I'm not a Mason but have deep respect for their work. My father-in-law and his dad were both Masons, and my wife got some of their regalia and documents after each passed. Lucifer is an aspect of Venus, and like Pan, both revered in Rome around the time of Constantine's conversion. Both were later turned into the devil. Venus in it's rising aspect is the last star (actually planet) seen at dawn before the Sun rises. Venus in it's fallen aspect is the first star seen at dusk just as the sun sets. The Hebrew word in Isaiah is roughly translated as boastful or excessive pride, and hence the use of Lucifer used in the Greek Septuagint. The Fall of Lucifer is when Venus no longer heralds the Sun. Hopefully that clarifies matters, and I haven't thrown any pearls before swine.
I was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. I served as Master twice. Once each for two different lodges. I never joined an appendant body but I did serve as District Ritual instructor for three Grand Masters in New Jersey. I haven't been active for quite some time now but still consider Masonry and my Brothers a foundation in my every day life.
hello to all. a few yrs ago i was given an old masonic bible, copy right 1951. yes it is exactly like Bro. edward states. being an old bible it isn't as content adept as a newer version. glad you brought up the subject.
Just got mine and showed it to my family as soon as I got home. It's beautiful and am proud to have it! It has most of the brothers signatures in it that were a part of my mm degree work and in attendance. I will cherish it for as long as I live!
Interesting !!!! Always considered being in the Masonic Lodge. Father was in it, but he passed before I ever got a chance to get into it. Will have to pursue this endeavor.
Thank you for this Beautiful presentation. Although I will always be a Mason at heart, I have recently resigned from my Mother Lodge as circumstance has caused my lifestyle to have had the potential into reflecting me in a manner that might not be on a Level in regard to Masonry without proper explanation. As to honour my obligations towards my God, fellow Brethren and Masonry in general, it was a choice not to disgrace the Badge of innocence and the absolute Beauty whitin the value of the teachings in Freemasonry. However I strive to uphold the value of the moral lessons of ethics, brotherly love and truth, it is out of respect and responsibility that I hope to regain the lifestyle that would publicly present me to bare the qualities upon the fraternity was founded. I do not at the moment present myself as a Mason for these reasons. But I will always be a Mason at heart and until such time as the wheel of fortune should turn once more and my heart should feel gladden with Love I will do my work in striving to regain those qualities which God have placed whitin me, that was at one point made clear through the, mysteries and secrets presented through the various aspects that Freemasonry presents. I have felt a great personal loss in disappointment and perhaps intended human caused tribulations that has caused my heart to harden and my faith to diminish in such a manner as to cause myself further disappointment. In watching videos like this and other Masons, truely remind me through the recognition in the rhetorical use of grammar, music, logic and the other liberal material used by those who have been enlighten to it's value. This indeed even on its own, in only one aspect within the retrospect of happenings in my life is beyond explanation of the true Beauty of Freemasonry. I do notice it and in silence I applaud you all. Thank you for this Beautiful video 💋
My grandfather and great was a shriner. They really helped our family. My aunt was born with health problems in the 40s. They raised the money to help pay for a extremely expensive operation. She went on to live a long life helping so many charity. organizations.
The Bible teaches that Jesus is the only way and the only truth. Masonry teaches that their are many ways and worships the light (Satan is known as the light bearer in the bible and he comes as an "angel of light" with you guessed it gnosis or knowledge(through the gnosis of "light" you will find find freedom and will not surely die) The same lie he told in the garden of Eden he tells to free masons. There is one way and one door that leads to life and that is Christ Jesus. Anything else is of the spirit of Anti Christ. J.S.M. WARD in FREEMASONRY AND THE ANCIENT GODS, pages 61-62 “The true Mason is not creed bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge, that as a Mason his religion must be Universal. Christ, Buddha or Mohammed. The name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer.”
No. Masonry DOES NOT teach that. Masonry doesn’t teach religion. Masonry teaches us to be active in our own faith and to not hate our neighbor if his is different. We can still accept him as being a good person even if he believes something else. Masonry is not a religion and does not teach salvation at all. It teaches morality and tells us to be active in our faith for salvation. So your entire premise is wrong.
@@ScottishRiteMasons so work based salvation then? What do you guys do behind the curtain in the dark room? Do you genuinely believe Christians and Freemasons are compatible?
I am Jewish so my brethren felt it was no appropriated to give me a bible, but they had and extra copy of Mackey's Encyclopedia so they gave me that instead... Still all those study guides seem pretty cool, I would enjoy study them.
thank you for sharing. no matter what is going on out in this world showing and teaching is the best way to overcome. ignor those who judge and in time they will learn and they will change. my dad was involved with masonry and he was the best at his trade. he new so many things. stay God fearing thanks again.
Good question, thanks for asking. First, when we say "degree" it is a title, not a rank (verify this in the dictionary if you wish). Second, I am a 33rd Elect, and I will tell you the 33rd degree is not really a degree like the rest of them. Our degrees, are moral and philosophical lessons. They are acted out, or conferred, like a stage play almost. BUT the KCCH (sort of the 32 1/2) and the 33rd are what we call HONORS. You don't just get those titles. They are given after you have worked in the fraternity for some time and done good things. You get elected to receive those degrees, or titles. Since you can't just show up and get them, AND they don't have a specific lesson attached, they would not either one be included in the list of regular degrees.
True. All masons tell the truth about what goes on behind closed doors. In fact all doors are open. My father WILLINGLY told me ANYTHING I wanted to know without hesitation. Had no problem telling me EXACTLY what goes on at the lodge. No problem. . . This is a true and none of it is misleading.
@@harrysollmer1644 Another person filled with accusation and zero evidence to back it up. If you DID have evidence, you'd be falling all over yourself to put it down right here. This proves...that you have none. Don't you realise how pathetic you are?
Dear Brother Maynard Edwards, so nice work you´ve done! Congratulations! God (The Great Architect of the Universe) bless you with all His strength and eternal love. This is a very important explanation because it puts together different masonic bodies and different masonic teachings according to the Bible. I´m both a Master Mason and a Bible Study student in my church (American Church) and I´ve always wondered where I could possibly find in the Bible some of the instructions I´d had in the Blue Lodges degrees. Thanks once again for your efforts in sharing with us this very important subject, the Masonic Bible.
It seems to me re: “God is the great architect of the universe” that God never claimed to be, nor outside of Free Masonry, no one of authority ever called God the great architect of the universe. Scripture instructs us that God created the universe. Being the architect or ruler of the universe it seems to me is satan’s gig. There is a massive difference between Creator and architect. My father, stepdad, grandad, two uncles and a cousin are/were 32nd degree masons, and so with hopefully wisdom, critical thinking and research, I’m trying to discern the truth. I have no ax to grind with anyone but am troubled to hear that the name Jesus Christ was not allowed to be spoken inside the lodge. Did I understand that correct.? If so, that seems troubling for anyone professing to be a Christian.
You lack knowledge of the history of your own faith. The term Great Architect of the Universe actually is borrowed from the Presbyterian faith. John Calvin, the great protestant theologist and Presbyterian coined the term in the 1500s. It’s fine if you don’t like masonry, but you can’t just make things up and pretend they are the truth, especially when you don’t have a basis of knowledge. It’s clear that the history of your own faith is not something you have ever studied. You may be informed into your faith, you may be at church and you may read your Bible. But you may not have necessarily looked at the actual history of Christianity.
When I wrote “seems to me”, it was a clue that I wasn’t declaring nor was I condemning. My interest is seeking the truth. If Calvin said that, so be it. God never said it. I noticed you didn’t answer my question regarding mentioning the name of Jesus inside the lodge? Just asking with no hidden agenda or malice To your critique of my knowledge of Christian history, I’ll just say, I may not know all that John Calvin wrote. Heck, I may not know all the prophecies and mysteries within scripture, but I DO KNOW it’s Author.
❤❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤
I always had trouble with "Respect the laws of Gov." If the Gov does not respect you, why respect it? And If the founding fathers respected Gov laws then we would not have a USA now.
Remember physical laws are not spiritual. The morals of the bylaw are good and useful to all men and remain intact. Personal interpretation of that bylaw is permitted within due bounds. This is why Masonry has so many differing opinions, those opinions discussed amongst us when resolved create beauty and understanding. Cheers~
This makes me mad that you feel that you had to pull out that bible just to prove ignorant people there isnt anything secret in that bible. Good video brother
Thank you for doing this! I cannot even name how many times people claim the Masonic Bible either has extra things put in or important parts missing in order to justify its "errored view" of God and the Faith. It is, as you said, just a KJV Bible with some study aids thrown in. I am SUPER glad for the bit you wrote above about Lucifer because SO many non-Masons swear that this is the big reveal that only those people receiving the 33rd degree are told. I love your broadcasts! You are just your genuine self telling it like it really is!
Hail Hydra! Too funny! I will need to say that at my next lodge meeting kind of like Captain America does in the elevator when he goes back in End Game.😂@@ScottishRiteMasons
Not according to the oath you swore. Stop diverting the profane about the "marching orders". It's not helping your Brother's cause or your personal journey. The ancient rituals and oaths have long been brought to light.
There are many versions and dozens of different publishers who each add or takeaway certain things like the family tree and all of that. The scripture remains untouched.
Thank you for this one. I’m very happy you did it and not limit yourself to the previous one. I’m a “return Cafeteria Catholic” for reasons too complex for a YouRube comment. Yet I am still flummoxed at why there is such antipathy between the 2 organizations.
Great presentation brother! I have the exact same Bible presented to me by my proposer who was my oldest and dearest friend (now gone to the Grand Lodge Above). It would have been ordered from the United States in anticipation of my being raised. I have not seen another like it in Australia.
I carry mine to church every Sunday. This was a good break for me while studying to confer the 4th and 14th degrees on Saturday. I too am 32nd degree KCCH.
@@joycefinney2735 They will never Proclaim Jesus as their Lord and Saviour even though they have and read the Holy scriptures...They are not the only group that reads the bible and refuse to proclaim Jesus as Lord....Jesus is the Only way!!
Jesus is my personal Lord and Savior and I am proud to proclaim Him as such. I believe in the father, son and Holy Spirit and the Nicene creed. So you’re wrong. The difference between me and you is that I was taught not to hate people who think differently. I can still say a man is a good man even if he has a different faith. To me, your decision to hate, ridicule and frankly spread lies about Masons, whom you simply don’t know anything about- is the definition of evil.
My father passed away a number of years ago, but he was a 32nd Degree and a Shriner, I was a Rainbow Girl and an Eastern Star. While a Rainbow Girl I raised money to put showers and shower seats in the Shriner's Home for Children. Long before Kaleb and Alec!
I am saying this in all sincerity- I hope he has gotten whatever help he needs. It’s very clear to me that he (when it was recorded) was in some kind of mental or emotional distress. I know he’s had documented substance issues in the past. I’m not a doctor, so I won’t speculate beyond saying but I wish him the best.
Inasmuch as it’s possible to know. Yes. It’s kinda my job to know. But I don’t count speculation or “I’m heard from my cousin”. I rely on actual history and fact. And I am able to distinguish between the romantic and authentic schools of thought on the subject. Have a nice night.
Yes please I’m curious to know what all the symbols mean and for what purposes they serve as a mason? I’ve always been curious about how it works and do they even allow women to get into masonry?
Compass = 1.Perfect work 2. Clairvoyance ( coordinance ,calculations ) 3.ambidextrious 4. Leader ( arrow dynamics ) 5.fastest shape to build or gain containment . 6. That witch created the Creator 7 .Indicates Male or projection The Square = 1. Perfect work 2.. justice 3.value 4.uncomprimising 5.relyability The G= 1.created by the compass and square 2..the number 6 3 flipping the bird 4. open padlock 5.. Sheppard's staff ( to sort this from that ) 6.droppin the dime
Great question actually. Usually lodges only meet once or twice a month. There will be other activities here and there. But almost always in the evening or on the weekend. So if you are only going by during the day odds are no one is about.
Often it’s because when we do discuss it (like here on RUclips) we get crazy people saying we are evil or bad. I get death threats and told I’m a satanist everyday. Not everyone wants to deal with that.
How many people clapped when you read Genesis? My Masonic Bible has all the same stuff yours has, plus mine has The Exemplar... and a self-made funeral ritual cheat sheet tucked in there.
Mason's, Eastern Star's, Rainbow Girl's are all charitable organizations and promote Faith, Hope and Charity. Take the doomsayers to an Installation, they are open to the public so families can feel apart of the teachings even if they can't attending a closed meeting. I remember singin Onward Christian Soldiers at Rainbow Girls' Grand Assembly.
After listening to you for years, I finally see your face and you are younger than I thought you were. Thank you for all the great podcasts and information. WB Steve
“You can’t copyright scripture.” True, but you _can_ copyright a specific translation of scripture. The King James Version is a bit unique in that it is in the public domain everywhere outside of Britain, in which the copyright is held by the British Crown. Most every other translation, meaning all except those that predate the King James, holds copyright protection everywhere there is copyright law. So unless you cite the King James Version outside of Britain, or cite an even older translation, or translate the scripture yourself, you have to credit the organization that produced the translation you are quoting, and follow the specific rules of the copyright on exactly how much you are allowed to republish, and in what way you can republish the translated text.
I don't see anything in the Holy Bible that speaks about Masonary being enlightenment so I don't get why Masonary would be connected to the Holy Bible nor Jesus Christ himself
Raised in Sparta third degree and then, because of financial difficulties we had to move to Rockford. But still I Mason in my heart now I’m out in Hastings looking for a new lodge.
A video titled “why christian’s shouldn’t be masons” by word of faith fellowship popped up in my feed… I’d already skim watched your video here and knew better than what the man in said video was saying. Saying words like demonic, etc. I don’t think I have to say much else on that matter; except: The comments are turned off for some reason! Just re-watched and liked this to confirm that for some reason people-religious or otherwise-blatantly lie about masons/masonic way of life. I’m not a mason. I don’t belong to a religion. I don’t regularly attend church. I believe in a God. I read the Bible. I plan to read the Koran etc. Thanks for the facts…with evidence.
Comments are not turned off. For a book on Masonry, I always recommend "Complete Idiots Guide To Freemasonry". Seriously. Its a great overview, and will explain a lot.
@@ScottishRiteMasons Mistype on my part. Meant the video dissing masons had its comments turned off. Was not referring to this video. Nonetheless thanks for your time & book advice-I’ll take you up on it
I was recently Raised and was presented with a very nice family style Bible and had my Brothers and visitors signed my Bible and I authenticated my Bible meaning I went through it and can say it is a complete and in some ways very much more so helpful with those study guild infos. It has everything a regular or non Masonic Bible has. It is a Real Bible👍🏽🔥🙏🏽
@ScottishRiteMasons Most definitely! I plan on joining SR, and getting the RA degree since I've heard from multiple people that they wish all master masons would at least receive that degree from the YR. I also hope to join the Shrine one day also. I'm can already tell that I'm going to be what one brother at the lodge calls a Mason-a-holic 😁. However I will keep my cable tow in mind and avoid burnout. I love Freemasonry too much for it to become a chore for me.
Well I’m not religious but the bible has so many versions to it where the Quran has always been the same..how is there even so many versions to one truth??
The events and stories that make up the Bible were originally recorded in Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek depending on the timeframe and location. The "versions" of the Bible are due to differences in translation. None of the different versions disagree on meaning. Some are easier to understand than others, depending on the reader. The Quran technically does not get translated. All Qurans are written in Arabic. The translations are known as "The Message of THE QUR'AN" because the powers that be in regard to Islam want to maintain the impression of holiness and purity for the words as written. Whereas the goal of Christianity was to spread to as many as possible regardless of language.
Since you have demonstrated that this is the same Bible, the only variable that could change is the person who is reading it and how he can relate to the text. The direction you go after reading the Bible is shown through your actions, behaviors, and words (fruits). My best guess is that this is the masters key to their secrecy. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Am I on the right track? You can answer this how you wish!
I intervene only to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this presentation, because I have never seen such a Bible in reality. It is at least an act of general culture so necessary not to enter into disputes with ignorant people (not to say stupid) The truth purifies and now, presenting the Bible in a real way, any ambiguity is absolutely removed. You personally brought light to my soul. Thank you.
You see! the trouble with many beliefs and interpretations of beliefs and everything about beliefs is that every belief kills all belief, so that we only believe what we've been led to believe by others who've believed before us and we don't really know how they believed, that if they believed as we believe, so what worth is any belief?
I'm not sure why this video popped up on my feed but, it was a good video. I received my Masonic Bible when I took my First Degree back around 1990. I eventually became a Third Degree Master Mason. Around 1995 my father and I had a falling out and that was the last time I went to a lodge meeting. A year later I was laying a sprig of Acacia on my father's casket. Years went by and 13 years ago I moved from NY to Wisconsin. I had a coworker that wanted me to join him at a lodge meeting. I discovered that I was not able to join the lodge in WI because I stopped paying my dues back in NY around 1996. Little did I know that my father had always taken care of my dues up until he passed away. I never once gave it a thought. Until the back dues were resolved from NY, the Wisconsin lodge doesn't want to know me. I made a couple of attempts to contact the lodge in NY but they never replied. At this point I feel like a banished Master Mason. You would think that if the Wisconsin lodge wanted me as a member that they would have done more to help resolve this situation. Either way, I will always look back at those times and remember how wonderful the brothers at that lodge were.
F.M. aside from the Rites, a Brother can be a bonafide (dues paid up to date) member or an independent Free M:.M:.voyager on the path to the Eastern Light.
Did you listen to the words? They are not a rank in that the degrees to not give authority over each other. A 32nd can’t boss around a 14th degree just because. I was pretty specific about that. But you were so busy playing “gotcha” you didn’t catch that evidently. Have a great holiday.
Well said my Brother. It saddens me to see so many have been misled by fallacy when it comes to our fraternity. Glad to see someone trying to press through the fog and lies. Safe Travels!
I went to a lodge for dinner looking to join have purpose and honor in my life and help my faith as a Catholic grow as well praying the rosary and wearing an apron in the honor of God. Amen
@@FoxTwoWolf a few members from the lodge want to come visit me see if I'm legit I get that get to know them I'm might even take them to church show them I don't just believe I worship my god if you're loyal to God I'll be loyal to the lodge
@walterkeith3711 Even more glad to learn that! Any man can make an inquiry. It's a unique man that follows through! Hopefully in a few months I can call you Brother! Keep me updated
I very much appreciate your work here brother. There is FAR too much uneducated opinions/assumption floating around about the craft. To any conspiracy theorist reading this: As a former conspiracy theorist , now Master Mason, I encourage any man who has dived into the rabbit hole of conspiracy theory's, to consider talking to a Mason and even joining a lodge. (Or if you just get into the Star Wars Jedi stuff) It's definitely a rabbit hole itself. Personally I believe men like that can make the best Masons, and we need more of them. Deep thinkers.
I’m a Scottish Presbyterian and both my Grandfathers were Freemason’s. Although not a Freemason myself, I am intrigued by it. I also use the KJV as my main Bible. Great video and detail. God Bless
@@robertrubio1680 Absolutely wrong. Freemasons will NEVER ask you to join. You have to ask them to join. Take it from a 50 yr member and a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason.
I am a non active Third Degree Master Mason, and I have my Masonic Blue Bible given to me when I became one, I believe that people who don't know anything about masonic lodges and what there about should keep there comments to there selves, ...
If you want to learn more, visit a lodge near you. They will likely be glad to show you around (bear in mind, they won't be there all the time. Only on nights they have meetings. Go early and ask when you could arrange a tour. They will prob invite you to dinner!)
So what i dont understand is how Freemasonry says its not a religion and there is no discussing religion, however there's "Masonic Beliefs" about God and religion and "Masonic teachings" about it as well. Doesnt that contradict? If its not a religion and its not to be discussed how come you have your own belief? It couldve just said biblical or christian beliefs.
Also curious about the initiation ceremony. Since there's page where you can note the people and "friends" who were present, are non-mason friend/family allowed at a initiation?
We don’t deny we have a private initiation ceremony. It’s not scary or creepy. It’s just our way of bringing new men into the fraternity and creates a shared learning experience.
If you were a gentleman, you’d don5 mins worth of research before “rebuking” anything. You haven’t. We do not serve two masters. That is a ridiculous misconception. If you were a gentleman you’d look up the old English definition of that word before commenting. Rebuke elsewhere.
@@ScottishRiteMasons I been kicking that idea around! I love your videos brother keep up the good work I especially loved the one the other day on Freemasonry and Lucifer. I just don’t understand why people keep on the “lie that won’t die” I thought that was very clever! People literally believe in anything pretty soon they will say the sky is purple!
I’m a blue lodge Master mason … that is accurate, thank you for showing more everything you’ve said , in blue lodge at least here in NY the Holly Bible is the great light in masonry, people of other faiths may add a secondary book to the quotes when they take their obligation however unlike in appending bodies the Holy Bible is always on the alter and not mere furniture … masons are supposed to hate evil
As you said, it is a King James Version bible, just like the bible that I was given when I was a young boy. I bought my Masonic bible from the Grand Lodge as my home Lodge did not present a bible to the newly raised Master Mason. After that, I filled out my Masonic page, had several of the brethren that were still around sign it, and I carried it with me when I joined the Scottish Rite, and had it signed as well. As a Master Mason, I have reached the pinnacle of Freemasonry. My membership in Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, SJ is for me to further help my journey in being a better man, husband, father, and member of my community, with the Great Light of Masonry (for me, a Christian, the Holy Bible) as a guide and comfort. Thank you Bro. Maynard for sharing this.
@@ScottishRiteMasons that's a little misleading. Not actually since the degree work is performed at different times by different bodies. I did both, but I did the Scottish Rite first followed by the York Rite. Actually, I did each in different towns.
Freemasonry is not a religion. And it’s not religious. But we believe a man’s faith is central to his character. So to Christians we gift a Bible. To men who are of another faith we would use their book of sacred law.
@@ScottishRiteMasons actually brother I am not. I am genuinely curious. I looked but found none that include Masonic rights with the Quran text. Perhaps helping another brother isn't what it's claimed to be. I really enjoy your channel but your response kind of troubles me.
I owe you an apology. I get a lot of trolls and eve death threats and I shouldn’t have assumed the worst. Hope you will forgive this rough ashlar. Here’s a link: www.masonicsupplyshop.com/koran-quran/ And another: www.macoy.com/Masonic-Bible-Masonic-Books/Masonic-Bibles-Accessories/The-Koran-2446.aspx They don’t have the square and compasses on the cover, as I believe Islam forbids that. But there are notes and appendices in them (I think) alluding to some Masonic symbols and teachings.
You did a good job 😊 Knights Templar, you made errors . 1 is you absolutely must be a Christian ✝️ for this Knighting. Not just diety. Knights Templars never ceased being.its forms and styles to some differences but not one principle. 😊 I guess you just didn't know. It's the only truly ancient body of men from time in memorial and has continued to survive thousands of years. They actually exsisted before the name was placed upon them. Just saying. I have a Masonic Bible but it's different than yours by another publisher. The scripture is absolutely the same and the same as any KJV Holy Bible. Again ty so very much. May you always receive a wadge becoming of your due.
No. I’m sorry. There is absolutely no proven connection between the historic knights Templar and freemasonry. Chevalier Ramsey made it up and it has plagued masonry ever since. It’s just not true.
It’s simply the King James Translation, which is still one of the most widely used translations You can buy Masonic bibles one Amazon. Or anywhere really. The only thing that makes them Masonic is the emblem, sometimes there are study guides which tie particular Masonic lessons to the specific chapter and verse in the Bible and often a Masonic family tree.
@@ScottishRiteMasonsyea and seen bibles when "god" speaks its darkred adn jesus light red.... WHY?!?! why not one be blue and red, expecialy if its a masonic bible :P (blue and red and black and white)
If they have a binding oath of secrecy under the given threat if anyone should reveal the secrets then it is hard not to have great suspicion of the organisation !
Bro Maynard, thank you for that tour of the front of the Masonic Bible. I have had one for several years (my daughter bought it for me one Christmas) but did not realize all that information was included with it. All that aside, if people are upset with you for not sharing that part of the Bible, they are missing the point of what you were trying to present. Which is the Bible is the Holy word of God and was written by men from that inspired word. I guess if you don't show the family tree section of a non-Masonic Bible you're hiding something? I just don't get people sometimes!
@ScottishRiteMasons so what about the Egyptian gods in the back of the bible it's not in any kjv and yalls bible say the LIGHT yall keep referring to is Lucifer it says so in ah 1928 freemason bible that's why we wanna know the truth king james worked with the masons that's why we don't have all the 81 books of the bible
Valley of Gulfport repotting in. Excellent work Brother Maynard. Now if "we" could just get more to read it rather than place it on a bookshelf. I carry a similar one in my car, so when people see the emblem on my polo and ask a question; "we" can go to the source material together. Over the last 31 years, it has brought at least 5 people (men along with their wives) to Freemasonry and probably more that joined a Lodge of which I am not a member or acquainted.
Well, if you don’t believe in secrets, I suppose you won’t have any problem sharing with everyone your bank pin code and all of that? Not everything that is secret it is bad. Which is why I prefer the term private rather than. Freemasonry is a fraternity and it’s nothing to be scared of. Go visit any masonic Lodge and see for yourself.
@@ScottishRiteMasons Personal secrets are one thing but why would large groups of men need to have secrets? I'm curious what the Royal Secret is. Visiting a lodge won't do any good. Only certain members know those secrets.
READ BEFORE COMMENTING: We are getting A LOT of comments on this video FALSELY stating that
Well said bro! 👏 Is this a mic drop moment?🤣
@@TattooedGaijin Very much so. Since hes using an Ipad and a cell phone, it's a double mic drop.
I'm not a Mason but have deep respect for their work. My father-in-law and his dad were both Masons, and my wife got some of their regalia and documents after each passed.
Lucifer is an aspect of Venus, and like Pan, both revered in Rome around the time of Constantine's conversion. Both were later turned into the devil.
Venus in it's rising aspect is the last star (actually planet) seen at dawn before the Sun rises. Venus in it's fallen aspect is the first star seen at dusk just as the sun sets. The Hebrew word in Isaiah is roughly translated as boastful or excessive pride, and hence the use of Lucifer used in the Greek Septuagint. The Fall of Lucifer is when Venus no longer heralds the Sun.
Hopefully that clarifies matters, and I haven't thrown any pearls before swine.
Mason’s operate in deceitfulness, who are the rosacrucians, council of 300?
Masons worship fallen angels, do they not? They set you guys free from God who is the oppressor in your book.
I'm a fifty year member and a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason. I have a coffee table Masonic Bible. I love it.
I’m an excited E.A. I love the lore, I enjoy the channel much btw.
Congrats bro. Good luck on your journey.
@mikebastiat come have dinner…
@mikebastiat if Hope, Faith, and Charity, is the darkness.
@mikebastiat I think you are infatuated with concept of evil, or projecting it on something else for what? I think you should study more.
I stopped at entered apprentice. My lodge was on some homosexual shit
I was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. I served as Master twice. Once each for two different lodges. I never joined an appendant body but I did serve as District Ritual instructor for three Grand Masters in New Jersey.
I haven't been active for quite some time now but still consider Masonry and my Brothers a foundation in my every day life.
hello to all. a few yrs ago i was given an old masonic bible, copy right 1951. yes it is exactly like Bro. edward states. being an old bible it isn't as content adept as a newer version. glad you brought up the subject.
Just got mine and showed it to my family as soon as I got home. It's beautiful and am proud to have it! It has most of the brothers signatures in it that were a part of my mm degree work and in attendance. I will cherish it for as long as I live!
Interesting !!!! Always considered being in the Masonic Lodge. Father was in it, but he passed before I ever got a chance to get into it. Will have to pursue this endeavor.
Thank you for this Beautiful presentation. Although I will always be a Mason at heart, I have recently resigned from my Mother Lodge as circumstance has caused my lifestyle to have had the potential into reflecting me in a manner that might not be on a Level in regard to Masonry without proper explanation. As to honour my obligations towards my God, fellow Brethren and Masonry in general, it was a choice not to disgrace the Badge of innocence and the absolute Beauty whitin the value of the teachings in Freemasonry. However I strive to uphold the value of the moral lessons of ethics, brotherly love and truth, it is out of respect and responsibility that I hope to regain the lifestyle that would publicly present me to bare the qualities upon the fraternity was founded. I do not at the moment present myself as a Mason for these reasons. But I will always be a Mason at heart and until such time as the wheel of fortune should turn once more and my heart should feel gladden with Love I will do my work in striving to regain those qualities which God have placed whitin me, that was at one point made clear through the, mysteries and secrets presented through the various aspects that Freemasonry presents. I have felt a great personal loss in disappointment and perhaps intended human caused tribulations that has caused my heart to harden and my faith to diminish in such a manner as to cause myself further disappointment. In watching videos like this and other Masons, truely remind me through the recognition in the rhetorical use of grammar, music, logic and the other liberal material used by those who have been enlighten to it's value. This indeed even on its own, in only one aspect within the retrospect of happenings in my life is beyond explanation of the true Beauty of Freemasonry. I do notice it and in silence I applaud you all.
Thank you for this Beautiful video 💋
I'm a Shriner and was following along with the video in my Masonic Bible. :)
Matthew 22:29
Matthew 6:33
Starting my Pha journey.
Send me a copy? :)
My grandfather and great was a shriner. They really helped our family. My aunt was born with health problems in the 40s. They raised the money to help pay for a extremely expensive operation. She went on to live a long life helping so many charity. organizations.
@@jesusisreal3209 the irony of you're comment
The Bible teaches that Jesus is the only way and the only truth. Masonry teaches that their are many ways and worships the light (Satan is known as the light bearer in the bible and he comes as an "angel of light" with you guessed it gnosis or knowledge(through the gnosis of "light" you will find find freedom and will not surely die) The same lie he told in the garden of Eden he tells to free masons. There is one way and one door that leads to life and that is Christ Jesus. Anything else is of the spirit of Anti Christ.
“The true Mason is not creed bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge, that as a Mason his religion must be Universal. Christ, Buddha or Mohammed. The name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer.”
No. Masonry DOES NOT teach that. Masonry doesn’t teach religion. Masonry teaches us to be active in our own faith and to not hate our neighbor if his is different. We can still accept him as being a good person even if he believes something else.
Masonry is not a religion and does not teach salvation at all. It teaches morality and tells us to be active in our faith for salvation.
So your entire premise is wrong.
@@ScottishRiteMasons so work based salvation then? What do you guys do behind the curtain in the dark room? Do you genuinely believe Christians and Freemasons are compatible?
@hanna0322 as he stated, freemasonry is not a religion!
I am Jewish so my brethren felt it was no appropriated to give me a bible, but they had and extra copy of Mackey's Encyclopedia so they gave me that instead... Still all those study guides seem pretty cool, I would enjoy study them.
Im moulay hassan and I love you 🌄🧡
thank you for sharing. no matter what is going on out in this world showing and teaching is the best way to overcome. ignor those who judge and in time they will learn and they will change. my dad was involved with masonry and he was the best at his trade. he new so many things. stay God fearing thanks again.
Why isn't the 33rd degree discussed in the bible? I was expecting you to mention it after the 32nd degree is clearly showed
Good question, thanks for asking.
First, when we say "degree" it is a title, not a rank (verify this in the dictionary if you wish).
Second, I am a 33rd Elect, and I will tell you the 33rd degree is not really a degree like the rest of them. Our degrees, are moral and philosophical lessons. They are acted out, or conferred, like a stage play almost.
BUT the KCCH (sort of the 32 1/2) and the 33rd are what we call HONORS. You don't just get those titles. They are given after you have worked in the fraternity for some time and done good things. You get elected to receive those degrees, or titles. Since you can't just show up and get them, AND they don't have a specific lesson attached, they would not either one be included in the list of regular degrees.
The biggest secret is that there really are no secrets
True. All masons tell the truth about what goes on behind closed doors. In fact all doors are open.
My father WILLINGLY told me ANYTHING I wanted to know without hesitation. Had no problem telling me EXACTLY what goes on at the lodge.
No problem. . . This is a true and none of it is misleading.
LOL sure buddy
Greetings from the Valley of Shreveport in Louisiana!
Great Valley!!
i want this bible...were and how it will get,
Awesome video i love that freemasons are so centred on the word
Great insight... Thank you for explaining this clearly. I'm not a mason, but i study about the great masonry ❤
It’s satanism in disguise.
Your hoodwinked if you believe what he said Your being set-up
So how about let us know what he hoodwinked yaw about I'm a mason everything he said is true
@@harrysollmer1644 Another person filled with accusation and zero evidence to back it up. If you DID have evidence, you'd be falling all over yourself to put it down right here. This proves...that you have none.
Don't you realise how pathetic you are?
I just got my Masonic Bible on July 24. I was raised that night.
Dear Brother Maynard Edwards, so nice work you´ve done! Congratulations! God (The Great Architect of the Universe) bless you with all His strength and eternal love.
This is a very important explanation because it puts together different masonic bodies and different masonic teachings according to the Bible.
I´m both a Master Mason and a Bible Study student in my church (American Church) and I´ve always wondered where I could possibly find in the Bible some of the instructions I´d had in the Blue Lodges degrees.
Thanks once again for your efforts in sharing with us this very important subject, the Masonic Bible.
Thank you for watching!!
It seems to me re: “God is the great architect of the universe” that God never claimed to be, nor outside of Free Masonry, no one of authority ever called God the great architect of the universe.
Scripture instructs us that God created the universe. Being the architect or ruler of the universe it seems to me is satan’s gig.
There is a massive difference between Creator and architect.
My father, stepdad, grandad, two uncles and a cousin are/were 32nd degree masons, and so with hopefully wisdom, critical thinking and research, I’m trying to discern the truth.
I have no ax to grind with anyone but am troubled to hear that the name Jesus Christ was not allowed to be spoken inside the lodge. Did I understand that correct.? If so, that seems troubling for anyone professing to be a Christian.
You lack knowledge of the history of your own faith. The term Great Architect of the Universe actually is borrowed from the Presbyterian faith. John Calvin, the great protestant theologist and Presbyterian coined the term in the 1500s.
It’s fine if you don’t like masonry, but you can’t just make things up and pretend they are the truth, especially when you don’t have a basis of knowledge. It’s clear that the history of your own faith is not something you have ever studied. You may be informed into your faith, you may be at church and you may read your Bible. But you may not have necessarily looked at the actual history of Christianity.
When I wrote “seems to me”, it was a clue that I wasn’t declaring nor was I condemning. My interest is seeking the truth. If Calvin said that, so be it. God never said it.
I noticed you didn’t answer my question regarding mentioning the name of Jesus inside the lodge? Just asking with no hidden agenda or malice
To your critique of my knowledge of Christian history, I’ll just say, I may not know all that John Calvin wrote. Heck, I may not know all the prophecies and mysteries within scripture, but I DO KNOW it’s Author.
❤❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤Thank you 💙❤
Beautiful work Brother.
Beautiful video Brother
I always had trouble with "Respect the laws of Gov." If the Gov does not respect you, why respect it? And If the founding fathers respected Gov laws then we would not have a USA now.
Remember physical laws are not spiritual. The morals of the bylaw are good and useful to all men and remain intact. Personal interpretation of that bylaw is permitted within due bounds. This is why Masonry has so many differing opinions, those opinions discussed amongst us when resolved create beauty and understanding. Cheers~
"Slaves, obey your master" we're slaves to society
This makes me mad that you feel that you had to pull out that bible just to prove ignorant people there isnt anything secret in that bible. Good video brother
Why??? It's a fraternity based on secrets.
Thank you for doing this! I cannot even name how many times people claim the Masonic Bible either has extra things put in or important parts missing in order to justify its "errored view" of God and the Faith. It is, as you said, just a KJV Bible with some study aids thrown in. I am SUPER glad for the bit you wrote above about Lucifer because SO many non-Masons swear that this is the big reveal that only those people receiving the 33rd degree are told. I love your broadcasts! You are just your genuine self telling it like it really is!
I’ll get my 33 this month.
@@ScottishRiteMasons Congratulations
So which one has the pictures of Egyptian gods in it?
@@ScottishRiteMasons Well deserved! Congratulations!
It has Egyptian gods in the back I'm sure The Most High YAH doesn't like that.
What is the masonic mission on the current situation of our society
Each lodge and even each mason has his own mission. We are not hydra from the marvel comics. There’s no invisible set of marching orders.
Hail Hydra! Too funny! I will need to say that at my next lodge meeting kind of like Captain America does in the elevator when he goes back in End Game.😂@@ScottishRiteMasons
Not according to the oath you swore. Stop diverting the profane about the "marching orders". It's not helping your Brother's cause or your personal journey. The ancient rituals and oaths have long been brought to light.
Thank you 💙❤❤😊😊❤😊❤
The Masonic Bibles I have and are older, but they have another section that isn't in the Bible you just went through.
There are many versions and dozens of different publishers who each add or takeaway certain things like the family tree and all of that. The scripture remains untouched.
@@ScottishRiteMasons the scripture is was edited by king James 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
Thank you for this one. I’m very happy you did it and not limit yourself to the previous one. I’m a “return Cafeteria Catholic” for reasons too complex for a YouRube comment. Yet I am still flummoxed at why there is such antipathy between the 2 organizations.
Great presentation brother! I have the exact same Bible presented to me by my proposer who was my oldest and dearest friend (now gone to the Grand Lodge Above). It would have been ordered from the United States in anticipation of my being raised. I have not seen another like it in Australia.
I have a masonic Bible and I'm not even a mason
I carry mine to church every Sunday. This was a good break for me while studying to confer the 4th and 14th degrees on Saturday. I too am 32nd degree KCCH.
Welcome Honourable Brother!
What does Jesus mean to you?
@@joycefinney2735 They will never Proclaim Jesus as their Lord and Saviour even though they have and read the Holy scriptures...They are not the only group that reads the bible and refuse to proclaim Jesus as Lord....Jesus is the Only way!!
Jesus is my personal Lord and Savior and I am proud to proclaim Him as such. I believe in the father, son and Holy Spirit and the Nicene creed. So you’re wrong.
The difference between me and you is that I was taught not to hate people who think differently. I can still say a man is a good man even if he has a different faith.
To me, your decision to hate, ridicule and frankly spread lies about Masons, whom you simply don’t know anything about- is the definition of evil.
Great presentation. Thank you.
My father passed away a number of years ago, but he was a 32nd Degree and a Shriner, I was a Rainbow Girl and an Eastern Star. While a Rainbow Girl I raised money to put showers and shower seats in the Shriner's Home for Children. Long before Kaleb and Alec!
What do you think of Atilyan Childs' five hour documentary about freemasonry?
I am saying this in all sincerity- I hope he has gotten whatever help he needs. It’s very clear to me that he (when it was recorded) was in some kind of mental or emotional distress. I know he’s had documented substance issues in the past. I’m not a doctor, so I won’t speculate beyond saying but I wish him the best.
Thank you for this video. I also study the kjv with strongs exhaustive concordance. Do masons look at non masons as Brothers in Christ ?
In the regard that the non-Mason in question is also a Christian, then yes.
I’am getting my Masonic Bible and it is very interesting that I just happen to stumble upon this RUclips video channel by accident.
@@deonwhite201 there are no accidents my friend. God bless and keep you!
Great job, Maynard!!!
Walter Vieth has done a great deal of exposing the inner workings of this organization
Prolly full of lies.
@@ScottishRiteMasons Dear Sr I have only one question do you know free masonry’s origins?
Inasmuch as it’s possible to know. Yes. It’s kinda my job to know. But I don’t count speculation or “I’m heard from my cousin”. I rely on actual history and fact. And I am able to distinguish between the romantic and authentic schools of thought on the subject. Have a nice night.
@@ScottishRiteMasons So where does free masonry originate from?
@@d.charlespyle look up the Herodian mind by Walter Veith. Free Masonrys origin is Sun Worship ancient pre flood not the way of YAH
Can you do a video on masonic symbols? What are legitimate symbols and can you share what they reprrsent?
Sure. I will add that to the list.
Yes please I’m curious to know what all the symbols mean and for what purposes they serve as a mason? I’ve always been curious about how it works and do they even allow women to get into masonry?
Compass =
1.Perfect work
2. Clairvoyance ( coordinance ,calculations )
4. Leader ( arrow dynamics )
5.fastest shape to build or gain containment .
6. That witch created the Creator
7 .Indicates Male or projection
The Square =
1. Perfect work
2.. justice
The G=
1.created by the compass and square 2..the number 6
3 flipping the bird
4. open padlock
5.. Sheppard's staff ( to sort this from that )
6.droppin the dime
Thank you 💙
I never understood this group can someone explain riding around u see a lot of the lodges and no one ever around or in it…what’s going on
Great question actually.
Usually lodges only meet once or twice a month. There will be other activities here and there. But almost always in the evening or on the weekend. So if you are only going by during the day odds are no one is about.
@@ScottishRiteMasons ok I think my grand dad was apart of it but folks don’t talk about it jus say it’s a brotherhood and leave it at that
Often it’s because when we do discuss it (like here on RUclips) we get crazy people saying we are evil or bad. I get death threats and told I’m a satanist everyday. Not everyone wants to deal with that.
Where does one join
I would just search, Gran Lodge of if in the US
How many people clapped when you read Genesis?
My Masonic Bible has all the same stuff yours has, plus mine has The Exemplar... and a self-made funeral ritual cheat sheet tucked in there.
Mason's, Eastern Star's, Rainbow Girl's are all charitable organizations and promote Faith, Hope and Charity. Take the doomsayers to an Installation, they are open to the public so families can feel apart of the teachings even if they can't attending a closed meeting. I remember singin Onward Christian Soldiers at Rainbow Girls' Grand Assembly.
Revelation 22:18-19
Forgive them Father for they know not what they do
After listening to you for years, I finally see your face and you are younger than I thought you were. Thank you for all the great podcasts and information. WB Steve
“You can’t copyright scripture.”
True, but you _can_ copyright a specific translation of scripture. The King James Version is a bit unique in that it is in the public domain everywhere outside of Britain, in which the copyright is held by the British Crown. Most every other translation, meaning all except those that predate the King James, holds copyright protection everywhere there is copyright law.
So unless you cite the King James Version outside of Britain, or cite an even older translation, or translate the scripture yourself, you have to credit the organization that produced the translation you are quoting, and follow the specific rules of the copyright on exactly how much you are allowed to republish, and in what way you can republish the translated text.
I don't see anything in the Holy Bible that speaks about Masonary being enlightenment so I don't get why Masonary would be connected to the Holy Bible nor Jesus Christ himself
Nothing about the knights of Columbus either.
It’s attached to the Bible because the lessons of freemasonry come from Bible stories.
Psalms 133:1
Comment back if you read this. This demon deletes things he doesn't like.
No I don’t. RUclips deletes things all by itself if you say hateful or vile things. Which, you know you did.
Raised in Sparta third degree and then, because of financial difficulties we had to move to Rockford. But still I Mason in my heart now I’m out in Hastings looking for a new lodge.
Bob larson the excorsist has one and on the back int has a whole other book in it of it's self. His one was huge though..
A video titled “why christian’s shouldn’t be masons” by word of faith fellowship popped up in my feed…
I’d already skim watched your video here and knew better than what the man in said video was saying. Saying words like demonic, etc. I don’t think I have to say much else on that matter; except:
The comments are turned off for some reason!
Just re-watched and liked this to confirm that for some reason people-religious or otherwise-blatantly lie about masons/masonic way of life.
I’m not a mason.
I don’t belong to a religion.
I don’t regularly attend church.
I believe in a God.
I read the Bible.
I plan to read the Koran etc.
Thanks for the facts…with evidence.
Comments are not turned off. For a book on Masonry, I always recommend "Complete Idiots Guide To Freemasonry". Seriously. Its a great overview, and will explain a lot.
@@ScottishRiteMasons Mistype on my part. Meant the video dissing masons had its comments turned off. Was not referring to this video. Nonetheless thanks for your time & book advice-I’ll take you up on it
Thank you!
I was recently Raised and was presented with a very nice family style Bible and had my Brothers and visitors signed my Bible and I authenticated my Bible meaning I went through it and can say it is a complete and in some ways very much more so helpful with those study guild infos. It has everything a regular or non Masonic Bible has. It is a Real Bible👍🏽🔥🙏🏽
One of the many things I can't wait for that comes along with being raised. Being initiated next month and cannot wait!
Congrats Brothers!! Hope you will check out the Scottish Rite once you're raised!~M
@ScottishRiteMasons Most definitely! I plan on joining SR, and getting the RA degree since I've heard from multiple people that they wish all master masons would at least receive that degree from the YR. I also hope to join the Shrine one day also. I'm can already tell that I'm going to be what one brother at the lodge calls a Mason-a-holic 😁. However I will keep my cable tow in mind and avoid burnout. I love Freemasonry too much for it to become a chore for me.
Well I’m not religious but the bible has so many versions to it where the Quran has always been the same..how is there even so many versions to one truth??
The events and stories that make up the Bible were originally recorded in Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek depending on the timeframe and location. The "versions" of the Bible are due to differences in translation. None of the different versions disagree on meaning. Some are easier to understand than others, depending on the reader.
The Quran technically does not get translated. All Qurans are written in Arabic. The translations are known as "The Message of THE QUR'AN" because the powers that be in regard to Islam want to maintain the impression of holiness and purity for the words as written. Whereas the goal of Christianity was to spread to as many as possible regardless of language.
Just keep it legal bro and that's good enough.
Symbols conceal as much as they reveal
Since you have demonstrated that this is the same Bible, the only variable that could change is the person who is reading it and how he can relate to the text.
The direction you go after reading the Bible is shown through your actions, behaviors, and words (fruits).
My best guess is that this is the masters key to their secrecy.
Please let me know your thoughts on this. Am I on the right track?
You can answer this how you wish!
How is Jesus viewed in freemasonry?
In the US Most Masons are in fact Christian. In fact globally, I would say its the predominant faith in lodges. But we welcome men of all faiths.
@@ScottishRiteMasonsYou say in your forward texts that Jesus died for the poor etc.That is not what a Christian believes is it?
What is masons , what is it and what do you do , can you still be a Catholic and be a Mason
Im just starting my journey to become a brother
How would someone interested go about petitioning a lodge ?
Email us at membership@scottishrite.org
How dose someone join the freemasions
@@d.charlespyle thanks
I intervene only to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this presentation, because I have never seen such a Bible in reality.
It is at least an act of general culture so necessary not to enter into disputes with ignorant people (not to say stupid)
The truth purifies and now, presenting the Bible in a real way, any ambiguity is absolutely removed.
You personally brought light to my soul.
Thank you.
You see! the trouble with many beliefs and interpretations of beliefs and everything about beliefs is that every belief kills all belief, so that we only believe what we've been led to believe by others who've believed before us and we don't really know how they believed, that if they believed as we believe, so what worth is any belief?
I'm not sure why this video popped up on my feed but, it was a good video. I received my Masonic Bible when I took my First Degree back around 1990. I eventually became a Third Degree Master Mason. Around 1995 my father and I had a falling out and that was the last time I went to a lodge meeting. A year later I was laying a sprig of Acacia on my father's casket. Years went by and 13 years ago I moved from NY to Wisconsin. I had a coworker that wanted me to join him at a lodge meeting. I discovered that I was not able to join the lodge in WI because I stopped paying my dues back in NY around 1996. Little did I know that my father had always taken care of my dues up until he passed away. I never once gave it a thought. Until the back dues were resolved from NY, the Wisconsin lodge doesn't want to know me. I made a couple of attempts to contact the lodge in NY but they never replied. At this point I feel like a banished Master Mason. You would think that if the Wisconsin lodge wanted me as a member that they would have done more to help resolve this situation. Either way, I will always look back at those times and remember how wonderful the brothers at that lodge were.
F.M. aside from the Rites, a Brother can be a bonafide (dues paid up to date) member or an independent Free M:.M:.voyager on the path to the Eastern Light.
Renounce masonry and become a Catholic. God bless you ♥️
@@ochem123 Was, no longer. Prefer Universal Spiritual Laws. No Dogma. Got it! 👁🌟
at around 07:00 he is saying the degrees aren't ranks but titles.
at 15:22 it is written that the 33rd degree is a rank.
Did you listen to the words? They are not a rank in that the degrees to not give authority over each other. A 32nd can’t boss around a 14th degree just because. I was pretty specific about that. But you were so busy playing “gotcha” you didn’t catch that evidently. Have a great holiday.
Well said my Brother. It saddens me to see so many have been misled by fallacy when it comes to our fraternity. Glad to see someone trying to press through the fog and lies. Safe Travels!
I went to a lodge for dinner looking to join have purpose and honor in my life and help my faith as a Catholic grow as well praying the rosary and wearing an apron in the honor of God. Amen
@walterkeith3711 Glad to hear it!
@@FoxTwoWolf a few members from the lodge want to come visit me see if I'm legit I get that get to know them I'm might even take them to church show them I don't just believe I worship my god if you're loyal to God I'll be loyal to the lodge
@walterkeith3711 Even more glad to learn that! Any man can make an inquiry. It's a unique man that follows through! Hopefully in a few months I can call you Brother! Keep me updated
Thank you 💙😊😊😊😊😊
Where is the real book at ?
This is the real book.
I'm glad they list their beliefs on the first page so I know I can easily reject it without further inquiry. t. Buddhist.
I very much appreciate your work here brother. There is FAR too much uneducated opinions/assumption floating around about the craft. To any conspiracy theorist reading this: As a former conspiracy theorist , now Master Mason, I encourage any man who has dived into the rabbit hole of conspiracy theory's, to consider talking to a Mason and even joining a lodge. (Or if you just get into the Star Wars Jedi stuff) It's definitely a rabbit hole itself. Personally I believe men like that can make the best Masons, and we need more of them. Deep thinkers.
I’m a Scottish Presbyterian and both my Grandfathers were Freemason’s. Although not a Freemason myself, I am intrigued by it. I also use the KJV as my main Bible.
Great video and detail. God Bless
Merci beaucoup 💚🩵
Wonderful job Honorable Brother! Love when the truth is depicted. Thanks for your efforts!! /G\
🎉Thank you 💙
How do I become a Freemason
You have to be asked,also fill out application.
@@robertrubio1680 Absolutely wrong. Freemasons will NEVER ask you to join. You have to ask them to join. Take it from a 50 yr member and a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason.
I am a non active Third Degree Master Mason, and I have my Masonic Blue Bible given to me when I became one, I believe that people who don't know anything about masonic lodges and what there about should keep there comments to there selves, ...
Glad you have an opinion. Allister Crowley was a Master Mason, you know there are Occult aspects, if not your being dishonest!
You might have convinced me with this one. At the very least I'm subscribing to your channel.
If you want to learn more, visit a lodge near you. They will likely be glad to show you around (bear in mind, they won't be there all the time. Only on nights they have meetings. Go early and ask when you could arrange a tour. They will prob invite you to dinner!)
We can buy it without being masons?
Thank you Brother
So what i dont understand is how Freemasonry says its not a religion and there is no discussing religion, however there's "Masonic Beliefs" about God and religion and "Masonic teachings" about it as well. Doesnt that contradict? If its not a religion and its not to be discussed how come you have your own belief? It couldve just said biblical or christian beliefs.
Also curious about the initiation ceremony. Since there's page where you can note the people and "friends" who were present, are non-mason friend/family allowed at a initiation?
We don’t deny we have a private initiation ceremony. It’s not scary or creepy. It’s just our way of bringing new men into the fraternity and creates a shared learning experience.
Why have a Bible at all when you serve more than one master? I rebuke you.
If you were a gentleman, you’d don5 mins worth of research before “rebuking” anything. You haven’t. We do not serve two masters. That is a ridiculous misconception. If you were a gentleman you’d look up the old English definition of that word before commenting. Rebuke elsewhere.
I want to get mine from the lodge once I make master Mason I’m almost done with the EA memory work hoping to be fellowcraft next month!
Congrats. Hope you’ll consider Scottish Rite when you’re a MM.
@@ScottishRiteMasons I been kicking that idea around! I love your videos brother keep up the good work I especially loved the one the other day on Freemasonry and Lucifer. I just don’t understand why people keep on the “lie that won’t die” I thought that was very clever! People literally believe in anything pretty soon they will say the sky is purple!
I’m a blue lodge Master mason … that is accurate, thank you for showing more everything you’ve said , in blue lodge at least here in NY the Holly Bible is the great light in masonry, people of other faiths may add a secondary book to the quotes when they take their obligation however unlike in appending bodies the Holy
Bible is always on the alter and not mere furniture … masons are supposed to hate evil
Believing in god and doing his will are 2 different things
Thank you 💙
As you said, it is a King James Version bible, just like the bible that I was given when I was a young boy. I bought my Masonic bible from the Grand Lodge as my home Lodge did not present a bible to the newly raised Master Mason. After that, I filled out my Masonic page, had several of the brethren that were still around sign it, and I carried it with me when I joined the Scottish Rite, and had it signed as well. As a Master Mason, I have reached the pinnacle of Freemasonry. My membership in Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, SJ is for me to further help my journey in being a better man, husband, father, and member of my community, with the Great Light of Masonry (for me, a Christian, the Holy Bible) as a guide and comfort. Thank you Bro. Maynard for sharing this.
Much love, You’re a Teachers Man; Keep going
Can you become a Scottish rite & York rite at the same time?
@@ScottishRiteMasons that's a little misleading. Not actually since the degree work is performed at different times by different bodies. I did both, but I did the Scottish Rite first followed by the York Rite. Actually, I did each in different towns.
I love this video.
Good job brother, I have the family Bible version. I need to get one of these personal ones.
Why are Bibles given to MM when Freemasonry isn't supposed to be religious?
Freemasonry is not a religion. And it’s not religious. But we believe a man’s faith is central to his character. So to Christians we gift a Bible. To men who are of another faith we would use their book of sacred law.
@@ScottishRiteMasons are there Masonic editions of the Quran? If so, have a link to one? If not, any reason why?
I know you’re trolling and playing gotcha. But Just google. You’ll find a dozen.
@@ScottishRiteMasons actually brother I am not. I am genuinely curious. I looked but found none that include Masonic rights with the Quran text. Perhaps helping another brother isn't what it's claimed to be. I really enjoy your channel but your response kind of troubles me.
I owe you an apology. I get a lot of trolls and eve death threats and I shouldn’t have assumed the worst. Hope you will forgive this rough ashlar.
Here’s a link: www.masonicsupplyshop.com/koran-quran/
And another: www.macoy.com/Masonic-Bible-Masonic-Books/Masonic-Bibles-Accessories/The-Koran-2446.aspx
They don’t have the square and compasses on the cover, as I believe Islam forbids that. But there are notes and appendices in them (I think) alluding to some Masonic symbols and teachings.
You did a good job 😊
Knights Templar, you made errors . 1 is you absolutely must be a Christian ✝️ for this Knighting.
Not just diety.
Knights Templars never ceased being.its forms and styles to some differences but not one principle. 😊
I guess you just didn't know.
It's the only truly ancient body of men from time in memorial and has continued to survive thousands of years.
They actually exsisted before the name was placed upon them.
Just saying.
I have a Masonic Bible but it's different than yours by another publisher. The scripture is absolutely the same and the same as any KJV Holy Bible.
Again ty so very much.
May you always receive a wadge becoming of your due.
No. I’m sorry. There is absolutely no proven connection between the historic knights Templar and freemasonry. Chevalier Ramsey made it up and it has plagued masonry ever since. It’s just not true.
Thanks for that.
This is The Regal King, of the Eternal Mysteries! And the Concealed Monitor of the Ageless Order!
The videos uploaded here are fascinating, keep up the good work guys
If one does not need to be Christian to be a Mason why do you give away bibles
Men of another faith would get the appropriate book as a gift. We don’t force bibles on people who worship differently.
Not hating. Just wanna know how Exodus 6:3 is worded. Thank you.
Exodus 6:3 KJV: And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.
@@ScottishRiteMasons thank you very much
It’s simply the King James Translation, which is still one of the most widely used translations
You can buy Masonic bibles one Amazon. Or anywhere really. The only thing that makes them Masonic is the emblem, sometimes there are study guides which tie particular Masonic lessons to the specific chapter and verse in the Bible and often a Masonic family tree.
I had one years ago. The only difference was that mine had the parts of the Bible which are used in masonry high lighted in red.
I have seen those. The "red letter" bibles usually have the words that Christ spoke highlighted in red too.
@@ScottishRiteMasonsyea and seen bibles when "god" speaks its darkred adn jesus light red.... WHY?!?! why not one be blue and red, expecialy if its a masonic bible :P (blue and red and black and white)
Why make it so confusing? And also, you would no longer be acurately able to call it the red letter bible.@@nightmarerex2035
I just know about the masonic emblem. 🎉🎉
If they have a binding oath of secrecy under the given threat if anyone should reveal the secrets then it is hard not to have great suspicion of the organisation !
We don’t.
Bro Maynard, thank you for that tour of the front of the Masonic Bible. I have had one for several years (my daughter bought it for me one Christmas) but did not realize all that information was included with it. All that aside, if people are upset with you for not sharing that part of the Bible, they are missing the point of what you were trying to present. Which is the Bible is the Holy word of God and was written by men from that inspired word. I guess if you don't show the family tree section of a non-Masonic Bible you're hiding something? I just don't get people sometimes!
To quote Jim Morrison "People are Strange"
@ScottishRiteMasons so what about the Egyptian gods in the back of the bible it's not in any kjv and yalls bible say the LIGHT yall keep referring to is Lucifer it says so in ah 1928 freemason bible that's why we wanna know the truth king james worked with the masons that's why we don't have all the 81 books of the bible
Valley of Gulfport repotting in. Excellent work Brother Maynard. Now if "we" could just get more to read it rather than place it on a bookshelf. I carry a similar one in my car, so when people see the emblem on my polo and ask a question; "we" can go to the source material together. Over the last 31 years, it has brought at least 5 people (men along with their wives) to Freemasonry and probably more that joined a Lodge of which I am not a member or acquainted.
Thank you 💙
What is the point of being a Freemason? Why have secrets? Why have a book at all?
Well, if you don’t believe in secrets, I suppose you won’t have any problem sharing with everyone your bank pin code and all of that? Not everything that is secret it is bad. Which is why I prefer the term private rather than. Freemasonry is a fraternity and it’s nothing to be scared of. Go visit any masonic Lodge and see for yourself.
@@ScottishRiteMasons Personal secrets are one thing but why would large groups of men need to have secrets? I'm curious what the Royal Secret is. Visiting a lodge won't do any good. Only certain members know those secrets.
Matthew 6:22