Correction! Wisp can be obtained only AFTER beating chimera prologue, apologies! Trinity can be earned earlier however the ambulas farm itself is quite long compared to the ropalolyst. Hey everyone! Hope you all enjoy this weeks upload, Trinity! Be sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more! Your support is greatly appreciated
I was away from Warframe for 2 years till recently. I was wondering why Trin suddenly just dosnt get it done anymore. This answers that question. I now see why she just cannot do Steel Path.
I hope u bring up the "heat inheritance" mechanic/strategy/exploit(?), where the first heat proc a enemy receives will pass forward to all next heat procs all pf its elemental buffs and 1 layer of faccional buff (for instance, if my epitaph has primed heated charge + prime bane, its heat proc will have a dmg buff from the heat mod (+165%) and 2 multiplicative from faccional (+55% +55%). Then if other source inflict a heat proc that proc too will use the +165% bonus from elemental mod + 1 layer of the faccional +55% bonus. Which may quadruple Ember's heat proc dmg. Aznvasions covers that on his Ember or Hildryn video IIRC. Personally I don't thinl that's really a bug given how the wiki mentions the way heat procs dmg stack "Repeated application of  Heat procs do not stack tick damage in the same way other damage over time (DoT) status effects like  Toxin,  Electricity, or  Slash do. Instead, a  Heat proc both adds a stack and refreshes the duration of all currently active heat stacks on the target. This allows for ramping up  Heat tick damage indefinitely (scaling up linearly) as long as heat status is kept refreshed within the 6 second effect duration (modified by Status Duration). Additionally, all  Heat status stacks are automatically consolidated into one tick of damage per second, with new heat procs refreshing and further adding to this tick damage."
Wisp is a cancer to farm , I used to have what 10 of the aame part while last part not droping. Also I was used to play with 4gb ram so boss fight was 14 fps for me.
She will forever be my eidolon huntress❤️ Idk why I feel comfortable with soloing eidolon hunts using her. I can do 3x3 in one night solo. I just feel a connection with her, unlike volt or chroma
Man, i really miss raids, only game mode where you had to actually to teamwork and coordinate stuff, now warframe is just spamming AOE and shield gate abuse.
@@cladoselache8766 same, for pubs i enjoy harrow the most but solo, trin feels so smooth and relaxing to play. Recently got and tried volt as well, didn‘t enjoy at all. No longer need to hunt but if i ever go for it again, it‘ll be trin and nothing else 😂
@@AmalgamJiena Same, it's only just recently that wisp overtook Trinity in play time. I still miss giving the squad 99.9% damage reduction for the whole mission though.
Two things I had wished you talked about a bit-- 1. Her EV used to be to everyone in range but got nerfed to line of sight in update 15. 2. Her ult used to be global. Every ally in the level used to get her blessing, until they nerfed that to a nearly impossible to change affinity range cap. As a veteran trinity main, I feel she had the greatest fall from grace as a meta frame. She went from being in every pod of tenno to almost never seen beyond eidolon missions, and even then now it seems rare. I'd like to discuss her abilities more-- Passive: The day she got the passive I felt they were being lazy with it. All the other frames got things that had thought put into it-- mag getting a vacuum on bullet jump, ember getting energy while burning... Trinity got a passive that, assuming you're doing your job correctly, will never ever come into play. Her kit was always about keeping your allies in the fight, and yeah having something at the time that helped pick up allies was great, but even back then I felt like it was a huge letdown, let alone now when picking up allies is, if not instant, safe with tenno stealth. Her 1 always left much to be desired. However when they 'reworked' it to give an aoe heal over time I feel they only did it bc they needed to give all the other frames at least something when it came to her subsume-- so they gave her a sub par ability so that some frame without some kind of self sufficient heal would have an option (LMAO like they wouldn't already). 2. I agree with what you said on this-- its her bread and butter and always will be. 3. Her link was always nice to have when you needed the extra durability. But with rolling guard, adaptability, and any number of subsumes, arcanes, or tenno abilities, it feels out dated. 4. Her blessing used to be amazing. A full invuln that was global that also healed to max and also hit non-wf allies was amazing. These days it's MAYBE only an extra buffer to everyone else's primary healer, Wisp. Trinity is a top teir solo frame if you're ok constantly casting you 2 and 3. For as much as DE tried to remove the spamframe meta, it's hilarious to think they did nothing to fix one of the worst offenders, simply bc she never really was a damage dealer. I can't even say she's supposed to be an early game support anymore, as she's off in pluto in one of the most annoying boss fights (I hate ambulas, might just be my own bias there). TLDR: she has needed a change for a long time. Her kit is out dated and feels like a ball of bandaids. As a trinity main and vet, my heart aches every time I try to play her, she just doesn't feel satisfying, and hasn't for almost half a decade.
True sis true. I quit the game because i like playing Trinity but shes not that cool anymore, when so much time was spent to get all the builds for her. I still occasionally download the game to run around a bit as Trinity on defense and survival missions and delete when I get bored
Her 1 and 4 basically do the same thing. I dunno why they gave priority to making her 1 a helminths over being useful for Trinity. It's a very bad choice for a game design. And she got nothing in return. A buff to link to make it like the old days, where she would be full invulnerable while lasting longer than 30secs would make playing as Trinity so much less boring. It's hell having to spam 2,3,4 every 15 seconds just to be alive on steel path. While we have Revenant, nehza, hyldrin that just chill and press one button to survive
I'd like to mention the blessing range nerf came at the absolute worst time it could've come, because people really fell in love with running off alone in this period of time, so you'd constantly be chasing 1 person down to buff them and no one else would benefit lmao Nowdays people play more tightly packed but Wisp is a thing, so rip Trin
I've been binging these videos you're putting out & I gotta say, it's given me some great nostalgia. I started warframe around it's release years ago. Stayed on for years after. I haven't picked it up for a while now but it's given me some of the best gaming memories I have. I played with a lot of great people in there & was part of really dope clans when that system came out. I'm tempted to hop back on but kitchen life & my son keeps me pretty busy. Maybe I will one day to show my son what his pops did when he was young haha space ninja adventures
They what? Im sorry but thats the dumbest fucking thing ive ever heard. Even this 50k overguard bs is pissing me off with dante. Why dont we just take enemy guns away next... i mean how tf are we in any danger anymore? Now people dont even have to worry about getting magnetized by acolytes, they will just survive theor own billion damage setups. I am fcking glad i havent had one of these in my groups yet
@@unsubme2157 if you only play in low level content then there's no problem using frames with no immunity or overguard. I personally don't use revenant because he's a boring frame imo. I'm just saying if revenant can have immunity why not also give to Trinity
I think what you're doing here is amazing, shining some light on Warframes history. Personally I started playing around in 2020 so it's interesting to learn about how things in the game worked back then. The editing is high quiality, you have a very nice voice for narraring and it's dynamic whitch keeps it entertaining! ( btw can't wait for a video made on Nezha ) Dunno if another positive comment in the sea of hundreads of others means anything tho >.> High hopes you manage to avoid burnout and keep bringing us amazing documentaries analysing each frames history ! :>
One fun bit of Trinity history: for a period, she was _the_ boss killer (looking back at the update history, it may have been for a whole year or longer? :o). There was a funny interaction with Energy Vampire dealing % damage of a target's health, and Well Of Life at the time multiplying the target's health by 10. If you cast Energy Vampire while the target's health was buffed by Well of Life, the damage ticks would do damage based on that increased health value, even after the Well of Life buff expired. So if you cast Energy Vampire just as Well of Life was expiring, the target would be taking 60% true damage (or whatever the percent was) with _each_ pulse. Good times. Though in the good ol' days you could also just ragdoll bosses off cliffs with a trusty boomerang for an instant kill, so we weren't really wanting for boss killing cheese.
Another problem Trinity had (and maybe still has idk) was that EV didn't work on frames who were channelling an ability. So frames like Valkyr or Excalibur, who burned energy like crazy, didn't really benefit from having Trinity in the squad. This also influenced how Survival/Defence missions were played as the last enemy had to be EV'ed for the squad to be ready for the next wave. I remember a lot of times where I'd just go afk and get a snack bc I was useless until the last minute of the wave
yes, alot of toggle frames still can't get energy from EV, so those frames with toggles just don't really get much use of EV while said toggle ability is in play.
Trinity actually still has a really good build in Vampire Leech. If you're in an organised shield gating squad it's free invulnerability forever. If you're not in a shieldgating squad it seriously buffs everyone's survivability, and even stacks with Citrine's Preserving Shell for very comfy runs with any style of defense, be it shields or health tanks.
Trinity was my main from the day I installed it. I love characters that are hard focused on support and I bought her with plat to be able to play her right away. Link is one of the most interesting abilities in the game and i'm interested to see how the re-introduction of self damage affects her meta. Great vid as always, dude.
Nice to see aweblade4 in this video he might not do Warframe anymore but when it came to the game he made the best guides in the community some haven't aged as the game has evolved but he is a important part of Warframe history
An important note aswell; for a decent while of early Warframe, Energy Vampire restored energy to frames with an active Channel Ability, such as Sound Quake or, the biggest offender, Valkyr. And this was back when Valkyr's energy drain per second didn't scale and nullifiers didn't exist yet, meaning you were functionally immortal in Survival even against Infested if you had a Trinity, as you could shred really high level enemies with your Talons, and if yer pocket battery got downed, you just did some slideattacks to clear the room and revived her, rinse and repeat. The nerf to energy restoration while channeling, from all sources except Energy Orbs, started to limit her usefullness in Survival and even Interception to a much lesser degree, and made her combo less with Valkyr and later Mesa, and more with AoE spam frames like Saryn (negative power duration on Saryn also made her Miasma tick faster instead of less total times back in the day, just like Energy Vampire) to clear 5 waves of defense in under 2 minutes on certain tilesets, and scaling nearly infinitely.
Thanks for this. I started when the prime was free, so mained her and her sniper for quite a while. Traded for it and always kept her duration helmet on.
Stating it off with HiFI rush the Rush soundtrack in the intro? That my dude was slick. Also dayum, she was the highlight for the raids. Didn't know she was that amazing and even though she ain't much popular rn, I think this was interesting to farm her up
The funny thing is Trinity is actually a secret dps. Since her second ability does percentage based damage she can deal absurdly high amounts of damage to enemies. She can even evaporate eximus overguard. Yet practically know one knows just how hard this ability hits since most people focus on the energy gain.
Nope. Those enemies have to hit Trinity. Unfortunately every thing on the map gets one shotted any ways by your squad, so how're they gonna hit you? Either they're dead or cc'd, so useless ability in party play.
@@tonysmith9905 you're thinking of her third ability. I'm referring to vampire Leech or whatever it's name is. The ability that converts enemy health into energy. Also obviously in team play she'd barely get the chance to attack since it's a single target ability, which is why I called her dps not cc. Although on boss targets like Kela de thayne she chunks her health in the first few phases. Trinity also weirdly melts high level corpus since the ability counts shields but only damages health.
Running negative duration+ viral stacks+ ev = enemy dead. But is a slow and boring setup. You will be playing dark souls where the rest of the squad is clearing rooms with aoe weapons
@@grimreaper8575 that is the basic flaw for current day warframe imo. Everything is a room clearing meme machine. Or rather everything that isn't capable of room clearing will be seen as "bad" or "boring" by a vocal part of community (hard to say if minority or majority) Always remember Pablos tweet in response to an inoccuous question that asked if DE could rework Loki to something more befitting current day warframe. Not mentioning DPS or anything the like. He immediatly jumped to the idea that to make Loki work they had to make him a viral aoe slinging frame. Instead of reworking hin as a support or more usable CC frame.
As a Trinity Prime main,I’m no old player and still think she is the best for today. Though I play Trinity then most as I don’t teabag my tm8s with supports all the time. I abuse the sh!t out of Energy Vampire so once I kill the enemy I get half my energy back or all(depending if I have flow). Why bring this up. This goes for other abilities. Replace first ability it is completely irrelevant unlike the rest. I use Valkyr’s Warcry as it slows down enemy’s speed overall as well as speed myself. This is because Trinity’s kit buffs us while debuffing enemies,which is one of the only Warframes that has 2(3 for replaced first) that buff while debuff. Now on to the bread and butter. If you use augment for link,u get 75% DR & 💯% armor strip. The Fourth is everyone’s savior,which’s heals everything besides defense targets. If you have augment u gain Crit buff for precent healed. I’m not entirely sure what it does to enemies besides stun them shortly. So you have Warcry which increases speed for us decreases speed for enemies, Link which increases DR as well as armor strip,A guaranteed healer for both shield and health,and Energy vampire(which just cast and immediately kill to get energy aka what I always do) to spam the living crap out of abilities. In a long survival,the ideal Trinity tm8 will cast at least a 1000 abilities. Trinity shines in Steel Path due to debuffs mentioned and survivability of Trinity. When combined with more support Warframes like Wisp,Citrine,and Octavia,y’all will be the most immortal squad ever as even Revenent can’t heal himself as fast. No offense but Trinity or DE is not the issue. If u call Trinity trash,you simply just have a skill issue. I was a Wukong main when I was a noob,but he was boring so I got Every Prime Warframe(except Excalibur obviously) and found which I like the most. Turns out Nezha,Trinity,Loki,Equinox,Vauban,and Citrine(recent). Turns out all of them are underrated besides the last one which is still yet to be rated. Point is,give Trinity a try again.
Minor correction , Wisp is not easier to obtain compared to Trinity because the boss that drops her is locked behind The Chimera quest, which takes place after The War Within quest that requires the player to reach Sedna post Pluto . Edit : The Chimera quest takes place right after The Sacrifice quest and The Sacrifice quest requires players to complete Chains of Harrow which unlocked after the player has beaten the very last mission on the Void Mot as Host or solo, that node if you ignore Zariman and Kuva Fortress is very last mission node on Star Chart.
@@PetroleumJellyJuggernaut getting to Ropalolyst means completing Sacrifice, and Sacrifice have to fight a squad of Sentients. By that point Ambulas fight becomes trivial.
the problem with the ambulas boss is not that it's hard, but more to do with the forced timegating nature of having to cause you to literally wait 4 or more minutes when it should have simply been just hack x numbers of ambulas as quickly as possible, let the completely unnessesary dropship pickup happen, then mission complete in literally half the time
You're to Warframe what Exil is to League. As someone who was around for the early ish days of both games and then stopped playing for years these history videos are awesome to see the META's i missed
People just need a new perspective of Trinity. If you like Tank/Weapon Platform type frames (e.g. Rhino/Revenant/Inaros/etc..) then you'll LOVE Trinity. She stacks so many DRs on top of each other, she's not dying ever (Link + Blessing + Adaptation.) Unlike Wisp, Trinity has built-in knock-down resistance with Link, for those of us who don't have Primed Sure Footed. Just Helminth off her first ability for a damage buff like Roar, Xata's, Nourish, or whatever, and she can keep up the DPS as well. My personal favorite use for her is any Steel Path mission that requires keeping an objective alive like Excavation, where she can share her tankiness with objectives in ways Frames like Rhino or Nezha can't. She really isn't irrelevant. She just doesn't fit the "support" role the way she once did. And it really wouldn't take much of a change at all to bring her "support" back into the Meta.
Yup! That's how I've been using her lately when I take her out for a spin. She was my first Prime frame due to the Twitch thing and I've always held nostalgia for her ever since. She can still very much do stuff, just different stuff than she used to.
I just wish her duration qas atleast 30 second or so my god does my fingers hurt playing trinity. I think its about time she got a duration buff as other frames like wisp dont even care about duration. Alittle quality of life changes would be appreciated
@@frealsolidusauxil5873 True. You need 300% duration for 30s Blessing and then you need to bump the range back up for Link. I'd also consider bumping the DR cap to 90% since plenty of frames can give others DR boosts as high as that (and Revenant will be able to give Mesmer skin to everyone with an augment that is coming soon) and it's a flipping ultimate ability.
She dose her support role, just old time she more easy to change into dps and is why she be popular now she is for players for who she create, for support who can recast 4 even 10 s ect. And have fun on here So stop spam evrone like that not evry warframes need have big pick rate. Rare players have low pick rate frams just,just stop bcs if you not they see sapam not on this video just evrywher and rework her, turn into one of 90% dps/tanks leave for us 3-4 frames who can be just easy to build on supports way. you have most of them we have 5 of them.
Is it just me or did citrine completely steal trinity's niche? Healing? Citrine. Team wide DR? Citrine. Energy? Citrine. And that's Just her first two abilities and passive. She can still prime enemies for condition overload type mods and crowd control + crit chance buff
I think part of the reason these really good frames went to obscurity is the pace of the game is so fast and so much damage is being dished out that you dont even time to even need to support your group. Unless you have a static that isn't trying to burn through a mission in 10 seconds or less.
@@corpsie1241 But trinity despite receiving some nervs never really changed her kit. You see it with frames like Loki. Once a king in warframe meta he has fallen so far below that he is an afterthought. The meta has moved so far beyond any playstyle that isn't aoe spam that it is hard to justify any variation in playstyle.
Interesting to note: during the raid days where Blessings DR was depended on % HP healed you could actually get 99% DR with a small investment in power strength. That in combination with a very specific glaive/castanas build to get you to exactly 2 HP with Quick Thinking gave her a consistent way to get near invulnerability even after the nerf. This is why you would usually see 2 Trinities in (nightmare) raids, one for Bless and one for EV. Another interesting thing about EV build, before 28.3 Well of Life would increase a targets health and (not sure if this has been changed since) EVs damage is checked on cast and not per dmg tick so you could cast Well of Life on a Target and as it was running out cast EV and deal way more damage than intended. Very useful in extreme endurance missions when combined with equinox to reach damage cap. But this is all music from the past, now she is just a shadow of her former self. Still my favourite Frame though with 1000+ hours in her alone
This video made me kinda sad, considering Trinity was my first main in this game. I started moving away from her when I got tired of just sitting still and pressing 2, which is when I moved to Equinox, then Octavia, and now I'm maining Baruuk. I would still run Trinity on Eidolon hunts (mainly because I was the only one in my group with a fully built one). Love her and would love to see her getting a major overhaul.
im not, sorry but you have a lot frames who are good dps or tanks but what abaut players who like be supports not dps supp just supp and they dont care abaut spam one skill if they main fun is find way to be they most efective on they job
As probably one of the only handful of trinity mains left, it feels nice seeing that I'm not the only one that feels this way about her. She's so close to being great and I hate that the current meta makes her feel mediocre.
You know who else is really niche? Nekros. Can you talk about him? His Desecrate is what he's used for. If people are farming for a resource, they always ask for a nekros and they'll gladly just guard/heal the nekros while they AFK. Even to be useful with supporting or farming at all, he requires mods for Desecrate to be consistent: Despoil and/or equilibrium. The rest of his kit is the same where they aren't particularly good on their own without augments and work against each other with soul punch and terrify pushing enemies away from your shadows. That spreads them out and lowers both his damage and tanking capabilities.
@@ahmadal-said6387 that video just PROVES all of his points, kinda like "the exception that proves the rule", as Aznvasions is using all the tools he can to make Nekros work, and it's a lot of stuff. IT IS A GREAT VIDEO. But just proves the point op said. Personally I would like to wait a full year to a video on Nekros, because unlike Trinity that gets her coffing nailed mode and more with each att, Nekros just receives more and more and more both direct and indirect buffs, and as such the Necromancer rises more and more out of his own grave. But today yes, he is some sort of pain in the ass to make it work, personally i changed Aznvasions' build to a tanky one, using health conversion and Nekros' 4 augment + the new Lua Health Arcane, but such a pain to stack that arcane up, once stacked is kinda ok, but oh boy dying is so frustrating as it resets the stacks of the arcanes
@@tonyoliver2684 I kinda like going the extra mile for a frame that I like . But I totally agree that it is a bit much to make his 4 op . Regardless I think that a simple gloom nekros build is good enough for pretty much everything endurance included .
I'd like to point out that trinity is one of the few frames that can abuse the nerfed mark for death helminth ability. Trins 2 is % based per tic. Meaning, if you proc viral on an enemy (couple stacks) and then cast MfD -> EV then you'll gurrantee nuke everything in MfD range. In 2 abilities. For free. Just by priming. Scales infinitely as it is all % enemy health based.
I just came back to this game after a hiatus since 2015ish (just after the child reveal). Despite everything, the biggest culture shock has been to see my beloved Trinity fall from grace.
I have a dedicated trin loadout. I'm still salty that she's been shafted over the years and will stubbornly use her until they literally remove her from the game.
Remember when trin could clear index with self damage and link? I even still have my castanas riven😂 Yeah i havebt even looked at her once since then. I have alot of benign frame slots.
Back then, how we used to farm high levels was: Defense: - Mesa for damage. - Frost to protect us all. - Trinity - to give energy to Frost & Mesa. - ??? Random leecher. And trinity would just heal us all & give energy to us., wasn't the very early days of warframe, but was at least 7+ years ago, Trinity also ALWAYS joined on stuff like that "8-player" gamemode where you'd do puzzles & kill Vor in the end,. I don't remember the name.
I got my trinity prime from the twitch prime loot, trinity is the reason i started playing Warframe and is still my most played warframe, it brings me nostalgia to play her since she is not that useful nowadays, but I still enjoy bringing her to any mission with the different loadouts i have, she is still my queen
Honestly my favorite frame. I’m nowhere near endgame level (am at mastery 11 or something) but I can use this frame and not die at lvl 100+ missions while using the Nataruk to still somewhat deal damage
Played in 2014-2015 and remembered something about Trinity that allowed for infinite progression and they were responsible for doing the most damage by far. It might have been Energy Vampire or Link or both, there was some silly build where we used two trinities, Rhino and Limbo. Now I have to remember why...all I remember is lasting for hours.
Trinity has been my favorite frame for several years, and there are a few points I would like to bring to light: I agree 100% that her absolute best days are behind her, but she is still a very very good frame. She is one of the few frames that can solo any mission type to a high level. Blessing's damage reduction applies to defense objectives, effectively quadrupling their HP, and operators dashing with maxed madurai compensates for any mobility or stealth shortcomings. Wisp does not benefit from these luxuries quite as much as trnity does due to being significantly less tanky (albeit harder to detect thanks to her excellent passive) and having to regularly redeploy motes (my wisp build stacks buffs to power strength, so it feels awkward to deploy inferior motes while on the move). One thing this video left out is the fact that weapons have also gotten stronger over the years. She doesn't need to have damaging abilities when she can wield abating link and a well-built kuva bramma. There are also a few things that went unmentioned with regard to energy vampire. The true damage from EV is actually multiplied by viral procs. If you cast EV on a target that has been primed with enough viral stacks, it will die instantly. Once upon a time, EV was even stronger when used with well of life on low duration builds. EV used to take a snapshot of the target's health at the time it was cast, and WoL used to multiply a target's health by 10. If you cast EV on a WoL-affected target, and WoL expired before EV did, the next EV pulse would immediately kill the target. This could be done to literally any boss at the time, and even players. Yes, PvP was a thing back then in the form of solar rail conflicts. I could cheese those matches with the WoL+EV combo, killing any player I managed to debuff with both those abilities, winning several games singlehandedly. I made millions of credits doing this, as clans would often pay exorbitant amounts of money to players who fought on their side.
I love Trinity Was trying to make her Fire blast last days but after this video I think that Well of life also might have some use on archon fights due to it’s status resistance
I remember back in the day my friends bringing me to farm Trinity when I told them I would actually like to use her. They then were even more happy to give me certain mods when I wanted to do an energy build. Now while she isnt as useful as before she can be amazing when paired with frames that are focused and just consuming energy with no generation.
one thing to note is we didnt have arcanes but we had helmet adppters switch are still in the game today it will take off one arcane if you to use it like rhinos helmet 20% more movement speed but 15% less str all so like frost helmet arcane witch brings his armor up and str down
Trinity my beloved. I had 2 accounts (pc & xbox) and I farmed her on both accounts and after the account merge I'm still proud to have bith pf them built. I even have the tennogen skin on both platforms 😂
Man, Trin really has taken a backseat in Warframe... all those hours and missions she has kept us alive and filled to use our abilities with energy that was so sparse... thanks for your service best girl 🫡! Also, another note on Trin DPS that wasn't metioned about her EV doing true damage, at one point in time she could one shot enemies that could be affected by well of life because of the damage percentage property of the ability and well of life just boosted the enemy's health x times, if timed correctly it would just one shot the enemy when casting EV right when well of life ended, that was quite fun to pull on bosses! Though I think this was fixed at one point in time not too long after it was discovered, though I could be wrong and I am just bad at pulling it off maybe XD!
Interestingly, as of writing in early 2024, trinity has some new strengths. Since shield gating was changed, her EV augment can functionally keep all allies in range immortal so long as she keeps spamming it. With roar subsumed on her build and a few archon shards, she can do 100% max hp true dmg to any foes, even eximus units with over-guard. These factors make her a pretty great frame to have in the new much higher level content available, and I see trinity regularly getting most dmg on the team due to being able to instakill level 300 eximus units. For anyone curious, 376% power strength is required for roar + EV dmg to break 50% per tick, which is the threshold to kill any target in 1 cast.
Stormbringer - Infected Clip - Galvanized Scope + Aptitude + Chamber - Vital Sense - Primed Shred - Tactical Reload Riven Is - CC CD Status Chance (-Zoom) Primary Frostbite Installed Primer is Epitaph for the arcane
One thing I don’t think you thought about at the time. When Marked for death released trinity became really good aoe nuker. Although it did have some setup and was mainly a meme made by Mr.WarframeGuy and the community. At the time marked for death was 500% of the damage to everyone in x metres. Until DE nerfed it down to 100% and although still good it’s not absurdly good anymore. Was fun while it lasted.
I've played warframe from closed beta upto like 2 years ago , Trinity is my favorite frame. i remember distinctly when the prime came out I really really hate the juggle effect on the armor and was really hoping they got rid of it. there was one Trinity timeline you didn't mention (or maybe i missed it) is the DPS trinity build where DE eventually nerf to the ground. It's basically ruining the damage charts to the end match (where it pointless to read) because you will see like 98% damage from the team comes from Trinity. Its basically when you Well of Life someone it gives HP to traget by like 10x then you EV them where it ticks based HP. by spec in to very low duration, as soon as WoF goes out the final EV tick will insta kill. this scales infinitly so nomattter what level the enemy is it will kill it. you basically one two punch each enemy you see while providing infinite energy. downside of course since you really dont have a functioning Link and Blessing duration you could die very easy, its a fun build where you can kill anyone but you still need to play safe. Eventually it got "fix" nd doesnt work anymore i always though they could have just fix the damage or scaling issue it does and kept it as a form of build that players can choose.
since you mentioned castans glory times, you should also mention how champions blessing trinity right now is a crit monster and arguably FAR more deadly than the old castans build was. she blazes through every content red critting every room to death within seconds. you dont need teammates, all you need is a kavat with the mod to not die, and combat discipline aura. that way you damage yourself, and heal your kavat to easily reach 350% and keep it up.
Trinity is still one of my go to solo frames and feels much better to use than Inaros. With energy regen from EV and Blessing Heal, its just shield gating for days with Brief Respite while abating link strips enemy armor with augment. For now, I subsumed eclipse on her for damage buff. For changes, I hope they remove the enemy limiter on her link similar to what happened with Excal's radial Javelin along with some changes to Blessing like purging all status effects (should be more useful for allies). Oh and you can take advantage of Champion's Blessing by subsuming Mind Control on Trinity and then healing the mind controlled enemy with blessing, thus letting you get the bonus even on solo missions.
Tbh, I still love my Trin prime, she is still stupidly good in pretty much any situation, people use the "She doesnt deal damage", boi with minimal modding she can full armour strip whilst making herself damn near invulnerable AND with a decent weapon she hits just as hard as anyone else
I think her first's augment should be "The healing pulse from shooting the target does damage to enemies in range " This will make her useful in a different way, when things like Saryn exist
You can do tons of damage with her 2 using one of the non Warframe helminth abilities and you basically one shot an enemy with true damage with viral stacks and the immense damage spreads to all enemies nearby it's super fun to play
Trinity... Trinity, I love her meme builds compared using hydroid, her kit feels outdated (1 and sometimes her 4 isn't as viable in defection missions or excavation because the healing was nerfed), but I love when I use her kit (not her 1st ab, I forgot to write this) with the bramma or other weapons, and damm, marked 4 dead is nice, doesn't matter to me if she still unpopular, I'll continue to use her Ty DE for bring the molt arcanes Is curious how through the years she received nerfs and got into the oblivion (almost), I didn't expect the ammount of exploits and cheeseable tricks from the past were funny but "destroyed" the mecanics of the game xd Interesting video
Two things I feel would hepl bring trinity out of her low usability rate would be: --Return of Raids. They were fun when you had a competent squad with you. --Let her be the one and only frame to heal defense objectives. Properly. None of that 500 health every sec for a few seconds bs. The old version. Heck, I used to exclusively run a mixed build trinity on Hydron back before Steel Path for weapon leveling, and keep the def. objective topped up because EVERYONE was leveling on Hydron. It helped keep everyone else topped up to, and any DPS runners there appreciated the EV procs. (i did do EV runs on Berehynia back then, but god was it mind numbing. Only ever did it if a weapon needed 4+ forma and I wanted it done fast.) It genuinely think it would be the one change she could do with that would make her relevant in certain longform missions over the other options. And makes her unique of the other healer types.
Trinity was my main for the entirety of my early tenno career. My goto combo was stun with energy vampire, then snipe them with the vectis prime i got for free (i forgor how i got it)
I kill farmed with trinity and penta amd ogres in 2013-2014, before the first nerf to blessing. Castanas were my go to after the first nerf then sancti castana as soon as the syndicates launched. She would out dps the entire team during the penta days. I had quit playing from 2018 to 2024.
Correction! Wisp can be obtained only AFTER beating chimera prologue, apologies! Trinity can be earned earlier however the ambulas farm itself is quite long compared to the ropalolyst.
Hey everyone! Hope you all enjoy this weeks upload, Trinity! Be sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more! Your support is greatly appreciated
Wisp wasnt easier to get tho. You had to complete the sacrifice just to get to the boss where wisp was locked behind.
I was away from Warframe for 2 years till recently. I was wondering why Trin suddenly just dosnt get it done anymore. This answers that question. I now see why she just cannot do Steel Path.
I hope u bring up the "heat inheritance" mechanic/strategy/exploit(?), where the first heat proc a enemy receives will pass forward to all next heat procs all pf its elemental buffs and 1 layer of faccional buff (for instance, if my epitaph has primed heated charge + prime bane, its heat proc will have a dmg buff from the heat mod (+165%) and 2 multiplicative from faccional (+55% +55%). Then if other source inflict a heat proc that proc too will use the +165% bonus from elemental mod + 1 layer of the faccional +55% bonus. Which may quadruple Ember's heat proc dmg.
Aznvasions covers that on his Ember or Hildryn video IIRC. Personally I don't thinl that's really a bug given how the wiki mentions the way heat procs dmg stack
"Repeated application of  Heat procs do not stack tick damage in the same way other damage over time (DoT) status effects like  Toxin,  Electricity, or  Slash do. Instead, a  Heat proc both adds a stack and refreshes the duration of all currently active heat stacks on the target. This allows for ramping up  Heat tick damage indefinitely (scaling up linearly) as long as heat status is kept refreshed within the 6 second effect duration (modified by Status Duration). Additionally, all  Heat status stacks are automatically consolidated into one tick of damage per second, with new heat procs refreshing and further adding to this tick damage."
Wisp is a cancer to farm , I used to have what 10 of the aame part while last part not droping. Also I was used to play with 4gb ram so boss fight was 14 fps for me.
Raids was the time when she truly shined and didn’t stop until after they were removed and open worlds were brought
She will forever be my eidolon huntress❤️ Idk why I feel comfortable with soloing eidolon hunts using her. I can do 3x3 in one night solo. I just feel a connection with her, unlike volt or chroma
Man, i really miss raids, only game mode where you had to actually to teamwork and coordinate stuff, now warframe is just spamming AOE and shield gate abuse.
@@cladoselache8766 fr it kept the rpg part of the game alive and people would actually sit down for hours just to complete the raids
@@cladoselache8766 because she is the og and was the original meta before the rest when it came to high level content
@@cladoselache8766 same, for pubs i enjoy harrow the most but solo, trin feels so smooth and relaxing to play. Recently got and tried volt as well, didn‘t enjoy at all. No longer need to hunt but if i ever go for it again, it‘ll be trin and nothing else 😂
Ah, trinity, wanted by none but appreciated by all
I wanted her 😪
@@JC-ex3gp no-one else in tradechat did
Nah i want her but dont have the resources to get her
I mained trinity for a l o n g time.
@@AmalgamJiena Same, it's only just recently that wisp overtook Trinity in play time. I still miss giving the squad 99.9% damage reduction for the whole mission though.
Two things I had wished you talked about a bit--
1. Her EV used to be to everyone in range but got nerfed to line of sight in update 15.
2. Her ult used to be global. Every ally in the level used to get her blessing, until they nerfed that to a nearly impossible to change affinity range cap.
As a veteran trinity main, I feel she had the greatest fall from grace as a meta frame. She went from being in every pod of tenno to almost never seen beyond eidolon missions, and even then now it seems rare.
I'd like to discuss her abilities more--
Passive: The day she got the passive I felt they were being lazy with it. All the other frames got things that had thought put into it-- mag getting a vacuum on bullet jump, ember getting energy while burning...
Trinity got a passive that, assuming you're doing your job correctly, will never ever come into play. Her kit was always about keeping your allies in the fight, and yeah having something at the time that helped pick up allies was great, but even back then I felt like it was a huge letdown, let alone now when picking up allies is, if not instant, safe with tenno stealth.
Her 1 always left much to be desired. However when they 'reworked' it to give an aoe heal over time I feel they only did it bc they needed to give all the other frames at least something when it came to her subsume-- so they gave her a sub par ability so that some frame without some kind of self sufficient heal would have an option (LMAO like they wouldn't already).
2. I agree with what you said on this-- its her bread and butter and always will be.
3. Her link was always nice to have when you needed the extra durability. But with rolling guard, adaptability, and any number of subsumes, arcanes, or tenno abilities, it feels out dated.
4. Her blessing used to be amazing. A full invuln that was global that also healed to max and also hit non-wf allies was amazing. These days it's MAYBE only an extra buffer to everyone else's primary healer, Wisp.
Trinity is a top teir solo frame if you're ok constantly casting you 2 and 3. For as much as DE tried to remove the spamframe meta, it's hilarious to think they did nothing to fix one of the worst offenders, simply bc she never really was a damage dealer.
I can't even say she's supposed to be an early game support anymore, as she's off in pluto in one of the most annoying boss fights (I hate ambulas, might just be my own bias there).
TLDR: she has needed a change for a long time. Her kit is out dated and feels like a ball of bandaids. As a trinity main and vet, my heart aches every time I try to play her, she just doesn't feel satisfying, and hasn't for almost half a decade.
True sis true. I quit the game because i like playing Trinity but shes not that cool anymore, when so much time was spent to get all the builds for her. I still occasionally download the game to run around a bit as Trinity on defense and survival missions and delete when I get bored
Her 1 and 4 basically do the same thing. I dunno why they gave priority to making her 1 a helminths over being useful for Trinity. It's a very bad choice for a game design. And she got nothing in return. A buff to link to make it like the old days, where she would be full invulnerable while lasting longer than 30secs would make playing as Trinity so much less boring.
It's hell having to spam 2,3,4 every 15 seconds just to be alive on steel path. While we have Revenant, nehza, hyldrin that just chill and press one button to survive
@@KaiSoDaM you can just bind 2 and 4 to mouse scroll and chill as well
I'd like to mention the blessing range nerf came at the absolute worst time it could've come, because people really fell in love with running off alone in this period of time, so you'd constantly be chasing 1 person down to buff them and no one else would benefit lmao
Nowdays people play more tightly packed but Wisp is a thing, so rip Trin
@@anitoancognita7060 well old look kinda to op and even more boring, part of true support player is have fun on do tactics how save them all
I've been binging these videos you're putting out & I gotta say, it's given me some great nostalgia. I started warframe around it's release years ago. Stayed on for years after. I haven't picked it up for a while now but it's given me some of the best gaming memories I have. I played with a lot of great people in there & was part of really dope clans when that system came out. I'm tempted to hop back on but kitchen life & my son keeps me pretty busy. Maybe I will one day to show my son what his pops did when he was young haha space ninja adventures
Now that they giving Revenant an augment that can give Mesmer skin to his allies, I would like to see DE bring back Trinity's damage immunity
Nah, fuck Trinity
They what? Im sorry but thats the dumbest fucking thing ive ever heard. Even this 50k overguard bs is pissing me off with dante. Why dont we just take enemy guns away next... i mean how tf are we in any danger anymore? Now people dont even have to worry about getting magnetized by acolytes, they will just survive theor own billion damage setups. I am fcking glad i havent had one of these in my groups yet
@@unsubme2157 if you only play in low level content then there's no problem using frames with no immunity or overguard. I personally don't use revenant because he's a boring frame imo. I'm just saying if revenant can have immunity why not also give to Trinity
The best law of retribution team I ever played with had a Loki and Trinity. Trinity was so clutch during that time of the game.
Blessing non stop even the whole squad is full of health
I think what you're doing here is amazing, shining some light on Warframes history. Personally I started playing around in 2020 so it's interesting to learn about how things in the game worked back then.
The editing is high quiality, you have a very nice voice for narraring and it's dynamic whitch keeps it entertaining! ( btw can't wait for a video made on Nezha )
Dunno if another positive comment in the sea of hundreads of others means anything tho >.>
High hopes you manage to avoid burnout and keep bringing us amazing documentaries analysing each frames history ! :>
One fun bit of Trinity history: for a period, she was _the_ boss killer (looking back at the update history, it may have been for a whole year or longer? :o). There was a funny interaction with Energy Vampire dealing % damage of a target's health, and Well Of Life at the time multiplying the target's health by 10. If you cast Energy Vampire while the target's health was buffed by Well of Life, the damage ticks would do damage based on that increased health value, even after the Well of Life buff expired. So if you cast Energy Vampire just as Well of Life was expiring, the target would be taking 60% true damage (or whatever the percent was) with _each_ pulse. Good times.
Though in the good ol' days you could also just ragdoll bosses off cliffs with a trusty boomerang for an instant kill, so we weren't really wanting for boss killing cheese.
Another problem Trinity had (and maybe still has idk) was that EV didn't work on frames who were channelling an ability. So frames like Valkyr or Excalibur, who burned energy like crazy, didn't really benefit from having Trinity in the squad. This also influenced how Survival/Defence missions were played as the last enemy had to be EV'ed for the squad to be ready for the next wave.
I remember a lot of times where I'd just go afk and get a snack bc I was useless until the last minute of the wave
yes, alot of toggle frames still can't get energy from EV, so those frames with toggles just don't really get much use of EV while said toggle ability is in play.
and now tbh, those frames can deal with that using shards and/or nourish, and orb abilities are better for providing energy support anyway
Trinity actually still has a really good build in Vampire Leech. If you're in an organised shield gating squad it's free invulnerability forever. If you're not in a shieldgating squad it seriously buffs everyone's survivability, and even stacks with Citrine's Preserving Shell for very comfy runs with any style of defense, be it shields or health tanks.
Blessing restores shields , vampire leech is kinda whatever these days
I got into warframe only about a year ago, but old trinity’s kit somewhat reminds me of harrows kit with the energy boosts and invincibility on 4.
yeah to be honest, but I know I'd prefer a harrow in my squad to a trinity was I given the choice
@@starstreakalex7372 same, also doesn't hurt that I love playing harrow lol.
They should change link from a number of targets to an area of effect instead. That would really bump up her usefulness apart from heals and energy.
Trinity was my main from the day I installed it. I love characters that are hard focused on support and I bought her with plat to be able to play her right away. Link is one of the most interesting abilities in the game and i'm interested to see how the re-introduction of self damage affects her meta. Great vid as always, dude.
Seeing a clip of trinity zorencoptering in vanilla WF gave me gamer ptsd. I yearn for the simpler times. Great video
Love the vids and somehow you keep making videos on the frames i have which arent many. 😅
Nice to see aweblade4 in this video he might not do Warframe anymore but when it came to the game he made the best guides in the community some haven't aged as the game has evolved but he is a important part of Warframe history
Been binging your frame history series. Loving the amount of Hi-Fi Rush ost present. That game was amazing!
I look forward to these videos more than almost everything on youtube.
a whole 40 MINUTES LONG video for Trinity! I love you so much omg
Bro everything from your thumbnail to the very last frame of your videos are utter perfection
Would be better with me in them.
trinity will always be my GOAT.
Trinity was my first warframe after mag and it honestly saddens me how little I touch her now with how the meta has shifted.
Hi, I´m the guy that suggested the vampire leech augment on DC, love your videos man!
An important note aswell; for a decent while of early Warframe, Energy Vampire restored energy to frames with an active Channel Ability, such as Sound Quake or, the biggest offender, Valkyr. And this was back when Valkyr's energy drain per second didn't scale and nullifiers didn't exist yet, meaning you were functionally immortal in Survival even against Infested if you had a Trinity, as you could shred really high level enemies with your Talons, and if yer pocket battery got downed, you just did some slideattacks to clear the room and revived her, rinse and repeat. The nerf to energy restoration while channeling, from all sources except Energy Orbs, started to limit her usefullness in Survival and even Interception to a much lesser degree, and made her combo less with Valkyr and later Mesa, and more with AoE spam frames like Saryn (negative power duration on Saryn also made her Miasma tick faster instead of less total times back in the day, just like Energy Vampire) to clear 5 waves of defense in under 2 minutes on certain tilesets, and scaling nearly infinitely.
Really liking the longer video format
Thanks for this.
I started when the prime was free, so mained her and her sniper for quite a while.
Traded for it and always kept her duration helmet on.
Stating it off with HiFI rush the Rush soundtrack in the intro? That my dude was slick. Also dayum, she was the highlight for the raids. Didn't know she was that amazing and even though she ain't much popular rn, I think this was interesting to farm her up
The funny thing is Trinity is actually a secret dps. Since her second ability does percentage based damage she can deal absurdly high amounts of damage to enemies. She can even evaporate eximus overguard. Yet practically know one knows just how hard this ability hits since most people focus on the energy gain.
Nope. Those enemies have to hit Trinity. Unfortunately every thing on the map gets one shotted any ways by your squad, so how're they gonna hit you? Either they're dead or cc'd, so useless ability in party play.
@@tonysmith9905 you're thinking of her third ability. I'm referring to vampire Leech or whatever it's name is. The ability that converts enemy health into energy. Also obviously in team play she'd barely get the chance to attack since it's a single target ability, which is why I called her dps not cc. Although on boss targets like Kela de thayne she chunks her health in the first few phases. Trinity also weirdly melts high level corpus since the ability counts shields but only damages health.
Running negative duration+ viral stacks+ ev = enemy dead.
But is a slow and boring setup.
You will be playing dark souls where the rest of the squad is clearing rooms with aoe weapons
@@KaiSoDaM I mean, if you're trying to clear rooms quickly why are you playing the support instead of a dps or cc frame?
@@grimreaper8575 that is the basic flaw for current day warframe imo. Everything is a room clearing meme machine. Or rather everything that isn't capable of room clearing will be seen as "bad" or "boring" by a vocal part of community (hard to say if minority or majority)
Always remember Pablos tweet in response to an inoccuous question that asked if DE could rework Loki to something more befitting current day warframe. Not mentioning DPS or anything the like.
He immediatly jumped to the idea that to make Loki work they had to make him a viral aoe slinging frame. Instead of reworking hin as a support or more usable CC frame.
As a Trinity Prime main,I’m no old player and still think she is the best for today. Though I play Trinity then most as I don’t teabag my tm8s with supports all the time. I abuse the sh!t out of Energy Vampire so once I kill the enemy I get half my energy back or all(depending if I have flow). Why bring this up. This goes for other abilities. Replace first ability it is completely irrelevant unlike the rest. I use Valkyr’s Warcry as it slows down enemy’s speed overall as well as speed myself. This is because Trinity’s kit buffs us while debuffing enemies,which is one of the only Warframes that has 2(3 for replaced first) that buff while debuff. Now on to the bread and butter. If you use augment for link,u get 75% DR & 💯% armor strip. The Fourth is everyone’s savior,which’s heals everything besides defense targets. If you have augment u gain Crit buff for precent healed. I’m not entirely sure what it does to enemies besides stun them shortly. So you have Warcry which increases speed for us decreases speed for enemies, Link which increases DR as well as armor strip,A guaranteed healer for both shield and health,and Energy vampire(which just cast and immediately kill to get energy aka what I always do) to spam the living crap out of abilities. In a long survival,the ideal Trinity tm8 will cast at least a 1000 abilities. Trinity shines in Steel Path due to debuffs mentioned and survivability of Trinity. When combined with more support Warframes like Wisp,Citrine,and Octavia,y’all will be the most immortal squad ever as even Revenent can’t heal himself as fast. No offense but Trinity or DE is not the issue. If u call Trinity trash,you simply just have a skill issue. I was a Wukong main when I was a noob,but he was boring so I got Every Prime Warframe(except Excalibur obviously) and found which I like the most. Turns out Nezha,Trinity,Loki,Equinox,Vauban,and Citrine(recent). Turns out all of them are underrated besides the last one which is still yet to be rated. Point is,give Trinity a try again.
Love how you used the Hi Fi Rush song in the beginning. Needs more recognition imo. Such a good game.
Minor correction , Wisp is not easier to obtain compared to Trinity because the boss that drops her is locked behind The Chimera quest, which takes place after The War Within quest that requires the player to reach Sedna post Pluto .
Edit : The Chimera quest takes place right after The Sacrifice quest and The Sacrifice quest requires players to complete Chains of Harrow which unlocked after the player has beaten the very last mission on the Void Mot as Host or solo, that node if you ignore Zariman and Kuva Fortress is very last mission node on Star Chart.
The ambulas is harder for th3 average player compared to the flying retarded bug
@@PetroleumJellyJuggernaut getting to Ropalolyst means completing Sacrifice, and Sacrifice have to fight a squad of Sentients.
By that point Ambulas fight becomes trivial.
@@nobody4y not hard
the problem with the ambulas boss is not that it's hard, but more to do with the forced timegating nature of having to cause you to literally wait 4 or more minutes when it should have simply been just hack x numbers of ambulas as quickly as possible, let the completely unnessesary dropship pickup happen, then mission complete in literally half the time
All that time spending on farming wisp is better than the time waiting to kill those stupid Ambulas
I used to main trinity and created one of the best Warframe memories with her
You're to Warframe what Exil is to League.
As someone who was around for the early ish days of both games and then stopped playing for years these history videos are awesome to see the META's i missed
People just need a new perspective of Trinity. If you like Tank/Weapon Platform type frames (e.g. Rhino/Revenant/Inaros/etc..) then you'll LOVE Trinity. She stacks so many DRs on top of each other, she's not dying ever (Link + Blessing + Adaptation.) Unlike Wisp, Trinity has built-in knock-down resistance with Link, for those of us who don't have Primed Sure Footed. Just Helminth off her first ability for a damage buff like Roar, Xata's, Nourish, or whatever, and she can keep up the DPS as well.
My personal favorite use for her is any Steel Path mission that requires keeping an objective alive like Excavation, where she can share her tankiness with objectives in ways Frames like Rhino or Nezha can't.
She really isn't irrelevant. She just doesn't fit the "support" role the way she once did. And it really wouldn't take much of a change at all to bring her "support" back into the Meta.
Yup! That's how I've been using her lately when I take her out for a spin. She was my first Prime frame due to the Twitch thing and I've always held nostalgia for her ever since. She can still very much do stuff, just different stuff than she used to.
I just wish her duration qas atleast 30 second or so my god does my fingers hurt playing trinity. I think its about time she got a duration buff as other frames like wisp dont even care about duration. Alittle quality of life changes would be appreciated
@@frealsolidusauxil5873 True. You need 300% duration for 30s Blessing and then you need to bump the range back up for Link. I'd also consider bumping the DR cap to 90% since plenty of frames can give others DR boosts as high as that (and Revenant will be able to give Mesmer skin to everyone with an augment that is coming soon) and it's a flipping ultimate ability.
She dose her support role, just old time she more easy to change into dps and is why she be popular now she is for players for who she create, for support who can recast 4 even 10 s ect. And have fun on here So stop spam evrone like that not evry warframes need have big pick rate. Rare players have low pick rate frams just,just stop bcs if you not they see sapam not on this video just evrywher and rework her, turn into one of 90% dps/tanks leave for us 3-4 frames who can be just easy to build on supports way. you have most of them we have 5 of them.
Trinity is the base of many future designs. Amesha, the archwing trinity. Vazarin, the focus school trinity.
Amesha the only archwing where it’s abilities are useful
I swapped Trins 1 with Chromas Ability, use champions blessing and she basically becomes a hybrid dps/healer. Love me a good trinity endurance run
Is it just me or did citrine completely steal trinity's niche? Healing? Citrine. Team wide DR? Citrine. Energy? Citrine. And that's Just her first two abilities and passive. She can still prime enemies for condition overload type mods and crowd control + crit chance buff
I think part of the reason these really good frames went to obscurity is the pace of the game is so fast and so much damage is being dished out that you dont even time to even need to support your group. Unless you have a static that isn't trying to burn through a mission in 10 seconds or less.
the constantly dying MR20+ guy vs infested in arbitration probably want a Trinity Pack
No it’s just bc DE is known to nerf warframes to the ground
+200 lvl enemy oneshot you on 2k hp and 1k armor: i dont need it
i dont need it
Trinity 4 75% dmg r exsist.
players: I need it!!!!!!!
@@corpsie1241 But trinity despite receiving some nervs never really changed her kit. You see it with frames like Loki. Once a king in warframe meta he has fallen so far below that he is an afterthought.
The meta has moved so far beyond any playstyle that isn't aoe spam that it is hard to justify any variation in playstyle.
Interesting to note: during the raid days where Blessings DR was depended on % HP healed you could actually get 99% DR with a small investment in power strength. That in combination with a very specific glaive/castanas build to get you to exactly 2 HP with Quick Thinking gave her a consistent way to get near invulnerability even after the nerf. This is why you would usually see 2 Trinities in (nightmare) raids, one for Bless and one for EV.
Another interesting thing about EV build, before 28.3 Well of Life would increase a targets health and (not sure if this has been changed since) EVs damage is checked on cast and not per dmg tick so you could cast Well of Life on a Target and as it was running out cast EV and deal way more damage than intended. Very useful in extreme endurance missions when combined with equinox to reach damage cap.
But this is all music from the past, now she is just a shadow of her former self.
Still my favourite Frame though with 1000+ hours in her alone
This video made me kinda sad, considering Trinity was my first main in this game. I started moving away from her when I got tired of just sitting still and pressing 2, which is when I moved to Equinox, then Octavia, and now I'm maining Baruuk.
I would still run Trinity on Eidolon hunts (mainly because I was the only one in my group with a fully built one). Love her and would love to see her getting a major overhaul.
im not, sorry but you have a lot frames who are good dps or tanks but what abaut players who like be supports not dps supp just supp and they dont care abaut spam one skill if they main fun is find way to be they most efective on they job
Interesting that you didnt mention the era of 99% Trinity with the Glaive (or other self dmg)
Other than that, very nice video :)
Mayhaps after Ember, would you be able to look at Hildryn? She’s my favorite frame and I’d love to see your take on her
As probably one of the only handful of trinity mains left, it feels nice seeing that I'm not the only one that feels this way about her. She's so close to being great and I hate that the current meta makes her feel mediocre.
You know who else is really niche? Nekros. Can you talk about him?
His Desecrate is what he's used for. If people are farming for a resource, they always ask for a nekros and they'll gladly just guard/heal the nekros while they AFK. Even to be useful with supporting or farming at all, he requires mods for Desecrate to be consistent: Despoil and/or equilibrium. The rest of his kit is the same where they aren't particularly good on their own without augments and work against each other with soul punch and terrify pushing enemies away from your shadows. That spreads them out and lowers both his damage and tanking capabilities.
Watch aznvasion video on nekros you may change your opinion.
tbh i ran nekros well without desecrate with zenurik
@@ahmadal-said6387 that video just PROVES all of his points, kinda like "the exception that proves the rule", as Aznvasions is using all the tools he can to make Nekros work, and it's a lot of stuff. IT IS A GREAT VIDEO. But just proves the point op said.
Personally I would like to wait a full year to a video on Nekros, because unlike Trinity that gets her coffing nailed mode and more with each att, Nekros just receives more and more and more both direct and indirect buffs, and as such the Necromancer rises more and more out of his own grave.
But today yes, he is some sort of pain in the ass to make it work, personally i changed Aznvasions' build to a tanky one, using health conversion and Nekros' 4 augment + the new Lua Health Arcane, but such a pain to stack that arcane up, once stacked is kinda ok, but oh boy dying is so frustrating as it resets the stacks of the arcanes
@@SUPER-RIFT desecrate doesn't stop zenurik, if u didn't know
@@tonyoliver2684 I kinda like going the extra mile for a frame that I like .
But I totally agree that it is a bit much to make his 4 op .
Regardless I think that a simple gloom nekros build is good enough for pretty much everything endurance included .
the moment u've mentioned viver, OMG that's an old memory unlocked 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'd like to point out that trinity is one of the few frames that can abuse the nerfed mark for death helminth ability.
Trins 2 is % based per tic.
Meaning, if you proc viral on an enemy (couple stacks) and then cast MfD -> EV then you'll gurrantee nuke everything in MfD range.
In 2 abilities. For free. Just by priming.
Scales infinitely as it is all % enemy health based.
I just came back to this game after a hiatus since 2015ish (just after the child reveal).
Despite everything, the biggest culture shock has been to see my beloved Trinity fall from grace.
I have a dedicated trin loadout. I'm still salty that she's been shafted over the years and will stubbornly use her until they literally remove her from the game.
Remember when trin could clear index with self damage and link? I even still have my castanas riven😂 Yeah i havebt even looked at her once since then. I have alot of benign frame slots.
Back then, how we used to farm high levels was:
- Mesa for damage.
- Frost to protect us all.
- Trinity - to give energy to Frost & Mesa.
- ??? Random leecher.
And trinity would just heal us all & give energy to us., wasn't the very early days of warframe, but was at least 7+ years ago, Trinity also ALWAYS joined on stuff like that "8-player" gamemode where you'd do puzzles & kill Vor in the end,. I don't remember the name.
well for protect mag is kinda good to keep evrone alive by spam shilds when trinity give energy and 75% dmg r on her 4 even more help on it
I got my trinity prime from the twitch prime loot, trinity is the reason i started playing Warframe and is still my most played warframe, it brings me nostalgia to play her since she is not that useful nowadays, but I still enjoy bringing her to any mission with the different loadouts i have, she is still my queen
Fun fact, i still haven't farmed the non prime trinity, and i've been playing warframe for almost 5 years now(?)
Honestly my favorite frame. I’m nowhere near endgame level (am at mastery 11 or something) but I can use this frame and not die at lvl 100+ missions while using the Nataruk to still somewhat deal damage
Maybe you should play her in defection with Champion's Blessing, you'll love her even more :D
Trinity was my first Prime. Got her free through Amazon Prime.
Played in 2014-2015 and remembered something about Trinity that allowed for infinite progression and they were responsible for doing the most damage by far. It might have been Energy Vampire or Link or both, there was some silly build where we used two trinities, Rhino and Limbo. Now I have to remember why...all I remember is lasting for hours.
abating link trinity is pretty dope still and will forever be my favorite tanking warframe
What a video to wake up to of my favourite frame
If only Hi-Fi Rush came out before the Octavia video lol
Trinity has been my favorite frame for several years, and there are a few points I would like to bring to light:
I agree 100% that her absolute best days are behind her, but she is still a very very good frame. She is one of the few frames that can solo any mission type to a high level. Blessing's damage reduction applies to defense objectives, effectively quadrupling their HP, and operators dashing with maxed madurai compensates for any mobility or stealth shortcomings. Wisp does not benefit from these luxuries quite as much as trnity does due to being significantly less tanky (albeit harder to detect thanks to her excellent passive) and having to regularly redeploy motes (my wisp build stacks buffs to power strength, so it feels awkward to deploy inferior motes while on the move). One thing this video left out is the fact that weapons have also gotten stronger over the years. She doesn't need to have damaging abilities when she can wield abating link and a well-built kuva bramma.
There are also a few things that went unmentioned with regard to energy vampire. The true damage from EV is actually multiplied by viral procs. If you cast EV on a target that has been primed with enough viral stacks, it will die instantly. Once upon a time, EV was even stronger when used with well of life on low duration builds. EV used to take a snapshot of the target's health at the time it was cast, and WoL used to multiply a target's health by 10. If you cast EV on a WoL-affected target, and WoL expired before EV did, the next EV pulse would immediately kill the target. This could be done to literally any boss at the time, and even players. Yes, PvP was a thing back then in the form of solar rail conflicts. I could cheese those matches with the WoL+EV combo, killing any player I managed to debuff with both those abilities, winning several games singlehandedly. I made millions of credits doing this, as clans would often pay exorbitant amounts of money to players who fought on their side.
Great vid as always, but I need to know the parts for Obsidian 😭😭😭
I love Trinity
Was trying to make her Fire blast last days but after this video I think that Well of life also might have some use on archon fights due to it’s status resistance
Oh man I remember the link-nuke Trinity days. It was crazy to see as a new player. Watching entire armed drop dead from a bunny hopping Trinity.
I remember back in the day my friends bringing me to farm Trinity when I told them I would actually like to use her. They then were even more happy to give me certain mods when I wanted to do an energy build.
Now while she isnt as useful as before she can be amazing when paired with frames that are focused and just consuming energy with no generation.
Thanks for the great upload!
one thing to note is we didnt have arcanes but we had helmet adppters switch are still in the game today it will take off one arcane if you to use it like rhinos helmet 20% more movement speed but 15% less str all so like frost helmet arcane witch brings his armor up and str down
Still here and will always main my lobster. Tho I wish she would get a buff without change of how she already functions.
You should do one of these videos for Loki. Dude use to be the best frame in the game.
Trinity my beloved. I had 2 accounts (pc & xbox) and I farmed her on both accounts and after the account merge I'm still proud to have bith pf them built. I even have the tennogen skin on both platforms 😂
Man, Trin really has taken a backseat in Warframe... all those hours and missions she has kept us alive and filled to use our abilities with energy that was so sparse... thanks for your service best girl 🫡!
Also, another note on Trin DPS that wasn't metioned about her EV doing true damage, at one point in time she could one shot enemies that could be affected by well of life because of the damage percentage property of the ability and well of life just boosted the enemy's health x times, if timed correctly it would just one shot the enemy when casting EV right when well of life ended, that was quite fun to pull on bosses! Though I think this was fixed at one point in time not too long after it was discovered, though I could be wrong and I am just bad at pulling it off maybe XD!
Hearing baby Brozime takes me back
man i love contents like thiss
Interestingly, as of writing in early 2024, trinity has some new strengths. Since shield gating was changed, her EV augment can functionally keep all allies in range immortal so long as she keeps spamming it. With roar subsumed on her build and a few archon shards, she can do 100% max hp true dmg to any foes, even eximus units with over-guard. These factors make her a pretty great frame to have in the new much higher level content available, and I see trinity regularly getting most dmg on the team due to being able to instakill level 300 eximus units. For anyone curious, 376% power strength is required for roar + EV dmg to break 50% per tick, which is the threshold to kill any target in 1 cast.
just got reworked and she's a BEAST
I love the way older Warframe looks, man, and those old Corpus Tilesets are nostalgic af.
Btw, what is your Soma build, my guy?
Stormbringer - Infected Clip - Galvanized Scope + Aptitude + Chamber - Vital Sense - Primed Shred - Tactical Reload
Riven Is - CC CD Status Chance (-Zoom)
Primary Frostbite Installed
Primer is Epitaph for the arcane
@@NovaUmbral thanks a lot! I'd like to try that out, and keep up the great work with your vids :)
One thing I don’t think you thought about at the time. When Marked for death released trinity became really good aoe nuker. Although it did have some setup and was mainly a meme made by Mr.WarframeGuy and the community. At the time marked for death was 500% of the damage to everyone in x metres. Until DE nerfed it down to 100% and although still good it’s not absurdly good anymore. Was fun while it lasted.
I've played warframe from closed beta upto like 2 years ago , Trinity is my favorite frame. i remember distinctly when the prime came out I really really hate the juggle effect on the armor and was really hoping they got rid of it. there was one Trinity timeline you didn't mention (or maybe i missed it) is the DPS trinity build where DE eventually nerf to the ground. It's basically ruining the damage charts to the end match (where it pointless to read) because you will see like 98% damage from the team comes from Trinity. Its basically when you Well of Life someone it gives HP to traget by like 10x then you EV them where it ticks based HP. by spec in to very low duration, as soon as WoF goes out the final EV tick will insta kill. this scales infinitly so nomattter what level the enemy is it will kill it. you basically one two punch each enemy you see while providing infinite energy. downside of course since you really dont have a functioning Link and Blessing duration you could die very easy, its a fun build where you can kill anyone but you still need to play safe. Eventually it got "fix" nd doesnt work anymore i always though they could have just fix the damage or scaling issue it does and kept it as a form of build that players can choose.
You cant stop me using Trinity!
I remember when I was just starting I spent so much time trying to max out Trinity the best I could so that the cool vets would let me raid with them
Its kinda funny seeing trin being og healer, to now having pretty much her only use being 1 shotting sp angels T.T
So to summarize Trinity is a good frame, just a victim of power creep.
Long gone are the days of mandatory Trinity for Vay Hek raids....
since you mentioned castans glory times, you should also mention how champions blessing trinity right now is a crit monster and arguably FAR more deadly than the old castans build was. she blazes through every content red critting every room to death within seconds.
you dont need teammates, all you need is a kavat with the mod to not die, and combat discipline aura. that way you damage yourself, and heal your kavat to easily reach 350% and keep it up.
I miss my 2013 trin used to be able solo high lvl survival and defense for 4+ hours
I have been trying to get her prime for a while, Lobster Lady shall spread her wrath.
I love playing trinity! I honestly like playing her much more than Wisp
I joined warframe when her prime access came out and normal ivara, good ole times
new video more joy rhis is why i whatch your videos
I was thinking about giving Trinity a shot
Ever since EV trinity got mega nerfed I haven't had the same fun with her, I miss old trinity
Ah not to mention Mark for Death + EV synergy
Though it need lots button presses but it's fun
Trinity is still one of my go to solo frames and feels much better to use than Inaros. With energy regen from EV and Blessing Heal, its just shield gating for days with Brief Respite while abating link strips enemy armor with augment. For now, I subsumed eclipse on her for damage buff. For changes, I hope they remove the enemy limiter on her link similar to what happened with Excal's radial Javelin along with some changes to Blessing like purging all status effects (should be more useful for allies).
Oh and you can take advantage of Champion's Blessing by subsuming Mind Control on Trinity and then healing the mind controlled enemy with blessing, thus letting you get the bonus even on solo missions.
Tbh, I still love my Trin prime, she is still stupidly good in pretty much any situation, people use the "She doesnt deal damage", boi with minimal modding she can full armour strip whilst making herself damn near invulnerable AND with a decent weapon she hits just as hard as anyone else
I think her first's augment should be "The healing pulse from shooting the target does damage to enemies in range "
This will make her useful in a different way, when things like Saryn exist
You can do tons of damage with her 2 using one of the non Warframe helminth abilities and you basically one shot an enemy with true damage with viral stacks and the immense damage spreads to all enemies nearby it's super fun to play
I just want Trinity cause she looks pretty and easy to fashion frame
Trinity... Trinity, I love her meme builds compared using hydroid, her kit feels outdated (1 and sometimes her 4 isn't as viable in defection missions or excavation because the healing was nerfed), but I love when I use her kit (not her 1st ab, I forgot to write this) with the bramma or other weapons, and damm, marked 4 dead is nice, doesn't matter to me if she still unpopular, I'll continue to use her
Ty DE for bring the molt arcanes
Is curious how through the years she received nerfs and got into the oblivion (almost), I didn't expect the ammount of exploits and cheeseable tricks from the past were funny but "destroyed" the mecanics of the game xd
Interesting video
trinity prime is still my most used warframe
Two things I feel would hepl bring trinity out of her low usability rate would be:
--Return of Raids. They were fun when you had a competent squad with you.
--Let her be the one and only frame to heal defense objectives. Properly. None of that 500 health every sec for a few seconds bs. The old version.
Heck, I used to exclusively run a mixed build trinity on Hydron back before Steel Path for weapon leveling, and keep the def. objective topped up because EVERYONE was leveling on Hydron. It helped keep everyone else topped up to, and any DPS runners there appreciated the EV procs. (i did do EV runs on Berehynia back then, but god was it mind numbing. Only ever did it if a weapon needed 4+ forma and I wanted it done fast.)
It genuinely think it would be the one change she could do with that would make her relevant in certain longform missions over the other options. And makes her unique of the other healer types.
Dude, I main trinity in 2024 🎉 also 2023 and 2022 she’s too good. She’s like revenant, but actually fun to play.
Trinity was my main for the entirety of my early tenno career. My goto combo was stun with energy vampire, then snipe them with the vectis prime i got for free (i forgor how i got it)
I kill farmed with trinity and penta amd ogres in 2013-2014, before the first nerf to blessing. Castanas were my go to after the first nerf then sancti castana as soon as the syndicates launched. She would out dps the entire team during the penta days. I had quit playing from 2018 to 2024.
Man Trinity was my main till unlocked Gara. When I started playing her. She will always be one of my favorites.