Russia is a Eurasian country, a multinational and multicultural country. I was there and I was most impressed by the market, there is everything there! Very large, rich and interesting markets with various products from all over Russia and surrounding countries.😀
But Russian (Rooskies , slavic people) are about 85% populations and so Russia is rather mono-national country. Second largest nation here are Tatars - only 3%, other nations are less than 1%. It is always OK if someone has no slavic origin but it is not correct to name Russia multinational. In this case all countries are multinational. It is just а Bolshevic (so called London International Workingmen's Association (IWA)l) occupation policy since 1917 to deprive the Rooskies(slavic) of power and money. This still so - just look at our government and business. Russophobia is possible just because our "multinational" government don't care enough about it. There is no reasonable counter propaganda.
Come on everybody knows that Russia’s culture is nothing but European!!! An ethnic Russian family can fit in sweden but no way in Japan or china!!! Btw its a fact that 40% of Europe is Russia!
You are right.Im sick of this shit.Why do all people call us multicultural or saying that we dont have pure Russian blood?This regions and countries which was a part of USSR dont have anything common with us.@@рачс
@@рачс " are about 85% populations and so Russia is rather mono-national country" Russians didn't exist until bolsheviks took power of the empire. The aggressive russification policy made a lot of socalled 'russians' from different nations.
@@elliotjung1766)) "Russian didnt exist..." "aggressive russification". Lie and russophobia as it is. And say hello to your parallel Universe. Vise verse, bolsheviks (99% of them was not russkies but jews. caucasians, poles and so on -Communist International of London as it is) divided country into 15 pieces and provided policy of de-russification - so called "`Коренизация" (Korenizatsiia - see the Wikipedia) - that turned, for example. millions of southern rooskies into ukrainians.
Both my grandparents were born in Tuva, Russia but my parents migrated to Malaysia during the Second World War. I am Turkic/Siberian/Russian/Chinese/Malaysian all rolled into one.
Wow that's cool, Im Russian Turkic and live in Malaysia too. Wondering, did they migrate to Malaysia before 44, if so then Tuva as far as I remember wasn't in the USSR back then.
There are two different definitions in Russian for English word "Russian". One is "русский" and another one is "российский". So the girl in video is Russian but according to the second definition.
no, I disagree with you. Russian is a human who speaks russian language and like it very much. Someday our country will be free from dictator and maybe our country became : United Countries of Russia. Where the "Russia" part is only language! That's all! We tired of Moscow domination. We needs true democracy and unite of freedom countries
@@Lindrid32so much lingicide happened under Moscov control. Russian can stay in Moscov and Novgorod but elsewhere it can be replaced by more endemic languages that actually belong to the regions. As far as ancestry goes big chunks of the "European Russians" were descended from earlier cultures - often Baltic, Fin-Ugric, Scyth, Polesian, Tartar. If to measure Russians strictly based on northern Polesian descent I guess about 30-40% of the modern Russians by nationality can be considered as descendants of the Novgorod principality of the Rus (though that region was indigenous to Fin-Ugric and native to some Baltic groups before the late Polesians started settling there). Notably many basic words and sentences in Russian have high levels of mutual intelligibility if to consider East-Slavic languages exclusively - however if to go for mature and complex sentences and vocabulary it's a different story. That's mostly down to trading/small talk/religious language being more widely shared as compared to poetic, academic, meaningful conversational language. That's for example why linguistically Belarusian is considered more mutually intelligible with Polish than Russian - even though Belarusians and Russians would have an easier time understanding each others small talk. But if to read a book (nevermind Cyrillic and Latin) Belarusians would be able to grasp more words from a Polish text than a Russian one afaik. Ultimately the people in Moscov continued to refer to themselves as "from the Rus" after they had migrated out and detached. So even though these people had left the "Rus proper" and started anew they still ended up adopting to call themselves "Russian" - a circumstance later used to fuel territorial greed and irredentist colonialist thought. A good comparison are perhaps the Seljuk Turks who similarly obliterated and genocided local cultures in Anatolia and imposed their language on them. Further we have the Spanish, Portuguese, French and English who similarly subdued vast endemic populations.
Like Turkey is located both in Europe and Asia. But in which continent does Russia belong? Nikolai Gogol did depict this. I saw a Russian intellectual quote Gogol and the Russian interviewer did nod his head. According to Gogol the answare is that there are no answare. "Where are you going, Rus? Rus, where are you going? No answare." You are not suppose to answare the question simply because there are no answare to this. Putin says 'Asia' but that is not the answare as we understand. It's not Europe either as we understand. Maybe Russia is just Russia. Something of it's own.
Come on everybody knows that Russia’s culture is nothing but European!!! An ethnic Russian family can fit in sweden but no way in Japan or china!!! Btw its a fact that 40% of Europe is Russia!
Hello, I am from Poland. Some years ago I met people from both parts (they arrived to our company as students from program like Erasmus or something similar) and as a Pole I can only say there is huge difference between Russians from european and asian part of Russia. European were from Pskow and they were almost like Poles - very similar tradition, folklore, kind of humor etc. We have no problem to understand each other. But once we had students from Yakutia and they were totally different. Beside different look (at the beginning we thought they are Chinese 😄), they also had different habits, language (they did not use russian when they talked each other). Generally it was hard to communicate with them. So I can say that west Russians and east Russians are like from two different countries.
Hey. Thanks for your comment! It was cool to learn what your experience with Russians was. And yeah I lived in both parts of Russia and people differ a lot in terms of culture, habits, etc.
actually eastern part of Russia or so called Siberia is even more european or slavic by genetics, culture etc than Russia itself(86% indentify as slavic russian which is more by 6% ). a lot of people mainly from european parts of russia and russian empire have settled the modern eastern Russia. Originally siberia was home for turkic, tungusic, mongilian and a couple of others ethnic groups but then slavs arrived and settled the territory either by force or their own will. But original ethnic groups have remained which is why we have such things as republics, long story short it's like a country within a country. Yakutia is one of them, such entities have their own constitution and stuff, their own language. Roughly speaking it's like scotland within the UK but ofc there's a lot of differences. I derive from Yakutia myself and it might sound interesting for you as you're polish. A lot of poles were sent to Siberia or Yakutia in particular as a punishment or repression. Hence a lot of Yakutians and Yakuts have polish ancestry even I being slavic russian have poles in my lineage, I feel like up to 30% of my yakutian friends have poles as ancestors as well, the language didn't passed down though.
@@alekseiyankevich Of course I agree that a lot of slavs were sent to Siberia after second World War, but (as I wrote) those students from eastern Russia (that we had at our company) looked like Chinese, so they definitely were not descendants of slavs and they behaved totally different than people from western part (some time after I worked also with Chinese from north China and I saw a lot of resemblance in the behaviour of Chinese and people from Yakutia).
В Якутии высокий уровень культуры, хорошо развита наука, геология...Знакома с несколькими якутами, а также бупятами. Наверное зависит от семьи, какой личный уровень культуры, привычки... Но я не поняла почему якуты не понимали друг друга и не говорили на русском? Русский язык межнационального общения, мне кажется, что вовсе на нём общаются, а якутский - тоже изучается и люди общаются на на нём, но в Саха ( Якутии). Вот не понятно как это они не имели общего языка для общения между собой. Они из разных городов или посёлков?
Russia, China and India are like civilisations with lots of ethnicities and languages unified by a language, a flag...etc That's why Russia is a federation of many republics
As an Indian - yes. In our context, most people outside of India would look at a North-Eastern Indian (from the states of Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya etc.) and assume that they aren’t Indian (most of them are from the Tibeto-Burmese language/ethnic family - but are 100% Indian as much as any person from the north or south of the country).
Russia is truly a Eurasian country, just like Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia.. I really wish these countries to establish "Eurasian Union" among themselves..
Come on everybody know that Russia’s culture is nothing but European!!! An ethnic Russian family can fit in sweden not Armenia , Turkey & etc…!!! Btw its a fact that 40% of Europe is Russia!
Something that most people aren't aware of is the fact that Russia has 11 time zone because of its location on such high latitudes. İf the same area were located on the equator, it would still be huge, but it would have just half the number of time zones. Also, one extra time zone in the west exists only because of Kaliningrad, which compared to Russia as a whole is pretty tiny.
I'm a Norwegian but after DNA testing it turns out my bloodline traces back to east / west eurasia, truthfully i do not look like a typical Scandinavian, i have a different face with many soft features, now it explains it, and i barely have body hair, i can't grow a beard spite being 32 but plenty of hair on top, i still find it a bit crazy how the bloodline is so strong, typically by now it's very mixed.
I think you are also Puerto Rican which is why I would love to invite you out for some Salsa dancing. I'm kidding of course...but I think you are a great presenter and his(her)story teller. Prekrasno!
1:19 - ATTENTION English speakers: it's a major misconception. There has never been a country called 'Kievan Rus'. This term was coined in the 19th century and is a purely historiographic concept aimed at more convenient learning of the history of the Eastern Slavs. In fact, these territories were owned by a group of principalities that existed in a feudal disunity. Of course, Kievan Rus didn't colonize Siberia, because: - it wasn't one entity - even from the historiographical point of view, it ceased to exist in 1240 after the beginning of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, while colonization of Siberia started in the 16th century. Colonization of Siberia was implemented by The Tsardom of Russia that indeed managed to unite former fragmented principalities into one state with proper ministries, regular army and unified financial system, with Moscow being the center of the unification. The united Russian state was created by the efforts of Ivan III in the second half of the 15th century.
There was never any Tatar-Mongol invasion, the whole thing was fabricated in 19th century along with Kievan Rus. To this day Mongolia is one of the most backward countries in the world, living primarily in stone age. But 800 years ago they created the largest empire on the face of the Earth? Give me a break.
oh, ucranians begin to change the History. Russians didn.t exist, the first person was Homo ucranius, yes, it,s true, one ucranian historian said it. don,t be so stupid please
There are so many nationalities in Russia. According to Google it says there are 160. Russia is a mix of Asian and European in my option. So it's both.
Come on everybody know that Russia’s culture is nothing but European!!! An ethnic Russian family can fit in sweden but no way in Azerbaijan, Japan or china!!! Btw its a fact that 40% of Europe is Russia!
There is no mixture, since these 190 nationalities make up no more than 20% of the population of Russia. And 80% of the population of the whole country are ethnic Russians. What kind of mixture is there? You are simply misled by the large number of 190 (peoples), but they are few in number. So there is no big confusion.
Funny how countries like the US, Australia, Canada and UK pride themselves of being the "multicultural" ones. In fact, there's no multi-culturalism in these societies but instead a situation where all minorities have been "flattened" into subservience of the hegemonic anglo culture. Aboriginal, indigenous, pre-Columbian and "imported" African identities have been stripped, annihilated and reduced into irrelevance. Very much like what happened in China at the hand of the Han ethnicity. On the other hand, the Russian Federation seems to be more a partchwork of people each one of which still retain their original identity still nowadays. So, who's the real "multicultural" society?
@@cu6upckuu48И в чём, собственно, проблема, что большая часть столиц республик «русские»? Это разве не закономерность? Первобытные люди жили охотой и собирательством, и вынуждены были кочевать при малейших изменениях в экосистеме, не имея возможности подстроиться. Затем человечество приручило животных и развило скотоводство, но кочевой образ жизни сохранился. Лишь с появлением земледелия человечество стало вести оседлый образ жизни. И земледелие дало резкий рост популяции. На юге это произошло значительно раньше, а на севере до сих пор коренные народы ведут полукочевой образ жизни от саамов до якутов. Логично, что славяне, раньше освоившие земледелие и ставшие оседлыми, достигнув относительной перенаселенности в Восточной Европе, начали экспансию на очень слабо заселенные земли на севере и востоке, где постоянных населенных пунктов было ничтожно мало, а преобладали временные стоянки кочевников. И, таким образом, русское население, построив города, осталось в них жить. В Поволжье же, в основном, происходит культурная ассимиляция, когда коренное население переходит на русский язык, как язык межнационального общения и образования. Ведь, к примеру, удмурты со своим языком ничем не смогут заняться в Казани, если там будет в ходу только татарский. А глобализация в любом случае заставляет людей быть всё более мобильными.
@Cu6upckuû ты такую чушь несёшь, ну серьезно Финляндию привёл в пример, Европу,они тут причем?!,даже твой пример показывает абсурдность твоих мыслей,мигранты приехавшие в другую страну соответственно стали"частью этой страны "соответственно они принимают то, что в этой стране гос. язык финский, а не русский,на каком языке они между собой общаются это их дело.ваша республика не отдельная страна!!!,она входит в РФ,с чего вы должны разговаривать на своём на английском, но не знать русского если он государственный язык той страны куда входит ваша республика.Я понимаю есть определённые обиды претензии, но зачем опускаться до тупости у которой нет логики.
@Cu6upckuû Do people like you really wish that english dominates more globally than it already does ? aren't people tired of anglo-saxon culturla hegemony ? In all areas ? That's a very good thing that other langages are used, we must preserve this diversity in cultures. I speak arabic, amazigh, french and english, and i'm learning russian (i dont have a russian keyboard, that's why i answer in english still)
@Cu6upckuû forcing russian in all russian federation is an obvious and logical decision. One of the most important aspect to unite a country is its langage. In my country, algeria, arabic is obligatory at school even in non arabic areas. And amazigh language in nowhere near to disappear, far from it. Compare it to ireland where Irish langage is almost extinct (about 2% only can speak irish in ireland). Now, for the original regions of the different russian federations, it's up to the people and the local authorities (from the federation itself, not the central govt), to lead the policies in order to preserve and teach their own langage.
I'd say it's not kinda West/East opposition. There are way more stronger opposed the North to the South. In that way, the one from Murmansk or Arkhangelsk has to do more with Siberia than the most of population located south to Moscow. There are also some unique cities like Ufa where both south and north folks would feel rather comfortable.
Непонятно каким образом жители того же Мурманска связаны с Сибирью, если город заселялся русскими из северных, западных и центральных районов России... В Архангельске население более древнее, но переселение шло оттуда же откуда и в Мурманск. Каким боком тут Сибирь, простите? 🙄
@@interpretolog, а в Сибирь-то мужская часть "русского старожильческого населения" откуда пришла? Все оттуда же, откуда и в Мурманск. Да и в 19-20 вв. приток севернорусских популяций в Сибирь всяко не с/из Украины был (за исключением юга ДВ, всяких "серых/зеленых" клиньев по границе с нынешним KZ и внезапно ХМАО, лол). Кста, за собственно поморов осторожнее надо быть с предполагаемыми путями переселения. Они сильнее прочих русских связаны с популяциями не только остальной России, но и северо-западных соседей (север Финляндии и такая же Норвегия, емнип).
She is from the Russian Federation but has a Oriental appearance. Thus her nationality is Russian but she is not ethnically Russian or Slav. I think the conventional idea is that Slavic Russians especially in the core of the country west of the Urals are Europeans but the Tatars, Evenks, Turkic ethnicities, ETC are Asian. Eurasianism is the Result of the merging of European Slavic and vast groups that fell under the control of Moscow. Eurasianism is a Russian concept.
"под контроль Москвы" 🤦🏻♀️ под культурное влияние и помощь прежде всего. Россия это империя наоборот, где много сил выкладывали и вкладывают в малые народы, охраняют их, а не уничтожали и эксплуатировали. Даже в ваших словах свозит западное понимание империи, но нас от таких слов реально корёжит, бррр
@@interpretolog да ладно, «корёжит», не преувеличивайте. Мы, конечно, относились к предкам наших сограждан из малых народов лучше, чем британцы или их американские потомки, но делать из нас этаких добреньких дурачков тоже не надо. Россия всегда была империей, и имперское единство, если надо, поддерживалось силой. Это нормально.
I am mixed ethnicity too (Asian and Spanish) and born in Canada but raised in 3 different countries. I had major identity issues growing up and I agree with you, as a mixed “3rd culture kid” we can identify with it ALL. Embrace it. I think the issue is people get confused between nationality, culture and ethnicity. All different things.
honestly i wouldve mistake you for a turkic person from central asia considering the numbers of turkic people in russia too, Siberia cultures and people are very interesting. Hello from southeast asia
I'm of Swedish origin by one brunch, of Polish by the other, of , Jewish by the third. The rest, means my stem, is Russian. How can I define? Quating one if the Supreme court judges: - When I see, I'll know
I think that you are who you feel and whose values you share. I'm chinese muslim by origin, born in Central Asian part of USSR, and have only 1/8 russian blood, but I am totally Russian (including Soviet) by culture and mentality.
thanks Liz, really interesting video, there's not many transcontinental countries aside from Russia (you mention several though), Turkey is probably the most notable that contains non Russian speakers
Thanks 🫶🏻 Most of the countries are more ethnically diverse than we think of them Like China has dozens of minorities, India has dozens of official languages
@@SerdceDanko yeah that's pretty dumb too ... i understand the convenience of grouping geographical areas, but it's never going to match reality very well ... for a recent job (was for a website) i recently had to allocate a single continent for each county in the data ... eugh!
*Hi again, Liz:* You told me in my last comment that you are an ethnic Buryat. So, I have new questions because I had a few doubts: *1)* Because Buryats are cousins of the Mongols in Mongolia, how the Buryats see the figure of Genghis Khan? Is he reverenced like Attila the Hun for the Hungarians, or is see like another Emperor of many? *2)* It's true that Buryats (and Mongols, and Yakuts by the way) call the Devil _Erlik_ or _Erlik Khan?_ *3)* Did you paint the feathers and the flamingo that are behind you? That's all, and cheers from the Yuzhniy Konus.
I am Argentine and we have a similar history and we are very similar nowadays although argentines culturally sometimes can be more dumb like Americans 😂 anyways love the content ❤
Hello Liz Russia has multi diverse population, and therefore many languages are spoken . But weather or not its Asian of European, surely its half and half .. Have A good Sunday greetings from England 🇬🇧 Simon and Beth ❤️ 😀 🙋
you may not look like what most Americans consider Russians to look like.... but your accent is a dead give away. *RUSSIAN* The Slavophile / Western debate has raged for Centuries I have a Bachelors Degree in Russian Studies & a mastery of the Russian Language ... but living in Former Soviet Republics - Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan - I have realized that the text books were nearly worthless. I am learning every week something new from actually being actually on the ground. Having been here in the 'Stans for 8 years. I am not coming back to America. It is not the country I grew up in, and I am not encouraged by the direction it is taking and heading.
Вот ведь неверная информация - никогда такой "страны", как Киевская Русь, не было. Русский историк польского происхождения Михаил Александрович Максимович первым ввел это понятие в 19-м веке в своей работе "Откуда идет русская земля", потом от него подхватили другие историки. И Максимович так обозначил не "страну", а временной период усиления киевского княжества среди других русских княжеств.
@@cu6upckuu48 не совсем так - этот исторический термин придумал Максимович. А жители того далекого времени никогда свое княжество не называли "Киевской Русью". И уж тем более это не было "страной" - только княжеством. Среди других русских княжеств.
@@cu6upckuu48 тут еще такое дело - именно небратья с территории 404 усердно продвигают эту фантазию о том, что Киевская Русь была когда-то отдельной "страной" - поскольку тогда они как бы ее "наследники". А на самом деле к временам Киевской Руси небратья не имеют никакого отношения. В период названный Киевской Русью в Киеве жили русские люди. А самый известный киевский князь Владимир Мономах носил титул "Архонта всея земли русской". Архонт - это начальник. Но не царь - что важно. Типа просто более важный князь из других русских князьев, правивших другими городами.
@@nativesiberian Yes. Brazil was a country colonized by the Portuguese, many African people were brought, just as in other times Europeans sought refuge, among them Germans, Italians, Poles... there is a very notable Arab and Japanese community. Fun fact: In Brazil there is a branch of the Bolshoi ballet, the only one outside of Russia.
Russkyi - ethnic Russian (have European looks typically have light eyes, skin and hair) Rossiyanin - non-ethnic Russian like Turkic and Caucasian descent (typically have brown eyes, dark hair, pale yellow skintone)
It is quite curious that when Russians mention the word "Europe" (Evropa), they usually refer to the West (Zapad) and do not include themselves in that concept.
I wouldn't assume you are Russian by looking at you if that's what you were asking. Also I think Europe and Asia are same continent because would a mountain range really determine that? idk
@@nativesiberian love them and also that they still do live tradional when they dont make music.Thats maybe a next video idea for you...all about how you grew up and your tranditions...x
This issue has been resolved a long time ago. Russia is a unique country. There is no need to look for similarities to other countries. Russia is unique, it has its own path. You can find a lot of differences, different from both Europe and Asia, but you can also find a lot of similarities. Russia is not Asia and not Europe - it is Russia. And I think that's great.
наконец то здравый комментарий. "У России нет в мире искренних доброжелателей. Русский народ может надеяться только на Бога и на себя" -Иван Ильин "Россия сама есть вселенная - и никто ей не нужен" - Екатерина II Великая
We are Europe, but not Roman-English, but Scandinavian-Byzantine; we are the West, but not Celtic, not Erbine (which is what our difference in the haplogroup is about: R1a1, not R1b). We offer our own mentality. One philosopher, K. Krylov, has an interesting logical construction about ethical systems: 1) South ("I do what everyone else does"); 2) East ("I do not do what everyone does not do"); 3) West ("let everyone do what I do"); Sever ("let no one do what I do not"). According to Krylov, the North is precisely Russia. Our moral exclamation, which is typical for us Russians: "I don't do that!" Those. we are individualists (reliance on the "I", on the subject), like the West, but we are "anti-West", because we do not impose our modus vivendi, but only defend our own. In the presence of a negator (formant "not"), we are dialectically similar to the East, but not on the basis of collectivism, but on the basis of individualism, personal priority. This gives us immunity both from the perversions of the West and from the depersonifications of the East. But it is easy to see that all 4 ethical imperatives are equidistant from the Golden Rule of Christ, but at the same time the Russian type of non-coincidence is logically the last one - there are no more options: therefore, Russia has the best potential to move to the Christ ideal. And the West, on the contrary, is moving away from its chance.
@@spacecat4691 What "communism"? In an aggressive form, it was a Western phenomenon, in Russia it began to be based on the ideas of denying the export of the revolution, on the building socialism in a single (own) country, and peaceful coexistence and detente (then they were so discharged that they dissolved themselves, but this only led to the maximization of Western aggression ). In foreign policy, he overcame foreign intervention and the civil war ignited by it (with losses for the West - well, don’t invase), rejected the “permanent revolution” and “fanning the world fire” by Trotskyism; then saved the world from the brown plague; now Russia, having largely retained communist ideals and seeking to correct the mistakes of the first socialist experience (above all, militant atheism), is saving the world from the neo-Trotskyist USA, which essentially asks the world what death it wants to die: in a world war, in the world plague, or in cyborgization-transhumanization. In Ukraine, Russia reflects the horrific aggression of the West, committed for no reason (except Western-endogenous) against the heart of Russia - against Ukraine, which is an integral part of Triune Rus'.
@@СергейКарташков-э9ъ Man, you are either drunk or on drugs. Or speak poor English, translating thoughts in google translator. I can't explain this mess otherwise.
From what i can understand, because Russia is in both Europe and Asian continents, its Eurasian by definition, and in a more accurate way, a supercontinent. Also, even countries like Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan do have more perceived "Asian" features.
honestly I am confused my how the term eurasian is used lol. Cause for me yes I am eurasian, and everyone who lives in Europe and Asia are eurasian, but others say that being eurasian means being a child of an asian and a European. so idk lol
@@nativesiberian From a Genetic perspective, Siberians are a mixture of Northeast Asia and Ancient North Eurasians, ANE by definition is Eurasian, it has DNA from the West (Europe or Western Asia) and East (East Asia), but modern Siberians are more Asian than Eurasian. The Peoples of Central Asia have a similar but different history to the Siberians
I would like to see a video on the diversity of Siberians. A Siberian from Southern Siberia may be quite different than a Northern Siberian living on the Arctic Ocean. A Western Siberian near the Urals may be very different than a Siberian on the Bering Sea in the East.
Russian territory has 20% in Europe and 80% in Asia, but it's the opposite for population : 80% in Europe an 20% in Asia ! So Russia is both European and Asian : many Asian First Nations live in the East and in the North, and they don't have the same cultures as European Russians. It's not a problem : every country has mixed religions, cultures, and ethnicities. Diversity is a wealth for a country : you take the good parts of each culture. However, they're all Russians, and quite united under their flag, from what I saw in Russia. Maybe a bit less since 2022 ? Every family has crisis sometimes. However, Europeans consider Western Russia as a part of Europe ( a very big one ! ) and hope for better times (peaceful again) in the future...
Honestly Liz, most people here in the central part of the US would think right off, you were of Oriental background or maybe even Native American. That's ok. We're a diverse bunch! Welcome to America! Dive in an enjoy! Glad you are here and not there. I think people back in Russia will be going through some tough things under Putin.
При Путине Россия живёт лучше чем когда бы то ни было в своей истории. А Путин "виноват" лишь в том, что защищает свою страну и народ от агрессии, наглости и грабежа запада. Ай ай какой плохой этот Путин. Для вас да. Для нас нет.
Nah, as non-slavic person I would never say I'm Russian, yes, I'm from Russia, but never Russian. And I'm aware that it's mainly because of linguistic interference.
@@nativesiberian Depends on the question, if someone asks my nationality, I always answer I'm from Russia, but I never say I'm Russian. I know it makes no difference in English, but I feel like my ancesters would turn in their graves if I said it both ways. Basically I transfer ethnic component (russkiy vs rossiyanin) to english word that has nothing to do with it, lol.
Cool. I totally get what you mean! I like the word Russian tho and I want it to be more of a place you’re from, not your ethnicity. Just like Americans means Asians, black people, white people and others born in the US or other American countries
I think this identity issue happens because of the differences in classification and understanding what is basically a nation in the East and West. But I like it more the Western way, since it's easier and sounds more logical to me. So. We have *political nations*, which mean certain social/political organisms within certain borders. And we have ethnicities, which are about the looks, the blood and the culture. An American person may actually be Italian by ethnicity, but having the US passport and all the rights of a US citizen on the given land makes him/her a part of the US *political nation*. Same applies to Russia. Here people still confuse things like nation/nationality/ethnicity. And people of other ethnicities of Russia often get slightly offended when foreigners call them Russians too. However it's only us inside Russia who use the words like "rossiyanin" and "russkiy" to mark the difference. They use word "Russian" to mark the reference to the *political nation*. At least that's how I think. 😂 Once I bumped into a video telling about American Japanese people and their experiences in visiting their historical motherland. In general this could be described by a couple of phrases: 1) "Everyone around thinks I'm Japanese until I open my mouth." 2) "I was born and raised in the USA, I don't belong to this (Japanese) nation." The second one kinda surprised me. But it's quite understandable from the perspective shown above.
I'm Russian and I agree with you 100%. On one hand I wouldn't want different ethnicities to lose touch with their ancestry since, in my opinion, that's the beauty of Russia, that so many different cultures and traditions can be united and yet continue to flourish without turning into a melting pot like it is in the US. On the other hand I wouldn't want Russians as an ethnicity to diminish. I guess there's no difference when you meet foreigners since there's only one term for a Russian (both ethnically and in terms of citizenship) so you can just say you're Russian, but then when speaking Russian there's a clear distinction between "русский" and "россиянин".
Больше европейская страна - европейцев в России больше, чем азиатов. Даже кавказские народы, всякие финоугорские и прочие - это европейцы, хотя они себя и не причисляют к ним. Вообще, это разделение на азиатское и европейское в России играет злую штуку - страна разделена культурно. Одним хочется вождя, а другим - чтобы его не было. Одни против Запада, а другие чувствуют с ним родство. В СССР пытались, как в тех же США, вывести усредненного человека, но у них ничего не получилось - в итоге все снова катится к противоречиям внутри страны.
Мы -- Европа, но не римско-английская, а скандо-византийская; мы - Запад, но не кельтский, не эрбинный (о чем и наше различие в гаплогруппе: R1a1, а не R1b). Мы предлагаем и свой собственный менталитет. У одного философа, К.Крылова, есть интересное логическое построение об этических системах: 1) Юг ("я делаю то, что делают все"); 2) Восток ("я не делаю того, чего не делают все"); 3) Запад ("пусть все делают то, что делаю я"); Север ("пусть никто не делает того, чего не делаю я"). По мнению Крылова, Север -- это именно Россия. Наше моральное восклицание, характерное именно для нас, Русских: "Я же так не поступаю!" Т.е. мы -- индивидуалисты (опора на "Я", на субъект), как и Запад, но мы "анти-Запад", ибо не навязываем свой modus vivendi, а лишь отстаиваем его. В присутствии негатора (форманта "не") мы диалектически схожи и с Востоком, но не на базе коллективизма, а на базе индивидуализма, личностного приоритета. Это дает нам иммунитет и от перверзий Запада, и от деперсонификаций Востока. Но нетрудно заметить, что все 4 этических императива равноудалены от Золотого правила Христа, но одновременно российский вид несовпадения является логически последним -- больше вариантов нет: поэтому у России наилучший потенциал перейти ко Христову идеалу. А Запад, наоборот, отдаляется от своего шанса.
@@cu6upckuu48 Что-то о толпах Православного воцерковления на Западе не слышал: отдельные случаи, и есть западные граждане, спасающиеся в России от трансгендеризации, "инклюзивности", сатанизации (а этот процесс там просто явен), а впереди маячит киборгизация и прочие "радости" трансгуманизма. И это, увы, не вздор, и даже не мода (которая переменчива), а явный умысел правящих на Западе элит.
@@cu6upckuu48к какому востоку? Антропологически кавказцы ето средниеевропеици не мало людей среди кавказцов блондинов и рижих с типичными европейскими фенотипами религия ето вообще не в счёт северо кавказцы стали мусульманами во время носшествия Тамерлана в 14 веке до етово у них былины свои язичичиские религии кавказцы по правде ето самобытный уникальный народ то есть группа народов каторы не особо в мире не родственнен никому со своими языками культурой и так далее но всё же Кавказ ближе к Европе чем к Азии вообще Азия как и Европа неоднородна а очень многообразно и етого следует учесть также как и деление на запад и восток Европеоди живушие в Азии даже индуси они намнонближе к европейцам чем например к китайцам монголоидам.
@@cu6upckuu48ia skazal evropeodi a ne evropeoci eto vo vpervix a vo vtorix na kavkaze raznie gaplogruppi naprimer u gruzin i adigeexeb gaplogrugga G i ia ne gavaril chto kavkazci evropeoci prosta oni bolshe k evrope chem k azii blijni vostok blisok evrope chem vostochnoi azii
You actually do look russian. You look more european than asiatic. You remind me of my grandma in appearance. She is from mari-el republic, but in her heritage there is nothing non slavic. I am a typical Russian slav by DNA, and although I look much more typically european, my grandmother and mom look more like you.
In Russia live russians (slavics) and citizen of Russia - the orhers. The woman in this video lives in Russia but she is not russian (slavic). From the south of Siberia i suppose o from Kazakhstan. there are only 40% russians (slavics) in Russia
@@tixiaoneI have explained already that the russians (slavics) in Russia are citizens of Russia, but the citizens of Russia may be not russians (slavics). 60% of Russia are not slavics (russians). The russian and the citizen of Russia is not the same
@@milaa848 original russians (before mongol invasion) were not 100% slavics. And after the Golden Horde period, they are definitely not slavics. Learn history
@@tixiaone Также как и украинцы, их турки и хазары с юга постоянно атаковали, от славянской светлой внешности ничего не осталось. Тогда славяне только поляки наверно, ну чехи еще может быть.
@@milaa848 нет, сама светлость славянской внешности это миф😅 просто процент блондинов повыше чем у среднеазиатов или на ближнем востоке, но не все поголовно. да и сейчас в принципе примерно такая же картина по России, реальных блондинов очень мало)))
Technically it's an Eurasian plate, therefore it is Eurasian continent, therefore you do look Russian, and I want to become Russian some day. Love the nature, cities, people, all...
@@VovaSidorOff нет. Русский - это представитель русского этноса с родным русским языком. Нельзя просто выучить язык и «записаться» в русские. То же касается абсолютно любого народа на Земле.
I’ve been very interested in Native American culture lately but no, I haven’t come into contact with them. What makes you think they’d treat me as their own tho?
@@nativesiberian Becuz their ancestors originated from there, I personally did ask them if they had any emotional bond with the Asian, they always agreed.
@@nativesiberian If they get to know n trust u well, they will admit it, becuz they just can’t deny their physical resemblance with the Asian especially the ppl up north.
It's only been 500 years since Rus/Slavs expanded eastward and invaded Kazan. So I find it odd that nearly 80% of Russian citizens now identify as ethnic Russians. It is simply not possible given the enormous size and diversity of the Eurasian country, which implies that many ethnic Russians today were in fact Russified from other ethnic groups. Before the Rus/Slavs eastward expansion, Turkic was the Lingua Franca of the Eurasian steppe, because East Eurasian Turkic-speaking nomadic tribes such as the Huns, Avars, Bulgars, or Khazars were migrating back and force and inter-marrying with many neighboring or indigenous Uralic and Slavic people. For instance, the Old Bulgar language (i.e Chuvash language) is a heavy mixture of both proto-Turkic and Uralic. Even in recent centuries, If you look carefully at Cossack paintings, their swords, bows, clothing, hairstyle, dances, lifestyle..are heavily nomadic Turkic and Mongolic, including the "Cossack" name itself. Turkic was originally a Northeast language, culture, and religion...and is still protected by many Siberian Turkic people. The real tragedy for many Asian-Russians is that they were cut off from the continuum of East Asian education, language, and culture due to Russian conquest (as well as Russian and Chinese rivalry). These days we see Buryats fleeing Russia who no longer understand Mongolian language, which cuts them off from Mongolian history and culture. We see Turkic people from Russian-side of Altai Mountains not being connected to their ancestral heritage too. They're Asian but Slavicized and not connected to Asian culture/language, which is the source of the problem. The relative isolation of Sakha/Yakutia has preserved many of the original Turkic religion and culture. Turkic homeland was originally in the Altai Mountains to Lake Baikal region, but they ruled the Mongolian steppe in ancient times, which is why most of the Turkic Inscriptions and Tombs are located in Mongolia and South Siberia. (It is also why Turkic and Mongolic religions, customs, cuisine, clothing, music, grammar, etc are similar.) In East Asia, we study early Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic history because they left an enormous footprint. Chinese records on Turkic and Mongolic people date back to nearly 2,500 years because northern nomadic people were the main threat from the Chinese perspective. (Just look at all the different fortifications and walls various dynasties have built.) Xiongnu/Huns and the Han Chinese Dynasty were fighting for centuries to control the Silk Road trading route. Gokturks originate from the upper-regions of the Yenisey River in the Altai Mountains, and the famous Gokturk Inscriptions (突厥碑文) were carved in both Runic Turkic and Chinese. There were many Turkic warriors serving in various Chinese dynasties, and many of them eventually became Northern Chinese. The largest rebellion and trigger for the eventual collapse of the Tang Dynasty was orchestrated by a part-Turkic General, An Lushan (安禄山). I suspect every kid in East Asia would've heard his name in school.
You see, in times of Russian Empire to be Russian you should: serve Russian Emperor, speak Russian, follow Christian Orthodoxic faith. Ethnicity wasnt really a concept. To the point when Empire try to organize census of people they write things like "local" or "Muslim" instead of ethnicity.
Zelensky speaks Russian and he is trying to learn ukranian 👍👍 as a Mexican i can relate to differente heritage race etc. i found interesting how in other part they are more homogeneous
Recently I have met a girl nationality of Lizgin, and she said that more than 100 thousands of lizgins live in Turkey, also I heard that in China lives more Mongolians than in Mongolia, this is great that countries are diverse
Great video Liz! I'm curious what made you decide go and live in America? Do you like it there or do you prefer living in Siberia? I can imagine you being homesick missing family and friends.
hey thanks! I always wanted to try live somewhere outside of Russia. Why the US? Idk lol Right now Im making a video about my life here, if I like it or not. So check it out in couple of days!
@@nativesiberian Sure, I would love to check it out. This is really cool. A couple of years ago, we were teaching the students about the coldest city on Earth. Yakutsk Siberia would be an interesting place to visit.
Ans: You are closed. Just like i am Bangladeshi and another person Chinese. We are free to eat, express and talk in our own dialect of our own region. If you really wanted a answer: Russia is Eurasian
Государства "Киевская Русь" никогда не существовало. Госпади, что ты несёшь??? Работаешь на вражеские нарративы. Предатель. Термин введен в 19м веке. Не было такого государства, никогда оно так не называлось. Это была Русь, всё. Не Киеваская, не Новгородская, просто Русь.
@@nativesiberianЧто лол? Хотябы википедию почитай. Современный же термин «Киевская Русь» возник в первой половине XIX века[6], пройдя за историю своего употребления существенную эволюцию. Одним из первых его использовал М. А. Максимович в своей работе «Откуда идёт русская земля» (1837) в узко географическом смысле для обозначения Киевского княжества, в одном ряду с такими словосочетаниями, как «Червонная Русь», «Суздальская Русь» и др.[7] В таком же значении термин употребляли С. М. Соловьёв («Русь Киевская», «Русь Черниговская», «Русь Ростовская или Суздальская»)[8], Н. И. Костомаров и Д. И. Иловайский. Во второй половине XIX века термин приобрёл дополнительное, хронологическое измерение - одного из периодов русской истории и государственности. В этом случае данный период обычно заканчивали 1169 годом, что было связано с бытовавшим в дореволюционной историографии представлением о переносе столицы Руси из Киева во Владимир[Комм 8]. В. О. Ключевский использовал этот термин несистематически, иногда сочетая узкогеографические и хронологические рамки и отличая «старую Киевскую Русь» от «Руси новой, верхневолжской», иногда подразумевая под ним все земли Руси в соответствующий период[Комм 9]. У С. Ф. Платонова, А. Е. Преснякова и других авторов начала XX века термин стал использоваться в государственно-политическом смысле как именование государства всех восточных славян в эпоху, когда Киев был общим политическим центром. В украинской националистической историографии того же времени уточняющий термин «Киевская Русь» не был особо популярным, поскольку подразумевал существование других центров и периодов в истории Руси. Основоположник украинской исторической школы М. С. Грушевский им почти не пользовался, предпочитая термины «Киевское государство» или «Руська держава» («Русское государство», противопоставленное в его версии государству Московскому). У Грушевского это государство продолжило себя не в истории Великого княжества Владимирского, а в истории Галицко-Волынского княжества XIII века и литовско-польском периоде XIV-XV веков. Современные украинские историки упрощают схему Грушевского, изображая «Киевскую Русь» государством, созданным украинским этносом и принадлежащим исключительно ему
Россия и россияне - всегда хотят и стремятся к МИРУ, но не позволят другим влезать в свои проблемы!! Украина тому пример, мы не хотели войны или с 2014 просили и требовали прекратить Украину убивать людей на Донбассе! Россия успела забрать Крым, поэтому в Крыму не было того, что было и есть сегодня на Донбассе - то о чем умалчивает весь мир… Зеленский - просто кукла коррупция, которая продаёт всё на Украине, от земли, до людей, продавая место для хранения радиоактивных отходов, продавая НАТО территории для размещения вооружения! Россия не потерпит подобного НИКОГДА!!!
Caucasian, the way you’re using that term, is a very North American construct. Ethnic Russians, certainly, are Slavs and Europeans in their ethnogenesis, whereas Caucasians are Georgians, Azeris, Dagestanis etc. (people of the Caucus mountains). An ethnic Russian would never refer to him/herself as a Caucasian (and neither would a European).
А не доводилось ли Вам слышать о том, что английское h ~ русское с: heart сердце, haulm солома, horn серна, home семья, harm срам, him сему, white свет, hoar серый?
@@nativesiberian Первоначально было c (к) например латынь culmus, cornu, centum в германских c (к) перешло в h haulm, horn, hundred "Закон Гримма", а в славянских c (к) перешло в с (s) "Изоглосса кентум-сатем" солома, серна, сто
@@nativesiberian а ещё английское r ~ русское х: ear ухо, sear сухой, their тех, deer дух , hear чухать (от чуять), относительно deer / дух сравните английское animal (животное) и латинское animo (дух)
Да тут все просто. Русские-это национальность, как бурят или тувинец. Россиянин-это принадлежность к стране. Есть еще такое явление как обрусевшие, можно являться монголоидом, но иметь русскую ментальность. Русские как славяне это белая раса, европиоидная, не подразумевает наличие черных волос, смуглости, черных и кариих глаз
@@nativesiberian всего лишь период, когда столицей Руси был Киев. До того, как Киев был завоеван новгородскими князьями он вообще никакого отношения к Руси не имел
ну, вот девушка, можно ли сказать по внешнему виду, что она американка? И кстати, правильные вещи говорит: "важна личность, а не национальность"видео.html
Technically, more than 80% of Russian residents are white Indo-Europeans. To understand what the average Russian resident looks like, it is necessary that the sample under study be statistically reliable, i.e. approximately 16% of the population. I.e., it is necessary to representatively study the phenotype of more than 20 million residents of the country in order to understand what the average Russian resident looks like. In general, it's a mistake to ask Russia belongs to Europe or Asia . Russia is Russia. She is larger in area than Europe or Asia. Russia is a sixth of the Earth's landmass. She herself is a separate huge part of the World called Russia.
Russia is Asian, but wants to be European ( the Western part). Europe is only a small part of Eurasia, there is no clear line between Europe and Asia, but I'll say that geopolitically it ends with Ukraine, Baltic countries and Finland. It isn't a straight line that includes parts of Russia and that other Russian country.
Russia is a Eurasian country, a multinational and multicultural country. I was there and I was most impressed by the market, there is everything there! Very large, rich and interesting markets with various products from all over Russia and surrounding countries.😀
But Russian (Rooskies , slavic people) are about 85% populations and so Russia is rather mono-national country. Second largest nation here are Tatars - only 3%, other nations are less than 1%. It is always OK if someone has no slavic origin but it is not correct to name Russia multinational. In this case all countries are multinational. It is just а Bolshevic (so called London International Workingmen's Association (IWA)l) occupation policy since 1917 to deprive the Rooskies(slavic) of power and money. This still so - just look at our government and business. Russophobia is possible just because our "multinational" government don't care enough about it. There is no reasonable counter propaganda.
Come on everybody knows that Russia’s culture is nothing but European!!! An ethnic Russian family can fit in sweden but no way in Japan or china!!!
Btw its a fact that 40% of Europe is Russia!
You are right.Im sick of this shit.Why do all people call us multicultural or saying that we dont have pure Russian blood?This regions and countries which was a part of USSR dont have anything common with us.@@рачс
@@рачс " are about 85% populations and so Russia is rather mono-national country"
Russians didn't exist until bolsheviks took power of the empire.
The aggressive russification policy made a lot of socalled 'russians' from different nations.
@@elliotjung1766)) "Russian didnt exist..." "aggressive russification". Lie and russophobia as it is. And say hello to your parallel Universe. Vise verse, bolsheviks (99% of them was not russkies but jews. caucasians, poles and so on -Communist International of London as it is) divided country into 15 pieces and provided policy of de-russification - so called "`Коренизация" (Korenizatsiia - see the Wikipedia) - that turned, for example. millions of southern rooskies into ukrainians.
Both my grandparents were born in Tuva, Russia but my parents migrated to Malaysia during the Second World War. I am Turkic/Siberian/Russian/Chinese/Malaysian all rolled into one.
thats cool!
Wow that's cool, Im Russian Turkic and live in Malaysia too. Wondering, did they migrate to Malaysia before 44, if so then Tuva as far as I remember wasn't in the USSR back then.
You have a great culture of Tuvan-Turkic ancestors, do not forget it! 💕
Greetings from turkic people
Turkic people have reached almost every part of the planet ❤
There are two different definitions in Russian for English word "Russian". One is "русский" and another one is "российский". So the girl in video is Russian but according to the second definition.
@@nativesiberian Россиянка.
1 Russian (русский) - Russian ethnically, 2 Russian (россиянин)- a citizen of Russia, that is, Russian by nationality
no, I disagree with you. Russian is a human who speaks russian language and like it very much. Someday our country will be free from dictator and maybe our country became : United Countries of Russia. Where the "Russia" part is only language! That's all! We tired of Moscow domination. We needs true democracy and unite of freedom countries
@@Lindrid32so much lingicide happened under Moscov control. Russian can stay in Moscov and Novgorod but elsewhere it can be replaced by more endemic languages that actually belong to the regions.
As far as ancestry goes big chunks of the "European Russians" were descended from earlier cultures - often Baltic, Fin-Ugric, Scyth, Polesian, Tartar. If to measure Russians strictly based on northern Polesian descent I guess about 30-40% of the modern Russians by nationality can be considered as descendants of the Novgorod principality of the Rus (though that region was indigenous to Fin-Ugric and native to some Baltic groups before the late Polesians started settling there). Notably many basic words and sentences in Russian have high levels of mutual intelligibility if to consider East-Slavic languages exclusively - however if to go for mature and complex sentences and vocabulary it's a different story. That's mostly down to trading/small talk/religious language being more widely shared as compared to poetic, academic, meaningful conversational language.
That's for example why linguistically Belarusian is considered more mutually intelligible with Polish than Russian - even though Belarusians and Russians would have an easier time understanding each others small talk. But if to read a book (nevermind Cyrillic and Latin) Belarusians would be able to grasp more words from a Polish text than a Russian one afaik.
Ultimately the people in Moscov continued to refer to themselves as "from the Rus" after they had migrated out and detached. So even though these people had left the "Rus proper" and started anew they still ended up adopting to call themselves "Russian" - a circumstance later used to fuel territorial greed and irredentist colonialist thought. A good comparison are perhaps the Seljuk Turks who similarly obliterated and genocided local cultures in Anatolia and imposed their language on them. Further we have the Spanish, Portuguese, French and English who similarly subdued vast endemic populations.
Like Turkey is located both in Europe and Asia. But in which continent does Russia belong? Nikolai Gogol did depict this. I saw a Russian intellectual quote Gogol and the Russian interviewer did nod his head. According to Gogol the answare is that there are no answare. "Where are you going, Rus? Rus, where are you going? No answare." You are not suppose to answare the question simply because there are no answare to this. Putin says 'Asia' but that is not the answare as we understand. It's not Europe either as we understand. Maybe Russia is just Russia. Something of it's own.
Yep. Europe and Asia are just two concepts lol
We also often use a term “Eurasia” which refers to Europe and Asia together
@@nativesiberian Yes, Eurasia. Gogol, I am refering to is the poem "Dead Souls". Some sources says novel. It's literature unfamiliar to me.
It’s a novel ☺️
Come on everybody knows that Russia’s culture is nothing but European!!! An ethnic Russian family can fit in sweden but no way in Japan or china!!!
Btw its a fact that 40% of Europe is Russia!
Hello, I am from Poland. Some years ago I met people from both parts (they arrived to our company as students from program like Erasmus or something similar) and as a Pole I can only say there is huge difference between Russians from european and asian part of Russia. European were from Pskow and they were almost like Poles - very similar tradition, folklore, kind of humor etc. We have no problem to understand each other. But once we had students from Yakutia and they were totally different. Beside different look (at the beginning we thought they are Chinese 😄), they also had different habits, language (they did not use russian when they talked each other). Generally it was hard to communicate with them. So I can say that west Russians and east Russians are like from two different countries.
Hey. Thanks for your comment! It was cool to learn what your experience with Russians was. And yeah I lived in both parts of Russia and people differ a lot in terms of culture, habits, etc.
actually eastern part of Russia or so called Siberia is even more european or slavic by genetics, culture etc than Russia itself(86% indentify as slavic russian which is more by 6% ). a lot of people mainly from european parts of russia and russian empire have settled the modern eastern Russia. Originally siberia was home for turkic, tungusic, mongilian and a couple of others ethnic groups but then slavs arrived and settled the territory either by force or their own will. But original ethnic groups have remained which is why we have such things as republics, long story short it's like a country within a country. Yakutia is one of them, such entities have their own constitution and stuff, their own language. Roughly speaking it's like scotland within the UK but ofc there's a lot of differences. I derive from Yakutia myself and it might sound interesting for you as you're polish. A lot of poles were sent to Siberia or Yakutia in particular as a punishment or repression. Hence a lot of Yakutians and Yakuts have polish ancestry even I being slavic russian have poles in my lineage, I feel like up to 30% of my yakutian friends have poles as ancestors as well, the language didn't passed down though.
@@alekseiyankevich Of course I agree that a lot of slavs were sent to Siberia after second World War, but (as I wrote) those students from eastern Russia (that we had at our company) looked like Chinese, so they definitely were not descendants of slavs and they behaved totally different than people from western part (some time after I worked also with Chinese from north China and I saw a lot of resemblance in the behaviour of Chinese and people from Yakutia).
And South Russians looks like Ukrainians and Serbians. Hi from South Russia
В Якутии высокий уровень культуры, хорошо развита наука, геология...Знакома с несколькими якутами, а также бупятами. Наверное зависит от семьи, какой личный уровень культуры, привычки... Но я не поняла почему якуты не понимали друг друга и не говорили на русском? Русский язык межнационального общения, мне кажется, что вовсе на нём общаются, а якутский - тоже изучается и люди общаются на на нём, но в Саха ( Якутии). Вот не понятно как это они не имели общего языка для общения между собой. Они из разных городов или посёлков?
Russia, China and India are like civilisations with lots of ethnicities and languages unified by a language, a flag...etc
That's why Russia is a federation of many republics
agreed 💯
As an Indian - yes. In our context, most people outside of India would look at a North-Eastern Indian (from the states of Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya etc.) and assume that they aren’t Indian (most of them are from the Tibeto-Burmese language/ethnic family - but are 100% Indian as much as any person from the north or south of the country).
@@kc4276 India is an incredible place in terms of cultural and linguistic diversity!
but russia is not federation in reality, now. It's a pity. We can't get rid of our dictator :(
@@Lindrid32 What it is then if not a federation ?
Are Russians European?
Ethnic Russians, Yes.
But not all Russian nationals are ethnically Russian.
Russia is truly a Eurasian country, just like Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia.. I really wish these countries to establish "Eurasian Union" among themselves..
Don't they have some kind of economic unions and stuff?
Come on everybody know that Russia’s culture is nothing but European!!! An ethnic Russian family can fit in sweden not Armenia , Turkey & etc…!!!
Btw its a fact that 40% of Europe is Russia!
They literally do that. Eurasian economic union it's a thing since 2015 it really exists and Russia is a part of it.
A lot of Turkic countries are Eurasian countries. Both part of the mongol empire Persian empire Ottoman Empire Russian empire and the Soviet Union.
Something that most people aren't aware of is the fact that Russia has 11 time zone because of its location on such high latitudes.
İf the same area were located on the equator, it would still be huge, but it would have just half the number of time zones.
Also, one extra time zone in the west exists only because of Kaliningrad, which compared to Russia as a whole is pretty tiny.
I'm a Norwegian but after DNA testing it turns out my bloodline traces back to east / west eurasia, truthfully i do not look like a typical Scandinavian, i have a different face with many soft features, now it explains it, and i barely have body hair, i can't grow a beard spite being 32 but plenty of hair on top, i still find it a bit crazy how the bloodline is so strong, typically by now it's very mixed.
oh that's so coool. you should come visit!
@@nativesiberian I consider doing that possibly the summer of next year, i am at the very least heading for asia, japan is in mind.
niiice, I'd love to visit Japan one day too
4:59 My grandmother ando mother Russian from Vladivostok and My grandfather Norwegian from Finmark.On My father SIDE from Chile.What a mixture
Probably you have Sami roots
I think you are also Puerto Rican which is why I would love to invite you out for some Salsa dancing. I'm kidding of course...but I think you are a great presenter and his(her)story teller. Prekrasno!
haha thanks a lot! I got Puerto Rican before!
The Yakuts have genetic connections to Native Americans, both are predominantly East Eurasian with a West Eurasian component.
Лиз так все качественно прямо горжусь тобой ! Во всем удачи !
очень приятно :) спасибо
the Russians I follow in Social Media are ethnically Tatar and Yakut......Elie From Russia and Verona Petrova
nice, its good to see diversity there
1:19 - ATTENTION English speakers: it's a major misconception. There has never been a country called 'Kievan Rus'. This term was coined in the 19th century and is a purely historiographic concept aimed at more convenient learning of the history of the Eastern Slavs. In fact, these territories were owned by a group of principalities that existed in a feudal disunity.
Of course, Kievan Rus didn't colonize Siberia, because:
- it wasn't one entity
- even from the historiographical point of view, it ceased to exist in 1240 after the beginning of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, while colonization of Siberia started in the 16th century.
Colonization of Siberia was implemented by The Tsardom of Russia that indeed managed to unite former fragmented principalities into one state with proper ministries, regular army and unified financial system, with Moscow being the center of the unification. The united Russian state was created by the efforts of Ivan III in the second half of the 15th century.
this is very insightful, thanks!
@@nativesiberian 👍
There was never any Tatar-Mongol invasion, the whole thing was fabricated in 19th century along with Kievan Rus. To this day Mongolia is one of the most backward countries in the world, living primarily in stone age. But 800 years ago they created the largest empire on the face of the Earth? Give me a break.
oh, ucranians begin to change the History. Russians didn.t exist, the first person was Homo ucranius, yes, it,s true, one ucranian historian said it. don,t be so stupid please
There are so many nationalities in Russia. According to Google it says there are 160.
Russia is a mix of Asian and European in my option. So it's both.
Yep, I think this is the fairest assumption
В России их более 190
Come on everybody know that Russia’s culture is nothing but European!!! An ethnic Russian family can fit in sweden but no way in Azerbaijan, Japan or china!!!
Btw its a fact that 40% of Europe is Russia!
There is no mixture, since these 190 nationalities make up no more than 20% of the population of Russia. And 80% of the population of the whole country are ethnic Russians. What kind of mixture is there? You are simply misled by the large number of 190 (peoples), but they are few in number. So there is no big confusion.
When we were in school in Class 5, we studied that Russia is in Eurasia.
Funny how countries like the US, Australia, Canada and UK pride themselves of being the "multicultural" ones.
In fact, there's no multi-culturalism in these societies but instead a situation where all minorities have been "flattened" into subservience of the hegemonic anglo culture.
Aboriginal, indigenous, pre-Columbian and "imported" African identities have been stripped, annihilated and reduced into irrelevance. Very much like what happened in China at the hand of the Han ethnicity.
On the other hand, the Russian Federation seems to be more a partchwork of people each one of which still retain their original identity still nowadays.
So, who's the real "multicultural" society?
@Cu6upckuû насколько знаю, с недавних пор преподаётся одновременно обычный русский и родной язык по выбору школы. Татары не пользуются этим?
@@cu6upckuu48И в чём, собственно, проблема, что большая часть столиц республик «русские»? Это разве не закономерность? Первобытные люди жили охотой и собирательством, и вынуждены были кочевать при малейших изменениях в экосистеме, не имея возможности подстроиться. Затем человечество приручило животных и развило скотоводство, но кочевой образ жизни сохранился. Лишь с появлением земледелия человечество стало вести оседлый образ жизни. И земледелие дало резкий рост популяции. На юге это произошло значительно раньше, а на севере до сих пор коренные народы ведут полукочевой образ жизни от саамов до якутов.
Логично, что славяне, раньше освоившие земледелие и ставшие оседлыми, достигнув относительной перенаселенности в Восточной Европе, начали экспансию на очень слабо заселенные земли на севере и востоке, где постоянных населенных пунктов было ничтожно мало, а преобладали временные стоянки кочевников. И, таким образом, русское население, построив города, осталось в них жить.
В Поволжье же, в основном, происходит культурная ассимиляция, когда коренное население переходит на русский язык, как язык межнационального общения и образования. Ведь, к примеру, удмурты со своим языком ничем не смогут заняться в Казани, если там будет в ходу только татарский. А глобализация в любом случае заставляет людей быть всё более мобильными.
@Cu6upckuû ты такую чушь несёшь, ну серьезно Финляндию привёл в пример, Европу,они тут причем?!,даже твой пример показывает абсурдность твоих мыслей,мигранты приехавшие в другую страну соответственно стали"частью этой страны "соответственно они принимают то, что в этой стране гос. язык финский, а не русский,на каком языке они между собой общаются это их дело.ваша республика не отдельная страна!!!,она входит в РФ,с чего вы должны разговаривать на своём на английском, но не знать русского если он государственный язык той страны куда входит ваша республика.Я понимаю есть определённые обиды претензии, но зачем опускаться до тупости у которой нет логики.
@Cu6upckuû Do people like you really wish that english dominates more globally than it already does ? aren't people tired of anglo-saxon culturla hegemony ? In all areas ? That's a very good thing that other langages are used, we must preserve this diversity in cultures. I speak arabic, amazigh, french and english, and i'm learning russian (i dont have a russian keyboard, that's why i answer in english still)
@Cu6upckuû forcing russian in all russian federation is an obvious and logical decision. One of the most important aspect to unite a country is its langage.
In my country, algeria, arabic is obligatory at school even in non arabic areas. And amazigh language in nowhere near to disappear, far from it.
Compare it to ireland where Irish langage is almost extinct (about 2% only can speak irish in ireland).
Now, for the original regions of the different russian federations, it's up to the people and the local authorities (from the federation itself, not the central govt), to lead the policies in order to preserve and teach their own langage.
I'd say it's not kinda West/East opposition. There are way more stronger opposed the North to the South. In that way, the one from Murmansk or Arkhangelsk has to do more with Siberia than the most of population located south to Moscow. There are also some unique cities like Ufa where both south and north folks would feel rather comfortable.
That’s an interesting pov
Непонятно каким образом жители того же Мурманска связаны с Сибирью, если город заселялся русскими из северных, западных и центральных районов России... В Архангельске население более древнее, но переселение шло оттуда же откуда и в Мурманск. Каким боком тут Сибирь, простите? 🙄
@@interpretolog, а в Сибирь-то мужская часть "русского старожильческого населения" откуда пришла? Все оттуда же, откуда и в Мурманск. Да и в 19-20 вв. приток севернорусских популяций в Сибирь всяко не с/из Украины был (за исключением юга ДВ, всяких "серых/зеленых" клиньев по границе с нынешним KZ и внезапно ХМАО, лол).
Кста, за собственно поморов осторожнее надо быть с предполагаемыми путями переселения. Они сильнее прочих русских связаны с популяциями не только остальной России, но и северо-западных соседей (север Финляндии и такая же Норвегия, емнип).
She is from the Russian Federation but has a Oriental appearance. Thus her nationality is Russian but she is not ethnically Russian or Slav. I think the conventional idea is that Slavic Russians especially in the core of the country west of the Urals are Europeans but the Tatars, Evenks, Turkic ethnicities, ETC are Asian. Eurasianism is the Result of the merging of European Slavic and vast groups that fell under the control of Moscow. Eurasianism is a Russian concept.
"под контроль Москвы" 🤦🏻♀️ под культурное влияние и помощь прежде всего. Россия это империя наоборот, где много сил выкладывали и вкладывают в малые народы, охраняют их, а не уничтожали и эксплуатировали. Даже в ваших словах свозит западное понимание империи, но нас от таких слов реально корёжит, бррр
@@interpretolog да ладно, «корёжит», не преувеличивайте. Мы, конечно, относились к предкам наших сограждан из малых народов лучше, чем британцы или их американские потомки, но делать из нас этаких добреньких дурачков тоже не надо. Россия всегда была империей, и имперское единство, если надо, поддерживалось силой. Это нормально.
I am mixed ethnicity too (Asian and Spanish) and born in Canada but raised in 3 different countries. I had major identity issues growing up and I agree with you, as a mixed “3rd culture kid” we can identify with it ALL. Embrace it. I think the issue is people get confused between nationality, culture and ethnicity. All different things.
honestly i wouldve mistake you for a turkic person from central asia considering the numbers of turkic people in russia too, Siberia cultures and people are very interesting. Hello from southeast asia
hey. yeah central asian people often think I'm one of them too!
I dont know if she looks Russian or not, but i know she looks beautiful.❤
I'm of Swedish origin by one brunch, of Polish by the other, of , Jewish by the third. The rest, means my stem, is Russian.
How can I define?
Quating one if the Supreme court judges:
- When I see, I'll know
I think that you are who you feel and whose values you share. I'm chinese muslim by origin, born in Central Asian part of USSR, and have only 1/8 russian blood, but I am totally Russian (including Soviet) by culture and mentality.
@@Yiersan-cq3jm Exactly!
Ну Европеан тоже можно тогда добавить, культура там Моцарт, Пушкин эт цетера
I have always wondered about this. Good explanation.
Glad it was helpful!
thanks Liz, really interesting video, there's not many transcontinental countries aside from Russia (you mention several though), Turkey is probably the most notable that contains non Russian speakers
Thanks 🫶🏻
Most of the countries are more ethnically diverse than we think of them
Like China has dozens of minorities, India has dozens of official languages
It must be the "famous" western education in which the continent of Eurasia is divided into two different continents.
@@SerdceDanko yeah that's pretty dumb too ... i understand the convenience of grouping geographical areas, but it's never going to match reality very well ... for a recent job (was for a website) i recently had to allocate a single continent for each county in the data ... eugh!
Киевская Русь- это не государство. Это временной период истории Руси, когда столица находилась в Киеве. А до Киева в Великом Новгороде и Ладоге
*Hi again, Liz:* You told me in my last comment that you are an ethnic Buryat. So, I have new questions because I had a few doubts:
*1)* Because Buryats are cousins of the Mongols in Mongolia, how the Buryats see the figure of Genghis Khan? Is he reverenced like Attila the Hun for the Hungarians, or is see like another Emperor of many?
*2)* It's true that Buryats (and Mongols, and Yakuts by the way) call the Devil _Erlik_ or _Erlik Khan?_
*3)* Did you paint the feathers and the flamingo that are behind you?
That's all, and cheers from the Yuzhniy Konus.
hey. 1. We consider ourselves Genghis Khan grandchildren. 2. No idea who Erlik Khan is. 3. No I didn't paint these flamingos lol
I am Argentine and we have a similar history and we are very similar nowadays although argentines culturally sometimes can be more dumb like Americans 😂 anyways love the content ❤
Asian, Siberian, Russia - you're a beautiful combination of all!😊
true! :)
Hello Liz
Russia has multi diverse population, and therefore many languages are spoken .
But weather or not its Asian of European, surely its half and half ..
Have A good Sunday greetings from England 🇬🇧 Simon and Beth ❤️ 😀 🙋
greetings to you too!
you may not look like what most Americans consider Russians to look like.... but your accent is a dead give away. *RUSSIAN*
The Slavophile / Western debate has raged for Centuries
I have a Bachelors Degree in Russian Studies & a mastery of the Russian Language ... but living in Former Soviet Republics - Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan - I have realized that the text books were nearly worthless. I am learning every week something new from actually being actually on the ground. Having been here in the 'Stans for 8 years. I am not coming back to America. It is not the country I grew up in, and I am not encouraged by the direction it is taking and heading.
Вот ведь неверная информация - никогда такой "страны", как Киевская Русь, не было. Русский историк польского происхождения Михаил Александрович Максимович первым ввел это понятие в 19-м веке в своей работе "Откуда идет русская земля", потом от него подхватили другие историки. И Максимович так обозначил не "страну", а временной период усиления киевского княжества среди других русских княжеств.
@@cu6upckuu48 не совсем так - этот исторический термин придумал Максимович. А жители того далекого времени никогда свое княжество не называли "Киевской Русью". И уж тем более это не было "страной" - только княжеством. Среди других русских княжеств.
@@cu6upckuu48 тут еще такое дело - именно небратья с территории 404 усердно продвигают эту фантазию о том, что Киевская Русь была когда-то отдельной "страной" - поскольку тогда они как бы ее "наследники". А на самом деле к временам Киевской Руси небратья не имеют никакого отношения. В период названный Киевской Русью в Киеве жили русские люди. А самый известный киевский князь Владимир Мономах носил титул "Архонта всея земли русской". Архонт - это начальник. Но не царь - что важно. Типа просто более важный князь из других русских князьев, правивших другими городами.
@@IlyaRolf все верно, так же как и например Владимиро-Суздальская Русь, Новгородская Русь и т.д. - всё это княжества
@@verafaith5961господин Великий Новгород - республика. Князь - только военачальник, приглашаемый и назначаемый вечем.
@@ИванГригорьев-л5ы в курсе. Новгородская Русь не может быть республикой?)))
так ты бы обозначила название коренного сибирского народа, представительницей которого ты являешься
это у нее видимо комплекс назваться буряткой, потому что один из родителей судя по всему не бурятской национальности.
@@eugenic12 если это так, тогда какой смысл делать подобные видео?
Russia is incredible! A diversity identical to Brazil!
Hugs from Brazil
oh for real? didn't know about Brazil diversity
@@nativesiberian Yes. Brazil was a country colonized by the Portuguese, many African people were brought, just as in other times Europeans sought refuge, among them Germans, Italians, Poles... there is a very notable Arab and Japanese community.
Fun fact: In Brazil there is a branch of the Bolshoi ballet, the only one outside of Russia.
very insightful!
It's funny... You absolutely look like Kristin Kreuk... You remind me of so much fond memories of watching the "Smallville" TV serie... 😊😇👍
Haha I think I got this one before. Never seen smalville tho
Russkyi - ethnic Russian (have European looks typically have light eyes, skin and hair)
Rossiyanin - non-ethnic Russian like Turkic and Caucasian descent (typically have brown eyes, dark hair, pale yellow skintone)
After I'm doing observation it actually the same people that evolve a little bit. The pattern is like circle.
It is quite curious that when Russians mention the word "Europe" (Evropa), they usually refer to the West (Zapad) and do not include themselves in that concept.
I wouldn't assume you are Russian by looking at you if that's what you were asking. Also I think Europe and Asia are same continent because would a mountain range really determine that? idk
I mean, that's what they say, isn't it?
No you don’t look like the Ethnic Russian people. But you are beautiful in a unique way✨
thanks :)
Nice video, explains a lot
You are awesome ❤
Hi liz found your channel love it thanls for teaching us about your and your ethnicity.
Hey. Glad you enjoyed it!
@@nativesiberian i have discovered otyken and love the exhibitionstyle of promoting the siberian cultures. I am from South Africa Capetown xx
@@jjbekker6770 Otyken is amazing!
@@nativesiberian love them and also that they still do live tradional when they dont make music.Thats maybe a next video idea for you...all about how you grew up and your tranditions...x
@@jjbekker6770 haha I’ll think about it!
This issue has been resolved a long time ago. Russia is a unique country. There is no need to look for similarities to other countries. Russia is unique, it has its own path. You can find a lot of differences, different from both Europe and Asia, but you can also find a lot of similarities. Russia is not Asia and not Europe - it is Russia. And I think that's great.
наконец то здравый комментарий. "У России нет в мире искренних доброжелателей. Русский народ может надеяться только на Бога и на себя" -Иван Ильин
"Россия сама есть вселенная - и никто ей не нужен" - Екатерина II Великая
We are Europe, but not Roman-English, but Scandinavian-Byzantine; we are the West, but not Celtic, not Erbine (which is what our difference in the haplogroup is about: R1a1, not R1b). We offer our own mentality. One philosopher, K. Krylov, has an interesting logical construction about ethical systems: 1) South ("I do what everyone else does"); 2) East ("I do not do what everyone does not do"); 3) West ("let everyone do what I do"); Sever ("let no one do what I do not"). According to Krylov, the North is precisely Russia. Our moral exclamation, which is typical for us Russians: "I don't do that!" Those. we are individualists (reliance on the "I", on the subject), like the West, but we are "anti-West", because we do not impose our modus vivendi, but only defend our own. In the presence of a negator (formant "not"), we are dialectically similar to the East, but not on the basis of collectivism, but on the basis of individualism, personal priority. This gives us immunity both from the perversions of the West and from the depersonifications of the East.
But it is easy to see that all 4 ethical imperatives are equidistant from the Golden Rule of Christ, but at the same time the Russian type of non-coincidence is logically the last one - there are no more options: therefore, Russia has the best potential to move to the Christ ideal. And the West, on the contrary, is moving away from its chance.
After all communism crap and what's going on in Ukraine "non imposing" thing sounds veery inconvincible.
@@spacecat4691 What "communism"? In an aggressive form, it was a Western phenomenon, in Russia it began to be based on the ideas of denying the export of the revolution, on the building socialism in a single (own) country, and peaceful coexistence and detente (then they were so discharged that they dissolved themselves, but this only led to the maximization of Western aggression ). In foreign policy, he overcame foreign intervention and the civil war ignited by it (with losses for the West - well, don’t invase), rejected the “permanent revolution” and “fanning the world fire” by Trotskyism; then saved the world from the brown plague; now Russia, having largely retained communist ideals and seeking to correct the mistakes of the first socialist experience (above all, militant atheism), is saving the world from the neo-Trotskyist USA, which essentially asks the world what death it wants to die: in a world war, in the world plague, or in cyborgization-transhumanization. In Ukraine, Russia reflects the horrific aggression of the West, committed for no reason (except Western-endogenous) against the heart of Russia - against Ukraine, which is an integral part of Triune Rus'.
@@СергейКарташков-э9ъ Man, you are either drunk or on drugs. Or speak poor English, translating thoughts in google translator. I can't explain this mess otherwise.
Очень интересные размышления.
@@spacecat4691А что коммунизм? Даже с ним тип выше оказался прав, ведь мы заменили идею "мировой революции" на "социализм в отдельно взятой стране".
From what i can understand, because Russia is in both Europe and Asian continents, its Eurasian by definition, and in a more accurate way, a supercontinent.
Also, even countries like Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan do have more perceived "Asian" features.
honestly I am confused my how the term eurasian is used lol. Cause for me yes I am eurasian, and everyone who lives in Europe and Asia are eurasian, but others say that being eurasian means being a child of an asian and a European. so idk lol
I believe we look just like Kazakh
@@nativesiberian From a Genetic perspective, Siberians are a mixture of Northeast Asia and Ancient North Eurasians, ANE by definition is Eurasian, it has DNA from the West (Europe or Western Asia) and East (East Asia), but modern Siberians are more Asian than Eurasian. The Peoples of Central Asia have a similar but different history to the Siberians
Why is Kievan Rus mentioned specifically? It’s like second or perhaps even third stage in Rus history.
what were the other 2?
@@nativesiberian , Новгородская и до этого Ладожская. А после Киевской - Владимирская и Русское царство. А потом уже Империя.
I would like to see a video on the diversity of Siberians.
A Siberian from Southern Siberia may be quite different than a Northern Siberian living on the Arctic Ocean.
A Western Siberian near the Urals may be very different than a Siberian on the Bering Sea in the East.
Thank you for a history lesson. I guess I never realized how much of a Melting Pot Russia is just like the United States.
Happy you could learn something new!
Russia is the Eurasia , up to Ural is Eourop then Asia , Russia also north pull country , largest country in the world.
Russian territory has 20% in Europe and 80% in Asia, but it's the opposite for population : 80% in Europe an 20% in Asia !
So Russia is both European and Asian : many Asian First Nations live in the East and in the North, and they don't have the
same cultures as European Russians. It's not a problem : every country has mixed religions, cultures, and ethnicities.
Diversity is a wealth for a country : you take the good parts of each culture.
However, they're all Russians, and quite united under their flag, from what I saw in Russia.
Maybe a bit less since 2022 ? Every family has crisis sometimes.
However, Europeans consider Western Russia as a part of Europe ( a very big one ! )
and hope for better times (peaceful again) in the future...
Honestly Liz, most people here in the central part of the US would think right off, you were of Oriental background or maybe even Native American.
That's ok. We're a diverse bunch!
Welcome to America!
Dive in an enjoy!
Glad you are here and not there. I think people back in Russia will be going through some tough things under Putin.
Siberians are closely related to Native Americans
При Путине Россия живёт лучше чем когда бы то ни было в своей истории. А Путин "виноват" лишь в том, что защищает свою страну и народ от агрессии, наглости и грабежа запада. Ай ай какой плохой этот Путин. Для вас да. Для нас нет.
Nah, as non-slavic person I would never say I'm Russian, yes, I'm from Russia, but never Russian. And I'm aware that it's mainly because of linguistic interference.
And how do you call yourself then?
@@nativesiberian Depends on the question, if someone asks my nationality, I always answer I'm from Russia, but I never say I'm Russian. I know it makes no difference in English, but I feel like my ancesters would turn in their graves if I said it both ways. Basically I transfer ethnic component (russkiy vs rossiyanin) to english word that has nothing to do with it, lol.
Cool. I totally get what you mean! I like the word Russian tho and I want it to be more of a place you’re from, not your ethnicity. Just like Americans means Asians, black people, white people and others born in the US or other American countries
I think this identity issue happens because of the differences in classification and understanding what is basically a nation in the East and West. But I like it more the Western way, since it's easier and sounds more logical to me.
So. We have *political nations*, which mean certain social/political organisms within certain borders. And we have ethnicities, which are about the looks, the blood and the culture. An American person may actually be Italian by ethnicity, but having the US passport and all the rights of a US citizen on the given land makes him/her a part of the US *political nation*. Same applies to Russia.
Here people still confuse things like nation/nationality/ethnicity. And people of other ethnicities of Russia often get slightly offended when foreigners call them Russians too. However it's only us inside Russia who use the words like "rossiyanin" and "russkiy" to mark the difference. They use word "Russian" to mark the reference to the *political nation*. At least that's how I think. 😂
Once I bumped into a video telling about American Japanese people and their experiences in visiting their historical motherland. In general this could be described by a couple of phrases:
1) "Everyone around thinks I'm Japanese until I open my mouth."
2) "I was born and raised in the USA, I don't belong to this (Japanese) nation."
The second one kinda surprised me. But it's quite understandable from the perspective shown above.
I'm Russian and I agree with you 100%. On one hand I wouldn't want different ethnicities to lose touch with their ancestry since, in my opinion, that's the beauty of Russia, that so many different cultures and traditions can be united and yet continue to flourish without turning into a melting pot like it is in the US. On the other hand I wouldn't want Russians as an ethnicity to diminish. I guess there's no difference when you meet foreigners since there's only one term for a Russian (both ethnically and in terms of citizenship) so you can just say you're Russian, but then when speaking Russian there's a clear distinction between "русский" and "россиянин".
Больше европейская страна - европейцев в России больше, чем азиатов. Даже кавказские народы, всякие финоугорские и прочие - это европейцы, хотя они себя и не причисляют к ним.
Вообще, это разделение на азиатское и европейское в России играет злую штуку - страна разделена культурно. Одним хочется вождя, а другим - чтобы его не было. Одни против Запада, а другие чувствуют с ним родство.
В СССР пытались, как в тех же США, вывести усредненного человека, но у них ничего не получилось - в итоге все снова катится к противоречиям внутри страны.
Мы -- Европа, но не римско-английская, а скандо-византийская; мы - Запад, но не кельтский, не эрбинный (о чем и наше различие в гаплогруппе: R1a1, а не R1b). Мы предлагаем и свой собственный менталитет. У одного философа, К.Крылова, есть интересное логическое построение об этических системах: 1) Юг ("я делаю то, что делают все"); 2) Восток ("я не делаю того, чего не делают все"); 3) Запад ("пусть все делают то, что делаю я"); Север ("пусть никто не делает того, чего не делаю я"). По мнению Крылова, Север -- это именно Россия. Наше моральное восклицание, характерное именно для нас, Русских: "Я же так не поступаю!" Т.е. мы -- индивидуалисты (опора на "Я", на субъект), как и Запад, но мы "анти-Запад", ибо не навязываем свой modus vivendi, а лишь отстаиваем его. В присутствии негатора (форманта "не") мы диалектически схожи и с Востоком, но не на базе коллективизма, а на базе индивидуализма, личностного приоритета. Это дает нам иммунитет и от перверзий Запада, и от деперсонификаций Востока.
Но нетрудно заметить, что все 4 этических императива равноудалены от Золотого правила Христа, но одновременно российский вид несовпадения является логически последним -- больше вариантов нет: поэтому у России наилучший потенциал перейти ко Христову идеалу. А Запад, наоборот, отдаляется от своего шанса.
@@cu6upckuu48 Что-то о толпах Православного воцерковления на Западе не слышал: отдельные случаи, и есть западные граждане, спасающиеся в России от трансгендеризации, "инклюзивности", сатанизации (а этот процесс там просто явен), а впереди маячит киборгизация и прочие "радости" трансгуманизма. И это, увы, не вздор, и даже не мода (которая переменчива), а явный умысел правящих на Западе элит.
@@cu6upckuu48к какому востоку? Антропологически кавказцы ето средниеевропеици не мало людей среди кавказцов блондинов и рижих с типичными европейскими фенотипами религия ето вообще не в счёт северо кавказцы стали мусульманами во время носшествия Тамерлана в 14 веке до етово у них былины свои язичичиские религии кавказцы по правде ето самобытный уникальный народ то есть группа народов каторы не особо в мире не родственнен никому со своими языками культурой и так далее но всё же Кавказ ближе к Европе чем к Азии вообще Азия как и Европа неоднородна а очень многообразно и етого следует учесть также как и деление на запад и восток Европеоди живушие в Азии даже индуси они намнонближе к европейцам чем например к китайцам монголоидам.
@@cu6upckuu48ia skazal evropeodi a ne evropeoci eto vo vpervix a vo vtorix na kavkaze raznie gaplogruppi naprimer u gruzin i adigeexeb gaplogrugga G i ia ne gavaril chto kavkazci evropeoci prosta oni bolshe k evrope chem k azii blijni vostok blisok evrope chem vostochnoi azii
You actually do look russian. You look more european than asiatic. You remind me of my grandma in appearance. She is from mari-el republic, but in her heritage there is nothing non slavic. I am a typical Russian slav by DNA, and although I look much more typically european, my grandmother and mom look more like you.
that's mind blowing!
In Russia live russians (slavics) and citizen of Russia - the orhers. The woman in this video lives in Russia but she is not russian (slavic). From the south of Siberia i suppose o from Kazakhstan. there are only 40% russians (slavics) in Russia
russian = slavic? fatal error
@@tixiaoneI have explained already that the russians (slavics) in Russia are citizens of Russia, but the citizens of Russia may be not russians (slavics). 60% of Russia are not slavics (russians). The russian and the citizen of Russia is not the same
@@milaa848 original russians (before mongol invasion) were not 100% slavics. And after the Golden Horde period, they are definitely not slavics. Learn history
@@tixiaone Также как и украинцы, их турки и хазары с юга постоянно атаковали, от славянской светлой внешности ничего не осталось. Тогда славяне только поляки наверно, ну чехи еще может быть.
@@milaa848 нет, сама светлость славянской внешности это миф😅 просто процент блондинов повыше чем у среднеазиатов или на ближнем востоке, но не все поголовно. да и сейчас в принципе примерно такая же картина по России, реальных блондинов очень мало)))
I know that Russia used to be in 3 continents until Alaska was sold to the US on April 7th, 1867.
Technically it's an Eurasian plate, therefore it is Eurasian continent, therefore you do look Russian, and I want to become Russian some day. Love the nature, cities, people, all...
Do you think one can become Russian?
@@nativesiberianрусский это тот кто говорит по-русски и думает по-русски, будь ты хоть трижды бельгийский еврей.
@@VovaSidorOff нет. Русский - это представитель русского этноса с родным русским языком. Нельзя просто выучить язык и «записаться» в русские. То же касается абсолютно любого народа на Земле.
@@marcusaureliusantoninus2597 но вы то ведь как-то записались?
@@VovaSidorOff я родился
European or Asian?
Eurasian! 🤓
I don't have a clue ! But you're a beauty !
Appreciate it :)
Качественное познавательное видео! Молодец! просмотры идут. Полайкано! Подписано!
спасибо 😊
You don't look Russian at all, as many Russian citizens from other ethnicities. You are however gorgeous regardless.
thanks :)
Thank u for a video
thanks for watching!
Why does it matter, that’s one of the many issues I’ve understood about people.
Have u ever come into contact with Native American here ?
Would be interesting to see how they treat you as their own or just another immigrant ?
I’ve been very interested in Native American culture lately but no, I haven’t come into contact with them. What makes you think they’d treat me as their own tho?
@@nativesiberian Becuz their ancestors originated from there, I personally did ask them if they had any emotional bond with the Asian, they always agreed.
@@dontworrybehappy1942 huh I’m surprised to hear that. do you think most of native Americans are aware of their Asian heritage?
@@nativesiberian If they get to know n trust u well, they will admit it, becuz they just can’t deny their physical resemblance with the Asian especially the ppl up north.
@@dontworrybehappy1942 haha sounds right
It's only been 500 years since Rus/Slavs expanded eastward and invaded Kazan. So I find it odd that nearly 80% of Russian citizens now identify as ethnic Russians. It is simply not possible given the enormous size and diversity of the Eurasian country, which implies that many ethnic Russians today were in fact Russified from other ethnic groups. Before the Rus/Slavs eastward expansion, Turkic was the Lingua Franca of the Eurasian steppe, because East Eurasian Turkic-speaking nomadic tribes such as the Huns, Avars, Bulgars, or Khazars were migrating back and force and inter-marrying with many neighboring or indigenous Uralic and Slavic people.
For instance, the Old Bulgar language (i.e Chuvash language) is a heavy mixture of both proto-Turkic and Uralic. Even in recent centuries, If you look carefully at Cossack paintings, their swords, bows, clothing, hairstyle, dances, lifestyle..are heavily nomadic Turkic and Mongolic, including the "Cossack" name itself. Turkic was originally a Northeast language, culture, and religion...and is still protected by many Siberian Turkic people. The real tragedy for many Asian-Russians is that they were cut off from the continuum of East Asian education, language, and culture due to Russian conquest (as well as Russian and Chinese rivalry).
These days we see Buryats fleeing Russia who no longer understand Mongolian language, which cuts them off from Mongolian history and culture. We see Turkic people from Russian-side of Altai Mountains not being connected to their ancestral heritage too. They're Asian but Slavicized and not connected to Asian culture/language, which is the source of the problem. The relative isolation of Sakha/Yakutia has preserved many of the original Turkic religion and culture. Turkic homeland was originally in the Altai Mountains to Lake Baikal region, but they ruled the Mongolian steppe in ancient times, which is why most of the Turkic Inscriptions and Tombs are located in Mongolia and South Siberia. (It is also why Turkic and Mongolic religions, customs, cuisine, clothing, music, grammar, etc are similar.)
In East Asia, we study early Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic history because they left an enormous footprint. Chinese records on Turkic and Mongolic people date back to nearly 2,500 years because northern nomadic people were the main threat from the Chinese perspective. (Just look at all the different fortifications and walls various dynasties have built.) Xiongnu/Huns and the Han Chinese Dynasty were fighting for centuries to control the Silk Road trading route. Gokturks originate from the upper-regions of the Yenisey River in the Altai Mountains, and the famous Gokturk Inscriptions (突厥碑文) were carved in both Runic Turkic and Chinese. There were many Turkic warriors serving in various Chinese dynasties, and many of them eventually became Northern Chinese. The largest rebellion and trigger for the eventual collapse of the Tang Dynasty was orchestrated by a part-Turkic General, An Lushan (安禄山). I suspect every kid in East Asia would've heard his name in school.
You see, in times of Russian Empire to be Russian you should: serve Russian Emperor, speak Russian, follow Christian Orthodoxic faith. Ethnicity wasnt really a concept. To the point when Empire try to organize census of people they write things like "local" or "Muslim" instead of ethnicity.
-Is Russia Asian country or European country?
2:59 ну это конкретный шаблон, даже те которые славики вовсе далеко даже не 50% блондины голубоглазые 🤣😂😂🤣🤣
From American perspective ethnic Siberians = the Russian Empire’s version of Native Americans
Zelensky speaks Russian and he is trying to learn ukranian 👍👍 as a Mexican i can relate to differente heritage race etc. i found interesting how in other part they are more homogeneous
Yeah, he started learning Ukrainian when he went into politics
@@vladm5920 And always said Ukraine and Russia are inheritently connected before he went into Politics too.
@@victorsamsung2921 Pretty sure he stands by his words even now. The government should be kept distinct from the people.
Zelensky the Israelistan jew talks in hebrew/ yiddish with his family LOL🤣
Recently I have met a girl nationality of Lizgin, and she said that more than 100 thousands of lizgins live in Turkey, also I heard that in China lives more Mongolians than in Mongolia, this is great that countries are diverse
The asian part is larger than the european part(just like turkey)
Not to mention most russian hate being called european
So russia is asia
liz is oriental race but born in russia
Да какая разница, русские есть русские
My best girlfriend growing up and going to Hebrew school was Russian, Jewish, and looked Chinese.
Wow that’s interesting
Technically it's also located in North America.....
IT’s geographical area covers both
Great video Liz! I'm curious what made you decide go and live in America? Do you like it there or do you prefer living in Siberia? I can imagine you being homesick missing family and friends.
hey thanks!
I always wanted to try live somewhere outside of Russia. Why the US? Idk lol
Right now Im making a video about my life here, if I like it or not. So check it out in couple of days!
@@nativesiberian Sure, I would love to check it out. This is really cool. A couple of years ago, we were teaching the students about the coldest city on Earth. Yakutsk Siberia would be an interesting place to visit.
Haha yeah I’ve been there. Pretty chilly
Wow great 👍, you look like manipurian of India😅. Who are vedic slavs of russia ? I heard that they are distant relatives of hindus of India🕉️.🤔
I always asked this question when I was in high school.
Both. But ethnic Russian people are European
Ans: You are closed. Just like i am Bangladeshi and another person Chinese. We are free to eat, express and talk in our own dialect of our own region. If you really wanted a answer: Russia is Eurasian
Your maps are too fast. Nice and sweet video.
Thanks 👍
What’s your ethnicity?
I am Buryad Mongolian
Best wishes in your journey.
@@nejdumanli2556 thanks!
Государства "Киевская Русь" никогда не существовало.
Госпади, что ты несёшь???
Работаешь на вражеские нарративы. Предатель.
Термин введен в 19м веке. Не было такого государства, никогда оно так не называлось. Это была Русь, всё. Не Киеваская, не Новгородская, просто Русь.
@@nativesiberianЧто лол? Хотябы википедию почитай.
Современный же термин «Киевская Русь» возник в первой половине XIX века[6], пройдя за историю своего употребления существенную эволюцию. Одним из первых его использовал М. А. Максимович в своей работе «Откуда идёт русская земля» (1837) в узко географическом смысле для обозначения Киевского княжества, в одном ряду с такими словосочетаниями, как «Червонная Русь», «Суздальская Русь» и др.[7] В таком же значении термин употребляли С. М. Соловьёв («Русь Киевская», «Русь Черниговская», «Русь Ростовская или Суздальская»)[8], Н. И. Костомаров и Д. И. Иловайский. Во второй половине XIX века термин приобрёл дополнительное, хронологическое измерение - одного из периодов русской истории и государственности. В этом случае данный период обычно заканчивали 1169 годом, что было связано с бытовавшим в дореволюционной историографии представлением о переносе столицы Руси из Киева во Владимир[Комм 8]. В. О. Ключевский использовал этот термин несистематически, иногда сочетая узкогеографические и хронологические рамки и отличая «старую Киевскую Русь» от «Руси новой, верхневолжской», иногда подразумевая под ним все земли Руси в соответствующий период[Комм 9]. У С. Ф. Платонова, А. Е. Преснякова и других авторов начала XX века термин стал использоваться в государственно-политическом смысле как именование государства всех восточных славян в эпоху, когда Киев был общим политическим центром. В украинской националистической историографии того же времени уточняющий термин «Киевская Русь» не был особо популярным, поскольку подразумевал существование других центров и периодов в истории Руси. Основоположник украинской исторической школы М. С. Грушевский им почти не пользовался, предпочитая термины «Киевское государство» или «Руська держава» («Русское государство», противопоставленное в его версии государству Московскому). У Грушевского это государство продолжило себя не в истории Великого княжества Владимирского, а в истории Галицко-Волынского княжества XIII века и литовско-польском периоде XIV-XV веков. Современные украинские историки упрощают схему Грушевского, изображая «Киевскую Русь» государством, созданным украинским этносом и принадлежащим исключительно ему
Да даже не в 19 а в 20м. Как и про то что русские это только одни великороссы, и что великороссы это финны и тд и тп
You can be mistaken as North East Indian in these areas unless you open your mouth. 😜😜😜❤❤❤
Some ethnic groups in Russia can also be found in India for example Pashtuns, Tajiks, Mongols
she looks like a kazakhstan people
Россия и россияне - всегда хотят и стремятся к МИРУ, но не позволят другим влезать в свои проблемы!! Украина тому пример, мы не хотели войны или с 2014 просили и требовали прекратить Украину убивать людей на Донбассе! Россия успела забрать Крым, поэтому в Крыму не было того, что было и есть сегодня на Донбассе - то о чем умалчивает весь мир…
Зеленский - просто кукла коррупция, которая продаёт всё на Украине, от земли, до людей, продавая место для хранения радиоактивных отходов, продавая НАТО территории для размещения вооружения!
Россия не потерпит подобного НИКОГДА!!!
Ethnic Russians are Europeans or Caucasians. You might be Russiaj national, but not ethnic Russian
Caucasian, the way you’re using that term, is a very North American construct. Ethnic Russians, certainly, are Slavs and Europeans in their ethnogenesis, whereas Caucasians are Georgians, Azeris, Dagestanis etc. (people of the Caucus mountains). An ethnic Russian would never refer to him/herself as a Caucasian (and neither would a European).
@@kc4276 she said she now lives in USA, so Caucasian it is.
А не доводилось ли Вам слышать о том, что английское h ~ русское с: heart сердце, haulm солома, horn серна, home семья, harm срам, him сему, white свет, hoar серый?
Не доводилось)
@@nativesiberian Первоначально было c (к) например латынь culmus, cornu, centum в германских c (к) перешло в h haulm, horn, hundred "Закон Гримма", а в славянских c (к) перешло в с (s) "Изоглосса кентум-сатем" солома, серна, сто
@@nativesiberian а ещё английское r ~ русское х: ear ухо, sear сухой, their тех, deer дух , hear чухать (от чуять), относительно deer / дух сравните английское animal (животное) и латинское animo (дух)
Вопрос на засыпку - как на английском словами сказать: "предмет в форме буквы Г и предмет в форме буквы П"?
Да тут все просто. Русские-это национальность, как бурят или тувинец. Россиянин-это принадлежность к стране. Есть еще такое явление как обрусевшие, можно являться монголоидом, но иметь русскую ментальность. Русские как славяне это белая раса, европиоидная, не подразумевает наличие черных волос, смуглости, черных и кариих глаз
Речь не о понятиях русский и россиянин, речь о понятии Russian. То есть, жители России с точки зрения англоязычного мира
Покажешь научные доказательства(обоснования) всего тобой написанного? (про то, что у русских не может быть черных волос\смуглости\глаз)
Ни в один момент времени государство не называлось Киевская Русь. Государство называлось Русь, будь столица в Новгороде или Киеве.
а Киевская Русь - это что?
@@nativesiberian всего лишь период, когда столицей Руси был Киев. До того, как Киев был завоеван новгородскими князьями он вообще никакого отношения к Руси не имел
You look like a Turk, not Turkish but a Turk
I'm not tho
@@nativesiberian fair enough
Тебе надо ещё начать делать short videos на такую же тематику
ну, вот девушка, можно ли сказать по внешнему виду, что она американка? И кстати, правильные вещи говорит: "важна личность, а не национальность"видео.html
Technically, more than 80% of Russian residents are white Indo-Europeans. To understand what the average Russian resident looks like, it is necessary that the sample under study be statistically reliable, i.e. approximately 16% of the population. I.e., it is necessary to representatively study the phenotype of more than 20 million residents of the country in order to understand what the average Russian resident looks like. In general, it's a mistake to ask Russia belongs to Europe or Asia . Russia is Russia. She is larger in area than Europe or Asia. Russia is a sixth of the Earth's landmass. She herself is a separate huge part of the World called Russia.
все таки вся Азия как часть света, включая российскую азиатскую часть, больше чем Россия, если не включая то скорее сопоставимо
You look like Alena, the Depressed Russian youtuber
Russia is Asian, but wants to be European ( the Western part). Europe is only a small part of Eurasia, there is no clear line between Europe and Asia, but I'll say that geopolitically it ends with Ukraine, Baltic countries and Finland. It isn't a straight line that includes parts of Russia and that other Russian country.
75% of the population lives in the European side
@@rpmusic6402 My whole point is that the ''European side'' is outside of Russia. Russia is functionally and geopolitically Asian.
@@rpoutine3271 🤦♂️😂😂