We Need More Enforcement of the Law

  • Опубликовано: 26 июн 2024
  • Nearly 70% of doctors recognize that they are at risk under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for problems in providing accommodations. Just as much as the law needs text, our communities need teeth; we need stronger enforcement of the laws.
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    [Video Description: The post is video with a black background and text appears in the middle of the screen. Occasionally the text will change colors (blue, pink, white) or increase and decrease in size. The text reads “imagine if the government enforced the Americans with Disabilities Act in healthcare settings like the doctor’s office, urgent care center, and hospital with the same seriousness that they do with reckless driving, distracted driving, or drunk driving. Both healthcare and driving are a public safety matter. Both are life or death. At yet it feels like no one is enforcing access to healthcare with the same seriousness even though...healthcare access is the law. Healthcare access must be seriously enforced. We don’t just imagine it...it’s our mission. [The screen fades to show the DeafHealth logo in white] Learn more at www.deafhealthaccess.org

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