Chris Parry is correct. I'm 63, I was commissioned into UK forces in 1980 and served in 2 regiments. If I was that age now, I wouldnt volunteer, I'd work on leaving the UK. If I signed up, I'd be defending a country that discriminates against the natives, with armed forces that do the same. A country under unfettered demographic assault. A country that is committing suicide. Why would I do that?
If the demographics, values and social fabric of the country and its civic minded, patriotic core are attacked - and these are being attacked - thanks to the 'long march through the institutions', including the Tory party. Then, it's not surprising that the civic minded, patriotic core start to baulk at rallying around the colours!
I joined the army in 79 - Light Infantry, after a stint in Borstal - for fighting and criminal damage - that was dismissed in court by the owner of the damaged property - however that's another story, but in those days if you crossed the line you were slapped back with force. I turned up at the recruiting office after being laid off because of the strikes in the late 70's, I was an apprentice welder at the time. I had self made tattoo's and was anti-authority, I was asked if I was on licence - I lied, I took the tests, passed and took the oath a week later, paid a days wage and travelled to Sutton Coldfield and the rest is history...mine that is. I was surprised by how many ex-Borstal boys I met during my early years of service - Borstals were closed down soon after I joined up, and if you look up the backgrounds of some of the ex-SAS from the 60s-70s you will find quite a few ex-Borstal boys, for the MOD to say that they do not discriminate against anyone is an out and out LIE, they will look for a reason to turn your application to join up down, I know and have proof that they do, and the piss poor effort by Capita to recruit anyone except fit 'normal' British males/females is reflected in their shambolic performance these last two decades, shame on them and shame on this country for letting this happen.
@Sjoldschool as soon as any of them were brought here, it was happening. It was the same with the blacks, Indian, and all of the rest, it was happening. Whites just shived their heads up each other's football obsessed arses and pretended that it wasn't.
They are the ones who didnt want "patriots" to join! how on earth can you complain about the state of the army when the one thing you would need to join is patriotism yet you classed it as "right wing" absolute joke these people.
As an ex bootneck I would never serve the government of this nation again. I despise the political direction of the west. Most people totally reject the constant ‘championing’ of identity politics, diversity and political correctness. The personnel of the armed forces will and never can be a reflection of society. You need a common corps of people with common ideals and beliefs. Diversity and inclusion does not motivate men to fight! In all of the history of warfare the back bone of any armed forces relies of the recruitment and development of mentally competent, fit young men! That’s just the way it is. Until that changes I’d never allow my children to serve. The nation needs to stop this cultural treason and cease the self suicidal policies it proclaims as ‘progress’. Let’s see if any politician or general has the balls to admit it.
They always admit it once they're retired. They don't have the balls to speak up and risk their retirement fund. They just pass the baton to the next admiral/General when they leave their post and they do exactly the same. It's the next person's problem.
I would have gladly served to protect the values this country stood for back in the eighties, but to protect the woke, perverse and strange new values that have risen today... not a chance.
🏴🇬🇧 oh its WORSE than you think.... I served for 20 YEARS ... and my CHILDREN saw what happened.... THEY WILL NEVER WORK FOR THE GOV.... best build more prisons... I'd rather see them in there .... and ALOT of my colleagues think the same... 16,000 migrants ?.. draft them.. I'm SURE they would love to fight their OWN countrys. ....
They already are building massive prisons for no real reason then when we get invaded they will be round those prisons getting people to sign up, won't surprise me if the prisoners tell them to sling it, they banged them in a hellhole then say they want em to fight
Problem is all this diversity and PC it has lower the standards you know the saying if it works break it we had one of the best soldiers in the world they have taken in more women some jobs fine but not on the front line my trust is more inclined with the men they are much more protective
@@incurableromantic4006 benefits are too good and let's face it a lot of things our forces have done in the middle east Muslim immigrants and Muslims born here doesn't suit their beliefs.
Let's not forget the members of our armed forces who were hounded and run through court after court for doing their Jobs. If I was young enough, I'd never Join up now. I did 12 years and enjoyed my service time.
And then cast away onto the streets to rot away and getting harrased by african/middleeastern drugndealers peddling ccp fentanyl coated junk. We have been getting attacked from all sides for years now.
@@paddymallory4080It’s a disgrace what happened to them. Helping them it doesn’t appear to be a priority of the government. The UK government sucks big time.
When I joined the Army my local careers office had posters in the window of infantry bayonet charges, pictures of tanks with the slogan “we deliver the punch” it was exciting for a young 17 year old, I wanted to be part of it. Looking at the local office now, it looks more like a drop in help centre for the lost and disaffected, totally unappealing.
Exactly , do you remember the army list of right wing "dog whistles " they come out with. No wonder they cant get anyone to join One of those whistles was simply being patriotic lol
Patriotic to what? The government that has betrayed us? The monarchy that cares only about itself not about the suffering of our people? The WEF globalists that want yo control us? Be Patriotic, i am. But fit the British people for our culture and heritage. For our blood and soil. Family, folk, Land, faith.
We should pay our armed forces a better wage, repair and refurbish military quarters, increase defence spending and, first and foremost, abandon the stupid diversity, equality and inclusivity rules. Our military is NOT the place for a social experiment.
Get our people signed up and in there as well - the woke will not make decisions to benefit us the change must come from within. Like they did to us. Pretend to be woke, climb the ladder, change the system
When people see ex servicemen on the streets, and immigrants put up in 4-star hotels, would you want to fight for a country that cares so little for you. Sign the immigrants up......
I tried to join the army a good few years ago but unfortunately had a conviction for driving with no insurance.The recruiting officer said sorry,i could have joined if i had a conviction for violence that would have been ok.Total madness,i couldn't understand why
Let's get this straight. Our Armed Forces do the bidding of our elected Government (as is right and proper). But who, at this time, wants to do as our Government bids? After all, they have been proven to be a bunch of lying, self obsessed, corrupt incompetents. So I for one would never sign up under these conditions.
I did 12 years in the British Army and had many tattoos applied during my service. It didn't stop me doing my or getting several promotions. Matter of fact, people without tattoos were the exception. I would agree though with drawing the line at facial tattoos.
How can anyone seriously expect guys to queue up to volunteer to join a service where they are likely to be sent overseas to die protecting US businesses?
@Leidolfrunfortunately thats not how they recruit now , like i have said in previous posts they stopped taking in people who describe themselves as "patriotic" as its a right wing dog whistle, it is their woke nonsense that has done this , its even the same in the US. Go and type in " british army and right wing extremism" then scroll down to the XRW graph af what they refuse people on , i would asume that being "patriotic " is one of the things that would drive you to fight in the first place not something they look out for to stop you from joining.
I wouldn't fancy putting my life on the line for this government or King just to end up sleeping on the streets after being let go just weeks before my full pension
Add in low wages, sub-standard housing and poor quality care, who would! I trained alongside the armed services for several years. They were fitter but we had better gear, were paid better and got to go home to better housing at the end of the day. Unless you came from a s**t start in life, why would you bother? One of my daughter's has started to express an interest but after telling her about the sexual harassment, on base rapes and the poor responses from the the upper echelons when women complain, she is starting to reassess.
My son's in the RN when he was applying Capita were useless it slowed down the process significantly he took him 24 mths to join up. The morale is so low theyd all like a bunk on the Bibby Stockholm. Im ex QAARNS weve always had a strict medical assessment this is the wrong thing to do we need physically strong youngmen. He is right DEI is the issue. My son in law in the army is sick of the LGBTQ flags ect he transfered from royal matines to army for a skill he couldnt get in the marines. Despite being in Bosnia Iraq and Afghanistan. They dont treat our service men well it disgusts me. And know they have a real issue with not having enough men to man ships. May i politely suggest out sourcing accommodation and food to civviy companies which is profit driven is a disaster. An army marches on its stomach. My son has an air fryer and a fridge in his room ( which no immigrants would live in ) because food isnt so good
I joined in 1976 and retired 2019. I was diagnosed with asthma at 27, I represented the Tri services at sport. I never failed a fitness test and even into my late 50's beat 20 year olds on said tests!
I'm no longer of an age that I can apply for the Army, though if we Ever face all out war I could face conscription like anybody else. Here's the thing, knowing what I do now, if I were younger I WOULDN'T JOIN seeing how the Armed forces are so DIVERSE for fear of repercussions when I 'won't' tolerate the utter rubbish of a woke structure under Military regime such as it is currently, PERIOD!!!!! It's not an Army, it's a PARADE of ineptness, not a command force that knows what it's job is anymore and I'm terrified we would fail in War now!!!!😮😢
Capita are a disgrace. From the start of their contract it was taking 9 to 12 months to take a potential recruit through the process. Paperwork not done correctly, applications lost, medical notes lost. The youngsters got fed up waiting, found other work, got a boy/girlfriend etc. This is the real reason behind why Capita are failing. And nothing has changed. Bring back the old Colour Sergeant Recruiters that wanted you. Not someone, not even a Clvil Servant, who in general couldn’t give a damn.
You described my experience I tried in 2012 what a shambles capita are. Suspicious I reckon government have shares in the company how can they be so blind towards a company that has been failing for so long. I know an ex soldier he's glad he's out and ex sailor says the same the morale and adventure has vanished by the sound of it.
You perfectly describe my experience. Went through the process during COVID and on top of it capita got hacked and everything was shut for 3 months. The process being already too long and bureaucratic.
@@tfbrooks1668 Capita is owned by close friends of high flying MPs. I had dealings with recruitment in the last couple of years before I retired from the Army. We worked hard to have people want to join just to have Capita mess them like you guys. If you’d like my opinion. Go to the Reserve forces. You have all the opportunities you have in the Regular forces but without the crap. And if you can’t turn up then you can’t turn up. And if they have to mobilise the entire reserves then National Service for everyone isn’t far behind. At least you will have had training 👍🏼 I’d go the RAF reserve if I could!
Exactly this It took my son over 12 moths to get through the system into the RAF and we are at 9 months for my daughter to get into the Army, which they are about to loose her because she is sick of waiting. When I Joined in the 90s it took 6 weeks from expression of interest to being on the train for basic training.
Always go for the best. Make the career one of most prestigious, sought after and admired professions possible. Increase the pay by a minimum 50% for all ranks. Every serviceman or woman who gives ten or more years duty should be guarranteed the minimum of a social housing for them and their family. Those who prefer to buy should be given state subsidised mortgages. We spend tens of billions on immigrants who we now know add negatively to our economy and our society. So where would the money be better spent! (Those immigrants will not be willing to go to the front line, they are more likely the fifth column)
I served in the 80,s and there was a big pool of mainly white young men to pick from. This was post Thatcher time and the army could pick or choose who they wanted so the standards and training were high. Roll on thirty years and there is no patriotism or discipline in the classroom now and it shows in the youth of today. Most of these millennial kids can't even hold a job down in civie street never mind the army. The government also did away with the army recruitment offices and gave it to a civilian company who haven't got a clue what the army wants so it's no surprise the numbers are down. If I had my time again I wouldn't join up today but I am proud of the time I served and look back on it with fondness.
Kevin - in the 70/80/90’s - it wasn’t uncommon for only 35% of a training platoon to pass out from basic then. And that was line county regiments training depots never mind elite units.
@@garrywynne1218 it was about 25%down the guards depot same as the paras. We started with about 70 plus we had lads added on who'd been back squaded so about 8o and only about a dozen passed out, mind gwe hvad some particularly cruel instructors, some had served in the Falklands, this was 1986.
@@kevinadamson5768 - my brother was in Pirbright 83 and passed out in the WG. Standards were everything then with zero compromise. After a stint in regulars I went Airborne in 87 as a STAB in London with 10 Para. The majority of the unit were ex regular plus a few non. The same mix turned up with lots of RRF regs , RGJ , Guards etc plus county regiments ex regs who’d made their way to London for work. 40 started with only 5 passing P Coy and 4 getting their wings. The stretcher race then was over 7 miles and the Assault Course a separate event . They set high standards that you met( even STABS) that some ex regulars couldn’t do🤷🏻. How did we get to this position 🙄😳
@@garrywynne1218 sad to say it's a lot easier now the training so standards have dropped. Watch trooping the colour from the 80,s and compare it to recent ones and you'll see the difference. Little munchkins in the guards now and women in horse guards.standards have dropped massively.
@@kevinadamson5768I joined the Coldstream Guards in 1963 and the training and discipline was pretty tough, there was lots of bullying but it sorted the wheat from the chaff and the result was tough soldiers. A lot of our senior NCOs and Officers had been through WW2 and their expectations from us was high, they took no shit. I would do it all again if I had too, I have no regrets but it saddens me to see how our Army has become soft and WOKE nowadays. There were no pot bellies to be seen and it dismays me now to see how far standards have fallen
No tattoos to new recruits, then you see veterans absolutely tattoos everywhere, imagine being a fine specimen of a man, no tattoos in best health, then being swamped in war zone the guys with tattoos could make all the difference
Frightening thing is they are not very supportive of our way of life, and in their population, rapidly closing ten million, must have two to three million in their ranks. (vs 70,000 troops)
@@garagenigel The uk government continually shits on us then expects us to fight and die for them? 😄, no chance. Only a fool would volunteer for that madness.
My father was in the Royal Navy in WW2- he, along with most of the other sailors, got tattooed at some port or other. The navy has long been associated with tattoos ( he regretted it by the way)
My grandfather had tattoos during WW1, just his arms like most men back then. He regretted it. He was awarded the Military Medal aged 19 on the Western Front.
all these private companies are shocking whether it's armed forces, the prison service, trains/other transport and a plethora of other stuff it's all garbage and destroying our nation, it's about profit for private companies that's why not about decent results which would be demanded by people if they have skin in the game ie; paid for it
Let the British government sign up all the illegal immigrants who get free healthcare, free housing and lots of other taxpayers monyers which they have never contributed to. Now is the time for them to pay back the British government. Most of the boats that I have seen arriving in Uk and Ireland are all single military aged men. Problem solved
We need a local armed force that they would join to protect their area & families from the foreign criminals that they have let in to the country ,not to be missed used to protect others citizens,
Army recruiting clearly has a policy against white English patriots joining. I just don’t see how you can fight a war with people who are fighting their own gender 😂 I shouldn’t laugh but at a certain point, they’ve done it to themselves. I hate to say this.
Why would anyone with an once of brain want to serve in his majesty's forces, the UK royal family is no longer worth dying for, lifes to short to end up like the previous service men hound in the courts, no help from anyone.
It's bloody obvious to anyone who isn't an imbecile that recruitment into the armed forces should be determined by ones ability to fight and support ones comrades. Anything else is a recipe for disaster. The only exception should be when highly skilled engineers and doctors, or the like, are needed who won't be expected to serve on the front line. AND, what most people don't realise is that even most strong, fit recruits need a lot of training to build up their strength and fitness to the level needed for combat.
Shite wages if you shoot an enemy in a far away land u will be charged in court from our own if not that we will be left in the cold no house no food nothing
There is an abundant supply of 60 years old and above. All ready to fight along with their kit (weaponized walking frames, heavy duty hearing aids, and Age UK ID disks.)
I served in the royal navy from 2012 - 2018 you get treated like shit to be honest, ridiculous amount of hours at sea,barely any sleep,tedious jobs all day long,no time to to exercise so was gaining unwanted weight,poor food and poor pay! Thats just a few of the top of my head, They need to treat people with respect not like prisoners.
Just bring back the old Recruiting Sargent in a careers office. However in modern Britain these recruiting offices will become targeted by a certain demographic. The Right people are Working Class White Men. Followed by Men and Women looking for a sense of adventure , comraderie , duty and service.
Working class white men. Ah yes the most down trodden disrespected I'll treated members of the entire population. They all want to fight for the government and rest of the population that treats them like 5hit!
They've pretty much all but lost the white man. Here in America 25% less whites are joining for obvious good reasons. I live in the south where it was a family tradition for many southern white boy's. Kids laugh at the idea and the retired military guy's and active are all singing the same tune making sure their children do not sign. There's about 10 legit reasons people are not joining anymore, but you add those 10 together it makes it the last idea people are thinking of now. Liberals don't want to be soldiers, or aren't going to make as good of one's as a whole compared to the side they are hating on which is bad in the long run. Besides the whites I would also stay away of?any color for these governments especially if you're a straight Christian male which they have been pretty clear on they hate in every sector.
Maybe people dont want to die protecting a country that abandoned them in favour of immigrants, i will die for my country and fellow Englishmen but i aint dying for the islamic caliphate of the U.K
I played a massive part in returning the Falklands back to Britain. I’m still haunted by the banging and screams of dispair as I put an X against Thatchers name in the polling station.
Chris is a wonderful Commander. Capita is unfit for purpose. Let's get recruitment back into the hands of the Tri Services. Pay, Pensions, accommodation is a start. My sons are leaving disillusioned.
Three items in the same paper the other day. The cost of HS2 has risen to 66 billion, a type 45 destroyer costs 1 billion. We’ve lost control of the channel, if I can put 2 and 2 together why can’t the government?.
Did it ever occur to them that the reason they cant get recruits is exactly because they have lowered standards ? If I am in a team, I need to know the person next to me is actually 'committed' and 'capable', rather than have to carry them all the time, while not actually hating everything about the nation they claim to defend. Why would I want to deploy a 5th column within my defensive structure, while being compelled to watch their back and protect them ? Oh... wait...
@@RuneRelic definitely agree that the whole thing's insane. I couldn't trust anyone to be competent enough, that's bad enough, but the fact they want us to fight when we know damn well they hate us? That's a little unattractive. Maybe death is advantageous compared to this, maybe that's what they're counting on. Idiots.
Ex-Squaddie, I would NOT serve today, not for anything having experienced how we are treated after serving. Luckily I served 88-96, was involved in a War for Oil and luckily only lost a few very good friends and Soldiers during that time. Only One Operational Tour could I agree with and that was a 6 mth tour for the UN, everything else was a Bogus reason, sadly I only realised things were wrong once I'd matured. They handcuff us with ROE's whilst being attacked and face getting charged on return and after our time in, we get discarded with no help for Physical or mental issues. God help us when it starts coming to the fore for the Afgan lads.
The Service deserves to be in the state it is, it really is its own doing. Application took over 9 months, only to be told that something on my medical record from 17 years ago that hadn't been a problem since barred me from entry. If anything I over exercise, exercising 7 day a week, have run marathons, have peak fitness and had enthusiasm for the service. "The recruitment crisis" is the direct result of MOD policy.
When was the last time our forces defended our shores ? Why go fight in a country you probably never heard of until you get your 36 hour notice to,ready.
We have ten's of thousands new potential soldiers, they have come here in a rubber boat, once they got their UK passport and are allowed to stay they are defo fair game to be drafted for when WW3 kicks off!!!!!
Ask your boat friends to fight ….our government have treated use second to out new visitors….no one I know would fight for this country unfortunately…..and bot my grandparents fought in ww2
Reading the comments and knowing what I do it's obvious why the services are under strength. Why can't these politicians see this?the country has gone to the dogs.
When I was in basic training in Catterick we got paid £900 for the first 6 months, we where told in the recruiting office it would be 1400. All of us where shocked, some left it made morale fall 10 fold. Noticeably after receiving this news there was minimal effort seen from almost everyone. Bare in mind this was 2018. Nothing has changed.
Mostly everything I was told at the recruiting office was a lie. During the nine months (technician) training I kept thinking it's sure it will get better, it did not, and my 'last day to leave' came and went so I had to wait for three years to 'buy myself out'. As a weapons technician all it qualified me for was to run the village November the 5th Firework display!
Chris Parry is correct. I'm 63, I was commissioned into UK forces in 1980 and served in 2 regiments. If I was that age now, I wouldnt volunteer, I'd work on leaving the UK. If I signed up, I'd be defending a country that discriminates against the natives, with armed forces that do the same. A country under unfettered demographic assault. A country that is committing suicide. Why would I do that?
Well said.
Well said Sir 👍
If the demographics, values and social fabric of the country and its civic minded, patriotic core are attacked - and these are being attacked - thanks to the 'long march through the institutions', including the Tory party. Then, it's not surprising that the civic minded, patriotic core start to baulk at rallying around the colours!
Well said, great post.
I joined the army in 79 - Light Infantry, after a stint in Borstal - for fighting and criminal damage - that was dismissed in court by the owner of the damaged property - however that's another story, but in those days if you crossed the line you were slapped back with force. I turned up at the recruiting office after being laid off because of the strikes in the late 70's, I was an apprentice welder at the time. I had self made tattoo's and was anti-authority, I was asked if I was on licence - I lied, I took the tests, passed and took the oath a week later, paid a days wage and travelled to Sutton Coldfield and the rest is history...mine that is. I was surprised by how many ex-Borstal boys I met during my early years of service - Borstals were closed down soon after I joined up, and if you look up the backgrounds of some of the ex-SAS from the 60s-70s you will find quite a few ex-Borstal boys, for the MOD to say that they do not discriminate against anyone is an out and out LIE, they will look for a reason to turn your application to join up down, I know and have proof that they do, and the piss poor effort by Capita to recruit anyone except fit 'normal' British males/females is reflected in their shambolic performance these last two decades, shame on them and shame on this country for letting this happen.
Who wants to join the British Army to protect the Islamic state of the UK?
It’s not Islamic at all. It will never happen because we’ll never let it happen. Us who still have the balls to fight will fight…
Shadowbanned 4 life gang
@@Sjoldschooldepends which part of the UK you live in. I'm near Bradford I can assure you it's islamic with an islamic run council.
@Sjoldschool as soon as any of them were brought here, it was happening. It was the same with the blacks, Indian, and all of the rest, it was happening. Whites just shived their heads up each other's football obsessed arses and pretended that it wasn't.
@@Sjoldschool Which cave have you been living in for last 50 years...
They are the ones who didnt want "patriots" to join! how on earth can you complain about the state of the army when the one thing you would need to join is patriotism yet you classed it as "right wing" absolute joke these people.
Yes military forces should not be used as a political argument. Period.
As an ex bootneck I would never serve the government of this nation again. I despise the political direction of the west. Most people totally reject the constant ‘championing’ of identity politics, diversity and political correctness. The personnel of the armed forces will and never can be a reflection of society. You need a common corps of people with common ideals and beliefs. Diversity and inclusion does not motivate men to fight! In all of the history of warfare the back bone of any armed forces relies of the recruitment and development of mentally competent, fit young men! That’s just the way it is.
Until that changes I’d never allow my children to serve. The nation needs to stop this cultural treason and cease the self suicidal policies it proclaims as ‘progress’.
Let’s see if any politician or general has the balls to admit it.
45 45 45
They always admit it once they're retired. They don't have the balls to speak up and risk their retirement fund. They just pass the baton to the next admiral/General when they leave their post and they do exactly the same. It's the next person's problem.
I would have gladly served to protect the values this country stood for back in the eighties, but to protect the woke, perverse and strange new values that have risen today...
not a chance.
Woulda, shoulda, coulda, why do so many "patriots" have a litany of excuses for cowardice 😂
@@AntonSmyth-od6rcwho in their right mind want to join up to defend this finished country as it is at moment
@@AntonSmyth-od6rc Not being a patriot is an excuse for cowardice
@@AntonSmyth-od6rcbecause they're full of shit.
🏴🇬🇧 oh its WORSE than you think.... I served for 20 YEARS ... and my CHILDREN saw what happened.... THEY WILL NEVER WORK FOR THE GOV.... best build more prisons... I'd rather see them in there .... and ALOT of my colleagues think the same... 16,000 migrants ?.. draft them.. I'm SURE they would love to fight their OWN countrys. ....
They already are building massive prisons for no real reason then when we get invaded they will be round those prisons getting people to sign up, won't surprise me if the prisoners tell them to sling it, they banged them in a hellhole then say they want em to fight
The problem is their are less British people in the UK now. What do you expect?
Problem is all this diversity and PC it has lower the standards you know the saying if it works break it we had one of the best soldiers in the world they have taken in more women some jobs fine but not on the front line my trust is more inclined with the men they are much more protective
I'm 30 and most people I went to school with are now living in different countries everybody is emigrating.
Exactly. The British people are leaving in droves, and we're pretending that immigrants are going to be a substitute for them.
They're not.
@@incurableromantic4006 benefits are too good and let's face it a lot of things our forces have done in the middle east Muslim immigrants and Muslims born here doesn't suit their beliefs.
Let's not forget the members of our armed forces who were hounded and run through court after court for doing their Jobs. If I was young enough, I'd never Join up now. I did 12 years and enjoyed my service time.
And then cast away onto the streets to rot away and getting harrased by african/middleeastern drugndealers peddling ccp fentanyl coated junk. We have been getting attacked from all sides for years now.
Same here, I did 18 and I know of 2 people I served with died living in the streets after they left.
If you think our troops never commit war crimed, you are deluded. It is not our job to commit war crimes, they are illegal breaches of discipline.
@@bernardedwards8461So all soldiers who were brought to court have committed war crimes?
@@paddymallory4080It’s a disgrace what happened to them. Helping them it doesn’t appear to be a priority of the government. The UK government sucks big time.
Too late, I wouldn't fight for this government if they paid double, they can get stuffed
Here, here.
Whilst I understand not wanting to sign up, it wouldn't be for the govt, it'd be for the country.
@@kreigrastalovich2577dont know if you have noticed but its not our country anymore
@@Roundhead75 it’s still our country and we might have to fight to keep it that way… I’m game are you 🫵🏼or do you have blue hair and pronouns.
@@kreigrastalovich2577the government would use the army against the people, in the same way the police already are
Also the British army needs to stop thinking that people who consider them selfs as patriotic is a right wing thinker for that reason
Google images "Extreme right wing indicators and warnings UK army" and you'll see 😂@@JustDucky-d9k
When I joined the Army my local careers office had posters in the window of infantry bayonet charges, pictures of tanks with the slogan “we deliver the punch” it was exciting for a young 17 year old, I wanted to be part of it. Looking at the local office now, it looks more like a drop in help centre for the lost and disaffected, totally unappealing.
I bet the right people do apply to join but they most likely don't tick the diversity box.
Exactly , do you remember the army list of right wing "dog whistles " they come out with. No wonder they cant get anyone to join
One of those whistles was simply being patriotic lol
I agree with you.
Actually less and less natives are signing up. Why would you fight for a country that has made you a second class citizen in your own native country
@@mp5284 Especially since they were told they were not welcome to apply. I remember that scandal not too long ago.
Why would any young man go fight a war away from home when they can't even defend its own border
thats exactly why i have decided not to join as a 24 year old man
the enemy is already in our country
c'mon lads join the army and defend the country that hates you
The fact that there is a private company recruiting for the forces speaks volumes.
Private companies running many things that used to be military and MoD civilian jobs/trades.
The same company that tries to force people to but tv licences. Maybe that is their priority.
I joined the army in 1984 at 17years old. If i was 17 again i wouldnt join, period.
76 I was a boy soldier.
No way
And me also!
I was in the army too. At 17 you don’t know your arse from your elbow, which is why, it’s a great age to sign up people into the armed forces! 😂
Patriotism is key to maintaining military...
Yet its the one thing they hate
Thats right wing racism
Not much of that left
Patriotic to what?
The government that has betrayed us?
The monarchy that cares only about itself not about the suffering of our people?
The WEF globalists that want yo control us?
Be Patriotic, i am. But fit the British people for our culture and heritage. For our blood and soil.
Family, folk, Land, faith.
Without nationalism, you have no nation.
We should pay our armed forces a better wage, repair and refurbish military quarters, increase defence spending and, first and foremost, abandon the stupid diversity, equality and inclusivity rules. Our military is NOT the place for a social experiment.
Get our people signed up and in there as well - the woke will not make decisions to benefit us the change must come from within. Like they did to us. Pretend to be woke, climb the ladder, change the system
Way to late. The RAF and others actively make white patriots feel bad and don't want to recruit them anyway
When people see ex servicemen on the streets, and immigrants put up in 4-star hotels, would you want to fight for a country that cares so little for you. Sign the immigrants up......
Most of us leave and transition into civvy Street.
@@T5Zplayer All the more reason for looking after the few that don't🙃
@@barriewilliams4526 you misquote me, pathetic
Same as having an Indian PM. Not fit for purpose.
Route cause of many of our problems.
I don't think it matters who serves as PM now Britain is too far gone.
Boris was even worse!
@@bernardedwards8461 Boris is a penny chew 😉
@@bernardedwards8461 Lets hope Reform gets in. Might take a few more years of hell.
I tried to join the army a good few years ago but unfortunately had a conviction for driving with no insurance.The recruiting officer said sorry,i could have joined if i had a conviction for violence that would have been ok.Total madness,i couldn't understand why
Let's get this straight. Our Armed Forces do the bidding of our elected Government (as is right and proper). But who, at this time, wants to do as our Government bids? After all, they have been proven to be a bunch of lying, self obsessed, corrupt incompetents. So I for one would never sign up under these conditions.
British forces should not be fighting for other countrys ,Respect should be for England
what about scotland , wales and NI? 🤣🤣
For Britain!
Dont forget to use their right pronouns either!
Same problem in Canada. What have the military done? Allow tattoos, pink hair. Put tampon dipensers in men's washrooms.
I did 12 years in the British Army and had many tattoos applied during my service. It didn't stop me doing my or getting several promotions. Matter of fact, people without tattoos were the exception. I would agree though with drawing the line at facial tattoos.
How can anyone seriously expect guys to queue up to volunteer to join a service where they are likely to be sent overseas to die protecting US businesses?
The British armed forces need to do some work at home! Your own people need you!
They can start by walking the streets and disbanding protests.
@@JustDucky-d9k they can start by protecting our own people and our own borders.
The Armed Forces are not defending Britain.
A new name is recommended - the "Department for interfering in other countries while failing at Defence"
They are a private army now.
The UK Armed Forces should dump quotas and woke nonsense and recruit the best of the applicants.
Soldering is easy! It's that easy it's boring! You will find the best of the best don't do boring and find something better!
@Leidolfrunfortunately thats not how they recruit now , like i have said in previous posts they stopped taking in people who describe themselves as "patriotic" as its a right wing dog whistle, it is their woke nonsense that has done this , its even the same in the US. Go and type in " british army and right wing extremism" then scroll down to the XRW graph af what they refuse people on , i would asume that being "patriotic " is one of the things that would drive you to fight in the first place not something they look out for to stop you from joining.
Your comment is obviously too logical for some.
That's why there's a wokie drive, because normal people really aren't joining. They're desperate for numbers. Good luck with those unsuitable types.
I wouldn't fancy putting my life on the line for this government or King just to end up sleeping on the streets after being let go just weeks before my full pension
You hit the nail on the head.
Exactly right ..
This country has betrayed every serviceman /woman that fought in the last 27 years!
And turned the UK into a 3rd world nightmare!
Seems to me there's a real drive to reduce our numbers any which way. I'm not buying it, and don't think anyone else is either.
Add in low wages, sub-standard housing and poor quality care, who would! I trained alongside the armed services for several years. They were fitter but we had better gear, were paid better and got to go home to better housing at the end of the day. Unless you came from a s**t start in life, why would you bother? One of my daughter's has started to express an interest but after telling her about the sexual harassment, on base rapes and the poor responses from the the upper echelons when women complain, she is starting to reassess.
This nation won’t even let you defend yourself, why bother defending it.
The wage we pay our armed forces even elite battalions is a total disgrace
What are these "elite" battalions 😂😂
Royal Marines for a start, although not a battalion but a Corps!
The British navy 😂 what a joke! Hugely expensive and has totally failed to protect our OWN borders.
They haven't been sent to protect our borders! They can't just do what they like! That is down to the government.
If only we had borders...
They would if they were ordered to
@Sjoldschool maybe time to take the initiative and save our people. Than just following thr orders of corrupt politicians
A Private enterprise , in charge of recruitment for the UK armed Forces ...........
A person has more chance of gaining employment if they are of a diverse description or some mixed race ..transgender..jewish muslim etc
It’s the recruitment process that is far too picky & long winded. They outsource it to companies such as capita etc
That contract has nepotism, corruption and politics stamped all over it.
Britain has no problem recruiting....just not for public services..
To many civil servants have a say in the running of the military
My son's in the RN when he was applying Capita were useless it slowed down the process significantly he took him 24 mths to join up. The morale is so low theyd all like a bunk on the Bibby Stockholm. Im ex QAARNS weve always had a strict medical assessment this is the wrong thing to do we need physically strong youngmen. He is right DEI is the issue. My son in law in the army is sick of the LGBTQ flags ect he transfered from royal matines to army for a skill he couldnt get in the marines. Despite being in Bosnia Iraq and Afghanistan. They dont treat our service men well it disgusts me. And know they have a real issue with not having enough men to man ships. May i politely suggest out sourcing accommodation and food to civviy companies which is profit driven is a disaster. An army marches on its stomach. My son has an air fryer and a fridge in his room ( which no immigrants would live in ) because food isnt so good
I joined in 1976 and retired 2019. I was diagnosed with asthma at 27, I represented the Tri services at sport. I never failed a fitness test and even into my late 50's beat 20 year olds on said tests!
I'm no longer of an age that I can apply for the Army, though if we Ever face all out war I could face conscription like anybody else. Here's the thing, knowing what I do now, if I were younger I WOULDN'T JOIN seeing how the Armed forces are so DIVERSE for fear of repercussions when I 'won't' tolerate the utter rubbish of a woke structure under Military regime such as it is currently, PERIOD!!!!!
It's not an Army, it's a PARADE of ineptness, not a command force that knows what it's job is anymore and I'm terrified we would fail in War now!!!!😮😢
Sing up the Migrants, like the Foreign Legion 4yrs service for consideration of citizenship.
Its 5 years in the FFL
no miniumim 15 years..( with a min of 3 years active front line duty)
Capita are a disgrace. From the start of their contract it was taking 9 to 12 months to take a potential recruit through the process. Paperwork not done correctly, applications lost, medical notes lost.
The youngsters got fed up waiting, found other work, got a boy/girlfriend etc.
This is the real reason behind why Capita are failing.
And nothing has changed.
Bring back the old Colour Sergeant Recruiters that wanted you. Not someone, not even a Clvil Servant, who in general couldn’t give a damn.
You described my experience I tried in 2012 what a shambles capita are. Suspicious I reckon government have shares in the company how can they be so blind towards a company that has been failing for so long. I know an ex soldier he's glad he's out and ex sailor says the same the morale and adventure has vanished by the sound of it.
You perfectly describe my experience. Went through the process during COVID and on top of it capita got hacked and everything was shut for 3 months. The process being already too long and bureaucratic.
@@tfbrooks1668 Capita is owned by close friends of high flying MPs.
I had dealings with recruitment in the last couple of years before I retired from the Army. We worked hard to have people want to join just to have Capita mess them like you guys.
If you’d like my opinion. Go to the Reserve forces. You have all the opportunities you have in the Regular forces but without the crap. And if you can’t turn up then you can’t turn up. And if they have to mobilise the entire reserves then National Service for everyone isn’t far behind. At least you will have had training 👍🏼
I’d go the RAF reserve if I could!
@@jacobs3031 see my reply to tfbrooks below 👍🏼
Exactly this It took my son over 12 moths to get through the system into the RAF and we are at 9 months for my daughter to get into the Army, which they are about to loose her because she is sick of waiting. When I Joined in the 90s it took 6 weeks from expression of interest to being on the train for basic training.
Always go for the best. Make the career one of most prestigious, sought after and admired professions possible. Increase the pay by a minimum 50% for all ranks. Every serviceman or woman who gives ten or more years duty should be guarranteed the minimum of a social housing for them and their family. Those who prefer to buy should be given state subsidised mortgages. We spend tens of billions on immigrants who we now know add negatively to our economy and our society. So where would the money be better spent! (Those immigrants will not be willing to go to the front line, they are more likely the fifth column)
I served in the 80,s and there was a big pool of mainly white young men to pick from. This was post Thatcher time and the army could pick or choose who they wanted so the standards and training were high. Roll on thirty years and there is no patriotism or discipline in the classroom now and it shows in the youth of today. Most of these millennial kids can't even hold a job down in civie street never mind the army. The government also did away with the army recruitment offices and gave it to a civilian company who haven't got a clue what the army wants so it's no surprise the numbers are down. If I had my time again I wouldn't join up today but I am proud of the time I served and look back on it with fondness.
Kevin - in the 70/80/90’s - it wasn’t uncommon for only 35% of a training platoon to pass out from basic then. And that was line county regiments training depots never mind elite units.
@@garrywynne1218 it was about 25%down the guards depot same as the paras. We started with about 70 plus we had lads added on who'd been back squaded so about 8o and only about a dozen passed out, mind gwe hvad some particularly cruel instructors, some had served in the Falklands, this was 1986.
@@kevinadamson5768 - my brother was in Pirbright 83 and passed out in the WG. Standards were everything then with zero compromise. After a stint in regulars I went Airborne in 87 as a STAB in London with 10 Para. The majority of the unit were ex regular plus a few non. The same mix turned up with lots of RRF regs , RGJ , Guards etc plus county regiments ex regs who’d made their way to London for work. 40 started with only 5 passing P Coy and 4 getting their wings. The stretcher race then was over 7 miles and the Assault Course a separate event . They set high standards that you met( even STABS) that some ex regulars couldn’t do🤷🏻. How did we get to this position 🙄😳
@@garrywynne1218 sad to say it's a lot easier now the training so standards have dropped. Watch trooping the colour from the 80,s and compare it to recent ones and you'll see the difference. Little munchkins in the guards now and women in horse guards.standards have dropped massively.
@@kevinadamson5768I joined the Coldstream Guards in 1963 and the training and discipline was pretty tough, there was lots of bullying but it sorted the wheat from the chaff and the result was tough soldiers. A lot of our senior NCOs and Officers had been through WW2 and their expectations from us was high, they took no shit. I would do it all again if I had too, I have no regrets but it saddens me to see how our Army has become soft and WOKE nowadays.
There were no pot bellies to be seen and it dismays me now to see how far standards have fallen
No tattoos to new recruits, then you see veterans absolutely tattoos everywhere, imagine being a fine specimen of a man, no tattoos in best health, then being swamped in war zone the guys with tattoos could make all the difference
Britain has a new and growing islamic army. Government know and planned where the UK is going.
Frightening thing is they are not very supportive of our way of life, and in their population, rapidly closing ten million, must have two to three million in their ranks. (vs 70,000 troops)
They have an abundance of weaponry too, I've been told by someone with first hand knowledge.
PPL have been looking at ex service soldiers, left to rot on the streets.
and they wonder why the numbers are down.
Rainbow warriors 🏳️🌈 the Chinese and the Russians must be laughing their socks off at us 🤔
Yep we are....especially the royal navy latest, cannot even dock a ship correctly without ramming into another, this is the best you can come up with?
Then prince Harry should be the first to get called up considering hes just been called 'a living legend of aviation'.
😂😂 it's all Harry's fault 😂😂
Why? He's done his service! Have you?
Agreed. He should see some actual action.
@@garagenigel The uk government continually shits on us then expects us to fight and die for them? 😄, no chance. Only a fool would volunteer for that madness.
My father was in the Royal Navy in WW2- he, along with most of the other sailors, got tattooed at some port or other. The navy has long been associated with tattoos ( he regretted it by the way)
but did they tattoo their face, or hands or anywhere visible in full dress uniform?
Tattoos were meant as a source of identification back in the day.
My grandfather had tattoos during WW1, just his arms like most men back then. He regretted it. He was awarded the Military Medal aged 19 on the Western Front.
Captias' inefficiency has a bigger role to play in the poor numbers
I've served for over 25 years and am covered in tattoos.
@@2947chris Tattoos aren't the problem FFS! Thank you for your service.
@@melbetts1033 yes we know but that is 1 of the things capita is blaming on low numbers. It simply is not
all these private companies are shocking whether it's armed forces, the prison service, trains/other transport and a plethora of other stuff it's all garbage and destroying our nation, it's about profit for private companies that's why not about decent results which would be demanded by people if they have skin in the game ie; paid for it
Has Mel Gibson says in The Patriot why sacrifice one tyrant 1000 miles away to a tyrant 100 miles away
Breaking news ; Royal Navy mine hunter reverses into Royal Navy mine hunter , looks to be damaged beyond repair ….. now , who was driving …..?
They were only plastic, not real ships.
now , who was driving …..?
a DEI diversity hire...
One "captain" clearly used the wrong pronouns of the other "captain"... I'd have thought this was obvious! 😂
Defend Islamic Britain, id rather join the Russian army.
A tattoo does not affect combat readiness. Athsma might....
Greetings from an old and tattooed soldier who fired the odd shot in anger.
I only have one B on my arm, a stupid decision sure, but I don't get how that would affect my ability to fight and defend other people
Let the British government sign up all the illegal immigrants who get free healthcare, free housing and lots of other taxpayers monyers which they have never contributed to.
Now is the time for them to pay back the British government.
Most of the boats that I have seen arriving in Uk and Ireland are all single military aged men. Problem solved
The problem with that is, once they are trained and armed they might just turn on us (although that may be the government's plan anyway).
They should stop advertising to minorities who wont join.
Exactly. What a waste of time and money chasing that lot.
I wouldn't join up for a combat role to get yelled at by a women on a power trip
Are you afraid of women?
@@rollerrollerichson6258 women don’t know how to be respectful to others without being controlling and abuse power for there own personal gain.
@@TheBasedAustralian42 oh, you sound frustrated. I guess you are not really respected by women.
Nope its because of farming it out to a private company.
We need a local armed force that they would join to protect their area & families from the foreign criminals that they have let in to the country ,not to be missed used to protect others citizens,
I'll be up for that, and that's all. We'll be doing that anyway sooner or later, when this mess collapses.
Army recruiting clearly has a policy against white English patriots joining. I just don’t see how you can fight a war with people who are fighting their own gender 😂 I shouldn’t laugh but at a certain point, they’ve done it to themselves. I hate to say this.
Why fight for a country that treats locals as second class.
Why would anyone with an once of brain want to serve in his majesty's forces, the UK royal family is no longer worth dying for, lifes to short to end up like the previous service men hound in the courts, no help from anyone.
Let the politicians fight !
Maybe they get some sense of reality!
What a bunch of Muppets 😂😂
It's bloody obvious to anyone who isn't an imbecile that recruitment into the armed forces should be determined by ones ability to fight and support ones comrades. Anything else is a recipe for disaster. The only exception should be when highly skilled engineers and doctors, or the like, are needed who won't be expected to serve on the front line. AND, what most people don't realise is that even most strong, fit recruits need a lot of training to build up their strength and fitness to the level needed for combat.
When it's real there is no front line
Shite wages if you shoot an enemy in a far away land u will be charged in court from our own if not that we will be left in the cold no house no food nothing
There is an abundant supply of 60 years old and above. All ready to fight along with their kit (weaponized walking frames, heavy duty hearing aids, and Age UK ID disks.)
Chris should head the recruiting campaign, he talks a lot of sense 🎉
Capita are raking in money from Local Councils planning departments too aren't they?
The Rear Admiral hit the nail on the head
I served in the royal navy from 2012 - 2018 you get treated like shit to be honest, ridiculous amount of hours at sea,barely any sleep,tedious jobs all day long,no time to to exercise so was gaining unwanted weight,poor food and poor pay! Thats just a few of the top of my head,
They need to treat people with respect not like prisoners.
Just bring back the old Recruiting Sargent in a careers office. However in modern Britain these recruiting offices will become targeted by a certain demographic. The Right people are Working Class White Men. Followed by Men and Women looking for a sense of adventure , comraderie , duty and service.
Working class white men. Ah yes the most down trodden disrespected I'll treated members of the entire population. They all want to fight for the government and rest of the population that treats them like 5hit!
"Working Class White Men"
Why would they want to fight for a country that openly despises them and is trying to get rid of them?
They've pretty much all but lost the white man. Here in America 25% less whites are joining for obvious good reasons. I live in the south where it was a family tradition for many southern white boy's. Kids laugh at the idea and the retired military guy's and active are all singing the same tune making sure their children do not sign. There's about 10 legit reasons people are not joining anymore, but you add those 10 together it makes it the last idea people are thinking of now. Liberals don't want to be soldiers, or aren't going to make as good of one's as a whole compared to the side they are hating on which is bad in the long run. Besides the whites I would also stay away of?any color for these governments especially if you're a straight Christian male which they have been pretty clear on they hate in every sector.
"Sorry Chris we've run out of time."
And so has the country... good luck!
Maybe people dont want to die protecting a country that abandoned them in favour of immigrants, i will die for my country and fellow Englishmen but i aint dying for the islamic caliphate of the U.K
I played a massive part in returning the Falklands back to Britain. I’m still haunted by the banging and screams of dispair as I put an X against Thatchers name in the polling station.
Why become a soldier when mustafacrap and Ngobalot live in hotels and get every thing free and you would be put in danger to protect them
I applied and was denied a few years back, if they come running to me for help they will be disappointed...
@Leidolfr good
Chris is a wonderful Commander. Capita is unfit for purpose. Let's get recruitment back into the hands of the Tri Services. Pay, Pensions, accommodation is a start. My sons are leaving disillusioned.
Three items in the same paper the other day. The cost of HS2 has risen to 66 billion, a type 45 destroyer costs 1 billion. We’ve lost control of the channel, if I can put 2 and 2 together why can’t the government?.
Did it ever occur to them that the reason they cant get recruits is exactly because they have lowered standards ?
If I am in a team, I need to know the person next to me is actually 'committed' and 'capable', rather than have to carry them all the time, while not actually hating everything about the nation they claim to defend.
Why would I want to deploy a 5th column within my defensive structure, while being compelled to watch their back and protect them ?
Oh... wait...
Nobody's joining because it's a crap idea.
@@MHLivestreams Joining for a pay paacket and free accommodation, is probably a crap idea.
@@RuneRelic definitely agree that the whole thing's insane. I couldn't trust anyone to be competent enough, that's bad enough, but the fact they want us to fight when we know damn well they hate us? That's a little unattractive. Maybe death is advantageous compared to this, maybe that's what they're counting on. Idiots.
How about stop going woke ? Illd fight for this country but I feel its completely screwed this country is screwed and has been for some time
I wouldn’t join now, when I served I was proud of my country, I’m utterly ashamed at how the government is treating the British people today.
Ex-Squaddie, I would NOT serve today, not for anything having experienced how we are treated after serving. Luckily I served 88-96, was involved in a War for Oil and luckily only lost a few very good friends and Soldiers during that time.
Only One Operational Tour could I agree with and that was a 6 mth tour for the UN, everything else was a Bogus reason, sadly I only realised things were wrong once I'd matured.
They handcuff us with ROE's whilst being attacked and face getting charged on return and after our time in, we get discarded with no help for Physical or mental issues.
God help us when it starts coming to the fore for the Afgan lads.
The Service deserves to be in the state it is, it really is its own doing.
Application took over 9 months, only to be told that something on my medical record from 17 years ago that hadn't been a problem since barred me from entry.
If anything I over exercise, exercising 7 day a week, have run marathons, have peak fitness and had enthusiasm for the service. "The recruitment crisis" is the direct result of MOD policy.
We need to ditch DEI across the board and start employing the best people for the job, and not the colour of their skin to meet quotas.
When was the last time our forces defended our shores ? Why go fight in a country you probably never heard of until you get your 36 hour notice to,ready.
The military gone woke & thats putting a lot of people off joining.
That and the fact we're utterly despised.
We have ten's of thousands new potential soldiers, they have come here in a rubber boat, once they got their UK passport and are allowed to stay they are defo fair game to be drafted for when WW3 kicks off!!!!!
this woman's makeup looks like Cruella
Ask your boat friends to fight ….our government have treated use second to out new visitors….no one I know would fight for this country unfortunately…..and bot my grandparents fought in ww2
Who is this guy again? Just as soon as he opened his mouth it was obvious what the problem was.
What a sad pathetic world we live in
My father [ex RAF] told me as a young boy [I’m 48] us getting rid of national service was a huge mistake. He was right
Yes, we’d be far better off with a disinterested, unmotivated bunch of amateurs than a motivated, professional army.
@@TedSmith-yy8yc So why could British men do national service in the past, but not now ?
They could be kept apart but military service has benefitted a lot of young men by teaching them order, discipline and strength of character.
@@RestlessBs3 Yes exactly Reatless. Ted Smith above is thinking like a drip.
You do national service & you man the fuck up.
@@Warp75 Because they were forced to.
I served from 1975 to 1982 don't think I would serve nowadays
Reading the comments and knowing what I do it's obvious why the services are under strength. Why can't these politicians see this?the country has gone to the dogs.
I know so many people that failed their medical because they had asthma when they were younger it’s crazy
I can’t sign up if I don’t trust the person next to me.
When I was in basic training in Catterick we got paid £900 for the first 6 months, we where told in the recruiting office it would be 1400. All of us where shocked, some left it made morale fall 10 fold. Noticeably after receiving this news there was minimal effort seen from almost everyone. Bare in mind this was 2018. Nothing has changed.
Mostly everything I was told at the recruiting office was a lie. During the nine months (technician) training I kept thinking it's sure it will get better, it did not, and my 'last day to leave' came and went so I had to wait for three years to 'buy myself out'. As a weapons technician all it qualified me for was to run the village November the 5th Firework display!
Conscription right now