Rev George Ong
Rev George Ong
  • Видео 395
  • Просмотров 1 467 941
Joseph Prince asked people to lie to God they are healed
For details of this article, read it on my website:
Joseph Prince’s reply to George Ong. See Article.
In a sermon preached on 13 Oct 2024, yesterday, Joseph Prince arranged for a testimony to be shared by Gabriel Tan at the beginning of the service. This is regarding the so-called word of knowledge that Joseph Prince gave on 22 Sep 2024 about a growth in the mouth of a member which was supposedly removed; this member was said to have attended the service on 22 Sep 2024, and his or her testimony was delivered by Gabriel Tan on 13 Oct 2024 yesterday….
For details of this article, kindly read it on my website:
10 eBooks comprising 4,800 pages of notes,...
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Joseph Prince’s False Prophecy on DJ Glenn Ong & Jamie YeoJoseph Prince’s False Prophecy on DJ Glenn Ong & Jamie Yeo
Joseph Prince’s False Prophecy on DJ Glenn Ong & Jamie Yeo
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“Radio DJs Glenn Ong and Jean Danker marry,” “3rd time lucky? Jamie Yeo to get married again,” For details of this article, read it on my website: “JP’s False Prophecy on Glenn Ong & Jamie Yeo and these are the fruits of his minist...
Joseph Prince cons people he has the gift of knowledgeJoseph Prince cons people he has the gift of knowledge
Joseph Prince cons people he has the gift of knowledge
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6 Testimonies against J Prince’s scam of Holy Communion’s power6 Testimonies against J Prince’s scam of Holy Communion’s power
6 Testimonies against J Prince’s scam of Holy Communion’s power
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For details of this article, read it on my website: 6 Testimonies against Joseph Prince’s fraudulent claim that the Holy Communion “is more powerful than any medicine, any medical procedure, any a...
Report to Police on Joseph Prince’s scam about Holy CommunionReport to Police on Joseph Prince’s scam about Holy Communion
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For details of this article, read it on my website: Report to Police on Joseph Prince’s scam about the Holy Communion - Main Title Joseph Prince’s Endless & Senseless Double-Talks - this time on the Lord’s Prayer - Sub Title Note there are 3 videos on Joseph Prince. Joseph Prince didn’t preach ...
Why no blind see & lame walk when Joseph Prince follows Jesus?Why no blind see & lame walk when Joseph Prince follows Jesus?
Why no blind see & lame walk when Joseph Prince follows Jesus?
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For details of this article, read it on my website: Main Title: Why no blind see & lame walk when Joseph Prince follows Jesus’ example on healing? Sub Title: Joseph Prince Vs John Stott, JI Packer, Stuart Briscoe, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Ben Witherington III & Zac Poonen on healing - ...
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For details of this article, read it on my website: Main Title: Is Tithing for us under the New Covenant? Joseph Prince is both for Grace & Law on Tithing - a Confused & Mixed-Up Kid Sub Title: Joseph Prince Vs David Pawson, John Piper, John MacArt...
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JP implies NCC people are greedy, lustful & unfaithfulJP implies NCC people are greedy, lustful & unfaithful
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For details of these 3 Articles, read them on my website: Article 1: Joseph Prince Sacrilegiously Adds & ‘Takes Away’ from God’s Word Article 2: Joseph Prince, the unrepentant serial slanderer - against his critics Article 3: Joseph Prince’s ‘brainless’ teaching & he was caught...
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For details of this Article (4 Parts), read it on my website: Joseph Prince leads people to hell & makes Jesus a liar when he says the law has been abolished - Part 1 Joseph Prince’s only-grace & no-law teaching is doctrinal garbage - Part 2 Jo...
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For details of this article, read it on my website: Joseph Prince’s Pseudo-grace leads people to commit adultery - another recent case - By Rev George Ong Excerpts of a Facebook Post of a husband who committed adultery: “Then comes the part that held me (writer) in rapt attention...


  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y День назад

    James 4:11 But if you judge the law you are not a doer of the law but a judge .

  • @edmundsim6251
    @edmundsim6251 День назад

    JP has used God and the Holy Spirit in vain many times. Read what happens next: Mathew 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. Galatians 1:6-9 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. 2 Timothy 3:5 Having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. Titus 1:16 They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work. 2 Peter 2-3 And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

  • @charlespitan5412
    @charlespitan5412 2 дня назад

    Where is the person that is being healed? Can he or she come forward to give the testimony? Why is Joseph Prince giving the testimony? He is desperately looking for an honor for himself. Joseph Prince said "declare healed even though there is pain". It is like declaring healed when you still couldn't walk, still laying sick in bed, etc., what the crap is he talking about? I mean, healed is healed, not with some pain remaining.

  • @jamesteo9165
    @jamesteo9165 2 дня назад

    For those who testified they received their healing after sometime and not instantly or shortly, it can be because of the prayers of many others like their leaders, friends, family and their own prayers. So JP should not take credit for the prayers of others. Only if the healing is manifested in that service, can he claims and take credit. After all there are still miracle meetings still happening elsewhere and healing is instant and glory given to God

    • @lindsaylim5806
      @lindsaylim5806 2 дня назад

      Only Jesus should be thanked and glorified in all our healings and testimonies. Something wrong when a pastor demands to be thanked and glorified as well. This is typical of a cult leader. Jesus doesn't share His glory with any man

  • @TinaSomaS
    @TinaSomaS 2 дня назад

    I attended his church for 3 years before I quit going...

  • @WordsofGodThe
    @WordsofGodThe 2 дня назад

    When Joseph Prince says that you need to 'act healed', at the same time he knows that he need to 'act anointed' or 'act God' too.видео.html I will tell him, There is really plenty of 'acting' in this church. However, do you think you need to 'act'? When Jesus went into the temple and rebuked them for making it a den of thieves, He was angry. However, do you think He should now feel happy because he is seeing a 'church' that is full of grace .. and also full of 'acting' ? Mar 11:14-17 KJV .. and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves; (16) And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple. (17) And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves. By the way, have you worked as a Human Resource professional before? Do you know that HR interviewers will never employ someone who lies on his *RESUME* ? Once they found out that there is a single trace of lying on the resume, they will tell you to go home and wait. So, the advice is: Be honest about what you write in the resume even if you have to state and confess that you have criminal records or bad records. They will still consider to employ you when you show honesty and repentance of what you did in the past. This is how I would decide whether I should trust my employees also (by those HR standards). Now, if God is your 'employer' and you were His servant or pastor, will He lower down His standards for you? Of course, many will argue that He is merciful and they are under grace and therefore there is no more standards for them to fulfil. However, I believe Jesus has set His standards for all His servants and disciples even though we are under grace. I believe that He has more mercy than the HR professionals too. However, when it comes to how we should do and teach the *WORD OF GOD,* there is no compromise. So, I find that it is hard for God to use a servant or 'employee' who is a liar and double-talker. If a pastor is a person who cannot be honest with God's word, he is just like someone who cannot be honest with his resume too. He would produce all kinds of fake certificates or diplomas and even cheat to get good favor from his boss or supervisors even though he knows that it is not right.

  • @Matrixqc777
    @Matrixqc777 2 дня назад

    *There is a saying, "'Fake it till you make it"* *"Before a man can bind the enemy, he must know there is nothing binding him. Before God could bring me to this place of working of miracles, He had to break me a thousand times. Until God has mowed you down, you will never have this compassion for others" - Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947)* *Gal.6:7 - 'Do not be deceived. God is NOT MOCKED; {ERV: If you think you can fool God, you are only fooling yourselves; Remedy Bible: Don’t delude yourselves: God cannot be tricked or fooled} for WHATEVER A MAN SOWS, THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP.'*

    • @Mel-jp7fh-i6u
      @Mel-jp7fh-i6u 2 дня назад

      Well said! I once asked a close friend and business associate of many years on what he thinks of JP-without telling him who is JP -....after looking and listening to a short clip i given him, his immediate instinctive reply was :" this fellow cannot be trusted". Sometimes worldly people can recognised a fake or false preacher instinctively better than most church goers who dont study the bible.

  • @lightji
    @lightji 2 дня назад

    If anyone getting visions of JP visiting them in their dreams, they should completely stop hearing him and seek for deliverance soonest possible. Don't play this guy level of spirit. He is pure demonic. Simple reason. He has denied the Father God and holiness. It's only about Jesus and unlimited Grace for today and also tomorrow which is already forgiven. To the new creatures out there, if you are reading this. This theology is not biblical. Read the book of Romans on your own. Be Blessed. Shalom!

  • @lightji
    @lightji 2 дня назад

    JP reminds me of the Cult leader Rajneesh in Oregon US. I read somewhere in one of the blog that JP was summoned in Singapore court few years ago. After that no news came out. Somebody should dig that info and find out what actual had happened. We will get some clarity. Atleast the new creatures will get some truth and be saved.

  • @lightji
    @lightji 2 дня назад

    May God give rest to the Soul and give peace to the family.

  • @InChristAlone7
    @InChristAlone7 2 дня назад

    I have been to overseas Healing Crusades and that's where true constructive miracles healing occurred. The cripple walked, the deaf hears and the blind see. The paralysed stood up & walk after he was prayed over. Cancerous lumps deflated from the neck and breast after laying of hand and prayer. No coercing of any "healing" miracles. Just plain direct Holy Spirit Power. Not energy from JP as exclaimed by one NCC goers who say she was healed because she felt JP's energy coming into her.

    • @jamesteo9165
      @jamesteo9165 2 дня назад

      For JP supposedly moving in the Spirit and proclaiming healing with his anointing over his church for over twenty years, the blind walked, the deaf see and the crippled hear. That is the story of his anointing.

    • @leeclement4705
      @leeclement4705 День назад

      @@jamesteo9165 Will a pastor under the anointing be telling half truth and twists the bible verses. By the way do you notice he never pray before he preach. Even his good friend Brian Houston did pray before he preaches.

    @JILPTL 2 дня назад

    Still have abit of pain...isnt healing my dear!! No where in the bible u some healing leaving that person still feeling abit of pain or still cant walk 100% ,etc. JP using pressure to get people to say what he want them to say...

    @JILPTL 2 дня назад

    When u spend many hours bowling, u definitely going to get ache.. that kind of stuff dont need healing my fren! Anyway that young man said he felt the chill n said he felt abit better...he didn't said heal...but JP pressured him by asking "better or heal" the young man get he said HEAL...this is not genuine healing...when Jesus n his disciples heal they heal 100% not abit not partially not "you will get better by the day"!!!

  • @1908great
    @1908great 3 дня назад

    Jp message is all the time devil, devil, devil

  • @joejojo4805
    @joejojo4805 3 дня назад

    01:11 that was the same thing i thought of when Gabriel read the testimony. Given that NCC attendees always can't wait to showcase how blessed they were by GOD. It was extremely unusual for that particular "someone" not to be excited and want to share the healing miracle INSTANTLY and IMMEDIATELY!!! Unless the so called testimony is SCRIPTED. One way NCC can bend this thing around is to claim that the "someone" did not attend the first service where JP preached live, but attended the taped service. Then NCC can boast that the anointing of JP and healing power of GOD is not limited by time and space.

  • @davidlee2816
    @davidlee2816 3 дня назад

    JP looks so devilish

    • @Mel-jp7fh-i6u
      @Mel-jp7fh-i6u 3 дня назад

      Agreed, its nauseating looking at the way he is trying to prove himself. Very uncomfortable watching it.

    • @leeclement4705
      @leeclement4705 2 дня назад

      ​@@Mel-jp7fh-i6uhe always claim that he is good looking.

    • @lindsaylim5806
      @lindsaylim5806 2 дня назад

      ​@leeclement4705 Lucifer still thinks he's the best looking creature. Both the same narcissistic nature.

    • @InChristAlone7
      @InChristAlone7 2 дня назад

      @@leeclement4705 Regular keep his look. Vanity of Vanities.

    • @TeoMengHinMengHin
      @TeoMengHinMengHin 2 дня назад

      @@leeclement4705 Ya, my sister used to say that he likes to boost about his "good look".

  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 3 дня назад

    When JP said "You are no longer under law" he didn't qualify what that means .. His preaching is shady & contradicting .. No longer under law means you are not saved by obeying the commandments or the 10 commandments or moral law is no longer relevant for the believer ? Then when his critics questioned him he comes out with new statements on the website .. Very shady & deceptive .One moment say this, another moment say that ..

  • @estherbhagat7082
    @estherbhagat7082 3 дня назад

    Oh! Once again its jp with his lies, heresies . I don't even like to hear his voice. He is testifying other Jesus.

  • @DonaldMike-h4f
    @DonaldMike-h4f 3 дня назад

    Recently, there is a news article by CBS News about a couple of members of Gateway Church in Texas, USA, launching a class action lawsuit against Gateway Church over the misuse of financial tithes which the church claims that they have placed aside 15% of tithes for global mission fields. According to the lawsuit, the church members are not satisfied with the church’s use of the tithes as a financial report revealed that less than 15% were used for global missions and the members want a refund of their money as the ex head pastor of Gateway Church, Robert Morris, did mention members can ask for their money back if they feel the church is misusing it. Given that Robert Morris has been pushing his congregation to heavily tithe to Gateway Church, similar to JP, I wonder how much percentage of tithes has been placed aside for NCC’s mission trips to the ASEAN 3rd world countries and how much percentage has been misused for non-church related purposes. If a financial audit were to discover about the misuse of funds in NCC, NCC could have a greater scandal than CHC.

    • @jamesteo9165
      @jamesteo9165 3 дня назад

      By all standards, NCC with over $100 million in annual income, is very rich and influential with a small percentage spent on missions and charities. What happen to the rest of the money? And for JP ministry to spent huge sums broadcasting his sermons by buying airtime over many countries at primetime slots likely. That could explain his huge following online. Where does that money come from?

    • @WordsofGodThe
      @WordsofGodThe 3 дня назад

      Good question. Collecting tithes for selfish purpose can be like a pyramid scheme that will keep getting members (and money) without accountability to anyone. For example (just an assumption, ok?), let's say a person "Mr. P" has convinced all his family members, relatives, and friends to keep investing 10% of their income into his fantastic 'bitcoin' project that can make money and promise high returns, but nobody bothers what and how he is going to do it. So, after convincing them that his scheme is a win-win or 'huat-huat' scenario where those invested more and earlier at top will always benefit more, more and more 'tithing' investors are recruited everyday. Do you know that Mr. P didn't need to come up with a single cent and yet he could generate some amount of returns for everybody at the top (without even investing in anything) by using the money from the new members to pay those at the top? And as more and more people invested, he could make it appear to be more and more convincing too. So, like any pyramid schemes, he could ensure that those at the top who invested more and earlier would always get more as promised. So, first month, he started with 2 members who gave 1/10 each. But if subsequently each one of them could get another 2 members to join them, it will work like as shown below, until in the end, he might have 30,000 people: -------------------------------------------------- Mr. P v 1/10 1/10 v v 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 v v v v ... (30,000 have given 1/10) ... -------------------------------------------------- So, can you see how much money he can collect if he has 30,000 people who believe in such a scheme. I know that your imagination is running wild now, but please do not try it and think that it can be done easily. Normally, people, institution, or community who can do it must be bound by law to account for it in the way it is collected, used, or put into investments. However, when there is no accountability and the people think that "Mr. P" has no need to give accountability to anyone, do you know what will happen? The money could be so much that you can buy a rocket to send to the moon. Common sense tells you that, if you do not want to pay tax, just spend everything on luxurious items, go for exclusive holidays, fly in business class, employ Holywood image consultants, give generous honorariums to DJs who can entertain in the company D&Ds, seminars, or functions, .. etc .. And if these still cannot spend everything, buy a mall or casino. Well, these are just my wild imagination if I were the MD of such a 'cash rich' company. But what if I were the pastor of a church?

    • @DonaldMike-h4f
      @DonaldMike-h4f 3 дня назад

      Frankly speaking, I don’t trust the way NCC handles the tithes when I found out the Star performing arts allowed a drag show to be performed in 2023, months after the repeal of 377A. The same stage used for praise and worship on Sunday used for a drag show. I can’t believe that a place of worship was rented out for something that is satanic. Also, I noticed that neither JP nor any leader in NCC did put a strong emphasis on sticking to the biblical scriptures views against homosexuality and the LGBT after the repel was made. Compared to NCC, many Anglican, Methodist, and other traditional churches in Singapore have reassured their congregations about their standing against the sins of the LGBT as stated in the scriptures. Where’s the fear of the lord in NCC? I’ve heard there are some members of NCC who are hidden closeted LGBT.

    • @WordsofGodThe
      @WordsofGodThe 3 дня назад

      If I were the pastor of such a church, I will keep preaching the health and wealth gospel and that I am a type of king David who will encourage all those who are qualified to be my *'3D ARMY'* (quoted from 1Sa 22:2), and that I will dress like a king, speak like a king, and prophesy like a king and .. etc, to show that (under the sound of my voice) I have the anointing to heal and save more people every Sunday (when I call out their sicknesses).

  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 4 дня назад

    By the fruits you shall know them . Birds of the same feather flock together . JP, Brian Houston, Joel Osteen . Shady preachers who preach for wealth & not for God for growth & repentance

  • @WordsofGodThe
    @WordsofGodThe 4 дня назад

    Today in his Sunday's preaching (as waited expectantly by many who are also waiting for him to call out their sicknesses), Joseph Prince preaches a fantastic message on the meditation of God's law to prosper yourselves and possess things (of this world). Wow, that's very scriptural based on Mat 6:33-34, Psalms 1:1-2, Joshua 1:8, and Proverbs. However, please think if he thinks that *LAW KILLS* and those who bring back the law are 'angel of light', will he sincerely teach you to meditate on the law of God to do the law of God?видео.html No, I don't think so. He will teach you to meditate or confess the law more like the Pharisees or hypocrites who make use of the law to *PROSPER* themselves. Like what I have said, a preacher of *DOUBLE-TALK* (thinking that his 'talk' is an effective 'damage control' to minimize the 'damage' he has done to the Word of God) will only prove or expose himself as a greater hypocrite than the Pharisees or teachers of laws.

  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 4 дня назад

    If JP supporters still want to defend him after so many videos & prove of his double talk & heresy & hypocrisy & the many testimonies by ex NCC members & reports of bad fruits of false grace & holy communion taken like medicine , so be it .. the blood is not in our hands .

  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 4 дня назад

    James 2:23-24 JP only emphasizes verse 23 & avoids verse 24 . He preach a lopsided gospel that is not a real gospel . He only say see by the fruit but what fruit ?? Many bad reports .

    • @vijayrem-mn6id
      @vijayrem-mn6id 4 дня назад

      Right. The Message puts James 2:21-24 very clearly: Wasn’t our ancestor Abraham “made right with God by works” when he placed his son Isaac on the sacrificial altar? Isn’t it obvious that faith and works are yoked partners, that faith expresses itself in works? That the works are “works of faith”? The full meaning of “believe” in the Scripture sentence, “Abraham believed God and was set right with God,” includes his action. It’s that weave of believing and acting that got Abraham named “God’s friend.” Is it not evident that a person is made right with God not by a barren faith but by faith fruitful in works?

  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 4 дня назад

    James 2:5 is never preach in NCC plus many other verses . JP supporters likes to defend him on what he says but cannot defend him on what he does not say. And that is a big portion of the Bible . How can you trust someone who double talks on Sundays ?

  • @Papsmeartopreventcancer
    @Papsmeartopreventcancer 4 дня назад

    JP looking more and more sinister. Behaviour is that of arrogance. Very high horse mannerisms.

  • @jamesteo9165
    @jamesteo9165 4 дня назад

    I can sense a great awakening. The tide is turning as JP goes deeper into deception and radical doctrines. Rev George is having an increasing impact. It is heartening to hear testimonials of ex members who once listen daily to his teachings for many years and look up to him, began to question his teachings and left the church. It is because they love the Lord and began to study their bible. They now warn others for the sake of the gospel. Looks like a "me too" movement is gaining momentum for more ex members to come forward to report marriage breakdown, unhealed sickness, adultery, financial losses ... There is therefore hope for hardcore supporters of JP to come out of their stupor. They will come across rev George and begin to question his teachings and study the bible. They will begin to have a hunger to know God's will and to obey and follow after Jesus, which can all be found in the bible but left out by JP

    • @leeclement4705
      @leeclement4705 4 дня назад

      Only those who read the Bible . The Bible is God and only His sheep hear His Voice. I must say a big thank you to these platform it keeps me busy checking the Bible.

    • @achakvenn
      @achakvenn 3 дня назад

      ​@@leeclement4705 Check up some good Bible commentaries too. They may help to deepen your understanding. You will realise that JP teaching is full of half-truths and distortions that serve his own purpose.

    • @leeclement4705
      @leeclement4705 3 дня назад

      @@achakvenn On Sunday 13th Oct 2024, JP asks his congregation to meditate on Bible verses. Well, I would say that if the congregation really do it more sheep will leave NCC. He does not know what the Word of God is all about because I can testify that the more, I meditate the better I am in knowing the cleansing power of the Word because the Word is God.

  • @8studio
    @8studio 5 дней назад

    Thanks for sharing this about adultery and marriage according to God's standard definition.

  • @thng9170
    @thng9170 5 дней назад

    False prophesy, false healing, false teaching. We all should earnestly pray that God takes away this thorn within this generation. Nothing is impossible for the Lord. All glory to Him.

  • @tanjason2640
    @tanjason2640 5 дней назад

    I stopped attending NCC. Was there in David Pawson’s teachings then. The people listening to JP’s erroneous teachings should be woken up. The ‘ Grace Revolution’ is heretical. Full stop.

    • @1908great
      @1908great 5 дней назад

      @@tanjason2640 when there was a time on a Sunday and the church had big slogans “grace revolution” all round the premises. I was asking what REVOLUTION? We ought to be preaching and following JESUS and He alone be magnified. I started to feel something is wrong here. I was then serving. I kept asking is Tis teaching and Jp and pastors preaching nonsense or fairy tale? Surely surely a keen spirit following after our Lord, I left NCC. All praises to Him. I have escaped from the snare of the Fowler!

    • @achakvenn
      @achakvenn 5 дней назад

      Another slogan is the 'Benjamin Generation'. Did Jesus or Paul or any of the apostles teach that? Did they ever mention those two words? Why Benjamin Generation? Because its an ever growing catch for him. The young are relatively Bible-ignorant and easy targets of his heretical teachings, and they will be rich sources of fertilisers for the building's bank accounts.

    • @jamesteo9165
      @jamesteo9165 4 дня назад

      By the way Ps Benjamin has left NCC. He was a close friend of JP and his inner circle. Does it signify the passing of the Benjamin generation? Ps Benjamin was once the youth pastor and commanded a strong following among the youths. Some of the pastors were mentor by him under his youth ministry. What were the reasons for his leaving, does anyone know? Could he have disagree strongly with some of JP teachings.

    • @randomdove007
      @randomdove007 4 дня назад

      ​@jamesteo9165 Pastor Benjamin is currently in a leadership position in Kingdomcity church. Not sure if this church is affiliate to NCC.

    • @randomdove007
      @randomdove007 4 дня назад

      Rem there is a Pastor Joe Purcell Jr last time, Joscelin Yeo's husband. He also stepped down.

  • @estherbhagat7082
    @estherbhagat7082 5 дней назад

    JP, his pastors and NCC congregation should give heed to Brother - Rev. George Ong's rebuke, correction, instructions he has been doing with patience, based on 2Tim 4:2-5. Or jp's teaching will lead many couples and younger generation to damnation. That church needs preachers like Paul washer, Voddie Baucham, Zac Poonen and of course Rev. George Ong.

    • @kengoppingoppin
      @kengoppingoppin 5 дней назад

      Yes listening to the preachers you listed will open your eyes to the shallowness, falsity and heresy in jp's teachings. Its incredible that so many in NCC are still so blinded and gullible.

  • @1908great
    @1908great 5 дней назад

    Know them by their fruits. See the immorality being practised n marriage, divorce n remarriage and on and on. Tis is the result of free grace /hyper grace teaching of JP and his so called live the let go life. Tis is the fruit of his teaching. Tis will lead one to hell. No question about it. One whose life isnt following after Jesus, committing adultery. How about for the unmarried there and in sexual relationships?They hv sexual relationship and it’s called fornication. Don’t follow a talker without conviction of holiness n approving unholiness. Can you see n hear?

    • @vijayrem-mn6id
      @vijayrem-mn6id 5 дней назад

      He pretended very well when he said to the congregation know them by their fruit. He acted as if his fruit is good and others' fruit is bad. His congregation must have believed that his fruit is good while he hides the ugly facts from them.

    • @TeoMengHinMengHin
      @TeoMengHinMengHin 4 дня назад

      I am concerned about those young children at Rock Kidz. They are already indoctrinated by the many wrong teachings at such a young age. What sort of lifestyle will they embrace when they become adults? I can only think of the unholy and unrighteous fruits being produce in many of their lives. Their favourite book might even be "Live The Let Go Life" instead of the Holy Bible.

    • @DonaldMike-h4f
      @DonaldMike-h4f 4 дня назад

      As a young adult who used to attend rock kids while growing up in NCC, I can share some of the doctrines taught to the children I briefly remember. From what I remember, the Sunday School teachers taught that the traditional worship through singing traditional hymns while the pipe organ is being played is boring in order for the children to fully embrace modern praise and worship music. One of the teachers also mentioned that Christians can be “crazy” as they can expect God’s blessings. There was also a time when one of the teachers shared of her experience of God’s healing by taking the Holy Communion 3 times a day like medicine. She claimed that she was fully healed. Overall, the Sunday school teachers in Rock Kids did not preach about the 10 Commandments and the fear of the lord besides preaching about God’s love and Jesus sacrifice on the cross to the children. In fact, I think the children in Rock Kids were more interested in playing Mario Kart on the Nintendo Wii and Beyblade than listening to the gospel. I have to admit that I used to be one of those kids who look forward to play Mario Kart in church than hearing the word. Now, I’m trying to look for a real church that has strong biblical doctrines and uphold the principles of marriage.

    • @DonaldMike-h4f
      @DonaldMike-h4f 4 дня назад

      While I am against Joseph Prince on his hyper grace teachings, especially on the issue of marriage, could you clarify on how does his book “ Live The Let Go Life” contribute to the problem? From my understanding, it’s another self help book by JP that overcomes mental issues, just like Joel Osteen.

    • @1908great
      @1908great 3 дня назад

      @@DonaldMike-h4f Jp must preach godly living n loving our Lord, having the fear of our Lord, the reverential awe of Him. Obey the word n Holy Spirit, be sanctified not just forgiven n justified. If the Word is not upheld n sin needs no repentance we can only let go to more stress, more broken marriages, more unruly children who do not understand the basics of Christianity. They will only follow a false gospel that leads to destruction. How fearsome can it be!!!

  • @InChristAlone7
    @InChristAlone7 5 дней назад

    NCC is a church of easy believing, no repentance , no accountability and no God Fearing & JP is their “god”. Very scary and same time pity their congregation. They are abusing and treating God’s Holy Grace as a licence to sin and living a “let go life” .

  • @sg1965sg
    @sg1965sg 5 дней назад

    NCC also broke the rule of not officiating weddings if couples who have been living together before marriage. Glenn and Jamie did that and yet NCC made an exception for them.

    • @1908great
      @1908great 5 дней назад

      @@sg1965sg shame on Tis leadership! Members or church goers who choose to be there are as equally responsible for their choice n decision. They are not exempted in their accountability before our Lord.

  • @WordsofGodThe
    @WordsofGodThe 5 дней назад

    Amen. Indeed Joseph Prince has been considered as the 'prince of grace' by many sinners and believers. Why? It's because he is a 'prince' who gives you many '2nd chance', including marriages. So, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know why there are still many people flocking to NCC even though they know that he is a false prophet of grace.

    • @1908great
      @1908great 5 дней назад

      @@WordsofGodThe a church of convenience and in agreement to decadence lifestyle.

    • @michellechuah37
      @michellechuah37 5 дней назад

      Pls do not judge. Only God is the righteous judge.

    • @WordsofGodThe
      @WordsofGodThe 5 дней назад

      Actually, Joseph Prince fully knows the power of 'grace' or '2nd chance', or else he would not preach grace so radically that it becomes a 'hyper grace' that goes against the law of God and repentance (both of which are the fundamental doctrine of Christ). So, he doesn't really care if people label him as the 'prince of grace' or 'false prophet of grace'. He knows that as long as he preaches 'grace' or '2nd chance', he will get *'99.9%'* of those who are divorced, abused in their childhood, plagued by mental issues of condemnation, addicted to some kind of sexual sins, and etc. I am not against those who are victimized by sins or evil men, neither do I have discrimination against them; however, I will ask them, If you were in one of those category of sins, won't you think that there will be *'99.9%'* likelihood that you will go to NCC. That's why Joseph Prince boasted a number of times and proudly preached about his *'3D ARMY'* who will 'fight for righteousness' in the name of 'grace' revolution. Actually, he knew for sure that his *'3D ARMY'* would 'do anything' to justify him or defend him like they defended king David in the Bible. Yes, king David did have the so-called *'3D ARMY'* of the distressed, in debt, and discontented: 1Sa 22:2 KJV And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men. I will tell them, Today, there is no more king David. If you think that you are still one of those *'3D ARMY'*, please continue to fight the true battle of righteousness by living out the righteousness of God in a true church. Don't just have the false hope of fighting for a 'false prince', 'false David', or 'false Joseph' who will do nothing for you when you are supposed to give an account of yourselves to the Lord. If you really search your heart now, you would realize that you are not fighting for the 'prince' in NCC, you are fighting only for your old 'self' - which is 'self-justification', 'self-glorification', and 'self-delusion'. If you are honest enough to ask yourselves this question: "Is Joseph Prince preaching the true Jesus who can judge and save?" You will know the answer yourselves, and you will know that IT IS TIME to leave him, leave your very old 'self', and move on to find the true peace of life in the Word of God.

    • @achakvenn
      @achakvenn 4 дня назад

      ​​@@michellechuah37 So those people or their families who were harmed by JP teachings, esp the HC, should not judge and should not have written their testimonies? They should just keep quiet and not expose the danger of JP teachings and warn others ? What do you think?

    • @joyceliew4352
      @joyceliew4352 4 дня назад

      ​@@michellechuah37 📖1 Corinthians 5:12 AMP [12] For what business is it of mine to judge outsiders (non-believers)? Do you not judge those who are within the church [to protect the church as the situation requires]? J. Thayer comments that "the proper meaning of "judge" 2919 (krínō) is to pick out (choose) by separating" (as also used in Homer, Herodotus, Aeschyl., Xenophon, Plato). 2919 /krínō ("distinguish, judge") typically refers to making a determination of right or wrong (innocence or guilt), especially on an official (legal) standard. We only judge (2919 /krínō) accurately by intelligent comparison and contrast based on God's word, i.e. to approve (prefer) what is correct and reject what is inferior (wrong).

  • @edmundsim6251
    @edmundsim6251 6 дней назад

    There are many 'Christians' that are in NCC that thinks that JP/ NCC are merely interpreting the Bible and there are no right or wrong when it falls into a gray area. Therefore it is merely a demominal thing that can be neglected. However, there are many cases of JP purposely going against the bible or the word of God directly in the bible such as Leah is a slave woman and saying the 10 commandments are irrevalant, among many things. This is not merely a case of misinterpretion but purposely going against the bible. This is an attempt to change the Bible to mislead everyone in order to fulfill a person's own goal already. Christians that defend JP's direct lie against the Words of Gods or are not interested to know the Word of Gods to defend God and Jesus are not true followers of Christ. A normal Christian will be shocked, appalled or even question what is JP saying. Do you think that a 'Pastor' that constantly lies using the Bible is a prophet that can heal? Come on, even the Pharisees who hates Jesus can find no fault with Jesus' teaching. But JP has plenty of faults and break points. Wake up, everyone, my brothers and sisters in NCC!

  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 6 дней назад

    How can u trust someone who always contradicts or double talk ?

  • @julianjohns2626
    @julianjohns2626 6 дней назад

    Why doesn't he get people to indicate "I am that someone" and say that it was me who got healed. Then we would know who someone is.

    • @lindsaylim5806
      @lindsaylim5806 6 дней назад

      Good observation and good question. Why he's not proud to invite a confirmed case to give testimony publicly? It must be himself or his leaders to give testimonies of anonymous members? Something is not right. Anyway their testimonies not worth listening to.. End up glorifying JP indirectly. You would always hear 'after listening to JP's teaching, I got well, etc'.

  • @randomdove007
    @randomdove007 6 дней назад

    Anyone knows the real reason why Pastor Joshua stepped down many years ago? I rem feeling hurt and blindsided when he disappeared suddenly (they announced that he wanted to set up an interior company). Reason not convincing.

    • @lindsaylim5806
      @lindsaylim5806 6 дней назад

      Of course they won't give the real reason why certain pastors or leaders left NCC I'm not sure if you remember there was a Ps Keith Monterio. He was assigned to be in charge of Grace Revolution Church in the early days. Suddenly, he was removed, and now no news of him on social media at all.

    • @TeoMengHinMengHin
      @TeoMengHinMengHin 6 дней назад

      There was also another elder by the name of John Lim from NCC. He also "disappeared" and later started a new church under the umbrella of City Harvest Church. Pastor Kong Hee became his mentor. He was also a millionaire businessman who foundered Altron Computer School in the 90s. He said he followed all the principles in the Book Of Proverbs and God made him into a millionaire. He gave God all the credit in prospering his business. He and his wife were very hardworking christians and John Lim used to bless NCC during its early years in ministry. JP and John Lim were very close buddies in the 90's.

    • @TeoMengHinMengHin
      @TeoMengHinMengHin 6 дней назад

      There is still another businessman that I can think of. He is the founder of Kent Air group of companies. Can anyone remember the Kent Air Amusement Park in Parkway Parade in the early 90's? He was right before Olivia Lum. He was also JP "posterboy" when he was featured in the Straits Times for being the owner of a D.15 bungalow that comes with a tennis court and swimming pool in Upper East Coast Road. However, during the Asia Financial Crisis (1997) his business somehow dipped and he was later declared a bankrupt. But he was an upright businessman that happened to go down under during those difficult years. Hoped he is doing well now. A few years later our government even "force" the merger of UOB and OUB into one bank. That was how bad those times were.

    • @WordsofGodThe
      @WordsofGodThe 6 дней назад

      Yes, these are people who had prospered and then disappeared: 1. Pastor Joshua 2. Pastor Keith Monteiro 3. Kent-Air Director 4. Hyflux Director 5. Pastor Joe 6. Pastor John Lim 7. Pastor Brian Houston (Hillsong) 8. Pastor Carl Lentz (Hillsong) 9. anymore ??? Obviously, these are people who prospered but they were not destined to reign. If you still read his book "Destined to Reign", be warned that you won't reign if you keep listening to him. Please don't stop listening to him only when you ended up becoming like those pastors or directors above.

    • @joejojo4805
      @joejojo4805 6 дней назад

      According to my serving team leader, Pastor Josh wasn't coping well and was having issues with how the church was being run back then. It became a corporation/ business rather than a church. NCC tried to retain Pastor Josh by transferring him to a department that he is comfortable with. But Pastor Josh decided to move on.

  • @durnfordi
    @durnfordi 7 дней назад

    Saying "someone someone" is to cast the net wide and eventually you'll "catch" someone with such a problem in the congregation and everyone will start thinking JP has the gift. I used to attend a church in my hometown in Malaysia that believes in JP log stock and barrel. I started to question some of his weird "teachings". One of them was about "fear" He says that when a Christian gets "worried" about circumstances in their life, the "grace" of God stops. A video of a "hose" was shown to illustrate this. When pressure is applied to the"hose", "water" which depicts God's grace will be trickling out of the hose to illustrate a person being fearful or worried then the "grace" of God stops or is limited. My question is this...doesn't David feared for his life when Saul wanted him dead? Didn't Elijah feared for his life too? Did God's grace stop during their moment of fear? So this is the type of false teaching taught by JP. Most of his teachings are from his "own interpretation" that is not biblically based. It sounds "ok" if you do not "search" the bible. Even sounded "true" but its all from his "own understanding and his own interpretation". Stay away from JP"s teachings. He's a "wolf" in sheep's clothing

    • @ronpinngapinnga
      @ronpinngapinnga 7 дней назад

      Visuals can be convincing. He went to the extent of producing a video of the golden pipes carrying down different blessings from heaven to those who do not "worry". How unscrupulous a false preacher can be! As Paul warns, savage wolves will come who show NO mercy.

    • @joejojo4805
      @joejojo4805 6 дней назад

      is it The New Covenant Church in Malaysia?

  • @joejojo4805
    @joejojo4805 7 дней назад

    07:00 if one have attended NCC long enough, one would know that JP is very bad at prophesying. During the period when i attended NCC, at least on 2 occasions, his "prophecy" backfired. 1) That was the year when Radio DJ Glen Ong won some best DJ award or something like that. At that time Glen was married to radio presenter Jamie Yeoh and both were attending NCC. During a Sunday service , JP call out both of them (with camera penned on Glen & Jamie) and started prophesying some very "godly" things about Glen's career and how his marriage with Jamie will be blessed by the Lord. Not long after Glen and Jamie filed for divorce and currently both of them are in their third marriage. 2) When COVID-19 infection and fatality rate were rising in early 2020. During a Sunday service, JP prayed for the congregation and prophesied that the Lord will remove COVID-19 and it will disappear without people even noticing it. Well, i guessed Covid-19 did not received JP's notice and decided to stay on and make itself famous. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @Mel-jp7fh-i6u
      @Mel-jp7fh-i6u 7 дней назад

      Well said! Not surprise because it's coming from his flesh, and other sources, not from God for sure

    • @achakvenn
      @achakvenn 7 дней назад

      Wovles come in sheep clothing. The devil in the pulpit comes in Sunday suit without putting horns on his head. Now false Christs do not come in white flowing robes. One sign is they keep repeating and repeatiing now and then "I preach Christ. I put Christ at the centre". Thats the power of repetition in indoctrination- those followers in NCC are so brainwashed as to believe that no pastor preaches Christ in such a "beautiful" way like JP does. The measure of a true or false prophet is given in Deut 18:20-22 ..The Message Bible puts it clearly and simply. "But any prophet who fakes it, who claims to speak in my name something I haven’t commanded him to say, or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die.” You may be wondering among yourselves, “How can we tell the difference, whether it was God who spoke or not?” Here’s how: If what the prophet spoke in God’s name doesn’t happen, then obviously God wasn’t behind it; the prophet made it up. Forget about him."

    • @randomdove007
      @randomdove007 6 дней назад

      I can verify that, I was in that services. That time my frens and I were still envy them such beautiful couple. But under grace teaching, their lifestyle and ungodly choices reflect a bad testimony.

  • @8studio
    @8studio 7 дней назад

    I agree, JP has never mentioned any names of person who is healed of certain conditions during all the years if listening to his "sermons". May he repent soon.

  • @Mel-jp7fh-i6u
    @Mel-jp7fh-i6u 8 дней назад

    The medium who raised samuel from the dead to speak to desperate king saul (1samuel 28 vs 8-20) will be most popular to millions around the world if she disguised herself as a minister of a church today. ( as satan can also transform himself to an angel of light in 2 corinthians 11vs 14) Simon in Acts 8:13 will believe "once saved always saved " in jp doctrine today if he was not confronted by Peter to REPENT when he tried to purchase the Holy Spirit power with money because his heart was not right before God. The supernatural is the devil's playground for thousands of years-one must always be established in the written word of God as JESUS confronted him through the written word of God in the gospels. So much truths been communicated and commented in this George channel, to those seekers of God's truth, you will know its the whole truth eventually. Wake up ! No REPENTENCE doctrine is a heresy from hell. Pray and seek the Holy Spirit to guide always.

    • @leeclement4705
      @leeclement4705 7 дней назад

      It is repentant that God can do the restoration.

    • @TeoMengHinMengHin
      @TeoMengHinMengHin 7 дней назад

      Yes, the most humblest way to show respect towards God is always repentance. God honours repentance as He looks to the heart of men. King David was a murderer and he sinned but he repented eventually. God restored him because his heart was right before God. God even described King David as a man after God's heart. On the other side, we have King Saul. He was an insecured king. He was also a rebellious, disobedient and sinful king. A king full of pride and into the occult etc.... I see JP having many similar traits as King Saul. JP is a type and shadow of the modern day King Saul. I am comparing them in terms of leadership. Obviously JP is not a King. Both are rejected by God. Do you think the Holy Spirit will work with someone like JP and use him for His Glory? Are the blessings of God like healings and many others in NCC the workings of the Holy Spirit? Do you think that the Holy Spirit will share God's Glory with the RuPaul spirits on the same pulpit? In fact it will only grieve His heart. In one of the many Howard Pittman's near death experience testimonies, God specifically told him to share his testimony only to the churches that God instructed him to go to. This clearly shows that God has already started His process of the wheat and tares in the body of Christ. God has already prejudged which church belongs to Him and all the others that dont belong to Him. That means His Holy Spirit will not operate in all churches in the body of Christ. Lets not play the game of hide and seek with God anymore. Repentance is the only key to unlock God's heart towards true restoration with God. Better to be late than never.

  • @1908great
    @1908great 8 дней назад

    Everywhere there’s someone someone with dementia, arthritis, insomnia, and the list goes on.

  • @Matrixqc777
    @Matrixqc777 8 дней назад

    *In the end, that "someone" will forever remain obscure. . and JP, @Mr. "someone" gets all the glory, and not God. Do you think God will allow this nonsense to continue any longer? 'For My own sake, for My own sake, I do it, for how (long) should My name be profaned? My glory I will not give to another' (Isaiah 48:11).*

  • @jamesteo9165
    @jamesteo9165 8 дней назад

    It is about time to settle this issue once and for all. As he claims he is the oracle of God and he has the healing anointing, and to be fair to both parties, is to do what Elijah did at mount Carmel. After all, he has been calling forth healing and word of knowledge for twenty years. If you throw a stone at thousands of members, you are bound to hit someone. Suggest NCC gets a wheel chair bound person with a final stage terminal disease or a blind person to come on Sunday and let JP lay hands on him in front of his audience. You can give him more time if he needs, to continue laying hands until the person is healed. If God does not answer give him the benefit of the doubt. Bring another sick person next Sunday for him . Can you just imagine if that person is healed, faith will rise and miracles will explode all across the masses. I think that will finally settle this controversy and gives him the opportunity to demonstrate the power of his anointing. After all talk is cheap

    • @edmundsim6251
      @edmundsim6251 7 дней назад

      JP claims to heal so many people but he never pick anyone to give testimonies and to give glory to God. That is freaking strange.

  • @WordsofGodThe
    @WordsofGodThe 8 дней назад

    Wow, I 'see' so many 'someone someone' are healed of cancers, ulcers, toothache, fever, neck pains, eyes problem, dementia, .. all because Joseph Prince appears and calls out their sickness. This is a low level 'word of knowledge'. Do you know what is a higher level of 'word or scam'. It is always practiced by some preachers in Nigeria or South Africa when they have already collected all the congregation's data through the CG leaders and got their security people to take note of those who have come into the meeting and start to call out their sickness in a more accurate or shocking way. Imagine if you are in the meeting and some kind of prophets (who is very anointed) says, "Oh, this is the word from God. I see someone wearing a blue shirt. He says to you that you have been having this sharp pain in your tail bone area. Who's that? Stand up. God wants to heal you .. but God also say that you have not been able to get a job for the past 3 months. Don't worry. God tells me to tell you that He will give you a job at the end of this year .. Oh, by the way, God also shows me you have some problem with your wife, but don't worry, everything is going to be alright under grace. Start to trust God .. .. Anyway, when you receive the healing or the job, don't forget to write to us .." Of course, after such a long time (at the end of the year) when you receive your healing or job, you would think that it must be from God. Well, I am sure, you will bow down and worship any prophet who can give such a 'word of knowledge' to you. However, you never know how much they have been laughing behind with the collection of wealth you have been 'willingly' donated into their 'ministries'. I know (from the RUclips) that many prophets from Nigeria, South Africa, and South Korea, and even USA, have prospered themselves by giving such 'word of knowledge'; however, will they come to Singapore and do the same 'trick'? Probably they are already here, and someone has already prospered more successfully than many of them, and they will continue to use the same 'old trick' again and again to con the people, before it is exposed or known by everyone in the church. So, Joseph Prince would know in advance the 'danger' of calling out people by name. It would be too obvious if he has all the information collected about who is sick, who has pain, who is undergoing a divorce procedure, and who has committed adulteries. So, he has to deliberately say 'someone' 'someone' .. If he says, "John, God says that you have cancer and you are healed now", he has to deal with a few uncertainties: 1. What if John is not healed immediately? 2. What if John is sick again two weeks later? 3. What if John is in the next service, but the security people has made a mistake thinking that he is in the service? 3. What if other people start to question when will be their turn to get their names to be called out for the healing?

    • @WordsofGodThe
      @WordsofGodThe 7 дней назад

      When Joseph Prince keeps saying that he is not a prophet and that he is just a pastor whom the Lord loves, he confidently believes and preaches that no one can call him a false prophet or associate him with a false prophet (just because he thinks that he is not a prophet?). However, after giving so much false prophecies on people, pastors, covid, sickness, prosperity, and word of God, can he really deny that? I don't think so. Do you know that a preacher, pastor, prophet, or king can sin and be removed by God even if he did not sin like a great sinner, sin with killing, cheating, committing adulteries, or sin against the Ten Commandments? Like king Saul, he can just disobey a serious God's commandment and become totally rejected by God. You might argue that disobedience is never a logical factor to be considered as a great sin that can remove a preacher, pastor, prophet, or king from his office or ministry, but the Bible is very clear about sin. A 'small' 'tiny' sin of not listening to the word of God could cost someone like king Saul greatly. Many will still argue like Joseph Prince and say, "Yes, that was a serious sin when you live under the Old Testament, but we are now under grace. We live without such law or requirement now. We are not under the law; we are under grace .." I will ask them, Are you sure you are under grace, and therefore you are not under any law to obey God? You may still twist your words and argue that you are now under: 1. only 'grace to obey God', and therefore 2. no more law to obey God If you are arguing with your argument or logic of grace that you are no longer under the law to obey God, can you tell us what is the logic of 'obeying God by grace'? Is there any Bible verse that support your logic? Do you know that when you obey God, you don't obey by grace; you obey by the word of God? And the word of God that requires obedience is definitely an instruction, a commandment, a requirement, or a law to do something. When king Saul was asked to obey God, he was not asked to obey by grace. Similarly, when the Bible or New Testament tells us to obey God today, we are not asked to obey by grace too. We still obey by the word or law of God. We still obey by the definition of God's words (the definition of what is obedience and disobedience). Please think, Why did the Bible tell us that sin is lawlessness? It is because lawlessness always refers to disobedience. When someone disobeys, he would disobey the word or law of God. This Bible definition can never be applied (or used by people like Joseph Prince) to argue that there is obedience when they just need to have grace or just need to be under grace, and therefore there is no more need for the law of God: 1Jn 3:4-5 LITV Everyone practicing sin also practices lawlessness, and *sin is lawlessness.* (5) And you know that that One was revealed that He might take away our sins, and sin is not in Him.

    • @WordsofGodThe
      @WordsofGodThe 6 дней назад

      Do you know why Moses and Elijah appeared beside Jesus on the mount of transfiguration? One of the purpose is to show that we must listen to Him: Mat 17:5 KJV While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. I will ask Joseph Prince, Do you listen to Paul or Jesus? If you still listen to Jesus, how can His teaching (majority of his teaching and parables before His crucifixion) be for those who were under the law? Next, the transfiguration shows that Jesus, Moses, and Elijah were together, which means there is an important link between the Old and New covenant. It shows that Jesus did not come to abolish the Old Covenant, but to fulfil it. Moses represents the Prophet of law and Elijah represents the Prophet of repentance: one brought down God's commandments, the another called people to repentance (to obey God by the law), and Jesus came to fulfil it. In another words, *JESUS* made it possible for men to have both *LAW* and *REPENTANCE* through Him and by believing in Him (not by rejecting the law or repentance). That's why when John the Baptist came to preach repentance, he is a type of Elijah too: Mat 17:9-13 KJV And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead. (10) And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come? (11) And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things. (12) But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. (13) Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of *John the Baptist.* So, if the 'Jesus' that Joseph Prince preaches has no *LAW* or *REPENTANCE,* how can it be the gospel of Jesus Christ? Without the link or witnesses of law and repentance, the 'gospel' of Joseph Prince will never lead people to forgiveness of sins; but to disobedience and lawlessness.

    • @WordsofGodThe
      @WordsofGodThe 6 дней назад

      Now we know why Jesus would preach *LAW* and *REPENTANCE* because on one hand, He has judgement by *LAW* and on the other hand grace for *REPENTANCE.* He would do both: 1. 'On one hand' condemn the Pharisees as hypocrites, and 2. 'On the other hand' give grace to the sinners who repent It is a clear picture that Jesus is the true Messiah and Savior who can judge and save *at the same time* (He would love sinners and hate sin). However, do you know on what basis He condemned or judged the Pharisees as the hypocrites? Of course, God's commandments (the Ten Commandments or moral law): Mat 15:6-9 KJV And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the *COMMANDMENT* of God of none effect by your tradition. (7) Ye *HYPOCRITES,* well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, (8) This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. (9) But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Mat 23:23-25 KJV Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, *HYPOCRITES!* for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the *LAW, JUDGEMENT,* mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. (24) Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. (25) Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. So, if a preacher like Joseph Prince comes to you today and preach a 'Jesus' who can only love sinners but never judge anyone, Is 'He' really the true Jesus who would judge and save? I don't think so even though Joseph Prince and his 'Jesus' has endeavored to judge the Pharisees as the hypocrites. I will ask Joseph Prince and his 'Jesus', On what basis do you condemn or accuse the Pharisees? Based on grace? Or based on lawlessness? Or based on nothing? If he still couldn't answer us, this would expose him and his 'Jesus' as fake.

  • @JT-wu1gt
    @JT-wu1gt 8 дней назад

    One of the churches I attended, the pastor also use "someone, soneone" and pronounce healing. I was wondering why doesn't he pronounce the healing on the obviously sick people among the audience. But only pronounce those unseen illness.

    • @julianjohns2626
      @julianjohns2626 6 дней назад

      Yes, someone wasn't sick.

    • @joejojo4805
      @joejojo4805 6 дней назад

      bcos, pronounce healing on those unseen illness does not need accountability.

  • @Hrhyrdgikf
    @Hrhyrdgikf 8 дней назад

    Yes, he has d gift of knowledge in deceiving others. That's a 🐺 in disguise as a 🐑

  • @estherbhagat7082
    @estherbhagat7082 8 дней назад

    Thanks brother. jp is a lying man. How I was deceived by his words of flattery. I came to know about him through one of my close relative. Hence I followed him. Later I was diagnosed with HTN and RA. Hence I started taking Holy Communion every day secretly at home. After taking for nearly a year my condition was nothealed nor improved. I kept on switching doctors. Last year I had severe headache, fever, mouth ulcers and nasal bleeding. Dr said it was a serious case. I was almost on dead bed. I repented and asked to GOD to forgive my unknown sins ( I knew not this was the consequencesof taking HC blindly). By HIS loving kindness and great mercy I was recovered. I continued to follow jp. But I did not continue taking the Holy Communion. Few months back I was reading The Holy Bible - Genesis. That day I read about Jacob. The same day jp in his sermon said Leah was a bond woman. That hit me hard. I knew in my spirit he is heretic teacher. I stopped watching him since then, and I accidentally found your video on the same topic of jp telling Leah was a bond woman. I thank you brother for exposing him.

    • @edmundsim6251
      @edmundsim6251 8 дней назад

      Yes, Leah got buried with Abraham and not Rachel. And Rachel was the one that stole her father's idols to worship in secret and she never repent by returning it. In fact, many of his sermons rarely touch even on Jesus and there are plenty of words twisting.

    • @leeclement4705
      @leeclement4705 8 дней назад

      In facts most of time he tends to glorify the brother Joseph. He always says that Joseph is the type of Christ. Joseph's son Benjamin which he always mentioned Benjamin generation.

    • @estherbhagat7082
      @estherbhagat7082 8 дней назад

      @@leeclement4705 true very true.

    • @estherbhagat7082
      @estherbhagat7082 8 дней назад

      @@edmundsim6251 Yes he has the audacity to twist GOD'S word.

    • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
      @JeffreyTeo-g1y 7 дней назад

      Is JP teaching biblical repentance ? No! His repentance no godly sorrow, no commandments broken , no deeds worthy of repentance preached ! Is he teaching biblical grace ? No ! Paul taught that he laboured more but JP grace is effortless success . Is JP preaching biblical prosperity ? No!! He talks abt tithing & getting rich . Paul talks abt the grace of giving & being content in all circumstances . Is JP preaching biblical new covenant ? No ! He taught that the law is done away with that the commandments , the big 10 no longer apply & there is no consequence of sin. Paul mentioned the commandments & it's written in our hearts . So what is JP teaching ? A contradicting message. His sermons are inconsistent as George Ong pointed out many times. Yet followers not only blindly follow but blindly defend him .

  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 8 дней назад

    Although JP claims to preach grace , a more careful observation in their church ministries you find in fact it's more legalistic than many other churches where the volunteers & servers must tithe !!! Its not a ministry , it's a business . And the one who actually benefits from all this is the guy at the pulpit , pulling people into the pit !!