@@zenbozic6184 those sand Boys are so cringe. Like for real I was the jock in high school that used to beat up on those little cupcakes and snowflakes because they used to hide their little anime body pillows in their locker.
@@SoulHuN7eR for reals, or even realize that network television even exists. They’ll never know what it’s like to come home from school and get excited to see Batman, or X-men on Saturdays… it added extra spice to the days
Calia is like a fan fiction writer living their power fantasy. 1. Blood relative of one of the most important characters in the series 2. Literally so nice, everyone loves her (except the villain, of course) 3. Dies a martyr, but defies death anyway (consider how rare it is for an important character to be ressurrected) 4. Unique 'cool' one-of-a-kind hybrid (to the point Blizz invented a whole questline explaining how it's always been possible) 5. Instantly gets propped to a position of power despite not doing anything The reason this character gets so much ridicule, is because she doesn't add anything to the world - she instead effectively warps everything around her.
I really can't accept the Light Infused undead bs. Literally how can Light attach a soul to a dead body, without repairing it. Light resurection is really different in how in works and in the effect from the death/decay magic that is used to create undeads. Decay magic simply prevent the soul to go to Shadowlands and forcibly attach it to a decaying body. Light restate the body and the soul within it. It cannot heal undead bodies, but rather it destroys them.
Blizzard needs to include their lore in game more than “oh hey guys here’s a character who’s been in books since wrath, what do you mean you don’t buy and read all our books?”
Since... Wrath? I think you mean since before Warcraft 3 hombre. The stuff with Deathwing is from Day of the Dragon, which is one of the oldest books in the entire setting.
Yeah it feels kinda weird to have someone who fundamentally doesn't have the same experience as the rest of the forsaken lead them.... Hasn't stopped them with Sylvanas though
It's not like I dislike Calia, I actually quite liked her in the book, but she really isn't a Forsaken is she. The Forsaken faction isn't made up of UNDEAD, but of once humans who were Forsaken by their people after experiencing something incredibly horrible, not only were they killed they were resurrected and forced to do horrible things against their will, and then they regained their control only to find themselves having to live with what they've experienced, while living in a body that is decaying and THEN being shunned by their own people. That's what makes the forsaken the FORSAKEN. And that is an experience Calia has never experienced, which is why imo she needs to take a backstage to the real leaders of the Forsaken which is the rest of the council. She should simply serve as a negotiator and nothing else.
@@Cylus024 Difference is stormwind is in a part of the world not covered by the game, she is supposed to be the sister of Arthas, one of the protagonist.
@@PoorManatee6197 Southshore wasn't covered in WC3. Well to get to my point, when you make an MMO you gonna have to invent some characters that weren't mentioned in the RTS predecessor.
If Blizzard openned the flood gates and allowed to the community to mod the game in specific servers, and also self mod, with age ratings implemented for each server. _wink wink, nudge nudge_ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I guarantee you, WoW would enter a renascence phase
Yeah, i think the point was that it isn`t exclusively linked to death as a cosmic force and so can be practiced by practitioners of other cosmic forces. But yeah, this line is poorly written. It sounds like taking the joke of "Necromancy is just delayed healing/ressurecting." too seriously....
Death magic is acutally just one of the schools of Necromancy. Hemomancy is another school. Surprisingly, that's not entirely inaccurate... light bring back a person as a dead corpse, that one is a bit of a stretch.
I'm going to be real: It would've been much much better if they just kept her alive, AND if there was a more serious "loyalist" forsaken faction (AKA forsaken who still believe the Lordaeron monarchy is legit, as is kinda hinted by terenas' monument when entering the UC). The Forsaken having a living Queen who is well intentioned but also fundamentally can't relate to them very well, and her having to juggle the new existence of the forsaken with attempts at peace, perhaps making the forsaken reclaim their previous identity as Lordanese but "crooked" somehow (Fe a light *and* shadow church, perhaps the reintroduction of forsaken paladins?) would be interesting. Shame it's a modern blizzard character.
@@getfreur2458Maybe, but that would be interesting and precisely Calia helping bridge that gap would give her a more meaningful conflict to solve regarding the identity of the Forsaken. Besides, aren't the vast majority of Forsaken from Lordaeron, with the exception of Dark Rangers and some individuals from Dalaran/Alterac/Gilneas?
@@rethall2308The majority of the Forsaken are from Lordaeron, followed by what were formerly from Quel'thalas and the Gilneans that were trapped on the wrong side of the wall after building it and Genn shutting it on them. Not much if anything's been said of the Dalaran and Alterac Forsaken. There's been debate over troll or dwarven Forsaken, but nothing's been seen in book or game. There is that one leper gnome who's considered a close enough.
Agree, this would make her 200% a more interesting character. Just imagine her character trying to make "Lordaeron great again". That already would make her character more likeable. Also for my D&D understanding in magic and shit, if you revive someone with LIGHT she/he doesnt turn in a "UNDEAD" of light, she/her just become ALIVE!!!!, but if you use dark magic you are using necromancy so they become undead.....D&D 101. This BS reason to her to be JUST undead for the sake to fit in the forsaken story is simply STUPID.
I'm actually on a similar team but instead i would place Calia as actual regent of Stormwind while Turalyon would only be in charge of army, since She is the only human royal figure that is not Gilnean/Kul Tiran and idk if Anduin decides to retake throne in world soul saga Ally players would be more welcome to it. .
I still baffled how two priests (ignore Anduin's armour, remember he's not a paladin) and a Naaru only managed to resurrect someone as a "lightforged" undead and not a true resurrection, sems very forced to me.
Is resurrecting even a thing in the lore? Genuine question I thought it's just kinda there because gameplay would be annoying without it but not actually a thing healers can do in the lore. Because if that's a thing why do people even die in the first place? Like Voljin for example he got stabbed by a trash mob and just fucking died. I get that that's because they wanted to make Sylvanas warchief but it would make no sense at all if a priest could just res him.
@@godhand2018resurrection is a thing but only powerful people can do it. Inquisitor Whiteman cannonically can raise the dead, so the cutscene of her raising her champion is lore accurate.
@@godhand2018Tirion canonically was capable of resurrecting people. Despite being stripped of the light (Apparently it was possible in old lore) he resurrected Eitrigg (Book "Warcraft: Of Blood and Honor") which technically cannon due to vanila WoW. But considering how Tirion died like a loser to FIRST boss in Legion, he wasn't powerfull at all.
The Scarlet Crusade moved into the ruins of Gilneas because of being run out of every other place, and they felt that their calling now called for adding Worgen to their hit list. The Forsaken have a long history of fighting the Scarlet Crusade and it was a gesture of good will from Calia to Genn. Story wise, with the Horde and Alliance going after each other, I'm surprised there are any people left on both sides. None of them had a chance to just live. It was always the intention that all of them had to band together to save the planet (and the world soul within). The war in warcraft isn't going away, it's just changing into all of us against the universe.
Blizz did Sylvanas dirty, sure, but it did the Forsaken so much dirtier. All of their gloomy special character, and their plotting should have lead to something much cooler. I guess they saw that their original idea could only lead to them becoming a separate faction. I think they should have done that.
Well lore wise, as a separate faction they would have been erased, just as the plague of Lordaeron. The only thing keeping the Forsaken from being destroyed by the Alliance is the Horde membership. Sylvanas was always a selfish dishonourble dishonest bitch, even before afrasiabi's run. The only thing keeping her at bay was the rest of the Horde (the warchiefs before her). At the end of the day they could have end her character arc and the Forsaken arc in a better way. Right now the forsaken are on the brink of extinction, with no real flavour nor role.
That's a very modern take on the lore (and I know you're referring to classic era forsaken) -- But remember they are the people of Lordaeron, basically Light fanatics. Their fanatical devotion to Sylvannas and the new plague etc, is completely in line with how they operate. The Scarlet Crusade are the same people, just not undead-ed. It's just what Lordaeron humans do for whatever reason, they like worshipping stuff. And The Light (like the force) seems to stay active in that area of the world, for some reason everything from Lordaeron to Quel'thalas is always getting miracles or visits or naaru comets. It really all fits together quite well. On the other hand, there should also definitely be a faction that doesn't want to go the Calia route, I suspect they'll fall in with the other "free" undead like the San'layn and rebel scourge apparently still poking around the Plague+Ghostlands.
@@DarkScreamGames oh, I think their fanatical devotion to Sylvanas is very well explained even if you consider only Warcraft 3 - she is the one who picked them up and gave them any real reason to exist. Which is also why it makes zero sense that they were doing anything behind her back.
Bro the Forsaken could've been properly integrated into the Horde with Sylvanas becoming Warchief. Our leader finally being trusted, our people finally being acknowledged, that was the moment for us to STOP scheming and plotting and realize that, hey, our new situation was maybe not all that bad. But noooooo, they had to burn up all of that setup to sell the out-of-nowhere villain of the worst expansion in history. Absolute fucking imbeciles.
Realistically your best bet to getting rid of her is the scarlet crusade, and well they have a bad time pretty much every time they show up. If you don't know they claim to have an heir to lordaeron throne, think they said it is arthas son or something, not important at moment, just know they claim to have an heir. So them pushing alliance to restore lordaeron is probably your best bet if you want calia dead. Though honestly blizzard might never do anything with that info, or might use it 20 years from now. Just don't rely on the scarlet to be much help, they got maybe a few thousand people in total these days...crushing defeat after defeat, mostly due to lich king and forsaken/alliance causing them that.
She appear out of nowhere. Even arthas didn't care about her. Edit: OOOOHHHHHH ARRRRRRRRR That is too much LIKES. I have never got the amount of like of this quantity. Thank all of you, all the people, all children, all guys who I guess are very nice, handsome and lovely people. ( Japanese theme playing in the background )
peace negotiations can only go so far. what really ensures peace is a lucrative trade deal. Like, an unlimited supply of test subject gnomes in exchange for, idk, mulgore milk maybe? as an alliance player i would be ok with that.
*Goblin accent* While I'd say I agree, mulgore dairy is small potatoes compared to goldshire goat cheese. Need something of higher value then just moo moo juice if you want to trade for premium gnom-inea pigs.
The idea of having an adult dragon mary marry a human teen girl is something that would be written by a collaboration between a DnD bard and EDP445 💀💀💀
@No_One2429"So Deathwing decided to marry an underage human girl while being an adult dragon" This looks like something written by a DnD bard and EDP445.
Meanwhile, the player character who has been resurrected countless times by any healer (and warlocks/dks, oddly enough) and even resurrected by a literal member of the shadowlands: “huh. I never changed”
Tess: "The Forsaken are a-ok, dad! Please ignore the fact they used our people as slaves in the mines until they died, resurrected them, and used them as soldiers afterwards!
definitely, Blizz writers don't know how to do inter-racial conflicts of interest anymore. as an example: Night elves live in forests, they grow their homes out of trees without cutting the trees down. orcs burn through wood and construct a crapload of their buildings, warships and siege weapons out of timber. orcs go to get wood, the elves tell them to stop cutting down their trees or they'll cut them down, orcs don't give a shite and cut them down anyway, stabbings in the night ensue. they both want the trees but for entirely different purposes, Orcs want wood, Night elves want to make and protect their homes.
The immense Horde favoritism by Blizzard is a massive problem that really needs to be taken out completely for there to ever be any actual decent stuff happening. I mean if I had to write the story.... Take Garrosh nuking Theramore for example. I'd go through with having Jaina reduce Orgrimmar to rubble. Direct consequences for their actions, as it should be. Would Horde players be pissed? Probably. I personally don't care as I play both factions, and I find it so stupid that no matter what the Horde does, they are always given a pass. The players that were infuriated that Jaina was going to destroy Orgrimmar should just be ignored entirely-
@@BlueFireDrakka on top of that the writers seem to forget about the show don't tell part of story telling and world building. I have just come back to the game from WOTLK and i am trying to play through the newer content and the further i go the more i regret coming back. parts of dragonflight were not bad.. but then there is the emerald dream and the Amirdrassil quest area... holy hell... every other quest ends in a heart felt monologue or some shit. so i did most everything and left Amirdrassil and the emerald dream alone and im working on BOA stuff and it is "better" but i am tired of doing quests that i don't play the game. Had to drag lumber around while some Australian sounding lady talked crap to me. when i could have just idk.. one tapped things but instead they had to make a lady boss bad ass and force me to follow her while she "protects" me while i drag lumber.. and she doesnt glitch out not even 3 times causing me to restart the quest because reasons. AHHHHHHHHH.. why did come back to this game.
@@Thunderblock7889 I think what gets me the most is how the only way they find to change the course of a plotline is to have someone talk to someone else about feelings and that's it
The audiobook for Before the Storm was a good listen and my first foray into WoW's novels which I now enjoy. Many thanks to you for covering this story Platinum~ ❤
Did they change the story of the gathering? I read that book and all I remember is Sylvanas panicking when she realized who that was, and when she saw a few forsaken considering switching for entirely unrelated reasons. I don’t remember Calia making some grand call for them all to defect. Is that a new retcon?
Platinum has a tendency to get some crucial things wrong. For example in his video about Lei Shen he said that Lei Shen overpowered Ra-Den and then took the stored power of Aman`Thul, when it was the other way around.
He didn't get it wrong, but there's some context left out: some Forsaken approached Calia and low-key asked for her protection before trying to sneakily make their way to the Alliance camp. Seeing more and more leave and putting two and two together, Calia was spurred by the moment of being considered a leader figure, stepped up and loudly declared she would protect and lead the defectors into the Alliance. Sylvanas responded by killing only Forsaken defectors and an officially non-Alliance member who incited it, thus not giving the Alliance a true cause to intervene.
@@mokarokas-1727He confused the order of events. Lei Shen took the power first and then overpowered Ra-Den. Platinum told it was the other way around. Not sure, if it was for the sake of the crowbar joke or a genuine mistake, but it makes a bit more sense that you first get immensely powerful before overthrowing your god.^^
@@aureliodeprimus8018 True! lol Both of those things happened in the same short event, so I didn't really notice which part should come first there. Good eye/ear!
Calia should have been introduced much earlier in-game, and events like "The Gathering" should have been ingame playable events, so that everyone who only play the game could experience it. I didn't even knew she was already around in Legion. And now she's a major character for the Forsaken. 10:33 I'm also looking forward to this video. The defanging of the faction war in WoW is very obvious now and I'm really curious how other players view this. Legion was a perfect mix between the Horde and Alliance banding together, while still having a faction war if you ask me. Sylvanas vs Greymane in Stormheim for example.
Classic for me had the perfect balance. The factions had just overpowered a world-ending threat, still they had reasonable localised frictions and a difficult long story of hatred (orcs vs alliane) or fresh wounds (nelves vs orcs) keeping them on their nerves. It was not the main theme of the game, but it added flavour and it made sense. Right now it seems nonsensical to just go "free hugs" mode, after the events in BFA.
If she had this glowy but spooky light aura around her, lit us at random moments and you can see her skull, a corpse thin body, you know, *looked* actually dead, then she would stick out less than if Xal'atath somehow got herself in the middle of the Army of Light.
Calia: I don't want the Throne of Lordaeron. Also Calia in Before the Storm. "In this novel, Calia asks Anduin if he would support her claim to the throne of Lordaeron. When she can see the question troubles him, she quickly assures him that she has no interest in the throne. Suddenly her expression grew thoughtful, and she searched his eyes. “Would you be among them, Anduin? Is that why you ask? Would the king of Stormwind make war on the Horde, scour the Undercity, to grant the *queen* of *Lordaeron* her empty kingdom?” The throne was hers by every right. Yet was it worth war should she express a desire to claim it? She saw the struggle on his face and put a hand on his. “I understand. Don’t worry. Those who currently inhabit Lordaeron lived there in life. The Forsaken are the true heirs. It belongs to them now. The best I can do for those whom I would have ruled is exactly what I’m doing. I’ve found peace and a calling where I can really matter. That’s more important than a bloodied crown." Nothing sus here.
Large parts of stormwind have lordaeron refugees/immigrants. Wouldn't surprise me if like 20% of stormwind is from lordaeron. Many fled to stormwind just like stormwind had done in past, their are also the scarlet people, and the citizens that were left in lordaeron such as southshore that have either gone into hiding, fled to stormwinds safety either in stromgarde or stormwind proper, or trying to hold on to some small bit of land in lordaeron, such as hearthglen. Remember lordaeron is huge, it's borders are all of silver pine except a bit of bottom that is gilneas, east/west plaguelands/hillsbrad foothills, and tirisfal, oh and the scarlet enclave, where you start as a death knight. It is as large or larger than stormwind proper, with them retaking stromgarde, stormwind is probably bigger, but I think stromgarde is just a vassal to stormwind now at least practically. Point is alliance has a lot of people with claims to lordaeron, and many who lived there still alive.
@@dendriengiven how many times you commented this same thing over and over again you do have a problem with female characters in wow lol. stop being a snowflak, no one forces you to play the game
Being a huge fan of Lillian Voss, I always wanted her to lead should something ever happen to the Banshee Queen. I guess her being on a council is close enough. But yeah, Lillian is easily the far more interesting character and I'm a lil salty she was forgotten for a while. So much potential, you know?
Im not a fan of Lillian, BUT i do consider her A LOT more interesting than anime character Calia. I mean Lillian has backstory,she is cool and her story arc was very well done. In the other hand we have Calia, who from the day 1 she is breaking the lore and the rules of the word. An undean infuse with the LIGHT???? Who come with this stupid anime/fan fiction idea?? She has 0 carisma, she is the classic goodie two-shoes who want everything and everyone to love each other, she was never tainted or make ANY bad decision, she is just GOOD and like Platinum said, she was practically force into the story for gameplay reasons and the worse part is, every time she is on screen she is trying to outshine Lillian in every way, making her practically a sidekick to Calia.....So yeah its not a surprise many people already hate her. But you know WE NEED and its MANDATORY to have strong females woman in game so yeah....you know.
@@TN_Nadaclos lillian's story is NOT well done??? first time we see her in the starting zone, she resents everything about being undead until she gets betrayed by her father. Even then, she doesn't accept her undeath, she just hates the scarlet crusade. Next time we see her isnt until revamped scarlet monastery and Scholomance where she just kills some dudes and undead for no real reason. then suddenly in legion shes acting as this big leader for the forsaken??? like huh??? her whole arc of accepting undeath was completely gutted and we just pretend like she actually got it.
I love how Blizzard just says: Hey, this is Calia Menethil, you know, the older sister of the Lich King, why she wasn't the heir to the throne? Who cares. Why she wasn't introduced earlier? Dunno, don't care. Why she wasn't more relevant in Shadowlands when the agent of the Jailer was literally her own blood? Are you stupid, or what?
she wasn't the heir because blizzard used to have balls and actually try to keep their stories realistic to the setting so ofc a woman wouldn't have been next in line to the throne.
@@DaWoWzer To be fair, males and females were established to officially be completely equal in Azeroth as early as the launch of WoW itself. There are obviously exceptions in some cultures, but it's implied to at least be the case for the Horde and Alliance.
She wasn't the heir because Lordaeron is a patriarchal monarchy. The eldest son is always the heir, unless there are no sons. If there are no sons, then the eldest daughter gets to be the heir. Calia is only the heir now because Arthas is dead.
Ok, this idea is going to sound absolutely insane, but i know one way that would get more people on Calia's side. Have her become a lich and start allowing her people to study necromancy in hopes of replenishing their ranks now that they don't have any Valkyr anymore. This way she shows how far she is willing to go for the prosperity of her people, and will make future interactions with her former friends VERY DRAMATIC when she shows up looking like a light infused lady Deathwhisper.
Being infused with a magic school significantly changing your looks is a staple of warcraft. Trolls hanging around the well eternity turned them into elves, elves tapping into fel gave satyrs and felblood elves, also elves tapping into death magic gave vampires, orcs changed colour twice based on how much fel they had and even grew horns and tusks if they had too much, Illidan and Malfurion had horns, hooves, claws and wings. Why is everyone triggered when the only known undead infused by a light is slightly less decayed and hot?
I'll be honest, I got nothing against faction warfare mattering a lot less in the story. I think it's ok for forsaken and worgen potentially getting along, I just wanna see the journey to get there. I wanna see the politics and the reactions of the common people. The Worgen accepting the help of the forsaken is pretty damn wild after all. Like, this could've been the forsaken sending weapons along with the player character as an emissary rather than actual forces.
I was gay and genderfluid. Living my life while dating someone who was trans. I was an avid supporter of the LGBT. I thought I was born this way, I thought it was the right way and that everyone else was wrong. I was like this for awhile until God came into my life. I was a heavy drinker and I started getting panic attacks while I was drunk. I stopped drinking and I got really scared when the attacks began happening while I was sober. It was agony, every day trying to fend off this mind consuming anxiety and I couldn't figure out why. I thought I was going to a spiritual "awakening" ascending to a higher elevation of "life". But in reality, I was dying. Slowly and painfully because of my sin. One night I got this weird feeling that washed over me. It was like my body started fading away but my mind was alert. I went to go lay down on the bed and I remember staring up at the ceiling.i remember knowing in my mind that if I go to sleep tonight, I'm going to die. But the scariest part is that I KNEW, in my mind I just knew that I was going to go to the lake of fire. After that I cried out to the Lord to forgive me, I started reading the Bible and walking in the Lord's laws and commandments. Doing Sabbath, not lying (I lied all the time), trying to be good and do good for God and the world! A year and some months later I've never been happier. I feel good being a woman, I feel secure and confident knowing I am a woman and accepting. I feel good not having that lustful spirit of sodomy in my mind all the time, it feels good to be alive and no longer experiencing any panic attacks. The Lord changed me, and I can never be more grateful. I pray that anyone who might be LGBT, whether you've come here to debate people or to simply observe. I KNOW how you feel, that insecurity of never feeling right in your own body. Never feeling happy with your appearance, and feeling consumed with loving the same gender. I know it's hard, overwhelming, and very toxic. But there IS a way out. Repent now while you still can. The Lord is coming back soon, whether you believe it or not and he will not be merciful to any of the wicked. You CAN change, you were not BORN this way. Don't listen to the lies and sweet delusions of this community, listen to what your own body is telling you, and what God tells you. Follow the Lord's laws and commandments, again, while you still can. Turn away from this wicked society and the deep rooted paganism they try to make us to follow (holidays, Sunday Worship) find God and live!!! Forever not just the 80-90 years we get. I love you all and if you read this, thank you and bless you for listening at all. I pray for peace on your households and strength as you walk through this valley of the shadow of death. In Jesus' name! Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 (KJV) Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. (Exodus 20:1-17 for the commandments) ☺️🙏🏽
The problem with the forsaken is that their actual story ended after wrath of the lich king. With Arthas dead they genuinely didn't have a reason to continue other than maybe finishing off the Scarlet Crusade. I mean Sylvannas attempted to kill herself. The story with the Jailer was technically set up when Sylvannas saw herself in hell with Arthas. The HUGE issue was that was NEVER explained to us once in the course of 11 years building up to the jailer until he was already in the game lmfao. Shadowlands could've worked out if it was actually planned out. Think about the Forsaken in Cataclysm. Sylvannas uses her new banshees (that are tied to her soul) to start raising new forsaken similar to the Lich King. Why does she do this? Why does she need to continue her species? What goals does she have for the forsaken? Why does she need to take/destroy Gilneas? If we had known in Cataclysm that she had ulterior motives about building an army for the Jailer then it would've made sense. Not only that, but it would've made Garrosh's untrust and anger with Sylvannas be a LOT more justified. Ultimately it's all over at this point and I think the Forsaken have genuinely been directionless since Wrath. While Calia's goals and directives directly contradict what the forsaken were for 14 years, I think more character moments between Calia and the other Forsaken could be used to bridge the gap. I think what WoW is missing more than anything else is smaller character moments between the faction leaders and their factions. Literally just a few lines of dialogue would go an extremely long way.
Yeah it's so sad, it never even made too much sense for Forsakens to be a playable race and them joining Horde. This storyline needed extra attention but instead their lore got even more problematic and weirder with every expansion and then Sylvanas got absolutely destroyed by bad writting. And now on top of that the new "leader" is light infused undead.
Sylvanas has a big monologue in Silverpine Forest where she explains exactly why the Forsaken still exist after the fall of Arthas. They still want to live. They still want to defend Lordaeron from the Alliance. That is why she invades Gilneas, the Forsaken's numbers were reduced by the Northrend campaign and they need more corpses to repopulate. Of course it's morally questionable for Sylvanas to turn disloyal Gilneans into Forsaken against their will, which is why Garrosh calls her out on it. They were actually doing something interesting with the Forsaken in Cataclysm, and it continues in Legion with Sylvanas trying to get more Val'kyr for the Forsaken. But then they dropped it in BfA and Shadowlands for the stupid, "she was working for the Jailer all along" plotline, which was way less interesting.
I love WoW dragging obscure stories out of legion class halls and making them a theme for an expansion by applying copious amount of what looks like chatgpt.
Legend has it Metzen showed up to Danuser’s house personally and repeatedly gave him mushroom bruises until he got his meathooks out of his baby, a.k.a. the Warcraft lore.
Saints and sinners lying broken And all the world has fallen in my head Graves and pyres still are blazing Alive or undead Storms have gone and rain has fallen And all our wildest prayers have been said We will wait and we will guard you Alive or undead Worlds have come and worlds have fallen And after all the nights and blood we shed Still we bleed and we're undying Alive or undead We fell to dust and arose from the graves Ignored the signs of the end We dared to run with the wildest of wolves here we stand In rise and fall Praised the cross so many years The icon called Fought the sin and tears, father In those who are wild at heart believe Alive or undead
Thing is, I think we could have cross faction cooperation AND PvP and Faction with a few simple changes. All They could have skirmishes between hardliners in both the Alliance and Horde having battles without the factions at large knowing. They've done with before with Ashran of course. A massive battle on an island in Draenor and apparently Varian nor Vol'jin knew their own soldiers were being sent to a meat grinder. Too add on that, they could work in story too. Instead of having Team Rock-I mean the Scarlet Crusade take over Gilneas, what if it was a band of Forsaken still loyal to Sylvanas? Believing Gilneas to be theirs and Calia is making the Forsaken weak by giving up Forsaken lands to literal dogs? Give Genn a reason to mistrust the Forsaken who took his son away from him. Like how Baine mistrusted the centaur in Dragonflight. The problem with modern WoW is the tension is gone. The drama and suspense between the Alliance and Horde? All gone. I don't think we need more war between the two factions, I like idea of being able to work with the other factions for guilds, raids and dungeons. But there still should be tension, anger and mistrust between the two. There should be forces within both factions that are bitter, angry and hateful towards the other due to war crimes or defeats at the hands of the enemy. Another character that acts like Daelin Proudmore to stir the pot for PvP reasons and give people a choice. Do you forgive and forget for the good of Azeroth? Or are some war crimes so unforgivable they must be answered and paid for with blood? THAT is what makes Warcraft what it is.
I dislike how all the horrid things the horde has done is just forgotten by the writers. Like the orcs murdered and raped most of stormwind like 30 years ago in in-game time and no one remembers that. The forsaken were raising new undead in the same way the lich king did and plague bombed gilneas but that is just swept under the rug. Why was the scarlet crusade in gilneas anyway? How did they get there? The alliance should really stop acting like Chamberlain.
1) We have had three whole ass expansions dedicated to holding the Horde leadership accountable for war crimes wtf are you talking about? When do we get the expansion where we finally deal with that time Jaina started Hitlering her own Elven allies over her Horde hate boner? 2) The orcs that did that were literally controlled by the Legion. 3) Sylvanas* raised new undead the same way the Lich King did, Sylvanas may have been their leader, but she isn't every single Forsaken.
yes! make that video talking about issues with cross faction gameplay affecting stuff. im all in about both factions playing with each other in all aspects of gameplay but interesting to hear about the consequences
Necromancy being labeled as basically resurrection and usable under any magic force is one of the dumbest things from Shadowlands and it was obviously trying to make people force to accept Calia by having it from the big boss of liches and expert in necromancy in Maldraxxus.
Totally agreed. My canon is the Primus told a white lie out of charity for Calia. He's not unfailable, is he? At the end of the day that's just his opinion.
@@francescoporcari8597 also nevermind the going to the cosmic plane of death to discuss the finer points of OTHER cosmically aligned forces manipulating the dead and dying... hell they might have just bene like "wtf this light being think they're doing.... just get rid of them. But be respectful cause the people who just went through beating Denathrius back them!"
The peace between both factions has always felt a needed thing to happen in the story at some point and after all that has happened in recent expansion it's probably for the best.
I have questions about the Light Infused Undead thing. 1. I was under the impression that the Undead were not fans of the Light. It caused pain and temporary restored their senses of smell and taste, so they would smell and taste their own rotting corpse. Is she in a state of constant suffering? 2. What is the process that created her? Can it be used on others? Can it be used to "Upgrade" and restore the Undead? What are the limitations? 3. The most obvious. Why? Why raise her as Undead? Why not a full resurrection? I know why Blizzard did it, but not the characters. 4. Who else are the going to taise as Light Infused Undead? Who else is coming back? Anduen's dad? Arthis? If not, why not? 5. Can she be brought back fully to life now? Or is she stuck as Undead?
1. Current day wow team probably ignores/doesn't know about that fact because it's a little too "hardcore" for their family friendly medieval war game 2. It is most likely a one-off thing they invented so the leader of the undead faction is "technically" not alive. 3. See point above 4. nobody 5. no
I will say this:I think WoW has run long enough for the Horde-Alliance conflict to have potentially run its course. We've seen several incarnations of it through almost every expansion, and honestly I don't mind that the game and its narrative transitions into a place where this conflict is no longer at the forefront. HOWEVER, this "de-escalation" will and should take time. Several of the racial factions have very strong conflicts, like the Worgen and the Forsaken, for example, or the Orcs and Night Elves. Others arguably have a fairly good chance at starting off on good terms (Blood Elves and Dwarves don't have very deep conflicts despite being neighbors, for example).
10:40 I mean saying it 'defangs the factions for gameplay reasons' is kind of silly because like...we've been at war for over a decade. It's more like story development.
6:40 And that is just stupid. The lore was already damaged but... Light infused undead ? Why not just bring her back to life like light usualy do ? What a stupid scenario
6:06 --- She also did this because she didnt want rumors and unrest to spread in Undercity. Like, an amicable event between Forsaken and humans? Nah. Also, she let the Forsaken live that left the gathering prematurely, those that were rejected by their living kin and understandably bitter about it. And Calia married that "lowly footsoldier" in secret after it was already more or less established that Arthas would at some point marry Jaina - which would've happened but then there was that business with poisoned grain and zombies... 9:34 --- I'd like to point out, that guy hanging from the gallows... yes, thats in Tirisfal but also... that's near the Scarlet Monastery ^^° 10:00 --- According to the book, it was Calia's own decision to not return in full, not as a living person as usual, but as an undead. There is of course speculation that that's bs and that she's now a mindcontrolled zombie of the Light but sofar it seems she just a normal person - "normal" by WoW-standards that is... 10:47 --- Imo, the faction war has overstayed its welcome for over a decade now. Its a good thing they finally move on from that. But yeah, agreed, they need to finally tell their stories in game - but we've been saying this for years soooo... I dont see that happen... ever...
5:31 right at this moment I was drinking, I choked so badly and dropped my phone and had to laugh for a good minute, my god this was such a gold moment.
0:57-To be fair, 16 year old Princes and Princesses as well as nobles are considered adults back in Medieval Times. A lot of 16 year old Princesses, some of them even younger such as 14 or even 12, were married off to Princes, Dukes Kings, Emperors, Sultans, Caliphs, Emirates, Khans, Shoguns, Tzars, Counts, Barons, Margraves, Marquis, Viscounts, Chiefs, Pharaohs and even Regent Lords, some of them who are way older than them like say 28 or 31. The 16 year old Princes on the other hand either marry a Princess or the daughter of a noble who are either the same age or probably 2 or 3 years younger than them. Some Princes marry a woman possible older than them.
Ooookay, so a character pulled out of somebody's rear end on the fly with little to no lore established in game, but only developed in random external content that only a very small % of players even read. I'm getting echoes of the mistake that was Meh'dan from this...
As a lifelong forsaken player, Calia is not welcome. We have so many undead npcs that fought alongside us since the beginning, Calia is shoehorned down our throats. (Belmont & Faranell are my favorites)
The fart sound effect was on point when Calia was risen. The light-undead thing was extremely contrived and out of nowhere in the book, and the possibility wasn't even hinted at before it... just happened, against all we knew of necromancy before that.
It's like listening to how someone plans to insert thier own original character into the lore. Also it's crazy how wildly they started pushing Sylvanas to be more and more of a villain since cata, so disappointed in how it played out.
I really don't approve of this move towards vague councils. The alliance still has very rigid and easily recognizable faction leaders, while the Horde doesn't even have a warchief anymore. When Vol'jin died, they made Rokhan the leader of the Darkspear. Few people knew about him back then, but he has since gained my interest for his role in BfA and thanks to him the Darkspear have an actual tangible leader instead of a council which actually means nothing in game.
They are not able to write charismatic leader anymore in the game. The fact is the world (Azeroth not WoW Universe) does not feel threatening anymore. In classic, TBC, wotlk, Cata, you felt the danger outside the walls of the towns. It was scary out there. The Legion was defeated but the remnants or okder enemies were a threat. Even the centaurs or the Gnoll were a threat. The Horde and the Alliance were recovering, the world in ruin, and the factions were like associations of survivors. The fight revolved around resources. Now there's no more war, there's no need for a council. Yes teldrassil has been burnt down and undercity is not available, but it will soon return available, and the nelves got a new bland characterless capital.
@@francescoporcari8597 That's because they powercrept the player so hard over the years (as expansions went by, each one giving the player's character another supreme mcguffin to defeat the big bad with...). Blizzard should've kept the story focused around NPCs, and have NPC's actions move the story forward. The problem with WoW's story has been putting the player as the protagonist of the events, instead of us being a side-character in Thrall's/Jaina's/Anduin's stories. Makes it helluva lot easier to write around NPC power levels than the player. Why should the Kobolds around Goldshire be scary at all when we once wielded the freaking Ashbringer?
She could have been so much more interesting as the new leader of the scarlet crusade. The weakness of wow storytelling grinds on me. The thing that made the scarlet crusade "insane" and "bad" was the influence of demons in its upper ranks. Those demons have been dead and gone for years and calia menethil trying to reclaim her crown by force with the crusade would have been beyond bad ass.
Calia was mentioned in a few books in passing. Considering she was a side character in the plots. That being the 2nd war and Arthas storyline mainly. Now she replaced the original undead “waifu”, that being Sylvannas. May she continue pushing the lines of being a necro and a normal person. That her predecessor did 😂.
@@heathmcrigsby I wouldn’t be surprised if she has certain content of her on certain websites, like her predecessor 😂. Especially since she has a unique model to the face.
@@Jackson110010 obviously first time in game, as literally mentioned in the video. She first appeared in Legion. Also I am pretty sure if go on WoW wiki, it will literally list all the books she is mentioned in. Given most of the books are literally 10+ years old. Which makes sense why most people aren’t familiar with her before Legion. Who only follow the in-game storyline. Which is partly Blizzard fault for leaving important plot points out. But like I said most of her lore pre-legion is in old books and it’s pretty scarce at that.
They should had made Lilian Voss the leader of the Forsaken, her story in Cata was great, she at first not accepting her fate and then becoming one of the best Forsaken Assassins was great, they should had focus on her and have more stories with her rising among the Forsaken, then she would lead a group of undead rebels against Silvana during the Battle at the Gates of Orgrimmar, and then take the title of "Dark Lady"
Had to look her up. The book came out in 2018 around the time of battle for azeroth and nearly a decade after arthas dies in wotlk. She wasn't added to the game until shadowlands, which is when blizzard really started churning out the worst writing and subverting the game and the lore with political activism.
"sacrifices lore for gameplay reasons" you're not wrong, but I have to ask: lorewise, why are the forsaken even still with the horde? Why are blood elves? I'm not saying they immediately join up with the alliance but it seems like they have zero reason. They've been kept as a faction, ironically, for gameplay reasons. Don't even get me STARTED on the nightborn
lol, that ending is hilarious. I think Calia has potential, depending how they continue her story. With her unique look, and even Kalecgos's new look, I hope that eventually opens the doors to new playable characters and models. Also, I hope that leads to a refresh of Arator's look, since he is mixed human & elf. He is the one that needs a new look. I don't mind some stories being told only in books, but it should be companion stuff, not major stuff that happens off screen from WOW, like Calia's transformation into a light-bound undead.
Any potential is already tainted by WHO she is. Her whole been is a middle finger to the already well stablished lore. 1) Undead, but not really, also infuse with the light?? WTH!! How??? Why??? XD 2) Arthas sister....yeah right. 3) She has never doing anything in her living life, but not she is so important to be leadder of the Forsaken.....What? Why? As you can see she already is a Mary Sue and you know how much we love Med'an.
@@TN_Nadaclos I wouldn't call the lore well established, as since the beginning of WOW from the RTS, things have been retconned and changed. The known universe has been changed as well, as the denizens of Azeroth have learned more about it. She is a leader of the Forsaken, but not the only leader. I think her story has potential, so I hope it is told properly. Hopefully they don't retcon her mystery husband or child either. It would be fascinating to explore that as well as any lasting regrets she may have had. Although stuff like that will probably be told in the companion novels. I doubt we will see anything worthwhile in-game, especially since many don't like her already. Time will tell.
I am not up to date with Warcraft Lore since dropping out of Legion but oh wow that last bit is honestly just what is going in Starcraft as well. Terrans, Protoss and Zerg are trying to work out peace but Abathur has lol nope moment which ends with lots of people dying him just being arrested by Zagara and that is it.
It's funny how they sent Sylvanas to the Shadow Realm and replaced her with a new busty not-rotten undead bombshell.
They know what the people want
except shes not an edgy bombshell which turned off a lot of sylvanas fanboys prolly
if I could make a female forsaken looking like her, then I would go forsaken
@@zenbozic6184 those sand Boys are so cringe. Like for real I was the jock in high school that used to beat up on those little cupcakes and snowflakes because they used to hide their little anime body pillows in their locker.
@@leonardceres9061 brother I hope you see the irony in your comment
Deathwing didn't run in hiding because of defeat, he ran cause Chris Hansen came knocking on his door.
Wow. This lore looks like it was written by Donkey from Shrek and EDP445.
So thrall hit him with the discord logs?
"I got the sacred screencaps Dragon"
"You wouldn't dare!!!"
God we are old... I bet more than half people of Platinum's audience don't know who that man is. 😆
@@SoulHuN7eR for reals, or even realize that network television even exists.
They’ll never know what it’s like to come home from school and get excited to see Batman, or X-men on Saturdays… it added extra spice to the days
Calia is like a fan fiction writer living their power fantasy.
1. Blood relative of one of the most important characters in the series
2. Literally so nice, everyone loves her (except the villain, of course)
3. Dies a martyr, but defies death anyway (consider how rare it is for an important character to be ressurrected)
4. Unique 'cool' one-of-a-kind hybrid (to the point Blizz invented a whole questline explaining how it's always been possible)
5. Instantly gets propped to a position of power despite not doing anything
The reason this character gets so much ridicule, is because she doesn't add anything to the world - she instead effectively warps everything around her.
I really can't accept the Light Infused undead bs.
Literally how can Light attach a soul to a dead body, without repairing it.
Light resurection is really different in how in works and in the effect from the death/decay magic that is used to create undeads.
Decay magic simply prevent the soul to go to Shadowlands and forcibly attach it to a decaying body.
Light restate the body and the soul within it. It cannot heal undead bodies, but rather it destroys them.
That's the thing... the current writers are just fan fic writers. All their writing comes off as beyond amateur.
Just wait for her to become the new dragon aspect of death or something.
Honestly, there were Mary Sues on Goldshire inn with more solid backgrounds.
this is the perfect summation of her character
@@firesoyOne more char to spit in game. I got bored spting to Dogmane and Manduin.
Blizzard needs to include their lore in game more than “oh hey guys here’s a character who’s been in books since wrath, what do you mean you don’t buy and read all our books?”
How will they sell books then?
Since... Wrath? I think you mean since before Warcraft 3 hombre. The stuff with Deathwing is from Day of the Dragon, which is one of the oldest books in the entire setting.
@@Shredow2 Was in reference to Calia, thanks. Dont really care to remember when every single character was referenced in a book/game outside of WoW.
Imagine if instead of having zone stories that dont matter, they put these important book stories in :O
Calia IS in Day of the Dragon. She was arranged to marry Lord Prestor (Deathwing)
Calia Menethil leading the Forsaken is like having Taylor Swift be the main show at a metal festival.
This comment slaps
This comment deserves some love.
Yeah it feels kinda weird to have someone who fundamentally doesn't have the same experience as the rest of the forsaken lead them....
Hasn't stopped them with Sylvanas though
Sylvanas did have the same exp has the other forsakens tho@@FancyTophatDude
It's not like I dislike Calia, I actually quite liked her in the book, but she really isn't a Forsaken is she. The Forsaken faction isn't made up of UNDEAD, but of once humans who were Forsaken by their people after experiencing something incredibly horrible, not only were they killed they were resurrected and forced to do horrible things against their will, and then they regained their control only to find themselves having to live with what they've experienced, while living in a body that is decaying and THEN being shunned by their own people. That's what makes the forsaken the FORSAKEN. And that is an experience Calia has never experienced, which is why imo she needs to take a backstage to the real leaders of the Forsaken which is the rest of the council. She should simply serve as a negotiator and nothing else.
She was such an integral part of the lore no one even mentioned her once in Warcraft 3...
....like Stormwind?
Stormwind was in Warcraft 1, albeit it was called Azeroth back then.@@Cylus024
@@Cylus024 Difference is stormwind is in a part of the world not covered by the game, she is supposed to be the sister of Arthas, one of the protagonist.
@@PoorManatee6197 Southshore wasn't covered in WC3.
Well to get to my point, when you make an MMO you gonna have to invent some characters that weren't mentioned in the RTS predecessor.
@@PoorManatee6197 Stormwind was sacked in Warcraft 1, and Warcraft 2 focused more on Lordaeron.
My theory is :
She appeared because Blizzard wanted to test the waters for undead jiggle physics.
If Blizzard openned the flood gates and allowed to the community to mod the game in specific servers, and also self mod, with age ratings implemented for each server. _wink wink, nudge nudge_ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I guarantee you, WoW would enter a renascence phase
Playing sod, and undead female models 100% do have jiggle physics, you can check for yourself!
@@andrefilipe9042 Why play WoW then if you want to play a P@rn game??? Play P@rn games instead???
Bro stop
100% justified then
"Necromancy is not necessarily death magic." I'm sorry, what?
Yeah, i think the point was that it isn`t exclusively linked to death as a cosmic force and so can be practiced by practitioners of other cosmic forces. But yeah, this line is poorly written.
It sounds like taking the joke of "Necromancy is just delayed healing/ressurecting." too seriously....
@@aureliodeprimus8018 I think it's good that the line sounds like it makes no sense, because Blizzards writing makes no sense.
Never heard about Meril Felstrom?
Magic should be mysterious not science.
Death magic is acutally just one of the schools of Necromancy. Hemomancy is another school. Surprisingly, that's not entirely inaccurate... light bring back a person as a dead corpse, that one is a bit of a stretch.
05:10 Those Forsaken that defected didn't only leave because of Calia . They also left to be with their living kin
I'm going to be real: It would've been much much better if they just kept her alive, AND if there was a more serious "loyalist" forsaken faction (AKA forsaken who still believe the Lordaeron monarchy is legit, as is kinda hinted by terenas' monument when entering the UC). The Forsaken having a living Queen who is well intentioned but also fundamentally can't relate to them very well, and her having to juggle the new existence of the forsaken with attempts at peace, perhaps making the forsaken reclaim their previous identity as Lordanese but "crooked" somehow (Fe a light *and* shadow church, perhaps the reintroduction of forsaken paladins?) would be interesting.
Shame it's a modern blizzard character.
Would't that just kickstart a Forsaken civil war between undead from Lordaeron and undead that are not from Lordaeron?
@@getfreur2458Maybe, but that would be interesting and precisely Calia helping bridge that gap would give her a more meaningful conflict to solve regarding the identity of the Forsaken. Besides, aren't the vast majority of Forsaken from Lordaeron, with the exception of Dark Rangers and some individuals from Dalaran/Alterac/Gilneas?
@@rethall2308The majority of the Forsaken are from Lordaeron, followed by what were formerly from Quel'thalas and the Gilneans that were trapped on the wrong side of the wall after building it and Genn shutting it on them. Not much if anything's been said of the Dalaran and Alterac Forsaken. There's been debate over troll or dwarven Forsaken, but nothing's been seen in book or game. There is that one leper gnome who's considered a close enough.
Agree, this would make her 200% a more interesting character. Just imagine her character trying to make "Lordaeron great again". That already would make her character more likeable.
Also for my D&D understanding in magic and shit, if you revive someone with LIGHT she/he doesnt turn in a "UNDEAD" of light, she/her just become ALIVE!!!!, but if you use dark magic you are using necromancy so they become undead.....D&D 101. This BS reason to her to be JUST undead for the sake to fit in the forsaken story is simply STUPID.
I'm actually on a similar team but instead i would place Calia as actual regent of Stormwind while Turalyon would only be in charge of army, since She is the only human royal figure that is not Gilnean/Kul Tiran and idk if Anduin decides to retake throne in world soul saga Ally players would be more welcome to it. .
I still baffled how two priests (ignore Anduin's armour, remember he's not a paladin) and a Naaru only managed to resurrect someone as a "lightforged" undead and not a true resurrection, sems very forced to me.
Wow writing staff try not to ruin WoW lore challenge impossible.
Is resurrecting even a thing in the lore? Genuine question I thought it's just kinda there because gameplay would be annoying without it but not actually a thing healers can do in the lore. Because if that's a thing why do people even die in the first place? Like Voljin for example he got stabbed by a trash mob and just fucking died. I get that that's because they wanted to make Sylvanas warchief but it would make no sense at all if a priest could just res him.
In the cinematic to bfa anduin literally resurrected an entire battlefield while they were attacking the undead zone
@@godhand2018resurrection is a thing but only powerful people can do it. Inquisitor Whiteman cannonically can raise the dead, so the cutscene of her raising her champion is lore accurate.
@@godhand2018Tirion canonically was capable of resurrecting people.
Despite being stripped of the light (Apparently it was possible in old lore) he resurrected Eitrigg (Book "Warcraft: Of Blood and Honor") which technically cannon due to vanila WoW.
But considering how Tirion died like a loser to FIRST boss in Legion, he wasn't powerfull at all.
Calia would be fun as the overworked mom dealing with her many MANY edgy children.
The Scarlet Crusade moved into the ruins of Gilneas because of being run out of every other place, and they felt that their calling now called for adding Worgen to their hit list. The Forsaken have a long history of fighting the Scarlet Crusade and it was a gesture of good will from Calia to Genn.
Story wise, with the Horde and Alliance going after each other, I'm surprised there are any people left on both sides. None of them had a chance to just live. It was always the intention that all of them had to band together to save the planet (and the world soul within). The war in warcraft isn't going away, it's just changing into all of us against the universe.
Holes... holes in the plot everywhere!!!
More holes than in the rotting corpse of the real Forsaken
Tight yet cold, undead holy mommy hole.
Blizz did Sylvanas dirty, sure, but it did the Forsaken so much dirtier. All of their gloomy special character, and their plotting should have lead to something much cooler. I guess they saw that their original idea could only lead to them becoming a separate faction. I think they should have done that.
Well lore wise, as a separate faction they would have been erased, just as the plague of Lordaeron.
The only thing keeping the Forsaken from being destroyed by the Alliance is the Horde membership.
Sylvanas was always a selfish dishonourble dishonest bitch, even before afrasiabi's run.
The only thing keeping her at bay was the rest of the Horde (the warchiefs before her).
At the end of the day they could have end her character arc and the Forsaken arc in a better way.
Right now the forsaken are on the brink of extinction, with no real flavour nor role.
That's a very modern take on the lore (and I know you're referring to classic era forsaken) -- But remember they are the people of Lordaeron, basically Light fanatics. Their fanatical devotion to Sylvannas and the new plague etc, is completely in line with how they operate. The Scarlet Crusade are the same people, just not undead-ed. It's just what Lordaeron humans do for whatever reason, they like worshipping stuff.
And The Light (like the force) seems to stay active in that area of the world, for some reason everything from Lordaeron to Quel'thalas is always getting miracles or visits or naaru comets. It really all fits together quite well. On the other hand, there should also definitely be a faction that doesn't want to go the Calia route, I suspect they'll fall in with the other "free" undead like the San'layn and rebel scourge apparently still poking around the Plague+Ghostlands.
@@DarkScreamGames oh, I think their fanatical devotion to Sylvanas is very well explained even if you consider only Warcraft 3 - she is the one who picked them up and gave them any real reason to exist. Which is also why it makes zero sense that they were doing anything behind her back.
Bro the Forsaken could've been properly integrated into the Horde with Sylvanas becoming Warchief. Our leader finally being trusted, our people finally being acknowledged, that was the moment for us to STOP scheming and plotting and realize that, hey, our new situation was maybe not all that bad.
But noooooo, they had to burn up all of that setup to sell the out-of-nowhere villain of the worst expansion in history. Absolute fucking imbeciles.
If Blizzard wrote that Calia had to leave the Horde to go back to her home planet and died on the way there, I would be perfectly fine with that.
Realistically your best bet to getting rid of her is the scarlet crusade, and well they have a bad time pretty much every time they show up.
If you don't know they claim to have an heir to lordaeron throne, think they said it is arthas son or something, not important at moment, just know they claim to have an heir. So them pushing alliance to restore lordaeron is probably your best bet if you want calia dead. Though honestly blizzard might never do anything with that info, or might use it 20 years from now.
Just don't rely on the scarlet to be much help, they got maybe a few thousand people in total these days...crushing defeat after defeat, mostly due to lich king and forsaken/alliance causing them that.
She appear out of nowhere. Even arthas didn't care about her.
That is too much LIKES. I have
never got the amount of like of
this quantity.
Thank all of you, all the people,
all children, all guys who I
guess are very nice, handsome
and lovely people. ( Japanese
theme playing in the
background )
he didnt know having sister xD
How hard is it to have here as a random nobel woman, Insted of trying to conect here to Arthas.
She's mostly in the Arthas book. Arthas really cares about her, until he doesn't lol
She world be good written character if Blizzard add he little side story in warcraft 3 or WOW vanilla
@@miggs8 She's also in the old Warcraft RPG guide, which is now...sort of canon but also sort of not?
Video is fresher than Calias dead corpse
Too soon bruh
peace negotiations can only go so far. what really ensures peace is a lucrative trade deal. Like, an unlimited supply of test subject gnomes in exchange for, idk, mulgore milk maybe? as an alliance player i would be ok with that.
*Goblin accent* While I'd say I agree, mulgore dairy is small potatoes compared to goldshire goat cheese. Need something of higher value then just moo moo juice if you want to trade for premium gnom-inea pigs.
this feels like fanfic
The idea of having an adult dragon mary marry a human teen girl is something that would be written by a collaboration between a DnD bard and EDP445 💀💀💀
@No_One2429"So Deathwing decided to marry an underage human girl while being an adult dragon"
This looks like something written by a DnD bard and EDP445.
@No_One2429 EDP was a dude who got exposed for trying to meet up with an underage girl. His excuse was that he wanted a "cupcake".
Danuser's terrible fanfic.
That's an insult to fanfiction writers. 😂
Meanwhile, the player character who has been resurrected countless times by any healer (and warlocks/dks, oddly enough) and even resurrected by a literal member of the shadowlands: “huh. I never changed”
Tess: "The Forsaken are a-ok, dad! Please ignore the fact they used our people as slaves in the mines until they died, resurrected them, and used them as soldiers afterwards!
Absolutely agreed
definitely, Blizz writers don't know how to do inter-racial conflicts of interest anymore.
as an example: Night elves live in forests, they grow their homes out of trees without cutting the trees down. orcs burn through wood and construct a crapload of their buildings, warships and siege weapons out of timber. orcs go to get wood, the elves tell them to stop cutting down their trees or they'll cut them down, orcs don't give a shite and cut them down anyway, stabbings in the night ensue. they both want the trees but for entirely different purposes, Orcs want wood, Night elves want to make and protect their homes.
Tbf I can see Velen doing that though. And it seems like they're heading in that direction with Arzaal.
The immense Horde favoritism by Blizzard is a massive problem that really needs to be taken out completely for there to ever be any actual decent stuff happening.
I mean if I had to write the story.... Take Garrosh nuking Theramore for example. I'd go through with having Jaina reduce Orgrimmar to rubble. Direct consequences for their actions, as it should be.
Would Horde players be pissed? Probably. I personally don't care as I play both factions, and I find it so stupid that no matter what the Horde does, they are always given a pass. The players that were infuriated that Jaina was going to destroy Orgrimmar should just be ignored entirely-
@@BlueFireDrakka on top of that the writers seem to forget about the show don't tell part of story telling and world building. I have just come back to the game from WOTLK and i am trying to play through the newer content and the further i go the more i regret coming back. parts of dragonflight were not bad.. but then there is the emerald dream and the Amirdrassil quest area... holy hell... every other quest ends in a heart felt monologue or some shit. so i did most everything and left Amirdrassil and the emerald dream alone and im working on BOA stuff and it is "better" but i am tired of doing quests that i don't play the game. Had to drag lumber around while some Australian sounding lady talked crap to me. when i could have just idk.. one tapped things but instead they had to make a lady boss bad ass and force me to follow her while she "protects" me while i drag lumber.. and she doesnt glitch out not even 3 times causing me to restart the quest because reasons. AHHHHHHHHH.. why did come back to this game.
I think the WoW writing team need a writing masterclass
Yeah. There are too many DnD bards and EDP445s in the writing team.
@@Thunderblock7889 I think what gets me the most is how the only way they find to change the course of a plotline is to have someone talk to someone else about feelings and that's it
I super agree.
The audiobook for Before the Storm was a good listen and my first foray into WoW's novels which I now enjoy.
Many thanks to you for covering this story Platinum~ ❤
Did they change the story of the gathering? I read that book and all I remember is Sylvanas panicking when she realized who that was, and when she saw a few forsaken considering switching for entirely unrelated reasons. I don’t remember Calia making some grand call for them all to defect. Is that a new retcon?
Platinum has a tendency to get some crucial things wrong. For example in his video about Lei Shen he said that Lei Shen overpowered Ra-Den and then took the stored power of Aman`Thul, when it was the other way around.
He didn't get it wrong, but there's some context left out: some Forsaken approached Calia and low-key asked for her protection before trying to sneakily make their way to the Alliance camp. Seeing more and more leave and putting two and two together, Calia was spurred by the moment of being considered a leader figure, stepped up and loudly declared she would protect and lead the defectors into the Alliance. Sylvanas responded by killing only Forsaken defectors and an officially non-Alliance member who incited it, thus not giving the Alliance a true cause to intervene.
@@aureliodeprimus8018 He does indeed get things wrong now and then, but what exactly about your example was inaccurate..?
@@mokarokas-1727He confused the order of events. Lei Shen took the power first and then overpowered Ra-Den. Platinum told it was the other way around. Not sure, if it was for the sake of the crowbar joke or a genuine mistake, but it makes a bit more sense that you first get immensely powerful before overthrowing your god.^^
@@aureliodeprimus8018 True! lol
Both of those things happened in the same short event, so I didn't really notice which part should come first there. Good eye/ear!
Gotta admire the guy for not mentionning those serious honkers, I mean a real set of badonkers, packin' some dobonhonkeros...
I literally exclaimed "who even" during that alliance quest to take back undercity
Calia should have been introduced much earlier in-game, and events like "The Gathering" should have been ingame playable events, so that everyone who only play the game could experience it. I didn't even knew she was already around in Legion. And now she's a major character for the Forsaken. 10:33 I'm also looking forward to this video. The defanging of the faction war in WoW is very obvious now and I'm really curious how other players view this. Legion was a perfect mix between the Horde and Alliance banding together, while still having a faction war if you ask me. Sylvanas vs Greymane in Stormheim for example.
Classic for me had the perfect balance.
The factions had just overpowered a world-ending threat, still they had reasonable localised frictions and a difficult long story of hatred (orcs vs alliane) or fresh wounds (nelves vs orcs) keeping them on their nerves.
It was not the main theme of the game, but it added flavour and it made sense.
Right now it seems nonsensical to just go "free hugs" mode, after the events in BFA.
@@francescoporcari8597 hello classic andy
@@dimvots6729 morning, person wothout a personal take on the topic who prefers to attach labels not having an argument to propose.
That Apothacary Deathspew part got me. :)
If she had this glowy but spooky light aura around her, lit us at random moments and you can see her skull, a corpse thin body, you know, *looked* actually dead, then she would stick out less than if Xal'atath somehow got herself in the middle of the Army of Light.
No way the Jailer did all this, thats crazy!
Awesome video as aways! Thanks for the good work! Greetings from Brazil!!
i loooove these retellings. thank you.
Calia was actually first introduced in Northrend. In Howling Fjord she is on the balcony in the inn in disguise
God I miss Garrosh. He never would've allowed such disgusting behavior, cringey losers, or this "friendship"
Willing to bet that "lowly footman" was a Redpath.
That's interesting and tragic tho
Hope not... Since the redpath family lives in statholme before moving to darrowshire....
"The one are evil undead zombies" and other is Scourge 😂
Calia: I don't want the Throne of Lordaeron.
Also Calia in Before the Storm. "In this novel, Calia asks Anduin if he would support her claim to the throne of Lordaeron. When she can see the question troubles him, she quickly assures him that she has no interest in the throne.
Suddenly her expression grew thoughtful, and she searched his eyes. “Would you be among them, Anduin? Is that why you ask? Would the king of Stormwind make war on the Horde, scour the Undercity, to grant the *queen* of *Lordaeron* her empty kingdom?”
The throne was hers by every right. Yet was it worth war should she express a desire to claim it? She saw the struggle on his face and put a hand on his.
“I understand. Don’t worry. Those who currently inhabit Lordaeron lived there in life. The Forsaken are the true heirs. It belongs to them now. The best I can do for those whom I would have ruled is exactly what I’m doing. I’ve found peace and a calling where I can really matter. That’s more important than a bloodied crown."
Nothing sus here.
Large parts of stormwind have lordaeron refugees/immigrants. Wouldn't surprise me if like 20% of stormwind is from lordaeron. Many fled to stormwind just like stormwind had done in past, their are also the scarlet people, and the citizens that were left in lordaeron such as southshore that have either gone into hiding, fled to stormwinds safety either in stromgarde or stormwind proper, or trying to hold on to some small bit of land in lordaeron, such as hearthglen. Remember lordaeron is huge, it's borders are all of silver pine except a bit of bottom that is gilneas, east/west plaguelands/hillsbrad foothills, and tirisfal, oh and the scarlet enclave, where you start as a death knight. It is as large or larger than stormwind proper, with them retaking stromgarde, stormwind is probably bigger, but I think stromgarde is just a vassal to stormwind now at least practically.
Point is alliance has a lot of people with claims to lordaeron, and many who lived there still alive.
Light infused undead? Bruh.
yeah. blizzard do whatever blizzard can to instil strong independent boss can do no wrong women in their games.
@@dendriengiven how many times you commented this same thing over and over again you do have a problem with female characters in wow lol. stop being a snowflak, no one forces you to play the game
At this rate just don't think about the actual lore of the game
facts doesnt care about your feelings. and i will keep on commenting this over and over again. especially when youre around @@h3avenscent
To be fair resurrection has been a spell since at least warcraft 3.
All this "undead infused with light magic" remember me Eberron, where undead with "good" necromancy exists
Being a huge fan of Lillian Voss, I always wanted her to lead should something ever happen to the Banshee Queen. I guess her being on a council is close enough. But yeah, Lillian is easily the far more interesting character and I'm a lil salty she was forgotten for a while. So much potential, you know?
Im not a fan of Lillian, BUT i do consider her A LOT more interesting than anime character Calia. I mean Lillian has backstory,she is cool and her story arc was very well done. In the other hand we have Calia, who from the day 1 she is breaking the lore and the rules of the word. An undean infuse with the LIGHT???? Who come with this stupid anime/fan fiction idea?? She has 0 carisma, she is the classic goodie two-shoes who want everything and everyone to love each other, she was never tainted or make ANY bad decision, she is just GOOD and like Platinum said, she was practically force into the story for gameplay reasons and the worse part is, every time she is on screen she is trying to outshine Lillian in every way, making her practically a sidekick to Calia.....So yeah its not a surprise many people already hate her. But you know WE NEED and its MANDATORY to have strong females woman in game so yeah....you know.
@@TN_Nadaclos lillian's story is NOT well done??? first time we see her in the starting zone, she resents everything about being undead until she gets betrayed by her father. Even then, she doesn't accept her undeath, she just hates the scarlet crusade.
Next time we see her isnt until revamped scarlet monastery and Scholomance where she just kills some dudes and undead for no real reason.
then suddenly in legion shes acting as this big leader for the forsaken??? like huh??? her whole arc of accepting undeath was completely gutted and we just pretend like she actually got it.
...Why didn't they just make Voss the leader for the Forsaken actually? Like I'm still trying to figure this out.
Becasue she has 3 quests to her name before Legion and even less claim that Calia, she isnt even sworn Forsaken.
The who?
11:08 You had me at Calia Menethil roundhouse kicking a door down.
At last some insight for that interesting figure in the background! sadly not much of this insight it seems, but i am happy of what i learned today.
I love how Blizzard just says: Hey, this is Calia Menethil, you know, the older sister of the Lich King, why she wasn't the heir to the throne? Who cares. Why she wasn't introduced earlier? Dunno, don't care. Why she wasn't more relevant in Shadowlands when the agent of the Jailer was literally her own blood? Are you stupid, or what?
The reason she wasn't heir is simple, genealogy rules. Many cultures emphasize the male children, and Arthas is male. As for the rest... yeah
she wasn't the heir because blizzard used to have balls and actually try to keep their stories realistic to the setting so ofc a woman wouldn't have been next in line to the throne.
@@DaWoWzer To be fair, males and females were established to officially be completely equal in Azeroth as early as the launch of WoW itself. There are obviously exceptions in some cultures, but it's implied to at least be the case for the Horde and Alliance.
She wasn't the heir because Lordaeron is a patriarchal monarchy. The eldest son is always the heir, unless there are no sons. If there are no sons, then the eldest daughter gets to be the heir. Calia is only the heir now because Arthas is dead.
@@mokarokas-1727wow came after warcraft
Ok, this idea is going to sound absolutely insane, but i know one way that would get more people on Calia's side.
Have her become a lich and start allowing her people to study necromancy in hopes of replenishing their ranks now that they don't have any Valkyr anymore. This way she shows how far she is willing to go for the prosperity of her people, and will make future interactions with her former friends VERY DRAMATIC when she shows up looking like a light infused lady Deathwhisper.
Being infused with a magic school significantly changing your looks is a staple of warcraft. Trolls hanging around the well eternity turned them into elves, elves tapping into fel gave satyrs and felblood elves, also elves tapping into death magic gave vampires, orcs changed colour twice based on how much fel they had and even grew horns and tusks if they had too much, Illidan and Malfurion had horns, hooves, claws and wings. Why is everyone triggered when the only known undead infused by a light is slightly less decayed and hot?
I'll be honest, I got nothing against faction warfare mattering a lot less in the story. I think it's ok for forsaken and worgen potentially getting along, I just wanna see the journey to get there. I wanna see the politics and the reactions of the common people. The Worgen accepting the help of the forsaken is pretty damn wild after all. Like, this could've been the forsaken sending weapons along with the player character as an emissary rather than actual forces.
Excellent Video Plat ^^ I actually didn't know much details of Calia aside from the forsaken reclamation quest in SL!
Calia is the equivalent of me being gay for 2 minutes before leading the entire LGBTQ community.
HA good one!
@@veritusahriman9720LGBTQ BLIAH
I was gay and genderfluid. Living my life while dating someone who was trans. I was an avid supporter of the LGBT. I thought I was born this way, I thought it was the right way and that everyone else was wrong.
I was like this for awhile until God came into my life. I was a heavy drinker and I started getting panic attacks while I was drunk. I stopped drinking and I got really scared when the attacks began happening while I was sober. It was agony, every day trying to fend off this mind consuming anxiety and I couldn't figure out why. I thought I was going to a spiritual "awakening" ascending to a higher elevation of "life". But in reality, I was dying. Slowly and painfully because of my sin.
One night I got this weird feeling that washed over me. It was like my body started fading away but my mind was alert. I went to go lay down on the bed and I remember staring up at the ceiling.i remember knowing in my mind that if I go to sleep tonight, I'm going to die.
But the scariest part is that I KNEW, in my mind I just knew that I was going to go to the lake of fire.
After that I cried out to the Lord to forgive me, I started reading the Bible and walking in the Lord's laws and commandments. Doing Sabbath, not lying (I lied all the time), trying to be good and do good for God and the world! A year and some months later I've never been happier.
I feel good being a woman, I feel secure and confident knowing I am a woman and accepting. I feel good not having that lustful spirit of sodomy in my mind all the time, it feels good to be alive and no longer experiencing any panic attacks. The Lord changed me, and I can never be more grateful.
I pray that anyone who might be LGBT, whether you've come here to debate people or to simply observe. I KNOW how you feel, that insecurity of never feeling right in your own body. Never feeling happy with your appearance, and feeling consumed with loving the same gender. I know it's hard, overwhelming, and very toxic. But there IS a way out. Repent now while you still can. The Lord is coming back soon, whether you believe it or not and he will not be merciful to any of the wicked.
You CAN change, you were not BORN this way. Don't listen to the lies and sweet delusions of this community, listen to what your own body is telling you, and what God tells you.
Follow the Lord's laws and commandments, again, while you still can. Turn away from this wicked society and the deep rooted paganism they try to make us to follow (holidays, Sunday Worship) find God and live!!! Forever not just the 80-90 years we get. I love you all and if you read this, thank you and bless you for listening at all. I pray for peace on your households and strength as you walk through this valley of the shadow of death.
In Jesus' name!
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 (KJV) Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
(Exodus 20:1-17 for the commandments)
I pray to god you shut up @@-t96
@@-t96 God uses bots lol
The problem with the forsaken is that their actual story ended after wrath of the lich king. With Arthas dead they genuinely didn't have a reason to continue other than maybe finishing off the Scarlet Crusade. I mean Sylvannas attempted to kill herself. The story with the Jailer was technically set up when Sylvannas saw herself in hell with Arthas. The HUGE issue was that was NEVER explained to us once in the course of 11 years building up to the jailer until he was already in the game lmfao. Shadowlands could've worked out if it was actually planned out. Think about the Forsaken in Cataclysm. Sylvannas uses her new banshees (that are tied to her soul) to start raising new forsaken similar to the Lich King. Why does she do this? Why does she need to continue her species? What goals does she have for the forsaken? Why does she need to take/destroy Gilneas? If we had known in Cataclysm that she had ulterior motives about building an army for the Jailer then it would've made sense. Not only that, but it would've made Garrosh's untrust and anger with Sylvannas be a LOT more justified.
Ultimately it's all over at this point and I think the Forsaken have genuinely been directionless since Wrath. While Calia's goals and directives directly contradict what the forsaken were for 14 years, I think more character moments between Calia and the other Forsaken could be used to bridge the gap. I think what WoW is missing more than anything else is smaller character moments between the faction leaders and their factions. Literally just a few lines of dialogue would go an extremely long way.
Yeah it's so sad, it never even made too much sense for Forsakens to be a playable race and them joining Horde. This storyline needed extra attention but instead their lore got even more problematic and weirder with every expansion and then Sylvanas got absolutely destroyed by bad writting. And now on top of that the new "leader" is light infused undead.
@@Elorius they should have kept the ogres and not replace them with Undeads.
Sylvanas has a big monologue in Silverpine Forest where she explains exactly why the Forsaken still exist after the fall of Arthas. They still want to live. They still want to defend Lordaeron from the Alliance. That is why she invades Gilneas, the Forsaken's numbers were reduced by the Northrend campaign and they need more corpses to repopulate. Of course it's morally questionable for Sylvanas to turn disloyal Gilneans into Forsaken against their will, which is why Garrosh calls her out on it. They were actually doing something interesting with the Forsaken in Cataclysm, and it continues in Legion with Sylvanas trying to get more Val'kyr for the Forsaken. But then they dropped it in BfA and Shadowlands for the stupid, "she was working for the Jailer all along" plotline, which was way less interesting.
The problem with the forseken is that Denuser cant write shit.
@@dimvots6729 nah I agree with the OP. They haven't been provided a role, a goal since wotlk.
I love WoW dragging obscure stories out of legion class halls and making them a theme for an expansion by applying copious amount of what looks like chatgpt.
xalatath was just an artifact weapon. now she is the big baddie more so than jailer of nipples.
I'm glad you're still doing warcraft lore even with the 2nd channel
"Sylvanas wasnt mental, yet"
*slaughters own citizens wholesale*
You forgot Calias blossoming relationship with Derek Proudmoore.
They're literally a parallel to Sylvanas and Nathanos...like, Blizz, could you make it any more obvious? They even have the titles and
Which is so creepy considering she is a mother and wife
So she is cheating on her husband.
@@huntertezz with a guy who died before she was probably even born
@Geraldo_Rivian 😯🤯
"As a light-infused undead."
Uh...did the writers forget Resurrection is a Light-based ability??? 😂😂😂
Good story telling...lore I didn't know... for the casual player this video helps to let us in on the back story. Good job!
Danuser's 2nd body pillow
Legend has it Metzen showed up to Danuser’s house personally and repeatedly gave him mushroom bruises until he got his meathooks out of his baby, a.k.a. the Warcraft lore.
All I wanna know is where the hell is my Undead Paladin...
Saints and sinners lying broken
And all the world has fallen in my head
Graves and pyres still are blazing
Alive or undead
Storms have gone and rain has fallen
And all our wildest prayers have been said
We will wait and we will guard you
Alive or undead
Worlds have come and worlds have fallen
And after all the nights and blood we shed
Still we bleed and we're undying
Alive or undead
We fell to dust and arose from the graves
Ignored the signs of the end
We dared to run with the wildest of wolves here we stand
In rise and fall
Praised the cross so many years
The icon called
Fought the sin and tears, father
In those who are wild at heart believe
Alive or undead
Arthas’ older goody two shoes sister. The end
Always enjoy your comical way of telling wow lore. Please never stop, lol
War of the boobs : Sylvanas vs Calia.
Calia's trash, despite, not because of, her bewbs.
Calia wins no diff
Smola booba Reigns Supreme
ahahha the end part and the under desk puppet display. love it
Thing is, I think we could have cross faction cooperation AND PvP and Faction with a few simple changes. All They could have skirmishes between hardliners in both the Alliance and Horde having battles without the factions at large knowing. They've done with before with Ashran of course. A massive battle on an island in Draenor and apparently Varian nor Vol'jin knew their own soldiers were being sent to a meat grinder.
Too add on that, they could work in story too. Instead of having Team Rock-I mean the Scarlet Crusade take over Gilneas, what if it was a band of Forsaken still loyal to Sylvanas? Believing Gilneas to be theirs and Calia is making the Forsaken weak by giving up Forsaken lands to literal dogs? Give Genn a reason to mistrust the Forsaken who took his son away from him. Like how Baine mistrusted the centaur in Dragonflight.
The problem with modern WoW is the tension is gone. The drama and suspense between the Alliance and Horde? All gone. I don't think we need more war between the two factions, I like idea of being able to work with the other factions for guilds, raids and dungeons. But there still should be tension, anger and mistrust between the two. There should be forces within both factions that are bitter, angry and hateful towards the other due to war crimes or defeats at the hands of the enemy. Another character that acts like Daelin Proudmore to stir the pot for PvP reasons and give people a choice. Do you forgive and forget for the good of Azeroth? Or are some war crimes so unforgivable they must be answered and paid for with blood? THAT is what makes Warcraft what it is.
Glad to see you still doing WOW video.
I dislike how all the horrid things the horde has done is just forgotten by the writers. Like the orcs murdered and raped most of stormwind like 30 years ago in in-game time and no one remembers that. The forsaken were raising new undead in the same way the lich king did and plague bombed gilneas but that is just swept under the rug. Why was the scarlet crusade in gilneas anyway? How did they get there?
The alliance should really stop acting like Chamberlain.
1) We have had three whole ass expansions dedicated to holding the Horde leadership accountable for war crimes wtf are you talking about? When do we get the expansion where we finally deal with that time Jaina started Hitlering her own Elven allies over her Horde hate boner? 2) The orcs that did that were literally controlled by the Legion. 3) Sylvanas* raised new undead the same way the Lich King did, Sylvanas may have been their leader, but she isn't every single Forsaken.
yes! make that video talking about issues with cross faction gameplay affecting stuff. im all in about both factions playing with each other in all aspects of gameplay but interesting to hear about the consequences
Necromancy being labeled as basically resurrection and usable under any magic force is one of the dumbest things from Shadowlands and it was obviously trying to make people force to accept Calia by having it from the big boss of liches and expert in necromancy in Maldraxxus.
Totally agreed. My canon is the Primus told a white lie out of charity for Calia. He's not unfailable, is he? At the end of the day that's just his opinion.
@@francescoporcari8597 also nevermind the going to the cosmic plane of death to discuss the finer points of OTHER cosmically aligned forces manipulating the dead and dying... hell they might have just bene like "wtf this light being think they're doing.... just get rid of them. But be respectful cause the people who just went through beating Denathrius back them!"
I can’t wait for blizzard to make the forsaken get along with the scarlet crusade because oops they got pranked too
8:32 The player as a T-Pose is never getting old :D
haha :D T-powah
thats not a t-pose tho
The peace between both factions has always felt a needed thing to happen in the story at some point and after all that has happened in recent expansion it's probably for the best.
I have questions about the Light Infused Undead thing.
1. I was under the impression that the Undead were not fans of the Light. It caused pain and temporary restored their senses of smell and taste, so they would smell and taste their own rotting corpse. Is she in a state of constant suffering?
2. What is the process that created her? Can it be used on others? Can it be used to "Upgrade" and restore the Undead? What are the limitations?
3. The most obvious. Why? Why raise her as Undead? Why not a full resurrection? I know why Blizzard did it, but not the characters.
4. Who else are the going to taise as Light Infused Undead? Who else is coming back? Anduen's dad? Arthis? If not, why not?
5. Can she be brought back fully to life now? Or is she stuck as Undead?
1. Current day wow team probably ignores/doesn't know about that fact because it's a little too "hardcore" for their family friendly medieval war game
2. It is most likely a one-off thing they invented so the leader of the undead faction is "technically" not alive.
3. See point above
4. nobody
5. no
@@Cedtim 3. Again, I know why Blizzard did it.
4. Then why bring back Arthuis's soul?
The Scarlet brotherhood/Crusade about to bring out Calia's daughter to Lordaeron to fuck everything up: :D
I will say this:I think WoW has run long enough for the Horde-Alliance conflict to have potentially run its course. We've seen several incarnations of it through almost every expansion, and honestly I don't mind that the game and its narrative transitions into a place where this conflict is no longer at the forefront. HOWEVER, this "de-escalation" will and should take time. Several of the racial factions have very strong conflicts, like the Worgen and the Forsaken, for example, or the Orcs and Night Elves. Others arguably have a fairly good chance at starting off on good terms (Blood Elves and Dwarves don't have very deep conflicts despite being neighbors, for example).
10:40 I mean saying it 'defangs the factions for gameplay reasons' is kind of silly because like...we've been at war for over a decade. It's more like story development.
6:40 And that is just stupid. The lore was already damaged but... Light infused undead ? Why not just bring her back to life like light usualy do ? What a stupid scenario
6:06 --- She also did this because she didnt want rumors and unrest to spread in Undercity. Like, an amicable event between Forsaken and humans? Nah. Also, she let the Forsaken live that left the gathering prematurely, those that were rejected by their living kin and understandably bitter about it.
And Calia married that "lowly footsoldier" in secret after it was already more or less established that Arthas would at some point marry Jaina - which would've happened but then there was that business with poisoned grain and zombies...
9:34 --- I'd like to point out, that guy hanging from the gallows... yes, thats in Tirisfal but also... that's near the Scarlet Monastery ^^°
10:00 --- According to the book, it was Calia's own decision to not return in full, not as a living person as usual, but as an undead. There is of course speculation that that's bs and that she's now a mindcontrolled zombie of the Light but sofar it seems she just a normal person - "normal" by WoW-standards that is...
10:47 --- Imo, the faction war has overstayed its welcome for over a decade now. Its a good thing they finally move on from that. But yeah, agreed, they need to finally tell their stories in game - but we've been saying this for years soooo... I dont see that happen... ever...
I Hate World of Warcraft.
What you just described is basically all of 2024 Hollywood movies plots. Yassss queen slaaaay
Still a better Queen than Sylvannas Offrunner.
That undead Elf Nuclear Karen.
She was mentioned in Arthas Rise of the Lich King book but yea too bad she was kept irelevant for so long
All they need is make her gay and it will be complete role model of blizz female character.
@@LawfulBasedThat is one of the best descriptions I have heard of that giant (unfriendly term) of a "Queen" so far.
5:31 right at this moment I was drinking, I choked so badly and dropped my phone and had to laugh for a good minute, my god this was such a gold moment.
Hard to tell if Steve Danuser's Nathanos self insert was worse than Christie Golden's self insert.
“Why does she look like that?”
Because we needed her large curvaceous character growth
0:57-To be fair, 16 year old Princes and Princesses as well as nobles are considered adults back in Medieval Times. A lot of 16 year old Princesses, some of them even younger such as 14 or even 12, were married off to Princes, Dukes Kings, Emperors, Sultans, Caliphs, Emirates, Khans, Shoguns, Tzars, Counts, Barons, Margraves, Marquis, Viscounts, Chiefs, Pharaohs and even Regent Lords, some of them who are way older than them like say 28 or 31. The 16 year old Princes on the other hand either marry a Princess or the daughter of a noble who are either the same age or probably 2 or 3 years younger than them. Some Princes marry a woman possible older than them.
Nice recap, thanks !
Also I'm Alliance to the core and I totally agree that we need the scene with DeathSpew ! :D
Ooookay, so a character pulled out of somebody's rear end on the fly with little to no lore established in game, but only developed in random external content that only a very small % of players even read. I'm getting echoes of the mistake that was Meh'dan from this...
you should hear about how they started WoD in warcrimes....
I watched a lot of your videos and now subscribed because the piece of paper told me to
As a lifelong forsaken player, Calia is not welcome. We have so many undead npcs that fought alongside us since the beginning, Calia is shoehorned down our throats. (Belmont & Faranell are my favorites)
Blizzard try not to ruin WoW lore challenge impossible.
Belmont and/or Faranell for President!!
@@Thunderblock7889why are you still here if it's so bad?
calia legit makes me not want to play an undead, i hate her with every atom of my body
She's undead mommy No. 2.
Basically a requirement for any leader of the undead, which I ain’t complaining about tbh
Mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry
More👏 undead👏mommy👏father figures!!
the new plague industrial complex runs on simpery.
Who's 1?
The fart sound effect was on point when Calia was risen. The light-undead thing was extremely contrived and out of nowhere in the book, and the possibility wasn't even hinted at before it... just happened, against all we knew of necromancy before that.
That's funny, Platinum. Can't wait for the real video later this month about the full story of Lilian Voss!
It's like listening to how someone plans to insert thier own original character into the lore. Also it's crazy how wildly they started pushing Sylvanas to be more and more of a villain since cata, so disappointed in how it played out.
I really don't approve of this move towards vague councils. The alliance still has very rigid and easily recognizable faction leaders, while the Horde doesn't even have a warchief anymore. When Vol'jin died, they made Rokhan the leader of the Darkspear. Few people knew about him back then, but he has since gained my interest for his role in BfA and thanks to him the Darkspear have an actual tangible leader instead of a council which actually means nothing in game.
It is more that most people forgot about him. He was a prominent figure in the WC3 campaign, but didn`t show up until WoD.
They are not able to write charismatic leader anymore in the game.
The fact is the world (Azeroth not WoW Universe) does not feel threatening anymore.
In classic, TBC, wotlk, Cata, you felt the danger outside the walls of the towns. It was scary out there.
The Legion was defeated but the remnants or okder enemies were a threat. Even the centaurs or the Gnoll were a threat.
The Horde and the Alliance were recovering, the world in ruin, and the factions were like associations of survivors. The fight revolved around resources.
Now there's no more war, there's no need for a council. Yes teldrassil has been burnt down and undercity is not available, but it will soon return available, and the nelves got a new bland characterless capital.
@@francescoporcari8597 That's because they powercrept the player so hard over the years (as expansions went by, each one giving the player's character another supreme mcguffin to defeat the big bad with...). Blizzard should've kept the story focused around NPCs, and have NPC's actions move the story forward. The problem with WoW's story has been putting the player as the protagonist of the events, instead of us being a side-character in Thrall's/Jaina's/Anduin's stories. Makes it helluva lot easier to write around NPC power levels than the player. Why should the Kobolds around Goldshire be scary at all when we once wielded the freaking Ashbringer?
@@mbazoka absolutely agreed
She could have been so much more interesting as the new leader of the scarlet crusade. The weakness of wow storytelling grinds on me. The thing that made the scarlet crusade "insane" and "bad" was the influence of demons in its upper ranks. Those demons have been dead and gone for years and calia menethil trying to reclaim her crown by force with the crusade would have been beyond bad ass.
Calia was mentioned in a few books in passing. Considering she was a side character in the plots. That being the 2nd war and Arthas storyline mainly.
Now she replaced the original undead “waifu”, that being Sylvannas. May she continue pushing the lines of being a necro and a normal person. That her predecessor did 😂.
Calia's destiny is a head on a spike on Lordaeron's walls.
@@heathmcrigsby I wouldn’t be surprised if she has certain content of her on certain websites, like her predecessor 😂. Especially since she has a unique model to the face.
@@heathmcrigsbyOnly in you dream.
i want your source for any time calia is mentioned pre BFA
@@Jackson110010 obviously first time in game, as literally mentioned in the video. She first appeared in Legion. Also I am pretty sure if go on WoW wiki, it will literally list all the books she is mentioned in. Given most of the books are literally 10+ years old.
Which makes sense why most people aren’t familiar with her before Legion. Who only follow the in-game storyline. Which is partly Blizzard fault for leaving important plot points out. But like I said most of her lore pre-legion is in old books and it’s pretty scarce at that.
They should had made Lilian Voss the leader of the Forsaken, her story in Cata was great, she at first not accepting her fate and then becoming one of the best Forsaken Assassins was great, they should had focus on her and have more stories with her rising among the Forsaken, then she would lead a group of undead rebels against Silvana during the Battle at the Gates of Orgrimmar, and then take the title of "Dark Lady"
Had to look her up. The book came out in 2018 around the time of battle for azeroth and nearly a decade after arthas dies in wotlk. She wasn't added to the game until shadowlands, which is when blizzard really started churning out the worst writing and subverting the game and the lore with political activism.
"sacrifices lore for gameplay reasons" you're not wrong, but I have to ask: lorewise, why are the forsaken even still with the horde? Why are blood elves? I'm not saying they immediately join up with the alliance but it seems like they have zero reason. They've been kept as a faction, ironically, for gameplay reasons.
Don't even get me STARTED on the nightborn
lol, that ending is hilarious. I think Calia has potential, depending how they continue her story. With her unique look, and even Kalecgos's new look, I hope that eventually opens the doors to new playable characters and models. Also, I hope that leads to a refresh of Arator's look, since he is mixed human & elf. He is the one that needs a new look. I don't mind some stories being told only in books, but it should be companion stuff, not major stuff that happens off screen from WOW, like Calia's transformation into a light-bound undead.
Any potential is already tainted by WHO she is. Her whole been is a middle finger to the already well stablished lore.
1) Undead, but not really, also infuse with the light?? WTH!! How??? Why??? XD
2) Arthas sister....yeah right.
3) She has never doing anything in her living life, but not she is so important to be leadder of the Forsaken.....What? Why?
As you can see she already is a Mary Sue and you know how much we love Med'an.
@@TN_Nadaclos I wouldn't call the lore well established, as since the beginning of WOW from the RTS, things have been retconned and changed. The known universe has been changed as well, as the denizens of Azeroth have learned more about it. She is a leader of the Forsaken, but not the only leader. I think her story has potential, so I hope it is told properly. Hopefully they don't retcon her mystery husband or child either. It would be fascinating to explore that as well as any lasting regrets she may have had. Although stuff like that will probably be told in the companion novels. I doubt we will see anything worthwhile in-game, especially since many don't like her already. Time will tell.
When they Gileanas really no reason for horde to be there. They should did the thing where they disguised us a worgens.
Warcraft's Story has become "quite a thing", hasn't it?
Gilneas overtaken by the Scarlet Crusade? Oh, come on. Of course.
I am not up to date with Warcraft Lore since dropping out of Legion but oh wow that last bit is honestly just what is going in Starcraft as well. Terrans, Protoss and Zerg are trying to work out peace but Abathur has lol nope moment which ends with lots of people dying him just being arrested by Zagara and that is it.