Why narcissists try to move so quick

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024

Комментарии • 183

  • @shelleyboggs
    @shelleyboggs 5 месяцев назад +119

    Narcissists move VERY fast in relationships. It's not uncommon to hear, “I love you", and/or be bombarded with love songs/texts/memes a few weeks after meeting them. By rushing into sex/intimacy, they fast-forward the relationship. They get their targets to fall for them before he/she can realize something is amiss. I believe this is also the reason they tend to be VERY good lovers. Sex is usually the “hook” in toxic relationships. Narcissists lack genuine personalities. So, they mirror their targets. If you find you have “so much in common" with a new person, your likes are their likes, and your dislikes are coincidentally their dislikes as well, raise your antennas! They may be mirroring you. This is the “soulmates" hook… You'll also notice that they'll spend more time telling you who they are, verses showing you. As time goes on, you'll notice the words they used to describe themselves do not fit their personality - at all. But, they will fit YOURS!!! Passive-aggressive behavior and irrational/unexplained anger, are also major red flags. Pay attention to how a person treats you the first time you say, “No”, and/or when things don't go their way… If they give you the silent treatment, grow cold, and/or pull away, do not overlook it! Most importantly, if someone pulls away, or goes silent, after you set a boundary - DO NOT pursue them! This is how they groom you to be the chaser in the relationship. It's emotional abuse/manipulation! Pay close attention to people who portray themselves as victims. NOTHING is EVER their fault! EVERYONE, including the family pet, has done them wrong… ALL of their ex's are “crazy” and mistreated them… They’re great, but no one appreciates said greatness… Simply put, it's bullshit! No one should have a laundry list of bad experiences. If they do, RUN, because they're the common denominator! Narcissists tend to have a history of failed/short-term relationships. Believe it or not, it's hard for Narcissists to find people to deal with them long term due to their instability and poor behavior… Superficial relationships/friendships. I've noticed they don't have anyone they're genuinely close to. This is due to their inability to bond and form true attachments to people. Their relationships are shallow and based on surface-level bs. They'll refer to someone as their bestfriend, but you’ll notice they barely speak. Or, that the person is never really around. Or, only shows up when it's time to party, etc. They may also speak down on/poorly of said “bestfriend” behind their back. Narcissists tend to be condescending, two-faced and downright mean! Based on my experience, they cannot talk about deep subjects (i.e. fears/emotions). Or, how a situation truly made them feel. Or, what their childhood was like in detail… They don't want to go there. I suspect, it's because they can't. They don't know themselves well enough. They can't connect. They also live in a world of dishonesty. They're very dishonest with themselves about who they truly are. A poor relationship with their Mother/primary caregiver. Underlying issues between Narcissists and their Mother's (abuse, neglect, don’t get along, etc.), seems to be common. People that I've known who've displayed strong Narcissistic tendencies, ALL had bad relationships with their Mothers! I think it's worth mentioning, their Mother's also displayed strong Narcissistic traits… I'm fully aware and understand that there are healthy adults who have toxic Mother's. However, if you're spotting several red flags in an individual, including this one, pay closer attention! They're selfish! Some are selfish from the very beginning. Some start out generous and slowly begin withholding. Some act helpless and needy. They manipulate people into doing things for them, but never give back. It's not only financial and material selfishness. They're selfish emotionally, affectionately, conversationally. sexually and with their attention. They withhold validation and support. EVERYTHING has to be about them, their needs, their wants and everything happens on their terms. Anger, rage, silent treatments and disappearing acts are common - when they don't get their way. Pathological lying. Narcissists are professional liars. It's their second nature. If you call them out, they'll have no issue staring deeply into your eyes as they tell another lie! You'll hardly ever get the truth. Even with unchallengeable proof of the truth, they'll hold on to the lie. It's actually quite fascinating to see them in action - once you know what you’re dealing with. They also have the uncanny ability to provoke doubt in their victims (even when you KNOW the truth), because their lies are so convincing! Beware of people who do not seek conflict resolution. Many Narcissists enjoy drama/chaos! Remember, these are high-conflict personalities. Many of them NEED to argue and fight! Peace to a narcissist, is what chaos is to non-disordered people - unsettling. This is why they repeat behaviors that trigger a negative response. They need tension, anger and high/out of control emotions. They're known for calling people crazy, drama queens, insecure, etc., but never admit what they did to provoke those responses. And, when you attempt to discuss/resolve something, THEY said/did, they’ll gaslight, stonewall and/or flip it back on to you. They're extremely disrespectful, rude and lack self-awareness. They have an issue with being called out on their behavior and project/deflect to avoid accountability. “Normal” people want to get along, for the most part. So, they seek fair compromises when conflict arises. Narcissists want to “win” and conflict IS their niche. This is how many Narcissists get their way - they wear people down via conflict. Immaturity. It’s one thing to be playful and lighthearted (in appropriate settings), as an adult. It’s something completely different to be immature. Narcissists suffer from arrested development. They do not know how to respond to situations/people/stress/life appropriately. They have a child-like mindset. They truly believe everything is about them and have no concept of the needs of others. By nature, children are takers. They have no concept of reciprocation. They believe their Parents (and everyone else), exists to meet their needs. When their needs aren’t met, or they don’t get what they want, they become mean and throw tantrums. Narcissists cannot think outside of themselves and their wants/needs - like children. They’re completely unaware that people are individuals with their own agency, needs, wants, opinions... They truly believe people exist to serve them. They believe their job is to receive. They’re children trapped in adult bodies, who cannot consider anything/anyone other than themselves! Above everything I've stated, trust your intuition! Narcissists give off an uneasy vibe. They try very hard to appear cool, calm and collected - on the surface. But, you can feel their energy. It's very off-putting. They also tend to have more noticeable negative qualities, than most people. But, you have to stop justifying and making excuses, in order to see things clearly. Accept people for who they are and not who you want them to be. Observe, listen and trust yourself. No one should be allowed to grant themselves a position in your life. Vet people and YOU decide if they'll be a liability, or an asset, to you. Lastly, take cues from your body. If you ever feel your mood changing, feel anxious or feel your stomach knot up, in the company of someone, don't dismiss it! It could be a sign that you're in bad company!!! Additionally, If you need to find out about a cheating narc; send a request to: Barryinvestigation@gmail. com

    • @luciazoccante9647
      @luciazoccante9647 5 месяцев назад +7

      You have described very well my ex and probably another person I met online. Now I elaborated what happens, my only regret is that I wished to know about narcissism before. It is crucial teaching how to recognise red flags and toxic relationships in schools

    • @kimberlybarnes799
      @kimberlybarnes799 3 месяца назад +2

      Excellent summary. Thanks for sharing.

  • @dauntellwilliams1647
    @dauntellwilliams1647 5 месяцев назад +44

    You have never lied!!!! I left my narcissist husband 10 months ago, 6 years of marriage and 2 kids. I started watching you like 8 months ago. I knew nothing about narcs, I just knew thing wasn't right and you have educated me. I was married to a textbook narc. Everything you say is TRUTH!!!!

  • @Chroniclesofasinglemom
    @Chroniclesofasinglemom 5 месяцев назад +54

    They can't be alone! They have to have a new supply. That "arm candy".

    • @MentalHealness
      @MentalHealness  5 месяцев назад +5


    • @Princessobsessed90
      @Princessobsessed90 5 месяцев назад +6

      Except when their arm candy looks like they just broke out the zoo 😂 (aka my ex narcs new girl)

    • @Chroniclesofasinglemom
      @Chroniclesofasinglemom 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@Princessobsessed90 Literally had to mute my phone to scream 😂😂 and not to add they're SECRETLY still in love with u but have a very strange and tourteous way of showing it.

    • @Lilmommabear4
      @Lilmommabear4 5 месяцев назад +3

      Yep they hate being alone and definitely that arm candy!!

    • @Chroniclesofasinglemom
      @Chroniclesofasinglemom 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@Lilmommabear4 half the time theyre not truly "in love" with that eye candy. It's a charm to the public and an easy "fix" (if u know what I mean) for them. For example, they'll mess around with me with that person for almost 4 years and there's no signs of commitment. What I mean commitment. I'm talking about marriage. They're users and abusers. It's a non ending cycle.

  • @nicholecornes1915
    @nicholecornes1915 5 месяцев назад +50

    I love love being by my dam self

    • @jseremak3979
      @jseremak3979 5 месяцев назад +3

      So underrated

    • @SherryG370
      @SherryG370 5 месяцев назад +2

      Lee....when a Narc blames you for their wife leaving them....I 'd say back: "You may be right about that".

    • @crystalnyla
      @crystalnyla 5 месяцев назад


    • @larachaplauske8818
      @larachaplauske8818 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @MentalHealness
      @MentalHealness  5 месяцев назад


  • @Lavingtons
    @Lavingtons 5 месяцев назад +23

    37 YEARS he chased me! He moved super fast as soon as I caved. I am now being punished by the Monster 😅 Thanks for all you do Lee!

    • @cybildrake4058
      @cybildrake4058 5 месяцев назад


    • @MentalHealness
      @MentalHealness  5 месяцев назад

      you’re welcome

    • @ElizabethWarrenYeahYeah
      @ElizabethWarrenYeahYeah 5 месяцев назад

      I've been pursued by a very narcissistic person for many many years.
      Luckily for me they are a workaholic and spend day and night working, but wanted me for his arm candy.
      I always felt horrible after I had spent any time in his orbit, I always felt he was trying to manipulate me and it made me feel sooo bad.
      So I've stayed away from him, despite his hundreds of proposals of marriage.
      Thankfully his pursuit comes only when I accidentally fall into his orbit. His work is more important than the pursuit.
      He married twice, the first was my double to look at.
      The second was my double in build and personality.
      Both divorced him.
      He say no3 will be the right one, me.
      Not if I have a say about it.

  • @mariannebauman3410
    @mariannebauman3410 5 месяцев назад +10

    When he was all of a sudden treating me so bad was love bombing the person he was cheating on me with

  • @charliebotzman6423
    @charliebotzman6423 5 месяцев назад +15

    Yeah, I was his 4th LTR. His exes were sort of scattered but there was one in town he was TERRIFIED to let me see. He and I had a 3/4 month break between us.
    He told me the exes were abusive and crazy and might even try to reach out to slander him. And I BELIEVED it the whole thing! 😭
    Then we broke up after 2.5 years and his exes all reached out. Come to find out, he’s a serial cheater, lied about having a kid, and does the exact same schtick of rushing in, gaslighting, using us for our money and space and then vanishes when we catch on.
    Now he’s already in a new relationship three months after our split. I was DEVASTATED and heartbroken for about a weekend.
    Now I just laugh. Not at this poor new supply, but at him. It must be exhausting to have to lie about who and what you are, to everyone you meet. Even my friends have started to wonder how he could have POSSIBLY moved on and gotten over me so quickly.
    It’s a big shrug for me. It still hurts some days, but mostly I just laugh because at least I have a soul and know who I am and what I want and how to treat others with dignity and respect.

    • @franco2b145
      @franco2b145 5 месяцев назад +2

      This!! So glad that you are out!! Same thing with me.. I got the children into therapy because he disappeared on them and never looked back, that devastated them. It’s been 6 years and we’re good today. I now look at it at God’s protection over these kids. 🙌🏾🙌🏾 That generational curse will not continue with THESE KIDS!! 🙏🏾

  • @queennibaby9752
    @queennibaby9752 5 месяцев назад +13

    I absolutely love Lee. When I tell you I fall asleep to his videos that is no bull 😂😂😂❤

  • @josephinefurman3905
    @josephinefurman3905 5 месяцев назад +14

    Never thought I’d say this to a “narc” but …. Never change Lee! You’re the best you’re the TRUTH ❤😂🙏🏽

  • @user-iv4gj2qf3j
    @user-iv4gj2qf3j 5 месяцев назад +9

    Oh yes, all the words, love of my life, soul mate, never felt like this with anyone else.
    All lies on top if more lies.
    Phone calls, texts 24/7,
    Like being caught in a whirlwind they will not give you a minute to think about anything else except them

  • @margatetrahn1724
    @margatetrahn1724 5 месяцев назад +11

    This is so true. Of course I found out later that he had 2 of us on the hook and he was trying to figure out which one of us would be next. And she was the chosen one because I had to go out of town when my Dad had a heart attack and he moved in with her but I didn't know that and kept me on the hook and when she kicked him out he jumped into full gear and I was next.

  • @corneliabaker587
    @corneliabaker587 5 месяцев назад +6

    Since I Now Know About NPD,
    Moving Fast Is A Red Flag To Me

  • @timelordthefirst4835
    @timelordthefirst4835 5 месяцев назад +5

    If this is forever... why rush?!? EXACTLY!!!!! Well said Lee and thank you.

  • @sunflowerthegoddess1737
    @sunflowerthegoddess1737 4 месяца назад +2

    They don't have any problems with telling YOU NO 🙄‼️

  • @lynnehaeberle5641
    @lynnehaeberle5641 5 месяцев назад +7

    They know that they can only be nice for so long…..

  • @bridgettetraveler658
    @bridgettetraveler658 5 месяцев назад +7

    I had 2 of them. I married one & divorced him. The other I tried to beat the body waste out of. They truly want hide their past. They're the worst piece of body waste on earth. I'm glad u wanted to change. That's awesome!!!

  • @kiarapatton90
    @kiarapatton90 5 месяцев назад +14

    That part of the “you might be the new supply” is facts! Didn’t know-got married- and was the other woman the whole time but at that moment became the permanent supply. It’s just too much and it’s exhausting. Wanted to impregnate and had another woman waiting on him the whole time and he been with her for 6 years and never married her. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE! Don’t respect yourself or any of the woman and actively seeking more claiming to have filed for a divorce laying right next to the person and telling them they want to marry them. They move fast to capture their prey.

  • @arisdanielle0032
    @arisdanielle0032 5 месяцев назад +13

    You have truly helped me so much Lee. I'm pretty sure my ex was a narcissist, we've now been separated and no contact for over a year. My biggest worry is falling for it all over again, just with a different person. Learning the caution signs and red flags is huge. The advice to slow down and say "no" really clicked for me. Also, do you know of Sabrina Zohar? She's a dating coach and her podcast ("Do the work") taps into childhood, our nervous system, and attachment styles. She has also touched base on NPD. I think it would be awesome if you guys got together for some content! You two have been my main recourses with healing and understanding. Take care buddy!!

    • @crystalnyla
      @crystalnyla 5 месяцев назад +2

      You will still attract Narcissists
      The design of not truly understanding what or why we attracted Narcissists in the 1st place … you will repeat until you learn who you are setting top priority boundaries for your peace and happiness ❤️‍🩹
      You will get there luv Keep Going 🙌🏼
      The journey is a true beautiful blessing when you do learn your story ✨🔑✨
      I can’t wait to share more soon 👑

  • @c4m774
    @c4m774 5 месяцев назад +8

    They hate their own thoughts so being alone. So they rush folk throw relationships like moving in and pregnancy’s and buisnesses then the gas lighting starts lol Respect too you Lee 🙏🏼

  • @thephoenixxx4
    @thephoenixxx4 5 месяцев назад +4

    You never know someone till you see them mad! 💯 % Truth!

  • @IOSALive
    @IOSALive 5 месяцев назад +7

    Mental Healness, I subscribed because your videos are super cool!

  • @themonicameza
    @themonicameza 5 месяцев назад +8

    I hate being alone too, but that doesn't mean I'm going to try to pick up a bunch of men. I can't like a man right away. I have to get to know them very slowly.

  • @Mistr_Insightful
    @Mistr_Insightful 5 месяцев назад +2

    6:35-7:30 is my life to a T! Not married but still living with their ex. You said it so right “buckle your seatbelt and be prepared for a bumpy ride” If only I had knew about you and watched this video sooner. Would’ve saved alot of heartache!

  • @raven-wolf9252
    @raven-wolf9252 5 месяцев назад +5

    I love it when you say "clap them cheeks" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @isaacmaurice227
    @isaacmaurice227 5 месяцев назад +22

    Women are narcissists too not just men.

    • @lv2756
      @lv2756 5 месяцев назад +13

      This channel isn’t gender specific. That’s why he says narcissistic people, not narcasisstic men. He speaking from his point of view as a narcassist hisself. This isn’t that kind of channel son.

    • @MentalHealness
      @MentalHealness  5 месяцев назад +12

      yea, they don't tend to care. Nowhere did i say only men were narcissists

    • @athenagriego4561
      @athenagriego4561 5 месяцев назад +3

      Yes women are too. I know female narcissists which is why I love them from a distance.

    • @staceyphair5326
      @staceyphair5326 5 месяцев назад +4

      He said men and women both are narcissists all the time. He’s on spot knows what he’s talking about. He has helped a lot of people.

  • @QMommy17
    @QMommy17 3 месяца назад +1

    my ex narcissist started treating me & my son horribly, stole all our money we had saved up but tells me “i’m making him look bad.” my response is “you making yourself look bad.” he had a young female 10 years younger than us pregnant before the divorce was final. poor baby, she just know. 🤦🏾‍♀️ welp like i told my ex “they’ll all figure you out, you’re her headache now.”

  • @iBlindAssassin
    @iBlindAssassin 5 месяцев назад +4

    They move fast because they don't want you to see the real them! That is some deep 💩 and makes so much sense! 🤦Heff the love 💣!

  • @DulcesSweets
    @DulcesSweets 5 месяцев назад +4

    They come on fast and hard like a tornado so you don't know what hit you. Lol! By the time you figure out what's going on, you're already deep in it.

  • @shar-1575
    @shar-1575 3 месяца назад

    After 18 years of confusion and craziness, thinking I was a big part of the problem. Now that I know I’ve been with a horrible NARCISSIST. Now everything makes sense. Never again.

  • @Giow6w6
    @Giow6w6 4 месяца назад +1

    My ex narc showed me your channel 🤯 and when I told him that he is 100% what you are describing here he was upset and won't admit. Also yes, the whole relationship he punished me and said that I "abused" him because I didn't jump into a relationship immediately, but only about a month later after I fell for the love bombing, absurdly expensive gifts and insistence. Of course, after we became official he unleashed the hell upon me. Hope he burns in hell, he is inhumane and not only with me. He disrespects everyone and curses on his monther who is dumb and blind and protects him unconditionally, even if she knows he is into drugs. That woman indeed deserves to be disrespected. She enabled him and he still lives in her apartment at 30 yo.
    Thank you, Lee. You are the only meaningful "gift" he gave me. Now I am educating myself not to fall for such a bs ever again.

  • @cathyh1680
    @cathyh1680 5 месяцев назад +3

    The only way or time something can really be put 'behind us' is when the person faced up fully to the embarrassment of what they did, and faced full accountability for what they did. And then on top of that was really remorseful. Pestering to be let off the hook to avoid that is manipulating and is saying they believe that they can manipulate you and that is controlling and abusive too, it's not seperate from the abuse, that is part of it.

  • @Jakilyn
    @Jakilyn 5 месяцев назад +1

    Mine, in a matter of one hour, deleted me off all social media and trashed my things at his place. Just threw me away like trash and jumped on dating apps

  • @barb7124
    @barb7124 5 месяцев назад +9

    They need supply

  • @theresabonds7177
    @theresabonds7177 5 месяцев назад +1

    Lee, your just telling the truth, I respect you for that. Thank you.

  • @ivelissedeleon3671
    @ivelissedeleon3671 5 месяцев назад +4

    The weather was crazy earlier.

  • @sandraprijs8103
    @sandraprijs8103 5 месяцев назад +2

    I always was afraid of beiing alone, i thought i can not do it by myself and was afraid of losing him .until i was losing myself .i was not the same person as before and the only thing i could do was break up.now after almost two years i like beiing by myself and i wonder why i was afraid.

  • @TurboOvenMan
    @TurboOvenMan 5 месяцев назад +1

    I've just had a bout with one today and this one is among of the things I noticed. Thank you for sharing!

  • @Lifechangesat50
    @Lifechangesat50 5 месяцев назад +2

    My narc treated his Mother beautifully, BUT, it’s because she always co-signed his BS. She believed everything he said.

    • @Liz-wz8dh
      @Liz-wz8dh 4 месяца назад

      They love getting narcissistic supply from people they can manipulate easily.

  • @iky-moparson5470
    @iky-moparson5470 5 месяцев назад +7

    If I wasn’t black I’d be blushing 😂😂😂

  • @newyoutubewhodis
    @newyoutubewhodis 5 месяцев назад +4

    My narcissist ex is with a new guy and they are engaged after 3 months. I'm like I can see plain as day what's happening here. I made the mistake of reverse hoovering myself, not because I want her back, I just wanted to make her realize what she did, but she never will. Anyway, this guy told me it's time to move on. I told him "You don't know her right now, but maybe someday when you do, this will make sense."

    • @Maruzzela-l1u
      @Maruzzela-l1u 5 месяцев назад

      I think by now you know they never realise anything and that's a common wish among victims,wanting validation, hoping one day they ll realise.but they are a different animal alltogether ...self absorbed.i believed ppl introspect at old age and realise how they hurt others .well my dad now remembers more than b4 how others hurt him .he ll never heal from that to then get to the part where he hurt others

    • @movingsaudade6028
      @movingsaudade6028 5 месяцев назад +2

      The mask may take way too long to fall off than it did with you,just to prove you and a bunch of other people wrong...so don't count on the new guy realising early that they are being taken for a ride...I give it a year and half😂😂😂😂at most 2 years...

    • @newyoutubewhodis
      @newyoutubewhodis 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@movingsaudade6028 It's interesting how she says he has access to her phone. Look at me I have nothing to hide. I'm like hmm, she must have another phone he doesn't know about. She craves conflict too much, and without me to argue with that only leaves him. So I give it maybe a year before the walls start closing in.

    • @newyoutubewhodis
      @newyoutubewhodis 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@movingsaudade6028 She told me I would be back in her inbox in 3 months, so when I'm not, maybe that's when the mask comes off. 😂 They'll probably be married by then anyway since they're trying to win this race.

    • @MentalHealness
      @MentalHealness  5 месяцев назад


  • @katiemiller4187
    @katiemiller4187 5 месяцев назад +4

    If they treat there mama like crap.. big red flag

  • @kaylamarie373
    @kaylamarie373 3 месяца назад +1

    Hahah omg at 13:00 you literally are telling my story. I left a 6 year relationship with a narcissist and 8 months later I went on my first date and I told him this - Exactly how you're sharing it and wow. Hahaha i feel so stupid now. He love bombed me soo hard and used the information i shared with him, against me. Lesson learned, keep my past relationships to myself because ya never know when the next narcissist is preying. 😅

  • @ntube86
    @ntube86 5 месяцев назад +3

    Great great video! This one was on point and it's helping me with my no power as well. Thank you!

  • @kapothagoodfella2785
    @kapothagoodfella2785 3 месяца назад

    She moved real quick and I thought lt was hella weird but my empathy let it slide.. plus my ego also had me thinking "yep!! I'm just that Ninja!" 🤦🏿‍♂️ Lol silly me, tricks are for kids.. She almost got me.....
    I like that.. if this is special,.then why are we rushing??? Facts my brotha!!

  • @user-kv9gs8kb6m
    @user-kv9gs8kb6m 5 месяцев назад +1

    As a self proclaimed Narcissist, it would be interesting to hear if you suffer from a certain set of traits. Or are you a NPD with multiple number of narcissistic traits you have issues with.
    Their is a lot of people in society that have one or two narcissistic traits that makes them really no different then almost everyone else in society. Almost every entrepreneur, manager, self confident self employed or anyone who has struggled and worked hard to succeed have some narcissistic traits.
    It's the NPD narcs that are the real issue in society who abuse others for manipulation, gains and control.

  • @kishabethany
    @kishabethany 5 месяцев назад +1

    😂😂😂results may vary...i doubt it!
    Keep doing the good work you're doing Lee 👍

  • @katiemiller4187
    @katiemiller4187 5 месяцев назад +1

    Exactly they can't be alone.. then they are alone with there thoughts

  • @sandraprijs8103
    @sandraprijs8103 5 месяцев назад +2

    The last thing that happend was that he ask me to merry him and at the same time he was on the airport with an other woman .we lived togheter for seven years. After this, for me, this was the last time i accept his behavior. I stopped the relation ,he tried several times to contact me but i told him to leave me alone and he did 🙏

  • @kinyaalexander7252
    @kinyaalexander7252 5 месяцев назад +3

    Not only did my ex pressure me to move in with him after a month. I’ve never told anyone before how I got pregnant with my oldest while we were together for only 6 months.I must admit I wasn’t on birth control, but at 20 years old I wasn’t ready to be a Mom yet. I had been drinking out with my girls he had asked if”any man had try to talk to me”. I said yeah one did but I told him I had a boyfriend🤷🏿‍♀️! I guess that had made him mad cause the next thing I knew I was passed out with him on top of me. I actually did feel him you know doing it but it was too late to do anything about it😢😢😢😢.

    • @Mwasinamboka
      @Mwasinamboka 5 месяцев назад

      He raped you while you passed out.
      You are powerful to share your testimony with your ex narc.

    • @MentalHealness
      @MentalHealness  5 месяцев назад


    • @Prometheuspredator
      @Prometheuspredator 5 месяцев назад


  • @divineawakenedempress888
    @divineawakenedempress888 5 месяцев назад +3

    My narc ex moved in with his new supply and has her harassing me and being his flying monkey 🐵

  • @BelindaGullett-q9h
    @BelindaGullett-q9h 5 месяцев назад

    He is so spot on everything

  • @priscillarose_
    @priscillarose_ 5 месяцев назад +4

    If they hate being alone then why would they treat the person they had bad - to the point they make them leave ?

    • @akanicolerocks711
      @akanicolerocks711 5 месяцев назад +6

      Because they don't care about anyone but themselves

    • @crystalnyla
      @crystalnyla 5 месяцев назад

      It’s a sickness… a Mental Disorder
      They are wired differently from childhood trauma
      It’s a defense mechanism from the trauma state losing empathy and emotions to gain benefits lying selfishly as they take what they need to survive
      They only use and abuse ( Toxic )

    • @crystalnyla
      @crystalnyla 5 месяцев назад

      It's a sickness... a Mental Disorder
      They are wired differently from childhood trauma
      It's a defense mechanism from the trauma state losing empathy and emotions to gain benefits lying selfishly as they take what they need to survive
      They only use and abuse
      ( Toxic)

    • @crystalnyla
      @crystalnyla 5 месяцев назад

      It's a sickness... a Mental Disorder
      They are wired differently from childhood trauma
      It's a defense mechanism from the trauma state losing empathy and emotions to gain benefits lying selfishly as they take what they need to survive
      They only use and abuse
      ( Toxic)

    • @Maruzzela-l1u
      @Maruzzela-l1u 5 месяцев назад +1

      It's abt ctrl. They don't treat bad.they treat good then bad then repeat creating trauma bond .they know you won't leave when they treat you bad bcoz they treated you good initially and will step back just enough for you to cave in afterwards .they know what they are doing ..how to manipulate.
      Another reason is ,..see Sam Vaknin...eventually ..they will want to leave you and abt that time they ll start looking for someone else and treat you bad enough

  • @AprilGant-qr1ry
    @AprilGant-qr1ry 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you for what you do and for adding humor into it. Laughter is the best medicine. Besides getting away from the narcissist anyway

  • @sandrasentimile8754
    @sandrasentimile8754 5 месяцев назад +1

    Adding to my previous message in the comment section, we're no longer involved been over a couple of years when it once started the abstinence. I even asked him if he was using control substance. I rode the horse until it was just time to get off... It's a illusion of a narcissist having a good time 😂😂😂

  • @PhantomVortex
    @PhantomVortex 5 месяцев назад +5

    Beware of the skeletons in the closet.

  • @annabellefay3307
    @annabellefay3307 5 месяцев назад +4

    You crack me tf up 🤣🤣

  • @Fleefromsin
    @Fleefromsin 4 месяца назад +1

    I love what the Lord tells Jeremiah! You better give it to them, or I’m going to give it to you! That's what my mama use to say to me you better give it to them, or I’m gonna give it to you! God was telling Jeremiah don’t be afraid just let them have it! Just like my mama would tell me don’t be afraid just let them have it! Now is not a time to hold back you didn’t hold back when you were in the world, so don’t hold back now! You weren't afraid then, so don't be afraid now! What God has given you to say just SAY IT!
    Jeremiah 1:17 Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them.

  • @kubracenk8879
    @kubracenk8879 5 месяцев назад +1

    Lee youre a hero

  • @cieraleal8030
    @cieraleal8030 4 месяца назад +2

    All the narcissists i have attracted or been attracted to moved super fast,n u know what,as soon as they knew that i knew who they were or what kind of person or if i found out about their lies they would ghost or go away or ignore me.because they just know im not gonna believe them now

  • @abacoejenks
    @abacoejenks 5 месяцев назад

    what's so sad, is that the illness doesn't stop to think this person will find out who i am eventually and they will lose their supply. better to be upfront, better to be honest, better to give it time, so that you can truly be loved, and then the supply will be true. 💔

  • @Maruzzela-l1u
    @Maruzzela-l1u 5 месяцев назад +3

    I had my revenge unwillingly.😂he ghosted me after an arguement he created.
    a yr later i was under the delusion that there is a strong friendship bond besides the relation and went to cry my eyes out abt an issue .they love weakness..
    and he hit on me. ..i❤u .and you?..😛 🤩😍 give me a💋💋 ..etc
    I m like "excuse me..!?"
    ...he s like "i thought you came BACK...to stay forever"
    ..i m like ,"no...remember you didnt call for a year?"
    he sais "so ..what now? are you gonna leave now?"
    I m like" exactly...what am i tellining you since i came"
    After leaving i realised ..man what did jst happen?😂
    I mean there was the dissapointment for his total insensitivity abt my problem i went to talk but then again ..did he jst create his discard?

  • @mustangfan788
    @mustangfan788 5 месяцев назад +2

    My stbx wife had one ready right after we split..... Then turned around and called me a narcissist. Still trying to figure out if I am or not. Started going to therapy.

  • @cedrico.7136
    @cedrico.7136 5 месяцев назад +3

    Hating on a narcissist….. 🤯

  • @ntube86
    @ntube86 5 месяцев назад +10

    Lmao WOW... Yep... Married ones... Careful

  • @kimsanders8262
    @kimsanders8262 5 месяцев назад +1

    My ex narc friend kissed me,then called me and said I forced him and stopped speaking to me wow I just laugh at left him alone.

  • @chandelle_glee
    @chandelle_glee 5 месяцев назад

    I fight too .. fast too🤣🤣

  • @sandrasentimile8754
    @sandrasentimile8754 5 месяцев назад +1

    I always presented conversations of positive motivational speakers, the guy I was involved with would say something negative towards the entity.

  • @kalokairiagiapanta
    @kalokairiagiapanta 5 месяцев назад

    I left him and never messaged or tried to call me. He was very fast to move on searhing for a new supply...just 4 days after I got myself away. But it hurts much though...

  • @MsPrice-pn2py
    @MsPrice-pn2py 5 месяцев назад +1

    *True Story: I had a first date 🔥bonfire🔥 margaritas 🍹chill. This dude stayed at my house for two days. He lived an hour away, I gave him the guest room. But god da** He was a 1/2 million dollar dude too. Researched him. But that boy was so starved of love and effection*

  • @shannamarie8816
    @shannamarie8816 5 месяцев назад +1

    You crack me up 😂😂 I love it

  • @samonecharisma3043
    @samonecharisma3043 5 месяцев назад +2

    They pick on you it’s faccccctssssss. U so easy to them

  • @mgardnerx5
    @mgardnerx5 5 месяцев назад +1

    Locking down supply!

  • @5ofakind623
    @5ofakind623 5 месяцев назад +5

    This just happened to me..spent 200 for my birthday.my conscious told me not to take it but I did..I'm working overtime to send him the 200 bucks for his birthday..he kept saying I miss u and I love u in a couple weeks...it was cringey af 😅

  • @olganunez5965
    @olganunez5965 5 месяцев назад

    My ex treat his mother good and still treat the partner bad

  • @kubracenk8879
    @kubracenk8879 5 месяцев назад +1

    As soon as we broke up i Heard he flirted with a married woman😢

  • @simpatico4004
    @simpatico4004 5 месяцев назад

    Alone? They would cook if they sat with their demos.

  • @elitetrainercynthia7394
    @elitetrainercynthia7394 5 месяцев назад +1

    And what is it that they initially present as the wounded lamb who says his mother never loved him?

    • @akanicolerocks711
      @akanicolerocks711 5 месяцев назад

      Why would you be attracted to someone like that. They are playing the victim

    • @elitetrainercynthia7394
      @elitetrainercynthia7394 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@akanicolerocks711 I'm likely on the spectrum and an empath. I was 21 and clueless.

    • @Maruzzela-l1u
      @Maruzzela-l1u 5 месяцев назад

      😂😂😂 yeah what is that?? !
      You stepped right into that trap no? I did it twice and with the same person😅

    • @Maruzzela-l1u
      @Maruzzela-l1u 5 месяцев назад

      I even put up with the bs coz I thought he s traumatised

    • @MentalHealness
      @MentalHealness  5 месяцев назад

      it's a setup

  • @josieenglin8697
    @josieenglin8697 3 месяца назад

    It has never helped me to be "nice" to a narcissist person.
    I bet anyone saying you're hating adheres to some code that alludes to not sharing toxic people's secrets or MO's. Lol that's not what we're doing here today! 😂

  • @jokerlovesyou1861
    @jokerlovesyou1861 5 месяцев назад

    I was a bitch the last year....And I felt bad about it 😂

  • @olganunez5965
    @olganunez5965 5 месяцев назад

    That's what I attract narcissistic man terrible

  • @sunshinestate4001
    @sunshinestate4001 5 месяцев назад

    On Aug 26th of 18 I told him Im done.Last year had to try to gather some information abaout my ex for child support.Well well Google is youre best friend.I did find what I needed plus I find another information hes on Twitter...Guess when he registered himself.27th aug of 18.The very next day....after 13 years of situationship.Talking about fast.Hes was fast,as the effen Roadrunner....😂😂😂 Even the road was steaming after him so bad,I could see it with my eyes.

  • @jennifercornetto6004
    @jennifercornetto6004 5 месяцев назад

    Let me ask how did he take the mask off for 3 days nd now it's back on how does that work plz help me he's telling me im crazy.. I'm not i fully seen him nod now he's all nice lovey and normal

  • @olganunez5965
    @olganunez5965 5 месяцев назад

    My ex don't like to be alone so jump into one to an other

  • @tonijames2543
    @tonijames2543 5 месяцев назад

    Can u tell us what you mean when you say. “You don’t know me for who I truly am? What do you mean . Who do u see yourself as? I need to know this. Ty

  • @olganunez5965
    @olganunez5965 5 месяцев назад

    My ex use to say di I love him like 10 times

  • @patriciadodo6951
    @patriciadodo6951 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @ElizabethWarrenYeahYeah
    @ElizabethWarrenYeahYeah 5 месяцев назад

    If I wasn't black I'd be blushing!
    I thought those with much melanin blushed.
    My friend, an African lady does blush, her skin changes to a more intense dark brown when she blushes.
    Maybe you need to be close to see it

  • @taneshawyatt5287
    @taneshawyatt5287 5 месяцев назад

    I was good friends with one for 5 years we ended up telling each other our feelings and he loved bomb me with 10 paragraphs a day then kids kids mom called me and said I was messing with her man I told him and he said block and continue to claim they’re not together don’t listen to her then hes been ghost for 2 weeks lmao he always told me she was mental for years and tht she does drugs and abuses alcohol and he finally has fully custody of their two kids I believe he wanted sympathy and attention all this time and made up this story now he just views my stories and watch me and still haven’t reached out 😂

  • @Tommytwostroke
    @Tommytwostroke 5 месяцев назад +2

    😂 peek a boo 😅

  • @arinoelplus5allmine645
    @arinoelplus5allmine645 5 месяцев назад +2


  • @patriciamurray1967
    @patriciamurray1967 6 дней назад

    Roflmao! Hes telling the truth my narcx had a whole wife and kids but was running around telling me and everyone we knew he was going to marry me. Hmm I don't know how he was going to work that, I guess be a bigamist but come to find out he was still married. When I met him he said he was divorced. And after Ai found put he lies and said he "thought" she had signed the paperwork yeah right! All lies lol!

  • @blessed.spiritually
    @blessed.spiritually 5 месяцев назад

    Have you ever been with person with bpd

  • @BabygirlLaLa8378
    @BabygirlLaLa8378 3 месяца назад

    14 years? I’ll show you.😂

  • @1ofnonejay
    @1ofnonejay 5 месяцев назад

    Lee If Dey Dont Like Da Way Dey Be Acting Den Why Tf Dont Dey Try & Change? 😐🤔

  • @karimamarshall7460
    @karimamarshall7460 5 месяцев назад +1

    Cthu,if I wasn't black,I'd b blushing,that's hilarious and yes da 1 I had chased me for over 20 years and tried to punish me 4 doing so....

    • @MentalHealness
      @MentalHealness  5 месяцев назад


    • @belindaking1362
      @belindaking1362 5 месяцев назад

      I was not alone when I met him. He got rid of everyone around me. That's when the abuse started. I felt so alone. X 😊

  • @joycegray1668
    @joycegray1668 5 месяцев назад


  • @nicholecornes1915
    @nicholecornes1915 3 месяца назад

    Red ass flags

  • @chellotrevino7323
    @chellotrevino7323 5 месяцев назад

    Yeah but Lee not trying to boast but do you know Empaths can see who they truly are right when we meet them automatically ready and study em we know off rip

  • @jokerlovesyou1861
    @jokerlovesyou1861 5 месяцев назад


  • @aprilqualls7391
    @aprilqualls7391 5 месяцев назад +1

    Can you not be a narrasist and just have narrasist traits? Or is it all or nothing?

    • @aprilqualls7391
      @aprilqualls7391 5 месяцев назад +1

      I've date a person that is 100 percent narrasist...however im now dating a guy that has traits but not all narrasist so I'm kinda confused:/

    • @KoreaMojo
      @KoreaMojo 5 месяцев назад

      Sam Vaknin. You can have any personality order traits. Most people have a couple. You can have a narcissistic personality style and you can have enough traits that you are pathologically narcissistic NPD. A narcissist is someone with traits. A person with enough in high enough intensity traits, you are someone with a personality disorder.

    • @MentalHealness
      @MentalHealness  5 месяцев назад
