I think it's much more powerful that Rey has this delusion of her parents being somebody, even waiting for 14+ years for them to come get her, when the hole time they were nobody.
Why should I care about Rey when she has the God Mode cheats codes on? Yes people she is a person playing a video game with God Mode on. How could none of you realize that awesome truth?
TLJ is a bad good movie It's so visually impressive and had excellent cinematography, not to mention the actors did fantastic in their roles. Which pains me to say that the story itself brings the entire film down to a level that I could not enjoy, despite the aforementioned qualities. One thing the Star Wars films always did right were the storylines. The originals were simple, easy to follow, and worked fantastically on a smaller scale by creating a cast of beloved characters and establishing memorable relationships between them. The prequels were grander and larger in scale, stumbling on the details of the films such as dialogue and a lot of acting, but worked in making the universe feel alive and so much larger than the originals were able to, as well as making the franchise feel like a grand opera on titanic levels. The sequels feel confused and hollow, as if the producers were trying to do both, but achieved none.
The Prequels did their own thing, had a compelling story and with better dialogue they could have been as good as the originals. The sequel trilogy does not have a compelling story or characters and all it does is appeal to nostalgia (you can see that by the look of the movies trying to copy the originals). If you think the prequels aged badly, wait 10 years from now and I can guarantee you that the sequels will age even worse, they couldn't come up with a compelling story to follow Return of the Jedi and history won't be kind to these hollow movies...
It's also similar to attack of the clones in which there's poorly defined romance as a subplot and also a moment with lovers public execution. Also a chromed armored warrior who looked badass is suddenly defeated by the black guy. And elderly master comes to help at the last second.
"Luke could have used his mind to move the ship, but in the last Jedi, Luke uses his mind to move his mind off the planet instead" I know I'm just repeating, but you really could have killed me using that sentence lmao
Similarities = Girl kisses boy, Ice planet with AT AT Walker, boy hugs girl Difference = Boy's hand cut off then rescued by girl Vs Boy dies by sending his 'hologram' to a far away planet
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) and Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) are both so many times way better than both Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) and Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) in my personal opinion.
I just realized that the movies are reversed, in Empire the movie starts with a battle with walkers on a white planet, but in The Last Jedi it ends with a walker battle on a white planet!
The Empire Strikes Back is the most beloved movie of an entire generation. Stars Wars could have been a fluke but Empire cemented the franchise for ever. The Last Jedi is so bad it should be buried in the desert with those E.T. games. I know of many people that did not see TROS because TLJ was so bad they just could not take it anymore. Yes TESB is different from TLJ. Empire gets a 10 out of 10 rating. TLJ gets a 0/10.
I didn't like TLJ when I saw it. Then I sat down and watched dozens of hours of super fans poking holes in it. One dude did a three part series that was close to 5 hours long. He was that passionate. The movie might have been awful but it inspired wonderful creativity and that means it literally cannot be all bad.
Another reason why they’re different, The Apprentices punishment for failure in the last movie, Palpatine lets Vader off the hook like it’s no big deal, Snoke on the other hand has no tolerance for failure and beats up Kylo Ren for losing to a girl.
I'm not a huge star wars fan but the only things I don't like about the last jedi are finn and roses entire plot which felt completely unnecessary, and holdo not explaining her plan, they just needed a better justification for po's treason than I have a great plan but I'd rather you think I didn't have anything. fucking dumb. But other than that I thought it was one of the best movies
Brian Dupuis So you liked Luke trying to kill his nephew in his sleep because he believed he would turn evil even though he didn't kill his father who he barely knew and was to blame for Billions with a B deaths? You was ok with Rey still not training and beating Snokes guards? You were ok with Rose somehow stopping Finn from not crashing and then Finn and Rose some how surviving said crash and not getting shot by the walkers? You were ok with Mary Poppins Leia? You were ok with Luke some how getting on that Planet in his X-Wing without an Astromech droid which they have never been known to fly without one? You were ok with the Horrible editing of Phasma scenes at the end? You were ok with Rey moving those boulders at the end with no training? You were ok with Rey swimming but she was from a dessert planet? You are ok with Finn driving even though in the Force Awakens, he did not know how? You are ok with a Force Ghost using Force lighting? Seriously asking for a friend.
well I did say fuck finn and rose's entire plot, so definitely not ok with that because it was stupid, but other than that I was pretty ok with all of those things except now the fact that rey magically learned how to swim bothers me. I thought Leia's scene was rad, and yoda's force ghost lightning was pretty enjoyable, granted I also thought yodas fight scene was one of the only enjoyable parts of the prequels and most "true fans" would consider all my opinions invalid after that. I didn't know that about the x-wing though, I thought droids were just there for general assistance, not that they were keys to get the things moving. I guess I don't care, because that's stupid that droids are needed, and I'm fine striking stupid shit that george lucas came up with from canon, because he's proven he's an idiot plenty of times. Everything else I would attribute to Rey being really naturally gifted, which is a thing? Like it's kind of marysue, and I think generally they're trying to make her interesting because she's a woman rather than actually interesting, but that was just an extension from the previous movie, sure there was power creep, but meh. Luke's plot I liked, I thought it made sense that years of stress and responsibility might have made him jaded. People treat it as a betrayal of what his character stood for, rather than what could easily have just been a natural progression for that character. I also just generally enjoyed that he had sort of become yoda including the slightly unhinged attitude And I never noticed Phasma's editing? I was annoyed at the way they were treating poor Gwendolyn until I read up on the character, now I think phasma is pretty cool, but that was what I took away from my first watch. Maybe I'll take another look and just skip over all of finn and rose's scenes. Literally if rose didn't exist and Finn was allowed to just leave the ship at the beginning of the movie, I would have enjoyed it more. Oh well I will say that I genuinely enjoyed rey and ben's chemistry, and every aspect of their story, I find myself liking Po even when I feel like I shouldn't, I thought killing snoke was genius, I was glad when rey's parents had nothing to do with the extended universe, and those crystal foxes are sexy as hell. porgs are alright
Brian Dupuis I don't even know why Phasma was in the movie to be honest. Yoda using lighting was cool but made no sense from a Star Wars prospective. Rey definitely is Mary Sue. What you said about her being gifted would make sense if they explored it but they didn't. But the novels said the reason why she is so powerful is when Kylo tried to probe her mind in TFA, some how she got his knowledge of Force abilities lol. I would have preferred her using the Dark side and not knowing it be the reason since Luke said she never try to turn away from the Dark side when she was reaching out to the Force. That would actually make a little more sense, since tapping in the Dark side is suppose to be more easier to achieve because it fuels off emotions. But who knows anymore.
I would definitely be on board with that as the explanation. I'm a big fan of that trope in general. But fair enough, some sort of symbiotic bond giving her increased powers because ben is really strong, why not I guess.
Brian Dupuis Rey is now Rogue from X-Men lol jk. No training needed. Just touch someone and you will be as powerful as them. Bur didn't Snoke pry into her mind to in TLJ when he was torturing her? If that's the case she should be using Force lighting in the next movie lol.
Not completely, but small similarities TO ALSO ep.6 voluntary surrender (ep.6) Kylo kills Snoke = Vader throws Palpatine to mine (ep.6) Snoke shows Rey her friends are dying = Luke looks at space battle through window (ep.6) Crait = Hoth (ep.5) Luke trains Rey = Yoda trains Luke (ep.5)
In the novel, it said that Rey learned everything that Kylo learned by Luke and Snoke, by just touching his hand, so that explains how she lifted that many rocks, but is dumb that they did that, make her train like Luke
Nothing happens in TLJ. I don't blame the actors and I will never bash a creator, however I really don't know who this movie caters to. It triggered me and my 7yr old son was bored. TFA is watchable and I still shat on it for derailing after the 30 minute mark. We want to see cool stuff happening on screen, not lecturing and weak ass pandering. Video game trailers are the only exciting star wars content we get, the movies and especially TLJ were dull as fuck. Show me cool fire fights with troopers and cool camera angles, use the force in powerful yet subdued ways not weakly stick out your hand to move a few rocks or to force face time! The problem with star wars and movies in general feel overly questioned and driven by agendas, no longer do they feel like creations of escapism.
Kevin Reynart Revenge of the Sith was okay. The other two were terrible. If you want a basic summary: The Empire Strikes Back: 9/10 A New Hope: 8/10 Return of the Jedi: 6/10 Revenge of the Sith: 5/10 Rogue One: 4/10 The Force Awakens: 4/10 The Clone Wars: 3/10 The Phantom Menace: 2/10 The Last Jedi: 2/10 Attack of the Clones: 1/10
It's like with Jesus, he was a carpenter from a town that if not for him, no one would've ever heard of. And like with Rey, his parents were nobodies. Yet look what he did, you don't need to be from somewhere to be someone.
are... are you kidding me on #22? you can’t say kylo said rey’s parents are nothing and then show the clip which portrays rey saying her parents are nothing first...
Tony H That is not why people hate it; the plot is stupid. Rey is boring 'cause is invincible for no reason at all. Both the first order and the resistance are FUCKING STUPIDS. And it doesn't have any relation with the force awakens. The visuals and music are obviously great. I personally dislike han and partially luke so I don't have a problem with their deaths, but Luke characther in the movie is incongruent to everything we know about him in both legends and canon. Finally, everything interesting already happen and they told us instead of showing us. Rian should had never been the director of this movie but I believe he will make an excellent job with a trilogy that is not the main one.
Well, The Empire Strikes Back doesn't have Luke hiding on an island, sulking. If I said more, the post would probably get deleted at the very least, so I'll leave it at that.
Another difference: empire came out when star wars fans weren't spoilt and didnt complain about everything. I guarantee if empire came put today SW fans would go around calling it an abomination and complaining that luke and Vader shouldnt be related.
I think the point made was in comparison to TFA where it almost was a note for note remake of ANH, so for TLJ in comes the twist having it be an inverse of everything plot wise of ESB. It's brilliant in where the audience is on their toes not knowing what arrives next whether be Ben turning back, Rey being part of an established family or if the Resistance can survive being outclassed and gunned by the First Order. I dug it, myself, but can understand why many wouldn't like where the unexpected narrative took them. I'm just happy the Force is something undefinable by nature and not quantifiable Midichlorians.
Very good reasons on how the two movies are different listed. Before each reason you stated how they were different, you actually said how they were somewhat similar. Always professionally done, but the two movies have the same chemistry. Episode 5 moves from point A to point B, where as Episode 8 is tail chasing on how the side mission was a waste of time. It is like the whole plot of finding the special person to get rid of the tracing device was useless. Watch the cinema sins for the movie and you will really see how episode 5 is always going to be better to watch. How is it Luke is killed off through a hologram. He is shot by the ATAT's and lives, but is stabbed by a lightsaber and dies. Makes no sense. Too long of a movie being at 155 minutes. Too many how did that happen, or how did that person get there moments occurred in the film. For example, BB8 gets captured with Finn and the other, but is not held in a prison cell with them. Really shows one how the prequels are the worst of the series, but episodes 7 and 8 are trying for a close tie with the prequels. Episode 8 did not even have a duel of lightsabers clashing. Ben could not even hit Luke with the lightsaber in front of the audience. It would have been awesome if the general fired the ATAT at both people on the ground, and having Rey actually be the last jedi. Then that would have made sense to have Ben and Luke die together.
Great video! I really think this is true. And I think they steered away from episode 5 because that's what fans expected. And I feel like doing the EXACT opposite of it is what led to Its downfall, it FORCED them to use crappy plots in order to "surprise" the audience.
You forgot 2 reason REASON 1 - the first order lost more soldiers and ships than the empire due to BLOWING up the dreadnought and vice admiral holdo hyperspace right through the first order star destroyer ships including half of snoke ship. And the empire lost not that much in the empire strikes back REASON 2 - the Empire Strikes Back Lost 0 Major Characters And the last Jedi lost 2 - 3 Major Characters like Luke Skywalker Captain Phasma and Maybe Snoke. And I said maybe because there are rumors that snoke might comeback in episode 9 and plus even though luke Skywalker is dead he can comeback to be a force ghost in episode 9 to.
I disagree the planet crate battle if the same battle from Empire Strikes Back the Battle of Hoth has imperial walkers in the last Jedi they have the exact same battle on the planet crate those machines if it's not obvious to you it's obvious to me they look exactly the same as. Walkers the scene where snoke and kylo Ren and Rey is exactly the same scene in Return of the Jedi where the emperor says to Luke your friends are doomed and Luke is looking out of the window snoke Sister Ray your friends are doomed Emily is looking out the window the same way in in the Return of the Jedi only a true Star Wars fans wouldn't notice this
The Walkers on The Last Jedi were AT-MG's compared to The Empire Strikes Back where the empire used AT-AT's. AT-MG's are a lot bigger than the standard AT-AT.
Snow, salt... visually is almost the same and they have AT-AT/AT-M6 that are basically the same but bigger... and 13. There you see why Rey is a Mary Sue...
Kylo didn’t lie to Rey, she said they were nobody first.
But maybe that is a lie he planted in her mind....
he definitely planted the seed
Why can’t people just accept it? Rey is a nobody. Great things can come from unexpected places. Not everything has to be connected...
I think it's much more powerful that Rey has this delusion of her parents being somebody, even waiting for 14+ years for them to come get her, when the hole time they were nobody.
Why should I care about Rey when she has the God Mode cheats codes on? Yes people she is a person playing a video game with God Mode on. How could none of you realize that awesome truth?
TLJ is a bad good movie
It's so visually impressive and had excellent cinematography, not to mention the actors did fantastic in their roles.
Which pains me to say that the story itself brings the entire film down to a level that I could not enjoy, despite the aforementioned qualities.
One thing the Star Wars films always did right were the storylines.
The originals were simple, easy to follow, and worked fantastically on a smaller scale by creating a cast of beloved characters and establishing memorable relationships between them.
The prequels were grander and larger in scale, stumbling on the details of the films such as dialogue and a lot of acting, but worked in making the universe feel alive and so much larger than the originals were able to, as well as making the franchise feel like a grand opera on titanic levels.
The sequels feel confused and hollow, as if the producers were trying to do both, but achieved none.
Hueman Bean that's a good way a describing it
Hit the nail on the head
AJ Styles fan dude it's just a movie for entertainment, no need to get so worked up.
I agree.
Makes sense
1 Reason Star Wars Episode V & Star Wars The Last Jedi Are Different:
One is good. One is bad
jokes.... TLJ wasn't terrible. 7/10
Lucky the only reason I hate the last Jedi is that we didn't get a TRUE fight with Luke and Kylo but it was at least 11/20
Last Jedi sucks
One is a good movie that made the franchise into a cult classic.
The other makes The Phantom Menace look awesome in retrospect.
you seriously think star wars can become a cult classic?
This is Caboose Yeah, it's hard to make a movie that isn't out yet look terrible in retrospect, but dang it, The Empire Strikes Back delivers.
there was a point in time when people thought empire was the franchise killer. now what are people calling last jedi again?
i think i was using the wrong word. plus i'm not making anything up. i probably remember something differently though
Galerne Triggered Star Wars fan with unnecessary insults
Comparing the two, at all, is simply embarrassing.
Empire is my all time favorite. But I still like Last Jedi. I know, shocking.
Here’s a difference: one is actually good
One will still be watched 20 years from now.
One will most definitely be forgotten.
are the prequels forgotten?
The prequels are remembered because they are laughably bad. These movies are boring bad
Lemme correct that. Rogue One and Last Jedi are boring bad (imo). I loved TFA
Rogue One has the Darth Vader scene.
TFA and TLJ have nothing. Well, there's the lightspeed ramming scene... which is awful but sure looks cool.
The Prequels did their own thing, had a compelling story and with better dialogue they could have been as good as the originals.
The sequel trilogy does not have a compelling story or characters and all it does is appeal to nostalgia (you can see that by the look of the movies trying to copy the originals).
If you think the prequels aged badly, wait 10 years from now and I can guarantee you that the sequels will age even worse, they couldn't come up with a compelling story to follow Return of the Jedi and history won't be kind to these hollow movies...
It's also similar to attack of the clones in which there's poorly defined romance as a subplot and also a moment with lovers public execution. Also a chromed armored warrior who looked badass is suddenly defeated by the black guy. And elderly master comes to help at the last second.
"Luke could have used his mind to move the ship, but in the last Jedi, Luke uses his mind to move his mind off the planet instead" I know I'm just repeating, but you really could have killed me using that sentence lmao
Did you like, love or hate The Last Jedi? Let me know below!
I like it
like it.
Love it
You have no idea what you just started
Emsb: 2 boys love 1 girl
Tlj : 1 boy loves 2 girls
Emsb : the boy kisses the girl
Tlj : the girl kisses the boy
Nah, the girl kisses the boy in both films.
Similarities = Girl kisses boy, Ice planet with AT AT Walker, boy hugs girl
Difference = Boy's hand cut off then rescued by girl Vs Boy dies by sending his 'hologram' to a far away planet
Couch Tomato I find that Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) has a similar plot to Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980).
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) and Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) are both so many times way better than both Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) and Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) in my personal opinion.
I just realized that the movies are reversed, in Empire the movie starts with a battle with walkers on a white planet, but in The Last Jedi it ends with a walker battle on a white planet!
Hold on Finn wasn't in love with rose, fuck it I don't care anyway it's a shit movie
The Empire strikes back is almost a perfect movie, and The last Jedi is an abomination that needs to be purged
people used to think empire was an abomination when it first came out
Tio do RDR2 Use your feelings you know it to be true
@@SmashLiXs true
The Empire Strikes Back is the most beloved movie of an entire generation. Stars Wars could have been a fluke but Empire cemented the franchise for ever. The Last Jedi is so bad it should be buried in the desert with those E.T. games. I know of many people that did not see TROS because TLJ was so bad they just could not take it anymore. Yes TESB is different from TLJ. Empire gets a 10 out of 10 rating. TLJ gets a 0/10.
The reason they are fighting on salt is because of the reception of the last jedi
ESB and LJ are the same to me.
One is good, the other is bad
I didn't like TLJ when I saw it. Then I sat down and watched dozens of hours of super fans poking holes in it. One dude did a three part series that was close to 5 hours long. He was that passionate. The movie might have been awful but it inspired wonderful creativity and that means it literally cannot be all bad.
this channel deserves SOOO MUCH more attention and views...
Awesome video bro
Great Video!
Another reason why they’re different, The Apprentices punishment for failure in the last movie, Palpatine lets Vader off the hook like it’s no big deal, Snoke on the other hand has no tolerance for failure and beats up Kylo Ren for losing to a girl.
Amazing. Every word you just said... Was right
24 reasons Coco and The Book of Life are Not the Same Movie OR some other movie that is not the same as Coco.
probably with corpse bride or monsters inc
This video shows how they're the same, not different.
I'm not a huge star wars fan but the only things I don't like about the last jedi are finn and roses entire plot which felt completely unnecessary, and holdo not explaining her plan, they just needed a better justification for po's treason than I have a great plan but I'd rather you think I didn't have anything. fucking dumb. But other than that I thought it was one of the best movies
Brian Dupuis So you liked Luke trying to kill his nephew in his sleep because he believed he would turn evil even though he didn't kill his father who he barely knew and was to blame for Billions with a B deaths? You was ok with Rey still not training and beating Snokes guards? You were ok with Rose somehow stopping Finn from not crashing and then Finn and Rose some how surviving said crash and not getting shot by the walkers? You were ok with Mary Poppins Leia? You were ok with Luke some how getting on that Planet in his X-Wing without an Astromech droid which they have never been known to fly without one? You were ok with the Horrible editing of Phasma scenes at the end? You were ok with Rey moving those boulders at the end with no training? You were ok with Rey swimming but she was from a dessert planet? You are ok with Finn driving even though in the Force Awakens, he did not know how? You are ok with a Force Ghost using Force lighting? Seriously asking for a friend.
well I did say fuck finn and rose's entire plot, so definitely not ok with that because it was stupid, but other than that I was pretty ok with all of those things except now the fact that rey magically learned how to swim bothers me. I thought Leia's scene was rad, and yoda's force ghost lightning was pretty enjoyable, granted I also thought yodas fight scene was one of the only enjoyable parts of the prequels and most "true fans" would consider all my opinions invalid after that. I didn't know that about the x-wing though, I thought droids were just there for general assistance, not that they were keys to get the things moving. I guess I don't care, because that's stupid that droids are needed, and I'm fine striking stupid shit that george lucas came up with from canon, because he's proven he's an idiot plenty of times. Everything else I would attribute to Rey being really naturally gifted, which is a thing? Like it's kind of marysue, and I think generally they're trying to make her interesting because she's a woman rather than actually interesting, but that was just an extension from the previous movie, sure there was power creep, but meh. Luke's plot I liked, I thought it made sense that years of stress and responsibility might have made him jaded. People treat it as a betrayal of what his character stood for, rather than what could easily have just been a natural progression for that character. I also just generally enjoyed that he had sort of become yoda including the slightly unhinged attitude And I never noticed Phasma's editing? I was annoyed at the way they were treating poor Gwendolyn until I read up on the character, now I think phasma is pretty cool, but that was what I took away from my first watch. Maybe I'll take another look and just skip over all of finn and rose's scenes. Literally if rose didn't exist and Finn was allowed to just leave the ship at the beginning of the movie, I would have enjoyed it more. Oh well
I will say that I genuinely enjoyed rey and ben's chemistry, and every aspect of their story, I find myself liking Po even when I feel like I shouldn't, I thought killing snoke was genius, I was glad when rey's parents had nothing to do with the extended universe, and those crystal foxes are sexy as hell. porgs are alright
Brian Dupuis I don't even know why Phasma was in the movie to be honest. Yoda using lighting was cool but made no sense from a Star Wars prospective. Rey definitely is Mary Sue. What you said about her being gifted would make sense if they explored it but they didn't. But the novels said the reason why she is so powerful is when Kylo tried to probe her mind in TFA, some how she got his knowledge of Force abilities lol. I would have preferred her using the Dark side and not knowing it be the reason since Luke said she never try to turn away from the Dark side when she was reaching out to the Force. That would actually make a little more sense, since tapping in the Dark side is suppose to be more easier to achieve because it fuels off emotions. But who knows anymore.
I would definitely be on board with that as the explanation. I'm a big fan of that trope in general. But fair enough, some sort of symbiotic bond giving her increased powers because ben is really strong, why not I guess.
Brian Dupuis Rey is now Rogue from X-Men lol jk. No training needed. Just touch someone and you will be as powerful as them. Bur didn't Snoke pry into her mind to in TLJ when he was torturing her? If that's the case she should be using Force lighting in the next movie lol.
Last jedi is more like return of the jedi
Empire is better though
Very cool, Couch. Very cool.
Not completely, but small similarities TO ALSO ep.6
voluntary surrender (ep.6)
Kylo kills Snoke = Vader throws Palpatine to mine (ep.6)
Snoke shows Rey her friends are dying = Luke looks at space battle through window (ep.6)
Crait = Hoth (ep.5)
Luke trains Rey = Yoda trains Luke (ep.5)
thank you for making this video im sick of all the hate
Awesome video
In the novel, it said that Rey learned everything that Kylo learned by Luke and Snoke, by just touching his hand, so that explains how she lifted that many rocks, but is dumb that they did that, make her train like Luke
The Reason: Star Wars the last Jedi and all nine Star Wars movies all have in common.
I have a recommendation for your next video
24 reasons why Black Panther and Thor are the same movie
Awesome vid, as usual.
Empire strikes back is still number one in my book
Nothing happens in TLJ. I don't blame the actors and I will never bash a creator, however I really don't know who this movie caters to. It triggered me and my 7yr old son was bored. TFA is watchable and I still shat on it for derailing after the 30 minute mark. We want to see cool stuff happening on screen, not lecturing and weak ass pandering. Video game trailers are the only exciting star wars content we get, the movies and especially TLJ were dull as fuck. Show me cool fire fights with troopers and cool camera angles, use the force in powerful yet subdued ways not weakly stick out your hand to move a few rocks or to force face time! The problem with star wars and movies in general feel overly questioned and driven by agendas, no longer do they feel like creations of escapism.
Francois Lohnes it caters to Kathleen Kennedy. That's why she gave Rian Johnson his very on Trilogy before this movie ever came out smh.
Leigh Brackett is the inspiration name of Sheriff Leigh Brackett in Halloween (1978)
5:08 Any other answer would be considered cliche copying. There's no response that could possibly top the biggest reveal in cinema history.
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Title is missing the word "Reason"
fixed it. Thanks
That rhyme at the end though lol
24 reasons big hero 6 and spider-man 2 are the same movie
18. Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
I'm actually surprised by how many comparisons there are available here :) Good work!
I feel sorry you had to watch TLJ so many times to get them.
You don’t need to be a Star Wars fan to realize which movie is masterpiece and which is a destroyer of a legacy
hm. Actually I don't think the new episode is a destroyer.
Are we still pretending that this franchise didn't die 20 years ago?
Kevin Reynart Revenge of the Sith was okay. The other two were terrible. If you want a basic summary:
The Empire Strikes Back: 9/10
A New Hope: 8/10
Return of the Jedi: 6/10
Revenge of the Sith: 5/10
Rogue One: 4/10
The Force Awakens: 4/10
The Clone Wars: 3/10
The Phantom Menace: 2/10
The Last Jedi: 2/10
Attack of the Clones: 1/10
you need to be an idiot to write a stupid comment like that.
x look who tf is talking: an x
I like that Rey has no special lineage that incurs some kind of preordained destiny. She gets to write her own destiny!
well said
It's like with Jesus, he was a carpenter from a town that if not for him, no one would've ever heard of. And like with Rey, his parents were nobodies. Yet look what he did, you don't need to be from somewhere to be someone.
yeah remember that part where george lucas said that star wars was about the skywalker family? yeah aparantly not the writers
If only she wasn't a Mary Sue and follows the plot instead of leading it
The reason rey/kylo ren fights each other and snoke is because they were comparing that scene to the Return of the jedi
are... are you kidding me on #22? you can’t say kylo said rey’s parents are nothing and then show the clip which portrays rey saying her parents are nothing first...
Everybody suck it, The Last Jedi is awesome.
serban capraru I completely agree I loved it
I agree it is still better than the holiday special
Tony H
That is not why people hate it; the plot is stupid. Rey is boring 'cause is invincible for no reason at all. Both the first order and the resistance are FUCKING STUPIDS. And it doesn't have any relation with the force awakens. The visuals and music are obviously great. I personally dislike han and partially luke so I don't have a problem with their deaths, but Luke characther in the movie is incongruent to everything we know about him in both legends and canon. Finally, everything interesting already happen and they told us instead of showing us. Rian should had never been the director of this movie but I believe he will make an excellent job with a trilogy that is not the main one.
Slap Star Wars on it and they will come smh.
It's all subjective at the moment I'm confused on what I thought of it
Off corce they're different, empire strikes back is actually good whele the other one isn t
people in 1980 also thought empire wasn't good
Like how people in 2017 thought that the last jedi was good until they saw it again.
Of* course* while* isn't*
It feels more like 24 reasons ESB and TLJ are similar
why do you put your subscribers private
that a question?
Well, The Empire Strikes Back doesn't have Luke hiding on an island, sulking. If I said more, the post would probably get deleted at the very least, so I'll leave it at that.
Another difference: empire came out when star wars fans weren't spoilt and didnt complain about everything. I guarantee if empire came put today SW fans would go around calling it an abomination and complaining that luke and Vader shouldnt be related.
One reason:
Empire is good
Can you guys do 24 reasons captain America civil war and batman vs superman are different???
This is brilliant! Lol
No. 25: Empire Strikes Back was actually a half decent movie.
So you found differences between the one Star Wars movie that people loved and the one that divided the fans.
Owen Muller i love both
I think the point made was in comparison to TFA where it almost was a note for note remake of ANH, so for TLJ in comes the twist having it be an inverse of everything plot wise of ESB. It's brilliant in where the audience is on their toes not knowing what arrives next whether be Ben turning back, Rey being part of an established family or if the Resistance can survive being outclassed and gunned by the First Order. I dug it, myself, but can understand why many wouldn't like where the unexpected narrative took them. I'm just happy the Force is something undefinable by nature and not quantifiable Midichlorians.
Snoke is not a Sith Lord.
I hated the last jedi
It was a shit movie so it makes sense
Do 24 reasons why the movies Big Hero 6 and The Avengers are the same
#1: One is actually a really good movie and didn't just rely on old shit to make it look better.
I ain't gonna bother watching these new Star Wars movies after I have seen Rogue One. I officially lost all hope for Disney as a company.
wait the video was about how different the films were? ..i only could think of how similar are they watching this
I think this guy is being sarcastic.
Very good reasons on how the two movies are different listed. Before each reason you stated how they were different, you actually said how they were somewhat similar. Always professionally done, but the two movies have the same chemistry. Episode 5 moves from point A to point B, where as Episode 8 is tail chasing on how the side mission was a waste of time. It is like the whole plot of finding the special person to get rid of the tracing device was useless. Watch the cinema sins for the movie and you will really see how episode 5 is always going to be better to watch. How is it Luke is killed off through a hologram. He is shot by the ATAT's and lives, but is stabbed by a lightsaber and dies. Makes no sense. Too long of a movie being at 155 minutes. Too many how did that happen, or how did that person get there moments occurred in the film. For example, BB8 gets captured with Finn and the other, but is not held in a prison cell with them. Really shows one how the prequels are the worst of the series, but episodes 7 and 8 are trying for a close tie with the prequels. Episode 8 did not even have a duel of lightsabers clashing. Ben could not even hit Luke with the lightsaber in front of the audience. It would have been awesome if the general fired the ATAT at both people on the ground, and having Rey actually be the last jedi. Then that would have made sense to have Ben and Luke die together.
Great video! I really think this is true. And I think they steered away from episode 5 because that's what fans expected. And I feel like doing the EXACT opposite of it is what led to Its downfall, it FORCED them to use crappy plots in order to "surprise" the audience.
in The Empire Strikes Back it's called the rebel alliance
You forgot 2 reason
REASON 1 - the first order lost more soldiers and ships than the empire due to BLOWING up the dreadnought and vice admiral holdo hyperspace right through the first order star destroyer ships including half of snoke ship. And the empire lost not that much in the empire strikes back
REASON 2 - the Empire Strikes Back Lost 0 Major Characters
And the last Jedi lost 2 - 3 Major Characters like Luke Skywalker Captain Phasma and Maybe Snoke.
And I said maybe because there are rumors that snoke might comeback in episode 9 and plus even though luke Skywalker is dead he can comeback to be a force ghost in episode 9 to.
I bet there people in the comments who haven’t seen the video, and they already disliked and ranted on why this dude is wrong
Snoke's throne room his more like Palpy's throne room from Ep. VI.
3:51 "Another" was Anakin.
got to reason five before i realized it was a different video, had to start again
Moral of the Video:
Can you still do 24 reasons bambi and transformers age of extinction are the same movie please
can you think of reasons?
Reason number five I don’t think episode eight is water I think it’s Pee
Press like to pay respects to Carrie Fisher
I disagree the planet crate battle if the same battle from Empire Strikes Back the Battle of Hoth has imperial walkers in the last Jedi they have the exact same battle on the planet crate those machines if it's not obvious to you it's obvious to me they look exactly the same as. Walkers the scene where snoke and kylo Ren and Rey is exactly the same scene in Return of the Jedi where the emperor says to Luke your friends are doomed and Luke is looking out of the window snoke Sister Ray your friends are doomed Emily is looking out the window the same way in in the Return of the Jedi only a true Star Wars fans wouldn't notice this
The Walkers on The Last Jedi were AT-MG's compared to The Empire Strikes Back where the empire used AT-AT's. AT-MG's are a lot bigger than the standard AT-AT.
Snow, salt... visually is almost the same and they have AT-AT/AT-M6 that are basically the same but bigger...
and 13. There you see why Rey is a Mary Sue...
Do why Guardians 2 and Coraline are the same movie already!
The Last Jedi was awesome!!!! BLOW ME!!!!
Lieutenant Nomad agree
Agree still better than holiday special
here's a bomb . blow it where you want but not for suicide
Sorry but I don't feel like sucking you off!!! :P
the differences almost seem on purpose
i liked empire MUCH MORE than last jedi.
ones good ones bad
No. 7- Snoke and Kylo aren't Sith
I like it when you compared the greatest movie in the series and the worst movie in the series
Please Trolls (2016) and My Little Pony The Movie (2017) are different and/or same.
Love the channel but these are showing how they are the same with a teeny tiny difference
This is a parody right?
kind of
I don't think so, no one can kill a Jedi
Yes, no, maybe so
I think I know one diffrent thing they are the same
first the armored base of the good guys destroyed but escaped using mallenium falcon
Damn those rhymes! Wow
Do spiderman 2 & Kung Fu Panda 2
Like for the Rap😂
Luke is not Yoda.