After watching a number of these discussions, and many other similar dialogues, I have noticed a pattern and theme. Nearly all of the time and energy is spent refining and organizing the rhetoric and terminology so that some kind of agreement can be reached, so that an “ah ha” or an “i get it” can be achieved. And there’s a problem with this. This seems to function as an endeavor seeking relief from the confusion and tension of a thought based analysis of reality. Don’t spend too much time in this mental space. It can perpetuate a disintegrated stance and result in perpetually limited and diminished experience. LIVE! Come alive.
That is a risk Rupert takes when answering and elaborating on the questions. Ideally, the words take the listener beyond their own conceptual limits. Ideally.
Is this observation not just another example of fodder for the seeker. Knowledge is useful when attached to the experience. The mind declares liberation.
I think rupert is trying to explain something so complicated and it’s not always coming off clear. it’s hard to think of a desk or a table as not being solid. But on a quantum level it’s just geometric energy Using chemical signals to appear real . It’s just a projection and mostly space in between every atom. so nothing is being ‘ held together’ per se. there’s so much around us that we don’t see we are only tuned into what it’s important for us to see. Donald Hoffman explains that well and in more depth. I think rupert’s trying to say don’t believe what you see as far as the material world. The dream analogy is good. If you are a dreamer, what you’re looking at in the dream is very real for you and you can interact with it but it’s all part of the same dream
Sometimes the mind needs to learn enough to disappear. So to speak. There is always the danger of intellectualizing stuff rather than knowing it "for oneself", but I think it's more often than not genuinely helpful. At least I sure hope so. =)
When Buddha became enlightened under the Bodhi tree, he experienced a transcendental state when he realized that everything is one, that looking comes from everywhere, that his consciousness (That which looks) is everywhere, behind the world of forms and every moment, a frame of a film with all the characters , as if floating from nowhere to nowhere on the screen of this Transparent viewing. It is not affected by anything. That's why Buddha said, "I am no more." (Meaning as a character, as a separateness). You need to stay with this understanding. P.S. If you close your eyes, the picture of the world will instantly disappear, including the appearance of yourself. The fact is that viewing the world occurs thanks to the light of the sun and electricity. But the light of the sun is primary. Since electricity is a derivative. Everyone needs to understand that the light of the sun does not belong to the body! Without the light of the sun (these light Taos spread in space), no one will see anything and there will be no life. In addition, the whole world is not reflected in the brain. The brain and eyes are micro biocells with liquid. All metabolic processes in the cells of the body work according to a program and are not controlled by the mind of the individual. The body is essentially a biorobot. And the personality (its name, history) is an illusion and has a temporary existence. To understand What is not touched upon, read the beginning of the text.
We all have a divine primordial soul and when we are awake, our soul is conscious and when we are asleep we are not conscious, what is so difficult? The brain does not think, it is just like the cockpit of an airplane and the pilot is the soul...................Falun Dafa
It’s not difficult until you try to explain it -Alan Watts. Words are limiting, in any language. So imagine you had no language at all, had no ability to remember the past or think of the future….then just take it all in. It’s all there, right in front of you. One permanent now, ever changing, constantly experiencing itself. Tatvamasi (that art thou) and for every front there is a back. The only illusion is ‘you’ being a separate consciousness. There’s nothing else to know. 😊
What a silly premise. We all have a divine primordial soul and when we are awake, our soul is conscious and when we are asleep we are not conscious, what is so difficult? The brain does not think, it is just like the cockpit of an airplane and the pilot is the soul...................Falun Dafa
@@craig6753 Exactly. But now the brain might not be able to perform all the instructions that the soul would ask for such as walking, talking, etc. The soul would still be unaffected. Actually the soul would even be purer because suffering purifies the soul. Falun Dafa can answer so many of life's mysteries, if you are curious and hopefully you are, have a good day.
@@jeff_forsythe I have a good understanding of Falun Dafa as I lived in China during its height, and had many discussions about it. But ultimately it is not for me, as my world/metaphysical view is vastly different after 30 years of practice of various disciplines. At this point I believe the only real technique is no technique at all.
@@craig6753 When you say that it is not for you it only shows me that you really have no idea of its worth. It was banned in China because Jiang Zemin got jealous of the attention that it got and the fact that the Divine was included and the evil CCP is Satanic. I will explain something to you. Without a spiritual master to change natural chi energy, which every living thing has, into divine energy, you have no chance whatsoever to quit the cycle of reincarnation and to return home to Heaven. No matter what you think, you are condemning yourself to eternal reincarnation to this sewer that we call earth. Really, what do you know about where your soul was first created, that it is immortal and your main purpose for being here on earth is to clean your soul and to return home to Heaven. Even Buddha had a Master. And so did Christ. Good luck.
I agree. If we knew that we were all connected, maybe people would be kinder to one another and we would have peace in the world without this "us and them" mentality.
It is black karma that prevents us from experiencing reality. We all have a divine primordial soul and when we are awake, our soul is conscious and when we are asleep we are not conscious, what is so difficult? The brain does not think, it is just like the cockpit of an airplane and the pilot is the soul...................Falun Dafa
This is one of the best explanations I've heard. I have always explained or understood it from a simulation perspective, or video game. From the point of view of the avatar inside the simulation, that simulated world or universe is all that exists, and seems to extend to infinity all around. You can move in any direction infinitely in a simulation, so from the perspective of the avatar or character, it would seem impossible that there is anything outside of that simulated universe. The awareness of that avatar is only a very tiny concentrated awareness of a much greater awareness in a completely separate and encompassing dimension, the player sitting at the computer. It's like when people 'lose themselves in the game', forgetting about reality outside of the game and becoming that avatar for a couple of hours, which might be a decade inside a simulation where time runs completely separate. Some people split their awareness and can play two games at once (ehem..) and those characters on two different screens know nothing about each other or anything outside of its reality, but in fact, there is a reality outside of theirs so vast and detailed, it would be hard for them to comprehend, and it's all just mundane and normal from the player's perspective, who plays the roles of both characters from behind the scenes or from the greater dimension.
I love this, makes a lot of sense, more and more everytimes he talks about it, I used to have a lot of non-duality experiences but then again the conditioning pulled me back and i still have.. Its so nice peacefully and bliss state truly. cant stop smiling
at the heart of everything is we have two identities, our spirit and our ego. The key is to shed the later to become enlighted. However its much easier said than done.
We all have a divine primordial soul and when we are awake, our soul is conscious and when we are asleep we are not conscious, what is so difficult? The brain does not think, it is just like the cockpit of an airplane and the pilot is the soul...................Falun Dafa
I feel like there are a certain amount of people, that are drawn to these particular topics in hopes of finding some deep, groundbreaking solutions or answer to their issues. Wether that's purpose, meaning, mental health issues, relationship issues or some kind of existential challange or problem that they are facing. And i genuinely think that this can be helpful in making a positiv shift in perception or awareness. But i've seen in people, that this oftentimes can become a sort of confused escape into a spiritual identity, instead of dealing with, or applying the change or actual action that is needed for their situation. Because, trying to find this infinite, non-dual state of bliss (can in some cases), just be more confusing and tedious, than doing any actual good. So if your are seeking a more fulfilling, loving, healthier, happier and more prosperous life. There is definitely a lot of other areas of life to consider before devoting your life to non-duality, solitude and infinite consciousness.
@@kimbirch1202 you missed the point of the comment. People's lives can get destroyed precisely because they try to escape into this "non-duality" way of thinking. Whether non-duality is True or not we are still tied to this localized version of ourselves and need to maintain our health and work a Job lest we die from hunger. As much as non-duality way of thinking can be beneficial it can be destructive.
I have to argue that indeed, everything is conscious. What I believe, Rupert is referring to, by saying, that "objects" are made of consciousness but not conscious, he is referring to being - self-conscious. And that is correct. There are two sides to everything - Nature side and Intelligence side. On the Intelligence side, everything is conscious, that it is conscious, in various degrees of self consciousness/self-awareness. On the Nature side, everything IS conscious but, only as its function. So rock is conscious as a rock, drop of water - as drop of water, neutron - as neutron, tree - as a tree, and so on. This resolves the paradox of how something made out of consciousness is not conscious. It is. Simply, in a different way. Also, I'll extend this a little bit. Eternal Consciousness is purely immaterial in the way, humans understand matter. Yet, consciousness is made out of the consciousness-matter. Just like thoughts are made out of thought-matter, or "what the dreams are made of". Imagine, there is aa substrate, that provides Consciousness with the building blocks to exteriorize itself into the "material" world. That substrate is amorphous Substance. It is as eternal as Consciousness itself. When Consciousness "stirs" to create, that stir bears design of it onto Substance, and Substance exteriorizes a new "unit", charged with the Consciousness design, into the Nature world. And so the new "unit" steps onto the Great Way of Progression, until it develops into a Self-conscious unit of the Intelligence world. And then, it continues its development, until it becomes Consciousness.
There is a PBS show called the Hidden Life of Plants. It's amazing, like mind blowing and beautiful . Yes they are consciousness in their own right. Or maybe the right word is knowing. They have a knowingness.
@@lindalangdon9406 I believe all Existence Knows that it seems the main difference is that we humans know that we know...the birth of thinking. Original Sin
I understand that Rupert's point is that all experience is the dream of consciousness. But in his discussion he talks about how people see what's behind the screen, that people have thoughts, that Mary wakes up from a dream, etc. But I would appreciated it if he would talk a little bit about more concrete experiences like car accidents, getting shot with a shotgun, falling off a building, etc. I realize that the answer to this is that "everything is a just a dream of consciousness." But car accidents hurt. Bones break. People get their heads blown off by shotguns. These types of experience are the hardest for me to understand in relation to the idea that there is no "matter" and "everything is consciousness." Or that Mary is just waking up from a dream of Mind with a capital M, etc. I keep looking for videos by Rupert where he addresses these more "concrete" manifestations of experience like car accidents, and how they fit into the idea that everything is just a dream of consciousness. I would just love to hear more about that.
I agree with you. Very strange that no one in his live audience seems to raise these sort of questions. And in addition: only a real eye can see a tree. A dreamed eye could never see a tree. It is a classical mistake made.
Do you like the thrill of movies .... horrors, thrillers, car accidents, gun shots, heads blown off, bones broken? Capital M does too. Do you care, get upset........ worry, write a get well card, do a fundraiser for the injured characters? Capital M doesnt either.
What dream of consciousness? We all have a divine primordial soul and when we are awake, our soul is conscious and when we are asleep we are not conscious, what is so difficult? The brain does not think, it is just like the cockpit of an airplane and the pilot is the soul...................Falun Dafa
Consciousness is not a dream, just the opposite, it is when we are awake. When we sleep our soul travels to other dimensions and we call that dreaming. Falun Dafa is the Way.
It's very close to how I see it. I've only seen this video so far, so I don't know if he talk about some deeper stuff about, what is being. I see consciousness and our being as two separated things. Our being has no dimension, no name or consciousness and that is how our being fundamental is. And when consciousness comes in contact with our dimensionless being, we become one with that consciousness (or unlimited different types of consciousness as a mix), which is temporary, and we feel awake. So it fits into the duality of consciousness and non-consciousness. Our being is the avoid of consciousness or with better words, nothingness. Consciousness stands for fullness. That's why we can "exist" for billions of years without knowing because our true being can "exist" in our eternal nothingness. Our being can only exist when we look at it from the point of view of our conscious state, but from our nothingness state, it does not exist. So nothingness both exist and do not exist simultaneously, depending from which side we "look" at it. That's how duality fundamentally works. Is this something he also talks about?
There are countless dimensions and we right now are in the dimension of matter, cells and planets. Consciousness is simply when our soul is awake. Falun Dafa is the Way.
When you are dreaming at night...all that you consider matter or outside yourself - plants, animals, other people, etc, etc. - all that is only Consciousness. Same applies now...all is Consciousness.
and the funny or scary thing is that, you've created other people in your dream, and you gave them words and sentences, which they use, to speak with you - I mean you as your version of yourself in your dream. So even if you have a word-fight with someone inside your dream - then it means that you create that fight there as well. The Questions for you and answers for other people, their emotional reactions to you. Like a director of movie. How about that?
When you dream, why, then, does your subconscious give you glimpses through a dream of things you need to be a genius to interpret? Why does the subconscious make interpretation so difficult if it’s trying to get us to understand something? It’s not very competent in that case.
I've always wondered: how do we *know* trees don't possess the same faculties of perception that we experience as human awareness? I've never experienced life as a tree within this form of perception I'm currently experiencing, so how could I truly know what a tree does or doesn't experience? But I know that trees grow and process chemical compounds in a similar (albeit objectively different) fashion as us. So who's to say that trees can't feel, see, and hear the world, just because we can not experience their perception through our own? Personally, I choose to believe that the trees tell stories about us amongst themselves just as we do them.
Our experience of the universe is created by what we think about it. Is it not? The thing to remember when it comes changing things is that it's not just what you think about it. It's what Fred and Julie think about it too and because people have similar experiences they tend to think similarly as well and that is how you create systems and traditions that never change, which is something that gives us tremendous comfort because it's so familiar and it gives us community as well. None of this could happen if the universe wasn't empty. By being empty there is nothing standing in the way of creation and the universe springs into being and the same conditions apply to everything in the universe including us.
We all have a divine primordial soul and when we are awake, our soul is conscious and when we are asleep we are not conscious, what is so difficult? The brain does not think, it is just like the cockpit of an airplane and the pilot is the soul...................Falun Dafa
Ruperts give us a wonderful model to consider and test, to see if it aligns with our own experience. I found this explanation very insightful. It aligns with the Ancient African Philosophy which teaches that the Infinite is the All and that everything is creation in the mind of the All or the Infinite in western terms. Thank you, Rupert, for the blessing!
It's no different than the Vedanta philosophy of Advait (non-dual nature of the universe). This is at the center of Sanatan Dharma, which is also referred to as Hinduism.
The fundamental immaterial properties of the material Cosmos only adds up if we're characters in a simulation, as if in a video game. The other thing I really wrestle with is a temporal framework for Source. The idea of Source being eternal and timeless, outside the parameters of space and time, is incomprehensible to me. It's baffling and wonderfully perplexing simultaneously. Despite days of significant frustration and hardship, I feel deeply grateful to Source for the incredible gift of existence and the procession to higher states of being. It is the greatest adventure. Regardless of the many obstacles that we encounter on our path of ascension, we must try to enjoy the process and savor the moments of joy and discovery. Peace.
It might help to understand that it can never not be the present moment ( NOW ) and that both " past " and " future " are just projections of thought, with no meaning. Now, of course, is eternal, and so time must be an illusion. The false ego mind, which we identify with, has no use for the present moment, as it sees it only as means to some future goal. So, it is important to question the value of those goals. The ego also uses the past for guilt, and grievances, and the future for fear. There is no guilt, or fear , in the present moment, so it is important to be mindful of false thoughts.
Yes, bodies are just made up characters in a cosmic play, doing nothing. They , like all form, are just mere appearances in our minds. The ego mind made the dream of a world, then split into seeming separate persons, seemingly within the dream. In reality, the whole universe is within your mind, and you have never really been in it at all. This is the enlightened view. It is freedom because it is then known that nothing that seems to be happening, is only a dream, and cannot affect you. This is how Jesus could face the crucifixion without fear. He had no identification with a body, OR the perceptions of a body. The whole material Universe is just a false belief of our own making.
@kimbirch1202 thank you. This helps. The notion that Source 'has always been and always will be' is hard to conceptualize. Do not all things have a inception point? Its baffling, beyond my pay grade. Perhaps when this incarceration is done, I will be properly illuminated, only to forget it in the following life. What an amazing gift this billion year, multi million incarnation adventure is! There's a significant amount of suffering, loss, and frustration, but it's infinitely preferable to a state of non being. Although, non being does not experience nothingness and does not exist and would in theory, not witness a dimensionless void. But I digress.
@Don Mackie I think of it as only what is constant and unchanging can be ultimately real, and depended upon. What we think of as real " things " or objects, are really illusory thoughts, or ideas ,in our minds. For example, a car does not call itself a car, does it ? A car is an invention, idea and label in our minds, and cannot leave the mind. The self we normally identify with is also only a concept or idea. Reality is non - conceptual, and cannot really be put into words. Of course, our Self exists, but not in the way we believe. Lots of phenomena cannot be known by the bodies senses, such as humour, love, intelligence, awareness, etc.
@kimbirch1202 fair enough and thank you for taking the time to reply ; this simple kindness is not lost on me. But what perplexes me is temporal causal in nature. I can grasp the strangeness of the 'always has been and always will be' statement, but my limited mind always wants to ask Source a question directly, it may be naive, but it's one that I very much want to ask, "Source, how did you come into being?" Anyways, that's what torments me, although "torments" is too strong of a word, it's something I'm quite curious to hear a reply to. Thanks again for your time and generosity Kim. ❤️
There is no more clear teaching on the intuition of Mind than this. It’s about as close as words in the English language can arrive at the experience of original self that I have seen.
Intuition is not what is important if one is looking for a righteous path back home to Heaven. One needs a great master and a great practice. Falun Dafa is the Way.
@@juanguirao. True Juan, but logic helps. If you agree that awareness like space has no form, it therefore has no boundaries. That which has no boundaries is limitless.
@@paulbrandon422 I like to identify myself with limitless awareness. That's my view of reality and self. All I'm saying is we have to be careful with jumping to conclusions and claiming we have proof of anything in this field. For instance, when we say awareness is limitless, one can imagine a "pristine cloud of awareness extending in all directions of space". In fact, the truth may be that awareness has nothing to do with space. It may be dimensionless and space may be just a concept that appears as a "vibration" in dimensionless awareness. We have to accept the fact that even though we ARE awareness, we don't know much about this awareness we are. We can relax our attention and simply be (awareness)... If we are honest, that's probably all we can really know and say about it.
In particle physics matter is choosing to present itself to an observer as a particle and without the observer it’s a wave or a potentiality. So this actually makes sense as an explanation as to why that seems to be a phenomenon. So everything we observe is a projection of a mind of some sort imaging particles into existence as we are there to observe them.
Its even worse. What you see is the end product which you observe as truth. Thought created the projection which only becomes true when you become aware of your thought by seeing it. Its like ploughing a field and sowing seed and seeing what grows. In our world it also equates to having children and watching what thoughts they come up with. Our thought creates a garden in which we live. God threw us out of Eden because God know what we would create in his mind.
Matter is something we perceive. Perception is in consciousness. We perceive objects apparently made of "matter" in our dream state, but once awake are aware what we perceived as "matter" in the dream was actually a creation of our dream consciousness. Now apply the same principle to waking consciousness.
Thank you, Rupert, for sharing your valuable insights with this man. I'm certain the information that you've shared will be helpful to him and your viewers, as it continues to be for "me." What lovely words you shared, when you said "this Truth." From my understanding, I view the waking state experiences of sight as "dream seeing." I know that there's no room in Consciousness for an "actual" guy named Art; but only for a representational form with his name. I also sometimes use comparison to the content of nighttime dreams to ground myself in Presence. Logically, I realize that the objects and persons within nighttime dreams cannot possibly have "concrete-real" substance; they can only be made of Consciousness. When I'm discussing this matter with beings, I sometimes ask: "If you were eating spaghetti in your nighttime dream, would you expect to see dirty dishes and cutlery at the foot of the bed in the morning?" No, of couse not; the spaghetti was dream spaghetti; just as my waking state body-mind (which I have erroneously assumed to "exist" as a flesh and bones biological object cannot possibly exist independent of the mind in which it arises. As Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj stated: "Treating everything as a dream liberates." God bless. 🙏🏻
We all have a dark shroud of black karma on our souls which clouds our awareness, it is far from dreaming. When we sleep, our soul visits other dimensions and this is what is called dreaming. Falun Dafa is the Way.
I read something interesting from A.H. Almaas who says that for a spiritual method to be effective/complete, it needs to cater and make sense to the thinking mind. Otherwise the first barrier of rejection is never breached. When the argument is cogent and the thing is properly explained, the thinking mind can be given a proper reason to cease or at least to reduce it's compulsive arising. Rupert does an excellent job at this.
The Mary and Jane analogy is used to explain why the world we see around us is also nothing but awareness. In this analogy Mary is the infinite awareness or god and each of us is Jane. The problem is, it is Mary who wakes up and realises that all is dream and not Jane. In other words, it's God who realises that all is dream or awareness and not each of us. This analogy is helpful is some ways, it remains an idea or speculation as to what God thinks. Only God can verify whatever he is experiencing. What can Jane or each of us do to make this realisation that all is indeed awareness. Perhaps the best way is just to become very familiar with who we really are, that is our own aware-being. Aware that I am aware. The more deeply we know and feel this, the more we sense and feel that all is indeed only our own awareness. It comes quite naturally. Who am I, what is reality and who is God, are 3 basically same questions. You answer one, you answer all.
Channelling sources - Jane Roberts 'Seth' books and sessions and 'Elias' speaking through Mary Ennis sessions have both been saying for years 1970's 'Seth' 1990s 'Elias' that 'Consciousness is the primary reality'. A consciousness that is multidimensional forms all reality manifestations. i.e. Consciousness units or links many many times smaller than atoms form the seemingly physical world, that our nonphysical consciousness inhabits.
It appears as if the synchronic distribution of the One Consciousness into 8 billion separate selves with finite minds having discrete experiences is analogous to the diachronic distribution of my own separate self into a little micro-me each night that I dream. Since I'm now 56 years old, that means that "I" have fragmented and disseminated into approximately 20,440 provisional and separate dream-selves, at least one for every night that I've gone to sleep and had a dream.
A problem I see with the way Rupert teaches nonduality is he does not distinguish between sentience and transcendence. The mind does not know transcendence - cannot know it. There are thousands of hours of Rupert trying to explain transcendence as though it is some kind of supersentience. Transcendence is not knowable through the mind. It's nonphenomenol.
You’re making transcendence into a separate entity. It isn’t. There is no transcendence. What we call transcendence is this samw consiousness when craving (greed, hatred, and delusion), grasping, and ignorance (seeing what’s ephemeral as enduring) are dissolved. The classical example is seeing the rope as a rope instead of a snake. When perception sees a rope as a snake, fear arises (craving), then a storyline arises (clinging/identification), then a self is born (the me who is afraid of the snake). This whole process is deeply conditioned and happens in a fraction of an instant. When perception then recognizes the reality of the rope, the snake vanishes along with the fear, the grasping storyline, and the self who arose to act. The reality is unchanged, but the “mind” (made up of craving, clinging, and self) that appeared due to ignorance has disappeared. What you are calling transcendence is just this same consciousness free of the appearance and disappearance (birth and death) of the ignorant mind.
@@MountainDharma Yes, however, you cannot realize that truth until you realize transcendence! I characterize it as a distinction - ultimately a distinction without a difference. Nonduality!
@@MountainDharma It's more tangible than that. Transcendence is waking up *in* the dream of life - you become lucid _in_ the dream - rather than _from_ the dream of life. (The latter happens to everyone when they die.) Enlightenment in this lifetime offers the opportunity and reality of mastery and bliss while still eating and breathing as a human being. One who has transcended the dream pays far better attention to reality and its rigors than one who has not. You are higher-functioning. So it's an extremely practical as well as spiritual state of being.
Everything everywhere is made of energy including matter. It’s all a form of energy. This is a denser slower form of energy but energy all the same. That’s why we can’t instantly manifest whatever we want. It takes forever to achieve goals. This reality was created for us to experience in a way we can’t back home where we came from. It is interesting we come from a place of all knowing, multidimensional existence to this 3D reality where we strive to understand where and what we are.
This is the most contrived answer I can remember hearing. How on earth can these obviously intelligent people sit and listen to this. I can remember a psychologist saying that humans as a species were capable of convincing themselves of anything. This is good evidence of the truth of that statement. I know so called spiritual advocates are immune to criticism because they say it is your mind that is objecting. Mr Spira seems a nice guy with a very relaxed presentation manner but I can't help thinking he is talking nonsense.
I have a question - Does the "Creative Consciousness" - Create everything or are their levels of consciousness - That deviate from the original concept of the "Creator" *
Ah ok, a thought came out of digesting this content cuz I had been mulling over the same question as this gentleman: That very question posits a subject interacting with external objects. Whereas the linguistic sequence of subject verbing an object is conceptual formulation, not the working of reality. If we step outside that linguistic, sequential framing of events, then an expression of Mind is interacting with another expression of Mind to form the tapestry of Being, where each thread Is Being and in relation with other threads Being. Within this tapestry, some threads of Being have enough “bandwidth”, “availability”, “charge” of Mind to change their position of Being, and Become. The journey now is in embodying that intellectual understanding 😊
The universe is the activity of its own mind “ I cannot believe anyone can take this statement seriously Reality is real Consciousness is an attribute of certain kinds of brains and it’s function is to perceive identify evaluate and respond to reality in order to maintain life It ain’t difficult to understand ,
Interesting Good Jawn. What makes you say this? It's not my experience. It's lovely when the mind gets to meet Awareness. And merges with it, dissolves into it, and becomes it. 'Meeting the beloved' as some have called it. No intention to be 'smarter than thou'. Just curious, my eye fell on your comment.
Matter as we see it and appears in our mind does not exist, what we see as matter is a mental summary of the vibrational quintessence that constitutes the subatomic world underlying ordinary matter.
From my perspective the problem is most people dont understand the difference between "Consciousness Awareness" the Knowing or Awareness of experience, timeless and infinite, never started, never stops, and the "Content of Consciousness" being thoughts, sensations and perceptions, objects we are aware of, which indeed is an emergent phenomena, a bain process, information processing etc etc. Make this difference as big as possible, by taking more interest in "Consciousness Awareness" rather than the "Content of Consciousness". The problem is most people are lost in their thoughts, lost in the "Content of Consciousness", not spending more time looking at that Awareness that Witnesses the experience of being lost in their thoughts. They wrongly belive they are their thoughts, sensations and pereceptions. They see all the objects in a room but dont consider the space that allows all the objects in the room to exist! Then they also wrongly belive if we destroy the objects in the room, the space that contains those objects is also gone. Pity them. Abide in the Awareness more and more, and see what happens. Offcourse if you have a unsubstinated belief that this "Content of Consciousness" is also brain produced, is also an object in the "Content of Consciousness" , and stick to that then its never ending suffering.
We cannot understand Existence without the experience of Absolute Consciousness, the clear Light. And even than it is not understood; thought process is inadaquate.
@@ivankos3305 There are hundreds of enlightened beings , some many hundreds of years old, in their hidden temples in the mountains of China. That's all folks. My teacher is enlightened at the highest level. Do not bother arguing, I will not reply. Either accept the truth or do not, your choice, have an enlightened day.
I wasn't aware of Rupert Spira before this video. The RUclips algorithm suggested this to me. This a very interesting discussion. The idea of there being only mind (and not matter) is investigated in the Cittamatra approach of Mahayana Buddhism (I don't know if originated before then, but I became aware of the 'mind only' when introduced to the Cittamatra). I instinctively feel there is something valid to this approach, but there are issues which I find very difficult to resolve. If everything is mind, why can't I know the contents of someone else's mind? What is the 'barrier' between my mind and the mind of another person if my mind and their mind is basically the same 'substance' (I can't find a better word here)? Why does the 'vast consciousness' 'pool' into seemingly individual consciousnesses? The Jane and Mary story is a very interesting thought exercise. Do we have to exhaust the cognitive function of our mind until is 'gives up' and simply 'experiences'? Anyway, I'm happy to have encountered this today. I'll have to check out some of Rupert's other videos.
Vedanta resolves your questions surrounding the "barrier" in a very satisfying way. First is understanding the difference between the individual (Jiva) and the total (Isvara). The individual is made of a gross and subtle body, which to keep it simple means a body and mind. The total is as well. Its body is the entire universe, and its mind is inferred by the intelligent design and laws that govern it. The individuals that appear within it are not actually separate from it at all (where would that line even be?), but APPEAR to be when the individual conscious entity ("I") takes itself to be the body mind rather than consciousness. Once that mistake is made due to ignorance, I effectively "become" that body mind and take it to be real rather than an appearance. The non-difference between the apparent individual and the total is that they share the same self. There is only one self, without a second. What is different about them is their body. As the total, there is only one body, but as individuals there are actually countless bodies. Those bodies share their substance, which is the material principle itself, but they do not share form. As forms they are unique and separate, unless they look at themselves from the broadest point of view in which their "true" body is the total itself. Both are true, it just depends on perspective. So you actually answered your own question by saying that consciousness "seemingly" appears as individuals. Because it is only an apparent becoming, it effectively happens without actually happening.
Thanks a lot. Is Consciousness (Mind at Large) dreaming the universe (including all creatures) knowingly, freely and willingly? Is it (Consciousness) aware of everything that is going on in the universe simultaneously?
Thank You Rupert. I have one question. Does the World as we know it seize to exist when my localised awareness will dissapear eventually. Does life as we know still continue to exist or does the dream die with me? Was my work in this dream futile? I did have plenty of mystical experiences where the world just disappeared in front of me & being totally conscious as though my memory of this world was totally shut down. Still can't find an answer to this question.
Reality doesn't depend on a localized form to exist. All of us are localized awareness within universal awareness. So death is more like a release into pure Consciousness, which we are already apart of anyway. We simply misperceive ourselves as separate within our seemingly individual lives.
How can Jane actually experience (not by just considering it as an interpretation/possibility/suggestion) that she is Mary and that the apparent separate objects including Jane are an activity of Mary’s mind? How can a dreamed character (Jane) experience the Dreamer and its activity (not through an interpretation but through direct experience)?
Good one. What we are aware off, broke away from the higher dimensional thought and self awareness took over. The mind created thought qhich is detached from the reality of the higher dimensions. The mind became a seperated entity. The mind created thought like itself. It was split with thought that had awareness of truth and thought which it thought was true because it was what it saw. The mind got trapped or decieved by its own thought. Delusional. We are a mirror of the mind. It had a dichotomy of thought which led to further thought that gave birth to more thought exostensually. As we get trapped in circular thought, so did the original thought. Like our mind has thought which lives and dies and becomes memory, so we live and die. As our thought is not aware of the brain, so we are not aware of the mind we live in. Thought within the mind has become individually aware of itself and fights for independence and energy.
I'm born blind. I'm walking across the road, and have no experience or idea a bus is headed towards me. Before I can even have an experience of this bus, it runs me over and kills me instantly. I never experience the pain or impact....I died instantaneously. Does it not appear that the experience came to me? This my dilemma I'm struggling with.
@@samc6231 then I get stuck with not understanding the nature in which awareness manifests these worlds or experiences, or dreams. If we are all awareness/pure consciousness having localized experiences all over, not understanding the nature in which it crystallizes has me feeling as if there is some other property.....some other substance.....or more to this nature. I feel somewhere in this pure universal consciousness, somewhere it should be able to understand its abilities.....its power that breaths the fire into all we experiences. 🤔
@@joajoajb I appreciate your time to address me. Although I agree with most of the things you addressed, my dilemma is if we can acknowledge that we are awareness having localized experiences, but have no idea how all theses billions of experiences are being created in the realm of awareness itself, something inate tells me we are missing a fundamental piece in our understanding. Thoughts? I understand that pure positivism is inconsistent but if we are the pure "everything," so to speak, then I feel we should at least feel or search for that which gives it its intention 🤔
@@joajoajb perhaps this intuition I'm having is making it hard for me to find the linguistics to express my thoughts and feelings thoroughly. Let me try it this way. It's not death, existence, or awareness itself I'm struggling with, rather, this notion or lack of understanding how awareness manifests all these different localized experiences. I feel if its all from the same substance, somewhere in that localization we should know it's nature, and I guess thats unsettling to me, that we reall6 don't. Anyways...... Thank you again for your time
If you get can essentially deem yourself to have arrived at the absolute's door. Excellent Rupert. Impeccable. [Rupert is the great 'distiller' of Parabrahman made to communicate its 'modulating-refractive' essense for the localised 'limited bandwidth' of the human mind. He made the 'immeasurable' a powerful 'downstream' product fit for human consumption(Intelligible).]
We are finite and asked to enter and experience Infinite. When “god” with all the human idolatrous trappings, is brought into the picture, I say here we go again with the finite. Can we leave “god” out of our quest? Can we focus on Mystery or the Unknown. That Zen Master wouldn’t like the “god” talk and has called it lying. Silence may be more insightful? Just wondering and thank you for fresh insights.
Years ago, I was guided in meditation among a small group of people, by a woman who had studied under a master in India for 20 years. Under her guidance, i was in Satori first, then Satchitananda. I have found myself in other states since then. So since i experienced those states of awareness, i really appreciate Rupert Spira and Eckhart Tolle speaking from zen consciousness and guiding me gently back to those states through their videos. These videos and my meditation in stillness are what nourish my soul, if nourish is an appropriate term. We forget who we are, and our matrix driven society does nothing to reverse that direction. Listening to Rupert Spira and Eckhart Tolle guides us back to remembering who we are through pointing, it feeds my soul IMO. 😊😊😊😊😊
What makes you think there is anything outside your mind? Because your friend confirms it for you? What if your friend only exists in your mind as well? An imagined person in a dream you are having seems to validate your dream world as well, but the whole damn thing is just your experience, dream world and “reality”.
What I have thought is that material true is only real for spectator. So if something is happening somewhere it's happening for those who are seeing it, it's so complicated try to tell with words. Your thoughts are real only for yourself and you can create own reality with your thoughts.
Yes. However the mind within creation which thought within itself, created thought that lived and died within its own mind. The individual thought in the mind can choose an action. Although probability is infinate within the mind as a whole, the individual mind is limited to outcomes within the probabilities of its locality. Hence the bible saying because of your actions your ancestors will be cursed for 4 generations. You are the extended thought of your parents. They were the extended thought of their parents. You are the product of generations of thought. In the Torah, God tries to create a new line of thought dedicated to the truth of the higher awarness. This would have awakened the mind back to the truth of creation. Work in progress.
It’s a very good question. Doesn’t the dream analogy fall apart if we are not in fact living in a dream? What is the experiential evidence that a Consciousness is creating that which we experience as very tangible matter? It feels like a chair, holds me up like a chair; you see the chair and sit on it too. How is the chair God’s imagination? To me, at this point, the story of everything existing in Source’s awareness seems like a story, something that can only be a belief but is not experienced. It is a story as is the story of materialism. But maybe I just have not had the experience yet.
Yes you tend to turn schizophrenic if you push a bit more at times haha, that is interesting tho in seeing the limitations of mental construct, how far the mind can stretch before it says " f*** it all" 😂
"my thoughts are made out of my own mind they dont appear anywhere else." Sometimes ill be thinking something and someone will say it out loud. Sometimes ill be thinking something and someone else having an unrelated conversation will finish my sentence. Sometime ill be thinking something and my body will turn on its own and something either related to it will be there or there will be a word on a box that i was just thinking or that summarized my thought process. How many times does this have to happen until it is no longer a coincidence?
When you look at the distance between atoms in matter, everything that exists around us in our life should be transparent because of the distance of the atoms yet they are not. This is an example of manifestation the scientific community refuses to acknowledge. Your desk should be 😅invisible but it’s not
So if matter is just an imagination a dream of consciousness Can it altogether disappear or vanish suddenly ? Or it is realised one by one?till it’s our turns….
Once again - I have never had a dream where I was someone else in a different town. I am always the same “me” that I am in my waking state looking and perceiving out of my eyes. My physical eyes and dream eyes are of the same person “me”.
Really, interesting. I've been 'me' in dreams too. I've also been some flying entity, flying together with a group of robots, I've been a hunter, I've been hunted, etc.
It is not possible for the one to be the all; this is a mathematical impossibility, and this is why we spend so much time trying to comprehend the impossible - even the esteemed creator cannot square the circle, and explains why it is such a glorious logic-less mess.
Yet Physicalism suggests the one Ocean of energy is all. Quantum Field Theory or the universe as one Schrodinger Wave Equation. Moreover, mathematics is a re-presentatuon of things. Math models things. The model is not the thing.
Question Why is there a sense of continuation in the waking state but not in the dream state? I can dream im in paris on monday then rome on Tuesday with no connection..but when i awake from both it seems im continuing a story..age place etc
I imagine that our waking state dream finishes with death of the illusory body and another dream unfolds. At the point of death there is a réalisation. The dream called life appears very long but is probably just a flash in the pan compared to eternity.
Maybe the long accepted idea of the brain is wrong. Instead of being tucked into our skull, unable to access the outside world directly, but can respond to signals coming into its senses and then make a pretty impressive and accurate guess of the outside world. This implies that what we experience depends on what is outside, and what is outside depends on physical laws. What if there is no outside. What if everything is internal but is falsely perceived as external. What if everything IS consciousness, that consciousness is not a law in nature among others, or that it's the result of certain phenomena taking place in a brain, but is reality itself. And the laws of physics are really the laws of consciousness. Then the question changes, the question is no longer how does consciousness emerge, it's why is reality the way it is (consciousness). Well, some things have no justification. If existence had no beginning, it has no cause and therefore no justification, but our brains are wired to seek justifications in order to understand something, when in this case, we are attempting to understand something that has no explanation or justification. Because whatever you know about science, you can always ask the question, why does that exist? Why does reality exist as opposed to not existing? This is where philosophy triumphs over science.
As co creators of the universe we are the body of the world as much as the experiencers of it. That knowing is hidden deep in the subconscious mind, but you can find mastery by doing the work.
If the universe is made of consciousness, it starts to make sense to me. I can never understand why there should be such a vast, vast, vast universe of matter.
@Tortilla It’s not made of consciousness in the same sense that the water isn’t made of wetness. Rather, just like wetness is an intrinsic property of water, consciousness is an instrinsic property of Reality. It’s an aspect of nature not “made of” it in a materialist sense.
Knowledge and understanding is gained and lost again and again. It was proved, not only was the earth a sphere, but it’s size was determined in 3rd Century Greece
After watching a number of these discussions, and many other similar dialogues, I have noticed a pattern and theme. Nearly all of the time and energy is spent refining and organizing the rhetoric and terminology so that some kind of agreement can be reached, so that an “ah ha” or an “i get it” can be achieved. And there’s a problem with this. This seems to function as an endeavor seeking relief from the confusion and tension of a thought based analysis of reality. Don’t spend too much time in this mental space. It can perpetuate a disintegrated stance and result in perpetually limited and diminished experience. LIVE! Come alive.
That is a risk Rupert takes when answering and elaborating on the questions. Ideally, the words take the listener beyond their own conceptual limits. Ideally.
Spiritual awareness
Is this observation not just another example of fodder for the seeker. Knowledge is useful when attached to the experience. The mind declares liberation.
I think rupert is trying to explain something so complicated and it’s not always coming off clear. it’s hard to think of a desk or a table as not being solid. But on a quantum level it’s just geometric energy Using chemical signals to appear real . It’s just a projection and mostly space in between every atom. so nothing is being ‘ held together’ per se. there’s so much around us that we don’t see we are only tuned into what it’s important for us to see. Donald Hoffman explains that well and in more depth. I think rupert’s trying to say don’t believe what you see as far as the material world. The dream analogy is good. If you are a dreamer, what you’re looking at in the dream is very real for you and you can interact with it but it’s all part of the same dream
Sometimes the mind needs to learn enough to disappear. So to speak. There is always the danger of intellectualizing stuff rather than knowing it "for oneself", but I think it's more often than not genuinely helpful. At least I sure hope so. =)
When Buddha became enlightened under the Bodhi tree, he experienced a transcendental state when he realized that everything is one, that looking comes from everywhere, that his consciousness (That which looks) is everywhere, behind the world of forms and every moment, a frame of a film with all the characters , as if floating from nowhere to nowhere on the screen of this Transparent viewing. It is not affected by anything. That's why Buddha said, "I am no more." (Meaning as a character, as a separateness). You need to stay with this understanding. P.S. If you close your eyes, the picture of the world will instantly disappear, including the appearance of yourself. The fact is that viewing the world occurs thanks to the light of the sun and electricity. But the light of the sun is primary. Since electricity is a derivative. Everyone needs to understand that the light of the sun does not belong to the body! Without the light of the sun (these light Taos spread in space), no one will see anything and there will be no life. In addition, the whole world is not reflected in the brain. The brain and eyes are micro biocells with liquid. All metabolic processes in the cells of the body work according to a program and are not controlled by the mind of the individual. The body is essentially a biorobot. And the personality (its name, history) is an illusion and has a temporary existence. To understand What is not touched upon, read the beginning of the text.
We all have a divine primordial soul and when we are awake, our soul is conscious and when we are asleep we are not conscious, what is so difficult? The brain does not think, it is just like the cockpit of an airplane and the pilot is the soul...................Falun Dafa
@@jeff_forsythe We have never not existed.....
We don't have a soul, we are a soul. The Soul is the possesser.
just read Zhuan Falun
@@mysticwine We are God's most precious creation.......................Falun Dafa
It’s not difficult until you try to explain it -Alan Watts.
Words are limiting, in any language. So imagine you had no language at all, had no ability to remember the past or think of the future….then just take it all in. It’s all there, right in front of you. One permanent now, ever changing, constantly experiencing itself.
Tatvamasi (that art thou) and for every front there is a back. The only illusion is ‘you’ being a separate consciousness.
There’s nothing else to know. 😊
What a silly premise. We all have a divine primordial soul and when we are awake, our soul is conscious and when we are asleep we are not conscious, what is so difficult? The brain does not think, it is just like the cockpit of an airplane and the pilot is the soul...................Falun Dafa
@@jeff_forsythe So brain damage does not affect the thinking process?
@@craig6753 Exactly. But now the brain might not be able to perform all the instructions that the soul would ask for such as walking, talking, etc. The soul would still be unaffected. Actually the soul would even be purer because suffering purifies the soul. Falun Dafa can answer so many of life's mysteries, if you are curious and hopefully you are, have a good day.
@@jeff_forsythe I have a good understanding of Falun Dafa as I lived in China during its height, and had many discussions about it. But ultimately it is not for me, as my world/metaphysical view is vastly different after 30 years of practice of various disciplines. At this point I believe the only real technique is no technique at all.
@@craig6753 When you say that it is not for you it only shows me that you really have no idea of its worth. It was banned in China because Jiang Zemin got jealous of the attention that it got and the fact that the Divine was included and the evil CCP is Satanic. I will explain something to you. Without a spiritual master to change natural chi energy, which every living thing has, into divine energy, you have no chance whatsoever to quit the cycle of reincarnation and to return home to Heaven. No matter what you think, you are condemning yourself to eternal reincarnation to this sewer that we call earth. Really, what do you know about where your soul was first created, that it is immortal and your main purpose for being here on earth is to clean your soul and to return home to Heaven. Even Buddha had a Master. And so did Christ. Good luck.
The underlying belief in separation is what prevents us from ‘experiencing’ things as they truly are 🙏❤️
The vibration of doubt in the absolute.
@@brawlpups3517 The oscillation of consciousness into consciousness and outside the simulation
I agree. If we knew that we were all connected, maybe people would be kinder to one another and we would have peace in the world without this "us and them" mentality.
It is black karma that prevents us from experiencing reality. We all have a divine primordial soul and when we are awake, our soul is conscious and when we are asleep we are not conscious, what is so difficult? The brain does not think, it is just like the cockpit of an airplane and the pilot is the soul...................Falun Dafa
Not exactly. We are only here because we have black karma on our soul. Falun Dafa is the Way.
This is one of the best explanations I've heard. I have always explained or understood it from a simulation perspective, or video game. From the point of view of the avatar inside the simulation, that simulated world or universe is all that exists, and seems to extend to infinity all around. You can move in any direction infinitely in a simulation, so from the perspective of the avatar or character, it would seem impossible that there is anything outside of that simulated universe. The awareness of that avatar is only a very tiny concentrated awareness of a much greater awareness in a completely separate and encompassing dimension, the player sitting at the computer. It's like when people 'lose themselves in the game', forgetting about reality outside of the game and becoming that avatar for a couple of hours, which might be a decade inside a simulation where time runs completely separate. Some people split their awareness and can play two games at once (ehem..) and those characters on two different screens know nothing about each other or anything outside of its reality, but in fact, there is a reality outside of theirs so vast and detailed, it would be hard for them to comprehend, and it's all just mundane and normal from the player's perspective, who plays the roles of both characters from behind the scenes or from the greater dimension.
Rupert is a blessing 🙏
I love this, makes a lot of sense, more and more everytimes he talks about it,
I used to have a lot of non-duality experiences but then again the conditioning pulled me back and i still have..
Its so nice peacefully and bliss state truly. cant stop smiling
at the heart of everything is we have two identities, our spirit and our ego. The key is to shed the later to become enlighted. However its much easier said than done.
The questioner has made Rupert elaborate on issues I had difficulty in understanding. Thank you both!
Did you really get it
He didn't explain anything.. He should have told the guy to sit down and stop thinking so much..
We all have a divine primordial soul and when we are awake, our soul is conscious and when we are asleep we are not conscious, what is so difficult? The brain does not think, it is just like the cockpit of an airplane and the pilot is the soul...................Falun Dafa
Thanks dear Rupert, Francis, John Klein and atmanandha krishnamenon 🎉
I feel like there are a certain amount of people, that are drawn to these particular topics in hopes of finding some deep, groundbreaking solutions or answer to their issues. Wether that's purpose, meaning, mental health issues, relationship issues or some kind of existential challange or problem that they are facing. And i genuinely think that this can be helpful in making a positiv shift in perception or awareness.
But i've seen in people, that this oftentimes can become a sort of confused escape into a spiritual identity, instead of dealing with, or applying the change or actual action that is needed for their situation.
Because, trying to find this infinite, non-dual state of bliss (can in some cases), just be more confusing and tedious, than doing any actual good.
So if your are seeking a more fulfilling, loving, healthier, happier and more prosperous life. There is definitely a lot of other areas of life to consider before devoting your life to non-duality, solitude and infinite consciousness.
Not true actually!
Anything new is scary for pretty much everyone.
Non duality is very threatening to our perceived sense of self.
@@kimbirch1202 you missed the point of the comment.
People's lives can get destroyed precisely because they try to escape into this "non-duality" way of thinking.
Whether non-duality is True or not we are still tied to this localized version of ourselves and need to maintain our health and work a Job lest we die from hunger.
As much as non-duality way of thinking can be beneficial it can be destructive.
I have to argue that indeed, everything is conscious. What I believe, Rupert is referring to, by saying, that "objects" are made of consciousness but not conscious, he is referring to being - self-conscious. And that is correct. There are two sides to everything - Nature side and Intelligence side. On the Intelligence side, everything is conscious, that it is conscious, in various degrees of self consciousness/self-awareness.
On the Nature side, everything IS conscious but, only as its function. So rock is conscious as a rock, drop of water - as drop of water, neutron - as neutron, tree - as a tree, and so on. This resolves the paradox of how something made out of consciousness is not conscious. It is. Simply, in a different way.
Also, I'll extend this a little bit. Eternal Consciousness is purely immaterial in the way, humans understand matter. Yet, consciousness is made out of the consciousness-matter. Just like thoughts are made out of thought-matter, or "what the dreams are made of". Imagine, there is aa substrate, that provides Consciousness with the building blocks to exteriorize itself into the "material" world. That substrate is amorphous Substance. It is as eternal as Consciousness itself. When Consciousness "stirs" to create, that stir bears design of it onto Substance, and Substance exteriorizes a new "unit", charged with the Consciousness design, into the Nature world. And so the new "unit" steps onto the Great Way of Progression, until it develops into a Self-conscious unit of the Intelligence world. And then, it continues its development, until it becomes Consciousness.
Consciousness is awareness with choice. Trees communicate with each other. Their choices are limited but exist.
There is a PBS show called the Hidden Life of Plants. It's amazing, like mind blowing and beautiful . Yes they are consciousness in their own right. Or maybe the right word is knowing. They have a knowingness.
My comment alluded to this. It seems to me Rupert got this wrong.
@@lindalangdon9406 I believe all Existence Knows that it seems the main difference is that we humans know that we know...the birth of thinking. Original Sin
@@joajoajb How so?
The trees and birds praise God daily and constantly.
His channel should get at least a million subscribers.
Thank you so much for your service, Rupert. You have helped me so very much and I am deeply grateful. 🙏❤️
Ate the whole cake of non-duality here! Thank you Rupert ❤
It was a very nice answer to a very humble question. It felt like a good honest interaction.
I understand that Rupert's point is that all experience is the dream of consciousness. But in his discussion he talks about how people see what's behind the screen, that people have thoughts, that Mary wakes up from a dream, etc. But I would appreciated it if he would talk a little bit about more concrete experiences like car accidents, getting shot with a shotgun, falling off a building, etc. I realize that the answer to this is that "everything is a just a dream of consciousness." But car accidents hurt. Bones break. People get their heads blown off by shotguns. These types of experience are the hardest for me to understand in relation to the idea that there is no "matter" and "everything is consciousness." Or that Mary is just waking up from a dream of Mind with a capital M, etc. I keep looking for videos by Rupert where he addresses these more "concrete" manifestations of experience like car accidents, and how they fit into the idea that everything is just a dream of consciousness. I would just love to hear more about that.
I agree with you. Very strange that no one in his live audience seems to raise these sort of questions. And in addition: only a real eye can see a tree. A dreamed eye could never see a tree. It is a classical mistake made.
Do you like the thrill of movies .... horrors, thrillers, car accidents, gun shots, heads blown off, bones broken?
Capital M does too.
Do you care, get upset........ worry, write a get well card, do a fundraiser for the injured characters?
Capital M doesnt either.
What dream of consciousness? We all have a divine primordial soul and when we are awake, our soul is conscious and when we are asleep we are not conscious, what is so difficult? The brain does not think, it is just like the cockpit of an airplane and the pilot is the soul...................Falun Dafa
Consciousness is not a dream, just the opposite, it is when we are awake. When we sleep our soul travels to other dimensions and we call that dreaming. Falun Dafa is the Way.
Lose the self, the I, the ego, this is what causes separation. "I am you and you are me and we are all one together"
Easier said than done, to lose the ego suffering and a great teacher is required, Falun Dafa has that teacher.
WE are very unique and Falun Dafa is the Way.
It's very close to how I see it. I've only seen this video so far, so I don't know if he talk about some deeper stuff about, what is being. I see consciousness and our being as two separated things. Our being has no dimension, no name or consciousness and that is how our being fundamental is. And when consciousness comes in contact with our dimensionless being, we become one with that consciousness (or unlimited different types of consciousness as a mix), which is temporary, and we feel awake. So it fits into the duality of consciousness and non-consciousness. Our being is the avoid of consciousness or with better words, nothingness. Consciousness stands for fullness. That's why we can "exist" for billions of years without knowing because our true being can "exist" in our eternal nothingness. Our being can only exist when we look at it from the point of view of our conscious state, but from our nothingness state, it does not exist. So nothingness both exist and do not exist simultaneously, depending from which side we "look" at it. That's how duality fundamentally works.
Is this something he also talks about?
Are you limiting the use of the word 'consciousness' to 'intentional' consciousness? This might explain your objection.
There are countless dimensions and we right now are in the dimension of matter, cells and planets. Consciousness is simply when our soul is awake. Falun Dafa is the Way.
no matter how many times I heard Mary and Jane story, there is always something new to understand ❤
When you are dreaming at night...all that you consider matter or outside yourself - plants, animals, other people, etc, etc. - all that is only Consciousness.
Same applies now...all is Consciousness.
and the funny or scary thing is that, you've created other people in your dream, and you gave them words and sentences, which they use, to speak with you - I mean you as your version of yourself in your dream. So even if you have a word-fight with someone inside your dream - then it means that you create that fight there as well. The Questions for you and answers for other people, their emotional reactions to you. Like a director of movie. How about that?
When you dream, why, then, does your subconscious give you glimpses through a dream of things you need to be a genius to interpret? Why does the subconscious make interpretation so difficult if it’s trying to get us to understand something? It’s not very competent in that case.
Who’s driving the dream bus?
@@jamesgreenldn Consciousness alone.
Self. However. Genesis 218
I've wanted to know the answer to this for years but just thought that I didn't 'get it'. Well done that man for asking the question.
I've always wondered: how do we *know* trees don't possess the same faculties of perception that we experience as human awareness? I've never experienced life as a tree within this form of perception I'm currently experiencing, so how could I truly know what a tree does or doesn't experience?
But I know that trees grow and process chemical compounds in a similar (albeit objectively different) fashion as us. So who's to say that trees can't feel, see, and hear the world, just because we can not experience their perception through our own?
Personally, I choose to believe that the trees tell stories about us amongst themselves just as we do them.
Our experience of the universe is created by what we think about it. Is it not? The thing to remember when it comes changing things is that it's not just what you think about it. It's what Fred and Julie think about it too and because people have similar experiences they tend to think similarly as well and that is how you create systems and traditions that never change, which is something that gives us tremendous comfort because it's so familiar and it gives us community as well. None of this could happen if the universe wasn't empty. By being empty there is nothing standing in the way of creation and the universe springs into being and the same conditions apply to everything in the universe including us.
We all have a divine primordial soul and when we are awake, our soul is conscious and when we are asleep we are not conscious, what is so difficult? The brain does not think, it is just like the cockpit of an airplane and the pilot is the soul...................Falun Dafa
Falun Dafa is the Way.
Namaste to Rupert and all. Simply put, my experience of this talk is the reason the word “gobsmacked’ exists. 🙂
Ruperts give us a wonderful model to consider and test, to see if it aligns with our own experience. I found this explanation very insightful. It aligns with the Ancient African Philosophy which teaches that the Infinite is the All and that everything is creation in the mind of the All or the Infinite in western terms. Thank you, Rupert, for the blessing!
It's no different than the Vedanta philosophy of Advait (non-dual nature of the universe). This is at the center of Sanatan Dharma, which is also referred to as Hinduism.
@@vk274today's hinduism is bs
Falun Dafa is the Way.
The fundamental immaterial properties of the material Cosmos only adds up if we're characters in a simulation, as if in a video game. The other thing I really wrestle with is a temporal framework for Source. The idea of Source being eternal and timeless, outside the parameters of space and time, is incomprehensible to me. It's baffling and wonderfully perplexing simultaneously. Despite days of significant frustration and hardship, I feel deeply grateful to Source for the incredible gift of existence and the procession to higher states of being. It is the greatest adventure. Regardless of the many obstacles that we encounter on our path of ascension, we must try to enjoy the process and savor the moments of joy and discovery. Peace.
It might help to understand that it can never not be the present moment ( NOW ) and that both " past " and " future " are just projections of thought, with no meaning.
Now, of course, is eternal, and so time must be an illusion.
The false ego mind, which we identify with, has no use for the present moment, as it sees it only as means to some future goal.
So, it is important to question the value of those goals.
The ego also uses the past for guilt, and grievances, and the future for fear.
There is no guilt, or fear , in the present moment, so it is important to be mindful of false thoughts.
Yes, bodies are just made up characters in a cosmic play, doing nothing.
They , like all form, are just mere appearances in our minds.
The ego mind made the dream of a world, then split into seeming separate persons, seemingly within the dream.
In reality, the whole universe is within your mind, and you have never really been in it at all.
This is the enlightened view.
It is freedom because it is then known that nothing that seems to be happening, is only a dream, and cannot affect you.
This is how Jesus could face the crucifixion without fear.
He had no identification with a body, OR the perceptions of a body.
The whole material Universe is just a false belief of our own making.
@kimbirch1202 thank you. This helps. The notion that Source 'has always been and always will be' is hard to conceptualize. Do not all things have a inception point? Its baffling, beyond my pay grade. Perhaps when this incarceration is done, I will be properly illuminated, only to forget it in the following life. What an amazing gift this billion year, multi million incarnation adventure is! There's a significant amount of suffering, loss, and frustration, but it's infinitely preferable to a state of non being. Although, non being does not experience nothingness and does not exist and would in theory, not witness a dimensionless void. But I digress.
@Don Mackie I think of it as only what is constant and unchanging can be ultimately real, and depended upon.
What we think of as real " things " or objects, are really illusory thoughts, or ideas ,in our minds.
For example, a car does not call itself a car, does it ?
A car is an invention, idea and label in our minds, and cannot leave the mind.
The self we normally identify with is also only a concept or idea.
Reality is non - conceptual, and cannot really be put into words.
Of course, our Self exists, but not in the way we believe.
Lots of phenomena cannot be known by the bodies senses, such as humour, love, intelligence, awareness, etc.
@kimbirch1202 fair enough and thank you for taking the time to reply ; this simple kindness is not lost on me. But what perplexes me is temporal causal in nature. I can grasp the strangeness of the 'always has been and always will be' statement, but my limited mind always wants to ask Source a question directly, it may be naive, but it's one that I very much want to ask, "Source, how did you come into being?" Anyways, that's what torments me, although "torments" is too strong of a word, it's something I'm quite curious to hear a reply to. Thanks again for your time and generosity Kim. ❤️
There is no more clear teaching on the intuition of Mind than this. It’s about as close as words in the English language can arrive at the experience of original self that I have seen.
Intuition is not what is important if one is looking for a righteous path back home to Heaven. One needs a great master and a great practice. Falun Dafa is the Way.
"No evidence that awareness (or being) is limited"
That does it for me, thank you!
I share Rupert's view of reality, but having no evidence of something does not constitute proof of the contrary.
@@juanguirao. True Juan, but logic helps. If you agree that awareness like space has no form, it therefore has no boundaries. That which has no boundaries is limitless.
@@paulbrandon422 I like to identify myself with limitless awareness. That's my view of reality and self. All I'm saying is we have to be careful with jumping to conclusions and claiming we have proof of anything in this field.
For instance, when we say awareness is limitless, one can imagine a "pristine cloud of awareness extending in all directions of space". In fact, the truth may be that awareness has nothing to do with space. It may be dimensionless and space may be just a concept that appears as a "vibration" in dimensionless awareness.
We have to accept the fact that even though we ARE awareness, we don't know much about this awareness we are. We can relax our attention and simply be (awareness)... If we are honest, that's probably all we can really know and say about it.
i feel you bro
No evidence that you and he are mentally sound
In particle physics matter is choosing to present itself to an observer as a particle and without the observer it’s a wave or a potentiality. So this actually makes sense as an explanation as to why that seems to be a phenomenon. So everything we observe is a projection of a mind of some sort imaging particles into existence as we are there to observe them.
Its even worse.
What you see is the end product which you observe as truth. Thought created the projection which only becomes true when you become aware of your thought by seeing it.
Its like ploughing a field and sowing seed and seeing what grows. In our world it also equates to having children and watching what thoughts they come up with.
Our thought creates a garden in which we live. God threw us out of Eden because God know what we would create in his mind.
Madukya Upanishad explained very well.
a good thought thought leads to good action and a good action leads to many more good thoughts... ❤️
Faith is of the greatest importance. Falun Dafa is the Way.
You’ll never get there with mind! You’ll just have concept rather than the actual experience!
Who experiences? “You” can never get there. There is nowhere to get to, and nothing to experience. There is only knowing, knowing the knowing.
@@euripidessurfing yeah all sounds very interesting but go and try some 5 meo then you’ll have a better understanding
Matter is something we perceive. Perception is in consciousness. We perceive objects apparently made of "matter" in our dream state, but once awake are aware what we perceived as "matter" in the dream was actually a creation of our dream consciousness. Now apply the same principle to waking consciousness.
So when I wake up I'm in another dream?
That's a brilliant summation and thank you. So hard to grasp but you have caught it's essence
Unless you’re schizophrenic, the rock is there.
His every video brings me closer to enlightenment ,deepens the understanding of consiousness
Thank you rupert
Buddha said that enlightenment consists of two parts, suffering and enlightenment. Falun Dafa is the Way.
Thank you, Rupert, for sharing your valuable insights with this man. I'm certain the information that you've shared will be helpful to him and your viewers, as it continues to be for "me." What lovely words you shared, when you said "this Truth."
From my understanding, I view the waking state experiences of sight as "dream seeing." I know that there's no room in Consciousness for an "actual" guy named Art; but only for a representational form with his name. I also sometimes use comparison to the content of nighttime dreams to ground myself in Presence. Logically, I realize that the objects and persons within nighttime dreams cannot possibly have "concrete-real" substance; they can only be made of Consciousness.
When I'm discussing this matter with beings, I sometimes ask: "If you were eating spaghetti in your nighttime dream, would you expect to see dirty dishes and cutlery at the foot of the bed in the morning?" No, of couse not; the spaghetti was dream spaghetti; just as my waking state body-mind (which I have erroneously assumed to "exist" as a flesh and bones biological object cannot possibly exist independent of the mind in which it arises. As Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj stated: "Treating everything as a dream liberates." God bless. 🙏🏻
We all have a dark shroud of black karma on our souls which clouds our awareness, it is far from dreaming. When we sleep, our soul visits other dimensions and this is what is called dreaming. Falun Dafa is the Way.
I read something interesting from A.H. Almaas who says that for a spiritual method to be effective/complete, it needs to cater and make sense to the thinking mind. Otherwise the first barrier of rejection is never breached. When the argument is cogent and the thing is properly explained, the thinking mind can be given a proper reason to cease or at least to reduce it's compulsive arising.
Rupert does an excellent job at this.
Indeed. I guess a bit like a child might need convincing that it is safe to go a step further towards the pool.
It is called discernment. Falun Dafa is the Way.............truthfulness-compassion-tolerance.
The Mary and Jane analogy is used to explain why the world we see around us is also nothing but awareness. In this analogy Mary is the infinite awareness or god and each of us is Jane. The problem is, it is Mary who wakes up and realises that all is dream and not Jane. In other words, it's God who realises that all is dream or awareness and not each of us. This analogy is helpful is some ways, it remains an idea or speculation as to what God thinks. Only God can verify whatever he is experiencing.
What can Jane or each of us do to make this realisation that all is indeed awareness. Perhaps the best way is just to become very familiar with who we really are, that is our own aware-being. Aware that I am aware. The more deeply we know and feel this, the more we sense and feel that all is indeed only our own awareness. It comes quite naturally. Who am I, what is reality and who is God, are 3 basically same questions. You answer one, you answer all.
Channelling sources - Jane Roberts 'Seth' books and sessions and 'Elias' speaking through Mary Ennis sessions have both been saying for years 1970's 'Seth' 1990s 'Elias' that 'Consciousness is the primary reality'. A consciousness that is multidimensional forms all reality manifestations. i.e. Consciousness units or links many many times smaller than atoms form the seemingly physical world, that our nonphysical consciousness inhabits.
It appears as if the synchronic distribution of the One Consciousness into 8 billion separate selves with finite minds having discrete experiences is analogous to the diachronic distribution of my own separate self into a little micro-me each night that I dream. Since I'm now 56 years old, that means that "I" have fragmented and disseminated into approximately 20,440 provisional and separate dream-selves, at least one for every night that I've gone to sleep and had a dream.
A problem I see with the way Rupert teaches nonduality is he does not distinguish between sentience and transcendence. The mind does not know transcendence - cannot know it. There are thousands of hours of Rupert trying to explain transcendence as though it is some kind of supersentience. Transcendence is not knowable through the mind. It's nonphenomenol.
You’re making transcendence into a separate entity. It isn’t. There is no transcendence. What we call transcendence is this samw consiousness when craving (greed, hatred, and delusion), grasping, and ignorance (seeing what’s ephemeral as enduring) are dissolved. The classical example is seeing the rope as a rope instead of a snake. When perception sees a rope as a snake, fear arises (craving), then a storyline arises (clinging/identification), then a self is born (the me who is afraid of the snake). This whole process is deeply conditioned and happens in a fraction of an instant. When perception then recognizes the reality of the rope, the snake vanishes along with the fear, the grasping storyline, and the self who arose to act. The reality is unchanged, but the “mind” (made up of craving, clinging, and self) that appeared due to ignorance has disappeared. What you are calling transcendence is just this same consciousness free of the appearance and disappearance (birth and death) of the ignorant mind.
@@MountainDharma Yes, however, you cannot realize that truth until you realize transcendence! I characterize it as a distinction - ultimately a distinction without a difference. Nonduality!
@@mathrodite I think the Buddha called “it” emptiness knowing that no concept/word would work for all minds
@@MountainDharma It's more tangible than that. Transcendence is waking up *in* the dream of life - you become lucid _in_ the dream - rather than _from_ the dream of life. (The latter happens to everyone when they die.) Enlightenment in this lifetime offers the opportunity and reality of mastery and bliss while still eating and breathing as a human being. One who has transcended the dream pays far better attention to reality and its rigors than one who has not. You are higher-functioning. So it's an extremely practical as well as spiritual state of being.
So many words
Very beautifully put 🙏 Thanks Rupert and the questioner
Some really well thought through questions, that brought out the best of Rupert
Everything everywhere is made of energy including matter. It’s all a form of energy. This is a denser slower form of energy but energy all the same. That’s why we can’t instantly manifest whatever we want. It takes forever to achieve goals. This reality was created for us to experience in a way we can’t back home where we came from.
It is interesting we come from a place of all knowing, multidimensional existence to this 3D reality where we strive to understand where and what we are.
This is the most contrived answer I can remember hearing. How on earth can these obviously intelligent people sit and listen to this. I can remember a psychologist saying that humans as a species were capable of convincing themselves of anything. This is good evidence of the truth of that statement. I know so called spiritual advocates are immune to criticism because they say it is your mind that is objecting. Mr Spira seems a nice guy with a very relaxed presentation manner but I can't help thinking he is talking nonsense.
I have a question - Does the "Creative Consciousness" -
Create everything or are their levels of consciousness -
That deviate from the original concept of the "Creator" *
Its because creating matter takes consciousness ❤
there is no matter. only colors and feelings
Creating matter is not what we are here for. We are here to seek the Divine and to find our Way back home to Heaven. Falun Dafa is the Way.
I can see clearly now........ THANKS Ruppert 🙏💝🙏
This one you have to rewatch again.
Have a nice day :)
See Rupert's audio book, The Light of Pure Knowing, Meditation 14: Be the Seeing, Not the Seer. Provides a path for exactly what is being asked.
Thank you 🙏
Energy and matter are nothing but visible or condensed forms of Consciousness!
Ah ok, a thought came out of digesting this content cuz I had been mulling over the same question as this gentleman:
That very question posits a subject interacting with external objects.
Whereas the linguistic sequence of subject verbing an object is conceptual formulation, not the working of reality.
If we step outside that linguistic, sequential framing of events, then an expression of Mind is interacting with another expression of Mind to form the tapestry of Being, where each thread Is Being and in relation with other threads Being.
Within this tapestry, some threads of Being have enough “bandwidth”, “availability”, “charge” of Mind to change their position of Being, and Become.
The journey now is in embodying that intellectual understanding 😊
Buddha said that spiritual enlightenment consists of two things, suffering and enlightenment. Falun Dafa is the Way.
The universe is the activity of its own mind “
I cannot believe anyone can take this statement seriously
Reality is real
Consciousness is an attribute of certain kinds of brains and it’s function is to perceive identify evaluate and respond to reality in order to maintain life
It ain’t difficult to understand
Awareness is known by awareness alone
Interesting Good Jawn. What makes you say this? It's not my experience. It's lovely when the mind gets to meet Awareness. And merges with it, dissolves into it, and becomes it. 'Meeting the beloved' as some have called it. No intention to be 'smarter than thou'. Just curious, my eye fell on your comment.
Reality cannot be verbalized. All things are relative is among the most accurate ideas ever expressed.
subhanallah, its beautifull.
thank you rupert.
What is being called matter is physical reality which is made of units by which it can be measured. Senses capture it's image in memory.
Matter as we see it and appears in our mind does not exist, what we see as matter is a mental summary of the vibrational quintessence that constitutes the subatomic world underlying ordinary matter.
From my perspective the problem is most people dont understand the difference between "Consciousness Awareness" the Knowing or Awareness of experience, timeless and infinite, never started, never stops, and the "Content of Consciousness" being thoughts, sensations and perceptions, objects we are aware of, which indeed is an emergent phenomena, a bain process, information processing etc etc.
Make this difference as big as possible, by taking more interest in "Consciousness Awareness" rather than the "Content of Consciousness".
The problem is most people are lost in their thoughts, lost in the "Content of Consciousness", not spending more time looking at that Awareness that Witnesses the experience of being lost in their thoughts. They wrongly belive they are their thoughts, sensations and pereceptions. They see all the objects in a room but dont consider the space that allows all the objects in the room to exist! Then they also wrongly belive if we destroy the objects in the room, the space that contains those objects is also gone. Pity them.
Abide in the Awareness more and more, and see what happens.
Offcourse if you have a unsubstinated belief that this "Content of Consciousness" is also brain produced, is also an object in the "Content of Consciousness" , and stick to that then its never ending suffering.
This one was spot on. I was scared it wasn't going to be.
Amazing Amazing Amazing 👏 🎉❤
We cannot understand Existence without the experience of Absolute Consciousness, the clear Light. And even than it is not understood; thought process is inadaquate.
To become spiritually enlightened we need a great practice and a powerful master. Falun Dafa is the Way.
@@jeff_forsythe Nobody gets enlightened, it is ongoing process...
@@ivankos3305 There are hundreds of enlightened beings , some many hundreds of years old, in their hidden temples in the mountains of China. That's all folks. My teacher is enlightened at the highest level. Do not bother arguing, I will not reply. Either accept the truth or do not, your choice, have an enlightened day.
@@jeff_forsythe Sorry guy, you lost me.
@@ivankos3305 You have Falun Dafa, free.
I wasn't aware of Rupert Spira before this video. The RUclips algorithm suggested this to me. This a very interesting discussion. The idea of there being only mind (and not matter) is investigated in the Cittamatra approach of Mahayana Buddhism (I don't know if originated before then, but I became aware of the 'mind only' when introduced to the Cittamatra).
I instinctively feel there is something valid to this approach, but there are issues which I find very difficult to resolve.
If everything is mind, why can't I know the contents of someone else's mind? What is the 'barrier' between my mind and the mind of another person if my mind and their mind is basically the same 'substance' (I can't find a better word here)? Why does the 'vast consciousness' 'pool' into seemingly individual consciousnesses?
The Jane and Mary story is a very interesting thought exercise. Do we have to exhaust the cognitive function of our mind until is 'gives up' and simply 'experiences'?
Anyway, I'm happy to have encountered this today. I'll have to check out some of Rupert's other videos.
Vedanta resolves your questions surrounding the "barrier" in a very satisfying way. First is understanding the difference between the individual (Jiva) and the total (Isvara). The individual is made of a gross and subtle body, which to keep it simple means a body and mind. The total is as well. Its body is the entire universe, and its mind is inferred by the intelligent design and laws that govern it.
The individuals that appear within it are not actually separate from it at all (where would that line even be?), but APPEAR to be when the individual conscious entity ("I") takes itself to be the body mind rather than consciousness. Once that mistake is made due to ignorance, I effectively "become" that body mind and take it to be real rather than an appearance.
The non-difference between the apparent individual and the total is that they share the same self. There is only one self, without a second. What is different about them is their body. As the total, there is only one body, but as individuals there are actually countless bodies. Those bodies share their substance, which is the material principle itself, but they do not share form. As forms they are unique and separate, unless they look at themselves from the broadest point of view in which their "true" body is the total itself. Both are true, it just depends on perspective.
So you actually answered your own question by saying that consciousness "seemingly" appears as individuals. Because it is only an apparent becoming, it effectively happens without actually happening.
Thanks a lot.
Is Consciousness (Mind at Large) dreaming the universe (including all creatures) knowingly, freely and willingly?
Is it (Consciousness) aware of everything that is going on in the universe simultaneously?
Thank You Rupert. I have one question. Does the World as we know it seize to exist when my localised awareness will dissapear eventually. Does life as we know still continue to exist or does the dream die with me? Was my work in this dream futile?
I did have plenty of mystical experiences where the world just disappeared in front of me & being totally conscious as though my memory of this world was totally shut down. Still can't find an answer to this question.
Reality doesn't depend on a localized form to exist. All of us are localized awareness within universal awareness. So death is more like a release into pure Consciousness, which we are already apart of anyway. We simply misperceive ourselves as separate within our seemingly individual lives.
How can Jane actually experience (not by just considering it as an interpretation/possibility/suggestion) that she is Mary and that the apparent separate objects including Jane are an activity of Mary’s mind? How can a dreamed character (Jane) experience the Dreamer and its activity (not through an interpretation but through direct experience)?
Good one.
What we are aware off, broke away from the higher dimensional thought and self awareness took over.
The mind created thought qhich is detached from the reality of the higher dimensions. The mind became a seperated entity. The mind created thought like itself. It was split with thought that had awareness of truth and thought which it thought was true because it was what it saw.
The mind got trapped or decieved by its own thought. Delusional.
We are a mirror of the mind.
It had a dichotomy of thought which led to further thought that gave birth to more thought exostensually. As we get trapped in circular thought, so did the original thought.
Like our mind has thought which lives and dies and becomes memory, so we live and die.
As our thought is not aware of the brain, so we are not aware of the mind we live in.
Thought within the mind has become individually aware of itself and fights for independence and energy.
Life is not a fluke, but an integral part of the cosmological quantum physics and the Radio Active Constant is the secret behind it all.
I'm born blind. I'm walking across the road, and have no experience or idea a bus is headed towards me. Before I can even have an experience of this bus, it runs me over and kills me instantly. I never experience the pain or impact....I died instantaneously.
Does it not appear that the experience came to me? This my dilemma I'm struggling with.
Nightmares may come to you as well in the same manner, but they are all you as well
@@samc6231 then I get stuck with not understanding the nature in which awareness manifests these worlds or experiences, or dreams. If we are all awareness/pure consciousness having localized experiences all over, not understanding the nature in which it crystallizes has me feeling as if there is some other property.....some other substance.....or more to this nature. I feel somewhere in this pure universal consciousness, somewhere it should be able to understand its abilities.....its power that breaths the fire into all we experiences. 🤔
@@gregariousguru Yes, I hope you're right
@@joajoajb I appreciate your time to address me. Although I agree with most of the things you addressed, my dilemma is if we can acknowledge that we are awareness having localized experiences, but have no idea how all theses billions of experiences are being created in the realm of awareness itself, something inate tells me we are missing a fundamental piece in our understanding. Thoughts?
I understand that pure positivism is inconsistent but if we are the pure "everything," so to speak, then I feel we should at least feel or search for that which gives it its intention 🤔
@@joajoajb perhaps this intuition I'm having is making it hard for me to find the linguistics to express my thoughts and feelings thoroughly. Let me try it this way. It's not death, existence, or awareness itself I'm struggling with, rather, this notion or lack of understanding how awareness manifests all these different localized experiences. I feel if its all from the same substance, somewhere in that localization we should know it's nature, and I guess thats unsettling to me, that we reall6 don't. Anyways......
Thank you again for your time
Extremely helpful and clarifying video! Thanks!!!
If you get can essentially deem yourself to have arrived at the absolute's door. Excellent Rupert. Impeccable.
[Rupert is the great 'distiller' of Parabrahman made to communicate its 'modulating-refractive' essense for the localised 'limited bandwidth' of the human mind. He made the 'immeasurable' a powerful 'downstream' product fit for human consumption(Intelligible).]
Ahhha so true...!
Get there, and stay there long enough to grow the higher energy body
I will keep it simple, Falun Dafa is the Way.
There are things we all can see and feel outside of ourselves because we are all the same one seeing it.
Thanks Magellan and Exccellent Presentation.
We are finite and asked to enter and experience Infinite. When “god” with all the human idolatrous trappings, is brought into the picture, I say here we go again with the finite. Can we leave “god” out of our quest? Can we focus on Mystery or the Unknown. That Zen Master wouldn’t like the “god” talk and has called it lying. Silence may be more insightful? Just wondering and thank you for fresh insights.
We are asked to have a love relationship with the infinite (God). A relationship with a silent void isn't satisfying to the soul for long.
OK. That's it. Someone in Paris must send Rupert a post card signed Jane, ideally with the message "Say hi to Mary for me".
Years ago, I was guided in meditation among a small group of people, by a woman who had studied under a master in India for 20 years. Under her guidance, i was in Satori first, then Satchitananda. I have found myself in other states since then. So since i experienced those states of awareness, i really appreciate Rupert Spira and Eckhart Tolle speaking from zen consciousness and guiding me gently back to those states through their videos. These videos and my meditation in stillness are what nourish my soul, if nourish is an appropriate term. We forget who we are, and our matrix driven society does nothing to reverse that direction. Listening to Rupert Spira and Eckhart Tolle guides us back to remembering who we are through pointing, it feeds my soul IMO. 😊😊😊😊😊
Tolle, and all the garden-variety Gurus are only $piritual Marketers 💲💸
Rupert is more profound ❤
All of those practices focus on the secondary soul, Falun Dafa is the Way.
What makes you think there is anything outside your mind? Because your friend confirms it for you? What if your friend only exists in your mind as well? An imagined person in a dream you are having seems to validate your dream world as well, but the whole damn thing is just your experience, dream world and “reality”.
What I have thought is that material true is only real for spectator. So if something is happening somewhere it's happening for those who are seeing it, it's so complicated try to tell with words.
Your thoughts are real only for yourself and you can create own reality with your thoughts.
Yes. However the mind within creation which thought within itself, created thought that lived and died within its own mind. The individual thought in the mind can choose an action. Although probability is infinate within the mind as a whole, the individual mind is limited to outcomes within the probabilities of its locality. Hence the bible saying because of your actions your ancestors will be cursed for 4 generations. You are the extended thought of your parents. They were the extended thought of their parents. You are the product of generations of thought. In the Torah, God tries to create a new line of thought dedicated to the truth of the higher awarness. This would have awakened the mind back to the truth of creation. Work in progress.
Thankyou Rupert 💗
It’s a very good question. Doesn’t the dream analogy fall apart if we are not in fact living in a dream? What is the experiential evidence that a Consciousness is creating that which we experience as very tangible matter? It feels like a chair, holds me up like a chair; you see the chair and sit on it too. How is the chair God’s imagination? To me, at this point, the story of everything existing in Source’s awareness seems like a story, something that can only be a belief but is not experienced. It is a story as is the story of materialism. But maybe I just have not had the experience yet.
Another way to look at it is that no single though is inherently our own.
Now you see your professor was correct,consciousness can be unconscious. A poet say what the truth gives to the reality itself does not have that.
This is mind-boggling. I think I will go crazy if I listen to him more. OMG!
Then you’re on the wrong track.
Yes you tend to turn schizophrenic if you push a bit more at times haha, that is interesting tho in seeing the limitations of mental construct, how far the mind can stretch before it says " f*** it all" 😂
Muchísimas gracias!!!❤🙏😊
"my thoughts are made out of my own mind they dont appear anywhere else." Sometimes ill be thinking something and someone will say it out loud. Sometimes ill be thinking something and someone else having an unrelated conversation will finish my sentence. Sometime ill be thinking something and my body will turn on its own and something either related to it will be there or there will be a word on a box that i was just thinking or that summarized my thought process. How many times does this have to happen until it is no longer a coincidence?
Thoughts& emotions are "IN" consciousness. All that has, will and can exist in one way or another resides IN consciousness.
When you look at the distance between atoms in matter, everything that exists around us in our life should be transparent because of the distance of the atoms yet they are not. This is an example of manifestation the scientific community refuses to acknowledge. Your desk should be 😅invisible but it’s not
So if matter is just an imagination a dream of consciousness
Can it altogether disappear or vanish suddenly ?
Or it is realised one by one?till it’s our turns….
It's great but why is he trying to explain an idea from advait vedanta school of Hinduism without presenting all the pieces. 🤔
Once again - I have never had a dream where I was someone else in a different town. I am always the same “me” that I am in my waking state looking and perceiving out of my eyes. My physical eyes and dream eyes are of the same person “me”.
Really, interesting. I've been 'me' in dreams too. I've also been some flying entity, flying together with a group of robots, I've been a hunter, I've been hunted, etc.
I've been other people, animals, alien creatures, etc. in my dreams.
This explanation was particularly beautiful.
Reverent as well.
Thank you Rupert
It is not possible for the one to be the all; this is a mathematical impossibility, and this is why we spend so much time trying to comprehend the impossible - even the esteemed creator cannot square the circle, and explains why it is such a glorious logic-less mess.
Yet Physicalism suggests the one Ocean of energy is all. Quantum Field Theory or the universe as one Schrodinger Wave Equation. Moreover, mathematics is a re-presentatuon of things. Math models things. The model is not the thing.
Super, Charles, meine Bücherwunschliste ist gerade wieder gewachsen 😁
Why is there a sense of continuation in the waking state but not in the dream state?
I can dream im in paris on monday then rome on Tuesday with no connection..but when i awake from both it seems im continuing a story..age place etc
That's because this world and the unending cosmos is our core dream, the personal dreams are like time off in the garage with a mini-god playset
I imagine that our waking state dream finishes with death of the illusory body and another dream unfolds. At the point of death there is a réalisation. The dream called life appears very long but is probably just a flash in the pan compared to eternity.
@SIMPLY HUMAN you are deceived
@SIMPLY HUMAN you are just a child without comprehension, now run along
Maybe the long accepted idea of the brain is wrong. Instead of being tucked into our skull, unable to access the outside world directly, but can respond to signals coming into its senses and then make a pretty impressive and accurate guess of the outside world. This implies that what we experience depends on what is outside, and what is outside depends on physical laws. What if there is no outside. What if everything is internal but is falsely perceived as external. What if everything IS consciousness, that consciousness is not a law in nature among others, or that it's the result of certain phenomena taking place in a brain, but is reality itself. And the laws of physics are really the laws of consciousness.
Then the question changes, the question is no longer how does consciousness emerge, it's why is reality the way it is (consciousness). Well, some things have no justification. If existence had no beginning, it has no cause and therefore no justification, but our brains are wired to seek justifications in order to understand something, when in this case, we are attempting to understand something that has no explanation or justification. Because whatever you know about science, you can always ask the question, why does that exist? Why does reality exist as opposed to not existing? This is where philosophy triumphs over science.
As co creators of the universe we are the body of the world as much as the experiencers of it.
That knowing is hidden deep in the subconscious mind, but you can find mastery by doing the work.
If the universe is made of consciousness, it starts to make sense to me. I can never understand why there should be such a vast, vast, vast universe of matter.
The universe is not made of consciousness. Back to the drawing board
@Tortilla It’s not made of consciousness in the same sense that the water isn’t made of wetness. Rather, just like wetness is an intrinsic property of water, consciousness is an instrinsic property of Reality. It’s an aspect of nature not “made of” it in a materialist sense.
the mind IMAGINES something exists beyond consciousness, but its impossible to prove
solipsism always wins in the end
@@mikelisteral7863Indeed. If we were only two left on this planet, I'd be the real one ^^
@@sunbeam9222 there is only the immediate experience, anything else is belief
Knowledge and understanding is gained and lost again and again. It was proved, not only was the earth a sphere, but it’s size was determined in 3rd Century Greece