@@YllaStar95970 People that are truthful and accurate are sold to the public as the enemy. Years from now, those who hated Bernie will wonder how they were so easily duped by corporate Dems and the GOP.
We will see soon how you feel about government. We are not supposed to pay federal income tax. It was voted in by the people as a temporary tax to help us pay for the first world war. The government once again lied to the people. Reagan said, "The closest thing to eternal life here on earth is a government program." "How true it is" Jackie Gleason.
I'm not. I'm fucking raging. Poor and even not-that-poor people are dying because of the corporate propaganda machine's grip over healthcare. That they rubbish our NHS to add colour to their fantasy (and notice the turncoat Hannity referred to was the UKIP-courting self-promoter Daniel Hannan, whose party is currently smearing the Welsh NHS) just rubs salt into the wound. The Dallas Buyers Club film got all the press attention for the LGBT issues it raised, but what it was mainly about was a corrupt government-endorsed privatised medical sector that was actively making patients sicker. Sure it took dramatic licence but that core message rings more true now than ever before. If that's not a national emergency then I don't know what is.
The NHS is a fucking incompetent shit hole you are probably too young to realise that you can die very easily waiting on the NHS to fix you. Don't talk stupid shit
Our nhs is a bottomless pit sucking money into big pharma companies and making a lot of people, doctors and managers included, very wealthy. While the working man suffers on a waiting list. If he wants to wait 2 years for his treatment he can....but if he wants to pay private several thousand pounds he can have his procedure next week in the same building and by the same doctor!...please tell me what is good about our nhs????
I am Canadian Hannity, one week ago my leg was in pain I went to the hospital, got shots, diagnosed, a X-ray and a MRI. Tendenitis, they will determine if surgery is needed. I left without touching my wallet.
That Cuban "hospital" footage was hilarious in a very sad way. Just when I was wondering "if this is real 'undercover' footage of a hospital in Cuba, where is everybody?...", Moore brought up the exact same question and rightfully laughed at Fox News rhetorically asking if they're really serious. They splice a quick shot of patients in a single room and then return to what looks like an abandoned, dilapidated building (certainly not an active hospital) with literally nobody around. Most people know that Cuba has spent decades investing into especially educating Cubans to be doctors in their home country to send them all across the world, and it's one country (as small as it is) that has no shortage of doctors or nurses. Hannity and Fox have literally no shame or integrity to misrepresent such footage on a major news network. It's outright lying. Honestly, it's quite boring to watch Hannity debate anybody, even someone as entertaining as Moore, precisely because it's not really a debate. It's an exercise for a smug Hannity to throw intellectually dishonest "gotcha" questions where he promptly changes the subject and moves along when someone calls him on his bullshit over and over. There's nothing intellectually stimulating about watching Hannity; he exists only for bitter, angry conservatives to have him say exactly what they want to hear. It's dumbed-down, oversimplified talking points that have no place or purpose but to further condition Americans under this paradigm of two-party, Democrats vs. Republicans, us vs. them politics that possess no interest in actually learning anything. It's Republican porn and Hannity is a GOP porn star. I liked when Moore asked, "Why do you even have me on?". Even he realized what a bullshit waste of oxygen it is to appear on Hannity's show.
+starsky1012 Hannity is so stupid. He uses sales tax and property tax as his tax percentages ??? Not everybody "sells" something which is a tax on goods and services sold. Not everybody owns property. If he doesn't want to pay property taxes, don't own, rent. LOL
Oh wow. Fox's footage of that abandoned hospital couldn't have been more blatantly edited. It looks like a 12 year old had a go at video-editing software for the first time!
CounterNerd The most important thing is... they agree the hospital are abandoned, because people have health and doesn't need go to the hospital. "Hospital" goes to them.
It is a logical impossibility for Social Security to go bankrupt. It’s not a pension fund into which you put your money when you are young and from which you draw when you are old. It’s an immediate transfer from workers today to retirees today. That’s what it has always been and that’s what it has to be-there is no other possible way for it to work.
phoenix21studios if it was a pension fund it might work. theres no way it can work. we are 17 trillion dollars in debt. how do you think these problems will be fixed? I'm seriously curious; not trying to fight or argue but i am curious about the left perspective on how we solve these economic problems
What do you mean it cant work, it works every day, it has been working every day for over 50+ years. Their are more people working than people drawing social security, there is also a limit to the amount you can draw out. You get based on what you paid. Thats how it works.
also think of all the immigrants that work and pay the social security tax, they cant draw from social security. They fund it and never get to cash out. Thats a big help to the system.
***** Yes I do, it's called the National Health Service. I have first-hand experience of how bad it is and it's resulted in pain and suffering for my family on different occasions.
***** So called experts missed glaringly obvious breaks in a bone in the back of one relative that left her crippled and in agony for the rest of her life. Continually cancelled knee operations for my father. That's to name just two but I could go on.
***** I'm not bashing government here (but I certainly could). We do have private health insurance here but because of government interference in the market it costs much more than it should do. If people grow up and know they're not responsible for their own health because if X happens the government will pay for it, until they find out it won't because it would cost too much, the waiting lists are too long or because they decided to not build facilities in the country for it (as was the recent case when loving parents took their child out of hospital against the wishes of the doctors and fled to somewhere in Europe to seek treatment. The hospital contacted the police and had them tracked down and treated like paedophiles when all they wanted was to get health case for their daughter that would save her life. They were arrested and treated like criminals which disgusted me). If we had a range of options from which to choose such as private health insurance and a healthcare fund like I heard was becoming more popular in the US before Obama ruined the system with his illness insurance system known as Obamacare, we'd be better off. People that looked after themselves would have to pay less than those that didn't so there wouldn't be any need for government to try and regulate things. The free market would ensure that costs were lowered but quality of care rose. I must point out here though that your characterisation of the UK health situation is a little unfair (let's ignore battered chocolate bars or balls of butter that are popular in Scotland for now though). It's not as bad as you said and I was born here. I always seek ways to treat myself if I get injured because I prefer natural remedies to those concocted in a lab somewhere.
I'm Canadian, and I would never go to a hospital in Merica if I could help it. And I don't know anyone up here who would. I wouldn't mind going to a Cuban, British or French hospital, but I would love to go to a Scandinavian hospital.
Mr. Bjornson you are so right. The French have a brilliant plan for new mothers. They receive a cleaner who comes to the house twice a week to do the ironing & laundry. wow. But indeed, the countries you have mentioned are all so well organized.
Bravo Mr. Moore reminding Hannity that the British live longer than the American's because & perhaps the French, Canadian, Scandinavians too because they are all looked after from the cradle to the grave.
American hospitals are great if you can afford good ones. The problem is there are 15% without insurance and another 25% who get hit with outrageous bills. The other 50% that have insurance and get good treatment have to deal with blood sucking health insurance companies.
Wow, I love how Hannity just looks for whatever fits his views and then takes it as fact. However if somebody questions it, he just moves on to the next lie.
"You do not pay 60 percent in taxes." "You wanna bet?" "Yes, I'll bet." "I'm not showing you my tax returns." "I'll pay for an independent auditor..." "Alright we gotta go.." Wow, that was some pretty quick back peddling.
Why do people get so angry when someone else tries to help change something that needs changing. They accuse you of hating the country, and give you the old, "what about...?" I don't get it. If you call a carpenter to fix something on your house it doesn't mean you hate your house. If you have to have your appendix removed people don't accuse you of hating your body. They act as if you're somehow insulting them personally.
+greatest prime minister yeah, but the fox news one was so obviously an abandoned hospital. this whole interview could have been fabricated by that logic.
+greatest prime minister ever did you see that episode, the presenter who took over from john stewart, was showing pictures from Africa and they looked like pictures from any first world nation at the end he showed a picture that look like third world but was in the USA
I just heard that Canadians flock to the US for health care? No Canadian goes to the US unless they are very wealthy and need specific care. I have no insurance, no anything, I'm Canadian and if I get sick I get help. Thank you Tommy Douglas and thank you Terry Fox.
Same with us in Britain. I have never, NEVER met an Englishman, a Scotsman, a Welshman or an Irishman that has gone to the US for any form of health care when we have the NHS here. The only health tourism I see is some of us go to Hungary for their cheap and excellent dental care.
Thousands of Canadians who have free medical care in Canada are flocking to the USA to pay for it each year, and thousands more would do the same if they could afford it. Michael's movie Sicko was good although it missed a lot of problems and exaggerated others because he didn't know the full story and it could take ages to learn the massive missing parts. In the USA I believe people can get a referral for a second opinion, I believe, whereas in Canada this is nearly unheard of. In the USA I believe Americans can also get copies of their medical records, whereas in Canada this is nearly impossible without paying a lot of money for them. Even under the Access to Information Act, most will still be missing because dozens of medical records simply get lost or disappear. Once I stayed in a hospital emergency room for 3 days waiting for a hospital bed to become available, (and yes, this is common in some hospitals). Standard waiting time on a normal evening in most emergency rooms is about 2 to 5 hours. If they can't find your records (which happens very often, that time may be increased to 13 hours because they may have to take tests again. If you are waiting for a bed in a short term care centre and go in on a weekend, that wait can be 23 hours. Ambulance service is probably the best in the system, although even they are often tied up waiting in hospitals for patients to see a doctor, instead of being able to get out on the road to help others. After 3 days of looking at four walls in emergency, I checked myself out because I felt so filthy I feared I would die. Even my lymph glands were swelling. During that entire time I got about a half inch of toothpaste and 1/2 tablespoon of foam soap to use. Canada needs desperately to take up collections for soap and toothpaste for hospitals. At one time lottery money went straight to hospitals but now it goes to mostly other places and hospitals have to run their own lotteries. Yes, Canada has some good medical benefits with regard to testing, and you can probably be killed with as much radiation and chemo as you desire if you get cancer, but treatment for other things can be hard to come by since the entire system seems to now be tightly controlled and run by insurance companies. Free medical care paid for by wealthier people sounds like a great idea but there is still a problem in that the WEALTHY (as well as government employees, those on worker's compensation, hockey players, doctors, and teachers and/or friends of medical staff), will always have PRIORITY access. Women, (especially single and unemployed full time) are generally on the bottom of the priority list for any sort of medical care, although medical problems for them can be harder than for anyone else because they have no support. That's because without support, their recovery time and places are also more expensive and insurance companies don't want to pay the added cost. I'm not sure Michael realizes that society is based on the fact that "money buys everything" and without it, people are basically left out of the system no matter what dreams are put into place. Just because people pay to supply free medical care for the poor, that doesn't mean the rich won't still steal most of that care for themselves even when they can very well afford to pay for it. Most of the poor are denied medical care for serious problems until their illnesses are so severe they can no longer be reversed. Michael's ideals are wishfully dreamy and good willed like the ideas of many Liberals, but they tend to not work. No matter which way you look at it, the biggest fish will always consume the smaller, and will do so even when their bellies are so full they can hardly swim.
@@jpol1439 I have never, and I don't know anyone who's ever had any experience similar to what you described in a Canadian hospital. I've never had to wait for an unreasonable (four days for surgery) for anything. However, my American cousin had to put off divorcing her husband when she found him cheating on her so she could stay on his medical insurance because she had cancer. She would have died otherwise, because it would have cost her thousands that she didn't have without that insurance.
I lived in Cuba, and I can tell you first hand, the citizens of Havana always talk about what a joke the healthcare is there. There are medicine shortages galore, and Cuba doesn't send doctors to other countries, the doctors leave Cuba to practice in other countries because they can't make a good living there.
HAHAHAHA... when Hannity rolled that Cuban 'hospital' footage, I was absolutely dying! I wonder if the producer of the show thought about the possibility that Michael Moore, being a filmmaker, would be completely aware of their little 'trick': film an abandoned hospital, load up one clip of a real hiospital with patients and if he asks, give him the one clip. LMAO... that's what the media does, folks! It's called MAGICK: Manipulating imagery to create a thought pattern
It just amazes me how conservatives still hold on to this belief that trickle down economics, giving tax breaks to the affluent somehow creates jobs. That economic theory has never really worked.
I'm British and what Hannity said about the NHS is all stuff from Rupert Murdoch's anti NHS paper. We love the NHS. The idea of having to pay because you get ill is insane to us.
America is treating their people as a resource, they're slowly loosing their humanity. Look at wealthy European states that have social benefits. It works and people are happier and healthier.
As a European living in one of these well functioning states married to an American, it really hurts watching how America is destroying itself. I see how hard it is for people and relative we know there. So many problems they have we know would never have existed if they lived where we live. We have tried convincing them to move, but I think it is hard for many to realize that things can actually be considerably better outside of the US. I got American colleagues, who after living here for a while are like "you know I never realized how cruel the American system can be." People just take it for granted that this is how things are supposed to work.
TheGodOfSmallThings compare theyre populations to ours and then compare the number of people who dont work with our number of people who dont work and youll understand why it wont work here.
brassmonkeyjew It must be awesome to live in your rainbow bubble. Alas, I live in reality. The only country in Europe with some chance to grow out of debt and regain economic freedom is the UK.
The hospital segment actually had me crying. Fox news if I didn't know any better I'd honestly think you guys were a comedy channel... This may top them saying Birmingham is a "no-go zone" for non - Muslims 😂😂
Bullshit, there have been a few: Nehanda Abiodun - American political activist Philip Agee - former CIA case officer and writer William Lee Brent - Black Panther Party member Victor Manuel Gerena - allegedly hiding in Cuba after stealing $7,000,000 in Hartford, Connecticut; remains at-large on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List Ernest Hemingway - famous American author who purchased a home outside of Havana in 1940 and lived there with his wife for 20 years William Alexander Morgan - US citizen who fought in the Cuban Revolution Assata Shakur - African-American activist and escaped convict Robert Vesco - fugitive United States financier The Union of North American Residents-American Communists who wen to live in Cuba abcnews.go.com/US/surrender-hijacker-luis-soltren-american-fugitives-cuba/story?id=8811480 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americans_in_Cuba
*If you are professional athlete would you rather play hungry and sick or fed and healthy?* Capitalism is just a game we play, *thats it. * Its a game that benefits from the most possible players playing so the best of the best may rise. If the game starts after everyone is fed and healthy *the absolute best of the best* will rise and everyone will prosper
Neville6000 You do realize that number is minimum compared to how many go to the US? Besides, many of those went to cuba BEFORE the communist revolution
Is it just me, or is it VERY CLEAR who the evil guy is & who the guy is who cares about "the people".....? That guy to the right is what some might call "Devil"
I live in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Last week I went to see the doctor during my lunch break. The doctor took a look at my knee because I had some discomfort. I received an X-Ray, Ultrasound and an MRI. The next day, the doctor called me with the diagnosis. I never paid a penny for anything. Come to Canada 🇨🇦 and see for yourself. It’s a great system.
I'm in the UK. Mike's right. I was indeed laughing my ass off at 11:05. The NHS is one of the best things in the UK. Ask the millions of people who immigrate for it. I disagree that it's a democracy though. It's a plutocracy like America, and the NHS is being carted off to private companies as we speak. I call it madness.
This video was made in 2009 and Hannity is saying Social Security will be bankrupt next year in 2010. Now its 2016 and my parents just got their check for November.
Paul Romano And what is his solution? Cut taxes for the wealthy and eliminate it. On one hand he is using fear to undermine the program and scare people, on the other he wants to end it anyways. This continual worshipping of supply side economics is interesting as well. After all of the tax cuts for the upper brackets the last 35 years, wages have stagnated and income inequality has sky rocketed. He should have asked Hannity to explain why the 09 economy meltdown happened despite the Bush tax cuts.
The question about how much of one’s income somebody should pay in taxes is the wrong question. How much of the money that the govt spends into the economy should be taxed back in order to prevent inflation or balance the economy.
My friend just moved back to Washington from the Netherlands where he had affordable health care (about 500 euros/per year), housing subsidies and received a small health subsidy. He's 28 and applied for health insurance as soon as he returned. He got a letter about a month later saying 'thank you for your application, unfortunately we're not able to cover you right now but please try again in the new year'. Great system.
Hey guys, I know that taxes attribute to the Medicare system, I'm simply stating that in a dire situation, such as mine, we didn't have to come up with thousands of dollars, to get treatment. I pay my taxes, and as a consequence, I feel blessed to have the help we needed. I assumed you would know, that I knew about tax money funding healthcare, that's all.
Julian Roach I've got great teeth thanks, and guess what, I am 'here' as you put it . . . So . . . You're the one with the invalid point. Thank you and farewell!
Julian Roach dental plans and health plans are 2 separate things in Great Britain - i would rather have awful teeth than be sat waiting for an operation as my health insurance won't cover me
i've had a personal tour of a cuban clinic in haiti and interviewed 2 of the cuban doctors. this was 2 cuban doctors and 3 haitian doctors serving a town of 3,000. the clinic certainly wasn't glamorous, but these 5 doctors alone were delivering babies, treating malaria, prescribing medication, etc. based on the cuban healthcare system and they were incredibly knowledgeable individuals with more well-rounded medical training than most any american doctors you will find today. the most profound thing i realized was that in this absence of pursuing the medical field based on both income ability to go to school and the pursuit of more money out of the field was that these doctors were incredibly passionate purely to pursue the treatment of others, and willing to endure highly difficult education to achieve this. quite a contrast with the american medical industry.
its funny to look back at a Sean Hannity that actually cared if the President kept his promises of not. Notice how nowadays he's not calling Trump a liar ,ever.
***** Ooh, abuse. I can only tell the truth and while I know the Pre-Obamacare healthcare in the US was not perfect many say it's worse now (have your premiums gone up yet?[1][2]) The problem with 'free' healthcare is that it encourages a lack of proactive self care because the government will always be there to take care of it. The best system one could have would be private healthcare but with a true marketplace based on free market competition. [1]: money.cnn.com/2015/06/02/news/economy/obamacare-rates/ [2]: www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/06/02/health-insurers-ask-for-big-premium-hikes-for-obamacare-plans-in-2016/
DCPorter71 I don't care if you believe or not. I am English and that's a fact. It's for you to prove otherwise. Do try and accept the truth, even if it contradicts your world view, especially if it contradicts your world view because it's not good to hold on to myths and lies.
Met a Canadian at an American Hospital her sister was there for cancer treatment, we talked for a while. I learned that the Canadian gov't had flown she and her sister to get this specific specialized treatment, and she paid nothing. They even paid for her hotel stay, she spent most of her stay at the hospital. She was not even worried about the bill from such a long hospital stay. Met another lady from California with her sister who was I'll. The sister had gone to several universities in California to no avail, so she was flown to another state for discovery and treatment. The sister that was not the patient said she had to quit her job to be with her I'll sister, because although the I'll sister had a husband he had to work to keep their insurance. He was not able to be with his wife, and someone had to be there. The sister said the insurance did not cover their flight, neither was her sister's husband covered when he visited his wife, and they were there several months. How less worrisome it is to have a longterm illness and not spend most of your illness worrying about the bill when and if you get well. I'm telling you it has an effect on how soon you heal, worrying brings about stress which causes more sickness.
I'm English the NHS is fine, i have had free asthma medecine for twenty years saving me tens of thousands of pounds :D except in the capital where there's too many people lol :)
The Republican argument is "Why should I wait forever in a queue?" The obvious response is : the waiting times are manageable and at least we don't tell you to fuck off home if you don't have enough money.
PurushaDesa and its not going to cost like $500 for some bloody inhalers, republicans would say I'm stealing someone else's services, i say I didn't choose this shit i was born like it.
***** what the fuck does god have to do with anything? hahah what a stupid irrelevant comment. Thankfully, the U.S didn't make laws based off the bible.
***** hahaha stopped reading at the "there's a NEW testament" part - I find it hilarious that an all perfect supreme being fucked up so many times he had to revert to genocides and writing an entirely new book, hilarious, really. But anyways jesus christ said multiple times the "old law" is still valid and is still to be followed, "not a "tiddle" is to be changed", according to your NEWER holy book. You sound utterly insane.
Literally evertime Sean asked Michael a question, Michael's answer was just something like "There are poor people out there in the world." Uhhhhh yeah, we know that, what does that have to do with the questions he asked you?
Because Sean is disingenuously trying to apply points Moore made generally and sometimes even specifically about lower income people to Moore himself. And Moore is trying to answer why he made that point in the first place and how it applies.
Emre De Souza You admire a Blatant hypocrite. Someone who spends his life bashing America / Capitalism all the while, living in America, becoming a rich capitalist. You are a sucker.
+Chrisfragger1 yeah if it was a poor guy who had blaming capitalism then no one would even care, but now when a famous rich person go against capitalism it is becoming a bigger thing, and he could not do that if he was not famous or rich and thats why we need more rich people like him that claims the world is unfair economically
Emre De Souza IF he wasn't a hypocrite he would give MOST of his money away... Because that is how Communism and heavy Socialism works EVERYWHERE else.
All you have to do is ask a Canadian or brit if they're willing to give up their health care so that they can have the American system.. You'd be laughed out of the room
I'm astonished how accurate Michael Moore was
People that are accurate, usually speak from experience.
@@YllaStar95970 People that are truthful and accurate are sold to the public as the enemy.
Years from now, those who hated Bernie will wonder how they were so easily duped by corporate Dems and the GOP.
ruclips.net/video/1f2r_-1biSk/видео.html oops
Why so?
We will see soon how you feel about government. We are not supposed to pay federal income tax. It was voted in by the people as a temporary tax to help us pay for the first world war. The government once again lied to the people. Reagan said, "The closest thing to eternal life here on earth is a government program." "How true it is" Jackie Gleason.
I am from Britain and I am laughing at you Hannity
And so am I seven years later in 2021. No wonder America is going down.
@@peepeepoopoo2749 without us theres no you!! yYour laws are 300 years old.time for a do over. Having an NHS is what puts us above you!!
@@peepeepoopoo2749 l don't think Brak was British
I'm British and I can confirm that we are laughing at Hannity's lies about the NHS.
I'm not. I'm fucking raging. Poor and even not-that-poor people are dying because of the corporate propaganda machine's grip over healthcare. That they rubbish our NHS to add colour to their fantasy (and notice the turncoat Hannity referred to was the UKIP-courting self-promoter Daniel Hannan, whose party is currently smearing the Welsh NHS) just rubs salt into the wound.
The Dallas Buyers Club film got all the press attention for the LGBT issues it raised, but what it was mainly about was a corrupt government-endorsed privatised medical sector that was actively making patients sicker. Sure it took dramatic licence but that core message rings more true now than ever before. If that's not a national emergency then I don't know what is.
The NHS is a fucking incompetent shit hole you are probably too young to realise that you can die very easily waiting on the NHS to fix you. Don't talk stupid shit
This comment didn't age well.
Our nhs is a bottomless pit sucking money into big pharma companies and making a lot of people, doctors and managers included, very wealthy. While the working man suffers on a waiting list. If he wants to wait 2 years for his treatment he can....but if he wants to pay private several thousand pounds he can have his procedure next week in the same building and by the same doctor!...please tell me what is good about our nhs????
@@yourmajesty631 spot on my friend 👌
We are laughing at Hannity.
Kind regards,
Freundschaft Genosse
Franz Kafka Ätherisch!
How come your country didn't secede from Great Britain? Oh that's right you couldn't make it
I voted nae, cuz England gives us free shit xD
+WIACZO Ah, you're part of the free shit army too? No wonder you laugh at hannity then.
I am Canadian Hannity, one week ago my leg was in pain I went to the hospital, got shots, diagnosed, a X-ray and a MRI. Tendenitis, they will determine if surgery is needed. I left without touching my wallet.
Was surgery needed? How long were you waiting for surgery?
@@californiaslastgasp6847 This comment was 10 years ago.
I'm impressed with Michael Moore because he is faster than I am with voicing rational arguments.
The "Hospital" scene is hilarious.
That Cuban "hospital" footage was hilarious in a very sad way. Just when I was wondering "if this is real 'undercover' footage of a hospital in Cuba, where is everybody?...", Moore brought up the exact same question and rightfully laughed at Fox News rhetorically asking if they're really serious. They splice a quick shot of patients in a single room and then return to what looks like an abandoned, dilapidated building (certainly not an active hospital) with literally nobody around. Most people know that Cuba has spent decades investing into especially educating Cubans to be doctors in their home country to send them all across the world, and it's one country (as small as it is) that has no shortage of doctors or nurses. Hannity and Fox have literally no shame or integrity to misrepresent such footage on a major news network. It's outright lying.
Honestly, it's quite boring to watch Hannity debate anybody, even someone as entertaining as Moore, precisely because it's not really a debate. It's an exercise for a smug Hannity to throw intellectually dishonest "gotcha" questions where he promptly changes the subject and moves along when someone calls him on his bullshit over and over. There's nothing intellectually stimulating about watching Hannity; he exists only for bitter, angry conservatives to have him say exactly what they want to hear. It's dumbed-down, oversimplified talking points that have no place or purpose but to further condition Americans under this paradigm of two-party, Democrats vs. Republicans, us vs. them politics that possess no interest in actually learning anything. It's Republican porn and Hannity is a GOP porn star. I liked when Moore asked, "Why do you even have me on?". Even he realized what a bullshit waste of oxygen it is to appear on Hannity's show.
I am a Brit and we do laugh at Hannitys nonsense. He has absolutely no idea.
Me too
Hugh Jarce we laugh at the brits for 1776 and WW2.
The lend lease act don’t ring a bell when Britain announced it couldn’t afford war materials and America had to loan it on credit... your welcome btw.
Buddy AMERICA has been laughing at the Brits for 300 years
The Cuban Hospital part is hilarious. Michael Moore's reaction? priceless!
Yep, Fox shot themselves in the foot right there!
I really, really doubt that guy pays 60% tax.
It's not even possible that is passed the top rate
***** I know the top income tax rate is 35 but all taxes put together (Income,state,local,payroll,etc..) the max you can pay is 60%
***** the top income tax rate or total?
+Max Name good reason to hate on Obama rather than presenting the news.
+starsky1012 Hannity is so stupid. He uses sales tax and property tax as his tax percentages ??? Not everybody "sells" something which is a tax on goods and services sold. Not everybody owns property. If he doesn't want to pay property taxes, don't own, rent. LOL
Oh wow. Fox's footage of that abandoned hospital couldn't have been more blatantly edited. It looks like a 12 year old had a go at video-editing software for the first time!
CounterNerd The most important thing is... they agree the hospital are abandoned, because people have health and doesn't need go to the hospital. "Hospital" goes to them.
Thumbs up if you're watching in 2015 and Social Security didnt go bankrupt.
phoenix21studios it absolutely is bankrupt. the government just spends money and runs up the deficit to keep financing it.
It is a logical impossibility for Social Security to go bankrupt. It’s not a pension fund into which you put your money when you are young and from which you draw when you are old. It’s an immediate transfer from workers today to retirees today. That’s what it has always been and that’s what it has to be-there is no other possible way for it to work.
phoenix21studios if it was a pension fund it might work. theres no way it can work. we are 17 trillion dollars in debt. how do you think these problems will be fixed? I'm seriously curious; not trying to fight or argue but i am curious about the left perspective on how we solve these economic problems
What do you mean it cant work, it works every day, it has been working every day for over 50+ years. Their are more people working than people drawing social security, there is also a limit to the amount you can draw out. You get based on what you paid. Thats how it works.
also think of all the immigrants that work and pay the social security tax, they cant draw from social security. They fund it and never get to cash out. Thats a big help to the system.
I would take NHS any day ANY DAY over the american health system. They aren't even close.
I would take a free market system over socialised healthcare system any day.
Yes I do, it's called the National Health Service. I have first-hand experience of how bad it is and it's resulted in pain and suffering for my family on different occasions.
So called experts missed glaringly obvious breaks in a bone in the back of one relative that left her crippled and in agony for the rest of her life. Continually cancelled knee operations for my father. That's to name just two but I could go on.
I'm not bashing government here (but I certainly could). We do have private health insurance here but because of government interference in the market it costs much more than it should do. If people grow up and know they're not responsible for their own health because if X happens the government will pay for it, until they find out it won't because it would cost too much, the waiting lists are too long or because they decided to not build facilities in the country for it (as was the recent case when loving parents took their child out of hospital against the wishes of the doctors and fled to somewhere in Europe to seek treatment. The hospital contacted the police and had them tracked down and treated like paedophiles when all they wanted was to get health case for their daughter that would save her life. They were arrested and treated like criminals which disgusted me). If we had a range of options from which to choose such as private health insurance and a healthcare fund like I heard was becoming more popular in the US before Obama ruined the system with his illness insurance system known as Obamacare, we'd be better off. People that looked after themselves would have to pay less than those that didn't so there wouldn't be any need for government to try and regulate things. The free market would ensure that costs were lowered but quality of care rose.
I must point out here though that your characterisation of the UK health situation is a little unfair (let's ignore battered chocolate bars or balls of butter that are popular in Scotland for now though). It's not as bad as you said and I was born here. I always seek ways to treat myself if I get injured because I prefer natural remedies to those concocted in a lab somewhere.
Anyone that would take a state monopoly over the free market clearly doesn't understand reality.
Michael moore is the treasure and conscious of humanity.
Whose treasure? lol!
I live in Australia and we too are laughing at Hannity
And in Canada. The whole commonwealth is laughing at him.
Respect to Mr Moore for staying so calm.
Damn 9 year...damn bro r u a live
I'm watching from the UK and I am laughing. He's defending a system where you pay 20,000 dollars if you break your arm by accident hahaha
I'm Canadian, and I would never go to a hospital in Merica if I could help it. And I don't know anyone up here who would. I wouldn't mind going to a Cuban, British or French hospital, but I would love to go to a Scandinavian hospital.
Mr. Bjornson you are so right. The French have a brilliant plan for new mothers. They receive a cleaner who comes to the house twice a week to do the ironing & laundry. wow. But indeed, the countries you have mentioned are all so well organized.
Bravo Mr. Moore reminding Hannity that the British live longer than the American's because & perhaps the French, Canadian, Scandinavians too because they are all looked after from the cradle to the grave.
American hospitals are great if you can afford good ones. The problem is there are 15% without insurance and another 25% who get hit with outrageous bills. The other 50% that have insurance and get good treatment have to deal with blood sucking health insurance companies.
When your American you don’t want to set foot in any hospital $$$$
I love Michael Moore!! You can tell who has compassion and cares for all humankind. How sad people listen to Sean Hannity and believe it.
Wow, I love how Hannity just looks for whatever fits his views and then takes it as fact. However if somebody questions it, he just moves on to the next lie.
Hannity gives “last word” to Moore then continues to bash him and not give him the last word. Not surprised.
"You do not pay 60 percent in taxes."
"You wanna bet?"
"Yes, I'll bet."
"I'm not showing you my tax returns."
"I'll pay for an independent auditor..."
"Alright we gotta go.."
Wow, that was some pretty quick back peddling.
No ones business what he makes. Why don't you tell us how much you make?
***** 3 million dollars
KZ3fps Sean is the King of back peddling
@@bsm6776 you........the point
Why do people get so angry when someone else tries to help change something that needs changing. They accuse you of hating the country, and give you the old, "what about...?"
I don't get it. If you call a carpenter to fix something on your house it doesn't mean you hate your house.
If you have to have your appendix removed
people don't accuse you of hating your body.
They act as if you're somehow insulting them personally.
It is propaganda they want to sell.@ You try to undo their work and you have attacked them.
@@Brett_S_420 you're right ✌️🙄
Very good point
Thank you ✌️🙂
I met Michael Moore in 2011. He’s a nice guy. Very funny too. He’s why I became a filmmaker , him and Oliver stone.
Moore spent the entire interview correcting the facts for Hannity.
that fucking hospital shit was hilarious! so obviously fabricated. how do people watch this?
+bigchurp It's possible that both Fox and Moore fabricated both of the scenes from hospitals.
+greatest prime minister yeah, but the fox news one was so obviously an abandoned hospital. this whole interview could have been fabricated by that logic.
+bigchurp it would not surprise me that they send their overflow there.
+greatest prime minister ever did you see that episode, the presenter who took over from john stewart, was showing pictures from Africa and they looked like pictures from any first world nation at the end he showed a picture that look like third world but was in the USA
Whoever was in charge of that part of the show should be fired that was freaking terrible, embarrassing
You're amazing Michael
It's good when REAL dialogue takes place. More of this please!
I just heard that Canadians flock to the US for health care? No Canadian goes to the US unless they are very wealthy and need specific care. I have no insurance, no anything, I'm Canadian and if I get sick I get help. Thank you Tommy Douglas and thank you Terry Fox.
Same with us in Britain. I have never, NEVER met an Englishman, a Scotsman, a Welshman or an Irishman that has gone to the US for any form of health care when we have the NHS here. The only health tourism I see is some of us go to Hungary for their cheap and excellent dental care.
Thousands of Canadians who have free medical care in Canada are flocking to the USA to pay for it each year, and thousands more would do the same if they could afford it. Michael's movie Sicko was good although it missed a lot of problems and exaggerated others because he didn't know the full story and it could take ages to learn the massive missing parts.
In the USA I believe people can get a referral for a second opinion, I believe, whereas in Canada this is nearly unheard of. In the USA I believe Americans can also get copies of their medical records, whereas in Canada this is nearly impossible without paying a lot of money for them. Even under the Access to Information Act, most will still be missing because dozens of medical records simply get lost or disappear.
Once I stayed in a hospital emergency room for 3 days waiting for a hospital bed to become available, (and yes, this is common in some hospitals). Standard waiting time on a normal evening in most emergency rooms is about 2 to 5 hours. If they can't find your records (which happens very often, that time may be increased to 13 hours because they may have to take tests again. If you are waiting for a bed in a short term care centre and go in on a weekend, that wait can be 23 hours.
Ambulance service is probably the best in the system, although even they are often tied up waiting in hospitals for patients to see a doctor, instead of being able to get out on the road to help others.
After 3 days of looking at four walls in emergency, I checked myself out because I felt so filthy I feared I would die. Even my lymph glands were swelling. During that entire time I got about a half inch of toothpaste and 1/2 tablespoon of foam soap to use.
Canada needs desperately to take up collections for soap and toothpaste for hospitals. At one time lottery money went straight to hospitals but now it goes to mostly other places and hospitals have to run their own lotteries.
Yes, Canada has some good medical benefits with regard to testing, and you can probably be killed with as much radiation and chemo as you desire if you get cancer, but treatment for other things can be hard to come by since the entire system seems to now be tightly controlled and run by insurance companies.
Free medical care paid for by wealthier people sounds like a great idea but there is still a problem in that the WEALTHY (as well as government employees, those on worker's compensation, hockey players, doctors, and teachers and/or friends of medical staff), will always have PRIORITY access. Women, (especially single and unemployed full time) are generally on the bottom of the priority list for any sort of medical care, although medical problems for them can be harder than for anyone else because they have no support. That's because without support, their recovery time and places are also more expensive and insurance companies don't want to pay the added cost.
I'm not sure Michael realizes that society is based on the fact that "money buys everything" and without it, people are basically left out of the system no matter what dreams are put into place. Just because people pay to supply free medical care for the poor, that doesn't mean the rich won't still steal most of that care for themselves even when they can very well afford to pay for it. Most of the poor are denied medical care for serious problems until their illnesses are so severe they can no longer be reversed. Michael's ideals are wishfully dreamy and good willed like the ideas of many Liberals, but they tend to not work. No matter which way you look at it, the biggest fish will always consume the smaller, and will do so even when their bellies are so full they can hardly swim.
@@jpol1439 I have never, and I don't know anyone who's ever had any experience similar to what you described in a Canadian hospital. I've never had to wait for an unreasonable (four days for surgery) for anything. However, my American cousin had to put off divorcing her husband when she found him cheating on her so she could stay on his medical insurance because she had cancer. She would have died otherwise, because it would have cost her thousands that she didn't have without that insurance.
Love how Moore smashed Hannity on the fake fotage, lol.
I lived in Cuba, and I can tell you first hand, the citizens of Havana always talk about what a joke the healthcare is there. There are medicine shortages galore, and Cuba doesn't send doctors to other countries, the doctors leave Cuba to practice in other countries because they can't make a good living there.
HAHAHAHA... when Hannity rolled that Cuban 'hospital' footage, I was absolutely dying! I wonder if the producer of the show thought about the possibility that Michael Moore, being a filmmaker, would be completely aware of their little 'trick': film an abandoned hospital, load up one clip of a real hiospital with patients and if he asks, give him the one clip. LMAO... that's what the media does, folks! It's called MAGICK: Manipulating imagery to create a thought pattern
soylire30 dude, I bet you anything that you don't live in Cuba.
soylire30 so I am correct, you do not live in Cuba.
It just amazes me how conservatives still hold on to this belief that trickle down economics, giving tax breaks to the affluent somehow creates jobs. That economic theory has never really worked.
I love Michael Moore. Keep up the great work. Thanks.
9:27 Micheal Moore's best performance ever on TV
Michael Moore is brilliant. I wanted him to run in 2016 for President.
Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare are insolvent but there's plenty of money for defense spending?
I LOVE IT when Hannity is confronted/confused by Facts.
Virtually nobody paid those high rates in the 50s 😂😂😂
I am in 2023 and fast forward 15 years later, Sean Hannity is still full of what makes the grass turn green.
I'm British and what Hannity said about the NHS is all stuff from Rupert Murdoch's anti NHS paper. We love the NHS. The idea of having to pay because you get ill is insane to us.
I lived in the UK a few years ago, the NHS is damn brilliant. Wonderful staff & great treatment.
America is treating their people as a resource, they're slowly loosing their humanity. Look at wealthy European states that have social benefits. It works and people are happier and healthier.
As a European living in one of these well functioning states married to an American, it really hurts watching how America is destroying itself. I see how hard it is for people and relative we know there. So many problems they have we know would never have existed if they lived where we live. We have tried convincing them to move, but I think it is hard for many to realize that things can actually be considerably better outside of the US.
I got American colleagues, who after living here for a while are like "you know I never realized how cruel the American system can be." People just take it for granted that this is how things are supposed to work.
+Povel Vieregg 👍 yup
TheGodOfSmallThings compare theyre populations to ours and then compare the number of people who dont work with our number of people who dont work and youll understand why it wont work here.
Europe isn't doing well at all. You and America are falling fast.
It must be awesome to live in your rainbow bubble.
Alas, I live in reality. The only country in Europe with some chance to grow out of debt and regain economic freedom is the UK.
This was way back when differing views were allowed on the same network.
The hospital segment actually had me crying. Fox news if I didn't know any better I'd honestly think you guys were a comedy channel... This may top them saying Birmingham is a "no-go zone" for non - Muslims 😂😂
This whole thing was just incredible... I'm at a complete loss of words.
How many american escape USA to go live in Cuba?
Haha none
Being a turist and being an actual citizen in Cuba are two VERY different things
Bullshit, there have been a few:
Nehanda Abiodun - American political activist
Philip Agee - former CIA case officer and writer
William Lee Brent - Black Panther Party member
Victor Manuel Gerena - allegedly hiding in Cuba after stealing $7,000,000 in Hartford, Connecticut; remains at-large on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List
Ernest Hemingway - famous American author who purchased a home outside of Havana in 1940 and lived there with his wife for 20 years
William Alexander Morgan - US citizen who fought in the Cuban Revolution
Assata Shakur - African-American activist and escaped convict
Robert Vesco - fugitive United States financier
The Union of North American Residents-American Communists who wen to live in Cuba
*If you are professional athlete would you rather play hungry and sick or fed and healthy?*
Capitalism is just a game we play, *thats it. *
Its a game that benefits from the most possible players playing so the best of the best may rise.
If the game starts after everyone is fed and healthy *the absolute best of the best* will rise and everyone will prosper
Neville6000 You do realize that number is minimum compared to how many go to the US? Besides, many of those went to cuba BEFORE the communist revolution
Is it just me, or is it VERY CLEAR who the evil guy is & who the guy is who cares about "the people".....?
That guy to the right is what some might call "Devil"
I live in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Last week I went to see the doctor during my lunch break. The doctor took a look at my knee because I had some discomfort. I received an X-Ray, Ultrasound and an MRI. The next day, the doctor called me with the diagnosis. I never paid a penny for anything. Come to Canada 🇨🇦 and see for yourself. It’s a great system.
How admirable to take n Hannity and triumph. Thank you, Michael!
"Wages haven't gone up since Reagan...."
"But Obama"
08:30 - 8:50 I love how Michael Moore immediatly detects the montage, I guess you don't fool a director on montage ! Fox is ridiculous.
Hannity has no idea what it is to be poor in the USA today
Why does Hannity have guests on his show - just to listen to him ?
I'm in the UK. Mike's right. I was indeed laughing my ass off at 11:05. The NHS is one of the best things in the UK. Ask the millions of people who immigrate for it. I disagree that it's a democracy though. It's a plutocracy like America, and the NHS is being carted off to private companies as we speak. I call it madness.
This video was made in 2009 and Hannity is saying Social Security will be bankrupt next year in 2010. Now its 2016 and my parents just got their check for November.
Paul Romano And what is his solution? Cut taxes for the wealthy and eliminate it. On one hand he is using fear to undermine the program and scare people, on the other he wants to end it anyways. This continual worshipping of supply side economics is interesting as well. After all of the tax cuts for the upper brackets the last 35 years, wages have stagnated and income inequality has sky rocketed. He should have asked Hannity to explain why the 09 economy meltdown happened despite the Bush tax cuts.
Social Security was funded by our government borrowing from itself look it up.
He never let Michael even finish ONE sentence!
nope no doctors in the toilet
2021 and Hannity's lies haven't stopped
The question about how much of one’s income somebody should pay in taxes is the wrong question. How much of the money that the govt spends into the economy should be taxed back in order to prevent inflation or balance the economy.
My friend just moved back to Washington from the Netherlands where he had affordable health care (about 500 euros/per year), housing subsidies and received a small health subsidy. He's 28 and applied for health insurance as soon as he returned. He got a letter about a month later saying 'thank you for your application, unfortunately we're not able to cover you right now but please try again in the new year'.
Great system.
OmG the footage of the Cuban hospital was hilarious .
it’s so sad to see how low Hannity & fox has sunk. He folded his arms as Michael asked him to be a giving soul as Jesus commanded. 😔
What does Michael Moore say about Obama now?
Teresa Norris 4 more years, please!
Woody Woodlstein i responded to a comment made by teresa norris. too confusing?
Being from Australia, I'm truly blessed regarding healthcare. My wife had breast cancer, from start to finish, we didn't have to worry about cost.
offtodamoon what are you talking about? Are you dumb?
Hey guys, I know that taxes attribute to the Medicare system, I'm simply stating that in a dire situation, such as mine, we didn't have to come up with thousands of dollars, to get treatment. I pay my taxes, and as a consequence, I feel blessed to have the help we needed. I assumed you would know, that I knew about tax money funding healthcare, that's all.
Can we agree that michael Moore isn't the man that should be talking about healthcare or gun control. Such a fukn hypocrite.
Also Sean Hannity made around $29 million in 2016. He's good, but far out.
NHS is so much better than the american bs
and yes, I am laughing at him!!!!!!
Julian Roach I've got great teeth thanks, and guess what, I am 'here' as you put it . . .
So . . .
You're the one with the invalid point.
Thank you and farewell!
Julian Roach I'm British, I'm in America. There we go, thank you and goodbye.
Julian Roach For God's sake.
I'm on holiday!
This is my last goodbye.
Julian Roach dental plans and health plans are 2 separate things in Great Britain - i would rather have awful teeth than be sat waiting for an operation as my health insurance won't cover me
Mr. Hannity. We really are laughing at you!
The most laughed at people in the world are always those who know more than most.
Trump supporter at MAGA rally holding up a sign "Keep Your Gov't Hands Off My Social Security & Medicare!!" Oh brother...
And in the same breath they denounce Socialism. Also, they are against defunding the Police.
Great interview Michael! 1st time I watched it. You're a good person ❣ thank you for caring about ALL of us. I 🇺🇸 keep preaching brother.
Did fox seriously think that "hospital" footage was gonna work??
See how Hannity chickened out of the 60% bet.
If I was American I'd be bankrupt because of my medical issues, I'm extremely proud of the NHS, it's absolutely brilliant
You can also choose to have private healthcare if you want to, I don't see the point but it's an option
i've had a personal tour of a cuban clinic in haiti and interviewed 2 of the cuban doctors. this was 2 cuban doctors and 3 haitian doctors serving a town of 3,000. the clinic certainly wasn't glamorous, but these 5 doctors alone were delivering babies, treating malaria, prescribing medication, etc. based on the cuban healthcare system and they were incredibly knowledgeable individuals with more well-rounded medical training than most any american doctors you will find today. the most profound thing i realized was that in this absence of pursuing the medical field based on both income ability to go to school and the pursuit of more money out of the field was that these doctors were incredibly passionate purely to pursue the treatment of others, and willing to endure highly difficult education to achieve this. quite a contrast with the american medical industry.
Michael you can't fix insensitivity.
Michael Moore, the king of appeal to emotion fallacy...
"They're laughing at you, they're literally laughing at you. You look ridiculous."
Donna Shackelford We were laughing, very hard
Being British I will never understand why some Americans think that we don’t love the NHS. We couldn’t be more proud of it
I can't believe they edited footage to a vacant hospital. That's editing 101
the power of editing is shown in full force in this vid.. thats why u cant trust tv, or anything.
Who do you trust then?
not coorporate owned media.
So where do you think the advertisements should go?
Sean Hannity can't even admit that he makes over 100k.
Hannety is an aggressive liar. He didn’t invite Michael Moore on the show to learn from an expert, but as an attempt to discredit him.
What? Wait was Hannity serious with that video?!
its funny to look back at a Sean Hannity that actually cared if the President kept his promises of not. Notice how nowadays he's not calling Trump a liar ,ever.
Michael Moore I'm English and I can confirm that Hannity was telling the truth about the NHS we're subjected to.
Ooh, abuse. I can only tell the truth and while I know the Pre-Obamacare healthcare in the US was not perfect many say it's worse now (have your premiums gone up yet?[1][2]) The problem with 'free' healthcare is that it encourages a lack of proactive self care because the government will always be there to take care of it. The best system one could have would be private healthcare but with a true marketplace based on free market competition.
[1]: money.cnn.com/2015/06/02/news/economy/obamacare-rates/
[2]: www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/06/02/health-insurers-ask-for-big-premium-hikes-for-obamacare-plans-in-2016/
I do so enjoy discussing things with intelligent and eloquent people. Keep up the good work.
Adrian Fisher they aren't worth arguing with. its like its genetic to ignore facts and believe feelings for the left in america
Don't believe your English.
I don't care if you believe or not. I am English and that's a fact. It's for you to prove otherwise. Do try and accept the truth, even if it contradicts your world view, especially if it contradicts your world view because it's not good to hold on to myths and lies.
Met a Canadian at an American Hospital her sister was there for cancer treatment, we talked for a while. I learned that the Canadian gov't had flown she and her sister to get this specific specialized treatment, and she paid nothing. They even paid for her hotel stay, she spent most of her stay at the hospital.
She was not even worried about the bill from such a long hospital stay.
Met another lady from California with her sister who was I'll. The sister had gone to several universities in California to no avail, so she was flown to another state for discovery and treatment. The sister that was not the patient said she had to quit her job to be with her I'll sister, because although the I'll sister had a husband he had to work to keep their insurance. He was not able to be with his wife, and someone had to be there. The sister said the insurance did not cover their flight, neither was her sister's husband covered when he visited his wife, and they were there several months.
How less worrisome it is to have a longterm illness and not spend most of your illness worrying about the bill when and if you get well. I'm telling you it has an effect on how soon you heal, worrying brings about stress which causes more sickness.
60%? Yea I think ur doing ur taxes wrong Hannity lmfao
Sean Hannity made a huge fool of himself. What a joke!
I'm English the NHS is fine, i have had free asthma medecine for twenty years saving me tens of thousands of pounds :D except in the capital where there's too many people lol :)
The Republican argument is "Why should I wait forever in a queue?" The obvious response is : the waiting times are manageable and at least we don't tell you to fuck off home if you don't have enough money.
PurushaDesa and its not going to cost like $500 for some bloody inhalers, republicans would say I'm stealing someone else's services, i say I didn't choose this shit i was born like it.
Michael Moore is so smart.
He doesn't even know how to interview, he just interrupts after every question. Won't even let the guy get a sentence in.
Sean's definitely right about one thing, the Govt is incapable.
As much as I dislike him, he's definitely right there.
You couldn't be further from the truth. Big business and banks control the political game, you're a fool if you think we matter at all in it anymore.
Let's see: people that hate the gov and want it to fail get elected to run the gov and then you are surprised that the gov doesn't work well?!?
They will always fail, the undereducated morons believe edited sound bites. The politicians in DC make the NY mob look like Girls Scouts.
Except when it comes to dropping bombs or protecting oil interests around the globe. Then...then it's the Best!!!!!!!
sean hannity is net worth is $35 million ,why is complaining to "pay 60% in taxes?
George Mauricio he is not. He doesn't want to pay more.
Why don't you pay 60% in taxes?
because he works hard for his money
Why is his net worth relevant? If I got a $100 million bonus, I would be damn pissed off if I had to give away $60 million of it in taxes.
As an Australian I find it an absolute joke that America has no public health care system.
HANNITY loves to hear his own BS!
He made rich by the capitalist system by whining about it. Talk about irony?
It's more like a Catch-22.
are you guys actually talking down on freedom of speech..? Who are the hypocrites here again?
***** Who brought up God?
***** what the fuck does god have to do with anything? hahah what a stupid irrelevant comment. Thankfully, the U.S didn't make laws based off the bible.
***** hahaha stopped reading at the "there's a NEW testament" part - I find it hilarious that an all perfect supreme being fucked up so many times he had to revert to genocides and writing an entirely new book, hilarious, really.
But anyways jesus christ said multiple times the "old law" is still valid and is still to be followed, "not a "tiddle" is to be changed", according to your NEWER holy book. You sound utterly insane.
Sean Hannity never felt embarrassing when his stupidity was exposed.
Shawn He n
Sean Insanity is such a cartoon corporate villain.
Literally evertime Sean asked Michael a question, Michael's answer was just something like "There are poor people out there in the world." Uhhhhh yeah, we know that, what does that have to do with the questions he asked you?
Because Sean is disingenuously trying to apply points Moore made generally and sometimes even specifically about lower income people to Moore himself. And Moore is trying to answer why he made that point in the first place and how it applies.
After watching this I dont know why hannity still has his job. Haha he's hopeless
We need more good people like michael moore
+Emre De Souza You are such an idiot.....
+Chrisfragger1 wow you are so mature
Emre De Souza You admire a Blatant hypocrite. Someone who spends his life bashing America / Capitalism all the while, living in America, becoming a rich capitalist.
You are a sucker.
+Chrisfragger1 yeah if it was a poor guy who had blaming capitalism then no one would even care, but now when a famous rich person go against capitalism it is becoming a bigger thing, and he could not do that if he was not famous or rich and thats why we need more rich people like him that claims the world is unfair economically
Emre De Souza IF he wasn't a hypocrite he would give MOST of his money away... Because that is how Communism and heavy Socialism works EVERYWHERE else.
All you have to do is ask a Canadian or brit if they're willing to give up their health care so that they can have the American system.. You'd be laughed out of the room