How to Manage Carpal Tunnel Syndrome After Pregnancy: Top Stretches for Pain Relief

  • Опубликовано: 28 июн 2024
  • What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that occurs when the median nerve, which runs from your forearm into the palm of your hand, becomes compressed or squeezed at the wrist. This nerve passes through a narrow path called the carpal tunnel, which is made up of bones and ligaments. When the tunnel becomes narrowed or the tissues surrounding the flexor tendons swell, it can place pressure on the median nerve, leading to CTS.
    Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Postpartum Moms
    Postpartum moms are particularly susceptible to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to several factors:
    Fluid Retention: During pregnancy and postpartum, your body retains more fluid. This can increase pressure within the carpal tunnel, compressing the median nerve.
    Hormonal Changes: Hormonal shifts, particularly the increase in the hormone relaxin, can affect the ligaments and tendons, making them more prone to swelling and inflammation.
    Repetitive Motions: Activities such as lifting and holding your baby, breastfeeding, and even changing diapers involve repetitive hand and wrist movements. These repetitive actions can contribute to the development of CTS.
    Posture and Ergonomics: Poor posture and ergonomics while caring for your newborn can strain the wrists and hands, exacerbating CTS symptoms.
    Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    Recognizing the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the first step towards managing it. Common symptoms include:
    Numbness or Tingling: You may experience numbness or tingling in the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers. This sensation often occurs during activities that involve gripping or pinching.
    Pain or Discomfort: Pain in the wrist, palm, or fingers, which can radiate up the arm, is a common symptom. This pain may be more pronounced at night or after using your hands for prolonged periods.
    Weakness: CTS can cause weakness in the hand, making it difficult to grasp objects, perform fine motor tasks, or even hold your baby comfortably.
    Swelling: Some moms may notice swelling in the fingers, which can further contribute to the sensation of tightness and discomfort.
    Why Stretching is Important
    Incorporating specific stretches into your daily routine can help alleviate the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by reducing pressure on the median nerve and improving wrist flexibility. Stretching can also enhance blood flow to the affected area, promoting healing and reducing inflammation.
    Getting Started with Your Rehab Journey
    Starting your rehabilitation journey doesn't have to be overwhelming. By dedicating just a few minutes each day to these stretches, you can begin to see improvements in your symptoms. Consistency is key, and over time, you'll notice reduced pain, improved wrist mobility, and greater strength in your hands.
    About Sehat Living
    I’m Shriti, the founder of Sehat Living. Inspired by my experiences working in outpatient clinics, I saw firsthand the challenges moms face in prioritizing their recovery post-childbirth. That’s why I started Sehat Living, to help moms like you recover from the comfort of your own home.
    My philosophy is simple: less is more. By dedicating just 15 minutes a day to your health, you can accelerate your postpartum recovery and spend more quality time with your little one without worrying about aches and pains.
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    If you would like a personalized exercise plan to support your postpartum journey, join 6-week healthy habit challenge -
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