Warframe | Grineer, The Remainder of Humanity

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 114

  • @PenOfEvil
    @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад +27

    Correction at 16:02 little duck does in fact reference the comic. Thank you scribes for bringing that to my attention.
    This does bring up a question though. Do you think this information causes a plot hole considering what happens in the comic vs. the game? Imo It does but I'd like to hear what you guys think.

    • @kingaxolotl262
      @kingaxolotl262 4 месяца назад +1

      You don’t need to pin and heart your own comment

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад

      @@kingaxolotl262 To bring attention to a mistake that may be in the video?

    • @kingaxolotl262
      @kingaxolotl262 4 месяца назад

      @@PenOfEvil pinning could be enough but hey you do you I’m not criticizing you for it in any way

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад

      @@kingaxolotl262 You're all good, I kinda do it subconsciously atp 😂

    • @dgalloway107
      @dgalloway107 4 месяца назад +4

      The Grineer are my favorite faction, but specifically only the soldiers, fuck the queens lol.

  • @Clown_the_Clown
    @Clown_the_Clown 4 месяца назад +86

    Holy shit, a massive well put together video from a small channel? My favorite!

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад +9

      I'm happy to provide!

    • @DomKickPicks
      @DomKickPicks 4 месяца назад +5

      Yesssss bro my favorite genre of videos on RUclips!!

  • @MusicMusic-k1z
    @MusicMusic-k1z 4 месяца назад +4

    *spoiler further down
    It's surprising to me how many people don't know that the orokin are humans that developed a god complex and started messing with DNA to the point where they made the other races from there own DNA to create slaves and the blue colour we see the entrati and Balas have are form the infested plauge (I'm guessing on the blue part) but the only non infect orokin we meet are the hoarfast, loid, grandfather and the tenno

    • @Darlf_Sevil
      @Darlf_Sevil 4 месяца назад +1

      No all orokin where blue or white, at least the higher ones, because even aristocracy has aristocracy

    • @Rajclaw
      @Rajclaw 4 месяца назад +2

      The Orokin never used the infestation on themselves as far as we know, we know they could really change their skin color to anything thanks to the Refacia kit existing but there’s no mention of that or the Orokin using the infestation when bioengineering themselves.
      Also the Holdfasts, Loid and the Tenno aren’t Orokin, the people of the Zariman were human and Loid is also just human, nothing suggests otherwise.
      Technically speaking though the Holdfasts, after returning from the void, are void manifestations, ghosts of their former selves born of the void so I’m not sure how to classify them.
      The Tenno are another odd case, they aren’t born of the void but are considered a void entity too, though not the same kind as the Holdfasts or the Duvirians, regardless they were human once (including Drifter) and we don’t know if that changed when they got their powers.
      Loid just flat out isn’t an Orokin, he’s just a human being, one that was alive during the Orokin empire and then went into cryosleep, nothing suggests he’s an Orokin.
      Lastly Albrecht, he is an Orokin, no argument there, he’s the last true Orokin in the flesh as far as we know, Nihil’s a cephalon, the Entrati family is half infested and Ballas is as dead as the Tenno’s parents.

  • @XeroShifter
    @XeroShifter 4 месяца назад +47

    I remain unconvinced. The Corpus were around during the time of the Orokin, and the Orokin were the top/educated caste in a caste system. They genetically altered themselves to be superior to others. I haven't found anything that mentions that the Corpus were changed by them. The Corpus is also not a species but a culture and religion that arose during the time of the Orokin. Even if we suppose that 10,000 years has passed since the prime Orokin era, that's not enough time for natural evolution to have taken place with the Ostrons nor the Corpus to make them into anything that wouldn't be considered human. The Ostron being short isn't anything surprising, there are groups of genetically linked people who are shorter on average (such as Asians) and others who are very tall (Scandanavians), and they are all humans. Since the Ostrons is just one genetic group, a small town really, its not surprising that they're all similarly short. Additionally you could argue that the huge difference between the Corpus and Ostrons in height may also be down to the fact that the Ostrons constantly live under the pressures of Earth's gravity, while the Corpus do not; they live harsher lives as well with more physical labor.
    If we look at the members of Vox Solaris they all appear quite human as well. They wouldn't identify themselves as Corpus (and in fact call the Corpus "the tax men") but they certainly were born into those colonies. The robot bits on them are from body parts that are or were taken as collateral for their debt to keep them from running away, not some genetic modification. Due to their stated, and obvious genetic manipulation the Grineer are the furthest faction from being human (currently alive in Warframe, the Orokin are arguably further but after a certain someone dies they're all gone).
    I liked the video overall, it's well put together, but the very premise feels based on a lack of understanding of the other factions, rather than a detailed understanding of the Grineer.

    • @Rajclaw
      @Rajclaw 4 месяца назад +5

      I wanna note that the Solaris do identify as Corpus, it happens fast during their introduction, but despite this they do differentiate themselves like you said!
      Great comment, brought up good points :)

    • @nightmocha9345
      @nightmocha9345 4 месяца назад +8

      Gotta point out that we still have more remnants of the orokin, beside the worm queen, over at deimos. Most of them had mutated due to the gray strand, sure, but they still are a family of orokin scientists. And then there's Lloyd, the last unaffected of the orokin. Maybe Albrecht once 1999 hits.

    • @XeroShifter
      @XeroShifter 4 месяца назад +6

      @@nightmocha9345 A fair point to the argument that the Grineer aren't the farthest from human. I would argue that the Entrati family on Deimos is not genetically Orokin anymore, though they are culturally. Same with the Worm Queen. She has transferred into a grineer/non-orokin body. Lloyd isn't Orokin genetically, nor socially. He's a servant of the Orokin and wouldn't have fallen into their Caste (this is actually relevant to the story of the love between Lloyd and Albrecht as well). He has a distinct lack of the blue skin that you see on Balas and the Entrati familiy's upper halves as well which helps confirm that he's separate from them. Ironically this puts Lloyd into the category of possibly most human.
      Diving into other factions, the Holdfasts are undead entities and somewhat similar to the Tenno, possibly closer to the Tenno and Cavia than humans, and while the Tenno might almost qualify as humans its unknown exactly what the Void actually did to them since they've significantly slowed their aging at the very least
      Still, I think that all of this places the Grineer as one of the furthest groups from modern humans, surpassed only by those who are at least partially infested, or part void horror.

    • @XeroShifter
      @XeroShifter 4 месяца назад +2

      @@Rajclaw Awesome catch. I wonder if to them its like being a citizen of a country, but disagreeing with everything your government stands for.

    • @lastsentinel20
      @lastsentinel20 4 месяца назад

      ​@@XeroShifter Woah, what you brought up is also interesting. Have you thought about making videos or even cooperating with Pen of Evil in making one?

  • @DarkmegaGaming
    @DarkmegaGaming 4 месяца назад +35

    16:02 correction. Little duck makes a subtle nod towards it in one of her greeting lines. Something like: "Been seeing a lot more of your kind around, since a certain incident with blind girl and a void gate". but otherwise, yeah, nothing.

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад +3

      Yes sir I couldn't get said dialogue so I didn't want to include further complications. Thank you for mentioning it and for watching!🙌

  • @Rajclaw
    @Rajclaw 4 месяца назад +8

    I fail to understand how the Corpus and Ostrons aren’t human, you say they’ve been genetically altered but so have the Grineer? More so than both the Corpus and Ostrons. For the Pstrons your case is their height, but not only do short people exist but you show taller Ostrons in the video, height variation is real and it is possible it may have leaned slightly in one direction lr the other but that’s it snd more likely than the Orokin wasting their time on genetically altering the Ostron people to be shorter when the Orokin were already taller due to their own genetic manipulation. As for the Corpus, there’s nothing that suggests they aren’t human, if we’re talking lifespans then you’ve failed to consider the vast improvements of medical tech, the Corpus constantly go after Orokin tech so if ANYONE in the system has the medical tech to beat back old age and its issue it would be the Corpus, Darvo may be older than the current human lifespan but that doesn’t make him not human. Lastly the Grineer, yes they are human, but nex to the Warframes and the Orokin they’re the most genetically modified people of the system, loyalty genes for example, that isn’t a human trait and yet the Grineer are still considered to be human.
    Your theory that the Grineer are the original human template is a fun one, but I doubt it personally, nothing actually suggests it to be the case and why would the Orokin use the original human template as their slaves but alter the average joe? Because they didn’t, it’s the other way around. I don’t even want to go into what the Tenno are, thiugh I’ll say prior to the Zariman Incident they would’ve been human and I fail to see how they wouldn’t be, this would mean the Drifter was human up until they were pulled into the deal. Heck the Dax were even human, yes modified but so were the Grineer.
    If I’m wrong about any of this, please do correct me! But provide evidence, show me where it says the Ostrons are genetically modified beyond their height, show me how the Corpus aren’t human just because they have better medical tech and tell me how being gentically modified makes them not human when that’s exactly what the Grineer are.
    I’m not looking for any fights and I’m not trying to put anyone down, I’m just confused and fail to see how the Grineer are the only humans left when they just plainly aren’t, help me to understand if I’ve missed something here.

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад +1

      First off thank you for your insight. I'll address a few things. I don't believe the ostrons or corpus were modified by the Orokin just developed that way over time. Could it be completely wrong maybe but there are zero implications saying any of these factions of people are human in any way other than how they look. So all of this is built upon the basis that all of these factions don't look like the humans we are used to. There is also no reference to absolutely anything before the Orokin. So all assumptions of being human are just that. Assumptions. I have no idea what the Orokin are because Warframe doesn't tell us. Unless I'm completely wrong and I just overlooked a piece of text or something. Let me know honestly because I am but one man and you guys are the best resource this creator could ask for. I rely on comments like these. Thanks again for watching!!!

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад

      And 1999 will most likely answer all of this and maybe we'll all be wrong. Only time will tell😂

    • @Rajclaw
      @Rajclaw 4 месяца назад

      @@PenOfEviliirc we do know the Orokin are human, though more a sub-species
      I highly recommend checking out the Orokin Archives, both their youtube and website are some of the best lore resources around and I’m sure they’d be a huge help for future videos!
      They made a video about Orokin history somewhat recently actually, so def check that out!

  • @kingaxolotl262
    @kingaxolotl262 4 месяца назад +34

    8:57 orokin: *celebrating their victory over the old war*
    Natah/lotus: the time has come execute order 66

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад +1

      In the middle of a celebration is wild 😂

  • @Darlf_Sevil
    @Darlf_Sevil 4 месяца назад +12

    Greener were designed, from fragments of human DNA and artificially designed DNA, like a super soldier from 40k, only for building, not for war, and not born and modified, but created. they look like humans, but I would call them a different species. Orokin, those who achieved something, genetically transformed, moved from body to body, their bodies were human, their minds were not. and humans, corpus, cestus, independent colonies, more or less modified. Standard corpus warriors can be compared to greener, except that the corpus technology only allows for indoctrination and cloning. so apart from the void, infected and sentient, everyone is humans, race humans or more original humans, but greener are the furthest from this concept

  • @insertname9736
    @insertname9736 4 месяца назад +25

    Aren't the Corpus and the Zariman crew NORMAL HUMANS? They are the humanity!

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад +3

      I assume so, they just aren't normal humans.

    • @QueenofBrambles
      @QueenofBrambles 4 месяца назад

      @@PenOfEvil I mean, the Grineer aren't "normal" humans either: before clone rot mutated them, they were a laborer caste genetically manufactured and enhanced as genetic templates by the Orokin - like a Master Chief made for masonry instead of war. After clone rot, they are going to be even less karyotypally alike to humanity today than they were before.
      The Ostron and possibly ~L~ and at least some Corpus are going to likely be the only population samples we've seen in "present" Warframe that bear direct, unmanufactured descent from humanity as we know it today.

    • @insertname9736
      @insertname9736 4 месяца назад +8

      @@PenOfEvil neither are the Grineer. I mean, they're literally modified humans.

    • @TheBiggestMoronYouKnow
      @TheBiggestMoronYouKnow 3 месяца назад

      Yeah, they’re all humans, they’re also almost all white, so idk how you’d distinguish a whole separate “race” outta this 😂

    • @adrioumario1369
      @adrioumario1369 3 месяца назад +5

      The Zariman Holdfasts are VOID CONSTRUCTS, not humans. They look human likely because their human counterparts' consciousness came in contact with the void upon death and created a new body for themselves (speculation based on holdfast rep level up cinematics and what lotus says about consciousness meeting void in Tyana Pass). The Corpus though ?? I don't know, maybe a mutation then ? Either way Hunhow calls Alad V "Orokin" which means "Human" appperently ??? i dont know.

  • @wiilov
    @wiilov Месяц назад +6

    I'd argue that Warframe is actually more like Frank Herbert's Dune, in which EVERY faction and race has its roots in humanity. Frank Herbert loved to talk about man's adaptability around symbols and ideals. Warframe is very much that very same concept. There are no Aliens, for we are the first.

    • @skeltaldelegate5408
      @skeltaldelegate5408 Месяц назад +3

      As a big time fan of Dune, this is why the world of warframe interests me. Despite its far future fantasy setting, everything is still derivative of human. The alien sentients are but terraforming drones for humanity, and even the great Indifference seems to be merely a mirror of human characters that have interacted with it.

    • @Ysumbruh0
      @Ysumbruh0 2 дня назад

      Warframe also kinda gives me all tomorrows vibes different subhumans evolving and dealing with conflicts

  • @scorpiowarrior7841
    @scorpiowarrior7841 4 месяца назад +19

    One of the best warframe lore vids I ever seen. If DE did this it'd be such a massive plot twist.

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад +1

      You are too kind! Thank you for watching!

  • @Kruppuchino
    @Kruppuchino 4 месяца назад +13

    I mean if i get to wear such a cool mask and use the Gorgon i'm all for it.

  • @chloekaftan
    @chloekaftan Месяц назад +4

    Let me be clear on this, the Grineer are not the last of humanity, they are the descendants of the servant caste, construction caste, and low protectors of the Orokin Empire. Many humans still live today among both the Corpus and Ostron factions, as well as descendants of the faction that built the Zariman Ten Zero and largely staffs all of the relays, solar rails, and dojo's to this day. The Tenno themselves are actually Orokin and not truly human, which is why the grineer consider their genes as pure. The reason why Tenno dont look anything like the blue skinned Orokin Elite is because they haven't undergone the continuity yet, just like (spoilers) Albrecht Entrati still looks very human despite being Orokin himself. Another one to note is Archimedian Yonta, who is also Orokin yet has a very human appearance.
    The Tenno hate Orokin society but they are Orokin themselves whether the like it or not, even the 7 Emperors acknowledged them because they had Oro just like the Emperors, unlike the rest of the Orokin who only had kuva.

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  Месяц назад

      @@chloekaftan Bro did you just correct my speculation with speculation lol?

  • @thesilverceres7042
    @thesilverceres7042 4 месяца назад +8

    16:15 little duck mentions her in dialogue when interacting

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад

      I saw mention of that but I could not find anything further than it being mentioned.

  • @San_CD
    @San_CD 4 месяца назад +4

    11 mins in and convinced me to reinstall the game

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад

      Games and the gaming community truly mean a lot to me. I'm honored.

    • @San_CD
      @San_CD 4 месяца назад +1

      @@PenOfEvil My Warframe is the hand, And I am the will

  • @LandoTheRando228YT
    @LandoTheRando228YT 4 месяца назад +3

    One question does that include Clem from a man of few words?

  • @filanfyretracker
    @filanfyretracker 4 месяца назад +2

    could ask the question how much human is left of the Tenno? we know their handshake altered them but are they now their own species? Honestly after the war within are we even fully corporal beings or are Tenno/Drifters partially energy.

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад +1

      Ou you are cooking my friend! Excellent question! The truth is we obviously don't know. But based on how the deal affected the tenno I doubt the tenno can be considered living. Just existing on this plane. They don't age, can't change and can't die (to our knowledge). All the characteristics of living are removed from them besides their form.

  • @lanoche
    @lanoche 3 месяца назад +1

    I never knew the Grustrag Three were part of the Suicide Squad.
    Also how the fuck did you die to Kela with a Dante?

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  3 месяца назад

      I don't know what you're talking about....

    • @lanoche
      @lanoche 3 месяца назад +1

      @@PenOfEvil 20:11 you literally died to Kela lmao and you were using a Dante. Kela is a legacy boss and it's the normal version as well not even the Steel Path version. Dante is the newest Warframe with broken mechanics that should not die to her.

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  3 месяца назад

      @@lanoche Aye man Kela's Op lmao🤧

  • @maximilian1588
    @maximilian1588 Месяц назад +1

    my only criticism is, i wish this video were louder. thanks for the video, i really enjoyed it except for the quietness.

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  Месяц назад

      @@maximilian1588 thank you for that! I will take that into consideration!

  • @garvinmusgrove2439
    @garvinmusgrove2439 3 месяца назад +3

    Video was so detailed i had to subscribe just cuz of your effort alone man. Great vid

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  3 месяца назад

      My effort was me asking you to subscribe, I'm grateful you answered. 🙌

  • @LcieKJ
    @LcieKJ 4 месяца назад +2

    I'm waiting for it to come to Android so I can play at work while I sit behind the counter.

  • @NinjaMaster23145
    @NinjaMaster23145 4 месяца назад +4


  • @lordnul1708
    @lordnul1708 7 дней назад

    Honestly, Kela De Thaym getting high because of a gas leak and inventing Lathuum (a rathuum variant with "acid throwers" filled with water instead of acid) was probably the most hilarious event so far (even if Dog Days is yearly), and my personal favorite tidbit about the Grineer (mainly because it is hilarious in context and out of context)

  • @kram9850
    @kram9850 Месяц назад

    Slowly realising that this is a story of the winners making history, then realising that we are the bad guys, good thing our operator lost his memory becuase so many npc tell stories of the boogeymen called tenno, I was not expecting this shift and wish more game where morally though provoking,

  • @HalfAsleepSam
    @HalfAsleepSam 4 месяца назад +9

    The few Orokin we see have had body modifications, but they are human.

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад +2

      They definitely have human origins but absolutely human, I haven't a clue

    • @SuperPandy16
      @SuperPandy16 4 месяца назад

      @@PenOfEviltey are, even margulis is “orokin” and she looks human, but in orokin culture, only the higest most powerfull conisder themselves orokin

    • @tennolife9930
      @tennolife9930 4 месяца назад +2

      @@PenOfEvil Orokin are probably the closest things to genetically correct humans, since they're meant to represent humanity at it's worst (and best)

    • @dxm7279
      @dxm7279 4 месяца назад +9

      @@PenOfEvil orokin = human. Those of high status just had body modifications because it was the fashion at the time, like extreme plastic surgery.

  • @theschnoz3385
    @theschnoz3385 4 месяца назад +1

    i thought orokin were humans

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад +1

      I sum it up as yes and no. Their lifespans were absurd and certainly not human. So not pure humans

    • @somerandommen
      @somerandommen Месяц назад +1

      They lived for 10,000 years, were unfathomably agile and had psychic powers. They're closer to Elves than Humans.

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  Месяц назад +1

      @@somerandommen word lol

  • @DomKickPicks
    @DomKickPicks 4 месяца назад +4

    You did great. I never was able to fully understand the differences in factions and what they stood for. I guess I didn’t pay enough attention early on. Refreshing to see some new information that was out there not being touched on. Excellent resources used and excellent formatting for the story and its purpose.
    Subscribed for further content, my only gripe is I want to keep my headphones in but the audio quality of your mic holds me back. I watched it on my tv and only had few moments that the mic creeped too high. Might be my settings idk. Nonetheless 10/10 video!!

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much for the feedback! It means a lot as this is my very first time doing something like that. I will take that into consideration for the next time. I'm so glad you could still enjoy it!

  • @KristenElizabeth-e9v
    @KristenElizabeth-e9v 4 месяца назад +3

    Awesome video!

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад

      Glad you enjoyed it

  • @thimovijfschaft3271
    @thimovijfschaft3271 29 дней назад

    What about the people from Rescue and defense missions and in the relays? Those appear to be quite human.

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  28 дней назад

      Maybe, your guess is as good as mine

  • @davidedema7641
    @davidedema7641 4 месяца назад +1

    Ive been a warcrame player since 2018 with over 1200 hours and this is a terrific video. I just subbed and i look forward to your future work!!! Excellent!!!

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад

      Much appreciated!

  • @acedfirefist
    @acedfirefist 4 месяца назад +1

    Literally said, "man, that was really good" when the video ended. well done, look forward to more of these?

  • @MEYH3M
    @MEYH3M 4 месяца назад +1

    Great video, but next time plz make your voice recording a bit louder

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  4 месяца назад

      Ok will do! Thank you for watching!

  • @exceedxatu
    @exceedxatu 4 месяца назад +1

    This was AMAZING! Subscribed! I hope you keep making these

  • @-8enthusiast41
    @-8enthusiast41 3 месяца назад +1

    Sorry for not getting to this sooner. Great video. The humans of Warframe is definitely one of the obscure details of the game early on. Especially compared to other races. Please keep up the good work. Love the vids

    • @PenOfEvil
      @PenOfEvil  3 месяца назад

      I really look forward to your comments! I believe DE purposefully left "humans" ambiguous to leave room for different story elements. 1999 could very well reveal the Orokin are aliens lol. Thank you for your constant support, I'm forever grateful!

  • @turtleperson3538
    @turtleperson3538 4 дня назад

    1:58 you call them ugly, I call them brothers in arms.

  • @Joe_mama...
    @Joe_mama... 4 месяца назад

    Think about found the original Grineer. The original template

    • @gabork5055
      @gabork5055 20 дней назад

      So they were originally laborers modified into a sort of warrior-race later down the line.
      The original template might be the Kavor or maybe something close to it.
      Or if not it would still explain why that defect emerged.
      We will probably never see any original Grineer in the game unless they add some sort of flashback quest, don't think there's any in the WF main timeline.