christ there is neither Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female, but we are all one in the Body of Christ. Both Christian men who think as you do about women and the feminists who despise and distrust men have a lot in common. You equally hate each other, but hold to the same idea basically.
      Okay, on your point about women leaders in the world. Almost all the world leaders are men and most of them are corrupt to the core. So if women have caused so much trouble, can you tell me one woman in history that used young men to go fight and die in wars so they can own more land, control more resources and subjugate more people?
      I can think of one woman who started a war. Her name was Deborah from the Bible, Judges 4. She was raised up by God to lead the Jews and go fight a corrupt king and free her people. Her army was led by a man who refused to go to war without her because she was also a Prophetess of God and he though there is no way they can succeed if she does not lead them. She did. They succeeded.

    • @thomasK411
      @thomasK411 2 месяца назад

      @faithonfireministries When someone is this set upon their own opinion but is with a non biblical movement such as SBC I don't know what to say. Arguing or debating with someone like yourself will lead no where. I hope your 20 years of experience doesn't keep dividing people and following a feminist movement. I truly wish you the best but I won't be responding anymore.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      I answered your questions and your false accusations. You have no response to those facts I presented you and that is why you are not responding anymore but of course you did get one last false jab at me on your way out of the conversation.

  • @bigcee4886
    @bigcee4886 Месяц назад +1

    One point these people miss about Paul whom they do love to quote is the fact that he actually served under a woman before his ministry took off!!!!

  • @treeofeternallifearvoredav1227
    @treeofeternallifearvoredav1227 3 месяца назад +2

    There is ONE SHEPHERD and his name is Jesus/Yeshua. No one of us is to be called Pastor. We are Disciples making Disciples. Matthew 23:8 But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren.

  • @lily-ok6yn
    @lily-ok6yn Месяц назад +2

    You are very wise

  • @jasonobrien1989
    @jasonobrien1989 3 месяца назад +2

    Did the church get it wrong for 2000 years?

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +2

      Scripture has it right. Organized religion has always gotten it wrong.

  • @m3cooley
    @m3cooley Месяц назад +2

    I was so happy to find your channel until this video. It makes me sad. None of us can get everything right, but you seemed so biblically sound until now.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      I understand. I would have disagreed with myself on this matter over 10 years ago. That was before I studied it carefully in Scripture after having simply accepted the traditional teaching on it and it was also what I saw in practice in churches my whole life but then I studied it independently from any presuppositions, traditions and disregarding how popular the view is in Christianity.
      Consider this... Calvinism has its prooftexts but they are easily explained away when letting Scripture interpret Scripture rather than just isolating a text and saying it proves some religious tradition or man-made theology. The Bible contradicts Calvinism thoroughly and yet Calvinists still cling to their prooftexts. There are also prooftexts in Scripture that can be isolated devoid of further context that suggest Jesus is not God and only the Son of God which is like Jehovah's Witnesses who deny the deity of Christ. There are prooftexts used to justify baptizing infants rather than those who are believers. I could go on and on with prooftext examples to support unbiblical views that are widely accepted by some.
      Well, there are also prooftexts that are isolated and used to say women can't speak in church, can't teach or have authority over men, can't be church leaders when God Himself even raised up women that did those very things in the Bible. Worse yet, modern bibles have changed Scripture in some instance to diminish the role of women and to elevate the roles of men in the Body of Christ, despite clear instruction in the New Testament that we are all one in Christ, one Body, and that the Holy Spirit (not men) is the one who equips us and determines our role in the Church should we not quench the Spirit and obey His leading.
      There are many men in Christianity who think women are the problem in society and the decline of their churches and they are very outspoken about that, but the fact is actually that the blame can be squarely placed mostly at the feet of self-absorbed men who have been leading the churches into error while trying to make big names of themselves in ministry.

    • @m3cooley
      @m3cooley Месяц назад +2

      @@faithonfireministries I understand that Jesus elevates women and treats them as equals. He also has made different roles for women versus men. I see no where in scripture where God makes women spiritual leaders over men. Yes, they can teach, but teaching one person alongside a husband does not equate to being a pastor/preacher in the church. There are no female Apostles or even Priests in scripture. There are judicial and military leaders like Deborah. There are prophets. There are business owners... But no Apostles, priests, preachers... nor are there any female elders or deacons mentioned. I am just not buying it. ALSO... you have discredited "modern" versions of the Bible without mentioning what versions you are talking about. Could these be the very same versions that you use to discredit Calvinism? Are they okay for that issue, but not this. This is disturbing. You make me sad.

  • @rogervincent2092
    @rogervincent2092 3 месяца назад +2

    Please pray for the Palestinian people. They are image bearers of God as well.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +2

      You post this exact comment on various videos of mine. While what you say is true and a very nice sentiment, why don't I ever see a comment from you that says pray for Israeli people? Do you have something against them? What is your story on this.

    • @rogervincent2092
      @rogervincent2092 3 месяца назад

      @faithonfireministries Don't feel too special. I post it wherever I go 🙂
      I believe there are many praying for Israel, but not a lot for the Palestinians, especially our Palestinian Arab brothers and sisters in Christ.
      I have a soft spot for Muslims, and when we Christians do engage them. All they see is us making bad arguments against Islam or supporting Israel's genocide of the Palestinians. It's not a good testimony on our part.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +1

      Okay, thanks for explaining. However, Palestine was a name Rome made up after they destroyed Israel to put salt on the wound and rename that area. But those are Muslim people for sure and all people are made in God's image as you stated. But why do you think other Muslim nations surrounding Gaza do not want those people to come in as refugees? Those Muslims countries clearly don't see the "Palestinians" in Gaza as just other similar Muslims apparently. They don't want them. Why do you think that is?

    • @rogervincent2092
      @rogervincent2092 3 месяца назад

      @faithonfireministries Rome aside. Jews, Muslim and Christian Arabs lived together in that land, even carried Palestinian passports.
      Why no one want them? One could ask why no North American nor European nation wanted the Jews during and after the war?
      Take your pick, that these Muslim countries have political and economic turmoil that they are not equipped to handle an influx of refugees. Maybe the fact that there is just as much animosity towards these nations for throwing the Palestinians under the bus in order to garner treats from the U.S. for friendlier relations with Israel while Palestinians were being subjugated and dehumanized (look up 'mowing the grass'). That does not make for well-adjusted people to bring into your house.

  • @chlq35
    @chlq35 3 месяца назад +2

    Love this, i been thinking about this topic. Excellent video

  • @thisismonitor4099
    @thisismonitor4099 2 месяца назад +1

    Sorry but I read the Gospels in the original NT Greek text. Yes there are plenty of biblical role models who are women indeed but the problem is that Paul is extremely clear that women are not to have teaching authority over men in matters of doctrine. I don't see how you can get by this certainly from the Greek but from the English also.
    Paul saying "there is neither Jew nor Greek" is speaking about all of us in general in the church that there is no distinction in terms of ethnicity - that we are grafted on the vine of Israel, But there are still different roles - just like the apostles were all men. There were women Jesus was just as close to, but it was the apostles that had the mandate to grow the church.
    Also, your whole idea on the politics side is taken from a liberal premise. The whole idea that someone should be able to see "themselves" in something like politics is a terrible notion. Living in Hong Kong I had no problem at all voting for people who looked nothing like me because the ideas were the important thing. Only the left has pushed the need for representatives to look like them.
    Finally, do remember that church tradition is still a thing. That centuries of people filled with the Holy Spirit did agree that women are not to exercise teaching authority over men and without something explicit in the Bible otherwise this would not be the case. Even things like the office of the elder make it clear it is only open to men.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      I think you need to watch this video again. You made several false assumption and accusations about me and what I said. It is clear that you are reacting to this video because you are very political and you read the Bible through the lens of the current culture, rather than recognizing that the New Testament was written nearly 2000 years ago, and today's politics and woke society and liberalism (which I reject) have nothing to do with how I read and interpret the Bible. Nobody was more supportive of women in ministry than Paul. People use a few of his verses as prooftexts to mislead people into thinking God has somehow granted authority to a false heretical pastor like some Calvinist pastor or a prosperity pimp pastor, but a woman who solidly stands upon the Word of God and teaches the true Gospel of Christ needs to be silenced. Satan loves that view.

    • @thisismonitor4099
      @thisismonitor4099 2 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries I don't read the Bible through the lens of current culture. Current culture is antithetical to the Bible which was my point about people seeing themselves in the
      As for politics, I have never been a member of a political party (any party), nor have I ever attended a political event with the exception of pro life events. I am looking at it purely from the text and the Greek leaves no room here with regards to women pastors .
      You also have to say why for millennia the church has been this way in terms of belief.
      I am not making accusations about you, I am simply explaining that any premise that someone should "see themselves" in whoever is pastoring them is a purely modern day liberal viewpoint.
      And I am not saying that a woman is not to teach at all. I am saying that the biblical prescription is that she teaches other women and also giving her testimony to all including men. These are important callings.

  • @katielee4892
    @katielee4892 3 месяца назад +5

    I'm in a church that really treats women as less than men unfortunately. They forget Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all ONE in Christ Jesus."
    Christ is the head and the rest of us, no matter your skin colour, your job or your gender, are one.
    Unfortunately that pyramid of power even extends to churches because ALL power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    • @ironleatherwood
      @ironleatherwood 3 месяца назад +3

      I'm sorry that you chose to stay in a church that treats women as less, your words. Stick to the topic, pastors. There are no female pastors in the Bible. Read about it!

    • @goblintown
      @goblintown 3 месяца назад

      Then why husbands and wives? Why mothers? Why aren’t we all just neuter humanoids in Christ?

    • @mikemullen1413
      @mikemullen1413 3 месяца назад +2

      What's the name of the Church?

    • @treeofeternallifearvoredav1227
      @treeofeternallifearvoredav1227 3 месяца назад +3

      @@ironleatherwood Pastor is a shepherd. Rachel was a Shepherdess, Moses first Wife also. BTW. Jesus said that he alone is the Shepherd. None of us are to be called Shepherd. We are disciples MALE OR FEMALE. Matthew 23:8 But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren.

  • @Tereff
    @Tereff 3 месяца назад +1

    Yep, tuned out. Women are not allowed to preach in church. Period. Why is that so hard to swallow? Not all men are qualified to preach. The examples of women you gave do not equate to a woman preaching in church. You're either being disingenuous or your hermeneutics needs some work.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +1

      Yes they are allowed. They did in the early church, irrefutably and an undeniable fact but there are still those who choose to be willingly ignorant of the truth.

    • @Tereff
      @Tereff 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries Can you give scripture references where women were allowed to be a pastor/elder/bishop. The examples you used are not the same. 1 Timothy 2:12, 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9 are beyond clear regarding the qualifications of authoritative leadership in the church. Until the last few decades this has been easily understood, even by the "ignorant". You are conflating two separate issues.

  • @ironleatherwood
    @ironleatherwood 3 месяца назад +3

    At 15:12, you say that she was a pastor. God does not say that in His word anywhere. You are either making a serious mistake or a blatant lie. Hopefully, it's a mistake. Please change your position on female pastors. Would you like to have a debate about this topic and video. You, we could do it through zoom. God bless you

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      You need to listen to it again. I clearly said that John MacArthur brought well known history into his sermon for context about the start of the Ephesian church and he said that Priscilla and Aquila started and led the Ephesian church. I did not claim this is written in the Bible, nor claim MacArthur said that, but it is history. And by the way, a person who leads a church is by definition an Elder or Pastor, and often they are synonymous.

    • @ironleatherwood
      @ironleatherwood 3 месяца назад +4

      @faithonfireministries that's not how we interpret scripture, through history that's not in scripture. I don't completely trust John M because of his calvinism beliefs and teachings. We interpret scripture with scripture. When Paul or anyone says, writes something in scripture it's because God Almighty inspired them. Yes women have been used by God in mighty ways but never as pastors. Once again, there are NO female pastors in God's word.

    • @mikemullen1413
      @mikemullen1413 3 месяца назад

      @@ironleatherwood right, exactly. It's so simple. If women could have lead the Church for the past 2000 years and everyone knew it, then at least 50% of churches today would have female pastors, but, we don't. The proof is in the pudding.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Mike, think a bit please. Scripture should be our sole authority, not tradition. Are you for burning heretics at the stake for simply owning a Bible, because the history of the church is full of evil men who did such things and used religion as a means to control people. They were not real Christians. They were evil men, heretics and reprobates who are burning in hell right now. They did their best to trample people and build their own little temporary kingdoms on earth but they will never step foot into God's eternal Kingdom.

    • @mikemullen1413
      @mikemullen1413 3 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries yes, I have thought quite a bit. I am sure there have thousands of God fearing humble Bible teachers in Christian colleges and seminaries that know Greek very well that have confirmed women not able to be in the position of pastoral leadership. If that were the case, we would have seen thousands of women pastors in the last couple of hundred years, but we don't. No heretics or burning here.

  • @encouragingword1172
    @encouragingword1172 15 дней назад

    Donna Howe has a new program regarding this topic. Its a very good program. She is not a feminist.

  • @orlando9923
    @orlando9923 2 месяца назад +1

    This is a modern-day problem, with modern-day thinking, this was not even a issue until now, all this women wanting to be Pastors and even apostles ,only men can be Pastors period

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      No, the problem of saving souls goes way back in fact and true followers of Christ obey the Great Commission and don't stop other followers from doing it. And everything I taught came from what God did in the Bible, and not from what is going on today in politics and society, other than to point out it is people like you who are reacting to our current culture and manipulating the Bible in order to fight your political culture war. God is not interesting in that and it will only backfire on you and on all of us. Your position is in opposition to the Great Commission and saving souls and only interesting in outward appearances and keeping up organized religion and its man-made hierarchy.

  • @DaFresshShow
    @DaFresshShow 3 месяца назад +1

    Amen brother

  • @Frantic857
    @Frantic857 2 месяца назад +1

    6:40min you said Mary was the first to know about the birth of the messiah - Genesis 3:15 > it was the serpent (a male) , Isaiah 9:6 > (a male) and there were other male prophets that knew long before Mary did, and the fact that only men from the Levites could be priests.
    17min you quoted J. MacArthur's view and his cronies, who cares what they think, what matters is what the scriptures say. And that would mean the King James Bible, not the Greek or Hebrew corrupted text. And you seem to have forgotten about what happens when we change the word of God - (Revelation 22:18-19 , Proverbs 30:5-6 , Deuteronomy 4:2 & 12:32 , Jeremiah 26:2 , Psalm 12:6-7) I gave a few just in case you forgot!
    18min The apostle Paul never mentioned polygamy or do you think he just forgot that word?
    And you say that scripture is written by men to men, you sound like a woke woman when saying things like that.
    (2 Timothy 3:16 > All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.)
    Or are you saying that God messed up what He meant?
    18:30min The only one confused is your interpretation of scripture brother,
    (Hebrews 13:8 > Jesus is the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.)
    So I would say that your version of the scriptures is incorrect!
    Also, if you do not trust what the King James Bible says then why don't you just use an NIV "bible" like the rest of the woke church, they (the NIV) had no issue desexualizing the scriptures either, just saying!
    23:30min You state that you go to a "church" that is all men in leadership roles, so does that make you a hypocrite? Or is this just more click bait to earn some more filthy lucre?
    26min You bring up Esther, yes the Lord did use some women in the scriptures to complete certain tasks, but this was only on rare occasions over a six thousand year history. It was not the norm! And they were never a Levite priest!
    33:57min You are using the Greek to change the King James Bible "again" this is exactly what the Vatican has done for years, every time the word of God gets in the way of their agenda!!!
    We've been watching you for a long time, but I never expected that i would have to put a message like this up on your page. But the scriptures do tell us in the end times that there would be a great falling away from the truth, an apostacy!
    I figure that I will likely get all sorts of misogynistic comments, but that's ok. The Lord said that in the end of days that we would be condemned for sticking to His truth.
    May the Lord open your eyes to the truth of what the scriptures say and not what you want them to say, in Jesus' name. Amen!
    Also I borrowed this from a person that I neither like nor trust but....
    This is not meant as a sinful attack but as a biblical critique of the narrative. Amen!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +1

      I don't know who you are or who you mean by "We've been watching you for a long time" but I must say thanks! Thanks to you and the "we've" people you are talking about, whomever that is. Thanks to you all for watching me for a long time. I really do appreciate that.
      That said, you made several points, as anyone with a computer and keyboard can, but some of your points are ridiculous while others are just your interpretation that differ from mine, and some just pervert what I said into your own strawman argument of your own making. But your last comment is bizarre to say the least. Of course I see you edited your comment already, so perhaps you will come in and edit some more.

    • @Frantic857
      @Frantic857 2 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries I gave you scriptures and time stamps for all my points. You just gave me empty words and no scriptures.
      And the "we" that is bothering you so much is, my spouse and I. Our trust is in the word of God, the King James Bible, not in Greek and Hebrew lexicons that were written by men and not inspired by the Holy Ghost or God if you prefer!
      (2 Peter 3:16-17 > [16]-As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
      [17]-Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness.)
      (2 Peter 2:1-3 > [1]-But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
      [2]-And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of the truth shall be evil spoken of.
      [3]-And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.)
      This is not meant to sinfully attack you but I thought I would just throw in a few scriptures that seem to suit the topic at hand.
      These are God's opinion not mine!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +1

      Can I ask you this regarding your initial comment above... Why do you think Scripture indicates there is anybody before Mary (besides God obviously) that knew exactly when and how and through whom the Messiah was to be born, because I don't see any indication of that in Scripture. I think you are talking about the prophesies only which did not give such precise details as was given first to Mary.

    • @Frantic857
      @Frantic857 2 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries I would think that Isaiah 9:6 is a very precise prophecy.
      Also there were no women disciples / apostles , neither did God make any women Levitical priests!
      (1 Timothy 2:12) is very clear on the matter, but I am interested to see how you use your lexicon to change that verse? Sorry if that seems sarcastic but I have been dealing with liberal ideals since 1988 when I was born again.
      PS - there were no women involved lol.
      Just the scriptures, prayer, believing in what the scriptures said and the Lord pouring out His Spirit upon me, praise God for that day.
      But I did figure out that any "church" I went to that had woman in leadership roles, was a mess! To say the least.
      Woman were given roles by the Lord, but they were not in the leadership of the "church".

  • @crossclarity423
    @crossclarity423 3 месяца назад +1

    So in essence, I cannot trust the inerrant scriptures.
    All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2Timothy 3:16-17
    ...“Do not go beyond what is written.” Then you will not take pride in one man over against another. 1Corinthians 4:6
    I know when the women of God are acting similar to the women of the world, there is a problem. The woman was created to compliment the man (assist him), not to compete against him. Complimenting someone is not a demeaning responsibility.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      You said compete. That is the problem with a lot of men leading churches today. They think they are competition with other churches, both against other Christian men and against Christian women. That tells me they are far from following Jesus but only building their own little worthless fleeting kingdoms of flesh, devoid of God's Spirit.

    • @crossclarity423
      @crossclarity423 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries Did you misunderstand what I wrote?
      If there is only ONE body of Christ (church), there is no competition. When the man and the woman are ONE, there is no competition. I am all for oneness in Christ. You are hearing with your sensitive emotions, not via the Spirit. You are ready to pounce on me without actually hearing what I am saying.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      You said woman was made to compliment (assist) man, not compete with them. That tells me you are suggesting that you think women are trying to compete with men if they desire to hold positions of leadership in a church. Did I misunderstand you in that?

    • @crossclarity423
      @crossclarity423 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries Yes!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Fine. Back to your first question about the inerrant Word of God. Yes, I believe Scripture is inerrant and that is why it bothers me when a false doctrine becomes the most popular doctrine because, 1. People are taught by tradition and with denominational bias what to think and they just accept it as truth and repeat it without reading the inerrant text in context and understand it properly. 2. Modern bibles make it worse by mistranslating the Greek on purpose to add bias that is no longer is the inerrant Word of God as it differs from other English Bibles and the Greek text. 3. This particular topic is a traditional belief that is rooted in the Roman Catholic Church that has always tried their best to maintain sole authority over others they want under their submission and to keep that authority in the hands of only a few men, no women whatsoever.

  • @josiahbrooks7544
    @josiahbrooks7544 3 месяца назад +1

    “Absolutely women baptized in acts 2” that is an assumption because scripture doesn’t tell us who was baptizing. I don’t rlly have too much of a view point in this topic, I just don’t want you to claim assumptions to be absolutes.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Fair enough. You understood what I said to be an assumption based upon what Scripture says, and we all certainly need to come to our own conclusion and conviction as to what else happened that day of Pentecost. God bless you!

  • @Dudeman0311
    @Dudeman0311 3 месяца назад +2

    I'm actually eager to see your video now where you break down the 1tim2/3 and other scriptural verses. I can see your anecdotal evidence for women being in church leadership roles but none of the cultural modern day analogies really get me there. I really need to see the errors in the translation you're talking about to be convinced. Please do a good job on this devil. Yut

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Thanks. It will be very good and exhaustive and prove how so many people isolate those texts devoid of the actual context and even how the words have been changed in modern bibles to give the side against women more to work with. And yet, as predictable as can be, all said and done, after that there will be people who watch it and still choose to ignore everything I said and stick with their tradition. But for those interesting in the truth and correctly interpreting God's Word, it will be quite eye opening and informative. God bless you!

    • @Dudeman0311
      @Dudeman0311 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries God bless you as well. While I hesitate to think its possible that two thousand years of translations from many different teams of translators are wrong, I'd still love to see what you've come up with. I myself generally go with a complementarian viewpoint, not just because of the biblical text, but also because of life experience. I'm still a pretty recent Christian but even when I was a secular person I had the same feeling about the world. I do not question the value of both men and women as equal but the biblical order made since to me when I really started digging into the word. Also hermeneutics will have to play a role in your argument as well because anecdotal stories in the bible are not the same as biblical doctrine. While Deborah is a great story from my understanding god rose her up because there were no men at the time that were worthy. Obviously those were the days when god spoke to us through prophets, now he speaks to us through his word, which many, including myself would like to think is infallible, inerrant.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +2

      I'm not claiming the text is wrong at all. I am claiming that people have willfully misinterpreted the text and I will prove what the text actually says and means using only Scripture to do so.

  • @Array8
    @Array8 2 месяца назад +1

    I listened to the full video. There were good points made. However, I feel that it's stretching. Would I be perfectly happy if the Bible said women can preach, yes. I just haven't been convinced. Nevertheless, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and all one in him. God bless.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      Why does the Bible have to explicitly say women can preach? Does the Bible say men can preach only or does the Bible exhort every believer to preach the Gospel as a commandment of Jesus? The Great Commission does not distinguish that only men should do it, and that is recorded in 4 accounts, 3 Gospels and again in Acts 1: 8, so that is plenty of opportunities that God could have said women are excluded. God never excluding women and in the Acts 1 account it is just a 3 sentences away from it saying that that the women who followed Jesus were among the 120.

    • @Array8
      @Array8 2 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries I agree that women should preach the gospel. However, the difference is if they should read and interpret scripture, then teach their interpretation to others in the church. If there is an explanation for that I am open. God bless.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +1

      The Great Commission is in 4 accounts, 3 Gospels and Acts 1. None of them limit this to men only and in fact the Acts 1 account is brief but includes the fact that the women who followed Jesus were among the 120 at Pentecost. They all went out and preached given utterance by the Holy Spirit and 300 souls were saved. In addition the Matthew 28 account of the Great Commission is the most descriptive of the 4 accounts.
      Many people think the Great Commission is just about preaching the Gospel everywhere as some of the accounts make it seem to be simplified down to one sentence, but there is more to it. Let me quote it and you will see that it actually emphasizes teaching people to obey Jesus and how to become disciples following Him. Matthew 28 says, "19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
      Also, in Acts 18, Priscilla and Aquila are both given credit for teaching Apollos the true Gospel and he went on to be a powerhouse evangelist. How can this woman teach the Gospel so effectively if not for interpreting what the Gospel means? It is not as if she had a copy of 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 which had yet to be written at the time of Acts 18. She and her husband only had an interpretation of what they had heard about Christ as Savior, and his death, burial and resurrection.

    • @Array8
      @Array8 2 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries Those are really strong arguments. Especially the quote from Jesus. I'm going to have to study tonight. Thank you!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +1

      Reading it back I wrote 300 souls. I left off a zero! It was 3000 souls that were saved and baptized that day. God bless you!

  • @FerrisChappell
    @FerrisChappell 3 месяца назад +2

    I Corinthians 14:34 ???

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +1

      You must read it in the KJV if you want to get to the right context. Verse 34 and 35 is Paul reiterating the arrogant view of the men in Corinth over the woman in the letter from the household of Chloe that he received. His sarcastic response and rebuke in the verses that follow make that evident. He did the same thing in 1 Corinthians 4 citing the men claimed they are all rich and reign like kings, while Paul sarcastically rebukes them and compares himself and the Apostles as being hated by people, poor, hungry and persecuted (1 Corinthians 4: 8-14).
      So, back on chapter 14, pay attention to how Paul answers that claim women must be silent, etc. in verses 36-39. Paul is rebuking the men for suggesting they are the spiritual ones and the women have nothing to offer. Then he directly commands them all to covet to prophesy and forbid not to speak in tongues. The whole chapter is about speaking in tongues and prophesying. Paul already earlier taught them that everyone in church participates and can bring a prophesy, a song, etc. He doesn't exclude the women at all from that.
      I find it very amazing how dishonest Calvinist Cessationists are, as they are primarily the ones who have been the most vocal against women Christians. That crowd has zero Scripture that says any spiritual gifts have ceased, but chapter 14 precisely deals entirely about speaking in tongues and prophesying in the church. The Cessationists think those two gifts have ceased, are not for today and not needed anymore, blah blah blah, and they dismiss almost the entire chapters 12- 14 as irrelevant and not applicable for today, but then those hypocrites isolate these two verses in the chapter about women being silent and they act as though this is one of the most important doctrines ever for today. Give me a break. They are just a bunch of faithless hypocritical religious modern day Pharisees. But they have influenced a lot of Christians with their lies.

  • @ashermarcus5242
    @ashermarcus5242 Месяц назад

    I appreciate your stand against calvanism but you off on this. My wife attends an east Indian church here in Ontario Canada led by a so called woman pastor (ex-hindu) who converted about 7 or so years ago. Nothing but hyper charasmatic and nar nonesense most of the time. She literally calls Jesus her father and yet at the same time wears a wedding ring to portray she is the bride of Jesus...she is divorced in real life. So much more to say but we will leave it as utter nonsense. I pray for my wife and others to read and study their bibles.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      Okay, you got a bad women preacher. But there are far more bad men preachers. We should discern what is right or wrong based upon Scripture and uphold and admire those who preach Biblical truth. If a woman does that, she is qualified.

    • @ashermarcus5242
      @ashermarcus5242 Месяц назад

      Thanks for your response but my personal experience is not the primary reason why I don't agree with women in a pastoral position

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      When Jesus gave us the Great Commission, repeated several times in 3 of the 4 Gospels and again in Acts 1, which is to preach the Gospel and teach people to follow Jesus (making disciples) which certainly fits the pastoral role, Jesus never put limits on how one is to fulfill that commandment. So, do you think we are supposed to just conclude that the commandment of Jesus has limitations on it for women only, but no limitations as to how a man fulfills that commandment?

    • @ashermarcus5242
      @ashermarcus5242 Месяц назад

      @faithonfireministries I also am ordered to adhere to the great commission and as a follower of Christ I share Jesus with others. But that does not qualify me to be a pastor. As others have mentioned in their comments you brother are doing what you accuse the calvanists of in this matter. By the way I am not a calvanist and greatly appreciate people like you who publicly rebuke calvanism for the false gospel the spue out.

  • @americanvoyager6318
    @americanvoyager6318 Месяц назад

    Lol your "pro women teaching men" arguments are nothing new. Your reasons are also just as weak as the arguments (against) women teaching men tend to be.
    It's all interpretation, and this debate has, and will continue to outlive everyone disputing it.
    Sorry brother, but neither side of this issue, has all the answers.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      Yes, I know this is nothing new. God established women leadership way back in the Old Testament with Judge Deborah, and spiritual leadership with Prophetess Huldah and Esther. In the New Testament Paul commended many women for their ministries including Deacon Phoebe, church leader and planter and missionary Priscilla and Apostle Junia.
      The few passages most often used to discredit women from teaching and leading which were written by Paul are all isolated, taken out of context and grossly misinterpreted. In other words, they are just prooftexts but they don't actually mean what many men say they mean.

  • @rogerjohnson833
    @rogerjohnson833 3 месяца назад +1

    Let me set the record straight as an endtime watchman, called, appointed and anointed by God.
    I have been in a prophetic ministry for nearly 30 years, and I know that there are women apostles, bishops, and pastors.
    In fact, I was raised by a woman prophetess.
    God said to me, have you ever seen a prophet like her.
    To this I have never seen any male prophet like her.
    Both of her daughters are apostles and prophetess.
    Remember Deborah, not her husband was a prophetess to the whole nation of Israel, to both genders.
    Let me explain why Paul said what he said concerning not suffering the women to teach, and let the women keep silent in the church.
    In the Old Testament, the women generally consulted their husbands concerning the scriptures.
    However, in the New Testament after Jesus left, the gospel was new to both genders,and both genders were learning the gospel
    In the sanctuaries, the women and the men sat apart from each other.
    The women on one side, and the men on the other side.
    The women would debate their husbands out loudly, calling over to them, disrupting the services.
    The Holy Ghost will reveal it to you.
    It was a woman prophetess who told me that I am a watchman, then God started giving me visions and dreams.
    I have seen Jesus twice on earth and Yahweh sitting on his throne in heaven.
    I have also seen heaven sitting on a cloud.
    I have seen angels and demons flying in the atmosphere.
    I have seen the rapture twice.
    The 4 horsemen among many other visions and dreams.
    In fact, God told me directly in a dream last fall, that the dollar collapse is this year.
    Moreover, it's the women who are upholding the church. Where are the men? Adam where are you?
    Most churches have a percentage of 4 to 1, in favor of the women.
    Just like God is using the gentiles,
    because of Israel's blindness,God will use anybody.
    Just like God used a donkey speaking in a human voice, to rebuke Balaam.
    Those who don't know that God is using women today in the highest capacity and without limitations, are not operating in the Holy Ghost.

    • @lavieenrose5954
      @lavieenrose5954 3 месяца назад

      You seriously think you were called, appointed and anointed by God???? An “end times watchman” . What ‘end times’??
      The biblical end times was the end of the Jewish Old Covenant culminating with the obliteration of Jerusalem and her temple in AD70….
      God bless you friend, but there is no such thing as a watchman in Christ’s everlasting New Covenant which has no last days ❤

  • @Bobby-u7f
    @Bobby-u7f 3 месяца назад

    Once you know something it is no longer possible to learn it. As far as introducing Jesus to the world, don't forget the 80 year old "virgin from her youth", who, along with the old man, were rewarded by God with the gift of looking upon the Savior before they died. Anyway, I personally believe the more authority anyone exercises over others, the more they'll answer for. And the more one serves, the less they'll have to answer for. Therefore I truly believe these men elevating themselves above God's other servants, are taking upon themselves much of the errors the women would otherwise answer for themselves. Sara did not have to do but one thing, obey Abraham. Abraham was the "law" to his wife and she fulfilled that by even calling him "Lord", and rightly so because the husband is in the place of the Lord to the wife. However, I also believe Paul was being quite tricky when demanding that any who thought themselves spiritual must admit the scriptures ageee with Paul. Because Paul is speaking of carnal things which are only disputed by carnal minds and therefore, those "thinking", themselves Spiritual should consult the carnal letter of the Law, lol, that Paul.

  • @cord11ful
    @cord11ful 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for being a voice of sanity on this issue. What many people miss is that the type of 'leadership' a husband is called to is that of Christ - the self-sacrificing servant, giving his life for his bride who is treasured as his own body. Unfortunately, in our sin-stained world this is not the understanding or model of 'leadership'/'headship' that men employ. These verses are, unfortunately, used to devalue and silence and control women; something Christ and Paul (correctly understood) would admonish AGAINST.

  • @tracy8293
    @tracy8293 3 месяца назад

    "United States" of Arab Nations... Judgement begins in The House of God!!!! Jerusalem Israels Eternal Capital

  • @Jebron_G
    @Jebron_G 3 месяца назад +1

    I totally agree and respect all your views especially on Calvinsms but on this topic, I disagree with you!!
    Sometimes it's not about whats right or wrong and all about advancing the kingdom of God even if we give up our rights.
    Being true Christian is not about right and wrong but it's about life!
    Jesus died on the cross for our sins! Was that right for the innocent t to die for the guilty??
    We are expected to give up rights for the glory and for the advancement of the ki ngdom of God.
    Paul said all things permissible to me but not all things are suitable
    All things are permissible but not all things are edifying.
    He said if eating meat would cause my brother to stumble I wouldn't eat meat. Was that right??
    Most born again denominations believe women should not hold or assume the role of pastor.
    In reality, with all respect you are only causing division in the church by voicing this highly debatable topic which most churches are in agreement on it except those who capitulated to the woke culture.
    There is nothing else you could accomplish from this debate and there is no upside to this debate at all. You are defending what you think is right for women but again true christianity is not about what's right or wrong and it's about giving up and sacrificing our rights and going beyond what's right and wrong for the greater goal of advancing God's kingdom!
    Jesus taught that! God bless

    • @doxologicalthinker9263
      @doxologicalthinker9263 3 месяца назад +1

      It's true that we are called to sacrifice our rights for the sake of advancing the kingdom, but I want to push back on your application of that to this situation. The gifts God gives to members of the church are not things we are called to sacrifice. Brian is building up the body especially women who have felt God's calling to ministry and have been held back from serving the body of Christ with their gifts. That is what is gained by bringing up this topic, empowering members of Christ's body to use their gifts God has given them

    • @Jebron_G
      @Jebron_G 3 месяца назад

      At what cost are you defying main stream church teaching in the world in trying to empower the gifts of some members?

    • @franroxburgh6055
      @franroxburgh6055 3 месяца назад +1

      You are confusing right with rights. Brian was quite clear that half the body of Christ should not be disqualified from fulfilling the great commission because the growth of the Kingdom is being hindered.
      But this is still a secondary issue that should not divide the true body of Christ. Don't do the enemy's work for him, brothers and sisters!

    • @Jebron_G
      @Jebron_G 3 месяца назад +1

      @franroxburgh6055 we are in 2024 and the paradigm has always been consistent pertaining to this topic. How has half of the work of the kingdom been impacted by this right?
      You are only stiring a controversy with no upside at all that contributes to the expansion of the kingdom. Jesus specifically warned those who cause one person to stumble!
      You are for the sake of elevating the role of woman in the church by going against clear text and are willing to cause confusion and division. Let it go. We've made it to 2024 and we already have issues. Adding another controversy does not help anyone except the enemy!!

    • @doxologicalthinker9263
      @doxologicalthinker9263 3 месяца назад

      @@Jebron_G If following Jesus and the great commission requires defying "main stream Church teaching", than that choice is a pretty obvious one. 🙂

  • @faithandtheroadlesstravelled
    @faithandtheroadlesstravelled 2 месяца назад

    As a woman of faith (Conservative/Christian and against leftism in a big way), and as one who has a faith channel, and who seeks God's Truth, I am thankful for this channel and having come upon it. It never made sense to me regarding those who oppose women's voices. Now certainly, there are apostates (both women and men) currently leading people astray. But that doesn't mean that all women/men do. I am a KJV Christian and do use other versions but only if they are not omitting God's precious words. I am committed to sharing the Truth of God's Word. ~ Just wanted to give kudos to this channel. It's very informative and it's clear this man does his homework and that the Lord is present and speaking/directing him. Thanks again, for this channel.

  • @PhienNguyen1
    @PhienNguyen1 3 месяца назад +1

    SBC Women in Ministry
    Debate over women as pastors and preachers
    One of the most hotly debated topics in Christianity today is the role of women in the church. Can women be pastors? Can they preach the gospel to men? Is this prohibited in the Bible? Some believe it is, both within and outside the church.
    I've seen videos where pastors claim that women aren't even qualified to teach other women or children. They argue that teaching is a role reserved for men only. I believe this is an extreme position. However, there are reasons why some hold the view that women should not be pastors. Tradition teaches this, and I grew up in a church that practiced it. They didn’t have to tell me women weren’t qualified to be pastors-I saw it and believed it for most of my life.
    Then, I studied the matter thoroughly in Scripture. I was blown away by how clearly God speaks through His Word. I’ve written a lot about this, and it has changed my perspective. When you compare the proof texts used to silence women to the original Greek words Paul used, you see that some changes were made in our modern Bibles that really silence women and divide the body of Christ.
    I want to share with you some insights related to the core essentials of our faith and the role of women in the New Testament. I’ll also touch on what God did with women leaders in the Old Testament. I’ll cover this quickly, but first, let me explain why I’m making this video. This week, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is holding their annual meeting. Whether you belong to a Baptist church, an SBC Baptist church like I do, or not, this issue is still relevant for all Christians.
    The SBC and the Role of Women Pastors: SBC failed to ban women pastors due to lack of approval
    Here in the United States, the largest Protestant denomination is the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Today, they voted on whether to officially ban women pastors. The motion needed a two-thirds majority to pass, but it failed to reach that threshold.
    Had it passed, the SBC would have stopped cooperating with any church that not only ordained women pastors but even affirmed the position. This means that even if a church didn't have women pastors but supported the idea, they would no longer be in friendly cooperation with the SBC. The ban would apply to all pastoral roles, not just senior pastors. For instance, women serving as youth pastors or leading women's Bible studies would also be prohibited.
    The issue often comes back to 1 Timothy 3, which outlines the qualifications for elders and deacons. In another video, I'll delve into these proof texts just as I have with Calvinism. Many use isolated texts to claim that God predestined certain people for salvation from the beginning of time, ignoring the broader context of the Bible. The same is true for the role of women in the church-isolating a few texts while ignoring others creates confusion and division.
    I understand some viewers may disagree with me and leave negative comments. Often, these comments falsely label me as a leftist, liberal, feminist, or LGBTQ supporter. These accusations are untrue and reflect a misunderstanding of my position, which is based on thorough biblical study.
    Like many, I grew up in a church that did not have women in leadership roles. Currently, I attend an SBC Baptist church that also lacks female leaders. However, my views changed after years of studying Scripture. It's easy to stick with traditional teachings, but true understanding requires open-mindedness.
    Here's something I wrote down years ago and always keep in mind: "The biggest obstacle to truth is the belief you already have it." Let me repeat that-it’s worth emphasizing. "The biggest obstacle to truth is the belief you already have it."
    Many people have likely tuned out this video, thinking of figures like Beth Moore or Joyce Meyer and associating them with liberalism and feminism. They put up walls and aren't open to hearing what I have to say. This is unfortunate because my goal is to share what the Bible truly teaches.
    So, let’s explore the core essentials of our faith and how God used women throughout the Bible. This is not about misleading anyone but seeking the truth in Scripture.
    Highlighting Women's Roles in the Bible: Women played key roles in pivotal moments in biblical history.
    Let me quickly run through some key points, and in another video, I’ll dive deeper into each proof text, showing you the Greek and providing scriptural evidence that Paul did not prohibit women from ministry. In fact, he worked alongside many women who preached, taught men, started churches, and led congregations. This concept even goes back to the Old Testament.
    So, here are some significant firsts:
    1. First to be told about Jesus' coming: A woman-Mary, His mother. God chose to send an angel to Mary, not to her fiancé Joseph.
    2. First to evangelize Jesus as the Messiah to non-Jews: The woman at the well in John 4. She was the first to share the news of Jesus being the Messiah with men who were not Jews.
    3. First to anoint Jesus with oil: A woman prepared Jesus for His death by anointing Him with oil before most of His male followers even understood what was about to happen.
    4. First to stand at the foot of the cross: While most of Jesus' male followers scattered in fear, the women, including Mary and John, stood as witnesses to His crucifixion.
    5. Witnesses to Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection: Women were the key witnesses during these critical events. Their testimonies form a crucial part of our faith and the Bible, even though the culture at that time did not consider women's testimonies reliable enough for court.
    These examples show that the men of that day were often more concerned with appearances than with the truth. They dismissed the validity of women’s testimonies simply because they were women, overlooking the profound roles women played in Jesus’ ministry and the early church.
    The Importance of the Gospel Message Over the Messenger: Truth of Gospel not dependent on gender of messenger
    Imagine if the good news of the Gospel depended on who delivered the message. If it’s a woman, it’s not true; if it’s a man, it is. How silly is that? Yet, this is the mindset of many today. They use the Bible not to lead people to Christ but as a weapon in a culture war.

  • @christopherstat1939
    @christopherstat1939 3 месяца назад

    A few genuine questions. Do men and women have different roles? Should we allow women to fight in the military? Is it biblical for a woman to be the head of a household?

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Men and women have different roles in marriage, but not in fulfilling the Great Commission. The mission is the same for both male and female followers of Christ. And how do any of those questions have anything to do with the Church and preaching the Gospel? We don't disqualify pastors when they get old. Are you suggesting a male pastor in his 80's is more capable to go fight in the military than a 20 year old woman? That guy would have a heart attack in the first 5 minutes. And God established the institution of marriage and household in Genesis and the institution of the New Testament church came in Acts 2. Try not to conflate the two.

    • @christopherstat1939
      @christopherstat1939 3 месяца назад

      ​@@faithonfireministriesI think you're missing the point of my comment. The way you laid that case out, you seem to imply that there was no distinction between men and women. And I was pointing out that God gave men and women different roles in the family and in life. And you're saying that that distinction ends when we enter the church. We have been giving clear passages that lay out guidelines for leadership in the church which match up with the leadership in the home and you're trying to explain that way. I was pointing out that there is an inconsistency there.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +1

      No, you are putting words in my mouth I never said. A man does not lose his masculinity when preaching the Gospel and neither does a woman lose her femininity when she is preaching the Gospel. I completely understood the point you had made, and it was irrelevant to a man or a woman obeying Jesus Christ and fulfilling the great commission He gave us.

    • @christopherstat1939
      @christopherstat1939 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@faithonfireministries It has nothing to do with fulfilling the Great commission. It has everything to do with leading a church. You are conflating the two to obfuscate the fact that you are directly contradicting scripture. I am not putting words in your mouth. The words coming out of your mouth are clear . Do you really think God couldn't preserve in his word if he wanted women to lead the church or not? The answer is he didn't want them to because it isn't their role in the church. Therefore, he said men do it. Just in case I am being unclear, I am specifically talking about leadership of congregations. I am not saying that they can't share their faith.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      I disagree. I believe it is you who is conflating marriage roles and church roles. I understand where you are coming from, because I come from that line of thinking to, before I studied it on my own without denominational bias. I also get you, that women can share their faith, though the fact remains that there are some prominent and influential men that forbid even that and I have featured them on my channel. They are ridiculous. I have much more tolerance for those who take your position and draw the line at women not be pastors. I understand that. I believed that most of my life having been raised and still in a church that practices that doctrine. However, I studied it in depth several years ago and I realized how certain texts are taken out of context to push that ideology. It is tradition carried over from the Roman Catholic church. The fact remains, where Christianity is shrinking we have this argument in churches. Where Christianity is growing elsewhere in the world, two things seem to be in common. 1 Christians are persecuted there. 2. They have lots of women leading churches and at the forefront of its rapid growth. Just google what is going on in Iran. Hardly anyplace else has such rapid growth of Christianity as there.

  • @rebeccachapman1231
    @rebeccachapman1231 3 месяца назад +2

    Thank you for your conservative view on women in ministry and holding fast to scripture and scriptural roots rather than traditions based on the pagan worldview and philosophy that has deeply infiltrated the church, but unfortunately gets less attention than all the woke nonsense pushed by regressives, which is much more blatantly evil. But if Satan can keep at least half of born-again believers from pursuing their God-given gifts and callings because he's deceived many into a false belief that God only calls men, then he's diluted the effectiveness of the church in proclaiming the gospel to all who will hear.

  • @andreaoldham5986
    @andreaoldham5986 3 месяца назад +1

    I enjoyed your video I do like your point you make on how removing woman would effect it’s numbers since the church numbers are already going down….but I believe there are good people in both republican and democrats and there are also bad republicans and bad democrates anyway over all this is a great video I watched the whole thing I personally have never been part of a religion or church but consider myself Christian because I believe in Christ but since I follow him I do not follow Paul. Not saying you do this but a lot of people who are Christian’s seem to follow Paul instead of Jesus ,they love to use titles like gentiles but as you said we are all one in the body of Christ doesn’t matter if you woman or man Jew or gentile…. Jesus is the shepherd he told his people to go out and teach the nations and tell them all HE commanded also in Mark 13:23 he tells us to take ye heed I FORETOLD ALL things so we know Jesus words live for eternity just as he did as he was resurrected back to heaven. He said heaven and earth will pass away but my words never will!! We need to stay in his words and make it about him in all ways that is the best way to get people to love Christ he came and showed us why we should pick him to worship and to be an awe we have such an amazing God. ❤️ it’s all being humble and. Making it about him and to be waiting and wanting his return to start his kingdom here on Earth as it is in heaven 🙏❤️

  • @tracy8293
    @tracy8293 3 месяца назад

    Truth and Lies don't Mix...

  • @Wunderlust76
    @Wunderlust76 Месяц назад

    You are absolutely correct Sir I dont know you...but if it took you years to understand 1 Timothy 2:12 simple might want to rethink how you're learning. There is NO way around simple vs. but if one could...would you think their head should be covered? 🙏🏻🌷
    I think you confuse witness, missionary, sharing the gospel with Preaching. Preaching is expositional and to a congregation ..maybe thats where you got lost?
    I was shocked to hear your claim against MacArthur and deacons ..ill have to go check that claim.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      Couple things... Phil Johnson is an Elder and Pastor at MacArthur's Grace Community Church and Executive Director of MacArthur's "Grace to You" ministry and editor of most of MacArthur's books. You can hear him explain why MacArthur and GCC has women Deacons officially given that role and title in this video here:видео.html
      Second, a key sign a person has no argument against the Scripture and teaching presented but they want to refute it anyway is to insult the person giving the message they don't like, and to distort what they said. That is what you have done. I never said it took me years to understand 1 Tim 2: 12 so you lied in attempt to discredit me. I simple said I accepted the popular interpretation of it and had no reason to question it for so many years given I was raised (and still belong) to a church that by tradition teaches that women cannot be in authority over men and does not have women in leadership positions.
      Once I started to study prooftexts used against women like 1 Timothy 2: 12 without preconceptions but just what the words on the page say in the KJV, it took me only seconds to understand it and realize I had accepted false teachings for so many years. That is quite a different message than how you falsely restated my message in your comment.
      The fact remains, the word pastor shows up in the New Testament only one time, in Ephesians 4: 11 and verse 12 gives the reason for that role, and it says nothing about it being reserved only for men. We think of Timothy as a pastor and I would agree with that assessment of the role he obviously fulfilled, but no place in Scripture is he actually called a pastor. Nobody is named specifically as a pastor in Scripture. The "Pastoral Epistles" is not Scripture, but just a man-made title given to Titus and 1 and 2 Timothy. Yet, I hear people on your side of the argument claim that no women was ever named a pastor in the Bible. That is irrelevant and a false argument when no man is ever specifically called a pastor either. And just as Timothy was in a role we would associate with that of being a pastor, so was Priscilla. And Paul commended Priscilla for her ministry along with her husband.
      You want to see something even more shocking about MacArthur from your standpoint, not mine? Watch my upcoming video tomorrow in which I play the clip of MacArthur teaching how Priscilla and Aquila were the founders and first pastors of the church at Ephesus.

    • @Wunderlust76
      @Wunderlust76 Месяц назад

      @@faithonfireministries I didn't mean to lie about your study...but you did state you studied years...and I was like wow one verse is a clear NO teach men...simple...not something someone needs to study for any length of time...I go to a KJV church but prefer the ESV...either way same simple read.
      Clearly you didn't watch the clip cause that was JMac...I don't prefer to listen to Phil I think that's odd...I'm not a JMac onlyist but rather Reformed Baptist with my only views..just fyi so we can stop all that nonsense.
      Did you get to the head covering?
      I also didn't hear or read where you clearly grasp how a Pastor teaches and if woman aren't to teach that would open the role to a female??? Thanks for your reply tho I'm off to watch the video link you shared. 🌷🙏🏻

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      Women are to teach! If they don't they are not fulfilling the Great Commission Jesus gave all of us believers. Here is the Matthew 28 account of His commandment in the KJV: "Go ye therefore, and *teach* all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: *Teaching* them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
      Notice Jesus commands believers to "teach" following by His saying it twice, "teaching."
      In 1 Timothy 2: 12, you must read the full passage, verses 11-15. This is not Paul contradicting Jesus and commanding women to not teach other men about the Gospel or teaching how to be discipled in church. Paul even commends Priscilla for doing exactly those things in Romans 16. Paul was writing about marriage only and the relationship between a husband and wife as established by God in Genesis 3. The man is the head of the household and the "covering" on the head of the woman/wife. That is why the KJV uses the phrase "usurp authority over the man" rather than corrupt modern bibles that just write "have authority" or "exercise authority over a man." Huge difference in meaning, but in any event, the context is given by Paul. He cites in verses 13-15 Adam and Eve and childbearing. This is about marriage only.
      The husband's authority over his wife and household is not usurped by a woman preaching and teaching the Gospel in church, even if the pastor is his own wife, because she is not exercising any authority whatsoever in the realm of the marriage, household and children in the role of pastor, which is a role of servant leadership to a flock/congregration. Nor is a man who is a pastor of a church preaching and teaching a congregation usurping authority away from all the husbands and inserting his own authority over all of their wives in relation to the marriage, household and children. This is obvious stuff here, though so many people apparently have a really hard time distinguishing between authority in the household vs authority in church.
      God instituted marriage first in Genesis 3, and much later instituted the Church at Pentecost in Acts 2.

    • @Wunderlust76
      @Wunderlust76 Месяц назад

      @@faithonfireministries NO..I'm still newbie but Matthew 28:11 which I assume you ment to clearly speaking to the 11 disciples. Soooo NO that's not valid for woman to use that as a valid reason to preach.
      May you NOT assume I haven't been convicted to read All of Scripture once and when I was convicted by scripture it's very clear NO woman and cover my head...I know who my authority is. 🌷🙏🏻

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      I cited it correctly, from Matthew 28: 19,20 is the Great Commission.

  • @rogervincent2092
    @rogervincent2092 3 месяца назад

    Brian, you ever heard of the animals in heaven theology? Some Christians believe there are animals in heaven because scripture says, Jesus will ride a white horse. Well we know there is at least ONE white horse in heaven, but that doesn't mean there are animals in heaven.
    Congradulations! You just exercised animals in heaven theology.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Were there animals in the Garden of Eden? Yes. If you read Revelation you see the return of Eden in the last chapters, including the river running through it and the tree of life. All the perfection that was lost will be restored and the only thing missing will be the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because that test of mankind will be over and done with, never to return. And, do you believe God will bring heaven to earth (called the New Jerusalem in Revelation) and not have animals? What in Scripture could possibly lead you to think there won't be? There will be animals for sure.

    • @rogervincent2092
      @rogervincent2092 3 месяца назад

      @faithonfireministries I am talking about heaven, not the new earth. Christians think that they will be reunited with lost pets.

    • @chlq35
      @chlq35 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@@rogervincent2092look! Someone who doesn't have pets 😂

    • @rogervincent2092
      @rogervincent2092 3 месяца назад

      @chlq35 That's funny. I had a brother who was afraid of dogs, and my mother was repelled by cats the way people were repelled by snakes. Go figure

  • @itlupe
    @itlupe 3 месяца назад

    That women shall not teach men is NOT tradition it comes from Gods word.
    1 Tim 2:12. That some men want women to teach men is modern day thinking.
    Timothy and Titus give the qualifications for pastors. They are HUSBANDS, etc.
    I believe I have the truth: The Bible.
    Jesus gave the great commission to JEWS.
    Mat 10:5 Go not unto the gentiles.
    Jesus ministry was to come for the Jews NOT the gentiles. The gentiles doctrine comes from Romans-Philemon.
    Your polygamy argument is "pushing the envelope" as to the translation. You say you like KJV only (so do I) but you eisegete woman in as pastors.
    God bless you and yours in all you do.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      I appreciate that you watch my videos and leave comments. I hold no grudge against anyone who opposes my view on this matter especially since I was on your side of that thinking for most of my life. Of course most of my life I never studied the matter in Scripture for myself but then did so exhaustively. Scripture changed my mind. There will be more on this subject that is very eye-opening to those who never read or heard the interpretation of these prooftexts from anyone other than those who want to silence women and prohibit them from leading anything.

    • @itlupe
      @itlupe 3 месяца назад

      Good day Brian,
      Thanks for your reply.
      You won't find women leading in the Dispensation of Grace to the Gentiles.
      That God chose women to be the first to see the empty tomb does not put them in a leader ship position. That Phoebe was chosen, by Paul, to take the money to Jerusalem does not make her a leader it makes her a servant. The word diakonos translates to, in context, servant (OT or NT). It does not translate to leader.
      Have written that, I am NOT against women leading OUTSIDE the church environment. I am not opposed to women having input during discussion of family life. The husband has the last word (right or wrong). The intelligent man will, often, opt for the wife's suggestions.
      Scripture shows us that, from the beginning, women will tend to have a mind of their own and ignore what God says because their idea(s) will work better. It is clearly laid out in Timothy: 2:12-14.
      This is a fun debate WITHOUT RANCOR and, I believe it will go on til we reach the Blessed Hope (rapture).
      Happily it is not a salvation issue.
      Thank you for your videos.
      Have a great week.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Okay, but don't forget verse 15 regarding childbearing and mentioning "they." Women don't have children with other women. The "they" is the woman and her husband. That is the reason Paul refers to Adam and Eve and childbearing after verses 11,12, because those verses are only about marriage. It is not about the relationship between all women and all men. I dare say in a church setting if a man suddenly tries to "exercise" his supposed God given authority over another man's wife, there is going to be a major problem. In fact, just to imply one has authority over another man's wife implies desire to have authority over her and that is violating the Tenth Commandment and is a sin.

    • @itlupe
      @itlupe 3 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries I'm afraid we will have to disagree again. The "they" is women inclusive. All women will be saved by childbearing, faith, charity, sobriety, holiness. We know, of course, that all who believe on the name and blood of Jesus are saved immediately so those 'actions' are outcomes of becoming disciples. I will agree that our authority over women stops with our wives. The authority is also limited. I mean it does not imply that we can be tyrannical over our wives. The way I understand it is . that the man, in the end, has the final say. If he is wrong and things go south then he is ultimately responsible. This gives the wife a HUGE opening for ITUS but. because she is sober, she will not. 😉
      I have worked with, for and have led women.
      IMHO they are no different (in that respect) than men. Some are surly, some are minions, MOST are average, sensible humans. I digress.
      Again, thank you ever so much for the lively discussion.

  • @Daviddaze
    @Daviddaze 3 месяца назад

    The pastor is a shepherd of his flock. Can a woman be a shephard?

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      The pastor is an under-shepherd of Christ. There is only one good shepherd, Jesus, according to Scripture. Jesus said in John 10:11, "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep." You make a point though. There are lots of people, both men and women, that are trying to be the good shepherd over a flock and garner loyal following to themselves, building their own small kingdoms on earth and using the Bible to lead people into following them as spiritual leaders even though they are just wolves in sheep's clothing.

    • @treeofeternallifearvoredav1227
      @treeofeternallifearvoredav1227 3 месяца назад

      There is ONE SHEPHERD and his name is Jesus/Yeshua. No one of us is to be called Pastor. We are Disciples making Disciples. Matthew 23:8 But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren.

    • @Daviddaze
      @Daviddaze 3 месяца назад

      Since Jesus not here, doesn't holy Spirit work thru a pastor to teach, serve, encourage, and lead-shepherd til Jesus returns?. Jesus has 100 titles. A passage in Rev. mentions Jesus & Father giving each other the sheep, inspiring.

    • @Daviddaze
      @Daviddaze 3 месяца назад

      I read Deborah was a prophetess, a singer, and a traveler, and that's all.

  • @forhisglory8471
    @forhisglory8471 3 месяца назад

    What do you think about Gen 3 where God said, " men shall rule women."? Is this part of Adam and Eves punishment or is it reestablishing order? Thank you for your videos. Excellent job!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Good question. Genesis 3: 16 says, "Unto the woman He [God] said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; *and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.* As you can see, it is the husband that will rule over the wife. The authority and rule ends there. It does not extend to suggest that any man rules over another man's wife or over any other woman besides his own wife.

    • @mikemullen1413
      @mikemullen1413 3 месяца назад +1

      Right, and it would not make sense then for a woman Pastor to lead another women's husband. The Bible is very clear, a woman is not to lead a man. Because of a corrupt sinful society, the roles of men and women have gone awry.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Mikemullen, you just conflated marriage with the Church in which unlike two coming together before God, many people gather before God who are not married to one another. How is it that you cannot understand the difference and properly relate it to authority? Are you married? If so, if I came to your church would you be okay with me sitting down next to your wife and exercising my supposed authority over her? I might tell her to leave you. Just kidding. But what about your pastor? Does he have the authority to teach you and your wife the Bible, yes... but does he also have the authority to tell your wife what to do, where to live, to stay with you and your children or leave them, what job to have or to stay at home, etc? Think about it? God was very smart how he distinguished the institution of marriage from the institution of the Church.

    • @forhisglory8471
      @forhisglory8471 3 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries Isn't the word "desire" for the wives and the word "rule" for the husbands part of the fall. Wives should not live in the fall and desire their husband. Husband should not live in the fall and rule their wives. Yes, I believe the husbands are the head of their wives but doesn't the word "rule" set the wives up for abuse. Husbands be the head of your wives and lead in love.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      When you read Ephesians 5 Paul teaches about the roles in marriage. It is very good for clarifying what God's design for marriage and men and women roles in marriage should be. I say "should be" for obvious reasons.

  • @BloodBoughtMinistries
    @BloodBoughtMinistries 3 месяца назад

    KJV is also a modern bible

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Not in the same sense as ones written in the last 50 years or so. The difference is the KJV has a New Testament from the Majority Text manuscripts which number in the thousands of corroborating evidence to its accuracy. The more recent modern bibles use what is known as the Critical Text or Minority Text manuscripts, which is to say about 98% of the New Testament is from the Codex Vaticanus owned by the Catholic Church and the Codex Sinaiticus, both quite different from all the Majority Text manuscripts and being on-line now can easily be viewed and seen to have been heavily tampered with and changed over the years. They are unreliable. And then you add changes made just to keep publishing companies out of copyright trouble with one another as they compete for Bible version market share and it becomes very clear that the only reliable and accurate English translation is the KJV.

  • @justinerasmus8725
    @justinerasmus8725 3 месяца назад

    You say others lying when they affirm it from the word! So you can also be lying from the word. Lol what a hypocrite

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      By your logic, nobody can ever call out a liar. Your comment makes no sense whatsoever.

  • @skyeprophet3564
    @skyeprophet3564 3 месяца назад +1

    Excellent video Brian. We have so many confirming scriptures that show the heart of Jesus on this matter. The Holy Spirit has just also braught to my attention Peter's proclamation which does apply to this subject Acts 10:34 and this can be added to Galatians 3:28 and 1 Samuel 16:7. Also the living testimony against this rubbish male chauvanist teaching of Deborah (Judges 4-5). Along with the excellent points you make throughout this video. The whole of Jesus interactions with his disciples while he was on earth as recorded in the Bible points towards the truth in the Holy Spirit.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Yes, well said. As Peter proclaimed in Scripture, God is no respecter of persons and as in 1 Samuel you referenced God looks at the heart of a person while we tend to look only at the outward appearances unfortunately. Great comment. God bless you!

    • @mikemullen1413
      @mikemullen1413 3 месяца назад +2

      It was not God's intention for Deborah to get involved.

    • @skyeprophet3564
      @skyeprophet3564 3 месяца назад +2

      @@mikemullen1413 Of course you don't have a scripture for that. She was dragged into going with the army but she was also leading the nation Judges 4:4. In fact you have absolutely no basis for discerning "it was not God's intention for Deborah to get involved'. You have just plucked this out of the air. God chose her to be both a prophet, his veritable mouth piece to the nation and Judge, the leader of the nation under him.

    • @Baltic_Hammer6162
      @Baltic_Hammer6162 3 месяца назад

      @@skyeprophet3564 "plucking out of thin air" John Calvin was a master of plucking. If he needed a verse to fit his views and couldn't find one in the Bible, He''d make something up, give it spin to sound biblical, insert it. Then the next sentence or two he'd add a veiled threat to anyone who'd oppose what he wrote or said. Reading through his commentary made for a severe jaw drop or two on every page.

  • @e.y.3336
    @e.y.3336 3 месяца назад +1

    Good teaching, brother

  • @rhavenlynn5364
    @rhavenlynn5364 3 месяца назад +3

    Yep. They only read 1 Corinthians 11, 1 Corinthians 14, 1 Timothy 2.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +1

      And as I will show in a video soon enough, they don't even interpret those passages correctly. God bless you!

  • @tracy8293
    @tracy8293 3 месяца назад +1

    In My Father's House are Many Room's...

    • @chlq35
      @chlq35 3 месяца назад

      Read it again, but with KJV this time

    • @tracy8293
      @tracy8293 3 месяца назад

      @@chlq35 John 14:2

  • @JonHurley-o4o
    @JonHurley-o4o 3 месяца назад

    um controvery

  • @dennishagans6339
    @dennishagans6339 3 месяца назад


  • @ivanodosreis4921
    @ivanodosreis4921 3 месяца назад +1

    20:10 I once saw in Justin Peter’s hit piece on you end of last year in the comment section someone looked at the logo you use and said that you are an LGBTQ advocate. 🤦🏻‍♂️
    It kinda reminds me of the people who try to read something sinister into a Christian singer’s album cover because there’s a triangle on it or something or if someone wears a triangle, they say “oh you are associated with the illuminati”.
    That’s what what you said at 20:10 reminded me of.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад +2

      Yep, people make false accusations against me all the time, especially out of his camp of followers.

    • @ivanodosreis4921
      @ivanodosreis4921 3 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries Fun question: Do you ever get accused of being apart of the illuminati?

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      I don't think so as best as I can recall.

  • @tracy8293
    @tracy8293 3 месяца назад

    When Christ, Returns Will He Find Faith??? Abraham Accords? Jeremiah 30 can men give Birth? Trump Accords? 3 Great Faith's? Psalm 2 The King's of The Earth have set them self against Yahweh, and His Anointed Messiah Christ... For when They Shall say Piece and Safety, Then Sudden Destruction shall Fall Upon them like a Trick in Travail, and They shall not escape? Daniel 9:27 Covenant with Many??? The Rulers take Counsel together... Jacob (Israel) Shall be Saved Out of it... Jacob's (Israel) Trouble... Yahweh God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob... Saved By Grace Through Faith in Christ Redeemed By The Blood of Christ... Enmity between The Seed of the serpent... Daniel 2 They shall Mix and Mingle with The Seed of men, Iron and Clay Mix... Babylon is Against Yahweh... 10 Nation Confederacy against Israel!!! Golan Heights received a new community named after Apprentice from Showtime Box office... Gave Them Self Over to Reprobate Mind's... Where is The Doctrine of Apprentice Found in Scripture??? Trump is god's Presidential elect??? Blow a Trumpet 😏🎺 in Zion??? And Homosexuality is Perversion???

  • @tracy8293
    @tracy8293 3 месяца назад

    In My Father's House are Many Room's

  • @tracy8293
    @tracy8293 3 месяца назад

    Dividing Jerusalem Amongst Them Self... Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem??? Statue of The Lion of Judah, Even was Generous in Naming that Idol After Yeshua, and The Word Became Idol and Placed on Jerusalem's Lawn 😠 I AM, Will Not Give Praise to Idol's 😏 🗽 that Flood this Land... Don't See or Hear... Golden Calf Idol of Golden Opportunity Bullsheet Market... Babylon's Mysteries of Iniquities

  • @orlando9923
    @orlando9923 2 месяца назад +1

    All of your examples of women is weak and wrong , none of them were PASTORS.Only men can be Pastors period, Only now in this day and age is this happening women wanting to be Pastors never before was this a thing until now.Did any women write the new testament,or the old testament, 12 Apostles,

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      I listed the accounts in the Bible of what God did regarding our core essentials of Christian faith and you are calling those things weak? Why would you call the facts of what God has done in the Bible weak? That is ridiculous for anyone who claims to be a Christian.
      And name even one man in the Bible who is called a pastor smarty pants! You can't. Nobody is listed as a pastor or Elder in the Bible. In fact the word "pastor" only shows up in one verse in the New Testament, Ephesians 4: 11 and that establishes that God chooses who will be a pastor, not men choosing who can and cannot be.
      All of your arguments are clearly not your own and you are repeating what others commonly say to influence those who don't know the Bible well, using them to help their agenda of building their own little kingdoms of organized religion fo their own glory rather than building the Kingdom of God. Those arguments have no Biblical basis whatsoever to be used to limit whom God can call to being a pastor. You obviously have zero understanding as to why Jesus chose 12 Jewish men to be sent out to the 12 tribes of Israel who would corporately reject Christ, His message and His messengers. And this was done so that through His death, burial and resurrection a New Covenant would be established and then Jesus by the Great Commission would send out ALL of His followers, not just Jews and not just men, but anyone willing to obey to go preach the Gospel and not just to Israel, but to the whole world.

  • @ronjuhan8706
    @ronjuhan8706 Месяц назад +1

    you seem to be doing, with this issue, the same thing you accuse Calvinists of doing. When scripture speaks plainly, it is not a good idea to go to unclear passages to change what the clear passage says.

  • @sheldon3996
    @sheldon3996 3 месяца назад +1

    Sorry Brian, your entire case is based on reading and interpreting verses to meet your desired end.
    Copied from Wikipedia:
    Eisegesis (/ˌaɪsɪˈdʒiːsɪs/) is the process of interpreting text in such a way as to introduce one's own presuppositions, agendas or biases. It is commonly referred to as reading into the text. It is often done to "prove" a pre-held point of concern, and to provide confirmation bias corresponding with the pre-held interpretation and any agendas supported by it.
    Your presentation is a classic example of eisegesis. Nowhere in the Bible is a woman proclaimed to be a pastor, elder, or overseer. A judge, a prophetess, a civic leader, a business owner, a deaconess, observers of miracles, mother of Jesus, the hostess of a house church, yes to all. Women of the Bible served in many different roles, but none as a pastor, elder, or overseer.
    The brethren numbered about 120, there is no mention of any women in this group; you read that into the text. The husband of one wife, a monogamous husband, which is a husband … a man. The church is the bride of Christ, therefore women can be pastors?
    Your interpretation causes many conflicts in the Bible. Therefore, either the Bible or you is wrong. Since all scripture is God breathed, I’m going with the Bible.
    I ask you to go back and rewatch this video, closely examining each and every point you make. Examine each verse exegetically, do not add to or read anything into the verses. If you pray for the Holy Spirit to lead you and to help you correctly interpret God’s word, you will see the error of your thoughts and the worldview you insert.
    Are you a good man? No, only the Father in Heaven is good.
    If you are unwilling or unable to change your view, you are a false teacher … a false prophet. You are the ravenous wolf in sheep’s clothing destroying the flock and leading them astray. May the Lord rebuke you!!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 месяца назад

      Nope, you are wrong about that. I didn't even do the follow up video yet that I said I would do, going through a detailed reading of the prooftexts used against women. That is coming soon. So, how can you make that accusation before you have even heard me do that teaching?

  • @marvinhesler6002
    @marvinhesler6002 3 месяца назад

    Your biggest problem is that you’re not practicing rightly dividing none of your examples apply to the body of Christ. Jesus wasn’t we gentiles minister 😮see rom 15:8

  • @freakylocz14
    @freakylocz14 2 месяца назад +3

    I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deaconess of the Church at Cenchre-ae, that you may receive her in the Lord as befits the saints, and help her in whatever she may require from you, for she has been a helper of many and of myself as well. (Romans 16:1-2)