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  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 25 дней назад +7

    JP message on grace leaves out true repentance which is the essence of coming to faith in Christ . The Law points out our sins & need for Christ . As a result it's not biblical grace & not true conversion. The law leads us to Christ ! JP doesn't even use the Law . It leads the sinner nowhere !! Only continue in sin with the false notion that he is saved. Gal 3:24

  • @jamesteo9165
    @jamesteo9165 28 дней назад +9

    We beg to differ. We do not go by our reasoning or by our perception but we go by the Word of God. His teaching has a form of Godliness but denying the power of God. Like what he does by taking scriptures out of context to cut and paste, mix to match to produce his own version of the bible. In the same way he puts words into Reverend George’s mouth. He should answer what his critics are questioning about his unscriptural teachings and not malign or ridicule them with accusations they never made or meant. There is a very obvious reason. It is because he cannot fight their scriptures so he avoid it by distraction by adding and subtracting the words of his critics.

  • @InChristAlone7
    @InChristAlone7 27 дней назад +11

    The king of twister is at show again. He twisted scriptures to substantiate his pseudo grace & prosperity teaching, using it to make fun of his critics. He cleverly show 1 verse to proof that prosperity gospel is spoken in the Bible but hid the 2nd verse which has a condition. This type of deception can only produced by JP & I can hear several Billy goats amen and amen in the background.

    • @TeoMengHinMengHin
      @TeoMengHinMengHin 27 дней назад +6

      Yes, he is a world class king of twister. Instead of walking in a close fellowship with the Lord, he is choosing to "dance with the devil". He is still lusting after the products of this fallen world ( gold, riches, mr universe body, nice church building, botox face, wig etc). Always preaching from a worldly perspective and not from a kingdom perspective. A big time lover of riches and fame. As a pastor himself, he is still not able to pass this wilderness test all these years. He is not transform to the image of Jesus but still conforming to the prince of this world. Satan definitely has him all to himself. He is one of satan's "highly prized possession".
      If he is a spirit filled pastor, he would be able to know and resist all the work of the devil very early into his ministry. Sad to see a pastor like him with millions of followers worldwide. In one fell swoop, by just targeting the top pastor, satan has already managed to "capture" all his followers and also "robbed" his ministry. Look at Hyflux. She has herself to blame for following after JP. JP introduced her to the wrong god. Satan gave her all she wanted but only to take them all back (in due season) even her very soul. A false preacher will always produce false everything. Only time will tell. Satan will be equally faithful to his followers as long as his followers remain faithful to him.
      Hope this channel will be able to snatch back as many as possible for the kingdom of God. Amen

  • @8studio
    @8studio 28 дней назад +8

    I think we have to pray together against the deception of the false teachers.

  • @kimyong7031
    @kimyong7031 26 дней назад +5

    JP is deceptive by quoting a verse that is sweet to the ears of the untrained .

  • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
    @JeffreyTeo-g1y 25 дней назад +3

    JP preaches a false gospel without true godly sorrow repentance & a false covenant without the commandmemts written in our hearts .And a false teaching abt lopsided carnal prosperity without godly contentment . He promotes not only 5 the number of grace but contradicts 10 the number of law or tithing . What a contradicting & deceiving person not fit & not qualified to be at the pulpit pulling people into the pit !!

  • @timothycheng7765
    @timothycheng7765 28 дней назад +8

    He and his hearers are equally foolish.

    • @lindsaylim5806
      @lindsaylim5806 28 дней назад +7

      Only one word to describe JP and his followers whether locally or internationally.. birds of a feather flock together.
      They belong to this category described in this passage.
      2 Timothy 3:2-7 ESV
      [2] For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, [3] heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, [4] treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, [5] having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. [6] For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, [7] always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.

    • @InChristAlone7
      @InChristAlone7 27 дней назад +5

      NCC goers are highly mesmerised and deeply blinded by JP.😢

    • @jansg405
      @jansg405 27 дней назад +4

      ​@@InChristAlone7They want to.hear good things like health, wealth gospel, JP's hyper grace theology without a need for repentence if you sin.

    • @revgeorgeong5714
      @revgeorgeong5714 27 дней назад +1

      Hi Jansg405, Regarding one of your questions, please write to me at thanks

    • @JeffreyTeo-g1y
      @JeffreyTeo-g1y 26 дней назад +4

      Set our minds on things above not on earthly things . JP preaches earthly, carnal, temporal things . He is not godly or heavenly minded at all ..Col 3:1-4

  • @thng9170
    @thng9170 27 дней назад +12

    It is unbearable to listen to Joseph Prince speak week after week. He emphasizes on the wrong things in the Bible and therefore takes your attention away from the important things that God wants you to know. Ask the Spirit (if He is living in you), is this the true Christian life that God wants you to live? I will flee from him to stop the toxic poison from entering into my mind.

    • @edmundsim6251
      @edmundsim6251 27 дней назад +6

      Yes, it is supposed to be a Sunday Worship that focus on Jesus and it becomes more like JP version of the bible studies instead.

  • @TheGreenPastures
    @TheGreenPastures 28 дней назад +8

    JP is a cherry picking preacher, not nothing new under the sun