There is possibly some rust around the edges of their LCD. I saw a video where that caused vignetting on the top LCD. It probably suffered from some water damage or even a humid environment.
damn dude, that is a really nice looking handheld, but whyyyyyyyyy screen?!!!!!! Maybe you can replace the screen?? I reallly love the japanese club nintendo paper for some reason. Anyway, I always love watching unboxings of old consoles.
I don't play love plus but dang that ds looks pretty.
4:50 I can feel the pain. Did you manage to get the screen replaced?
Excellent unboxing
RetroGamingRat your very welcome
Great video ☺ what's with the black edges on the top screen of the ds? Just curious
There is possibly some rust around the edges of their LCD. I saw a video where that caused vignetting on the top LCD.
It probably suffered from some water damage or even a humid environment.
damn dude, that is a really nice looking handheld, but whyyyyyyyyy screen?!!!!!! Maybe you can replace the screen?? I reallly love the japanese club nintendo paper for some reason. Anyway, I always love watching unboxings of old consoles.
my mario 25th anniversary brand new also suffer the same fate as urs.
i never knew it had a love plus version of the dsi
that's cool*
Dont worry. You cant see it in the indicator lights. my friends have a same screen too he have dsi LL (japan) and i have dsi (japan)
Thats a shame, did you ever get it repaired?
Very cool DS!
Does the LL play DS games in English? Is it just the system menu in Japanese?
@@RetroGamingRat thank you. I have asked that question everywhere and googled it and no one knew.
I think you can but DSI ware games you must have Japanese account or Japanese games
It's Region Locked to Japanese.
I can play it on my mobile but unfortunately i can't see the girls ;-;