Cable reverse lunge with overhead press

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024
  • Purpose:
    This exercise focuses on increasing the connection between the right and left sides of the body as the core and hips work to stabilize the opposing movements of the arms and legs. It enhances coordination, balance, and overall stability.
    Starting Position:
    Stand on one leg, gripping the floor with your toes and heel. Raise the opposite knee to a 90-degree angle. Hold a cable handle in the same hand as the raised knee. Engage your core to maintain balance.
    Inhale as you press the raised knee back, stepping into a backward lunge, while pressing the cable straight overhead. Your core should work to stabilize your body, keeping your shoulders stacked squarely on top of your hips. Feel the engagement from your hips through your core. Exhale as you step back up to the starting position.
    Inhale as you step back into the lunge, exhale as you press back up to the standing position. Focus on controlled, nasal breathing for a deeper connection.
    Ensure your core remains engaged throughout the movement to support your lower back and maintain stability. Keep your shoulders and hips aligned to prevent twisting. Move slowly and deliberately to maximize muscle engagement and coordination. The entire posterior chain must activate to keep the cable directly over the hips as the arm presses overhead.
    This exercise enhances coordination, balance, and stability by engaging the core, hips, and shoulders. It promotes a stronger connection between the right and left sides of the body, improving functional strength and movement efficiency. The focus on nasal breathing deepens the connection and engagement of the core muscles.

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