1995 had a incident similar had the owner come out shot at me 3 times hit my boat with 1 round I returned fire back hitting him 2 times in the gut and chest he survived to face attempted murder and reckless endangerment. I'm glad you guys come out ok in these incidents
I had one too, few years back on a 25k acre lake Corpus Christi. Was fishing a dock and the land owner came out and started talking trash. I didnt take his smack talk and he got mad and told me he was going inside to get his AR. At that point I pulled out the .45 desert eagle I had and let him know I had gun too. I did not point at him but made sure he did not go inside to get his gun and then I got out of there fast as I could. It is not worth that kind of violence over fishing. I can't understand being that angry.
It takes a lot to get a DNRto do a sting like that. It takes several seasons of continuous behavior like that before they will do that. I’ve been involved in that and it can be frustrating.
@@piggy8761because he claims he owns all that land… a nice house on the river and probably old enough to be retired. He has everything he wants but wants to continue being a lowlife loser with nothing better to do. Sharing is caring, should’ve been more considerate.
He will end up getting outta any real prison time. He'll start drinking again and end up hurting someone. Then people will say they should have done something before he hurt someone.
A clear case of angler harrassment..you should have called the local game warden, they would have gave him a citation for it..and they still can off of video evidence
Obviously he was a drunk who could not work for anybody else got a little money together made a trailer park. Money could have came from selling black dirt if he dug out channel. Butas long as it hooks up to lake water is public
This is probably a seasonal camp ground, and I don't know about Wisconsin, but in my state you cannot fire a weapon within a hundred yards of a camp ground.
That's some pretty tough talk coming from a guy who lives in a wood house with a boat tied up down at his dock. I love the, "You don't belong here," line.
Mistake #1) arguing with the idiot. Mistake #2) not calling the DNR & getting this guy on the record as a harasser. This video only shows that he got away with his harassment of YOU!!!
Organize a fishing tournament on that lake and invite a wildlife agent to come undercover. In many states if not all, he’s violating the law harassing fishermen.
As someone who grew up in the streets anyone who argues with you and then immediately goes inside or to their car you already know what comes after that , that should be your q to get your own gun or leave lol
So sad that people have become so petty,selfish and intitled. When I was younger we could fish anywhere even private ponds as long as we kept it picked up
glad l live in New Zealand we have ‘Queen’s Chain’? This is a commonly used term for a strip of public land, usually 20 metres wide (or one chain in pre-metric measure), that has been set aside for public use around coast, around all lakes, and along all rivers
I live in Texas, I fish all the time and I'm always packing heat for my safety. We have "Stand Your Ground" laws. Anyone tries to shoot me, I shoot back and if that person is dead, I'm not guilty. Simple
Would love the address/ location posted. Here in Florida we had a similar situation. For a month "her" dock had 50-100 boats outside playing music and partying
That would be funny. Don't screw with guys fishing. You could ask the to kindle not hook boats and covers that may do damage. Most of the time, we would ask how the fishing was going, and help these guys to find fish. As most of the time there's not any fish there under our docks. We would have been fishing it from side angles if there were..
I have a neighbor like that he is a raging alcoholic smokes weed all day he pulled a gun on another neighbor for stepping on his property while cutting grass only difference is I live in the city
Ok, so you mentioned that this took place in WI based on the case info you provided. Given that this is in WI, this property owner is way beyond wrong. Eminent Domain laws mean that the state owns the lake bottom and any connected lands up to the high water mark.
Eminent domain means a government can convert private property to public property, as long as the property owner is justly compensated for the property. This has nothing to do with eminent domain.
@@JonnyRicter WI law uses the term to indicate state ownership of land, not just as a means to seize land. This goes back, I believe, to the founding of the state. Because of how the state defines eminent domain, my explanation is accurate.
Another fellow Wisconsinite! I fished Fox Lake and Lake Emily all the time when I had a boat. I've heard about that guy. Hope the rest of your fishing trip went well!
There is a lawyer from Michigan who post regularly (Lehto law). Every state has different laws, but he explained it in general. Not always as cut and dried, in MI the person can own the land under the water, but not the water itself. It often comes down to where the one fishing accesses the water. This may very well come down to the OP's situation as well. that said as no threat was imminent the use of a gun was used in criminal intent.
Does that guy own the trailer park? Such a butthead. Hopefully he gets his guns taken away because he lost his rights as far as I'm concerned except the other guy didn't have his camera on.
@@FightingTheFish Awesome! That's a proverb I try to remember when I have encounters, such as yours, with people of the "crazy folks tribe". Another one is: "Never try to teach a pig to dance; you'll just waste your time and annoy the pig." And thanks for the videos!
There should be no private land around any lakes. All land in or around a lake should be public to everyone and federally owned. Parks should be free to enter since they receive Federal, state and private funding. Federal owned land around lake is being sold at an alarming rate to private companies that sell the land to developers to build houses all around the lakes.
While this property owner is wrong in how he's doing this & in threatening people I do know at least part of the reason they do this.... lol, after my uncle bought his property(8acres) in Northern Virginia on a bosy of water, he started having his stuff stolen. Turns out that fishermen or thieves acting like they were fishing were stopping at his property to take stuff. They took stuff out of the boat, off the pier, out of his boat house, and even off the yard. So yeah, he got really pissed over his things getting stolen. I know everyone isn't a thief but that's why some of them act like this. I've also had people who own property try to make me leave the water in front of their homes, I had the same conversations.... you don't own the water on Blad blah blah. But that's what their deal is about. peace
The big miss understanding is that he owns the riverbed, so he thinks he owns the water, owning the bottom of a lake all you can really stop is someone building a dock without written consent from the land owner.
It depends on the state and how the channel was created. In many states, if the channel did not exist when the lake was formed and was subsequently formed when the landowner dug it out, then the channel is private despite being connected to public water.
I heard the guy was arrested for assaulting a utility worker that came into his property. I also heard they used this video for the conviction but I don’t know for sure. He was locked up for awhile but I saw him last fall doing this same thing to someone else but I didn’t have my camera at the time.
Where I am in Texas drugs and in possession of a firearm is 100 percent a felony, also being intoxicated while handling a firearm. You guys might want to look into it more and try to get the appropriate felony charges going.
This guy don't own shit. That's probably his mom and dad's house. He lives in the basement. And he has nothing better to do than harass fishermen. What you should have done was video it all. Call the Fish and Wildlife officer. Have his ass locked up for harassing people fishing. Its against the law!! Put his drunk ass in jail.
Same here. Solid area. Doesn't mean they are lying... but they are being pretty shady, and who starts their gopro. And then turns it right off... forgets to turn it on. No way. Clout chasers like this always remember their cam. But be safe buddy. I carry legally most times I fish.
Love the comments. Only in America. I can fish anywhere in Canada and A. I don't need to carry a gun and B. Nobody is going to start shooting at me over " trespassing". I have 30 years as a Police officer to back that up. What's it like to live in a country where you have to be afraid all the time? I've had Americans tell me that it "sucks".
You know, if you make it your business to know for a fact where property lines are, what hunting and fishing regulations are, what permissions you have to have ( and not just because a friend of a friend thinks so), you can relax and ignore them. Arguing will NEVER go anywhere. I’ve been harassed while engaged in these activities and I always know where I am, and what the law is and have always come out on the right end of things. I see many videos that indicate the fisherman wasn’t 100% for sure. And all the hollering back and forth on this video only brings you guys down to the creep’s level. Just say ok, wave, ignore and call the CO. always works for me.
I am 100% certain that we are legally fishing. I have lived in this lake for many years. He also followed us around the lake and went back into his home with a gun. He followed us while we tried to leave.
My uncles property ended at the Cuyahoga River and we didn’t mind seeing the fishermen fishing the river from the boat or bank . He also had two lakes in the grounds and we didn’t mind people fishing these. One of the lakes had a beaver dam and all the trees near the lake had been chewed . In the woods there were lots of wild turkeys . We never used to carry guns down by the river or lakes .
Property owner doesn't own the waterways. That is owned by the government. All waterways are owned by the government. No property owner owns a waterway (or the land under the waterways), , nor do they own the banks surrounding the waterways.. The government owns a few feet of land that surrounds, and extends around borders the waterways, along all the shore lines.
Here's my question: Why are mainly older property owners so petty and entitled about people being on their property? Like if I owned a property and a big pond was included way out back, I'd be happy to look out my window seeing someone enjoying it, especially since they probably are unaware it's private. It's not like they were purposely trying to invade my space for some ill-intended reason; they clearly just want to go fishing. You see a lot of videos on here where a property owner confronts someone within their technical property line, yet they ventured over the mountains and through the woods just to go catch them where it probably wouldn't have otherwise interfered with their day, and they bitch and pout because their starts at "that tree" over there. It's like the whiney old man who makes a giant paper trail with the police and court because their neighbor's new fence is actually two feet over their property. If I owned tons of acres, I'd probably not even have posted signs except for a reasonable circumstance around my house and I'd consider policing my territory by ear, such as in the event I found someone doing something seriously dangerous or wrong. Otherwise, who cares that some hunter or fisherman is enjoying themselves way out of view? Idk what it is about the psychology of owning property that people become so neurotically territorial right down to the exact line. Just weird.
@@jimmurphy834 I don’t live in a city. Well, technically I do now, as I just moved to a small city. I’ve lived in rural and suburban environments my whole life, hunted and fished, etc. And no, this situation has never happened to me. Just telling what I observe.
Clickbait at its finest, all I saw is him make y'all's punk ass’s leave. Catch fish somewhere else, or catch fish in general, now that would make a good video.
This isnt click bait. He didn't make us leave we were already leaving the spot when he came out. I wish I had better footage. It is public record that he received a 500 fine, lost his right to carry a firearm and is no longer able to have alcohol. If we would have had the footage of the weapon he would have faced attempted murder.
This is what happened to Chai Vang back in 2004. Dude was hunting when 8 white people came after him which is what led to him gunning down all 8 of them killing 6, injuring 2
@@caseyjonas86 He tried to leave, they stopped and prevented him from leaving at gunpoint. From there they assaulted him and tried to forcefully take his hunting tag. What's clear was there was a gun fight. I don't think its fair for you or anyone else to say shooting people who just assaulted you in the midst of a gun fight is wrong. Like come on; you'd shoot me in the back if I was shooting you
I used to go to fishing videos on RUclips now all I find is fisherman harassing homeowners I have fished my whole life and never once felt the need to fish at someone's dock, found a way to go on a lake that someone owns the property. Just because you can doesn't make it right.
First of all I am not on his dock even though it is perfectly legal to fish someones dock. He followed us for about 1/2 mile down the lake and said it was all his property and then he went and get a gun. If you think I am in the wrong here you are another kind of stupid. This is a massive stretch of lake that not only do I have the right to fish but at the time of this incident we even owned property on this lake in the area I am fishing. I cant even believe this comment. This is seriously the stupidest comment on my channel congrats on that you should win an award for how much of an idiot you are.
In Canada, some people do own the bed of navigable waters, it depends on the original patent issued for the property. If that is the case, then if it is a navigable water, a person has the right to navigate over the private land. Navigation does not include fishing or hunting.
Canada is weird anyway with so much "Crown Land" and such. Their weird azz laws are not applicable here. Individual rights are much more important in the US. But you are right. The best Atlantic salmon river on the Atlantic is privately owned. (The Mirimachi River is off limits unless you pay to fish) That crap don't fly here.
@@theebrainfixer The apparently America has far BETTER laws on this than Canada does. Unless a lake is fully "landlocked", then no owner should have exclusive rights to it.
I carry a ak47 and pistol in my boat for this very reason had the same thing happen to me I shoot back now best thing is do not answer or invite any conversation when this starts that makes them infuriated
When we were kids we walked from the Fox Lake dam and we keep on walking downstream we go out close to the bridge on I think it is hwy C(toward the trestle-on BD lake)and we had a guy come out and threatened to shoot us saying that he owned the creek. We were just kids so we hightailed it out of there. Might be the same guy but I believe you are out more close to Indian Point. If that is where you are I think that guy use to own a tavern out there and chase snowmobile riders off the lake and his so called property.
We have property in Louisiana where the river we are on and water gets high flows into a big swamp that holds a lot of big bass during the spawn. When I say a large swamp it is close to 100 yards x 50 yards n one of the larger swamps on this river. There are a lot of fishermen that go back there to fish n whrre the fish spawn is where the swamp goes into a point n goes about 75 yards through the middle of our land. The land plots at the court house show that our property goes up to the bank of the river and when the water is normal a jon boat cannot get back to where the fish, bass, spawn but people go thrre and argue it is part of the river since it is connected to the river. The law states it has to be navigable from one body of water to another and not just in and back out. Anyway people fishing and land owners should know the laws of their state so people do not have to get into these situations. I will say that every time I would go back in that swamp to fish I always carried my 22lr Remington pump but was never crazy enough to pull it out on anything other than what it was intended for. I now live in Philippines and you cannot keep others off your property here and if you do you might be the one getting shot. People here love to drink and drink till they cannot walk and definately cannot think rationally so as a land owner we have to make good judgements about people on our land. Stay safe out on the water and always put your life in the hands of Jesus because he will protect you or bring you into His Kingdom!! God bless
You can tell the difference in these videos who is a sportsman and who is just a fisherman. You can go to the townhall and find all the properties layouts and homeowners names. If you have to cross private property it’s done so you can find out who owns what and ask permission to cross to access public land. Not saying these guys are in the wrong but there are so many of these videos with fish man not having the property layouts printed for them to shut these people up and if you knew you were in the right you’d just ignore them or call your game warden for harassment.
Best move on and report the situation. Let the authorities deal with it. Also, one thing I hear constantly on fishing videos is, "I thought I turned my GoPro on but I turned it off," or, "I just turned my GoPro off and.... ." One could make a long video out of just GoPro screw-ups.
Yeah I really messed up the GoPro footage - we actually are moving and he is chasing us down in a 4 wheeler. This is an older video but last fall I saw him do it again to someone else.
1995 had a incident similar had the owner come out shot at me 3 times hit my boat with 1 round I returned fire back hitting him 2 times in the gut and chest he survived to face attempted murder and reckless endangerment. I'm glad you guys come out ok in these incidents
Jim Douglas omg that is crazy! I’m happy you are ok!
@@FightingTheFish it crazy how stoopid people get over water they dont own
That is how all these situations need fo be handled, then they will stop
do you have his name? i'd like to read his statement during trial
I had one too, few years back on a 25k acre lake Corpus Christi. Was fishing a dock and the land owner came out and started talking trash. I didnt take his smack talk and he got mad and told me he was going inside to get his AR. At that point I pulled out the .45 desert eagle I had and let him know I had gun too. I did not point at him but made sure he did not go inside to get his gun and then I got out of there fast as I could. It is not worth that kind of violence over fishing. I can't understand being that angry.
If it is a public lake then he does not own the water. Also shooting a firearm into or over a public lake is a felony. Call your state troopers.
Unless in the lawful pursuit of game.
Quack quack
Call fish and game they will handle it.
The sheriff’s department, if they cared, could go fish there undercover and simply nail this guy for this illegal behavior.
Call DNR
I thought in the beginning of the video they said he was arrested and charged….
It takes a lot to get a DNRto do a sting like that. It takes several seasons of continuous behavior like that before they will do that. I’ve been involved in that and it can be frustrating.
Why pester homeowners? Why not grow up and buy a house on water?
@@geraldyafchak4365Owning a house on the lake does not make a person “grown up” the home owner is wrong and childish.
Of course. Someone thought it was smart to turn off the camera. NTB
... rich people complex " I OWN EVERRYTHIIIIING!!!!!!"
Lmao it was a trailer park
How is he rich lmfao 😂
@@piggy8761because he claims he owns all that land… a nice house on the river and probably old enough to be retired. He has everything he wants but wants to continue being a lowlife loser with nothing better to do. Sharing is caring, should’ve been more considerate.
Drunk old timer
He will end up getting outta any real prison time. He'll start drinking again and end up hurting someone. Then people will say they should have done something before he hurt someone.
A clear case of angler harrassment..you should have called the local game warden, they would have gave him a citation for it..and they still can off of video evidence
He built a big house in a trailer park so it has no value, that is why he is pissed.
Lol... You might be right.
Nut job probably owns the camp ground & that's why the weirdo thinks he owns the water too!
Obviously he was a drunk who could not work for anybody else got a little money together made a trailer park.
Money could have came from selling black dirt if he dug out channel. Butas long as it hooks up to lake water is public
This is probably a seasonal camp ground, and I don't know about Wisconsin, but in my state you cannot fire a weapon within a hundred yards of a camp ground.
That's some pretty tough talk coming from a guy who lives in a wood house with a boat tied up down at his dock. I love the, "You don't belong here," line.
Mistake #1) arguing with the idiot. Mistake #2) not calling the DNR & getting this guy on the record as a harasser. This video only shows that he got away with his harassment of YOU!!!
john JohnB dang at first I thought this was the JonB! He ended up with a fine, lost all of his firearms and can not have alcohol
Spot on
Organize a fishing tournament on that lake and invite a wildlife agent to come undercover. In many states if not all, he’s violating the law harassing fishermen.
As someone who grew up in the streets anyone who argues with you and then immediately goes inside or to their car you already know what comes after that , that should be your q to get your own gun or leave lol
Finally a decent comment man that is so true
He’s currently on the Dodge County Wanted list for this incident. Must be running from the law.
So sad that people have become so petty,selfish and intitled. When I was younger we could fish anywhere even private ponds as long as we kept it picked up
sadly things arent the same as they were back then
I've fished a lot on private property and golf courses. Of course that was 50 years ago.
glad l live in New Zealand we have ‘Queen’s Chain’?
This is a commonly used term for a strip of public land, usually 20 metres wide (or one chain in pre-metric measure), that has been set aside for public use around coast, around all lakes, and along all rivers
OK I am not a democrat or a leftist but that is one guy who needs any guns he has taken away !!
He's a right wing Republican
This is why I always bring a rifle when I go out. If you shoot at me I’m defending myself
In florida you can open carry while going fishing. To protect yourself. Its the law.
That's why you always carry a gun on you lol
I carry all the time!!!!!
I live in Texas, I fish all the time and I'm always packing heat for my safety. We have "Stand Your Ground" laws. Anyone tries to shoot me, I shoot back and if that person is dead, I'm not guilty. Simple
Would love the address/ location posted.
Here in Florida we had a similar situation. For a month "her" dock had 50-100 boats outside playing music and partying
That would be funny. Don't screw with guys fishing.
You could ask the to kindle not hook boats and covers that may do damage. Most of the time, we would ask how the fishing was going, and help these guys to find fish. As most of the time there's not any fish there under our docks. We would have been fishing it from side angles if there were..
I have a neighbor like that he is a raging alcoholic smokes weed all day he pulled a gun on another neighbor for stepping on his property while cutting grass only difference is I live in the city
I'm glad that you're alive to tell the story
Thanks for shedding light on this. That original video is one of my good friends.. RIDICULOUS
Ok, so you mentioned that this took place in WI based on the case info you provided. Given that this is in WI, this property owner is way beyond wrong. Eminent Domain laws mean that the state owns the lake bottom and any connected lands up to the high water mark.
You are completely correct, & this is a complete & total wackjob of a property owner.
Eminent domain means a government can convert private property to public property, as long as the property owner is justly compensated for the property. This has nothing to do with eminent domain.
@@JonnyRicter WI law uses the term to indicate state ownership of land, not just as a means to seize land. This goes back, I believe, to the founding of the state. Because of how the state defines eminent domain, my explanation is accurate.
Another fellow Wisconsinite! I fished Fox Lake and Lake Emily all the time when I had a boat. I've heard about that guy. Hope the rest of your fishing trip went well!
He can own the property, but NOT THE WATERWAY, he can own both sides of actual property, but NOT THE WATER!!!!!
In Wisconsin no one owns the water. You could even be standing off his shoreline in the water and there’s nothing he can do about it
There is a lawyer from Michigan who post regularly (Lehto law). Every state has different laws, but he explained it in general. Not always as cut and dried, in MI the person can own the land under the water, but not the water itself. It often comes down to where the one fishing accesses the water. This may very well come down to the OP's situation as well. that said as no threat was imminent the use of a gun was used in criminal intent.
Does that guy own the trailer park? Such a butthead. Hopefully he gets his guns taken away because he lost his rights as far as I'm concerned except the other guy didn't have his camera on.
This dude is like "The duck may swim on the lake, but my daddy owns the lake!"
Ha ha. That sounds so familiar. That's from that movie Holes
@@Foust74 I'm glad someone finally got it lol
Most states have laws against harassing fishermen and hunters that are engaged in lawful activity's. He can be arrested, jailed, and or fined.
“How is that wrong”?
“Cuz uhhh”...”fuck youuuu”
is this Wisconsin?
"If you and a fool have an argument, he succeeds." -African Proverb
Well in this case I succeeded because he went to jail, got a fine and I got 500 bucks from ads LOL
@@FightingTheFish Awesome! That's a proverb I try to remember when I have encounters, such as yours, with people of the "crazy folks tribe". Another one is: "Never try to teach a pig to dance; you'll just waste your time and annoy the pig." And thanks for the videos!
Mike Revendale thank you so much for the awesome comment :)
There should be no private land around any lakes. All land in or around a lake should be public to everyone and federally owned. Parks should be free to enter since they receive Federal, state and private funding. Federal owned land around lake is being sold at an alarming rate to private companies that sell the land to developers to build houses all around the lakes.
If there's no footage or proof of his shooting a gun, how you gonna charge him with a felony? The kayaker could be lying for all anyone knows.
The house owners record is listed below.
Unless it evidence an the investigation still on going
But yeah I know what u mean.
While this property owner is wrong in how he's doing this & in threatening people I do know at least part of the reason they
do this.... lol, after my uncle bought his property(8acres) in Northern Virginia on a bosy of water, he started having his stuff
stolen. Turns out that fishermen or thieves acting like they were fishing were stopping at his property to take stuff. They
took stuff out of the boat, off the pier, out of his boat house, and even off the yard. So yeah, he got really pissed over his
things getting stolen. I know everyone isn't a thief but that's why some of them act like this. I've also had people who own
property try to make me leave the water in front of their homes, I had the same conversations.... you don't own the water
on Blad blah blah. But that's what their deal is about. peace
Because fishing in public water is such an obnoxious activity apparently.
Think the dude needs to lay off the booze a bit ( yah booze you lose ) 😂
That is one crazy dude.
The big miss understanding is that he owns the riverbed, so he thinks he owns the water, owning the bottom of a lake all you can really stop is someone building a dock without written consent from the land owner.
It depends on the state and how the channel was created. In many states, if the channel did not exist when the lake was formed and was subsequently formed when the landowner dug it out, then the channel is private despite being connected to public water.
hiw do you not have the footage?
People shoot a person only because fishing?that means we are garbage humans.
Tried to fish through your vid posts, there are so many. Is there an update to what transpired after this ?
I heard the guy was arrested for assaulting a utility worker that came into his property. I also heard they used this video for the conviction but I don’t know for sure. He was locked up for awhile but I saw him last fall doing this same thing to someone else but I didn’t have my camera at the time.
Where I am in Texas drugs and in possession of a firearm is 100 percent a felony, also being intoxicated while handling a firearm. You guys might want to look into it more and try to get the appropriate felony charges going.
This guy don't own shit. That's probably his mom and dad's house. He lives in the basement. And he has nothing better to do than harass fishermen. What you should have done was video it all. Call the Fish and Wildlife officer. Have his ass locked up for harassing people fishing. Its against the law!! Put his drunk ass in jail.
Don't even talk to people like this
Not everyone needs a gun. Great example
IS that fox lake IL? its the people up there there...worked at grand and 12 for 2 years ...nasty place
Been in that channel plenty of times. Never had to deal with him.
Same here. Solid area. Doesn't mean they are lying... but they are being pretty shady, and who starts their gopro. And then turns it right off... forgets to turn it on. No way. Clout chasers like this always remember their cam. But be safe buddy. I carry legally most times I fish.
Don't even talk to these guys
Love the comments. Only in America. I can fish anywhere in Canada and A. I don't need to carry a gun and B. Nobody is going to start shooting at me over " trespassing". I have 30 years as a Police officer to back that up. What's it like to live in a country where you have to be afraid all the time? I've had Americans tell me that it "sucks".
You know, if you make it your business to know for a fact where property lines are, what hunting and fishing regulations are, what permissions you have to have ( and not just because a friend of a friend thinks so), you can relax and ignore them. Arguing will NEVER go anywhere. I’ve been harassed while engaged in these activities and I always know where I am, and what the law is and have always come out on the right end of things. I see many videos that indicate the fisherman wasn’t 100% for sure. And all the hollering back and forth on this video only brings you guys down to the creep’s level. Just say ok, wave, ignore and call the CO. always works for me.
I am 100% certain that we are legally fishing. I have lived in this lake for many years. He also followed us around the lake and went back into his home with a gun. He followed us while we tried to leave.
My uncles property ended at the Cuyahoga River and we didn’t mind seeing the fishermen fishing the river from the boat or bank . He also had two lakes in the grounds and we didn’t mind people fishing these. One of the lakes had a beaver dam and all the trees near the lake had been chewed . In the woods there were lots of wild turkeys . We never used to carry guns down by the river or lakes .
Property owner doesn't own the waterways. That is owned by the government. All waterways are owned by the government. No property owner owns a waterway (or the land under the waterways), , nor do they own the banks surrounding the waterways.. The government owns a few feet of land that surrounds, and extends around borders the waterways, along all the shore lines.
Here's my question: Why are mainly older property owners so petty and entitled about people being on their property? Like if I owned a property and a big pond was included way out back, I'd be happy to look out my window seeing someone enjoying it, especially since they probably are unaware it's private. It's not like they were purposely trying to invade my space for some ill-intended reason; they clearly just want to go fishing. You see a lot of videos on here where a property owner confronts someone within their technical property line, yet they ventured over the mountains and through the woods just to go catch them where it probably wouldn't have otherwise interfered with their day, and they bitch and pout because their starts at "that tree" over there. It's like the whiney old man who makes a giant paper trail with the police and court because their neighbor's new fence is actually two feet over their property. If I owned tons of acres, I'd probably not even have posted signs except for a reasonable circumstance around my house and I'd consider policing my territory by ear, such as in the event I found someone doing something seriously dangerous or wrong. Otherwise, who cares that some hunter or fisherman is enjoying themselves way out of view? Idk what it is about the psychology of owning property that people become so neurotically territorial right down to the exact line. Just weird.
You don't get out of the city much do you?
@@jimmurphy834 I don’t live in a city. Well, technically I do now, as I just moved to a small city. I’ve lived in rural and suburban environments my whole life, hunted and fished, etc. And no, this situation has never happened to me. Just telling what I observe.
"This is all public record, so nobody is gonna sue me for defamation... he's a super douche" Lol, was that on the state's website?
Opinion is not defamation... LOL
anything that's true can't be considered defamation... enough evidence here to confirm, he is a super douche.
I think the conservation officers have more athority than local sheriffs, call them !
is this Fox lake , IL ?
When you know your right and they want to keep complaining do not engage. They’ll get tired and stop complaining eventually,just don’t engage.
Crazy stuff!
That guy is a coward
So I assume he was arrested for shooting a firearm at your buddy? Also for harassing you guys?
Clickbait at its finest, all I saw is him make y'all's punk ass’s leave. Catch fish somewhere else, or catch fish in general, now that would make a good video.
This isnt click bait. He didn't make us leave we were already leaving the spot when he came out. I wish I had better footage. It is public record that he received a 500 fine, lost his right to carry a firearm and is no longer able to have alcohol. If we would have had the footage of the weapon he would have faced attempted murder.
Just hearing his voice I wouldn’t have stayed
every one I fish with legally carries so you better not be shooting at me or expect return fire
I fish Fox a lot. And I pray this dude pulls this shit with me.
This is what happened to Chai Vang back in 2004. Dude was hunting when 8 white people came after him which is what led to him gunning down all 8 of them killing 6, injuring 2
@@hmongguyful Vang was on private property and shot 4 of them in the back.
@@caseyjonas86 He tried to leave, they stopped and prevented him from leaving at gunpoint. From there they assaulted him and tried to forcefully take his hunting tag. What's clear was there was a gun fight. I don't think its fair for you or anyone else to say shooting people who just assaulted you in the midst of a gun fight is wrong. Like come on; you'd shoot me in the back if I was shooting you
"When 8 WHITE people came after him" what a race baiting tool... LMAO
Your lawyer would appreciate if you didn't leave comments like this
If he shot at you send him to prison for it
I used to go to fishing videos on RUclips now all I find is fisherman harassing homeowners I have fished my whole life and never once felt the need to fish at someone's dock, found a way to go on a lake that someone owns the property. Just because you can doesn't make it right.
First of all I am not on his dock even though it is perfectly legal to fish someones dock. He followed us for about 1/2 mile down the lake and said it was all his property and then he went and get a gun. If you think I am in the wrong here you are another kind of stupid. This is a massive stretch of lake that not only do I have the right to fish but at the time of this incident we even owned property on this lake in the area I am fishing. I cant even believe this comment. This is seriously the stupidest comment on my channel congrats on that you should win an award for how much of an idiot you are.
In Canada, some people do own the bed of navigable waters, it depends on the original patent issued for the property. If that is the case, then if it is a navigable water, a person has the right to navigate over the private land. Navigation does not include fishing or hunting.
Canada is weird anyway with so much "Crown Land" and such. Their weird azz laws are not applicable here. Individual rights are much more important in the US. But you are right. The best Atlantic salmon river on the Atlantic is privately owned. (The Mirimachi River is off limits unless you pay to fish) That crap don't fly here.
@@theebrainfixer The apparently America has far BETTER laws on this than Canada does. Unless a lake is fully "landlocked", then no owner should have exclusive rights to it.
I carry a ak47 and pistol in my boat for this very reason had the same thing happen to me I shoot back now best thing is do not answer or invite any conversation when this starts that makes them infuriated
Public water, Get your private property of the water.
I watch A LOT of videos like this and just once I would love to see an angler just ignore the fucktards that harass them illegally
THE GUN GUY it’s hard to ignore someone chasing you around the lake threatening to kill you and your family. I wish I would have gotten more on video.
Fighting The Fish I wasn’t specifically speaking to this video because in this situation I probably would have returned fire.
Typical Alcoholic behavior angry and delusional.
Why you RUclipsr’s don’t call the game wardens and file harassment charges is beyond me.
When we were kids we walked from the Fox Lake dam and we keep on walking downstream we go out close to the bridge on I think it is hwy C(toward the trestle-on BD lake)and we had a guy come out and threatened to shoot us saying that he owned the creek. We were just kids so we hightailed it out of there. Might be the same guy but I believe you are out more close to Indian Point. If that is where you are I think that guy use to own a tavern out there and chase snowmobile riders off the lake and his so called property.
We have property in Louisiana where the river we are on and water gets high flows into a big swamp that holds a lot of big bass during the spawn. When I say a large swamp it is close to 100 yards x 50 yards n one of the larger swamps on this river. There are a lot of fishermen that go back there to fish n whrre the fish spawn is where the swamp goes into a point n goes about 75 yards through the middle of our land. The land plots at the court house show that our property goes up to the bank of the river and when the water is normal a jon boat cannot get back to where the fish, bass, spawn but people go thrre and argue it is part of the river since it is connected to the river. The law states it has to be navigable from one body of water to another and not just in and back out. Anyway people fishing and land owners should know the laws of their state so people do not have to get into these situations. I will say that every time I would go back in that swamp to fish I always carried my 22lr Remington pump but was never crazy enough to pull it out on anything other than what it was intended for. I now live in Philippines and you cannot keep others off your property here and if you do you might be the one getting shot. People here love to drink and drink till they cannot walk and definately cannot think rationally so as a land owner we have to make good judgements about people on our land. Stay safe out on the water and always put your life in the hands of Jesus because he will protect you or bring you into His Kingdom!! God bless
If I was you I would get the hell out now before China steamrolls you.
Years ago these videos were funny.Now , Something Deep down Disturbing Is going on with these land owners.
The world is F#$&@#
A word from our sponsers: DON'T TURN OFF YOUR GO PRO!
yeah I actually really messed that up this video would have been a million views if I didnt turn off the GoPro :(
Sounds like you he is in Wisconsin. In that state, if you can fit a kayak in a body of water, you are free to navigate in it.
Lake people have this sence of entitlement about the water. Get over it you don't own the water. I would have pulled up closer and fished away.
I have a lot of crazy videos that unfortunately don't contain any footage because my camera was off, but the shit really happened...
Lots of states give ownership of the land the water sits on to the property owner, but the water belongs to the people.
@charles shawver it’s cause everyone know how friendly people from chicagoanois!
You can tell the difference in these videos who is a sportsman and who is just a fisherman. You can go to the townhall and find all the properties layouts and homeowners names. If you have to cross private property it’s done so you can find out who owns what and ask permission to cross to access public land. Not saying these guys are in the wrong but there are so many of these videos with fish man not having the property layouts printed for them to shut these people up and if you knew you were in the right you’d just ignore them or call your game warden for harassment.
This is stupid . Just ask where the property line is
That fellow files with the wrong one he,ll end up shot. Some men won't take no crap off him
I bet crazy dude is a Trump supporter
This is happening in the Year 2020 as well I am not surprised🤦♂️.
he's lucky he didn't pull that shit on someone with a concealed carry license.
I love it when people shoot at me. It's exhilarating... and it's the only time I have been able to shoot at humans.
So what is the rule on that. The home owner sounds wrong but I'm not sure
I just wave and pretend i dont hear people like that
I pretend I'm replying to them in SIGN LANGUAGE. Works every time.
This video is just so much teenage drama. WOW! And of course no shooting.
I'd called and kept fishing, ain't nobody running me off of anywhere and I always have my gun on me fishing as well
I'm pretty sure you're allowed to carry a handgun while fishing. Thats a self defense scenario.
This is just stupid. I'd be 6 feet from his dock yelling at him.
He doesn’t own the water if you can get a boat to it in the water !
The people who act like this are usually renters and OWN NOTHING! Either way there are assholes everywhere.
I think we can all tell he’s drunk.
Best move on and report the situation. Let the authorities deal with it. Also, one thing I hear constantly on fishing videos is, "I thought I turned my GoPro on but I turned it off," or, "I just turned my GoPro off and.... ." One could make a long video out of just GoPro screw-ups.
Yeah I really messed up the GoPro footage - we actually are moving and he is chasing us down in a 4 wheeler. This is an older video but last fall I saw him do it again to someone else.
He sounds like he is hammered drunk.
This guy needs to go to jail