Byf's 7 top tips to own in Destiny's crucible!

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 297

  • @kyle19421
    @kyle19421 8 лет назад +3

    The fact that this video doesn't just say "get better" or "practice more" over and over again is awesome. Thanks for the tips

    • @catgirlgaming6107
      @catgirlgaming6107 8 лет назад +1

      ikr, this Was a bigger help than most others I have seen

  • @nikeraikage5318
    @nikeraikage5318 9 лет назад +6

    My biggest tip would be that you must understand that the setup you use for the strikes should never be the same as the one for the crucible. Guardians and AI are nothing alike. My second tip would be that you must always know the map, and think to yourself as if u were the enemy. Where would you attack? What would u use? Those small moment like he said, can make a big defference

    • @DevonWallaceAnbuBlackOpss
      @DevonWallaceAnbuBlackOpss 9 лет назад

      That's what I do, for strikes/raids I use defender, sunsinger, and for strikes I use blade dancer for raids, gunslinger for crucible I use Striker, void walker, and bladedancer

  • @checkreality1
    @checkreality1 9 лет назад +16

    How to get better at crucible:
    1. Play a hunter--->Bladedancer spec.
    2. See number 1.

    • @volvax7551
      @volvax7551 9 лет назад

      It's not as good since it was nerfed. I think they lowered its defense

    • @Trespahsser
      @Trespahsser 9 лет назад

      radiated gamer Still a one hit kill

    • @daniellejackson8614
      @daniellejackson8614 9 лет назад

      yes I got triple yesterday as a hunter doing the blade dance and I gutted almost the whole enemy team

    • @ffxiisucks
      @ffxiisucks 9 лет назад +4

      checkreality1 More like:
      1. Equip Thor/hawkmoon
      2. Equip felwinter's lie
      2. Equip blink as bladedancer
      4. Fool yourself at thinking you're good at the game because you're getting results.

    • @ffxiisucks
      @ffxiisucks 9 лет назад

      Troy Greene
      Sure, but no other supers can get you consistent multiple kills.

  • @mrjoshua1414
    @mrjoshua1414 9 лет назад +1

    It always takes me a match or two to 'get in' to PvP. Sometimes I hate it and want to throw the controller at the TV, but sometimes I love it (especially post mortem kills).
    Thanks for the tips Byf. I found this really helpful. I struggled with PvP before watching this video. I now take a deep breath before playing and try not to panic but think about each move. Cheers!

  • @Porritt12
    @Porritt12 9 лет назад +8

    Looking back on this.
    "You cant run around with a certain overpowered gun and get quick easy kills"
    Felwinters, last word, Thorn. xD

    • @colorjake
      @colorjake 9 лет назад

      they r only op because bungie is trying to equalize and find the equilibrium of the weapons and during that state some guns will become op.

  • @SlaqeX
    @SlaqeX 9 лет назад

    Honestly one of the best crucible videos I've watched. Thanks so much for this - I'm struggling a lot, but this has helped considerably! Subscribed.

  • @demonteddybear3510
    @demonteddybear3510 10 лет назад +4

    I know for myself I have to get used to playing pvp. Last time I played pvp was Halo 2. So a lot for me to get used to. With that I understand that I will die a lot but with each lost I treat it as a stepping stone to learn to get better. Looking what I did wrong and how I can improve. It is always important to learn the maps, just got to get used to all the movement options, weapon options, and not just running for the shotgun and rushing everyone. Thanks for the video, I know they are kind of no brainier tips for most people. But for someone who is shaking off the cobwebs and seeing how much the battlefield as changed, it is a helpful to be explain the changes that have been made.

    • @Bama1408
      @Bama1408 10 лет назад

      Yea destiny is the most forgiving game you get rewards randomly at the end even if ur on the bottom you have the same probability of getting a beast item as the guy on top of the scoreboard

    • @lisky4u
      @lisky4u 10 лет назад +1

      Jack Daniels it may be forgiving....but half the time you don't get anything useful and sometimes nothing at all. It's just a bunch of ppl running around exploiting their secondary weapons. What's the point of the primary ' s when it comes down to one shot with a sniper, shotgun or the fusion rifles. Take it out of the game or better yet have it spawn randomly through out the match like they do with the rocket launchers. As for me the crucibles are worse than COD. Nothing but huddling in an enclosed space and tapping that trigger to heat up you fusion gun for a one shot kill and u have 17 bullets...please. No skill. Definitely not fun.

    • @cweb1988
      @cweb1988 10 лет назад

      humans are ridiculously predictable. Learn the maps, and learning where players will be is always the most important part.

  • @TheKanjiX
    @TheKanjiX 10 лет назад

    It's nice to know that every tip you have told us is things I already unconsciously know (Now that I think upon my gameplay). Now that I realize that, i can definitely improve in the Crucible. Thanks taking the time to make this awesome helpful video!

  • @HeavenzAnger
    @HeavenzAnger 10 лет назад

    Hey byf! Listened to your stuff for quite a while now. You are 100% on these tips. Love your stuff. Keep up the good work.

  • @PelemusMcSoy
    @PelemusMcSoy 9 лет назад +1

    I taught myself to aim for the head when playing older shooters like Perfect Dark, Perfect Dark Zero, and Rainbow Six Vegas. I also value accuracy and rate of fire; I'm willing to sacrifice power if it means landing all my shots, shredding armor, and putting as many rounds into my opponent's head as possible. I generally use TFWPKY 1969 (with Send It and Third Eye) or Hard Light (with Aggressive Ballistics and Field Scout). Both are very stable, have great rates of fire, and land the headshots I desire.
    One thing Destiny gets right is the true freedom of choice in combat. Are you an accuracy freak like me? There are weapons and perks that will suit you. More of a spray 'n' pray and have difficulty hitting the broad side of a barn? There are weapons and perks for that too. Are you a grenadier and slap happy? Equip the armor and perks that allow you to let loose your precious explosions and fists of fury. It allows for some great multiplayer and campaign games that are truly unique to the players.

  • @Onesquad2
    @Onesquad2 10 лет назад

    Really clicking with what you said. Im a below average destiny player at best and when you made me think about my playstyle, every DO you've pointed out, I found that I did the oposite quite often haha. I'm really gonna take this to heart and probably even watch this a couple more times to get it to the back of my head once the game goes live. Thanks alot for your awesome content! Also you have a frikkin cool voice and make those videos very entertaining to listen to / watch.

  • @ffxiisucks
    @ffxiisucks 9 лет назад +2

    And the most important tip is too develop a strong mental resistance to:
    - broken weapons,
    - red connection bar players,
    - incredibly dumb team-mates,
    - unbalanced maps,
    - almost invincible supers.

  • @aaliyahkara2221
    @aaliyahkara2221 9 лет назад +2

    'Be calm as still water, fear cuts deeper than swords'

  • @philbrake7525
    @philbrake7525 10 лет назад

    Hey just wanted to say GREAT tips! Ive played BF3/4 and most CODs and your right - This is a totally different animal! Since watching your vid, i've been consistently getting around 2 KDR if not higher (sometimes lower of course). You gave me a new way to look at this PvP and its already paying off significantly. Keep up the great work!

  • @DaSmisker
    @DaSmisker 10 лет назад

    Methodical and concise. It clarified both things I do (confirmation is good) and why I sometimes die (the use of radar and flanking in particular) Very helpful.

  • @willkyles68
    @willkyles68 10 лет назад

    I just have to sya that your video has really helped. Ive really only played the MW series Multiplayer consitantly and i had a specific play style which DID NOT transfer to Destiny and ive been trying to figure out how to bridge the gap between the two games and was failing miserably until you pointed these things out. Ive literally went from a .5ish to a 1.8-2.5ish K-D ratio per match. I really hope to see more videos from you.

  • @GriffinRSX
    @GriffinRSX 10 лет назад +1

    For everyone watching this video, also remember that Destiny is brand new to the multiplayer scene. People still need to adapt to the game and form tactics around what the game offers. What you think is OP now may suck later without it even being nerfed, and what is crap now may be OP later. Nobody knows until well after launch how this game will play out overall. Especially since we haven't even seen much high level crucible gameplay, many more tactics, power, and control. Man, I'm looking forward to this game. Thumbs up if you are excited too :)

  • @spiff2268
    @spiff2268 10 лет назад +3

    Good video. That "be like water" is some good Bruce Lee shit right there. And thanks for making me aware of Destiny Tracker. Now I can see in detail how much I suck.

  • @eileencooper7885
    @eileencooper7885 8 лет назад +2

    I suck. In crucible but after watching this hope to be so much better, brilliant you are

  • @leigh2635
    @leigh2635 10 лет назад

    Only watched this now Byf, glad I did, will be re-visiting it to sharpen my Crucible skill!!

  • @rubensargsyan5634
    @rubensargsyan5634 10 лет назад

    I love the Striker's Shoulder Charge. It doesn't have a cool down, it only requires you to sprint for a short time, and it is a one shot kill.

  • @Taencred
    @Taencred 10 лет назад

    I agree and must say that this game is very different from any other shooter I've ever played, to be honest, Halo was my favorite competitive shooter of all time, but now that I've learned more about the Destiny competitive multiplayer, I think that this takes its place as my favorite, it's so much fun, and it's very unique. And I gotta say that wow, how amazing is this gonna be on high level play? Both senses of high level play.

  • @Aubatron
    @Aubatron 10 лет назад

    I believe my KD ratio was just over 2.0. I just played Warlock with a Fusion rifle and when ever I see an enemy on my radar I'll use the enhanced double jump thing to get far above their head for an advantage. Fusion Rifles are my favourite weapons for sure. I truly love Destiny.

  • @4984duke
    @4984duke 9 лет назад

    Great video! Thinking about a situation and gaining the advantage in engagements is key. Playing good defence and offence. As you said players just run straight for the enemy dying time after time

  • @Leitis_Fella
    @Leitis_Fella 10 лет назад

    Looks like the kind of thing I need to do. I played a crucible match yesterday, and got demolished. Like the anally annihilated kind of demolished.
    Thanks for uploading this, Byf. You're doing the Traveler's work. Hopefully I'll start to un-suck before the Beta is over.

  • @Cheeks6675
    @Cheeks6675 10 лет назад

    Great vid man I'm only at about a 1.7 k/d right now but I've changed tactics because I'm so use to cod and have been doing a lot better

  • @grafikal100
    @grafikal100 10 лет назад

    The biggest tip is to play often to learn the maps. That radar really is a trip. Beyond that, a lot of people forget that there's a million different vertical positions. People are too used to just running around on the ground and not utilizing the map. These maps are built very technically and for good use out of all the vertical space players can use.

  • @jordanwyche1442
    @jordanwyche1442 9 лет назад +2

    Totally agree with this video. I got 15-20 kills with lvl 10 characters going against 30s strategy is key!!!!!!!!

  • @Matzekoek-c9d
    @Matzekoek-c9d 10 лет назад

    Really enjoyed this one, keep these kinds of videos up! Can really use em since i'm new to the pvp scene

  • @BrunoCroner
    @BrunoCroner 10 лет назад

    Hey Byf! Another great video, congratulations! After listening very carefully what you said here I could see that you're right, however not everyone who played the beta version of the game failed to understand the proposal from Bungie. Destiny is a strategic shooter game! Only the smartest survive. Your tips helped me a lot.

  • @rlc255
    @rlc255 9 лет назад

    Hey Byf, solid advice and great points. You have a new subscriber now and keep up the good vids.

  • @iaminsanity2238
    @iaminsanity2238 9 лет назад

    I have 2 strategies:
    1:if I don't have ammo for my longbow, it's just move around the map, get kills, and look for special ammo.
    2:when you do have sniper ammo, just find a nice little spot and start a massacre. If it's FL, I just get on a cliff near A. If it's bastion, it's that spot with tree's near B.

  • @chiamingkhor5662
    @chiamingkhor5662 8 лет назад +1

    this was a great video and you should keep making more, but i think an updated version is neccesary beacause of year 2. it works great on year 1 maps using year 1 weapons but with year 2, there are new maps new super and subclasses. overall a great video to new comer and even pro. keep up the good work byf.

  • @oilcanmonk
    @oilcanmonk 10 лет назад

    Love the analytical nature of this video.

  • @carl.__
    @carl.__ 8 лет назад

    Byf, number one show you are a true warlock!!!!!!

  • @tarheelfan10382
    @tarheelfan10382 9 лет назад

    thank you Byf I hope the info will help my K/D. anything will help. love you channel. I can tell you care about your subscribers keep of the good work

  • @dannygodines6519
    @dannygodines6519 10 лет назад

    Another Great Video again Byf,some of these tips i had to figure out for my self but thx for the extra ones

  • @VeganByte
    @VeganByte 10 лет назад

    Thanks Byf, I think these tip will help me out tremendously!

  • @sarcasm4905
    @sarcasm4905 10 лет назад

    I admit; I've done the mistake of rushing at my opponent way too many times...
    BUT as I'm playing a Titan, sometimes it has actually really paid off, as I can do a shoulder charge straight from my sprint, which kills them instantly and doesn't even spend my melee, ammo or super - leaving me instantly ready for my next opponent.
    And since you can do a shoulder charge from further away than you can do a melee strike, it's often an easy kill. (Although lining up and timing the sprint is a trick on it's own, as it's not available immediately after starting to sprint and isn't available after sprinting for too long either.) Only thing that wins a shoulder charge from that distance is a well timed shot with a fusion rifle. That thing is a beast.
    Shotguns in my opinion are pretty much lacking right now.. They pack a serious punch only if you're _really_ close - and that close melee is often the way to go. At least I haven't found shotguns good :P The spread on them is just too big. (Way bigger than on fusion rifles)

  • @isaacdixon984
    @isaacdixon984 10 лет назад +1

    Nice Bruce Lee reference and quote Byf

  • @mindseyeopened
    @mindseyeopened 10 лет назад

    4:18 I think the expression you were looking for was there's more than one way to skin a cat haha

  • @justinweed4530
    @justinweed4530 10 лет назад

    These are very helpful I will keep these in mind when destiny launches.

  • @teddyvabson
    @teddyvabson 10 лет назад

    Another great video Byf. Keep em coming!

  • @Yuanigem
    @Yuanigem 10 лет назад

    Thanks helped me a lot! I tend to score in the thousands now not the hundreds

  • @SengirIndustries
    @SengirIndustries 10 лет назад

    Thank you for the Destinytracker shoutout :)
    Sengir79 (Destinytracker staff)

  • @markowojtkowiak7685
    @markowojtkowiak7685 8 лет назад +1

    omg the days when the auto rifles were op... i miss those days

  • @elijahleighton1390
    @elijahleighton1390 10 лет назад

    i agree im usually average at shooters but i found myself doing very good in destiny mainly because i watch my radar constantly and could tell where enemies were going and when i would encounter them which i prefer and lot more than the CoD style shooter where you just hope you see the guy around the corner before they see you. so it boils down to people with good reflexes are good at CoD and most shooters but in destiny its more about knowing the map and using your abilities the best

  • @vjhonno83
    @vjhonno83 10 лет назад

    Thanks man you really put it in perspective I'm totally a COD player and was playing like one time to change thanks

  • @coldshop335
    @coldshop335 10 лет назад

    Great advice, I can feel myself getting better already

  • @HartyBiker
    @HartyBiker 10 лет назад

    I would love crucible if it didn't crash out so much for me. I mean the small parts that I have played I felt like it is a game that I would love to learn, much like I learned titanfall and halo when I started playing those. But the number of times that crucible crashes for me is so frustrating. Most of the games where I've performed well I've lost connection and been forced to quit. It's so frustrating. Watching this video it looks like the multiplayer is just as solid and just as deep as other shooters but I just can't play it.
    Anyway thats just my little rant. Good video man, keep it up.

  • @0rca0rcinus
    @0rca0rcinus 10 лет назад

    So was the word of Byf-Tzu...
    Or is it Byf-shido?
    Great points, I will look forward to employing them in September!

  • @gradeape9681
    @gradeape9681 9 лет назад

    My new Destiny mantra... "Be like water." THANKS!

  • @MrFaulkner2
    @MrFaulkner2 10 лет назад

    You my friend have just want yourself a subscriber. Great video look forward to watching more. Keep it up!

  • @MariTruely
    @MariTruely 8 лет назад

    These tips were very helpful to know. I'll try my best to apply them on my next gameplay. (:

  • @grizzlybleargamingnd6512
    @grizzlybleargamingnd6512 9 лет назад

    Best top for Sunbreakers in close proximity: Lure them to a tree or a double entrance room with good radar and play a game of ring around the rosie until there super runs out

  • @MTLvibe
    @MTLvibe 10 лет назад +1

    paro afasia rastra - i'll see you starside. What language is that in and is it a refference from a movie or game or just something you came up with ?
    I absolutely love your video and your commentary style, great job !

    • @MynameisByf
      @MynameisByf  10 лет назад +4

      "Per Audacia Ad Astra"... It's not mine... It's Bungie's. It roughly translates to "From bravery to the Stars"
      It's there to remind you to chase the dream.

    • @FiShDiShFilms
      @FiShDiShFilms 10 лет назад +2

      My name is Byf It's Latin. "Per audacia ad astra" means "Through boldness to the stars." Apparently.

  • @thploi
    @thploi 10 лет назад

    Great video. Please consider lowering the volume on your outro.

  • @royalnac
    @royalnac 10 лет назад

    Very good vids bro, looking forward to videos after release.

  • @thumpersrls789
    @thumpersrls789 8 лет назад

    Thanks BYF this was a big help.

  • @damosulli7218
    @damosulli7218 9 лет назад

    omg thank you for this video it helps so much on the city perimeter map!!!!

  • @mechadroit
    @mechadroit 10 лет назад +1

    I really like the crucible, but I am terrible if I run solo. I only do really well if I am running with a team of friends. There have been nights when I get on with five other guys and we WRECK any other team we come across except when we run into another team of six that are all communicating like we are. On nights that I'm running with a team I usually get a 2.0 Plus K/D, but if I'm not I usually only break even maybe a tiny bit better. This is very much a team oriented game and I am awful if I don't have a team to work with.

  • @JuiceSkyy
    @JuiceSkyy 10 лет назад

    Byf, you are truly from a different planet, good shit man :))

  • @Themayahgamer
    @Themayahgamer 9 лет назад

    Thanks for the tips I got so much better because of this

  • @boofex1
    @boofex1 10 лет назад +2

    I'm going to keep playing Reach as well as Destiny.... I like strafing, bobbing, jumping head to head DMR battles..... I hope theres a mode that has less variables.... I loved the Beta though and I'll be playing it on 360 so I can keep playing Reach.... cheers

    • @guardianhunter4899
      @guardianhunter4899 10 лет назад +3

      Same lol

    • @daanvdee
      @daanvdee 10 лет назад +2

      same here

    • @waldquellz3794
      @waldquellz3794 10 лет назад +4

      i ve never played a multiplayer that was as fun as reach

    • @BirdChirpGaming
      @BirdChirpGaming 10 лет назад +1

      waldquellz Halo 1, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 4. All better than reach.

    • @waldquellz3794
      @waldquellz3794 10 лет назад

      BirdChirpGaming why do u think that?

  • @worthyRS
    @worthyRS 10 лет назад

    Awesome video. Could you do a. Ideo explaining more about vortex and the right gear for Warlock? Ty

  • @dmobspawner8742
    @dmobspawner8742 9 лет назад

    i feel like i already know all of this but i actually have to see it in a video to be able to apply it in game play

  • @kungfungify
    @kungfungify 9 лет назад

    Thank you for this helpful video. It will help many people.

  • @wadeking6064
    @wadeking6064 8 лет назад

    Thank you for the information, you have helped me out a lot

  • @davidfarrell213
    @davidfarrell213 10 лет назад

    This video was very helpful. Thank you.

  • @rickgrimes6947
    @rickgrimes6947 10 лет назад

    one thing i do is when i see someone with a shotgun getting close to me i always double jump backwards to keep at the lowest damage range for shotgun so you can outlast him/her always works for me

  • @calibomber209
    @calibomber209 9 лет назад

    Like cod lol! I can't wait for battlefield . After getting sick of cod I found myself loving the tactical style/realism of fps. It's more rewarding when having good kd ratio. By the way what heavy gun were u using , thunderlord?

  • @zestylem0n
    @zestylem0n 9 лет назад

    17:13 Did anyone else catch that Bruce Lee quote about being like water?

  • @zainarmy
    @zainarmy 10 лет назад

    Nice video can't wait to use these tips in september

  • @Pexeon
    @Pexeon 10 лет назад

    "Be like water." Nice Bruce Lee reference.

  • @deadspider9206
    @deadspider9206 10 лет назад

    Not sure how to say what's in my head other than... thank you.

  • @Shxpess
    @Shxpess 9 лет назад

    Only tip that matters get an overpowered weapon with high impact (shotguns, red death) one/two burst people to death

  • @dukeskywatcher7708
    @dukeskywatcher7708 10 лет назад

    Great video. Why are the coolest Destiny players from the UK?

  • @exilehunter2493
    @exilehunter2493 8 лет назад

    thx for the tips bro now i got a tip for you if you are still useing auto rifles that is anyway if you crouch mid gun fight it can save your life bro

    • @paulrussell4834
      @paulrussell4834 8 лет назад

      Yea, I switched to puppeteer controller setup in order to be able to crouch and aim at the same time. Changed my game play completely when I did that.

  • @BatedSuperior5
    @BatedSuperior5 10 лет назад

    So your Guardian is like Gandalf. YOU SHALL NOT PASS.

  • @cweb1988
    @cweb1988 10 лет назад

    I really hope they make a playlist without radar.

  • @princeampofo
    @princeampofo 9 лет назад

    This really helped me I think I got better thanks

  • @jtbedazzle
    @jtbedazzle 10 лет назад

    if this game had a 3rd person camera option like at 5:14 it would be amazing.

  • @kinostrong6724
    @kinostrong6724 9 лет назад

    10:27 Wrong! Cod AW you can use vertical horizantal ariel drift attacks nows

    • @Micah__
      @Micah__ 9 лет назад

      He was saying that because at the time, AW wasn't out yet.

  • @jamesrushing4208
    @jamesrushing4208 9 лет назад

    Enjoyed the post.

  • @nspence2854
    @nspence2854 10 лет назад

    hunters throwing knife is great for close range firefights that your losing or not sure of

  • @bernardharrigan627
    @bernardharrigan627 10 лет назад

    That vid was really great. Thanks.

  • @FiShDiShFilms
    @FiShDiShFilms 10 лет назад

    Great video Byf. I'll take this into account next time. I treat the way I play this game as Halo. Haha. Maybe because that's my main competitive game. I guess I was wrong. All the points in this video were great. What controller layout do you use Byf? I use Bumper Jumper. See you on the 9th of September Guardian.

    • @_vez
      @_vez 9 лет назад +1

      Lol you are everywhere

    • @FiShDiShFilms
      @FiShDiShFilms 9 лет назад

      Yes I am Giannis Mintzas. :)

    • @_vez
      @_vez 9 лет назад

      Great 1v1s dude

  • @darrenay1
    @darrenay1 10 лет назад

    somebody finally with some good common sense, great video byf

  • @jeremydegradf7823
    @jeremydegradf7823 10 лет назад

    This is the first time ive ever played a pvp and to say I suck is the truth, but what really gets me mad is all the asses that send you messages saying to get the hell out of cricible cause its your fault they loose. If u cant practice hiw can u get better, right anyhow thanks for the tips, I know ill be putting them to work right away

  • @Enzer0
    @Enzer0 9 лет назад

    Great Work.

  • @davidrenton79
    @davidrenton79 8 лет назад

    Thanks for the video.

  • @rockardist
    @rockardist 10 лет назад

    17:15, thats some Bruce Lee shit right there :D

  • @TheOpenmindStudio
    @TheOpenmindStudio 10 лет назад +1

    What sensitivity do you play for your controller :O?

  • @marvinl9646
    @marvinl9646 9 лет назад +2

    get the last word. done.

  • @FelipeV3444
    @FelipeV3444 8 лет назад +2

    4:50 "it means that you can't just go around the map (...) and expect to get fast kills by using a certain overpowered gun, Destiny is not like that..."
    Hope you later realized how wrong you were, lol.

  • @viktorwintons2380
    @viktorwintons2380 10 лет назад +6

    Subscribed. I love Destiny and I like all your videos so far. I just wish you RUclips guys would remove all your Destiny Beta videos because they are no longer relevant!

    • @MynameisByf
      @MynameisByf  10 лет назад +5

      And yet they're still being watched... That's relevant to me...

    • @viktorwintons2380
      @viktorwintons2380 10 лет назад +3

      My name is Byf What I should have said is much of the information in the videos is no longer relevant. Its just inconvenient to have to wade through all the Beta videos to find the current ones.
      Keep doing what you're doing man. Your content is informative, interesting, well presented, and I enjoy your voice and demeanor when narrating.

    • @Omnipotentification
      @Omnipotentification 10 лет назад +3

      My name is Byf I have to agree with Viktor. The Beta stuff is old and outdated, and you're probably just holding on to it for the views

  • @evant4739
    @evant4739 8 лет назад +1

    How bad do you think this advice and explanation would be in year2

    @CLSSCHOOL 9 лет назад

    This is great! Thanks

  • @Dr.BestBuy
    @Dr.BestBuy 10 лет назад

    Not the type of vid i was expecting. this a more "be one with the power" kind of vid, rather enjoyable to watch even if you already implement those tips into your game.

  • @AcidJazzWizard
    @AcidJazzWizard 10 лет назад

    very helpful! thank you