Toronto Marina claims they own the water | Cops called on us!

  • Опубликовано: 10 окт 2018
    Here's the video we were trying to shoot when this all happened: • Pike fishing in Toront...
    1 - Letter from MNRF confirming our rights and claims
    The MNRF finally replied to me today with their findings. A copy of their letter is attached. I replied to them to inquire as to whether or not they will be filing charges against Bluffers Park Marina based on their findings, and their obligation to enforce Section 13 of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, as per my initial request. However, it seems that Bluffers Park Marina have a 'Get out of jail free card', neither the Toronto Police or the MNRF will be pressing charges against the marina, nor will they even receive a formal written warning. This infuriates me as both agencies are aware of the fact that Bluffers Park Marina have been unlawfully harassing, intimidating and threatening anglers for over two decades. As a result I will now be pursuing this matter in civil court, once I secure legal representation, any referrals or suggestions as to a law firm who may be interested in taking on this case would be appreciated.
    Link to letter: m. story.php?stor...
    2 - Letter from Toronto Police confirming our rights and claims
    Please see the letter which I received from Toronto Police Services this morning. I wanted to share their findings with you all ASAP. They have confirmed that we are in fact legally allowed to fish in Bluffers Park as I have always stated. This is providing that we stay within the parameters and guidelines they have outlined in the their e-mail, which we have always done.
    Link to letter: ShaunRickard...
    I have posted this quick and rough edit to create some awareness for all of the anglers out there who may have ran into a similar situation over the years. In the hopes of educating people as to their rights, and preventing this from happening to anyone else.
    To see how this 'public' park area is laid out, you can take a look at the drone footage at the beginning of the video that we were trying to shoot the day when this all happened: • Pike fishing in Toront...
    This could happen to you, at any time, on any body of water in Canada. Please do not let arrogant bullies intimidate you with false claims and fabricated laws. Do your research as I did, know the laws and respectfully stand your ground. If we do not, they win.
    This incident happened at Bluffers Park Marina on Lake Ontario,
    on October 10th, 2018. While my friend and I simply attempted
    to fish, relax and enjoy an unseasonably warm October day on the water doing what we love. We were not bothering anyone, nor were we obstructing anyone or causing any damage to peoples property.
    Bluffers Park Marina have been pulling this crap with numerous anglers and myself for over 20 years. They are clearly violating section 13 of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, and nobody, including the Police or the MNRF says a word to them.
    Just to clarify, we catch lots of Pike in this area (Catch & release only), and have been doing so for over two decades, it is one of my most productive spots for Pike fishing in the city, along with numerous other bays and marinas that we fish in and around the Toronto and Pickering area. The water inside the park area is generally very clear and has lush weed beds which hold a lot of fish. Yes the lake is vast, but it is also very deep, the Pike relate to the weed beds located in the bays and marinas scattered around the lake, they do not live out in the deep open water. I will also clarify that the Bluffers Park Marina leases the land it sits on from the City of Toronto, it does not own any land. It is situated inside Bluffers Park, which is a public park area and public waterway. The park was built using rocks and landfill from construction sites throughout the city, this new land was claimed from the open waters of Lake Ontario. There are actually 4 marinas inside Bluffers Park, 3 on the island (See aerial shot in the video link below) and Bluffers Park Marina can be seen located at the far west end of Bluffers Park. Approximately 75% of the land surrounding the public waterway in the park area is public access park land, owned and maintained by the City of Toronto, with washrooms, trails, parking and public beaches etc. I would also like to point out that Bluffers Park Marina is the only one of the four marinas that sends its staff out to harass anglers, which is ironic because it is the least desirable of the four marinas, with a lot of live-aboard residents.

Комментарии • 4,4 тыс.

  • @a1scooter1
    @a1scooter1 5 лет назад +629

    Technically, the police are violating Section 13. I am a full time police officer and part time wildlife officer. If the manager simply asked you to fish in the channel, it wouldn't be a violation of the law. She did much more than ask. When a police officer "suggests" that you fish in the channel, it is more than a suggestion. It is no different than an officer stopping you in a car, and suggesting you don't come around here anymore. It can be considered a threat, and these officers need to be more careful. Did the officers then go to the management office and check to make sure all their business permits were up to date? Nope.

    • @a1scooter1
      @a1scooter1 5 лет назад +48

      Basically, a request by a private citizen is ONLY a request. When a uniformed officer REQUESTS that you do something, it holds far more authority and just the stress caused if you decide to continue fishing the water, is causing your level of enjoyment to be diminished and in some cases eliminated all together. This is why the officers themselves, are in violation of the law. This is part of why legislators wrote and passed this law. It was enacted to prevent people from pushing others around and to provide guidance to the police, and still many officers ignore the law. By the way, I read the response letter from the police. Are they saying they can enforce laws when it comes to you/us, but not when people like this manager violate the law? Again, It actually appears to me the police also violate this law.

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +27

      @@a1scooter1 Thank you very much for commenting, and sharing your insights and useful information on this matter, very much appreciated! May I ask where you serve as a Police Officer? As you pointed out, the Police officers never had any intentions of speaking to the Marina Management. Even when I ask them if they would please do so, they said that they had spoken to them on the phone when they called the complaint in, so there was no need to go and speak to them again. I hate to sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist, but there definitely appears to be a protective relationship between the Marina and the Toronto Police Marine Unit, which goes right to the top of the chain of command, and it stinks in my opinion. The only reason the officers did not pursue pushing me out of the area was because I quoted the law, which made them think twice. I know of at least two other individuals who were informed by these officers that fishing was not permitted near the marina, and that they had to leave. These officers would have most certainly tried to employ the same tactics with me had I not been better versed on the law than they were. Even when the marina staff member attempted to ram me with a tug boat about 7 years ago, and I called the Police to file assault charges against the marina, the officers told me to just go fish somewhere else, and that it was my word against the Marina's. And again, they refused to go and even speak to the marina management. I am heading down to the area to fish Pike opener this Saturday, I will keep you posted as to whether or not we experience any issues. Thanks again for your comments, if you have any suggestions as to whom I may be able to file an official complaint with, please share them with me. I have hit many brick walls trying to bring this to light with the Toronto Police Services. I even wrote to the Police Chief, and never received a response. Have a great weekend, cheers!

    • @a1scooter1
      @a1scooter1 5 лет назад +32

      @@ShaunOutdoors I just retired from a large police department south of the Mason Dixon Line. I have tournament fished since the 80's. Everstart/Costas, Renegades, BFL's, ABA's and many local tournaments. Most years, I had fishing license's in 7 states. During the summer, our state wildlife department would hire officers part time to assist their officers on the water.
      I have always paid extra attention during my policing time to make sure I didn't violate people's constitutional rights. One area I was really big on was making sure that people's 2nd amendment rights weren't violated, not to mention illegal search and seizure (4th amendment). I don't particularly like saying what I'm going to say on RUclips because, even though I'm 100% correct in what I say, a citizen can be in the right and still get arrested. I've done this long enough that I can tell wildlife officers to have a nice day, now go away and do it in a way that they know it is best that they do. In this video, you went about as far as most citizens should go. If you hadn't quoted the law, they would have been more forceful in making you change fishing locations.
      I can't speak for Canadian law. I did live 15 miles from Niagara Falls for a few years, but never fished in Canada. The first day I worked with a wildlife officer we went up to a boat and the Officer said the same thing that has been said to me several times over the years. He said ... I need to see your boat registration and fishing license. After we moved away, I asked him how they got away with that. He had no idea what I was talking about. I said, how can you demand to see their boat registration and fishing license when you don't have reasonable suspicion to believe they have committed a crime. I said that it was no different than me pulling a car over for no reason and asking to see the driver's license, proof insurance and registration. He said that it's different on the water. I asked him if we gave up our constitutional rights when we go fishing and he said no. I told him it sure seemed like it. A few minutes later, he said .. you know, I've never even thought about it but you are right. I explained to him there are several ways to watch people in boats and come up with a reason to see their license and boat registration but It was obviously unconstitutional the way they did it.
      An Alabama State Trooper was on a walkway at a marina at Guntersville. As I approached, he said hey, you can't fish here. I told him that's exactly what the woman yelled at me about 20 minutes ago. He said, well, why didn't you leave. I said because I don't have to. He then said if I didn't leave, he would arrest me. I told him if he wanted to buy me a house, go ahead and arrest me. He knew exactly what that meant. He said are you the police and I told him I was but it shouldn't matter. I told him he needed to quit lying to people about what the laws are. I also told him not only was the woman at the marina breaking the law by harassing a sportsman, but he was letting her get him involved in it. He apologized and told me to enjoy my fishing.
      Here's the problem with me telling people that their constitutional rights are being violated on the water. Local judges don't care. This would be a case easily won in an appeals court, but most people can't afford to take it that far. I think it needs to be tested in court. I would gladly be the test case, but I would need financial backing to do it. It would probably cost about 20k-30k to take it to an appeals court. Not to mention the time involved.
      If you message me, I will tell you what city and state I live in.
      ******Attention To Anyone Who Reads My Posts****** Even though I'm sure about what I say in this post, I would not recommend you put up an argument with wildlife officers that approach you. They have done this for so many years, and the local judges have backed them for many years. They actually don't think they are doing anything wrong. You more than likely would pay a price for standing up to them. Unless you are ready for an extended ordeal, think long before standing up to them.

    • @mynameisprivate158
      @mynameisprivate158 5 лет назад +4

      @@a1scooter1 no it doesn't you just think it does. A uniformed officer can ask you to do anything (ordering you is a different story). So to clarify, could you go stand, film, do a headstand whatever please holds just the same weight as any other citizen. Move over there is a command and is a different matter.

    • @a1scooter1
      @a1scooter1 5 лет назад +26

      @@mynameisprivate158 An officer absolutely can ask you to do something. You are correct. You are missing the point in this instance though. There is a law on the books to prevent these interactions from happening, and there are reasons for it. These laws were put into place so people can fish, hunt and trap without being confronted or interfered with. When someone is partaking in one of these completely legal activities and they are harassed by anyone, it diminishes their enjoyment. For instance, these officers know that these fishermen have the right to fish in these marinas and yet they still interrupt their fishing. What they should do when these people call to try and get the police to help them stop someone from enjoying legal activities, is tell them to leave the fishermen alone or they will be arrested. They arrive and instead of going to the marina manager and telling them to stop harassing people, they break the law and harass someone that they know is not breaking the law.

  • @why-even-try-brotendo
    @why-even-try-brotendo 5 лет назад +508

    The cop's job is to enforce the law, not to become a spokesperson for a private business negotiating a way to limit your rights under it.

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +10

      Correct Ross, cheers!

    • @tmacsolos
      @tmacsolos 5 лет назад +7

      It is also the cops job to uphold the peace. While technically legal to fish there, you are boating around very expensive boats that their owners are paying to dock at that marina. You are agitating, the calm of the situation by being so near to them, which is actually also illegal. That cop did a great job listening to you about your concerns and the marinas concerns and proposed a compromise. You have no idea whether or not he also went in and spoke to the marina about you being permitted to fish in the main channels so long as you stay away from the docking rows do you? Have you been harassed again since then? Attempting to incite many people to also fish in amongst those boats is also agitating. Quit while you're ahead dude.

    • @why-even-try-brotendo
      @why-even-try-brotendo 5 лет назад +27

      tmacsolos Your opinion is irrelevant. You did however say it was illegal to be "near" docked boats. Please cite the ordinance and exactly how far away from docked boats you need to remain.

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +43

      @@tmacsolos so I guess you cant push your shopping cart past expensive cars in a parking lot. Dont be ridiculous!

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +3

      @@why-even-try-brotendo my sincere apologies, I completely misread your comment, I was rushing as always between appointments. I have deleted my comment, sorry about that.

  • @duenge
    @duenge 5 лет назад +1057

    You should organize a fishing tournament,.... a 3 day event. Guess where?!?!?!?....

    • @brandonchang9535
      @brandonchang9535 5 лет назад


    • @rodmills4071
      @rodmills4071 5 лет назад +17

      Fuck it mate , make it a four day event. That'll make it worth while to travel over from oz. Good on yah. 🤣😂😁😀😎

    • @anthonygaydotcom
      @anthonygaydotcom 5 лет назад +1

      Best idea!

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +29

      Please see the letter which I received from Toronto Police Services this morning. I wanted to share their findings with you all ASAP. They have confirmed that we are in fact legally allowed to fish in Bluffers Park as I have always stated. This is providing that we stay within the parameters and guidelines they have outlined in the their e-mail, which we have always done.
      *I cannot post attachments here so please follow this link to a copy of the letter on the Shaun Rickard’s Outdoor Adventures Facebook page:
      I have forwarded this information to the MNRF, who assured me last week that they will be forwarding their findings to me by the end of this week. Hopefully this new information I have provided them with will help bring charges against the marina for their decades of unlawful harassment and abuse of anglers.
      I am not 100% convinced regarding their denial as to the bias actions of their officers in the letter, but I will not be pursuing this point any further as I feel that a clear enough message has been sent to prevent it from happening again in the future.
      I will post the MNRF's findings as soon as I receive them.
      The bottom line is, if we allow arrogant people like this, who have a false sense of entitlement to get away with this crap we run the risk of setting a precedent for cottage owners, marinas and other lakeside dwellings across Canada to be able to deem the public waterways in front of their docks and properties as private.
      Thank you.

    • @cazadoresnorteamericanos
      @cazadoresnorteamericanos 5 лет назад +6

      Shaun Rickard hey!! Great news, way to go on protecting our rights to fish!!! Thanks for posting the video and info, I know that it can take a lot of your time.

  • @paulpowell4871
    @paulpowell4871 4 года назад +31

    the cops should be fired, I don't know if everyone driving down my road has Insurance, it does not give me a right to stop them. It's probably his aunt or they get free donuts

  • @brettd530
    @brettd530 5 лет назад +95

    So essentially the cop says "let's go ahead and negotiate the law".
    It's either a frickin law or it isn't. There's no negotiation needed.

    • @j3koenig
      @j3koenig 5 лет назад +2

      Exactly. That's total bullshit

    • @zzz7zzz9
      @zzz7zzz9 4 года назад +2

      He was straight up working for the wealthy.

      @ARCSTREAMS 2 года назад +1

      tank you you said it spot on word for word point for point exactly what i wanted to say

      @ARCSTREAMS 2 года назад

      @@zzz7zzz9 yup ,they put corporations ahead of joe blow public

  • @MNsportsman
    @MNsportsman 5 лет назад +1686

    I'm a cop, and this pisses me off. We deal with crap like this all the time. When I find out false complaints are filed, I pursue charges if at all possible. Entitled people that think they own everything need to be put in their place.

    • @nickdanger9488
      @nickdanger9488 5 лет назад +20

      Apparently Max's Mom made him clean his bedroom and he's throwing at temper tantrum

    • @Stratisfied22
      @Stratisfied22 5 лет назад +12

      @@maxbrazil3712 When someone breaks into your house while you're at home lets see who you'll call numbnuts.

    • @chevychase3103
      @chevychase3103 5 лет назад +6

      @@maxbrazil3712 back at you!

    • @Z71Ranger
      @Z71Ranger 5 лет назад +9

      @@Stratisfied22 I WILL CALL SMITH AND WESSON...

    • @hoodatman
      @hoodatman 5 лет назад +17

      @@maxbrazil3712 I've also been angry at cops throughout my life at times, sometimes with damn good reason..BUT..they are the ones that make the world MUCH SAFER, as a rule. Imagine total anarchy, just think how horrendous society would be without cops!

  • @christopherterry5457
    @christopherterry5457 5 лет назад +396

    The cop should enforce the laws. That is his job. Negotiating is not in the law. He should go tell the marina owners the law and to piss off.

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +7

      Agreed Chris!

    • @wizzbang9823
      @wizzbang9823 5 лет назад +3

      100 percent

    • @wayneellis1565
      @wayneellis1565 5 лет назад +7

      I understand the policeman asked this fisherman to stay in channel. The fisherman said that's no problem. ??? Still the same issue for the next fisherman. He ( the fisherman) to me went through all the blah blah and tucked

    • @MrGb4ever
      @MrGb4ever 5 лет назад +2

      Thank you!

    • @Okanagan48
      @Okanagan48 5 лет назад

      Not in Canada.

  • @travisfrench147
    @travisfrench147 5 лет назад +57

    If they really wanted to do their jobs and broker a compromise, they should have gone to the Marina manager and state "they have the right to be here, you don't have the right to pester and disrupt them. If you call us again we will come out, file a report, and fine you for wasting our time and resources, and fine you for violating the laws against bothering the anglers". Problem solved!!! Thanks for standing your ground.

    • @povnw8985
      @povnw8985 5 лет назад +2

      This cop is probably one of the manager's side dude's. She gives him a little occasionally, and he harasses people for her.

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад

      You as most her are so wrong. The marina owner is correct under the transport canada act. Too bad the cop didn't know the law. the fisherman should have been charged. See my posts

  • @JJones987
    @JJones987 5 лет назад +218

    And the fisherman ends up being encountered and of course the Police can't just determine that no laws were broken and just leave. No. He demands to see documents looking for any violation unrelated to the complaint. Further it becomes a field interview and the encounter is on record. In these situations, the Police, once they see that no law is being violated, need to simply go to the complainant and tell them there is no violation and nothing they can do. She should also be warned about doing this again.

    • @kevindolan4377
      @kevindolan4377 5 лет назад +7

      Exactly. This police officer seemed like a reasonable individual, but even he was biased in favour of the wealthy business owners over the common person.

    • @baluranha
      @baluranha 5 лет назад +2

      When making a stop onto someone that has been reported as doing something illegal, the procedure is to check everything to make sure that the "suspect" is legal, not just looking if what he was doing was legal or not.
      When you're stopped on the road, the police check your documents, why can't him check there? When you see teens doing suspicious things, don't you also feel endangered? Worried? And what does an officer does when he sees this? Check for everything.
      The officer is doing his work to provide safety for both the employees of the marina and the customers, just because the marina's employees are shit it doesn't mean that the officer should also be, in this case you should be actually praising the officer for doing what he did.

    • @realdiamondshow
      @realdiamondshow 5 лет назад +3

      Surely, if you have committed no crime, then the cop cannot demand to see shit. He wants to negotiate that the rich people get what they want...regardless of the law.

    • @mikeries8549
      @mikeries8549 5 лет назад

      @James Mara so if we start calling police about suspicion of unlawful activities at a polling place on election day police will show up and check IDs? !?
      What's the number that we can call?

    • @pipermike65
      @pipermike65 5 лет назад

      Russell. They can ask for ID in Canada if you are operating a boat or car or whatever. They need no reason for this. You need to be able to prove you are licensed and insured and all that. It is not a god given right like walking down the street.

  • @juliecampbell3895
    @juliecampbell3895 5 лет назад +147

    A peaceful arrangement is not necessary. The anglers are not breaking the law. The marina needs to stop being a bully. They do not own the water. And the police should be informing the marina they have no right to harass law abiding citizens. I always find it amazing how the police do not know the actual laws they swore to uphold.

    • @MrChaiguy
      @MrChaiguy 5 лет назад +11

      They know that the marina pays a lot of taxes and therefore, they work for the Marina, not the angler. The cops don't care about the last, they only care about pleasing their masters.

    • @henerymag
      @henerymag 5 лет назад +7

      They know the laws, but they accept the fact that the rich can make their own laws that trump legal ones when the unwashed are concerned. If the guy was fishing from a million dollar yacht all would be good.

    • @thetazva
      @thetazva 5 лет назад +6

      the police do not know the laws as related to fishing and waterways. that would be fish and game.

    • @traemelodeath
      @traemelodeath 5 лет назад +1

      They do know them, they rely on you NOT knowing them so they can tell you whatever and you'll buy it, at least here in the US they do.

    • @henerymag
      @henerymag 5 лет назад +8

      @@thetazva They admitted knowing the law that day. Why not just tell the fishermen you're ok to fish here have a nice day, and then go to the marina management and tell them the law. If police are going to patrol waterways then they should know the laws.

  • @MrKredinger
    @MrKredinger 5 лет назад +371

    Next time call the game warden, they have jurisdiction and can give a citation for harassing an angler.

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +44

      Yes I did that Kris, as I have in the past, I reported the incident on October 18th to the MNR, and nothing has been done. They too seem to be reluctant to enforce the law when it comes to the marina. I am trying to create awareness here so that somebody is forced to act, there is something very fishy going on here, excuse the pun lol! Please share the video if you don't mind, the more views and comments it gets the better the chances we all have of getting justice. Cheers!

    • @MrKredinger
      @MrKredinger 5 лет назад +11

      Makes sense Shaun. I appreciate your approach to this. I will share!

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +7

      @@MrKredinger Thank you Kris

    • @MrGb4ever
      @MrGb4ever 5 лет назад +26

      Shaun, even though nothing was done by the authorities at least you filed a complaint and if I were you file another everytime they try to force you out of there...This way if God forbid something happens and you have to seek criminal charges you got them....Hopefully it won`t come to that but I would be prepared.@@ShaunOutdoors

    • @bradleypoppe8928
      @bradleypoppe8928 5 лет назад +6

      I would of said you get game and parks here right now

  • @andrewjackson9853
    @andrewjackson9853 5 лет назад +87

    Wow. . . Cop should have talked to management not the fisherman about law.

    • @AdrianoCROST
      @AdrianoCROST 5 лет назад +1

      Even better he could check the law.

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад

      You are so wrong. See my posts.

  • @rayh592
    @rayh592 5 лет назад +110

    Honestly, should have told the officer to respectfully piss off, and gone back into the marina to fish. Make him either arrest you illegally or force him to tell the marina to obey the law.

    • @nathandean1687
      @nathandean1687 5 лет назад +1


    • @Asmov
      @Asmov 5 лет назад

      Yh cause that would really help.

    • @j.h.holliday5748
      @j.h.holliday5748 5 лет назад +8


    • @shizzynwa
      @shizzynwa 5 лет назад

      @Andy T trying to bs by saying irrelevant things like having insurance like all cars need it on the road.

    • @xjunkxyrdxdog89
      @xjunkxyrdxdog89 5 лет назад +1

      All they have to do is write "non-compliance" and they can now _legally_ arrest you.

  • @PD-gt7on
    @PD-gt7on 5 лет назад +83

    Water Police "We're here to negotiate a peaceful arrangement"?! What? NO, your JOB is to UPHOLD THE LAW! THAT IS ALL.
    Guys, please go back and fish right in their harbour every single day for the entire season.

    • @erikbostrom.9318
      @erikbostrom.9318 5 лет назад

      'To keep public the peace'

    • @dangerously72
      @dangerously72 5 лет назад

      That's exactly what i'd do.

    • @ronyeahright9536
      @ronyeahright9536 5 лет назад +1

      I do agree that sometimes police are peacemakers and deal makers. However, that said, that doesn't mean he should try to pressure a legal angler to not fish waters he is entitled to fish, in an effort to aid someone else into breaking the law by treading on his right to fish. That's like helping a fucking thief to steal.

    • @Cornish666
      @Cornish666 5 лет назад +2

      Disgrace . No laws broken by angler . And sending police to a pair of fisherman . Sad . And police try to tell him to stay 8n channels when they have no right . Should be speaking to dock to leave anglers alone as we are not your problem . Businesses has power over people again even when law states otherwise. Water police need to read the law and uphold it.

    • @markdaniel8740
      @markdaniel8740 3 года назад +1

      My answer would be "thank you. Please inform the businesses that I will continue to obey the law by remaining only in the areas where I have a right to be, including here, and I expect them to obey the law and not harass me. I will not surrender any of my rights."

  • @garyricky8744
    @garyricky8744 5 лет назад +36

    But while they were talking to you they kept you from fishing ! Did they give every boat in marina a safety check ? Pure harassment !

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад +1

      The marina owner is correct under the transport canada act. Too bad the cop didn't know the law. the fisherman should have been charged. See my posts

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 2 года назад

      @Mary Antonio The Transport Canada act. It now includes the former recreational boating act. There are as many as 5 violations the fishermen were doing. I posted a lengthy explanation. I was charged by police after I bumped a fisherman using power poles. I had to educate myself. To even find a knowledgeable marine lawyer is hard. And even more rare are expert witnesses. I became the expert and the crown through out the charge.

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 2 года назад

      @Mary Antonio it wS 2 years ago you'd have to hunt for it. Sorry

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 2 года назад

      @Mary Antonio for a $1000 consult fee I will gladly send you all of my defense including drawings. The OPP charged me with a COLREG law that only applies when all others don't. Mostly meant for harbour encounters. Why because they could not under the other COLREG laws. So why then? because I have been very critical of OPP marine units re other boating infractions they commonly ignore.
      I will give you one example of my knowledge. If you are anchored and your boat is "attended" , or in other words someone is able to observe what's going on around you, you are deemed the "Give Way" boat to a sailboat not under power. But if you are down below and let's say sleeping, your boat is deemed "not attended" and you are deemed the "Stand On" boat. I would bet $100 most OPP marine unit cops would get that wrong. So back at yah. Not sure why you can't find the post. I may have deleated it because i was being harrassed after i posted it. LOL

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 2 года назад

      I guess you will have to research it yourself. My defence was pages long. It took a great deal of time to compile. I spent $4000 on a marine lawyer from Prescott. Why if i was convicted it was a federal offence and I would likely have been banned from entering the USA, as I would have a federal criminal record. I boat the 1000 islands and plan on doing the Great Loop.
      You have transport Canada Act. Canada Shipping act. Absorbed recreational boating act. MNR act. And Municipal by-laws. My harbour where my boats are has had ownership transferred to the City of Belleville. Their Municipal laws govern that harbour too. They have a bylaw stating no fishing in the inner harbour with signs posted. I would not be surprised if the harbour ownership of this harbour in the video was also sold to the city(Scarborough).
      As to your non believer comments, oh well you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink! Enjoy your hay! Cheers rl.

  • @zacklyonais6223
    @zacklyonais6223 5 лет назад +72

    Id fish in that marina every day and every spare minute I have for the next 2 months! I live in northern Minnesota and have a lake that some guy thinks he owns, he calls dnr every time someone fishes the lake last time he messed with me I told him I'll be seeing him every day for the next month to catch my limit of fish just to piss him off. I ate a lot of crappies and sunfish that month because dammit I'm a man of my word

    • @ronyeahright9536
      @ronyeahright9536 5 лет назад +1

      haha....good for you Zack. Just be careful, there are some crazy people out there.

    • @zacklyonais6223
      @zacklyonais6223 5 лет назад +1

      @@ronyeahright9536 2A advocate here I'm prepared to defend myself if need be

    • @ronyeahright9536
      @ronyeahright9536 5 лет назад +1

      @@imthebest4957 what is wrong with you?

    • @imthebest4957
      @imthebest4957 5 лет назад

      @@ronyeahright9536 Nothing. I happen to agree with the other party and I enjoy seeing cocky people find out the law doesn't make them invincible

    • @ronyeahright9536
      @ronyeahright9536 5 лет назад +1

      @@imthebest4957 the irony, you calling him cocky. Ah....but thats the beauty of the internet, all of these behind the computer screen tough guys.

  • @jay71512
    @jay71512 5 лет назад +258

    Love how the cop smirks when you inform him that the marina staff were breaking the law and you werent!

    • @georgegreen3470
      @georgegreen3470 5 лет назад +18

      jay71512 the cop knew he was in the wrong even questioning him.

    • @TanjitsuM
      @TanjitsuM 5 лет назад +17

      More examples of cops thinking that because it's a business they own everything and blatantly ignoring the law which they swore to uphold.

    • @povnw8985
      @povnw8985 5 лет назад +8

      Yeah. I caught that too. That's why people like that always wear sunglasses to try and hide their eyes.

    • @robwasnj
      @robwasnj 5 лет назад +6

      I once had a cop in the FL keys say to me "well, the laws are a little bit different down here" even though they are part of FL. Not sure if he smirked but same idea with making up things as you go along and not actually following or even knowing the real letter of the law. I was in my rights, however I was informed I shouldn't do what I did again because if another officer (and he pointed to a grumpier older one in a car) were to have encountered me I would have been cited. Police like this make it bad for us and for fellow officers that actually try to do the right thing, ugh.

    • @videojoe7
      @videojoe7 5 лет назад +8

      I saw that rude smirk too. That right there meant he sides with the marina. Shaun, you should edit the video, slow down the video to emphasize that rude smirk. There's nothing funny about this situation.

  • @johnmilonas9143
    @johnmilonas9143 5 лет назад +258

    Their job is not too negotiate the agreement between two parties but too enforce and uphold the law.

    • @ghost307
      @ghost307 5 лет назад +10

      It's not a true negotiation. Most of the cops do whatever they have to do in order to avoid filling out any paperwork or actually doing their jobs.

    • @lukjad007
      @lukjad007 5 лет назад +6

      One of their roles is to keep the peace. Sometimes you can do something legal but if it causes friction it could create a situation later where people start fighting each other. I get why they will sometimes try to nudge people away from each other even if they both legally can exist in the same space.

    • @jayrobinsonshowtime
      @jayrobinsonshowtime 5 лет назад +9

      Speaking as a police officer of 10 years. Negotiating between two people is 80% of my job. Sure we enforce laws as well but you clearly have no idea the amount of things that people call us to sort out for them. Ez 80% has nothing to do with enforcing any laws.

    • @jayrobinsonshowtime
      @jayrobinsonshowtime 5 лет назад +4

      @@ghost307 if that job is settling a stupid pissing match between two stubborn people both with zero social skills then ya....your right. Police have much better things to do. Honestly lake Ontario is huge, there is so many other locations for you to fish, but you just have to be that guy who wants to make a point. So have fun making that point but dont be surprised when you're the only one that cares. This is childish on your part and ignorant on the marinas. Lose lose imo.

    • @brandons2411
      @brandons2411 5 лет назад +5

      @Michael Anderson You missed the part where the water isnt land and they cant arreat him for being there. If he were tied up to their docks or blocking in boats those are different stories. Hes floating on the water, not trespassing. Try and keep up.

  • @artcollette5439
    @artcollette5439 5 лет назад +30

    Nobody owns the water you can fish there you can't walk on their Docks but you can certainly fish there if you're in a boat so they should have no complaint

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад

      You are so wrong!The marina owner is correct under the transport canada act. Too bad the cop didn't know the law. the fisherman should have been charged. See my posts

    • @garys5175
      @garys5175 3 года назад

      @@rlegate7357 You keep saying "see my posts" but all your posts say the same thing. Getting bored reading them.

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 3 года назад

      @@garys5175 no worries. I've stopped posting a year ago. Not worth it. Enjoy your fishing.

  • @codyosrs1287
    @codyosrs1287 5 лет назад +24

    Question.... Aren't the cops breaking the same law by harassing you.??

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +3

      Pretty much!

    • @spcvicar3240
      @spcvicar3240 4 года назад +1

      cody Upshaw police have immunity to take away your rights. You can't sue them if they take you into custody or charge you on some made up charge, because they just drop it and say it wasn't worth pursing.

  • @mrdave2112
    @mrdave2112 5 лет назад +698

    If you ever want to organize a fishing tournament in the marina, let me know. I am in.

    • @davedodge7761
      @davedodge7761 5 лет назад +6

      Me too.

    • @laughtoohard9655
      @laughtoohard9655 5 лет назад +15

      LOL! How great would that be?!

    • @sambone1015
      @sambone1015 5 лет назад +12

      im in,arrogant pricks like that are worth the drive to me. the pigs,even the water pigs,will always side with the pricks as well. now im all wound up.

    • @hiddenballerz
      @hiddenballerz 5 лет назад +5

      Haha I was going too comment that then saw you had the same idea!

    • @RoyDallasFishing
      @RoyDallasFishing 5 лет назад +8

      I'm in too

  • @topspeederalmond
    @topspeederalmond 5 лет назад +99

    The cop should enforce the laws. That is his job. Negotiating is not in the law. He should go tell the marina owners the law and to piss off. TRUTH A

    • @zzz7zzz9
      @zzz7zzz9 5 лет назад +1

      they shouldn't have even responded to the call. should have known the laws themselves and told the marina to shut their pie-hole and that they are breaking the law, harassing the fishermen.

    • @iceholerealms
      @iceholerealms 5 лет назад

      That is their private prop-water-ity. I say piss up a rope!

    • @fizzer3393
      @fizzer3393 5 лет назад

      As soon as I read negotiate in this comment, the cop said negotiate, I was like what he heeeeeeeeeeeell

    • @MegaMech
      @MegaMech 5 лет назад

      In Canada cops negotiate when two sides are arguing. Common practice here

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад

      And I would suggest you should know what you are talking about before you spew off. The marina owner is correct under the transport canada act. Too bad the cop didn't know the law. the fisherman should have been charged. See my posts

  • @phoneguytim8231
    @phoneguytim8231 5 лет назад +31

    To be honest, this kind of ticks me off. The law is clearly on the side of the anglers--however, the police that showed up asked them (more than once) to willingly give up a right they have in order to appease the marina. Why wouldn't the officer dock his boat and have the marina manager come out and explain it to both parties once and for all that they have every right to fish there and if any future complaints from anglers come in--or if the marina calls in the police for this again, a citation will be issued for the harassment that the marina is conducting in. Don't ever give up your rights willingly just to satisfy someone who is offended! And shame on that cop for asking you to do that!

    • @voluntaryismistheanswer
      @voluntaryismistheanswer 5 лет назад

      Except of course pigs can shoot you and murder you without repercussions even as you crawl and beg for your life, innocent and wondering what the hell happened to America. There's that. If you have a certain amount of alpha privilege and can live through an encounter that is not safe for many of us to attempt, PLEASE do so. Thank you for the courage and strength to stand up for freedom.

    • @thetoolmat8632
      @thetoolmat8632 4 года назад

      Probably because there may be some ”agreement” and LEO get free boat dockage... That's the only reason I can see the LEO not enforcing a written law. I would send this video link in a certified letter to the Srate attorney, or similar position in Canada. Quite frankly call a local tv station as well and take them on a fishing ride into that marina to expose the harassment.

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад

      You are so wrong! The marina owner is correct under the transport canada act, which clearly states boats are not to impede the traffic of a known waterway. And they even use the example of fishing in a harbour or marina. Too bad the cop didn't know the law. the fisherman should have been charged. See my posts

  • @denisk751
    @denisk751 5 лет назад +13

    Awesome. They can't do anything to someone who speaks well, knows the law, acts in a civilized manner. Kudos to the angler.

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад

      Too bad you don't know the laws. The marina owner is correct under the transport canada act. Too bad the cop didn't know the law. the fisherman should have been charged. See my posts

  • @OldFellaDave
    @OldFellaDave 5 лет назад +170

    I liked that - you quoted the law and regulations to him, he replies with 'Well we aren't here to say who's right and who's wrong' .... umm, yes you are actually LOL :)

    • @seikibrian8641
      @seikibrian8641 5 лет назад +4

      No, they aren't. JUDGES rule on the law, not the police.

    • @anjhindul
      @anjhindul 5 лет назад +5

      @@seikibrian8641 NO, Judges are there to mediate as a jury decides who is right or wrong, the police are there to investigate who is wrong or right.

    • @seikibrian8641
      @seikibrian8641 5 лет назад +1

      @@anjhindul Then are you saying that bench trials, which have no jury, don't exist? Of course they do. Judges rule on the law, including advising juries on the law; juries decide on who did or did not violate the law, and police enforce the law and investigate violations thereof.

    • @BlairDavis-mc6cl
      @BlairDavis-mc6cl 5 лет назад +7

      @@seikibrian8641 "police enforce the law and investigate violations thereof"
      exactly they are there to know the laws they must enforce. so to say whos right and whos wrong.

    • @seikibrian8641
      @seikibrian8641 5 лет назад +1

      @@BlairDavis-mc6cl Nope. They observe and report; they don't make judgements of right and wrong; guilt and innocence. That's why unless a police officer witnesses a crime in progress he or she generally can't make an arrest without a warrant issued by the court.

  • @wogfun
    @wogfun 5 лет назад +44

    Know your rights, stand your ground. You guys are role models.

  • @duaneredman
    @duaneredman 5 лет назад +2

    I am so glad that you stand your ground. I have had the same situation happen to me at a Marina in Tennessee. It is my understanding in Tennessee that the public waterways owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority also owns any land I believe up to four feet on any given property. This is called “flood control area”. So any landowner that has property on these lakes that builds a dock becomes fair property to anyone navigating the waterways. Now it is different for Marinas since they “lease” the area but they still cannot do anything about anyone on the water itself.

  • @jaredburk8861
    @jaredburk8861 5 лет назад +2

    Shaun Rickard, Thank you for all the updates. I have been a police officer for 13 years and love boating into fishing holes. I am blown away at some of the videos on youtube showing other officers not standing up for the rights of people. I have been called out on hundreds of calls where I told the caller they were wrong and and made sure the "suspect" in the call knew he/she was not violating any laws, and had a right to do what they were doing. I get all tingly inside listening to people such as these marina folk, scream at me that they are right. I have bee yelled at by my higher ups many times for enforcing the law and not "helping" callers. The law is the law; PERIOD. Thank you for standing your ground in a respectful manner, not backing down, AND following through.

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад

      Thank you Jared, much appreciated. I do not envy the awkward/frustrating position you were most likely put in on many occasions. I applaud your patience and unbiased view, cheers!

  • @kayakuprising5914
    @kayakuprising5914 5 лет назад +31

    A few simple questions by the dispatcher or a supervisor at dispatch could have avoided this whole thing.
    Where is the boater?
    Is he tied up to your dock?
    Is he preventing you from doing your job?
    Is he harassing patrons?
    If "No" to those questions, then he isn't doing anything illegal. Have a good day.

    • @RiverRat-2112
      @RiverRat-2112 5 лет назад +3

      Hard to blame them for showing up, the info they from the caller got was likely false. However, yes once they discovered there was no crime afoot that should have been the end of the contact with the Anglers.

    • @wcresponder
      @wcresponder 5 лет назад

      The marina owner would lie.

  • @louissamoa9760
    @louissamoa9760 5 лет назад +164

    Embarrassing for the cops looking more like security guards for the marina

    • @jonremington6236
      @jonremington6236 5 лет назад +4

      go leave a review for the marina.

    • @tylerpestell
      @tylerpestell 5 лет назад +3

      I am sure the cop doesn’t like it either. Wouldn’t be surprised if the owner of the Marina is close to higher ups in the police force or political people (aka the people that can afford nice boats and marina fees).
      So the cop needs to ride that fine line which is never fun.

    • @Creek_Hunter
      @Creek_Hunter 5 лет назад +1

      @@tylerpestell Finally someone that gets it. We all forget sometimes that unless you're born higher class, you're bound to answer to someone....even cops.

    • @missustoad1
      @missustoad1 5 лет назад +1

      They probably get marina perks.

  • @burinkaa
    @burinkaa 5 лет назад +4

    I have just found this video. Glad to see MNRF replied. Thumb UP from Slovakia. Keep up the good work.

  • @daniels.3062
    @daniels.3062 4 года назад +12

    The cop was trying to enforce marina policy until he figured out you know what you're talking about.

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад

      The marina is under the law right. The cop is sadly uninformed. This is a transport canada act violation, not an MNR issue. See my posts.

  • @kagnewmp12
    @kagnewmp12 5 лет назад +56

    You guys need to find a lawyer that loves to fish in lake Ontario.

  • @Opiemus
    @Opiemus 5 лет назад +128

    I was a cop for 28 years and an avid Bass tournament fisherman.I would have respectfully told the cop no I'm not leaving and have a nice day.

    • @muskokamike127
      @muskokamike127 5 лет назад +1

      and since that marina, and the yacht clubs around it, are effectively private property. You would probably have lost your boat.

    • @Opiemus
      @Opiemus 5 лет назад +7

      @@muskokamike127 I do know that there are some states that have restricted areas around marinas because Greg Hackney got disqualified during a Bassmasters tournament due to that fact but I live in South Carolina and we don't have anything like that.

    • @muskokamike127
      @muskokamike127 5 лет назад +1

      @Michael Karish so you can have access to the water, when it flows into public domain. Until then? You have to stay in the public channel. For eg: I buy lakefront property that has a pond on it. You don't have a right to hunt or fish that pond. Even if I decide and get a permit to, cut a channel that connects it to the lake.

    • @kayakuprising5914
      @kayakuprising5914 5 лет назад +9

      ​@@muskokamike127 Your survey/deed would show your property line, so unless your argument is that this Marina dug out a few acres to create the marina then this is a bad example.

    • @Opiemus
      @Opiemus 5 лет назад +9

      @@muskokamike127 here in South Carolina you are exactly wrong. I just had an in-depth conversation with one of our game wardens yesterday concerning this issue. The law states that as long as you can navigate by waterway without restrictions such as a spillway or dam that you can go anywhere you want. I don't necessarily agree with that but it is indeed a fact. I would not want to wake up and see somebody fishing in my private pond that they had accessed from the creek above or below it but he said that he has to address those issues rather frequently. As far as lakes are concerned around here they're mostly owned by power companies and you can go anywhere on them, it is public Access no one has the right to restrict your access and there is a law on the books that says that they cannot restrict your access.

  • @dchildress17
    @dchildress17 4 года назад +8

    The cop says something along the lines of I’m not here to decide who is right or wrong but here to negotiate... umm negotiate what?! You have the right to be there. Period, plain and simple and non negotiable.

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад

      You are so wrong! The marina owner is correct under the transport canada act, which clearly states boats are not to impede the traffic of a known waterway. And they even use the example of fishing in a harbour or marina. Too bad the cop didn't know the law. the fisherman should have been charged. See my posts

  • @mattyyoungcloudsart3008
    @mattyyoungcloudsart3008 5 лет назад +7

    Good for you for this professional recording and response

  • @stevendelcarlo3294
    @stevendelcarlo3294 5 лет назад +109

    I'll be turning in the marina owners to the Ontario conservation department

    • @cwstewartjr1973
      @cwstewartjr1973 5 лет назад +14

      @Cpt BEARDless why dont you learn the law dickwad

    • @jonremington6236
      @jonremington6236 5 лет назад

      go leave a review for the marina.

    • @moondawg3693
      @moondawg3693 5 лет назад +2

      @Cpt BEARDless You're a complete fucking imbecile.

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад

      and as his legal expert this is what I will tell the marina owner about the fisherman breaking the Transport Canada Act Laws. The marina owner is correct under the transport canada act, which clearly states boats are not to impede the traffic of a known waterway. And they even use the example of fishing in a harbour or marina. Too bad the cop didn't know the law. the fisherman should have been charged. See my posts

  • @charlestravis8815
    @charlestravis8815 5 лет назад +37

    The marine cop was an apologist for the marina and should’ve given her the warning, not you that BS line about “safety”

    • @FeldwebelWolfenstool
      @FeldwebelWolfenstool 5 лет назад

      ...but what if the boater rammed an anchored boat running his trolling motor recklessly at high speed?

    • @charlestravis8815
      @charlestravis8815 5 лет назад +1

      And how fast would they be be going? ONE KNOT? I’ve had a boat/trolling motor and it is no speeder.

    • @buyerofsorts
      @buyerofsorts 5 лет назад +2

      Cops have violated more citizens under the guise of safety.

    • @russlehman2070
      @russlehman2070 5 лет назад

      @@charlestravis8815 I think your sarcasm detector needs adjustment.

  • @houstontxdave6876
    @houstontxdave6876 5 лет назад +4

    You have done your research, you filmed the whole thing. Cop can only ask you to leave but cant lawfully make you leave. You have a right to fish there. They own the docks and not the water. As along as you are being respectful of other boats coming and are good. Cheers mate!

  • @evox786
    @evox786 5 лет назад +5

    "why did they call you guys?"
    "uh... we're cops."

  • @DeathByFishing
    @DeathByFishing 5 лет назад +61

    You guys in Canada need to have a boat parade inside the marina area and fish. Watch the marina manager have a meltdown.

    • @a31ford
      @a31ford 5 лет назад +3

      AWESOME Comment... I'f I lived near TO, I would join in a heartbeat. +1

    • @speaker4413
      @speaker4413 5 лет назад +5

      @Roge john What a stupid comment, real fishermen fish where the fish are. Personally I'd rather fish where its a little more quiet but to each their own. Why should this guy or anybody else for that matter have their rights infringed upon because of some entitled marina owner or employee that doesn't know the law?

    • @DodAederen
      @DodAederen 5 лет назад +3

      @Roge john I don't fish. My people were and are Chesapeake Bay waterman and fishing is work. I relax by building motorcycles. BUT; I would take my boat right in there to piss them off. The marina is doing a very snooty job of community relations.
      And real fishermen, real men, don't put up with this kind of crap.
      Where I come from, that marina would start to find bullet holes in their boats.

    • @michaelanderson1859
      @michaelanderson1859 5 лет назад

      Wish I wasn't so.far away. I'd gladly tow my 14 ft jonboat there from Florida and fish all day

  • @KenMyers
    @KenMyers 5 лет назад +153

    He was taking the marina's side from the start even though it was wrong. Plus he laughed off the part about them harassing you. The guy lost all respect right there.

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +3

      Agreed Ray.

    • @mr.bojangles3053
      @mr.bojangles3053 5 лет назад +10

      The smirk on that cops face pushed me off. What an asshole

    • @SeedlingNL
      @SeedlingNL 5 лет назад +1

      @Michael Malloy More likely his boss gets the kick backs... it's the lackey that gets send there, do some checks and kindly suggests the fishermen to leave, so he can get on with doing more usefull stuff. Not that this kind of intimidation works if you know the law, but most people don't.

    • @Tsamokie
      @Tsamokie 5 лет назад +1

      RM, I too caught the cop smirking at SR remarking how the Marina was illegally harassing the fishermen. Very unprofessional.

    • @SaltiDawg2008
      @SaltiDawg2008 5 лет назад +1

      @Michael Malloy What a moronic thing to say!

  • @happygofishingtv
    @happygofishingtv 5 лет назад +2

    Great video, thanks for the info and standing up for our rights!

  • @chriswincek8672
    @chriswincek8672 5 лет назад +3

    I would've told that cop that he needs to speak with the marina employees and figure something out and I'll keep fishing. Good job on documenting this and updating us as well..

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад

      You are so wrong! The marina owner is correct under the transport canada act, which clearly states boats are not to impede the traffic of a known waterway. And they even use the example of fishing in a harbour or marina. Too bad the cop didn't know the law. the fisherman should have been charged. See my posts

  • @chrisatkinson7306
    @chrisatkinson7306 5 лет назад +60

    They are enforcing the Golden rules he who has the gold makes the rule.

    • @1Cast1Fish
      @1Cast1Fish 5 лет назад +1

      Looks like that's the way here

    • @philipcrawley2517
      @philipcrawley2517 5 лет назад

      Well said Chris.

    • @chrisatkinson7306
      @chrisatkinson7306 5 лет назад

      That may be so Philip but the owner to own that property has serious coin and that is who the cops are protecting and the boat owners are probably also not clipping coupons either.

  • @rickbraden4272
    @rickbraden4272 5 лет назад +42

    Let's face it. The only reason the marina was telling you it's illegal to fish there is because they buffaloed people for so long they think the water is their property. I personally think you're ever really going to solve the problem here & other marinas is to charge them with harassment. Word will get out.

    • @dangerously72
      @dangerously72 5 лет назад

      EXACTLY! Sue them for Harassment...end of story.

  • @ryanriesing7312
    @ryanriesing7312 5 лет назад +5

    Thank you for doing all us fisherman justice. Tight lines

  • @fuelerr
    @fuelerr 5 лет назад +19

    Looks like someone has connections to the marina and instead of enforcing the law they sent officer doolittle to try and run the fishermen off. Policing at its finest.

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад

      The marina owner is correct under the transport canada act. Too bad the cop didn't know the law. the fisherman should have been charged. See my posts

  • @BRad-qy6xi
    @BRad-qy6xi 5 лет назад +73

    Vessel safety check...? For what? Those police are WAY OUT OF LINE for passive aggressively harassing and inconveniencing those fisherman. In Texas, Game Wardens and police would have told the marina ppl to get educated on the laws.

    • @jimboslice3646
      @jimboslice3646 5 лет назад +7

      Right. I'm not breaking the law so fuck right off

    • @TheRick2130
      @TheRick2130 5 лет назад +1

      states and canadian water is bit different.. i mean enforcement from the fishing side is understaff and police/rcmp is not 100% aware of the law in recreational or commercial fishing

    • @topspeederalmond
      @topspeederalmond 5 лет назад +1


    • @williamogilvie6909
      @williamogilvie6909 5 лет назад +1

      USCG regs state you cannot fish in a boat channel. It obstructs the safe operation of larger vessels. Not likely the CG would issue a citation for doing that but if an accident occurred the people fishing could be held responsible.

    • @fodank
      @fodank 5 лет назад +3

      @indemniman 162 'You're', not 'Your'.

  • @TheUglyPirate
    @TheUglyPirate 5 лет назад +138

    "Come to a peaceful agreement" is not "you leave" it's "they stop harassing you and won't get charged".
    Good on you guys. I hate the elite who think their opinion is equal to the law.

    • @bengalghost5403
      @bengalghost5403 5 лет назад +13

      Just like Martha's Vineyard. The rich snobs think they own the public beach. When a hurricane struck, the sand was washed out but they want the public to pay to have the sand refilled.

    • @jonremington6236
      @jonremington6236 5 лет назад +3

      go leave a review for the marina.

  • @lifelongfit5997
    @lifelongfit5997 5 лет назад +5

    Luv it when the fishermen are always RIGHT!! Great Video. Thk U. Fun to watch..Keep up the great work.👍

  • @gx217dc
    @gx217dc 5 лет назад +4

    Fisherman: Youre supposed to enforce the law
    LEO: Where’d you read that?
    Fisherman: Law Enforcement Officer

  • @richardmyhan8755
    @richardmyhan8755 5 лет назад +64

    Complete FAIL on the Cops part. I would file a complaint on him and back it with a FOIA !!!!
    As well as file harassment charges against the POS Manager!

    • @TheDesertwalker
      @TheDesertwalker 5 лет назад +1

      Is there a FOIA in Canada?

    • @klg1001
      @klg1001 5 лет назад +5

      Yes, it’s the 1982 Access to Information Act. Institutions must reply within 30 days

    • @brutalbrutusTV
      @brutalbrutusTV 5 лет назад

      Unfortunately, cops know that most people have no idea what their rights are in a given situation and will often try to take advantage of it... and like this video shows, some of the time the cops themselves really have no idea what the law states in a given situation. Educate yourselves fellow passengers on the train of life...

    • @theastuteangler
      @theastuteangler 5 лет назад

      how does the FOIA help here? You file the complaint on the cop, then make a request under FOIA to ensure it was applied?

  • @ViralTuber
    @ViralTuber 5 лет назад +78

    The cops obviously collude with the marina to violate the rights of anglers on a regular basis. See how used to it he was? _"Well, ya, that's 'technically' the law I suppose. But since we have no way of knowing if you have insurance, we prefer to do things a little differently around here."_ - crooked cop

    • @jonremington6236
      @jonremington6236 5 лет назад

      go leave a review for the marina.

    • @johnkennedy3598
      @johnkennedy3598 5 лет назад +2

      Where is the obvious collusion ? It’s not a comprehensive portrayal of the entire incident. What happened afterwards? You are interjecting your opinion.
      Opinion is fine but not necessarily fact.

    • @Tinytraveler
      @Tinytraveler 5 лет назад +1

      I lived on a 44 foot Gaff rig Ketch for 15 years, no insurance was ever required, did the laws change stating you have to have insurance on boats?

    • @ViralTuber
      @ViralTuber 5 лет назад +4

      Farveknor I can't answer your question about insurance, but for this video it wouldn't matter if insurance is required or not, you still don't get to preemptively run everyone off based on your "fear of not knowing" whether they have insurance or not. You can't do that on the road with cars either. You can't call the cops to have them randomly check someones insurance (which is essentially what the cops just admitted happened in this case) as if you're in the mafia giving illegal orders. Because there are expensive boats around, they try to automatically push the random visiting fisherman away. I think the philosophy goes like this: "We have money and nice things, and we prefer to chase riffraff away rather than take our chances adhering to the law and letting everyone fish near us."
      It's the same basic story as a video of some guy who was illegally chasing people away from a public access boat ramp that was right next to his property. Except he didn't have the cops illegally doing his bidding for him, as the marina does in this video. He found it "personally inconvenient" to obey the law and not interfere with peopl's right to access the publicly-owned ramp corridor next to his home. So he illegally ran everybody off of it for years. (RUclips video titled: "Councilman flounders when confronted by 'Fisherman' Rob Wolchek")

    • @twerkingtwinkies2335
      @twerkingtwinkies2335 5 лет назад

      Crooked AF ! Wow! Enforce the law you ill educated pansy, common. You banging the marina chick? No? Then wtf? You smuggle drugs with these guys? No? Then know your job, and make sure those marina morons do too. That is all!

  • @masktrolling1205
    @masktrolling1205 3 года назад +4

    If i had of seen this video before working here, my whole summer would have been way better!

  • @itstomfrombrooklyn4296
    @itstomfrombrooklyn4296 5 лет назад +1

    where can i actually get a printout of this. To have in the boat so if i ever run into this i can show them the rules

  • @vwoday1872
    @vwoday1872 5 лет назад +54

    She is a bluffer bluffing in bluffers park

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад


    • @jonremington6236
      @jonremington6236 5 лет назад

      go leave a review for the marina.

  • @ShaunOutdoors
    @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +120

    UPDATE: I have now received responses from the Toronto Mayor's office and the Specialized Operations Command Unit at Toronto Police HQ. They are both looking into my complaints and concerns. However, I have not received an update as of yet from the MNRF. I will keep you posted as to what all three agencies findings are as I receive them.

    • @moesifasdasd4151
      @moesifasdasd4151 5 лет назад +5

      Fantastic. Keep us updated
      #JohnTory 2022

    • @Rxteng
      @Rxteng 5 лет назад

      Just leavin this here for notifications

    • @VMykeV
      @VMykeV 5 лет назад +1


    • @Unknownbrand
      @Unknownbrand 5 лет назад +6

      This reminds me of shore fishing the Pacific ocean in Victoria, where everyone thinks they own below the high tide mark. Keep it up man, non angler's need to learn the rules and respect the angler's that are supporting research and conservation of our wild fish populations.

    • @Tjkruse9889
      @Tjkruse9889 5 лет назад +3

      That’s bull I own Lake Ontario

  • @karlnoble1446
    @karlnoble1446 5 лет назад +3

    You're right, I am quick/hasty with my remarks, no one should have that kind of pull with authorities, somethings rotten in the system, good luck!

  • @kevinjhonson5925
    @kevinjhonson5925 4 года назад +5

    Love how the cops do a boat safety check to try and find something to nail you with. You could have just left and gave them nothing.

    • @stevedavies1261
      @stevedavies1261 3 года назад

      In Canada, boat and fishing license checks are not like an automobile stop - no probable cause needed to stop you...This is Ontario...

  • @ramseyslater1313
    @ramseyslater1313 5 лет назад +86

    I would've lost it when the cop laughed after you mentioned them harrassing you. I thought cops were supposed to uphold the law not side with the biggest bank account.

    • @BackcountrywithShaughn
      @BackcountrywithShaughn 3 года назад +2

      And that's exactly what you are watching here, a business is afforded more rights than an individual by the police. They picked sides without knowing the facts and did so uniformed and armed in an attempt to intimidate. The police lose their positions as "good guys" when they in fact break the very laws they were hired by citizens to enforce and reflect poorly on the whole social contract afforded them to perform their duties. Stuff like this is really sick~

  • @johngrisum
    @johngrisum 5 лет назад +11

    As long as he is not blocking the waterway or creating a dangerous situation he has the right to do as he is doing. Other people's preference dont have to be regarded.

  • @patrunkel5821
    @patrunkel5821 5 лет назад +3

    Glad to see you standup for your rights , water police over stepping authority trying to enforce unwritten rules while not enforceing the law harassment on Anglers

  • @Sills71
    @Sills71 5 лет назад +4

    You needed to ask the officer if he was going to charge you with a crime if you did not heed his suggestion. He says "yes" then you need to file charges on him. You should pursue charges on the woman that harassed you.

  • @jeffblaisdell7697
    @jeffblaisdell7697 5 лет назад +31

    How bad is it when the sportman have to educate the authority. he was going to side with marina until he realized the man new the law and he did not!!

    • @dilligaf0220
      @dilligaf0220 5 лет назад +3

      These days the marine unit is just another arm of traffic enforcement.
      The same guys in the same area asked me to produce proof of registry and ownership during their "safety check". In a canoe.

  • @crazycanuck2578
    @crazycanuck2578 5 лет назад +152

    Every fisherman out there should go there and fish, lol

    • @jamesluck2969
      @jamesluck2969 5 лет назад +4

      All at once

    • @FubarGuy666
      @FubarGuy666 5 лет назад +2

      like every wake boarder should go wakeboarding where you fish?

    • @FubarGuy666
      @FubarGuy666 5 лет назад +7

      @pak0pak rides Yeah let's share it: You wanna fish in our marinas so we wanna wakeboard in your "professional" bass tournaments. Is that what you mean by sharing?
      Or do you mean by sharing that entitled anglers fish in our marinas but don't want anybody to engage in any recreational activity anywhere near them, such as swimming sailing, etc. etc. and the truth be known they don't even want other anglers fishing near them. Can you see the double standards here?

    • @wagane1
      @wagane1 5 лет назад +4

      @@FubarGuy666 I was thinking this exact this. You put it better than I could have though.

    • @FubarGuy666
      @FubarGuy666 5 лет назад +1

      @@wagane1 Thanks Andrew.

  • @nathyatta
    @nathyatta 4 года назад +6

    Mate... In saying this, I love cops and everything they do, but that smug little grin when told about laws about hassling fisherman riled me up.

  • @stuartgladwin81
    @stuartgladwin81 5 лет назад +5

    Not only are you right there is an ancient law called the Freedom of the Seas Doctrine...later changed to the Law of the Seas....the marina owns the property around the water...the pontoons in it....but they cannot own the water in if you don't touch land or their pontoons you are 100% in the right

  • @alasdairmcbryde7573
    @alasdairmcbryde7573 5 лет назад +11

    Apart from harassment they are bullies. Disappointing response from the cops. That like saying you can drive on the roads in case you hit parked cars and you may not not be insured. What crap. We pay cops and law and order to enforce the laws, not negotiate them. A strong message should have been sent the marina that THEY are acting outside of the law and to stop harassing anglers. Geez, there was zero boat traffic anyway. Just a vindictive woman harassing men again doing a harmless activity.

  • @bigmanlilcoat
    @bigmanlilcoat 5 лет назад +78

    So parking garages need to verify insurance based on that logic

    • @ldno3747
      @ldno3747 5 лет назад +1

      By law you should have minimum insurance anyway. Since it theoretically guaranteed already there is no reason for the car park to ask for it.

    • @justindonmathews130
      @justindonmathews130 5 лет назад +1

      theaseCops are landowner kissassing the situation like if u agree

    • @bdawggification
      @bdawggification 5 лет назад

      Maybe a private one

    • @bdawggification
      @bdawggification 5 лет назад

      Ron Ulmer if you wanna park in my garage imma needa see sum insssurance

    • @bdawggification
      @bdawggification 5 лет назад

      Ron Ulmer dude if you want to park in my garage imma need to see papers.hmm maybe thats why no one wNts to park in my parking garage?

  • @c.wilkins1921
    @c.wilkins1921 4 года назад +2

    I remember hearing in school, when they taught a varity of subjects, that no one owns the water, except for the Queen of England. I have always thought this to be true.The only time I have heard basically the water is to others unusable is if the lake is land locked, the only access is though a privately owned property. Therefore making the lake private.

  • @JasonH17
    @JasonH17 5 лет назад +5

    I love how the cops ask you to give up your rights. He did that because he knows the staff is unreasonable and you aren't so why not push you around in a polite and nice way.

  • @ronserps8489
    @ronserps8489 5 лет назад +21

    the cop was being the strong arm of the marina....

    • @sarge6870
      @sarge6870 5 лет назад +1

      Yeah...probably has a boat at the marina!

  • @ShaunOutdoors
    @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +98

    QUICK UPDATE: The MNRF finally got back to me last week and informed me that they have almost completed their investigation, and that have received 'direction', from who and what sort of direction I am unsure. The officer proceeded to say that they now need to draft their findings into a document which will be sent to both myself and the Marina. They have assured me that I will receive this document before the end of the month, and at that time they will be decide if action will be taken against the marina. Stay tuned, thank you.
    Just to clarify again, we catch lots of Pike in this area (Catch & release only), and have been doing so for over two decades, it is one of my most productive spots for Pike fishing in the city, along with numerous other bays and marinas that we fish in and around the Toronto and Pickering area. The water inside the park area is generally very clear and has lush weed beds which hold a lot of fish. Yes the lake is vast, but it is also very deep, the Pike relate to the weed beds located in the bays and marinas scattered around the lake, they do not live out in the deep open water. I will also clarify that the Bluffers Park Marina leases the land it sits on from the City of Toronto, it does not own any land. It is situated inside Bluffers Park, which is a public park area and public waterway. The park was built using rocks and landfill from construction sites throughout the city, this new land was claimed from the open waters of Lake Ontario. There are actually 4 marinas inside Bluffers Park, 3 on the island (See aerial shot in the video link below) and Bluffers Park Marina can be seen located at the far west end of Bluffers Park. Approximately 75% of the land surrounding the public waterway in the park area is public access park land, owned and maintained by the City of Toronto, with washrooms, trails, parking and public beaches etc. I would also like to point out that Bluffers Park Marina is the only one of the four marinas that sends its staff out to harass anglers, which is ironic because it is the least desirable of the four marinas, with a lot of live-aboard residents.
    To see how the park is laid out you can take a look at the drone footage at the beginning of the video that we were trying to shoot that day when this all happened:видео.html
    Here is a direct link to section 13 of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act in black and white:
    Radio interview with Reno Viola, former Minister of Natural resources, Jerry Oulette and myself. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, Section 13. Know your rights as an angler:видео.html

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +29

      This has been going on for years, and nobody has done anything to prevent them from continuing on with their unlawful actions, including the MNRF and the Toronto Police. So it has now become my mission to stop this once and for all. If we dont their actions could set a precedent for marinas and cottage owners to arbitrarily declare the water around their docks as 'Private', allowing them to freely harass and prevent anglers from fishing our public waterways. Even when Bluffers Park Marina Staff tried to ram us with a tug boat about 7 years ago the Toronto Police just told us to go fish somewhere else, so yes there is most definitely something very suspicious going on there with the Marina and the Police. However, due to my formal complaint to the MNRF and numerous letters to the Toronto Police Chief and the Mayor, the Toronto Police Special Investigations Unit will be investigating as to why their officers are aiding & abetting and protecting the marina. Thanks to RUclips and Social Media I have been able to expose these criminals, and as a result of over 400k people viewing my video the authorities are now being forced to act. I very much appreciate your support, cheers!

    • @annetifafrank526
      @annetifafrank526 5 лет назад +4

      @@ShaunOutdoors you're doing god's work

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +2

      Thanks guys 👍

    • @BearKwonDo
      @BearKwonDo 5 лет назад +5

      So Canada is the same as the USA... If you have enough money, LE will still find in your favor and attempt to push legal anglers out of "your water".

    • @joshsundquist8480
      @joshsundquist8480 5 лет назад +1

      Shaun Rickard I love it, keep the pressure on them.

  • @JamesStaaks8182
    @JamesStaaks8182 5 лет назад +4

    Well done for standing your ground. Hopefully lots of people come and fish that marina now.

  • @davidkeep6526
    @davidkeep6526 5 лет назад +3

    Right on Travis French and well done fishers.The land owners,property managers etc. always try on the 'we have trouble with people 'line trying to bracket everyone in the trouble maker mould.Be sure of the laws and don't let them bluff you.

  • @chadscrazychannel7371
    @chadscrazychannel7371 5 лет назад +13

    The cops are there to let you know that those that have the cash make the laws and damn what the book says.If you don’t believe it why were they there you weren’t breaking any laws on the books.

  • @delrokosh1902
    @delrokosh1902 5 лет назад +29

    Is this Marina involved in any drug smuggling from across the lake? It might be a good idea for the police to monitor the movements of boats using this marina.

    • @leegray4999
      @leegray4999 5 лет назад +3

      nope just elitist asshats , always have been and always will be .

  • @TiredoftheBS1562
    @TiredoftheBS1562 5 лет назад +7

    Champion outcome.... the waterways are sacrosanct and they belong to all not just the few..... SHARE is the message

  • @neilfahy4065
    @neilfahy4065 5 лет назад +1

    Awesome guys thank you for clearing this up! Now I KNOW I'm right when they harass me to leave

  • @pitsmcgoo
    @pitsmcgoo 5 лет назад +9

    I would sue and get a court order to stop harassing.

  • @mikelyons7511
    @mikelyons7511 5 лет назад +6

    Don't be bullied. Don't stay within the Channel please keep fishing right in there teach them a lesson otherwise they win. And then it's a domino effect for all of us for years to come. Thanks for your hard work and dedication

  • @scottanderson2807
    @scottanderson2807 5 лет назад +1

    Always good to know your rights. I’ve had issues with a cottager for decades because he doesn’t want anyone fishing near his dock.

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад

      I have ran into these types of arrogant people/cottagers on northern lakes too, on more than one occasion. It's pretty sad that people are actually that delusional, selfish and self entitled that they wholeheartedly believe they own the water.

  • @opforind
    @opforind 5 лет назад +1

    Same here in Vt. I can’t tell fishermen to leave my section of stream and they can actually cross my property to get to the stream. They can’t hang out on the banks but they are allowed to transit the property to access the stream. Most don’t because there are easier access points with better parking but the few that do have always asked permission which I am more than happy to grant. Show respect and you will get respect ✌️

  • @leegray4999
    @leegray4999 5 лет назад +6

    And he is 100 % correct , the marina can lease the rights along the shoreline for slips and docking but ALL navigable channels are public domain even if they run through private property on both sides of a river or stream as long as the fishermen stay in the channel and do not interfere with regular boat traffic the are in the right !

  • @d-op1502
    @d-op1502 5 лет назад +86

    That officer should lose his badge. He is to enforce the law not make up compromises off the cuff when millionaires squawk about what they think the law should be!

    • @sebastiansaxon
      @sebastiansaxon 5 лет назад +2

      Exactly. This is incredibly infuriating.

    • @emjayw3018
      @emjayw3018 5 лет назад +6

      Yeap as always money has a language if it's own. Instead of enforcing the law to the letter that are sucking the marina owners %$#@ and trying to get you to move on. They should tell the Marina operator to leave you and other fishermen the hell allown and stop trying to have the Police act as a defacto security agency.. Disgusting when folk believe they own a public resource 👍👍🇦🇺

    • @Rick_Sanchez_C137_
      @Rick_Sanchez_C137_ 5 лет назад +1

      I know of a case in Las Vegas where a rich casino owner’s daughter was driving drunk (she couldn’t stand on her own), crashed into a taxi, witnesses were all telling cops to make her do alcohol test, instead they shoved her into a police car and drove her home before news vans showed up...

    • @FeldwebelWolfenstool
      @FeldwebelWolfenstool 5 лет назад

      ..that's John Tory's Toronto for ya...

    • @FeldwebelWolfenstool
      @FeldwebelWolfenstool 5 лет назад +1

      ...not-very-famous-at-all Canadian race car driver, John Jones Jr., son of wealthy construction company owner, got off totally scott-free after being caught drunk with 2 or 3 hookers in his Corvette in Thunder Bay, deep within fly-over took a Nipigon OPP to have the courage to bust a Thunder Bay Police Chief for impaired driving...the guy was a notorious pisstank ...his own boys wouldn't do it.

  • @kerrywikstrom1698
    @kerrywikstrom1698 5 лет назад +1

    I’m not a fishing type of guy. But I love that you know your rights and stand up for yourself. Not surprised that the cops and authority’s want press charges. What you guys should do is get like 10 boats in there fishing, just to prove your point. Would then be able to push a court case against them.

  • @franktownsend410
    @franktownsend410 5 лет назад

    Is the fishing better around the marina than it is in open water or other places you can get your boat or do you fish there just to see if you get a reaction? I am not a fishermen so I really don't know where it is best to fish.

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад +1

      Just to clarify again, we catch lots of Pike in this area (Catch & release only), and have been doing so for over two decades, it is one of my most productive spots for Pike fishing in the city, along with numerous other bays and marinas that we fish in and around the Toronto and Pickering area. The water inside the park area is generally very clear and has lush weed beds which hold a lot of fish. Yes the lake is vast, but it is also very deep, the Pike relate to the weed beds located in the bays and marinas scattered around the lake, they do not live out in the deep open water. I will also clarify that the Bluffers Park Marina leases the land it sits on from the City of Toronto, it does not own any land. It is situated inside Bluffers Park, which is a public park area and public waterway. The park was built using rocks and landfill from construction sites throughout the city, this new land was claimed from the open waters of Lake Ontario. There are actually 4 marinas inside Bluffers Park, 3 on the island (See aerial shot in the video link below) and Bluffers Park Marina can be seen located at the far west end of Bluffers Park. Approximately 75% of the land surrounding the public waterway in the park area is public access park land, owned and maintained by the City of Toronto, with washrooms, trails, parking and public beaches etc. I would also like to point out that Bluffers Park Marina is the only one of the four marinas that sends its staff out to harass anglers, which is ironic because it is the least desirable of the four marinas, with a lot of live-aboard residents.
      To see how the park is laid out you can take a look at the drone footage at the beginning of the video that we were trying to shoot that day when this all happened:видео.html

  • @ActNaturally
    @ActNaturally 5 лет назад +4

    WOW very interesting, this is just down the street from where I live, thanks for sharing your story! Funny enough I went fishing there last Summer for the first time from shore, unfortunately I never caught anything but spoke to some people who told me its a really good
    spot! I did see a lot of minks and some of them wanted my bait and were not afraid to try and get into my lunch bag and bait. Some of which I did get on video but have yet to upload. I'm glad you did your research and had all the right answers!! Thanks for sharing your
    knowledge. Have a great day Shaun!

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад

      To be entered into my 2018 GoPro HERO Giveaway, simply go to and follow the instructions to enter your name into the draw. I will be drawing and announcing the winner on the Shaun Rickard's Outdoor Adventures Facebook Page on December 1st, 2018. Closing date for all entries is November 30th, 2018 at midnight. Good luck!

  • @topgunbass
    @topgunbass 5 лет назад +5

    I remember years ago you talking about this. I get the same thing in lots of the marinas. Its unfortunate but at the same time anglers can take it to far also. Jigs left in ropes or deflected off of hulls. Good video

    • @ShaunOutdoors
      @ShaunOutdoors  5 лет назад

      To be entered into my 2018 GoPro HERO Giveaway, simply go to and follow the instructions to enter your name into the draw. I will be drawing and announcing the winner on the Shaun Rickard's Outdoor Adventures Facebook Page on December 1st, 2018. Closing date for all entries is November 30th, 2018 at midnight. Good luck!

  • @Heli4213
    @Heli4213 5 лет назад +4

    I also love when the cop says they don't know if you have insurance. How's that different than driving down somebody's cul-de-sac with your car down a side street and a neighbor comes out you can't drive down my street because I dont know if you have any insurance that is about how stupid that sounds. This cop sounds like a good moron and it is not up to the marina to police other boaters.
    Just another case of everybody butting into everybody's business. Great video great for standing up for your rights and keep up the good work.

  • @CanoehoundAdventures
    @CanoehoundAdventures 5 лет назад +1

    Hi Shaun. I agree with you wholeheartedly 100% that you and any of us, have the right to legally fish within these marinas or any other canal way such as the Welland Canal. It is nice to know that someone is bringing awareness to this situation, but I will just say that fishing in these ares is something that does not interest me personally and I likely would not, just out of respect to the boat owners and giving them their space. But, thanks for shedding light on this and keep up the fight for your rights and the rights of all of us anglers.

  • @maureenw2151
    @maureenw2151 5 лет назад +8

    Great work posting this. We have been harassed so many times in Ontario cottage country for fishing around docks and small inlet bays. Great work, And also many marinas have signs posted no fishing.

    • @MrGb4ever
      @MrGb4ever 5 лет назад +2

      They mean no fishing on the docks.

  • @brianwhite9555
    @brianwhite9555 5 лет назад +4

    I don't know what the regulations are in all the states, but here in Michigan it's against the law to interfere with anyone who is lawfully fishing. And, yes, it's clearly stated in the annual fish & game regulations booklet. That means, if a fisherman is slowly trolling the contour of a shoreline, casting lures towards private docks where the big bass hide out, property owners aren't allowed to run out to the end of the dock and shoot at them with a 12 gauge. Sorry about that!

    • @catparlee7695
      @catparlee7695 5 лет назад

      We vary from province to province as well as the Territories - but most provinces have laws that protect anglers from this.

  • @thawingsmile8448
    @thawingsmile8448 4 года назад +3

    Well done for standing your ground, most people wouldn’t know the rules and would leave when told they can’t fish there. Don’t let elites think they own everything 👍

    • @rlegate7357
      @rlegate7357 4 года назад

      and you are included in the ones that don't know the rules. The marina owner is correct under the transport canada act. Too bad the cop didn't know the law. the fisherman should have been charged. See my posts

  • @sparrovski
    @sparrovski 5 лет назад +2

    You are an intelligent and grown man and dispite all you said to the marine police he still had to give you a lecture and instructions. Why did they bother showing up? because they love creating situations to make themselves look important and give themselves something to do to justify their ridiculously high wage.

  • @skylar1991
    @skylar1991 5 лет назад +7

    As soon as she heard "you're on camera" she immediately shut up

  • @hinglemccringleberry8805
    @hinglemccringleberry8805 5 лет назад +10

    I dont see what disturbance 2 guys fishing would cause anyways.

    • @roberts7107
      @roberts7107 5 лет назад +1

      Well, I ain't saying they did but I see asshat fishers bouncing thier spoons, lures and weights off gelcoats when trying to get under docks. Ain't cool bro.

  • @parrotbill9072
    @parrotbill9072 5 лет назад +2

    You have to constantly stand for your right, or someone will try to take them from you. They only have the authority you give them, they say go away, and you follow their instruction, you have them authority over you. You will always feel better about yourself when you tell them to pound sand. Good job buddy!

  • @bigggthinker2151
    @bigggthinker2151 5 лет назад +4

    The cops seem like they're cowards. Tell the Marina what the laws are. Not negotiate with those NOT breaking the laws. SMH!
    Money has it's privileges.

    • @roberts7107
      @roberts7107 5 лет назад

      Cops in this environment are bitches that do what their supervisor tells them and the supervisor kisses the butts of local graft suppliers.