Chaidare ichi ndechechimbavhambavha. Mombe dzabvepi? The simplest thing that they were supposed to do was to conduct DNA vozoisa mitongo yavo. Nxaaa. MuZimbabwe umbavha haufe wakapera. 😢😢 Munoripisa munhu pasina kana any evidence!!! WTF
Kuti nyaya iyi ipere DNA ngayiitwe zvizikanwe kuti mwana ndewani . Kana zvikazoonekwa kuti mwana akapa amai mwana or kuti manyepo ,dare rochizotangira ipapo becoz its too early to give the judgement while the matter is not clear.
DNA only proves paternity or relationship, it can’t and does not disprove / prove kudliwa kwe bota unless a swab test is conducted within a few hrs of inter course
Baba vakati puseyi mbichana he is not that type of person anogona ku hacker account yemunhu jst check kutaura kwake first achipira nyaya yake secondly wabata munhu nechikomba it’s DNA straight away not kuzombo gara makore akawanda nemunhu, mfana nemukadzi vatori pamberi nemurume uyo pakufunga and mfana ari kutodya amai rough
Ambuya avo havagare pasi kupindura chihure chemwana. Hakuna basa chero ripi rinotadzisa munhu kuyenda kuCourt Makope family those who were present vakaratidza kupusa except uyo ane shirt ine box box Facebook account only hacked kuti utumire maphotos and yet he is the one who deleted the post of those photos
Mambo ava hava gone basa ravo I'm very disappointed with such judgement instead of doing DNA test vari busy kuvhunza vanhu kuti mwana aka fanana nani this chief if living in 80's
These people are related so the child is bound to favour any of them. There is no clear proof that these people committed adultery it's just speculation. Someone in the family was sending those messages.
Mambo dzidzai kutonga. Uyu wekutorerwa mukadzi akapusawo he cannot speak like a gentleman. Law of evidence inofanira oushandiswa apa. DNA test is the only solution
But hama irikurwadzisa imwee hama sei kudaroo wakamunyengera mukadzi pedzezvoo woisa pa face book hausi kuchengeta futi mwana wachooo hazzvidi kudarooo
The judgment is not fair. There is no either proof of a relationship or proof of partenity. The complainant failed to prove anything, its all allegations asina proof. Seating with someone in a public takeaway cannot be called (red handed) as this fellow claim. The only way to prove this relationship was DNA testing, then after, mambo aizova ne judgment iri fair. Apa mambo atonga nemakuhwa and very unprofessional.
Iwe how can someone lie kuti haazive kuti maPictures emwana akiswa nani paFacebook page? Do you know kuti for someone to post pictures - they need to hack your facebook, hack your phone, hack your photo gallery? All of us would not be safe if this was possible. Coincidentally the hackers also targetted the suspect child in the photo gallery of over 1000 photos???
Family yekwa Makope yakati puseyi puseyi kutadza kutaura nyaya straight straight to th point mfana uyo aidya amai
Vatori nemakope😂😂😂
Makadhakwa mambo imi munopa mutongo nyaya yamusati mabata chokwadi sei apa mukadzi wacho haapo
mhosva haisi pamwana yaabatwa nayo but ndeye kurara nemunhu weukama DNA vakatonzi go munoita
DNA inoshanda pakuona kuti mwana ndewani not kuti vaidanana here vanogona vaitodanana asi mwana orega kuita wake
Brighton akadanana naAmai fullstop!
Dzimukuwasha dzakazungaira idzi, ndosaka mfana aitetena zvake😂😂😂😂
Skomota ere😅😅😅😅
Chaidare ichi ndechechimbavhambavha. Mombe dzabvepi? The simplest thing that they were supposed to do was to conduct DNA vozoisa mitongo yavo. Nxaaa. MuZimbabwe umbavha haufe wakapera. 😢😢 Munoripisa munhu pasina kana any evidence!!! WTF
But DNA does not prove or disprove kuti bota rakadliwa
@@tellymas4572 aaahh nhai mukuru, hanti nhau iripo ndeyemwana here?
Say that again. There is no evidence here. The guy should take the matter further to a court of law
@@tellymas4572did anyone prove that they were sleeping together or it's just speculation
DNA roshandei ririropa rimwe
Tinashe ariko bz hee mwana akafanana nani heee chii chiii nxaa hamugoni kutonga mambo imi
Ini ndikaripa ndakutorova nyoro every day
Mambo maifanira kuzopa mutongo paitwa ma DNA mwana akazoita wababa munoita sei
DNA only proves paternity, not cheating.
Nyaya iyi yaifanirwa kunzi haina humboowo nekuti hapana chinobatika chinoratidza Kuti wakahura wese,muridzi wemukadzi anekakupusa Kari natural ndosaka paaibata even mamassege aisamachengeta sehumboowo,aitomarasa hake oenderea mberi nerudo nemukadzi wake zvake ,ikoko kunotori kupusa Kuti natural kubva mudumbu raamai,kana Kuti akatodyiswa zvake
Mambo it's not about kufanana maan vaendesei kunaTinashe
Chief nyaya dzakaita seidzi mofanira Kuti vaende Kuma DN hazvisi zvokubvunzana nemuromo
😂😂😂😂 muripo wana mambo kuenzana nemuridzi wemukadzi
Evans haana kuita mushe, Haana nyaya
Baba ava regai vanyengegwe mukadzi diko, kamwe kakuzungaira kachona soo ka huye bodo😂😂😂
Mambo magona munhu ngaasadanana nemukadzi weumwe pedze ihama fut Brighton akangwarisa anongoonekwa
Chief musape judgement ngavaende kuDNA vodzoka mopa mutongo,vamugabe varipo
Kuti nyaya iyi ipere DNA ngayiitwe zvizikanwe kuti mwana ndewani . Kana zvikazoonekwa kuti mwana akapa amai mwana or kuti manyepo ,dare rochizotangira ipapo becoz its too early to give the judgement while the matter is not clear.
Mambo ava ndeve nzara y rushing to rule pasina mukadzi wacho uye dna
Zvii izvozvi, mhosva inowanikwa pasina humbowo, wat a shame.
Dna ndichioororo, plus baba could be hacking the phone to prove his agenda , varume vakuda kupfuma nekuripwa😂😂
DNA only proves paternity or relationship, it can’t and does not disprove / prove kudliwa kwe bota unless a swab test is conducted within a few hrs of inter course
Baba vakati puseyi mbichana he is not that type of person anogona ku hacker account yemunhu jst check kutaura kwake first achipira nyaya yake secondly wabata munhu nechikomba it’s DNA straight away not kuzombo gara makore akawanda nemunhu, mfana nemukadzi vatori pamberi nemurume uyo pakufunga and mfana ari kutodya amai rough
Haisi type yacho iyo anenge ari kutoti ngwarisirei mwana
Phone haina kuhekwa kunyeba uku kutsvaka kuzvibuditsa munyaya ...remember ambotaura futi kuti phone yangu zvese arikungoti yakahekwa nxaaa iduzvi Brighton kudanana naAmai
Yes zviri pachena kut pane chimina asi DNA is the best then mutongo wozotevera mambo hamuite equal share nemuridzi wenyaya
😂😂😂😂 Zvavari vanhu vekuziva Domboshava woye
😂😂😂😂😂 nhaimi ...manje mambo vedu vanongoda mari yemastand ...havagone kutonga
Apa hapana nyaya yatongwa apa onai dzimwe nyaya dzotongwa nemamwe matare ana Mutasa vanotonga nyaya sezvairi neiyo family zvituta kutadza kutaura nyaya sezvairi kuita sevari kunyengwa
Volume please
Chiiko chomboitika kumadzimambo edu chokwadi inyaya ipi yamuri kuripisira munhu mave mbavhaka imwi musadaro siyayi kudya zvinhu zvavanhu mahara chipini ndechipi
Ambuya avo havagare pasi kupindura chihure chemwana.
Hakuna basa chero ripi rinotadzisa munhu kuyenda kuCourt
Makope family those who were present vakaratidza kupusa except uyo ane shirt ine box box
Facebook account only hacked kuti utumire maphotos and yet he is the one who deleted the post of those photos
Nhami kufanana kweiko iye Tinashe aripo
Haiwavo hamugoni kutonga chief dofo😮
How does your account get hacked and the pictures end up in your phone.
Ringori statement iro,,hama mapic akazobvep kana ndimiwo
Vatongi havatozive zvekuheka kkkkkk imagine maPic anoendasey pakuhekwa
Haa uyu wekut ndaka heckerwa fb yangu y akabva aisirwa maPictures enyaya iri kunetsa i thnk DNA is th best apo,,ukuwo Ambuya vabva vat mwana akafanana navo vese nekut iropa rimweee mmm Evans anenge akatodyuswa zvake achinzi asawane chekutaura but mai nemwana vakuziva chokwadi apo.
Iyi nyaya yaingoda DNA not zvamukuita
Busstop tv ndeye kupenga,
Munopa mutongo pasina DA
Mambo musatonge undurururani
Ko arimanyepo
Mambo nedare vabhaiza.
Mukadzi wacho ngaauye ndokutii zvifambe
Evancy DNA pamberi
Mambo ava hava gone basa ravo I'm very disappointed with such judgement instead of doing DNA test vari busy kuvhunza vanhu kuti mwana aka fanana nani this chief if living in 80's
Makope aive nevakadzi hobho saka vana vaakungoroorana
Yohwe confusion chaiyo
Ngavaite dna chonetsa chii
Kuvhura hombe hembe aaaaah
Igonzo remumba. Ndezverudzi. Gomba harina mwana pakadai
😂😂😂Kwanzima ezwen
Brighton itsotsi,
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 dzimwe nyaya sooo
Tv yakadhakwa hamuna kumbobudisa mambo wani
Brighton andina shuwa newe
Kanodzungaira nhema ka Khama billiat aka
Kkkkkkkkkkk Mwari ngavatibatsire chose
Mafungidziro hpana nyaya
Murume akapusa uyu uye family iyi yese yakapusa
These people are related so the child is bound to favour any of them. There is no clear proof that these people committed adultery it's just speculation. Someone in the family was sending those messages.
Mambo muri dofo chairo remudunhu menyu,,why mapomera mupfanha uyo mhosva,,endesai vanhu awo kwa Tinashe muone kuti mwana ndewani,,uye bamnini awo hamusi kuona kuti varikunyeba hre zvavanotaura,,svinurai changamire tongai nyaya kwadzo
that outcome after DNA doesnt prove kuti haana kurara namai
Mambo wangokqsika kupa mutongo zvawo bt mupfanha aidanana nebby zviripachena wani nhai iwe rega kuzungairawo mhani
Mhuri yakapusa mheni iyi kudzungaira chaiko
Dna kupedza nyaya
Mwana anogona ari wabamnini and dna can proof that but kudyiwa kwebota wont be proved
DNA inodiwa apa
Mudare unongoti ndainzwa nemakuhwa dare haritonge makuhwa
Pasina DNA hapana hapana
Mutongo wakadhakwa. Vanogoti vaidanana ipo pashaikwa humboo chaihwo here? Plus vanosvika pakudaro iye mkadzi wacho asina kumbomiswa pamberi pedare sei
Ko mdhara tsanangurei ka nyaya yenyu vanhu vanzwisise
Imi mambo imi daidzai Tinashe
Uyo wekudyirwa Bota arikushaya ma witness seems arikuda pfambi yake
DNA test is a must.
Yooooooo inga pakaipa
Vanhu veukama havasi kudaira because Evans ndeweipa yepiri
Musapedzerhwa nguva zviri pachena kuti akadanana namai hazvigone kuti munhu aba account obva aisa mwana ane mitauro iweee wopedzera nguva dare
Mambo imi muchi copperwo mambo Mutasa
Imi enda kweTinashe mhani
Mambo dzidzai kutonga. Uyu wekutorerwa mukadzi akapusawo he cannot speak like a gentleman. Law of evidence inofanira oushandiswa apa. DNA test is the only solution
Mambo mukutongeswa makuwha . Uyu musha weshaisano. Hapana zviripo apa.
Toda part 2 ngavayende kuDNA chete ndokupedza nyaya
Iyi ndeya Mugabe; ndopano pera nyaya.
Evans akapusawo too much.
Uyo murume arikudyirwa munda kana nemwana anotoda kubatsirwa zvskasimba .akadyiswa
Shame Evans makope ndoshanda naye
Murume uyu haatogone kutsanangura zvizere kutobhowa kuona this episode 😂😂😂😂
Ini ndatomboita cut the video short. Kupusa hakudi kuadaro so. Muchiona akapfekawo se gentleman.
@@jaisoncalvintarusarira6348 kkkk imagine kkkk kuita kunge ecd
Ndoona sekuti akadanana namai vehukama varikutoziva asi varikutya kutaura,apedzisira kutaura aedza kuda kuonesa vanhu kuti vanhu vakadanana pavakambogara pamba pamwechete mkadzi weuyo arikubasa
Muridzi wemukadzi anenge akapusa .
Yaaah true dat ane ka that😂😂
Blaz yakadyiswa
Nyaya haina sauti iyi inoda Tinashe
We hve too much time to waste in Zimbabwe
Tinashe Mugabe ngaasheidzwe apa
DNA pliz
Musati pedzera data endai kwa Tinashe Mugabe
Please use DNA route rather than this primitive way..It is possible kuti mwana anofanana na Baba plus nemukoma.
Mr Mugabe hero basa
Saka uyo muchinda haana hake problem about kudanana kwevaviri avo; anongova neproblem "neguess who" yeFacebook nhaii? Aaaa panenge pasina nyaya huru zvapo
Guess who lol kkkkkk
But hama irikurwadzisa imwee hama sei kudaroo wakamunyengera mukadzi pedzezvoo woisa pa face book hausi kuchengeta futi mwana wachooo hazzvidi kudarooo
The judgment is not fair. There is no either proof of a relationship or proof of partenity. The complainant failed to prove anything, its all allegations asina proof. Seating with someone in a public takeaway cannot be called (red handed) as this fellow claim. The only way to prove this relationship was DNA testing, then after, mambo aizova ne judgment iri fair. Apa mambo atonga nemakuhwa and very unprofessional.
Iwe how can someone lie kuti haazive kuti maPictures emwana akiswa nani paFacebook page? Do you know kuti for someone to post pictures - they need to hack your facebook, hack your phone, hack your photo gallery? All of us would not be safe if this was possible. Coincidentally the hackers also targetted the suspect child in the photo gallery of over 1000 photos???
Enda kuDNA zvipere, Brighton anodheerera kudya munda wababa ah, Gunners rovai munhu
Nyaya isina musiro iyi
Brighton is silly he must be shamboked.
Tinashe mugabe is the answere
MMM baba Ava havasikuziva zvavarikutaura
Ummmm mupfanha ibhanditi uyu
Murume akapusa uyu uuu regai atorerwe mkadz,i think akatomanikidzwa kumangara kwamambi ega haagon idununu
Tinashe ariko mambo mubate chokwadi
DNA chete apa
Vanhu venyu havasi kutaurisa hapana chiri kinzwika apa
Sheedzai tinashe chete