Mahler - Symphony No. 2 'Auferstehung' - Mariss Jansons | Concertgebouworkest

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • Concertgebouworkest -
    Mariss Jansons, chief-conductor
    Ricarda Merbeth, soprano
    Bernarda Fink, mezzo soprano
    Netherlands Radio Choir, chief-conductor Celso Antunes

Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @davidmoss9926
    @davidmoss9926 Год назад +422

    🟦 1st Movement: Todtenfeier ("Funeral Rites")
    0:44 First part with funeral march character in C minor
    3:00 Transition
    3:18 Secondary theme with lyric, pathetic character, beginning in E major and closing in E-flat minor
    4:17 First theme (!)
    4:43 Third complex of themes (starting with Liszt's Cross motif in A flat major) leading to G minor
    5:43 Closing group in G minor: Funeral music over a bass ostinato with tam-tam
    ◾First Development
    6:55 Introduction (connecting to the secondary theme), beginning in C major and leading to E major
    7:45 Pastorale in E major (with a new motif in the English horn)
    8:55 New section primarily in E minor, developing different motifs
    10:26 Development of the third theme complex (at the beginning again the Cross symbol)
    11:42 Variation of the secondary theme: Music from a distance (like chamber music)
    12:21 March from a distance in B major
    12:53 Return to the main motifs of the movement, beginning in a triple forte and fading away bis zur Unhorbarkeit [until no longer audible] (tam-tam)
    ◾Second Development
    13:24 Restatement of 8:55, now in E-flat minor with sighing motifs (laments) of the English horn at the beginning
    14:18 Anticipation of the Finale: Dies Irae theme (14:18), main theme motifs (14:42), Cross symbol (14:52), Resurrection motif (14:56), Eternity motif (15:00), Dies Irae motif (15:05), climax on a dissonance (15:15)
    15:23 Closing section with plunging motif (16:09) and again a catastrophic climax (16:23)
    16:38 First part in C minor
    18:02 Transition
    18:18 Secondary theme and Pastorale in E major
    20:23 Synthesis of closing group and poritions of the first part, beginning with tam-tam: funeral march/funeral music
    23:23 Major-minor seal, followed by a plunging motif
    🟦 2nd Movement: Andante moderato ["echo of days gone by in the life of the one whom we carried to the grave in the first movement"]
    24:40 Part A, Sehr gemachlich [very leisurely]. Grazioso in A-flat major
    26:02 Part B, Nicht eilen [not hurrying]. Very leisurely in G-sharp minor, scherzolike, woodwinds enter (dolce, espressivo) at 26:51
    27:36 Part A’, Tempo I in A-flat major, with countermelody in celli, molto espressivo (27:49)
    29:19 Part B’, Energisch bewegt [energetically moving] Climax, in G-sharp minor, eerie ostinato timpani @ 30:58
    31:56 Part A’’, Tempo I in A-flat major, pizzicato
    34:32 Coda, in A-flat major
    🟦 3rd Movement: Scherzo. Based on Wunderhorn song Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt [St. Anthony of Padua’s Sermon to the Fish] (1893)видео.html
    Conveying that the ‘meaning of existence cannot be understood and that life itself seems senseless’ [Floros]
    35:34 Introduction
    35:47 Part A with “bittersweet humor” (clarinet @ 36:30 @ 37:13; stacatto bsn @ 37:26)
    39:03 Part B, “very massive” theme in C major, piano in celli and bass. Coupled with fanfarelike melody of the winds, the theme is presented in D major @ 39:28 and E major @ 40:16. Sinister expression with dissonances in brass at 42:15
    42:22 Part A’, lyric passage @ 43:30.
    44:11 Part B’, shrieking dissonance "cry of despair" @ 44:34 B-flat minor chord over pedal point on C; trumpet motifs at 45:11, 45:27, first violin descending melodic line @ 45:28 will show up in the Finale.
    46:16 Part A’'
    🟦 4th Movement: Urlicht ["Primeval Light"]
    text from Das Knaben Wunderhorn
    47:14 Motto [O Roschen rot, "Oh, little red rose"] and choralelike introduction [9 winds]
    48:27 ◾First Stanza: Part A [Der Mensch liegt in grobter Not / Der Mensch liegt in grobter Pein, Je lieber mocht' ich im Himmel sein, "Mankind lies in great need / Mankind lies in great pain / Rather I would heaven claim"]
    50:06 ◾Second Stanza: Part B [Da kam ich auf einen breiten Weg / Da kam ein Engelein und wollt mich abweisen / ach nein, ich lieb mich nicht abweisen, "Then I came upon a wide, broad way / Where a little angel came and wanted to send me away / Oh no, I did not let myself be sent away"]
    51:12 ◾Third Stanza: Part A' [Ich bin von Gott, ich will wieder zu Gott / Der liebe Gott wird mir ein Lichtchen geben / Wird leuchten mir bis in das ewig selig Leben, "I am from God, I want to return to God / The loving God will grant me a little light / Will light my way to blissful life eternal and bright"]
    🟦 5th Movement
    52:26 “Fright Fanfare” over a pedal-point C, similar to "cry of despair" @ 44:34
    52:49 Eternity (53:00) and Ascension (53:21) motifs in C major; Glockenspiel (53:06 trumpet motifs heard @ 45:11)
    ◾Exposition, Der Rufer in der Wuste “The One Calling in the Wilderness” = Announcement of Judgment Day
    54:10 Horn calls and triplet motifs = first announcement by the Caller; 54:50 trumpet motif from 53:06, 45:11
    55:36 First eschatological statement by the Caller: Chorale: Dies irae followed by the Resurrection theme (56:06) in F minor
    56:40 Thematic material of the Caller in F minor = secondary announcement by the Caller
    58:00 “Entreaty” = anticipation of the section O glaube, mein Herz, o glaube (“Oh believe, my heart, oh believe”): insrumental recitatitive and arioso in B-flat minor
    59:15 Second eschatological statement by the Caller: Chorale: Dies irae followed by the Resurrection theme beginning in D-flat major and ending in C major
    1:00:35 Thematic material of the Caller in C major / C minor; inclusion of the Ascension motif = third announcement by the Caller
    1:02:38 Percussion crescendo: “The earth is shaking, the graves are opening up”
    ◾Development (Vision of the Last Judgment), Seven Sections
    1:02:50 Fear and Dies irae motifs (1:03:24 - violins, 1:03:31 - winds), often contrapuntally combined, in addition to shouting motifs
    1:03:41 Allegro marziale using Dies irae (marchlike expanded version of 14:18, trombones @1:05:25), Resurrection, and Fear motifs; chorale in the trumpets @1:04:38
    1:05:46 Return to the first movement @14:18
    1:06:34 Collapse: Fright fanfare linked contrapuntally with tritonic variations of the Dies irae motif and inferno triplets
    1:07:03 Repeated anticipation of the "Entreaty" (~58:00) in addition to "trumpets of the Apocalypse" @1:07:38: instrumental recitative and arioso, large climax, tritone @1:08:57
    1:09:04 Fright fanfare over a pedal point on C-sharp (~52:26), Dies irae in trombones (1:09:12)
    1:09:26 Eternity and Ascension theme in D-flat major (~52:49); again seven tones of Glockenspiel
    ◾Varied Recapitulation, Der grosse Appell "The Great Roll-Call" = Resurrection: The True Apocalype
    1:10:39 Caller motif, bird calls, fanfares of the Apocalypse, beginning in F-sharp minor
    1:13:25 First stanza: four-line Resurrection Chorale in G-flat major [Auferstehn, ja auferstehn wirst du / Mein Staub, nach kurzer Ruh! / Unsterblich Leben / Wird, der dich rief, dir geben, "Arise, yes, you will arise / Dust of my body, after a brief rest! / Immortal life / Will he, who called you, grant to you"]
    1:15:34 Intermezzo (Caller motifs, Ascension theme, Eternity theme)
    1:16:55 Second stanza: variation of the four-line Resurrection Chorale [Wieder aufzubluhn, wirst du gesat! / Der Herr der Ernte geht / Und sammelt Garben / Uns ein, die starben, "You are sown that you might bloom again! / The Lord of harvest goes / And gathers sheaves / Gathers us, who died]
    1:18:44 Intermezzo (Ascension theme and Eternity theme, Glockenspiel)
    1:20:26 Third stanza: Alto and soprano solo = Entreaty in recitative-ariosos style in B-flat minor [O glaube, mein Herz, es geht dir nichts verloren! / Dein ist, ja dein, was du gesehnt / Was du geliebt, was du gestritten / O Glaube: du wardst nicht umsonst geboren / Hast nicht umsonst gelebt, gelitten, "Oh, believe, my heart, nothing is lost for you! / Yours, yes, yours alone is what you longed for / What you loved, and what you fought for / Oh believe, you were not born in vain / Nor have you lived or suffered in vain!"]
    1:22:12 Fourth stanza: different variation of Resurrection Chorale [Was entstanden ist, das mub vergehen / Was vergangen, auferstehen! / Hor auf, zu beben! / Bereite dich, zu leben! "That which was created must perish / What perished will arise! / No longer tremble! / Prepare to live!]
    1:24:00 Fifth and Sixth stanzas: Alto and soprano duet with mostly independent thematic material; melodic material from Urlicht (1:24:27) [O Schmerz, du Alldurchdringer / Dir bin ich entrungen! / O Tod, du Allbezwinger / Nun bist du bezwungen! "Oh agony, you piercing pain / From you I have escaped! / Oh death, all-conquering claim / Now you are defeated!] [Mit flugeln, die ich mir errungen / In heisem Liebesstreben / Werd' ich entschweben / Zum Licht, zu dem kein Aug' gedrungen "With wings that I have gained / In seeking to perfect my love / Will I ascend / Into the light which no eye has ever reached]
    1:24:41 Seventh stanza: Imitative treatment of the Ascension theme; the Eternity theme in E-flat major (1:25:38) [Mit flugeln, die ich mir errungen / Werde ich entschweben / Sterben werd' ich, um zu leben!, "With wings that I have gained / Will I ascend / I will die to be alive!]
    1:26:03 Eighth stanza: new variation of the Resurrection Chorale in E flat major [Auferstehn, ja auferstehn wirst du / Mein Herz, in einem Nu! / Was du geschlagen / Zu Gott, zu Gott wird es dich tragen, "Arise, you will arise / My heart, within a moment! / What you have conquered / To God, to God it will bear you up"]
    1:27:15 Postlude (Eternity theme, bells in triple rhythm): Transcendence
    ◾notes based on Constantin Floros : Gustav Mahler The Symphonies, Amadeus Press (1985)

    • @allanbrowniii1409
      @allanbrowniii1409 Год назад +32

      Incredible breakdown of the symphony. Thank you!

    • @Foisterous
      @Foisterous Год назад +16

      Wow, what a ton of work to put this together, thank you very much!

    • @LandesHector
      @LandesHector Год назад +5

      Some of us really have free time to kill :) Thanks for the breakdown!

    • @williamtickel1762
      @williamtickel1762 11 месяцев назад +3

      I cannot thank you enough for this breakdown, and the effort it must have taken. I especially appreciate the timeline links. Because of what you have given us, I plain to learn this symphony in an exhaustive way.

    • @theobeloussow5810
      @theobeloussow5810 11 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you!

  • @lukehomestead
    @lukehomestead 4 года назад +725

    Mariss Jansons died yesterday. It makes me so sad because he was one of my favorite conductors. Rest in peace - we will always remember you 💔

    • @jorgegarzaelli6238
      @jorgegarzaelli6238 4 года назад +24

      Tom, the music and the mnusicien never die, for sure. Regards from Argentina

    • @terric703
      @terric703 4 года назад +12

      Oh no. Very sad.

    • @diesirae9223
      @diesirae9223 4 года назад +2


    • @aldrydd1
      @aldrydd1 4 года назад +3

      jorge garzaelli Yes, very wise

    • @gerardsalvan3024
      @gerardsalvan3024 4 года назад +6

      Tes Tom. One of my favorite conductor too (with Abado RIP...) but music like this never die.
      RCO hast juste do a première for the
      1 rst symphony some minutes ago with Jansons : great regards.

  • @gustavmahler8478
    @gustavmahler8478 5 лет назад +808

    Thank you for the support everyone.

    • @swinger9374
      @swinger9374 5 лет назад +49

      @Gustav Mahler You're dead

    • @cattushi
      @cattushi 5 лет назад +20

      @@swinger9374 lmao

    • @sueallot8292
      @sueallot8292 5 лет назад +19

      hi Guzzy, how's it hanging?

    • @terric703
      @terric703 4 года назад +76


    • @vikli5966
      @vikli5966 4 года назад +2

      Love ya!!

  • @lanfordvideos
    @lanfordvideos 7 лет назад +312

    The ending of this piece is too soul-stirring and heart-wrenching for mortal human words to express. What a passionate man Mahler must have been!

    • @evachand2025
      @evachand2025 6 лет назад +2

      Stephen Lanford y

    • @IbrahimHoldsForth
      @IbrahimHoldsForth Год назад +7

      top ten musical moment member

    • @theodentherenewed4785
      @theodentherenewed4785 Год назад +4

      I agree. The thing about Mahler is that he had a superb technique, the orchestration and form were still important to him. The final part isn't a pure outburst of emotions, it's directed and focused, for me it conveys a certain sense of order, inevitability. That's how it had to be resolved.

    • @yvesteszner7171
      @yvesteszner7171 8 месяцев назад


    • @arontesfay2520
      @arontesfay2520 2 месяца назад

      Couldn't have said it better

  • @OkelloDunkleyDSLRWorkshops
    @OkelloDunkleyDSLRWorkshops 3 года назад +602

    Proudest moment as a dad… My 12 and 10 year old making it through Mahler’s 2nd and then my daughter saying to me, “that was an hour and a half?”

    • @erefemdroog7267
      @erefemdroog7267 2 года назад +46

      For me its about a lifetime of happiness and hardship comprised in approx 90 min

    • @cmw9876
      @cmw9876 2 года назад +45

      You are a fortunate man to have such children.

    • @danielfryer9693
      @danielfryer9693 2 года назад +15

      Hoping to take my12 year old to this (BBC proms have it this year 😀)

    • @peppapig9987
      @peppapig9987 2 года назад +8

      @@danielfryer9693 good luck.

    • @tfhenshaw
      @tfhenshaw 2 года назад +4

      It always goes by too fast.

  • @svrfan
    @svrfan 12 лет назад +290

    I was in the audience for this recording, it was total magic from beginning till end. Mariss and Concertgebouw Orchestra rule!!

    • @georgesclermont1911
      @georgesclermont1911 2 года назад +1

      Sound engineer missed this one

    • @cmw9876
      @cmw9876 2 года назад +7

      @@georgesclermont1911 It's 2022. It's time a sound engineer got a hold of the original recordings and cleaned it up in a way suitable for broadcast on YT.

    • @BenEmberley
      @BenEmberley 2 года назад +2

      You lucky little.........!!

    • @kenjrhung
      @kenjrhung 2 года назад

      Did u cry

    • @MichaelBeckman
      @MichaelBeckman 2 года назад


  • @JorrigVonKnorrig
    @JorrigVonKnorrig 13 лет назад +76

    I've sung this in 2008, it is terribly high and very loud. But standing in the middle of this big orchestra with 300 singers around you in the front row of the choir between two choir directors and face-to-face with the orchestra director is an experience you cannot buy for any money in the world!

  • @MedwedianPresident
    @MedwedianPresident 5 лет назад +242

    Mahler makes me, a hardened man, cry. This is one of the best pieces of classical music I've ever heard in my life.

    • @neceon4586
      @neceon4586 4 года назад +20

      The finale part is the best piece of music I ever heard

    • @leoarrabi8927
      @leoarrabi8927 4 года назад +12

      Mahler makes me cry. The chimes are literally like the Russian church bells

    • @f.p.2010
      @f.p.2010 4 года назад +16

      this is why mahler is my religion

    • @matthiasgalli5445
      @matthiasgalli5445 2 года назад +2

      I've read "Mahler makes me hard" lol😂

    • @sharkin_larkin1276
      @sharkin_larkin1276 9 месяцев назад

      You’re not a hardened man

  • @FabianRivero
    @FabianRivero Год назад +80

    One of my biggest life dreams is to attend a Mahler 2, the feelings this masterpiece generates are beyond words.

    • @jella23_54
      @jella23_54 Год назад +6

      I just did tonight and I cried. It was so wonderful.

    • @whoareyou5278
      @whoareyou5278 Год назад +5

      I just did on Thursday!!! It was celestial and I definitely cried

    • @darrylschultz9395
      @darrylschultz9395 Год назад +5


    • @ebenvanheerden4112
      @ebenvanheerden4112 7 месяцев назад

      Fabian, where do you live. It is performed this coming Saturday in Teulada, Spain

    • @FabianRivero
      @FabianRivero 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@ebenvanheerden4112 Hi Eben, unfortunately I live across the ocean :( Thanks for the heads up.

  • @theimmaculated6480
    @theimmaculated6480 4 года назад +141

    RIP maestro, I cherish these Mahler performances and recordings

  • @javierd.d
    @javierd.d 2 года назад +48

    I discovered this masterpiece as a tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks of 11 March 2004 in MADRID.
    10 bombs on four commuter trains left 193 people killed and more than 2000 injured.
    In 2020 this symphony was used as a tribute in the Concert "In Memoriam" organised by Terrorism Victims Foundation at the National Auditorium of Spain In Madrid presided by Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain.

    • @dan-us6nk
      @dan-us6nk 2 года назад +2

      Wow, that was very successful. These are high standards that thankfully the common terrorist cannot organize.
      If an act was memorialized by this epic symphony they must've been very professional. Let us know no more of that, dear god.

  • @emy721
    @emy721 12 лет назад +239

    i just don't understand how so many people don't even know that masterpieces such as this even exist.

    • @a.hollins8691
      @a.hollins8691 3 года назад +34

      Yet we have three radio stations that play the same 30 songs over and over and over again.

    • @DamionHamilton1277
      @DamionHamilton1277 2 года назад +18

      Education. Lack thereof.

    • @michelewilson1366
      @michelewilson1366 Год назад +3

      I agree, it is a wonderful. I listen to this often. It fills me with such joy.

    • @dustinlikens388
      @dustinlikens388 Год назад +28

      More people than ever in history are enjoying classic music. It was once reserved for a small class of aristocratic elites. Now people from all economic backgrounds can enjoy this music for free. Just enjoy it, and don't be so concerned that everyone has the same interests as you.

    • @derpfaddesweisen
      @derpfaddesweisen Год назад +7

      ​@@dustinlikens388 Thank you. Those same comments are under videos about philosophy, theology, science ... Everybody thinks everyone else is an idiot because they don't excel at the exact same topic as they themselves.

  • @christopherlettie860
    @christopherlettie860 10 лет назад +120

    that's *half of a violin section playing a pizz together out of thin air. indistinguishable from one player. this is absolutely extraordinary playing, guys...

    • @martymodus7205
      @martymodus7205 5 лет назад +30

      The trick is to fake the first notes except for the section leaders. Keeps it right together & quiet enough ;-)

    • @rmbjr60
      @rmbjr60 4 года назад +13

      Love how Mr Jansons puts his arms down during this passage, holding a look of joy on his face and letting his great orchestra do their thing to perfection without any need of his arms. They are playing as a single unit with the music firmly interwoven, using the same weave, through each musician.

  • @AhmedGs964
    @AhmedGs964 11 лет назад +353

    Life is worth living as long as there is Classical Music to listen.

    • @miltonderezende7906
      @miltonderezende7906 3 года назад +2

      Mahler is not classical music. Classical is only on classical period.

    • @detectivehome3318
      @detectivehome3318 3 года назад +56

      @@miltonderezende7906 🤦‍♂️

    • @dermotmitchell5735
      @dermotmitchell5735 3 года назад +3

      I totally agree with you

    • @antoineduchamp4931
      @antoineduchamp4931 3 года назад +2

      My sentiments precisely. Thank you.

    • @oklahomahank2378
      @oklahomahank2378 3 года назад +24

      @@miltonderezende7906 In English this word has several meanings. One is as you suggest, the Classical period of Haydn and Mozart. It is also used to mean “symphonic music” or “art music” and “old stuff that stands up,” such as “classic rock.”

  • @salehbogary
    @salehbogary 4 года назад +54

    It is my first time with Mahler , I think I missed a lot but it is never too late to enjoy such a wonderful work , I am very content , enjoying a great music such as this , peaceful and inspiring !

    • @rmbjr60
      @rmbjr60 4 года назад +6

      Keep listening. With each listen comes a new discovery - not a cold, antiseptic, academic discovery, but a primordial, human and heart-felt discovery deep in your soul

    • @dan-us6nk
      @dan-us6nk 2 года назад +1

      @@rmbjr60 precisely the Mahler experience... for me, for you, for who wrote the original comment and sure for many others too.

    • @kenjrhung
      @kenjrhung 2 года назад +2

      Did u cry 🎉

    • @salehbogary
      @salehbogary 2 года назад

      @@kenjrhung never cry if content !

  • @LlanasAguilaniedo
    @LlanasAguilaniedo 3 года назад +151

    0:42 I. Allegro maestoso
    23:44 II. Andante moderato
    35:07 III. “In ruhig fließender Bewegung” (Con movimiento tranquilo y fluido)
    47:10 IV. "Urlicht" (“luz primordial”) Muy solemne pero sencillo
    52:23 V. Im Tempo des Scherzos (En el tempo del scherzo)

    • @chambermuses7802
      @chambermuses7802 Год назад +3

      Tantas gracias por ofrecernos estos detalles...

  • @carlosabril6827
    @carlosabril6827 2 года назад +27

    Mariss Jansons was an individualist and an interpreter at his own terms. He was a great conductor. He lived for what he did he, he will be missed.
    Listened to it again; THIS A WONDERFUL PERFORMANCE. The feeling and joy felt by Mariss is contagious.

  • @maxalain9948
    @maxalain9948 3 года назад +88

    This symphony is definitely staying as an Easter tradition

    • @karlmale1
      @karlmale1 3 года назад +10

      Indeed, it seems fitting fir Easter. It is the most glorious music EVER WRITTEN!

    • @MBYarosh
      @MBYarosh 3 года назад +2

      Check on who's getting resurrected. It's not who you think. Subtitles are here:видео.html

    • @WetaMantis
      @WetaMantis 3 года назад

      @@MBYarosh It's you, yes YOU!

  • @ericnzuki9952
    @ericnzuki9952 2 года назад +65

    I attended a Mahler 2 concert, it’s unbelievably incredible. The big roar at 2:50 was so loud...just a few minutes into it, I knew we were in for an experience of a lifetime!

    • @dan-us6nk
      @dan-us6nk 2 года назад +3

      By your enthusiasm, I think a dream cometrue for you would be attending a concert of the 8th.
      What do you think?

  • @jesus-of-cheeses
    @jesus-of-cheeses 4 года назад +145

    Jansons (enters heaven):
    Mahler: I have a few notes.

      @AVIDEOGAL 3 года назад +4


    • @Julio-fz8xj
      @Julio-fz8xj 3 года назад +6

      @@AVIDEOGAL Pssst: heaven is bullshit.

      @AVIDEOGAL 3 года назад +2


    • @a.hollins8691
      @a.hollins8691 3 года назад +2

      @@AVIDEOGAL The alternative is not fearing eternal torture from your "loving" god because you didn't believe in him the right way.

    • @molybdaenmornell123hopp5
      @molybdaenmornell123hopp5 3 года назад

      @@AVIDEOGAL Well, I don't know much but I know this: if I were omnipotent, omniscient and infinitely benevolent, no-one would ever go to hell. To my mind misery is evil, no matter who suffers it. Punishment is never a good, it is a lesser evil at best. So if God is truly an unstoppable, uncompromising force for good and against evil, there can be no such thing as hell or the devil. So I have little time for theodicy. There is either no misery or no such God. I believe the latter because the existence of misery is hard to doubt.
      And think about heaven: would you keep someone out of your garden because they retain their capacity for skepticism? How insecure, how very human, not to say macho, of God to reject all those who doubt his existence until they see him. How vicious and infantile to demand unconditional faith and devotion. A truly loving parent wants their children to be free and strong, not to shackle, humiliate and debilitate them. If I were God, I would grant everyone entrance to my kingdom. There can be no excuse why I'm forced to do otherwise. I'm omnipotent, remember?
      But as a caring human, I could never rest in paradise if I knew that someone else was suffering and it lay in my power to help them. So if hell exists, I don't want to go to heaven. I'm not that selfish. I would rather be a social worker in hell.

  • @ona9960
    @ona9960 4 года назад +61

    Rest In Peace, maestro🕯

  • @michaelreidperry3256
    @michaelreidperry3256 2 года назад +18

    I doubt many here in attendance speak my language. But I’m sure we are all understanding what our Mahler is “saying” musically with fluency. The language, the theory, the science, the culture, the community of musical sound can be so easily translatable from People to People.

  • @kiwyWinky
    @kiwyWinky 8 лет назад +547

    THIS IS GREAT but somehow the volume is really low maybe its just me

    • @hardbossa
      @hardbossa 8 лет назад +39

      The sound volume is very low, which is a pity.

    • @nickli1564
      @nickli1564 7 лет назад +52

      Yeah, that's definitely true. However, if you're on Windows, right click the sound option, go to playback devices, go to whatever you're listening on, click enhancement, then check loudness equalization. It might not be available on all PCs, I think it depends on your soundcard. My onboard audio supports it. With it enabled, everything sounds adequately loud.

    • @pastorfergus
      @pastorfergus 7 лет назад +7

      + Nicholas: Thanks for this - it made a great difference for me!

    • @nickli1564
      @nickli1564 7 лет назад +2

      Fergus Tyson No problem! It raises the volume of quieter sounds and lowers the volume of louder sounds.

    • @beickus
      @beickus 7 лет назад +2

      we have to buy the cd for normal voice level

  • @keanadair
    @keanadair 4 года назад +28

    59:12 Epic low brass chorale

  • @orvillewrightjr9330
    @orvillewrightjr9330 2 года назад +27

    Such an exquisite and nuanced performance by one of the world's greatest orchestras, led by Mariss Jansons, a highly renowned maestro, who is sadly no longer with us. It's a premiere listening experience that is so rare; as I am just rediscovering Mahler and finally really appreciating the depth and passion of his symphonies, here on New Year's Day; it's unbelievably immersive and soul satisfying!

    • @leestamm3187
      @leestamm3187 2 года назад +1

      I've long enjoyed Mahler, but even more so the older I become.

  • @isabeltipton3844
    @isabeltipton3844 12 лет назад +22

    Yo! Leonard Bernstein is great at conducting Mahler too. But this is definitely the best recording on RUclips. Absolutely amazing. Sang it this past winter with the Knoxville Symphony and it was lovely.

  • @Zazzauser
    @Zazzauser 10 лет назад +454

    1. Allegro maestoso. Mit durchaus ernstem und feierlichem Ausdruck (With complete gravity and solemnity of expression) 00:00 - 23:45
    2. Andante moderato. Sehr gemächlich. Nie eilen. (Very leisurely. Never rush.) 24:40 - 35:08
    3. In ruhig fließender Bewegung (With quietly flowing movement) 35:33 - 47:11
    4. Urlicht. Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht (Primeval Light. Very solemn, but simple) 47:12 - 52:24
    5. Im Tempo des Scherzos (In the tempo of the scherzo) 52:25 - 1:28:18

  • @dgrin
    @dgrin 4 года назад +24

    RIP Mariss Jansons. Reserved but inspiring performance showing great integrity to the music.

  • @JesseDavis7373
    @JesseDavis7373 6 лет назад +20

    This performance is a miracle to be able to experience even today! I hope to hear this one in person one day.

  • @dukestravels1861
    @dukestravels1861 Год назад +23

    Once upon a time, music of this caliber was composed.

    • @ebenvanheerden4112
      @ebenvanheerden4112 7 месяцев назад +2

      It is so sad to read your comment because it is so true!!

  • @kiqw
    @kiqw 5 лет назад +16

    Magnificent performance without a doubt. Probably my favorite Mahler with #1 and #8 being among my favorites as well. That concert hall is absolutely gorgeous also.

  • @jankisi
    @jankisi 3 года назад +2

    31:55 what? I can't hear *turns volume to max
    35:33 rip ears

  • @dissilymordentroge5818
    @dissilymordentroge5818 8 лет назад +296

    At last ! A successor to Bernstien who understands the cosmic scale and terrifying undertow of Mahler . So many recent performances have taken all the passion and terror out of Mahler as if conductors don't want to scare their audiences.

    • @joeruf6526
      @joeruf6526 8 лет назад +4

      +Dissily Mordentroge I actually think he does 2 better.

    • @stephanosc6603
      @stephanosc6603 8 лет назад +22

      +Dissily Mordentroge Absolutely, I could not agree more. But he doesn't jump nearly as high as Bernstein did. ;-) Seriously, I cut my teeth in the 60's on the vinyl complete symphonies of Mahler by Bernstien and the New York Philharmonic and thought I'd never hear the 2nd performed by anyone else with his intense devotion. Well, I just found him!

    • @nanborg65
      @nanborg65 8 лет назад +7

      +Stephanos C I agree with you all, but I think Otto Klemperer's performance with Elizabeth Schwartzkopf as soloist is also glorious, and has some of the same deeper understanding you speak of. What do you guys think?

    • @stephanosc6603
      @stephanosc6603 8 лет назад +2

      +wwonka2 That's not one I am familiar with. Is it available on line?

    • @dannymiewdg
      @dannymiewdg 8 лет назад +8

      Nobody has ever equaled Klemperer on the 2nd! Not even Walter. and nobody equaled Walter on the 9th [Vienna 1938 live[ it flows

  • @vienna-nica1614
    @vienna-nica1614 9 лет назад +117

    The expressions on each orchestral member's face is just exquisite. What a fabulous orchestra and conductor!

    •  9 лет назад +2

      +vienna- nica And choir! ;)

    • @staceysmith5658
      @staceysmith5658 8 лет назад +2

      ♒🅰♉O:-) 🏯🚣🅿🚱🚱🆕🚼©™©🈚🈷™✔™™✔✔✔🚫㊙®🈵🉑㊙®🔞🔞📵👞👞💼👕💄💄👕👜👔🔰🔰👚💴 frozen and plants in the Rosa Rosa and baseball friends and Mary Poppins and Beethoven and full value boating party and bull Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley frozen frozen frozen frozen frozen folding Valley and fur very very very very very very very frozen food for you for just passing frozen cousin frozen freshener timer Thomas tire karma karma Charles charmer Lisa Lisa Lisa MARY POPPINS Mary Poppinsjm my my my hvjmbnnnnknjnjnbbnbnjhhhjjnnnn njnnmjnjjjhhknjmkkmjmmjjnn. vgghkjjjjhkjmkm. 💲

    • @rfsk45
      @rfsk45 8 лет назад +1

      +vienna- nica Example: 2:06 Top right corner.

    • @MOGGS1942
      @MOGGS1942 8 лет назад +7

      +Stacey Smith ???

  • @ColeWRS
    @ColeWRS 12 лет назад +26

    I honestly can't stop listening to Mahler!
    My favourites are the second and third symphonies.

  • @DanielZajic
    @DanielZajic 7 месяцев назад +8

    I heard Mahler live for the first time today, it was the 2nd, and it was transcendent, sublime. Even with half the orchestra and choir of this performance, it was one of the most emotional and memorable experiences in my life. More than I could have imagined. If you ever have a chance to see this live, you will not regret it.

  • @brettw173
    @brettw173 5 лет назад +18

    Wow. This symphony always gets me. It gives my chills chills., my heart heart. It puts a woof in the sublime, a mic drop in the majesty of our redemption,
    Volume is low tho. :-(

  • @klausmann111
    @klausmann111 12 лет назад +22

    Mahler is one of the greatest of all times!!!!!!

  • @matejpatek
    @matejpatek 9 лет назад +178

    Even when I'm on a bus (for instance) listening just to a recording of this symphony, it shakes me deeply and makes me cry. Been lucky to experience this twice in concert and there are no words in this world to describe this enormous beauty and sadness and depth and passion, all in one. No other music does THAT much to me!!

    • @annaboomsma9576
      @annaboomsma9576 8 лет назад +3


    • @viennaguy5310
      @viennaguy5310 7 лет назад +2

      I am the same! The Tristan and Isolde Prelude and Liebestod also has a similar effect on me. And I agree with the comment below about Tchaik 6 too.

    • @fionajohnston
      @fionajohnston 7 лет назад +3

      I couldn't agree with you more and the power of the final movement of this symphony is electric, I just heard it being conducted by Claudio Abbado, believe me, you have heard nothing like it

    • @juliuse.o.fintelmann8083
      @juliuse.o.fintelmann8083 6 лет назад

      true words

    • @joufaxerxes7966
      @joufaxerxes7966 6 лет назад

      @@fionajohnston That's totally awesome. Must have been a great experience since Abbado is so so so great when it comes to Mahler. Rip Abbado.

  • @raymondswadley6339
    @raymondswadley6339 3 года назад +5

    1:00:30 Psalm 90:10 (KJV)...the moment the “We” (our souls) depart the “It” ( our bodies)

  • @padredemishijos12
    @padredemishijos12 13 лет назад +17

    Dudamel''s Mahler's Resurrection at the 2011 BBC Proms is my favorite, but this is outstanding. Sad that the Dutch government is cutting the funds for this great orchestra.

  • @robertperez2262
    @robertperez2262 4 года назад +9

    Around 1:08:40 that’s my all time favorite low brass excerpt of all time... and I play saxophone :-)

  • @Discovery_and_Change
    @Discovery_and_Change Год назад +12

    0:44 Begins | 4:47 triumphant trumpet | 8:46 Somber dignified | 13:39 very gentle/somber | 15:49 Star Wars | 16:22 Dramatic | 20:23 Devious build up
    24:40 2nd movement | 44:19 Powering Up | 47:15 - 52:03 Singing | 52:04 Part after singing |
    55:14 & 57:44 Light build-up / previews | 1:01:44 | 1:01:55 | 1:02:36 drum roll to entrance | 1:04:45 celebratory trumpet |
    1:08:45 | 1:08:57 | 1:14:23 Spooky choir | 1:20:28 - 1:21:55 Singing | 1:22:12 Choir | 1:26:03 Choir climax |
    1:27:15 Ending instruments

    • @abarakadabaras
      @abarakadabaras 5 месяцев назад +1

      This is brilliant idea! Thanks.

  • @cmw9876
    @cmw9876 3 года назад +7

    No one, no conductor, ever had a smile like that. There he was up front and he lets loose with that megawatt smile. I'm sure the most nervous member of the orchestra thought "Ah! Gee. I'll be alright. I'll play the best I've ever played." Much missed - did not make it to Ludwig's birthday. There will be great celebrations - sooner or later - but we will miss Mariss at Ludwig's celebrations. ♪♫♫♪
    PS - you know it's Mahler because you can't fit another single musician in the space.

  • @jack1109
    @jack1109 8 лет назад +33

    Mahler - my hero. This is a truly great work and a wonderful interpretation.

    • @luguzar
      @luguzar 8 лет назад +5

      The resurrection of Mahler and Beethoven Eroica, are the ones that I hear. Especially this interpretation of Mahler Sinfonia 2 under the leadership of Mariss Janson I really like.
      Excuse my bad English.

  • @sbcap3809
    @sbcap3809 Год назад +9

    Magnificat, simply Magnificent. How did Mahler do it so well? Incredible, and with a full Orchestra sound, Voices and Organ, and to finish off with what all the Kings and Queens, at that, or any time wanted to hear, explosive sounds, ending with voices raised and the sound of Bells, signifying a singular Triumph and that part is really unsurpassed, and Mariss Jansons, did marvelous, simply marvelous, with the entire piece. Tempo was excellent.

  • @johnvaughan7096
    @johnvaughan7096 4 года назад +13

    In my semi-locked down state, I've watched/listened to this with Dudamel, Rattle, Bernstein, Abbado and now dear Mariss. Great conductors, great orchestras so they all get something out of the music, some interpretations of which might readily please a particular ear. I, however, am not in the business of ranking things but learning from the differences. I've also become aware of something which should have been more obvious to me as a Team/Organisational developer and that is to note what a wonderful job Gustav did for future generations allowing them the opportunity of being part of such a huge work and being able to then take the adulation and applauds of the audience both in the hall and at home. Well done everybody; I feel reborn!!!

    • @robertmahler8894
      @robertmahler8894 3 года назад +2

      It is amazing how everything you have written echoes the same sentiments and the love I have for Mahler's music. I learned to listen to the same piece played by different composers, especially the ones you mentioned, and I try to discern the peculiarities of each performance using my untrained ear. We probably would hit it off if we were to meet in person. Thank you!

    • @dan-us6nk
      @dan-us6nk 2 года назад

      ​@@robertmahler8894 Hey Robert, John, I think it's unoriginal by now but... I feel the same way. Moreso, I've realized that Mahler's music makes different people feel identical things, he really *was* a master at what he did. And now look, it brought people together. What a flow. *That's* music.

  • @leocerna1
    @leocerna1 11 лет назад +20

    Great performance, great orchestra, great singers and an excellent director, this is the only chance i have to watch a concert like that, Mahler's symphony # 2 is one of my favorite, i live in Honduras and we will never have an orchestra like that one, thank you for posting it, keep doing it please

  • @juliataylor-mutzel1445
    @juliataylor-mutzel1445 4 года назад +13

    So sad that he died, he was a maestro, a wonderful conductor with an amazing presence. I will miss him.

  • @mr-wx3lv
    @mr-wx3lv 3 года назад +6

    Is it me or could Mahler's music make good film music...?!

  • @laurabradley1460
    @laurabradley1460 3 года назад +6

    This beautiful piece of music relates to I Corinthian 15:54 and 55..."death is swallow in victory...O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where's thy victory sung by the soloists. And then the choir sings I Thessalonians 4:14-17. It's epic! So we confort one another with these words.

  • @LKemp-lr1ky
    @LKemp-lr1ky Год назад +6

    A dear friend treated me to the San Francisco Symphony production under M.T. Thomas some years ago. He died that month, so young. Double meaning now. This was wonderful! Thank you.

    @JJJRRRJJJ 5 лет назад +8

    If my ears are still comfortable after listening to both death shrieks at full volume with headphones on, you know the audio is too low.

  • @terric703
    @terric703 3 года назад +2

    LOL. At 57:22, I just noticed those unfortunate orchestra members who didn't get tickets and had to perform in the lobby. XD

  • @peppapig9987
    @peppapig9987 2 года назад +8

    I have heard many praise for Jansen.
    Today I wanted to listen to Mahler 2 so I clicked on the first video that popped up. Jansen is just as good as I have heard!

  • @robertjschroff6307
    @robertjschroff6307 5 лет назад +13

    Amazing performance. I adore the conducting of Mr Jansons.This symphony is a unique one, my favourite in all time. Thanks for sharing this.

  • @rnedisc
    @rnedisc 11 лет назад +11

    is it me or is the volume really low on this vid? gta turn my volume all the way up to hear anything

  • @SpiritHourglass
    @SpiritHourglass 11 лет назад +43

    It's so epic... Feels like an enourmous journey to listen to the whole thing, but every second is as incredible as the last. It's poetry, I love it!

  • @piano1500
    @piano1500 9 лет назад +80

    I had the joy of performing this symphony with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra under the direction of Riccardo Chailly about 12 years ago at four of the major concert halls in the US. One of the highlights of my life.

  • @martineyles
    @martineyles 4 года назад +10

    Enjoying this as part of listening to every Mahler symphony today, with (virtually) orchestra friends.

  • @notaire2
    @notaire2 12 лет назад +14

    The most beautiful performance of this symphony. Although very long in time, I feel no boredom at all. Royal Concertgebouw is definitely one of the most excellent orchestra in Europe.

  • @dawebster21
    @dawebster21 4 года назад +7

    The quality of the filming is essential to the enjoyment of the music. We are so blessed to have this experience available to us in our homes. I think back to the scratchy 78 records that were available to us when I was a child back in the 1950s. Attending a concert is a great experience, but much like sports fans can see so much more watching a televised sports event, what we can see in this and other videos brings concerts to life as we get insight into what is going on in an up-close and personal way.

  • @jforcherio
    @jforcherio 11 лет назад +30

    I am just now getting into Mahler and this work and this rendition has definitely gotten me hooked. I am speechless, absolutely speechless.

  • @foveauxbear
    @foveauxbear 5 лет назад +9

    No one plays Mahler better than THIS wonderful orchestra.

  • @matthewwong944
    @matthewwong944 2 года назад +3

    Is it just me or does 16:23 kind of sound like Star Wars?

  • @geraldfrank1630
    @geraldfrank1630 4 года назад +8

    Passionate performances (which Mahler definitely deserves) from every musician here! Bravo! 👌🙏👏👏 Love it that the views are over 4M! 👍

  • @skrpavarotti
    @skrpavarotti 6 лет назад +5

    Mariss was 50 when he conducted the M2 with the Oslo Philharmonics. We share the same birthday date 14, january and he invited everybody at the consert for a glass after the consert. Unforgettable evening with a generous man. The Orchestra and performance was excuisite.

  • @Dylonely42
    @Dylonely42 Год назад +4

    You reach the heaven when you get to the finale !

  • @alexchristopher221
    @alexchristopher221 Год назад +6

    This is definitely one of the finest performances of the 2nd symphony which has always been my favorite one in the Mahler cycle.

  • @DenianArcoleo
    @DenianArcoleo 11 лет назад +16

    I feel exactly the same way. Mahler's music is beyond amazing.

  • @boboboboski5137
    @boboboboski5137 2 года назад +5

    I love Maris Jansons! Not only did he know the music he conducted like any world-class conductor should, he went beyond the technical and academic. He obviously had an unbridled love for music of the heart! RIP maestro! He really lays out his soul in this performance. And there is no better opus for laying out one's soul than Mahler's 2nd! :-)

  • @MrPeter3011
    @MrPeter3011 4 года назад +8

    A really excellent conductor left us....thank you ,maestro,stay in our hearts.....

  • @pcostafloripa
    @pcostafloripa 10 лет назад +25

    Suprema genialidade de Mahler! Suprema execução e interpretação! Emocionante!

  • @sethg4825
    @sethg4825 6 лет назад +8

    I almost grew wings at least twenty times while listening to this

  • @erikacasarin6690
    @erikacasarin6690 4 года назад +10

    One of the most beautiful symphonies I’ve ever heard.

  • @danilovelasquez2539
    @danilovelasquez2539 Год назад +1

    It is a pity that the sound quality is sub-standard, I have good Bose speakers and the better the MP4 resolution, the better the sound. The microphones used seem to be very distant even in tutti and fff.

  • @wilsonpereira1307
    @wilsonpereira1307 4 года назад +8

    R.I.P maestro Janson. May your soul rest in peace with God.

  • @eduf.7659
    @eduf.7659 3 года назад +6

    1. Allegro maestoso. Mit durchaus ernstem und feierlichem Ausdruck (With complete gravity and solemnity of expression) 00:00 - 23:45
    2. Andante moderato. Sehr gemächlich. Nie eilen. (Very leisurely. Never rush.) 24:40 - 35:08
    3. In ruhig fließender Bewegung (With quietly flowing movement) 35:33 - 47:11
    4. Urlicht. Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht (Primeval Light. Very solemn, but simple) 47:12 - 52:24
    5. Im Tempo des Scherzos (In the tempo of the scherzo) 52:25 - 1:28:18

    • @jankisi
      @jankisi 3 года назад +2

      i was looking for this in top comments and i can't believe a 4Mil classical music video doesn't have a nice guy doing the time stamps. Thanks mate

  • @ErickafromCR
    @ErickafromCR 4 года назад +9

    No entiendo cómo pueden haber personas que no les guste ésto!!! Mahler es sencillamente IMPRESIONANTE!!!!

  • @WritingontheWallIL
    @WritingontheWallIL 3 года назад +5

    I did not think there would be any version besides Abbado's that I'd want to hear - but this is just transcendent

    • @OlDoinyo
      @OlDoinyo 2 года назад

      Check out Leonard Slatkin's recording--interesting in its own right and absolutely stunning sound quality.

  • @ВладимирЧолак-р6л
    @ВладимирЧолак-р6л 4 года назад +11

    Браво, Великий Малер! Браво, Маэстро Марис Янсонс! Браво всем музыкантам!!!

  • @joyceoxfeld1352
    @joyceoxfeld1352 3 года назад +5

    Something tells me that this is the gold standard for performance of this work.

  • @12bazzab
    @12bazzab 12 лет назад +20

    Just for ease of use:
    I: 0:43
    II: 24:40
    III: 35:33
    IV: 47:13
    V: 52:25
    Although I would just watch the whole thing if I were you

  • @blessings42
    @blessings42 11 лет назад +1

    You are wrong. This piece is simply called "Resurrection", not "The Resurrection." Also, Mahler's "conversion" was mere expediency -- unfortunately, other famous Jewish artists took the same route because of anti-Semitism. What you don't hear in this performance is validation of your misconception. The performance is accurate. Your interpretation of history is inaccurate. So just enjoy this magnificent work, and relax.

  • @leestamm3187
    @leestamm3187 3 года назад +6

    Great performance. Jansons was a wonderful conductor and among the finest of Mahler maestros.

  • @arielatom68a56
    @arielatom68a56 Год назад +11

    Far and away my favorite interpretation of Mahler 2, dare I say one of my favorite interpretations of any symphony, ever.
    Having played this piece a few times, it's fascinating how much he delays crescendos and his tempo change decisions are unorthodox, yet the music is all the better for it. Rarely does such a relative outlier interpretation feel so organic like it does here.
    EDIT - worth pointing out the incredible dynamic control it takes from the orchestra to pull it off, 21:00 in the horn parts is just one example

  • @nieuwegeljo5645
    @nieuwegeljo5645 4 года назад +5

    R.I.P. Maestro. I had the privilege to attend one of your concerts with the R.C.O. Thank you for your beautiful music.

  • @tomab17
    @tomab17 4 года назад +7

    The end of this symphony is so powerful and majestic. True definition of resurrection.

  • @karimhabet6404
    @karimhabet6404 4 года назад +6

    beautiful performance. Jansons death is a sad loss for music. Rest in peace Maestro.

  • @alexandriak42
    @alexandriak42 10 лет назад +7

    Great; love the Symphony No. 2, for my human path...

  • @jazzporridge1506
    @jazzporridge1506 4 года назад +5

    Stupendous orchestra, and one of the greatest conductors in history (RIP), The the choir producing that beautiful initial 'auferstehung' sound, seated ought to be noted here.
    Thank you to all involved in this production.

  • @RSciOfficial
    @RSciOfficial 4 года назад +7

    Rest in peace Maestro Mariss Jansons. Thank you so much for all the many irreplaceable memories.

  • @ethanlammayot2458
    @ethanlammayot2458 3 года назад +3

    10:25 Tmea violin Allstate

  • @yogatonga7529
    @yogatonga7529 4 года назад +7

    My mother saw him live in his last concert, I think. Sadly, I can never have this pleasure.

    • @layna8924
      @layna8924 4 года назад +2


    • @alexhenry3328
      @alexhenry3328 4 года назад +2

      @@layna8924 It is incredibly rude to Mahler to try and force religion on someone, because that is exactly what happened to him. Please be more mindful of other people when you bring such a controversial topic somewhere it has no right being.

  • @kinnkaku08
    @kinnkaku08 3 года назад +5

    This is the first movie which I listened to classical music and I cannot forget shocks from this enormous great music.

  • @ksiend4380
    @ksiend4380 5 лет назад +9

    I just love this trombone chorale 😍😂👌

  • @QQ-td9id
    @QQ-td9id 4 года назад +5

    What to shock to learn the sad news of Great Jansons' passing when coming back to watch this video the N times. What a loss to all his world music fans! RIP Maestro .

  • @Breakbeat90s
    @Breakbeat90s 4 года назад +7

    everyone says RIP mariss jansons but RIP mahler too :(

  • @samuelggarcia
    @samuelggarcia 4 года назад +14

    RIP Maestro

  • @annemarieclaudia
    @annemarieclaudia 12 лет назад +6

    @JorrigVonKnorrig you ar so lucky to have experienced this! It is one of my fantasies to be sitting in the middle of an orchestra during a Mahler symphony! I think I would die from happiness!