Zack Snyder on Receiving Backlash from Comic Book Fans - REACTION | Joe Rogan Experience

  • Опубликовано: 5 мар 2024
  • Zack Snyder was a guest on the Joe Rogan Experience TODAY and they discussed the backlash that Zack receives from comic book fans. They discuss and dismantle the toxic fan narrative.
    #zacksnyder #joerogan #joeroganexperience #reaction #dccomics #batman #superman #rebelmoon
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Комментарии • 28

  • @fittogether4101
    @fittogether4101 4 месяца назад +6

    He's made it! He's on the Joe Rogan experience

    • @tahnadana5435
      @tahnadana5435 3 месяца назад

      yess, his officially a HAS BEEN

  • @WhatisReal11
    @WhatisReal11 3 месяца назад +1

    The reason people wear headphones when doing content like this. Is so they play audio into their ears and not out loud, and it doesn’t echo as it’s being recorded both through your main mic and desktop recording. Just a tip…..

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  3 месяца назад

      Thanks, we appreciate it, we are not sure what went wrong exactly. The monitor out was only to the headsets but for some reason there was a weird echo. We are still learning a lot especially when it comes to sound setup so any feedback is always a welcomed help.

  • @gabrieltristan3045
    @gabrieltristan3045 4 месяца назад +3

    Yup... after Man of Steel.
    It was hard to go back to these comedy filled comic book movies, especially from Marvel and recently the last few movies that DC was putting out. I want that realistic format that these characters who we consider as God's to have problems and make these difficult decisions, just like everyone else in life. Whether you're from this planet or have super abilities.
    Awesome interview!!!

    • @dcalltheway610
      @dcalltheway610 3 месяца назад +2

      I just want Movies, you know Films. Real movies not Comedys.

  • @aacelife
    @aacelife 4 месяца назад +4

    Yes yes baby zack snyder please comisión zack snyder justice league 2 Talking SnyderVerse

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  3 месяца назад +2

      Sell to Netflix

    • @tahnadana5435
      @tahnadana5435 3 месяца назад

      @@holdmydualshock batman is not made to kill, gee, why cant there only be barbie hentai from now on as canon? are they holding barbie back? are we protecting our barbie in a weird way? you do realize his a hack arent you? or at least a dumbass!?
      youre not a nerd... you agreeing with the fakest nerd of all shows me that, comic books are power fantasies, since when do you pray to batman? no one based that shit as religion, the only ones who do only says that kind of shit are fake people who's motives are to gaslight other fake people like you two..if a hero overcome situations by killing than they are not heroes.. you are warp.. youre like tommy wiseau after watching st elmo's fire and decided to make the room, out of touch but thinking youre the real ones, maybe because you never used your brain, just please stop pretending youre nerds, its embarrassing

    • @AshrafAnam
      @AshrafAnam 3 месяца назад +2

      @@holdmydualshock Nah, sell DC to Universal and restore the Snyderverse there

    • @dcalltheway610
      @dcalltheway610 3 месяца назад

      Just get it out of WB's hands- they have shown emepted.

  • @1973vanguard
    @1973vanguard 4 месяца назад +2

    The Batman not killing thing is pretty self explanatory to me. IMO he can kill if the story being told serves it, as in the case of BvS. But I want to address Superman, and a question that, to me, nobody seems to be asking: is it a possibility that Joe Schuster and Jerry Seigel created superman too perfectly? And that is the reason why he is so hard to adapt without fanboys crying in their breast milk? Think about the times from which Schuster and Seigel come from. The 20's and 30's. A world war, Hitler, The Depression, etc. Very dark times back then. So, from that aspect, I can see how a person would want to create something representing the opposite of what the world is like...but the hard question is, should they have made superman that way? Superman stories are hard to adapt, and it's hard to tell his story from a human point of view because human beings see him as perfection, which we, of course, are not. I think they created superman, not realizing that if future iterations of Superman stories are to be told, it would be extremely difficult to do, short of deconstructing him, which Zack Snyder did. So, here's the hard truth: superman saves cats from trees because the creators made him that way. They trapped him in a -one dimensional box, probably not even realizing that's what they were doing, with purist never wanting to explore more of what superman can be, if he is put in a particular negative situation, which, again, is what Zack did. Zack's approach to these characters has always been "what if"? Yes, Superman is most celebrated as the superhero of hope and optimism. But where does hope and optimism come from? It doesn't just come out of nowhere. When something goes bad in our lives, what do we do? We HOPE things get better, right? We try to be OPTIMISTIC in the face of uncertainty. But how can Superman be the beacon of hope and optimism when he has not been tested, the way human beings are tested? If he represents perfection, then how can he rightly fit into OUR imperfect world?
    I never liked Superman as a character, never cared for superman as a character, until I saw Man of Steel. Zack Snyder made me care about Superman/Kal El/Clark Kent because he had the human experience. Clark had bullies growing up. He looks human. of course he's gonna have bullies. I had bullies. I can relate to that. Zack Snyder made Superman relatable. And for some reason that scares people...and maybe that's the answer as to why purists don't want to see their superman expounded upon, because if they see the same flaws in Clark Kent, that is an indictment on themselves, and the human race, which forces us to look at ourselves. And looking at ourselves and facing those demons, well, that's something we have never been good at as a species.
    But that's my two cents....

    • @puichiung2959
      @puichiung2959 3 месяца назад +1

      Seigel and Shuster didn't actually create Superman as perfect as he eventually became in the silver age of comics (maybe 50's thru 60's). The silver age was when the Comics Code Authority placed rules on comics about violence, sex, etc. When Superman debuted in the golden age, he was written more as a typical smart talking tough guy that was similar to how tough guys were portrayed in films from that era, and in the first story of Superman in his Action Comics debut Superman was shown not holding back while roughing up human thugs and dragging them up near power lines to get them to talk. Therefore, imo when Snyder deconstructed Superman in MOS, he was sort of going back to the character's slightly grittier roots even though he was never a straight up killer. For me MOS is the first ever accurate live action representation of Superman's powers and how Superman in our real world would be viewed by strangers and even by his adoptive parents, so I love that movie.

    • @1973vanguard
      @1973vanguard 3 месяца назад +1

      g2959 I looked that information up, and you are correct. With that said, though, still brings us right back to where we are now. Fans of superman looking at him as perfect when it makes no sense. It's stunts the growth of the storytelling. Just like this batman can't kill crap. It limits the stories you can tell for the caped crusader if you keep him trapped in this limited storytelling box.

    • @dcalltheway610
      @dcalltheway610 3 месяца назад

      People want a Cartoon character. But I will push back, there are many,many great Superman stories. With Superman it must be an Emotional Human story.

  • @morristhompson9189
    @morristhompson9189 3 месяца назад +1

    I feels good to be around like-minded people!!!

  • @AshrafAnam
    @AshrafAnam 3 месяца назад +4

    People who hate on Snyder's movies don't care about Superman, Batman or any comic book character. They just want MCU style 200 mill. family friendly comedies. These aren't comic book fans, they are just either cultist Zack Snyder haters or bandwagoners.

  • @ndo533
    @ndo533 3 месяца назад +1

    Srry but i disagree. Its not a big deal. It is just a comic book movie, a story like any other story. Making it a bigger deal than it really is, is basically justifying the wanton attacks this man has faced for the greater part of his career. Its never that deep. Its just a story, and that should never be the reason to treat someone so terribly

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  3 месяца назад

      I agree! People have an irrational hatred and malice towards Zack Snyder. I really haven't seen many directors receive this level of hate. Also, people go way too far with the hatred, I can understand people saying, "I'm not a fan of MoS. It's not for me." But it's usually not that. And I agree, it should never be the reason to treat someone horribly for something they created.

  • @callmejacob3234
    @callmejacob3234 3 месяца назад

    Zack Snyder is more delusional than his fanbase. He couldn't even do a Batman that kills right in his films. Batman killing makes zero sense if The Joker is still alive. You're telling me Batman went on a killing spree after Robin's death but didn't kill Robin's killer? Snyder fans please explain that to me because I'm confused. Why would Batman spare The Joker? That's absolutely ridiculous it's even more ridiculous than Jonathan Kent dying to a tornado. Zack Snyder being fired is a blessing to DC keep this dude away from DC. If you want a Batman that kills go make a goddamn Punisher movie.

  • @dcalltheway610
    @dcalltheway610 3 месяца назад +2

    I truly believe that Marvel killed DC, All the Marvel fans (not comic book fans, but movie fans) decided for the world what a Comic Book movies must be. Talk about putting yourself in a Box. Batman can't kill?- yet Every Superhero in Marvel movies do. The ONLY comic character that Kills is the Punisher.- yet when they make movies the characters kill, all of them. Captain America killed, Ironman killed, Hulk killed, Spider-Man Fucking Spider-Man killed- his suit has an Instakill mode- no-one said shit!- why, because its Marvel. (This is called Hipocricy)

    • @Skholar
      @Skholar 3 месяца назад

      thats one retarded ass take, thats why marvel is literally failing from tv shows to movies. look what happened to secret invasion, moonkight, shehulk, the marvels, whats going with on with the mess of blade and captain america 4? and spiderman doesn’t kill, he didnt even use insta kill mode, what are you smoking? and killing aliens in endgame doesnt count cause batman did the samething in ZSJL. your contradicting yourself left and right

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  3 месяца назад +1

      Couldn't have said it better ourselves. Great point! There are numerous examples of Batman killing. The Snyder Batman is based on a Batman comic that had Batman kill people. So it is comic-accurate. People are entitled to not like that comic or Snyder for that matter but it is suspicious when they hide behind rules that do not apply or do not exist.

    • @Skholar
      @Skholar 3 месяца назад

      @@holdmydualshock thanks for deleting my comment, thats some fake shit. cause i was speaking straight facts, what a garbage channel 😂