Wedding Helicopter Take Off.. with a twist

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Not soo Funny helicopter take off in Ireland ...Newly weds where being flown from their service to happy reception with all the guests and family watching ..
    Pilot claimed to have done this task on purpose.. a practical joke of some sort..
    Dont look like that to me or anyone else who has watched this.

Комментарии • 131

  • @NotarPilot
    @NotarPilot 14 лет назад +2

    Thanks for the refresher course on anti-torque and yaw on how it applies to rotorcraft. I'm a professional helicopter pilot and my point is that helicopters don't have rudders or rudder pedals. They have anit-torque pedals. ;)

  • @bekaybe
    @bekaybe 13 лет назад

    I got married in a chicken shed too

  • @klk1900
    @klk1900 14 лет назад

    ha u wouldnt catch me working at a fast food store for nothing i love my job i wouldnt do anything else for it. but back to the window i dislike people that cause problems so what are you talking about, but its ok i dnt know you but i would rather you make jokes then see you lying on the skid in the back of a helicopter

  • @bopter
    @bopter 17 лет назад +2

    No I think it's fascinating and I'm glad you put it up. I'm guessing the the pilot asked the original poster to take it down (because it makes him look either: a) careless if it was unintentional, b) irresponsible if it was intentional).

  • @predator1117
    @predator1117 11 лет назад +3

    I have 10,000 hours of youtube pilot experience and his tail rotor was on backwards.

  • @Dragondicer
    @Dragondicer 11 лет назад +1

    We pilots are not all alike! :(
    There's actually a lot of pilots with brains! Show offs usually die sooner or later (and unfortunately others with them).

  • @iostream999
    @iostream999 13 лет назад +1

    That guy pulled Full collective on takeoff.
    LTE anyone? DUH! looks like he might have taken off with a tail wind too.
    He was lucky he didn't end up in the crowed.
    And no he didn't do that on purpose as the description states. you can see he is in trouble, because he doesn't just get out of it. He has to lower collective and nose over just to get out of the spin. That is a normal emergency procedure when you get into LTE (Loss of tail rotor efficiency.)

  • @petpad
    @petpad 15 лет назад +1

    Very scary indeed and very lucky. The ironic part is to see those relatives waving away at their nearly "departed" newlyweds... and having no clue of how close they came to die. Then the lady who says "they're coming over..." obviously it was for the pilot to come in quickly to change his underwear.

  • @bopter
    @bopter 17 лет назад +1

    It looks like the original poster of this video ('mickmallie') took his video down... i'd say the pilot asked him to get it off after it was mentioned on the radio!

  • @nipponhouseplayer
    @nipponhouseplayer 15 лет назад +1

    It looks like he lost tail rotor control and flew out of it by getting some forward airspeed by getting the chopper moving You fly the disk and get some slip stream to straighten out by getting wind over the vertical fin, but a stars have strong tail rotors WEIRED SHIT ! he really almost killed some folk, good save!

  • @jwjusaf
    @jwjusaf 14 лет назад +1

    It wasn't him playing around. He lost tail rotor effectiveness and recovered by increasing his airspeed to weathervane the helicopter to point forward.

  • @roddy33333
    @roddy33333 15 лет назад +1

    im the pilot, i was a bit drunk, no harm intended

  • @MrOttimitk
    @MrOttimitk 14 лет назад +2

    grandma is still wavingxDD

    • @toddc6682
      @toddc6682 Месяц назад

      No way they were looking at grandma when the nose dive spin fest was on 😯

  • @Dragondicer
    @Dragondicer 11 лет назад

    Settling with power occurs during landing. High rate of descent paired with low forward speed leads to settling with power. This was high powersetting for kamikaze take off paired with high rate of turn. He couldn't compensate with the tail rotor. He recovered control but already had developed a backwards movement during the uncontrolled turn. Nose down corrects for that but he overreacted. He was damn lucky!

  • @Dragondicer
    @Dragondicer 16 лет назад +1

    This was most certainly an almost complete stall of airflow on the tail rotor! When taking off quickly at high power setting (to show off), then this might happen. You just don't have enough pedal way to compensate for the moment. He was more than lucky to be able to recover from this situation!

  • @8enjam1n
    @8enjam1n 14 лет назад

    As someone who knows a little about helicopter stability (Staticaly stable but dynamicaly unstable) I would say he meant to do the spin but as he rose out of the ground cushion and into what looks like a tail wind it starts to pitch and he only gains control as he gets more translational lift from the main rotor and airflow over the horizontal stabaliser. In other words, may not be so lucky next time, just ask Colin Mcrae, he wasn't.

  • @NimrodMR4A
    @NimrodMR4A 14 лет назад

    @MudPumper The anti-torque pedals, or 'RUDDER PEDALS', are used to control the direction in which the nose of the aircraft is pointed. Application of the pedal in a given direction changes the pitch of the tail rotor blades, increasing or reducing the thrust produced by the tail rotor and causing the nose to yaw in the direction of the applied pedal. They dont have Rudders, but it does have a rear rotor ;)

  • @KrisRamJ
    @KrisRamJ 16 лет назад

    The pilot is an amateur. I fly AStar helicopters like this one and that flying was dangerous on several counts 1) He took off way too fast and could have got into dynamic rollover and destroyed the aircraft, potentially killing everyone 2) he span in a direction that could have led to loss of tail rotor effectiveness, which again would have resulted in destroying the aircraft, killing everyone (recognising a pattern yet?) 3) the extreme nose down pitch attitude could have... need I say more...

  • @TachyonDriver
    @TachyonDriver 17 лет назад

    Typical plank flying mentality! :D j/k
    My RC heli has done that a couple of times!
    There's a massive post about this "incident" on pprune Professional Pilots RUmour NEtwork. UNTIL the pilot in command steps forward and announces what the hell actually happened then we all have to put up with conjecture and innacuracies.

  • @Wahlnutz
    @Wahlnutz 14 лет назад

    This could go either way I guess. He could have either had a loss of tail rotor effectiveness of some sort, or he was doing some not so great pirouettes. I would say I lean more towards loss of control/tail rotor since it looked like he only was able to stabilize with more forward speed...

  • @heloaddicted
    @heloaddicted 14 лет назад

    might have been an unexperienced pilot, pulling way to much power with no power margin left to counteract torque with tailroter (running out of tail rotor).
    They are very lucky to be alive!
    Imho there was no need to lift off that aggressive (or: fast, to put it neutral)....anyways, we do not know what went on in the cockpit, e. g. hydraulic failure, making it hard to move collective and tail rotor pedals at all, especially dangerous at low speeds.
    Just an idea though I am not a wise guy :-)

  • @Lollocide
    @Lollocide 13 лет назад

    It was really stupid.
    On the other hand, if that was me getting married and I'd survived, i'd have played that off as the MOST AWESOME EXIT EVER!
    ...After I'd wiped the vomit off my wife. I'd never vomit on myself, you understand.

  • @RobertGary1
    @RobertGary1 16 лет назад

    We don't have those restrictions in the US. While there are limits on certain attitudes of flight while flying air taxi operations its not clear that this would have been violated in this case. I'm not sure how similar the regulations there are to the US.

  • @tapemagic
    @tapemagic 14 лет назад

    was the pilot drunk or something ??

  • @jwjusaf
    @jwjusaf 13 лет назад

    @ozxenophile listening and looking at the scene, it looks like it was all wind induced and the heli was fine. When landing they woul be fine as long as the pilot doesn't land in high winds off his right side.

  • @toddc6682
    @toddc6682 Месяц назад

    Helicopters suck! I'd rather walk.

  • @SuperChicken13
    @SuperChicken13 12 лет назад

    B2's and D's have the same blue tail rotors... B2's have a hump on the tail near the engine. The shiny plate behind hump and the exhaust makes me think it's a B3...
    Either way, a good pilot is a boring pilot...

  • @cjellwood
    @cjellwood 16 лет назад

    i can see he was deliberately showing off in some way but then really did lose control

  • @jjsandersheli
    @jjsandersheli 12 лет назад

    This is hard to do in a AS 350 judging by engine it is at least a B2 model that i have flown many hours in and has a massive tail rotor. had to be a low time pilot.

  • @part380
    @part380 6 лет назад

    NVP-not very professional-in more ways than one. There have been a number of bad crashes at weddings, usually entanglements with hidden wires, or the pilot is the groom and too excited to safety fly, etc.
    Yeah, if you crash and burn it will be a wedding everyone will remember . . . if they survive . . .

  • @ponzi6
    @ponzi6 15 лет назад

    Good God and everybody was a cheering and a whooping as the happy couple were within a second of meeting their maker, and on the same day they tied the knot.

  • @reganaikin
    @reganaikin 16 лет назад

    What an idiot. He's lucky they didn't crash. This was no accident, he intended to take off this fast. I hope he learnt his lesson after this near death experience

  • @NewryUns
    @NewryUns  17 лет назад

    why would he of had to remove the video ... ??
    are you guessing this or indeed are you asking me to do the same.
    and if soo why?
    this did happen after all..

  • @davida41200
    @davida41200 16 лет назад

    that is the most stupid and unsafe use of a chopper ive ever seen, he was lucky to pull out of that one, im wondering was the pilot reported to the IAA?

  • @polarbear60
    @polarbear60 12 лет назад

    I did notice recovery from what appeard to be setting with power... Am I in the ball park, is that why he leaned forward in the last phase of the flight before it appears ok?

  • @FuturePilotGrrrl
    @FuturePilotGrrrl 15 лет назад

    were you there when it happened?? woahh dude tahts frkn awsummmm lol i would like to be in that hahahah.. i love the irish accent when they talk english! its so pretty

  • @MrGamesOfficial
    @MrGamesOfficial 14 лет назад

    it was cheaper to hire the helicopter on its own without a pilot and self fly.

  • @motokid032
    @motokid032 13 лет назад

    Starboard collective?
    You do realize that the collective is what controls pitch right?
    Rudder is referred to as anti-torque in a heli as well.

  • @bigtig1234567
    @bigtig1234567 11 лет назад

    Which part of the right side of the dead mans curve is this chopper in. Complete disaster and nearly ended in disaster. Very lucky escape.

  • @justinRkeaton
    @justinRkeaton 14 лет назад

    um they should have taken his license for that it was not safe flying at all , i would have beat his ass when we landed and called faa

  • @thatman64
    @thatman64 14 лет назад

    No doubt the pilot was in control of this, otherwise he would have surely landed...Seeing as the thing was spinning round, ya know?...

  • @bopter
    @bopter 17 лет назад

    hmm.. looks like the pedal got stuck, or a front passenger blocked the dual controls, would be too irresponsible for a practical joke.

  • @BJWTF
    @BJWTF 12 лет назад

    The way i see it, The pilot is just showing off just like every other Heli pilot out there when they see that there's a lot of people watching him.

  • @jwjusaf
    @jwjusaf 13 лет назад

    @doh28. You can doubt all you like. Look up LTE recovery procedures. I fly helicopters and I've had it happen to me before.

  • @RitchieJake
    @RitchieJake 11 лет назад

    I do not show off, the risk is not worth it.. its much more impressive to show complete control over such a beast machine.

  • @transPlanko
    @transPlanko 12 лет назад

    this is what happened when every Tom, Dick & Harry in Ireland assumed they were millionaires during Celtic tiger Ireland.

  • @juggernautoddball
    @juggernautoddball 15 лет назад

    so the the pilot plated this off as some joke done on know he changed his pants when he got home.

  • @StarryKid06
    @StarryKid06 14 лет назад

    Have a happy life!! Because you only have about 20 seconds left!!!

  • @petestrat07
    @petestrat07 12 лет назад

    The chopper is way out of control, nearly hit the nearby roof top and there's grandma in the crowd still waving them off lol.

  • @BCAD01
    @BCAD01 14 лет назад

    Mudpumper,how long would it take to transition to a Bell Jet Ranger from SEL student with 42 hours and one solo??

  • @RotorHead2652
    @RotorHead2652 14 лет назад

    the piroet seems under control but when the nose dips towards the ground the has been caused by pilot error ..

  • @SuperBluecobra
    @SuperBluecobra 12 лет назад

    "And the Brides dress was finished off with a lovely streak of brown!!"...... That was mad, hope there ok.

  • @rapidreply
    @rapidreply 16 лет назад

    Ring Larsens building sipplies and ask for Declan wright, he was the pilot who flew like a drunken parrot.

  • @69adrummer
    @69adrummer 14 лет назад

    I read a comment asking if the pilot was drunk....? This is Ireland for christ's sake! LOL YOU decide!!

  • @northern35s
    @northern35s 14 лет назад

    Too much collective and looks like he didn't put enough tail rotor in to counteract the yaw, near death indeed :-0

  • @NewryUns
    @NewryUns  15 лет назад

    ooh!!! i can promise u that it was not fake at all at all ...
    the .. but your the expect... not

  • @Renard380
    @Renard380 14 лет назад

    @kieranhenshall it's so funny how 17 people agree with you but i guess most of them will get married anyway...

  • @Jazzaconda
    @Jazzaconda 9 лет назад

    He never knew he was going too shit his/or her pants! But who ever was flying did, just that!

  • @stealhty1
    @stealhty1 12 лет назад

    looks to me like he took off with low rotor RPM.. if not this is then Stupid way to crash

  • @jtalada
    @jtalada 12 лет назад

    There is an old woman just waving like everything is fine? Lol they r lucky to be a live?

  • @motokid032
    @motokid032 13 лет назад

    Yeah..That wasn't supposed to happen..Luckily no AStars were damaged in the making of this video.

  • @shakenama
    @shakenama 14 лет назад

    For doing a stunt like that I would shoot that pilot - after he lands of course.

  • @colonia1
    @colonia1 17 лет назад

    i was watching sky news and this video was on it:) maybe he removed cause of this:)

  • @just4playin1
    @just4playin1 14 лет назад

    I should download this video and place an explosion out in the

  • @NotarPilot
    @NotarPilot 14 лет назад

    Helicopters don't have how can they have rudder pedals...Genius

  • @DonMarcosdeJuan
    @DonMarcosdeJuan 16 лет назад

    looks like he overpitched causing LOTRE. Very lucky to recover from that one.

  • @hayesavra250
    @hayesavra250 12 лет назад

    Looks like he was going for a trick and it almost went bad but he saved it

  • @NewryUns
    @NewryUns  17 лет назад

    Well it was what the pilot claimed... to the couple sitting in the rear

  • @notar1
    @notar1 15 лет назад

    looks like he got a little ahead of him self. and tried to recover....

  • @MontyMotoBoy
    @MontyMotoBoy 15 лет назад

    I'd be asking for my money back....and a fresh pair of underpants!!!!

  • @Neil7026
    @Neil7026 8 лет назад

    being is happened in Ireland was the pilot tested for alcohol

  • @kingx989
    @kingx989 15 лет назад

    what goes up..... MUST come down! i wonder if they made it down ok

  • @neomuttley
    @neomuttley 15 лет назад

    Looks like someone was toasting the happy couple a bit too much.

  • @KevinCanada87
    @KevinCanada87 14 лет назад +1

    hahaha I love how the grandma just keeps waving thinking its all normal.

  • @pedrovcf
    @pedrovcf 15 лет назад

    defanetly it's not for purpose, is just lucky they are alive...

  • @FuturePilotGrrrl
    @FuturePilotGrrrl 15 лет назад

    umm no they dont, you do know they have there own language right?

  • @dualinput601
    @dualinput601 14 лет назад

    take your car for a donut , but this manoevre was really unsafe

  • @R8pilot
    @R8pilot 11 лет назад

    Lucky.....very very lucky in fact to get away with that one!

  • @intoxicologist100
    @intoxicologist100 14 лет назад

    pure dumb luck stopped that helicopter hitting the ground.

  • @Holden599GTB
    @Holden599GTB 14 лет назад

    @minenu11 how? if u know for a fact u can do it, do it.

  • @marke5566
    @marke5566 10 лет назад

    He was definitely out of control!

  • @NotarPilot
    @NotarPilot 15 лет назад

    Too bad Helicopters don't have Rudder Pedals!!!

  • @lee_mouat
    @lee_mouat 13 лет назад

    @jwjusaf So he crashed when slowing down to land?

  • @garyturley
    @garyturley 17 лет назад

    turleys doing it with style
    nice one conor

  • @KFrag420
    @KFrag420 15 лет назад

    money really can't buy you intelligence.....

  • @padzerdaly
    @padzerdaly 17 лет назад

    jasus - they will never forget that wedding

  • @wilberswilbers
    @wilberswilbers 14 лет назад

    ...till death and your limbs do you part.

  • @nipponhouseplayer
    @nipponhouseplayer 14 лет назад

    Wedding and Funeral Yeah thats about right!

  • @macclay9772
    @macclay9772 12 лет назад

    video nearly got called wedding crashers

  • @hh1n
    @hh1n 13 лет назад

    "Oh come on, not all over the new dress!"

  • @jwboll
    @jwboll 9 лет назад

    Next stop: Funeral.

  • @Dragondicer
    @Dragondicer 11 лет назад

    No problem ;)

  • @nacho.suarez26
    @nacho.suarez26 13 лет назад

    I would like to see the landing...

  • @jwjusaf
    @jwjusaf 14 лет назад

    Looked like the pilot had LTE...

  • @20stafford09
    @20stafford09 15 лет назад

    expert* :D

  • @powerlinepilot
    @powerlinepilot 13 лет назад

    @jwjusaf I doubt it very much!

  • @TheSupaShort
    @TheSupaShort 13 лет назад

    then everyone just leaves lol

  • @thewritingwriterof89
    @thewritingwriterof89 14 лет назад

    @Afterburner8004 yes, child?

  • @controlledburst
    @controlledburst 11 лет назад

    GFR (Guiness Flight Rules)

  • @minenu11
    @minenu11 14 лет назад

    That was foolish piloting