I think that Michael Moore is an American hero! He really tells it like it is! And Amy Goodman is great too. We need more people like them in the media.
Interesting that Michael Moore is saying "The Bush Administration", while talking about Obama. Always inspiring to listen to what Michael Moore has to say about things going on. Love this guy.
Thank you for posting that andruh. It's amazing to me how many Americans buy this planted line of B.S. about how national health care does not work for other countries. Even as an American when I was up in Toronto for a film an American on set was hurt and had to go to trauma, get x-rays etc. As an American, her total bill was 25 loonies!!!! That's IT. We were in shock. That would have cost thousands in the US. If you ask people like you, they LIKE their national health care. wake up U.S.
HOOT! I continuously met heavy opposition. Now after a year of The Obama administration I have lost my strength to stand up and have become increasingly disalussioned by what I have seen by the administration of HOPE... I am a strong follower of your productions MM and hope you can say something to ease my feelings over this disappointment!! Thanks
I love my country but I felt that after 8 yrs of republican rule that I had to stand up against the way the country had gone. I always have considered myself a democrat even though I was born to very conservative republican parents. So I backed Pres. Obama wholeheartedly. I was excited by his speeches and stood up and spoke out against the wrongs of the Bush administration and showed my support of the Obama administration. Being a liberal democrat and a atheiest in the bible belt (alabama) HOOT!
For all of our faults....The American people are known for our generosity. I just wish we would extend some of that "generosity" toward ourselves. And I'm amazed, still amazed that those Justices thought the words of Ann Coulter and Mark Levin carried any weight.
@ davidpark68 Agree, things are slowly seeming more and more alike. It's really sad. As Michael says, when Obama was taking that oath a year ago, what a moment of hope, love and new empowering belief in different times. We were all a bit naive I suppose - but looking back, we need to be that. Things couldn't possibly get any worse. Michael Moore is spot on as usual.
Thank you very much for this great speech. I have a question: Do you know when the film of Oliver Stone, South of the border will come out? I have the fear that this film is censored
Lots of middle class families are on food stamps. Lots of people with jobs, still can't afford food, they are on food stamps. And considering this economy, there are a lot of people unemployed, not because they are lazy, but because they are out of work unvoluntarily.
MrPhotodoc: These nurses were waiting for government transportation because they have an obligation to go through the government legislation in order to serve in a rescue mission. When he said people, he was referring to the doctors, nurses, paramedics from all over this country who signed up to fly there and help the victims. I understand what you mean but I think your reason for saying that Michael lost his edge, is not fair.
I'm not a fan of Michael Moore at all but I can applaud him for calling out the president and congress in defense of his beliefs. If more people did that on both sides of the political coin we might all just see things get better.
Dude I loved Obama. I had the hope shirt. (Donated to goodwill now) i went to rallies and got people in my neighborhood to vote. I handed out flyers in the streets i had my Obama bumper sticker. I had the motto yes we can. Yeah he crushed everything. And i was still holding on still holding on. But then he extended the bush tax cuts and that REALLY crushed me. All of my work and dedication stomped. He's not the same man that spoke on 2008. It was lies! And i feel Betrayed :(
@Dean0000007 You also forgot to mention the Chinese economy is starting to overheat and the is a housing bubble too, I mean real estate prices increased by over 150% between 2003 and 2010, property developers are now experiencing their own credit crunch due to government restrictions are reduce prices rapidly and individual property loans are also drying up. Funny, isn't that what got the US in trouble? I assume you know about the state lenders Freddie Mack and Fannie Mae?
@luce67 I understand what you're saying, but neither fractional reserve nor the Federal Reserve represent free market principles. The Federal Reserve, although "private", holds a monopoly over American currency that is enforced by the state. Which makes it worse: it's kind of like the new Healthcare bill that mandates that people buy insurance from private firms. Fractional reserve would be less prevalent if not assisted so much by state power as well. Eg. the FDIC and other "security" measures.
@yankee82090 Agree, but i dont feel he has done things for selfish or idealistic reasons...hes just not as stern and firm with them as we thought he would be.
Nah, I'm actually comfortable in life. I'm another Michael Moore that has made it. I've also seen people get rich by EXPLOITING others in business. That should be the motto of capitalism, kick while the other is down to make sure he doesn't get back up. The greed of the rich has made it harder for others to succeed. The right wouldn't have it any other way. By the way, raise my taxes so long as it doesn't end up in another greedy politicians or business's pocket to help others.
we just need to elect the right people. The elected officials and so called representatives are not representing the best interest of the American people.
@luce67 It's true that much of communism was abandoned in the Soviet system. The central bank was not one of the features abandoned. The key word at the end there is "other people's money". We are probably in agreement that banks should not be bailed out. When they are, it is not capitalism. Perhaps you consider capitalism to be too similar to anarchism. They are different. You need a state to uphold contracts, property rights, etc. But the state is no good at feeding, housing or banking, etc.
Fascism is usually quite similar to socialism in that it allows for power to be very centralised. Hence the Nazi's being national socialists. Free market capitalism (without fiat money) is more conducive to democracy because it distributes power in a decentralised manner.
Fair enough, it's not a far-left wing country. But that doesn't make it a far-right wing country! Leaving out the few percentages at the extreme ends of the scale, doesn't that leave the moderate majority who don't accept wild right-or-left policies? Surely the moderate majority who represent the mass of the voting numbers, who elected Obama (to have a change in policy,) don't want a return to Bush-esque rightist administration.
Yes he did... and now he is holding him to account for all the failed shit. If only more people would hold their politicians to account then maybe the government would be more responsive.
is there any way for regular people to win in this world? we continue to lose. there's no point in fighting right now. i feel like whoever is in, they will sell out to corporations and continue to do so.
@llothar68 That's great. But the low income people (except the retired) don't get the dispensation-pay up or else. Remember its is only the state broadcaster that receives the revenue of the telly tax- ITV,C4,C5 and Sky have to make money like any other commercial organization. Likewise the NHS and the socialized health system, try telling my mother who had to wait seven years to get an operation, or my friends Dad who died of hospital infection how great our system is.
@JayPhilosopher Actually most of the factories in China are under private ownership (often by government officials). They've all but abandoned Marxism entirely, and since they have made these reforms the economy has exploded. Marxism is more like the cultural revolution and brings the opposite of prosperity. Without private ownership, there is no private interest, no incentives to progress, and eventually, as the Soviets found out, no money.
Capitalism simply signifies that the means of production or anything for that matter is privately owned not collectively owned. That whole line of reasoning you invoked is what can happen under a fascist system or an economy that permits collusion, cronyism among participants. This is where regulations are needed so that a free market can operate whereby everyone plays fair.
@jimmy27paul We Americans are, have been "hoodwinked" as you say. The Republicans are Libertarians, and the Democrats are Republican in Congress. We are all, unless we are the very very rich in desperate straits.
Michael, I love you, you are a great American Patriot but you've lost your edge. The reason why you don't see more people flying down to Haiti is because we don't have private planes. Many don't even have a car or home. We need help right here!
@Dean0000007 "Some of the most prosperous nations are socialist. " Indeed Socialist Greece,Spain,Portugal and until the last election Ireland are rolling in cash at the moment.... Even Sweden (the cited model for every lefty) had to reform in the 1990's after the economic crisis: Still you could always look at Conservative run Canada (where you live) to see how to reform an economy....
Maybe bypass the federal govt, & call the Red Cross & see if they can transport the nurses w/ supplies into Haiti, But yeah, this is a lesson & a Volunteer Emergency system should be in place for immediate response w/ these same good samaritans next international disaster
Michael Moore says "capitalism is the opposite of democracy" in this video. Look up democracy and capitalism in a dictionary and you will find that democracy is not the opposite of capitalism.
OK, bulmer, I understand big words. I won't call myself a "deep thinker" but I do try to put some consideration behind the opinions I form and advocate. As a result, I try to keep an open mind to any point of view with some base of validity. To echo the request, do you actually have anything to contribute? Besides mere insults that is... I am ready and waiting.
Exactly. So saying stupid shit like "capitalism is the opposite of democracy" is completely misleading and just a ploy to mislead people and make money off their lack of knowledge.
Michael is as angry as the majority of the US population is, If we get our heads out of our asses, grow some balls and actually do what we want to, We could be on our way for some real "change"
@JayPhilosopher I have never read so much garbage in all my life! Anybody who thinks that "confiscating" (re:stealing and murder) based on "class" has never seen the real cost of what socialism does to a society. Perhaps you can explain all this to my East German,Chinese,Cuban, Polish and Hungarian friends of the benefits of living under the secret police, in hovels, standing in lines waiting for bread? If life is so terrible being a pampered American academic -try North Korea?
what needs to be done to save america is for a shift in the zeigeist to occur. People need to start paying attention at where their candidates get their donations....and corporate donation needs to become a dirty phrase.
Wow. What bull. What raw resources do the financial types on Wall Street turn into useful things? In fact, manufacturing (turning resources into goods) being taken away from domestic operations is a big part of the volatility and vulnerability of the current system. Capitalism in it's theoretical form is OK... The way it works here and now is only to the benefit of the few. I'm not starving because in the agrarian revolution we figured out how to feed more people from the same amount of land.
@ goog2k I'm thinking the middle class is finally going to get up off their collective asses -- and take their country back. The crooks certainly are not about to give it easily. I was pleased to see the peace movement reviving and having a rally 3/20/2010 in Washington, D.C. It would scare the shit out of the fascists if millions showed up. (I love scaring fascists)
a politician is there for only one purpose, to serve their own political agenda, that's it. Doesn't matter how much they actually do for the people of the US, their number one concern is their own political agenda. They are first, the people of the US is number two, it will always be like that. Stop thinking their is a politician out there that actually cares about you, that is just the harsh truth, sorry to be saying it though.
@Dean0000007 Really......is that why the good people of Quebec are driving over to New Hampshire and taking up hospital beds there? Or why Canadians end up in Singapore General Hospital where my girlfriend works as so called "health tourists"? In the UK, where I live, 5000 people literally die in hospital from MRSA .....yet the private (and affordable) health system in the Netherlands (where I have also lived) they have almost 0 cases? Explain this to me?
Perhaps a better question is-- why do you support people being robbed of their fruits of labor through corperate/wall street government enbedded mechanisms?
No way, I make more so I should pay more if I live in a society that I benefit very much from. I will pay my taxes if it benefits people that have been exploited badly by an inhumane capitalist system. It's not your money if it is taxed, sorry to inform you. You'd better pay for infrastructure if you have a vehicle, some people don't have a vehicle (probably poor) and shouldn't have to pay for roads. Your self entitlemnet is the problem here.
@s117: Houses and running water certainly don't count as modern developments, nor do they have anything to do with capitalism. Cars, and the widespread harnessing of electriciTy date back around 100yrs. The internet was developed by a government group, DARPA, which is an example of socialized scientific advancement. cont'd...
"...would respond and put pressure on the Bush administration..." Hate to tell you this, Michael, but we've got a new president for you to rail against. Or will you ascribe every American fault and challenge of the next three years to George Bush as well?
You know what I think you should do with that fruit? LOL Listen stop being a leech on society and pay your taxes, if you benefit more from the system pay more. You have an obligation, if you don't think so then stop paying your taxes and go to jail where you belong. However demand the gov't be responsible with that tax revenue. Also, markets need heavy regulation to stop specualation and price gouging.
I should add yes we are prosperous but we don't allow barons to take advantage of the peasants here. LOL Exploitation of the worker and the middle class can stay south of us. Thanks.
All the time and money Michael has spent on looking at politics,he still falls for the 2 party paradigm. Either a representative is following the constraints of the Constitution or not. He'll still fall for it again...lol
Lastly, if you pray nightly, it is a reasonable assumption that you are religious of some stripe or another. Not showing much love for your fellow man, are you? Might want to revisit or review the tenants you supposedly subscribe to.
@Dean0000007 For somebody that has "made it" you really don't have a clue how socialism, capitalism or even markets work. It easy being a Champagne Socialist, claiming to be "for the workers" yet from my point of view, the very same Champagne Socialists also exploit the very same "workers". If you still believe in the "zero sum" game then I would really would suggest at least reading a book on economics.
@micsc50 Is that supposed to be funny or is that your idea of political comment? There are real issues here, real FUTURE OF THE F**KING WORLD questions and all you can think of is throwing around names like some kid in a schoolyard? This is NOT a football match, and you are not some disinterested fan who'll down a beer after the game and have a laugh about it after the roundup, this is about the rest of your life. Either contribute to the debate or sit back and learn from those who do
Michael, you hit the nail on the head! This was a powerful interview.
What a wonderful video. I agree and feel exactly like Mr. Moore. What are we going to do?
Michael Moore, thank you for all you do, from the bottom of my heart.
I think that Michael Moore is an American hero! He really tells it like it is! And Amy Goodman is great too. We need more people like them in the media.
And Moore is a very charismatic person and a good man.
Interesting that Michael Moore is saying "The Bush Administration", while talking about Obama.
Always inspiring to listen to what Michael Moore has to say about things going on. Love this guy.
Finally, Michael!!
Thank you for posting that andruh. It's amazing to me how many Americans buy this planted line of B.S. about how national health care does not work for other countries. Even as an American when I was up in Toronto for a film an American on set was hurt and had to go to trauma, get x-rays etc. As an American, her total bill was 25 loonies!!!! That's IT. We were in shock. That would have cost thousands in the US. If you ask people like you, they LIKE their national health care. wake up U.S.
HOOT! I continuously met heavy opposition. Now after a year of The Obama administration I have lost my strength to stand up and have become increasingly disalussioned by what I have seen by the administration of HOPE... I am a strong follower of your productions MM and hope you can say something to ease my feelings over this disappointment!! Thanks
If Americans do not like Michael Moore and would like to see him gone? We will take him hands down!! Michael Moore for Prime Minister!!!!!
I love my country but I felt that after 8 yrs of republican rule that I had to stand up against the way the country had gone. I always have considered myself a democrat even though I was born to very conservative republican parents. So I backed Pres. Obama wholeheartedly. I was excited by his speeches and stood up and spoke out against the wrongs of the Bush administration and showed my support of the Obama administration. Being a liberal democrat and a atheiest in the bible belt (alabama) HOOT!
For all of our faults....The American people are known for our generosity. I just wish we would extend some of that "generosity" toward ourselves. And I'm amazed, still amazed that those Justices thought the words of Ann Coulter and Mark Levin carried any weight.
breaks my heart, the loss of hope. 5 stars.
Thank you for being an open minded individual, Mike thanks for not pouting up with this.
Also make lobbying a felony to all involved. Business, politician, or individual. 10 year minimum sentence.
this is demoralizing and depressing..the America I grew up in is dying..and we are letting it happen!
In June 2016, moore condemned Hilary 😮
@ davidpark68
Agree, things are slowly seeming more and more alike.
It's really sad. As Michael says, when Obama was taking that oath a year ago, what a moment of hope, love and new empowering belief in different times. We were all a bit naive I suppose - but looking back, we need to be that. Things couldn't possibly get any worse.
Michael Moore is spot on as usual.
Never give up. Theres always a way out
Thank you very much for this great speech. I have a question: Do you know when the film of Oliver Stone, South of the border will come out? I have the fear that this film is censored
Lots of middle class families are on food stamps. Lots of people with jobs, still can't afford food, they are on food stamps.
And considering this economy, there are a lot of people unemployed, not because they are lazy, but because they are out of work unvoluntarily.
These nurses were waiting for government transportation because they have an obligation to go through the government legislation in order to serve in a rescue mission. When he said people, he was referring to the doctors, nurses, paramedics from all over this country who signed up to fly there and help the victims. I understand what you mean but I think your reason for saying that Michael lost his edge, is not fair.
I'm not a fan of Michael Moore at all but I can applaud him for calling out the president and congress in defense of his beliefs. If more people did that on both sides of the political coin we might all just see things get better.
MM is atleast being accountable for the people he voted for and said good things about on live tv, cant say the same for others.
time for the people to rise up, we most certainly outnumber them
@ChicaWolverina when was the last time you traveled to Haiti?
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
not for him he cab do or go where ever he wants - for the people if Michigan
Dude I loved Obama. I had the hope shirt. (Donated to goodwill now) i went to rallies and got people in my neighborhood to vote. I handed out flyers in the streets i had my Obama bumper sticker. I had the motto yes we can. Yeah he crushed everything. And i was still holding on still holding on. But then he extended the bush tax cuts and that REALLY crushed me. All of my work and dedication stomped. He's not the same man that spoke on 2008. It was lies! And i feel Betrayed :(
You also forgot to mention the Chinese economy is starting to overheat and the is a housing bubble too, I mean real estate prices increased by over 150% between 2003 and 2010, property developers are now experiencing their own credit crunch due to government restrictions are reduce prices rapidly and individual property loans are also drying up.
Funny, isn't that what got the US in trouble? I assume you know about the state lenders Freddie Mack and Fannie Mae?
@luce67 I understand what you're saying, but neither fractional reserve nor the Federal Reserve represent free market principles. The Federal Reserve, although "private", holds a monopoly over American currency that is enforced by the state. Which makes it worse: it's kind of like the new Healthcare bill that mandates that people buy insurance from private firms. Fractional reserve would be less prevalent if not assisted so much by state power as well. Eg. the FDIC and other "security" measures.
Blaming capitalism for the economic problems is like saying cutlery is bad coz someone got stabbed.
@yankee82090 Agree, but i dont feel he has done things for selfish or idealistic reasons...hes just not as stern and firm with them as we thought he would be.
Nah, I'm actually comfortable in life. I'm another Michael Moore that has made it. I've also seen people get rich by EXPLOITING others in business. That should be the motto of capitalism, kick while the other is down to make sure he doesn't get back up. The greed of the rich has made it harder for others to succeed. The right wouldn't have it any other way. By the way, raise my taxes so long as it doesn't end up in another greedy politicians or business's pocket to help others.
we just need to elect the right people. The elected officials and so called representatives are not representing the best interest of the American people.
@luce67 It's true that much of communism was abandoned in the Soviet system. The central bank was not one of the features abandoned.
The key word at the end there is "other people's money". We are probably in agreement that banks should not be bailed out. When they are, it is not capitalism.
Perhaps you consider capitalism to be too similar to anarchism. They are different. You need a state to uphold contracts, property rights, etc. But the state is no good at feeding, housing or banking, etc.
Independents do not have enough political backing
Fascism is usually quite similar to socialism in that it allows for power to be very centralised. Hence the Nazi's being national socialists.
Free market capitalism (without fiat money) is more conducive to democracy because it distributes power in a decentralised manner.
Ringling Brothers should donate their circus tents.
Fair enough, it's not a far-left wing country. But that doesn't make it a far-right wing country!
Leaving out the few percentages at the extreme ends of the scale, doesn't that leave the moderate majority who don't accept wild right-or-left policies? Surely the moderate majority who represent the mass of the voting numbers, who elected Obama (to have a change in policy,) don't want a return to Bush-esque rightist administration.
Yes he did... and now he is holding him to account for all the failed shit.
If only more people would hold their politicians to account then maybe the government would be more responsive.
is there any way for regular people to win in this world? we continue to lose. there's no point in fighting right now. i feel like whoever is in, they will sell out to corporations and continue to do so.
Would that be the same Chinese Communist Party that adopted capitalism and a market economy when Deng Xiaoping took over in 1978?
That's great.
But the low income people (except the retired) don't get the dispensation-pay up or else.
Remember its is only the state broadcaster that receives the revenue of the telly tax- ITV,C4,C5 and Sky have to make money like any other commercial organization.
Likewise the NHS and the socialized health system, try telling my mother who had to wait seven years to get an operation, or my friends Dad who died of hospital infection how great our system is.
As should everyone. I'd rather be fat than ignorant and stupid.
@JayPhilosopher Actually most of the factories in China are under private ownership (often by government officials). They've all but abandoned Marxism entirely, and since they have made these reforms the economy has exploded. Marxism is more like the cultural revolution and brings the opposite of prosperity. Without private ownership, there is no private interest, no incentives to progress, and eventually, as the Soviets found out, no money.
Capitalism simply signifies that the means of production or anything for that matter is privately owned not collectively owned.
That whole line of reasoning you invoked is what can happen under a fascist system or an economy that permits collusion, cronyism among participants. This is where regulations are needed so that a free market can operate whereby everyone plays fair.
@ colibiri1
I am certain this is true!
@jimmy27paul We Americans are, have been "hoodwinked" as you say. The Republicans are Libertarians, and the Democrats are Republican in Congress. We are all, unless we are the very very rich in desperate straits.
time will tell. if a revolution comes, i'm in. if not, i'm moving to europe or either latin america. i wouldn't mind canada but it's a bit too cold.
Michael Moore for president ^^
Michael, I love you, you are a great American Patriot but you've lost your edge. The reason why you don't see more people flying down to Haiti is because we don't have private planes. Many don't even have a car or home. We need help right here!
@kobedarott agreed, but MM is the true patriot, not the scum we have in Washington.
I would love you to explain to me what a "Neo-con" or even better what a Conservative actually is?
Poor Michael Moore, he looks absolutely crushed and disapointed. The dream is over and i feel so bad for all Obamas supporters, hoodwinked once again.
"Some of the most prosperous nations are socialist. "
Indeed Socialist Greece,Spain,Portugal and until the last election Ireland are rolling in cash at the moment....
Even Sweden (the cited model for every lefty) had to reform in the 1990's after the economic crisis:
Still you could always look at Conservative run Canada (where you live) to see how to reform an economy....
Maybe bypass the federal govt, & call the Red Cross & see if they can transport the nurses w/ supplies into Haiti, But yeah, this is a lesson & a Volunteer Emergency system should be in place for immediate response w/ these same good samaritans next international disaster
Michael Moore says "capitalism is the opposite of democracy" in this video.
Look up democracy and capitalism in a dictionary and you will find that democracy is not the opposite of capitalism.
OK, bulmer, I understand big words.
I won't call myself a "deep thinker" but I do try to put some consideration behind the opinions I form and advocate. As a result, I try to keep an open mind to any point of view with some base of validity.
To echo the request, do you actually have anything to contribute? Besides mere insults that is... I am ready and waiting.
Exactly. So saying stupid shit like "capitalism is the opposite of democracy" is completely misleading and just a ploy to mislead people and make money off their lack of knowledge.
sorry i meant starvation. trying to say 'starvation' and 'starving' at the same time...
Michael is as angry as the majority of the US population is, If we get our heads out of our asses, grow some balls and actually do what we want to, We could be on our way for some real "change"
I have never read so much garbage in all my life!
Anybody who thinks that "confiscating" (re:stealing and murder) based on "class" has never seen the real cost of what socialism does to a society.
Perhaps you can explain all this to my East German,Chinese,Cuban, Polish and Hungarian friends of the benefits of living under the secret police, in hovels, standing in lines waiting for bread?
If life is so terrible being a pampered American academic -try North Korea?
what needs to be done to save america is for a shift in the zeigeist to occur. People need to start paying attention at where their candidates get their donations....and corporate donation needs to become a dirty phrase.
@BlueSkies360 If you have not heard about Cuba helping Haiti, its because you haven't read the news properly. They are heavily involved.
Wow. What bull.
What raw resources do the financial types on Wall Street turn into useful things?
In fact, manufacturing (turning resources into goods) being taken away from domestic operations is a big part of the volatility and vulnerability of the current system.
Capitalism in it's theoretical form is OK...
The way it works here and now is only to the benefit of the few.
I'm not starving because in the agrarian revolution we figured out how to feed more people from the same amount of land.
@ goog2k
I'm thinking the middle class is finally going to get up off their collective asses -- and take their country back. The crooks certainly are not about to give it easily.
I was pleased to see the peace movement reviving and having a rally 3/20/2010 in Washington, D.C. It would scare the shit out of the fascists if millions showed up. (I love scaring fascists)
a politician is there for only one purpose, to serve their own political agenda, that's it. Doesn't matter how much they actually do for the people of the US, their number one concern is their own political agenda.
They are first, the people of the US is number two, it will always be like that.
Stop thinking their is a politician out there that actually cares about you, that is just the harsh truth, sorry to be saying it though.
Really......is that why the good people of Quebec are driving over to New Hampshire and taking up hospital beds there?
Or why Canadians end up in Singapore General Hospital where my girlfriend works as so called "health tourists"?
In the UK, where I live, 5000 people literally die in hospital from MRSA .....yet the private (and affordable) health system in the Netherlands (where I have also lived) they have almost 0 cases?
Explain this to me?
Howard Dean for President!
Vote Independent then
Perhaps a better question is-- why do you support people being robbed of their fruits of labor through corperate/wall street government enbedded mechanisms?
Check out this kid's channel. He's just a baby. Feel free to ignore him.
No way, I make more so I should pay more if I live in a society that I benefit very much from. I will pay my taxes if it benefits people that have been exploited badly by an inhumane capitalist system. It's not your money if it is taxed, sorry to inform you. You'd better pay for infrastructure if you have a vehicle, some people don't have a vehicle (probably poor) and shouldn't have to pay for roads. Your self entitlemnet is the problem here.
@llothar68 it's Cuban not "Cubanian" but thanks for trying
Michael work towards Michigan joining Canada.
Houses and running water certainly don't count as modern developments, nor do they have anything to do with capitalism.
Cars, and the widespread harnessing of electriciTy date back around 100yrs.
The internet was developed by a government group, DARPA, which is an example of socialized scientific advancement.
WIthout the Tea Party the republicans would have picked up the senate too. Thanks Palin Inc!
"...would respond and put pressure on the Bush administration..."
Hate to tell you this, Michael, but we've got a new president for you to rail against. Or will you ascribe every American fault and challenge of the next three years to George Bush as well?
You know what I think you should do with that fruit? LOL
Listen stop being a leech on society and pay your taxes, if you benefit more from the system pay more. You have an obligation, if you don't think so then stop paying your taxes and go to jail where you belong.
However demand the gov't be responsible with that tax revenue. Also, markets need heavy regulation to stop specualation and price gouging.
Explain how the Republican's are "evil"- furthermore what does "self entitled right wingers" means?
Michael's got snacks !
Just come the the United States! You'll get fixed, so you won't die! You'll go bankrupt instead.j
I should add yes we are prosperous but we don't allow barons to take advantage of the peasants here. LOL Exploitation of the worker and the middle class can stay south of us. Thanks.
If you really want to build justice, you must insist on exact definitions of words.
Wow this guy is really Liberal. Nothing wrong with that and I like him, but I am just saying, he is really far left in his views.
All the time and money Michael has spent on looking at politics,he still falls for the 2 party paradigm. Either a representative is following the constraints of the Constitution or not. He'll still fall for it again...lol
Lastly, if you pray nightly, it is a reasonable assumption that you are religious of some stripe or another. Not showing much love for your fellow man, are you? Might want to revisit or review the tenants you supposedly subscribe to.
micheal moore for president 2012!
For somebody that has "made it" you really don't have a clue how socialism, capitalism or even markets work.
It easy being a Champagne Socialist, claiming to be "for the workers" yet from my point of view, the very same Champagne Socialists also exploit the very same "workers".
If you still believe in the "zero sum" game then I would really would suggest at least reading a book on economics.
legalised slavery comming up folks, get ur children rdy
Vote Third Party
u must've skipped over 10:53 :P
its ok, i'll give u some time to rewatch it and absorb,
You have problems with the truth.
Is that supposed to be funny or is that your idea of political comment?
There are real issues here, real FUTURE OF THE F**KING WORLD questions and all you can think of is throwing around names like some kid in a schoolyard?
This is NOT a football match, and you are not some disinterested fan who'll down a beer after the game and have a laugh about it after the roundup, this is about the rest of your life.
Either contribute to the debate or sit back and learn from those who do