The last 90 seconds of this are mind-blowing. "We don't perceive the world; we perceive the perception. We presume it's the perception of the world, but we never find 'of the world'." All we are ever sure we experience is perceptions. In other words, it's only perceptions that appear, not stuff. Nice.
I Just thought that we probably all know this on and intuitive Level... When there Just is awareness it communicates Through this body vehicle (Rupert) to itself Basicly awareness talking to itself ❤
Also think of it like this. Maybe it’s not Rupert at his clearest, it could be you at your most receiving , or you at your clearest to HEAR it in the level you needed to hear it on. ☺️
Thank you, lady, for asking these questions and insisting. You're putting a bridge here between Rupert and us, and you're putting Rupert on rails to deliver that truth 🎉
Thank you lady, you pushed Rupert all the way to the truth. This is what I got from it: every human being only exist as a vibration emerging from One consciousness, perceived as an individual from the separate self. We only perceive the perception of the individual, in reality there is no individual
I FINALLY GET IT!!! I have watched many, many hour of non-duel teachers. Not to mention the books I have read. This one video in itself I have viewed over and over. I just didn't get it until tonight. Just keep going.....
yeah... if you really try hard and disturb the dopamin levels in your brain you can see and feel and understand all kind of things that are not really there nor mean anything real.
By far the most concise collection of thoughts perfectly explaining "reality" is presented in this 21 minute talk! Congrats, perfectly put together, very clear... more "proof" that Free will doesn't exist as we ":think" it exists, but its an irrelevant meaningless question in the first place to an irrelevant meaningless subject (human)
Wow! I “think” I got something……I think. I will watch this again and again and maybe again. I seem to be “hearing” something that i really need to “hear.” Thank you Rupert! 💕
Thanks to you dear Rupert I feel more and more aware of consciousness. How can we not realize this earlier in life? I feel so free from mind and thoughts.
Thank you. The analogy of the screen helps my mind in grasping that the screen is. Careful choice of language to me appears pivotal in order to communicate this to others. Rupert is certainly gifted in this area.
This is indeed very clear and lucid. Thanks you so much Rupert. I had a most remarkable emotional experience listening to this. Like the truth of it touched a knowing in me and recognised itself. Great emotional energy was released - was it crying - was it laughing - was it both? I will sink into and meditate on this fully until the truth of it is made clear and known.
Oh wow! I have wondered so much about why we humans seem to experience the same world when we are each a different world or universe. Finally i get it thanks to this video. It's because we come from the one same consciousness. Thank you Rupert, i had given up any one even trying to explain this to me so to hear you address this in this video was most surprising and pleasing xoxoxo
Are you sure we're living in the same world? John's world is different from Mary's world. If John passed away, his world does not exist anymore even if Mary think it is there. Each individual has its own world.
Rupert - I hope this is not out of line - but I can appreciate how you handled the questioner. Especially when they answer their own questions and don’t realize that they have yet. I’m learning so much 🙃
The qualities of awareness include: existence (beingness, presence); awareness; indivisibility; indestructibility. And, underneath it all, underneath the appearance of multiplicity and diversity; underneath an apparent storm of emotion or darkness of grief and sorrow, is the clear open and pristine space of awareness.
"Objects don't have existence." Perfect! Similarly, "we," do not move through time. Time, of which the physical body is a subject aspect, moves through us (consciousness). "Aging" then, is watching our bodies go by. Whereas matter is transient, consciousness is not.
I completely understand this lady’s frustration. Intellectual understanding is vastly different from Realization, as is so well illustrated by this interchange. Great Q&A.
Anybody here knew these things since childhood and Rupert seems to be shaping them out in words as he goes along? And its like I always knew that but couldn't describe it
When I was in Kindergarden, when I went into the bathroom stall and closed the door (my first experience of being alone behind a closed door) I would wonder if the world outside that door then disappeared.
@@TheLUCYCAT The real question is do you recognize that the existence of things outside of consciousness is a belief? It's that belief that also says "I am a limited conciousness"
@@teryarty177 Well my "make belief" refrigerator may need replacing soon, and I am conscious of the fact that it will cost a lot of money. LOL Such a deep subject but I wonder if it can be applied to practical matters. We can't seem to escape objects in our existance. The only time I have been un-burdened from them was in my dreams. Does that make sense?
Surely the creation of visual art, music, dance and scientific discovery, shows that we all see the world individually, and intepret the world from a different Perspective.
Rupert.. please explain your take on how the universe undertook any beginning and subsequent formation prior to any form of biological awareness. It is this that makes me think that matter has trace consciousness.
I'm just in the middle of this talk, but it already amazes me. Contradicting to all my basic beliefs and concepts. Not 7 billion perceptions (which is inside each person's body) looking at the same object, but the same perception looking at the 7 billion objects. Consistence is kept by the same perception, not by the same object. Existence has Objects, not Objects have Existence.
This is AWESOME :-) It shows that modern societies have to come back from merely thinking about life, back to EXPERIENCING life (or from theoretical knowledge back to EXPERIENTIAL knowledge).
This man speaks way too much sense for my mind. I get what he says yet don t quite get it, tho I seem to grasp a bit more when I view it again. Type of video to watch many times, fascinating.
Just great, the clarity and comprehensibility of your message touches me at the very core! It reminds me of Wu Chi, pure awareness as the great emptiness.
What about people that have damaged or inoperative perceptive faculties? Someone who is deaf cannot hear yet sound exists. Why would we have perceptual faculties if there wasn't an external world to perceive in the first place?
There is no shared world. Each one of us sees a, slightly, different world because our minds are not identical. Consiousness is one but each one of us sees the world through our mind and since our minds are not identical our view of the world cannot be identical either. Is this correct?
Radioactivity is outside of our perception but it is there, including nuclear waste that does not only exist in our thoughts. So, what or who is aware of it? Or brought it into existence? I am pretty sure natural laws and physics are not in contradiction to what Rupert says. Physics is not about matter at all, physics is the science about world structures, repeatable phenomena. We just don’t know enough yet to find the bridge between these worlds of knowing.
After awakening that is exactly the way it happens here Rupert. The aliveness or awareness that i clearly am, is seen and actually caught forming into the thought usually as an image and it seems for a moment that awareness is covered, but it then falls back inn. in a split second it is seen how it forms and unforms. This flip flop has been going on for the past 4 years.
When you see a flower, the flower is your consciousness, there is no flower independent of your consciousness. If you don't believe, think about dream, you will believe it is totally possible.
Question: in reference to "can awareness ever be broken?". When one goes under anesthesia, time seems to skip forward for however long you were out. When one gains awareness again, what happened to the world in between me going under and coming back up?
Your mind didn’t had any experience/thought for that timeframe so in recollection minds says that there seems to be no time but mind also had intuition of awareness hence didn’t actually feel any discontinuity in experience. Things/object may have changed but awareness from which these object derives that existence never left, can never left like sun can never stop shining (relatively speaking) whether it’s night for you or not.
At 7:20 Can't the exact same argument be made for the opposite view, the materialist view, that There are 75 individual consciousnesses seeing one room and it looks the same for each one due to the consistency of the room (matter) instead of the consciousnesses ? Not hating on Rupert but I'm just pointing this out because I also want to figure it out.
As Rupert explained, the materialist view is not supported by your own experience. If there were 75 consciousnesses, they would have to be limited and separate from each other. But you cannot find any limit or edge to your consciousness. It doesn’t “end“ someplace. And because it has no objective qualities, there is no way in which you could tell two consciousnesses apart. If there was one independent world outside of these 75 consciousnesses, how could you prove its existence if all anyone ever experiences is their own, private perceptions of that world? You can’t prove that your perceptions are exactly identical to someone else’s, because they’re private and qualitatively uncommunicatable. And you can’t prove that anything outside of your perceptions exists, because how would you know of it? 🙏🏻🙂
There are 75 consciousness' (C's) experienncing 75 rooms. The room I see cannot be exactly the same as you see. However, the "rooms" are similar in many respects because our brains work (process our perceptions) similarly. We agree on the gross similarities, so we can agree that our consciousness is similar. That doesn't mean that there 1 or 2 or 75 C's. "It cannot be divided" - true because it doesn't really exist, it is an idea - a paradigm we use to communicate. There is absolutely no need to believe that there is an "independent" consciousness in there or out there or anywhere for that matter. Awareness is fundamental, but consciousness is just a process, a concept, a symbol our mind uses like love, greed, beauty, or any other abstract concept we use everyday.
@areid5907 Rupert pointed, and I realized. On this spiritual journey, I get epiphanies constantly. From 2 weeks ago, I don't remember. I'll have to watch this video again. Thanks for re-pointing.
@areid5907 Rupert is so accurate in saying in this culture is the religion of materialism. It's not even the objects themselves, but the worship of objects, the attachment to objects, that drives down people's awareness and vibrational level. "Money is the root of all evil" is a misquote. "The love of money is the root of all evil" is the actual quote. Money is not inherently evil, money has no energy, it is the energy that souls imbue it with that is often evil. It makes me realize the gestalt of everything in the world and of course to all of us. Just as our souls appear to our minds to be individual, our view of reality is also based on our idea of separateness, a limited and limiting viewpoint. When we remember our oneness with all, it's very empowering. And it's very disempowering and counterintuitive to place objects first and assign beingness to them. In societies which are more spiritually tuned in, humans are aware of and in touch with the divine and souls who are not incarnate, and are therefore aware that consciousness underlies all. But in our materialistic society, we are taught that this incarnation is all there is; even religion teaches that a soul is something we have, and that we can lose it if we don't do as we're told, and that maybe we go somewhere after death. Such an ontology does not even acknowledge consciousness, let alone that bodily death has no effect on consciousness or that's it's eternal and ubiquitous. All that people are aware of is that the physical world, especially matter, seems to persist. This religion of materialism acknowledges only objects. And because people take consciousness out of the equation, we think that objects are solid and unchangeable, immutable, that objects have power, not consciousness. These were some of my thoughts from watching this video this time. And the whole thing screams to me that this video gives the key understanding, the nuts and bolts, of manifestation. What are your thoughts please from watching this video? And this video was fabulous for me until the very end when Rupert says it's not "the actual world", and that no actual world comes into existence from our perception. It left me with a huge unanswered question, is there an actual world, and what is the actual world? Rupert, do you have a video talking about the actual world please, or would you please make one?
@@areid5907I'm so glad you posted your question, it spurred me to re-watch this video and really go into it in depth. Thank you? Did you have epiphanies about it too? And what thoughts?
This video was fabulous for me until the very end when Rupert says it's not "the actual world", and that no actual world comes into existence from our perception. It left me with a huge unanswered question, is there an actual world, and what is the actual world? I suspect it's the pleuroma, our true home. But idk. Rupert, do you have a video talking about the actual world please, or if not, then would you please make one?
If I run into a tree and hurt my physical body, how can I say the tree was in consciousness. did I perceive the tree in my mind. in other words if I am consciousness how could the tree hurt my body?
@@ikkyu15 in awareness. I really feel for the ones who don't get it atall because I was one of them. It's become allot clearer but has took six or more years of Eckhart Tolle, Mooji Rupert etc etc and still I suffer anxieties and depressions even though I know I'm awareness. ☮️🙏 Namaste
What Rupert is presenting here seems entirely consistent with the core of the Heart Sutra, which states: "Emptiness is form, and form emptiness." It also seems identical--or nearly identical--to the the formulation of Bernardo Kastrup in his "Why Materialism is Baloney." I would love to hear Rupert and Bernardo dialogue about this.
agree that we experience only through our senses, but how do you conclude that there is no real world?? I can agree if you say we dont know if the world exists or not, but how do you conclude it is unreal, what experience proves this???
The world is absolutely real, but it’s an illusion, meaning it is not what it appears to be. What Rupert is saying is that there is a world out there (outside your finite mind), but it is unreal as a world made of dead, inert matter, and yet absolutely real as a world made of consciousness. If you consider the dream analogy, it will make sense: the dreamed world is unreal as a world made of matter, but absolutely real as a world made of the dreamer's conscious mind. Rupert has built a model of Reality based on direct experience, one that leads to peace and love, as a remedy to the materialistic paradigm that 99% of the world subscribes to. What have been the results of the materialistic model? Despair, conflict, and degradation of the Earth. We can measure the truth of a model of Reality by the fruits it provides. All of our problems as human beings and as a society revolve around one core mistake: our mistaken view of reality-of ourselves and the world. This is why philosophy (like Parmenides) and spiritual traditions existed in the first place. The Truth is always the same, across eras, across space and time.
Only one of his existences depend on her perception and disappears when she is gone. Does all of her existences disappear when she is gone? Or just transformed into an inanimate casing of perception? Like a star collapses when all its energy is burned only leaving a burned shell body, yet that is still in existence because it still retains the space it takes up?
So, does the glass, or the house, etc. have their own perception? If not, why not? In other words, what determines what experiences perceptions and what not?
spot on Ale and a great question, as most people in the non dual sector, continually make the arrogant assumption of assigning "what is considered conscious vs what is not"....and they base this on what? Their own beliefs. Consider that everything is already alive
it just like online game ? the internet is the Consciousness, the clients are all "rooms" which have the consistency, cuz it belong to one server in the internet :)
Wow...all I can say WOW... Awareness... I am ultimate Awareness... Unlimitless Awareness... For I am Aware of myself... I am aware of you being Aware of me...
It is scary how many people buy into this. Yes, consciousness is how we model reality. That, however, does not mean, imply, or infer that consciousness precedes reality. That idea is a nonsequitur - it doesn't follow from the premises. P1: Everything I know or am aware of through the mechanism of conscious experience P2: My knowledge or awareness of objects comes through conscious experience C: Consciousness precedes or produces objects, not vice versa That conclusion does not follow, because there is a distinction between one's awareness of an object via conscious modeling, and the actual object itself. The reason we can know there is something external is because we can also model things like how photons reflect off of the object, how they hit our retina, and the fact that we have a brain which we can use an MRI to show which areas light up when we do conscious modeling. We infer that there is an external reality that is mind independent through our conscious modeling (what we experience). We also infer there are other humans with other minds the same way. If one is going to fall into the trap of solipsism, then they should go all the way. If we cannot have knowledge about an external reality because we need to parse everything through our own consciousness, then we ALSO cannot have knowledge about other minds, as we only experience our own. We cannot make some inference of "infinite consciousness" because we only know our own conscious experience. For all we know we are a brain in a jar being probed by alien scientists to experience what we do. But let's stay consistent when using hard solipsism and intractable epistemological problems for our conclusions....either go all the way with this for consistency, or recognize that conscious experience is our way of modeling an external reality that existed long before creatures with any consciousness ever evolved on planet earth.
trick0171: The flaw in the argument you’re making about the supposed incorrect conclusion Rupert arrives at from the two premises you stated is that you are making an unspoken incorrect premise yourself. You say that “there is a distinction between our awareness of an object......and the object itself “. The premise here is that there is a “self” that is aware. All non-dual teaching today, (including Rupert’s) point to the fact that the separate self is an illusion. In fact some leading scientists now say the same thing. An example is Sam Harris, a well known intellectual, consciousness researcher and neuroscientist who has spoken and written extensively on the topic. Here’s a link to a Big Think video of his titled “the self is an illusion “....видео.html. Sam has also stated on numerous occasions that “all that exists is Consciousness and it’s contents”. What Rupert’s teaching suggests is that both are the opposite sides of the one coin (emptiness and form)
Likewise, take the analogy of waves and ocean. The waves arise due to external winds on the ocean. Both waves and ocean are never apart of each other - as a huge mass substance water called Ocean. So winds ( perceived objects) cause waves (thoughts) to arise in the all-around Awareness ie Ocean. In essence, thoughts ( waves) are part and parcel of the underlying Awareness ie Ocean.
BecomingMike Then you were not conscious when he explained that there is not one world with 7 billion people but 7 billion worlds and one Consciousness. It is OK id you don't get it. It's all Perfect just as it is.
G. Fredrick Nowatzke Oh, I got that part. The problem is that it does not explain my question. Why should all the 7 billion worlds have such remarkable resemblance with each other? Why aren't they all completely different?
That state is pure experience but then as natural progression we develop a healthy ego and separate self and then in this current process we realize that everything is not limited to me but everything. There is no two.
You are the consciousnesses, which experience a Illusionary world through one character in a movie. A world, a character, taughts made of consciousness. The illusion is the character believes through his ego, he experience a world. The ego is a veil, glasses, though the consciousness experience consciousness
Consciousness can't awaken without the character im not saying the character awakens. You can say the purpose of consciousness expressing itself is so it can awaken.
Well thoughts can be the same but that dont mean that it as the same structure and the Sam with reality we se different I can never know how others se me
There´s nothing to proof, take it or leave it. Consciousness is our primary expierence, before you have an expierence of anything, consciousness must be presence... Good luck with your sience.
This is arguing a technicality. The point that the video makes is that you both ARE - and we have that in common. The fact that we ARE is mind-blowing and science cannot account for the Self - you cannot point to somewhere in the body or universe and say "that's the Self". without the Self, matter is just a bunch of chemical reactions, atoms, building blocks... life is the point of the universe.
BILLIONS of consciousnessess and billions of persons. It is not one , two, three or four, it is many. It isn't even a field, a connected field, it is billions unknown etc.
Very fascinating, but... if i physically interact with those objects (which are only existing by virtue of my awareness) they are producing effects with other objects in a way that is independent from my personal perspective and operates in a predictable manner. E.g. I take the glass of water, i throw it against one's face and an effect will occur ( pain in his/her face ); shouldn't this prove the existence of the thing ( glass of water) itself? I mean... when my action on a object, that is real only in my perception, is having effects on someone else's perception, shouldn't this show evidence of its existence out of our mutual awareness, in an objective way? Just a doubt. After all, Cartesius tried to solve the same issue with the "Cogito ergo sum" proposition.
The last 90 seconds of this are mind-blowing. "We don't perceive the world; we perceive the perception. We presume it's the perception of the world, but we never find 'of the world'." All we are ever sure we experience is perceptions. In other words, it's only perceptions that appear, not stuff. Nice.
Here, that is what Buddhas teach for thousands years now.
@@JuraGaga Hey, the Buddha is a illusion too...just remember.
And this video also.
And me too.
@@ultrablue7477 Hello. Buddha, you, I ... all is consciousness. Thanks.
Whole world is perceived only by a thought
@@ultrablue7477yes,, we realized it after buddha told it,,,
This is the closest you’ll get to a brilliant explanation of what’s going on. Rupert at his clearest!🙏🏻
I Just thought that we probably all know this on and intuitive Level...
When there Just is awareness it communicates Through this body vehicle (Rupert) to itself
Basicly awareness talking to itself ❤
_A Course In Miracles_
Also think of it like this. Maybe it’s not Rupert at his clearest, it could be you at your most receiving , or you at your clearest to HEAR it in the level you needed to hear it on. ☺️
@@MrCFortune Exactly! Proof of that is if I watch it again months later it doesn’t necessarily seem as clear! 😂
Thank you, lady, for asking these questions and insisting. You're putting a bridge here between Rupert and us, and you're putting Rupert on rails to deliver that truth 🎉
Yo tambien le doy las GRACIAS A ESA SEÑORA POR LA PREGUNTA ¡¡¡¡
Hey...that lady doesn't exist
“We are not perceiving the world, we perceive perception” 💯
Since it's all words, it's really just a story
This talk is really a Masterpiece!!! I hear it again and again and it sinks deeper and deeper. Thank you so much for being in my world! 😅💗🙏
Thank you lady, you pushed Rupert all the way to the truth. This is what I got from it: every human being only exist as a vibration emerging from One consciousness, perceived as an individual from the separate self. We only perceive the perception of the individual, in reality there is no individual
I FINALLY GET IT!!! I have watched many, many hour of non-duel teachers. Not to mention the books I have read. This one video in itself I have viewed over and over. I just didn't get it until tonight. Just keep going.....
I am so happy for you, i hope one day i am blessed too
This is my favourite video of Rupert for the same reason.
yeah... if you really try hard and disturb the dopamin levels in your brain you can see and feel and understand all kind of things that are not really there nor mean anything real.
Like dreams are not share hallucinations neither.
so, are dreams not real just because they are not shared?
The absolute best explanation of reality and existence! Thank you Thank you Thank you Rupert !!! Love always.
This is simply marvelous. Rupert is such a patient teacher.
By far the most concise collection of thoughts perfectly explaining "reality" is presented in this 21 minute talk! Congrats, perfectly put together, very clear... more "proof" that Free will doesn't exist as we ":think" it exists, but its an irrelevant meaningless question in the first place to an irrelevant meaningless subject (human)
That is your perception. lol
Great, great questions from this woman. Rupert’s answer blew my mind. I got it!!!! Thank you. 😊
OMG Thanks for turning my world upside down...Over and Over.
It takes turns... over and over again... to make the world go round...
Just come out of the washing machine, will ya? :)
Wow! I “think” I got something……I think. I will watch this again and again and maybe again. I seem to be “hearing” something that i really need to “hear.” Thank you Rupert! 💕
Hoy lo estoy oyendo por 1 vez ,pero tengo que oirlo otra vez¡¡¡¡
He is SO good at explaining everything for our finite minds to grasp...
What a masterclass!! ❤ “We perceive the perception” - another veil just came off my mind
Thanks to you dear Rupert I feel more and more aware of consciousness. How can we not realize this earlier in life? I feel so free from mind and thoughts.
This is incredible . Thank you Rupert , immense gratitude and love
Thank you. The analogy of the screen helps my mind in grasping that the screen is. Careful choice of language to me appears pivotal in order to communicate this to others. Rupert is certainly gifted in this area.
You're Amazing.
You are one of the very few people I've ever heard explain self consciousness awareness so beautifully🌹
This is indeed very clear and lucid. Thanks you so much Rupert. I had a most remarkable emotional experience listening to this. Like the truth of it touched a knowing in me and recognised itself. Great emotional energy was released - was it crying - was it laughing - was it both? I will sink into and meditate on this fully until the truth of it is made clear and known.
Oh wow! I have wondered so much about why we humans seem to experience the same world when we are each a different world or universe. Finally i get it thanks to this video. It's because we come from the one same consciousness. Thank you Rupert, i had given up any one even trying to explain this to me so to hear you address this in this video was most surprising and pleasing xoxoxo
Are you sure we're living in the same world? John's world is different from Mary's world. If John passed away, his world does not exist anymore even if Mary think it is there. Each individual has its own world.
Rupert - I hope this is not out of line - but I can appreciate how you handled the questioner. Especially when they answer their own questions and don’t realize that they have yet. I’m learning so much 🙃
Magnificent! Such clarity and articulation. I would love to hear/see a scientists rebuttal of this contention with Rupert.
Saidas108: reality is not revealed through contention
@saidaa108 Watch the one with Rupert and Bernardo .. there's a few of them ..
The qualities of awareness include: existence (beingness, presence); awareness; indivisibility; indestructibility. And, underneath it all, underneath the appearance of multiplicity and diversity; underneath an apparent storm of emotion or darkness of grief and sorrow, is the clear open and pristine space of awareness.
He is able to talk about the human experience of reality so clearly.
It is thought that derails me of realizing my true nature.
I am the awareness of them.
Thank you,the best example is seed and a tree seed is before,during the existence of the tree and at the end of a tree .
"Objects don't have existence." Perfect! Similarly, "we," do not move through time. Time, of which the physical body is a subject aspect, moves through us (consciousness). "Aging" then, is watching our bodies go by. Whereas matter is transient, consciousness is not.
"Time borrows its continuity from My eternity"
We don't share the world, but we do share the consciousness of the world -profound!
I completely understand this lady’s frustration. Intellectual understanding is vastly different from Realization, as is so well illustrated by this interchange. Great Q&A.
What an amazing presentation! Rupert Spira has such an incredible way of expressing Truth.
7:30 *"Why is there a consistency between the 75 rooms ? Because they all come from the same consciousness"*
"The appearance of a world comes into existence when consciousness takes the form of perceptions."
And where does perceptions come from? Love. And where does rationality come from? Wisdom. For God is Love manifested into Wisdom.
Rupert, your analogies, clarify so much for me ,THANKYOU ! ❤️
Anybody here knew these things since childhood and Rupert seems to be shaping them out in words as he goes along? And its like I always knew that but couldn't describe it
When I was in Kindergarden, when I went into the bathroom stall and closed the door (my first experience of being alone behind a closed door) I would wonder if the world outside that door then disappeared.
awww its woody and buzz coming alive..
That's like the fridge light syndrome. Does it really go off when you close the door? Terry Waite reckons it does.
@@teryarty177 The fridge light goes off because there is a switch, But the real question is if we don't SEE the refrigerator, does it exist?
@@TheLUCYCAT The real question is do you recognize that the existence of things outside of consciousness is a belief? It's that belief that also says "I am a limited conciousness"
@@teryarty177 Well my "make belief" refrigerator may need replacing soon, and I am conscious of the fact that it will cost a lot of money. LOL Such a deep subject but I wonder if it can be applied to practical matters. We can't seem to escape objects in our existance. The only time I have been un-burdened from them was in my dreams. Does that make sense?
clear and more clear...thanks a lot Rupert! Beauty.
Surely the creation of visual art, music, dance and scientific discovery, shows that we all see the world individually, and intepret the world from a different Perspective.
Rupert.. please explain your take on how the universe undertook any beginning and subsequent formation prior to any form of biological awareness.
It is this that makes me think that matter has trace consciousness.
I'm just in the middle of this talk, but it already amazes me. Contradicting to all my basic beliefs and concepts. Not 7 billion perceptions (which is inside each person's body) looking at the same object, but the same perception looking at the 7 billion objects. Consistence is kept by the same perception, not by the same object. Existence has Objects, not Objects have Existence.
💖Thank You😊Rupert🌺for being the CLEAR Transperency for The One lnfinite Mind🙏In THAT Realization lS our True Liberation🙏
This is AWESOME :-) It shows that modern societies have to come back from merely thinking about life, back to EXPERIENCING life (or from theoretical knowledge back to EXPERIENTIAL knowledge).
That TV screen/character analogy is nothing short of brilliant.
I think it is one of the most important videos I watched on my journey
This man speaks way too much sense for my mind. I get what he says yet don t quite get it, tho I seem to grasp a bit more when I view it again. Type of video to watch many times, fascinating.
Just great, the clarity and comprehensibility of your message touches me at the very core! It reminds me of Wu Chi, pure awareness as the great emptiness.
💖Thank Y😊u🌺Rupert🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠Rating for The CONTENT of this video Presentation🙏
Perfect illustration the screen and the character.
I'm speechless this actually makes sense to me
It's so simple it's hard... I see it too... I'm with you...
What about people that have damaged or inoperative perceptive faculties? Someone who is deaf cannot hear yet sound exists. Why would we have perceptual faculties if there wasn't an external world to perceive in the first place?
Bro thats dumb. What you asking sounds like: why would cats exist if there would be no mouses to eat. Oh you can feed your cat Whiskas 😂
just a different perception
There is no shared world. Each one of us sees a, slightly, different world because our minds are not identical. Consiousness is one but each one of us sees the world through our mind and since our minds are not identical our view of the world cannot be identical either. Is this correct?
Rupert is so patient with this woman who really triggered me.
18:25 the next few words of Rupert are of incredible significance. KIJK OPNIEUW.
Worlds best spiritual teacher
Wahwah AhaAha wonderful Chamatkaric VISHMAYPURNA wonderful dhanyabadDhanyabadDhanyabad thanksgretitude dhanyabad dhanyabadDhanyabadDhanyabad Rupertspira dhanyabadDhanyabadDhanyabad
Very wise question asked. Thanks for asking.
Perhaps that is why we feel "Love" and "in Love" when we have a mutual perception our awarenesses touch?
So beautiful. It's amazing that when we turn things inside out, they make sense.. mind blowing, LOL
Like how he says there is no proof for existence of the world, is there any proof to say it is non-existent?
Radioactivity is outside of our perception but it is there, including nuclear waste that does not only exist in our thoughts.
So, what or who is aware of it? Or brought it into existence?
I am pretty sure natural laws and physics are not in contradiction to what Rupert says. Physics is not about matter at all, physics is the science about world structures, repeatable phenomena. We just don’t know enough yet to find the bridge between these worlds of knowing.
After awakening that is exactly the way it happens here Rupert. The aliveness or awareness that i clearly am, is seen and actually caught forming into the thought usually as an image and it seems for a moment that awareness is covered, but it then falls back inn. in a split second it is seen how it forms and unforms. This flip flop has been going on for the past 4 years.
Dylan please elaborate.
When you see a flower, the flower is your consciousness, there is no flower independent of your consciousness. If you don't believe, think about dream, you will believe it is totally possible.
Question: in reference to "can awareness ever be broken?". When one goes under anesthesia, time seems to skip forward for however long you were out. When one gains awareness again, what happened to the world in between me going under and coming back up?
Your mind didn’t had any experience/thought for that timeframe so in recollection minds says that there seems to be no time but mind also had intuition of awareness hence didn’t actually feel any discontinuity in experience. Things/object may have changed but awareness from which these object derives that existence never left, can never left like sun can never stop shining (relatively speaking) whether it’s night for you or not.
At 7:20 Can't the exact same argument be made for the opposite view, the materialist view, that There are 75 individual consciousnesses seeing one room and it looks the same for each one due to the consistency of the room (matter) instead of the consciousnesses ? Not hating on Rupert but I'm just pointing this out because I also want to figure it out.
Maybe, idk, gotta keep looking and learning
As Rupert explained, the materialist view is not supported by your own experience.
If there were 75 consciousnesses, they would have to be limited and separate from each other. But you cannot find any limit or edge to your consciousness. It doesn’t “end“ someplace. And because it has no objective qualities, there is no way in which you could tell two consciousnesses apart.
If there was one independent world outside of these 75 consciousnesses, how could you prove its existence if all anyone ever experiences is their own, private perceptions of that world? You can’t prove that your perceptions are exactly identical to someone else’s, because they’re private and qualitatively uncommunicatable. And you can’t prove that anything outside of your perceptions exists, because how would you know of it?
Awareness is the canvas on which the world is painted on. Can a painting exist without a canvas ?
The lady does not need to feel insecure. She is allowed to believe in the conventional and do the best she can do in that realm.
There are 75 consciousness' (C's) experienncing 75 rooms. The room I see cannot be exactly the same as you see. However, the "rooms" are similar in many respects because our brains work (process our perceptions) similarly. We agree on the gross similarities, so we can agree that our consciousness is similar. That doesn't mean that there 1 or 2 or 75 C's. "It cannot be divided" - true because it doesn't really exist, it is an idea - a paradigm we use to communicate. There is absolutely no need to believe that there is an "independent" consciousness in there or out there or anywhere for that matter. Awareness is fundamental, but consciousness is just a process, a concept, a symbol our mind uses like love, greed, beauty, or any other abstract concept we use everyday.
OMG epiphanies galore!! Thank you, dear Rupert ❤❤
What did you discover?
@areid5907 Rupert pointed, and I realized. On this spiritual journey, I get epiphanies constantly. From 2 weeks ago, I don't remember. I'll have to watch this video again. Thanks for re-pointing.
@areid5907 Rupert is so accurate in saying in this culture is the religion of materialism. It's not even the objects themselves, but the worship of objects, the attachment to objects, that drives down people's awareness and vibrational level. "Money is the root of all evil" is a misquote. "The love of money is the root of all evil" is the actual quote. Money is not inherently evil, money has no energy, it is the energy that souls imbue it with that is often evil. It makes me realize the gestalt of everything in the world and of course to all of us. Just as our souls appear to our minds to be individual, our view of reality is also based on our idea of separateness, a limited and limiting viewpoint. When we remember our oneness with all, it's very empowering. And it's very disempowering and counterintuitive to place objects first and assign beingness to them. In societies which are more spiritually tuned in, humans are aware of and in touch with the divine and souls who are not incarnate, and are therefore aware that consciousness underlies all. But in our materialistic society, we are taught that this incarnation is all there is; even religion teaches that a soul is something we have, and that we can lose it if we don't do as we're told, and that maybe we go somewhere after death. Such an ontology does not even acknowledge consciousness, let alone that bodily death has no effect on consciousness or that's it's eternal and ubiquitous. All that people are aware of is that the physical world, especially matter, seems to persist. This religion of materialism acknowledges only objects. And because people take consciousness out of the equation, we think that objects are solid and unchangeable, immutable, that objects have power, not consciousness. These were some of my thoughts from watching this video this time. And the whole thing screams to me that this video gives the key understanding, the nuts and bolts, of manifestation. What are your thoughts please from watching this video? And this video was fabulous for me until the very end when Rupert says it's not "the actual world", and that no actual world comes into existence from our perception. It left me with a huge unanswered question, is there an actual world, and what is the actual world? Rupert, do you have a video talking about the actual world please, or would you please make one?
@@areid5907I'm so glad you posted your question, it spurred me to re-watch this video and really go into it in depth. Thank you? Did you have epiphanies about it too? And what thoughts?
It “seems” one is aware of many “things” but one has never been aware of another awareness.
This video was fabulous for me until the very end when Rupert says it's not "the actual world", and that no actual world comes into existence from our perception. It left me with a huge unanswered question, is there an actual world, and what is the actual world? I suspect it's the pleuroma, our true home. But idk. Rupert, do you have a video talking about the actual world please, or if not, then would you please make one?
If I run into a tree and hurt my physical body, how can I say the tree was in consciousness. did I perceive the tree in my mind. in other words if I am consciousness how could the tree hurt my body?
Where does the perception of pain occur?
@@ikkyu15 in awareness. I really feel for the ones who don't get it atall because I was one of them. It's become allot clearer but has took six or more years of Eckhart Tolle, Mooji Rupert etc etc and still I suffer anxieties and depressions even though I know I'm awareness. ☮️🙏 Namaste
what is the difference between a mind-body being made of consciousness and a table being made of consciousness.
What Rupert is presenting here seems entirely consistent with the core of the Heart Sutra, which states: "Emptiness is form, and form emptiness." It also seems identical--or nearly identical--to the the formulation of Bernardo Kastrup in his "Why Materialism is Baloney." I would love to hear Rupert and Bernardo dialogue about this.
You had your wish :p
Never gets to saying explicitly that, like in a dream, there is no world. Very good...
"Phenomena only "exist" in the mind that perceives them." - Tibetan Book of the Dead
That first 8 minutes blew my mind wide open 🤯🤩
So very well explained.
I got it on the first go around. But, in the final elaborations and distillations, it became hopelessly convoluted.
Briljant, brilant briljant!!
agree that we experience only through our senses, but how do you conclude that there is no real world?? I can agree if you say we dont know if the world exists or not, but how do you conclude it is unreal, what experience proves this???
The world is absolutely real, but it’s an illusion, meaning it is not what it appears to be. What Rupert is saying is that there is a world out there (outside your finite mind), but it is unreal as a world made of dead, inert matter, and yet absolutely real as a world made of consciousness. If you consider the dream analogy, it will make sense: the dreamed world is unreal as a world made of matter, but absolutely real as a world made of the dreamer's conscious mind.
Rupert has built a model of Reality based on direct experience, one that leads to peace and love, as a remedy to the materialistic paradigm that 99% of the world subscribes to. What have been the results of the materialistic model? Despair, conflict, and degradation of the Earth. We can measure the truth of a model of Reality by the fruits it provides.
All of our problems as human beings and as a society revolve around one core mistake: our mistaken view of reality-of ourselves and the world. This is why philosophy (like Parmenides) and spiritual traditions existed in the first place. The Truth is always the same, across eras, across space and time.
Only one of his existences depend on her perception and disappears when she is gone. Does all of her existences disappear when she is gone? Or just transformed into an inanimate casing of perception? Like a star collapses when all its energy is burned only leaving a burned shell body, yet that is still in existence because it still retains the space it takes up?
Things come into existence.
Consciousness/awareness then matter? If so then consciousness/awareness is in all matter/things, even rocks etc…
What about direction? I have the impression that experience happens in different directions
the patience….a true sage
So, does the glass, or the house, etc. have their own perception? If not, why not? In other words, what determines what experiences perceptions and what not?
Only living things have perception...not inanimate, inorganic/non biological objects...
spot on Ale and a great question, as most people in the non dual sector, continually make the arrogant assumption of assigning "what is considered conscious vs what is not"....and they base this on what? Their own beliefs. Consider that everything is already alive
it just like online game ? the internet is the Consciousness, the clients are all "rooms" which have the consistency, cuz it belong to one server in the internet :)
amazing video.
Wow...all I can say WOW... Awareness... I am ultimate Awareness... Unlimitless Awareness... For I am Aware of myself... I am aware of you being Aware of me...
It is scary how many people buy into this. Yes, consciousness is how we model reality. That, however, does not mean, imply, or infer that consciousness precedes reality. That idea is a nonsequitur - it doesn't follow from the premises.
P1: Everything I know or am aware of through the mechanism of conscious experience
P2: My knowledge or awareness of objects comes through conscious experience
C: Consciousness precedes or produces objects, not vice versa
That conclusion does not follow, because there is a distinction between one's awareness of an object via conscious modeling, and the actual object itself. The reason we can know there is something external is because we can also model things like how photons reflect off of the object, how they hit our retina, and the fact that we have a brain which we can use an MRI to show which areas light up when we do conscious modeling. We infer that there is an external reality that is mind independent through our conscious modeling (what we experience). We also infer there are other humans with other minds the same way.
If one is going to fall into the trap of solipsism, then they should go all the way. If we cannot have knowledge about an external reality because we need to parse everything through our own consciousness, then we ALSO cannot have knowledge about other minds, as we only experience our own. We cannot make some inference of "infinite consciousness" because we only know our own conscious experience. For all we know we are a brain in a jar being probed by alien scientists to experience what we do. But let's stay consistent when using hard solipsism and intractable epistemological problems for our conclusions....either go all the way with this for consistency, or recognize that conscious experience is our way of modeling an external reality that existed long before creatures with any consciousness ever evolved on planet earth.
trick0171: The flaw in the argument you’re making about the supposed incorrect conclusion Rupert arrives at from the two premises you stated is that you are making an unspoken incorrect premise yourself. You say that “there is a distinction between our awareness of an object......and the object itself “. The premise here is that there is a “self” that is aware. All non-dual teaching today, (including Rupert’s) point to the fact that the separate self is an illusion. In fact some leading scientists now say the same thing. An example is Sam Harris, a well known intellectual, consciousness researcher and neuroscientist who has spoken and written extensively on the topic. Here’s a link to a Big Think video of his titled “the self is an illusion “....видео.html. Sam has also stated on numerous occasions that “all that exists is Consciousness and it’s contents”. What Rupert’s teaching suggests is that both are the opposite sides of the one coin (emptiness and form)
Likewise, take the analogy of waves and ocean.
The waves arise due to external winds on the ocean. Both waves and ocean are never apart of each other - as a huge mass substance water called Ocean.
So winds ( perceived objects) cause waves (thoughts) to arise in the all-around Awareness ie Ocean.
In essence, thoughts ( waves) are part and parcel of the underlying Awareness ie Ocean.
But why are sense perceptions consistent with each other, if there is no "outside world"?
Watch the video
G. Fredrick Nowatzke I did...
BecomingMike Then you were not conscious when he explained that there is not one world with 7 billion people but 7 billion worlds and one Consciousness. It is OK id you don't get it. It's all Perfect just as it is.
G. Fredrick Nowatzke Oh, I got that part. The problem is that it does not explain my question. Why should all the 7 billion worlds have such remarkable resemblance with each other? Why aren't they all completely different?
BecomingMike Because they are not. Greetings Mike! :)
I would like to ask what about infants pre language? They still experience things before being aware i guess?
That state is pure experience but then as natural progression we develop a healthy ego and separate self and then in this current process we realize that everything is not limited to me but everything. There is no two.
You are the consciousnesses, which experience a Illusionary world through one character in a movie. A world, a character, taughts made of consciousness. The illusion is the character believes through his ego, he experience a world. The ego is a veil, glasses, though the consciousness experience consciousness
The Character does not awaken...
Consciousness Awakens from the Character.
Consciousness can't awaken without the character im not saying the character awakens. You can say the purpose of consciousness expressing itself is so it can awaken.
@@jameelisaac1265... Well said...
Jameel Isaac why does consciousness need a character to awaken? Is not Awareness already awake?
Thank you so much for sharing! Could you activate the translator button for the videos please ? Thanks a lot. A French Friend
Well thoughts can be the same but that dont mean that it as the same structure and the Sam with reality we se different I can never know how others se me
Thank you! 🙏🙏
Thank you Rupert.
One consciousness and millions of persons.
There´s nothing to proof, take it or leave it. Consciousness is our primary expierence, before you have an expierence of anything, consciousness must be presence...
Good luck with your sience.
This is arguing a technicality. The point that the video makes is that you both ARE - and we have that in common. The fact that we ARE is mind-blowing and science cannot account for the Self - you cannot point to somewhere in the body or universe and say "that's the Self". without the Self, matter is just a bunch of chemical reactions, atoms, building blocks... life is the point of the universe.
Yes, life is consciousness and it is pointless.
one consciousness and millions of minds.
BILLIONS of consciousnessess and billions of persons. It is not one , two, three or four, it is many. It isn't even a field, a connected field, it is billions unknown etc.
Very fascinating, but... if i physically interact with those objects (which are only existing by virtue of my awareness) they are producing effects with other objects in a way that is independent from my personal perspective and operates in a predictable manner. E.g. I take the glass of water, i throw it against one's face and an effect will occur ( pain in his/her face ); shouldn't this prove the existence of the thing ( glass of water) itself? I mean... when my action on a object, that is real only in my perception, is having effects on someone else's perception, shouldn't this show evidence of its existence out of our mutual awareness, in an objective way? Just a doubt. After all, Cartesius tried to solve the same issue with the "Cogito ergo sum" proposition.
How did you agree to this-that awareness causes the object to exist. The object was there to begin with