Great job, I liked your approach of not revealing you were an exjw, but that you used to be a member of a high control group. And saying that you didn't want to reveal the name was a good idea also. I have heard many EX Jehovah's Witnesses say that it was a small thing that someone had said years earlier that help them to wake up when the time was right. It just stayed in their mind and grew.
This Count of Monte Cristo quote sums up my situation and possibly yours: "No, my dear Dantes, I know perfectly well that you are innocent. Why else would you be here? If you were truly guilty there are a hundred prisons in France where they would lock you away. But, Chateau d'if is where they put the ones they're ashamed of." My family put me in a prison of silence almost immediately when I started questioning things. No one fought for me- no one engaged in conversation with me... again, very similar experience.
Really like your methodology when meeting a JW cart, not being confrontational, not mentioning you are an xjw, but subtlety drawing them out, and getting them to think for themselves & question. I really think there's great value in developing this in future videos, showing different subjects, prophecies or topics that we can use to wake up our JW family members or JWs we encounter. Thanks Wally!
absolutely I have some ideas that, at least in my case, were effective with getting people out that actually listened to me. unfortunately not very many listened, but hey maybe it can help someone else now!
This approach sounds really interesting. My siblings are all "in the truth", and they don't shun me because thankfully I never got baptized. When we talk, I often wish I could say some small thing that will get them thinking. Unfortunately, I usually get really nervous, which makes it difficult to think straight.
@@archangeljesus4369 No, they aren't. Their entire "truth" is based on a blantant lie. They are following the ridiculous teachings of a bunch of deluded old men in America. It's pathetic.
@@archangeljesus4369 You don't know anything about my religious beliefs. But if you are a JW, then I know that you believe the blatant lie that the Jerusalem Temple was destroyed in 607 BCE, which is a date made up by the Watchtower Society. The Temple was destroyed in 587 BCE. And because the entire JW theology is based on 607 BCE and the subsequent calculation of 1914 as the date of Jesus return and him "selecting" the WTS as his earthly organisation, the entire theological idea you believe is a lie made up by some people in America.
Love your videos and this one especially showing your tactics with the witnesses, also sorry to hear that you’re being shunned by your family that organisation is so toxic.
Loving. your style. That's exactly what I do too. By the time they figure it out, they're already too deep admitting their own lies. David versus Nathan "Rich man Poor man sheep" style, if you know the illustration I'm correlating to.
I heard that one good way to get people to start thinking about their cult is to talk about other cults - like the Mormons or Scientology and what they do. That way, you're not threatening the person's belief system - it's about someone else, but it might plant a seed. Love your vids, Wally! They're doubleplusgood! ;-)
yeah that is one of the more useful tactics. I gave my grandma a book on scientology and she gave it back to me a day later and said she didn't want to read about it.
The issue is that if you are disfellowshipped/disassociated/inactive, Witnesses don’t supposed to talk to you or they will get in trouble. It seems awkward to get people in trouble. I think everyone who wants to learn what Watchtower won’t say have to seek it out on their own. Is this thinking wrong?
inactive witnesses are free to retain a relationship with their friends and family but it is on a limited basis. So shunning inactive ones is not inline with the the doctrine.
Keep it up, Wally. I'm an exJW who wasted so many years of my life in the cult. I wasn't born in, I'm so glad no other family member was ever a JW. It really sucks how your family is treating you. In a way that's how I treated all my non-JW family when I joined the WT cult. Guess what? When I left the cult they all welcomed me with open arms, regardless the way I treated them. Whish you the best. And thanks for wanting to help other people get out of the WT. Not all of us exJW have the desire or the patience to do so. Congrats
Luis Farfan. Same here I wasn’t born in but after awhile I just couldn’t take it anymore got disfellowshipped walked out the door and never stepped foot in the congregation again. I was the only one in my family that was a witness I never shunned my family members or friends who weren’t witnesses, I think the shunning practice was so ridiculous I never understood it🙄🙄. I’m glad your out of this Cult and living your life and have a relationship with your family again. ❤️🌹💐
@@marwatson7408 Thanks a lot. Your comments are so uplifting. So glad you never kept away from your family. It was the dumbest thing to do but, here I am again enjoying their unparalleled company. I will never ever go back. Even in my darkest moments, the least thing I'd want to do is go searching for "a god". I wish you the best, and I hope you enjoy the present to the fullest.
@11:44. Wait! 🛑. Hold it! Someone asked WHY you are inactive rather than assume you are a pervert who ❤️ living a debauched life? 😳. They spoke to you words other than “Come back to the Kingdom Hall”? 🤯 Was that on planet earth? Or maybe things changed since last I hung out with witnesses.
I’m so sorry you’re family is shunning you. I purposely never became a publisher or got baptized so my mum wouldn’t have to shun me I hope one day a family member of yours wakes up
In regard to your German Shepard/Doberman dog, Winston Smith speaking only "Newspeak," this is an allusion to Georges Orwell's dystopian novel, "1984."
When they ask which cult it was, you could also vaguely say it was a small offshoot of some revivalist movement. Very, very few witnesses know the history that Russell was a contemporary of the founder of Seventh Day Adventists.
Just found your awesome channel! Cute dog too😊Great video! I hope to try some of these points👍 Tonight I thought about a perplexing idea of how Satan could be in heaven now or in the future, because I thought i heard it mentioned by the Governing Body, and talking as if Jesus is still going to have battles there with him and his demons there! I was taken a back by that comment that i have NEVER EVER HEARD BEFORE! So weird, huh! Anyway, so I tried and my mom was looking into it. Anything to get her engaged and REALLY looking into the religion!
Even a Christian cannot brush aside the worship of Jehovah as God. In Revelation 1:5 the Son of God called himself "Jesus Christ, 'The faithful Witness.'" When on earth as a man he was a Jew, an Israelite, to whose nation the words of Isaiah 43:10 was written: "'You are my witnesses, 'is the utterance of Jehovah, 'even my servant whom I have chosen.'" Jesus demonstrated that he was a faithful and true witness of Jehovah God. His genuine disciples today must be the same kind of witnesses, Jehovah's.
I do not know if Jehovah's witnesses teach it but the common view among Christians is that faith is in itself meritorious. If you strip away this of that proposition from Genesis and leave them confessing "It really comes down to faith" isn't that leaving them with the one ting that is meritorious in their system of beliefs?
I d never thought about Damascus , there are so many flaws in the bible we glossed over , thanks for the different slant , sorry to hear about your family , I m out after 59 years most of my family (11 ) also
That is great that you still have family! I am always glad to hear when people get out after so many years in because it proves that just because someone has eaten a turkey sandwich everyday for 40 years, doesn't mean they won't try ham.
@@exjehovahswitness Oh wow, that sounds serious. I hope he'll be OK! I would think that an adult cat can defend itself from a dog, or get away quickly enough, right?
My communication skills have become so poor, I hesitate to talk to witnesses any longer other then to just say hello if I randomly encounter them. I like science. I will have to buckle down and start researching evolution a lot more then I have so that in the future I could have something possibly thought provoking to say if I where to run into Witnesses again.
I have a rough plan for this series where I will go more in depth from a variety of perspectives such as, Christian, Athiest, religious non Christian, ect. Hopefully there will be some helpful info there.
@8:13. With respect, the core purpose of faith is to negate the need for proof and knowledge to back things up. So giving in knowledge is pointless as they run in blind faith.
I promise I knew exactly what I believed, and would guarantee I currently know more about the JW faith then you. If you disagree then let's talk and put our knowledge to the test. how does that sound?
@1:23 Your approach of hiding your intent initially seems similar to what the prophet Samuel used on King David when he confronted him on banging Bethsheba and getting her Hubby killed.
If you’re willing to let a child die for the blood doctrine but are still wearing clothing made with two types of fabric (Lev 19:19) you have to explain to me why Jesus fulfilled the law for your knock off Jacksonville Jaguars Jersey but not a 5 year old with leukemia.
Either this end time prophecy is true or ......... it isn't true: . Isaiah 66:5 Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.” . [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME . Is there evidence for what Jehovah said would happen, .... really happening? . Show me the evidence! . I really really really miss JW cart witnessing! . .
The only challenge I'd have to you is that you're interpreting the scriptures in a literal manner as opposed to how they were supposed to be interpreted. The Bible isn't a science book and many of the stories in there have to be seen in the correct context. Was it a literal 6 days for creation or is there a much more deeper meaning to all of that? Those are the type of things that have to be looked at. The Jewish interpretation of the OT is critical in helping understand the OT. But otherwise I think your approach is great.
It is a long list, but I believe there is a cup of coffee in front of me, that I shaved my nuts yesterday, that it is raining, that I am about to go walk a dog, and the list goes on for a while
GOD IS NOT A LITERAL TORTURER. GOD is LOVE. He only gives eternal life to those who exercise faith in him and his Son (John 3:16, John 14:1) and NOT TO WICKED people. The Wicked will VANISH AND WILL BE NO MORE. Psalms 37:20 Phil 2:12 - New King James Version Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; How many is Jehovah? Trinitarians say there are THREE Jehovah. What does the Bible say? There is ONE JEHOVAH and NOT THREE JEHOVAH. Deut 6:4. - “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah WHO IS THE STAR IN NUMBERS 24:17? That is Jesus. It is the same Hebrew word used in Job 38:7 for the morning stars. So as Jesus is called THE BRIGHT morning star (REV 22:16) so also are the other morning stars(angels). So Jesus is the CHIEF Angel with the archangel's voice (1 Thes 4:16). Jesus is called Prince of Peace in Isa 9:6 and the original Hebrew word for Prince means PATRON ANGEL which is the same Hebrew Word used for Michael the archangel in Daniel. Jesus is the High Priest and the High Priest is NOT GOD himself. GOD DOES NOT WORSHIP HIMSELF : John 4:22 -You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation begins with the Jews. Jesus Included himself IN WORSHIPPING THE FATHER. ONLY A CREATION WILL WORSHIP GOD. If the holy Spirit is a PERSON then now you have MANY PERSONS IN ONE GOD. REV 5:6 - seven eyes, and the eyes mean the seven spirits of God.SO NOW YOU HAVE ADDITIONAL SEVEN PERSONS IN GOD. Who is the cause of Salvation? Both GOD and the lamb are saviors, Rev 7:9-10, even Jesus needed to be saved by the Father from death as the Father is the SOURCE OF LIFE AND SALVATION , Hebrews 5:7 & John 5:26 - THE FATHER GAVE THE SON LIFE. Does the Bible called Jesus MADE AND BORN? Yes! JESUS is the Messiah and a CREATION BY GOD! He is called “BORN OF/FROM GOD”. (1 JOHN 5:18) Hebrews 1:5 showed that Jesus was MADE/BORN (orig Greek-gennaw). Also it says "he will become my son" Notice, FUTURE TENSE, WILL, so before that the SON DID NOT EXIST. If you are BORN AND MADE then you are a creation. , Hebrews 1:5 mentions I WILL BECOME HIS FATHER, so Jesus relationship with the Father has a BEGINNING, When ? it was TODAY. TODAY implies a beginning. Also Acts 2 mentioned GOD MADE JESUS as Lord and Christ. HEBREWS 1 :5 - the original greek word used there for begotten/born also means MAKE. so Jesus, the SON was MADE. Word: gennaw Pronounce: ghen-nah'-o Strongs Number: G1080 Orig: from a variation of 1085; to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the mother); figuratively, to regenerate:--bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring. G1085. When did Jesus become SON? Even before Jesus became human he is called SON , Prov 30:4 Was Jesus GIVEN LIFE? He is called the firstborn and beginning of the CREATION BY GOD (COL 1, Revelation ) Also john 5:26 mentions that the FATHER GAVE JESUS, THE SON, with LIFE. If Jesus was given LIFE OR EVEN ETERNAL LIFE, then Jesus does not have life or eternal life before those were given to him. Notice, the Father was NOT given life. JESUS was MADE LORD (ACTS 2:36).JOHN 6:57 - Jesus Said “ I LIVE BEC OF THE FATHER” SO JESUS’ LIFE was dependent on the Father and his SOURCE OF LIFE/Eternal Life IS THE FATHER as John 5:26 states as well. 1john 5:1 - Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born from God,+ and everyone who loves the one who caused to be born loves him who has been born from that one . who is this that HAS BEEN BORN from that one? That is Jesus! 1 John 5:18 - Jesus is called BORN FROM GOD JESUS IS BORN FROM GOD, 1 JOHN 5:18 - We know that everyone who has been born from God does not practice sin, but the one born from God* watches him, and the wicked one cannot take hold of him . WHO is the ONE BORN FROM GOD that watches us and protects us and who does not sin? JESUS CHRIST! HAS ANYONE SEEN GOD? NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD and if they see GOD's face THEY WILL DIE. Jesus was seen by many and they didn't DIE so Jesus Is Not The Almighty God. Jesus is called SON even before coming to earth as human. Exo 33:20 states "“You cannot see my face, for no man can see me and live.”" NO MAN CAN SEE ME, notice ME , you think ME IS NOT LITERAL? IT IS LITERAL "ME" WHO IS GOD. GOD IS FROM FOREVER: John 1:1 mentions the WORD WAS IN THE BEGINNING, so Jesus was LIMITED "IN THE BEGINNING" Unlike GOD who is FROM FOREVER (Psalms 90:2). Is "a god" a valid translation in John 1:1? Sahidic Coptic translation uses an indefinite article with the word “god” in the final part of John 1:1. The Greek used in the BIble does not have an indefinite article "a" so that's why you don't see the "a" in John 1:1, The Sahidic Coptic translation uses an indefinite article with the word “god” in the final part of John 1:1. again, john 1:1 about theos - Strong's Concordance theos: God, a god , so "a god" is a valid translation. "The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon" defines theos as "a god" as well. so it is a valid translation. Also Thayer's Greek Lexicon also defines theos as "a god" so it is a valid translation Is Jesus the same as Jehovah? Jesus is the SON. Jehovah is Our FATHER (Isa 63:16). Even the trinity doctrine states the SON IS NOT THE FATHER, so Jesus is NOT JEHOVAH How many person is GOD? God said " I am God Almighty", The use of I am, means GOD is ONE PERSON. Do you use I am, me, myself, me alone for ONE LITERAL PERSON or THREE PERSONS? You only use those phrases for ONE literal person and NEVER FOR THREE PERSONS. Is Jesus described as a Morning Star like the Angels? Yes. Rev 22:16 - 16 “‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you about these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David+ and the bright morning star.’”+ JESUS IS THE BRIGHT MORNING STAR, Angels are also called morning stars in Job 38:7, so Jesus is the BRIGHT OR CHIEF OF THE ANGELS (archangel) as 1 Thessalonians 4:16 mentions. What does Firsborn means? So depending on the context the firstborn can be the chief, principal, or first in time or place or rank. Still though, when you use the firstborn with an OF, “firstborn OF”, because of the OF , that means the firstborn BELONGS TO THE GROUP, just like when you say firstborn of the sheep. The firstborn is a sheep. So Jesus belongs to the group of creation, firstborn of all creation. Does John 8:58 correlate with Exodus 3? In Exodus 3, GOD is called I WILL BECOME (not I am) and does not correlate with John 8:58 Word: DID Pronounce: haw-yaw Use: TWOT-491 Verb 1) to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out Jehovah is called GOD of gods, who are these gods? if you say that those are all false gods, then you are saying that GOD is like Satan as he is God of all false gods. Those gods exist, just like King of kings, those kings exist. Is Jehovah, GOD's name? Psalms 83:18. Strong's No.: H3068 Hebrew: יְהֹוָה Transliteration: Yᵉhôvâh Phonetic: yeh-ho-vaw'" and even the BIBLE mentions the God's followers containing his name. Jehoshaphat, jehu, etc. With all Jehovah, the God of the Bible. Yes. Jehovah is God in the Bible, the Our Father (JEHOVAH) ISA 63 AND WHO IS JAH , JEHOVAH that is WORTHY OF PRAISE AND GLORY! ISA 26:4 - 4 Trust in Jehovah forever,h For Jah* Jehovah is the eternal Rock. JEHOSHAPHAT(MATTHEW 1 :8) - Easton's Bible Dictionary Jehovah-judged. Easton's Bible Dictionary Jehovah-judged. Smith's Bible Dictionary Jehoshaphat - (whom Jehovah judges.) Yup, JEHOVAH is the name of GOD IN THE BIBLE as his followers have the name of Jehovah in their name. What was Jesus role in creation? He is the Master Worker (Prov 8) and a channel used by GOD in the creation. Notice the TWO WORDS translated as By/Through in Col 1:16 - 1. En - a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively),.. Notice it says INSTRUMENTALITY 2. Dia - a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act Notice it says CHANNEL OF AN ACT So Colossians 1:16 simply mentions that Jesus is USED BY GOD AS A CHANNEL OF AN ACT, AN INSTRUMENT in the Creation. Compare that to GOD in 1 Cor 8:6 , notice for God the Father he uses the word EK - or ex ex a primary preposition denoting ORIGIN (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause; literal or figurative; direct or remote):- Notice GOD the Father is the ORIGIN/FROM ,THE SOURCE FROM WHOM ALL THINGS are created. BIG DIFFERENCE. So the FATHER IS the ORIGIN of all things. For JEsus, it didn;t use the word Origin but "THrough" which in the Original Greek word also means "a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act". So God the Father is like the WRITER, he used his Son as a channel of a act to write (like a pen). So the only writer is the Father, the Son was used as a channel and NOT THE ORIGIN of creation. This is confirmed by Jesus in John 5:19 - " Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, the Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he sees the Father doing.+" JESUS CANNOT DO A SINGLE THING , his FATHER always guide him. All things came into existence through him,e and apart from him not even one thing came into existence. - Jesus is first BORN/MADE (Heb 1:5, 1 JOhn 5:18) by GOD directly , only begotten by GOD, the Father , ALL things (which does not include of course Jesus and his Father and the holy spirit) came into existence THROUGH him (Jesus). the word through (DIA in Greek means - a primary preposition denoting the CHANNEL of an act; ) So Jesus was used as the CHANNEL in the creation. The source is the Father.
NEW LIGHT BROTHERS WE NOW HAVE OVERLAPPING REMNANTS. 1945/22,382 forward 75 YEARS. .......2020/21,182 anointed. These figures are from the JW PROCLAIMERS BOOK PAGE 717. And jw. Org. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha so ridiculous.
@@mr.d.c.1914.1 oh Don't worry about that, the anointed have been increasing year by year. It's what YOU believe that counts. And by the way WT surmised in the Revelation book that the final sealing took place in 1935 ...86 YEARS ago. Now if any JWs quote from this book it's OLD LIGHT. PS. I was a jw.for 46years. So I know what the society says on a lot of issues. Anyway have a good life as a good for nothing slave. Which reminds me of a scripture of God's people under slavery to pharoe NWT Exodus 5v9 "make them work harder,and keep them busy so that they will not pay attention to lies "sounds familiar eh!!
I hope one day you secretly record one of this convos. I like your un-witnessing style. 🙌🏾
Maybe one day!
Great job, I liked your approach of not revealing you were an exjw, but that you used to be a member of a high control group. And saying that you didn't want to reveal the name was a good idea also.
I have heard many EX Jehovah's Witnesses say that it was a small thing that someone had said years earlier that help them to wake up when the time was right. It just stayed in their mind and grew.
Yeah I generally think, and maybe this is my undying positivity, that generally people want to have evidence for the things in their head.
You're doing a great job with your videos. Interesting, informative and well delivered. Thank you for doing what you're doing. ♥️
That is very nice of you to say and i will!
This Count of Monte Cristo quote sums up my situation and possibly yours: "No, my dear Dantes, I know perfectly well that you are innocent. Why else would you be here? If you were truly guilty there are a hundred prisons in France where they would lock you away. But, Chateau d'if is where they put the ones they're ashamed of." My family put me in a prison of silence almost immediately when I started questioning things. No one fought for me- no one engaged in conversation with me... again, very similar experience.
Really like your methodology when meeting a JW cart, not being confrontational, not mentioning you are an xjw, but subtlety drawing them out, and getting them to think for themselves & question.
I really think there's great value in developing this in future videos, showing different subjects, prophecies or topics that we can use to wake up our JW family members or JWs we encounter. Thanks Wally!
absolutely I have some ideas that, at least in my case, were effective with getting people out that actually listened to me. unfortunately not very many listened, but hey maybe it can help someone else now!
This approach sounds really interesting. My siblings are all "in the truth", and they don't shun me because thankfully I never got baptized. When we talk, I often wish I could say some small thing that will get them thinking. Unfortunately, I usually get really nervous, which makes it difficult to think straight.
take your time and make sure you are prepared because you really only get a few chances before the mental blocks kick in.
Jehovah's Witnesses are the true worshipers whether anybody believes it or not.
@@archangeljesus4369 No, they aren't. Their entire "truth" is based on a blantant lie. They are following the ridiculous teachings of a bunch of deluded old men in America. It's pathetic.
@@katew.9402 You worship santa clause and a pagan 3 faced trinity god.
@@archangeljesus4369 You don't know anything about my religious beliefs. But if you are a JW, then I know that you believe the blatant lie that the Jerusalem Temple was destroyed in 607 BCE, which is a date made up by the Watchtower Society. The Temple was destroyed in 587 BCE. And because the entire JW theology is based on 607 BCE and the subsequent calculation of 1914 as the date of Jesus return and him "selecting" the WTS as his earthly organisation, the entire theological idea you believe is a lie made up by some people in America.
1984. Reduce the vanaculur, reduce the thought process. I feel that heart and soul.
Nice work
Just clicked, so excited to watch!! Thanks for all the great content, Wally! 🙏🏼💕
You are so welcome!
thanks for the entertaining vid. your thoughtful approach to the subject of conversations is helpful to me.
I am very glad it was helpful
Love your videos and this one especially showing your tactics with the witnesses, also sorry to hear that you’re being shunned by your family that organisation is so toxic.
Thank you so much!
Love your approach, I might have to give that a try once we're allowed to meet people again.
you definitely should. It might change someone's life
Excellent strategies for helping them to use their own critical thinking skills- it’s a gift that keeps on giving.
Loving. your style. That's exactly what I do too. By the time they figure it out, they're already too deep admitting their own lies. David versus Nathan "Rich man Poor man sheep" style, if you know the illustration I'm correlating to.
Thanks so much!
You have such a calming voice.
that's very sweet thank you
"He doesn't speak English, he speaks Newspeak." 😂
glad a few people got it
I heard that one good way to get people to start thinking about their cult is to talk about other cults - like the Mormons or Scientology and what they do. That way, you're not threatening the person's belief system - it's about someone else, but it might plant a seed. Love your vids, Wally! They're doubleplusgood! ;-)
yeah that is one of the more useful tactics. I gave my grandma a book on scientology and she gave it back to me a day later and said she didn't want to read about it.
Big fan Sir! Fun style!
Awesome! Thank you!
@9:26. When I was in field service saying you “used to be a witness” is grounds for automatically terminating the conversation. Has that changed?
nope that is not the case sir
The issue is that if you are disfellowshipped/disassociated/inactive, Witnesses don’t supposed to talk to you or they will get in trouble. It seems awkward to get people in trouble. I think everyone who wants to learn what Watchtower won’t say have to seek it out on their own. Is this thinking wrong?
inactive witnesses are free to retain a relationship with their friends and family but it is on a limited basis. So shunning inactive ones is not inline with the the doctrine.
Keep it up, Wally. I'm an exJW who wasted so many years of my life in the cult. I wasn't born in, I'm so glad no other family member was ever a JW. It really sucks how your family is treating you. In a way that's how I treated all my non-JW family when I joined the WT cult. Guess what? When I left the cult they all welcomed me with open arms, regardless the way I treated them.
Whish you the best. And thanks for wanting to help other people get out of the WT. Not all of us exJW have the desire or the patience to do so. Congrats
Luis Farfan. Same here I wasn’t born in but after awhile I just couldn’t take it anymore got disfellowshipped walked out the door and never stepped foot in the congregation again. I was the only one in my family that was a witness I never shunned my family members or friends who weren’t witnesses, I think the shunning practice was so ridiculous I never understood it🙄🙄. I’m glad your out of this Cult and living your life and have a relationship with your family again. ❤️🌹💐
@@marwatson7408 Thanks a lot. Your comments are so uplifting. So glad you never kept away from your family. It was the dumbest thing to do but, here I am again enjoying their unparalleled company. I will never ever go back. Even in my darkest moments, the least thing I'd want to do is go searching for "a god". I wish you the best, and I hope you enjoy the present to the fullest.
@@luisfarfan3747 Thank you ❤️😊 I wish you the best too 🌈 have a nice evening.
Very interesting. Looking forward to more. 👍
Awesome, thank you!
Love your aproach!
Very well presented!
Glad you liked it!
@11:44. Wait! 🛑. Hold it! Someone asked WHY you are inactive rather than assume you are a pervert who ❤️ living a debauched life? 😳. They spoke to you words other than “Come back to the Kingdom Hall”? 🤯 Was that on planet earth? Or maybe things changed since last I hung out with witnesses.
yeah he was a sweet old guy not a jackhole
Should have met you 40 years ago, would have saved me a lot of pain, smart you are
That is very kind thank you
At least your still not brainwashed right now. Good for you. You are a intelligent person for waking up u know that right.
Yay! New video👏Great job💪
Hope you enjoyed it!
Doing one for the memorial as well. If all goes according to plan should be pretty fun
@@exjehovahswitness Oooooh I'm excited for that too! Thanks again, Wally!
I agree, well said thank you
Most welcome
Sir, why are you poking the Jehovah's Witness Bears? 🤣😁😂
Good stories as always
Glad you like them!
I’m so sorry you’re family is shunning you. I purposely never became a publisher or got baptized so my mum wouldn’t have to shun me
I hope one day a family member of yours wakes up
thanks that is very sweet of you to say
Lol love you Wally you are awesome
Thank you so much that means so much
@@exjehovahswitness awwwww your welcome. I saw Lloyd Evan's say something about your channel
oh really? when?
@@exjehovahswitness it was played on one of there Jws broadcasts Lloyd Evan's showed showed it
@@tarachapman916 ok I'll have to look for that
In regard to your German Shepard/Doberman dog, Winston Smith speaking only "Newspeak," this is an allusion to Georges Orwell's dystopian novel, "1984."
When they ask which cult it was, you could also vaguely say it was a small offshoot of some revivalist movement. Very, very few witnesses know the history that Russell was a contemporary of the founder of Seventh Day Adventists.
Just found your awesome channel! Cute dog too😊Great video! I hope to try some of these points👍 Tonight I thought about a perplexing idea of how Satan could be in heaven now or in the future, because I thought i heard it mentioned by the Governing Body, and talking as if Jesus is still going to have battles there with him and his demons there! I was taken a back by that comment that i have NEVER EVER HEARD BEFORE! So weird, huh! Anyway, so I tried and my mom was looking into it. Anything to get her engaged and REALLY looking into the religion!
Yeah you're bang on with that, anything that gets witnesses to engage and think you are doing the right thing!
News speak! Love it!
I swear he doesn't speak english
Even a Christian cannot brush aside the worship of Jehovah as God. In Revelation 1:5 the Son of God called himself "Jesus Christ, 'The faithful Witness.'" When on earth as a man he was a Jew, an Israelite, to whose nation the words of Isaiah 43:10 was written: "'You are my witnesses, 'is the utterance of Jehovah, 'even my servant whom I have chosen.'" Jesus demonstrated that he was a faithful and true witness of Jehovah God. His genuine disciples today must be the same kind of witnesses, Jehovah's.
I do not know if Jehovah's witnesses teach it but the common view among Christians is that faith is in itself meritorious. If you strip away this of that proposition from Genesis and leave them confessing "It really comes down to faith" isn't that leaving them with the one ting that is meritorious in their system of beliefs?
I d never thought about Damascus , there are so many flaws in the bible we glossed over , thanks for the different slant , sorry to hear about your family , I m out after 59 years most of my family (11 ) also
That is great that you still have family! I am always glad to hear when people get out after so many years in because it proves that just because someone has eaten a turkey sandwich everyday for 40 years, doesn't mean they won't try ham.
Awwwwe he so cute the dog
That Winston Smith looks like a double-plus good boy!!
He is pretty damaged but in a good home now where he can grow. He does have a strong prey drive so we will see how that goes with the cats.
@@exjehovahswitness Oh wow, that sounds serious. I hope he'll be OK! I would think that an adult cat can defend itself from a dog, or get away quickly enough, right?
Yeah my cats are pretty chill with my other two dogs so I don't know if they know when it is time to run yet.
My communication skills have become so poor, I hesitate to talk to witnesses any longer other then to just say hello if I randomly encounter them. I like science. I will have to buckle down and start researching evolution a lot more then I have so that in the future I could have something possibly thought provoking to say if I where to run into Witnesses again.
I have a rough plan for this series where I will go more in depth from a variety of perspectives such as, Christian, Athiest, religious non Christian, ect. Hopefully there will be some helpful info there.
@@exjehovahswitness sweet look forward to it.!
Newspeak lol, such a good boi
He is from texas and had a pretty rough life but he will get there
Double plus good
One JW told me that if laws in a country has laws that overrides the JW no blood doctrine for a child, then it is fine, the child can have blood!!!!
Nice dog!
@8:13. With respect, the core purpose of faith is to negate the need for proof and knowledge to back things up. So giving in knowledge is pointless as they run in blind faith.
well then faith is not a pathway to truth. But anyway the point is that witnesses think they have the knowledge to back up their faith
Jesus when he comes He is bring his angels and his Saints Matt. 24:14 John 1:9 Jude 1:14 1Thes. 3:13
okay cool
Bruh, is that lip stick 😳 or lip gloss? Lol 🤣 😆 😂 if it's lip gloss is it the strawberry flavor or watermelon?
It's sad that you didn't know what you believed. You were on the road to life, you just lost it!
I promise I knew exactly what I believed, and would guarantee I currently know more about the JW faith then you. If you disagree then let's talk and put our knowledge to the test. how does that sound?
Not all of them are bad but many are rude and in a cult.
@1:23 Your approach of hiding your intent initially seems similar to what the prophet Samuel used on King David when he confronted him on banging Bethsheba and getting her Hubby killed.
perhaps, I see it as a non aggressive way to break through some initial walls without being dishonest
If you’re willing to let a child die for the blood doctrine but are still wearing clothing made with two types of fabric (Lev 19:19) you have to explain to me why Jesus fulfilled the law for your knock off Jacksonville Jaguars Jersey but not a 5 year old with leukemia.
There is all kinds of evidence every where. But satan has blinded the minds of the unbelievers.
Either this end time prophecy is true or ......... it isn't true:
Isaiah 66:5
Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.”
[Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME
Is there evidence for what Jehovah said would happen, .... really happening?
Show me the evidence!
I really really really miss JW cart witnessing!
I honestly think that the people I interacted with gained something from the talk.
The only challenge I'd have to you is that you're interpreting the scriptures in a literal manner as opposed to how they were supposed to be interpreted. The Bible isn't a science book and many of the stories in there have to be seen in the correct context. Was it a literal 6 days for creation or is there a much more deeper meaning to all of that?
Those are the type of things that have to be looked at. The Jewish interpretation of the OT is critical in helping understand the OT. But otherwise I think your approach is great.
No tell us rather what you believe in.
It is a long list, but I believe there is a cup of coffee in front of me, that I shaved my nuts yesterday, that it is raining, that I am about to go walk a dog, and the list goes on for a while
Shaved you n...? What an accomplishment! How indecent! That's one of your religious believes?
GOD IS NOT A LITERAL TORTURER. GOD is LOVE. He only gives eternal life to those who exercise faith in him and his Son (John 3:16, John 14:1) and NOT TO WICKED people. The Wicked will VANISH AND WILL BE NO MORE. Psalms 37:20
Phil 2:12 - New King James Version
Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;
How many is Jehovah? Trinitarians say there are THREE Jehovah. What does the Bible say? There is ONE JEHOVAH and NOT THREE JEHOVAH. Deut 6:4. - “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah
WHO IS THE STAR IN NUMBERS 24:17? That is Jesus. It is the same Hebrew word used in Job 38:7 for the morning stars. So as Jesus is called THE BRIGHT morning star (REV 22:16) so also are the other morning stars(angels). So Jesus is the CHIEF Angel with the archangel's voice (1 Thes 4:16). Jesus is called Prince of Peace in Isa 9:6 and the original Hebrew word for Prince means PATRON ANGEL which is the same Hebrew Word used for Michael the archangel in Daniel.
Jesus is the High Priest and the High Priest is NOT GOD himself.
GOD DOES NOT WORSHIP HIMSELF : John 4:22 -You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation begins with the Jews.
If the holy Spirit is a PERSON then now you have MANY PERSONS IN ONE GOD. REV 5:6 - seven eyes, and the eyes mean the seven spirits of God.SO NOW YOU HAVE ADDITIONAL SEVEN PERSONS IN GOD.
Who is the cause of Salvation? Both GOD and the lamb are saviors, Rev 7:9-10, even Jesus needed to be saved by the Father from death as the Father is the SOURCE OF LIFE AND SALVATION , Hebrews 5:7 & John 5:26 - THE FATHER GAVE THE SON LIFE.
Does the Bible called Jesus MADE AND BORN? Yes! JESUS is the Messiah and a CREATION BY GOD! He is called “BORN OF/FROM GOD”. (1 JOHN 5:18) Hebrews 1:5 showed that Jesus was MADE/BORN (orig Greek-gennaw). Also it says "he will become my son" Notice, FUTURE TENSE, WILL, so before that the SON DID NOT EXIST. If you are BORN AND MADE then you are a creation. , Hebrews 1:5 mentions I WILL BECOME HIS FATHER, so Jesus relationship with the Father has a BEGINNING, When ? it was TODAY. TODAY implies a beginning. Also Acts 2 mentioned GOD MADE JESUS as Lord and Christ. HEBREWS 1 :5 - the original greek word used there for begotten/born also means MAKE. so Jesus, the SON was MADE. Word: gennaw Pronounce: ghen-nah'-o Strongs Number: G1080 Orig: from a variation of 1085; to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the mother); figuratively, to regenerate:--bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring. G1085.
When did Jesus become SON? Even before Jesus became human he is called SON , Prov 30:4
He is called the firstborn and beginning of the CREATION BY GOD (COL 1, Revelation ) Also john 5:26 mentions that the FATHER GAVE JESUS, THE SON, with LIFE. If Jesus was given LIFE OR EVEN ETERNAL LIFE, then Jesus does not have life or eternal life before those were given to him. Notice, the Father was NOT given life.
JESUS was MADE LORD (ACTS 2:36).JOHN 6:57 - Jesus Said “ I LIVE BEC OF THE FATHER” SO JESUS’ LIFE was dependent on the Father and his SOURCE OF LIFE/Eternal Life IS THE FATHER as John 5:26 states as well. 1john 5:1 - Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born from God,+ and everyone who loves the one who caused to be born loves him who has been born from that one . who is this that HAS BEEN BORN from that one? That is Jesus! 1 John 5:18 - Jesus is called BORN FROM GOD JESUS IS BORN FROM GOD, 1 JOHN 5:18 - We know that everyone who has been born from God does not practice sin, but the one born from God* watches him, and the wicked one cannot take hold of him . WHO is the ONE BORN FROM GOD that watches us and protects us and who does not sin? JESUS CHRIST!
NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD and if they see GOD's face THEY WILL DIE. Jesus was seen by many and they didn't DIE so Jesus Is Not The Almighty God. Jesus is called SON even before coming to earth as human. Exo 33:20 states "“You cannot see my face, for no man can see me and live.”" NO MAN CAN SEE ME, notice ME , you think ME IS NOT LITERAL? IT IS LITERAL "ME" WHO IS GOD.
John 1:1 mentions the WORD WAS IN THE BEGINNING, so Jesus was LIMITED "IN THE BEGINNING" Unlike GOD who is FROM FOREVER (Psalms 90:2).
Is "a god" a valid translation in John 1:1? Sahidic Coptic translation uses an indefinite article with the word “god” in the final part of John 1:1.
The Greek used in the BIble does not have an indefinite article "a" so that's why you don't see the "a" in John 1:1, The Sahidic Coptic translation uses an indefinite article with the word “god” in the final part of John 1:1. again, john 1:1 about theos - Strong's Concordance theos: God, a god , so "a god" is a valid translation. "The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon" defines theos as "a god" as well. so it is a valid translation. Also Thayer's Greek Lexicon also defines theos as "a god" so it is a valid translation
Is Jesus the same as Jehovah? Jesus is the SON. Jehovah is Our FATHER (Isa 63:16). Even the trinity doctrine states the SON IS NOT THE FATHER, so Jesus is NOT JEHOVAH
How many person is GOD? God said " I am God Almighty", The use of I am, means GOD is ONE PERSON. Do you use I am, me, myself, me alone for ONE LITERAL PERSON or THREE PERSONS? You only use those phrases for ONE literal person and NEVER FOR THREE PERSONS.
Is Jesus described as a Morning Star like the Angels? Yes. Rev 22:16 - 16 “‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you about these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David+ and the bright morning star.’”+ JESUS IS THE BRIGHT MORNING STAR, Angels are also called morning stars in Job 38:7, so Jesus is the BRIGHT OR CHIEF OF THE ANGELS (archangel) as 1 Thessalonians 4:16 mentions.
What does Firsborn means?
So depending on the context the firstborn can be the chief, principal, or first in time or place or rank. Still though, when you use the firstborn with an OF, “firstborn OF”, because of the OF , that means the firstborn BELONGS TO THE GROUP, just like when you say firstborn of the sheep. The firstborn is a sheep. So Jesus belongs to the group of creation, firstborn of all creation.
Does John 8:58 correlate with Exodus 3? In Exodus 3, GOD is called I WILL BECOME (not I am) and does not correlate with John 8:58
Word: DID Pronounce: haw-yaw Use: TWOT-491 Verb 1) to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out
Jehovah is called GOD of gods, who are these gods? if you say that those are all false gods, then you are saying that GOD is like Satan as he is God of all false gods. Those gods exist, just like King of kings, those kings exist.
Is Jehovah, GOD's name? Psalms 83:18.
Strong's No.: H3068 Hebrew: יְהֹוָה Transliteration: Yᵉhôvâh Phonetic: yeh-ho-vaw'" and even the BIBLE mentions the God's followers containing his name. Jehoshaphat, jehu, etc. With all Jehovah, the God of the Bible. Yes. Jehovah is God in the Bible, the Our Father (JEHOVAH) ISA 63 AND WHO IS JAH , JEHOVAH that is WORTHY OF PRAISE AND GLORY! ISA 26:4 - 4 Trust in Jehovah forever,h For Jah* Jehovah is the eternal Rock.
JEHOSHAPHAT(MATTHEW 1 :8) - Easton's Bible Dictionary Jehovah-judged. Easton's Bible Dictionary Jehovah-judged. Smith's Bible Dictionary Jehoshaphat - (whom Jehovah judges.) Yup, JEHOVAH is the name of GOD IN THE BIBLE as his followers have the name of Jehovah in their name.
What was Jesus role in creation? He is the Master Worker (Prov 8) and a channel used by GOD in the creation.
Notice the TWO WORDS translated as By/Through in Col 1:16 - 1. En - a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively),.. Notice it says INSTRUMENTALITY 2. Dia - a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act Notice it says CHANNEL OF AN ACT So Colossians 1:16 simply mentions that Jesus is USED BY GOD AS A CHANNEL OF AN ACT, AN INSTRUMENT in the Creation. Compare that to GOD in 1 Cor 8:6 , notice for God the Father he uses the word EK - or ex ex a primary preposition denoting ORIGIN (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause; literal or figurative; direct or remote):- Notice GOD the Father is the ORIGIN/FROM ,THE SOURCE FROM WHOM ALL THINGS are created. BIG DIFFERENCE. So the FATHER IS the ORIGIN of all things. For JEsus, it didn;t use the word Origin but "THrough" which in the Original Greek word also means "a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act". So God the Father is like the WRITER, he used his Son as a channel of a act to write (like a pen). So the only writer is the Father, the Son was used as a channel and NOT THE ORIGIN of creation. This is confirmed by Jesus in John 5:19 - " Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, the Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he sees the Father doing.+" JESUS CANNOT DO A SINGLE THING , his FATHER always guide him.
All things came into existence through him,e and apart from him not even one thing came into existence. - Jesus is first BORN/MADE (Heb 1:5, 1 JOhn 5:18) by GOD directly , only begotten by GOD, the Father , ALL things (which does not include of course Jesus and his Father and the holy spirit) came into existence THROUGH him (Jesus). the word through (DIA in Greek means - a primary preposition denoting the CHANNEL of an act; ) So Jesus was used as the CHANNEL in the creation. The source is the Father.
NEW LIGHT BROTHERS WE NOW HAVE OVERLAPPING REMNANTS. 1945/22,382 forward 75 YEARS. .......2020/21,182 anointed. These figures are from the JW PROCLAIMERS BOOK PAGE 717. And jw. Org. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha so ridiculous.
@@justinthyme3396 so you think the anointed ones and slaves of God cannot appear in the future?
@@mr.d.c.1914.1 oh Don't worry about that, the anointed have been increasing year by year. It's what YOU believe that counts. And by the way WT surmised in the Revelation book that the final sealing took place in 1935 ...86 YEARS ago. Now if any JWs quote from this book it's OLD LIGHT. PS. I was a jw.for 46years. So I know what the society says on a lot of issues. Anyway have a good life as a good for nothing slave. Which reminds me of a scripture of God's people under slavery to pharoe NWT Exodus 5v9 "make them work harder,and keep them busy so that they will not pay attention to lies "sounds familiar eh!!
@@justinthyme3396 just the hate filled ur mind.
Next pet; Josef K?