I'm a male suffering from interstitial cystitis. Is this exercise suitable for man ? What is the meaning of opening and closing the doors? Please help.
The door , she is referring to is the muscles around the anus . This needs to be tightened for a few seconds . It is popular in yoga called moolabandhasana. By regular practice, the pelvic muscles can be strengthened.
Means your vagina 🐥, I think she explains very well, I watch so many videos about pelvic floor exercises, but still confused if I did it right until this video I finally got it.
girl im 18 and going thru the same thing this video and kegal exercise like simply squeezing and holding ur vagina walls and releasing it over and over for 10 mins everyday has helped me incase ur still struggling
You might have a sphincter problem or bladder size issues. See a professional for an opinion. It’s usually not an invasive procedure to confirm the problem. Good luck 🫶
Thanq v.much to helpfull pelvic floor exercise given us.
Thank you for sharing these excellent PF exercises
Thanka for sharing . My doctor recommended you & now I following your exercise . hope for the best for me ❤️
thank you for sharing . I need that ! I am 73 and very active person .
what is close the door
I'm a male suffering from interstitial cystitis. Is this exercise suitable for man ? What is the meaning of opening and closing the doors? Please help.
Thank you )) very easy exercises. Hope, they are going to work out for me too ))
Thanks a lot ma,I really need to get started right away 💕
How many sets and reps
how many days need 2 do this exercise
Excellent exercises.
Thank you so much!
Thank you
What is the door?
The door , she is referring to is the muscles around the anus . This needs to be tightened for a few seconds . It is popular in yoga called moolabandhasana. By regular practice, the pelvic muscles can be strengthened.
she's talking about your vaginal opening🙂
Your personal place
I don't know what you mean by "close the doors".
It means you tight up the vaginal and anal areas.
Means your vagina 🐥, I think she explains very well, I watch so many videos about pelvic floor exercises, but still confused if I did it right until this video I finally got it.
Thnx . How long do I have to exercise for a good answer
3 years post child and I still can’t squeeze my pelvic floor.. what is going wrong??
Many thanks ❤
Will this exercise help me with bedwetting? I am 18 years old and it is happening since i was 8 years old
Somethings require prayers and you'll be good
girl im 18 and going thru the same thing this video and kegal exercise like simply squeezing and holding ur vagina walls and releasing it over and over for 10 mins everyday has helped me incase ur still struggling
You might have a sphincter problem or bladder size issues. See a professional for an opinion. It’s usually not an invasive procedure to confirm the problem. Good luck 🫶
Maybe if it wasn't a neurological problem
Can do it after ERPC
That is Flawlessness
Do these exercises help with blocked fallopian tubes
What does she mean by close the door?
She means doing a kegal, or squeezing your pelvic floor muscles
I do the breathing the other way round it feels more natural is that okay ?
Are those exercises safe for women with organ prolapse ( systocele, rectocele)?
She means contracting the pelvic floor muscles, it's more like you're holding your pee, thanks