UK Police arrest due to mistaken identity by Devon and Cornwall's finest goons.


Комментарии • 501

    @BANAMAN 3 года назад +80

    Door left a jar again, the police seemed more concerned about someone going through an open door than they was about catching criminals... If there are no criminals, let's just fit someone up! This is the only logic I can conclude from their enquiries. I can comprehend why the police annoyed you when the sergeant started questioning your legal and lawful actions, the sergeant wanted to try and play the situation down and hopefully appeal or take advantage of your good nature. I know in my heart that there are many police officers who have no idea how to reasonably interact with members of the public. The sergeant appeared as though he wanted to dominate and control the situation with a view to damage limitation towards the arresting officers in my view. I know there are good police officers out there and I like to think I give every police officer an opportunity to show their own professional approach to how they police any situation I am involved in. Yes I may push the boundaries a little also, but at the end of the day, a good police officer should easily be able to deal with any member of the public in any circumstance, including reasonable debate. After saying reasonable debate, I do get the impression that a police officer would rather arrest somebody for an over zealous belief than enter in to any rational debate. The amount of times I have heard police officers claim a belief which then turns out to be nothing, is quite alarming and only appears to serve as a control tactic to potentially incite a reaction from the person they are loosing a debate over, this in itself can then turn in to an arrest for a breach of the peace or some other trumped up charge after they push and poke with their own inabilities of comprehensions!

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад +11

      An excellent analysis as usual. Thankyou Mark.

    • @fordcapri6288
      @fordcapri6288 3 года назад +7

      Always great stuff from Banaman

    • @JohnSmith-vy4lh
      @JohnSmith-vy4lh 3 года назад +6

      @@julianchamberlain5399 Are they the dumbest coppers in Britain ? The competition is fears though, there's a lot of unhinged incompetent copper's about.
      They are just harassing you mate.

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад +8

      @@JohnSmith-vy4lh If there was an annual award for stupidity, I think they would be nominated.

    • @JohnSmith-vy4lh
      @JohnSmith-vy4lh 3 года назад +11

      @@julianchamberlain5399 They tried to intimidate you and failed , well done mate. Maybe you should put in an subject access request.
      The odds of someone having the same name and born on the same day and have issues with the police must be millions to one. They are pathetic.

  • @cpasty3450
    @cpasty3450 3 года назад +41

    Officer : 'Do you think it is morally acceptable for you to retain your sense of humour after 12 months of covid police tyranny ? We expect you to give it up right now, along with all your other freedoms'.

  • @davearmstrong2296
    @davearmstrong2296 3 года назад +55

    Having a character does not make you wrong or bad Julian. You come across in these videos as a totally normal person who has guts mate. Best of luck to you.

  • @nickhyde420
    @nickhyde420 3 года назад +46

    Trying to pay with a coin in Tesco lead to being quizzed how one got in a room and bundled in a van and arrested for mistaken identity. The plot thickens.

    • @motiveintentionsincerity
      @motiveintentionsincerity 3 года назад +3

      That old age humour of the bumbling force. Seems it was brought about actual fact with seems after (yawn) how many years, the things they do, and make themselves look totally like without an ounce of atoms between the eardrums is allowed to carry on by let's face it those that came through the ranks with the same RAM, Internal Storage Ability, and a out of date Internal Processor. The instruction of the Police seems to be manifesting 'Decadence' as to Evolving. Even Chimps are evolving why are these Police members 🤔 Ah ! The Slothful ... Syndrome. Feet under the table syndrome, creature of comfort syndrome, and the rest of the psychology of a human who like so many in the world are unable to grasp what it takes to be an 'Actual' Human 'Being'.

  • @chumbucket1026
    @chumbucket1026 3 года назад +45

    The fact they would have had a photo of the other person on their system. Wrongful arrest

  • @timsimpson9367
    @timsimpson9367 3 года назад +48

    I think you or your solicitor needs to see evidence of this other person you were allegedly mistaken for, if he exists at all. The whole thing looked like a stitch up to put you off pursuing a wrongful arrest & they've just made it worse for themselves.

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад +11

      When I was in custody there was an uncomfortable situation when the two arresting idiots discovered they had arrested me having only acertained my middle name is Julian. I think it was true but the level of stupidity is probably deeper than thought as I bet the surname and date of birth are also different. They would now claim data protection about the other person. In custody they said "are you so and so of whatever address?" But I forget the address sadly. I did try and track down the other person but with no success.

  • @Tiny-Tim
    @Tiny-Tim 3 года назад +23

    That was done out of spite, no other reason.

  • @michaelrowlands1448
    @michaelrowlands1448 3 года назад +19

    You can’t have fun with coppers, they all have had a personality bypass.

  • @3DomSculpts
    @3DomSculpts 3 года назад +28

    I don't believe for one second, that there is a guy with the exact same name and D.O.B. in that area, with a C.P.O. I hoped you pursued these tyrants in a civil suit.

    • @bobmirdiff2043
      @bobmirdiff2043 2 года назад +2

      Perhaps a FOIA Request to D&C Police requesting the Number of Arrests/Convictions for people having the SAME Name and Date of Birth?

    • @taffman1
      @taffman1 Год назад +1

      You would be surprised how many people have the same names, D.o.B bit different, but possible.

  • @sunray1411
    @sunray1411 3 года назад +41

    Nice to see someone challenge the systematic little, holding the Authorities accountable, whilst maintaining civility, manners and decorum.
    Brilliant, well thought out and amusing.
    Keep playing the games.

  • @kevinconnelly3662
    @kevinconnelly3662 3 года назад +61

    The fact they arrested you was retaliation in my opinion not the storyline they gave.

    • @Polecat54941
      @Polecat54941 3 года назад +7

      There is nobody with the same name and date of birth, they just put the wrong court order on the wrong name I think.

    • @pqrstzxerty1296
      @pqrstzxerty1296 3 года назад +5

      yep, been there as well, pulled from the street by plain clothed, got a kicking off 16 police officers in a cell, and later IOPC called in Police Internal Affairs, who said they got the wrong guy. Four police officers got moved on.
      They could not find the other 12 including an Inspector as CCTV was faulty that day, but they did find my blood spatter. I also had to go to A&E from the cell due to my injures. Sueing the police is very hard, they are very slimey and a bunch of liers and currupt. Police will look after themselves.
      PSD is also useless as they act as a Police Defence Unit ( PDU ) an they do not investigate what when on.

  • @amybaccellini5438
    @amybaccellini5438 3 года назад +20

    Please contact crimebodge he's a expert on unlawful arrests and tell him About the coin arrest.

  • @festusbojangles7027
    @festusbojangles7027 2 года назад +6

    wow the little stasi officer at the end was infuriatingly evil

  • @brucerioch3832
    @brucerioch3832 3 года назад +28

    I also noted they used handcuffs. Every use of force must be justified. You were calm and compliant showing no resistance. You will have a claim there even if the arrest was lawful.

  • @RonSeymour1
    @RonSeymour1 3 года назад +16

    With no notice saying no entry and an open door, it is an open and shut case in your favour.

  • @misssparky5574
    @misssparky5574 3 года назад +44

    You should never speak to them without your solicitor present. And never ever let them into your home unless they show you a warrant signed by a judge.

    • @andrewjoseph149
      @andrewjoseph149 3 года назад +5

      YES and I will add for the benefit of all concerned a warrant
      SIGNED by a judge IN WET INK a photocopy is NOT VALID !
      Without that warrant signed in wet ink do NOT allow them in.

    • @dougfields5798
      @dougfields5798 3 года назад +4

      Dead right ,they will twist whatever you say to suit themselves.Rule No 1 keep you mouth firmly closed .

    • @BirthOfAnEmceeTV
      @BirthOfAnEmceeTV 2 года назад +3

      @@andrewjoseph149 Hasn't got to be in wet ink.

    • @bobmirdiff2043
      @bobmirdiff2043 2 года назад +3

      @@BirthOfAnEmceeTV But it does need a Seal! - When presented with an Electronic Warrant, phone the Court of Origin, in order to check its validity!

    • @BirthOfAnEmceeTV
      @BirthOfAnEmceeTV 2 года назад +1

      @@bobmirdiff2043 Good shout mate

  • @sandydobbie1255
    @sandydobbie1255 3 года назад +30

    Once again incompetence from the cops is astounding !!! The lady cop that arrested you her incompetence was astounding !!! From the second she met you it was obvious her ego was badly damaged and she wanted redress for you being smarter than her !!! Just to arrest you without investigating if the order was against yourself !!! She never even asked if you were that person she only read you your rights and arrested you !!! She achieved her goal to arrest you even if it was an illegal arrest she didn’t care she ignored the law and done it because she wanted to !!! Please believe me the cops are not your friends they are supposed to be objective and unbiased but they are neither as the cop that came to speak to you in your home clearly displayed by his actions and his manner !!! The questions about morals have no bearing in your case the moral failure and legal failure are all owned by the police and their actions !!! You are and we’re the innocent party they were the guilty party and that cop in your house was trying to make out you were wrong in some respects !!! Which again was wrong you were innocent !!! These are very devious methods of policing and this is why the police should not be able to investigate themselves!!! It is morally wrong with a conflict of interest clearly evident !!! Great video where all the cops involved behaved improperly and unprofessionally !!! When they are wrong they will do anything but admit they are wrong !!! Be very careful they are not your friends !!!

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад +7

      I'm taking civil action against them. Glad I've got clear video evidence that's indisputable. Thankyou for you support and comment.

    • @sandydobbie1255
      @sandydobbie1255 3 года назад +5

      @@julianchamberlain5399 Thanks for the reply, best wishes with you law suit !!!

    • @suzyqualcast6269
      @suzyqualcast6269 3 года назад +1

      Had this same experience back in the 80's with a traffic plod who KEPT pulling me up on my mcycle asking me to I'd mesen, again and again and again etc. Result was a pclothes coming round one night, asking would it be right for a X to stain a coppers record via an official complaint, when he could just 'have a word'. Ffksk.
      Upon M father's advice I let it go,. Much to my cost but five years later.

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад +2

      @@suzyqualcast6269 I got pulled by the police and got a warning at the station for defective brakes. The senior officer said do I have any comments in my defence. I said yes, its a clutch...

  • @davegadge1
    @davegadge1 2 года назад +4

    I wish the they cared about actual crimes as much as they care how a man got into an empty room!

  • @user-sg1ku5hu5d
    @user-sg1ku5hu5d 3 года назад +17

    Funny how the police want to adopt the "spirit" of the law in these situations

  • @cypeman8037
    @cypeman8037 3 года назад +12

    First mistake, asking police for advice.

    • @davidbyrne5549
      @davidbyrne5549 3 года назад

      Seem a bit of a gaslighter mate for bully cops... both as bad
      If you have any coins like you say and are legal tender banks will always change them up.

    • @motiveintentionsincerity
      @motiveintentionsincerity 3 года назад

      Now that's funny 😁😂🤣

  • @bartonseagrave9605
    @bartonseagrave9605 Год назад +4

    Considering the enormous amount of money I pay for the Police I would expect better quality Officers and not the thick ones they force on us.

  • @davearmstrong2296
    @davearmstrong2296 3 года назад +10

    Ian Gould's name came into my head as soon as you said what happened. He is brilliant. Well done for finding him.

  • @jimmy2minutes
    @jimmy2minutes 3 года назад +17

    Its about time they had to have qualifications, or take a test to be in the police.

    • @Graemesbullys
      @Graemesbullys 3 года назад

      They already do. In the US its called the G.E.D.

    • @suzyqualcast6269
      @suzyqualcast6269 3 года назад +1

      Hendon hEndon heNdon
      henDon hendOn hendoN
      H E N D O N,
      least it was.

    • @gavinkennedy6853
      @gavinkennedy6853 3 года назад +2

      They do, can you put on this high viz jacket without turning it inside out?

  • @darrenwarmington7037
    @darrenwarmington7037 3 года назад +14

    One thing that annoys me with the police is they love to deflect on a situation and talk about something totally different as to the main situation at hand but when it doesn’t go their way they don’t want to deflect any more funny that

  • @rogerfleet4422
    @rogerfleet4422 3 года назад +4

    If he is keen to do his job go away no crime been commited, mr morality.

  • @DMC888
    @DMC888 3 года назад +4

    "You're under arrest now, you're not allowed your phone". Strange what their priorities are.

  • @wsurfa
    @wsurfa 3 года назад +13

    Always film them - when the sgt turns up, record him

  • @freddien7
    @freddien7 3 года назад +3

    Sue that little policewoman and that miserable copper for wrong full arrest.

    • @livestream3946
      @livestream3946 3 года назад

      It isn’t wrongful. If they suspected he was wanted it’s a lawful arrest to ascertain his identity

  • @motiveintentionsincerity
    @motiveintentionsincerity 3 года назад +7

    That went well for Sgt Moral. Asks a question and doesn't or worms his way out of a reply. Obviously the penny dropped for him that he's out of his league when it comes down to intelligence. Probably better to send a Superintendent next time.

  • @outlaw6421
    @outlaw6421 3 года назад +5

    Now they are locking all the doors lol

  • @wokeupandsmellthecoffee214
    @wokeupandsmellthecoffee214 2 года назад +3

    I’d love this to go to court, I can just see the judges face looking at those 2 pathetic excuses for coppers. Go for it Bret/Julian and Sue them 👏

  • @hammerwell0868
    @hammerwell0868 3 года назад +5

    I would of asked the officers to take their boots off before they come in to my house , leave them on door step 🤣

  • @ChineseGordon1956
    @ChineseGordon1956 3 года назад +15

    Never complain sue them give the police some slack sue them they arrested you illegaly

    • @andyroid2555
      @andyroid2555 3 года назад +1

      Never "understand" anything...tell em you dont whilst telling them you "comprehend" what they are saying,

  • @bobmirdiff2043
    @bobmirdiff2043 2 года назад +3

    "'Being in enclosed premises for an unlawful purpose" - An old chestnut from the Vagrancy Act of 1824, and now the 'New Go To' for Old Bill!

  • @samhenwood5746
    @samhenwood5746 3 года назад +4

    The police have nothing better to do. Must be very bored in life 😡

  •  3 года назад +11

    I don't think there is another person with your name etc, there just messing with you, take them to court so they have to prove there is this imaginary person.

  • @tricky778
    @tricky778 3 года назад +3

    "Suspicion of being found in an enclosed premises" ?! Is that for real. There's someone for whom it is illegal to be indoors?

  • @stepbackandthink
    @stepbackandthink 3 года назад +3

    I very much doubt that the other person had the same date of birth. Sounds like an excuse.

  • @kevinetheridge7201
    @kevinetheridge7201 3 года назад +16

    Hi Brett/Julian. Hope u r ok after your false arrest. Well done for pursuing this matter and pointing out to the police that there not here to judge morality. Ps don’t change your mischievous playful character. All the best, looking forward to the outcome of the coins and now this situation.

    • @suzyqualcast6269
      @suzyqualcast6269 3 года назад +1

      Can see how a bit of fun is escalating now to the never smile gang.
      'How dares ya' : ¿¡?

  • @intellectualgladiata
    @intellectualgladiata 2 года назад +4

    I find their excuse impossible to believe that somebody with the same name and date of birth had an order not be near police stations. I'd be verifying that claim as I suspect they have arrested you to either intimidate you or to attempt to punish you with the process.

  • @fatboy8923
    @fatboy8923 3 года назад +4

    They send a collage boy 😂😂😂how’s he going to protect you when you need protecting. Do my job 🤪

  • @jamesbristow1644
    @jamesbristow1644 3 года назад +2

    Two more examples of poor police staff

  • @hometruthshomie8688
    @hometruthshomie8688 2 года назад +2

    If they said to you, 'the door was a jar' Say no, 'What you on about?' 'It's a door not a jar'! lol

  • @tintersniffer9929
    @tintersniffer9929 3 года назад +7

    They are not the brightest of sorts are they.

  • @melvinevans9981
    @melvinevans9981 3 года назад +5

    Mate. The morality video with the policeman was absolutely divine
    Your extrapolation of tyranny hit like home run.
    Hardlol . Imma get the popcorn for pt.2

  • @outlaw6421
    @outlaw6421 3 года назад +6

    They make me laugh,making acdeal about a locked room that was clearly not locked lol

  • @seanbirss1816
    @seanbirss1816 3 года назад +2

    Flipping heck they look well daft puzzling over that door lock😅

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад +1

      It was amusing watching them work it out. I think they always assume the worst. Like maybe I have a master key and the whole buildings compromised. Then thinking I might have access to the armoury... 🙄

  • @MrRobsantos
    @MrRobsantos 3 года назад +2

    your story telling is so interesting and the words you us is - to me so more interesting than most TV shows.

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад

      I must admit I made this video late one evening after a bottle of red.

  • @studaples
    @studaples 3 года назад +3

    If you are the victim of an , the time spent in custody is classed as being a false imprisonment. Because your Human Rights have been violated, and your freedom of movement restricted, you may have been the victim of a criminal act and a civil wrong.

  • @davearmstrong2296
    @davearmstrong2296 3 года назад +2

    When is a door not a door? When it is a jar!

  • @bobmirdiff2043
    @bobmirdiff2043 2 года назад +3

    You should have 'Cautioned the Sergeant' who came to see you! - “You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.” (Except Scotland, where the middle sentence is missing!)

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  2 года назад +2

      Might be going to court this one. They already admitted liability but won't agree a settlement. I'll delete this once you read it..

    • @BrandNew777
      @BrandNew777 2 года назад +1

      Seems like a fishing expedition, trying to get you to inadvertedly agree their behaviour was acceptable because of covid and so on, and that you somehow antagonised them in some way, he is trying to document mitigating circumstances for his officers using your own words, don't give em an inch or before you know it they'll have enough to get them off the hook

  • @Sickofitall99
    @Sickofitall99 3 года назад +2

    What a waste of tax’s payers money 💯 so thick it’s unreal!!!!!!!

  • @andrewgilbertson5356
    @andrewgilbertson5356 2 года назад +2

    Thank you again for what you are doing.

  • @Gypsyauditor
    @Gypsyauditor 3 года назад +5

    I watched the whole thing wtf is going on u were well within you’re rights well done bro that’s crazy the same name as you lol keep up the good work

  • @andrewdaley3081
    @andrewdaley3081 3 года назад +6

    That Sargent got to you in quick time to try and get you to change your mind on the complaint. Andy England 🇬🇧👍

  • @outlaw6421
    @outlaw6421 3 года назад +2

    You should have had your legal advisor at that interview..

  • @nxesr
    @nxesr 3 года назад +2

    Hats off to you bud and I really appreciate your work seriously you done very well standing your ground 🙏🙏🙏

  • @jasonedwardledburynewzeala9897
    @jasonedwardledburynewzeala9897 3 года назад +6

    Good stuff. Be interesting how your court cases go.

  • @TheSadButMadLad
    @TheSadButMadLad 3 года назад +5

    28:20 There's a quote which I forgotten who by, but it goes along the lines of "Tyrants use the excuse of public safety to hide behind".

  • @robertcordrey5273
    @robertcordrey5273 2 года назад +1

    These two couldn’t detect a fart in a lift!

  • @cacadores3955
    @cacadores3955 3 года назад +3

    An open door gives an implied right of access and trespass is not a crime so not an arrestable offence. You have to leave if asked to do so by a constable acting after a request by the landowner only. I hope you take the named constables responsible to the magistrate's court quick because internal complaints will get you nowhere: false imprisonment, assault, and not acting according to their oath to keep the peace. You are being targeted and it has to stop. The magistrates application can just be written in normal language - attach copies of any documents.

  • @Boudicca-the-musical
    @Boudicca-the-musical 3 года назад +5

    Same name and DOB? I Think they made it up. Sue them. If they made it up, you should get exemplary damages as well as compensatory.

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад +3

      It is a bit of a coincidence. I tried to find this other guy with no success. I suspect his details were nothing like mine which make them even more incompetent.

    • @Boudicca-the-musical
      @Boudicca-the-musical 3 года назад +3

      @@julianchamberlain5399 It is such a big coincidence, that I'm inclined to believe that it's a police fabrication. At any rate, if you sue them and allege fabrication, they'll have to provide evidence that such a court order existed (at the time) with s person with those details. They might try to hide behind data protection, but you or your lawyer could argue that this only applies to the person's address, not the court order itself, which (unless sealed by the court) would be a publicly available document.

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад +4

      @@Boudicca-the-musical on the day at custody, the custody Sergeant Graham asked was I Julian Chamberlain of (117 some road in Bristol?) I forget. I said no and gave him my address and he said you got the wrong guy to Exeter finest. I dont think they made it up but I wouldn't be surprised if the other guys details were slightly different. Either way you don't ask if someone's name is Julian and then arrest them.

  • @dingbatbell01
    @dingbatbell01 Год назад +1

    I find it rich that the Sargent was questioning your morality while we have officers posting pictures of victims on their WhatsApp group.

  • @presstodelete1165
    @presstodelete1165 3 года назад +5

    When the Police get into the realms of discussing Morals it is special pleading which they are then quite happy to back up with FORCE of law. I would stop that line of reasoning from the get go.

  • @martinfowler6644
    @martinfowler6644 Год назад +3

    Why do they feel the need to bend your fingers back and rough you up ??? Egotistical Bully's

  • @kevinconnelly3662
    @kevinconnelly3662 3 года назад +4

    Don't believe you had any obligation to speak to sgt about anything sense there searching , what are the morales in false arrest.

  • @dave72ization
    @dave72ization 3 года назад +2

    100 quid commemorative coins are usually worth more than their face value....bad luck tescos

  • @kevinsancto1574
    @kevinsancto1574 2 года назад +2

    How is this not kidnap he has been detained unlawfully against his will for no law broken.

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  2 года назад +1

      Almost at the end of litigation with it. I'll do a video about it once I know the outcome.

  • @steuk6510
    @steuk6510 3 года назад +6

    If you leave doors open people can walk in there need better security

  • @Ruben-ni7zq
    @Ruben-ni7zq 3 года назад +2

    It’s no concern of the law to try to criminalise morals that they don’t agree with. It’s got F all to do with them. They’re only concern should be lawful or unlawful. If it’s lawful they should shield they’re delicate precious little egos and leave people the f**k alone to go about their lawful lives…..😡😡

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад +2

      "Do you think it moral, in this economy to be playful in the police station?" Wtf has it got to do with the economy?? 😂

  • @david6532
    @david6532 3 года назад +2

    you do realise the mistaken identity was a simple stitch up,which i hope others have pointed out.

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад +1

      You recon? I do suspect it is too much of a coincidence that there is someone with the same name and date of birth. I suspect they are idiots rather than it being a stich up or coincidence. Either way they are liable.

    • @david6532
      @david6532 3 года назад

      @@julianchamberlain5399 i watch videos about the guys who do the audits of police stations etc,more than once i have seen them arrested and then released for the same reason as you,also anyone arrested is photographed so surely as a double check on your identity they could have simply reviewed a picture of your clone.

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад

      @@david6532 They police staff in the enquiry office already knew who I was as I was making an enquiry about the arrest for using coins. If you watch the video carefully you can hear the police staff guy asking her if she wants my name and she said "no, he has not done anything wrong"

    • @david6532
      @david6532 3 года назад

      @@julianchamberlain5399 i agree with you but i am adamant they stitched you up anyway i am now watching all your videos😂

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад

      @@david6532 I would like to get to the bottom of what happened. When I was on the way to custody in the van she said to me "Is your address bla bla bla Street in Bristol Julian?" I remained silent as it was at that point I knew they had messed up badly. At custody, the custody Sergeant said "your address isn't bla bla bla Bristol is it?" He was the same Sergeant who dealt with me on the previous occasion and knew who I was, so it was quickly established they had the wrong guy. I dont think it was deliberate but just incompetent by a couple of idiots.

  • @fatboy8923
    @fatboy8923 3 года назад +3

    Your totally right the police should behave and follow the LAW

  • @SuperChalkster
    @SuperChalkster 2 года назад +2

    where can i find your other channels, i find the videos amusing. lol

  • @MrHerbsandspices
    @MrHerbsandspices 3 года назад +1

    🤔What's the chances of someone with the same name being born on the same day?😁

  • @johnblack4382
    @johnblack4382 3 года назад +6

    I’m asking a question about morals said the cop. Is he for real!

  • @givemeabreak7273
    @givemeabreak7273 3 года назад +1

    You are making me have faith in mankind once again God bless you

  • @g0fvt
    @g0fvt 3 года назад +5

    I don't usually diss the police but the blank expressions at 6:20 are just hilarious

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад +1

      To be fair on them, they are investigating a major heist.

    • @g0fvt
      @g0fvt 3 года назад

      @@julianchamberlain5399, later on in the video from about 27 minutes I am afraid I am somewhat on their side, I understand your point but right now is not a great time to be playing games. Your previous point about the currency seems to be utterly valid, the mint are happy to produce commemorative coins but on the other hand they realise that a coin with such high face value is going to be viable to forge. You mention even a bank refusing to accept them, a very sure sign that these coins should never have been produced.

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад

      @@g0fvt You have a preconceived idea that coins are of little value when they are not.

    • @g0fvt
      @g0fvt 3 года назад

      @@julianchamberlain5399 did I say that?

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад

      @@g0fvt Sorry I must have put this reply in the wrong place! You did not say that.

  • @rhumisback8270
    @rhumisback8270 3 года назад +11

    mmm i wonder if another Julian chamderlain with the same birth date even exists or weather it was an excuse to arrest you and to try to put you in your place.. (to teach you a lesson) Good video and i like how you stay calm with them!

    • @julianchamberlain5399
      @julianchamberlain5399  3 года назад +2

      I did try and track him down without success. They showed me the address but I've forgotten what it was. Apparently he lives in Bristol.

    • @andrewdaley3081
      @andrewdaley3081 3 года назад +1

      @@julianchamberlain5399 like they do not have access to a photo of him. Andy England 🇬🇧👍

    • @cjbrad2582
      @cjbrad2582 3 года назад +1

      Devon and Cornwall cover a massive community order area goes all the way to Bristol. Avon and Somerset.

    • @alanmorris3601
      @alanmorris3601 3 года назад +1

      Of course there isn't another Julian Chamberlain with the same date of birth.
      It's not exactly a common name.
      They clearly just made it up to screw you around.

  • @dutchyno.1767
    @dutchyno.1767 3 года назад +2

    Bet they’ve left the evidence room open too! They must of had a picture of the person they wanted. Clowns.

  • @tony-yp6qk
    @tony-yp6qk 3 года назад +5

    They don't like you being in a police station with a camera in case you record them doing their illegal activities

  • @steuk6510
    @steuk6510 3 года назад +2

    Tell the police to get stuffed

  • @philwarren4479
    @philwarren4479 3 года назад +1

    Does it matter….. please you can see there brains working to solve this crime …. I have tears running down my face…. How long did they spend on this….. 😂😂😂😂

  • @misssparky5574
    @misssparky5574 3 года назад +3

    This sergeant has the hard faced cheek to sit in your home without a warrant from a judge spouting off about covid? Why if he was so concerned didn't he wear a mask and gloves? Everytime he evaded your questions you should have asked him to leave, as it looks like on your video that he wanted to dominate the interview and use his nonsensical narrative as a conclusion.

  • @johnwbroseley
    @johnwbroseley 3 года назад +2

    there is always a Dave, no matter where you go or what you do.

  • @hammerwell0868
    @hammerwell0868 3 года назад +2

    If your not allowed in the police station , then I'd go out and commit as many crimes as I could , not like they can arrest you and put you in a cell 😄😄

  • @ivancarter7564
    @ivancarter7564 3 года назад +2

    Dont feel alone, devon and cornwall are all ways arresting the wrong people, ....i have a mate who was arrested in a petrol station , seams they ran his car registration and thought he was wanted , so without doing any checks they took him to exeter station but they suddenly found THEY HAD REALISED THEY HAD COCKED UP 1 the person they thought he was , is 20 years older than my mate the wanted person they wanted is of a different colour but they carried him so 50 miles in a police car , but the best of it was the wanted person is actually in jail for the crime he was wanted for .... the grief they gave him when he pointed out he had no cash or card to travel back to his car , so they had to give him a lift , he has started legal action for wrongfull arrest against devon and cornwall . the reason police dont like us mear citizens going into" their" stations coz it means having to leave their donuts

  • @Malabus73
    @Malabus73 2 года назад +1

    Bald headed copper has some attitude. Looking down on people from his high horse isn't a very good look for a public servant.

  • @GavTatu
    @GavTatu 3 года назад +2

    guessing they'll never make detectives !

  • @albertsmith1048
    @albertsmith1048 3 года назад +1

    Oh dear me, NEVER EVER let plod into your house for ANY REASON. NEVER EVER voluntarily SPEAK TO THEM. They are only fishing to try and catch you out or to further their case against you. Least said the better, EVERY TIME.

  • @noreensharkey16
    @noreensharkey16 3 года назад +1

    that door put you in the frame for a period of time - Your namesake caused you problems - You were spoken to about safety- But you have legal tender on your side.

  • @jasonedwardledburynewzeala9897
    @jasonedwardledburynewzeala9897 3 года назад

    Fantastic. Maybe i have got superpowers.🤣🤣🤣

  • @keithdavies150
    @keithdavies150 3 года назад +5

    And I bet they never apologised for the second unlawful arrest either

  • @TheFartbreakKid
    @TheFartbreakKid 2 года назад +1

    Went the police station to sort out a possible unlawful arrest. Then gets possibly unlawfully arrested. You can't make this stuff up

  • @jayturner3397
    @jayturner3397 3 года назад +1

    I got pulled in for a guy with SIMILAR details ace 😆

  • @David-ix1uv
    @David-ix1uv 2 года назад +1

    They are both subjective opinions...until Julian expertly presents the lawfulness of his conduct. That blow by blow account to the sarge of the legality of his conduct in the police station gives his account objectivity. The law is objective and thus so is Julian's account of his lawful behaviour. That sarge was put straight. It is incredible that the sarge entered your home and had the gall to cast a moral judgement on you, all because he had no legal leg to stand on.

  • @inquisitor4635
    @inquisitor4635 3 года назад +1

    I would have met with and spoken with that last officer down at the station. Never let them in your home.

  • @jonneyuk7486
    @jonneyuk7486 Год назад

    This is why you can never ever have an innocent conversation with the public

  • @drips1030
    @drips1030 Год назад

    What's your other channel please Julian??

  • @jamesbristow1644
    @jamesbristow1644 3 года назад +3

    Keep being you mate , all the best

  • @tropicalpalmtree
    @tropicalpalmtree 2 года назад +1

    What an absolute shambles.