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  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 8 дней назад +16

    Although JP claims to preach grace , a more careful observation in their church ministries you find in fact it's more legalistic than many other churches where the volunteers & servers must tithe !!! Its not a ministry , it's a business . And the one who actually benefits from all this is the guy at the pulpit , pulling people into the pit !!

  • @Hrhyrdgikf
    @Hrhyrdgikf 8 дней назад +12

    Yes, he has d gift of knowledge in deceiving others. That's a 🐺 in disguise as a 🐑

  • @1908great
    @1908great 8 дней назад +7

    Everywhere there’s someone someone with dementia, arthritis, insomnia, and the list goes on.

  • @julianjohns2626
    @julianjohns2626 6 дней назад +5

    Why doesn't he get people to indicate "I am that someone" and say that it was me who got healed. Then we would know who someone is.

    • @lindsaylim5806
      @lindsaylim5806 6 дней назад +2

      Good observation and good question.
      Why he's not proud to invite a confirmed case to give testimony publicly?
      It must be himself or his leaders to give testimonies of anonymous members? Something is not right.
      Anyway their testimonies not worth listening to.. End up glorifying JP indirectly. You would always hear 'after listening to JP's teaching, I got well, etc'.

  • @Mel-jp7fh-i6u
    @Mel-jp7fh-i6u 8 дней назад +13

    The medium who raised samuel from the dead to speak to desperate king saul (1samuel 28 vs 8-20) will be most popular to millions around the world if she disguised herself as a minister of a church today. ( as satan can also transform himself to an angel of light in 2 corinthians 11vs 14)
    Simon in Acts 8:13 will believe "once saved always saved " in jp doctrine today if he was not confronted by Peter to REPENT when he tried to purchase the Holy Spirit power with money because his heart was not right before God.
    The supernatural is the devil's playground for thousands of years-one must always be established in the written word of God as JESUS confronted him through the written word of God in the gospels.
    So much truths been communicated and commented in this George channel, to those seekers of God's truth, you will know its the whole truth eventually.
    Wake up ! No REPENTENCE doctrine is a heresy from hell. Pray and seek the Holy Spirit to guide always.

    • @leeclement4705
      @leeclement4705 8 дней назад +3

      It is repentant that God can do the restoration.

    • @TeoMengHinMengHin
      @TeoMengHinMengHin 7 дней назад +6

      Yes, the most humblest way to show respect towards God is always repentance. God honours repentance as He looks to the heart of men.
      King David was a murderer and he sinned but he repented eventually. God restored him because his heart was right before God.
      God even described King David as a man after God's heart.
      On the other side, we have King Saul. He was an insecured king. He was also a rebellious, disobedient and sinful king. A king full of pride and into the occult etc....
      I see JP having many similar traits as King Saul. JP is a type and shadow of the modern day King Saul. I am comparing them in terms of leadership. Obviously JP
      is not a King. Both are rejected by God.
      Do you think the Holy Spirit will work with someone like JP and use him for His Glory? Are the blessings of God like healings and many others in NCC
      the workings of the Holy Spirit? Do you think that the Holy Spirit will share God's Glory with the RuPaul spirits on the same pulpit? In fact it will only grieve His heart.
      In one of the many Howard Pittman's near death experience testimonies, God specifically told him to share his testimony only to the churches that God instructed him to go to.
      This clearly shows that God has already started His process of the wheat and tares in the body of Christ. God has already prejudged which church belongs to Him and all the others
      that dont belong to Him. That means His Holy Spirit will not operate in all churches in the body of Christ. Lets not play the game of hide and seek with God anymore. Repentance is the only key to unlock God's heart towards true restoration with God. Better to be late than never.

  • @edmundsim6251
    @edmundsim6251 6 дней назад +6

    There are many 'Christians' that are in NCC that thinks that JP/ NCC are merely interpreting the Bible and there are no right or wrong when it falls into a gray area. Therefore it is merely a demominal thing that can be neglected.
    However, there are many cases of JP purposely going against the bible or the word of God directly in the bible such as Leah is a slave woman and saying the 10 commandments are irrevalant, among many things. This is not merely a case of misinterpretion but purposely going against the bible. This is an attempt to change the Bible to mislead everyone in order to fulfill a person's own goal already.
    Christians that defend JP's direct lie against the Words of Gods or are not interested to know the Word of Gods to defend God and Jesus are not true followers of Christ. A normal Christian will be shocked, appalled or even question what is JP saying.
    Do you think that a 'Pastor' that constantly lies using the Bible is a prophet that can heal?
    Come on, even the Pharisees who hates Jesus can find no fault with Jesus' teaching. But JP has plenty of faults and break points. Wake up, everyone, my brothers and sisters in NCC!

  • @durnfordi
    @durnfordi 7 дней назад +8

    Saying "someone someone" is to cast the net wide and eventually you'll "catch" someone with such a problem in the congregation and everyone will start thinking JP has the gift. I used to attend a church in my hometown in Malaysia that believes in JP log stock and barrel. I started to question some of his weird "teachings". One of them was about "fear" He says that when a Christian gets "worried" about circumstances in their life, the "grace" of God stops. A video of a "hose" was shown to illustrate this. When pressure is applied to the"hose", "water" which depicts God's grace will be trickling out of the hose to illustrate a person being fearful or worried then the "grace" of God stops or is limited. My question is this...doesn't David feared for his life when Saul wanted him dead? Didn't Elijah feared for his life too? Did God's grace stop during their moment of fear? So this is the type of false teaching taught by JP. Most of his teachings are from his "own interpretation" that is not biblically based. It sounds "ok" if you do not "search" the bible. Even sounded "true" but its all from his "own understanding and his own interpretation". Stay away from JP"s teachings. He's a "wolf" in sheep's clothing

    • @ronpinngapinnga
      @ronpinngapinnga 7 дней назад +4

      Visuals can be convincing. He went to the extent of producing a video of the golden pipes carrying down different blessings from heaven to those who do not "worry". How unscrupulous a false preacher can be! As Paul warns, savage wolves will come who show NO mercy.

    • @joejojo4805
      @joejojo4805 6 дней назад

      is it The New Covenant Church in Malaysia?

  • @8studio
    @8studio 8 дней назад +5

    I agree, JP has never mentioned any names of person who is healed of certain conditions during all the years if listening to his "sermons". May he repent soon.

  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 6 дней назад +6

    How can u trust someone who always contradicts or double talk ?

  • @JT-wu1gt
    @JT-wu1gt 8 дней назад +6

    One of the churches I attended, the pastor also use "someone, soneone" and pronounce healing. I was wondering why doesn't he pronounce the healing on the obviously sick people among the audience. But only pronounce those unseen illness.

    • @julianjohns2626
      @julianjohns2626 6 дней назад +1

      Yes, someone wasn't sick.

    • @joejojo4805
      @joejojo4805 6 дней назад +1

      bcos, pronounce healing on those unseen illness does not need accountability.

  • @Matrixqc777
    @Matrixqc777 8 дней назад +6

    *In the end, that "someone" will forever remain obscure. . and JP, @Mr. "someone" gets all the glory, and not God. Do you think God will allow this nonsense to continue any longer? 'For My own sake, for My own sake, I do it, for how (long) should My name be profaned? My glory I will not give to another' (Isaiah 48:11).*

  • @randomdove007
    @randomdove007 6 дней назад +3

    Anyone knows the real reason why Pastor Joshua stepped down many years ago? I rem feeling hurt and blindsided when he disappeared suddenly (they announced that he wanted to set up an interior company). Reason not convincing.

    • @lindsaylim5806
      @lindsaylim5806 6 дней назад +4

      Of course they won't give the real reason why certain pastors or leaders left NCC
      I'm not sure if you remember there was a Ps Keith Monterio. He was assigned to be in charge of Grace Revolution Church in the early days.
      Suddenly, he was removed, and now no news of him on social media at all.

    • @TeoMengHinMengHin
      @TeoMengHinMengHin 6 дней назад +3

      There was also another elder by the name of John Lim from NCC. He also "disappeared" and later started a new church under the umbrella of City Harvest Church. Pastor Kong Hee became his mentor. He was also a millionaire businessman who foundered Altron Computer School in the 90s. He said he followed all the principles in the Book Of Proverbs and God
      made him into a millionaire. He gave God all the credit in prospering his business. He and his wife were very hardworking christians and John Lim used to bless NCC during its early years in ministry. JP and John Lim were very close buddies in the 90's.

    • @TeoMengHinMengHin
      @TeoMengHinMengHin 6 дней назад +3

      There is still another businessman that I can think of. He is the founder of Kent Air group of companies. Can anyone remember the Kent Air Amusement Park in Parkway Parade in the early 90's? He was right before Olivia Lum. He was also JP "posterboy" when he was featured in the Straits Times for being the owner of a D.15 bungalow that comes with a tennis court and swimming pool in Upper East Coast Road. However, during the Asia Financial Crisis (1997) his business somehow dipped and he was later declared a bankrupt. But he was an upright businessman that happened to go down under during those difficult years. Hoped he is doing well now. A few years later our government even "force" the merger of UOB and OUB into one bank. That was how bad those times were.

    • @WordsofGodThe
      @WordsofGodThe 6 дней назад +2

      Yes, these are people who had prospered and then disappeared:
      1. Pastor Joshua
      2. Pastor Keith Monteiro
      3. Kent-Air Director
      4. Hyflux Director
      5. Pastor Joe
      6. Pastor John Lim
      7. Pastor Brian Houston (Hillsong)
      8. Pastor Carl Lentz (Hillsong)
      9. anymore ???
      Obviously, these are people who prospered but they were not destined to reign. If you still read his book "Destined to Reign", be warned that you won't reign if you keep listening to him. Please don't stop listening to him only when you ended up becoming like those pastors or directors above.

    • @joejojo4805
      @joejojo4805 6 дней назад +4

      According to my serving team leader, Pastor Josh wasn't coping well and was having issues with how the church was being run back then. It became a corporation/ business rather than a church. NCC tried to retain Pastor Josh by transferring him to a department that he is comfortable with. But Pastor Josh decided to move on.